Introduction 03

Common Causes of Weight Gain 04

Say No to Toxins 06

Pros and Cons of Popular Diets 09

Are all Sugars Bad? 14

Junk Food Cycle 18

Diet Tips for Detox and Weight Loss 19

The New ? 22

Recipes 23

Exercise Tips 28

Yoga for Detox and Weight Loss 30

Growing Herbs at Home for Detox and Weight Loss 31

Weight Loss and Detox Supplements 33

Online Links 36


There comes a moment when your clothes seem a bit too tight (how did that happen?), you feel a bit sluggish or bloated, and it’s time to make some changes. You just know it! But, where to start? With a multitude of fad diets, replacements, products and detoxes being touted as the answer you’re looking for, it can be hard to sort fact from fiction, and decide what to do.

In this e-book we aim to help clarify some common questions, debunk some myths and arm you with a number of simple tips you can choose from to help support whatever your goal is. Be it weight loss, detoxification or just boosting your level of health up a notch or two.

After all, every little change can make a big difference over time and the changes you make help not only improve your quality of life and wellbeing, but helps those around you as you have more energy and enthusiasm and are less likely to get sick.

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 03 COMMON Weight gain can happen for a myriad of different reasons, however one thing’s for sure – it doesn’t feel good (that is unless you were underweight beforehand and weight gain was your goal, which is not CAUSES OF so common). Aside from the potential health risks of being overweight, weight gain is also impractical WEIGHT GAIN because if your clothes no longer fit it’s an expensive exercise to replace them!

Stress When we are stressed and busy, it’s common to cut corners with our , replacing quick grab- on-the go snacks and fast foods instead of wholesome, homemade . In addition, a common trap is ‘reward’ or ‘comfort’ eating after a full-on day. Reward foods are usually high in either sugar or fat, or both. Alcohol is also high in empty calories and a common crutch for a quick de-stress. On a purely physical level, Cortisol, the ‘stress hormone,’ is secreted during times of stress, which causes an increase in appetite. Tiredness and Lack of Sleep Recent studies show that short sleep duration and tiredness are associated with weight gain. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota found that sleep deprived volunteers ate more calories per day than those getting sufficient sleep. It makes sense that if you’re up late, the odds are greater that you’ll eat some late night snacks that will increase your calorie intake. However there are also biochemical changes such as altered hormone levels that result in increased and appetite and also make you feel less full after eating. Drugs that May Cause Weight Gain Anti-inflammatory steroid medications are notorious for causing weight gain, fluid retention and increased appetite being the main reasons. Several other prescription drugs have been associated with weight gain. The list includes anti-depressants, antipsychotic drugs (used to treat mood disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorders), as well as medicines to treat migraines, seizures, high blood pressure and diabetes. If you have any concerns about the side effects of a medication, talk to your GP. Metabolism and the Thyroid Gland Low thyroid function (when the thyroid gland is not making enough thyroid hormones) causes tiredness, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold and can also lead to weight gain. Without enough thyroid hormones, the metabolism slows down, making weight gain more likely. Even if the thyroid test results come back at the lower end of the normal range, there may still be a tendency for weight gain. If you have any concerns, seek medical/naturopathic advice.


Menopause Lower estrogen levels after menopause contribute to a lower metabolic rate, and ageing also naturally slows metabolism. In addition muscle mass decreases, so you burn fewer calories, and many people become less active which can also play a role in weight gain at this time. Stopping Smoking A 2012 study suggests that on average people who stop smoking gain about four to five kilos. This is in part because nicotine reduces appetite, so when people stop they often feel increased hunger pangs, and hence eat more. Nicotine also stimulates metabolism, and when that stimulation is no longer present after quitting smoking, many people don’t decrease their calorie intake to compensate. Nicotine is notorious for dulling the taste buds, so food may actually taste better when a person no longer smokes. This is of course NOT a reason to smoke, and we encourage anyone who smokes to quit, just to be aware of the potential pitfalls. Sugar Cravings Sweets, cakes, doughnuts, chocolates are all tasty but low in and in excess lead to excess stored fat and weight gain. Erratic Eating Habits Studies show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five times a day. This may be because people who skip meals tend to feel hungrier later on, and eat more than they normally would. Eating many small meals throughout the day helps people control their appetites.


It is important to understand the level of chemical burden our bodies are exposed to in this modern age, so that we can take steps to stay well. That’s not to say we should become paranoid hermits, but make certain changes were possible and feasible. A toxin is a substance, usually a chemical, that the body can’t use and needs to eliminate out of the system. Toxins don’t just come from the outside: poor digestion and inflammatory diseases can create toxins on the inside that we also need to eliminate. Detoxification of toxins occurs in three ways: through the circulation which flushes waste from cells, by digestion that excretes waste via the bowels (the liver detoxifies chemicals as part of this process) and the lymphatic system that acts as a filtration system. Toxins From the Outside There are many environmental pollutants we are exposed to, some without even knowing. Here’s a list to make you aware so you can avoid or change habits where possible. Heavy metals The heavy metal mercury is found in some deep sea, lead is contained in old paints and canned goods. Most deoderants contain aluminum so switch to an aluminum-free deodorant especially if you’re female as it is applied too close to breast tissue. Antacids can also contain aluminium – take apple cider vinegar before meals to reduce heartburn instead. Mould Avoid exposure to mould in damp rooms (e.g. bathrooms), first get rid of the mould then use a heat lamp or dehumidifier in any rooms containing mould. Chemicals Switch to natural or organic skin, hair and personal care products and eco-friendly household cleaners to reduce exposure to chemicals the body then has to detoxify. Dietary Toxins Dietary factors leading to toxic overload include trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, processed foods, refined flours, nitrates found in cured meats and artificial colours and flavours.


Internal Toxins Chronic sinusitis, candida, allergies and food intolerances (most commonly to wheat, gluten, dairy, egg and corn) contribute to gut flora imbalance and increased toxins because the friendly bacteria are not able to out number and fight off pathogens. Medications Many medications create toxins and put a heavy load on the liver which is required to break them down to be excreted. Long term use of paracetamol is one of the leading causes of liver failure and hinders liver detoxification. Proton pump inhibitors (acid blockers) commonly prescribed for heartburn, lead to impaired digestion and toxic build up. Constipation Sluggish bowels clog the colon and allow reabsorption of toxins back into the bloodstream instead of eliminating them out of the body via the stool. Considering that most of us eats 3 times a day or more, we should have more than one bowel motion a day. Some people who think they are ‘regular’ as they go once a day, are actually mildly constipated. Constipation regularly affects approximately 15% of the western adult population. Stress Stress triggers hormones such as adrenaline which might help you meet a deadline, but high adrenalin levels over time creates toxins and slows down detoxification enzymes in the liver.


Some Quick Fixes Water acts to flush out toxins, keep the body a clear stream instead of a stagnant pond by drinking plenty of clean, filtered water every day. Eat plenty of fibre especially gel-forming fibres such as oats and psyllium which bind to toxins in the gut. Chew food thoroughly. Digestion begins in the mouth and the more thoroughly food is chewed the better food is absorbed and pathogens reduced. Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. A popular start to the day is adding the juice of 1/2 - 1 lemon to a glass of water to stimulate digestion, metabolism and detoxification. Adding lemon to food or taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals also helps kick start digestion and the liver and reduces the chance of bloating and sluggish bowels. Abdominal massage. If bowels are sluggish, massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction to help reduce wind and stimulate the bowel. Exercise including stretching and yoga daily promotes lymph drainage and blood circulation – see pages 28-30. Foods that help improve elimination and detoxification include apples, carrot juice, persimmons, pomegranate, prunes and prune juice, spinach/kale juice. Detox supplements include Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Spirulina, Psyllium and Probiotics. If you feel particulary tired, sluggish, bloated, have allergies or keep getting sick it might be worth considering a fruit and veggie detox, juice cleanse or smoothie cleanse for a few days. This gives your organs a rest, promotes elimination through the bowels and stimulates liver detoxification. is also worth considering. See page 13.

