[email protected] Fall 2006 disturbing parallels to the current wars Pledge to are inescapable. Reasons for our mili- tary invasion of Vietnam were entirely Screen Vietnam different from those given for the inva- sion and occupation of Iraq. However, one is struck by the similar rhetoric pro- War Film duced by MacNamara and Johnson and that produced by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Sir! No Sir! and Bush.” (All quotes from the Sir! No Sir! website). After viewing Sir! No Sir! recently, by Ron Coburn I listened to a discussion that followed, which was for me a unique and sad ex- Pledge is holding a screening of Sir! No perience. I heard the anguish and fear Sir! on Saturday, October 14, 7 pm, at in the voices of a number of Vietnam Media-Providence Friends School, 125 war veterans, emotions which precipi- W. Third Street, Media, Pa. This is the tated their antiwar activities, including time to see this powerful and disquiet- the killing of their officers. I felt their ing film. It is highly unlikely that this patriotism, their grief for lost buddies, film will EVER be shown by our stan- and their disillusionment. I will never dard media outlets. forget the story of how one U.S. soldier “In the 1960s, an antiwar movement in Iraq was overheard discussing with opportunity to meet and thank them was emerged that altered the course of his- fellow soldiers questions about the ne- powerful. I recommend it to everyone.