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1 (Thereupon, the following meeting is had:) 2 CHAIR: Good afternoon, everyone. I would 3 like to welcome all of you to the Constitution 4 Revision Commission meeting, the first one 5 since we had our commission meetings. If you 6 would kindly set your cell phones to vibrate or 7 turn them off. 8 Before we begin we'd like to thank our 9 host, Nova Southeastern University for allowing 10 us to use the Rick Case Arena, having the 11 assistance of their amazing staff. I can tell 12 you we've traveled all over the state, and this 13 is one of the best set-ups we've seen, so thank 14 you very much, Eddie. 15 My name is Carlos Beruff, and I was 16 appointed by Governor as the 17 chairman of the Constitutional Revision 18 Committee Commission, which is called CRC for 19 short. We live in a world of acronyms, so you 20 might as well get used to that one, too. Today 21 I am joined by my fellow commissioners. To my 22 right is Commissioner Gamez, Commissioner 23 Karlinsky, Commissioner Washington. Mr. 24 Stemberger is not here yet. To my left is 25 Commission Keiser and Commissioner Joyner.

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1 Above me to my left is Commissioner Solari, 2 Commission Carlton immediately behind me, 3 Commissioner Schifino, who is famous, 4 Commissioner Thurlow-Lippisch, Commissioner 5 Timmann. We are pleased to be here. 6 If you will all stand the invocation will 7 be led by Commissioner Belinda Keiser. 8 (Thereupon, the invocation is conducted.) 9 CHAIR: The pledge of allegiance will be 10 led by Allie and Spencer Karlinsky, the 11 children of Fred Karlinsky and his wife Autumn. 12 Thank you. 13 (Thereupon, the pledge of allegiance is conducted.) 14 CHAIR: Thank you, you may sit. That's 15 the reason we're doing what we're doing. Today 16 is the first stop on the road to the ballot, of 17 the public hearing tour, that we promised last 18 Spring after we would take all of the proposals 19 and get them through the Committees, so that we 20 can start getting serious deliberations on 21 what's left. We'd like to get feedback from 22 the thirty-seven remaining proposals that will 23 go before the full commission in March and 24 April. 25 You can read the full text of each of

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1 these proposals in We respectfully 2 request that you keep your remarks focused on 3 the proposals under active consideration. If 4 you would like to speak to the CRC today, you 5 would have filled out a card. The cards will 6 be heard in the order they were filled out. We 7 will call on speakers to appear. If there's 8 any materials you'd like to have -- to leave 9 with us, we will enter then into the record. 10 The record is digitally maintained, so 11 everything you give us will get put on the 12 website, and available for everyone to see. 13 This is a long meeting. We have noticed 14 until 7:00 p.m. All Floridians who sign up to 15 speak by 7:00 p.m. will be given an opportunity 16 to be heard. We would ask each speaker to 17 limit their remarks to two minutes. We will be 18 calling up multiple people at a time, so please 19 listen for your name. Today's meetings, as all 20 our meetings, are recorded, and the full 21 transcript is also available at 22 At some point, as soon as I finish with 23 these announcements probably, I will be handing 24 the gavel to someone from the local area who is 25 better familiar with some of the area, some of

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1 the things that you deal with here. Thank you, 2 and I am passing the gavel to Commissioner 3 Gamez. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Good afternoon, 5 everyone. I'm going to go ahead and call up 6 speakers three at a time so that you'll be 7 lined up and ready to make your remarks, that 8 way we can keep this moving. Just a reminder, 9 everyone is limited to two minutes. If you've 10 submitted multiple speaker requests, 11 unfortunately, you can only speak once, so if 12 you're going to address multiple proposals, 13 please do so during the two minutes that you're 14 allotted. And as a courtesy to everyone here, 15 we are going to be very strict with our time 16 because there are many who have already signed 17 up to speak, and we want to make sure that 18 everyone is heard. So please keep that in 19 mind, be courteous to those that are coming 20 after you. 21 So, at this time we will call up Joseph 22 Landy, Peggy Pettit, and Donna Borland. Mr. 23 Landy. 24 MR. LANDY: Thank you. I've been handling 25 nursing home abuse cases for over twenty-five

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1 years on both sides of the aisle, and I want to 2 give you one of many, many horrific examples of 3 why Proposal 88 must go forward. When I was 4 retained by these folks, the George Dahmer 5 family, to represent them, the patriarch of 6 their family had been to a recent stay, a brief 7 stay at a nursing home, and ended up in the ICU 8 at JFK Medical Center. 9 He was lethargic and unable to get out of 10 bed. He was dehydrated to the point of acute 11 renal failure. He was malnourished, had 12 recently lost thirty pounds. He had sores on 13 his heels and his coccyx. Folks, he looked 14 like he was eaten by a dog. He had wounds 15 infected. He was suffering from septic shock. 16 Patricia, his wife, was told that his legs were 17 going to have to be amputated, and he died a 18 short time later before that happened. 19 Prior to that brief admission to the 20 nursing home, Patricia was his sole caregiver. 21 She had no medical training, and no medical 22 experience, but you know what, he didn't have 23 any skin breakdown with her, he had no 24 malnourishment, he had no dehydration, he had 25 no issues other than his dementia. So how did

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1 this occur? Reckless indifference to human life 2 for the sole sake of money. They were 3 incredibly short staffed. They over medicated 4 him, so he sat there and rotted, and this was 5 allowed to occur. They tried to get away with 6 it by not having any real insurance, and by 7 putting everything into shell corporations so 8 they couldn't be collectable; come sue us, 9 we'll just file for bankruptcy, open up under 10 another name, and it will be business as usual. 11 Just so you understand what these type of 12 cases involve, that case took seven years of my 13 life, and over $100,000 in costs I had to 14 expend, and I only did it because they came 15 into my office and looked me in my eyes, and I 16 talked to my partners, and I couldn't say no, 17 but we never expected to receive a dime, we 18 were hell bent on putting this place out of 19 business. 20 While I was handling that case, I got call 21 after call, please accept my case against this 22 facility, but no one can afford to do that when 23 there's no insurance and no assets. 24 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Mr. 25 Landry. Ms. Petit.

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1 MS. PETIT: Yes. I'll use my notes to be 2 timely. Chairman and Commissioners, I oppose 3 the elimination of the Hospice CON because it 4 will lower the quality of care provide to dying 5 patients and their families during their time 6 of need. I ask that you pass an amendment now 7 to take hospice out of proposal number 54. An 8 amendment to remove hospice will not impact the 9 ability to address CON changes for other 10 healthcare providers in the proposal. 11 Florida Certificate of Need regulations 12 were formed through legislation, and changes 13 should be addressed through legislation, not by 14 changing the constitution of the State, which 15 if passed, and included in the general election 16 ballot would remain in effect for the next 17 twenty years. There is already proposed 18 legislation on the CON issue. We are hopeful 19 that the legislative process will work and let 20 the constitutional revision process stay 21 focused on the basic rights and protections for 22 all Florida citizens. 23 Eliminating hospice CON does not provide 24 savings for patients, or the government, does 25 not provide higher quality of care, or

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1 increased access to care. Hospice CON 2 elimination does not provide savings to Florida 3 tax payers. Over 90% of hospice is paid by 4 federal dollars. Well run and regulated 5 hospice organizations save tax payers money by 6 reducing ER visits and hospitalizations. 7 It is projected that over 1,000 hospices 8 could be licensed and operating within a couple 9 of years unless there were licensure changes if 10 you eliminate hospice CON. I don't know how 11 AHCA could possibly oversee them. AHCA 12 currently does a great job. CON process and 13 structure is not broken in the state of 14 Florida, and we would hope that it remains in 15 place. Florida currently has the third highest 16 hospice utilization rate in the country, and 17 serves the second highest number of patients 18 with high quality ratings and very few 19 substantiated complaints. 20 Hospice CON elimination will not reduce 21 the size of government. It is, again, a 22 regulatory process under CON. Hospice 23 currently cares for a 500% more children than a 24 national average in the state of Florida. We 25 would argue that well- regulated and structured

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1 hospices are allowing that to happen. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Ms. 3 Pettit. 4 MS. PETTIT: Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Ms. Borland. 6 MS. BORLAND: Hi, good afternoon. As a 7 concerned hospice nurse, I respectfully as the 8 CRC to amend the proposal number 54 to remove 9 hospice. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. At this 11 time, I'm going to call up Maureen Knips, 12 Charlotte Goldberg, and Namay Auster. And if I 13 mispronounce your names please go ahead and 14 introduce yourself before you speak. 15 MS. KNIPS: Yes, it's Maureen Knips. 16 Thank you. Commissioner and Chairman, as a 17 thirty-two- year hospice employee I 18 respectfully ask the CRC to amend the proposal 19 number 54 to remove hospice. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Ms. 21 Goldberg, no? Charlotte Goldberg? Okay, Ms. 22 Auster. 23 MS. AUSTER: Hi, thank you. My name is 24 Nancy Auster. I'm a registered nurse of 25 twenty- seven years, and I respectfully ask the

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1 CRC to amend proposal number 54, and to please 2 remove hospice. Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Lisa 4 Quetti, Daniel Kaplan, and Maria Ana Hidalgo. 5 Quetti, Kaplan, and Hidalgo. 6 DR. KAPLAN: I'm Dr. Daniel Kaplan. 7 Commission and Chairman, I respectfully ask 8 that the elimination of the hospice CON by a 9 constitutional amendment be rescinded, and we 10 support an amendment to take hospice out of 11 prop 54. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Magda 13 Campoamor, Esther Cohen, and Mircia Husar. Go 14 ahead. 15 MS. COHEN: Good afternoon. 16 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Your name, please? 17 MS. COHEN: Oh, sorry. 18 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: No, go ahead. 19 MS. COHEN: Good afternoon, my name is 20 Esther Cohen, and as a concerned hospice 21 volunteer manager, I respectfully ask the CRC 22 to amend proposal number 54 to remove hospice. 23 Thank you so much. 24 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 25 MR. HUSAR: Good afternoon. Thank you for

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1 the opportunity. My name is Mircia Husar. I 2 have the privilege to work for hospice as a 3 chaplain for eight years, and the last ten 4 years as a bereavement manager, and I 5 respectfully ask the CRC to amend proposal 6 number 54 to remove hospice. Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Do we 8 have Magda Campoamor? Okay. 9 MS. CAMPOAMOR: Yes, good afternoon. My 10 name is Magda Campoamor, and I am just 11 respectfully asking to remove hospice from the 12 amendment. Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Do we 14 have Charlotte Goldberg, Lisa Quetti? 15 MS. GOLDBERG: Hi, I'm Charlotte Goldberg. 16 I'm also asking to not support that the 17 certificate of need be removed. We feel it's 18 very important to keep it in place for quality 19 and control over this very, very important end 20 of life industry. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Lisa 22 Quetti, Maria Ana Hidalgo. Okay. Misti 23 Johnson Arce, Phyllis Green, and Veronica 24 Palomino. 25 MS. JOHNSON: I am Reverend Misti Johnson

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1 Arce. I am a chaplain and an educator for 2 hospice, and I respectfully ask the CRC to 3 amend the proposal 54 and remove hospice. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 5 MS. GREEN: I'm Phyllis Green. I am a 6 thirty-three-year volunteer for hospice, and as 7 a concerned volunteer I respectfully ask the 8 CRC to amend proposal number 54 to remove 9 hospice. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 11 MS. PALOMINO: My name is Veronica 12 Palomino, and I am a concerned veteran hospice 13 liaison, and I respectfully ask the Commission 14 to remove -- the CRC to amend proposal 54 to 15 remove hospice. Thank you very much. 16 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Marie 17 Louisa, Patricia Feeney, and Wendy Levine. 18 MS. LOUISA: Hi, my name is Marie Louisa, 19 and I am a registered nurse. As a hospice 20 nurse, I respectfully ask the CRC to amend 21 proposal 54, and to remove hospice. Thank you. 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 23 MS. FEENEY: My name is Patricia Feeney, 24 and I used to be in charge of AHCA here down in 25 Broward County, and I respectfully ask that the

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1 CRC amend proposal 54 to remove hospice. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Do we 3 have Lisa Quetti, Maria Ana Hidalgo, Wendy 4 Levine? Marc Levine, Jennifer Cruz, and Hera 5 Becker. Go ahead, ma'am. 6 MS. CRUZ: Hi there, I'm Jennifer Cruz, 7 resident of Broward County. Thank you so much 8 for this opportunity to address the Commission. 9 I'm here today to strongly urge the Commission 10 not to reconsider proposal 22. Currently, the 11 state of Florida affords the citizens a right 12 to privacy greater than the United States' 13 Constitution and the additional language 14 considered in proposal 22 would remarkably 15 reduce the right to privacy in Florida, 16 affecting things like marriage, home schooling, 17 consensual adult sex, and most importantly a 18 woman's right to make her own reproductive 19 decisions. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. And just 21 for the record proposal 22 is not an active 22 proposal we are now considering at this time. 23 Hera Becker. 24 MS. BECKER: Good afternoon, 25 Commissioners. I'm here to speak in favor of

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1 the School Board term limits, proposal 43. It 2 was Benjamin Franklin who summed up the best 3 case for term limits. In free governments the 4 rulers are the servants and the people their 5 superiors, for the former to return among the 6 latter does not degrade but promote them. In 7 other words when elected officials know they 8 must return to ordinary society and live under 9 the laws passed while they are in office, at 10 least some of them will think more carefully 11 about the long-term effects of the programs 12 they support. 13 While the School Board members themselves 14 won't be living under these policies their own 15 children, grandchildren, and other people's 16 kids and grandkids will be. We spend a huge 17 amount of money on education, and don't always 18 get the best results. We owe it to the 19 children to provide the best education for 20 them, which is why we need to elect people with 21 fresh ideas. 22 Term limits allow a mandatory rotation of 23 regular open seat elections for new people to 24 get in. These types of elections encourage the 25 citizens to get more involved in the process,

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1 particularly in gaining intimate knowledge of 2 how the School Board works and running for 3 office, or even working on campaigns. Term 4 limits also encourage transparency and 5 discourage corruption. Too often incumbent 6 members are wedded to the special interests 7 they have relied on for re- election. Term 8 limits will sever the relationships that grow 9 between special interests and incumbent School 10 Board members. 11 May times the longer an elected official 12 stays in office the more time that person has 13 to be influenced by the power of the position 14 and become corrupted. The School Board term 15 limit needs to be eight years, and nothing 16 more. Florida's other political offices almost 17 all have an eight-year term limit, and even the 18 President of the United States does. If it's 19 good enough for the leader of the free world, 20 then why not for School Board members. Thank 21 you. 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Ma'am, 23 can you please identify yourself? 24 MS. QUETTI: Yes. My name is Lisa Quetti, 25 and I respectfully ask the CRC to amend

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1 proposal to remove hospice. Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Do we 3 have Wendy Levine and Marc Levine here? Maria 4 Ana Hidalgo? 5 MS. HIDALGO: Good afternoon and thank you 6 for this hearing. I lost my father to cancer, 7 to colon cancer. He was a physician, and as 8 Hispanic a lot of the times we do not access 9 Hospice. I have been able to educate the 10 community on the importance of hospice for many 11 years across my, my radio talk show, also a 12 community service program. And I see that this 13 proposal would destroy a lot of what we have 14 done, that it will deliver substandard care to 15 many patients if we open this door, and there 16 will be a lot of fraud in the community as 17 well. So I am opposed to having hospice on 18 this bill, on number 54. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: And I just want to 20 clarify, you are Ms. Hidalgo? 21 MS. HIDALGO: Ms. Maria Hidalgo. 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Gail 23 Coniglio, Robert Kunst, and Wanda Gozdz. 24 Please, this is a reminder if everyone could 25 just identify themselves before they speak.

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1 Thank you. 2 MS. CONIGLIO: Good afternoon. My name is 3 Gail Coniglio, and I am the Mayor of the Town 4 of Palm Beach. First, please let me thank you 5 for your countless hours of commitment and 6 study to recommend initiatives for the Florida 7 ballots and reestablish the direction of the 8 constitution for the next twenty years. 9 No one knows the needs of a community 10 better than the local elected officials chosen 11 by that community. No one is more committed to 12 the success of the city and the quality of life 13 of its residents. Local officials are held 14 accountable in their decision making to our 15 respective communities. Maintaining a proper 16 balance of government from the federal laws put 17 in place in Washington, to the State laws 18 enacted in Tallahassee, to the laws implemented 19 in our municipalities is critical to the 20 foundation of this country. Participation by 21 all, especially those closest to the people, is 22 the fabric of freedom. Home rule makes sure 23 that the little guys, the cities, keep our 24 voices. There truly is no one size fits all 25 solution for governing a society rich in

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1 diversity and their unique characters. 2 The Town supports proposal 61 to create 3 the transparent preemption process to protect 4 home rule. This should be enacted to keep 5 State government on their tasks and leave 6 locally specific issues to the cities. State 7 meddling in how to address vacation rentals 8 allows transient activity, erodes 9 neighborhoods, and negatively impacts our 10 communities. Protecting our grass roots 11 efforts through bottom up governance allows our 12 federal counterparts to focus on items of 13 national importance. 14 For decades, Florida's communities have 15 taken pride in local laws. As a mother of six, 16 and a grandmother of almost fourteen, 17 protecting our way of life is critical to me, 18 founded on good government. Please reconsider 19 proposition 61, and enact it our Florida 20 voters. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 22 MR. KUNST: Yes, my name is Bob Kunst. 23 I'm here representing the million some hundred 24 twenty-three thousand votes that we led passage 25 of in 1980. I'm representing also Dr. Alan

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1 Rockway and Melody Moorehead, and all the 2 people who looked at this campaign as our 3 fourth election against the need of Brian and 4 Jerry Falwell. In 1977 we had a sneak attack 5 in Dade County. We added four words to non- 6 discrimination in housing, employment, and 7 public accommodations, affectional sexual 8 preference. All of the sudden, it was used as 9 a total insanity to stop equal rights amendment 10 here in Florida, which was a pivotal state. 11 Because she collected the signatures, called us 12 everything under the sun, created a whole 13 insane policy in Dade County, she got 61% of 14 the vote, we got 92,000 votes. 15 In round two, the very next year we 16 collected the signatures, we get a floor vote, 17 and now we get 142,000 signatures, I mean votes 18 to, and 42%. All of the sudden, we had one of 19 the commissioners in Dade County triple the 20 number of signatures it would take to get on 21 the ballot the third time. So, we go out and 22 collect 33,000 signatures, and then they do a 23 voter purge to knock us off the ballot for the 24 presidential primary. 25 The privacy rights issue was our fourth

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1 election. We went all over this state. We 2 went before city councils and commissions. The 3 Anita Bryant Falwell gang said this was the gay 4 rights constitutional amendment, said this was 5 going to legalize abortion, marijuana, the 6 whole nine yards. And by the way, we didn't 7 argue with them, we said, yes, because we had 8 600 murders in Miami, and our position was are 9 we going to have the police do what they need 10 to do or worry about who is having sex and who 11 is getting high. 12 When we won the state constitutional 13 amendment, we got 60% statewide, in Orange and 14 Polk County, which was the seed of the orange 15 boycott -- 16 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you Mr. Kunst, 17 thank you. 18 MR. KUNST: I just want to add one point. 19 I have the package here for you with all the 20 information. Let's not do another subterfuge 21 of the abortion issue -- 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Mr. Kunst, thank you 23 -- 24 MR. KUNST: -- when the issue really is 25 gay rights here as well.

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1 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Proposal 2 22 is not an active proposal. 3 MS. GOZDZ: Good afternoon, I'm Wanda 4 Gozdz. I'm a subject matter expert, and an AGM 5 flight specialist. I oppose the elimination of 6 hospice CON via Florida constitutional 7 amendment and support an amendment to take 8 hospice out of proposition 54. Florida is the 9 third largest state with retirees. Older 10 adults are living longer, however taking ten to 11 twelve different types of drugs and medications 12 by the time they reach end of life, and 13 families become overwhelmed and turn to hospice 14 for professional health and counseling 15 services. 16 Hospice certificate of need is a complex 17 issue and should be considered by the Florida 18 legislature and not decided by a constitutional 19 amendment. It is the legislature's job to make 20 laws. This is not a law. 95% of hospice care 21 is paid by the federal government through 22 Medicare or Medicaid. Reimbursement rates are 23 fixed and not subject to a free market economy. 24 Hospice are paid daily by a per diem rate, and 25 is the risk assumed benefit providing services,

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1 products, durable medical equipment, et cetera, 2 and it's not based on a fee for services or 3 products. 4 Need for additional hospice programs are 5 currently analyzed twice a year by AHCA, and 6 applicants submit and certificates awarded to 7 meet Florida's growing needs. Hospice patients 8 will be harmed if hospice CON is abolished as 9 part of the Florida constitution. It will 10 adversely affect the quality of care vulnerable 11 patients receive, as well as care to their 12 families received in our community. 13 It is the legislature's job to make sure 14 that this does not happen. Regulatory 15 structure -- there would be chaos in hospice 16 without a regulatory structure. Hospice 17 regulation is tied to current CON process, not 18 licensure. Rural families and lower income 19 neighborhoods could lose access to hospice and 20 service altogether if CON is removed. 21 Currently, there are very few founded hospice 22 complaints annually. There are no second 23 chances or do-overs available at the end of 24 life care. 25 Hospice saves taxpayer money, it reduces

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1 ER visits to hospitals and readmissions, and 2 hospice provides care -- 3 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Ms. Gozdz. 4 MS. GOZDZ: Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: David Israel, 6 Cristina Llorens, and Jeanette Cullen. 7 MR. ISRAEL: Good afternoon, I'm David 8 Israel from Delray Beach, Florida, and I've had 9 family and friends who have benefitted greatly 10 from the current model of care in end of life 11 hospice care, and I respectfully ask the 12 Commission to consider amending proposal 54 and 13 remove hospice and the CON from that proposal. 14 Thank you very much. 15 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 16 MS. LLORENS: My name is Cristina Llorens 17 from Boynton Beach, Florida, and I also 18 respectfully ask the CRC to amend prop 54 to 19 remove hospice. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 21 MS. CULLEN: Hi, my name is Jeanette 22 Cullen. I came here today, as my family just 23 recently used hospice services, and I ask you 24 to remove hospice from proposition 54. Thank 25 you.

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1 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Marc 2 Levine and Wendy Levine. Okay. Karen Leavitt, 3 Deanna Kirtman, and Annie Betancourt. 4 MS. LEAVITT: My name is Karen Leavitt. I 5 am from Fort Lauderdale, and I respectfully ask 6 the CRC to amend prop 54 and remove hospice. 7 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 8 MS. KIRTMAN: Good afternoon. I'm Deanna 9 Kirtman from Miami-Dade County. I thank you 10 for the chance to address the Commission this 11 afternoon. I respectfully ask the Commission 12 to oppose proposals aimed at weakening or 13 removing local control, and to reject proposals 14 that could harm our public education system. 15 First, I urge you to please oppose proposal 13, 16 which would preempt local control. For 17 example, voters from Pensacola to Key West, and 18 all points in between, shouldn't be able to 19 dictate if Miami-Dade has an elected sheriff or 20 not. 21 In fact, there are no local, there is no 22 local call to make such a proposed, make such 23 proposed changes to our county government. If 24 we want change there are measures already in 25 place to do so. In 1957 Miami-Dade voters

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1 adopted our home charter. Maintaining home 2 rule allows our communities to develop 3 community-based solutions to local problems. 4 I also ask you to please reject proposal 5 43, take no action to preempt local home rule 6 in education or local government. 43 would 7 diminish local control over school board by 8 imposing term limits on local school board 9 members. That's a decision local voters should 10 be able to make. And as a product of public 11 schools I urge no changes to be made to our 12 constitution that could undermine or weaken our 13 public education system. Please oppose 14 proposals 445 and 71, it's important that we 15 strengthen and improve our system that we have 16 today. A robust and strong public education 17 system is vital to our community, our state, 18 and our democracy. 19 In closing, I ask you to please oppose the 20 following proposals 4, 13, 43, 45 and 71. 21 Thank you very much for your time. 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 23 MS. BETANCOURT: Good afternoon, my name 24 is Annie Betancourt, and Mr. Chair Beruff, 25 Members of the Commission, I thank you for the

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1 opportunity to speak today. I stand here as a 2 private citizen, as a voter, and above all as a 3 grandmother to Sienna. Wonder sometimes how 4 our state would look like in the next twenty 5 years when the Florida Constitution Revision 6 convenes again in 2038. I might not be here, 7 but it's your legacy for future generations. 8 It is hard to imagine that all the 9 progress that we have made in modern Florida, 10 privacy rights would be wiped out instantly, 11 specifically the proposals to protect our 12 public rights. A proposal that would eliminate 13 all existing privacy protection per Florida 14 constitution would be devastating. If adopted, 15 a fundamental protection in Florida 16 constitution will vanish, and Floridian's right 17 to government overreach will be weakened. 18 This Commission should not even think of 19 weakening private privacy protection. Privacy 20 is sacred. I respectfully implore to preserve 21 the strong protection we currently have, and 22 with leading the, without interfering with a 23 woman's right to control her own body. I 24 cannot imagine how Floridian's right would look 25 like in the future if a proposal like this

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1 would pass. Please, please reject any proposal 2 that would limit privacy protection. Thank you 3 very much. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: As I -- just as a 5 reminder, if you go onto the CRC website you'll 6 see the active list that the Commissioners are 7 current considering. There is only 37 active 8 proposals that are currently before the CRC at 9 this time. Proposal 22 is not one of them. 10 So, if you familiarize yourself with the active 11 proposals, obviously we will give you an 12 opportunity to speak, but try to keep your 13 comments to the ones that we are now 14 considering in the interest of time. At this 15 to me Donna Moreno, Eleanor Levy, and Kelly 16 Greene. 17 MS. LEVY: My name is Eleanor Levy from 18 Broward County, Fort Lauderdale. I strongly 19 urge the Commission to oppose proposal 4, the 20 no aid provision which has for over 130 years 21 protected private religious practice from 22 Florida's government involvement needs to 23 continue to insure religious freedom separated 24 from our government's purse strings. 25 I believe strongly that religious

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1 education is an important component of a 2 child's education. My children have had 3 religious education, but not at the cost of 4 taxpayer dollars. I made sure that they got 5 this education at home, and in the religious 6 institutions of my choice, paid for me, or by 7 philanthropic grants to those institutions. 8 Public schools in Florida are suffering in the 9 face of insufficient funding. I'm retired now 10 after many years in the education arena. I'm a 11 school volunteer doing what I can to improve 12 the quality of education at no cost to 13 taxpayers. 14 Repealing the Florida constitution's no 15 aid provision would divert tax dollars away 16 from public schools toward any church or other 17 religious organization. This is 18 philosophically and fiscally untenable, and 19 undermines our democracy. Again, I strongly 20 urge you to leave the Florida Constitution 21 Article I Section 3, the no aid provision, as 22 it has stood for 130 years. Please oppose 23 proposal 4. 24 MS. MORENO: Good afternoon. Thank you 25 for hearing our comments. I am a private

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1 individual. I don't represent any company. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Your name please? 3 MS. MORENO: Donna Moreno. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 5 MS. MORENO: I am a retired engineer, and 6 I now spend my time volunteering for the 7 Guardian Ad Litem Program. I am here to 8 request that you reject proposal number 4. I 9 have toured just about every public school in 10 the lower income areas of Broward County, and I 11 can't imagine what those schools would look 12 like if their funding was taken away and given 13 to the private institutions. I speak on behalf 14 of the children whose best interests I have 15 represented in court, as well as my own 16 children and future grandchildren. Please 17 reject proposal number 4. 18 I know proposal 22 is not in 19 consideration, but just in case it comes back 20 into consideration I would like to say on 21 behalf of my kids, my own personal kids as well 22 as the kids I represent in court, please vote 23 no on proposal 22. 24 And lastly, proposal 29, where e-verify 25 would have to be used. As an engineer, I used

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1 to be a product manager for a jet engine 2 manufacturing facility, and because we were a 3 government contractor we had to use e-verify. 4 That was a nightmare. It was incomplete data. 5 It was erroneous at times, and errors were made 6 because we couldn't trust the data that we had. 7 My husband is a small business owner, and 8 to think that he's going to have to go through 9 e- verify, it would be a nightmare, and it 10 would also be very costly, because we literally 11 would have to have somebody dedicated to the 12 e-verify system. Thank you for your time. 13 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Kelly 14 Greene, Marc Levine, Wendy Levine. Okay. 15 Chery Levin, Carolann Mazza, and Ricardo 16 Ibarria. 17 MR. IBARRIA: Good afternoon. My name is 18 Ricardo Ibarria, and I live in Miami Dade 19 County. I urge the CRC to oppose proposal 4. 20 We live in times of great disunity, and all who 21 are acting for the public good should seek to 22 maximize unity and minimize division in every 23 way that we can. Separation or non-separation 24 of church and state is one of the most 25 impactful dividing issues that we face as a

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1 nation. Proposal 4 goes to the heart of this 2 division. 3 Because we don't know what happens when we 4 die, over the millennia humanity has developed 5 not one but thousands of belief systems to 6 attempt to answer this fundamental question, 7 what happens to us when we die. Those belief 8 systems have provided great comfort and 9 guidance to the human race. They have in many 10 ways civilized us, but they have also caused an 11 enormous amount of conflict and division. Our 12 founding fathers, and the authors of the State 13 Florida constitution intended to vote protect 14 religious freedom, and fashion a government 15 separating itself from religious questions to 16 assure it did not favor any religious 17 institution and by doing so disfavor another 18 one. 19 This no aid provision has been part of our 20 constitution since 1885, and has worked 21 successfully to insure religious freedom from 22 State entanglement. Further, Florida voters 23 overwhelmingly rejected an attempt to repeal 24 the no aid provision just six years ago in 25 2012. Floridians do not want to see these

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1 protections go away, and the CRC should not try 2 to remove them, yet again. Please vote no on 3 proposal 4, and thank you for your service and 4 time. 5 MS. MAZZA: Good afternoon, my name is 6 Carolann Mazza. I live in Fort Lauderdale. 7 Please oppose proposal 4. Please preserve the 8 no aid provision. This is the thing side of a 9 fat wedge, opening the door to weakening and/or 10 eliminating the separation of church and state. 11 A government should not aid any religion in a 12 secular society. Allowing taxpayer money to be 13 used to support religious endeavors is akin to 14 endorsing certain religions. I do not want my 15 tax dollars to go to any religious institution, 16 and most Floridians agree with me. 17 This proposal opens the door to government 18 indoctrination and proselytizing. Where would 19 it stop? Please protect Floridians from 20 government intrusion into religious practices. 21 Please oppose proposal 4 and preserve the no 22 aid provision. 23 Additionally, I'd like to also urge you to 24 reject proposal 22 if it ever comes up again, 25 and also please preserve home rule. Thank you

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1 very much for your service and your time. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Chery 3 Levin, Kelly Greene, Marc Levine, Wendy Levine? 4 MS. LEVIN: Thank you. I'm Cheryl Levin. 5 I don't want to step on somebody's toes, but 6 Cheryl, Proposal 4? Okay, thank you. I'm 7 urging the CRC to oppose proposal 4. In 2012 8 Floridians voted against the repeal to no aid, 9 and the CRC should not undo what the voters 10 already did. Religion does not belong in 11 public schools at all, and this proposal would 12 easily lead to that bad result. 13 My year in first grade in 1962 in 14 Abington, Pennsylvania revealed what damage can 15 happen when religion is in the schools. I 16 found mornings very uncomfortable. I had to 17 sit in a circle, listen to a bible reading. I 18 was young, inarticulate, I didn't know what was 19 going on, but I knew this was not my religion 20 being read to me. I couldn't say anything, not 21 even to my parents. The practice stopped in 22 second grade without explanation. I didn't 23 dare ask why because I didn't want to jinx 24 anything. 25 I graduated from elementary school, and

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1 now taking for granted that I would never be 2 subjected to that again, and I didn't give it 3 another thought until 1974 in college when I 4 started taking constitutional law classes, read 5 the school prayer cases from the '60's, and was 6 shocked and shaken to see that my school 7 district, Abington, Pennsylvania, was one of 8 those school prayer cases. I had a physical 9 reaction to this. I had to calm myself down, 10 assure myself I would never be subjected to 11 this again. It's a lot of damage that can be 12 done to children when they are forced to listen 13 to or hear about a religion that they're just 14 not prepared to hear about. 15 Please, I beg you vote against proposal 4. 16 Thank you. 17 CAPTAIN MARLOW: Elaine Terner, Robert 18 King, and Ronne Denbo. 19 MS. TERNER: Hi, I'm Elaine Terner. I've 20 been a resident in Florida for since 1971. I 21 also serve on the Broward County Advisory Board 22 for individuals with disabilities, one of my 23 passions, and I'm here to implore you to oppose 24 passing proposal 22. I have a 25 thirty-seven-year- old son with autism living

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1 in a group home, and I need to have complete 2 freedom to be able to make decisions for him in 3 every regard of his life. So, I'm asking you 4 please don't limit my ability to take care of 5 him. Thank you. 6 MS. DENBO: Hello. I'm Ronne Denbo from 7 Margate, and I think you for allowing me this 8 time. I'm going to reiterate that our founding 9 father, Thomas Jefferson, stated the intent of 10 the First Amendment was the separation of 11 church and state. Florida must hold steadfast 12 to continue the wall between church and state. 13 Our treasury monies need to continue to be used 14 for public education. Public education is open 15 to all without discrimination and provides 16 access to equal opportunity without any regard 17 to their beliefs. 18 I think that you allowing this on ballot 19 with the words religious freedom, which I 20 really object to, I think it would be an 21 opening for a floodgate deciding which 22 religious groups would be worthy of state 23 funds. The decision to go to a religious 24 institution is a choice. Public education is a 25 requirement. Do not take any funds away, it is

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1 totally unacceptable. 2 And if you want to do religious freedom, 3 and you want to engage the budget, then you 4 need to find money to do something like that. 5 There's only a finite money in the budget for 6 education, and none of it can go to religious 7 organization institutions. 8 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Robert King, Kelly 9 Greene, Marc Levine, Wendy Levine? Okay. 10 Nancy Abudo, Ana Segura, Mubarak Dahir. 11 MS. ABUDO: Good afternoon. My name is 12 Nancy Abudo. I'm the Legal Director for the 13 ACLU of Florida, and I want to thank you for 14 your commitment and your service to -- 15 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: If everyone, I'm 16 sorry -- we're going to have a hard time 17 hearing the speakers if the applause is really 18 loud. I don't want to discourage your support 19 of the speakers, but it makes it very difficult 20 for us to hear up here, and I don't want to cut 21 into her time, so if you can. Please go 22 forward. 23 MS. ABUDO: Okay. And I'm going to assume 24 that I get a few more seconds. 25 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Yes.

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1 MS. ABUDO: All right. Again, I just want 2 to thank you for your service on the 3 Commission, and commitment to transparency. 4 I'm here also to encourage you to vote against 5 proposal 4, known as the no aid provision. 6 This -- this provision, or proposal, is not a 7 slight modification or a friendly amendment, it 8 is actually a complete repeal to Florida's 9 commitment to upholding the establishment 10 clause as protected under our state and federal 11 constitutions. 12 It's also unfortunate that this Commission 13 is even considering this issue given that it's 14 been presented, debated, and wholly rejected 15 already, as evidence by a 2004 case Busch V. 16 Holmes, in which an appellate court has already 17 upheld Florida's no aid provision. We also see 18 that even with the establishment clause in 19 effect we still have to remain vigilant in 20 terms of protecting the separation of powers, 21 as evidenced by our recent win against Brevard 22 County regarding its invocation speaker 23 policies, and our settlement against 24 Miami-Dade's jail with respect to the denial of 25 Halal diets, or Halal compliant diet to

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1 pre-trial detainees. 2 Believe it or not, the ACLU is committed 3 to diplomacy. We try very hard to avoid 4 litigation if possible. My comments, as well 5 as the many others you've already heard, are an 6 example of that. But we do recognize that this 7 provision we believe is completely 8 unconstitutional. We would hate for the 9 Commission as an effort to support this 10 proposal to open itself to unnecessary 11 litigation. So again, we encourage you to vote 12 against the proposal, and thank you for your 13 serious consideration. Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 15 MS. SEGURA: Good afternoon Honorable 16 Chair and Commissioners. My name is Ana 17 Segura. I reside in the Fort Lauderdale, and I 18 come here today to urge you to vote against any 19 proposed reconsideration of proposal 22. The 20 people in Florida have spoken by voting in 1980 21 for a strong protection of the right of 22 privacy. The Florida privacy protections are 23 stronger, and in addition to those provided in 24 the federal constitution. 25 It is no longer debatable that the privacy

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1 right in Florida is a fundamental 2 constitutional right that is not benefit to 3 disclosure of information. The Florida Supreme 4 Court and federal courts have so held if 5 proposal 22 were to be reconsidered, and 6 considered again, or put on the ballot and to 7 be adopted, previously rendered court decisions 8 pertaining to personal autonomy choices will no 9 longer have precedential value. Today we 10 cannot know what intrusions due to technology 11 advances would bring. We do need to ensure 12 that human progress continues, but it must be 13 balanced with the strong protection of our 14 right of privacy. 15 Justice Brandeis said that the right of 16 privacy is the most valued right by civilized 17 people. Let's do our part today, and let's 18 protect this precious right. I have brought 19 copies for you of the petition paper that was 20 prepared by John Meales. He is an expert 21 recognized internationally on privacy matters. 22 I invite you respectfully to read it carefully. 23 Thank you so much for your consideration. 24 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 25 MR. DAHIR: Thank you for the opportunity

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1 to speak today. My name is Mubarak Dahir. I'm 2 a fifteen-year resident and voter of Fort 3 Lauderdale, and I'm here today to strongly urge 4 you to oppose proposal 4, which would eliminate 5 our state's current prohibition of taxpayer 6 money being directed by the State to any 7 particular religious entity. 8 As the son of a Southern Baptist mother 9 and a Muslim father who was raised in a Quaker 10 school I know first-hand how important it is 11 that the state not give any favor to any one 12 religious belief or its institutions, nor 13 disadvantage any other. Removing the no aid 14 provision risks doing just that, so I strongly 15 urge you to oppose proposal 4. Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Ronnie 17 Heller, Vicki Mills, Dan Cook. 18 MS. HELLER: I'm Ronnie Heller. I'm not a 19 man. Please vote no on prop 29, the fraud e- 20 verify system. What could possibly go wrong 21 you might ask? I do ask. Electronic systems 22 designed to verify and protect us are often a 23 challenge. Examples. During a recent election 24 when I was a precinct captain at a polling 25 station a husband came to vote around 6:00 p.m.

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1 He was not on the voter list, but his wife who 2 he said he still lived with had the same 3 address for at least twenty-five years, and had 4 breakfast with that morning, had voted, but he 5 was gone from the voter list. It turns out his 6 name had been expunged. I was told when I 7 called he was moved to Nebraska. I didn't look 8 it -- it didn't look like this to me. 9 Second, my friend Tony is erroneously on 10 the no-fly list. He is in his mid-seventies, 11 worked his entire career in the airline 12 business, is highly trained and specially 13 qualified for complex engines, is a mechanic, 14 and he's always pulled over when he's traveling 15 because he's on the list. There is nothing he 16 can do other than always arrive very early, so 17 he and his wife make their flights. He's 18 always cleared because his name is the only 19 thing that matches their erroneous list, and he 20 resembles nothing in any other way whatsoever 21 on the list. 22 So, what could possibly go wrong with e- 23 verify? Not allowing legal workers to support 24 themselves and their families. I'll let you 25 honorably answer this as well by please voting

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1 no on prop 29. Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 3 MR. COOK: Good afternoon, ladies and 4 gentlemen. I am Daniel Cook, a resident of 5 Broward County, and a member of the Board of 6 Directors of the ACLU of Florida. I speak 7 against proposal 4, which would delete Article 8 I Section 3 of our Florida Constitution, the no 9 aid clause, which provides that no state 10 revenue shall be used to aid any church or 11 sectarian institution. 12 When I was in grade school in the 1950's 13 we were taught that America is a melting pot, 14 and as an adult I can see that is the strength 15 of our nation and our state. I went to public 16 school with Jews and Gentiles, whites and 17 blacks, and that's good preparation for working 18 and living together with people of different 19 backgrounds. 20 Supporters of proposal 4 want to divert 21 funds from neighborhood schools, send taxpayer 22 money to religious schools by vouchers, and 23 this will re-segregate our schools, not by race 24 but by religion. Jews will go to Jewish 25 schools. Catholics will go to Catholic

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1 schools. Protestants will go to Protestant 2 schools. Evangelicals will go to Evangelical 3 schools, and that is not the American way. 4 This is not about protecting individual 5 religious belief. Proposal 4 is about letting 6 religious organizations use tax dollars for 7 religious activity, and the no aid provision 8 protects religious liberty by keeping religious 9 institutions independent from state funding and 10 state entanglement, and I urge the Commission 11 to vote no on proposal 4. Also, I want to 12 thank the Commission, or the Judiciary 13 Committee for voting against proposal 22, and 14 should this issue reappear before the 15 Commission, please vote no on proposal 22, as 16 it would open up major portions of our lives to 17 government intrusion. 18 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 19 MS. MILLS: Hello Commissioners. My name 20 is Vicki Mills. I'm not accustomed to speaking 21 in front of a lot of people so I'm going to use 22 this. I want to thank you for the opportunity. 23 I agree with everything the gentleman just said 24 before me. I'm here to oppose proposition, 25 proposal 4. I have something special to share

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1 with you. This is a cautionary tale about what 2 happens when church and state are not kept 3 separate. I appreciate you allowing me to tell 4 this short but very important story from my own 5 experience of living in Budapest Hungary for 6 nine years. 7 After the fall of Communism in 1990, there 8 was much optimism for a budding democracy. I 9 bought a small apartment in 2007, and began 10 living there a few months every year until 11 2016, until I no longer felt safe there and I 12 sold the apartment. The reason being, in 2010 13 Viktor Orban became prime minister. His party 14 had a coalition with the Christian Democrats 15 party. His landslide victory gave him a super 16 majority, which gave him power to change the 17 whole country's constitution, and now they 18 don't know when they can ever get him out 19 because he changed it for his own reasons. 20 He began calling Hungary a Christian 21 country, which opened doors to institutional 22 bias to anyone who was not Christian. At this 23 time Gypsy's are in work camps, Jewish people 24 are living with discrimination from 25 institutionalized anti-Semitism, and I saw with

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1 my own eyes Muslim migrants put on trains, a la 2 World War II. I was there for that. The 3 country now suffers a steep population decline, 4 as few people want to move there -- 5 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Ms. Mills. 6 MS. MILLS: -- and large numbers of 7 people, especially the young and the educated, 8 are leaving that country -- 9 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank -- thank you, 10 Ms. Mills. 11 MS. MILLS: -- for a more inclusive 12 society. I urge you -- 13 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Ms. Mills, thank you. 14 MS. MILLS: -- this can happen very, very 15 quickly. Thank you so much for this 16 opportunity. 17 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 18 MS. MILLS: I saw this happen in two -- 19 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank -- thank you, 20 Ms. Mills. Ms. Mills -- 21 MS. MILLS: -- years. 22 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: -- thank you. I need 23 to call up other people. Thank you. Marg 24 Chauvin, Thomas Regnier, Lisa Robertson. 25 MS. ROBERTSON: Good afternoon. I

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1 appreciate the time to speak before this 2 Commission. My name is Lisa Robertson, and I'm 3 a retired educator and public-school 4 administrator with over thirty years' 5 experience. I'm here to voice just a few 6 perspectives from my experience and my vantage 7 point concerning three of your education 8 proposals that came from your education 9 subcommittee. 10 Proposal 43, limiting school board member 11 terms to eight years inadvertently can open 12 school board races to be subjected to many a 13 business interest. There is loss of local 14 historical knowledge, and the personal 15 community investment that's been based on time 16 by the people that run for the school board. 17 In order to facilitate district stability a 18 recommendation to limit service to twelve years 19 if term limits are going to be pursued and 20 imposed. 21 Proposal 4, by eliminating the no aid to 22 sectarian institution wording you are simply 23 allowing public education funds to be diverted 24 into private and religious schools. Yes, 25 monies would be used to instruct, hence monies

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1 can be used to teach religious instruction, 2 which is not wrong, but definitely not the 3 design or intent of the public education 4 funding. A separation of church and state is 5 supported by many Floridians and repealing the 6 Blaine Amendment which prohibits state tax 7 dollars from being used directly or indirectly 8 in aid of any church, sect, or religious 9 denomination, should not be revisited, 10 challenged, or altered. 11 Proposal 71 allowing statewide school 12 authorizer undermines your local education 13 decision and decision-making power of parents. 14 Local boards have an investment in 15 municipalities and are charged with making the 16 most beneficial decisions for their 17 communities. A distant independent approver 18 could make a decision with little to no 19 background, history, or knowledge of the 20 impact, thus inadvertently creating more 21 problems for the local School Board and school 22 district. Local Boards is that their control 23 are closer to the people in their communities 24 they serve, and their local decision-making 25 power should not be removed --

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1 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Mr. 2 Robertson. 3 MS. ROBERTSON: -- weakened, or relegated. 4 Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Marg. 6 MS. CHAUVIN: I'm Marg Chauvin. I'm a 7 resident of Central Florida, and I am, I 8 volunteer down here in state parks, it's the 9 reason why I'm down this way. Thank you for 10 the opportunity to address you. My concern is 11 proposition, proposal 4, which I urge you to 12 oppose. We all know that high, that religion 13 is a highly charged subject, and history has 14 shown us that religious beliefs are the source 15 of bigotry and hostility towards those of 16 different beliefs. I, like many others, 17 probably have experienced -- I have 18 experiences, and I assume that others have, 19 because my beliefs didn't match some of the 20 others. 21 By using the state funds to aid a specific 22 religion, a sect, a church, or sectarian 23 institution, the state of Florida is 24 demonstrating favoritism, and thus the state 25 becomes a progenitor of bigotry. I don't think

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1 I want my tax dollars to go for that. In the 2 proposition it says that the funds cannot be 3 used except for to honor accepted morals, so I 4 wonder who decides the basic public morals, and 5 who is going to be there to enforce and insure 6 that the funds are spent correctly and not 7 being biased. 8 So, I'm asking that, what the 9 justification for this particular removal of -- 10 sorry. I'm just asking you remove proposition 11 4, proposal 4, thank you. 12 MR. REGNIER: Hello, my name is Tom 13 Regnier, and I'm here to speak in favor of 14 proposal 11. And I'm holding up a bumper 15 sticker that says support voter choice, vote 16 yes on 11. Now, this was printed in 1998, and 17 it refers to revision 11 that the previous 18 Constitution Revision Commission put on the 19 ballot, which was a package of proposals that 20 would reform elections, and one of those 21 proposals was that whenever there was a local 22 race where only one party was running 23 candidates in primaries, all the voters in that 24 area would get to vote in that election even 25 though they weren't members of that party.

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1 This would open up elections. It would be 2 more democratic. More people would have a say 3 in who gets to hold that position. 4 Unfortunately, there was a loophole that people 5 didn't realize at first, and that is the write 6 in loophole. Whenever there was a write in 7 candidate, we were no longer able to have that 8 rule apply. So now we have proposal 11 which 9 gets rid of the write in loophole, so I'm 10 saying support voter choice, vote yes on 11. I 11 don't know who made it number 11, if that was 12 just a coincidence or what, but thank you for 13 allowing me to use my bumper sticker again 14 twenty years later. Thank you so much. 15 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Robert King, Kelly 16 Greene, Marc Levine, Wendy Levine? All right. 17 Joseph DeAngelis, Joanne Sterner, Maggie 18 Davidson. Mr. DeAngelis? 19 MR. DEANGELIS: Yes. My name is Joseph 20 DeAngelis. I am a Florida citizen and 21 taxpayer, and I'm speaking against proposal 22. 22 I know it's not being considered, but I've been 23 told that it could be brought to the floor and 24 they could vote on it. Please don't vote for 25 this. Do not put it on the ballot. I'd like

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1 you to remember what our Senator Marco Rubio 2 said, that our rights are not privileges from 3 government, they are rights because they are 4 given to us by God, they are natural rights and 5 the state cannot take them away from us. Thank 6 you for listening. 7 MS. STERNER: Good afternoon. It's nice 8 to see two Broward people on the Commission, so 9 thank you Smith, Commissioner Smith and 10 Commissioner Keiser. It's good to see you all 11 again. And thank you all for coming to Broward 12 County. My name is Joanne Sterner, and I'm the 13 President of the National Organization for 14 Women, the Broward County Chapter. 15 Today I want to urge you not to bring back 16 proposal 22. Section 23, right to privacy, was 17 first added in 1980, and was revised and 18 adopted in 1998. This amendment over the years 19 has kept women's, women free and clear of 20 government intrusion into private life. Many 21 times, the Florida legislature has tried to 22 interfere, and it's our hope this amendment, 23 even though voted down in the Judiciary 24 Committee, will not be brought back to the 25 floor for a whole Committee vote.

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1 This amendment saves lives of women who 2 are facing an unintended pregnancy. They must 3 have access to safe, legal abortion services 4 regardless of who they are and where they live. 5 Women need reassurance that their decision is 6 being protected, and will not be challenged by 7 some who want to interfere. As George, Dr. 8 George Stiller has said, we need to trust 9 women. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Ms. Davidson. 11 MS. DAVIDSON: Yes, my name is Maggie 12 Davidson, and hello to our Broward people. 13 Thank you for being here and thank you for the 14 Commissioners all to be here. We're happy to 15 see you here in Broward. I'm -- I just wanted 16 to mention that I think it was Thursday or 17 Friday we got this phone call that prop 22 had 18 been taken off. Well, there were so many happy 19 women in Broward, I mean we were spreading the 20 news, and like five minutes later we got an 21 e-mail saying, well, maybe not, maybe it's 22 going to come back on, and they can do it 23 another way, and they don't have to do -- I'm 24 like, wait a minute, we need to have a better 25 system here.

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1 I -- I really hope that you will not in 2 any way bring prop 22 back. We women have been 3 fighting for so long to keep our privacy, and 4 we need you to take that into consideration, 5 and I hope that you will do that, thank you. 6 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Dana Aberman, Mary 7 Manupella, Wanda Francis. 8 MS. ABERMAN: Hello, my name is Dana 9 Aberman, and I support what most of the 10 citizens here have said. I am requesting that 11 the CRC remove proposal 4 from any ballot. 12 This would open up the door for state funded, 13 funding of religious institutions. Churches 14 cannot have it both ways. They don't pay 15 taxes, and now they can't take our tax money. 16 The declaration of independence made it very 17 clear the separation of church and state, so I 18 propose that the only wall that we should be 19 building in this country is the one between 20 church and state. 21 MS. MANUPELLA: I'm Mary Manupella, Fort 22 Lauderdale, Florida, and I'll just echo -- 23 CHAIR: Excuse me one second please. 24 MS. MANUPELLA: Oh, sorry. 25 CHAIR: Excuse me. We recognize that

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1 everybody has passions about the different 2 subject matters here. Madam Chair gave me 3 permission to take the microphone for a second. 4 We would respect if you would like to use the 5 cards that are supportive and non-supportive so 6 we can continue the meeting. I appreciate your 7 consideration, and your courtesy. Thank you so 8 much. 9 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Okay. 10 MS. MANUPELLA: Mary Manupella, Fort 11 Lauderdale, Florida. I just want to echo what 12 Dana, who spoke just before me, said about 13 proposal 4. We need to strengthen our public 14 schools, not weaken them, and sending money out 15 to religious institutions will only weaken 16 public schools, and we need to strengthen the 17 separation of church and state, not weaken it, 18 so it needs to not see the light of day. 19 And I'd also want to help drive a stake 20 through the heart of proposal 22. I am old 21 enough to remember when abortions were not 22 legal, and what happened to women in back 23 alleys. And women have been having abortions 24 ever since they've been getting pregnant, which 25 is a long time, and they will forever, so do

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1 not push them back in the back alleys. They 2 deserve legal and safe abortion services. 3 MS. FRANCIS: Thank you, Commissioners. 4 My name is Wanda Francis. I reside here in 5 Fort Lauderdale. I am a great grandmother. 6 I'm a grandmother. I'm a mother. And I'm a 7 manager in the public schools of Broward 8 County, and I urge you to vote no, or take 9 proposition 4 off the ballot. If you could see 10 the school that my eighth grader goes to, the 11 walls are not painted, the chairs are broken, 12 the clocks don't work, and you can't even sit 13 outside without garbage all around. 14 And there is such a thing as separation of 15 church and state, and the religious schools 16 here in Broward County can certainly afford 17 what they, what they have. I looked into 18 sending my great grandchild to a religious 19 school and the amount of money in tuition was 20 astronomical. I do not want my tax dollars 21 going to any religious institution. 22 Secondly, on proposition 22, I know it's 23 tabled, and I echo Maggie Davidson's statement, 24 we got the e-mail that it could be heard again. 25 I am urging you, urging you not to put this on

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1 the table. Women's rights are attacked at 2 every Tallahassee session, and month after 3 month we have to fight to make sure that bills 4 are not passed that attack a women's right to 5 choose. Thank you. 6 CHAIR: Please remember. Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Laurie Woodward. 8 Rosa Valderrama, Elizabeth Mumby. 9 MS. WOODWARD: Good afternoon. My name is 10 Laurie Woodward Garcia, and I come to you today 11 as a mother. I am here on behalf of my child. 12 My job as a mother is to fee my child, clothe 13 my child, and make sure that she has an 14 adequate education. But I also have a 15 responsibility as a mother to defend her 16 constitution, and defend her future Florida, so 17 I am urging you to vote no on proposal 4. 18 Definitely please do not bring back 22. As a 19 small business owner, I would say no to 20 e-verify, and no on 22. And I also support the 21 home rule law. 22 I'm particularly concerned about proposal 23 4 because it removes the Blaine Amendment, and 24 it prohibits, which currently prohibits public 25 funding going into religious education. I am a

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1 Catholic, but I am also, more proudly I am a 2 member of the American Muslim Democratic 3 Caucus. So, I believe firmly that we have to 4 make sure that there is a separation of church 5 and state. We've always held this belief. We 6 need to continue to do that in the state of 7 Florida, so I urge you again to vote no on 8 proposal 4. Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 10 MS. VALDERRAMA: Hello. Thank you for 11 this opportunity to speak. Thank you so much 12 for coming to Broward County. My name is Rosa 13 Valderrama. I'm an immigrant. I am a U.S. 14 Citizen. I am a business owner, and I am a 15 resident of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And I'm 16 here because I want to urge the Commissioners, 17 all of you, to not bring back proposal 22. We 18 are all aware that this is tabled, and we are 19 all aware where this is going. 20 It's an extremely disingenuous proposal. 21 The language is deceptive, it purports to 22 provide privacy protections when in reality 23 what it does is restrict our privacy rights. 24 In the beginning when this proposal first came 25 out we were told by different members of the

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1 Commission that this had nothing to do with 2 abortion access. That story has changed now. 3 How did this change? 4 All of the sudden the position has 5 changed, now it does have to do with abortion 6 access, and now it's contended that in its 7 original draft the privacy clause did not mean 8 to protect women's privacy rights, it was only 9 to protect information privacy. Well, you just 10 had someone who was part of writing that clause 11 in 1980 present an amicus brief to the court 12 saying that that is not the case, that when it 13 was written it was discussed that it was 14 supposed to be broad ample protection. 15 Do not try to manipulate voters with this 16 deceptively worded proposal. Women facing an 17 unintended pregnancy must have access to safe 18 legal abortion services regardless of their zip 19 code, regardless of their race or immigration 20 status, and regardless of their bank account. 21 The women of Florida will not be fooled by this 22 underhanded attack on our privacy rights. 23 Thank you. 24 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Elizabeth Mumby, 25 Robert King, Brenda Forman, Natalie Goldstein,

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1 Joanna Nagy, C. Seabright, Laura Ciffore, Terry 2 Scheckwitz, Sandy Lewis, Selene Vasquez, George 3 Vasquez, Rhonda Amir. 4 MS. VASQUEZ: Thank you for allowing me to 5 speak, Committee. My name is Selene Vasquez. 6 I'm a librarian, so I have based much of my 7 life on the love and truth in books. In George 8 Orwell's' 1984 big brother is always watching, 9 and the authorities know your every intention 10 and action. Proposal 22, and any terrible 11 future manifestations of it, is a violation of 12 our right to privacy for men and women. Any 13 threat to privacy brings us close to a terrible 14 and dangerous vision of the future. It's a 15 dystopia that once it begins can never be 16 unchanged, and you stand there with generations 17 of children waiting your judgment call on how 18 much privacy you're willing to allow people to 19 have, and it's terrifying what's happening in 20 the future. 21 So, I beg you, I plead with you to please 22 take into consideration that the lack of 23 privacy destroys humanity as a whole. Thank 24 you. 25 CHAIR: Madam.