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 08 PROS & CONS Diets, they all claim to be the next miracle cure for weight loss and longevity. Let’s take a closer look OF POPULAR at some of the most popular varieties. DIETS

Atkins Diet Developed by Dr Robert Atkins, this diet is low-carb, high-protein. Most health experts see it as unhealthy and unsustainable as it is too high in saturated (bad) fat. Basically you can eat all the meat, cheese and eggs you like, but carbs such as potato, rice, bread, fruit and cereal are restricted. Pros Cons Weight loss can occur very Initial side effects can include bad breath, tiredness and quickly and effectively which constipation from cutting out carbs and fibre. The high intake can be motivating. The diet also of saturated fat may increase the risk of heart disease and encourages people to cut out most processed carbs and alcohol. With there are concerns that a lack of fruit, veg and dairy products the emphasis on red meat, butter, and a high protein intake may affect kidney health. With so cream, cheese and mayonnaise, it’s many foods off limits, the diet plan can quickly get boring. one of the few diets around that a Nutritionists worry that this diet plan fails to teach people the lot of men are willing to try. basic principles of a balanced .

Conclusion: Rapid weight loss is satisfying short term, but the isn’t nutritionally balanced. By limiting fruit and veg it contradicts all research into what constitutes a healthy nutritional intake.

The Naturopath Dr Peter D’Adamo devised this diet based on different blood groups determining how our bodies digest certain foods, and stems from what our ancestors ate. For example, ‘O’ blood groups were hunter-gatherers, therefore will thrive on a meat-based diet. ‘A’ blood groups were farmers, so grains and vegetables are better for them. ‘B’ groups were nomads and so a varied diet of meat, dairy, grains and vegetables suit them, while ‘AB’ types function best by mixing both A and B foods. Pros Cons It is a sound principle that every person is The lack of calorie counting may not produce different when it comes to . There much actual weight loss. There is also a lack is no caloric restriction on this diet, which of independent research to back up D’Adamo’s means less chance of hunger pangs claims. Limiting or restricting entire categories of normally associated with dieting. There also foods is not recommended by most nutritionists. seems to be plenty of people who have Because of the individualised plans, this diet reported having success on this diet plan. would be difficult for families or groups to try It also encourages a more active lifestyle of together because varying blood types would varying degrees of exercise (based on blood require different eating plans and exercise type). schedules.

Conclusion: This is not a risky or unsafe diet to try, however if weight loss is the goal it may not be the most successful.


Dukan Diet The consists of 4 phases. The length of time spent on each phase is determined by how much weight loss is required. First is the ‘Attack phase’ to kick start weight loss, when only lean protein is eaten, plus a small amount of oat bran, with 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. In phase 2 (the “cruise” phase), vegetables are allowed, excluding high starch such as potatoes and corn – this phase continues until optimum weight is reached. Phase 3 is the “consolidation phase” when fruit, grains, dairy and ‘normal eating’ is re-introduced. Stabilisation-the final phase is designed to maintain your ideal weight with only one restrictive food day per week. Pros Cons Testimonials report rapid weight loss in High meat consumption and ‘ketosis’ which is part of the ‘attack phase’ which is motivating the attack phase, is hard on the kidneys and linked to continue. Includes only lean protein, to gout, high cholesterol and constipation. For people exercise is advised. The plan is easy to needing to lose a lot of weight, they need to be on the follow with no calorie counting. A wide first 2 phases for lengthy periods and these phases are variety of foods can be eaten in the extremely restrictive therefore could lead to consolidation and stabilisation phases. deficiencies. This diet is not suitable for vegetarians Significant weight loss is certainly or vegans and should not be undertaken by anyone possible on this diet. with kidney problems, or pregnant women.

Conclusion: If followed correctly this diet is very good for weight loss, but will not suit everyone due to the high meat/protein intake. Diets (eg. Kicstart, Optifast, Celebrity Slim, Tony Ferguson, Herbalife, Cambridge Diet, Biggest Loser etc.) Generally meal replacements come in the form of powders that are made into shakes. Ingredients usually consist of non-fat milk powder sweetened with sugar, fructose, sucralose, zylitol or stevia and fortified with many and minerals. Some have fibre (inulin, psyllium or guar) added to help increase the feeling of satiety and avoid constipation. Pros Cons These plans provide pre-packaged portion sizes, Some programmes don’t provide education taking away food choices which makes it an about everyday healthy food choices and easy diet to keep on track. Powders are faster calorie awareness and many are sweet and easier than preparing meals and keep tasting which may encourage a ‘sweet tooth’. you away from shopping and cooking which These plans are particularly difficult for care reduces temptation. This method of dieting can givers (eg. mothers) who are responsible for be an effective way to ‘jump start’ a weight loss preparing family meals as they must resist programme (such as the Cambridge Diet that all the food they are handling and preparing. starts exclusively with meal replacements then Many people get tired of the same tastes slowly moves to a food diet over a period of over and over, and they can also be quite weeks). expensive.

Conclusion: Can be a very effective way to lose weight quickly, but unless it’s part of a long term healthy eating food plan, rebound weight gain is highly likely.


Paleo Diet This diet is based on animal proteins (meat, eggs, and fish), fruits, vegetables (except for starchy varieties), nuts and seeds (in moderation), healthy fats (olive oil, fish oil, avocado) and herbs and spices. No dairy, grains, legumes, starches, alcohol, processed foods, sugars, and sugar substitutes.

Pros Cons One of the biggest health benefits from The diet entirely excludes all starches. The the Paleo or “Caveman” Diet is that it cuts long-term effects of insufficient intake of out salt, sugar, processed foods, and other carbohydrates may lead to deficiencies in foods commonly over-consumed in Australia. . The core of the diet emphasises foods that The assumption that this was the diet of our have good health benefits: lean meats, raw Stone Age ancestors is just a guess, also the vegetables, large volumes of water, and raw health claims lack scientific evidence. Most fruits and nuts. Reducing your consumption versions of the diet encourage large amounts of of high-calorie foods will reduce your calorie meat, which is contrary to current health advice intake and help you to lose weight. The diet is on meat consumption. Many versions ban dairy simple and doesn’t involve calorie-counting. products, whole grains and legumes, which Some plans go by the “80/20” rule whereby most schools of thought consider to be part of you’ll get the benefits of the paleo diet if you a healthy balanced diet. It is also unsuitable for adhere to it 80% of the time. This flexibility vegetarians due to the lack of legumes and high can make the diet easier to stick to. amounts of meat, seafood and eggs.

Conclusion: An adapted version that doesn’t ban any food groups such as wholegrains and legumes would be a better choice. The lack of variety may lead to boredom.


Raw Food Diet A raw food diet is based on foods that are unprocessed, unrefined, cold-pressed, and never heated above 44˚C (115˚F). Raw food groups consist of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, gluten free grains, good fats, , fermented and dehydrated foods, sea vegetables and sprouted grains and seeds. Pros Cons Raw foods contain valuable nutrients Some argue that cooked foods are easier to digest that cooking destroys and raw food is and some foods actually become better for you after high in nutrients, healthy fats and fibre. they’re cooked. For most people, eating only raw Vegetarian and vegan diets support good foods may seem unappetizing, especially in winter. health by decreasing the risk of heart Cooking certain vegetables releases key nutrients, for disease, diabetes and cancer. example tomatoes release the antioxidant “lycopene” Processed foods are most linked to and carotenoids in carrots become more bio-available weight issues, and the raw food diet when they are cooked. Following a raw diet means contains no processed food. Weight making much of your own food and can make it loss is likely on this diet. harder to eat out and socialise.

