James Baldwin | 144 pages | 13 Sep 2011 | VINTAGE | 9780307275950 | English | New York, NY, United States The Devil Finds Work PDF Book

Baldwin has said all this before. Error rating book. He does cover some already tread-on territory of his own life, but the main focus is what these movies say about the societies they are depicting in regards to race and sexuality. Every trial, every beating, every drop of blood, every tear, were meant to be used by us for a day that was coming—for a day that was certainly coming, absolutely certainly, certainly coming: not for us, perhaps, but for our children. The One. That case is the case that Shakespeare makes for writing drama, or that Jane Austen makes for writing novels, or that Wallace Stevens makes for writing poetry, or Tarkovsky for making films. A pulp horror shocker becomes a meditation on how evil is displaced and denied—and on how denial of sin, personal and social, is central to evil. I disagree with only his I think that Baldwin, in love and in war with his society, suffers from the distance that he has put between himself and his beloved. And as an exercise in criticism, there's a lot to learn from Baldwin here. We want to hear what you think about this article. Henry Rollins. Why I Write. : The Last Interview. Over 45 too-short minutes, Baldwin and the black American comedian Dick Gregory address a predominantly Afro-Caribbean audience in London on the subject of the social situation for black people in Britain and the United States. Stephen Davis. View 2 comments. This Old Man. Ralph Ellison. I like The Exorcist considerably more than Baldwin does, but even so, I think it's indisputable that he transforms the film. While this was going to be an obvious critique, he focuses on the movie's crazed obsession with the idea that black people or more specifically mulattoes are happy and loyal in their place as long as they are not focused on self-respect, power or white women. And the black face, truthfully reflected, is not only no part of this dream, it is antithetical to it. Apr 13, Jack Herbert Christal Gattanella rated it it was amazing. Jul 23, B. Scandals of Classic Hollywood. Earn money by sharing your favorite books through our Affiliate program. The Devil Finds Work Writer

James Baldwin offered a vital literary voice during the era of civil rights activism in the s and '60s. Oct 29, Vasja Volin rated it really liked it. His novels include Giovanni's Room , about a white American expatriate who must come to terms with his homosexuality, and , about racial and gay sexual tensions among New York intellectuals. Sep 17, ISBN As Baldwin aged, his on-camera contributions became more reflective and elegiac. The industry is compelled, given the way it is built, to present to the American people a self-perpetuating fantasy of American life. JB is not a fan of Blaxploitation movies, considering them to be industry gimmicks, that profit the system more than black filmmakers or actors. Whether he would've liked it or not, Baldwin is achieving new heights of mai I've been reading some of James Baldwin's fiction and nonfiction in recent years. He notes that the movie "is related to the black American experience in about the same way, and to the same extent that Princess Grace Kelly is related to the Irish potato famine: by courtesy. Tom Desavia and John Doe. Read it Forward Read it first. For, I have seen the devil, by day and by night, and have seen him in you and me He details the bewilderment of a child seeing Bette Davis for the first time on the screen and noticing that she was not beautiful but had pop-eyes like his own. Oct 17, Mehrsa rated it it was amazing. He does not levitate beds, or fool around with little girls: we do. But the themes were timeless. This book is different because it is primarily about films that he has seen over his lifetime. Now Baldwin has published a long essay, "The Devil Finds Work," the 17th book bearing his name, but the event does not call for rejoicing. I can't recommend this enough, everyone should understand what he shouts out here. Open Preview See a Problem? Stephen Davis. Here he completed the vivid, semi-autobiographical Go Tell It on the Mountain— about a day in the life of the teenage son of a fiery Pentecostal preacher—and promptly became a sui generis literary sensation. Go Tell It on the Mountain Baldwin went on to fearlessly broach complex and controversial subjects—entrenched American racism, cultural imperialism, homosexuality including his own, never disguised —in a string of novels and essays, all of which are distinguished by an instantly recognizable prose style of elaborately punctuated yet fluid sentences, and a tonal blend of grave realism, pulpit-style passion, and arch humor. We are lectured about the myth of brotherhood in "The Defiant Ones" and the differing reactions to it. I am having old lady issues with this technology. I wish I had read it in my twenties but hearing his voice ringing out so clearly through the prism of discussing black representation in film was exhilaratingly eyeopening. Radicals are skeptical of mainstream success. The devil has no need of any dogma—though he can use them all—nor does he need any historical justification, history being so largely his invention. The Devil Finds Work Reviews