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1 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: If you could identify 2 yourself once more. 3 MS. VASQUEZ: My name is Selene Vasquez. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. 5 MR. VASQUEZ: Hi, I'm George Vasquez. I'm 6 Selene's husband, and I just support -- there 7 are a lot of men out here who support women's 8 choice. And I would like to say that I think 9 behind all of this is a need for some men to 10 control women, and to take their rights from 11 them, and it's couched in some kind of 12 religious overtone, and I don't think that it's 13 about religion at all, it's about control. 14 Thank you. 15 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Rhonda Amir, Robin 16 Raymond, Kathy Schauer. 17 MS. RAYMOND: My name is Robin Raymond. 18 I'm a Florida -- I was born in Florida, and I'm 19 here against proposition 22. No woman wants to 20 have to make that choice, and it could be any 21 situation where they might need an abortion. 22 It happened to me. I had to make a decision 23 about medically, for my life at stake, and I 24 certainly did not need the government involved 25 in making that decision. I didn't even tell my

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1 mother and mother in-law. 2 I didn't want -- you know, this is -- we 3 don't want -- hands off from the government. 4 And unless you're planning on accompanying all 5 this decision, and having people have an 6 unwanted child that they are not prepared to 7 have, with accompanying budget financing for 8 that child's life and care for a medically per 9 child, then, you know, there's connotations, 10 there's ramifications that come with that. So, 11 what about who's going to take care of these 12 children if you start restricting our right to 13 have that choice. We need the choice. So, 14 thank you very much. Thank you. 15 MS. SCHAUER: Hello. Thank you for having 16 us, Commissioners. My name is Kathy Schauer. 17 I'm a resident of Fort Lauderdale, and also the 18 President of the Pro-Choice Coalition of 19 Broward County. I'm also a grandmother with 20 two adorable granddaughters. They don't live 21 in Florida; however, I've been thinking 22 recently what if they did live in Florida and 23 they got older, and would they have the same 24 privacy rights that I have. 25 I do have two nieces here, or several

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1 nieces actually, and the same for them, what 2 kind of privacy rights will they have in a few 3 years if this proposal 22 does take effect. 4 It's very concerning, and I just wanted to read 5 the, that portion of the Florida constitution 6 on the right of privacy. 7 It says right of privacy, every natural 8 person has a right to be let alone and free 9 from government, governmental intrusion into 10 the person's private life, except as otherwise 11 provided therein. This was adopted by a 12 majority of Florida voters in 1980, and it has 13 served us well, and who would not want to have 14 this privacy protection. And if it's been 15 working all of these years, why change it? 16 Well, there's an answer to that, and it's an 17 agenda, an agenda that really has nothing to do 18 with privacy but everything to do with 19 controlling Florida women's rights to privacy, 20 and their control of their bodies and 21 reproductive matters, especially abortion. 22 We see the same agenda in the Florida 23 legislature constantly trying to chip away at 24 the right of choice while the privacy amendment 25 has offered some protection.

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1 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Ms. 2 Schauer. 3 MS. SCHAUER: Okay. 4 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Catherine Syed, 5 Elizabeth Perez, Richard Hancock. 6 MS. SYED: Hi, my name is Katy Syed. I 7 thank you for coming to Broward, and I ask you 8 today to vote no on proposal 97. I was part of 9 the grassroots coalition which collected 10 signatures to put the voting rights restoration 11 amendment on the 2018 ballot. It takes a small 12 miracle to put a citizen-initiated measure on 13 the ballot in Florida. We were out in the 14 rain. We were out in the sun. We worked hard 15 to collect the required signatures by the 16 deadline, and it will take more hard work to 17 pass the measure by 60% now that it will be on 18 the ballot in 2018. 19 Proposal 97 would silence the voice of 20 such democratic initiatives. The threshold has 21 already been raised to a level higher than many 22 other states. The people's voice in Florida 23 must be heard loudly and clearly, not silenced 24 with new and unfair rules. I urge Commission 25 Members to let freedom rein and democracy shine

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1 from the great state of Florida, vote no on 2 proposal 97. 3 And I would also agree with Maggie 4 Davidson and others who have spoken and urge 5 you to exercise respect and vote no on proposal 6 22. Respect the will of voters. Respect the 7 vote of your own Judicial Committee and the 8 people of Florida. Respect our privacy. 9 Please stay out of our bedrooms, our private 10 decisions, and doctor's offices. Vote no on 11 proposal 22 should it be considered by the full 12 Commission. Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. Elizabeth 14 Perez. 15 MS. PEREZ: Good afternoon, my name is 16 Elizabeth Perez. I am a mother, and a resident 17 of Boynton Beach, and owner of a small woman 18 owned engineering firm, and I am a Board Member 19 of the Florida Storm Water Association. Thank 20 you for this opportunity to present to you. We 21 understand that CRC 95 is no longer active, 22 however, we understand that that procedurally 23 could return, some or all of it, so I will make 24 my comments brief given that. 25 I am very concerned about several aspects

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1 of CRC 95 with the potential impacts of local 2 governments to manage our water resources and 3 storm water systems. This is particularly true 4 here in South Florida, and throughout really 5 all of Florida. Such a broadly written clause 6 could have definite, serious, and long, long 7 lasting impacts on our water resources. From a 8 water quality perspective, all of water bodies 9 in Florida are given a designated use by FDEP. 10 This is very important, and you all know 11 this since you all represent different aspects 12 of Florida. FDEP administers this program 13 given the scientific complexity of our water 14 sheds. There are five water body designated 15 uses in Florida, drinking, shellfish, 16 recreational, agricultural, and industrial. 17 Furthermore, on top of this we have four types 18 of waters; lakes, streams, fresh and marine 19 estuaries, and canals. And we all know about 20 canals here in South Florida. 21 Some of our water bodies are also more 22 impaired than others, so we need to address 23 that as well as local governments. On top of 24 this, there are different criteria based in 25 which part of Florida you are from. Therefore,

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1 as a state, there is a lot of complexity, and 2 our local governments have to address this 3 through their water resources and storm water 4 programs. Tying the hands of local government 5 is particularly problematic here in South 6 Florida through CRC 95 where our local 7 government -- 8 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you, Ms. Perez. 9 Mr. Hancock. 10 MR. HANCOCK: Yes, my name -- my name is 11 Richard Hancock. I am an Oakland Park 12 resident, and I am here to encourage you to 13 support and vote yes on proposal 67 which would 14 phase out greyhound racing. I am a greyhound 15 rescue and adoption advocate for more than 16 twenty years, with more -- adopting many 17 greyhounds, and fostering even more. I have 18 spoken with animal lovers throughout the state 19 of Florida who look forward to the opportunity 20 to finally have a vote to see an end to 21 greyhound racing. 22 They read all the reports of the horrific 23 injuries, and the use of steroids and other 24 drugs like opioids and stimulants on the dogs, 25 which should not be tolerated. I have a

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1 picture here of two greyhounds, Mimi and 2 Bonnie, that I rescued from a clinic in Miami 3 where they had been taken for euthanasia. They 4 had broken hocks, which is not an uncommon 5 injury, that is usually a death sentence for a 6 racing dog. This picture shows them after 7 receiving proper veterinary care, and they are 8 healed now and in loving homes. This is all 9 without any help from the industry that they 10 served. 11 And as you consider prop 67, please be 12 aware that there is a nationwide network of 13 greyhound adoption groups that will work 14 together to absorb the retiring racers when 15 this proposal is passed and put into effect. 16 So now it is the time for a humane society to 17 bring an end to the destructive year after year 18 cycle of breeding, exploitation, and the 19 eventual disposal of this very gentle breed. 20 So please let the voters be heard on these 21 deadly dog races, and support prop 67 to end 22 greyhound racing, thank you. 23 COMMISSIONER GAMEZ: Thank you. At this 24 time, we will be taking a five-minute recess. 25 (Thereupon, the meeting is in recess.)

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1 CHAIR: If everybody will take a seat, and 2 we'll start reconvening this meeting. 3 Thank you for your patience. Mr. 4 Karlinski, Commissioner, you have the gavel. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Good afternoon, 6 and welcome back. Same ground rules apply. We 7 are going to call three people up and ask you 8 to be ready to speak and limit your comments to 9 two minutes. So, our next three speakers will 10 be Helen Kirton, Michelle Llosa, and Annalise 11 Smith. Welcome to the CRC. Ms. Kirton. 12 MS. KIRTON: Yes, thank you Members of the 13 Commission for -- 14 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Please state your 15 name. 16 MS. KIRTON: My name is Helen Kirton. I 17 am one of hundreds of Floridians that submitted 18 a proposal for our State's constitution. The 19 reason I'm speaking is I'm kind of baffled by 20 the lack of proposals being considered from 21 citizens who submitted them. Nearly not, more 22 than 99% of proposals were thrown out. 23 Instead, you are considering proposals that a 24 majority of us living in this state do not 25 want, and most of these proposals are ones that

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1 will restrict our rights. 2 For example, you're considering plans to 3 change our right to privacy, take away our 4 local communities' ability to govern, and even 5 a proposal that would tie the hands of the 6 future people we elect to office, not to 7 mention imposition of state supported religion. 8 I am stunned that this Commission did not 9 consider healthcare as important as guns. That 10 should be a basic right. That's a basic right 11 to live, it's not complicated. This 12 opportunity comes but once every twenty years. 13 We should be working together to make Florida 14 thrive, not go back in time on our progress. 15 Now that I've said my peace, please oppose 16 proposal 4, do not resurrect 22, oppose all 17 attempts to restrict home rule, and reconsider 18 amendment that supports the basic right of 19 Floridians to have reasonable access to 20 healthcare. Thank you very much. 21 MR. KOLODZIEJ: Thank you. Ms. Llosa. 22 MS. LLOSA: Hello, my name is Michelle 23 Llosa. I am a resident of Fort Lauderdale, 24 Florida, and was born and raised in Miami-Dade 25 County. Thank you for this opportunity to

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1 speak before you. I ask that you vote no on 2 proposal 96. I am before you as a victim of 3 crime. I am before you having once also been a 4 defendant in the criminal justice system. 5 Proposal 96 deletes the constitutional 6 requirement ensuring that nothing interferes 7 with the constitutional right of the accused. 8 Proposal 96 runs against what so many have 9 fought to protect, and that is a veil of 10 innocence until proven guilty. It is the 11 prosecution's duty to represent the State in 12 all criminal proceedings. The proposed changes 13 would essentially turn criminal proceedings 14 into civil proceedings, denying people the 15 protections guaranteed by the State Attorney 16 they elected. 17 It would add an unnecessary burden to our 18 courts, but perhaps most importantly the 19 language of proposal 96 runs against the 20 nation's constitution by creating a system 21 where the deprivations of someone's liberty, 22 someone's life lies at the hands of a sole 23 victim rather than the State, who is 24 professionally trained and equipped to take on 25 the task.

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1 Please vote no on proposal 96. Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 3 much. Emily Smith. And after Ms. Smith we're 4 going to have Mr. Szostak, Dr. Crammer, and 5 Julia Dawson. 6 MS. SMITH: Hello. My name is Annalise 7 Smith, and I have the honor of serving A Vow of 8 Hospice, a not for profit hospice, hospice, 9 excuse me, hospice agency providing end of life 10 care to the citizens of Collier County on 11 Florida's west coast. I travelled here today 12 from Naples to express my opposition to the 13 elimination of the hospice certificate of need 14 through the Florida constitutional amendment 15 suggested in proposition 54. 16 Elimination of hospice certificate of need 17 would absolutely not result in a free market 18 for hospice. Hospice care is funded by the 19 federal government through the Medicare and 20 Medicaid programs with a flat fixed rate. 21 Providers receive a per diem, or flat daily 22 rate, for every patient regardless of what the 23 patient needs. This flat rate needs to be 24 carefully managed by the hospice to ensure that 25 the patient receives direct care, medications,

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1 supplies, and equipment required for their 2 individual plan of care. 3 Elimination of hospice certificate of need 4 would not create a competitive rate 5 environment, nor would it save money for the 6 federal programs or our Florida taxpayers. 7 Secondarily, citizens in rural areas would 8 likely find reduced access to care if CON was 9 changed. New hospices entering the market 10 would likely cherry pick patients who are less 11 expensive to provide service to. This would be 12 especially true for for profit hospices charged 13 with meeting the demands of shareholders. 14 Finally, I am concerned that our state is 15 unprepared to address the negative effects on 16 quality of care that elimination of the CON 17 would create. Florida's current infrastructure 18 and budget are not prepared to handle the 19 increased needs for regulation and oversight 20 that would be necessary to keep its citizens 21 safe and protected from the unscrupulous 22 providers that an open market attracts. Please 23 remove hospice from proposition 54. Thank you. 24 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Okay, Mr. 25 Szostak.

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1 MR. SZOSTAK: Thank you. Andrew Szostak. 2 I am a hospice liaison in Collier County. I am 3 here to respectfully ask the CRC to amend 4 proposition 54 and remove hospice. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Dr. 6 Crammer, Denise Crammer. Julia Dawson. Okay, 7 and after Ms. Dawson we're going to have 8 Senator Sobel, Roy Bryant, and Pam Angel. 9 MS. DAWSON: Good afternoon. My name is 10 Julia Dawson. I am a retired attorney, and a 11 native of Miami. I have come here today to 12 urge the Commission to reject any 13 consideration, present or future of proposal 14 22, and reserve our current explicit right of 15 privacy in Article I Section 23 of the Florida 16 Constitution. Proposal is intentionally 17 misleading. It was crafted specifically to 18 fool voters into thinking the amendment would 19 add protection for informational privacy, while 20 intentionally not informing voters that the 21 amendment will function to remove all other 22 protections for privacy we currently have, 23 including protections for personal reproductive 24 decisions, such as abortion care. 25 Proposal 22 is premised on a lie. The

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1 Florida Constitution already provides 2 informational privacy, not only misleading but 3 untruthful. Proposal 22 would expose all of us 4 to more government intrusion into all aspects 5 of our private lives while taking away the 6 privacy protections we currently have. This is 7 clearly an anti-abortion amendment. The 8 sponsor is publicly and vociferously 9 anti-abortion, and the CRC should not approve 10 this thinly veiled attack on the health and 11 welfare of women. 12 It would be shameful for the CRC to 13 approve an amendment intentionally written to 14 mislead voters by obfuscating its true purpose. 15 Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 17 Senator Sobel. 18 SENATOR SOBEL: Good afternoon, and thank 19 you for your public service, and coming to 20 Broward County. First of all, I'm here to talk 21 about proposal 67. Forty states have banned 22 dog racing, must be a good reason why. Florida 23 and Alabama are the only two states that do not 24 report injuries, and I personally have 25 struggled to pass an injury reporting bill

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1 while in the for two sessions 2 which passed unanimously two times in the 3 Florida Senate only to see the House shelve my 4 bill. 5 The greyhound pro racing lobby has refused 6 to police themselves, and have infused millions 7 of dollars in campaign war chests by industry 8 lobbyists to defeat any kind of regulation. 9 The legislature has failed all of us who pay 10 taxes for this losing low attendance industry 11 since the law was passed requiring subsidized 12 racing. The Florida Constitution is the moral 13 and ethical document to save the greyhound from 14 inhumane animal cruelty, such as racing with 15 injuries, and use of drugs to keep dogs racing. 16 This is not the same as pigs in a crate. 17 No legislature was attempted to protect pigs. 18 Regulations protecting greyhounds have all 19 failed legislatively. Let the voters speak. 20 Let these dogs survive and live as pets in 21 loving families. Please support proposal 67. 22 And I have one more I'd like to address, 23 and that is proposal 88. I also urge you to 24 support proposal 88 to protect nursing home 25 residents, widening nursing home and ALFC bill

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1 of rights, and the ability to have a trial by 2 jury. As a Senator I struggled to have air 3 conditioning be part of ALFs way, way back in 4 1998. I was called insulting four letter words 5 by the ALF industry, and the best I could 6 succeed in doing was to get cooling devices, 7 aka, fans in the Florida statute. 8 If you check the statute you will not see 9 the word air conditioning anywhere. The 10 nursing home industry also has rejected 11 vehemently any kinds of regulation and has 12 failed to monitor their own. 13 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you, very 14 much, Senator Sobel, we appreciate your 15 services. 16 SENATOR SOBEL: Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Roy Bryant. Mr. 18 Bryant, welcome to the CRC. 19 MR. BRYANT: Thank you. I don't represent 20 any particular group among us unless it is the 21 most needy among us, those unskilled workers, 22 and even some not to so unskilled, whose jobs 23 might be taken from them because of chaotic 24 immigration policies. Any country should look 25 out for its own citizens first. Canada should

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1 -- Canada should and does, Mexico should and 2 does by having a common-sense security 3 arrangements on their southern border. We 4 should too look out for our citizens first, 5 including requiring employers to use e-verify 6 to vetting, in vetting prospective employers, 7 employees. 8 Here where I live in Davie, I am 9 surrounded by French/Canadian snowbirds. One 10 of them creates sculptures, and other beautiful 11 pieces of artwork from wood. He is here 12 legally, legally about half the year each year. 13 He is enjoined by our laws from selling any of 14 his artwork because he might be taking work 15 away from a United States citizen. How is it 16 possible that this is not a consistent policy? 17 How is it possible that others are not living 18 under that standard? How is it possible that 19 we do not require employers to use e-verify to 20 ascertain that they are hiring citizens, people 21 who are legally eligible to hold jobs in this 22 country? Thank you. 23 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Pam 24 Angel. And after Ms. Angel we're going to have 25 Robert Runcie, Kelleia Shaw, I hope I

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1 pronounced your first name correctly, and then 2 Stephanie Kraft. 3 MS. ANGEL: Good afternoon, Commissioners. 4 Thank you for this opportunity. My name is Pam 5 Angel. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I 6 urge the CRC to oppose proposal 4. Deleting 7 our no aid provision would compel Floridian's 8 tax payer dollars to advance religious 9 institutions and beliefs that represent faith 10 tradition other than their own. Proposal 4 11 would delete Florida's Constitution's no aid 12 provision, and allow the state government to 13 direct taxpayer dollars towards any church, 14 sect, or religious organization, undermining 15 the historic protection against government 16 entanglement with religion and religious 17 institutions. I urge you to vote against this. 18 Also, as others have indicated if proposal 19 somehow winds up back on the ballot I want to 20 void my opinion against proposal 22. I urge 21 the Commission to preserve the explicit right 22 of privacy detailed in Article I Section 23 of 23 the Florida Constitution which broadly provides 24 every natural person has a right to be left 25 alone and free from governmental intrusion into

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1 the person's private life except as otherwise 2 provided herein. 3 Florida's Constitution provides greater 4 protections against government's interference 5 into our private lives than the U.S. 6 Constitution. It's a shield to protect us 7 against the government prying into our privacy 8 business. Proposal 22 would expose Floridians 9 to greater government intrusion into all 10 aspects of our private lives. This may 11 especially open the doors to those who want to 12 control a woman's right to control her own 13 body. Do not approve this proposal. 14 And very briefly I also would like to urge 15 the approval of proposal 91, which would ban 16 offshore drilling in Florida coastal waters. 17 Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 19 Kelliea Shaw. Ms. Shaw? Stephanie Kraft. 20 MS. KRAFT: Hi, good afternoon. My name 21 is Stephanie Kraft, and I've been a resident of 22 Broward since 1976. I appreciate the 23 opportunity to speak to you today about 24 proposals 4, 45, 97, and 22. 25 I was a member of the Broward County

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1 School Board, which was, which is the sixth 2 largest school district in the nation, for 3 twelve years. I saw first-hand how 4 significantly underfunded our public education 5 is in Florida. 6 Proposal 4 would allow public dollars to 7 support religious schools, and proposal 45 8 would allow public funding for private schools. 9 While I recognize the importance of school 10 choice for parents, syphoning off our already 11 limited public dollars to give vouchers to 12 allow students to attend secular and no secular 13 private schools would only harm public 14 education. 15 I was actually on the school board in 2004 16 when Bush versus Holmes was decided, and I 17 remember the chaos that it caused us on the 18 school board when we had to, not assume, but we 19 had to consider what affect that voucher 20 program would have had on our budget, and it 21 wasn't pretty, and it won't be pretty in the 22 future. The guarantee of a quality free and 23 public education is one we should not erode. 24 Please vote no on proposals 4 and 45, which 25 would create unequal education in Florida.

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1 I am also here to speak against proposal 2 97, which would change the public's ability to 3 amend our State Constitution. Changing the law 4 from 60% of the people who vote on a particular 5 amendment to 60% of the total voters in an 6 election would obviously erode the ability of 7 the people to amend anything, which actually 8 might be a bad thing considering how many 9 people are urging you to vote no, but this is 10 not how democracy works, and I -- 11 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 12 MS. KRAFT: -- would look for you to vote 13 no on the proposal -- 14 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 15 much, Ms. Kraft. 16 MS. KRAFT: -- 97. Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Sandi Poreda, 18 Linda Geller-Schwartz, and Judy Traub, please 19 join us. Sandi Poreda, Linda Geller-Schwartz, 20 and Judy Traub. 21 MS. POREDA: Good afternoon, my name is 22 Sandi Poreda, and I'm here to read a victim's 23 statement in support of proposal 96. The 24 victim and her family did not feel comfortable 25 speaking in public but asked us to read this

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1 statement. 2 Good afternoon. My name is Judy Kitchen, 3 and I want to speak in support of Marci's Law 4 because I believe victims have the right to be 5 heard, and the right to be notified about 6 developments in their cases. Ten years ago, a 7 distracted driver killed my husband. One young 8 person's terrible judgment robbed me of the man 9 I love, our children's father, and our family's 10 primary provider. 11 In the midst of our terrible grief we were 12 forced to deal with a system that at best made 13 us feel small, and at worst made us feel 14 nonexistent. We never learned whether the 15 young man driving the car that night was 16 formally charged, and we were not given any 17 opportunity to speak at a court, or at a 18 sentencing hearing. To make amends this person 19 was required to write my family a letter of 20 apology, and to complete a certain number of 21 community service hours. 22 We spent years trying to find anyone who 23 could tell us whether the letter had been 24 written, or whether the service hours had been 25 completed. We were left in the dark, which was

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1 not only infuriating, but wholly disrespectful 2 to the memory of my husband. We still have not 3 received a letter and it has been more than a 4 decade. 5 If Marci's Law makes it onto the ballot 6 and voters approve it, families like mine will 7 no longer feel forgotten as they seek justice 8 for their loved ones. Victims will not have to 9 worry about being overlooked in the justice 10 system, we will have information, and everyone 11 knows knowledge is power, and that power is 12 often the key to healing. 13 I implore you to support this proposal for 14 victims and their families in the state of 15 Florida, and that is from Judy Kitchens of 16 Pembroke Pines. Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Ms. 18 Geller-Schwartz. Let me also remind everyone 19 that if you want you can just come up and say I 20 waive my time in support of, or in opposition 21 of a specific proposal, because we have several 22 hundred more people. But go ahead, Ms. 23 Schwartz, happy to have you. 24 MS. GELLER-SCHWARTZ: Thank you. Good 25 afternoon, Commissioners. My name is Linda

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1 Geller-Schwartz. I am the state policy 2 advocate for the National Council of Jewish 3 Women. NCJW is a grassroots organization of 4 some five thousand members and supporters in 5 Florida. Based on our Jewish values we believe 6 profoundly that each person in this society 7 should be able to use their own faith and 8 morals to make fundamental decisions about 9 their own body, their families, and their 10 reproductive lives. 11 The State should not impose the values of 12 one faith on everyone else in the State. As a 13 consequence, there are two proposals that 14 greatly trouble us. We ask you to protect our 15 religious freedoms and oppose proposition 4. 16 Floridians should not be compelled by the state 17 to support religious institutions or beliefs 18 with which they profoundly disagree. The no 19 aid provision has protected religious freedom 20 in Florida for a hundred and thirty years. 21 Seeking to repeal this section serves no 22 purpose and will harm the religious liberty of 23 all Floridians. 24 Secondly, we would ask you not to 25 reconsider proposal 22. I know you've

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1 indicated that it is not under current 2 consideration, but this is the last chance for 3 many of us to have the right to speak from the 4 public. So, in case you do decide to 5 reconsider it we want to go on the record that 6 we strongly oppose any attempt to remove the 7 strong protection against political 8 interference with a woman's right to control 9 her own body that is in our current state 10 constitution. Thank you very much. 11 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. And 12 to be clear we have five more public hearings 13 coming up, and we're available by e-mail, and 14 phone, and so there's going to be plenty 15 opportunities for public testimony. So, Ms. 16 Traub is next. After Ms. Traub we're going to 17 go to Mark Schneider, Monica Smith, and 18 Reverend Johnson-Arce. Ms. Traub. 19 MS. TRAUB: Thank you, Commissioner. I'm 20 Judy Traub. I'm from Wellington, Florida, and 21 I'm going to take advantage of what you said to 22 waive, and say I strongly support what the 23 previous speaker said. I'm pleased that the 24 changes to proposal 22 were defeated last week. 25 I don't want to see it come back. I ask you

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1 not to, not to reconsider it. 2 And I also want to make my voice heard in 3 opposition to proposition, proposal 4. 4 Religious freedom is a euphemism for what that 5 proposition actually does, and we hope that you 6 will not support it. Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you, Ms. 8 Traub. Mr. Schneider. 9 MR. SCHNEIDER: Commissioners, my name is 10 Mark Schneider, and I come down from Boynton 11 Beach today to commend you on the seriousness 12 with which you approach your task, and to ask 13 you to reject the, three proposals. Proposal 14 29 seeks to install e-verify in our 15 constitution. I don't believe it belongs 16 there. This is a matter for the legislature to 17 rule upon. Please leave it to our elected 18 officials. Reject proposal 29. 19 Proposal 96 I believe needlessly expands 20 victim's right, which are already well secured 21 under Florida law. Further, it does so in a 22 way which could trample on defendant's rights 23 so as to invite federal court intervention. It 24 also unnecessarily burdens State's Attorneys. 25 Please vote against it.

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1 Proposal 4 deletes the no aid to religious 2 institutions provision from our constitution. 3 Under the current constitution the state can 4 fund beneficial secular services provided by 5 religious institutions. This means that our 6 citizens can be assured that their tax dollars 7 do not go to further religious beliefs with 8 which they disagreed. Voters overwhelmingly 9 supported this assurance only six years ago. 10 I ask you to heed their will. Please vote 11 against proposal 4. I believe we're entitled 12 under Madrasa, I venture it would not get 13 support. And let me conclude by saying that 14 before changes to the constitution already on 15 the ballot I encourage you to add the fewest 16 additional ones to it, and please make sure 17 that those few changes enhance our liberties 18 rather than erode them. Thank you very much. 19 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 20 Monica Smith. Ms. Smith. 21 MS. SMITH: Monica Smith. I also oppose 22 for 67. 23 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 24 much. Reverend Misty Johnson-Arce. No 25 Reverend. Okay, Mary Ann Dituro, Carolina

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1 Mendoza, and Franklyn Springfield. Mary Ann -- 2 MS. DITURO: Good afternoon, ladies and 3 gentlemen of the Committee. My name is Mary 4 Ann Dituro. I live in West Palm Beach, 5 Florida. In 2001 I adopted my first retired 6 racing greyhound and became actively involved 7 in the greyhound placement. Subsequently I 8 have volunteered in adoption, fostering, and 9 transport of these wonderful athletes. I've 10 helped to form two adoption groups, and I 11 regularly attend several national gatherings 12 that promote greyhound adoption. 13 I have been to breeding farms, finishing 14 farms, racing kennels, and race tracks in 15 Florida and in Kansas. That is why in June of 16 2016 I became the proud owner of an NGA racing 17 greyhound. His racing name is Pure Pepe, but 18 we call him Sam. This is Sam. He spent the 19 first year of his life on the farm where he was 20 born. He then moved to a finishing farm where 21 he was evaluated for whether or not he could 22 become a racer. Subsequently, he was moved to 23 Palm Beach Kennel Club, where he continued his 24 training, and he is now given constant care and 25 dedication by each person who has helped him

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1 along this step of the way. 2 This industry has been painted in an 3 unfair light. Most have no unfair, most have 4 no first- hand knowledge of just how much work, 5 love, and devotion, goes into each dog daily. 6 Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, they don't 7 matter. Just because you want to go have fun 8 doesn't mean that the dogs stop needing care. 9 It's very hard work. 10 Regarding complaints of abuse, stop and 11 think about it. If racing kennel's livelihoods 12 depend on the money by the dogs winning races 13 why would anyone abuse or neglect the very 14 animals they depend on. It's ridiculous. How 15 could an athlete, any athlete, possibly be in 16 such form as to run at 45 miles an hour if they 17 were abused? 18 In closing, I see this proposed amendment 19 67 as nothing but an end run of the legislative 20 process which will wipe out a job generating 21 industry in Florida. If animal welfare really 22 is the true concern, why not work with the 23 industry to make racing safer upon the tracks? 24 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. 25 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very

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1 much. Ms. Mendoza. 2 MS. DITURO: Dituro. 3 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Ms. Mendoza is 4 next, thanks. 5 MS. MENDOZA: Good afternoon, 6 Commissioners and fellow Floridians. Thank you 7 for the opportunity to speak. My name is 8 Carolina Mendoza, and I am a proud student at 9 Miami-Dade College. Today, on behalf of more 10 than one hundred sixty thousand students at MDC 11 I am here to express our collective support for 12 proposal 83, which calls for the inclusion of 13 the Florida college system in our state's 14 constitution, and was recently approved by the 15 education committee. 16 I would like to personally thank 17 Commissioner Washington for recognizing the 18 importance of adopting our fine colleges into 19 the constitution, and the essential role played 20 by the district boards of trustees to make our 21 colleges the very best in the nation. Like so 22 many students enrolled at FCS institutions 23 throughout the state, I found at MDC an open 24 door to a better life, and the support and 25 motivation I needed to take the first steps,

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1 the first of many steps in my professional 2 journey. 3 Today, as a nursing major and a student 4 government leader at MDC, I am reaching 5 unimaginable milestones, and learning what it 6 truly means to be a change maker in my 7 community. Because of MDC's mission to give 8 opportunities to anyone willing to work hard 9 for a better future, I have been able to build 10 an incredible network, including advisors and 11 mentors who inspire me each and every day, and 12 who push me to give the very best of myself. 13 MDC is more than a place to learn. For me 14 MDC is home, it's community, it's family. And 15 for many of us lucky enough to attend an FCS 16 institution, we recognize that the system has 17 given us an invaluable lifeline that allows us 18 to achieve the American dream for ourselves, 19 and for our families. I believe the FCS is 20 truly one our state's, one of our nation's 21 greatest treasures, and deserves to be 22 recognized and validated in our state 23 constitution. 24 Every resident of the sunshine state 25 should be proud of the accomplishments of the

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1 Florida College System. Thank you for your 2 time and support. 3 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you, Ms. 4 Mendoza. Franklyn Springfield. Then after Mr. 5 Springfield we're going to go to James Pelriwe, 6 Anthony Ginsberg, and Peter McNamara. Mr. 7 Springfield. 8 MR. SPRINGFIELD: Good afternoon. My name 9 is Franklyn Springfield. I live in Fort 10 Lauderdale. I urge you to oppose proposal 96. 11 In the United States we are considered innocent 12 until proven guilty, therefore this proposal 13 would diminish the rights of those who must 14 still be considered innocent. Thank you. 15 Please vote no on proposal 96. 16 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Mr. 17 Pelriwe. 18 MR. PELRINE: Good afternoon, 19 Commissioners, my name is James Pelrine. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Oh, sorry. 21 MR. PELRINE: That's okay. 22 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: It looked like a 23 W. 24 MR. PELRINE: I've been called worse. 25 Probably today, too.

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1 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: It looked like a 2 W. 3 MR. PELRINE: My name is James Pelrine. 4 I'm from Doral, Florida, and I'm here today to 5 oppose proposal 67, which is a measure that 6 would ban greyhound racing in the state of 7 Florida. The company that I represent, 8 International Sound, employs hundreds of 9 television production service men and women 10 throughout the state. I would urge the CDC to 11 examine closely the claim that racing 12 greyhounds are regularly abused made by the 13 folks at Grey2K. 14 The truth is that these animals are 15 treated very well by hard working Floridians, 16 and to destroy an entire industry without 17 individual due diligence would be a huge 18 mistake. Please consider the silent employees 19 who are not here today to defend their 20 livelihood. These are people who care dearly 21 for their racing greyhounds. So please do not 22 listen to the record and put thousands of 23 people out of work. Oppose proposition, or 24 proposal 67. 25 You know I heard -- I heard a quote a

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1 little bit earlier today about this particular 2 proposal, and they were -- something came out 3 of the fact, and it's something you hear all 4 the time. They blurt out little word bites, 5 and there's no truth to them, there's no fact 6 to them. I went to a University of Arizona 7 race track industry program. It's actually a 8 decision that I decided to make, a career in 9 racing. We're not animal abusers. We love our 10 animals. We love the sport. 11 And forty states did not, in fact, ban 12 greyhound racing. One, the State of 13 Massachusetts did, okay? If thirty-nine states 14 don't have Taco Bell, that doesn't mean thirty- 15 nine states banned Taco Bell. It's reckless. 16 So please take a look at our industry, and look 17 what we have here. We don't abuse animals. 18 Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 20 Anthony Ginsberg. Mr. Ginsberg, welcome to the 21 CRC. 22 MR. GINSBERG: Thank you. My name is 23 Anthony Ginsberg from Fort Lauderdale. I thank 24 you for this opportunity to respectfully add my 25 voice as a new resident of Florida to urge

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1 rejection of proposal 4, because this proposal 2 would open to potential for public funding of 3 religious activities, and as such to have an 4 opinion for me on this proposal is related to 5 the reasons that we separate church and state, 6 that we separate the sacred and the secular, 7 the private and the public. 8 Separation means no religious test for the 9 full participation in all the institutions of 10 public life, no test for being a citizen, and 11 no tests for being a public official. 12 Separation means no control by the secular 13 authority over the capacity or content for 14 religious practice, and this includes no 15 financial ties, no uses of monies raised by the 16 secular authority. Separation means no 17 imposition by the secular authority of 18 religious preferences for secular action 19 because that would be an imposition of 20 religious certainties, and pre-democracies are 21 not premised on certainties. 22 What we create in our secular public 23 lives, our choices about what is the public 24 good, the organization of our economy, 25 education, and politics, must be open to

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1 debate, and primarily because in the end we all 2 have to admit that we may simply all be wrong 3 about our premises. So when we allow the entry 4 of the religious into the secular sphere we 5 risk that imposition of the private and 6 personal certainties on others, and as evidence 7 has pointed out therefore we increase the 8 potential for more serious social conflict, and 9 we also open the potential for the erosion of 10 the self-governance of our respectively chosen, 11 privately chosen religious institutions. 12 And, finally, it opens the potential for 13 the return to those not so distant days when 14 explicit or tacit quotas and/or exclusions 15 existed in private and public life. 16 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 17 much. 18 MR. GINSBERG: Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Peter McNamara. 20 Peter McNamara is not here. Gisela Gomar, Greg 21 - - I'm sorry. Mr. McNamar, before you start 22 could we have Gisela Gomar, Greg Kealey, and 23 Crystal Carrol join us after Mr. McNamara? Mr. 24 McNamara, you are recognized. They're going to 25 be after you.

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1 MR. MCNAMARA: I am Peter McNamara. I am 2 from Fort Lauderdale, and I urge you to reject 3 proposition 4. The separation of church and 4 state is constantly under attack. We saw that 5 here today in this meeting, a secular state 6 sponsored meeting that had an invocation of God 7 and a pledge to allegiance to the flag with the 8 mention of God. 9 God is something that is fine for 10 religious people, but there are some people who 11 do not wish to be involved with God. So 12 already today, we see how difficult it is to 13 keep the separation between church and state. 14 Prop 4 would erode that separation much, much 15 more significantly. I urge you to reject prop 16 4. 17 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 18 Gisela Gomar. Ms. Gomar, welcome. 19 MS. GOMAR: Good afternoon. My name is 20 Gisela Gomar, and I am from Miami, Florida. 21 Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you 22 today. I'd like to respectfully urge you not 23 to bring back proposal 22. As a woman I had 24 the honor to have children with two successful 25 pregnancies. The minute I found out I was

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1 pregnant with an unintended pregnancy my doctor 2 was my partner in this difficult journey. I 3 depended on him to guide me, and choose the 4 path that my husband and I wanted to. 5 You see, termination of one of my 6 pregnancy was being considered. At no time 7 during this very difficult journey did I need 8 the state, or had the state require me, or 9 allowing me to do one or other. Proposal 22 10 would restrict the privacy clause to exclude a 11 woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. Women 12 like me, facing the predicament that I faced, 13 must have access to safe legal abortion 14 services no matter where they live, no matter 15 what their zip code is, what their immigration 16 status is, or their bank account balance. 17 I urge you to preserve the Florida 18 constitutional strong protection against any 19 political interference with a woman's right to 20 control her own body. I urge you to oppose 21 proposal 22, and don't bring it back. You see 22 we want you to keep your hands and your laws 23 off our bodies. Thank you very much for your 24 consideration. 25 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Greg Kealey. Mr.

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1 Kealey. 2 MR. KEALEY: Good afternoon, everybody, 3 I'm Greg Kealey from the gorgeous City of 4 Pompano Beach, Florida, and thanks for coming 5 today. Speaking again about proposition 22, to 6 help us maintain Florida as a top shelf state, 7 please keep proposal 22 on the shelf inactive 8 permanently. Shelve proposal 22. Deep six 9 proposal 22. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 11 Crystal Carrol. After Ms. Carrol we're going 12 to have Kurt Trzeciak, Maria Bures, and Prince 13 Drago. Ms. Carrol. 14 MS. CARROL: Good afternoon. My name is 15 Crystal Carrol. I am a fourth generation 16 Florida greyhound trainer. My family started 17 here in the early '30's. I am also a single 18 mom who would depend on my dogs to take care of 19 my child. My experience in working with the 20 race dogs really is nothing like what's 21 describe by the animal rights activists. My 22 dogs are happy, healthy, bouncy, confident dogs 23 that absolutely love what they do. Their 24 kennel is clean, they nearly have 25 twenty-four-hour care, and contrary to what

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1 they'll tell you they eat very, very well. 2 Fortunately for us, social media is 3 changing the way people perceive us. Up until 4 recently we've really been closed off to the 5 general public because of licensing issues, but 6 in the day and age of cell phone cameras and 7 GoPros, and Facebook, we've been able to give 8 people an inside look at really what goes on, 9 and the people who have been watching it are 10 just really surprised, shocked, and apologetic 11 for what they thought of me, and people liked 12 me. One you guys can check out is called 13 Greyhound Chronicles on Facebook. It's a 14 regular guy who has traveled track to track 15 with a GoPro and just filming what he's seeing. 16 One thing the activists constantly repeat 17 is that the industry doesn't reform, and that's 18 far from the truth. In just the last few years 19 most tracks and/or kennel owners associations 20 have set aside substantial amounts of money for 21 injury funds. For example, one of the tracks 22 down here holds $50,000 of the kennel 23 operator's money in an escrow account, and it's 24 disbursed out as medically needed by the 25 adoption program. It's a great working

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1 relationship. It's good for us. It's good for 2 the dogs. It's good for the people adopting 3 them. 4 As well as being a lifelong greyhound 5 trainer I'm also the vice president of 6 Greyhound Support Transport and the local area 7 rep for Sunstate Greyhound Adoptions -- 8 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Thank 9 you very much. 10 MS. CARROL: -- Greyhound Support 11 Transport -- 12 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 13 much. 14 MS. CARROL: Oh, I apologize. Thank you 15 very much. 16 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: No problem. 17 Thank you. Kurt Trzeciak. 18 MR. TRZECIAK: Hi there. Kurt Trzeciak, 19 by the way. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Like I said, Kurt 21 Trzeciak. 22 MR. TRZECIAK: I know, it's a fine art of 23 saying that. I'm here to ask you to reject 24 proposal 67. I'm a racing greyhound trainer 25 and registered voter in Palm Beach County. I'm

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1 not as polished as the rest of the people here 2 who have been speaking because I'm, I wasn't 3 very prepared to speak. But I'm asking that 4 you all look past the misinformation that's 5 been peddled by activist group that's here who 6 profit from the donations they receive from 7 unsuspecting animal lovers that they deceive, 8 and encourage you to do your own research, or 9 send someone you trust to visit the tracks, the 10 kennels, the farms, see the love, the time, the 11 devotion that we put in to care for these 12 greyhounds. 13 I chose this line of work personally 14 twenty- five years ago because I love dogs, and 15 I take pride in the care I provide for these 16 beautiful animals who simply love to run. And 17 once their careers are over, it gives me no 18 greater joy than to see them go to loving 19 adopted homes. Please reject proposal 67. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Maria Bures. 21 MS. BURES: Good afternoon. Thank you for 22 the opportunity to speak here today. My name 23 is Maria Bures, and I live in Miami-Dade 24 County. I respectfully request that the CRC 25 votes no to proposals 4, 43, 45, 71 and 73. I

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1 am a video producer, and through my work I have 2 seen first- hand the devastating effects that 3 the syphoning of funds from public schools to 4 charters has had on our public education 5 system. I've worked many, many hundreds of 6 stories through various networks. 7 Schools are in need of modernization and 8 repairs. Classrooms are crowded. Students are 9 not getting a fair shake. Yet two thirds of 10 charters underperform public schools, and their 11 owners are lining their pockets. Public 12 schools are the only ones who serve the needs 13 of ESOL students. I should know because it was 14 the only option available for my two daughters 15 that I adopted in Haiti. Religious and private 16 schools have a funding source, it's called 17 parents who can afford them. Our public 18 schools deserve to be equal, so they can 19 provide a quality education to all regardless 20 of income, race, and religious beliefs. 21 Also, I know that a lot of people have 22 spoken on 22, but I just want to remind people 23 that human rights are women's rights, and women 24 rights are human rights. Thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very

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1 much. Prince Drago. Prince Drago, going one, 2 going twice. All right, next up, Beatriz 3 Martinez-Penalver, Sandra Korn, and Debbie 4 Dahmer. Beatriz Martinez-Penalver, are you 5 here? Okay, Sandra Korn. All right, Debbie 6 Dahmer. 7 MS. DAHMER: Hello everyone, and thank you 8 for taking the time to be with us today, and 9 all the audience. Our rights for justice, for 10 everything. I'm from Port St. Lucie, and former 11 resident of Fort Lauderdale. I'm here standing 12 up for all the residents out there for nursing 13 homes. 14 Please vote for proposal 88. We're all on 15 this Earth temporarily, and you got to make the 16 best of it. We're all going to become elderly, 17 all in good time if God's willing, so please 18 everyone, let's do what's right, and justice 19 for all, hand in hand united we stand up for 20 the elderly across the land. 21 My father was a victim, George Dahmer, at 22 aka former pro wrestler Chief White Owl, 23 wrestled for thirty-two years. He was severely 24 neglected in a nursing home. He had dementia. 25 He ran away from home. He was Baker Acted,

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1 then he was put in, supposed to be put in a 2 nursing they've evaluated for the medication he 3 was on. He was so severely neglected. 4 I want to really thank Joe Landy, or the 5 family's attorney, my family for being here 6 today, and also Joe Landy. This case is over, 7 but he stood up for us and he won the case for 8 wrongful death. My dad was a wrestler for 9 thirty-two years for WWE, and the former WWF. 10 We need justice for him and all victims out 11 there everybody. Let's all stand up for the 12 elderly. Nursing home reform has not been in 13 law since 1987 if you will please look that up. 14 The Foundation Aiding the Elderly is 15 supporting this proposal 88, and so is 16 Foundation Aiding the Elderly. So, please all 17 of us together, we can make a difference, we 18 just to strive. Thank you everybody. May God 19 bless you all. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Robin 21 Cohen, Don Hedney, and Patricia Malone. Robin 22 Cohen, Don Hedney, Patricia Malone. Robin 23 Cohen? Ms. Cohen is not here. Don Hedney? 24 Sorry about that. 25 MR. HEDNEY: Good afternoon, sir, and the

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1 rest of the Commission. I'm delighted to have 2 the opportunity to speak before you to take 3 care of some areas, potential areas in the 4 constitution which is going to govern us for 5 the next twenty years. I'm a retired engineer. 6 I came from down from DC to Florida to get 7 warm. A/C mechanics take note. 8 I'm here to speak against proposition 4, 9 misnamed religious freedom. This country has 10 gobs of religious freedom. All you got to do 11 is watch any news program and find how religion 12 is turned -- got everybody stirred up over most 13 of the world. Here -- here you can open a 14 school as a religion and teach under minimum 15 supervision reading, writing, arithmetic, but 16 you can teach your sciences, your physics to 17 your own beliefs. If we start giving funds to 18 religion T then religion C is going to want 19 some, then religion J is going to want some, 20 and then religion M is going to want some. I 21 don't know how big a pot you've got to support 22 religious education, and what is supposedly 23 religious freedom. The religion can donate the 24 money themselves. 25 I don't really want religious freedom,

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1 sir. I would like freedom from religion. 2 Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 4 Patricia Malone. Yes, ma'am. And if you all 5 could -- if we could refrain from the booing 6 and the clapping it will help us get through 7 this. I think the red signs and the green 8 signs, I see a couple of people with them on 9 their cells, those are great, so let's try to 10 use those if we can going forward. 11 MS. MILONE: My name is Pat Milone. I 12 live in the Redland Farm area. I'm glad that 13 you came down to hear me. I'm here to oppose 14 proposition 4, 22, and I have a question about 15 91. Regarding number 4, I have the same 16 uncomfortableness that Mr. McNamara described. 17 When I heard the invocation, I was kind of 18 surprised. I thought that there was definitely 19 separation of church and state, and we really 20 need to keep it that way, that's what our 21 country was founded on. 22 Not only does it provide us religious 23 freedom, which this addition of the -- by 24 putting it in there you're taking it away, but 25 not only are we provided religious, freedom of

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1 oppression and discrimination, but we're also 2 provided with that protection from government 3 dictates, and government officials telling us 4 what, you know, where our funds are going. 5 I personally don't want to see my taxes 6 going towards any religious groups. I feel 7 like that need to be kept separate. I'm a Dade 8 County resident. I was born here. And 9 everybody else, what they said ahead of me, I 10 don't want to repeat it, but it also protects 11 people who don't, who choose not to follow any 12 religion, it chooses, it protects them, too. 13 There are people who chose not to have religion 14 at all, are citizens as well, they have rights 15 too. 16 As far as 22, I'm not going to go over all 17 the issues. I have already e-mailed you my 18 concerns about proposition 22. As a woman past 19 my reproductive years, I no longer have to 20 worry about that, but my nieces and nephews 21 rely on you for that kind of freedom. But not 22 just that, people are talking about abortion, 23 but it also gets into our marriages -- 24 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 25 MS. MILONE: -- who we marry -- who we

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1 marry -- 2 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Thank 3 you very much. Dave Dechant. 4 MR. DECHANT: I can't hear you. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: One works for a 6 few minutes, then the other one. Ken Pelton. 7 We're going to do a constitutional amendment to 8 clean these mics up. And Carey Theil. Dave 9 Dechant, Ken Pelton, and Carey Theil. Mr. 10 Dechant. 11 MR. DECHANT: Good afternoon. My name is 12 David Dechant. I'm a Marine, Vietnam Veteran, 13 and I relocated to South Florida to help teach 14 our wounded warriors how to scuba dive. I'm 15 also a member of the core group of veterans who 16 built our national Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 17 Washington, and I extend my encouragement to 18 the people here to take control of our state 19 constitution, thus ensuring that we will decide 20 funding, policies, rules and regulations of 21 self- government. 22 I am a bit concerned that there are no 23 civilian appointed members of the Commission. 24 You are all appointed by politicians, I think 25 you're a bit skewed one way or the other. As

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1 we celebrate Black History Month I'm reminded 2 of the funeral last Fall of Sergeant LaDavid 3 Johnson KIA. I attended that funeral, and it 4 brings to mind what Abe Lincoln said, that this 5 nation and under God shall have a new birth of 6 freedom under the government of the people, by 7 the people, and for the people, shall not 8 perish from the Earth. 9 Therefore, I suggest that it's morally 10 repugnant to even consider proposal 4. There 11 is already an impenetrable fire wall between 12 religions and state, and it's in the amendment, 13 the first amendment of our constitution. As a 14 professor of international marketing I fully 15 support the proposal to preserve a strong 16 public education system for Floridians. 17 In closing, as we continue these intensive 18 arguments and debates of how to protect and 19 defense our rights that are made self-evident, 20 I admonish all of us to reflect on the 50th 21 Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's 22 assassination on April 4th. I was in Vietnam 23 when he was assassinated. His most courageous, 24 his most courageous speech, his death warrant, 25 silence is betrayal, calls for a radical

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1 revolution of values, semper fidelis. 2 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 3 much. Ken Pelton. 4 MR. PELTON: Good afternoon, Commissioner. 5 My name is Ken Pelton from Hollywood, Florida. 6 I'm here about proposal 67. There's a good 7 reason why greyhound racing is banned in forty 8 states. It's a cruel and inhumane business. 9 The industry has refused to reform even the 10 most modest of obvious abuses to greyhound, 11 like giving the dogs cocaine. 12 All attempts to pass legislation 13 regulating these abuses have failed time and 14 time again. It's like Senate President Tom Lee 15 said at the recent Commission hearing in 16 Tallahassee last week, this is an industry that 17 has proven time and again that it is incapable 18 of reform. The industry reminds me of the drug 19 addict or alcoholic that lives in denial; 20 everyone else can see the problem except for 21 them. They deny, contest even the most obvious 22 and flagrant abuses to these dogs. Instead 23 they blame it on lies, or false reporting, or 24 bias media, or they say, oh, that happened 25 years ago, we don't do that anymore.

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1 There's a famous quote by Upton Sinclair. 2 It goes like this. It is difficult to get a 3 man to understand something when his salary 4 depends on him not understanding it. If you 5 were in Tallahassee last week listening to 6 representatives for the greyhound industry, you 7 saw a perfect example of that quote in action, 8 and you're seeing it here today. 9 The Florida legislative process has failed 10 these innocent animals. They're gentle dogs. 11 It's time to stop playing games with their 12 lives. Please give the public a chance to vote 13 their heart on this issue. Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Carey Theil. 15 MR. THEIL: Commissioners, thank you for 16 the opportunity to speak before you today. I'm 17 Carey Theil, executive director of GREY2K USA. 18 We're a national and nonprofit greyhound 19 protection organization. I have spent the last 20 eight years in Tallahassee fighting for reforms 21 of this industry, in fact working with some 22 current members of the CRC to do that, and 23 unfortunately those efforts have not succeeded, 24 so we are here today. 25 Just to give you a few reasons why this

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1 proposal deserves your support. First of all, 2 there is significant documentation about the 3 humane problems in this industry. According to 4 state records four hundred and thirty-eight 5 racing greyhounds have died at Florida tracks 6 since 2013. On average a racing greyhound dies 7 in Florida every three days. That's according 8 to the state DBPR. 94% of those doges are 9 three years, three years old or younger. 10 Injuries, we do not have statewide injury 11 reporting, but one county, Seminole County has 12 passed injury reporting in its county, and just 13 since May there have been forty documented 14 injuries in that county, including thirty-two 15 dogs who have suffered broken bones and two 16 dogs that died. Also, over the past decade 17 there have been four hundred nineteen greyhound 18 drug positives in Florida, again according to 19 the DBPR, including sixteen greyhound cocaine 20 positives. 21 Also, I just want to clarify something. 22 This is an issue that you need to consider 23 because Article 10 Section 7 of the Florida 24 Constitution currently through a grandfather 25 clause allows and authorizes gambling on

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1 commercial greyhound racing, so we do not have 2 the option of going to the legislature in terms 3 of a prohibition on dog racing. That's why 4 this is before you. For all of those reasons I 5 urge your favorable support of proposal 67, 6 thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 8 Robert Runcie, Reinaldo Diaz, and Tim Lanova, 9 or Canova, sorry. 10 MR. RUNCIE: Good afternoon, and thank you 11 for the opportunity to be here. I'm Bob 12 Runcie, Superintendent of Broward Public 13 Schools. I'm also the president of the Florida 14 Association of District School Superintendents, 15 and I am speaking on behalf of the 16 superintendents regarding five proposals which 17 we have serious concerns and are in opposition 18 to. The first one is 33, which requires 19 superintendents to be appointed by the district 20 school board. This would repeal the authority 21 of local citizens to determine whether school 22 superintendents are elected or appointed in 23 each county. 24 We believe that that decision of whether a 25 local superintendent of schools is elected or

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1 appointed should remain in the hands of the 2 local citizens. There has been no research. 3 There is no study, there is no evidence based 4 on the performance of schools within the state 5 of Florida or around this nation to say whether 6 elected or appointed would be any different. 7 At the end of the day all superintendents 8 represent the public through either elected 9 directly or through elected school board 10 members. 11 The second one is 43, which enacts some 12 term limits for school board members. The 13 question we would ask is that, you know, why is 14 this only limited to a specific group of 15 constitutional officers. It's got -- and the 16 implementation of it would be inconsistent with 17 how laws have been implemented previously. 18 Number 71, this is a law that would 19 authorize a separate process for the 20 establishment of public schools. It actually 21 would put the legislature in the business of 22 actually creating schools. I don't believe 23 that's something that the legislature would now 24 want to be in the business of. It's a 25 challenge enough for our local districts, much

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1 less the legislature. And there are lots of 2 provisions that would have to be taken into 3 consideration. 4 One of them is when you have a hurricane, 5 who do you look to? You look to the local 6 public schools to have facilities to be able to 7 support -- 8 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 9 MR. RUNCIE: -- the residents. 10 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 11 much, Superintendent. 12 MR. RUNCIE: All right, thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Reinaldo Diaz. 14 Mr. Diaz, welcome. 15 MR. DIAZ: Thank you. I'm here on behalf 16 of Lake Worth Water Keeper, which watches over 17 the water shed of most of Palm Beach County, 18 including the Lake Worth Lagoon and our 19 beaches. Our main interest is to protect the 20 community that that water shed supports, which 21 is based on, it's towards -- I just wanted to 22 point out a couple of facts that we found out 23 last week. 24 AAA gave eighteen hotels in Palm Beach 25 County five and four diamond ratings. To point

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1 out how rare that is, only less than half of 2 one percent nationwide gets the five percent, 3 or the five-diamond rating. Less than six 4 percent get the four-diamond rating. Forbes 5 travel guide named Palm Beach County a top 6 destination in the world, putting it on par 7 with cities like Sydney, Australia and Buenos 8 Aires, Argentina. 9 So, the point of all this is that these 10 tourists, they come, come to Palm Beach County, 11 and probably most of our state, because of the 12 forty-seven miles of beaches in Palm Beach 13 County, and they're not down here to view 14 drilling platforms, so I'm in support of 15 proposal 91. The importance of our tourism 16 industry is by far our biggest employer, is by 17 far our biggest source of income. And before I 18 actually went to law school here at Nova, just 19 down the walkway, I spent most of my life 20 working as a guide, as a scuba diving guide, 21 and as a fishing guide, and I saw firsthand how 22 our industry is regularly attacked by proposals 23 such as offshore drilling. So, I respectfully 24 ask that this Commission carries out the 25 original intended purpose of proposal 91 and

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1 allows the State of Florida and its voters to 2 voice their opposition to offshore drilling. 3 Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 5 After, Mr. Canova we're going to go to 6 Elizabeth Tilson, Jolene Shapiro, and Larry 7 Shapiro. Mr. Canova, welcome. 8 MR. CANOVA: Thank you. Good afternoon, 9 Commissioners. Thank you for your time today. 10 I'm Tim Canova. I'm a law professor at this 11 great university, and I'm chair of the 12 community action group called progress for all. 13 I didn't come here to speak about greyhounds 14 today, but hearing both sides I was quite 15 impressed with Carey Theil's statistics that he 16 gave us, and I would certainly urge for 17 proposal 67 to end greyhound racing. 18 I also wanted to speak up for proposal 91 19 to ban offshore oil and gas drilling. We have 20 to be looking out for future generations, for 21 our tourism industry, and for the future of the 22 oceans of this great state, and the beaches. 23 For that matter I'm also for home rule, I guess 24 from 61, which would allow local communities to 25 protect the environment.