Conclusion: A raw food diet is a very healthy option providing high nutritional content and good opportunities to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. In practice it may be quite labour intensive for some, especially if having to provide for an entire family.

Weight Watchers The plan is based on a points system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre content. It is basically a calorie-controlled diet providing a daily allowance of points. There’s no limit on the amount of fruit and most veg you can eat. There are weekly meetings and weigh-ins to encourage sticking to the plan, designed for approximately 1 Kg a week weight loss. Pros Cons The Weight Watchers program There are quite a few foods that are “free” on Weight Watchers focuses on steady, long-term but still have a significant amount of calories which can lead to weight loss. It is less restrictive abuse of the points system. It is possible to stay within the points than other diets as you can eat system and eat processed foods instead of increasing greens and drink what you want as long and antioxidant rich live foods. Working out the points system can as you stay within your points be just as time-consuming as simply counting calories. Being a limit. You can also accumulate paid programme, classes come with a fee and some people may points for a special occasion or feel pressured into purchasing Weight Watchers branded foods. to have a treat. Weight Watchers also offers plenty of support and Conclusion: The support group approach can help keep people education and the programme is motivated and educate them about healthy eating. However it well regarded by nutritionists and is vital that the connection is made with not only low calorie the medical community as a safe foods but nutritional content of foods, and this diet does not and healthy way to lose weight. necessarily create that awareness.


The Devised by Dr Barry Sears, food intake is based on fixed percentages at every meal - carbohydrates 40%, fat 30% and protein 30%. This usually looks like a handful of protein then the rest of the plate filled up with fruits and vegetables, with added omega-3 fatty acids. The list of foods allowed is fairly broad. Pros Cons As the diet calls for lean protein, good Critics of the zone diet argue that the ratio of fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, protein-carbs-fats is too high in protein consumption and restricts simple carbohydrates that and is not a healthy way to lose weight. There is have low nutrition value this diet has a no scientific evidence that this diet is effective for sound nutritional base. It will help you long-term weight loss (a similar argument against lose weight and does allow for good low- many branded diets). Some suggest that the strict fat foods like chicken, fish and plenty of meals may leave you with little energy and deficient fruits and vegetables. in minerals and vitamins.

Conclusion: This diet can help you lose weight and allows for decent nutritional intake but is difficult to follow, having to calculate the correct ratio with every meal.

The 5:2 Diet The 5:2 diet requires 2 days per week of eating no more than 500 calories (600 for men). It is based on a principle known as ‘intermittent fasting’ where you eat normally five days a week and fast on the other two days. Aside from losing weight, it is touted to improve lifespan, brain function and protect against conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Pros Cons Two days per week on a restricted diet can Restricting food intake can cause nutrient lead to greater reductions in body fat, insulin deficiencies if not managed correctly and fasting resistance and other chronic diseases. It is also may not be sustainable long-term. Fasting can appealing to people to be able to eat normally 5 cause low energy which can effect daily activities. days of the week so they don’t have to miss out Exercise is not necessarily safe on fast days. One on favourite foods. major drawback is that after fasting people may Fasting for short periods may also help give tend to overeat on their ‘normal eating’ days. There your digestive system a rest. According to some is some concern that the 5:2 diet could encourage studies, intermittent fasting may reduce risk of eating disorders in vulnerable people. chronic disease including diabetes.

Conclusion: Significant weight loss is definitely possible on this diet. If you choose to follow it, choose an evidence-based plan based on healthy, balanced eating that includes large amounts of vegetables on fast days. It’s vital for your health to avoid nutritional deficiencies, dehydration and overeating on non-fast days. Do not attempt this diet when pregnant or if you are prone to eating disorders.


Are there any Healthy Sugars or Sweeteners? Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that most people in the first world eat to excess and is a major contributor to weight gain and . Some “natural” sweeteners are less processed and may provide other nutrients that are good for you, or help release the sugar more slowly but most still impact blood sugar levels and contain calories. Artificial sweeteners are a hot health topic, with a myriad of conflicting information about them. So are there any good sugars? Let’s take a closer look at some of these little ‘sweeties’. We have developed a star rating system, offering a score for weight loss and a score for optimum health. Sucrose Weight loss (0) Optimum health (0) Calories: 16 per teaspoon Sucrose is ‘pure sugar’ (otherwise known as ‘table sugar’ or ‘white sugar’), it offers energy but no nutritional benefits. One molecule of glucose and one of fructose – the latter accounts for the taste we call “sweet”. We eat, on average, three times as much of it as our grandparents did! Good to note that there is very little difference between raw sugar, brown sugar and white sugar – they all impact blood sugar levels in a similar way. Agave nectar Weight loss (1) Optimum health (1 1/2) Calories: 20 per teaspoon The nectar is a product of the agave cactus, and its taste and texture are similar to honey. It doesn’t contain as many antioxidants as honey, but it contains approximately the same amount of calories. Agave, however, is sweeter than sugar, and has a lower glycemic index and you can use less to get similar sweetness to sugar. Although it is probably healthier than sucrose, use sparingly. Aspartame Weight loss (3) Optimum health (0) Calories: 0 One of the most studied artificial sweeteners, aspartame has been accused of causing everything from weight gain to cancer, and it is linked to autoimmune disease such as lupus. People with phenylketonuria, an inherited genetic disorder, should avoid it. Recent studies have suggested a possible link between artificial sweeteners and obesity. Due to conflicting data the verdict on this sweetener is to limit or avoid it.


Coconut Sugar and Syrup Weight loss (0) Optimum health (3) Calories: 15 per teaspoon Coconut Sugar is made from the flowers of the Coconut tree. Unlike what you might expect, coconut sugar does not taste like coconuts! Coconut sugar looks similar to brown sugar and has a naturally low glycemic index, making it safer for those with diabetes. It has many vitamins and amino acids, like potassium, magnesium, iron and . Coconut sugar is a little less sweet than white sugar, but still easily substituted 1 for 1 in place of sugar. It also comes in a syrup. Date Sugar Weight loss (2 1/2) Optimum health (4) Calories: 10-12 per teaspoon Date sugar is basically just ground dates, so is high in vitamins, fibre and minerals. Being a whole unprocessed food it is considered a healthy alternative. Date sugar can be a great replacement in baking, but can leave the final product a bit dry so you may need to use more liquid. NOTE: If you can’t find date sugar, you can blend dates with a hand held mixer (use water or almond milk) to add to baked goods. Not the lowest calorie option, but lower calorie than sucrose with a far greater number of nutrients. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Weight loss (0) Optimum health (0) Calories: 17 per teaspoon This hotly debated sweetener contains the sugars fructose and glucose from processed corn syrup. Because it’s cheaper than sucrose and gives products a longer shelf life, many packaged foods use it instead of sucrose - especially soft drinks, cereals and snack foods. Studies have pointed to HFCS contributing to obesity more than sucrose, and it is considered best to limit your consumption. Honey Weight loss (1) Optimum health (2) Calories: 21 per teaspoon Honey contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, and studies suggest it has a lower GI than other sweeteners, i.e. it may not raise blood sugar as fast as other sugars. (It’s generally better for the body to have a slow and steady rise in blood sugar after eating, rather than a dramatic spike). It contains electrolytes, vitamins and minerals and is perfect for long-term storage. Honey, however, does contain calories and should be used as sparingly as any other full-calorie sweetener.


