AUCTIONS in OHIO REAL ESTATE Professor Oded Shenkar Ford Motor Company Chair in Global Business Management Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University 730A Fisher Hall, 2100 Neil Avenue Columbus OH 43210 Tel: (614) 292-0083 Fax: (614) 292-7062
[email protected] Professor Ilgaz Arikan Institute of International Business, and Managerial Sciences Department Robinson College of Business Georgia State University 35 Broad Street, Suite 838 Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel: (404) 651-4094 Fax: (404) 651-2606
[email protected] RFP Title-Number: Ohio Real Estate Education & Research Fund, 2003-0001 Project Number: 60002756 The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of the Ohio State University, Georgia State University, or Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing. The authors gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support by the Division of Real Estate. All errors remain with the authors. All rights reserved. © Shenkar and Arikan, 2006. Please do not cite, copy or reprint without the written permission of the authors. Executive Summary In this study we addressed the following three broad questions: 1. How is real estate auctions looked upon? 2. How do auction versus negotiation outcomes compare? 3. Is it time for a separate auction department within brokerage houses? In addition to these broad questions, we looked at successful examples of real estate auctions in both commercial and residential real estate transactions not only in Ohio, but also in Chicago, Boston, New York and Atlanta. Furthermore, we compared auction types that the brokers used and identified the first price English auction to be the dominant and effective method in residential real estate transactions, and the sealed bid first price method to be the most commonly used mechanism in commercial real estate transactions.