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1 Proposition 97 seems like one of the 2 craziest ones before this Commission. It would 3 make it more difficult to pass the kinds of 4 proposals that you're considering today by 5 making abstentions count as no votes on these 6 proposals. I certainly you to vote no on 97. 7 I'm really here today to speak up for 8 proposal 62, for open primaries. We've 9 conducted surveys. 70% of the voters of this 10 state support open primaries. That's 11 democrats, republicans, and independents. 3.4 12 million Florida voters are now a non-party 13 affiliation. They deserve a voice. And I 14 understand that Commissioner Schifino's 15 amendment to the rules allows for proposals 16 that were voted down in committee to be brought 17 back by a majority of the full committee. I 18 urge you to support open primaries in the state 19 of Florida. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 21 Elizabeth Tilson. I if I could just ask 22 everyone to not clap or boo, thank you. Ms. 23 Tilson. 24 MS. TILSON: Hello, my name is Elizabeth 25 Tilson, an' I'm from Boca Raton, Florida.

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1 Thank you for being here today. I want you to 2 know that I'm a proud mother of three children, 3 twenty-four, twenty-two, and twelve. I have 4 been in Florida for twenty years, an' I'm here 5 to respectfully ask you to vote no on 22 if it 6 ever comes back. And frankly, I'm a little 7 curious as to why in the beginning of the 8 hearing it was made so apparent that it's not 9 coming back. If you can make assurances that 10 it will not come back, I will give up the rest 11 of my turn. Can you make those assurances? 12 No, okay, thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Jolene Shapiro. 14 MS. SHAPIRO: Hello, my name is Jolene 15 Shapiro, and I'm a resident of Palm Beach 16 Gardens. A greyhound does die on a Florida 17 track once every three days. Plus, the dogs 18 handle countless agonizing injury. Greyhound 19 racing is illegal in forty states. Do we 20 really want to be known as the state that 21 promotes institutionalize cruelty to dogs? I 22 respectfully ask the CRC to support Senator Tom 23 Lee's proposed constitutional amendment number 24 67 that would end this antiquated and barbaric 25 practice.

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1 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Larry Shapiro. 2 MR. SHAPIRO: Hi. My name is Larry 3 Shapiro. I'm a resident of Palm Beach Gardens, 4 and I agree with my wife, of course. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: You should stop 6 there, Mr. Shapiro. It's not going to get 7 better from there. 8 MR. SHAPIRO: I'm not going to take -- I'm 9 not going to take much time. I urge you to 10 support proposition proposal 67. You know, in 11 addition to the injuries, in addition to the 12 deaths on the track, these animals spend upward 13 of twenty-three hours a day in small cases, 14 such cruel and unusual punishment. These dogs 15 have committed no crime other than being born 16 into the wrong breed. Thank you for your time. 17 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Next 18 up, Denise Crammer, Robert Hudson, and Kathy 19 Maalouf. Dr. Denise Crammer? 20 DR. CRAMMER: Crammer, yes. 21 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Crammer. 22 DR. CRAMMER: Hi, I'm Dr. Crammer. I work 23 here at Nova Southeastern University. I am 24 working with the Child Protection Master's 25 Program, and within the many years I've worked

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1 with Nova, seventeen now, I've also had a 2 private practice, and within that private 3 practice I've seen a lot, a lot of victims, 4 victims of abuse. So, when I was asked to talk 5 about proposal 96, that's why I'm here, Marcy's 6 Law. 7 I want to discuss proposal 96. We want to 8 get this in action. A constitutional amendment 9 of victim's rights would guarantee equal rights 10 to crime victims. The victims and their 11 families would receive information about their 12 rights and the services available to them. 13 Because of all the post-traumatic stress that 14 these victims get they need psychological 15 services. They might need some financial 16 services. They need help, just like the people 17 that have hurt them that are in the jails, in 18 the prisons. 19 I worked at a maximum-security felony 20 prison and I saw some of the things that these 21 people were getting that actually hurt other 22 people, and when I look at what the people, the 23 victims were getting, it was far less than 24 three meals a day and paid housekeeping. I pay 25 $75 a week for housekeeping, and they got their

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1 beds made and their sheets cleaned, and 2 everything done. They ate on nice plates, and 3 nice silverware, even though we tried to get 4 them to eat on plastic, but, no, they had those 5 rights. 6 Well, I want the victims to have some of 7 these rights too. I want them to be notified 8 when they come up for parole. I want them to 9 notify when any kind of thing is happening with 10 them, where they can go to court, and they can 11 be there in court to give their own opinions. 12 I want to propose that proposal 96 go through, 13 and we need to be there for these victims, 14 Marcy's Law. Thank you. 15 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 16 Robert Hudson. Mr. Hudson, going once, going 17 twice. There we are. 18 MR. HUDSON: Yes, hello. My name is Bob 19 Hudson, and I would like to thank you for being 20 here today, and for letting us be here today. 21 I strongly urge you to propose proposition, the 22 proposal number 29. E-verify is a cumbersome 23 burden to employers. It will harm communities. 24 And this is a task for our legislatures. 25 That's the place where that should be put

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1 forward. 2 And I also would like to talk about three 3 education proposals, number 33. I urge you to 4 oppose proposal number 33. School 5 superintendents, they represent all families in 6 the district. They should be elected to their 7 positions by the voters. Proposal 44, I 8 strongly urge you to oppose proposal 44. The 9 current process is fine. Changes to the 10 minimum voting threshold to implement tuition 11 and fee changes will hinder our, the education 12 of our children, and our students, so I urge 13 you oppose proposal -- and proposal 93. I urge 14 you oppose proposal 93, chartered districts to 15 replace public schools is not a good thing for 16 our communities. I strongly urge you to oppose 17 proposal 93. Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Yes. 19 MS. MAALOUF: Hi. Good afternoon, 20 Commissioners. My name is Kathy Maalouf, and I 21 am the Vice Provost for Student Affairs at 22 Miami- Dade College, one of the twenty-eight 23 institutions comprising the acclaimed Florida 24 College System. Thank you for the opportunity 25 to provide some remarks today. Today I come

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1 before you, in support of Commissioner 2 Washington's proposal number 83 which calls for 3 the inclusion of the Florida College System in 4 our state constitution, while affirming that 5 the State Board of Education still provide us 6 oversight. 7 For close to eight decades Florida's 8 community and state colleges have played a 9 crucial role in educating millions of 10 Floridians, and have helped support our state's 11 economic growth, its workforce, and 12 development. At Miami-Dade College, for 13 example, we've opened a door of opportunity 14 through education to more than two million 15 students, and counting. We are proud members 16 of the FCS, and are inspired daily by the 17 success stories of the eight hundred thousand 18 current students who have trusted our 19 institutions with their education and their 20 future. 21 Today the FCS leads the nation in the 22 percentage of students graduating from college, 23 and currently nine out of ten FCS graduates 24 either are working or continuing their 25 education. Recognizing our FCS in the Florida

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1 Constitution will only help our institutions 2 continue to thrive, ensuring to remain the top 3 college system in America. 4 Equally important is the recognition of 5 our current governance structure as the best 6 way to ensure our colleges continue to respond 7 nimbly and effectively to local business and 8 industry demands. Our students are the next 9 generation of the world leaders, and it is at 10 our institutions where they acquire the skills 11 and knowledge needed to succeed. By including 12 the FCS in our college institution you will be 13 letting the world know how proud Floridians are 14 of this top-notch system of education where 15 there's doors of opportunities wide open to all 16 who seek the American dream. 17 I thank Commissioner Washington for her 18 proposal, and for all of you for a continuous 19 support. Have a good day. 20 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: You, too. Thank 21 you. Diana Taub, Peter Uttal, Cliff Bauer. 22 Diana Taub. 23 MS. TAUB: Hi. Good afternoon. My name 24 is Diana Taub. I'm a resident of Broward 25 County, Florida. Hello to my friends and

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1 neighbors that are here today. I'd like to 2 speak in favor and against some proposals, but 3 first and foremost let me speak in favor of 4 proposal 97. Florida's Constitution should lay 5 out our framework of government. It should not 6 be a device of special interests used to 7 advance their agendas without going through the 8 legislative process. 9 Change should not be made on a whim, or 10 passed pushed through by just a few people. If 11 a legitimate need for the constitution to be 12 changed arises, it should be amended, but it 13 should not be an easy process. That's why the 14 proposal 97 is very important. When a group 15 believes that Florida would be better off with 16 a change to the constitution they should put in 17 the hard grassroots efforts that's required to 18 educate and motivate voters to get out and 19 vote. And that's really what we should be 20 doing, motivating our voters to get out and 21 vote for what's right, and for changes that 22 have gone through the lengthy process. 23 This proposal ensures that it truly takes 24 60% of the electorate to amend the 25 constitution. It's the highest threshold, and

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1 it's tough to pull off. Personally, I prefer a 2 higher threshold, but the 60% is not 3 unreasonable given the impact changes that the 4 constitution -- changes to the constitution 5 would have on all of us. 6 Let me say also quickly, if I can, yes to 7 10 civic education so that all students can 8 assimilate to be Americans and Judeo-Christian 9 values our countries were founded on are not 10 lost, so students understand how to participate 11 in government, and they also learn how to 12 operate within it. 13 I'd also like to say no to 62, primary 14 elections were established for parties and 15 respective voters, and that should remain that 16 way. If we want to do away with the parties 17 first -- 18 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 19 much. 20 MS. TAUB: Okay, I'll write the rest of 21 them to you. 22 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Peter Uttal. 23 Please do. Thank you. 24 MR. UTTAL: Hi. My name is Peter Uttal. 25 I'm a veteran teacher with twenty-two years'

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1 experience in public schools, and I just wanted 2 to say about proposal 4, it seems to me it's an 3 obvious no brainer that it flies in the face of 4 the First Amendment of the Constitution of the 5 United States so if it finally gets passed the 6 State of Florida is going to have one heck of a 7 lawsuit on its hands, and I want to tell you 8 way in advance I don't want to pay to defend 9 that lawsuit with my tax money. 10 Proposals 4 and 45 have me a little 11 confused so I want to get this straight. They 12 suggest to use our public tax money to fund 13 parochial and private schools. Does that mean 14 you want to take $6,000 away from the kid's 15 public school in Liberty City to give a 16 discount to a rich guy in Aventura to send his 17 kid to the Heritage School? You want to reduce 18 funds to public schools in Opa-Locka to send 19 wealthy kids to exclusive religious schools in 20 Boca Raton? Are you going to offer a $6,000 21 voucher to ghetto kids to go to an expensive 22 school at $42,000 a year; where's he going to 23 get the rest of the money from? 24 These proposals are a Trojan horse 25 guaranteed to defeat public education. And it

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1 may not be -- this may not be a classist and a 2 racist proposition in intent, but I fear that 3 it's certainly going to be classist and racist 4 in result. They will shower money on wealthy 5 whites while picking the pockets of the black, 6 the brown, and the poor. Please vote no on 4 7 and 45. 8 I'd also like to say proposal 29, stop 9 picking on immigrants, they don't deserve it. 10 And I'd like to say 62, open primaries, most of 11 the people in Florida are not registered 12 republicans or democrats. Give them the chance 13 to vote. It's not very democratic if you 14 don't. Thank you very much. 15 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 16 much. Cliff Bauer. After Mr. Bauer we're 17 going to go to Don McKenna, Ray Golish, and 18 Hailey Berman. 19 MR. BAUER: Good afternoon. Thank you 20 very much for the opportunity to speak to you. 21 I'm Cliff Bauer. I'm here to represent Miami 22 Jewish Health, who I've had the privilege to 23 work for for the last seven years. Miami 24 Jewish Health has been treating nursing home 25 residents since 1940, for more than

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1 seventy-eight years, and we continue, are very 2 proud of the fact of observing the patient 3 rights that they all richly deserve and have. 4 In part, for two, and two reasons I stand 5 before you to oppose proposal number 88. 6 The first reason is patient rights in the 7 state of Florida are well protected in the 8 current Florida Constitution. They're 9 protected in Article I Sections 2 and Section 10 26. They're also protected explicitly well in 11 Section 400 of Florida State Statutes under 12 both patient rights, as well as the section on 13 long term care ombudsman. The second reason I 14 stand before you in opposition to proposal 88 15 is that this proposal is a knee jerk reaction 16 to the tragedy that occurred in a nursing home 17 here in Broward County. 18 This proposal does nothing to prevent such 19 a tragedy from occurring. What has happened 20 since that tragedy is that the governor, the 21 state legislatures, the state regulators, and 22 nursing home owners and operators in this 23 state, have worked very cooperatively together 24 to come up with new rules. The rules are now 25 currently before the Florida legislature to

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1 ratify that will assure, or help mitigate at 2 least, greatly mitigate the opportunity, or the 3 chance that this could happen again, this type 4 of power generation, power generation problem 5 could occur again. 6 This is an unnecessary proposal to our, 7 addition to our constitution. Our patients 8 have right. And I've left you a book of our 9 patient rights that every one of them receives 10 every year. Thank you very much. 11 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Don 12 McKenna. 13 DR. MCKENNA: Good afternoon, 14 Commissioners. Thanks very much for the 15 opportunity to appear before you. I am the 16 president and CEO for Jupiter Medical Center in 17 Jupiter, Florida. As a leader in the health 18 care system my responsibility is to make sure 19 that we deliver high quality care cost 20 effectively, and access to all. Proposal 54, 21 which I'm asking for you to oppose, the CON 22 dramatically impacts the cost of care as an 23 increase, decreases the quality of care, and I 24 will assure you will minimize the access. 25 We compete in the health care industry

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1 every day. However, we don't manufacture 2 widgets, we don't, we don't introduce a new 3 supplier to the community and expect that the 4 price will go down. The challenge here is that 5 in health care we do not operate in a free 6 market system. Our reimbursement is dictated 7 to us by the government, both Medicare and 8 Medicaid. 9 Two thirds of the payments at Jupiter 10 Medical Center come from the government. That 11 doesn't allow much for negotiating with managed 12 care organizations. Eliminating the CON would 13 significantly impact and jeopardize our role as 14 a community hospital in the way in which we 15 deliver care. Eliminating the CON would 16 significantly hamper Jupiter Medical Center's 17 ability to provide millions of dollars of 18 community benefit for health and wellness. 19 CON does work in Florida. It's an 20 effective tool that protects the quality of 21 care in everyone's community. It ensures that 22 all voices are heard equally, and services are 23 provided in a high-quality manner; something 24 all of us want, expect, and certainly deserve. 25 So, thank you for the opportunity to allow me

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1 to speak before you today, and I ask for your 2 support in opposition of proposal 54. 3 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you, very 4 much. Dr. Ray Golish. 5 DR. GOLISH: Good afternoon. I'm Raymond 6 Golish. I am the Chief Quality Officer at 7 Jupiter Medical Center a 51C3 not for profit 8 hospital one hour north of here in Palm Beach 9 County. And, I come to you here today without 10 notes speaking extemporaneously with a personal 11 appeal. And, I'd like to urge you to vote 12 against 54 because of the unintended 13 consequences it would have on two aspects of 14 health care; both the quality of care, but also 15 the availability and access to care. 16 And I mentioned that we're in the 17 community hospital, and so I'd like to do that 18 by way of the word community. But personally, 19 I'm a Fellowship Trained Spinal Surgeon, Board 20 Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, a PhD Data 21 Scientist, and an MBA Health Care 22 Administrator. And when I think about my 23 colleagues in health care around the state of 24 Florida, we serve this industry as opposed to 25 some other wonderful industry because of

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1 community, because of the need to provide high 2 quality care to all members of our community, 3 and build that community regardless of the 4 ability to pay, but also for those people most 5 empowered to participate in the health care 6 system but also those people most at risk. 7 And that brings us to the piece about 8 access. I think many of us believe that many 9 industries can thrive in a highly competitive 10 environment in which it is lightly regulated, 11 and market forces prevail. There are plenty of 12 market forces in health care, however health 13 care is unique. And this speaks to the ability 14 of all members of our community to access it 15 with a way that is both high quality, and a way 16 that enables access, and does so in a way that 17 builds communities. So, I urge you all as 18 Commissioners in the community of Florida in 19 order to help us continue to do that and vote 20 no on 54. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 22 much. Hailey Berman. 23 MS. BERMAN: Good evening. My name is 24 Hailey Berman, and I'm a student at Broward 25 College. I urge the Committee to ratify

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1 proposal into the constitution. The Florida 2 College System serves eight hundred thousand 3 students, almost three times the number of 4 students in that the State University System, 5 however the FCS is not recognized in the 6 constitution while SUS is. 7 Meanwhile, it isn't just about quantity, 8 it's also about quality. The FCS is routinely 9 recognized as among the best in the nation, 10 contributing to Florida's rank as the number 11 one state of higher education. Not only do the 12 students get to experience and see the effects 13 of a quality education state colleges provide 14 at a low cost, but so do, so do the residents 15 of Florida. Nine out of ten FCS graduates 16 continue education or are employed in the 17 state. This means that education continues to 18 improve while promoting economic growth. 19 An educated workforce is the key to state 20 prosperity. To see such prosperity quickly and 21 everlasting proposal 83 needs to be in 22 Florida's Constitution. I also want to take a 23 moment to state my opposition to proposals 4 24 and 22, and my support for 91. Thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very

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1 much. Our next three speakers are Ekaterina 2 Koptenko, Melissa Erben, and Harriet Mathis. 3 Ms. Koptenko, you are recognized. 4 MS. KOPTENKO: Hello. My name is 5 Ekaterina Koptenko. I am a sophomore student 6 at Broward College, and I'm here today to speak 7 to you regarding proposal 83. The state 8 college system is the only sector of public 9 education that is not recognized in the 10 constitution of the state of Florida. As a 11 matter of fact, currently both the kindergarten 12 through twelve and the state university system 13 are included in our constitution. The state 14 college system, however, provides over three 15 times as many students with post-secondary 16 education annually, therefore I along with 17 numerous other students believe that the state 18 college system shall not be an exception, and 19 deserves to be officially represented in the 20 Florida Constitution. 21 The state college system is a valuable 22 asset to Florida. It not only provides our 23 residents, including minorities, women, and 24 veterans, with essential education, but it also 25 impacts our state's economic stability and

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1 overall wellness. Speaking from my personal 2 experience, Broward College provided me with 3 remarkable professional opportunities, 4 preparing me to enter the work force. As an 5 immigrant and as a dual enrolled student, I am 6 beyond grateful for all my experiences at 7 Broward College. 8 It is crucial to note that our state 9 college system is considered among the best in 10 the entire nation. It's consistent top ratings 11 only further prove this point. For this 12 reason, our state college system should not be 13 subject to change during every legislative 14 session. On the contrary, we should embrace 15 our current state college system by including 16 it in the state constitution because it is the 17 only way to ensure there remains efficient and 18 continues to promote student success. 19 Today the Constitution Revision Commission 20 possesses an exceptional ability to help our 21 state and its residents. By supporting the 22 current state college system, the Commission 23 will make a positive impact, economically 24 supporting the workforce, and future 25 generations of Floridians. As a current

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1 student and a future professional, I encourage 2 the Commission to stand behind the proposal and 3 help, help make our state be an even better 4 place to live in, thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 6 Melissa Erben? No Melissa. Harriet Mathis. 7 Okay. Okay our next three are Sue Trombino, 8 Matthew, it looks like Balzera, and John 9 Boggess, Dr. John Boggess. 10 MR. TROMBINO: Yes, my name is Sue 11 Trombino. I am from Boca Raton, Florida. I am 12 not from this country, but I am a U.S. Citizen, 13 and I' a thirty-eight-year educator. I am the 14 founder and president of Women Impacting the 15 Nation, and I am here speaking today in favor 16 of proposal 22. The Florida court has betrayed 17 the parents and children of this state. I 18 would like to ask this Commission to Florida, 19 to ask this Commission to fix the privacy 20 agreement. It was never intended to confer a 21 right to abortion, it was clearly intended, the 22 original intent was intended for informational 23 privacy. 24 This was the most requested thing the 25 public has asked you for, and it is the one

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1 thing we wanted. But even though you failed to 2 pass it I am respectfully asking you to bring 3 this back. You have the ability to bring this 4 proposal back, and I pray you do so. Thank 5 you. 6 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Matt 7 Balzora. 8 MS. BALZORA: Hello, my name is Matthew 9 Balzora. I am a student of Broward College, 10 and I am here to speak in favor of proposal 83. 11 Here in Florida we have the fourth greatest 12 college, state college system, and we have 13 nearly three times the amount of students in 14 the state college system than in the state 15 University system. So, the state college 16 system has provided me with many new various, 17 many new various opportunities that I have 18 been, that I am grateful to have taken 19 advantage of, as well I'm sure many, many 20 young, young students here are grateful for as 21 well. 22 That is why we need -- that is why we need 23 to put the state college system, the state 24 colleges into the constitution. That way we 25 can -- that way we can avoid the constant

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1 threat of, or constant changes that may, that 2 may negatively impact the system for years to 3 come. Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Dr. 5 Boggess. 6 DR. BOGGESS: Good afternoon, Mr. 7 Chairman, Commissioners. My name is Dr. John 8 Boggess. I'm a resident of Palm Beach County. 9 I'm a retired educator of thirty-six years, and 10 a grandparent of four Florida students. I'm 11 sharing my thoughts in support of the proposal 12 to approve alternative authorizer for public 13 charter schools. This forum today is focused 14 on Florida's Constitution. This document 15 provides, freedom, justice, and education. The 16 opportunity for education choices must be 17 expanded in this day and age for all students 18 to succeed. 19 Choices must be available for those 20 families and students that may live in a 21 challenging district or area, have special 22 education needs, or aspirations of vocation, 23 technical, arts, education pathways. Currently 24 sometimes individual biases, district policy, 25 political position, restrict education access

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1 and opportunities for the students. With the 2 addition of the alternative authorizer for 3 charter schools to our state constitution, 4 choices for families and students will be a 5 right, and never diminished. 6 We need to ensure that all students of the 7 great state of Florida has the opportunity to 8 receive an excellent education that will give 9 them the opportunity to succeed and lead 10 productive lives. The proposal before you will 11 guarantee by constitution this opportunity. 12 Thank you again for your time. 13 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 14 much. Reverend Mitch Husar, Leander Baltimore, 15 and David Harris. Welcome. Are any of you 16 here? Reverend Husar, Leander Baltimore, or 17 David Harris? Okay, our next three speakers 18 will be Peter Levine, Rita, is it Cassady, 19 yeah, Rita Cassady, and Fred Segal. Are any of 20 you here? Yes, sir. 21 MR. SEGAL: Good afternoon. Fred Segal. 22 I live in Pompano Beach, and I want to thank 23 you for being here in Broward County. The main 24 thing I'm here to speak against today is 25 proposal 29. The issue I have with putting

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1 e-verify in the constitution is you're 2 mandating a federal computer-based system that 3 has flaws in it as a method to utilize in the 4 constitution. If you're going to do something 5 with e-verify it needs to be in statute, not 6 constitutional, especially with it being a 7 federal based system. 8 In addition, there is going to be so many 9 issues on the ballot we're just going to dilute 10 the ballot so much that the people are going to 11 lose interest and not vote on things. E-verify 12 does not work. I'm President of Broward County 13 Farm Bureau. I have friends who are farming in 14 Palm Beach County who farm 5,000, 6,000 acres. 15 They have problems finding help to harvest 16 crops at their farm. They're not paying people 17 minimum wage, they're paying $12, $13 an hour. 18 Now, it's not a lot of money for the hard work 19 that it is, but it's hard finding people to do 20 the work, and they can only pay so much because 21 they don't -- we don't -- as farmers they don't 22 set the price they're selling for, they have to 23 accept it. 24 When we've got products being put on the 25 market from Mexico and other countries, we

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1 can't compete if we have to pay higher dollars 2 for harvesting. I'd ask you please do not move 3 forward with proposal 29. 4 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you, sir. 5 Our next three speakers, Katherine Smith, David 6 Consuegra, and Andrew Cuddihy. Ms. Smith. 7 MS. SMITH: Hi. My name is Kathy Smith. 8 I live in Delray Beach, Florida. I have four 9 children that I have raised here in the state 10 of Florida, and I am extremely upset that we 11 even have proposal 22 on this agenda. On 12 behalf of the thousands of Floridians across 13 the state that have signed I would like to 14 present a petition that rejects proposal 22's 15 intent to limit the access of reproduction 16 health care services. Please do not pass 17 proposal 22. 18 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. David 19 Consuegra. 20 MR. CONSUEGRA: Good afternoon. 21 Consuegra. 22 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Consuegra. 23 MR. CONSUEGRA: My name is David 24 Consuegra. As an honor student at Broward 25 College I am speaking in support of proposal 83

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1 as an amendment to Florida's Constitution. I 2 believe the state college system both allows 3 and ensures that students in Florida can obtain 4 an affordable quality education enabling them 5 to pursue the life they deserve. Successful 6 students will ensure Florida's success, but to 7 succeed students need programs that are 8 tailored to local job necessities. 9 The synergy resulting from cooperation 10 between businesses and schools best meets the 11 needs of both students and businesses. 12 Furthermore, Florida's population continues to 13 grow at a rate of 1,000 people per day, thus 14 expanding and maintaining Florida's higher 15 education infrastructure is critical to 16 ensuring that the growing population has the 17 proper tools to meet the growing local job 18 demands. 19 Preparing students to meet job demands 20 should be the primary mission of our state 21 colleges. This proposal, if adopted, will 22 ensure that a representative assessment of 23 projected employment opportunities will result 24 in colleges tailoring programs to meet the 25 needs of business. I believe proposition 83

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1 should be added to the Florida Constitution 2 because it both recognizes and supports the 3 possible synergy available when businesses and 4 colleges cooperate to empower students with 5 skills necessary for their success, so I urge 6 the Committee to vote in favor of proposal 83. 7 I thank you very much. 8 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Yes, 9 sir. 10 MR. CUDDIHY: Good afternoon. My name is 11 Andrew Cuddihy. I am Director of Health 12 Promotions for the American Lung Association in 13 Florida, and I am here representing the 14 American Lung Association in Florida. I'd like 15 to thank the Commission for your hard work, and 16 I'd like to state that I'm here in opposition 17 to proposal 94. Proposal 94 amends Article 10 18 Section 27 of the Florida Constitution, and it 19 would strip language that requires the Florida 20 legislature to spend tobacco settlement money 21 according to CDC guidelines. 22 It would also allow prevention dollars to 23 be diverted to cancer research. Now, everybody 24 is in favor of cancer research, but this is not 25 the way to fund cancer research, by diverting

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1 prevention dollars to cancer research. I'd 2 like to make a couple points. Tobacco 3 prevention is cancer prevention. I'm going to 4 say that again. Tobacco prevention is cancer 5 prevention. Make no mistake about it, proposal 6 94 would increase Florida's cancer burden. 7 A couple -- a couple little points about 8 Florida's best practice tobacco prevention 9 program. It's reduced adult tobacco use by 10 6.5%, reduced youth tobacco use by 70%. 11 Florida's legislature has proven its lack of 12 enthusiasm for funding tobacco prevention. 13 Once again, cancer research is important, but 14 it should not be funded using prevention 15 dollars. Thank you for your time. 16 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Our 17 next three speakers are Stephanie Moon, Mary 18 Washington, and Shannon either Cho or Oho. 19 Stephanie, are you here? Stephanie is not. 20 Mary Washington. Is -- and after you it's 21 Shannon -- 22 MS. OTTO: Otto, O-T-T-O. 23 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Otto. All right, 24 let's let Ms. Washington go first, and then, 25 and then Ms. Otto.

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1 MS. WASHINGTON: Good afternoon. My name 2 is Mary Washington, and I live in Miami-Dade 3 County. I am a retiree, but I also work as a 4 substitute teacher in Miami-Dade County. I am 5 here today, and it may not be something that 6 can be handled by this Commission, but it's 7 something so important to me that I wanted to 8 bring it to the attention of those of you who 9 are here. 10 As I work as a substitute teacher, I 11 realize some of my students only came to school 12 and wore their school uniform because it was 13 compulsory. Since there are consequences for 14 the students and parents if the students do not 15 comply a large percentage of the students were 16 usually in compliance. That led me to conclude 17 if students must comply with school attendance 18 laws, then why the administrators, educators 19 and staff, have an opportunity to teach, mentor 20 and coach them. After all, if they're not in 21 school then we have no opportunity to reach 22 them. 23 I began to research the Florida State 24 Statutes on compulsory school attendance. I 25 was shocked to discover the age of sixteen in

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1 the state of Florida. During the 2016 2 presidential election campaign there was a lot 3 of support free college education. If that's 4 so important then why are we letting our 5 students drop out of school at age sixteen? 6 I'm here because I would like there to be an 7 amendment to the Florida State Statutes to 8 change the compulsory school attendance age 9 from sixteen to eighteen. 10 According to the National Center for 11 Education Statistics website, Table 5, 12 compulsory school attendance laws out of the 13 fifty states thirty-five states have already 14 increased the age from sixteen. Florida is one 15 of the states that has not done so. If our 16 students are not in school, then what do we 17 expect them to be doing at age sixteen? Thank 18 you for your time. 19 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Ms. 20 Otto. After Ms. Otto we're going to go to 21 Victoria Olson, Michael Brevda, and Will 22 Sarubbi. 23 MS. OTTO: Good afternoon, Commission. 24 We're grateful for your service. Thank you. 25 And there's no question that it is a sacrifice

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1 for you and your family, for one which we are 2 grateful, so thank you for serving. This 3 Commission has the ability to fix the privacy 4 amendment, and it was never intended to confer 5 a right to an act of abortion. It was clearly 6 intended only for informational privacy, so it 7 was in regard to information but not an act. 8 This Commission has the ability to bring 9 proposal 22 back out, and I urge you to do so 10 because thousands of people all across Florida 11 have asked you to do so. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 13 Victoria Olson? Yes, ma'am. 14 MS. OLSON: Hi. Good afternoon. My name 15 is Victoria Olson, and I live in Fort 16 Lauderdale, and I'm speaking on behalf of the 17 Broward Environmental Caucus of Florida. This 18 is on proposal 91, which is to ban fracking 19 and, to ban drilling and fracking on our coast. 20 Pardon. 21 So, because of the importance of this, 22 let's talk about little bit about offshore 23 drilling. Have we all forgotten about Deep 24 Water Horizon already, that BP Oil spill was in 25 2010, which killed eleven people. It's first

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1 month BP spilled 30 million gallons of oil into 2 the gulf, three times the Exxon Valdez. Over 3 the next three months oil leakage in the Gulf 4 of Mexico created the biggest oil disaster in 5 the United States, that covered Alabama, 6 Mississippi, and Florida. 7 Thousands, more than that, thousands of 8 protected species were exposed to oil 9 throughout their habitats. The Northern Gulf 10 of Mexico is home to twenty-two species of 11 marine animals, and among them there's about 12 ten that are on the protected endangered 13 species list. The Gulf of Mexico provides 14 critically important habitats for many marine 15 animals. 16 The economic impact is far worse. Gulf 17 fishing and tourism industries produce 3.5 18 billion to 4.5 billion a year. This 19 contributed more to the 700 million lost in 20 fishing and tourism, revenues, and three 21 thousand jobs lost to six months, and six 22 months drilling had to be stopped. But wasn't 23 -- but what wasn't accounted for -- 24 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you very 25 much, Ms. Olson, we appreciate it. Mr. Brevda.

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1 MR. SARUBBI: Mr. Sarubbi. 2 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Okay, Mr. 3 Sarubbi. Mr. Brevda -- 4 MR. SARUBBI: Is my law partner. 5 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Okay, and he's 6 not here. 7 MR. SARUBBI: He's actually right behind 8 me. I'm just going to speak -- 9 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: So, he's waving 10 and -- got you. 11 MR. SARUBBI: He'll be -- he'll be 12 speaking right after me, Commissioner. 13 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Okay, that's 14 fine. 15 MR. SARUBBI: Thank you. All right, good 16 afternoon, my name is William Sarubbi, and I'm 17 an attorney with the Senior Justice Law Firm. 18 Our focus is representing victims, as well as 19 families, of nursing home abuse and wrongful 20 death here in the state of Florida. I 21 represent Carliche Arnoux, who is here today to 22 support proposal 88. Her father Carl Arnoux 23 died last year in a substandard assisted living 24 facility here in South Florida. 25 Mr. Arnoux was admitted to an ALF for

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1 seven days while she took her children on a 2 short family vacation. He was blind, 3 wheelchair bound, and dependent on the assisted 4 living facility's staff. When she returned, 5 and to use her words, Mr. Arnoux was half dead. 6 He had 106o fever, pneumonia, multiple 7 infections, and was on death's doorstep. He 8 was rushed to the emergency room, but the 9 damage was already done. 10 Mr. Arnoux died three weeks after being in 11 the intensive care unit in the hospital. When 12 we sued the facility, we were greeted with a 13 minimal $50,000 insurance policy that is 14 wasting away as I speak here today. I submit 15 to you today where is the accountability for 16 the long-term care facilities in the state of 17 Florida? I drove here to this public hearing 18 today with more coverage on my motor vehicle 19 than the facility had in coverage that killed 20 Ms. Arnoux' father. This is not fair or just. 21 In closing today, I ask the state of 22 Florida hold accountable the long-term care 23 facility and industry, and protect our loved 24 ones by ensuring that its facilities are 25 properly insured to care for its residents.

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1 Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. 3 MR. BREVDA: Good afternoon, everyone. My 4 name is Michael Brevda, and I am a partner at 5 Senior Justice Law Firm. We are nursing home 6 abuse lawyers, and proposition 88 is near and 7 dear to our heart. I am joined by Mrs. Carl. 8 Mrs. Carl had the unfortunate reality of coming 9 to my law firm to investigate a nursing home 10 neglect case involving her mother in-law. She 11 died at the now infamous Hollywood Hills Rehab. 12 During the pendency of that case her 13 father died at a completely different nursing 14 home under a completely different neglect 15 standards. These aren't allegations that I'm 16 shooting from the hip on. Both deaths were 17 investigated by government agencies. Both 18 deaths were confirmed to be due to nursing home 19 negligence. Guess what happened as a result of 20 these government agency findings? Nothing. 21 Guess what happened, as my law partner 22 alluded to earlier, when we send letters of 23 representations to these long-term care 24 facilities. They have either no insurance, 25 like Hollywood Hills, or they have a $50,000

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1 depleting insurance policy. Gone are the days 2 of the mom and pop nursing home where the owner 3 presents to the facility every day to see 4 what's going on. These are corporate run 5 nursing homes that are operated by private 6 equity MBAs. They care about one thing, it's 7 money. They need to be held financially 8 accountable when they kill our senior citizens. 9 I'm going to render the rest of my time to 10 Mrs. Carl, so she can share her story, but I 11 appreciate you considering proposal 88. 12 MS. CARL: First of all, I want to say 13 that we did not put our parents into the 14 nursing home as a convenience factor, to park 15 him there and let someone else take him, take 16 care of them. They were there because they 17 were recovering from surgeries, and they were 18 to be released returned to home, and continue 19 their normal lives. My mother in-law went in, 20 and she had a red spot on her back which was 21 known as a bed sore, or pressure wound -- 22 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Mrs. Carl, I 23 apologize, we're out of time. 24 MS. CARL: Okay, thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER KARLINSKI: Thank you. Thank

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1 you. I'm now going to turn the gavel over to 2 Commissioner Keiser, who is going to continue 3 with public testimony. Just a reminder, we 4 have about a hundred and twenty-five more 5 speakers, if no one else shows up, so if you 6 could consider waiving in support or opposition 7 of things that would probably help us try to 8 get out at a reasonable hour, and get to be 9 able to hear everyone. So, Commissioner 10 Keiser, the gavel is yours. 11 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Thank you, 12 Commissioner Karlinski. Will the next three 13 speakers please come forward? Arthur Joseph, 14 Greg Yaffa, James Weaver. And when you're at 15 the podium would you please provide your name, 16 sir? 17 MR. JOSEPH: Good afternoon. My name is 18 Arthur Joseph. I'm a proud resident of Davie, 19 Florida. And since nobody else has welcomed 20 you to Davie, Florida, that's where you're 21 residing right now. Everybody has talked about 22 Broward County, that's great too, but anyway 23 I'm a forty- year resident of Davie. 24 I'd like to speak against proposal 4. 25 We've said no before, we'll say no again. To

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1 make it easy for you to remember I'll bring out 2 the letters NRA. It has nothing to do with the 3 National Rifle Association, but just no 4 religious amendments. I know that NRA strikes 5 fear in your heart, so that's what I'd like you 6 to remember. 7 I'd also like to talk against proposal 67. 8 I am the proud owner of five cats. Actually, 9 you don't own cats, you just take care of them. 10 But anyway, I believe that I probably love 11 animals more than I love people. I have been 12 opposed to dog racing for a long, long time. 13 I'm actually opposed to horse racing. And to 14 reflect what the country, this great country of 15 ours believes in, the Ringling Brothers Barnum 16 & Bailey Circus went out of business last May 17 because of their mistreatment of animals, and 18 Sea World, even though they're still in 19 business they're no longer propagating Orcas. 20 So, the times are a changing, and I think 21 Florida should change too. The dog racing 22 business should go out of business. Thank you 23 very much. 24 MR. YAFFA: Good afternoon, Commissioners. 25 My name is Greg Yaffa. I've been practicing

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1 law here in the state of Florida for about 2 sixteen years, and a good portion of that has 3 been dedicated representing victims of nursing 4 home abuse and assisted living facility abuse. 5 As a dog lover I can say this, but it troubles 6 me that there are more people here advocating 7 for and against dogs than for our parents and 8 grandparents that are going to be ultimately 9 needing to reside in these facilities. 10 And the travesties that I have seen, and 11 that some of the other attorneys have talked 12 about, are mind boggling. James Weaver who 13 stands behind me has time after me. He's going 14 to speak about his personal experience with his 15 mother. But because these facilities are under 16 staffed, or the CNAs, or the nurses, or the 17 babysitters if you will, are not qualified, 18 I've seen everything from fall risks, patients 19 suffering from dementia being left 20 unsupervised, falling, breaking hips. 21 And just like you heard when you try to 22 represent these victims and you find out that 23 there is minimal or no insurance coverage it's 24 basically turning a blind eye to this abuse, 25 and it's justifying it, and so what needs to

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1 happen is these facilities need to be held 2 accountable if they're going to open their 3 doors and offer this type of convenience and 4 service to our loved ones. 5 And I don't mean to use, say convenience 6 as if it's a burden off of us, we believe that 7 these facilities can and should provide better 8 care than we can at home. Unfortunately, 9 that's not the case. But if you don't hold 10 them accountable, and you allow them to carry 11 these minimal policies, or no insurance, it's 12 turning a blind eye, and it's just not 13 acceptable. So please make sure that proposal 14 88 moves forward. And I'll turn the mic over 15 to James Weaver, thank you. 16 MR. WEAVER: Good afternoon. I'm James 17 Weaver, and I'm here to speak about my mother. 18 She was eighty-nine years old. She had 19 dementia. She had fallen at home and broken 20 her left hip. After surgery she was assigned 21 to a skilled nursing care facility for 22 rehabilitation. 23 While she was there because she would hit 24 the call button no one would come to help her. 25 One night she got out of bed trying to go to

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1 the bathroom with her broken hip and fell and 2 broke her right hip. Subsequently she went to 3 the hospital for the second surgery, and she 4 went into cardiac arrest during that surgery. 5 She survived about six days in ICU, and passed 6 away. 7 When I used to go visit her I used to see 8 a lot of what I, violations by the staff. I 9 reported them to management. I was told that 10 things would be taken care of, and they 11 weren't. And I would like to see more 12 regulations and, and stricter enforcement of 13 those regulations. Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Will the next three 15 speakers please come forward? Jason Fagano, 16 Austin Philipson, Carol Wilschke. Thank you. 17 MR. FAGANO: Good afternoon. My name is 18 Jason Fagano, and I'm with the law firm of 19 Dominick, Cunningham & Whalen. Proposal 88 is 20 about common sense. Most importantly it's 21 about doing what's right for the citizens of 22 our state. Oftentimes people in nursing homes 23 are unable to stand up for themselves. They're 24 relying on the constitution, and specifically 25 you folks, to protect them. To not mandate

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1 these for profit nursing homes to carry 2 adequate insurance is not only wrong, it's 3 immoral. 4 Too often my clients have experience 5 despicable and horrible tragedies caused by the 6 negligence of nursing homes, and they have no 7 way to seek justice. That must change. 8 There's need to be accountability and recourse. 9 Proposal 88 will do this. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Once again do we 11 have an Austin Philipson or Carol Wilschke? 12 Yes. No problem, you're recognized, sir. 13 MR. PHILIPSON: Hello. My name is Austin 14 Philipson. I am a student of Broward College, 15 and I speak today in support of proposal 83. 16 The state college system has become a vital 17 institution to the economic well-being of this 18 state. It forms a steady pipeline that takes 19 students and turns them into trained workers of 20 skill and strong moral standing. These 21 students go into play a vital role in the local 22 economy, both as skilled workers and avid 23 consumers. 24 As a student myself I bear witness to, and 25 can testify to both the benefit my college has

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1 brought to me, as well as the community at 2 large. Proposal 83 will enshrine such a 3 beneficial system into our constitution, 4 ensuring that this model system, much like the 5 university system, remains untouched by special 6 interests, and continues to serve not only me 7 and my peers, nor my city, nor my county, but 8 my entire state. 9 So once again I humbly ask you to vote for 10 proposal 83. Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Thank you. The next 12 three speakers, Charlene Blackwood, Mary 13 Hoffman, Michele Lazarow. Will you please come 14 forward? Mary Hoffman. Thank you. 15 MS. HOFFMAN: I live in Davie, and I'm 16 here to support prop 67 and phase out greyhound 17 racing. As you know dog racing is a dying 18 industry, and of the eighteen American dog 19 tracks now operating twelve are in Florida. 20 Over the years we have seen story after story 21 about dogs being drugged, papers being forged, 22 and the kind of existence greyhounds must 23 endure, and of the course the injuries and 24 deaths. 25 Pictures of empty seats at dog tracks are

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1 proof of the unpopularity of greyhound racing. 2 Newspaper stories by the New York Times, the 3 Washington Post, as well as our own Florida 4 papers, have said over and over again about the 5 problems with greyhound racing. I would like 6 to mention, the perception of greyhound racing 7 by non-Floridians, especially tourists, last 8 year I overheard a tourist commenting that she 9 was surprised to learn Florida still had 10 racing, because she thought that it had been 11 outlawed years ago, and I could tell from her 12 tone of voice that she did not think dog racing 13 was a good thing. 14 As someone who grew up in Florida I care 15 about what people think of my state. Dog 16 racing has become one of those throwbacks. I 17 mean when was the last time you heard anyone 18 say they were going to a dog track? Outlawing 19 the cruel and unpopular practice, I cannot call 20 it a sport, of greyhound, greyhound racing, 21 would let people know that Floridians are 22 caring practical people who are willing to make 23 changes when those changes are needed. Please 24 vote yes on prop 67, and let's phase out 25 greyhound racing in Florida. Thank you.

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1 MS. LAZAROW: Good afternoon, 2 Commissioners. I am the president of the 3 American, American, the Animal Defense 4 Coalition, and I am the City Commissioner in 5 Hallandale Beach, so let me just say that I am 6 not here today on behalf of my city, or on 7 behalf of any track in Hallandale, because we 8 do have two racinos. I am in full support of 9 proposition 67, decoupling is a long time 10 overdue. 11 As a Commissioner in a city with two 12 racinos it should be optional for tracks to 13 have races. Dogs play an important role in our 14 lives, and deserve to be protected from 15 individuals and industries that would do them 16 harm. Greyhounds are sweet and gentle dogs. 17 These greyhound tracks are no longer 18 economically viable. According to state 19 filings the tracks are losing more than $30 20 million annually on dog racing. Greyhounds are 21 literally dying for an industry that the public 22 no longer wants. 23 The dogs themselves, as well as local 24 business owners, are being held hostage by the 25 state dog racing mandate. Ending greyhound

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1 racing is an economic opportunity for local 2 communities, and the land can instead be used 3 for other business opportunities. This will 4 create jobs and local tax revenue. Greyhound 5 breeders are using scare tactic that this is 6 about an expansion of gambling, but that's 7 nonsense. 8 Proposal 67 will reduce gambling by as 9 much as $200 million per year. I want to thank 10 Senator Lee for being such a staunch supporter 11 and sponsoring this ballot initiative. Thank 12 you. 13 COMMISSIONER KEISER: The next three 14 speakers, Lis Marie, Audrey Gregg, and Marda 15 Genser. Please come forward. Welcome. 16 MS. ALVARADO: Bear seed the fruit. My 17 name is Lis-Marie Alvarado. I'm young, and I'm 18 fertile, however it is my choice to have 19 children or not. Abortion isn't just about the 20 right to privacy, it is about women's right to 21 equality. Abortion is a private medical 22 decision, but it's also a necessary public 23 good. I want to live my life the way I choose, 24 just as men do. Proposal is obscene, and 25 should never come into fruition.

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1 Also, I am against my tax dollars to be 2 used for government mandated Christian 3 indoctrination of children and taking away much 4 needed funding from public education. It is 5 wrong and illegal. In addition, I'm against 6 e-verify. It is a racist and impractical 7 system. I urge you to reject prop 29 and 4. 8 Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Audrey Gregg. Marda 10 Genser. The next three speakers please are 11 Lorna Brown-Burton, Sharon Bock, and Eileen 12 Pangione. Thank you. 13 MS. BROWN-BURTON: Good afternoon. My 14 name is Lorna Brown-Burton. I am a resident 15 here in Broward County. I live primarily in 16 Coral Springs. I am a practicing attorney for 17 thirty years. I stand in support of proposal 18 41 and 47, and ask for the reconsideration of 19 proposal 42. I believe that proposal 41, which 20 raises the mandatory age of our judges to 21 seventy five as well as proposal 47 which 22 raises, which requires ten years' experience to 23 serve as a county or circuit judge, are 24 measures which will protect, protect the public 25 trust, and confidence in our judicial system,

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1 as well as honors the experience and wisdom of 2 our senior judges to bring to the system checks 3 and balances. 4 I also believe that both of those 5 proposals preserve our democracy, which is the 6 separation of powers is a fundamental principle 7 of our democracy. I also believe that as a 8 guardian of our democracy the judicial branch 9 upholds the rights guaranteed through our 10 constitution. It's important to guard against 11 any intrusion by the legislative or executive 12 branch that would undermine this critical 13 function. 14 Any attack on the judicial branch, or 15 attempt to undermine its independence, is an 16 attack on the very freedom it is designed to 17 protect, and it is in this spirit that I ask 18 the Commission to reconsider proposal 42, which 19 related to the selection or appointment of our 20 judicial nominating commission and its 21 composition. This proposal was laid on the 22 table, this is my understanding, which wields 23 the power to appoint said Commissioners, has 24 been and continued to be a central component of 25 our discussion within our legislative branch.

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1 As per retired Florida Supreme Justice 2 Asher said we have to safeguard -- 3 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Ma'am, thank you 4 very much. 5 MS. BROWN-BURTON: Thank you. 6 COMMISSIONER KEISER: The next three 7 speakers please come forward. Elaine Conn, 8 Mubarak Dahir, and Joseph Magrina. 9 MR. MAGRINA: Greetings. My name is 10 Joseph Magrina. I am a full-time duel enrolled 11 student at Broward College, and I am here today 12 to tell you my personal experience. I'd like 13 to take you back in time, and I want you to 14 imagine you are in the first grade. You were 15 probably clueless, yet joyful. You continued 16 with life, and followed the path that has been 17 laid out in your culture and elders. 18 Eventually though that path comes to an end. 19 For some it ends at high school. For others it 20 ends at a higher institution. 21 What do all these people share; they are 22 just as clueless as they were in the first 23 grade, yet they are probably not as joyful as 24 they once were. I'll give you an example. A 25 few years ago, a family friend graduated with a

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1 degree in Biology. Currently he is unemployed 2 in anything related to Biology, but instead he 3 currently works as a waiter. Another example 4 is my neighbor who just graduated last semester 5 from a very prestigious university with a 6 homeland security degree. He is also not doing 7 anything related to his field, but is instead a 8 recruiter for a tech firm. 9 Now, I can assure that if you ask these 10 people if they can go back in time and change 11 their degree to something more applicable they 12 would all say yes. The goal of a state college 13 is to teach students skills that will convert 14 to their immediate and projected local economy. 15 There are currently around eight hundred 16 thousand students in the state college system. 17 It is imperative that you adopt proposal 83 and 18 protect these students and the future economy 19 of Florida. Thank you. 20 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Thank you. I 21 understand Sharon Bock is here. Ms. Bock. 22 MS. GERA: Good afternoon. I understand 23 the confusion. My name is Cindy Gera, and I am 24 here on behalf of Sharon Bock, who had to 25 leave. Ms. Bock is the elected constitutional

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1 Clerk & Comptroller for Palm Beach County. 2 We're here today to ask your support for 3 proposal 13 and proposal 55. As Commissioner 4 Timmann stated when introducing proposal 13 5 it's about philosophy, philosophy, namely that 6 good government functions best when it's 7 closest to the people, but proposal 13 is also 8 about principles of good government. 9 Florida Clerks and Comptrollers respect 10 home rule authority, but also recognize that 11 just as some subjects are reserved to the 12 state, like election laws, some principles, 13 like the structure of government, are best 14 addressed in our state constitution. Given 15 that the structure of government is changed 16 when a constitutional officer becomes an 17 appointed charter officer it makes perfect 18 sense that proposal 13 is before you. While at 19 the federal and state levels citizens are 20 protected by three branches of government at 21 the local level all power rests with the Board 22 of County Commissioner. 23 The framers of our 1885 Constitution knew 24 all too well the folly of a concentrated power. 25 To address this, they created the

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1 constitutional officers. Now, this structure 2 worked very well until in recent years when 3 counties gain authority through the county 4 charter process to eliminate constitutional 5 officers, change their elective statuses, or 6 transfer their duties to non-elected employees 7 of the county. 8 Proposal 13 would close this gap and make 9 all constitutional officers uniformly elected, 10 they would preserve the constitutional and 11 statutory -- 12 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Thank you. 13 MS. GERA: Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER KEISER: The next three 15 speakers are Sandra Cote, A.N. Turiano, and 16 David Israel Reyes. 17 MS. COTE: Good afternoon. My name is 18 Sandra Cote. I am currently a student at 19 Broward College, and one of many who has 20 personally benefited from our current college 21 system, and hope that with the passing of 22 proposal 83, all future students to come will 23 have the same opportunity of furthering their 24 education at the nation's second leading 25 community college.

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1 Over the years BC has been able to tailor 2 to the needs of Florida's adverse and rapidly 3 growing community, providing students with 4 affordable tuition, with the means to focus 5 being student success. With this in mind they 6 have helped to create a strong structure on 7 which students may continue to further build 8 their careers by providing them the opportunity 9 to transfer to four-year universities in state. 10 My term spent at BC so far has not only 11 enriched my life academically, but also allowed 12 me, allowed me the ease of mind through the 13 help of my advisors, professors, and mentors to 14 help pave a clear pathway to my future career. 15 I have been able to seize the many 16 opportunities that BCS offers to those that are 17 willing to work for it. My most recent 18 experience with this has been I am currently 19 enrolled as an honor student and intern 20 (unintelligible), both of which will have a 21 positive impact when applying to transfer 22 universities. With this being only my second 23 semester at BC I have already been provided 24 with so much information and tools to help me 25 proceed.

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1 Through the approval of proposal 83, you 2 will be providing this community with not only 3 outstanding and affordable education, but the 4 certainty that this will be here for years to 5 come. Thank you. 6 MR. REYES: Hi. My name is David Reyes, 7 and as an honor student at Broward College, I 8 strongly recommend the Committee to adopt 9 proposal 83 as an amendment to the Florida 10 Constitution. The benefits that the State's 11 college and its local board of trustees brings 12 to the table does not only apply to us as 13 students, but it applies to all residents as a 14 whole. The colleges provide the highest 15 quality of education possible, and do so 16 affordably. Because of this our state colleges 17 and local board of trustees should be 18 represented in the constitution. 19 Of all of Florida's state college system 20 many of our colleges, or local state colleges 21 are Aspen Top 125, including BC, where I 22 attend, and Indian River, which received an 23 Aspen prize. The Florida College System plays 24 an incomparable role in increasing job 25 prospects and stimulating the economy, and this

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1 should be properly represented in the 2 constitution considering the fact that we have 3 more than double the amount of people in public 4 university systems. 5 Moreover, when you consider that Florida's 6 population continues to grow at a very high 7 rate you as a Committee have an opportunity to 8 set the, set the pavement and rail work for the 9 next twenty years and future generations. 10 Local colleges need to be efficient and 11 responsive to the needs of the community, and 12 fulfill the highly necessary higher education 13 infrastructure, including but not limited to 14 programs that are tailored for local job 15 demand, and they are at an affordable tuition 16 rate. 17 Let's not forget that these state colleges 18 also provide an unparalleled program for 19 veterans, elderly, and special needs. I see 20 that every day at BC, and the best way to give 21 back to Florida is to make decisions that will 22 ultimately benefit Floridians. Proposal 83 is 23 one of them. Thank you. 24 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Dr. Eva Parker, 25 Elaine Bloom, and Richard Grosso.

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1 DR. PARKER: Good afternoon. My name is 2 Eva Parker. I am president of Palm Beach State 3 College. It is my pleasure to speak in support 4 of proposal 83. I want to thank Commissioner 5 Washington and Commissioner Plymale for their 6 support of this particular amendment, and 7 particularly the education committee. When I 8 think about the constitution, and the purpose 9 that it serves in the state of Florida, I see 10 that it is the entity that describes our values 11 and what we support as a state, as well as 12 something that ensures that our citizens are 13 protected. 14 When I specifically look now to the 15 education provision in Article IX it is clear 16 that something is missing. That is that the 17 Florida College System is the only system that 18 we have in our state that supports public open 19 access opportunities for our citizens, and it 20 seems to me that it's clear that as something 21 that's important in our state, that it's 22 something that we value, based on the amount of 23 dollars that we support for our college system, 24 as well as the difference that our system makes 25 in our communities.