Maple Syrup Weight loss (1) Optimum health (2 1/2) Calories: 11 per teaspoon Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that comes from maple trees. It is important to note that some products are sold as maple syrup but they are artificial, so look for the real thing (read the label). Maple syrup has many health benefits and contains amino acids, magnesium, zinc, and other vitamins and minerals. Real maple syrup comes in different grades from extra light to dark. It contains slightly less calories than sucralose, however use in moderation for weight loss. Monk Fruit Weight loss (5) Optimum health (4) Calories: zero Monk fruit is a small, sweet melon native to China and Southeast Asia. The monk fruit extract, which is about 300 times sweeter than cane sugar, can be blended with erythritol or dextrose, to create a convenient sweetener (similar to how stevia is used, and monk fruit is predicted to become a strong rival to stevia in the near future). Saccharin Weight loss (3) Optimum health (0) Calories: 0 The very first artificial sweetener discovered way back in 1879, this sweetener fell out of favour after studies linked it to cancer, and has been largely replaced by aspartame in diet drinks. Like many artificial sweeteners, data is conflicting but our advice is use sparingly if at all. To sweeten hot drinks choose a natural zero calorie alternative such as Stevia, rather than a chemical compound. Stevia Weight loss (5) Optimum health (4 1/2) Calories: 0 Stevia is a naturally sweet herb with zero calories. It comes in powder or liquid form. It does not cause blood sugar spikes and is safe for diabetics. Stevia is one of the only sweeteners that is acceptable for diets like the Candida diet. It has up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar, so very little is needed compared to sugar. However when used in excess it can cause foods to become bitter, so add carefully. This is an ideal sweetener for weight loss and overall health, being a natural extract with no calories.


Sucralose Weight loss (4) Optimum health (1) Calories (per 1 teaspoon): 0 This sweetener is one of the few not sensitive to heat and can therefore be used in baking. It is useful for those dieting or with diabetes, however like all artificial sweeteners sucralose is made in a laboratory. It is made by ‘chlorinating’ sucrose, and critics claim it is hard for the body to detoxify. Our advice? Only occasional ingestion is recommended. Sugar alcohols (Sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol) Weight loss (4) Erythritol (4.5) Optimum health (3 1/2) Erythritol (4.5) Calories: 10 per teaspoon Sugar alcohols are not calorie-free, however they don’t cause tooth decay like table sugar. Xylitol is often used in chewing gums for that reason. Although they’re generally less sweet and caloric than sugar, eating large amounts (particularly of mannitol) can cause bloating and diarrhoea. They do contain some carbohydrates, so eating them in excess may increase blood sugar. Along with Stevia, Xylitol can be used with Candida diets. It is best to consume sugar alcohols in moderation, and count half of their energy value because only about half get absorbed into the bloodstream. NOTE: Erythritol is a unique alcohol sugar that contains only 1 calorie per teaspoon and appears to be the best of the alcohol sugars. It is often combined with Stevia as a low calorie sugar substitute and can be used in baking. This one gets 4.5 stars for weight loss. Yacon Syrup Weight loss (3) Optimum Health (3.5) Calories: 5.5 per teaspoon Yacon syrup is a good dietary source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) containing around 40-50%. FOS are sugar molecules that taste sweet but are not digested thus Yacon syrup has 1/3 of the calories of sugar. Also, fructooligosaccharides have been shown to have a positive effect on friendly bacteria in the digestive system, however ingestion may cause gas or loose stools in sensitive individuals. It is an effective alternative to sugar, however should not be used in baking which limits its use. It is also quite expensive.


The Junk Food Cycle Habitual eating of junk foods creates an imbalance in body and brain chemistry. Over time it builds ‘tolerance’ to the point where the pleasure centers no longer function correctly and the type of junk is strongly craved. A person needs the food just to feel normal again. Scientific research shows that it’s the refining of natural foods into junk foods that make them addictive. Sugar ain’t Sugar Fruit contains a small amount of natural sugar, but is also high in water, fibre, bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals. The sugar is just a part of the whole food. When you consume sugar as a sweet, donut or chocolate you only get sugar without the water and fibre that delays its absorption into the blood stream. Dopamine is released in response to the sugar hit, which gives a pleasurable sensation, and so the cycle begins. Refining foods not only adds to their ‘addictive’ properties, but also strips foods of much of their nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other phytochemicals. This can lead to the situation of someone being overweight, but undernourished! Emotional Eating There may also be emotional factors involved in food cravings and addictions, it’s not purely physical. Some people become addicted to refined foods because they find that eating these foods helps suppress emotions. This can first happen quite early in life, when a difficult experience triggers sadness, anger, loneliness or other painful feelings, and the discovery is made that these emotions temporarily disappear by eating something sweet, fatty and/or salty – that is, high in calories, as it gives us a ‘hit’ of dopamine. So What’s the Answer? We need to break the cycle by shifting to wholefoods, raw foods, live foods, and lots of them! We can go a long way to overcoming our cravings for junk, sugar and refined foods by creating a diet very high in nutrients to truly satisfy our bodies and reduce nutritional deficiencies. We don’t have to miss out on taste, there are many resources that provide copious health-filled recipes these days, see the next section featuring diet tips for detox and weight loss and the new food pyramid!

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 18 DIET TIPS In this section there are a number of quick reference tips that you can employ straight away to help kick start your detox and weight loss plan. After the quick reference guide, we will introduce an interesting take FOR DETOX & on healthy eating that helps maintain healthy weight, increase detoxification and builds robust good health WEIGHT LOSS (and thereby decreases the chance of developing chronic disease as a bonus!). Quick reference tips:

Lemons Touted as everything from beauty enhancers to cancer killers, one thing is certain - lemons stimulate liver activity promoting detoxification. An excellent habit to get into is drinking 1/2- 1 lemon squeezed into a full glass of filtered water first thing every morning to stimulate digestion, metabolism and detoxification. Melon Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are high-liquid fruits, which can help flush out toxins and relieve water retention and bloating. Cut Back on Salt and Fat Many recipes call for frying in oil for no good reason when water can be used instead – try it and see for yourself! Also substitute spices in place of salt eg. turmeric and ginger which are anti-inflammatory and digestive aids. Fresh herbs such as basil, parsley, coriander and mint also give added flavour without the sodium content. If salt is needed, use a nutrient- rich salt such as Celtic Sea Salt. Increase Plant Based Protein Beans and lentils offer high protein, high fibre and high nutrients without the fat. They are a no-brainer for dieters. White Devils Reduce the four ‘white devils’ - white flour, table salt, white sugar and commercial pasteurised cow’s milk. Kale Angel Like all dark, leafy greens, kale is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. Kale is so versatile it can be stir-fried, blended into a smoothie, or the leaves can be made into chips. So increase your kale consumption (plus all leafy greens). Alcohol No-Nos With party season around the corner, what are the best alcohol choices? Avoid cocktails, punch, spirits mixed with sugary soft drinks and beer. Opt for white or red wine, vodka with a low- sugar mixer, or a dry cider. De-Bunk the Junk Avoid processed and fast foods but if you must, choose healthier alternatives (see next tip!)


