CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1171 HON
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December 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1171 HONORING BENJAMIN MILLER were privileged to work with Ben, we thank wishes to her and her family as they celebrate him for his public service; we thank his family her 100th birthday on December 21st. HON. JARED HUFFMAN for sharing him with us; and we wish him f OF CALIFORNIA much success and happiness in his future en- IN HONOR OF COLONEL ANDREW IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES deavors. ‘‘COBY’’ SHORT Thursday, December 17, 2020 f Mr. HUFFMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise CELEBRATING IRIS CUMMINGS HON. JOHN JOYCE today on behalf of myself and our former CRITCHELL’S 100TH BIRTHDAY OF PENNSYLVANIA House colleague, the great George Miller. To- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gether, we wish to honor Benjamin HON. JUDY CHU Thursday, December 17, 2020 (Ben) Miller who served each of us, and our OF CALIFORNIA country, with distinction for the past eighteen Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. Ben departs the Hill on January 1, 2021 er, I rise today to recognize Colonel Andrew after eight years as my Chief of Staff, and be- Thursday, December 17, 2020 ‘‘Coby’’ Short of Allegheny County, Pennsyl- fore that a decade in Congressman Miller’s of- Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam vania for his service to Pennsylvania’s 13th fice where he worked his way up from intern, Speaker, I rise today to recognize and cele- Congressional District on the 2020 U.S. Serv- to Legislative Assistant, to Legislative Director, brate the 100th birthday of one of my constitu- ice Academy Nomination Committee. Nominating exceptional candidates to attend to Deputy Chief of Staff. Throughout the Cap- ents, Iris Cummings Critchell, a remarkable our nation’s service academies is one of my itol and on both sides of the aisle, Ben has woman who has led an extraordinary life. most important responsibilities in Congress. earned the respect, admiration, and affection Iris was born on December 21, 1920, in Los During this process, I rely on members of the of his peers. His tenure in the House is the Angeles, California. She was a competitive Service Academy Nomination Committee, very model of public service. swimmer in her youth and was the U.S. cham- which is comprised of dedicated volunteers When I was first elected to Congress in pion in the 200-meter breaststroke from 1936 2012, I sought out Ben knowing that his tal- who have served our nation with distinction. to 1939. Her hard work and talents led her to Colonel Short is one of nine academy alum- ents, experience and disposition would make represent the United States in the 1936 Olym- him a great Chief of Staff. He exceeded my ni who graciously volunteered their time to pic Games in Berlin. Shortly thereafter, she at- meet with and evaluate perspective nominees highest expectations. He helped me assemble tended the University of Southern California a quality staff team and establish an office cul- for the Class of 2025. As a graduate of the (USC) and graduated in 1941 with a degree in United States Military Academy in West Point, ture that reflects a strong work ethic, a fun physical sciences and mathematics. and collegial environment, and a constant New York, Colonel Short knows firsthand the Interested in aviation from an early age, Iris qualities and dedication that are critical for focus on carrying out our progressive policy was accepted into USC’s first Civilian Pilot agenda and getting things done. Ben never succeeding at the academies. He provided Training Program in 1939. She received her wise counsel and expertise throughout the sought attention or personal recognition; he pilot’s license in 1940 and began work as a just did excellent work, usually behind the nominating process, and I am grateful for his pilot instructor after graduating college. During scenes. time and commitment. WWII, Iris joined the Women’s Auxiliary Like Congressman Miller and myself, Ben Colonel Andrew ‘‘Coby’’ Short is an out- shares a passion for the sustainable manage- Ferrying Squadron (WAFS), which later standing Pennsylvanian and American, as well ment of our natural resources. Throughout his merged into the Women Airforce Service Pi- as an excellent role model for future academy career on the Hill, Ben has been a friend to lots (WASP). She served as a member of the students. On behalf of the 13th District of flora and fauna, a champion of bedrock envi- 6th Ferrying Group out of Long Beach, Cali- Pennsylvania, it is my honor to recognize ronmental laws like NEPA and the Endan- fornia, ferrying planes built in Southern Cali- Colonel Short for his service to our community gered Species Act, and a happy warrior in