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1 It seems that when we have our K-12 system 2 mentioned, and have our university system 3 mentioned, that we're missing that, that middle 4 piece that ensures that our communities are 5 served, are served, and all our students have 6 an opportunity. So, I stand and ask of you to 7 support amendment proposal 83. I think that it 8 ensures that our students are protected, and 9 ensures that something that is valuable to our 10 state is actually honored within our 11 constitution, and not having it there is almost 12 like as if there's a hole, and there isn't a 13 clear representation of how important that is, 14 and the difference that it makes within our 15 state. 16 So, I support this particular amendment, 17 and thank you very much. 18 MS. BLOOM: Good afternoon, I'm Elaine 19 Bloom, president and CEO of Plaza Health 20 Network. We are a 501C3 not for profit 21 organization with seven skilled nursing 22 facilities in Miami-Dade County. I'm here to 23 oppose including skilled nursing facilities in 24 proposal 54 on certificate of need, and also to 25 oppose proposal 88 misnamed as part of the

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1 declaration of rights. 2 As some of you may know I served in the 3 Florida House of Representatives for over 4 eighteen years. I was Speaker pro tempore for 5 two years, and chaired eight major committees. 6 In fact, I chaired the health care committee 7 when we created the Agency for Healthcare 8 Administration that regulates nursing homes, as 9 well as the patient's bill of rights. And by 10 the way skilled nursing facilities are 11 regulated very, very tough by the agency. 12 All of us in health care, especially the 13 skilled nursing field, understand that we must 14 do more with less, and also always be 15 accountable, for and foremost, for patient 16 outcomes. I urge you to reject inclusion of 17 skilled nursing facilities in proposal 54, and 18 all of proposal 88, because both would do great 19 harm. Senator Sobel was totally incorrect a 20 few minutes, a little while ago, about skilled 21 nursing facilities and the need to restrict 22 trial by jury as the only form of redress. 23 Arbitration when chosen by the patient or 24 patient's family provides faster resolution, if 25 arbitration is agreed to, and reduces the

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1 waiting time for results. 2 And by the way, if there is a judgment 3 whether through arbitration or through trial by 4 jury that judgment must be paid within sixty 5 days or the nursing home will lose its license, 6 and it cannot sell its license, so this should 7 not be in the constitution. And that's 8 something I also want to mention. You all as 9 the members of the CRC know that you have to 10 make essential changes, not put things in the 11 constitution that should be done by the 12 legislature. Thank you very much. 13 COMMISSIONER KEISER: Thank you, 14 Representative. The next three speakers please 15 come forward, Alan Ehrlich, Judith Werr, and 16 Carolann Bartholomew. 17 MR. EHRLICH: My name is Alan Ehrlich, and 18 I respectfully rise to add my voice in 19 opposition to proposal 4. I love my country 20 and my state. Most of the time I'm proud of my 21 country and my state. One of the values that 22 I'm most proud of is the separation of church 23 and state. I believe that that separation has 24 allowed the United States to avoid many of the 25 problems we've seen in other countries around

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1 the world throughout history. 2 Florida's no aid to religion provision, 3 which prevents the use of the public treasury 4 directly or indirectly in aid of any religion 5 or sectarian institution is more important now 6 than ever with the increase in Florida's 7 population and importance. For a hundred 8 thirty years the no age religion provision has 9 been a bulwark preventing excess entanglement 10 between religion and government. I urge you to 11 leave the no aid to religion provision in the 12 Florida Constitution. Thank you for your time. 13 MS. WERR: Hello, I'm Judith Werr. I'm a 14 Florida resident and animal lover. I strongly 15 support proposal 67 to end greyhound racing in 16 Florida. When not racing the greyhounds spend 17 their days in cages, and are injured and die on 18 the tracks. The suffering of animals for 19 profit is unacceptable, and a disgrace. I also 20 oppose proposals 4 and 22. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER KEISER: And now Commissioner 22 Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch will continue chairing. 23 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Good 24 evening everybody. I'm Jacqui 25 Thurlow-Lippisch. I'm from Martin County.

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1 Thank you so much for being here, and staying 2 here so late. Please come up as I call your 3 name. We'll call three people, and follow the 4 same format that Commissioner Keiser did. Don 5 Anthony, Daniel Galbut, and Richard Collura, 6 please come forward. Please state your name 7 when you start, and again thank you much for 8 being here. You'll have two minutes. 9 MR. ANTHONY: Thank you. I'm Don Anthony, 10 communications director for the Animal Rights 11 Foundation of Florida, and I'm asking you on 12 behalf of our five thousand members to vote yes 13 on proposal 67. There's a reason greyhound 14 racing is illegal now in forty states. 15 Greyhounds are bred incessantly to find 16 winners. They're kept in cages. They're 17 frequently drugged. Losers are killed. The 18 ones who make it to the track break legs on the 19 track, and then they took are killed. This is 20 not a sport. Every animal advocate 21 organization, every major newspaper around the 22 state, and the majority of voters in the state, 23 support proposal 67. 24 This is one of the few issues where animal 25 advocates and dog track owners are actually in

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1 agreement. Animal advocates want to stop the 2 abuse. Track owners do not want to be forced 3 to provide an unpopular money losing event in 4 order to be allowed to provide more popular 5 forms of gaming. Everybody wants dog racing to 6 end. It's time to vote yes on proposal 67 and 7 put it before the voters, the taxpayers. It's 8 time to let the voters of Florida have their 9 say. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 11 so much. Next speaker. 12 MR. GALBUT: Good afternoon. Thank you 13 for allowing me the opportunity to speak before 14 you. My name is Daniel Galbut, born and raised 15 in Miami Beach, Florida. I'm here standing 16 before you to discuss two proposals before the 17 Commission. Firstly, I'd like to respectfully 18 ask the Board to reject amendment 88. I 19 believe it only serves to increase liability 20 costs, and add to the chronic funding 21 challenges already facing the long-term care 22 sector. Lengthy costly litigation drives up 23 costs for residents, long term care facilities, 24 and ultimately tax payers. Lawsuits do nothing 25 to improve quality, rather they divert valuable

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1 time and attention, and resources that is 2 better spent on resident care. 3 The other proposal I request for you to 4 consider is to remove skilled nursing 5 facilities from proposal 54 certificate of 6 need. Today's certificate of need process 7 ensures managed growth where there is a 8 demonstrated need for more nursing center beds, 9 particularly in rural and underserved areas. 10 Repealing the nursing center CON would lead to 11 an increase in new nursing center development 12 across the state, resulting in unmanaged growth 13 and low occupancy rates. 14 Preserving nursing center occupancy rates 15 delivers cost savings for Florida's Medicaid 16 program. I believe statistically it's 17 understood that each 1% drop in occupancy 18 results in an $11 million increase in the 19 Medicaid line item. Occupancy rates are also 20 an indicator of the financial health of nursing 21 centers. Lower occupancy rates compromise 22 operational efficiency, and directly reduce 23 nursing center's value, discouraging 24 investments. 25 There is no true free market system for

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1 the cost of nursing center care. Rather 2 nursing center operates as a public/private 3 partnership. Again, I implore the Commission 4 to remove skilled nursing centers from being 5 included in Florida Constitution amendment 6 proposal 54. Allow the mission driven 7 caregiver the opportunity -- 8 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 9 MR. GALBUT: -- to continue his or her 10 mission. 11 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 12 very much. The next speaker, Mr. Collura. I'm 13 sorry if that's not the right word, Collura. 14 DR. COLLURA: My name is Richard Collura. 15 In any event I'm here as a, to voice my strong 16 opposition to the adoption of proposal 94 17 concerning our state's tobacco control program. 18 Its ultimate approval would potentially 19 undercut the very successful program now in 20 place. It is for good reason that this 21 proposal is opposed by the American Lung 22 Association, the American Cancer Society, the 23 American Heart Association, and other patient 24 advocacy groups. 25 By way of introduction, I am thoracic

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1 surgeon, and for over forty years I served on 2 the faculty of the University of Miami School 3 of Medicine at Jackson Memorial Medical Center. 4 I am currently a Meritus College professor of 5 thoracic surgical oncology. I have worked 6 closely with the AHAC program in tobacco 7 control for many years. I am now currently the 8 chair of the Tobacco-Free Work Group of the 9 consortium for a healthier Miami-Dade. Our 10 mission is to improve health by reducing and 11 ultimately eliminating the use of tobacco in 12 all its forms. 13 My professional career was largely spent 14 dealing with patients who experience the 15 ravages of tobacco addiction, primarily lung 16 cancer. Having operated on many hundreds, and 17 perhaps thousands of patients, I cannot avoid 18 the realization that although treatments have 19 improved somewhat they still fall full far 20 short of the ideal. Over 85% of lung cancers 21 are clearly related to cigarette use. 22 Avoidance of nicotine addiction and cigarette 23 use is the most effective measure to reduce the 24 incidents of lung cancer and other smoking 25 related disease.

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1 The best strategy, both in terms of human 2 suffering in purely economic terms is 3 prevention. Our current program Tobacco-Free 4 Florida has been a huge success. We currently 5 are rated by the American Lung Association as 6 F, with a grade of F in tobacco prevention 7 cessation funding, in that we provide only 37% 8 -- 9 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you, 10 Mr. Collura. 11 MR. COLLURA: -- of the funding 12 recommended by the CDC. 13 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 14 Thank you very much. 15 MR. COLLURA: Many thanks. 16 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: And I'm 17 sorry about mispronouncing your name. Our next 18 three speakers please come forward. Diane 19 Wiles, Katherine Carl, and Julie Dunstan. 20 Please state your name as you begin to speak. 21 You have two minutes. 22 MS. WILES: Good afternoon. My name is 23 Diane Wiles, and I support proposal 67. 24 Greyhound racing is an animal welfare issue, 25 and it's cruel to put the dogs in harm's way

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1 for the purpose of human entertainment on 2 limiting gambling expansion, to save jobs, or 3 to limit potential state financial 4 responsibility. 5 The opposition states dogs are not injured 6 often, and when they are they receive proper 7 care, and that claims of poor care are issues 8 of the past that no longer exist. In fact, I 9 thought I'd share with you my personal 10 experience. My husband and I adopted five 11 greyhounds, four of them have had injuries. 12 Trent, our first, and I actually have some 13 pictures, I don't know if you'll be able to see 14 them, but he had very large scars all over his 15 body, so he came to us this way. Now, in 16 seeing greyhounds play their skin does tear 17 very easily, and just from playing. But what I 18 do know is that when these wounds are properly 19 cared for and they heal there is a very small 20 mark, so I wonder why are his scars this large. 21 Scooby is our second. He is great, and he 22 enjoys providing pet therapy at the local 23 nursing home. Shaggy and Fred are our third 24 and fourth. Their story is actually about 25 their mother, who had an accidental pregnancy.

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1 Because the litter was unwanted she was sent to 2 the adoption group pregnant. Shaggy and Fred 3 are from her litter, and interesting, when she 4 gave birth her race owner wanted her back to 5 resume racing, just an example of being vested 6 in a dog only to the extent that it can make 7 money. 8 Velma is our most recent. Her career 9 ended with a serious leg injury. There is 10 Shaggy and Fred, and then Velma here. You can 11 see she also has the same large scars. She had 12 a serious leg injury. Her tendons in her, on 13 her back leg are blown out. We got her 14 physical therapy, she's -- 15 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 16 MS. WILES: -- able to use that leg now. 17 Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 19 so much for sharing. Next speaker Katherine 20 Carl. 21 MS. CARL: Okay, I wanted to finish 22 talking about my parents in the nursing home. 23 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: I'm sorry, 24 the next speaker -- are you Katherine Carl? 25 MS. CARL: I am Katherine Carl.

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1 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Okay 2 great. Just state your name. Thank you. 3 MS. CARL: All right, I am here to 4 continue talking about the plight that my 5 parents went through at the hands of the 6 nursing homes, and without the regulation 7 oversights and the insurance to protect the 8 residents of those homes they will surely die, 9 as my parents did, and as your parents will if 10 they have to attend one of these facilities. 11 They oftentimes neglect the patient, and 12 the patient will end up with more severe 13 injuries and maladies than they had going in. 14 My parents were both taken out of the nursing 15 center, had to go to the hospital, and they 16 ultimately died. These nursing homes bury 17 their mistakes, and unless we have stronger 18 oversight they will continue. 19 I come from a very regulated industry. I 20 flew 747s around the world. We were truly 21 regulated, and we have a lot of oversight, and 22 for good reason, we needed and do have 23 insurance to protect our passengers and our 24 freight. And I can only implore that you will 25 look into these nursing homes, and when the

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1 representative indicated to do more with less, 2 then I want my $9,000 a month back that I paid 3 while they were there. Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 5 very much. Next speaker Julie Dunstan. 6 MS. DUNSTAN: Hi, I'm Julie Dunstan. I 7 waive my time to Jack Oliver. 8 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 9 Hello, Mr. Oliver. 10 MR. OLIVER: Hello, my name is Jack 11 Oliver. I am the founder and director of 12 Floridians for e-verify now. I got involved in 13 this because of my own situation. I lost my 14 income due to illegal labor. My family went 15 from having a good upper middle-class income to 16 barely being able to pay our bills because of 17 the influx of illegal labor. 18 This is -- unfortunately, you know, I'm 19 not the only one. There's hundreds of thousands 20 of Floridians who have suffered the same thing. 21 The poor people in this state are the most 22 adversely affected by the influx of illegal 23 labor. New immigrants that come here trying to 24 seek the American dream are denied that 25 American dream to step up that, go up that

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1 economic ladder because the constant influx of 2 illegal labor stagnates the workers, their 3 wages. 4 Now, we call know why it hasn't passed in 5 the state legislature. It's caused enormous 6 problems, even to the tax payers. The fiscal 7 impact in 2007 was $1.4 billion. It's now $6.3 8 billion. So, the tax payers are harmed, all 9 the workers are harmed, and the state 10 legislature has refused to act, so this makes 11 this amendment the perfect thing, and why this 12 Commission was formed, to address issues that 13 the state legislature either will not or cannot 14 do. 15 And we all know why it's not happening at 16 the state legislature, the special interest 17 groups that use illegal labor have a 18 stranglehold on the state legislature, so let's 19 let all Floridians be stakeholders in this 20 process and put it on the ballot. Let the 21 Chamber of Commerce, the Ag people, state their 22 case. Let the citizens state their case. This 23 is the fair way to address a very difficult 24 situation. Thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you.

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1 Our next three speakers; Renatta Espinoza, 2 Nadya Kijanka, excuse me if I mispronounce, and 3 Elayne Garver. None of those people are here? 4 I'm sorry. Espinoza. It's quite a walk there. 5 MS. ESPINOZA: Yes, sorry. I apologize. 6 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: That's 7 okay. 8 MS. ESPINOZA: Good afternoon. Thank you, 9 Commissioner, for giving me the opportunity to 10 speak today. My name is Renatta Espinoza. I 11 am an educator. I am a very big activist for 12 ESE students. I am a Title I charter school, 13 the only Title I charter school that is an A 14 school in Lake Worth, Florida, and I would like 15 to talk to you about some of the proposals that 16 you have initiated. 17 I do like to oppose for proposal 4 18 declaration of rights and religious freedom. I 19 believe religion versus state should not be in 20 between for education, especially when it comes 21 to public education. Religion should be 22 something that the people, the parents, the 23 families should be, approve what, what 24 religions they want their children to be 25 educated on, not into a public school.

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1 The proposal 10 civic literacy in public 2 education. I need to support that. There are 3 students, especially Title I students, students 4 that I taught being an educator for over 5 twenty- five years, and a principal, and an 6 international principal, there are people who 7 do not know who is the speaker of our House. 8 They do not know what's Congress. They don't 9 know who are our Senators. They do not know 10 who are our Legislators. They don't know how 11 the Commissioners are elected or appointed, 12 just like you folks are. And it's very 13 important that you support this. 14 Especially -- we have -- in our school we 15 use Sandra Day O'Conner, one of the websites, 16 and the one that, my students had the privilege 17 to meet Sandra Day O'Conner when she was out in 18 Palm Beach, and they were very excited. They 19 did not know who she was, but learning the 20 civics in our school, it should be also for 21 public school students, especially our charter 22 school students. 23 I believe the superintendent who talked 24 about proposal 33 citizens, I believe the 25 citizens should depict their superintendent.

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1 Those are the people who hired the, or vote for 2 our school board, and they should be picking 3 our superintendent. I am opposed for 91 banned 4 offshore drilling, absolutely not, my students 5 are against that. 6 Proposal 93, Commissioner Martinez, he 7 needs more language on the proposal 93. Thank 8 you so much. 9 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 10 Thank you. Thank you very much. Nadia. 11 Elaine Garver. We'll move on to three more 12 please. Penny Cukier. 13 MS. GELLER: Hi, my name is Elaine Geller. 14 I'm here so that you can vote no on prop 94. 15 Tobacco-Free Florida is a very important 16 program. It passed in 2006. It's been 17 incredibly successful, as demonstrated by the 18 reduction in smoking rates and cost savings to 19 the state. In '06 the adult smoking rate was 20 21%. In 2016 it was down to 15.5%, he lowest 21 it has ever been. 22 The youth smoking rate has decrease from 23 10.6 in 2006 to 3.8 in 2015. That's an 24 astounding 70% decrease. The program has saved 25 the state $3.2 billion in health care costs,

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1 annual smoking related health care costs in 2 Florida deceased 15% from '06 to '15 when the, 3 when it was, when TFF was put in. 4 The tobacco institute spends about $558 5 million annually to market the product in 6 Florida, so that's about $8 for every $1 the 7 state is spending. I so support cancer 8 research, but taking away money from people who 9 are already prone and putting themselves in the 10 position to have cancer makes no sense. Please 11 make sure that 94 goes down, and that we keep 12 TFF, thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: All right, 14 thank you very much. Penny? Welcome. 15 MS. CUKIER: Thank you. My name is Penny 16 Cukier. I'm a resident of Plantation, which is 17 a city here in Broward County. I hope you will 18 all continue to oppose proposal 22, which would 19 seriously undermine Floridian's right to 20 privacy in an effort to impose more 21 restrictions on abortion access for Florida 22 women. This proposal abolishes Florida's 23 constitutional privacy protections, except for 24 those relating to informational privacy. 25 Florida's constitution provides greater

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1 protection against government overreach then 2 the federal constitution. It protects us from 3 government surveillance and government 4 intrusion in personal areas such as marriage, 5 intimate sexual relations, reproductive and 6 personal medical decisions, parenting 7 decisions, such as the right to home school or 8 provide alternative forms of education to 9 children, and more. 10 If proposal 22 is adopted these 11 protections will disappear. Please oppose 12 proposal 22. I would also like you to oppose 13 proposal 4, which would open the floodgates to 14 public financing of religious voucher schools 15 by repealing the Blaine Amendment. Our 16 constitution now has separation of church and 17 state, and we must continue to have separation 18 of church and state. We should not have any 19 public state funds for religious institutions. 20 I do not want to see my taxes go to religious 21 schools. 22 I also oppose proposal 95, and I am for 23 proposal 88, proposal 42, and proposal 91. 24 Thank you so much for listening. 25 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you

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1 very much. Our next three speaker, Horm Grad, 2 Diane Sammons, and I'm not sure how to 3 pronounce this last name, but Blanco Quinonez. 4 Mr. Grad, are you here? 5 MR. GRAD: I am here. It takes a while. 6 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 7 Sorry. 8 MR. GRAD: Welcome to Broward County. 9 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 10 very much, we're happy to be here. 11 MR. GRAD: I'm Grad. First of all, we all 12 understand that elections matter, and we just 13 have to keep in mind of that fact, and we all 14 have to vote, that's number one. Number two, I 15 was sitting here earlier on and I'm hearing 16 background noise, and me, I suppose the guy 17 might have a gun, but a lady was talking about 18 Hungary and he, somebody said go back to 19 Hungary, and then on this women's issue I heard 20 something about, well, they should keep their 21 legs closed. 22 So, you know what we're up against, okay, 23 and you call know that, and you all should be 24 aware of that, okay. So, let's not create any 25 incendiary stuff as you go down the road.

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1 Dogs, I wasn't here on the dogs, the 2 greyhounds, but you know who the lobbyist are 3 in Tallahassee. I know the name, I won't give 4 it to you, he's been up there forever, and 5 that's why you don't get anything done on 6 greyhound racing. Maybe that's why it should 7 be in the constitution. 8 Thank you, Mr. Smith, for being here, for 9 representing Broward County. Okay, public 10 education. Can you all read this? Of course, 11 I have three kids that were raised in Sunrise. 12 They all went to elementary, middle and high 13 school. One is an interventional cardiologist 14 now. If you need his name, I'll give it to 15 you. My son is teaching in Lake Worth Middle 16 School, immigrant kids, he's losing their 17 parents. Okay, I'm proud of him. He won't 18 make money, but I'm real proud of him. My 19 daughter is up in Orlando. She's the Cantor in 20 the largest reform congregation in Orlando. So 21 again, public education, that's the key. 22 I'd like to read you this, because then 23 I'll get the heck out of here. I think we all 24 need this. When the power of love becomes 25 stronger than the love of power, there is then

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1 peace among all people will exist. God bless 2 you all. I know you're traveling all over the 3 state. Thank you for coming to Broward County. 4 We're pretty far away from Tallahassee, but we 5 vote. And what I have here is fake news. 6 Recognize that? I'm going to leave it with 7 you, okay, because this is very complicated 8 stuff, a lot of issues, okay, but we have a 9 paper in this county by the name of -- 10 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you, 11 sir. Thank you so much. 12 MR. GRAD: -- the Sun-Sentinel, and 13 they're - - 14 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: We 15 appreciate it. 16 MR. GRAD: -- doing an excellent job, so 17 I'm going to leave it with you. God bless you 18 in your work. 19 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Diane 20 Sammons. Not here. Blanco Quinonez possibly? 21 Not here. 22 MS. DEBIASE: So, I'm here on behalf -- my 23 name is Patti Debiase. I'm a mom, a grandma, 24 and an educator. I've been teaching in Broward 25 County thirty-five years. We have excellent

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1 schools that you can only improve by keeping 2 the money in schools, not taking it out and 3 giving it to charter schools and religious 4 schools. I think that is not negotiable. It's 5 already in the constitution; state, separation 6 of state and church, so why is it coming up 7 again? 8 Really, we need to make our Florida kids 9 our number one interest group. That's what's 10 important, and it's not. We're like 11 forty-ninth in funding. We need to improve 12 funding, improve education, and that's not 13 going to happen by taking money away. So, as 14 an educator I want you to oppose 4, please. 15 And then number 22, don't take our rights away. 16 We have tons of women that fought for our 17 rights. We have it, don't take it away. Thank 18 you. 19 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 20 very much. Our next three speakers, D-I-A-N, 21 Dian Alarcon, Claudia E. Toboga, and Amanda 22 O'Campo. Please come forward. Nobody? Okay, 23 thank you. I think I'm too short. If you guys 24 come forward you can raise your hands up, and 25 then I'm like they're there. Thank you.

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1 MS. QUINONEZ: Buenos -- my name is Blanco 2 Quinonez. 3 INTERPRETER: Hello my name -- I'm 4 translating. My name is Blanco Quinonez, and I 5 am here. I am a mother, I am a grandmother, I 6 am a great grandmother, and I am here to oppose 7 proposal 22, thank you. And proposal 4. 8 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 9 MR. ALARCON: My name is Dian Alarcon. I 10 work for the National Latina Institute for 11 Reproductive Health. I'm the coordinator. And 12 I'm opposed to the privacy women's rights. 13 Please no consider for both these ones, they 14 impact the communities terrible. 29, e-verify, 15 97, oppose this proposal, and 4, the religions 16 and government is not the same thing, it's 17 separate. Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 19 very much. 20 MS. TOBOGA: Thank you. My name is 21 Claudia Toboga, and, and I'm so happy to the 22 opportunity to talk with you. And I'm a 23 resident of Fort Lauderdale City, and I raise 24 my voice to reject proposal 22 or 97, and do 25 not consider anymore again, don't bring it

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1 back. 2 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 3 very much. Is Amanda here, O'Campo? Not here. 4 Thank you. 5 MS. O'CAMPO: (Spanish) 6 INTERPRETER: Hello, my name is Amanda, 7 and I am a mother and a grandmother, and I am 8 here to speak on proposal 22, which women, a 9 particularly women puts their privacy at risk, 10 and I am completely against it. Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 12 very much. Nelly Alladina. Thank you for -- I 13 need to come down here for some Spanish 14 lessons. Also, Shannon Saphier Grad, and 15 Jonathan May please. Thank you so much. And 16 thank you for restating your name, and I'm 17 sorry if I mispronounce it. 18 MS. MELINA: (Spanish) 19 INTERPRETER: Hello, my name is Nelly 20 Melina, and I'm here. I am a U.S. Citizen, and 21 I am representing voices that cannot be heard 22 today. I am here to be in opposition of 23 proposal 22, 29, 97, and 4. In particularly 22 24 I ask you that please you do not bring this 25 back here in Tallahassee. Thank you.

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1 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 2 very much. 3 MS. GRAD: Hi. I'm Sharon Saphire Grad. 4 I'm from Margate, Florida. I'm a retired 5 teacher, and I am very important that we do not 6 have 4 because we must have the separation of 7 church and state, state. It is a must. It's 8 our law. It's our law. Also, we must -- if we 9 do not do that, and we don't keep our public 10 schools good -- and a lot of people have done 11 wonderful things from public school, then we 12 will lose business, because business will not 13 come down here. 14 The other thing is 91 and 95. We cannot 15 have drilling, because again that's going to be 16 a problem. We're a tourist state. It's going 17 to wreck our economics. What happened to this 18 state? When I went in '57 to the University of 19 Miami I was forced to take a conservation 20 course. You could not go to that school 21 without taking a conservation course. We must 22 protect our environment. 23 We also must have privacy. 22 is very 24 important. It isn't just abortion. A woman 25 has a right to choose. She could decide she

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1 wants it or she doesn't. That's that person's 2 right. Fortunately, I didn't have to make that 3 decision, but it's not my right to tell someone 4 else what to do. We must have home rule too. 5 Another thing, let's write this in 6 communication where everyone understands 7 whether it's a yes or a no. A lot of us have 8 difficulty with all the propositions because 9 when you read them even if you have a college 10 degree nobody knows what we're voting for, is 11 it yes or is it no, so please get someone in 12 communication. Thank you very much. 13 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 14 very much. Is Mr. Jonathan May here? No. 15 Next three speakers, David Caulkett, Sonia 16 Stratemann, and Judy Ponce. Please come 17 forward, or raise if I, so I can tell you're 18 coming. Thank you. Thank you very much. 19 MS. STRATEMANN: Hi, my name is Sonia 20 Stratemann. I have been rescuing greyhounds 21 for fourteen years now. I've taken in over 22 2,000, and most of those came with career 23 ending injuries, hundreds of broken legs. Out 24 of the dogs with the broken legs that we've 25 received that needed surgery, we've had one

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1 owner, one owner paid for their surgery. The 2 owners very rarely have ever given us any 3 donation. 4 I've been to the kennels, and spent a lot 5 of time. I learned most of the abuse -- 6 everything that I've seen I've learned from 7 trainers, I've learned from being in the 8 kennel, I've learned from things that they've 9 told me. They've asked me to take in broken 10 legs so that the owners don't have them 11 euthanized. Just last, in the last three 12 months we have taken in four dogs that were set 13 to be euthanized. They went to the vet, they 14 were to be euthanized, and we were called. 15 I have been blacklisted because of that. 16 I posted a dog three months ago to fundraise 17 for a surgery, and the industry put everywhere 18 to blacklist me. They will not send me another 19 dog again. The vet will not call me again. I 20 don't know what's going to happen with those 21 dogs now. There is no record of where the dogs 22 go. There is nothing kept. They can do 23 anything with their dogs. There's absolutely 24 no record of what happens to them once they 25 leave that track. Please -- please vote for

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1 proposal 67, thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 3 very much. 4 MS. PONCE: Hey there, I'm Judy Ponce. I 5 am a ten-year volunteer with Sonia Stratemann 6 in her greyhound rescue group. I have seen the 7 injuries come off the racetrack. I have been 8 there when a call gets through that there's a 9 dog at the vet with a broken leg that's going 10 to be euthanized, and can we possibly take him. 11 I have greyhounds of my own with multiple scars 12 on them. 13 I have seen the dogs come in from the 14 tracks, and the dog collars with nails that 15 look like daggers, black ears from gunk in 16 there. I have seen the brooding females come 17 out of the breeding kennels with black teeth 18 from lack of care. These dogs, I'm sure there 19 are wonderful trainers, and wonderful kennel 20 owners, but the ones that I've seen in my ten 21 years of volunteering, 85% of them have been in 22 bad shape. 23 They have urine stains on them. They are 24 frightened. They're dogs. Yes, they love to 25 run, but many dogs love to run. It's time to

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1 end this. These dogs need to be put in homes. 2 They turn out to be wonderful loving pets. 3 They can go to homes with multiple other dogs, 4 and cats, and children. It's time. Forty 5 other states have done it, it's time for 6 Florida to do it. 7 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 8 MR. CAULKETT: Good afternoon, 9 Commissioners. My name is David Caulkett. 10 First of all, I live in Pompano Beach. Thank 11 you for your time and participation in this 12 important process, and thank you for listening. 13 I represent Floridians for Immigration 14 Enforcement, and we stand strongly for proposal 15 29, the e- verify proposal. E-verify has been 16 enacted in seven surrounding states, but not 17 Florida. 18 Flyman, as we're known, has struggled and 19 failed to get e-verify enacted through the 20 Florida legislature, and this is why it's so 21 important that we get e-verify on the ballot 22 next Fall. The opposition has been 23 substantially from big business and 24 agriculture, and they have used all sorts of 25 scare tactics about exorbitant costs, and that

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1 is just not true. 2 After e-verify was enacted in Alabama, 3 Georgia, and South Carolina, in Georgia I 4 should say, the productivity for agriculture 5 went up, and I testified to, to that fact at 6 the executive committee. E-verify is a mature 7 system. It's successful. It's highly 8 accurate, and easy to use. If there is a 9 database error, there are remedies to resolve 10 that fairly quickly. 11 E-verify is highly popular in a Poltz poll 12 78% of likely voters mandated there, favored e- 13 verify. A 2013 Gallop poll said 85% favored e- 14 verify, so I think it will pass this Fall. It 15 is needed because we need to work fairly. We 16 cannot compete against an unlimited supply of 17 foreign workers, so it should be in the 18 constitution. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 20 very much. Our next three speakers, Michael 21 Goldfarb, Marianna Oliveira, and Abby Zap. 22 MR. GOLDFARB: Thank you. My name is 23 Michael Goldfarb. I live here in Broward 24 County. I'd like to ask you to oppose proposal 25 66, which would have the Lieutenant Governor to

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1 serve as Secretary of State, which is presently 2 appointed by, it is an appointed position. 3 There is no need for this. The Lieutenant 4 Governor does not need any more influence as 5 Secretary of State. Remember ? 6 I am worried about partisan politics 7 influencing elections. 8 What is not a proposal under consideration 9 is proposal 62, open primaries. What is not a 10 proposal under consideration is having an 11 independent commission to oversee elections. 12 What is not a proposal under consideration is 13 having a prohibition of the use of a database 14 to remove voters from the voter's polls that 15 are allegedly registered to vote in more than 16 one state. This is called interstate 17 crosschecks. That was started by Kris Kobach 18 of Kansas, and is now being used by homeland 19 security. 20 What is not being under consideration is 21 having adequate polling places so that people 22 don't have to wait more than a half an hour to 23 vote. What is not under consideration is 24 requiring voting machines to produce paper 25 ballots. What is not under consideration is

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1 requiring an audit of a sampling of ballots to 2 attest that the correct vote count. Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 4 very much. 5 MS. ZAP: Hello, Commissioners. Thank 6 you, I'm Abby Zap, and I'm here to get you to 7 vote for prop 67. I was neutral until about 8 ten or twelve years ago and I was at Sonia 9 Stratemann's house at her kennel and a dog came 10 in that was, I mean his leg was just, it was 11 like shattered. It was cut in half. And these 12 people had called her the week before and they 13 said, hey, do you have any room, and she said, 14 no, not unless it's an emergency. Oh, no 15 emergency. Well, it was an emergency, and I 16 cried. 17 And up until that point I was fairly 18 neutral on racing, but I've never been neutral 19 since, not at all. Thank you. Please vote. 20 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 21 very much. 22 MS. OLIVEIRA: Thank you for the 23 opportunity to speak about proposal 83 24 regarding the state college system. My name is 25 Mariana Oliveira, and I am a Broward College

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1 student. The Florida Constitution should 2 include the state colleges to recognize their 3 mission of providing students access to 4 preparatory education to meet the work force 5 needs. Considering that Broward College and 6 Indian River State College, members of the 7 State College System were finalists with 8 distinction for the 2017 Aspen Prize, 9 incorporating them in the constitution would 10 mean to recognize such accomplishments and the 11 system's impact on higher education. 12 Another important factor is that there are 13 800,000 students in the state college system, 14 in opposition to the smaller number of 300,000 15 students in the state university system. That 16 shows the huge growth in relevance in the state 17 colleges around Florida. 18 This current situation subjects the state 19 colleges to change cornerstone aspects every 20 year. Incorporating them in the constitution 21 would bring stability to the system, and 22 recognize its tremendous value to the state of 23 Florida. Please approval proposal 83. I would 24 like to thank Commissioner Washington who is 25 sponsoring this proposal. Thank you all.

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1 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 2 very much. And thank you for speaking under 3 two minutes, all of you, just because we have 4 so many left. Our next three speakers are 5 Fiona Proserpi, Kathy Bird, and Joe Trudden. 6 MS. BIRD: Hi. My name is Kathy Bird, and 7 I'm a resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida. 8 I am a mom to two kids. My son is thirteen 9 years old, and my daughter is eight, and they 10 both attend Miami-Dade County public schools. 11 I know that this was already mentioned once 12 before but Florida is already number forty nine 13 in terms of the funding that we allot per 14 child, so that means we're already scraping at 15 the bottom for our kids, and our kids deserve 16 better, so we should be, you know, pushing for 17 more funding for our kids' public schools, not 18 trying to move some of that funding to go to 19 religious schools. 20 Religion has no place in a school, and I 21 believe that religious freedom is also being 22 free from religion. I definitely don't want my 23 kids receiving religious teachings that are not 24 in line with what we believe at home. I don't 25 think that that's fair. So, I hope that you

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1 will vote no on proposal 4. 2 I also hope that you will reject any 3 proposal that threatens home rule of local 4 government. I believe that we elect our local 5 governments so that they have power to make the 6 rules that best suit our communities, and our 7 communities' needs, so any attempt to crimp 8 that is something that I would oppose. 9 I ask that you continue to protect our 10 right to privacy by rejecting proposal 22, that 11 you reject mandating the flawed e-verify system 12 that's costly, it's bad for business, and it's 13 highly inaccurate. It also actually tags a lot 14 of people that are authorized workers, so 15 please vote no on proposal 29. And I hope that 16 you will reject proposal 97. Don't make it any 17 harder for citizens to have their voice heard 18 when they're trying to pass a ballot amendment. 19 And finally, I am four years tobacco free, 20 and a lot of that is thanks to Tobacco-Free 21 Florida, so thank you Tobacco-Free Florida for 22 helping me get clean. I haven't picked up one 23 cigarette since then, and I couldn't have done 24 it without that program, so thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you.

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1 Thank you. Fiona Proserpi? No. How about Joe 2 Trudden? Ok, our next three, Joseph Kreps, 3 Diane Wiles, and Matthew Minzer, please come 4 forward. Thank you. 5 MR. FISCHER: Hello, my name is Scott 6 Fischer, and I'm here with Matthew Minzer. I'm 7 a lifelong Floridian myself, an attorney in 8 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I spent seventeen 9 years focusing my practice on representing 10 victims of nursing home abuse. Actually, my 11 first four years I worked for the nursing 12 homes, and learned a lot of things I wish I 13 didn't know. And I brought Mr. Minzer here 14 today, he's one of dozens and dozens of stories 15 like this that I've seen in my career that I 16 never expected to get into. 17 He went to visit his wife at a Boca Raton 18 nursing home and found her in bed dead, and 19 he's the one who -- 20 MR. MINZER: Lake Worth. 21 MR. FISCHER: Lake Worth, I'm sorry. It's 22 actually Avonte Nursing Home that has nursing 23 homes in Lake Worth and Boca. This was Avonte 24 at Lake Worth. And only -- 911 was only called 25 because of him, and they found levity in her

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1 body. With that I'm going to go ahead and turn 2 it over to him in support of course of 88, that 3 we need regulation in nursing homes. It's a 4 very sad situation. 5 MR. MINZER: I'm still Matthew Minzer. 6 I'm shivering, but I'll warm up when I get into 7 Florida outside. I was married fifty years to 8 an angel. She was an attorney. She was 9 president of Matthew Minzer & Company, the 10 greatest wife, the greatest mother, and the 11 greatest grandmother. 12 She had a brain hemorrhage in front of me 13 in my house, and an ambulance brought to John 14 F. Kennedy. They operated for five hours. 15 She was speaking three weeks later perfectly, 16 and then they sent her to a select, an acute 17 hospital, she was doing great. And finally, 18 they put her into Avonte, and they promised me 19 a bill of goods. No doctor looked at her in 20 twelve days. No -- they gave her no care. 21 My daughter, a doctor in New York flew in, 22 and the room was sealed. And my wife was in 23 rigor mortis. She was white as snow with a 24 blue glow which comes from that. And they had 25 taken a blood sugar about six hours before, it

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1 was 30, they didn't do anything. At 30 your 2 brain stops, your lungs stop, and your heart 3 stops, you're in cardiac arrest. They allowed 4 her to die. They're incompetent. They should 5 be out of business. And I believe they own 6 forty-five locations in Florida. They killed 7 my wife, and I'm going after them in court. 8 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you, 9 sir. 10 MR. MINZER: Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Joseph -- 12 I'm sorry, thank you. Hi. 13 MS. MINOQUE: Hi. So, my name is Lana 14 Minoque. I am a citizen here of Broward 15 County, and I am an immigrant, and I am here to 16 oppose proposal 87, 97, proposal 29, proposal 17 22, and to support proposal 96. In regards to 18 supporting proposal 96, survivors of all types 19 of violence, and victims of violence, are 20 already underserved, so I highly encourage the 21 Commission to please support this. 22 In regards to proposal 97, I work along 23 with many community advocates on the voting 24 rights registration campaign, and we work so 25 hard for hours to make sure that we're able to

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1 pass this amendment to bring voting rights to 2 many Floridians, and unfortunately making that, 3 that's already going to be very difficult for 4 us to come as a community and make that change. 5 Adding any additional burden to that is not in 6 the interest of democracy. 7 And then proposal 29, I oppose that 8 wholeheartedly, both as an immigrant the system 9 is racist, and it is going to create additional 10 hurdles for business, so I urge you to please 11 oppose that. And lastly proposal 22, my first 12 job out of college was with a data governance 13 group, and we worked so hard on an 14 international level to make sure that we have 15 privacies for the right to be forgotten, 16 privacies for our community as a whole, and 17 it's so sad to see how this is going to bring 18 our communities, especially the most vulnerable 19 communities, and women, and take away the basic 20 right that we have to privacy, and to be 21 forgotten, and to decide what is known, and 22 this additional surveillance is just ridiculous 23 so I ask you to please oppose that. Thank you 24 very much. 25 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you

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1 very much. 2 MS. MILLS: I'm Diane Mills. I'm a 3 Florida resident since 1970, and I wasn't going 4 to stand up and say anything, but I just wanted 5 to support the young lady who was just standing 6 up and say that we have to reject 22, that 7 women have a right to privacy in this world. 8 And I also would like to talk about amendment 9 4, and that is that the right to teach religion 10 in our public schools is not a right. That 11 should not be taught in schools. Schools are 12 not for religion, they're for learning things, 13 and the religion is to be taught at home. 14 Thank you. 15 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 16 very much. Joseph Kreps? Our next three 17 speakers, Tina Braumgardt, Jane Justice, and 18 Miriam Esposito. If you're coming up would you 19 raise your hand, so I know you're coming up? 20 Okay. Probably some people may have had to 21 leave. We thank you all for being here this 22 evening. Our next three speakers would be -- 23 thank you. 24 MS. ESPOSITO: Here I am. 25 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Excellent

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1 thank you. 2 MS. ESPOSITO: Hi. My name is Miriam 3 Esposito. I am from West Palm Beach. I am a 4 legal immigrant, and I am here in full support 5 of e-verify, and I'm going to give the rest of 6 my time to Dawn Witherspoon. 7 MS. WITHERSPOON: Hi. I'd like to speak 8 to you today about my husband Paul Vassar. He 9 was a paramedic, critical care paramedic, 10 eighteen-year veteran paramedic, and he was 11 killed on June 1, 2017 by an illegal immigrant 12 in the Town of Jupiter. June 1, 2017 was the 13 worst day of our lives. Him and his partner 14 were both killed. My daughter and I lost the 15 greatest man we've ever known. If we had laws 16 enforced like e-verify we would not have this 17 problem, at least part of the problem that is. 18 I don't have a problem with anyone coming 19 to our country. As a matter of fact, my family 20 are immigrants. I do have a problem with 21 people being here illegally, and I have a 22 problem with them taking the lives of my loved 23 ones. There was an accident just last night 24 with Edwin Jackson, I think two days ago. He's 25 a linebacker for the Indianapolis Colts, and he

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1 was killed, again by an illegal drunk driver 2 that happened to be from Guatemala, the same 3 country that the man that killed my husband is 4 from. So, I ask if you please consider 5 e-verify. 6 If we stop giving them a reason to come 7 here illegally, and they can work and make 8 money illegally, I feel like it would do, 9 coming here the right way you will obey our 10 laws, follow our laws, and save citizen's 11 lives. So please I ask you to consider either 12 -- 13 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you. 14 Tina Braumgardt, not here. Jane Justice. 15 MS. PRUDENTE: I'm here for Jane Justice, 16 I -- 17 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: I'm sorry, 18 I really -- is Jane Justice here too? Where is 19 Jane Justice? 20 MS. PRUDENTE: She left, but she asked me 21 to yield her time to -- 22 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Okay, I'm 23 going to do this, but I think this might have 24 to be the last time that this happens. I just 25 had some concerns by some of the other

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1 Commissioners that we definitely should have 2 the people, the person speaking whose name is 3 on here. Thank you so much. Please continue. 4 I appreciate it. 5 MS. PRUDENTE: My name is Paula Prudente. 6 I yield for Jane Justice. I thought someone 7 else was going to come here from my group. 8 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Ma'am, 9 you're fine. I'm sorry, go ahead and tell us 10 your story. 11 MS. PRUDENTE: Okay, I can speak. I am 12 here because I really believe we need to 13 enforce the Florida immigration laws, and every 14 elected official must uphold their sworn oath 15 to the constitution of legal immigration laws. 16 We are a country of immigrants, everybody is an 17 immigrant here. This is a great country, great 18 immigrants, but we all have to come here 19 legally, and so we don't have these criminals 20 that are causing grief and destroying families. 21 I'm a teacher for thirty-five years. I've 22 had gangs in my classroom, kids that bring 23 guns, you know, very disruptive to many of the 24 public places, from high school to the 25 elementary schools, you know, I just -- I

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1 didn't prepare to speak here, but I just want 2 to make sure that you uphold your sworn oath to 3 the constitution, all of the elected officials 4 are bound by their sworn oath to the 5 constitution for legal immigration. Thank you 6 for being here today. 7 COMMISSIONER THURLOW-LIPPISCH: Thank you 8 very much. And everyone is welcome, this is 9 for the public, and we are happy to have you 10 speak today. Thank you so much. I'm now going 11 to turn this over to Commission Carolynn 12 Timmann, and she will be taking us through the 13 next hour. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Okay, next up, I'd 15 like to bring up Cindy Falco de Corrado, Jim 16 Robertson, and Terry Preuss. Come on down. Be 17 careful please. Behind them we'll have 18 Jennifer Lamont, Hildi Ismail, and Laura Munoz. 19 MS. PREUSS: Hello. My name is Terry 20 Lopez Preuss. I am an immigrant from Cuba. We 21 were educated in the public schools, myself and 22 my two brothers, my brother and my sister. My 23 sister works for the NSA. My brother is one of 24 the top FBI agents, and I am a public-school 25 teacher. We got a great education herein

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1 Florida through our public schools. I am 2 asking you please to understand this is not a 3 good place to be a public-school teacher or a 4 woman. Right now, there are laws being made 5 that are affecting our public schools. I'm 6 asking you please to vote no on 4, 43, 45, 71, 7 72 and 93. 8 We cannot continue to take our public 9 money and give it to charter schools. Who's 10 making the profits? This is against students. 11 This is against teachers. And this is against 12 women. Our careers, most of us are women in 13 the education field, and our entire career is 14 being obliterated. Why would we want to give 15 public money to religious schools? Why would 16 we want to give public money to private 17 schools? Why would we want to have term limits 18 for the people who already know what's going on 19 in our school systems? Why would we want to 20 give local control over to charter schools? 21 What is a charter school anyway? What are 22 they even teaching there? None of us are even 23 sure, but you want to give them money. Who is 24 making money off of this, that's what I want to 25 know.

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1 71, or 72, there needs to be a super 2 majority now to ask for money, no, how are we 3 going to get funded? Absolutely not. We don't 4 even have to show up to vote and it's a no 5 vote? No, that's not okay with me. 93, if 6 schools are doing well let's make then charter 7 districts? I don't know where you guys come up 8 with these ideas, but tell the folks in 9 Tallahassee -- 10 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 11 much. 12 MS. PREUSS: -- they don't know what's 13 going on in our classrooms. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Go 15 ahead, please. 16 MS. LAMONT: Hello. My name is Jennifer 17 Lamont. I am here today speaking on behalf of 18 the Broward Teachers Union. There's a lot of 19 bad proposals -- there's a lot of bad proposals 20 here that pose serious threats to our public 21 schools. I'm very concerned about any measure 22 that would allow public education dollars to be 23 diverted to religious or private schools, and I 24 urge you to vote no on proposals 4 and 45. 25 I also, on behalf of the Broward Teacher's

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1 Union we oppose all measures that seek to shift 2 power from local government to the State, 3 particularly those impacting our schools. I 4 urge you to vote no on proposal 43, which would 5 dictate term limits for local school boards, 6 and also proposal 71, which would take control 7 of charter schools away from our local 8 districts. 9 I urge you to reject the multiple 10 proposals undermining public education, 11 including proposal 72, which would tie the 12 hands of future lawmakers and perpetuate the 13 current underfunding of our public schools. In 14 conclusion I'd like to urge you to vote no on 15 proposals 4, 45, 43, 71, and 72. 16 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 17 much. Hildi Ismail, Laura Munoz. Okay, next 18 up, Ahmed Al-Mashhedoup, Elizabeth Bercaw, and 19 Joan Bausch. 20 MR. AL-MASHHEDOUP: Hello. My name is 21 Ahmed Al-Mashhedoup. I am the president of the 22 defense club, and a member of the honor student 23 committee at Broward College. I have been 24 active student at Broward College for more than 25 a year. I would like to express my full

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1 approval of addressing the state college system 2 in the Florida Constitution, as it will support 3 the students in achieving excellence during 4 their undergraduate journey. In fact, without 5 having our state college system in the Florida 6 Constitution cornerstone of Florida college 7 system would be subject to change every year. 8 Why would a system that is fortunately 9 ranked as the best college system in the 10 country have its cornerstones by subjected, by 11 subject to change every year? We have about 12 800,000 students in the state college system. 13 Moreover, Broward College alone has a $1 14 billion annual impact on Broward County, and 15 the state college system has approximately $27 16 billion in economic impact, yet the state 17 college system is not recognized in the 18 constitution. That need to change. 19 I urge you to vote yes on proposal 83. I 20 would like to thank Commissioner Washington for 21 sponsoring proposal 83. Thank you. 22 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. While 23 they're getting ready I'd like to call the next 24 three to start lining up. Nikki Lewis Simon, 25 Cody Kaman, and Ray Maquire. Thank you, go

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1 ahead. 2 MS. BERCAW: Good afternoon, 3 Commissioners, and I'd like to thank you for 4 your service. My name is Elizabeth Bercaw. I 5 am a resident of Broward County, and I would 6 like to express my support for proposal 62 7 regarding open primaries. I hope you will 8 support that, proposal 91 to bank offshore 9 drilling. Please reject proposition, or 10 proposal 29. And regarding proposal 22, 11 despite the vague wording of this proposal make 12 no mistake about it, this is not about 13 informational privacy. The purpose of proposal 14 22 is to weaken the existing privacy rights 15 that the Florida Constitution already affords. 16 The voters have already spoken about 17 preserving the state's existing right to 18 privacy when more than 4 million Floridians 19 voted against amendment 6 in 2012. 70,000 20 abortions were performed in Florida in 2016. 21 That's 70,000 women who exercised their right 22 to privacy to make a very personal private 23 decision regarding what is best in their lives. 24 Trust them. Uphold their right to privacy. 25 One in four women in this country have had

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1 an abortion, and that means that everyone in 2 this room probably knows someone close to them 3 who has had an abortion. Trust them. Uphold 4 their right to privacy. I stand before you one 5 of those women. The right to privacy allowed 6 me to terminate a pregnancy when I was not 7 ready to have, to take on the immense 8 responsibility of having and raising a child at 9 that particular time in my life. 10 Later when I was ready for the 11 responsibility the right to privacy allowed me 12 to choose to become a parent. 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 14 much. 15 MS. BERCAW: In fact, I'm convinced I'm a 16 better parent because of that right to privacy. 17 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, Ms. 18 Bausch. 19 MS. BERCAW: Thank you. Bercaw. 20 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: I'm sorry then. 21 Okay. 22 MS. LEWIS-SIMON: Good evening. My name 23 is Nikki Lewis-Simon, and I stand before you as 24 president of the Gwen S. Cherry Black Women 25 Lawyers Association. The Gewn Cherry Bar was

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1 formally founded in 1985 with the mission of 2 supporting the concern of women lawyers, and to 3 address the legal, social, and economic needs 4 of the black community, and the community at 5 large. In 2005 the association was voted to be 6 renamed in the name of activist Gwendolyn 7 Sawyer Cherry who was the first black female 8 attorney to practice in Dade County, and the 9 first black female legislature in the state of 10 Florida. 11 It is in the spirit of Gwen Cherry that we 12 come before you today in support of proposals 13 41 and 47 respectively, and in support of the 14 reconsideration of proposal 42. The mandatory 15 retirement age increased to 75, and the 16 increase in the number of years required to sit 17 on the bench to ten years makes sense. It 18 trusts in the judicial system the honors, and 19 experience, and wisdom of our senior judges, 20 and serves as a check and balance. 21 Separately we do ask this Commission to 22 reconsider proposal 42, which is related to the 23 selection or appointment of the judicial 24 nominating commissions. We understand that the 25 proposition of the JNCs and who wields the

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1 power to appoint the Commissioners has been and 2 continues to be an essential component of 3 discussions within our Florida legislature. We 4 agree with retired Justice Patrick, where he 5 says our constitution must be protected by the 6 separation of powers which we hold as most 7 essential to our democratic form of government. 8 So, we ask that you reconsider these 9 things, these measures are essential to 10 ensuring and preserving the delicate critical 11 balance of the co-equal branches of government. 12 Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Did we 14 have Cody Kaman or Ray Maquire? 15 MS. KAMAN: Yes. Good evening 16 Commissioners. Thank you for the opportunity 17 to speak. My name is Cady Kaiman, and I am 18 attorney with Earth Justice's Florida office. 19 I speak in opposition to proposal 95 regarding 20 preemption, and speak in support of proposal 91 21 banning offshore drilling. I waive the 22 remainder of my time. Thank you. 23 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Next 24 up, David Singer, Jim Robertson, Rita 25 Kathalymas. And behind them will be Dale

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1 Williams, Yusty Saltzman, and Dorothy Smith. 2 Thank you, go ahead. 3 UNKNOWN: David Singer had to leave, but 4 he asked me to waive his time in opposition to 5 proposal 94. 6 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. None of 7 those six? Okay, the next, as she's making her 8 way up, would be Jacqueline Braun, Denise 9 Mutamba, Steven Bagenski. 10 MS. SMITH: Good afternoon, Commissioners. 11 I'm Dorothy Smith, Miami, Florida. I want to 12 say, and I'm senior citizen as well as a 13 disabled veteran, so I come to oppose -- I 14 can't see either. These items are number 4, 15 93, 45, and 72, because I support public 16 education. Thank you. Thank you so much. I 17 support public education. I come to you as a 18 senior citizen, that's because we are on fixed 19 income, so we need this money to stay in public 20 schools, we don't need a rise of our property 21 taxes for the seniors, and also the disabled, 22 so I want the Committee to consider this. 23 So that money should be stayed in the 24 public-school system, and not for private 25 schools system, so that we can have money for

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1 ourselves to live on. Because right now and 2 every year the cost of living is going up. 3 Some of us have lost our homes due to the last 4 hurricane, Irma, and don't have any funds to 5 fix our roofs, so please consider our financial 6 situation. We are growing old and also ailing 7 and medical problems, like myself, you seen me 8 walking with a cane. So, put this into use to 9 trust of the people to include our 10 superintendent. We would like the public to 11 choose, and elect our superintendent of public 12 schools. And thank you, thank you so much for 13 the opportunity. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 15 MS. MUTAMBA: Good afternoon. Thank you 16 all for your service on the Constitution 17 Revision Commission. I am a governor on the 18 Florida Bar's Young Lawyer Division Board of 19 Governors. The Young Lawyer's Division 20 represents all young lawyers practicing in 21 Florida. Today I address you in that capacity, 22 of a young lawyer on behalf of young lawyers, 23 and the Young Lawyers Division, I want to be 24 clear out of respect for my colleagues, 25 including some who serve on the Commission with

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1 you, that I am not speaking on behalf of the 2 Florida Bar at large, just the Young Lawyer. 3 As young lawyers we are -- as young 4 lawyers, and in representation of young 5 lawyers, we stand in opposition of proposal 47. 6 Before law school I worked in Fortune 250 7 company, there I managed processes and people, 8 ultimately spearheading a high-profile project 9 where I reported directly to the senior vice 10 president of human resources. As a lawyer 11 practicing under ten years if I were to become 12 a judge I would bring a wealth of experience to 13 the bench that has not been acquired through my 14 practice of the law. 15 I believe that implementing proposal 47 16 would prevent lawyers like me the opportunity 17 to serve on the bench when we feel ready to 18 serve. The Young Lawyers Division finds it 19 alarming that proposal 47 states no underlying 20 issue, problem, or need to raise the age 21 requirement to serve on the bench. Without a 22 stated problem there is no need to amend 23 Florida's Constitution to exclude qualified 24 judicial candidates with an arbitrary 25 constitutional amendment. Again, on behalf of

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1 young lawyers and the Young Lawyer Division we 2 oppose 47. 3 Also, as a staff attorney with the Legal 4 Aid Society in their Fair Housing Project we 5 come to support proposal 30, which would 6 subtract physical disability from the 7 Constitution and just read as disability. 8 Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 10 much. 11 MR. BAGENSKI: Hello, my name is Steve 12 Bagenski, and I'm from Miami, Florida, and I 13 come here today to ask you to vote yes on CRC 14 proposal 67. Greyhound racing is a cruel 15 industry. These dogs spend twenty to 16 twenty-three hours a day in their cages. 17 They're just taken out to race them into the 18 ground, the people that are greedy, and they 19 want to continue this industry going forward. 20 This industry needs to go into the dust 21 bins of history. It no longer works anymore. 22 Nobody wants it, and I don't know why we 23 continue this. This is one of those things 24 that was created a long time ago with 25 unintended consequence, and the unintended

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1 consequence is that nobody wants this industry 2 anymore. They haven't been able to decouple it 3 from the rest of the gaming industry and so 4 this cruelty is just perpetuated. 5 It's time to let the voters have a say, 6 and to let it, put it before the voters so we 7 can decide that we do not want greyhound 8 racing. Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Were 10 there any left in the group of six that I had 11 just called out? Okay, we're going to take a 12 quick five-minute break, and then we'll -- I'm 13 sorry, ma'am, were you? 14 UNKNOWN: I'm sorry, I was just speaking 15 on behalf of Jim Robertson. 16 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Is Mr. Robertson 17 here? 18 UNKNOWN: He had to leave before his name 19 was called. I just want to speak on behalf one 20 moment. 21 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: If you could just 22 waive in support or opposition. 23 UNKNOWN: Just waiving, waiving in 24 support. 25 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: And that was for?

