Paga C-8 TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, December J7. I95f Richter, Daugherty, Morrow, Fur illo to Honor All-City Gridders Tonight Kick-off for the Torrance Press' First Annual Foot­ ball Banquet honoring the All-City football team, fret* underway tonight at 7:30 at the Gold Room of the Jump­ Get Banquet Ducats at Door ing Jack resturant in Walteria, it was announced today by George Vico, chairman of the affair. Hawthorne Blvds. The price of Recaufi* reservations have it was announced this morning ball star also stated that those On hand to speak and honor the players will be Dick hpen pouring into the Torrance by chairman George Vico. admission includes dinner and wishing" to attend need only to former great Ram linebacker and columnist Press offices for tonight's foot- "At first we had decided to festivities honoring the All-City Daugherty, purchase three dollar tickets a£ for the Press, Les Richter and Johnny Morrow of today's hall 'banquet honoring the mem- hold the banquet in a small in­ team with Dick Daugherty, Les hern of the All - City football the Restuarant prior to the ban­ Rams. Also Carl Furillo, of the world champion Los An­ Richter, and Johnny Morrow of No. SO foam, it ha* been decided to shift timate room of the eatery, how­ quet at 7:80 tonight. geles Dodgers, will be there to address the group. the affair to the Gold Room of ever, the demand has been great The Jumping Jack is located the Rams, and Carl Furillo of By Dick Daugherty the Jumping Jack Kesturant, by the public, neccessiatating on Pacific Coast Highway in the Dodgers included In the list Nothing has been spared tolj> which accommodates many more, switch," VJco nald. The ex-base- Walteria between Crenshaw and of speakers. make this first tribute to the youth of the city a successful af­ SPECIAL TO THE fair to be remembered. TORRANCE PRESS Several weeks ago students, faculty, and fans of North, No Excuses South, and Torrance High, num­ Hallelujah, tho season is ovrr Irt's pro Jiorrte, no PRESS bering almost three thousand, re­ sponded to a poll conducted by more football for six months. this newspaper and voted in five I know personally that <'ach and rvcry <>n<» of the gridders from Torrance, four Rama players are dejected boys. It isn't any fun to lose from South, and two from North. week after week. bu1 this is what makes a contact sport Those receiving trophies for exciting- The best, will usually win, or better, those who their excellent play this fall are want to win the most wHl probably win. Apparently the Cliff Weimer. Vernon Da vis, Stan Gonta, Howard Taylor, Joe Rarr\s lacked one of thfse ingredients. Montgomery, Mike Czarske, Den­ The game of football loaches strength against ad­ nis Higgins, John Sibley, Bill versity. These fellows will not hido in football there Claxton, Boh Wehrhan, and Jne are no excuses. Austin. A beautiful trophy, es­ Next year provides these fellows with the opportu­ pecially made for the Press by nity to redeem themselves. H doesn't matter if fiillman Furgol to Defend Title in Spinak Trophies in Torranee, will be presented to each player by in out or if the new coach is possibly Waterfield. Give Dnugherty. them the tools with a leader and I believe they will not Also on hand to fete the play­ apologize during the 1060 reason. San Diego $20,000 Tourney ers are Coaches Dave Tollefson It has been quite an experience trying to write about of South, Bob Shoup of North, . husky 41-year- star. Tied at 277 were D o u g and Irwin Kaston of Torrance. my old teammates. 1 rath