de- fornia across the country. During her service, and our nation. she flew 27 different types of military aircraft, fense of our great American outdoors and the f people and organizations that passionately nearly 30 types of civilian aircraft, and flew 18 MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE work for its protection. military aircraft as the pilot in command. It was Longtime staffers and outside experts can during her time in the service that she met her attest that Ben is a subject matter guru on husband and fellow military pilot, Howard HON. KWANZA HALL what is arguably the most intricate, combus- Critchell. OF GEORGIA tible, and Byzantine issue of all: California After the War, Iris returned to the University IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES water. Ben understands that California water of Southern California to develop and teach a Thursday, December 17, 2020 curriculum on civilian aviation for returning vet- conflicts sometimes require you to fight, which Mr. HALL. Madam Speaker, To God and is easy enough to do; but he also knows that erans. In 1962, Iris and Howard joined the fac- ulty of Harvey Mudd College, where they Truth. achieving meaningful, durable results requires That is the motto of Morris Brown College. you to do the much harder work of engaging founded the Bates Aeronautics Program, a This is a historic institution which was constructively and solving complex water prob- two-year program to teach undergraduates to founded in 1881 as a private Methodist col- lems. fly. She ran the program with Howard until he lege in Atlanta to educate blacks, just 20 Beyond his policy expertise and legislative retired in 1979 and continued alone until the years after the start of the Civil War. acumen, Ben will be remembered fondly by program ended in 1990 with her retirement, al- Unfortunately, over the last 20 years, the Team Huffman for the human qualities that though she continued to teach aeronautics state of this legendary institution has fallen on were hallmarks of his leadership: honesty, pro- classes until 1996. hard times. fessionalism, kindness of spirit, and the good Among her many honors, Iris was inducted But true to its tradition and the abolitionist humor he brought to work every day. into the National Flight Instructors Hall of mantra to keep going, Morris Brown College Ben is a dedicated husband to Caitlin, and Fame in 2000, awarded the Federal Aviation has developed a plan to come back and be a proud father to Sam and Campbell. For rea- Administration’s Wright Brothers Master Pilot reborn. sons I will never understand, he is also a pas- Award in 2006, and awarded the Nile Gold Madam Speaker, I rise today to urge this sionate fan of the San Antonio Spurs, through Medal of the Fe´de´ration Ae´ronautique Inter- body’s support for this plan in two distinct good times and bad. We forgive him for that. nationale in 2007 for her lifetime of dedication ways. Madam Speaker, the functioning of our leg- to aviation education. First, we should reallocate federal funding islative branch which is so vital to our demo- Although she has been retired for 30 years, for this place of knowledge and of truth and of cratic republic has always depended on Iris continues to be an active member of both God. skilled, dedicated, unheralded congressional the Harvey Mudd College and aviation com- And, we should do what we can to reinvest staffers. For eighteen years, in the most ex- munities, mentoring students and anyone in- in the revitalization of the Atlanta University emplary manner, Ben has provided that es- terested in aviation. She serves as a role Center. sential public service. He has earned the deep model for women aviators and is an inspiration If we do this, then the College can repur- respect of his peers, and my enduring grati- to all with whom she interacts. It is my distinct pose itself to the proud tradition of teaching tude for being such a wonderful Chief of Staff. honor to recognize Iris Cummings Critchell’s the next generation of black scholars the im- On behalf of myself, Congressman Miller, lifetime service to our country, and I ask my portant lessons of business and entrepreneur- and dozens of current and former staffers who colleagues to join me in sending our best ship. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:29 Dec 18, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17DE8.017 E17DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS E1172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 17, 2020 In so doing, we can support this next gen- mittee, and would like to honor someone who Assessment of the diversity policies and eration to ensure that the black wealth gap be- played a critical and important role in sup- practices of entities regulated by the agency. gins to narrow and all can realize and take porting me.