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1 UNKNOWN: Marcy's Law. 2 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Okay, 3 when we come back we'll have Laura Fellman, 4 Trudy Jermanovich, and Patty De Baise, will be 5 the next up. So, we're just going to take a 6 quick break here. Thank you. 7 (Thereupon, a break is had.) 8 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Okay, we'll return 9 where we left off. Thank you for everyone's 10 patience. I had called out Laura Feldman, 11 Trudy Jermanovich, and Patty Debaise. 12 MS. FELDMAN: Hi. My name is Laura 13 Feldman. Thank you very much for the 14 opportunity to speak. I'm here to urge you to 15 vote to oppose proposal 4. I'm concerned that 16 the passage of this proposal will support 17 sectarian institutes that discriminate. I'm 18 also concerned that funding sectarian 19 organizations with public dollars violates the 20 separation of church and state. This proposal 21 would undermine public education as one of the 22 cornerstones of the United States' society. 23 Also, Florida voters should not be obligated to 24 vote on a proposal that they rejected just six 25 years ago in 2012.

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1 I also urge you to oppose proposal 45. 2 Currently our constitution guarantees that all 3 Florida students are provided a uniform high- 4 quality system of public education. I believe 5 this is necessary so that all students have 6 access to high quality education, and that all 7 schools, public, charter, and private schools, 8 should adhere to the uniform standards. It is 9 important that all children across our state 10 have the opportunities available because of 11 this current constitutional clause. This 12 proposal would eliminate this, and I urge you 13 to oppose proposal 45. 14 I also urge you to oppose proposals 43, 15 71, and 72. We need to fully fund out public 16 schools, not limit our children's future by 17 limiting our schools' future funding. I also 18 urge you to oppose proposal 97. By counting an 19 abstention as no vote, it distorts the voters' 20 intent. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Deborah 22 Thompson, Lee Emerson Smith. I'm calling Lee 23 Emerson Smith's name into the record. Sonya 24 Jorgenson. Come on up. T/he next three will 25 be Natalie Kline, Dr. Barry Hummel, and

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1 Katherine Uden. Thank you. 2 MS. JERMANOVICH: Hello. My name is Trudy 3 Jermanovich, and I am a retired Broward County 4 public school teacher. I am here representing 5 tens of thousands of educators around the state 6 and the country who are part of the BadAss 7 Teacher's Association, and who are fighting to 8 preserve real public schools, and believe that 9 if enacted proposition, proposal 4 will 10 eventually lead to the destruction of public 11 schools. 12 Many states put items like prop 4 on the 13 ballot and list them under the guise of 14 religious freedom. This proposal, and others, 15 are not about religion or choice, but are about 16 syphoning off funding from real public schools. 17 Most people don't realize vouchers and private 18 schools, and most charter schools, are 19 syphoning off funding to private companies. 20 These companies profit without any oversight 21 from the dully elected school boards. 22 Something to consider. 23 Will this proposal lead to more direct 24 funding to private schools, and to teaching 25 religion in public schools? This appears to be

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1 what school choice is really all about. We 2 should support fee high quality well-funded 3 public schools for all children, and these 4 schools must be run by locally elected school 5 boards. Public schools are the basis of a free 6 and vibrant democracy, and many of these 7 amendments will erode our real public schools. 8 Other amendments you should also oppose 9 are 43, 45, 71 and 93. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 11 MS. KLINE: Hi. Thank you, Commissioner. 12 My name is Natalie Kline' and I'm here on 13 behalf of the American Cancer Society Cancer 14 Action Network to speak in opposition to 15 proposal 94. I also want to point out the 16 members of our coalition, if they can please 17 stand up, who are also here to oppose 18 proposition 94. 19 ACSCAN notes the importance of funding 20 cancer research, however diverting money to the 21 effect of cancer prevention program to cancer 22 research is not the way to do it. If adopted 23 proposal 94 will do irreparable harm to a 24 program that has consistently delivered on its 25 promise of driving down smoking rates, saving

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1 the state of Florida money, and preventing 2 death from tobacco related disease. 3 Let's remember where the funding for this 4 program comes from. These are not taxpayer 5 dollars. They are tobacco settlement dollars 6 paid by the tobacco industry as a consequence 7 for their deadly products they sold to citizens 8 of our state, all while lying about the health 9 effects. I am asking the members of the 10 Commission to protect the citizens of Florida, 11 rather than protecting the big tobacco. 12 If program funding decisions are left to 13 the legislature rather than the experts who 14 know what works to combat tobacco addiction 15 history has proven that the program will 16 suffer, and smoking rates will rise. Thank you 17 again for the opportunity to speak. 18 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 19 MS. JORGENSON: Hello. Good evening. My 20 name is Sonia Jorgenson. I am the 21 administrator at Margate Health & Rehab, which 22 is a one hundred and seventy bed skilled 23 nursing facility in Margate here in Broward 24 County, and I am here now in opposition to 25 proposal 88.

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1 Margate currently holds the Silver 2 National Quality Award from the American 3 Healthcare Association, and we recently 4 submitted for the Gold National Quality Award. 5 We are also rated as a five-star facility by 6 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and 7 noted for our excellent inspection outcomes, 8 quality measures, and staffing. And all of 9 that is to say that along with the majority of 10 nursing homes in the state of Florida out team 11 is extremely committed to providing high 12 quality care and services to our seniors in 13 Florida in an environment that addresses their 14 spiritual, emotional, physical, and social 15 needs, and to make sure that they have a voice. 16 Our resident council president Ron Lajere 17 is the 2017 resident of the year for the state 18 of Florida, and he likes to point out that he 19 is the nursing home resident of the year for 20 all of the state of Florida. He was recognized 21 for his contribution this year for improving 22 the quality of life for his fellow residents at 23 our facility, as well as all over the state, 24 and for his advocacy efforts. 25 Ron has never hesitated to come forward to

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1 speak on behalf of nursing home rights, and he 2 has met with legislatures in their local 3 offices here in South Florida, as well as at 4 the facility, and it's important to him, and to 5 all of our residents, to have the opportunity 6 to make their own choices, and to have the 7 right to self- determination, which is already 8 provided for so adequately in current 9 legislation. 10 In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, we of 11 course heard of the tragedy that occurred at a 12 local nursing home here in South Florida, but 13 we did not hear how -- 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 15 much. Thank you. 16 DR. HUMMEL: Good evening. My name is Dr. 17 Barry Hummel. I'm a pediatrician, and a 18 volunteer with the Tobacco-Free partnership of 19 Broward County. I'm here today to oppose 20 proposal 94. In 1997 Florida settled a lawsuit 21 with the major tobacco companies over deceitful 22 marketing practices. Governor 23 used the initial payment to establish the 24 Tobacco Trust Fund, and determined that 15% of 25 the annual payments would be used for tobacco

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1 prevention and succession efforts in Florida. 2 At the time the 15% represented $50 3 million a year, however by fiscal year 2002 the 4 Florida legislature had reduced the amount 5 spent on this life saving program to just $1 6 million, and also began raiding the trust fund 7 for general revenue. This certainly did not 8 honor the spirit of Florida's original lawsuit 9 with the tobacco industry so in 2006 the voters 10 decided to hold the Florida legislature 11 accountable and overwhelmingly passed a 12 constitutional amendment to guarantee that the 13 tobacco settlement dollars were used as 14 originally intended. 15 Full funding for that program was restored 16 by 2008, and since then youth and adult use of 17 cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco, have 18 reached historic lows. Proposal 94 would undo 19 this progress by shifting money away from 20 tobacco prevention and cessation and moving it 21 into cancer research. It may sound like a good 22 idea, but it's both morally and fiscally 23 irresponsible. 24 By removing money from successful 25 prevention and cessation efforts you are

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1 condemning more Floridians to tobacco addiction 2 and its associated health problems, including 3 cancer. The increase in tobacco related 4 illnesses also leads to an increase in taxpayer 5 funded health care costs. Your own internal 6 analysis of proposal 94 estimates that shifting 7 20% of these funds into research will lead to 8 somewhere between $.5 billion and $4.5 billion 9 in increased Medicaid expenditures over the 10 next ten years. 11 There is a legislative fix for this. 12 There are two state created cancer research 13 programs. You can fund those at any level you 14 want, you don't need to steal money from 15 prevention to treat cancer. Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 17 much. Next up Leslie Sardinia, Christine 18 Campbell, Jack Tuter. 19 MS. SARDINIA: Good afternoon, or evening. 20 I thank the Chairman and the Commissioners for 21 hearing my plea for the greyhounds. The 22 proposal introduced by Senator Tom Lee. My 23 husband and family, we have been fighting 24 greyhound racing for years, and we don't own 25 any greyhounds. The only ones that want to

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1 keep racing are the breeders and the owners. 2 There is no reason to keep an old thing that 3 used to be profitable and people would go see, 4 there's no reason to keep it going any more. 5 Please keep these loving pups off the 6 racetrack, and into loving homes to become the 7 best couch potatoes that you'd ever seen. And 8 I'd also like to dedicate, hopefully this prop 9 67 will go through, to a dear friend Kathy 10 Pelleton who is no longer with us, but her 11 whole life was dedicated to those dogs. Thank 12 you so much. 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Geri 14 Collecchia, Milt Klompus, Lai Eng. 15 MS. CAMPBELL: Christine Campbell, am I up 16 next? 17 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Yes, go ahead. 18 Thank you. 19 MS. CAMPBELL: Thank you. My name is 20 Christine Campbell. I am a very proud public- 21 school teacher in Broward County. The reason 22 -- thank you. The reason I am strongly opposed 23 to proposition 4 and 45 is that I work with a 24 very special population. My students have 25 severe and complex autism. They are from the

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1 ages of three to five and a half. Some of my 2 students have such severe communication 3 problems that they are not safe until we do 4 something to help them express themselves, 5 whether it's sign language, speech therapy, 6 verbal, visual, whatever. 7 What I do -- of course you can tell I feel 8 very passionate about it. I know of not one 9 religious school that has my program. I know 10 of not one charter school that has my program. 11 The only other place a parent could get this 12 kind of teaching would be in a very expensive 13 private school. My parents don't have money. 14 I come from a poor largely immigrant school. 15 They don't have money. 16 If any of you have ever raised a child 17 with a disability as I have you know the 18 financial, emotional, and physical wreckage 19 that this performs on a family. Please don't 20 take public funding away from public schools, 21 we need it where it belongs. 22 Personally, I don't want my tax money 23 going to anybody but public education, and 24 public -- I would love to see cancer research 25 funded, but don't -- everything is getting so

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1 muddled. Please keep your eye on the ball, 2 take care of these children. We need to 3 protect them. They deserve everything we have 4 to offer. Thank you for coming, and thank you 5 for staying so long. I appreciate it. 6 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 7 MS. ENG: Good evening. Thank you for 8 your time. My name is Lai Eng, and I'm from 9 Miami, Florida, born and raised. Currently I'm 10 a junior at Florida International University 11 studying for a double major in political 12 science and international relations. So, it's 13 to my knowledge that two of your Commissioners 14 in the last Committee hearing for proposal 22 15 mentioned that they would reconsider the 16 proposal in the full commission, and I just 17 wanted to take this opportunity to remind you 18 that this proposal, this proposal should not be 19 resurrected. 20 Even though there seems to be some sort of 21 intention on reconsidering this proposal, and I 22 know that the proposal 22 was rejected, however 23 I want to ask if you're willing to commit today 24 that it will not be brought back up again. If 25 so, then I won't waste my time. Is that

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1 possible? 2 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: We're here to hear 3 from you, so -- 4 MS. CAMPBELL: Okay, well, I'm here to ask 5 the members of the CRC to safeguard Floridian's 6 privacy by voting against proposal 2 again if 7 the proposal is resurrected, and I strongly 8 vehemently oppose proposal 22 because as a 9 Floridian I am entitled to my own privacy 10 rights. Informational privacy does also 11 pertain to personal medical decisions, and a 12 personal medical decision should be respected 13 no matter your personal opinion as they are the 14 most private decision that should be made in 15 uncompromising confidentiality. 16 So please preserve this right to privacy, 17 and while I'm already up here I would like for 18 you to consider opposing proposal 4, proposal 19 29, and I would also like for you to vote for 20 proposal 67. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Go 22 ahead, sir. 23 MR. TUTER: Good evening, Members of the 24 Commission. I am the Circuit Chief Judge here 25 in the 17th Judicial Circuit, and I'm here to

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1 talk to you about proposal 26, and some 2 language that was recently added relating to 3 the sheriff's autonomous authority over 4 courthouse security throughout the state. I'm 5 here to speak on behalf of not only the 17th 6 Circuit Court but the entire judicial branch, 7 every Chief Judge in this state, the trial 8 court administrators of this state, and the 9 judicial management council which the Chief 10 Justice appointed to look at courthouse 11 security throughout the state. 12 We all would ask you all to redact or 13 vacate, or amend that language, and take it 14 out. We don't think it's necessary at all. 15 Security in our courthouses are a collaborative 16 effort between the County Commission, the Chief 17 Judge, and the Sheriff at each county. We have 18 a great working relationship with our sheriff 19 here in Broward County, and to give the sheriff 20 complete autonomy over a courthouse where the 21 Chief Judge has a lot of responsibilities under 22 the Rules of Judicial Administration we think 23 is not appropriate, so we strongly urge on 24 behalf of the judicial branch for you all to 25 reconsider that language that was recently

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1 added two weeks ago. Thank you for allowing me 2 to speak tonight. 3 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. That 4 was it from that group. Okay, we have Bertha 5 Henry, James Herard, and Thomas James. 6 MS. HENRY: Good evening. My name is 7 Bertha Henry. I serve as the Administrator for 8 Broward County. I'm here to speak in 9 opposition to proposal 13, and to support Chief 10 Judge Tuter's recommendation as it relates to 11 proposal 26. Beginning with proposal 13, we 12 see that as an encroachment on home rule. 13 Broward County has a charter, it identifies in 14 its charter its constitutional offices, and the 15 responsibilities of those constitution offices. 16 If this item passes it would mandate 17 certain constitutional offices be created that 18 go back to the 1800's. Broward County is a AAA 19 rated county. It is rated that way by all 20 three of the rating agencies, and it's done so 21 as a result of the work that we have done in 22 our charter supports as we manage our finances 23 and our operations. To separate these two 24 functions would create a disconnect, so we 25 would ask that the, that the Commission oppose

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1 that change. 2 As it relates to proposal 26 as the Chief 3 Judge has indicated we work very 4 collaboratively here in Broward County. We 5 have -- actually we have committed to working 6 with all of our stakeholders in our courthouse. 7 Each has unique challenges, and the only way 8 that you are able to make sure that all of our 9 needs are met is that we work in the 10 collaborative, so if the Committee decides to 11 go forward we would ask that you would remove 12 the language that gives the sheriffs throughout 13 the county sole responsibility. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, Ms. 15 Henry. 16 MS. HENRY: Thank you. 17 MR. JAMES: The other fellow left. He was 18 before me. I'm Thomas James. Good evening, 19 and I welcome the Commissioners to South 20 Florida. It's a pleasure to be able to speak 21 with you. My name is Thomas James. I live in 22 West Miramar. I just retired in June. I was a 23 teacher for thirty-five years in the Miami-Dade 24 County public schools. I was also a coach 25 coaching football and track. I later was a

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1 lobbyist for United Teachers of Dade, and also 2 Florida Education Association. And from 1998 3 to 2002 had the pleasure of serving the 4 Commissioner of education in Tallahassee as 5 senior education policy analyst. 6 There was two issues I wanted to speak to. 7 The first I believe is 43, dealing with term 8 limits for school board members. I think it's 9 a fantastic idea. I think it's long overdue. 10 We currently have way too many entrenched in 11 common school board members who think that 12 school board is a life time job. Many have 13 become insulated from the realities of what 14 goes on in the school system, and basically are 15 only interested in maintaining the status quo. 16 Due to gerrymandered districts, monetary 17 advantages of incumbency, and poor voter 18 turnout during August primaries, we see the 19 same old people over and over. One has to 20 wonder why an incumbent school board member 21 would spend $300,000 to get elected to a 22 $40,000 a year job. We need new faces, new 23 blood, and fresh ideas. 24 The second proposal is 93 on district 25 charters, a really horrible idea. Under this

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1 model superintendents will have unchecked 2 powers with little to no accountability. Most 3 state laws regarding public schools will be 4 thrown out. Union contracts in place will be 5 abrogated. Many of our finest teachers could 6 be terminated simply because they make too much 7 money or have job security. 8 Florida currently has a severe teacher 9 shortage. If we allow this kind of thing to go 10 on you're going to have an epidemic on your 11 hands. I urge you to vote against 93, the 12 district charter status. Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, Mr. 14 James. Reading into the record Norma Fischer 15 opposed proposition 22, and opposed proposition 16 4. Jim Onstad, Claudia Onstad, Donald Fann. 17 Reading into the record Marjorie Wright does 18 not want to speak. Barbara Lazarus, reading 19 into the record, does not want to speak. James 20 Howell, Charles Caulkins, and George Cavros. 21 DR. HOWELL: Good evening. Good evening, 22 I'm Dr. Jim Howell. I'm the former Secretary 23 Department of Health, and I'm on the Tobacco 24 Advisory Council of the Florida Department of 25 Health. I'm here in opposition to, to the

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1 proposition 94, which is to require that cancer 2 research be included in the comprehensive 3 statewide tobacco education and prevention 4 program. 5 I was with Lawton Chiles when we settled 6 with the tobacco industry. Those were great 7 days. And after that the legislature, as has 8 been said, actually defunded the tobacco 9 program. Later on, and I'm going to use, I'm 10 going to use simple terms in this history, all 11 right, Cancer Lung and Heart lead a statewide 12 constitutional program, brought it to the 13 voters, and really created the program we're 14 talking about today. It's been a tremendous 15 program. 16 The -- no -- public health and medicine is 17 not partisan, all right. The Governor's 18 leadership with the Surgeon General Celeste 19 Scott has really been terrific. We put it 20 together, and I'm on the tobacco, we put 21 together a terrific program in the last eight 22 years. It's really a national model, and 23 that's been about 35% of what CDC recommends to 24 run a program, and we followed the CDC model, 25 so we're very, we're very proud of that.

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1 By the way Cancer Heart and Lung received 2 no money out of this program, so you may hear 3 some of that. So, you know, it's sort of like 4 it ain't broke, guys, so we really, you know, 5 and I'm a public health doc, so we really 6 believe in cancer research, we believe in all 7 good public health research and medicine 8 research, but there has to be another way of 9 doing this than this. And I think these 10 associations and -- 11 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, Dr. 12 Howell. Thank you. 13 DR. HOWELL: Thank you very much. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Jack Oliver. Oh, 15 go ahead, sir. 16 MR. CAVROS: Good evening, Commissioners. 17 George Cavros. I'm a long time South Florida 18 resident. Welcome to South Florida 19 Commissioner Smith, and others, you already 20 live here. And I'm a long time South Florida 21 resident. I've lived here for over twenty 22 years, and one of the reasons I live here, the 23 main reason is because I have access to 24 beautiful and unique beaches here in South 25 Florida.

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1 But we're not the only ones that enjoy the 2 access to these beautiful beaches, it's 3 tourists that visit our state that also come 4 because of those beaches primarily, and I'm 5 here tonight to speak in support of proposal 6 91. Tourism is a serious economic engine. 7 Tourists when they're here pay taxes. Those 8 taxes go to fund our teachers, our law 9 enforcement. They fix the holes in our road, 10 and they're used for a multitude of other 11 public functions. We need to protect that 12 economic engine, and we need to protect it from 13 offshore oil drilling. 14 This is not a phantom threat. In 2009, as 15 you may recall, the Florida House of 16 Representatives passed a bill through that 17 would have allowed near shore oil drilling, 18 three miles within state waters. That bill 19 would have become law if it had been passed by 20 the Senate, so I'm asking you tonight, I'm here 21 to support proposition 91. 22 Let's take destiny into our own hands, 23 okay, we can -- we can affect what happens in 24 state waters. Not so much in federal waters, 25 our influence there isn't as great, but let's

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1 take our own destiny into our own hands in our 2 own waters, and once and for all let's take 3 this option off the table. Put proposal 91 on 4 the ballot and let the people of Florida decide 5 whether, you know, how important the beaches 6 are to them. Thank you for coming to South 7 Florida. Good night. 8 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Jack 9 Oliver, Laura Simon, Scott Fischer. 10 MS. UDEN: Hi, my name is Katherine Uden, 11 you read my name a little bit earlier. 12 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: I remember. 13 MS. UDEN: Okay. My name is Katherine 14 Uden, I am a public-school teacher, and I 15 volunteer as Chair of Survivor Foundation 16 Broward Chapter. I support proposal 91 to ban 17 oil and gas exploration in Florida's 18 territorial waters up to three miles offshore 19 in the Atlantic, and nine miles offshore in the 20 gulf. I support 91 because I love the beach. 21 It's the reason I live in Florida, and the 22 reason so many people come to visit Florida. 23 Offshore oil and gas development in new 24 areas would require seismic blasting and 25 drilling activities that would significantly

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1 damage the environment, marine wildlife, 2 coastal economies, and ways of life. 3 Industries that rely upon a healthy marine 4 ecosystem general billions of dollars for 5 coastal states emanation as a whole. Coastal 6 recreation and tourism accounts for 83% of 7 establishments and 71% of employment 8 opportunities for coastal communities in the 9 United States. A spill could cause 10 catastrophic impacts to these coastal 11 communities, resulting in many small businesses 12 unable reopen. Survivor Foundation believes 13 that our quality of life depends on clean oil 14 free beaches. Please give Floridians the 15 opportunity to support this amendment. I hope 16 you'll vote yes on proposal 91. 17 As a teacher in a high poverty very 18 challenging school I ask that we keep public 19 school money in public schools, and not give 20 our money to private charter or religious 21 schools. Many of these schools either don't 22 serve kids with special needs, or kick out 23 students in difficult situations. We are 24 struggling with funding for staff, for 25 counseling for behavior support.

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1 Funneling money away from public schools 2 makes it so hard to help these kids become 3 productive members of society and happy well- 4 adjusted adults. With so many absent parents 5 their neighborhood public school is their best 6 chance in life. Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Jason 8 McDaniel, Elaine Geller, Anjenys Eilert, Joseph 9 Bessard, Carol Smith, Karen Fortman. 10 MS. FORTMAN: Good afternoon, 11 Commissioners, my name is Karen Fortman. As a 12 former member of the Broward School Board I 13 come supporting kids. I'm not going to repeat 14 the number of good reasons why several of these 15 proposals should be opposed because you've 16 heard it. You've heard about the syphoning of 17 public education funds going to religious 18 schools, going to charter schools, and so on. 19 Therefore, I'll simply summarize by saying that 20 I oppose proposal 4, proposal 43, 45, 71, 72, 21 and 93. 22 There is no -- it is not a coincidence 23 that there are so many proposals that look at 24 public schools in such a negative way, so what 25 I offer you is an option. The option is for

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1 all of us who are supportive of our kids, that 2 we all support adequate funding, that we 3 support and mentor our kids, especially those 4 who are struggling, that we contribute toward 5 scholarships, that we ensure accountability of 6 legislatures to fund, of school board members 7 to make sure the kids have the resources, of 8 our principals to make sure that schools are 9 running efficiently, and of our teachers to 10 make sure that the classrooms are orderly, and 11 certainly in a positive. 12 And in conclusion let me say that if we 13 stand arm in arm and support the public-school 14 system, and make sure that the funds are there, 15 we aren't going to need to talk anymore about 16 turning money over to religious programs or to 17 private organizations that want the charter 18 school funds. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 20 MS. SMITH: My name is Carol Smith. I'm a 21 long time resident and voter in Coral Springs. 22 Thank you for coming here to Broward County to 23 allow us to express our opinions. Several 24 sections of Florida's Constitution have served 25 us well, and protected our citizens. Article I

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1 Section 3, the religious freedom, no revenue of 2 the state shall ever be taken from the public 3 treasury in aid of any church or religious 4 denomination. Article I Section 23 is for 5 privacy, every person has a right to be let 6 alone and free from governmental intrusion into 7 the person's private life. And I'm 8 paraphrasing as to what's in the constitution. 9 Article IX Section 1, education, adequate 10 provisions shall be made by law for a uniform, 11 efficient, safe, secure, and high-quality 12 system of free public schools. I urge you to 13 not tamper with these sections, they work, they 14 protect our rights. Please oppose proposition 15 4, 22, and 45. 16 Oppose proposition 97. There is 17 absolutely no reason to raise the passage 18 percentage for constitutional amendments for 19 60% of those voting in the election instead of 20 those voting on the issue. 21 One proposition however does deserve your 22 consideration, that's proposition 11. Please 23 close the write in loophole in elections. The 24 addition of the unique universal primary to 25 Florida's election law added by the voters was

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1 not intended to be disallowed by a write-in 2 candidate whose name will not be on the ballot, 3 who serves no other purpose than to close that 4 primary. Support proposition 11. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Colby 6 Wise, Philip Fortman, Domenic Ferrante, then 7 Lily Bach, Christopher Grieb, and Richard 8 Thurer. Go ahead, sir. 9 MR. WISE: Yes, thank you, your honorable 10 Commissioners. My name is Colby Wise. I live 11 in Manatee County. I speak today in support of 12 reconsidering public proposal 700,000. I guess 13 it now is assigned P144 within the Declaration 14 of Rights Amendment. This proposal will allow 15 adults twenty-one and older to possess, 16 cultivate, and use cannabis without fear of 17 penalty. Article I Section 2 clearly states 18 Floridians have the right to enjoy and defend 19 life and liberty, to pursue happiness, but this 20 right is severely infringed when it remains 21 lawful to arrest individuals for merely 22 possessing a plant. 23 Cannabis is safe, healthy, and 24 nutritional. It is a plant that can prevent 25 and kill cancer. Specifically, ingesting

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1 cannabis oil is proven to shrink and/or inhibit 2 tumor growth without harming the person who 3 ingests it. Our protected -- Article I Section 4 8, our protected right to own and possess 5 firearms, the right to bear arms belongs in 6 Article I, but so does our right to cannabis. 7 Certainly, if Floridians have a 8 constitutionally protected right to something 9 as dangerous as firearms they have the, they 10 should have the equally protected right to 11 something as safe as any plant that is proven 12 to kill cancer and treat other serious 13 illnesses without harmful side effects. 14 Establishing a right to cannabis won't 15 infringe on any of the rights of others, will 16 positively benefit our criminal justice system, 17 our health care system, our environment and 18 economy, simultaneously. I urge this 19 Commission please reconsider POB 700,000 and 20 advance this proposal to the 2018 ballot for 21 voters to decide. It's past time to end 22 prohibition, this honorable Commission has the 23 power in Florida to end in -- 24 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 25 much. Go ahead, sir.

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1 MR. FORTMAN: My name is Philip Fortman. 2 Thank you for bringing this forum to Broward 3 County, to our Town of Davie, and this 4 university where my son is a graduate student. 5 That said I'm appalled at the number of 6 proposed amendments in here that obviously seek 7 to undermine the home rule 30 of our school 8 boards and drain our tax dollars that are so 9 sorely needed, all dictated from Tallahassee. 10 As such why would you burden the state of 11 Florida with a proposal 4 that would only 12 embroil the government in litigation defending 13 this amendment, which ultimately would only be 14 overturned in the federal courts under the 15 non-establishment clause of the United States' 16 Constitution. 17 Amendment 43, which would impose on the 18 local school board term limits; let the voters 19 determine how long these members would serve. 20 As such I also oppose amendments 45 and 71 and 21 93. Amendment 72 would put Florida in the 22 state of Kansas and their bankrupt government 23 systems which had to reverse itself. Thank you 24 for your time. 25 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you.

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1 MR. GRIEB: Good evening, my name is Chris 2 Grieb, and I come to you as an animal, and more 3 so as a dog lover. I started out as an adopter 4 of a greyhound fourteen years ago. 5 Coincidentally today it was fourteen years ago 6 I adopted her. However, in the very beginning 7 I just almost immediately was inundated with 8 outdated inaccurate and misinformation 9 concerning racing, so I did my, I did my due 10 diligence, went to tracks, kennels, greyhound 11 farms, and found out, found out information for 12 myself. 13 I then became a trainer. I moved down 14 here to Florida and became a trainer. I'm one 15 of three thousand racing professionals, and 16 that doesn't include folks who are tellers, 17 lead outs, and concessionaires at tracks and 18 racing facilities. I've also become an owner. 19 I bred a girl name Mallora, she's at my house 20 right now waiting for me to come back home two, 21 two hours away in Naples I came all the way 22 here for so she's still waiting for me. And 23 she blessed me with five puppies earlier, a 24 couple years ago, three of them are still 25 racing. One of them is adopted into a loving

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1 home, and one of them has been trained as a 2 service dog, and he lives with a U.S. Army 3 Veteran right now. 4 Oftentimes we get mis, you know, a lot of 5 misinformation is thrown out about us that we 6 don't care about our dogs. Well, you know, a 7 couple years ago Senator Smith co-authored a 8 bill called the Smith Raydor bill that we 9 racing professionals tried to push forward, and 10 the, excuse me, the out of state lobby and 11 interest groups come and work against it, so 12 we're for trying to increase the safety of our 13 tracks and services, and equipment, so our 14 greyhounds run safely. Thank you for -- thank 15 you for consideration. I'll urge you to 16 oppose, reject, and remove proposition 67. 17 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Great, thank you. 18 Okay, Mead McCoy, Lynn Norman Teck, Timothy 19 Brown, Daniel Diaz, Steve Kinsey, and Ruth 20 Lynch. Go ahead, Miss. 21 MS. TECK: Hi. Good evening, 22 Commissioners, thank you for keeping this, the 23 meeting going after hours. I'm Lynn Norman 24 Teck. I'm here on behalf of the Florida 25 Charter School Alliance. That's a nonprofit

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1 statewide organization that works with charter 2 schools across the state, and those charters 3 schools serve close to 280,000 students. I am 4 also a very proud charter school parent. I 5 chose my child's school, and I was very 6 disturbed by hearing people that our schools 7 are not accountable. 8 Charter schools are held accountable for 9 their grades and financially. The teachers are 10 certified, and my kids take state assessment 11 exams, so I'm here today to voice support for 12 proposal 71 and the creation of an alternative 13 statewide authorizer, or state oversight of the 14 charter school process. Two quality 15 authorizers in any jurisdiction is considered a 16 best practice, and this was according to a 17 National Association of Charter School 18 Authorizers report. 19 An alternate authorizer promotes 20 authorizer quality, and it's something that's 21 already used in several states, including 22 Arkansas and Louisiana. This best practice 23 also adds another level of checks and balances 24 to the authorizing process, and it's definitely 25 a welcome improvement to Florida. Thank you

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1 very much. 2 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 3 MS. LYNCH: Thank you, Commissioners. I'm 4 Ruth Lynch, and I'm not going to reiterate 5 what, what Lynn just said, but we are -- I'm 6 with -- Ruth Lynch, and I'm with the Florida 7 Consortium of Public Charter Schools for the 8 State of Florida. I also wanted to state, you 9 know, it's all about choice. There are six 10 hundred and forty-five charter schools in the 11 state of Florida with over 283,000 children 12 going to those schools. Also, you know, 13 charter schools are public schools. It amazes 14 me when people say -- charter schools are 15 public schools, and our parents -- and I'm also 16 representing the parents for charter schools as 17 well. We pay taxes just like everybody else, 18 and 71, we are definitely asking you to really 19 consider that. 20 And secondly the -- and thirdly rather, 21 the best thing to do -- it's not an us and 22 them, it's about all of our kids. It's about 23 parents having a choice to send their kids 24 where they want to send them to. And also, the 25 best thing to do so we won't be at each other's

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1 throats for this small amount of money, which 2 is under, which is about $7,000 per child, that 3 we should fund education properly across the 4 board. If we fund education at that amount, 5 nationally it's funded at $11,000 per child. 6 So, let's just consider that, and let's stop 7 fighting about this thing and make sure we're 8 doing the best for our children. Thank you for 9 your time. 10 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 11 MR. KINSEY: Good evening. Hi, my name is 12 Steve Kinsey. I'm the undersheriff with the 13 Broward Sheriff's Office. Unfortunately, 14 Sheriff Israel couldn't be here today, he's 15 away at a conference. I'm here in support of 16 proposal 13. We feel that it's very important 17 that we set forth in the Florida Constitution 18 that all sheriffs in the sixty-seven counties 19 in Florida should be currently protected as 20 independently elected constitutional officers. 21 Having an elected sheriff makes the sheriff 22 receptive to the communities and the people 23 that vote. 24 When you have police chiefs they're 25 appointed by the City Manager and the City

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1 Commissions, they're not necessarily have to be 2 responsible to the people, but with the sheriff 3 the people every four years have the power and 4 the ability to fire that sheriff if they don't 5 feel he's doing the job he was elected to do. 6 I think we have a great relationship with 7 the communities here in Broward. We work with 8 them. We support them. We partner with them, 9 and for that reason I think the 2 million 10 voters in Broward County should be responsible 11 for electing who their sheriff is, not an 12 appointee of a commission. 13 I also want to support proposal 26 while 14 I'm here as it was amended last week. Sheriffs 15 are absolutely the subject matter experts when 16 it comes to courthouse security. No one knows 17 public safety and courthouse security better 18 than the sheriff. We work with our partners. 19 We work with the chief judge. We work with the 20 county. But at the end of the day the sheriff 21 is in the best position to make those decisions 22 to keep the public safe when they come to our 23 courthouse. Thank you very much. 24 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Okay, 25 Debbie Karkason, Dwayne Robinson, James

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1 Wildman, and I'll read the next group, Ellen 2 Feeler, Christine Flores, Daniel Levin. Anyone 3 -- if I call your name move towards the front 4 please. Thank you. Go ahead. 5 MR. WILDMAN: Good evening. My name is 6 James Wildman. I'm a resident of Oakland Park, 7 and I'm also the Humane Educator for the Animal 8 Rights Foundation of Florida. My job as a 9 humane educator is to teach compassion and 10 bestow empathy for all beings. When I talk to 11 youth and adults it is plainly obvious that we 12 are a culture that cares about the wellbeing 13 and treatment of animals, especially companion 14 animals. 15 Unfortunately, some of our institutions 16 are not always in line with our sense of 17 compassion. As a Florida resident and teacher, 18 I urge you to support proposal 67 to phase out 19 greyhound racing. Greyhound racing like dog 20 fighting is an exploitative and cruel business 21 that profits off the suffering of others. 22 Thousands of greyhounds are subjected to a life 23 of confinement and risk of severe injury, or 24 even death, with a greyhound dying at a Florida 25 track every three days.

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1 It's a barbaric and archaic industry whose 2 time is up. Please support proposal 67, and 3 let the people of Florida have the opportunity 4 to choose compassion and empathy. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 6 MR. ROBINSON: Good evening, 7 Commissioners. My name is Dwayne Robinson. 8 I'm here on behalf of the Young Lawyers 9 Division of the Florida Bar. The Young Lawyers 10 Division of the Florida Bar voted unanimously 11 against proposition 47. That is the 12 proposition that doubles the age requirement 13 for lawyers to serve the community as judges in 14 the state. Just for the record we do not 15 represent the Florida Bar, which has not taken 16 a position on this proposal. 17 I read in the paper that this Commission 18 opposed an amendment that would eliminate the 19 right to elect judges because it would affect 20 minorities on the bench. This provision 47 21 would do the same thing, it would deny 22 qualified minorities the opportunities to apply 23 and run for judge. It takes many years for 24 candidates to go through the JNC process. 25 Having the five to ten- year span to do that is

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1 very, very important. 2 To give you a sense of things, President 3 Trump recently nominated a candidate to the 4 middle district of Alabama who had little to no 5 experience as a litigator. He had tried one 6 case, and only served for three years. Under 7 this proposal, proposal 47, if that candidate 8 were a member of the Florida Bar provision 47 9 would say he is eligible to be a judge in this 10 state. On the other hand, that proposition if 11 it were the law many years ago these judges in 12 Miami would not be able to serve. 13 The County Judge Letha Francis, who I 14 believe is the only black female judge sitting 15 as a county or circuit court judge in Miami, 16 our biggest county, Judger Robert Luthum, first 17 on the circuit in Miami now is in the Third 18 DCA. Circuit Judge Roberto Luis and Circuit 19 Judge Rodney Smith. We are against this 20 proposal. We haven't heard one good reason for 21 this. Age does not equal experience. We 22 request that vote down this proposal. Thank 23 you very much. 24 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Denise 25 Crammer, Reverend Vernell Nelson, Joanne Lynch

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1 I, Eva Parker, Andrew Dolberg. Go ahead, 2 ma'am. 3 MS. NELSON: Good evening, and thank you 4 for hearing me. Thank you for being here. I 5 am Reverend Vernell Nelson, and I stand firmly 6 in opposition to proposal 54. The certificate 7 of need is something that I have found through 8 personal experience to be critical for the 9 peace and serenity of families and hospice 10 patients. It has been my personal experience 11 of being with, and praying with patients and 12 family members that when that certificate of 13 need comes down their burden is lightened. 14 They are able to rely upon the services that 15 have come into their families, their family 16 members, free of charge, therefore they can 17 concentrate on the real critical and important 18 matters of saying goodbye to a loved one. 19 Hospice care is not as interesting or 20 romantic as a cuddly puppy. It is as critical 21 and as important as free and available public 22 education. Children, I have seen and witnessed 23 children who have been in hospice care, young 24 adults. Hospice care is not only for the 25 senior citizens of the world. Everybody of

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1 every age bracket can be touched by being a 2 hospice patient, by being a family member of a 3 hospice patient, by receiving the care that 4 comes after the issuance of a certificate of 5 need. 6 I urge you to remove that proposal from 7 the agenda. Get rid of it. We need that 8 certificate of need to provide for our loved 9 ones and our families. Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 11 MS. EIG: Good evening, Commissioners, I'm 12 Joanne Eig, resident of Fort Lauderdale. I 13 oppose, and I urge you to oppose and vote 14 against the entire group of the ill-considered 15 proposals designed to weaken our entire 16 public-school system and home rule. Proposal 4 17 and 45 divert taxpayer dollars to religious 18 schools and private schools. The Florida 19 Constitution requires a uniform and 20 high-quality system of free public schools. 21 These two proposals in particular ignore that 22 principle. 23 In addition, number 43 and 71 are yet two 24 more examples of the state of Florida's growing 25 trend of stepping on home rule and the rights

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1 of the local communities, and the control of 2 our local school issues. I urge you to reject 3 and vote against number 4, 43, 45, and 71. 4 Moreover, should it come back to the full 5 Commission I urge you to reject proposal 22. 6 Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Dawn 8 Witherspoon, Joanne Lynch Aye. I called you 9 before. Andrew Dolberg, Dwayne Sebesta, Cara 10 Campbell, Gary Heuker, Mara Shlackman, Ryan 11 Greenberg, Maurice Mizrahi, Carol Ann 12 Bartholemew, Sarah Margaret Kreuz Leonardi. 13 That's one name. 14 MS. LEONARDI: Hi, I'm Sarah Leonardi. 15 Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight. 16 I'm a resident and constituent of Pompano 17 Beach, Florida. I'm a teacher in the Broward 18 County Public School System. I am a woman of 19 child bearing age, and I urge the CRC to not 20 reconsider proposal 22 because it would 21 significantly weaken our privacy protections. 22 Proposal 22 is the latest attempt of a small 23 group of people to limit a woman's ability to 24 make decisions about her own body without 25 further intrusion of public officials.

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1 These attempts are common in Florida, and 2 they are shameful, however like many issues 3 considered to be women's issues reconsidering 4 proposal 22 will affect everyone, not just 5 women. This proposal would erase current 6 privacy rights in marriage, consensual adult 7 intimacies, one's personal activities in their 8 personal spaces, and one's personal medical 9 decisions. Furthermore, as a majority of 10 Floridians oppose what proposal would do to 11 their right to privacy you would not be acting 12 in the best interest of your constituents if 13 you were to reconsider. 14 While I have your time, I would also like 15 to address an issue close to my heart as an 16 educator. I am concerned about any measures 17 that would allow funds for public education to 18 be reallocated to religious or private schools, 19 and urge you to vote against proposals 4 and 20 45. Again I implore you to not reconsider 21 proposal 22, and to vote no on proposals 4 and 22 45. Thank you for your time. 23 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. I think 24 I already called this, but Gloria Reinhardt, 25 Margaret Rohrbach, Cindy Guerra.

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1 MS. REINHARDT: Hello, my name is Gloria 2 Reinhardt. I'm a long-time resident of Coral 3 Springs. That's here in Broward County. Thank 4 you for the opportunity of speaking to you 5 today. I urge the Commission to vote no on 6 proposal 72 that would require that 2/3 for all 7 future state tax are fee increases in the State 8 and in the House. This proposal will strangle 9 the legislative's ability to generate revenue 10 for Florida's already underfunded vital public 11 programs and services that working families 12 need and deserve. Florida is already a very 13 low tax state. Florida ranked 50th in state 14 tax revenue per capita in 2013. Florida ranks 15 near 50 in the nation per capita state spending 16 on education. 17 One thing that concerns me is that our 18 population growth of people over sixty-five, 19 and that would include me, we're growing faster 20 than the rest of the population. Indeed, 21 people over eighty-five are growing at a higher 22 percentage than the rest. What this -- the 23 reason I bring this up is that currently we 24 have over 64,000 people on the wait list for 25 home base and community services. That's where

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1 we stand today. 2 If we tie the hands of legislature going 3 forward where is that going to be? As you know 4 most people who are, who are growing old like 5 to live, they like to stay in their homes as 6 long as possible, and home-based community 7 services would provide that. Why we are 8 underfunding it now is a mystery to me, but 9 it's something that, that needs to be looked 10 at, but at another time. 11 But the point of me bringing this up is do 12 not tie the hands of the legislature. 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 14 much. Thank you. Mr. Greenberg? 15 MR. LEVINSON: Hi, Ryan Greenberg 16 submitted my, my name for me, I'm Max Levinson. 17 I'm a practicing attorney here in South 18 Florida. I'm just kidding. I'm a middle, a 19 thirteen-year-old middle school student from 20 Weston, Florida. Thank you for your work on 21 behalf of the citizens of Florida, and future 22 generations of Floridians. As we all know 23 Florida is a peninsula. I bedrock for South 24 Florida is mainly porous limestone. 25 I am here today to speak on behalf of

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1 public proposal 700486, coast protection and 2 sea level mitigation which I submitted in 3 September of last year. My proposal would 4 create a coastal protection and sea level 5 mitigation commission to prepare a report for 6 the Florida Legislature. I am now going to 7 read my proposal. 8 Every ten years a coast protection and sea 9 level mitigation commission shall be 10 established. The Commission shall review the 11 latest science and engineering regarding sea 12 level and the Florida coast, and shall make 13 recommendations to the Florida Legislature. 14 The composition of the Commission shall be 15 determined by general law, but shall consist of 16 at least five nationally recognized engineers, 17 or other experts in this field. 18 The Governor, the Senate President, and 19 the Speaker of the House, shall each make one 20 appointment to the Commission. The Board of 21 Governors of the State University System of 22 Florida shall appoint two Commissioners from a 23 list submitted by the President of public or 24 private universities located in the state of 25 Florida. The Commission shall submit its

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1 report at least every ten years to the Florida 2 Legislature. 3 This is a very important long-term 4 resolution that deserves to be in the 5 constitution. Thank you for your time. 6 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Perfect timing. 7 Thank you, Mr. Levinson. 8 MS. ROHRBACH: Well, that's a tough act to 9 follow. Good evening, my name is Margaret 10 Rohrbach. I live in Coral Springs, and I 11 recently retired after thirty-four years asIard 12 County high school teacher and librarian. 13 Thank you for this opportunity to speak on some 14 of the proposals that I feel will do great harm 15 to public education in Florida. 16 Firs, I'd like to share that my three 17 children are all graduates of Broward County 18 public schools and the University of Florida, 19 go Gators, so clearly, I have a firm belief in 20 the value of public education. However, I am 21 very concerned that proposals 4, 43, 45 and 71 22 endanger the quality and the very survival of 23 our Florida public schools. By removing the 24 restriction in the Florida Constitution against 25 public funding of private and religious schools

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1 proposals 4 and 45 would divert funding away 2 from our already underfunded public schools. 3 These tax dollars are desperately needed 4 so that our public schools can keep and attract 5 the best and brightest teachers, and so that 6 school districts can renovate, build, and 7 maintain quality school facilities. These 8 proposals also are in conflict with the United 9 States' Constitution. As the U.S. Supreme 10 Court stated, the use of tax money for services 11 by a faith entity is allowed only if the 12 service is not about spreading a religious 13 method, but the mission statement of any 14 religious school clearly states the integration 15 of their religious message with their education 16 purpose. Therefore, I ask you to please vote 17 no on proposals 4 and 45, and protect our 18 Florida public schools. 19 I further oppose proposals 43 and 71, 20 which harm our schools by shifting power from 21 local governments to the state. Proposal 71 22 takes away local school board's control and 23 oversight of charter schools. This lack of 24 oversight, accountability, and local control of 25 charter schools will lead to fraud and abuse, a

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1 waste of taxpayer dollars, and more importantly 2 -- 3 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very 4 much. Thank you. 5 MS. GUERRA: Good evening, Commissioners. 6 I'll be very brief. Cindy Guerra. I'm an 7 attorney. We're not brief, that's why I came 8 around a second time. I'm asking for your 9 proposal, for your support of proposal 13, 55, 10 and I'm asking that you give the Florida State 11 Legislature the option and the tools to be able 12 to fund Clerks to their approved budget. It's 13 really important for the Clerks of our state to 14 be funded to their approved budgets so they can 15 continue the work that is mandated by the 16 constitution and the statutes. So, these are 17 the most important functions to make sure that 18 our justice system keeps going. And it really 19 is a cornerstone to our justice system, so I 20 ask that you give the legislature those tools. 21 Thank you. 22 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Marvin 23 Rivas, Eric Mendez, Jennifer Condie, Lisa 24 Mantell, Howard Talenfeld, and Jonathan 25 Harrington, if you could all move towards the

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1 front. Go ahead, sir. 2 MR. RIVAS: Good morning. My name is 3 Marvin Rivas. I'm here for proposal 96. I've 4 been assaulted by my cousin at age eleven. 5 It's been more than twenty years since the 6 sexual assault has occurred, and I never had 7 that voice at that time. And the reason I'm 8 here with -- agree with the proposal is to have 9 that voice for others. We (unintelligible) for 10 a year and a half, going to therapy, and the 11 straw bones, it's real. It's unfortunate that 12 we have to put this on the ballot, but I'm glad 13 it's part of the ballot. 14 There are times that people just go upon 15 their own day and don't realize the struggles 16 that their victims go through after the fact 17 that everybody goes home, go beyond their own 18 day. The struggle is real. It's -- it's tough 19 for myself. It's tough for my loved ones. 20 It's unimaginable that it can be -- I'm sorry, 21 just -- 22 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: You're doing fine. 23 MR. RIVAS: I just want you to understand 24 this. It's not an easy thing for victims, let 25 alone telling their story. I'm here today to

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1 have that voice for others. The people that 2 are hearing me now, I want you to understand 3 that you do have a voice, and it is okay. 4 There's going to be a time that it's going to 5 have the storm, but we live in Florida, if the 6 storm comes the sun comes after. 7 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, Mr. 8 Rivas. Thank you very much. 9 MS. CONDIE: Hi there. Jennifer Condie, 10 West Palm Beach. If Mr. Armasi is watching 11 leaving the incarcerated, detained in untreated 12 heroin withdraw is cruel and unusual punishment 13 when the rapid detox drug Buprenorphine has 14 been on the market for almost fifteen years. I 15 request the Constitution Review Committee 16 create a proposal to create basic human rights 17 for people with substance abuse disorders, and 18 those arrested on non-violent charges. 19 This is not a legislative issue, as profit 20 making entities, both good and bad have too 21 much control, and those who need access to 22 basic rights will never have a voice. We 23 incarcerate people before they have their day 24 in court. In as little as two days, a family 25 could lose their job, home, for something as

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1 simple as a twenty- four-hour incarceration for 2 a suspended license, when they lose their job 3 for no-call/no-show. 4 Our people are held in jail for months 5 with delayed trials. This destroys families, 6 communities, and the economy, and is at best a 7 racist system. We need to, at a minimum, ban 8 felony charges for drug possession, and in best 9 case scenario decriminalize drug possession 10 altogether. We don't arrest cancer patients 11 for having a disease. 12 And further, we also need to have the 13 heroin detox drug Buprenorphine with a referral 14 to outpatient treatment available 24/7 from all 15 emergency rooms for our very critical at large 16 population that really need access to help. We 17 have handed over control of our opiate crisis 18 response to the same entities who sit by and 19 watch our drug death body count rise. The same 20 entities are lobbying drug courts and prisons 21 to force people with substance abuse disorders 22 to take Suboxone buprenorphine, which is thirty 23 times more powerful a narcotic than morphine 24 per gram, as terms of their probation, parole 25 and freedom.

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1 As a basic human right, Floridians need a 2 proposal to choose to detox from Suboxone or to 3 use either a narcotic or non-narcotic mat. And 4 I have more to say but I'm out of time. Thank 5 you very much. 6 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. And 7 just a reminder to everyone, I know everyone is 8 limited on time, to try to focus your remarks 9 on those issues that are under our actual 10 purview, but we do appreciate everyone's 11 comments on the topics. Thank you. Go ahead, 12 sir. 13 MR. HARRINGTON: My name is Jonathan 14 Harrington. I'm a teacher in Broward County 15 schools. I'm a public-school teacher, and like 16 most of the other public-school teachers, well, 17 I think every single public-school teacher who 18 has spoken today, I'm going to be opposing 19 proposal 4. 20 This is an attempt to get more money to go 21 to religious schools, to deprive public schools 22 of those same funds. And I want to illustrate 23 this with an example. I was teaching a 24 historian class on which the theme of 25 homosexuality came up and I had an

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1 eleven-year-old girl tell me that homosexuals 2 go to hell forever. The last thing that we 3 need in the education system is more religion, 4 let alone institutions devoted entirely to 5 teaching their religion. 6 In addition, I oppose proposal 71, and 7 numerous other proposals. Additionally, I want 8 to close on noting that this Revision 9 Commission appears to have made only one pit 10 stop here in South Florida in 2018; is that 11 correct? We only get to see you all one time. 12 You're not making a visit to Miami-Dade, the 13 largest school district in the entire state, 14 the fifth largest school district in the entire 15 U.S., so although we do appreciate you being 16 here in Broward I think South Floridians need a 17 little more time to get their views out into 18 the open to bring before you. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: All right, thank 20 you. 21 MS. MANTELL: Hi, my name is Lisa Mantell. 22 I'm from Hollywood, Florida. I'm the mom of 23 two little kids, and I am here to publicly ask 24 for your non-support of proposal 22. I ask you 25 not to reconsider on the grounds that an

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1 individual being a human being deserves the 2 right of privacy to make their own decisions, 3 and to live privately in a live and let live 4 kind of way, and also to consider the proposal 5 9, that you remove partisan politics from the 6 running of the VA. That panel should really be 7 staffed by people receiving services from the 8 VA, that those decisions should not be made by 9 the Governor or other elected officials. Thank 10 you. 11 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Go ahead. 12 MR. MENDEZ: Hello. My name is Eric 13 Mendez, and I am simply a member of the working 14 class who wishes to say that in regards to 15 proposal 11 I believe in allowing open 16 primaries in the state of Florida to take 17 place. Any party affiliation like democrats 18 and republicans deserve a voice in local 19 elections and beyond regardless of what stands 20 those we may not have, that we may not agree 21 with in politics, there are fellow American 22 working-class voters like myself and many 23 people in this room. Please allow for open 24 primaries in the state of Florida. I thank you 25 for your time.

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1 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 2 MR. TALENFELD: My name is Howard 3 Talenfeld. I am president of Florida's 4 Children First, the statewide group of child 5 advocates that fight to give children a voice 6 who are in foster care. First of all, I want 7 to thank this Commission for coming, 8 particularly the out of town Commissioners that 9 are here very, very late tonight. 10 Florida is one of only ten states that do 11 not appoint counsel to children in foster care. 12 I'm in support, and speak in support of 13 amendment that was supported by Belinda Keiser, 14 Commissioner Keiser, because we want Florida to 15 not be in the minority. These children have 16 very serious liberty interests that they are 17 deprived of once they are taken into foster 18 care. They spend between one and three years 19 in the system, more than any child in the 20 delinquency system would spend. Some spend 21 their entire childhood in care as well, and in 22 the custody of the state of Florida. 23 They lose their families. Most are taken 24 out of county, may lose their educations. Many 25 are in the pipeline directly to our prisons.

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1 Although the guardian ad litem program is a 2 most amazing program that we support, if your 3 children were to be sentenced to one to three 4 years in the dependency court system, you would 5 want them to have an attorney to be able to 6 protect them in this very complicated system. 7 When this matter comes up for your 8 reconsideration I would ask the Commissioners 9 to think about it twice, about making sure that 10 every child who is in that system has an 11 attorney. Thank you so much. 12 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Lisa 13 Mantell, Jackie Scharff, Carlos Vierney, Diane 14 Mills and Carolyn Siegelman. 15 MR. VIERNEY: Good evening, Commissioners, 16 Carlos Vierney from Coral Springs. I come here 17 before you tonight to speak out in opposition 18 of proposal 13 in its current form. Let me 19 make it clear, I support those constitutional 20 officers that are currently elected to remain 21 elected, however I feel that the language in 22 its current form is an overreach, and will have 23 a detrimental effect to local governments in 24 that it will revert those appointed 25 constitutional officers and make them elective.