Swapsies Here are some switches you can make for better health and fewer calories: popcorn instead of chips, fresh or instead of sweets (note: most dried fruit contains sulphites that can aggravate inflammatory conditions such as asthma, eczema and arthritis, so better to buy organic dried fruit), raw whole oats instead of processed cereals, probiotic yoghurt instead of icecream, avocado instead of butter. Use vanilla essence, unsweetened apple sauce or stevia instead of sugar. The Sweet Life Avoid artificial sweeteners and instead use stevia powder in baking or for sweetening hot drinks. Otherwise eat naturally sweet fruits like dates, figs, and berries. (see our section on sugars pages 14-17) Fennel Seeds Ever been offered ‘Mukhwas’ (a colourful blend of spices) after a meal at an Indian restaurant? They are onto something as the main ingredient of this mix is usually fennel seeds which fight tummy gas, aid digestion and freshen the breath. So instead of sugar-free gum (which can cause bloating due to added sugar alcohols like mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol) chew fennel seeds instead! Drink Water Avoid diet drinks which only increase the tendency for a ‘sweet tooth’. Instead choose good old-fashioned water; add lemon or roughly chopped ginger root for flavour and to help with digestion. Increasing water intake will help your kidneys excrete the excess salt and water from your body quickly, increase detoxification and decrease bloating. Note: This does not include the water contained in tea, coffee and soft drinks! Water means water, 1-2 litres per day is recommended. Fasting There are different fasts you can do that give the body a ‘break’ so it can spend time detoxifying and mopping up excess free radicals instead of dealing with the daily onslaught of food intake. The most common is probably , and the intermittent fasting of the 5:2 diet. Always fast under medical supervision.


‘Nutrient Dense’ Eating for Detox and Weight Loss If you read the previous section on the junk food cycle, you’ll understand the concept of ‘fat but starving’ – in other words many people’s diets are not meeting their nutritional requirements, but greatly exceeding their calorie intake thus they are overweight but undernourished. This leads to a vicious cycle. The modern Australian diet has led to an overweight population, the majority of whom develop diseases due to nutritional ignorance, which in turn becomes a huge financial burden on our healthcare system. Feed the Body for Weight Loss One school of thought for optimum health and weight management is based on the principles of ‘nutrient dense’ eating as laid out by US medical physician, Dr. Fuhrman. His weight management strategy is eating high nutrient-per calorie foods, thus meeting the nutritional requirements of the body, with a lower calorie intake, with the result of also helping curb sugar and junk food cravings. Dr. Fuhrman’s approach teaches increasing the amount of per calorie. This not only helps meet weight loss goals but more importantly, provides essential nutrients for optimum health. Nutrient research in recent times shows that naturally occurring plants, especially the green and brightly coloured ones contain an extraordinary array of nutrients including minerals, carotenoids, polyphenols, antioxidants, enzymes and other protective compounds. Lower Calorie, Higher Nutrition It makes sense that by increasing the lowest-calorie, most nutrient dense foods and making them the basis of a daily diet will decrease calorie intake whilst providing maximum nutrition. As an example, instead of eating butter which is 80% fat with no nutritional content, a nutrient- dense substitute choice would be avocado or tahini which provide ‘good fats’ packed with nutrients. See the next section for a visual representation of how this looks compared to the traditional food pyramid we’ve been shown.


The traditional food pyramid favours high quantities of carbohydrates, which are relatively low nutrient foods, especially if people opt for the refined varieties such as white bread, white pasta and white rice. According to Dr. Fuhrman Ninety percent of the daily diet should be made up of nutrient rich plant foods, whose calories are accompanied by health-promoting phytochemicals: green and other non-starchy vegetables; fresh fruits; beans and legumes; raw nuts, seeds, and avocados; starchy vegetables; and whole grains. The aim is to minimise low nutrient foods to avoid ‘empty calorie’ intake. The new food pyramid below has vegetables (raw and cooked) at the base of the pyramid instead of starches as the foods consumed in the highest quantity which are the foods with the highest ratio of nutrients to calories. This way of eating, once mastered, is highly satisfying, provides maximum nutrition, allows for detoxification and weight maintenance. Five Rules for Nutrient Dense Eating 1. Consume a large green salad every day. 2. Eat at least a 1/2 cup of beans or lentils each day, in a soup, stew, or top of a salad or any way you lilke. 3. Eat at least 3 fresh fruits a day, especially berries, pomegranate, cherries, plums, and oranges. 4. Eat at least one handful of raw seeds and nuts daily. 5. Have a large portion of steamed greens daily, remember to add mushrooms and onions to dishes. Obviously the challenge will be how to incorporate such a large amount of vegetables into the diet on a daily basis! Our recipe section may help give you some ideas.

BEEF, SWEETS, CHEESE & PROCESSED FOODS Rarely EGGS, FISH & FAT-FREE DAIRY Less than 10% of calories SEEDS, NUTS WHOLE GRAINS & AVOCADOS & POTATOES 10-40% of calories 20% or less of calories

FRUITS BEANS/ 10-40% LEGUMES of calories 10-40% of calories Traditional Food Pyramid VEGETABLES* 1/2 RAW & 1/2 COOKED 30-60% of calories

*Excludes white potatoes. Emphasis on green vegetables.


Spiced Green Tea Smoothie Serves: 2 Ingredients Directions 3/4 C green tea, chilled Put all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. 1/8 t cayenne pepper (chilli) Drink cold. Juice of 1/2 lemon 1/3 t stevia 1 small apple, skin on, cut into pieces 2 Ts fat-free plain yogurt 6-8 ice cubes Benefits: Studies have shown that drinking Green tea can assist weight loss, chilli is also associated with thermogenesis and appetite management. The lemon stimulates liver function and the stevia creates a pleasant sweetness with no added calories.

Watermelon Cooler Serves: 2-4 Ingredients Directions 1 C watermelon, cut into chunks Combine all ingredients in a juicer. Pour juice into 1/2 C rockmelon, cut into chunks a glass over ice and drink immediately. 1/2 cucumber Juice of 1/4 lemon (optional) Benefits: Melons and cucumber have a cleansing detox action.

Pineapple & Mint Summer Mocktail Serves: 4-6 This pineapple and mint mocktail is so yummy and refreshing. Much nicer than a mojito and without the side effects! Ingredients Directions 1 whole pineapple Blend pineapple with 300mL sparkling mineral 1/4 C packed mint water. Pour through a nut milk bag into a glass 3 peeled limes pouring jar to strain out the pulp. Set aside. Blend packed mint and peeled limes with the agave. 1/2 C agave or yacon syrup Pour pineapple juice back into blender, and pulse 1 t coconut extract or essence to combine. Add remaining 300mL sparkling Pinch himalayan sea salt mineral water and stir. Pour into serving glasses Pineapple and lime slices to decorate glass (with ice cubes if you desire), decorate and serve. Mint leaves to decorate glass Benefits: Pineapple contains Bromelain, a natural 600 mL sparkling mineral water digestive enzyme. Mint and lime are both alkalising Stevia to sweeten if desired for the body.

Amanda Brocket is a qualified Raw Food Teacher and Raw Food Coach, see more delicious recipes at her website HERE.

Recipe Key: t = teaspoon T = tablespoon C = cup


Kale and Mushroom Omelette Serves 2 Ingredients Directions 6 eggs Beat eggs in a small bowl. Mix in salt, nutmeg, Pinch of salt and pepper. 1 t ground nutmeg Water sauté the kale, spring onions and Cracked pepper mushrooms 5 minutes. Stir in egg mixture; as 1 C sliced mushrooms eggs set, lift edges, letting uncooked portion flow 2 spring onions, chopped underneath. Cook until egg mixture sets, around 1 C chopped kale (can use fresh spinach) 10 to 15 minutes. Cut into wedges and serve. 1/2 C chopped herbs (basil, parsley, oregano)

Benefits: High in protein from the eggs, high in antioxidants and nutrients from the vegetables and low in fat, this recipe would suit those on a high protein diet such as Paleo or Dukan or anyone wanting a low carb meal.

