Gbx-2, and Writ-3 in the Embryonic Day 12.5 Mouse Forebrain Defines Potential Transverse and Longitudinal Segmental Boundaries
The Journal of Neuroscience, July 1993, 13(7): 31553172 Spatially Restricted Expression of D/x- 1, D/x-Z (Tes- I), Gbx-2, and Writ-3 in the Embryonic Day 12.5 Mouse Forebrain Defines Potential Transverse and Longitudinal Segmental Boundaries Alessandro Bulfone,1~2~4~5Luis Puelles,6 Matthew H. Porteus, 1*2*4*5 Michael A. Frohman,’ Gail R. Martin,3*5 and John L. R. Rubensteini,2*4.5 ‘Neurogenetics Laboratory, Departments of *Psychiatry and 3Anatomy, and Programs in 4Neuroscience and 5Developmental Biology, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143-0984, 6Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain 30100, and ‘Department of Pharmacology, SUNY, Stonybrook, New York 11794-8651 The expression patterns of four genes that are potential cells differentiate and give rise to different neural structures. For regulators of development were examined in the CNS of the instance, along the A-P axis the neural tube subdivides to form embryonic day 12.5 mouse embryo. Three of the genes, Dlx- the spinal cord, the myelencephalon, the metencephalon, the 1, D/x-Z (Tes- I), and Gbx-2, encode homeodomain-contain- mesencephalon, the diencephalon, and the telencephalon. With- ing proteins, and one gene, Wnf-3, encodes a putative se- in each of these regions, subsequent differentiation of different creted differentiation factor. These genes are expressed in neuroepithelial domains results in neural structures of distinct spatially restricted transverse and longitudinal domains in histologies. For example, as viewed from a cross section of the the embryonic neural tube, and are also differentially ex- embryonic telencephalon, the neocortex derives from the dor- pressed within the wall of the neural tube.
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