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1 There are departments and divisions in 2 governmental units currently in appointed 3 positions that if reverted back would have a 4 cost to those charter counties. You -- 5 analysis has identified eight charter counties 6 that would be affected. Here in Broward County 7 we have switched out tax collector to an 8 appointed position. The costs in your 9 analysis, in your fiscal impact, is 10 indeterminate. Those indeterminate costs would 11 be an unfunded mandate for those counties, the 12 eight that would be affected. 13 Furthermore, I'm also in opposition to 14 proposal 97. 60% voting on an election versus 15 60% that voted on a particular issue. That 16 would reward people who did not vote on an 17 issue. It would dilute those who voted for it, 18 and would just make it an extra hurdle. For 19 example, I sit on the Coral Springs Charter 20 Review Committee, one of my proposals passed by 21 60%. If I go back and I did the analysis based 22 on this proposal that would go down to 51%. 23 I am in favor of proposal, in the 24 resurrection of proposal 61 and 92 because I 25 think those are good government proposals, and

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1 they are home rule proposals. Charter counties 2 and municipalities with a charter are the 3 bedrock of our governance, and the people have 4 chosen to be governed by those elected 5 officials, and we should let those elected 6 officials make the decisions, and if the state 7 legislature or others -- 8 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 9 MR. VIERNEY: Thank you. 10 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Awan Balent, Donald 11 Torok, Jareth Bent. 12 MS. SCHARFF: Good evening ladies and 13 gentlemen of the Commission. My name is Jackie 14 Scharff. This is my daughter and my son. My 15 husband would be here, father, he had to work 16 all day. We drove from Naples because we are 17 in opposition, and I wish to ask you to oppose 18 as well number 67 and keep greyhound racing 19 going. We have been falling to GREY2K's lies. 20 We were in Massachusetts. Me -- my 21 husband's name is Scott. We were married and 22 had two kids. We had to follow all kinds of 23 rules and regulations set by them. We did 24 this. They, they told lies about us using 25 photos from other countries and statistics that

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1 are forty years old, before there were any kind 2 of regulations. We had to pack up, she was 3 nine months old, he was three, and move back to 4 Miami, well, here in Hialeah. 5 Then eighteen months after that we had to 6 move to Naples because of the track owner 7 wanting to run a circuit, Flagler, Naples, as 8 opposed to running them both all year. We have 9 had no insurance, health insurance, which was 10 provided through the track, paid for by the 11 kennel in Massachusetts. We -- we barely, you 12 know, get by. We do -- we do it because we 13 love the dogs. We are good people, and I would 14 not be able to get on with myself with, with 15 these things -- I wasn't even going to speak 16 today. 17 I wrote down all this stuff. I sent the 18 Commission an e-mail. I took notes and 19 everything, and writing it out, four hours 20 because I'm so perfect about everything. We 21 have fifty years' experience between the two of 22 us, me and my husband. I -- we -- we love the 23 dogs. It's just appalling to have, I don't 24 know, it feels like no voice. 25 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you very

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1 much. Thank you. 2 MR. BALENT: Hi, I'm Alvan Balent, I think 3 you said, called my name, but -- 4 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: I did. Probably not 5 correctly, but I did. 6 MR. BALENT: It's like the chipmunk, just 7 a little bit -- but I'm just here to speak in 8 support of proposition 41 and 47 with a small 9 little tweak to both of them. With respect to 10 moving the judge's age of retirement to seventy 11 from seventy-five, I think that's a good idea. 12 Keeping experienced judges on the bench is 13 always a good thing. However, I think the 14 language needs to be clarified to say all 15 judges appointed after the effective date of 16 January 8, 2019. 17 I think the old system should go out by 18 attrition rather than keeping them changing the 19 rules of the game midway after they're 20 appointed. And similar with the age, moving 21 with the from five years to ten. While I do 22 strongly agree with the Young Lawyer's Division 23 that age is just a number in a way I think you 24 should keep the five limits, five year age 25 limit for county judges, I think it should be a

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1 similar prospective only approach where it says 2 all members of the Bar if you're sworn in after 3 such and such a date it should be ten years for 4 circuit judges. I just think that language 5 needs to be clarified, and let the old system 6 just go out by attrition. Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 8 MR. TOROK: Thank you for giving me this 9 opportunity. I'm Dr. Don Torok. I'm chair of 10 the Tobacco Free Partnership of Broward County. 11 I'm a health educator, and I would like you to 12 consider your opposition to proposition 94. If 13 you look at what the Florida voters approved 14 back in 2006 it was to fund tobacco education. 15 This program although severely underfunded, 16 only at 35% of the CDC recommended levels, has 17 been a model program throughout the country. 18 What we look at that constitutional 19 amendment every one of the components addressed 20 education, and we know from the health 21 education aspects that programs that prevent 22 are much more cost effective than having to 23 deal with treatments, so taking money away from 24 this program would greatly deter from the 25 outstanding work that's being done in our

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1 state, and taking away from Florida being a 2 model in the country because you want to take 3 and use other dollars that are supposed to be 4 used for education. 5 There's many other ways that the state 6 legislature could fund additional programs, 7 such as raising the tax on tobacco products, 8 requiring electronic cigarettes to be licensed 9 and controlled. I want you to know that when 10 you look at, you know, what we've been able to 11 accomplish, you know, with our tobacco 12 education, and the rates have been -- 13 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you, sir. 14 Thank you. 15 UNKNOWN: Hi. I'm speaking on the behalf 16 of Jareth Bent, he waived in opposition to 17 proposal -- and proposal 22. Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: All right, thank 19 you. Jill Freis, Elizabeth, I think it's Kade, 20 Chey Kuriata, Joe Kaufman, and Max Levinson. 21 Go ahead, please. 22 MS. FREIS: Hi, thank you. My name is 23 Jill Freis. Thank you for giving me the 24 opportunity to talk. I'm opposition of 25 proposal 67. You got people saying stuff about

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1 greyhounds, that they have no idea really -- 2 our dogs are treated very well. We love them. 3 They are treated better than a lot of people. 4 And then you have a -- you got GREY2K and 5 people saying stuff that they don't even know, 6 so it's out there, they put something like that 7 on the ballot, and people are going to be 8 voting to ban racing when they don't even know. 9 And I'm a single mom, I have a thirteen- 10 year-old. I have another son that's in 11 college, and I've been with greyhounds my whole 12 life. And for people to, if this does go on 13 the ballot and then they do ban it, and to take 14 away my livelihood, and a lot of people's 15 livelihood when they don't even know, it's just 16 not fair. Our dogs -- I mean you love them, we 17 love them, they're just great animals. Thank 18 you. 19 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Go 20 ahead. 21 MS. COLE: Hi, my name is Elizabeth Cole, 22 and I'm glad to be here, I'm a Florida 23 resident. I'd like to voice my opinion to 24 please oppose proposal 22. I carelessness with 25 which the way this language is thrown about

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1 really demonstrates a lack of knowledge and 2 respect for what it is to be a woman and the 3 complex health care decisions that we have to 4 make. So firmly please do not move forward 5 with proposal 22. Obviously, it's not only 6 offensive to me as a woman, but anyone who 7 wishes to have their personal privacy 8 respected. 9 Next, I'd like you to please vote no on 10 proposal 4. The separation of church and state 11 is essential to our republic, and its 12 objectionable that any of our tax dollars 13 should be reverted to any sort of religious 14 organizations. Next, I'd like you to please 15 oppose proposal 22. I'm sorry, proposal 22 as I 16 mentioned. Proposal 29 as it relates to e- 17 verify, it's ridiculous to be changing the 18 constitution simply because the legislation 19 continuously failed, so please oppose proposal 20 29. 21 Also, as resident I urge you to please 22 firmly oppose any sort of legislation that 23 inhibits public education and diverts money to 24 any sort of charter schools or trial schools, 25 or home schools, whatever it may be. Our

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1 public education is essential to the growth of 2 Florida, so please do not move forth with any 3 of those proposals that jeopardize public 4 education. 5 I urge you to not make any efforts with 6 any proposals that make it more difficult for 7 citizens to make changes to the constitution, 8 including any sort of 60% threshold. And being 9 that I have a limited amount of time, I urge 10 you to act in the best interests of Florida and 11 advance language in our constitution that 12 protects climate change and net neutrality. 13 Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Keith 15 Robinson, Chelsea Krebs, Christina Harper, 16 Griselda Hale, Christian Solomon. Go ahead, 17 sir. 18 DR. ROBINSON: Hi, I'm Dr. Keith Robinson. 19 I'm a pulmonologist here in Broward County. I 20 also serve as a board member for the American 21 Lung Association, and I also serve on the 22 Research Advisory Committee, as well as the 23 Clinical Advisory Committee to the COPD 24 Foundation, so I know smoking, and my concerns 25 are that I'm here in support of, I'm sorry, in

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1 opposition, excuse me, opposition of 2 proposition 94. 3 I think at all levels of lung disease, we 4 know that in the United States annually we lose 5 more people in the population the size of Fort 6 Lauderdale to smoking related lung disease. 7 That's more than breast cancer, prostate 8 cancer, and colon cancer all added together. 9 And so, of all the levels of prevention that we 10 provide, whether it's primary prevention, 11 secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, 12 smoking cessation has been shown to save lives, 13 so again I would like you to oppose proposition 14 94 please. Thank you. 15 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Go 16 ahead, ma'am. 17 MS. HALE: Yes, good evening. Thank you 18 for being here. My name is Griselda Hale, and 19 I live in Plantation, Florida. I would like to 20 express to you my opposition to proposition 40, 21 and would like to ask you not to bring it back. 22 I am a guardian ad litem. I have been a 23 guardian ad litem for the Broward County for 24 over twenty years. We represent the best 25 interests of the child. The judges will

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1 appoint, if asked or if needed, an attorney ad 2 litem for the children. They have the 3 discretion to do so. 4 The children also have attorneys that are 5 DCF attorneys, or attorneys for a location with 6 attorneys for the children. They are not 7 underrepresented in the court system. I think 8 that if money needs to be pulled from some 9 place to give it to somebody else, I think the 10 guardian ad litem program should keep that 11 money. Unfortunately, I understand that 12 there's also shortage, but I think the guardian 13 ad litem program is needed, and I don't think 14 we need to appoint an attorney ad litem for the 15 children, for each child that is in the system. 16 Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Go 18 ahead. 19 MS. KREBS: Hi, I'm Chelsea Krebs. I'm a 20 lifelong resident of Fort Lauderdale. I work 21 for the Parks Department, and I'm a volunteer 22 at the South Florida Wildlife Center, and I'm 23 here about prop 91. Because I'm a licensed sea 24 captain now, and because my father is a 25 commercial fisherman who depends on the sea for

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1 a living, and because I care about the 2 environment, and I like to use the waterways 3 for recreation, and for kayaking, I fully 4 support, and I hope you will support 5 proposition 91, which will keep offshore 6 drilling out of Florida waters. 7 Let me give you an example. If you're a 8 licensed sea captain, you have to go at least 9 three miles offshore to scatter ashes of human 10 remains from a deceased person. Shouldn't you 11 have to go at least that far offshore to drill 12 for oil, I mean that just makes sense to me. I 13 hope you will add this to the Florida 14 Constitution so that what happened in Louisiana 15 in 2010, for example, never happens here, and 16 the only way sure way to do that is to ban 17 offshore drilling at least that three miles. 18 So please put prop 91 on the ballot, and please 19 let's add this to the Florida Constitution and 20 make it official once and for all. Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 22 MS. HARPER: Hi, my name is Christina 23 Harper. Thank you for the opportunity to talk 24 to you. I'm here in support of proposition 67 25 to ban greyhound racing. I want greyhound

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1 racing to stop. I do not believe that animals 2 should be used for profit. I understand that 3 many of them are treated well and have loving 4 homes, but many do not, and they do suffer. I 5 believe that if we humans deserve to live a 6 life in comfort and love, I believe that 7 greyhounds do too. 8 So, my main thing is that I do not believe 9 that profit and animals should mix. Thank you 10 so much. 11 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Ms. 12 Solomon. 13 MS. SOLOMON: Yes, thank you. Good 14 evening, Commissioners, my name is Kristin 15 Solomon, and I am the Southern Regional 16 Director for the Guardian Ad Litem Program. 17 Tonight, I'm here as a citizen, and as a parent 18 of two young children. As an attorney who has 19 dedicated the past decade to representing and 20 protecting children I appreciate the 21 opportunity to speak to you tonight. 22 I also wanted to thank the Commissioners 23 Keiser and Cox for bringing child welfare 24 issues to the forefront, however I respectfully 25 disagree with proposal 40, and I support the

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1 decision made by the Declaration of Rights 2 Committee after a two-hour hearing on the 3 issue. The time and commitment to learn about 4 all aspects of child representation within our 5 state is greatly appreciated. 6 To say children don't have lawyers is 7 misleading. There are well over a hundred and 8 seventy lawyers here advocating and protecting 9 children every day. They are best interest 10 attorneys at the guardian ad litem program, and 11 hundreds of pro bono attorneys across the 12 state. Proposal 40 would create a 13 constitutional right for children in dependency 14 to an attorney who would represent their 15 expressed wishes, also client directed 16 advocacy. Of the approximately 32,000 children 17 in child welfare a majority are under the age 18 of six. Client directed advocacy is not the 19 best way to protect young vulnerable and 20 traumatized victims of child abuse, 21 abandonment, and neglect. 22 Florida's policy of putting the best 23 interests of children first should remain the 24 state's policy. Taking a holistic approach 25 where one considers all aspects of the child's

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1 life, including the child's wishes, is the most 2 appropriate way to represent a child. I ask 3 that you respect the decisions of the 4 Commissioners of the Declaration of Rights 5 Committee and do not bring proposal 40 back for 6 reconsideration, and protect the best interests 7 of Florida's children. Thank you. 8 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Diana 9 Reese. I'm having a little trouble with this 10 one. Dana O Lo Lade, Yvonne Palmer Bennett, 11 Dwayne Robinson, and this, she may have already 12 left, Katherine Uden. Go ahead please, ma'am. 13 MS. REESE: Good evening. My name is 14 Diana Reese, and I'm here to oppose proposal 15 40, as well as provide testimony that children 16 benefit most from the best interest advocacy. I 17 know this first hand because I'm a guardian ad 18 litem volunteer child advocate. 19 I will share with you that on a case I was 20 assigned on the initial visit the kids did not 21 appear safe to me. There were two girls and a 22 boy. The boy felt that he was being recruited 23 for gang activity and wanted out. The girls 24 wanted to stay, and said they felt safe. They 25 were twelve, fourteen, and fifteen at the time.

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1 I saw roaches in the refrigerator. There were 2 eight people living in that house, two bedroom, 3 filthy, with a non-working toilet. The 4 Department had approved the placement of the 5 home twice. 6 I sough guidance from my guardian ad litem 7 attorney and my case coordinator for next 8 steps. I then gathered evidence of gang 9 activity in the home. Two older brothers were 10 already involved in the gang, and he other male 11 staying there was a known and active gang 12 member. My guardian ad litem attorney then 13 presented evidence to the court, and advocated 14 for the best interest to the judge, who was 15 able to order placement changes, first for the 16 boy, and then later for the girls. 17 Fast forward to Portia's high school 18 graduation. I attended that with her mom, who 19 cried and hugged me, and told me she 20 understands why we do what we do. Jewonn just 21 received a full ride scholarship to USF, and 22 Ketaya is a junior in high school. We advocate 23 for the best interests of the children. I have 24 an attorney on my side. And we are about the 25 children. I'm still involved in their life

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1 today. Thank you for hearing, and please do 2 not bring proposal 40 back up. 3 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. 4 MS. BENNETT: Good evening, my name is 5 Yvonne Bennett, and I work with, I'm a resident 6 here in Broward, in Pembroke Pines, and I work 7 for the guardian ad litem program, however this 8 evening I'm here as a private citizen to say I 9 do not recommend proposal 40. Our children are 10 represented by best interest attorney. We have 11 a team of people that work together who are 12 going into the homes, as the volunteer just 13 testify we look at their homes, we speak to 14 their providers, we know the providers of 15 health and mental health services, and we work 16 as a team with the best interest attorney to 17 make sure that the child's best interest is 18 always recommended. 19 The children -- we are advocating for our 20 children, and they are represented very often, 21 the children are, the sibling group is 22 represented by one attorney, and therefore 23 their best interest is, is usually represented, 24 is always represented, so I ask that we do not, 25 you do not vote for proposal 40, and that we do

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1 not bring back proposal 40. Thank you very 2 much. 3 COMMISSIONER TIMMANN: Thank you. Any of 4 the others whose names I called? With that I 5 would like to thank Nova Southeastern 6 University for hosting us here. On behalf of 7 Chairman Beruff and the Constitution Revision 8 Commission, and thanking all of the expert 9 staff and our law enforcement officers, thank 10 you. Good night. 11 (Thereupon, the meeting concluded.) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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1 C E R T I F I C A T E 2 3 (STATE OF FLORIDA) 4 (COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) 5 6 I, NATHANIEL TORO, Reporter, certify that I was 7 authorized to and did report the foregoing 8 proceedings and that the transcript is a true and 9 correct transcription of my notes of the 10 proceedings. 11 12 <%Signature%> ______13 NATHANIEL TORO, Reporter Commission: GG 111434 14 Expires: 06/04/2021 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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& 1940 131:25 2015 194:23 22's 145:14 & 158:16 161:19 1950's 43:12 2016 45:11 89:16 23 52:16 74:15 171:1 215:9 240:21 1957 25:25 150:1 194:20 79:22 261:4 1962 34:13 227:20 24/7 286:14 0 1970 218:3 2017 211:8 219:11 250 233:6 06 194:19 195:2 1971 35:20 219:12 241:17 26 132:10 249:1 06/04/2021 310:14 1974 35:3 2018 1:4 64:11,18 250:11 251:2 1 1976 80:22 263:20 288:10 270:13 1 183:17 195:6 1977 20:4 2019 295:16 27 147:18 226:15 219:11,12 226:13 1980 19:25 39:20 2038 27:6 280,000 267:3 243:5 261:9 52:17 59:11 63:12 21 194:20 283,000 268:11 1,000 9:7 146:13 1984 60:8 22 14:10,14,21 22:2 29 30:24 41:19 43:1 1.4 191:7 1985 229:1 28:9 30:18,23 87:14,18 124:22 10 114:23 129:7 1987 106:13 33:24 35:24 39:19 131:8 143:25 145:3 147:17 193:1 1990 45:7 40:5 44:13,15 167:7 201:14 10.6 194:23 1997 242:20 51:21 52:16 53:17 202:23 207:15 100,000 7:13 1998 50:16 52:18 54:2 55:20 56:22 213:15 216:16 106o 154:6 77:4 252:2 57:18,20 58:17 217:7 227:10 11 50:14,16,17 51:8 2 60:10 61:19 63:3 248:19 299:16,20 65:6,11 70:16 51:10,11 183:18 2 132:9 248:6 3 74:14,25 75:3 261:22 262:4 262:17 270:9 3 29:21 43:8 261:1 79:20 80:8,24 289:15 2,000 204:22 3.2 194:25 85:25 86:24 98:23 11,000 269:5 2/3 278:6 3.4 120:11 99:9,21 100:5,7,8,9 111434 310:13 20 244:7 3.5 152:17 104:22 108:14 12 144:17 177:1 200 166:9 3.8 194:23 109:16,18 121:5 125 174:21 2001 89:5 30 152:1 165:19 137:24 140:16 12:30 1:10 2002 243:3 252:3 216:1,1 234:5 145:11,17 151:9 13 25:15 26:20 2004 38:15 81:15 264:7 180:20 195:18 144:17 171:3,4,7 2005 229:5 30's 100:17 196:10,12 200:15 171:18 172:8 250:9 2006 194:16,23 300,000 211:14 201:7,24 202:8,23 250:11 269:16 243:9 296:14 252:21 202:23 203:23 283:9 291:18 2007 45:9 191:7 32,000 305:16 213:10 216:17 130 28:20 29:22 2008 243:16 33 115:18 125:3,4 217:11 218:6 142,000 20:17 2009 256:14 193:24 227:10,14 247:14 15 195:2,2 242:24 2010 45:12 151:25 33,000 20:22 247:22 248:8 243:2 303:15 3301 1:8 253:15 261:15 15.5 194:20 2012 32:25 34:7 35 254:23 296:16 276:5,20,22 277:4 17th 248:25 249:5 227:19 236:25 37 28:7 186:7 277:21 288:24 1800's 250:18 2013 114:6 208:13 297:17 298:24 1885 32:20 171:23 278:14 299:5,15,15

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4 42 20:18 167:19 54 8:7 10:8,19 11:1 210:7 234:14 245:9 4 26:20 28:19 29:23 168:18 196:23 11:11,22 12:6 13:3 248:20 266:16 30:8,17 31:19 32:1 229:14,22 13:8,14,21 14:1 271:18 272:2 33:3,7,21 34:6,7 42,000 130:22 17:18 22:8 24:12 293:18 297:25 35:15 38:5 41:4,15 43 15:1 26:5,6,20 24:18,24 25:6 303:24 43:7,20 44:5,11,25 47:10 103:25 72:15 73:23 74:4 6:00 41:25 47:21 49:11 50:11 116:11 223:6 225:4 133:20 135:2,12 7 225:15 237:14 136:20 177:24 50:11 54:11 55:13 7 114:23 239:9 252:7 259:20 178:17 183:5 184:6 56:9 57:17,23 58:8 7,000 269:2 264:17 275:23 274:6 70:16 79:6,10 70 120:9 148:10 276:3 281:21 55 171:3 283:9 80:24 81:6,24 194:24 282:19 558 195:4 85:15 87:3 88:1,11 70,000 227:19,21 44 125:7,8 57 203:18 96:1 98:3,14,16 700 152:19 445 26:14 103:25 107:8 6 700,000 262:12 45 26:20 80:24 81:7 108:14,15 111:10 6 1:4 227:19 263:19 81:24 90:16 103:25 130:2,10 131:6 6,000 130:14,20 700486 280:1 130:10 131:7 223:6 137:23 157:24 144:14 71 26:14,20 48:11 224:24 225:15 167:7 179:19 6.3 191:7 103:25 116:18 231:15 237:1,13 180:20 192:17 6.5 148:10 223:6 224:1 225:6 239:9 245:23 196:13 200:14 60 21:13 64:17 82:4 225:15 237:15 259:20 261:15 201:7,15 202:23 82:5 128:24 129:2 239:9 258:7 259:20 264:20 275:17 203:6 213:1 218:9 261:19 292:14,15 264:20 267:12 276:3 277:20,22 223:6 224:24 292:21 300:8 268:18 275:23 281:21 282:1,17 225:15 227:18 60's 35:5 276:3 281:21 47 167:18,21 231:14 236:15 600 21:8 282:19,21 288:6 229:13 233:5,15,19 238:9,12 245:23 61 19:2,19 20:13 72 223:7 224:1 234:2 272:11,20 248:18 253:16 119:24 292:24 225:11,15 231:15 273:7,8 295:8 259:20 261:15 62 120:8 129:13 237:15 259:20 4th 111:22 264:11 275:16 131:10 209:9 227:6 264:21 278:6 276:3 277:19,21 5 64,000 278:24 73 103:25 281:21 282:1,17 5 150:11 244:8 66 208:25 747s 189:20 287:19 299:10 5,000 144:14 67 67:13 68:11,21 75 123:25 229:15 4.5 152:18 244:8 50 243:2 278:15 75:21 76:21 88:22 78 208:12 40 301:20 304:25 50,000 101:22 90:19 94:5,24 7:00 1:10 4:14,15 305:12 306:5,15 154:13 155:25 102:24 103:19 8 308:2,9,25 309:1 500 9:23 112:6 115:5 119:17 8 195:6 263:4 40,000 252:22 501c3 177:20 121:24 122:10 295:16 400 132:11 50th 111:20 278:13 158:7 163:16 800,000 211:13 41 167:18,19 51 292:22 164:24 165:9 166:8 226:12 229:13 295:8 51c3 135:7 180:15 181:13,23 182:6 186:23 206:1 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [83 - accounts] Page 313

83 91:12 126:2 259:21 264:21 able 17:9 25:18 abused 90:17 94:12 137:21 138:7 94 114:8 147:17,17 26:10 36:2 51:7 abusers 95:9 141:10 145:25 148:6 184:16 85:7 92:9 101:7 abuses 112:10,13 146:25 147:6 194:14 195:11 117:6 157:9 173:1 112:22 162:15 163:2,10 231:5 239:15,18,23 173:15 187:13 academically 170:17 172:22 242:20 243:18 188:16 190:16 173:11 174:1,9 175:22 244:6 254:1 296:12 216:25 235:2 251:8 accept 7:21 144:23 176:4 177:7 210:23 301:2,14 251:20 273:12 acceptable 160:13 211:23 226:19,21 95 22:20 65:21 66:1 274:14 283:11 accepted 50:3 258:6 67:6 196:22 203:14 291:5 294:14 access 9:1 17:8 85 185:20 206:21 230:19 297:10 307:15 23:19 36:16 53:3 208:13 96 71:2,5,8,19 72:1 abolished 23:8 59:2,6,17 70:19 87 216:16 82:23 87:19 93:10 abolishes 195:22 73:8 99:13 133:20 88 6:3 76:23,24 93:15 123:5,7 abortion 21:5,21 133:24 135:15 105:14 106:15 124:12 216:17,18 53:3 56:2 59:2,5,18 136:8,14,16 142:25 132:5,14 153:22 284:3 61:21 63:21 74:24 145:15 176:19 155:6 156:11 97 64:8,19 65:2 75:7,9 99:13 195:21 211:3 237:6 160:14 161:19 80:24 82:2,16 109:22 140:21 255:23 256:2 162:9 177:25 120:1,6 128:4,14 151:5 166:19,21 285:21 286:16 178:18 182:18 201:15,24 202:23 195:21 203:24 accident 219:23 196:23 215:2 213:16 216:16,22 228:1,3 accidental 187:25 240:25 237:18 261:16 abortions 55:21,23 acclaimed 125:23 9 292:14 227:20 accommodations 99 69:22 abrogated 253:5 20:7 9 289:5 absent 259:4 accompanying 9,000 190:2 a absolutely 72:17 62:4,7 90 9:3 a.n. 172:15 100:23 194:4 accomplish 297:11 91 80:15 108:15 aaa 117:24 250:18 205:23 224:3 accomplishments 118:15,25 119:18 abandonment 261:17 270:15 92:25 211:10 137:24 151:18 305:21 absorb 68:14 account 59:20 194:3 196:23 abby 208:21 210:6 abstention 237:19 99:16 101:23 203:14 227:8 abe 111:4 abstentions 120:5 accountability 230:20 256:6,21 aberman 54:6,8,9 abudo 37:10,11,12 154:15 162:8 253:2 257:3,16,20 258:16 ability 8:9 36:4 37:23 38:1 260:5 282:24 302:23 303:5,18 70:4 77:1 82:2,6 abuse 5:25 90:10 accountable 18:14 911 214:24 134:17 136:4,13 90:13 95:17 123:4 154:22 156:8 160:2 92 292:24 139:20 141:3 151:3 153:19 155:6 159:4 160:10 178:15 92,000 20:14 151:8 270:4 276:23 159:4,24 182:2 243:11 267:7,8 93 125:13,14,17 278:9 205:5 214:10 accounted 152:23 194:6,7 223:7 abington 34:14 282:25 285:17 accounts 258:6 224:5 231:15 239:9 35:7 286:21 305:20 252:24 253:11 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [accurate - afternoon] Page 314

accurate 208:8 add 21:18 71:17 administers 66:12 advantages 252:17 accused 71:7 74:19 88:15 95:24 administration adverse 173:2 accustomed 44:20 179:18 182:20 178:8 249:22 adversely 23:10 achieve 92:18 303:13,19 administrator 47:4 190:22 achieving 226:3 added 20:5 52:17 135:22 240:21 advisors 92:10 aclu 37:13 39:2 147:1 249:2 250:1 250:7 173:13 43:6 261:25 301:8 administrators advisory 35:21 acquire 127:10 addict 112:19 149:18 249:8 253:24 300:22,23 acquired 233:13 addiction 185:15 admission 6:19 advocacy 184:24 acres 144:14 185:22 240:14 admit 97:2 241:24 305:16,18 acronyms 2:19 244:1 admitted 153:25 306:16 acscan 239:19 adding 217:5 admonish 111:20 advocate 67:15 act 151:5,7 191:10 addition 39:23 adopt 170:17 174:8 85:2 181:20 306:18 281:8 300:10 108:23 122:11,11 adopted 26:1 27:14 307:22 acted 105:25 133:7 143:2 144:8 40:7 52:18 63:11 advocated 307:13 acting 31:21 167:5 261:24 89:5 103:19 104:15 advocates 181:25 277:11 275:23 288:6 146:21 187:10 182:1 216:23 290:5 action 26:5 60:10 additional 14:13 196:10 239:22 advocating 159:6 96:18 113:7 119:12 23:4 88:16 217:5,9 265:6,25 305:8 308:19 123:8 239:14 217:22 297:6 adopter 265:3 affairs 125:21 active 4:3 14:21 additionally 33:23 adopting 67:16 affect 23:10 81:19 22:2 28:6,7,10 288:7 91:18 102:2 256:23 272:19 65:21 225:24 address 5:12 8:9 adoption 67:15 277:4 307:11 14:8 19:7 25:10 68:13 89:8,10,12 affectional 20:7 actively 89:6 42:3 49:10 66:22 101:25 184:16 affiliation 120:13 activist 103:5 67:2 73:15 76:22 188:2 289:17 192:11 229:6 171:25 191:12,23 adoptions 102:7 affirming 126:4 activists 100:21 229:3 232:21 adorable 62:20 afford 7:22 56:16 101:16 277:15 adult 14:17 43:14 104:17 activities 96:3 addressed 8:13 148:9 194:19 affordable 146:4 257:25 277:7 171:14 296:19 243:16 277:6 173:4 174:3 175:15 activity 19:8 44:7 addresses 241:13 adults 22:10 259:4 affordably 174:16 306:23 307:9 addressing 226:1 262:15 271:11 affords 14:11 actual 287:9 adds 267:23 274:24 227:15 acute 6:10 215:16 adequate 57:14 advance 79:8 128:7 aftermath 242:10 ad 30:7 291:1 162:2 209:21 260:2 130:8 263:20 afternoon 2:2 5:4 301:22,23 302:1,10 261:9 300:11 10:6 11:15,19,25 302:13,14 304:16 adequately 242:8 advances 40:11 12:9 14:24 17:5 305:10 306:17 adhere 237:8 advantage 86:21 18:2 22:3 24:7 25:8 307:6,12 308:7 adjusted 259:4 141:19 25:11 26:23 29:24 31:17 33:5 37:11

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39:15 43:3 46:25 agendas 128:7 aid 28:20 29:15,21 allow 15:22 60:18 52:7 57:9 65:15 agents 222:24 32:19,24 33:8,11 79:12 81:6,8,12 69:5 74:9 75:18 ages 246:1 33:22 34:8 38:5,17 97:3 119:24 134:11 79:3 80:20 82:21 agm 22:4 41:13 43:9,10 44:7 134:25 147:22 83:2 84:25 89:2 ago 32:24 83:6 88:9 47:21 48:8 49:21 160:10 184:6 91:5 93:8,18 98:19 103:14 112:25 79:7,11 85:19 88:1 224:22 253:9 100:2,14 103:21 164:11 169:25 180:2,4,11 234:4 260:23 262:14 106:25 110:11 178:20 205:16 261:3 277:17 289:23 112:4 115:10 119:8 210:8 219:24 aiding 106:14,16 allowed 7:5 173:11 125:19 127:23 234:24 236:25 ailing 232:6 173:12 179:24 131:19 133:13 250:1 265:4,5,24 aimed 25:12 182:4 216:3 228:5 135:5 142:6 143:21 266:7 273:11 ain't 255:4 228:11 256:17 145:20 147:10 agonizing 121:18 air 77:2,9 282:11 149:1 150:23 agree 33:16 44:23 aires 118:8 allowing 2:9 10:1 151:14 153:16 65:3 122:4 230:4 airline 42:11 33:12 36:7,18 155:3 157:17 284:8 289:20 aisle 6:1 42:23 45:3 47:23 158:24 160:16 295:22 aka 77:7 105:22 48:11 51:13 60:4 161:17 165:1 agreed 178:25 akin 33:13 99:9 182:13 250:1 167:13 170:22 agreement 140:20 al 225:18,20,21 289:15 172:17 176:1 182:1 alabama 75:23 allows 19:8,11 26:2 177:18 182:12 agricultural 66:16 152:5 208:2 273:4 92:17 114:25 119:1 186:22 192:8 207:8 agriculture 207:24 alan 19:25 179:15 120:15 146:2 227:2 231:10 208:4 179:17 alluded 155:22 232:15 244:19 ahac 185:6 alarcon 200:21 altered 48:10 259:10 ahca 9:11,11 13:24 201:9,9 alternate 267:19 ag 191:21 23:5 alarming 233:19 alternative 142:12 age 101:6 142:17 ahead 5:5 10:13 alcoholic 112:19 143:2 196:8 267:12 149:25 150:5,8,14 11:14,18 14:5 alf 77:5 153:25 altogether 23:20 150:17 167:20 84:22 109:9 215:1 alfc 76:25 286:10 180:8 229:15 221:9 224:15 227:1 alfs 77:3 alvan 295:2 233:20 272:12 231:2 245:17 alladina 202:12 alvarado 166:16,17 273:21 275:1 248:22 255:15 allegations 155:15 amanda 200:21 276:19 284:4 262:8 263:25 allegedly 209:15 202:3,6 295:10,20,23,24 266:20 271:4 274:1 allegiance 3:9,13 amazes 268:13 305:17 284:1 287:11 98:7 amazing 2:11 291:2 agencies 155:17 289:11 297:21 alleys 55:23 56:1 ambulance 215:13 250:20 298:20 300:16 alliance 266:25 amend 10:8,18 agency 72:9 155:20 301:16 302:18 allie 3:10 11:1,22 12:5 13:3,8 178:7,11 306:12 allot 212:13 13:14,20 14:1 agenda 63:17,17,22 ahmed 225:18,21 allotted 5:14 16:25 24:18 25:6 145:11 275:7 74:3 82:3,7 128:24

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233:22 249:13 americans 129:8 anniversary 111:21 applying 173:21 amended 128:12 amicus 59:11 announcements appoint 168:23 270:14 amir 60:3 61:15 4:23 230:1 280:22 amending 24:12 amount 15:17 annual 195:1 290:11 302:1,14 amendment 8:6,8 32:11 56:19 141:13 226:14 242:25 appointed 2:16 11:9,10 12:12 20:9 175:3 176:22 243:4 annually 23:22 110:23,24 115:19 21:4,13 22:7,7,19 269:1,4 300:9 138:16 165:20 115:22 116:1,6 36:10 38:7 48:6 amounts 101:20 195:5 301:4 171:17 193:11 52:18,22 53:1 ample 59:14 answer 32:6 42:25 209:2,2 249:10 57:23 63:24 64:11 amputated 6:17 63:16 269:25 291:24 70:18 72:14 74:18 ana 11:4 12:22 14:3 anthony 93:6 95:20 292:2,8 295:15,20 74:21 75:7,13 82:5 17:4 37:10 39:16 95:23 181:5,9,9 appointee 270:12 90:18 110:7 111:12 analysis 244:6 anti 45:25 75:7,9 appointment 111:13 120:15 292:5,9,21 antiquated 121:24 168:19 229:23 121:23 123:8 130:4 analyst 252:5 anybody 246:23 280:20 146:1 150:7 151:4 analyzed 23:5 anymore 112:25 appreciate 45:3 174:9 176:6 177:7 andrew 74:1 145:6 201:25 234:21 47:1 55:6 77:14 177:16 182:18 147:11 274:1 276:9 235:2 260:15 80:22 152:25 184:5 191:11 angel 74:8 78:24,24 anyway 157:22 156:11 199:15 196:15 213:18 79:3,5 215:8 158:10 223:21 221:4 247:5 287:10 217:1 218:8 227:19 animal 67:18 76:14 apartment 45:9,12 288:15 304:20 233:25 243:12 90:21 95:9 100:21 apologetic 101:10 appreciated 305:5 258:15 262:14 103:7 165:3 180:14 apologize 102:14 approach 87:12 264:13,17,21 181:10,20,24 182:1 156:23 192:5 296:1 305:24 272:18 290:13 186:24 265:2 271:7 apology 83:20 appropriate 249:23 296:19 animals 90:14 appalled 264:5 306:2 amendments 158:4 94:14 95:10,17 appalling 294:23 approval 80:15 239:7,8 261:18 103:16 113:10 apparent 121:8 174:1 184:18 264:6,20 122:12 152:11,15 appeal 135:11 211:23 226:1 amends 83:18 158:11,17 180:18 appear 4:7 133:15 approve 75:9,13 147:17 271:13,14 298:17 306:21 80:13 84:6 142:12 america 43:13 304:1,9 appears 238:25 192:23 127:3 anita 21:3 288:9 approved 91:14 american 44:3 58:2 anjenys 259:8 appellate 38:16 283:12,14 296:13 92:18 127:16 ann 88:25 89:1,4 applause 37:17 307:4 147:12,14 163:18 276:11 applicable 170:11 approver 48:17 165:3,3 184:21,22 anna 1:18 applicants 23:6 approximately 184:23 186:5 annalise 69:10 72:6 applies 174:13 226:15 305:16 190:24,25 239:13 annie 25:3 26:24 apply 51:8 69:6 april 3:24 111:22 241:2 289:21 anniversaries 90:6 174:12 272:22 arbitrary 233:24 300:20

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arbitration 178:23 arts 142:23 associated 244:2 attended 111:3 178:25 179:3 artwork 78:11,14 association 65:19 307:18 arce 12:23 13:1 ascertain 78:20 115:14 147:12,14 attendees 1:13 86:18 88:24 asher 169:2 158:3 184:22,23 attention 149:8 archaic 272:1 ashes 303:9 186:5 228:25 229:5 183:1 area 4:24,25 50:24 asiard 281:11 238:7 241:3 252:2 attest 210:2 102:6 108:12 aside 101:20 267:17 300:21 attorney 71:15 142:21 asked 82:25 123:4 associations 101:19 74:10 106:5 153:17 areas 30:10 73:7 140:25 151:11 255:10 167:16 214:7 215:8 107:3,3 183:9 205:9 220:20 231:4 assume 37:23 49:18 229:8 230:18 234:3 196:4 257:24 302:1 81:18 279:17 283:7 291:5 arena 1:6 2:10 asking 12:11,16 assumed 22:25 291:11 302:1,14 29:10 36:3 50:8,10 103:3 assurance 88:9 304:18 305:14 argentina 118:8 133:21 141:2 assurances 121:9 307:7,12,24 308:10 argue 9:25 21:7 181:11 223:2,6 121:11 308:16,22 arguments 111:18 240:9 256:20 assure 32:16 35:10 attorneys 87:24 arises 128:12 268:18 283:8,10 133:1,24 170:9 159:11 302:4,5,5,6 arithmetic 107:15 aspects 65:25 66:11 assured 88:6 305:10,11 arizona 95:6 75:4 80:10 135:13 astounding 194:24 attract 282:4 arkansas 267:22 211:19 296:21 astronomical 56:20 attracts 73:22 arm 260:13,13 305:4,25 ate 124:2 attrition 295:18 armasi 285:10 aspen 174:21,23 athlete 90:15,15 296:6 arms 263:5 211:8 athletes 89:9 audience 105:9 army 266:2 aspirations 142:22 atlantic 257:19 audit 210:1 arnoux 153:21,22 assassinated attack 20:4 57:4 audrey 166:14 153:25 154:5,10,20 111:23 59:22 75:10 98:4 167:9 arrangements 78:3 assassination 168:14,16 august 252:18 arrest 161:4 216:3 111:22 attacked 57:1 auster 10:12,22,23 262:21 286:10 assault 284:6 118:22 10:24 arrested 285:18 assaulted 284:4 attempt 32:6,23 austin 161:16 arrive 42:16 assessment 146:22 86:6 168:15 213:7 162:11,13 art 102:22 267:10 276:22 287:20 australia 118:7 arthenia 1:19 asset 138:22 attempted 76:17 authored 266:7 arthur 157:13,18 assets 7:23 attempts 70:17 authorities 60:9 article 29:21 43:7 assigned 160:20 112:12 277:1 authority 96:13,16 74:15 79:22 114:23 262:13 306:20 attend 81:12 89:11 96:17 115:20 132:9 147:17 assimilate 129:8 92:15 174:22 171:10 172:3 249:3 176:15 260:25 assistance 2:11 189:10 212:10 authorize 116:19 261:4,9 262:17 assisted 153:23 attendance 76:10 authorized 213:14 263:3,6 154:3 159:4 149:17,24 150:8,12 310:7

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authorizer 48:12 58:17 69:6 70:14 84:5 88:15 144:9 bartholomew 142:12 143:2 77:3 79:19 86:25 144:10 166:11 179:16 267:13,19,20 98:23 99:21 120:17 191:20 207:21 base 278:25 authorizers 267:15 121:6,9,10 141:3,4 213:18 238:13 based 23:2 26:3 267:18 151:9 156:20 257:4 262:2 263:20 47:15 60:6 66:24 authorizes 114:25 169:13 170:10 284:12,13 298:7,13 85:5 116:3 117:21 authorizing 267:24 175:21 188:4,13 303:18 144:2,7 176:22 authors 32:12 190:2 197:18 202:1 ballots 18:7 209:25 279:6 292:21 autism 35:25 202:25 236:3 210:1 basic 8:21 50:4 245:25 247:24 250:18 baltimore 143:14 70:10,10,18 217:19 autonomous 249:3 265:20 276:4 292:3 143:16 285:16,22 287:1 autonomy 40:8 292:21 294:3 balzera 140:8 basically 159:24 249:20 296:14 301:21 balzora 141:7,8,9 252:14 autumn 3:11 306:5 308:2 309:1 ban 80:15 94:6 basis 239:5 availability 135:15 background 48:19 95:11 119:19 bathroom 161:1 available 4:12,21 197:16 151:18,19 257:16 bauer 127:21 23:23 86:13 104:14 backgrounds 43:19 286:7 298:8,13 131:16,16,19,21 123:12 142:19 bad 34:12 82:8 303:16,25 bausch 225:19 147:3 237:10 206:22 213:12 bank 59:20 99:16 228:18 274:21 286:14 224:19,19 285:20 227:8 bc 173:1,10,23 aventura 130:16 badass 238:6 bankrupt 264:22 174:21 175:20 avenue 1:8 baffled 69:19 bankruptcy 7:9 bcs 173:16 average 9:24 114:6 bagenski 231:9 banned 75:21 beach 18:4 24:8,17 avid 162:22 234:11,12 95:15 112:7 194:3 65:17 87:11 89:4 avoid 39:3 141:25 bailey 158:16 banning 230:21 89:23 100:4 102:25 179:24 185:17 baise 236:4 baptist 41:8 117:17,24 118:5,10 avoidance 185:22 baker 105:25 bar 228:25 233:2 118:12 121:15 avonte 214:22,23 balance 18:16 272:9,10,15 273:8 122:3 135:8 142:8 215:18 99:16 229:20 296:2 143:22 144:14 awan 293:10 230:11 bar's 232:18 145:8 165:5 171:1 award 241:2,4 balanced 40:13 barbara 253:18 176:2 182:15 awarded 23:6 balances 168:3 barbaric 121:24 193:18 207:10 aware 58:18,19 267:23 272:1 214:8 219:3 257:20 68:12 197:24 balent 293:10 barely 190:16 276:17 285:10 aye 276:8 295:2,2,6 294:11 beaches 117:19 b ball 247:1 barnum 158:15 118:12 119:22 ballot 3:16 8:16 barry 237:25 255:24 256:2,4 babysitters 159:17 20:21,23 36:18 242:17 257:5 258:14 bach 262:7 40:6 50:19 51:25 bartholemew bear 162:24 166:16 back 30:19 52:15 54:11 56:9 64:11 276:12 263:5 52:24 53:22 54:2 64:13,18 79:19 55:22 56:1,1 57:18 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [bearing - blasting] Page 319

bearing 276:19 believe 28:25 39:2 bercaw 225:18 biased 50:7 beatriz 105:2,4 39:7 58:3 83:4 85:5 227:2,4 228:15,19 biases 142:24 beautiful 78:10 87:15,19 88:11 228:19 bible 34:17 103:16 255:24 92:19 115:24 bereavement 12:4 big 60:8 107:21 256:2 116:22 136:8 berman 131:18 192:11 207:23 becker 14:5,23,24 138:17 146:2,25 136:22,23,24 240:11 bed 6:10 156:21 158:10 160:6 bertha 250:4,7 biggest 118:16,17 160:25 214:18 167:19 168:4,7 beruff 1:16 2:15 152:4 273:16 240:22 179:23 182:19 26:24 309:7 bigotry 49:15,25 bedrock 279:23 183:16 192:19 bessard 259:9 bill 17:18 75:25 293:3 193:23,24 212:21 best 2:13 15:2,18 76:4,25 178:9 bedroom 307:2 212:24 213:4 216:5 15:19 30:14 77:5 215:19 256:16,18 bedrooms 65:9 221:12 233:15 83:12 91:21 92:12 266:8,8 beds 124:1 183:8 237:4 238:8 252:7 105:16 127:5 137:9 billion 152:18,18 beg 35:15 60:21 255:6,6 273:14 139:9 146:10 148:8 191:7,8 194:25 began 45:9,20 289:15 304:1,5,6,8 171:6,13 175:20 226:14,16 244:8,8 149:23 243:6 believes 128:15 186:1 213:6 226:9 billions 258:4 beginning 58:24 158:15 258:12 227:23 245:7 259:5 bills 57:3 190:16 121:7 250:11 265:6 belinda 1:20 3:7 267:16,22 268:21 bins 234:21 begins 60:15 290:13 268:25 269:8 biology 170:1,2 behalf 30:13,21 bell 95:14,15 270:21 277:12 bird 212:5,6,6 57:11 91:9 115:15 belong 34:10 282:5 286:6,8 birth 111:5 188:4 117:15 145:12 belongs 87:15 300:10 301:24 birthdays 90:6 151:16 165:6,7 246:21 263:5 305:9,19,22 306:6 bit 95:1 110:22,25 170:24 181:12 bench 229:17 306:16 307:14,23 151:22 257:11 199:22 224:17,25 233:13,17,21 308:10,16,17,23 295:7 232:22 233:1,25 272:20 295:12 bestow 271:10 bites 95:4 235:15,19 239:13 beneficial 48:16 betancourt 25:3 black 111:1 131:5 242:1 249:5,24 88:4 163:3 26:23,24 206:15,17 228:24 266:24 272:8 benefit 22:25 40:2 betrayal 111:25 229:4,7,9 273:14 279:21,25 297:15 134:18 162:25 betrayed 140:16 blacklist 205:18 309:6 175:22 263:16 better 4:25 18:10 blacklisted 205:15 behavior 258:25 306:16 53:24 91:24 92:9 blacks 43:17 beings 271:10 benefited 172:20 122:7 128:15 140:3 blackwood 163:12 belief 32:5,7 41:12 benefits 174:10 160:7 183:2 212:16 blaine 48:6 57:23 44:5 58:5 281:19 benefitted 24:9 228:16 270:17 196:15 beliefs 36:17 49:14 benjamin 15:2 298:3 blame 112:23 49:16,19 79:9 bennett 306:10 beyond 139:6 blanco 197:3 85:17 88:7 104:20 308:4,5 284:17 289:19 199:20 201:1,4 107:17 bent 7:18 293:11 bias 45:22 112:24 blasting 257:24 297:16

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bless 106:19 199:1 boggess 140:9,9 breakdown 6:23 205:9 206:9 199:17 142:5,6,8 breakfast 42:4 brooding 206:16 blessed 265:23 boggling 159:12 breaking 159:20 brother 60:8 blind 154:2 159:24 bones 114:15 breast 301:7 222:22,23 160:12 284:11 bred 181:15 265:19 brothers 158:15 blood 215:25 bonnie 68:2 breed 68:19 122:16 222:22 307:9 252:23 bono 305:11 breeders 166:5 brought 40:18 bloom 175:25 boo 120:22 245:1 51:23 52:24 120:16 177:18,19 booing 108:5 breeding 68:18 163:1 214:13 blown 188:13 book 133:8 89:13 206:17 215:13 247:24 blue 215:24 books 60:7 brenda 59:25 254:12 blurt 95:4 border 78:3 brevard 38:21 broward 13:25 board 15:1,13 16:2 borland 5:22 10:5 brevda 150:21 14:7 28:18 30:10 16:10,14,20 26:7,8 10:6 152:25 153:3 155:3 35:21 43:5 52:8,11 35:21 43:5 47:10 born 61:18 70:24 155:4 52:14 53:12,15,19 47:12,16 48:21 89:20 109:8 122:15 brian 20:3 56:7,16 58:12 65:18 81:1,15,18 182:14 247:9 brief 6:6,19 59:11 62:19 64:7 75:20 115:20 116:9,12 bottom 19:11 65:24 283:6,7 80:22,25 115:12 126:5 135:19 212:15 briefly 80:14 127:24 132:17 171:21 174:11,17 bought 45:9 brightest 282:5 136:24 138:6 139:2 182:18 194:2 bouncy 100:22 bring 40:11 52:15 139:7 141:9 143:23 232:18 252:8,11,12 bound 154:3 222:4 54:2 57:18 58:17 144:12 145:24 252:20 259:12 boy 306:22,22 68:17 98:23 99:21 151:17 157:22 260:6 264:18 269:4 307:16 141:2,3 149:8 162:14 167:15 280:20 300:20 boycott 21:15 151:8 158:1 168:2 169:11 172:19 board's 282:22 boynton 24:17 201:25 202:24 174:7 195:17 197:8 boards 48:14,22 65:17 87:10 211:21 217:1,17 198:9 199:3,24 91:20 225:5 238:21 bp 151:24 152:1 221:22 222:15 208:23 210:25 239:5 264:8 bracket 275:1 233:12 278:23 211:5 216:14 bob 1:21 19:22 brain 215:12 216:2 288:18 301:21 224:18,25 225:23 115:11 124:18 brainer 130:3 306:5 308:2 309:1 225:24 226:13,14 boca 120:25 130:20 branch 168:8,12,14 bringing 264:2 227:5 238:3 240:23 140:11 214:17,23 168:25 249:6,24 279:11 304:23 242:19 245:21 bock 167:11 170:21 branches 171:20 brings 60:13 111:4 249:19 250:8,13,18 170:21,24,25 230:11 136:7 174:11 251:4 257:16 bodies 63:20 66:8 brandeis 40:15 broad 59:14 259:12 260:22 66:21 99:23 braumgardt broadly 66:5 79:23 264:2 269:13 270:7 body 27:23 66:14 218:17 220:14 broke 161:2 255:4 270:10 276:17 80:13 85:9 86:9 braun 231:8 broken 9:13 56:11 278:3 281:17 99:20 187:15 215:1 break 181:18 68:4 114:15 160:19 287:14 288:16 276:24 286:19 235:12 236:6,7 161:1 204:23,24 292:6 296:10

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300:19 301:23 158:16,19,22,22 campbell 244:18 cardiologist 198:13 308:6 165:24 166:3 245:15,15,19,20 cards 4:5 55:5 brown 131:6 203:12,12 207:23 248:4 276:10 care 8:4,25 9:1 167:11,13,14 169:5 213:12 216:5 campoamor 11:13 17:14 22:20 23:10 266:19 217:10 271:20 12:8,9,10 23:11,24 24:2,10 bryant 21:3 74:8 businesses 146:10 camps 45:23 24:11 36:4 62:8,11 77:17,18,19 146:11 147:3 canada 77:25 78:1 68:7 72:10,18,25 budapest 45:5 258:11 canadian 78:9 73:2,8,16 74:24 budding 45:8 button 160:24 canals 66:19,20 89:24 90:8 94:20 budget 37:3,5 62:7 c cancer 17:6,7 100:18,25 103:11 73:18 81:20 283:12 147:23,24,25 148:1 103:15 107:3 c 60:1 107:7,18 budgets 283:14 148:3,4,6,13 132:13 133:18,19 310:1,1 buenos 118:7 201:1 184:22 185:16,24 133:22,23,25 134:5 cady 230:17 build 92:9 136:3 195:7,10 239:13,13 134:12,15,21 cages 180:17 173:7 282:6 239:20,21,21 135:14,14,15,21,23 181:16 234:16 building 54:19 243:21 244:3,12,15 136:2,5,12,13 call 4:7 5:5,21 7:20 builds 136:17 246:24 254:1,11 145:16 154:11,16 7:21 10:11 25:22 built 110:16 255:1,6 262:25 154:22,25 155:23 46:23 53:17 60:17 bulwark 180:9 263:12 286:10 156:6,16 158:9 69:7 89:18 160:24 bumper 50:14 301:7,8,8 160:8,21 161:10 164:19 181:2,3 51:13 cancers 185:20 164:14 178:6,12 191:4 197:23 buprenorphine candidate 51:7 182:21,23 183:2 205:19 206:8 285:13 286:13,22 262:2 273:3,7 184:1 187:7,7 226:23 271:3 286:3 burden 71:17 candidates 50:23 194:25 195:1 called 2:18 20:11 124:23 148:6 160:6 233:24 272:24 206:18 215:20 42:7 77:4 93:24 217:5 264:10 cane 232:8 219:9 241:12 244:5 101:12 104:16 274:13 cannabis 262:16,23 247:2 263:17 266:6 119:12 205:14 burdens 87:24 263:1,6,14 274:19,23,24 275:3 209:16 210:12 bureau 144:13 canova 115:9 119:5 290:6,11,18,21 214:24 235:11,19 bures 100:12 119:7,8,10 299:3 303:1 236:10 266:8 276:8 103:20,21,23 cantor 198:19 cared 187:19 277:24 295:3 309:4 burton 167:11,13 capacity 96:13 career 42:11 95:8 calling 4:18 45:20 167:14 169:5 232:21 173:14 185:13 237:22 bury 189:16 capita 278:14,15 188:8 204:22 calls 91:12 111:25 busch 38:15 captain 35:17 214:15 223:13 126:2 bush 81:16 41:24 302:24 303:8 careers 103:17 calm 35:9 business 7:10,19 car 83:15 173:8 223:12 cameras 101:6 31:7 42:12 47:13 cara 276:9 careful 222:17 campaign 20:2 57:19 58:14 80:8 card 4:5 carefully 15:10 76:7 150:2 216:24 112:8 116:21,24 cardiac 161:4 40:22 72:24 campaigns 16:3 127:7 146:25 216:3

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caregiver 6:20 catastrophic 131:3 134:24 243:7 chances 23:23 184:7 258:10 260:11 263:7 change 25:24 45:16 carelessness 298:24 catherine 64:4 certainties 96:20 59:3 63:15 70:3 cares 9:23 271:12 catholic 43:25 58:1 96:21 97:6 82:2 92:6 128:9,16 carey 110:8,9 catholics 43:25 certainty 174:4 139:13 150:8 113:14,17 119:15 cats 158:8,9 207:4 certificate 8:11 158:21 162:7 caring 164:22 caucus 58:3 151:17 12:17 22:16 72:13 170:10 172:5 carl 153:22 155:7,8 caulkett 204:15 72:16 73:3 177:24 211:19 217:4 226:7 156:10,12,22,24 207:8,9 183:5,6 274:6,12 226:11,18 251:1 186:19 188:20,21 caulkins 253:20 275:4,8 300:12 188:24,25,25 189:3 cause 258:9 certificates 23:6 changed 45:19 59:2 carliche 153:21 caused 32:10 81:17 certified 135:20 59:5 73:9 128:12 carlos 1:16 2:15 162:5 191:5 267:10 171:15 291:13,16 causing 221:20 certify 310:6 changes 8:9,12 9:9 carlton 1:16 3:2 cautionary 45:1 cessation 186:7 25:23 26:11 71:12 carol 161:16 cavros 253:20 243:20,25 301:12 86:24 88:14,17 162:11 259:9 255:16,17 cetera 23:1 125:9,11 128:21 260:20 276:11 cdc 94:10 147:21 chair 2:2 3:9,14 129:3,4 142:1 carolann 31:15 186:12 254:23,24 26:24 39:16 54:23 164:23,23 179:10 33:6 179:16 296:16 54:25 55:2 57:6 300:7 307:15 carolina 88:25 91:8 celebrate 111:1 60:25 69:1 119:11 changing 8:14 82:3 208:3 celeste 254:18 185:8 257:15 296:9 101:3 158:20 carolyn 1:23 cell 2:6 101:6 chaired 178:5,6 295:18 299:17 291:14 cells 108:9 chairing 180:22 chaos 23:15 81:17 carolynn 222:11 center 1:7 6:8 chairman 2:17 8:2 chaotic 77:23 carries 118:24 133:16 134:10 10:16 11:7 142:7 chaplain 12:3 13:1 carrol 97:23 135:7 150:10 183:8 244:20 309:7 chapter 52:14 100:11,11,13,14,15 183:10,11,14 184:1 chairs 56:11 257:16 102:10,14 184:2 185:3 189:15 challenge 41:23 characters 19:1 carry 160:10 162:1 302:22 116:25 134:4 charge 13:24 case 1:6 2:10 7:12 center's 134:16 challenged 48:10 274:16 7:20,21 15:3 30:19 183:23 53:6 charged 48:15 38:15 59:12 86:4 centers 183:21 challenges 182:21 49:13 73:12 83:16 106:6,7 155:10,12 184:4 241:6 251:7 charges 285:18 160:9 191:22,22 central 49:7 168:24 challenging 142:21 286:8 273:6 286:9 306:19 ceo 133:16 177:19 258:18 charlene 163:12 307:7 cerio 1:17 chamber 191:21 charles 253:20 cases 5:25 7:12 certain 33:14 83:20 chance 25:10 86:2 charlotte 10:12,21 35:5,8 83:6 122:13 250:17 113:12 131:12 12:14,15 cassady 143:18,19 certainly 56:16 133:3 259:6 charter 26:1 61:24 119:16 120:6 142:13 143:3