Breakfast/Snack Balls Makes approximately 16 balls. This is a raw food recipe, so no cooking required! Ingredients Directions 2 T chia seeds Whisk chia with the orange juice 2 T hemp seeds and zest and set aside. Mix rest of Juice of half a freshly squeezed orange ingredients in a bowl (except for Zest of orange (make sure it is organic) ingredients for rolling the balls in) 1 C raw almond flour and mix thoroughly. Add the chia 1/2 t cinnamon and orange mix and mix again. its a 1/2 C shredded coconut good idea to work the mixture with 1/2 C dessicated coconut (for rolling in) your hands to get a nice consisten- 2 T melted coconut oil cy, ready for rolling. Roll into ball 1/2 C almonds chopped shapes using your hand and then 1/4 C yacon syrup (or other sweetener of your choice) roll in dessicated coconut. Pop in 1/4 C date paste (make by blending 4 dates with 4T water) freezer or fridge and allow to set 1/4 C raisins – chopped before eating. Alternatively you can 1/4 C cranberries – chopped dehydrate at 105°F for 8-10 hours 1/2 C medjool dates – chopped for a crisper finish. Enjoy Pinch himalayan sea salt

Benefits: Packed with chia seeds for good digestion and detoxification, yacon syrup, dates, nuts and almond flour, loaded with protein, calcium, alkalising minerals, fibre, iron, vitamins and good fats, and with the added zinc and C of orange zest.

Amanda Brocket is a qualified Raw Food Teacher and Raw Food Coach, see more delicious recipes at her website HERE.

Recipe Key: t = teaspoon T = tablespoon C = cup


Spring Beets & Citrus Detox Salad Serves: 4 This Spring Beets & Citrus Detox Salad not only tastes beautiful and zingy, the flavours are fresh for this time of year, it’s the perfect salad to kick start your Spring detox. Salad Ingredients Directions 6 baby beets, peeled and finely sliced Peel baby beets and finely slice then set aside. Wash 1 – 2 navel oranges the kale and remove the centre stems and chop into 1/2 bunch kale, centre stems removed thin slices. Place into large serving bowl and add finely and leaves thinly sliced chopped fresh mint, parsley, as well as basil. Set aside. 1/3 C raw pistachios, roughly chopped Peel and segment oranges and roughly chop raw 1/4 C fresh mint, chopped pistachio kernels. 1/4 C fresh parsley, chopped 1/4 C fresh basil, chopped Dressing Ingredients Directions Juice of 1/2 lemon Add all dressing ingredients together and combine well. Juice of 1/2 orange Use 1/2 of dressing to mix with prepared beets and 1/4 C extra virgin olive oil marinate for at least 1 hour. To serve, toss all ingredients 3 T apple cider vinegar together – reserving some segmented oranges and 1 t raw honey pistachios for garnish. Zest of 1/2 orange Zest of 1/2 lemon 1 small garlic clove, finely chopped 1/4 t himalaya salt Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Benefits: Contains high antioxidant beets and citrus fruits that also support the liver, healthy protein from raw nuts, green herbs packed with nutrients whilst being low calorie and the super food kale high in iron and alkalising. The apple cider vinegar in the dressing supports digestion.

Amanda Brocket is a qualified Raw Food Teacher and Raw Food Coach, see more delicious recipes at her website HERE.

Recipe Key: t = teaspoon T = tablespoon C = cup


Coleslaw Serves: 6 Salad Ingredients Dressing Ingredientes 3 C green cabbage, finely chopped 1/3 C soy or almond milk 3 C red cabbage, finely chopped 1 apple, peeled and sliced 3 large carrots, peeled and grated 1/2 C raw cashews Handful of chopped fresh mint leaves 1 t balsamic vinegar 1/4 C currants 2 pitted dates 2 T pumpkin seeds (lightly dry toasted in pan) 2 T sunflower seeds (lightly dry toasted in pan)

Directions Mix all salad ingredients together, except the seeds, in a large bowl. Using a hand held blender or equivalent, blend the milk, apple, cashews, vinegar and dates, then toss the dressing throughout the salad. Add toasted seeds just before serving, so the seeds stay crunchy.

Benefits: Cabbage is high in and sulphur, both which help the body detoxify. It is also only 33 calories per cup so ideal for weight loss. The salad dressing is sweet and creamy but not full of empty calories as most traditional ‘creamy’ dressings, instead it’s packed with nutrients, protein and fibre!

Recipe Key: t = teaspoon T = tablespoon C = cup


Vege Burgers Serves: 7 Ingredients Directions 1 1/2 C oats Preheat oven to 190 degrees. 3 T sesame seeds Put oats and sesame seeds in a blender or 1 can black beans, drained food processor and blend. Alternatively you 1 t grated lemon zest can simply use them whole in the recipe, 1 t mild paprika the patties will just be a coarser consistency. Mash the black beans and add with all 1 large egg, beaten remaining ingredients. Using hands, form into 1 small onion or 3 spring onions, finely chopped 7 patties. Add extra oats if mixture is too wet. 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped Place patties on a baking tray and bake for 1/4 C organic vege stock approximately 40 minutes, turn over after 20 1 t chilli powder (optional) minutes. 1 t cumin

Benefits: Australian researchers found that eating oats helps increase satiety and improves appetite control. Oats also act as a gel forming fibre helping rid the colon of toxins. Black beans help stabilise blood sugar and provide fiber, folate, protein, and antioxidants, along with numerous other vitamins and minerals. Lemon boosts liver function, and chilli is thermogenic. This recipe is lower fat and more nutritious than a traditional mince pattie, providing far greater micronutrients per calorie.

Thai Chicken (or ) and Vegetable Curry Serves: 6 Ingredients Directions 500 g free range lean chicken breast, Add garlic, ginger, coconut milk and peanut butter to cut into bite sized pieces OR chicken pieces and simmer until chicken is tender. Set 500 g block organic firm tofu aside. 2 C carrot juice (fresh or bottled) In a separate pot combine capsicum, eggplant, green beans, 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped mushrooms, curry powder, silverbeet or kale and carrot juice. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, 1 T finely chopped fresh ginger until all the vegetables are tender. 2 T chopped fresh coriander Add mint, basil, coriander and cashews just 2 minutes 3 T natural peanut butter before removing from heat. 2 cans light coconut milk Note: if you can’t get carrot juice, use a can of organic 1 red capsicum, roughly chopped tinned chopped tomatoes with around 100ml water added 1 large eggplant cut into 1 inch cubes instead. Best served with brown rice or quinoa. 2 C green beans, cut in 2 inch pieces Benefits: Packed with nutrient dense vegetables, this recipe 3 C sliced mushrooms does not use high amounts of oil or salt. The addition of carrot 2 T no-salt seasoning blend juice provides high antioxidant content with far lower fat than traditionally used coconut cream. Provides healthy sources of 1 t curry powder protein without saturated fats, in the form of chicken (or tofu), cashews and peanut butter. For vegans and vegetarians, the 2 C silverbeet or kale leaves, chopped chicken can be replaced with tofu. 1/2 C chopped raw cashews Recipe Key: t = teaspoon T = tablespoon C = cup

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 27 Getting motivated and out of the winter slump can be difficult. Don’t worry because there are a number EXERCISE of ways to achieve any goal you may have whether it be improving your fitness or losing a couple of extra TIPS kilos so you have more confidence when it comes to baring more flesh in the warmer months!