It's a critique of the racial politics of American and European film. The devil has no need of any dogma—though he can use them all—nor does he need any historical justification, history being so largely his invention. And better. Looking for More Great Reads? Stay in Touch Sign up. I've been looking for other works I have by Baldwin and cannot wait to read something else by him. Sign in My Account Subscribe. Available from:. Really the Blues. I love reading and writing film criticism. Radicals are skeptical of mainstream success. Ralph Ellison. James Arthur Baldwin was an American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic. And one must be dismayed, finally, by the style of this book, which seems to be a rococo parody of his own work: "Every trial, every beating, every drop of blood, every tear were meant to be used by us for a day that was coming--for a day that was certainly coming, absolutely certainly, certainly coming. I was in Jobs side What starts off as a good read to put it as both a slight and a compliment to Baldwin, sub-par based on the standard to which I hold him begins to pull harder, to engross more, to elicit more investment. The Devil Finds Work was a fine example of this, and I look forward to digging into more. Neal Cassady. He does not pity Lawrence as much as the movie does which he considers an updated version of Gunga Din. He skewers the latter hilariously. In one memorable description of the McCarthy era midway through the essay, he marvels at "the slimy depths to which the bulk of white Americans allowed themselves to sink: noisily, gracelessly, flatulent and foul with patriotism. The points Baldwin makes throughout the essays are astute, but as he's developing a cumulative argument in the collection, the later essays necessarily read as more forceful and memorable. At the end of The Exorcist, the demon- racked little girl midfielders kisses the Holy Father, and she remembers nothing By Stanley Crouch. More filters. And so, "The Devil Finds Work" is disappointing because the author must repeat, from a distance, what he has been telling us for a long time, and what he knows we know that he knows. Baldwin was told during the movie, " 'So, we must be careful,' David said to me, 'lest we lose our faith--and become possessed. The grapes of wrath are stored in the cotton fields and migrant shacks and ghettoes of this nation, and in the schools and prisons, and in the eyes and hearts and perceptions of the wretched everywhere, and in the ruined earth of Vietnam, and in the orphans and the widows, and in the old men, seeing visions, and in the young men, dreaming dreams: these have already kissed the bloody cross and will not bow down before it again: and have forgotten nothing. The act is, in a way, four separate images coalescing into focus, and the image that results in his measured act of uniting those elements over time into a singular clarity is beyond splendid. My Reading Life. But he is certainly not the first writer to find this out, and he will, without doubt, not be the last. Michael Sokolove. I'll turn the rest of the review over to James Baldwin: " To encounter oneself is to encounter the other: and this is love. It's a memoir of Baldwin's life watching, or influenced by, or next to cinema. His first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, appeared in to excellent reviews, and his essay collections and were bestsellers that made him an influential figure in the growing civil rights movement. Become an affiliate.

The Devil Finds Work Read Online

More Details The possible force, then, is scattered, willy-nilly, to the winds, and all that vision and moral weight that fortified a generation, become as disturbing as the memory of a hurricane on a placid summer's afternoon. Lists with This Book. More filters. Ralph Ellison. He attacks them all. What's really important to me is his essay on Boris Vian's noir novel "I Spit on Your Graves,' which I published some years ago and still in print! And the black face, truthfully reflected, is not only no part of this dream, it is antithetical to it. We are experiencing technical difficulties. It is still Baldwin interrogating the true nature of the American republic, but with movies as the case study. Tom Desavia and John Doe. So That Happened. In this slim volume we are taken on a three-part retrospective voyage with Baldwin at the helm, and made to stop at "Congo Square," "Who Saw Him Die? At the same time this isn't entirely a movie review book or something like that. Whether he would've liked it or not, Baldwin is achieving new heights of mai I've been reading some of James Baldwin's fiction and nonfiction in recent years. Pieces of this book were included in the documentary script and it was exciting to see the passages in their entirety. Really the Blues. The Collected Essays of Ralph Ellison. Average rating 4. Also available from:. But the truth is, and every ghetto citizen knows this, that no one trapped in the ghetto owns anything, since they certainly do not own the land. The devil has no need of any dogma—though he can use them all—nor does he need any historical justification, history being so largely his invention. Radicals are skeptical of mainstream success. Joseph Mitchell and David Remnick. The Portable Henry Rollins. Baldwin challenges the underlying assumptions in such films as In the Heat of the Night, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, and The Exorcist, offering us a vision of America's self-delusions and deceptions. Categories: Uncategorized. He does cover some already tread-on territory of his own life, but the main focus is what these movies say about the societies they are depicting in regards to race and sexuality. Latest Issue Past Issues. Sort order. Aug 09, Zaza Manos rated it it was amazing. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Still, fantastic. What can you do about it? It is simply not conceivable that American Blacks can be so unhappy or so bright or so brave as seriously to menace the only social order that they know. Unsurprisingly for a committed, globetrotting aesthete, Baldwin would also look outside the American cinema for enrichment. As the blues that Baldwin loves changes sorrow into art, Baldwin takes American cinema and makes it look in the mirror to see, not the devil, but the face it could have if it were able to acknowledge its own history and violence. Sep 13, ISBN My Reading Life. Uptown the crowd shouts at Sidney Poitier as he jumps off the train to be with his buddy Tony Curtis: "Get back on the train, you fool. This book is different because it is primarily about films that he has seen over his lifetime.