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171:17 172:4 290:19 291:10 choose 57:5 99:3 circle 34:17 192:12,13 193:21 301:25 302:15 109:11 166:23 circuit 167:23 200:3 223:9,20,21 304:23 305:4,17,20 203:25 228:12 248:24,25 249:6 224:6 225:7 237:7 306:2,18 232:11 272:4 287:2 273:15,17,18,18 238:18 246:10 child's 29:2 62:8 chooses 109:12 294:7 296:4 250:13,14,22 267:5 305:25 306:1 chose 103:13 circus 158:16 253:12 258:20 308:17 109:13 267:5 cities 18:23 19:6 259:18 260:17 childhood 290:21 chosen 18:10 97:10 118:7 266:25 267:1,4,8 children 3:11 9:23 97:11 178:23 293:4 citizen 27:2 51:20 267:14,17 268:7,10 15:15,19 29:2 chris 1:21 265:1 58:14 64:12 78:15 268:13,14,16 30:14,16 35:12 christian 45:14,20 96:10 140:12 282:23,25 292:4,5 60:17 62:12 98:24 45:22 129:8 167:2 202:20 216:14 292:19 293:1,2 121:2 125:12 300:16 231:12,18 304:17 299:24 140:17 145:9 154:1 christina 300:15 308:8 chartered 125:14 166:19 167:3 303:22 citizen's 220:10 charters 104:4,10 192:24 196:9 207:4 christine 244:17 citizens 8:22 14:11 252:25 267:2 237:9 239:3 247:2 245:15,20 271:2 15:25 54:10 69:21 chauvin 46:24 49:6 268:11 269:8 christopher 262:7 72:10 73:7,20 49:6 274:22,23 281:17 chronic 182:20 77:25 78:4,20 88:6 check 77:8 101:12 290:4,5,11,15 chronicles 101:13 109:14 115:21 229:20 291:3 302:2,4,6,15 church 29:16 31:24 116:2 156:8 161:21 checks 168:2 304:18,20 305:6,9 33:10 36:11,12 171:19 176:12,19 267:23 305:13,16,23 306:7 43:10 45:2 48:4,8 191:22 193:24,25 chelsea 300:15 306:15 307:23,25 49:22 54:17,20 213:17 240:7,10 302:19 308:9,19,20,21 55:17 56:15 58:4 260:25 274:25 cherry 73:10 children's 83:9 79:13 96:5 98:3,13 279:21 300:7 228:24,25 229:7,11 237:16 108:19 179:22 city 18:12 21:2 chery 31:15 34:2 chiles 242:22 254:5 196:16,18 200:6 100:3 130:15 163:7 cheryl 34:4,6 chip 63:23 203:7 236:20 261:3 165:4,6,11 195:17 chests 76:7 chipmunk 295:6 299:10 201:23 269:25,25 chey 297:20 cho 148:18 churches 54:13 civic 129:7 193:1 chief 105:22 135:6 choice 29:6 36:24 ciffore 60:1 civics 193:20 248:24 249:7,9,16 50:15 51:10 61:8 cigarette 185:21,22 civil 71:14 249:21 250:9 251:2 61:20 62:13,13,18 213:23 civilian 110:23 270:19 63:24 81:10 166:18 cigarettes 243:17 civilized 32:10 chiefs 269:24 238:15 239:1 268:9 297:8 40:16 child 57:11,12,13 268:23 cigars 243:17 claim 94:11 62:6,9 100:19 choices 40:8 96:23 cindy 170:23 claims 187:7 122:24 212:14 142:16,19 143:4 222:15 277:25 clap 120:22 228:8 246:16 269:2 242:6 283:6 clapping 108:6 269:5 276:19 290:4

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clarified 295:14 close 60:13 126:7 collaboratively 186:10,11,15 296:5 172:8 228:2 261:23 251:4 colon 17:7 301:8 clarify 17:20 262:3 267:3 277:15 collars 206:14 colts 219:25 114:21 288:8 colleagues 135:23 combat 240:14 class 190:15 287:24 closed 101:4 232:24 come 7:8 39:18 289:14,22 197:21 collecchia 245:14 53:22 57:10 62:10 classes 35:4 closely 94:11 185:6 collect 20:22 64:15 74:11 84:19 86:25 classist 131:1,3 closer 48:23 collectable 7:8 87:10 118:10,10 classroom 221:22 closest 18:21 171:7 collected 20:11,16 119:13 121:10 classrooms 104:8 closing 26:19 90:18 64:9 124:8 125:25 224:13 260:10 111:17 154:21 collective 91:11 132:24 134:10 claudia 200:21 clothe 57:12 collector 292:7 135:9 142:3 157:13 201:21 253:16 club 89:23 225:22 college 1:8 35:3 160:24 161:15 clause 38:10,18 clueless 169:15,22 91:9,13 93:1 163:13 166:15,25 43:9 59:7,10 66:5 cnas 159:16 125:22,24 126:3,12 169:7 172:22 174:5 99:10 114:25 coach 149:20 126:22 127:3,12 179:15 181:2,6 237:11 264:15 251:24 136:25 137:2 138:6 186:18 189:19 clean 100:24 110:8 coaching 251:25 138:8,14,18,21 190:23 200:22,24 213:22 258:13 coalition 45:14 139:2,7,9,12,15,22 202:13 203:13 cleaned 124:1 62:18 64:9 165:4 141:9,12,12,14,15 204:16 206:7,13,16 clear 52:19 54:17 239:16 141:23 145:25 214:3 217:4 220:6 86:12 173:14 coast 72:11 151:19 146:2 150:3 162:14 221:7,18 222:16 176:15,20 177:13 280:1,8,12 162:16,25 169:11 224:7 229:12 232:24 291:19 coastal 80:16 258:2 170:12,16 172:19 231:13,17 234:5,13 cleared 42:18 258:5,5,8,10 280:4 172:20,25 174:7,11 236:3 237:24 clearly 64:23 75:7 cocaine 112:11 174:19,23 176:3,17 241:25 246:14 140:21 151:5 114:19 176:23 185:4 204:9 256:3 257:22 185:21 262:17 coccyx 6:13 210:24,25 211:5,6 259:13 265:2,20 281:19 282:14 code 59:19 99:15 211:7,13 217:12 266:11 270:22 clerk 171:1 cody 226:25 230:14 225:23,24 226:1,5 274:15 276:4 clerks 171:9 283:12 cohen 11:13,15,17 226:6,9,12,13,15 291:16 283:13 11:19,20 106:21,22 226:17 298:11 comes 30:19 33:24 client 305:15,18 106:23,23 colleges 91:18,21 70:12 121:6 169:18 clients 162:4 coincidence 51:12 126:8 127:6 137:13 192:20 215:24 cliff 127:21 131:16 259:22 141:24 146:21,24 240:4 270:16 131:21 coincidentally 147:4 174:14,16,20 274:13 275:4 285:6 climate 300:12 265:5 174:20 175:10,17 285:6 291:7 clinic 68:2 colby 262:5,10 211:2,17,19 comfort 32:8 304:6 clinical 300:23 cole 298:21,21 collier 72:10 74:2 comfortable 82:24 clocks 56:12 collaborative collura 181:5 coming 5:19 52:11 249:15 251:10 184:12,13,14,14 58:12 64:7 75:19

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86:13 100:4 121:9 310:13 125:18 126:1 235:16,21,25 236:2 155:8 199:3 200:6 commissioner 2:22 127:17,20 129:18 236:8 237:21 204:18 218:18,19 2:22,23,25 3:1,3,4 129:22 131:15 239:10,11 240:18 219:18 220:9 247:4 3:4,7 5:2,4 7:24 133:11 135:3 242:14 244:16 257:6 260:22 290:7 10:2,5,10,16,20 136:21 137:25 245:13,17 247:6 commend 87:11 11:3,12,16,18,24 140:5 141:6 142:4 248:2,21 250:3 commenting 164:8 12:7,13,21 13:4,10 143:13 145:4,18,22 251:14 252:4 comments 28:13 13:16,22 14:2,20 147:8 148:16,23 253:13 255:11,14 29:25 39:4 65:24 16:22 17:2,19,22 150:19 151:12 255:19 257:8,12 69:8 287:11 19:21 21:16,22 152:24 153:2,5,9 259:7 260:19 262:5 commerce 191:21 22:1 24:3,5,15,20 153:12,13 155:2 263:24 264:25 commercial 115:1 25:1,7 26:22 28:4 156:22,25 157:2,9 266:17 268:2 302:25 30:2,4 31:13 34:2 157:11,12 161:14 269:10 270:24 commission 1:3 2:4 37:8,15,25 39:14 162:10 163:11 272:5 273:24 2:5,18,25 3:2,23 40:24 41:16 43:2 165:4,11 166:13 275:10 276:7 11:7 13:13 14:8,9 44:18 46:5,9,13,17 167:9 169:3,6 277:23 279:13 24:12 25:10,11 46:19,22 49:1,5 170:20 171:3,22 281:6 283:3,22 26:25 27:18 28:19 51:15 52:9,10 172:12,14 175:24 284:22 285:7 287:6 38:3,12 39:9 44:10 53:10 54:6 55:9 176:4,5 179:13 288:19 289:11 44:12,15 47:2 57:7 58:9 59:24 180:21,21,23 181:4 290:1,14 291:12 50:18 52:8 59:1 61:1,4,15 64:1,4 182:10 184:8,11 293:8,10 294:25 64:24 65:12 69:13 65:13 67:8 68:23 186:9,13,16 188:15 295:4 296:7 297:13 70:8 74:12 79:21 69:4,5,14 72:2 188:18,23 189:1 297:18 298:19 107:1 110:23 73:24 74:5 75:16 190:4,8 191:25 300:14 301:15 112:15 118:24 77:13,17 78:23 192:6,9 194:6,9 302:17 303:21 120:2 139:19,22 80:18 82:11,14,17 195:13 196:25 304:11 306:8 308:3 140:2,18,19 147:15 84:17 86:11,19 197:6,9 199:10,14 309:3 149:6 150:23 151:3 87:7 88:19,23 199:19 200:19 commissioners 151:8 168:18,20 90:25 91:3,17 93:3 201:8,18 202:2,11 2:21 8:2 14:25 182:17 184:3 93:16,20,22 94:1 203:1 204:13 206:2 20:19 28:6 39:16 191:12 209:11 95:19 97:16,19 207:7 208:19 210:3 44:19 53:14 56:3 216:21 222:11 98:17 99:25 100:10 210:20 211:24 58:16 62:16 79:3 229:21 232:17,25 102:8,12,16,20 212:1 213:25 216:8 84:25 87:9 91:6 240:10 247:16 103:20 104:25 216:11 217:25 93:19 113:15 119:9 248:24 249:16 106:20 108:3 218:15,25 220:13 125:20 133:14 250:25 263:19,22 109:24 110:2,5 220:17,22 221:8 136:18 142:7 270:12 272:17 112:2,4 113:14 222:7,14 224:10,14 158:24 165:2 276:5 278:5 280:5 115:7 117:8,10,13 225:16 226:20,22 168:23 193:11 280:9,10,14,20,25 119:4 120:14,20 228:13,17,20 207:9 210:5 221:1 288:9 290:7 293:13 121:13 122:1,5,17 230:13,23 231:6 227:3 230:1,16 294:18 309:8 122:21 124:15 232:14 234:9 235:9 231:10 244:20

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247:13 251:19 166:2 176:25 177:4 complexity 66:13 concerns 109:18 255:16 259:11 201:14 213:6,7 67:1 115:17 220:25 262:10 266:22 217:18,19 258:8,11 compliance 149:16 278:17 300:24 268:3 272:7 275:11 269:22 270:7 276:1 compliant 38:25 concessionaires 280:22 283:5 290:8 286:6 complicated 70:11 265:17 291:8,15 304:14,22 community 17:10 199:7 291:6 conclude 88:13 306:4 17:12,16 18:9,11 comply 149:15,17 149:16 commissions 21:2 23:12 26:3,17 component 29:1 concluded 309:11 229:24 270:1 47:15 83:21 92:7 168:24 230:2 conclusion 225:14 commit 247:23 92:14 117:20 components 296:19 260:12 commitment 18:5 119:12 126:8 134:3 composition condemning 244:1 37:14 38:3,9 305:3 134:14,18,21 168:21 280:14 condie 283:23 committed 18:11 135:17,18 136:1,2 comprehensive 285:9,9 39:2 122:15 241:11 136:3,14,18 163:1 254:2 conditioning 77:3,9 251:5 172:25 173:3 174:2 comprising 125:23 conducted 3:8,13 committee 2:18 175:11 216:23 compromise 120:9 44:13 52:24,25 217:4,16 229:4,4 183:21 confer 140:20 60:5 65:7 89:3 272:13 278:25 comptroller 171:1 151:4 91:15 120:16,17 279:6 comptrollers 171:9 conference 269:15 136:25 147:6 174:8 companies 238:19 compulsory 149:13 confidence 167:25 175:7 176:7 178:6 238:20 242:21 149:24 150:8,12 confident 100:22 208:6 225:23 companion 271:13 computer 144:2 confidentiality 231:22 247:14 company 30:1 94:7 con 8:3,9,18,23 9:1 248:15 251:10 285:15 215:9 233:7 9:10,12,20,22 11:8 confinement 292:20 300:22,23 compassion 271:9 22:6 23:8,17,20 271:23 305:2 306:5 271:17 272:4 24:13 73:8,16 confirmed 155:18 committees 3:19 compel 79:7 133:21 134:12,15 conflict 32:11 97:8 178:5 compelled 85:16 134:19 183:10 282:8 common 78:2 compete 133:25 concentrate 274:17 confused 130:11 161:20 252:11 145:1 208:16 concentrated confusion 170:23 277:1 competitive 73:4 171:24 congregation communication 136:9 concern 49:10 198:20 204:6,12 246:2 complaints 9:19 90:22 229:2 congress 193:8 communications 23:22 90:10 concerned 10:7 coniglio 17:23 18:2 181:10 complete 36:1 38:8 11:20 13:7,12 18:3 communism 45:7 83:20 249:20 57:22 65:25 73:14 conn 169:7 communities 18:15 completed 83:25 110:22 224:21 connotations 62:9 19:10,14 26:2 completely 39:7 236:15,18 277:16 consensual 14:17 48:17,23 70:4 155:13,14 202:10 281:21 277:6 119:24 124:23 complex 22:16 concerning 47:7 consequence 85:13 125:16 136:17 42:13 245:25 299:3 63:4 184:17 265:9 234:25 235:1 240:6

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consequences constantly 63:23 282:9 283:16 continues 40:12 135:13 149:13 98:4 101:16 285:15 299:18 137:17 139:18 conservation constituent 276:16 300:7,11 303:14,19 146:12 163:6 175:6 203:19,21 constituents 277:12 309:7 230:2 consider 24:12 constitution 1:3 2:3 constitution's continuing 126:24 68:11 70:9 81:19 8:14 14:13 18:8 29:14 79:11 continuous 127:18 94:18 111:10 23:9 26:12 27:5,14 constitutional 2:17 continuously 114:22 157:6 175:5 27:16 29:20 32:13 8:20 11:9 21:4,12 299:19 183:4 201:13,25 32:20 39:24 43:8 22:6,18 35:4 40:2 contractor 31:3 220:4,11 231:22 45:17 50:18 57:16 71:5,7 72:14 99:18 contracts 253:4 232:5 238:22 63:5 69:18 71:20 110:7 116:15 contrary 100:25 248:18 268:19 74:16 75:1 76:12 121:23 123:8 144:6 139:14 269:6 289:4 296:12 79:23 80:3,6 82:3 170:25 171:16 contribute 260:4 consideration 4:3 86:10 87:15 88:2,3 172:1,4,9,10 contributed 152:19 30:19,20 39:13 88:14 91:14,19 195:23 233:25 contributing 40:23 54:4 55:7 92:23 107:4 110:19 237:11 243:12 137:10 60:22 74:13 86:2 111:13 114:24 250:14,17 254:12 contribution 99:24 117:3 209:8 126:4 127:1 128:4 261:18 269:20 241:21 209:10,12,20,23,25 128:11,16,25 129:4 291:19,25 296:18 control 12:19 25:13 261:22 266:15 129:4 130:4 132:8 305:13 25:16 26:7 27:23 considered 14:14 133:7 137:1,6,22 constitutionally 48:22 61:10,13 22:17 40:6 51:22 138:10,13,20 263:8 63:20 80:12,12 65:11 69:20 93:11 139:16,19 141:24 constitutions 38:11 86:8 96:12 99:20 93:14 99:6 139:9 142:14 143:3,11 consuegra 145:6,19 110:18 184:17 267:15 275:14 144:1,4 146:1 145:20,21,22,23,24 185:7 223:20 225:6 277:3 147:1,18 161:24 consumers 162:23 276:1 282:22,24 considering 14:22 163:3 168:10 contended 59:6 285:21 286:17 28:7,14 38:13 171:14,23 174:10 content 96:13 controlled 297:9 69:23 70:2 82:8 174:18 175:2 176:8 contest 112:21 controlling 63:19 120:4 156:11 175:2 177:11 179:7,11 continue 28:23 convenes 27:6 211:5 180:12 184:5 36:12,13 55:6 58:6 convenience considers 305:25 195:25 196:2,16 111:17 127:2,6 156:14 160:3,5 consist 280:15 198:7 200:5 208:18 132:1 136:19 convert 170:13 consistent 78:16 211:1,9,20 221:15 137:16 156:18 convinced 228:15 139:10 222:3,5 226:2,6,18 157:2 173:7 180:22 cook 41:17 43:3,4 consistently 239:24 227:15 230:5 184:9 189:4,18 cooling 77:6 consortium 185:9 232:16 233:23 195:18 196:17 cooperate 147:4 268:7 234:7 237:2 250:15 213:9 221:3 223:8 cooperation 146:9 constant 89:24 260:24 261:8 234:19,23 283:15 cooperatively 141:25 142:1 191:1 264:16 269:17 continued 89:23 132:23 275:19 281:5,24 168:24 169:15

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coordinator 201:11 counseling 22:14 163:7 167:15,23 270:16,17,23 307:7 258:25 171:1,22 172:3,7 courthouses 249:15 copd 300:23 count 120:5 210:2 177:22 180:25 courts 40:4 71:18 copies 40:19 286:19 195:17 197:8 198:9 264:14 286:20 coral 167:16 counterparts 19:12 199:3,9,25 208:24 cousin 284:4 260:21 278:2 counties 172:3 212:7,10 216:15 coverage 154:18,19 281:10 291:16 269:18 292:4,5,11 226:14 227:5 229:8 159:23 292:19 293:1 238:3 240:24 covered 152:5 core 110:15 counting 126:15 242:19 245:21 cox 304:23 cornerstone 211:19 237:18 249:16,17,19 250:8 crafted 74:17 226:6 283:19 countless 18:5 250:13,18,19 251:4 crammer 72:4 74:6 cornerstones 121:18 251:13,24 260:22 74:6 122:18,19,20 226:10 236:22 countries 129:9 262:11 264:3 122:20,21,22,22 corporate 156:4 144:25 179:25 270:10,20 273:13 273:25 corporations 7:7 293:25 273:15,16 276:18 crate 76:16 corrado 222:15 country 9:16 18:20 278:3 281:12,17 craziest 120:2 correct 210:2 45:21 46:3,8 54:19 287:14 290:24 crc 2:18 4:4 10:8 288:11 310:9 77:24 78:22 107:9 292:6 295:25 10:18 11:1,21 12:5 correctly 50:6 79:1 108:21 140:12 296:10 300:19 13:2,8,14,20 14:1 295:5 158:14,14 179:19 301:23 310:4 16:25 24:18 25:6 corrupted 16:14 179:21 219:19 couple 9:8 108:8 28:5,8 31:19 33:1 corruption 16:5 220:3 221:16,17 117:22 148:2,7,7 34:7,9 54:11 65:21 cost 29:3,12 133:19 226:10 227:25 265:24 266:7 66:1 67:6 69:11 133:22 137:14 238:6 296:17 297:2 courageous 111:23 74:3 75:9,12 77:18 183:15 184:1 country's 45:17 111:24 79:6 95:21 103:24 194:18 232:2 292:4 county 13:25 14:7 course 122:4 113:22 121:22 296:22 20:5,13,19 21:14 163:23 198:10 179:9 234:13 248:5 costly 31:10 182:22 25:9,23 28:18 203:20,21 215:2 276:19 213:12 30:10 31:19 35:21 242:11 246:7 create 19:2 73:4,17 costs 7:13 182:20 38:22 43:5 52:12 court 30:15,22 81:25 96:22 166:4 182:23 194:25 52:14 56:8,16 38:16 40:4,7 59:11 173:6 197:24 217:9 195:1 207:25 244:5 58:12 62:19 70:25 83:17 87:23 124:10 250:24 280:4 292:8,10 72:10 74:2 75:20 124:11 140:16 285:16,16 305:12 cote 172:15,17,18 80:25 102:25 216:7 249:6,8 created 20:12 couch 245:7 103:24 109:8 273:15 282:10 152:4 171:25 178:7 couched 61:11 114:11,11,12,14 285:24 291:4 302:7 234:24 244:12 council 85:2 241:16 115:23 117:17,25 307:13 250:17 254:13 249:9 253:24 118:5,10,13 127:25 courteous 5:19 creates 78:10 councils 21:2 132:17 135:9 142:8 courtesy 5:14 55:7 creating 48:20 counsel 290:11 143:23 144:12,14 courthouse 249:4 71:20 116:22 149:3,4 157:22 249:10,20 251:6

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creation 267:12 cumbersome 288:12 310:4 davie 78:8 157:18 cried 210:16 124:22 dade's 38:24 157:20,23 163:15 307:19 cunningham daggers 206:15 264:3 crime 71:3 122:15 161:19 dahir 37:10 40:25 dawn 219:6 276:7 123:10 curious 121:7 41:1 169:8 dawson 72:5 74:6,7 criminal 71:4,12,13 current 23:17 dahmer 6:4 105:4,6 74:9,10 263:16 24:10 28:7 41:5 105:7,21 day 55:18 92:11 criminals 221:19 73:17 74:14 86:1,9 daily 22:24 72:21 101:6 116:7 122:13 crimp 213:7 88:3 113:22 125:9 90:5 126:16 123:24 127:19 crisis 286:17 126:18 127:5 132:8 dale 230:25 134:1 142:17 cristina 24:6,16 139:15,22,25 damage 34:14 146:13 156:3 criteria 66:24 172:20 186:3 35:11 154:9 258:1 175:20 193:15,17 critical 18:19 19:17 211:18 225:13 dan 41:17 219:13 234:16 146:15 168:12 237:11 242:8 277:5 dana 54:6,8 55:12 270:20 284:15,18 219:9 230:10 274:8 291:18,22 306:10 285:23 293:16 274:17,20 286:15 currently 9:12,15 dangerous 60:14 305:9 critically 152:14 9:23 14:10 23:5,21 263:9 days 97:13 114:7 crops 144:16 27:21 28:8 57:24 daniel 11:4,6 43:4 121:17 154:1 156:1 crosschecks 209:17 74:22 75:6 114:24 181:5 182:14 161:5 179:5 180:17 crowded 104:8 126:23 132:25 266:19 271:2 215:20 219:24 crucial 126:9 139:8 138:11 142:23 dare 34:23 254:7 271:25 cruel 112:8 122:14 170:1,3,15 172:18 dark 83:25 285:24 164:19 186:25 173:18 185:4,7 data 31:4,6 135:20 dbpr 114:8,19 234:14 271:20 186:4 237:2 241:1 217:12 dc 107:6 285:12 247:9 252:10 253:8 database 208:9 dca 273:18 cruelty 76:14 269:19 278:23 209:13 dcf 302:5 121:21 235:4 291:20 292:2 date 295:15 296:3 de 222:15 236:4 cruz 14:4,6,6 custody 290:22 daughter 198:19 dead 154:5 214:18 crystal 97:23 cut 37:20 210:11 212:9 215:21 deadline 64:16 100:11,15 cycle 68:18 219:14 293:14 deadly 68:21 240:7 cuba 222:20 d daughters 104:14 deal 5:1 83:12 cuddihy 145:6 dave 110:3,8 296:23 d 200:20 147:10,11 david 24:5,7 dealing 185:14 dad 106:8 cuddly 274:20 110:12 143:15,17 252:7 dade 20:5,13,19 cukier 194:12 145:5,18,23 172:16 deangelis 51:17,18 25:9,19,25 31:18 195:15,16 174:6 204:15 207:9 51:19,20 70:24 91:9 103:23 cullen 24:6,21,22 230:24 231:3 deanna 25:3,8 109:7 125:22 cultivate 262:16 davidson 51:18 dear 155:7 245:9 126:12 149:2,4 culture 169:17 53:10,11,12 65:4 dearly 94:20 177:22 185:9 212:7 271:12 davidson's 56:23 death 68:5 106:8 212:10 229:8 111:24 153:20 251:23 252:1 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [death - deserves] Page 330

240:2 271:24 decisions 14:19 degree 170:1,6,11 denbo 35:18 36:6,6 286:19 36:2 40:7 48:16 204:10 denial 38:24 death's 154:7 65:10 74:24 85:8 dehydrated 6:10 112:19 deaths 122:12 175:21 196:6,7 dehydration 6:24 denied 190:24 155:16,18 163:24 240:12 248:11 delayed 286:5 denise 74:6 122:18 debaise 236:11 270:21 276:24 delete 43:7 79:11 122:19 231:8 debatable 39:25 277:9 289:2,8 deletes 71:5 88:1 273:24 debate 97:1 293:6 299:3 306:3 deleting 79:6 denomination 48:9 debated 38:14 declaration 54:16 deliberations 3:20 261:4 debates 111:18 178:1 192:18 delicate 230:10 deny 112:21 272:21 debbie 105:3,5 262:13 305:1 306:4 delighted 107:1 denying 71:14 270:25 decline 46:3 delinquency department 253:23 debiase 199:22,23 decouple 235:2 290:20 253:24 302:21 deborah 237:21 decoupling 165:9 deliver 17:14 307:4 decade 84:4 114:16 decrease 194:22,24 133:19 134:15 departments 292:1 304:19 decreases 133:23 delivered 239:24 depend 90:12,14 decades 19:14 decriminalize delivers 183:15 100:18 126:7 286:9 delray 24:8 145:8 depended 99:3 deceased 195:2 dedicate 245:8 demand 175:15 dependency 291:4 303:10 dedicated 31:11 demands 73:13 305:13 deceitful 242:21 159:3 245:11 127:8 146:18,19 dependent 154:3 deceive 103:7 304:19 dementia 6:25 depends 113:4 deceptive 58:21 dedication 89:25 105:24 159:19 258:13 302:25 deceptively 59:16 deep 100:8 151:23 160:19 depict 193:25 dechant 110:3,4,9 defeat 76:8 130:25 democracies 96:20 depleting 156:1 110:10,11,12 defeated 86:24 democracy 26:18 deprivations 71:21 decide 86:4 110:19 defend 57:15,16 29:19 45:8 64:25 deprive 287:21 203:25 217:21 94:19 130:8 262:18 82:10 168:5,7,8 deprived 290:17 235:7 257:4 263:21 defendant 71:4 217:6 239:6 describe 100:21 decided 22:18 defendant's 87:22 democratic 51:2 described 108:16 81:16 95:8 243:10 defending 264:12 58:2 64:20 131:13 describes 176:10 decides 50:4 defense 111:19 230:7 deserve 56:2 251:10 165:3 225:22 democrats 45:14 104:18 120:13 deciding 36:21 definite 66:6 120:11 131:12 131:9 132:3 134:24 decision 18:14 26:9 definitely 48:2 289:17 146:5 165:14 36:23 48:13,13,18 57:18 108:18 demonstrated 212:15 247:3 48:24 53:5 61:22 212:22 221:1 183:8 194:17 261:21 278:12 61:25 62:5 95:8 267:24 268:18 demonstrates 289:18 304:5 115:24 166:22 defunded 254:8 299:1 deserves 92:21 204:3 227:23 degrade 15:6 demonstrating 114:1 138:19 281:4 248:12,14 305:1 49:24 289:1

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design 48:3 devoted 288:4 dilute 144:9 292:17 discriminate designated 66:9,14 devotion 90:5 dime 7:17 236:17 designed 41:22 103:11 diminish 26:7 discrimination 168:16 275:15 diamond 117:25 93:13 20:6 36:15 45:24 desperately 282:3 118:3,4 diminished 143:5 109:1 despicable 162:5 dian 200:21 201:9 diplomacy 39:3 discuss 123:7 despite 227:11 diana 127:21,22,24 direct 72:25 79:13 182:16 destination 118:6 306:8,14 238:23 discussed 59:13 destiny 256:22 diane 186:18,23 directed 41:6 discussion 168:25 257:1 197:2 199:19 214:3 305:15,18 discussions 230:3 destroy 17:13 218:2 291:13 direction 18:7 disease 185:25 94:16 diaz 1:17 115:8 directly 48:7 116:9 240:2 286:11 301:3 destroying 221:20 117:13,14,15 180:4 183:22 233:9 301:6 destroys 60:23 266:19 290:25 disfavor 32:17 286:5 dictate 25:19 225:5 director 37:12 disgrace 180:19 destruction 238:10 dictated 134:6 113:17 147:11 disingenuous 58:20 destructive 68:17 264:9 181:10 190:11 disorders 285:17 detailed 79:22 dictates 109:3 304:16 286:21 detained 285:11 die 32:4,7 121:16 directors 43:6 disposal 68:19 detainees 39:1 180:17 189:8 216:4 disabilities 35:22 disrespectful 84:1 deter 296:24 died 6:17 114:5,16 disability 234:6,7 disruptive 221:23 determination 153:23 154:10 246:17 distant 48:17 97:13 242:7 155:11,13 189:16 disabled 231:13,21 distinction 211:8 determine 115:21 diem 22:24 72:21 disadvantage 41:13 distorts 237:19 264:19 dies 114:6 disagree 85:18 distracted 83:7 determined 242:24 diet 38:25 304:25 district 35:7 47:17 280:15 diets 38:25 disagreed 88:8 48:22 81:2 91:20 detox 285:13 difference 106:17 disallowed 262:1 115:14,19 125:6 286:13 287:2 176:24 177:14 disappear 196:11 142:21,24 252:24 detrimental 291:23 different 22:11 disaster 152:4 253:12 273:4 devastating 27:14 43:18 49:16 55:1 disbursed 101:24 288:13,14 104:2 58:25 66:11,24 disclosure 40:3 districts 116:25 develop 26:2 116:6 155:13,14 disconnect 250:24 125:14 224:7 225:8 developed 32:4 difficult 37:19 discount 130:16 252:16 282:6 development 98:12 99:2,7 113:2 discourage 16:5 disturbed 267:6 126:12 183:11 120:3 191:23 217:3 37:18 disunity 31:20 257:23 258:23 300:6 discouraging dituro 88:25 89:2,4 developments 83:6 difficulty 204:8 183:23 91:2,2 device 128:6 digitally 4:10 discover 149:25 dive 110:14 devices 77:6 diligence 94:17 discretion 302:3 diversity 19:1 265:10

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divert 29:15 43:20 114:15,16 121:17 donalds 1:18 230:21 256:13,17 182:25 275:17 121:21 122:14 donate 107:23 257:25 303:6,17 282:1 159:7 163:21 donation 205:3 drinking 66:15 diverted 47:23 165:13,16,23 donations 103:6 drive 55:19 147:23 224:23 186:25 187:5 198:1 donna 5:22 28:15 driven 184:6 diverting 147:25 198:1 204:24 30:3 driver 83:7 220:1 239:20 205:12,21,21,23 door 17:15 33:9,17 drives 182:22 diverts 299:23 206:13,18,24,25 54:12 91:24 126:13 driving 83:15 dividing 31:25 207:1,3 234:15 doors 45:21 80:11 239:25 diving 118:20 245:11 266:6 127:15 160:3 drop 150:5 183:17 division 31:22 32:2 294:13,23 298:2,16 doorstep 154:7 drove 154:17 32:11 232:18,19,23 doing 3:15,15 doral 94:4 293:16 233:18 234:1 272:9 29:11 32:17 41:14 dorothy 231:1,11 drug 112:18 114:18 272:10 295:22 77:6 128:20 150:17 double 175:3 285:13 286:8,9,13 divisions 292:1 161:21 170:6 247:11 286:19,20 doc 255:5 199:16 215:17 doubles 272:12 drugged 163:21 doctor 99:1 215:19 224:6 255:9 269:8 dozens 214:14,14 181:17 215:21 270:5 284:22 dr 11:6,6 19:25 drugs 22:11 67:24 doctor's 65:10 dolberg 274:1 53:7 72:4 74:5 76:15 document 76:13 276:9 111:21 122:19,20 drunk 220:1 142:14 dollars 9:4 29:4,15 122:22,22 133:13 dual 139:5 documentation 33:15 44:6 48:7 135:4,5 140:9 due 40:10 94:17 114:2 50:1 56:20 76:7 142:4,6,7 175:24 155:18 190:14 documented 79:8,13 81:6,11 176:1 184:14 232:3 252:16 265:9 114:13 88:6 134:17 145:1 237:25 242:16,16 duel 169:10 dog 6:14 68:6,21 147:22 148:1,15 253:21,22 255:11 dully 238:21 75:22 90:5 115:3 167:1 176:23 255:13 296:9 dunstan 186:19 158:12,21 159:5 224:22 236:19 300:18,18 190:5,6,6 163:17,18,25 240:5,5 243:13 draft 59:7 durable 23:1 164:12,15,18 258:4 264:8 275:17 drago 100:13 105:1 dust 234:20 165:20,25 181:25 282:3 283:1 297:3 105:1 duties 172:6 182:5 188:6 205:16 299:12 drain 264:8 duty 71:11 205:19 206:9,14 domenic 262:6 dramatically dwayne 270:25 210:9 265:3 266:2 dominick 161:19 133:22 272:7 276:9 306:11 271:19 don 1:6 106:21,22 dream 92:18 dying 8:4 163:17 doges 114:8 106:23 131:17 127:16 190:24,25 165:21 271:24 dogs 67:24 76:15 133:11 181:4,9 drill 303:11 dystopia 60:15 76:20 90:8,12 296:9 drilling 80:16 e 100:18,20,22,22 donald 253:16 118:14,23 119:2,19 e 30:24 31:3,9,12 102:2 103:14 293:10 151:19,23 152:22 41:19 42:22 53:21 112:11,22 113:10 194:4 203:15 227:9 56:24 57:20 78:5 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [e - election] Page 333

78:19 86:13 87:14 eddie 2:14 educations 290:24 eighteen 117:24 109:17 124:22 educate 17:9 educator 13:1 47:3 150:9 163:18 178:4 144:1,5,11 167:6 128:18 140:13 142:9 219:10 294:5 190:12 200:21 educated 46:7 192:11 193:4 eighth 56:10 201:14 207:15,15 137:19 192:25 199:24 200:14 eighty 160:18 207:19,21 208:2,6 222:21 271:7,9 277:16 278:21 208:11,12,13 educating 126:9 296:11 eileen 167:11 213:11 219:5,16 education 15:17,19 educators 149:18 eilert 259:8 220:5 294:18 25:14 26:6,13,16 238:5 either 116:8 126:24 299:16 310:1,1 29:1,2,3,5,10,12 edwin 219:24 148:18 155:24 earlier 95:1 155:22 36:14,14,24 37:6 effect 8:16 38:19 191:13 220:11 197:15 257:11 47:7,8,23 48:3,12 63:3 68:15 239:21 231:14 258:21 265:23 57:14,25 81:4,14 291:23 287:3 early 42:16 100:17 81:23,25 91:15 effective 134:20 ekaterina 138:1,5 ears 206:15 96:25 104:4,19 185:23 295:15 elaine 35:17,19 earth 105:15 111:8 107:22 111:16 296:22 169:7 175:25 230:18 125:3,11 126:5,14 effectively 127:7 177:18 194:11,13 ease 173:12 126:19,25 127:14 133:20 259:8 easily 34:12 187:17 129:7 130:25 effects 15:11 73:15 elayne 192:3 easy 128:13 158:1 137:11,13,16,17 104:2 137:12 240:9 elderly 105:16,20 208:8 284:24 138:9,16,24 142:15 263:13 106:12,14,16 eat 101:1 124:4 142:16,22,23,25 efficiency 183:22 175:19 eaten 6:14 143:8 146:4,15 efficient 139:17 elders 169:17 echo 54:22 55:11 150:3,11 167:4 175:10 261:11 eleanor 28:15,17 56:23 172:24 174:3,15 efficiently 260:9 elect 15:20 70:6 economic 126:11 175:12 176:7,15 effort 39:9 195:20 213:4 232:11 137:18 138:25 192:20,21 193:2 249:16 272:19 152:16 162:17 196:8 198:10,21 efforts 19:11 elected 15:7 16:11 166:1 186:2 191:1 200:12 211:4,11 113:23 128:17 18:10 25:19 71:16 226:16 229:3 256:6 222:25 223:13 241:24 243:1,25 87:17 115:22,25 256:12 224:22 225:10 300:5 116:6,8,9 125:6 economically 231:16,17 236:21 ehrlich 179:15,17 170:25 172:6,9 139:23 165:18 237:4,6 246:23 179:17 193:11 221:14 economics 203:17 252:2,4,5 254:3 eig 275:11,12 222:3 238:21 239:4 economies 258:2 259:17 261:9 269:3 eight 12:3 16:15,17 252:21 269:20,21 economy 22:23 269:4 274:22 47:11 113:20 114:4 270:5 289:9 291:20 96:24 162:22 277:17 278:16 125:22 126:7,17 291:21 293:4,5 170:14,18 174:25 281:15,20 282:15 132:1 137:2 140:13 electing 270:11 263:18 286:6 288:3 296:14,20,21 170:15 178:5 212:9 election 8:15 16:7 ecosystem 258:4 297:4,12 299:23 254:21 292:5,12 20:3 21:1 41:23 300:1,4 307:2 50:24 82:6 150:2

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171:12 261:19,25 emotional 241:14 enforced 219:16 entering 73:9 292:14 246:18 enforcement entertainment elections 15:23,24 empathy 271:10 161:12 207:14 187:1 50:20 51:1 129:14 272:4 256:9 309:9 enthusiasm 148:12 197:12 209:7,11 employed 137:16 eng 245:14 247:7,8 entire 42:11 94:16 261:23 289:19 employee 10:17 engage 37:3 139:10 163:8 elective 172:5 employees 78:7 engine 31:1 256:6 223:13 249:6 291:25 94:18 172:6 256:12 275:14,15 288:13 electorate 128:24 employer 118:16 engineer 30:5,25 288:14 290:21 electronic 41:21 employers 78:5,6 107:5 entirely 288:4 297:8 78:19 124:23 engineering 65:18 entities 285:20 elementary 34:25 employment 20:6 280:11 286:18,20 198:12 221:25 146:23 258:7 engineers 280:16 entitled 88:11 eleven 151:25 employs 94:8 engines 42:13 248:9 284:4 288:1 empower 147:4 enhance 88:17 entity 41:7 176:10 eligible 78:21 273:9 empowered 136:5 enjoined 78:13 282:11 eliminate 9:10 empty 163:25 enjoy 256:1 262:18 entrenched 252:10 27:12 41:4 172:4 enables 136:16 enjoys 187:22 entry 97:3 237:12 272:18 enabling 146:4 enormous 32:11 environment 73:5 eliminating 8:23 enact 19:19 191:5 119:25 136:10 33:10 47:21 134:12 enacted 18:18 19:4 enriched 173:11 203:22 241:13 134:15 185:11 207:16,19 208:2 enrolled 91:22 258:1 263:17 303:2 elimination 8:3 9:2 238:9 139:5 169:10 environmental 9:20 11:8 22:5 enacts 116:11 173:19 151:17 72:13,16 73:3,16 encourage 15:24 enshrine 163:2 epidemic 253:10 elizabeth 57:8 16:4 38:4 39:11 ensure 40:11 72:24 equal 20:9 36:16 59:24 64:5 65:13 67:12 88:15 103:8 127:6 139:17 143:6 104:18 123:9 65:16 119:6 120:21 140:1 216:20 146:6,22 260:5 230:11 273:21 120:24 225:18 encouragement ensures 128:23 equality 166:21 227:4 297:19 110:17 134:21 146:3 equally 127:4 298:21 encroachment 176:12 177:4,8,9 134:22 263:10 ellen 271:1 250:12 183:7 equipment 23:1 emanation 258:5 endanger 281:22 ensuring 71:6 73:1 266:13 embrace 139:14 endangered 152:12 110:19 127:2 equipped 71:24 embroil 264:12 endeavors 33:13 146:16 154:24 equity 156:6 emergency 154:8 ended 6:7 188:9 163:4 230:10 er 9:6 24:1 210:14,15,15 endorsing 33:14 entanglement erase 277:5 286:15 ends 169:19,20 32:22 44:10 79:16 erben 138:2 140:6 emerson 237:22,23 endure 163:23 180:9 eric 283:23 289:12 emily 72:3 enforce 50:5 enter 4:9 139:4 erika 1:18 221:13

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erode 81:23 82:6 ethical 76:13 evidence 38:15 expanding 146:14 88:18 98:14 239:7 euphemism 87:4 97:6 116:3 307:8 expands 87:19 erodes 19:8 euthanasia 68:3 307:13 expansion 166:6 erosion 97:9 euthanized 205:11 evidenced 38:21 187:2 erroneous 31:5 205:13,14 206:10 evident 111:19 expect 134:3,24 42:19 eva 175:24 176:2 examine 94:11 150:17 erroneously 42:9 274:1 example 25:17 39:6 expected 7:17 error 208:9 evaluated 89:21 70:2 101:21 113:7 214:16 errors 31:5 106:2 126:13 169:24 expend 7:14 escrow 101:23 evangelical 44:2 170:3 188:5 287:23 expenditures 244:9 ese 192:12 evangelicals 44:2 292:19 303:7,15 expensive 73:11 esol 104:13 evening 136:23 examples 6:2 41:23 130:21 246:12 especially 18:21 180:24 218:22 275:24 experience 6:22 46:7 63:21 73:12 228:22 230:15 exams 267:11 45:5 47:5,6 100:19 80:11 144:6 164:7 240:19 242:16 excellence 226:3 130:1 137:12 139:2 178:12 192:20 244:19 247:7 excellent 143:8 159:14 162:4 193:3,14,21 217:18 248:23 250:6 199:16,25 218:25 167:22 168:1 260:3 271:13 251:18 253:21,21 241:7 169:12 173:18 espinoza 192:1,4,5 255:16 265:1 exception 138:18 185:14 187:10 192:8,10 266:21 269:11 exceptional 139:20 229:19 233:12 esposito 218:18,24 271:5 272:6 274:3 excess 180:9 273:5,21 274:8,10 219:2,3 275:11 281:9 283:5 excited 193:18 294:21 essential 91:19 291:15 293:12 exclude 99:10 experienced 49:17 138:24 179:10 301:17 304:14 233:23 295:12 230:2,7,9 299:11 306:13 308:4,8 exclusions 97:14 experiences 49:18 300:1 event 182:3 184:15 exclusive 130:19 139:6 essentially 71:13 eventual 68:19 excuse 54:23,25 expert 22:4 40:20 establish 242:23 eventually 169:18 72:9 192:2 266:10 309:8 established 129:14 238:10 301:1 experts 240:13 280:10 everlasting 137:21 executive 113:17 270:15 280:17 establishing 263:14 everybody 55:1 168:11 208:6 expires 310:14 establishment 38:9 69:1 100:2 106:11 exercise 65:5 explanation 34:22 38:18 116:20 106:18 107:12 exercised 227:21 explicit 74:14 264:15 109:9 147:23 exist 187:8 199:1 79:21 97:14 establishments 157:21 180:24 existed 97:15 explicitly 132:10 258:7 182:5 221:16 existence 163:22 exploitation 68:18 esther 11:13,20 268:17 274:25 existing 27:13 exploitative 271:20 estimates 244:6 284:17 227:14,17 exploration 257:17 estuaries 66:19 everyone's 134:21 exorbitant 207:25 expose 75:3 80:8 et 23:1 236:9 287:10 expanded 142:17 exposed 152:8

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express 72:12 facing 53:2 59:16 92:19 123:11 125:5 fathers 32:12 91:11 225:25 227:6 99:12 182:21 142:20 143:4 favor 14:25 32:16 246:4 260:23 fact 25:21 95:3,5 153:19 192:23 41:11 50:13 128:2 301:20 95:11 113:21 132:2 221:20 274:9,15 128:3 140:15 expressed 305:15 138:11 175:2 178:6 275:9 278:11 286:5 141:10 147:6,24 expunged 42:6 187:8 197:13 208:5 290:23 292:23 extemporaneously 219:19 226:4 family 6:5,6 24:9 favorable 115:5 135:10 228:15 284:16 24:22 82:24 83:19 favored 208:12,13 extend 110:17 factor 156:14 92:14 100:16 106:5 favoritism 49:24 extent 188:6 211:12 151:1 154:2 169:25 fbi 222:24 extra 292:18 facts 117:22 178:24 190:14 fcs 91:22 92:15,19 extremely 58:20 faculty 185:2 219:19 244:23 126:16,21,23,25 145:10 241:11 fagano 161:15,17 246:19 274:12,15 127:12 137:5,8,15 exxon 152:2 161:18 275:2 285:24 fdep 66:9,12 eye 159:24 160:12 failed 76:9,19 family's 83:9 106:5 fear 131:2 158:5 247:1 77:12 112:13 113:9 famous 3:3 113:1 262:16 eyes 7:15 46:1 141:1 207:19 fann 253:16 february 1:4 f 299:19 fans 77:7 federal 9:4 18:16 failure 6:11 fantastic 252:9 19:12 22:21 38:10 f 186:6,6 215:14 fair 104:9 154:20 far 101:18 109:16 39:24 40:4 72:19 310:1 191:23 212:25 118:16,17 123:23 73:6 87:23 144:2,7 fabric 18:22 234:4 298:16 152:16 173:10 171:19 196:2 face 29:9 31:25 fairly 208:10,15 185:19 199:4 256:24 264:14 130:3 210:17 303:11 fee 23:2 57:12 facebook 101:7,13 faith 79:9 85:7,12 farm 89:19,20 125:11 239:2 278:7 faced 99:12 282:11 108:12 144:13,14 feedback 3:21 faces 252:22 fake 199:5 144:16 feel 12:17 82:24 facilitate 47:17 falco 222:15 farmers 144:21 83:13,13 84:7 facilities 117:6 fall 45:7 111:2 farming 144:13 109:6 220:8 233:17 154:16,24 155:24 159:18 185:19 farms 89:13,14 246:7 269:16 270:5 159:9,15 160:1,7 207:22 208:14 103:10 265:11 281:14 291:21 177:22,23 178:10 fallen 160:19 fashion 32:14 feeler 271:2 178:17,21 182:23 falling 159:20 fast 307:17 feels 294:24 183:5 189:10 293:19 faster 178:24 feeney 13:17,23,23 265:18 282:7 false 112:23 278:19 feldman 236:10,12 facility 7:22 31:2 falwell 20:4 21:3 fat 33:9 236:13 153:24 154:12,19 familiar 4:25 father 17:6 36:9 felix 1:17 154:23 156:3 159:4 familiarize 28:10 41:9 83:9 105:21 fell 161:1 160:21 240:23 families 8:5 22:13 153:22 154:20 fellman 236:3 241:5,23 242:4 23:12,18 42:24 155:13 293:15 fellow 2:21 91:6 facility's 154:4 76:21 84:6,14 85:9 302:24 241:22 251:17

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289:21 financing 62:7 306:17 307:15 flies 130:3 fellowship 135:19 196:14 firsthand 118:21 flight 22:5 felony 123:19 find 37:4 73:8 firstly 182:17 flights 42:17 286:8 83:22 107:11 fiscal 191:6 243:3 floodgate 36:21 felt 45:11 306:22 159:22 181:15 292:9 floodgates 196:13 306:24 finding 144:15,19 fiscally 29:18 floor 20:16 51:23 female 229:7,9 findings 155:20 243:22 52:25 273:14 finds 233:18 fischer 214:5,6,21 flores 271:2 females 206:16 fine 91:18 98:9 253:14 257:9 florida 1:2,9 8:11 ferrante 262:6 102:22 125:9 fisherman 302:25 8:22 9:2,14,15,24 fertile 166:18 153:14 221:9 fishing 118:21 14:11,15 18:6 fever 154:6 284:22 152:17,20 19:19 20:10 22:6,8 fewest 88:15 finest 253:5 fits 18:24 22:17 23:9 24:8,17 fidelis 112:1 finish 4:22 188:21 five 5:25 42:3 53:20 27:5,9,13,15 29:8 field 170:7 178:13 finishing 89:13,20 66:14 68:24 85:4 29:14,20 32:13,22 223:13 280:17 finite 37:5 86:12 103:14 35:20 36:11 37:13 fifteen 41:2 285:14 fiona 212:5 214:1 115:16 117:25 39:20,22 40:1,3 306:25 fire 111:11 270:4 118:2,3 150:13 43:6,8 49:7,23 fifth 288:14 firearms 263:5,9 157:4 158:8 167:21 51:20 52:21 54:22 fifty 150:13 215:7 firm 65:18 153:17 181:12 187:10 55:11 57:16 58:7 294:21 155:5,9 161:18 193:5 199:25 58:15 59:21 61:18 fight 57:3 290:5 170:8 281:19 215:14 216:6 61:18 62:21,22 fighting 54:3 firmly 58:3 274:5 221:21 235:12 63:5,12,19,22 113:20 238:7 299:4,22 241:5 246:1 251:23 64:13,22 65:1,8,19 244:23 269:7 firs 281:16 265:23 268:10 66:4,5,9,12,15,20 271:20 first 2:4 3:16 18:4 272:25 278:18,21 66:25 67:6,19 file 7:9 25:15 34:13 36:10 280:16 295:11,21 70:13,24 72:14 filings 165:19 41:10 51:5 52:17 295:24,24 73:6 74:15 75:1,22 filled 4:5,6 58:24 75:20 77:25 fix 140:19 151:3 76:1,3,12 77:7 79:5 filming 101:15 78:4 79:1 81:3 89:5 232:5 244:11 256:9 79:23 80:16 81:5 filthy 307:3 89:19 90:4 91:25 fixed 22:23 72:20 81:25 84:15 85:5 finalists 211:7 92:1 104:2 111:13 231:18 85:20 86:20 87:21 finally 67:20 73:14 114:1 115:18 128:3 flag 98:7 89:5,15 90:21 97:12 130:5 213:19 129:17 130:4 132:6 flagler 294:7 91:13 93:1 94:4,7 215:17 148:24 151:25 flagrant 112:22 95:25 98:20 99:17 finances 250:22 156:12 169:14,22 flat 72:20,21,23 100:4,6,16 107:6 financial 96:15 187:12 197:11 flawed 213:11 110:13 112:5 113:9 123:15 183:20 207:10 214:11 flaws 144:3 114:5,7,18,23 187:3 232:5 246:18 217:11 229:7,9 4:1,21 115:13 116:5 119:1 financially 156:7 252:7 273:16 290:4 flew 189:20 215:21 120:12,19,25 121:4 267:9 290:6 305:23 121:16 125:23

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126:3,25 127:25 252:2 253:8,24 floridian's 27:16 forced 35:12 83:12 128:15 130:6 255:17,18,20,25 27:24 79:7 195:19 182:2 203:19 131:11 132:7,8,11 256:15 257:4,7,21 248:5 forces 136:11,12 132:25 133:17 257:22 263:23 floridians 4:14 forefront 304:24 134:19 135:24 264:11,21 265:14 32:25 33:16,19 foregoing 310:7 136:18 137:1,15 266:24 267:25 34:8 48:5 69:17 foreign 208:17 138:10,20,22 268:6,8,11 269:17 70:19 80:8 85:16 foremost 128:3 140:11,16,18 269:19 271:8,17,24 85:23 91:6 94:15 178:15 141:11 142:10 272:3,9,10,15 111:16 126:10 forever 55:25 143:7 145:8,10 273:8 275:18 127:13 139:25 198:4 288:2 146:3 147:1,13,14 276:17 277:1 145:12 164:7,21 forged 163:21 147:18,19 149:23 278:12,13,14 175:22 190:12,20 forget 175:17 150:1,7,14 151:10 279:18,20,21,23,24 191:19 207:13 forgotten 84:7 151:17 152:6 280:6,12,13,22,25 217:2 227:18 244:1 151:23 217:15,21 153:20,24 154:17 281:1,15,18,23,24 258:14 262:18 form 89:10 90:16 154:22 157:19,20 282:18 283:10 263:7 277:10 178:22 230:7 158:21 159:1 285:5 288:10,22 279:22 287:1 291:18,22 163:19 164:3,9,14 289:16,24 290:10 288:16 formally 83:16 164:25 169:1 290:14,22 296:13 fly 42:10 229:1 170:19 171:9 174:9 297:1 298:22 300:2 flyman 207:18 forman 59:25 174:23 175:21 300:10 301:19 focus 19:12 153:18 format 181:4 176:9,17 178:3 302:22 303:6,13,19 173:4 287:8 formed 8:12 191:12 180:12,14,16 310:3 focused 4:2 8:21 former 15:5 105:10 181:11 182:8,15 florida's 16:16 142:13 105:22 106:9 184:5 186:4 192:14 19:14 23:7 28:22 focusing 214:9 253:22 259:12 194:15 195:2,6,21 38:8,17 72:11 folks 6:4,13 94:13 forms 162:18 182:5 200:8 203:4 207:6 73:17 79:11 80:3 161:25 193:12 185:12 196:8 207:17,20 211:1,17 126:7 128:4 137:10 224:8 265:16 fort 1:9 25:5 28:18 211:23 212:7,12 137:22 142:14 follow 109:11 33:6 39:17 41:2 213:21,21 214:8 146:1,6,12,14 181:3 220:10 281:9 54:21 55:10 56:5 215:7 216:6 218:3 148:6,8,11 173:2 293:22 58:15 62:17 70:23 221:13 223:1 226:2 174:19 175:5 180:2 followed 169:16 79:5 93:9 95:23 226:5,6 227:15,20 180:6 183:15 254:24 98:2 105:11 151:15 229:10 230:3,18 195:22,25 233:23 following 2:1 26:20 201:23 275:12 231:11 232:18,21 243:8 257:17 folly 171:24 301:5 302:20 233:2 234:12 260:24 261:25 fool 74:18 forth 269:17 300:2 236:23 237:3 240:1 275:24 278:10 fooled 59:21 fortman 259:9,10 240:10 241:10,13 290:3 305:22 306:7 football 251:25 259:11 262:6 264:1 241:18,20 242:3,12 floridian 214:7 forbes 118:4 264:1 242:20 243:1,4,10 248:9 force 139:4 211:4 fortunately 101:2 247:9,10 251:20 286:21 204:2 226:8