The most common reason that weight loss goals aren’t achieved is that we often burn out! Therefore it is important to implement variety into your workout regime, this could be the miracle ingredient that keeps you motivated and on the right track to reaching your fitness goals. We also recommend involving a friend or group of friends as these are great social activities, plus the motivation will keep everyone on the track! Walking - Turn This into a Social Activity It doesn’t matter what your age, size, shape or fitness level, walking is one of the best starting points to improving and maintaining your desired level of fitness. Some of the added benefits to your health include: · Reduced symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression · Lower risk of heart disease · Gives your immune system a healthy boost · Improves your balance and coordination · Builds strong bones, muscles and joints Group Fitness Classes Many gyms offer group fitness classes like the ones below, which might be good to check out or create your own tailored workout to help achieve your individual fitness goals. Body Pump The original barbell class that strengthens your entire body is the fastest way to shape up and lose body fat. This workout is for just about everybody who wants to add strength training to their aerobic workout and challenges all major muscle groups. Sh’Bam Sh’Bam classes involve simple dance moves set to popular music. Even the dance-challenged can learn the steps and enjoy this fun, vibrant and sociable way to exercise. Classes last 45 minutes however a fun class like this passes quickly and many comment it doesn’t feel gruelling or boring like other exercise can. Boot Camps Boot camps are a great way to start your day with a mix of exercises including boxing, stair runs, body weight, circuits, abs, running and much more.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Interval training involves high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods and research shows that this kind of training increases fitness levels and burns more calories over a short period of time than a steady-state cardio workout. You should start off with lower impact exercise and build up your strength and stamina before incorporating interval training into your weekly fitness plans. Body Weight Training This type of training uses your personal body weight for resistance training to focus on strengthening your muscles. The types of exercises include lunges, squats, push ups, and plank holds. This is a great workout because you don’t need any equipment, which makes exercising anywhere easy. You can exercise on holiday at the beach, or do it from the comfort of your bedroom. Cycling (Group Cycle Classes) This low-impact exercise is a high-calorie burner that builds muscle tone and increases cardio endurance. The adjustable tempo of your ride allows you to go at your own pace, giving you a personalised experience, and leaves you soaking up the stress relieving benefits of this style of exercise. Action/Adventure Events Fun runs are nothing new to the fitness industry but the introduction of extreme challenges such as Tough Mudder and themed fun runs like the Colour Run are improving the fitness landscape in a fun, competitive and social way. These challenges are designed to not only test your endurance, but mentally challenge you as well. For the fun run beginner there are shorter runs that can be jogged or walked. Suspension Training Suspension training is a popular exercise concept that involves the use of suspensions straps and has become a mainstream fitness trend. It is resistance training that includes body weight exercises with the aim of developing strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and core stability.

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 29 Stretching will give your detox efforts a boost because as you stretch, you allow oxygenated blood get YOGA FOR to all the nooks and crannies of your body, carrying toxins out with it. That’s why yoga is such a perfect DETOX & detox activity to do all through the year, but especially in the springtime when you want to feel great for summer. WEIGHT LOSS Precautions: Practice yoga with caution if you have back or joint pain or injuries, and if you are pregnant.

SEATED TWIST Sit up tall with straight legs. Bend you right knee and place the sole of your right foot on the ground by your sitting bone. Walk your right hand on the floor behind your back support. Lift your ribcage up by stretching your left hand up strongly and then rotate your torso to the right. Bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. Take 5 deep breathes twisting deeper with each exhale. Look over your right shoulder. Repeat on the left side. Benefits: Stimulates digestion by squeezing the abdominal organs and stimulates elimination.

BOAT POSE Sit down with legs stretched out in front, tighten thighs and point toes. Then inhale and raise your feet of the ground and bring your straight legs to a 45 degree angle. The spine should be straight and your body should make a V shape. Raise your arms to the shoulder level, straight out in front with palms faced inwards. Hold for 30-45 seconds. Benefits: This pose will help increase your stamina and help reduce stomach fat. It will also help increase your lower and upper body strength.

BOW POSE Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body. Bend your knees and grab hold of your ankles. Breathe in and lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back. Continue to take long deep breaths for around 20 seconds, then exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax. Benefits: Tones the leg and arm muscles, strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

TREE POSE Stand with your legs together. Shift your weight to one leg and raise the other leg placing the heel of your foot on your inner thigh of the standing leg, as close to the pelvis as possible. Raise your hands above your head making sure your fingers are pointing towards the ceiling. Find a point in the distance or on a wall to focus on, this will help you balance. Hold for 30 seconds breathing deeply, then repeat on the otherside. Benefits: Strengthens the core and tones the muscles of the stomach, thighs and arms.

WARRIOR III Step the right foot a foot lengths forward and shift all of your weight onto this leg. Inhale and raise your arms over your head and interlace the fingers, pointing the index finger upwards. Exhaling, lift the left leg up and out, creating a right angle as much as possible. Look down at the floor at a fixed point to help you balance. Reach out through the left toes and the crown and fingers making one straight line. Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths then lower the leg to standing. Repeat on the other side. Benefits: Tones and invigorates the whole body.

PROUDLY SUPPORTING AUSTRALIANS SINCE 1947 30 GROWING When it comes to natural support for your body through nutrition for detox and to support your HERBS AT HOME weight loss programme, what could be better than reaching no further than a pot in your back yard? Herbs are low in calories and packed with nutrition. The following herbs have specific FOR DETOX & weight loss and detox qualities too. Some herbs can be eaten raw in salads, or added to stir fries, WEIGHT LOSS omelettes or other hot dishes. Others are better made into a tea.

Coriander Coriander helps the body to detoxify heavy metals and supports the liver in this process. It has been shown to increase metabolic function and heighten weight loss in animal studies. A common ingredient in Indian spice mixes, coriander can be added raw to salad, stir fry, curry, green juice and green smoothies. If using in cooking, add at the very end or even sprinkle raw after serving. Coriander grows best where the climate is hot and humid (which is presumably why it is so abundant in Asia). In Australia, we can provide the heat, but not necessarily the humidity which is why growing it from autumn to spring is usually the most successful time. It is not an easy herb to grow, and has a habit of turning to seed very quickly. The best way to achieve a lush, sturdy, longer lasting coriander plant very inexpensively is to grow it from seed instead of seedlings purchased at a garden centre. Choose a pot that is about 25 centimetres across, fill it with potting mix to about three centimetres from the top, then sprinkle about ten seeds across the surface of the soil. Each seed produces two plants, so ten seeds will give you twenty plants altogether. On top of the seed, put approximately one centimetre of potting mix and water with a seaweed solution. Put your pot in a warm, sheltered position, perhaps next to a brick wall. In a matter of days the coriander seed will have germinated. When it reaches two centimetres tall, move the pot into part sun to encourage the growth to be strong and the leaves more flavoursome. Coriander doesn’t tend to get affected by too many pests and diseases but a regular water with a seaweed solution and organic liquid fertiliser will keep it healthy. Coriander is very fast growing and should be harvested often by taking the outside leaves from the base of the plant. It is a short-lived plant, however planting a new pot of coriander every two or three weeks, you can have a continuous supply of coriander fresh from the garden because as one pot finishes, the next will be ready to eat! Ginger Ginger can be made into a tea simply by adding boiling water to a few fresh cut pieces. It is usually eaten cooked into curries and other hot dishes. Fresh ginger may be able to help reduce your appetite and cut cravings. It also increases circulation, especially to the hands and feet. Start your ginger plant at the end of winter - simply use a piece purchased from a fruit and vegetable store. Choose a piece that is plump but not rubbery and one with plenty of ‘buds’ - little sprouts like you find on potatoes. Cut it into sections about 8 cm long, ensuring that each piece has at least one bud. Put the pieces aside for a day or two for the cut ends to dry and then plant horizontally about 10cm below the surface. Water and mulch thoroughly and liquid fertilise every month. To speed up the process the rhizomes can be planted shallowly in a pot with a plastic bag over the top and placed on the windowsill. Once the young shoots have appeared the bag can be removed and the pot moved outside.


