United States Patent 19 [11] 3,909,406 Lang (45) Sept
United States Patent 19 [11] 3,909,406 Lang (45) Sept. 30, 1975 54 CLARIFYING AGENTS FOR WATER 3,101.317 8/1963 Starry............................., 21.0/52 76) Inventor: John L. Lang, P.O. Box 1242, 3,285,849 l/1966 Watanabe et al.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 210/52 Midland, Mich, 48.640 FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS 22 Filed; Feb. 22, 1972 227,429 l/1926 United Kingdom................., 20152 (2ll Appl. No.: 228,336 Related U.S. Application Data Primary Evanliner-Thomas G. Wyse (63) Continuation-in-part of Ser, No. 144,416, May 17, 57 ABSTRACT 1971, abandoned, The use of compounds of polyvalent cations with alu minate, borate, and aluminosilicate anions has been (52) U.S. C. ... 210/47 found to provide improved clarification methods for 5 i Int, Cl,'................ ......................... CO2B 1/20 aqueous suspensions. The use of these materials is 58) Field of Search..................., 210/43, 47, 51-53, much more effective than that of the corresponding 210/42 conventional mono-valent cation compounds. A par ticularly effective form of these clarifying agents re (56) References Cited sults when preparation is carried out by high tempera UNITED STATES PATENTs ture methods, including the fusion of the reactants. l,604,125 10/1926 Kern........... .a 20/47 Recycling of the used clarifying agents is possible 1872,262 8/1932 Evans. ... 210/51 using these materials, especially when the flocculated 1872,263 8/1932 Evans., 210/53 X solids are incinerated during the ultimate disposal 1940,409 12/1933 Fink.......,. ..., 210/47 step. 2,310,009 2/1943 Baker et al. .......................... 210/51 2,416,007 21947 Joachim..........................., 210/53 X 1 Claim, No Drawings 3,909,406 1 2 CLARIFYING AGENTS FOR WATER those of polyvalent cations with anions such as alumi nate, poly-aluminate, aluminosilicate, poly aluminosil CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED icate, borate, poly borate, and the like.
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