Lovage Lovage helps expel toxins from the body and can be made into a herbal tea or added to soups, salads and stir fries. The leaves, stems and seeds of the plant all taste like celery. It also has reputation as being a useful body cleanse weight loss herb. The good news is that it is a very hardy plant that is much easier to grow than celery. Lovage grows well from seed. Start in spring indoors 6-8 weeks before planting outside, sowing seeds 1/4 inch deep. Seeds will germinate in 10-20 days, then you can transplant and apply organic fertilisers to promote strong, healthy growth. Lovage is a perennial plant which simply means it lives for longer than two years, although it dies back in winter. Make sure you have room for it, mature plants can reach 2 metres tall. It prefers some shade and being kept slightly moist in a nutrient-rich soil. Chilli Chilli is a common ingredient in curries and other hot dishes and is mostly eaten when cooked. It varies in spiciness and some people cannot tolerate it, so try with caution. It can be pre-cut and stored in vinegar in a jar in the fridge. A substance in chilli peppers has been shown to increase the body’s ability to burn fat when eaten three times per day. Chilli plants are relatively robust and easy to grow. If growing from seed, you can start growing chilli in a pot indoors from as early as June/July, ensuring they are in a sunny position. The seeds need warmth to germinate, so if the position is too cold try again later in spring. Some varieties do take a while to germinate, seedlings can be planted outside from about September/October (earlier if in a particularly warm area, later in a cool area). Different varieties take different lengths of time to crop, some in mid-late summer while others may take until late autumn/early winter to bear fruit. Fertilise after flowering and while fruiting. Don’t grow in too large a pot too soon, small increases in pot size work best for chillies. Harvest chillies regularly and prune to encourage more fruit to grow. Dandelion Dandelion can be eaten raw or cooked or made into a tea by adding boiling water to a tablespoon of fresh leaves or root. Both the root and leaves of the dandelion plant are good for detoxification, due to liver support. Dandelion is able to grow under many different conditions, but full sun is essential. The plant does best in cooler to warm areas, with good rainfall, where it will be more abundant. The strong tap root is able to take hold in any soil type, so the plant is not especially fussy. However, the biggest and best roots will grow in higher quality soils, which are moist and well drained. The leaves will also be less bitter in a richer soil. The dandelion plant can be grown in pots as long as the pot is deep enough to accommodate the long tap root. Dandelion will self-seed easily and plants will reappear as long as the tap root is not pulled out of the ground. Although they are perennials, it is useful to dig up and replace plants every few years to keep a healthy supply of plants.


Milk Thistle can help protect against liver damage from toxins and pollution and helps stimulate production of new liver cells to replace old or damaged ones. It enhances liver function and detoxification and supports bile production for fat digestion. Blooms Milk Thistle 35000 Plus Taurine includes 50mg of Taurine which also helps with the digestion of fats. Senna is a herb used in the relief of constipation, which works by stimulating ‘peristalsis’, the rhythmic muscular contraction of the colon which pushes food through the gut. Senna is a natural stimulant laxative. Buckthorn bark is considered a gentle form of laxative, softening the stool and generally calming the gastrointestinal tract. Psyllium is rich in fibre which helps bind toxins for excretion and ‘bulks’ the stool stimulating colon cleansing. Dill helps to settle intestinal distress and bloating. Liquorice root is soothing and lubricating to the lining of the digestive tract. It is a very gentle laxative in its own right. Blooms Herb-a-lax® capsules and powder helps with the management of constipation. A gentle yet effective combination of Senna leaf, Buckthorn Bark, Psyllium seed, Dill seed and Liquorice root powder, Blooms Herb-a-Lax is a natural herbal laxative. Spirulina Powder, an alkalizing antioxidant, supplies a rich array of nutrients that may be lacking in some people’s diets. For athletes it can provide more long lasting energy and reduce recovery time, for people with poor digestion it is easy to digest. It can be given to children or others who may have an aversion to eating vegetables to ensure adequate nutrition. It is also ideal for those who either dislike or cannot swallow tablets and capsules, and can help busy, time poor people who need an added nutrient source that is convenient and easy to take. Powder can be added to drinks, smoothies or meals. Blooms Hawaiian Spirulina Powder is a superior strain of spirulina with the highest known nutritional content in the world, with 510 times more iron than spinach, 310 times more betacarotene than carrots, 18 times more calcium than whole milk and 67 times more protein than tofu.


Garcinia helps inhibit the conversion of sugar/carbohydrates into fat storage and helps reduce fat to muscle ratio improving body composition so you look leaner. Green Coffee Beans are different from the dark roasted coffeebeans used in our daily coffee drink. The chlorogenic acids ingreen coffee beans reduce glucose absorption, helping support sugar metabolism which in turn encourages the body to break down fatty tissue for energy. Green coffee bean helps reduce sugar cravings, a welcome relief when trying to lose weight. Chilli has thermogenic actions, helps increase energy expenditure, can increase fat oxidation and may enhance feeling of satiety (the feeling of fullness). Enhancing satiety may make it a little easier to manage portion sizes. Kelp contains iodine which is a precursor to several thyroid hormones which are important for energy production and maintaining the body’s metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is important to many people trying to shed excess weight. Blooms Melt contains Garcinia, Green Coffee Beans, Chilli and Kelp to provide a weight loss aid in vegetarian capsule form, when used in conjunction with an energy controlled eating plan and exercise programme. Blooms Svelte contains 400mg of green coffee bean per capsule and also comes in a powder with no additives – Blooms Green Coffee Bean Powder. The powder contains 1200mg green coffee bean per 1/4 teaspoon so is a very economical way to take a green coffee bean supplement. Blooms Garcinia Cambogia Plus Green Coffee Bean contains 60% HCA, the active ingredient in Garcinia for weight management. Acetyl L-Carnitine is commonly used as a fat metaboliser and it helps fatty acid transport and conversion of fatty acids into energy. Due to it being bioavailable to the brain (able to cross the blood-brain barrier) acetyl L-carnitine may assist in the maintenance of normal mental function and assist the maintenance of mood. It is used by athletes and body builders for its ability to increase muscle energy output during exercise. Blooms Health Products have Blooms Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 available in 60s and 180s vegetarian capsules, or Blooms Acetyl L-Carnitine Powder 250g with no additives or preservatives. L- is important for repairing and building muscle and reducing muscle catabolism (breakdown) making it a popular aid for people working out. During times of physical stress, exercise and exertion, glutamine reserves are often depleted. L-glutamine is also important for maintaining healthy intestinal mucosa and helps reduce damage to the gut wall. Blooms Health Products offer both Blooms L-Glutamine 750 which comes in 120s vegetarian capsules and also Blooms L-Glutamine Powder 300g with no additives or preservatives.


Sacchromyces Boulardii is a mouthful so let’s shorten it to SB! SB is a shelf stable probiotic that is not destroyed by antibiotics and so can be used at the same time as a course of treatment, instead of having to wait until afterwards as with other types of probiotics. SB works differently from other probiotics. It remains intact as it enters the digestive tract as it is resistant to stomach acidity and proteolysis, and there is no loss of activity due to heat or cold. SB is a highly stable digestive support supplement that can quickly target the gut wall to re-establish microflora and bring about digestive balance. Blooms SB Probiotic is a vegetarian probiotic providing symptomatic relief for medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reduces gut inflammation and may provide relief from diarrhoea including traveller’s diarrhoea.

Quick Reference Guide

Detox/ Food Appetite Exercise Metabolism Weight loss Bloating Allergies management support

Milk Thistle* Senna Buckthorn Psyllium Dill Licorice* Spirulina* Garcinia Green Coffee* Chilli Kelp Green Tea* Acetyl L-Carnitine L-Glutamine SB Probiotic * these marked products are also antioxidants, helping reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in the body.


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