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fortune 233:6 four 20:5 66:17 36:2,19 37:2 64:25 283:17 forty 75:21 95:11 77:4 100:25 114:4 85:19 87:4 107:9 fund 88:4 130:12 112:7 114:13 114:17 117:25 107:10,23,25 108:1 147:25 237:15 118:12 121:19 118:4 121:3 142:10 108:23,25 109:21 242:24 243:6 157:23 181:14 145:8 173:9 187:11 111:6 142:15 244:13 256:8 260:6 185:1 200:11 207:4 205:12 213:19 168:16 192:18 269:3,4 283:12 212:12 216:6 214:11 227:25 212:21 238:14 296:14 297:6 268:10 294:1 270:3 281:11 286:1 261:1 286:25 fundamental 27:15 forum 142:13 294:19 freedoms 85:15 32:6 40:1 85:8 264:2 fourteen 19:16 freight 189:24 168:6 forward 6:3 37:22 204:21 265:4,5 freis 297:19,22,23 funded 54:12 72:18 67:19 108:10 125:1 306:25 french 78:9 148:14 224:3 239:2 145:3 157:13 fourth 20:3,25 frequently 181:17 244:5 246:25 269:5 160:14 161:15 100:15 141:11 fresh 15:21 66:18 283:14 163:14 166:15 187:24 252:23 funding 29:9 30:12 169:7 179:15 181:6 fracking 151:18,19 friday 53:17 44:9 48:4 54:13 186:18 200:22,24 framers 171:23 friend 42:9 169:25 57:25 81:8 96:2 204:17 214:4 framework 128:5 245:9 104:16 110:20 234:19 241:25 francis 54:7 56:3,4 friendly 38:7 148:12 167:4 251:11 266:9 279:3 273:13 friends 24:9 127:25 182:20 186:7,11 299:4 307:17 franklin 15:2 144:13 200:11,12 212:13 foster 290:6,11,17 frankly 121:6 frightened 206:24 212:17,18 236:18 fostering 67:17 franklyn 89:1 93:4 front 44:21 215:12 237:17 238:16,19 89:8 93:9 271:3 284:1 238:24 239:19 fought 71:9 200:16 fraud 17:16 41:19 fruit 166:16 240:3,12 243:15 found 34:16 91:23 282:25 fruition 166:25 246:20 258:24 98:25 117:22 fred 1:19 3:11 fulfill 175:12 260:2 281:25 282:1 214:18,25 265:11 143:19,21 187:23 full 3:23,25 4:20 fundraise 205:16 265:11 274:7 188:2,10 65:11 96:9 120:17 funds 36:23,25 foundation 18:20 free 15:3 16:19 165:8 169:10 43:21 47:23 49:21 106:14,16 181:11 22:23 52:19 63:8 185:19 219:4 50:2,6 101:21 257:15 258:12 72:17 79:25 81:22 225:25 243:15 104:3 107:17 109:4 271:8 300:24 134:5 150:3 183:25 247:16 276:4 130:18 196:19 founded 19:18 185:8 186:3 194:15 307:21 232:4 244:7 259:17 23:21 108:21 129:9 212:22 213:19,20 fully 111:14 237:15 260:14,18 277:17 229:1 213:21 239:5 303:3 287:22 founder 140:14 242:18 258:14 fun 90:7 funeral 111:2,3 190:11 261:6,12 274:16,21 function 74:21 funneling 259:1 founding 32:12 275:20 296:10 168:13 further 32:22 36:8 freedom 18:22 functions 171:6 87:21 88:7 139:11 28:23 32:14,21 250:24 256:11 173:7 276:25

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282:19 286:12 46:19,22 49:1,5 genser 166:15 249:19 258:14,19 furthering 172:23 51:15 53:10 54:6 167:10 273:2 283:10,20 furthermore 66:17 55:9 57:7 58:9 gentiles 43:16 290:5 302:9 303:7 146:12 277:9 59:24 61:1,4,15 gentle 68:19 113:10 given 4:15 30:12 292:13 64:1,4 65:13 67:8 165:16 38:13 52:4 65:24 future 27:7,25 68:23 gentleman 44:23 66:9,13 83:16 30:16 57:16 60:11 gaming 182:5 gentlemen 43:4 89:24 92:17 129:3 60:14,20 70:6 235:3 89:3 90:24 293:13 171:14 205:2 74:13 81:22 92:9 gang 21:3 306:23 george 6:4 53:7,8 gives 103:17 119:20,21 126:20 307:8,10,11 60:2,7 61:5 105:21 251:12 139:24 140:1 gangs 221:22 253:20 255:17 giving 107:17 170:18 172:22 gap 172:8 georgia 208:3,3 112:11 192:9 200:3 173:14 175:9 garbage 56:13 gera 170:22,23 220:6 296:8 297:23 225:12 237:16,17 garcia 57:10 172:13 glad 108:12 284:12 278:7 279:21 gardens 121:16 geri 245:13 298:22 g 122:3 214:8 gerrymandered gloria 277:24 278:1 garver 192:3 252:16 glow 215:24 gail 17:22 18:3 194:11 getting 3:20 21:11 go 3:23 5:5 6:3 gain 172:3 gary 276:10 55:24 104:9 123:21 10:13 11:13,18 gaining 16:1 gas 119:19 257:17 123:23 226:23 14:5 20:21 28:5 galbut 181:5 257:23 246:25 31:8 33:1,15 36:23 182:12,14 184:9 gathered 307:8 gewn 228:25 37:6,21 41:20 gallons 152:1 gatherings 89:11 gg 310:13 42:22 43:24,25 gallop 208:13 gators 281:19 ghetto 130:21 44:1,2 50:1 70:14 gambling 114:25 gavel 4:24 5:2 69:4 ginsberg 93:6 84:22 86:5,17 88:7 166:6,8 187:2 157:1,10 95:20,20,22,23 90:7 93:5 103:18 game 295:19 gay 21:3,25 97:18 109:16 119:5 games 113:11 geller 82:18,19 girl 265:19 288:1 124:10,12 130:21 gamez 1:18 2:22 84:18,24 85:1 girls 306:21,23 131:17 134:4 5:3,4 7:24 10:2,5 194:13,13 259:8 307:16 148:24 150:20 10:10,20 11:3,12 general 8:15 101:5 gisela 97:20,22 158:22 160:25 11:16,18,24 12:7 243:7 254:18 258:4 98:18,20 161:7 162:21 12:13,21 13:4,10 280:15 give 4:11 6:2 28:11 170:10 189:15 13:16,22 14:2,20 generate 278:9 35:2 41:11 81:11 190:25 196:20 16:22 17:2,19,22 generating 90:20 92:7,12 101:7 197:18,25 203:20 19:21 21:16,22 generation 100:15 113:12,25 121:10 205:22 207:3 22:1 24:3,5,15,20 127:9 133:4,4 124:11 130:15 212:18 215:1 221:9 25:1,7 26:22 28:4 generations 27:7 131:12 143:8 224:14 226:25 30:2,4 31:13 34:2 60:16 119:20 169:24 175:20 231:2 234:20 245:3 37:8,15,25 39:14 139:25 175:9 198:3,14 219:5 245:9,17 248:21 40:24 41:16 43:2 279:22 223:9,14,16,20,23 250:18 251:11 44:18 46:5,9,13,17 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [go - governments] Page 341

253:9 255:15 256:8 156:9 157:1,2 79:3 80:20 82:21 293:12 294:13 262:8 263:25 159:8,13 160:2 83:2 84:24 89:2 295:11,13 301:17 266:20 271:4 164:18 189:13 91:5 93:8,18 96:24 304:13 306:13 272:24 274:1 199:6,17 200:13 98:19 100:2,14 308:4 309:10 281:19 284:1,14,16 203:15,16 205:20 102:1,1,2 103:21 goodbye 274:18 284:17 287:11,20 206:9 215:1 216:7 105:17 106:25 goods 215:19 288:2 289:11 217:3,9,17 218:3 110:11 112:4,6 gopro 101:15 292:21,22 295:17 219:5 220:23 221:7 115:10 119:8 gopros 101:7 296:6 297:21 222:10 223:18 125:15,19 127:19 gorgeous 100:3 298:12,19 300:16 224:3,13 232:2 127:23 131:19 govern 70:4 107:4 301:15 302:17 234:19 235:11 133:13 135:5 governance 19:11 303:8,11 306:12 236:5 245:4 246:23 136:23 142:6 97:10 127:5 217:12 goal 170:12 253:10 254:9,10 143:21 145:20 293:3 gobs 107:10 259:13,17,18 147:10 149:1 governed 293:4 god 52:4 98:6,8,9 260:15 266:23 150:23 151:14 governing 18:25 98:11 106:18 111:5 268:4,12 279:2,3 153:15 155:3 government 8:24 199:1,17 280:6 283:18 157:17 158:24 9:21 18:16 19:5,18 god's 105:17 284:10 285:4,4 159:2 160:16 22:21 25:23 26:6 goes 32:1 56:10 287:18 293:19 161:17 164:13 27:17 28:22 31:3 90:5 101:8 113:2 294:15 298:7 165:1 166:23 32:14 33:11,17,20 195:11 252:14 308:12 167:13 170:22 44:17 52:3,20 284:17 gold 241:4 171:6,8 172:17 61:24 62:3 63:9 going 5:5,12,15 goldberg 10:12,21 176:1 177:18 67:4,7 72:19 75:4 6:17 10:11 21:5,9 10:21 12:14,15,15 180:23 182:12 79:12,15 80:7,9 31:8 34:19 36:8 goldfarb 208:21,22 184:20 186:22 92:4 109:2,3 37:16,23 44:21 208:23 189:22 190:15 110:21 111:6 128:5 47:19 50:5 53:22 goldstein 59:25 192:8 203:10 207:8 129:11 134:7,10 56:21 57:25 58:19 golish 131:17 135:4 223:3 227:2 228:22 155:17,20 167:2 62:11 69:7 72:4 135:5,6 230:15 231:10 171:6,8,13,15,20 74:7 78:24 86:14 gomar 97:20,22 232:15 240:19 180:10 196:1,3,3 86:16,21 93:5 98:18,18,19,20 242:16 243:21 201:16 213:4 225:2 97:24 100:11 105:1 good 2:2 5:4 10:6 244:19 247:7 230:7,11 264:12,22 105:2,16 107:4,18 11:15,19,25 12:9 248:23 250:6 292:25 107:19,20 108:10 14:24 16:19 17:5 251:18 253:21,21 government's 109:4,6,16 110:7 18:2 19:18 22:3 255:7,16 257:7 28:24 80:4 115:2 119:5 122:6 24:7 25:8 26:23 259:10,14 265:1 governmental 63:9 122:8,9 124:16,16 29:24 31:17,21 266:21 269:11 79:25 261:6 292:2 128:7 130:6,20,22 33:5 37:11 39:15 271:5 272:6 273:20 governments 15:3 131:3,17 144:4,8,9 43:3,17 46:25 52:7 274:3 275:11 281:9 66:2,23 67:2 213:5 144:10 148:3 52:10 57:9 65:15 283:5 284:2 285:20 282:21 291:23 150:20 153:8 156:4 69:5 74:9 75:18,22 291:15 292:25

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governor 2:16 grandparents gregg 166:14 167:9 grounds 288:25 132:20 208:25 159:8 grew 164:14 group 36:1 77:20 209:4 232:17 granted 35:1 grey2k 94:13 103:5 110:15 242:22 280:18 grants 29:7 113:17 298:4 116:14 119:12 289:9 grass 19:10 grey2k's 293:19 128:14 185:8 188:2 governor's 254:17 grassroots 64:9 greyhound 67:14 200:9 206:6 217:13 governors 232:19 85:3 128:17 67:14,21 68:13,22 221:7 235:10 250:4 280:21 grateful 139:6 76:5,13 89:6,7,12 271:1 275:14 gozdz 17:23 22:3,4 141:18,20 150:24 89:17 94:6 95:12 276:23 290:4 24:3,4 151:2 100:16 101:13 308:21 grad 197:1,4,5,8,11 great 9:12 31:20 102:4,6,7,10,24 groups 36:22 68:13 197:11 199:12,16 32:8 56:5,18 65:1 112:7,10 113:6,18 89:10 109:6 184:24 202:14 203:3,3 101:25 108:9 114:6,17,19 115:1 191:17 266:11 grade 34:13,22 119:11,22 143:7 119:17 121:16,18 grow 16:8 146:13 43:12 169:14,23 157:22 158:14 163:16 164:1,5,6 175:6 186:6 178:18 187:21 164:20,20,25 growing 23:7 grader 56:10 189:2 201:6 215:17 165:17,25 166:4 146:16,17 173:3 grades 267:9 221:17,17 222:25 180:15 181:13 232:6 275:24 graduate 264:4 249:18 254:6 186:24 198:6 206:6 278:19,21 279:4 graduated 34:25 256:25 266:17 234:14 235:7 growth 126:11 169:25 170:4 270:6 281:14 244:24 265:4,10 137:18 183:7,12 graduates 126:23 298:17 271:19,19,24 211:16 263:2 137:15 281:17 greater 14:12 80:3 293:18 303:25,25 278:18 300:1 graduating 126:22 80:9 103:18 195:25 greyhounds 67:17 guarantee 81:22 graduation 307:18 greatest 92:21 68:1 76:18 94:12 123:9 143:11 gram 286:24 141:11 215:10,10 94:21 103:12 114:5 243:12 grandchild 56:18 215:11 219:15 119:13 163:22 guaranteed 71:15 grandchildren greatly 24:9 85:14 165:16,20 180:16 130:25 168:9 15:15 30:16 133:2 296:24 305:5 181:15 187:11,16 guarantees 237:2 granddaughters greedy 234:18 198:2 204:20 guard 168:10 62:20 green 12:23 13:5,5 206:11 244:21,25 guardian 30:7 grandfather 108:7 266:14 271:22 168:8 291:1 301:22 114:24 greenberg 276:11 298:1,11 304:7 301:23 302:10,12 grandkids 15:16 279:14,15 grieb 262:7 265:1,2 304:16 305:10 grandma 199:23 greene 28:16 31:14 grief 83:11 221:20 306:17 307:6,12 grandmother 34:3 37:9 51:16 griselda 300:16 308:7 19:16 27:3 56:5,6 greeted 154:12 301:18 guatemala 220:2 62:19 201:5,6 greetings 169:9 grosso 175:25 guerra 277:25 202:7 215:11 greg 97:20,22 ground 69:6 283:5,6 grandparent 99:25 100:3 157:14 234:18 guess 119:23 142:10 158:25 155:19,21 262:12

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guidance 32:9 handed 286:17 239:23 281:14 hear 35:13,14 307:6 handing 4:23 282:20 37:20 95:3 108:13 guide 99:3 118:5,20 handle 73:18 harm's 186:25 110:4 157:9 242:13 118:20,21 121:18 harmed 23:8 191:8 248:2 255:2 guidelines 147:21 handled 149:6 191:9 heard 4:6,16 5:18 guilty 71:10 93:12 handling 5:24 7:20 harmful 263:13 39:5 56:24 64:23 guise 238:13 hands 62:3 67:4 harming 263:2 68:20 83:5 87:2 gulf 152:2,3,9,13 70:5 71:22 99:22 harper 300:15 94:25,25 108:17 152:16 257:20 116:1 130:7 189:5 303:22,23 134:22 159:21 gun 197:17 200:24 225:12 harriet 138:2 140:6 164:17 197:19 gunk 206:15 253:11 256:22 harrington 283:25 202:21 213:17 guns 70:9 221:23 257:1 279:2,12 287:13,14 242:11 259:16,16 guy 101:14 130:16 happen 10:1 23:14 harris 143:15,17 273:20 197:16 34:15 46:14,18 209:5 hearing 3:17 17:6 guys 18:23 101:12 133:3 160:1 200:13 harvest 144:15 29:25 37:17 83:18 200:23 224:7 255:4 205:20 harvesting 145:2 112:15 119:14 gwen 228:24 happened 6:18 hate 39:8 121:8 154:17 229:11 55:22 61:22 112:24 he'll 153:11,11 197:15 244:21 gwendolyn 229:6 132:19 155:19,21 heal 187:19 247:14 267:6 274:4 gypsy's 45:23 203:17 220:2 healed 68:8 285:2 305:2 308:1 h 303:14 healing 84:12 hearings 86:12 happening 60:19 health 22:14 75:10 heart 32:1 55:20 habitats 152:9,14 124:9 191:15 131:22,24 133:17 113:13 155:7 158:5 hailey 131:18 happens 32:3,7 133:25 134:5,18 184:23 216:2 136:22,24 45:2 205:24 220:24 135:14,21,23 136:5 254:11 255:1 haiti 104:15 256:23 303:15 136:12,12 145:16 277:15 halal 38:25,25 happiness 262:19 147:11 177:19 heck 130:6 198:23 hale 300:16 301:17 happy 53:14,18 178:6,12 183:20 hedney 106:21,22 301:18 84:23 100:22 185:10 194:25 106:23,25 half 78:12 118:1 197:10 201:21 195:1 201:11 240:8 heed 88:10 154:5 209:22 222:9 259:3 240:21 244:2,5 heels 6:13 210:11 246:1 hard 27:8 37:16 253:23,25 254:16 held 18:13 40:4 284:10 39:3 64:14,16 90:9 255:5,7 263:17 58:5 156:7 160:1 hallandale 165:5,7 92:8 94:15 128:17 294:9 296:11,20 165:24 267:8 286:4 hamper 134:16 144:18,19 147:15 299:3 308:15,15 helen 69:10,16 hancock 64:5 67:9 216:25 217:13 healthcare 8:10 hell 7:18 288:2 67:10,11 259:2 70:9,20 178:7 heller 41:17,18,18 hand 41:10 81:3 harder 213:17 241:3 hello 36:6 44:19 90:4 104:2 105:19 harm 25:14 81:13 healthier 185:9 50:12 53:12 54:8 105:19 218:19 85:22 124:23 healthy 100:22 58:10 62:15 70:22 273:10 306:17 165:16 178:19 258:3 262:23 72:6 105:7 120:24

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121:14 124:18 190:6 194:13 203:3 hips 159:20 212:24 213:3 127:25 138:4 141:8 204:19 212:6 hired 194:1 214:10,18,22 162:13 180:13 216:12,13 219:2,7 hiring 78:20 218:13 241:19 190:9,10 201:3 236:12 239:11 hispanic 17:8 242:1,12 250:12 202:6,19 210:5 257:10 266:21 historian 287:24 264:7 265:20 266:1 214:5 222:19 269:11 276:14 historic 79:15 275:16,25 278:25 224:16 225:20 279:15 285:9 243:18 279:6 284:17 234:11 238:2 288:21 295:2 historical 47:14 285:25 293:1 240:19 278:1 297:15,22 298:21 history 48:19 49:13 299:25 307:5,9 289:12 300:18 302:19 111:1 180:1 234:21 homeland 170:6 help 55:19 68:9 303:22 240:15 254:10 209:18 100:6 108:6 110:13 hialeah 294:4 hit 160:23 homes 68:8 103:19 123:16 127:1 133:1 hidalgo 11:4,5 hocks 68:4 105:13 156:5 136:19 139:20 12:22 14:3 17:4,5 hoffman 163:13,14 161:22 162:1,6 140:3,3 144:15 17:20,21,21 163:15 178:8 189:6,8,16 157:7 160:24 high 9:18 21:11 hold 36:11 51:3 189:25 207:1,3 173:13,14,24 246:4 49:12 133:19 78:21 154:22 160:9 214:12,23 215:3 259:2 286:16 134:23 136:1,15 230:6 243:10 232:3 241:10 245:6 helped 89:10,25 169:19 175:6 holding 50:14 279:5 304:4 308:12 126:10 173:6 198:12 221:24 holds 101:22 241:1 308:13 helping 213:22 233:8 237:3,6 hole 177:12 homosexuality hemorrhage 239:2 241:11 holes 256:9 287:25 215:12 258:17 261:11 holidays 90:6 homosexuals 288:1 henry 250:5,6,7 275:20 281:12 holistic 305:24 honor 50:3 72:7 251:15,16 307:17,22 hollywood 112:5 98:24 145:24 hera 14:4,23 higher 8:25 64:21 155:11,25 288:22 173:19 174:7 herard 250:5 129:2 137:11 145:1 holmes 38:16 81:16 225:22 243:8 heritage 130:17 146:14 169:20 home 5:25 6:7,20 honorable 39:15 hernandez 1:18 175:12 211:11 14:16 18:22 19:4 262:9 263:22 heroin 285:12 278:21 26:1,1,5 29:5 33:25 honorably 42:25 286:13 highest 9:15,17 36:1 57:21 70:17 honored 177:10 hesitated 241:25 128:25 174:14 76:24,25 77:10 honors 168:1 heuker 276:10 highly 42:12 49:13 92:14 105:24,25 229:18 hey 206:4 210:13 136:9 175:12 208:7 106:12 119:23 hope 9:14 52:22 hi 10:6,23 12:15 208:11 213:13 131:24 132:16,22 54:1,5 78:25 87:5 13:18 14:6 24:21 216:20 152:10 153:19 172:21 195:17 35:19 61:5 64:6 hildi 222:18 225:17 155:5,9,14,18 212:25 213:2,15 80:20 102:18 122:2 hills 155:11,25 156:2,14,18 159:4 227:7 258:15 303:4 122:22 125:19 hinder 125:11 160:8,19 171:10 303:13 127:23 129:24 hip 155:16 160:20 179:5 187:23 hopeful 8:18 145:7 151:14 174:6 161:1,2 188:22 196:7 204:4

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hopefully 245:8 286:1 305:2 hundreds 69:17 illnesses 244:4 horizon 151:24 hours 18:5 83:21 94:8 104:5 185:16 263:13 horm 197:1 83:24 122:13 190:19 204:23 illustrate 287:22 horrible 162:5 215:14,25 216:25 305:11 imagine 27:8,24 252:25 234:16 265:21 hungary 45:5,20 30:11 169:14 horrific 6:2 67:22 266:23 294:19 197:18,19 immediate 170:14 horse 130:24 house 76:3 178:3 hurdle 292:18 immediately 3:2 158:13 193:7 210:9 215:13 hurdles 217:10 265:7 hospice 8:3,7,8,23 256:15 265:19 hurricane 117:4 immense 228:7 9:1,3,5,10,16,20,22 278:8 280:19 307:2 232:4 242:10 immigrant 58:13 10:7,9,17,19 11:2,8 housekeeping hurt 123:17,21 139:5 198:16 11:10,20,22 12:2,6 123:24,25 husar 11:13,25 216:15 217:8 219:4 12:11 13:2,3,6,9,12 housing 20:6 234:4 12:1 143:14,16 219:11 221:17 13:15,19,21 14:1 howard 283:24 husband 31:7 222:20 246:14 17:1,9,10,17 22:6,8 290:2 41:25 61:6 83:7 immigrants 131:9 22:13,16,20,24 howell 253:20,21 84:2 99:4 187:10 190:23 219:20 23:4,7,8,15,16,19 253:22 255:12,13 219:8 220:3 244:23 221:16,18 23:21,25 24:2,11 hudson 122:18 293:15 294:22 immigration 59:19 24:13,19,23,24 124:16,16,18,19 husband's 293:21 77:24 99:15 207:13 25:6 72:8,8,8,9,13 huge 15:16 94:17 i 221:13,15 222:5 72:16,18,18,24 186:4 211:16 immoral 162:3 ibarria 31:16,17,18 73:3,23 74:2,4 hugged 307:19 impact 8:8 48:20 icu 6:7 161:5 274:9,19,23,24 human 7:1 32:9 129:3 134:13 idea 243:22 252:9 275:2,3 40:12 104:23,24 139:23 142:2 252:25 295:11 hospices 9:7 10:1 186:1 187:1 233:10 152:16 173:21 298:1 73:9,12 285:16 287:1 289:1 191:7 201:14 ideal 185:20 hospital 134:14 303:9 211:11 226:14,16 ideas 15:21 224:8 135:8,17 154:11 humane 68:16 292:9 252:23 161:3 189:15 114:3 271:7,9 impactful 31:25 identified 292:5 215:17 humanity 32:4 impacting 140:14 identifies 250:13 hospitalizations 60:23 225:3 identify 16:23 9:6 humans 304:5 impacts 19:9 66:1,7 17:25 61:1 hospitals 24:1 humbly 163:9 133:22 138:25 ignore 275:21 host 2:9 hummel 237:25 258:10 ii 46:2 hostage 165:24 242:16,17 impaired 66:22 illegal 121:19 167:5 hostility 49:15 hundred 19:23 impenetrable 181:14 190:14,17 hosting 309:6 84:22 85:20 91:10 111:11 190:22 191:2,17 hotels 117:24 114:4,17 126:17 imperative 170:17 219:11 220:1 hour 90:16 100:25 137:2 157:4 170:15 implement 125:10 illegally 219:21 135:8 144:17 157:8 180:7 240:22 implementation 220:7,8 209:22 222:13 268:10 305:7 116:16

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implemented 18:18 improved 185:19 incomparable indicator 183:20 116:17 improvement 174:24 indifference 7:1 implementing 267:25 incompetent 216:4 indirectly 48:7 233:15 improving 241:21 incomplete 31:4 180:4 implore 27:20 inaccurate 213:13 inconsistent 116:16 individual 30:1 35:23 84:13 184:3 265:8 incorporating 44:4 73:2 94:17 189:24 277:20 inactive 100:7 211:9,20 142:24 289:1 importance 17:10 inadvertently incorrect 178:19 individuals 35:22 19:13 81:9 91:18 47:11 48:20 increase 97:7 165:15 262:21 118:15 151:21 inarticulate 34:18 133:23 148:6 180:6 indoctrination 180:7 239:19 incapable 112:17 182:19 183:11,18 33:18 167:3 important 12:18,19 incarcerate 285:23 229:16 244:3,4 industrial 66:16 26:14 29:1 41:10 incarcerated 266:12 industries 136:9 45:4 66:10 70:9 285:11 increased 9:1 73:19 152:17 165:15 127:4 128:14 incarceration 150:14 229:15 258:3 148:13 149:7 150:4 286:1 244:9 industry 12:20 152:14 165:13 incendiary 197:25 increases 278:7 68:9 76:7,10 77:5 168:10 176:21 incessantly 181:15 increasing 174:24 77:10 90:2,21,23 177:13 180:5 incidents 185:24 incredible 92:10 94:16 95:7,16 193:13 194:15 include 211:2 incredibly 7:3 101:17 112:9,16,18 200:10 203:5,24 232:9 265:16 194:17 113:6,21 114:3 207:12,21 211:12 278:19 incumbency 118:16,22 119:21 237:9 242:4 257:5 included 8:15 252:17 127:8 133:25 269:16 273:1 138:13 184:5 254:2 incumbent 16:5,9 135:24,25 154:23 274:17,21 281:3 includes 96:14 252:20 163:18 165:21 283:13,17 including 74:23 independence 189:19 205:17 importantly 14:17 78:5 92:10 114:14 54:16 168:15 234:15,19,20 235:1 71:18 161:20 283:1 114:19 117:18 independent 44:9 235:3 240:6 243:9 impose 85:11 127:11 138:23 48:17 209:11 254:6 272:1 195:20 264:17 139:15 174:21 independently infamous 155:11 imposed 47:20 175:13 177:23 269:20 infected 6:15 imposing 26:8 225:11 232:25 independents infections 154:7 imposition 70:7 244:2 267:21 300:8 120:11 influence 209:4 96:17,19 97:5 306:1 indeterminate 256:25 impractical 167:6 inclusion 91:12 292:10,10 influenced 16:13 impressed 119:15 126:3 178:16 indian 174:22 influencing 209:7 improve 26:15 inclusive 46:11 211:6 influx 190:17,22 29:11 137:18 income 23:18 30:10 indianapolis 191:1 182:25 185:10 104:20 118:17 219:25 information 21:20 200:1,11,12 190:14,15 231:19 indicated 79:18 40:3 59:9 84:10 86:1 190:1 251:3 123:11 151:7

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173:24 265:11 insane 20:13 insure 28:23 32:21 international 94:8 informational insanity 20:9 50:5 111:14 193:6 74:19 75:2 140:22 inside 101:8 insured 154:25 217:14 247:10,12 151:6 195:24 inspection 241:7 integration 282:14 internationally 227:13 248:10 inspire 92:11 intended 32:13 40:21 informing 74:20 inspired 126:16 118:25 140:20,21 interpreter 201:3 infrastructure install 87:14 140:22 151:4,6 202:6,19 73:17 146:15 instantly 27:10 243:14 262:1 interstate 209:16 175:13 institute 195:4 intensive 111:17 intervention 87:23 infringe 263:15 201:10 154:11 interventional infringed 262:20 institutes 236:17 intent 36:9 48:3 198:13 infuriating 84:1 institution 32:17 131:2 140:22 intimacies 277:7 infused 76:6 33:15 36:24 43:11 145:15 237:20 intimate 16:1 196:5 ingesting 262:25 47:22 49:23 56:21 intention 60:9 introduce 10:14 ingests 263:3 92:16 127:12 247:21 134:2 inhibit 263:1 162:17 169:20 intentionally 74:16 introduced 244:22 inhibits 299:23 180:5 74:20 75:13 introducing 171:4 inhumane 76:14 institutional 45:21 interest 28:14 introduction 112:8 institutionalize 47:13 117:19 184:25 initial 242:23 121:21 144:11 191:16 intrusion 33:20 306:20 institutionalized 200:9 217:6 266:11 44:17 52:20 63:9 initiated 64:12 45:25 277:12 305:9 75:4 79:25 80:9 192:16 institutions 29:6,7 306:16 307:14 168:11 196:4 261:6 initiative 166:11 30:13 37:7 41:12 308:10,16,17,23 276:25 initiatives 18:6 44:9 54:13 55:15 interested 252:15 intrusions 40:10 64:20 79:9,17 85:17 88:2 interesting 188:3 inundated 265:7 injured 180:17 88:5 91:22 96:9 274:19 invaluable 92:17 187:5 97:11 125:23 interests 16:6,9 investigate 155:9 injuries 67:23 126:19 127:1,10 30:14 128:6 163:6 investigated 155:17 75:24 76:15 114:10 196:19 271:15 290:16 300:10 investment 47:15 114:14 122:11 288:4 301:25 305:23 48:14 163:23 187:11 instruct 47:25 306:6 307:23 investments 183:24 189:13 204:23 instruction 48:1 interfere 52:22 invite 40:22 87:23 206:7 insufficient 29:9 53:7 invocation 3:6,8 injury 68:5 75:25 insulated 252:13 interference 80:4 38:22 98:6 108:17 101:21 114:10,12 insulting 77:4 86:8 99:19 involve 7:12 121:18 188:9,12 insurance 7:6,23 interferes 71:6 involved 15:25 271:23 154:13 155:24 interfering 27:22 61:24 89:6 98:11 innocence 71:10 156:1 159:23 intern 173:19 190:12 307:10,25 innocent 93:11,14 160:11 162:2 189:7 internal 244:5 involvement 28:22 113:10 189:23 294:9,9

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involving 155:10 jail 38:24 286:4 joanne 51:17 52:12 judeo 129:8 irma 232:4 242:10 jails 123:17 273:25 275:12 judge 167:23 irreparable 239:23 james 93:5,19 94:3 276:8 233:12 248:24 irresponsible 157:14 159:12 job 9:12 22:19 249:7,17,21 250:10 243:23 160:15,16 250:5,5 23:13 57:12 90:20 251:3 270:19 ismail 222:18 251:17,18,21 146:8,17,19 174:24 272:23 273:9,13,14 225:17 253:14,19 270:25 175:14 199:16 273:15,18,19 israel 24:5,7,8 271:6 217:12 252:12,22 307:14 172:16 269:14 jane 218:17 220:14 253:7 270:5 271:8 judge's 295:10 issuance 275:4 220:15,18,19 221:6 285:25 286:2 judger 273:16 issue 8:18 20:25 january 295:16 jobs 77:22 78:21 judges 167:20 21:21,24 22:17 jareth 293:11 152:21 166:4 187:2 168:2 229:19 38:13 44:14 113:13 297:16 joe 106:4,6 212:5 272:13,19 273:11 114:22 143:25 jason 161:15,18 214:1 297:20 295:12,15,25 296:4 186:24 197:19 259:7 john 1:22 40:20 301:25 233:20 261:20 jeanette 24:6,21 140:8,9 142:7 judgment 60:17 277:15 285:19 jefferson 36:9 215:13 83:8 179:2,4 292:15,17 305:3 jennifer 14:4,6 johnson 12:23,25 judicial 65:7 issues 6:25 19:6 222:18 224:16 12:25 86:18 88:24 167:25 168:8,14,20 31:25 101:5 109:17 283:23 285:9 111:3 229:18,23 233:24 144:9 181:24 187:7 jeopardize 134:13 join 82:19 97:23 248:25 249:6,9,22 191:12 199:8 252:6 300:3 joined 2:21 155:7 249:24 276:2 277:2,3 jerk 132:15 jolene 119:6 121:13 judiciary 44:12 287:9 304:24 jermanovich 236:4 121:14 52:23 item 183:19 250:16 236:11 238:2,3 jonathan 202:15 judith 179:15 items 19:12 231:14 jerry 20:4 204:14 283:24 180:13 238:12 jet 31:1 287:13 judy 82:18,20 83:2 ix 176:15 261:9 jewish 43:24 45:23 jorgenson 237:24 84:15 86:20 204:16 j 85:2,5 131:22,24 240:19,20 206:4 jewonn 307:20 jose 1:17 julia 72:5 74:6,10 j 107:19 jews 43:16,24 joseph 5:21 51:17 julie 186:19 190:5 jack 190:7,10 jfk 6:8 51:19 157:13,17,18 190:6 244:18 255:14 jill 297:19,23 169:8,10 214:2 june 89:15 219:11 257:8 jim 222:15 230:24 216:11 218:16 219:12 251:22 jackie 291:13 235:15 253:16,22 259:8 junior 247:10 293:13 jinx 34:23 journey 92:2 99:2,7 307:22 jackson 185:3 jnc 272:24 226:4 jupiter 133:16,17 219:24 jncs 229:25 joy 103:18 134:9,16 135:7 jacqueline 231:8 joan 225:19 joyful 169:15,23 219:12 jacqui 1:22 180:22 joanna 60:1 joyner 1:19 2:25 jurisdiction 267:15 180:24

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jury 77:2 178:22 120:20 121:13 keeper 117:16 198:11,16 200:8 179:4 122:1,5,17,21 keeping 44:8 200:1 212:8,15,15,17,23 justice 40:15 71:4 124:15 125:18 266:22 295:12,18 221:22 258:22 84:7,9 105:9,18 127:20 129:18,22 keeps 283:18 259:2,13 260:1,3,7 106:10 142:15 131:15 133:11 keiser 1:20 2:25 3:7 267:10 268:22,23 153:17 155:5 162:7 135:3 136:21 52:10 157:2,10,11 288:23 293:22 169:1 218:17 137:25 140:5 141:6 161:14 162:10 306:20 220:14,15,18,19 142:4 143:13 145:4 163:11 166:13 kijanka 192:2 221:6 230:4 249:10 145:18,22 147:8 167:9 169:3,6 kill 156:8 262:25 263:16 283:18,19 148:16,23 150:19 170:20 172:12,14 263:12 justice's 230:18 151:12 152:24 175:24 179:13 killed 83:7 151:25 justification 50:9 153:2,5,9,13 155:2 180:21 181:4 154:19 181:17,19 justifying 159:25 156:22,25 157:12 290:13,14 304:23 216:6 219:11,14 k karlinsky 1:19 2:23 keith 300:14,18 220:1,3 3:10,11 kelleia 78:25 kind 61:11 63:2 k 177:1 kathalymas 230:25 kelliea 80:19 69:19 76:8 108:17 kade 297:19 katherine 145:5 kelly 28:15 31:13 109:21 124:9 kaiman 230:17 186:19 188:19,24 34:3 37:8 51:15 163:22 246:12 kaman 226:25 188:25 209:5 238:1 ken 110:6,9 112:3,5 253:9 289:4 294:1 230:14,15 257:10,13 306:12 kennedy 215:14 kindergarten kansas 89:15 kathy 61:16 62:16 kennel 89:23 138:11 209:18 264:22 122:18 125:20 100:24 101:19,22 kindly 2:6 kaplan 11:4,5,6,6 145:7 212:5,6 205:8 206:19 210:9 kinds 77:11 120:3 karen 25:2,4 259:9 245:9 294:11 293:22 259:11 katy 64:6 kennel's 90:11 king 35:18 37:8 karkason 270:25 kaufman 297:20 kennels 89:14 51:15 59:25 karlinski 69:4,5,14 kayaking 303:3 103:10 205:4 king's 111:21 72:2 73:24 74:5 kealey 97:22 99:25 206:17 265:10 kinsey 266:19 75:16 77:13,17 100:1,2,3 kept 45:2 52:19 269:11,12 78:23 80:18 82:11 keep 4:2 5:8,18 109:7 181:16 kirtman 25:3,8,9 82:14,17 84:17 12:18 18:23 19:4 205:22 kirton 69:10,11,12 86:11 87:7 88:19 28:12 54:3 73:20 ketaya 307:22 69:16,16 88:23 90:25 91:3 76:15 98:13 99:22 key 25:17 84:12 kitchen 83:2 93:3,16,20,22 94:1 100:7 108:20 137:19 198:21 kitchens 84:15 95:19 97:16,19 195:11 197:13,20 kia 111:3 kline 237:25 98:17 99:25 100:10 203:9 245:1,2,4,5 kick 258:22 239:11,12 102:8,12,16,20 247:1 258:18 kid 130:17 klompus 245:14 103:20 104:25 270:22 282:4 kid's 130:14 knee 132:15 106:20 108:3 293:18 295:24 kidding 279:18 knew 34:19 171:23 109:24 110:2,5 302:10 303:5 kids 15:16 30:21,21 knips 10:11,15,15 112:2 113:14 115:7 30:22 130:19,21 117:8,10,13 119:4 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [knock - lawyers] Page 350

knock 20:23 270:16 lakes 66:18 laura 60:1 222:18 know 6:22 9:10 kobach 209:17 lamont 222:18 225:17 236:3,10,12 15:7 30:18 32:3 kolodziej 70:21 224:16,17 257:9 34:18 40:10 41:10 koptenko 138:2,3,4 lana 216:13 laurie 57:7,10 45:18 49:12 51:11 138:5 land 105:20 166:2 law 22:20 35:4 51:22 56:22 60:9 korn 105:3,5 landry 7:25 57:21 62:1 76:11 62:2,9 66:10,19 kraft 79:2 80:19,20 landslide 45:15 82:3 83:3 84:5 85:25 94:25 102:22 80:21 82:12,15,16 landy 5:22,23,24 87:21 106:13 104:13,21 107:21 krebs 300:15 106:4,6 116:18 118:18 109:4 116:13 121:2 302:19,19 language 14:13 119:10 123:6 122:10 127:13 kreps 214:2 218:16 58:21 71:19 147:19 124:14 153:4,17 158:4 163:17 kreuz 276:12 194:7 246:5 249:2 155:5,9,10,21 164:21 178:2 179:9 kris 209:17 249:13,25 251:12 156:19 159:1 187:13,18 190:18 kristin 304:14 291:21 295:14 161:18 203:8,8 191:4,15 193:7,8,9 kunst 17:23 19:22 296:4 298:25 233:6,14 236:1 193:9,10,19 197:22 19:22 21:16,18,22 300:11 256:8,19 261:10,25 197:23 198:2,3 21:24 lanova 115:8 273:11 280:15 199:2 205:20 kuriata 297:20 large 46:6 149:15 309:9 212:11,16 214:13 kurt 100:12 102:17 163:2 187:14,20 lawful 262:21 218:19 221:23,25 102:18,20 188:11 229:5 233:2 lawmakers 225:12 223:18,25 224:7,12 l 286:15 laws 15:9 18:16,17 234:22 240:14 largely 185:13 18:18 19:15 22:20 la 46:1 246:8,9,17 247:22 246:14 78:13 99:22 116:17 labor 190:14,17,23 255:3,4 257:5 largest 22:9 81:2 149:18 150:12 191:2,17 266:4,6 268:9,12 198:20 288:13,14 171:12 219:15 lack 60:22 69:20 279:3,22 287:7 larry 119:6 122:1,2 220:10,10 221:13 148:11 206:18 294:12,24 296:20 lasting 66:7 221:15 223:4 253:3 282:23 299:1 297:9,10,11 298:5 lastly 30:24 217:11 lawsuit 130:7,9 ladavid 111:2 298:8,15 300:24 late 181:2 290:9 242:20 243:8 ladder 191:1 301:4 306:17 latest 276:22 lawsuits 182:24 lade 306:10 308:14 280:11 lawton 242:22 ladies 43:3 89:2 knowledge 16:1 latina 201:10 254:5 90:24 293:12 47:14 48:19 84:11 lauderdale 1:9 25:5 lawyer 232:18,22 lady 197:17 218:5 90:4 127:11 247:13 28:18 33:6 39:17 233:2,10 234:1 lagoon 117:18 299:1 41:3 54:22 55:11 lawyer's 232:19 lai 245:14 247:8 known 38:5 121:20 56:5 58:15 62:17 295:22 laid 168:21 169:17 156:21 207:18 70:23 79:5 93:10 lawyers 155:6 lajere 241:16 217:21 219:15 95:23 98:2 105:11 228:25 229:2 lake 117:16,18 307:11 151:16 201:23 232:20,22,23 233:3 192:14 198:15 knows 18:9 84:11 275:12 301:6 233:4,5,16,18 214:20,21,23,24 204:10 228:2 302:20 234:1 272:8,9,13

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305:6,8 240:12 251:17 legitimate 128:11 262:19 290:16 lay 128:4 306:12 legs 6:16 181:18 librarian 60:6 lazarow 163:13 leg 188:9,12,13,16 197:21 204:23,24 281:12 165:1 206:9 210:10 205:10 license 179:5,6 lazarus 253:18 legacy 27:7 lengthy 128:22 286:2 lead 34:12 143:9 legal 37:12 42:23 182:22 licensed 9:8 297:8 183:10 238:10,23 53:3 55:22 56:2 leonardi 276:12,14 302:23 303:8 244:7 254:11 59:18 99:13 219:4 276:14 licensing 101:5 265:17 282:25 221:15 222:5 229:3 leslie 244:17 licensure 9:9 23:18 leader 16:19 92:4 234:3 lessons 202:14 lie 74:25 133:17 legalize 21:5 letha 273:13 lies 71:22 112:23 leaders 127:9 legally 78:12,12,21 lethargic 6:9 293:19,24 leadership 254:18 221:19 letter 77:4 83:19,23 lieutenant 208:25 leading 27:22 legislation 8:12,13 84:3 209:3 172:24 8:18 112:12 242:9 letters 155:22 life 7:1,13 12:20 leads 126:21 244:4 299:18,22 158:2 18:12 19:17 22:12 leakage 152:3 legislative 8:19 letting 44:5 124:20 23:24 24:10 36:3 leander 143:14,16 90:19 113:9 128:8 127:13 150:4 52:20 60:7 61:23 learn 92:13 129:11 139:13 168:11,25 level 64:21 171:21 62:8 63:10 71:22 164:9 305:3 244:11 285:19 217:14 244:13 72:9 80:1 89:19 learned 83:14 legislative's 278:9 267:23 280:2,4,9 91:24 96:10 97:15 205:5,6,7,8 214:12 legislatively 76:19 280:12 118:19 146:5 learning 92:5 legislators 193:10 levels 171:19 166:23 169:16 193:19 218:12 legislature 22:18 296:16 301:3,9 173:11 228:9 leave 4:8 19:5 52:21 63:23 76:9 levin 31:15 34:3,4,4 241:22 243:5 29:20 87:17 170:25 76:17 87:16 115:2 271:2 245:11 252:12 180:11 199:6,17 116:21,23 117:1 levine 13:17 14:4,4 258:2,13 259:6 205:25 218:21 132:25 147:20 17:3,3 25:2,2 31:14 261:7 262:19 231:3 235:18 148:11 179:12 31:14 34:3,3 37:9,9 271:22 298:12 leaving 46:8 285:11 191:5,10,13,16,18 51:16,16 143:18 304:6 306:1 307:25 leavitt 25:2,4,4 207:20 229:9 230:3 levinson 279:15,16 lifeline 92:17 led 3:7,10 19:24 240:13 243:4,10 281:7 297:20 lifelong 102:4 149:16 254:7 279:2,12 levity 214:25 214:7 302:20 lee 112:14 166:10 280:6,13 281:2 levy 28:15,17,17 light 55:18 90:3 237:22,22 244:22 283:11,20 293:7 lewis 60:2 226:24 lightened 274:13 lee's 121:23 297:6 228:22,23 lightly 136:10 left 2:24 3:1,21 legislature's 22:19 liability 182:19 liked 101:11 79:24 83:25 133:8 23:13 liaison 13:13 74:2 likes 241:18 159:19 160:20 legislatures 124:24 liberties 88:17 lily 262:7 212:4 220:20 132:21 242:2 260:6 liberty 44:8 71:21 limestone 279:24 235:10 236:9 85:22 130:15

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limit 4:17 16:15,17 222:7 143:22 145:8 149:2 48:14,21,22,24 28:2 36:4 47:18 lis 166:14,17 151:15 163:15 50:21 66:1,23 67:2 69:8 145:15 187:3 lisa 1:16 11:3 12:14 166:23 167:15 67:4,6 70:4 102:6 237:16 276:23 12:21 14:3 16:24 207:10 208:23 115:21,25 116:2,25 295:25 46:24 47:2 283:23 232:1 251:21 117:5 119:24 127:7 limited 5:9 81:11 288:21 291:12 255:20,22 257:21 146:8,17 162:21 116:14 175:13 list 28:6 42:1,5,10 262:10 279:5 165:23 166:1,4 287:8 300:9 42:15,19,21 152:13 281:10 285:5 289:3 170:14 171:21 limiting 47:10 238:13 278:24 289:3,3 301:19 174:11,17,20 187:2 237:17 280:23 304:5 175:10,14 187:22 limits 15:1,3,22 listen 4:19 34:17 lived 42:2 255:21 213:3,4 223:20 16:4,8 26:8 47:19 35:12 94:22 livelihood 94:20 225:2,5,7 242:2,12 116:12 223:17 listening 52:6 298:14,15 264:18 276:1,2 225:5 252:8 264:18 113:5 196:24 livelihoods 90:11 282:21,22,24 295:24 207:12 lives 44:16 53:1 289:18 291:23 lincoln 111:4 litem 30:7 291:1 75:5 80:5,10 85:10 locally 19:6 239:4 linda 82:18,19 301:22,23 302:2,10 96:23 112:19 located 280:24 84:25 302:13,14 304:16 113:12 143:10 location 302:5 line 103:13 183:19 305:10 306:18 156:19 165:14 locations 216:6 212:24 271:16 307:6,12 308:7 219:13,22 220:11 locka 130:18 linebacker 219:25 literacy 193:1 227:23 266:2 long 4:13 15:11 lined 5:7 literally 31:10 301:12 54:3 55:25 66:6,6 lining 104:11 165:21 living 15:14 22:10 132:13 154:16,22 226:24 litigation 39:4,11 35:25 43:18 45:5 155:23 158:12,12 lippisch 1:22 3:4 182:22 264:12 45:10,24 69:24 165:9 182:21,23 180:22,23,25 litigator 273:5 78:17 153:23 154:4 234:24 247:5 252:9 182:10 184:8,11 litter 188:1,3 159:4 232:2 303:1 255:17,20 260:21 186:9,13,16 188:15 little 18:23 48:18 307:2 264:19 278:2 279:6 188:18,23 189:1 95:1,4 121:6 llorens 24:6,16,16 281:3 190:4,8 191:25 130:10 148:7 llosa 69:10 70:21 longer 16:11 22:10 192:6 194:9 195:13 151:22 178:20 70:22,23 39:25 40:9 45:11 196:25 197:6,9 253:2 257:11 273:4 lo 306:10 51:7 65:21 84:7 199:10,14,19 285:24 288:17,23 lobby 76:5 266:10 109:19 158:19 200:19 201:8,18 295:7,9 306:9 lobbying 286:20 165:17,22 187:8 202:2,11 203:1 live 2:19 15:8 31:18 lobbyist 198:2 234:21 245:10 204:13 206:2 207:7 31:20 33:6 53:4 252:1 look 27:4,24 30:11 208:19 210:3,20 62:20,22 70:11 lobbyists 76:8 42:7,8 67:19 77:24 212:1 213:25 216:8 76:20 78:8 79:5 local 4:24 18:10,13 78:4 82:12 95:16 216:11 217:25 89:4 93:9 99:14 19:15 25:13,16,21 95:16 101:8 103:4 218:15,25 220:13 103:23 108:12 25:22 26:3,5,6,7,8 106:13 117:5,5 220:17,22 221:8 140:4 142:20 26:9 47:13 48:12 123:22 176:14

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189:25 206:15 love 60:7 83:9 90:5 m maladies 189:13 249:10 259:23 95:9,10 100:23 m 107:20 male 307:10 296:13,18 297:10 103:10,14,16 ma'am 14:5 16:22 mallora 265:19 308:13 158:10,11 179:19 108:4 151:13 169:3 malnourished 6:11 looked 6:13 7:15 198:24,25 206:24 221:8 235:13 274:2 malnourishment 20:2 56:17 93:22 206:25 246:24 301:16 306:12 6:24 94:1 215:19 279:9 257:20 294:13,22 maalouf 122:19 malone 106:21,22 looking 119:20 298:2,16,17 304:6 125:19,20 108:4 looks 140:8 loved 84:8 154:23 machines 209:24 man 41:19 83:8,15 loophole 51:4,6,9 160:4 219:22 madam 55:2 60:25 113:3 219:15 220:3 261:23 274:18 275:8 madrasa 88:12 manage 66:2 lopez 222:20 284:19 magda 11:12 12:8 250:22 lorna 167:11,14 lover 159:5 180:14 12:10 managed 72:24 lose 23:19 144:11 265:3 maggie 51:17 53:11 134:11 183:7 233:7 179:5 203:12 lovers 67:18 103:7 56:23 65:3 management 161:9 285:25 286:2 loving 68:8 76:21 magrina 169:8,9,10 249:9 290:23,24 301:4 103:18 207:2 245:5 mail 53:21 56:24 manager 11:21 losers 181:17 245:6 265:25 304:3 86:13 294:18 12:4 31:1 56:7 losing 76:10 165:19 low 76:10 137:14 mailed 109:17 269:25 182:3 198:16 183:13 278:13 main 117:19 manatee 262:11 loss 47:13 lower 8:4 23:18 143:23 255:23 mandate 161:25 lost 6:12 17:6 30:10 183:21 304:8 165:25 250:16 129:10 152:19,21 lowest 194:20 maintain 100:6 292:11 190:13 219:14 lows 243:18 282:7 mandated 167:2 232:3 lucie 105:10 maintained 4:10 208:12 283:15 lot 17:8,13,16 lucky 92:15 maintaining 18:15 mandating 144:2 35:11 44:21 61:7 luis 273:18 26:1 146:14 252:15 213:11 67:1 104:21 123:3 lung 147:12,14 major 44:16 92:3 mandatory 15:22 123:3 144:18 150:2 184:21 185:15,20 178:5 181:21 167:20 229:14 161:8 189:21 199:8 185:24 186:5 242:21 247:11 manifestations 203:10 204:7 205:4 254:11 255:1 majority 45:16 60:11 213:13,20 214:12 300:21 301:3,6 63:12 69:24 120:17 manipulate 59:15 224:18,19 249:21 lungs 216:2 181:22 224:2 241:9 manner 134:23 266:4 298:3,14 luther 111:21 277:9 305:17 mantell 283:24 lots 117:1 luthum 273:16 maker 92:6 288:21,21 291:13 loud 37:18 lying 240:8 making 18:14 manufacture 134:1 loudly 64:23 lynch 266:20 268:3 48:13,15,24 61:25 manufacturing louisa 13:17,18,18 268:4,6 273:25 120:5 217:2 223:10 31:2 louisiana 267:22 276:8 223:24 231:7 manupella 54:7,21 303:14 lynn 266:18,23 285:20 288:12 54:21,24 55:10,10 268:5 291:9 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [maquire - member] Page 354

maquire 226:25 marriage 14:16 mature 208:6 meddling 19:7 230:14 196:4 277:6 maureen 10:11,15 media 101:2 112:24 mara 276:10 marriages 109:23 maurice 276:11 medicaid 22:22 marc 14:4 17:3 married 215:7 max 279:16 297:20 72:20 134:8 183:15 25:1 31:14 34:3 293:21 maximize 31:22 183:19 241:6 244:9 37:9 51:16 marry 109:25 maximum 123:19 medical 6:8,21,21 march 3:23 110:1 mayor 18:3 23:1 133:16 134:10 marci's 83:3 84:5 martin 111:21 mazza 31:15 33:5,6 134:16 135:7 marco 52:1 180:25 mba 135:21 166:21 185:3 196:6 marcy's 123:5 martinez 105:3,4 mbas 156:6 232:7 248:11,12 124:14 236:1 194:6 mccoy 266:18 277:8 marda 166:14 marvin 283:22 mcdaniel 259:8 medically 61:23 167:9 284:3 mckenna 131:17 62:8 101:24 marg 46:23 49:5,6 mary 54:6,21 55:10 133:12,13 medicare 22:22 margaret 276:12 88:25 89:1,3 mcnamar 97:21 72:19 134:7 241:6 277:25 281:9 148:17,20 149:2 mcnamara 93:6 medicated 7:3 margate 36:7 203:4 163:12,14 97:19,20,23,24 medication 106:2 240:21,23 241:1 mashhedoup 98:1,1 108:16 medications 22:11 maria 11:4 12:22 225:18,20,21 mdc 91:10,23 92:4 72:25 14:3 17:3,21 massachusetts 92:13,14 medicine 185:3 100:12 103:20,23 95:13 293:20 mdc's 92:7 254:16 255:7 mariana 210:25 294:11 mead 266:18 meet 23:7 146:17 marianna 208:21 master's 122:24 meales 40:20 146:19,24 193:17 marie 1:18 13:16 mat 287:3 meals 123:24 211:4 13:18 166:14,17 match 49:19 mean 20:17 53:19 meeting 2:1,4 4:13 marijuana 21:5 matches 42:19 59:7 90:8 95:14 55:6 68:25 69:2 marine 66:18 materials 4:8 130:13 160:5 73:13 98:5,6 110:12 152:11,14 mathis 138:2 140:6 164:17 210:10 266:23 309:11 258:1,3 matt 141:6 211:10 298:16 meetings 2:5 4:19 marjorie 253:17 matter 22:4 87:16 303:12 4:20 mark 86:17 87:10 90:7 99:14,14 means 88:5 92:6 meets 146:10 187:20 119:23 138:11 96:8,12,16 137:17 melina 202:18,20 market 22:23 72:17 197:12 219:19 173:4 212:14 228:1 melissa 138:2 140:6 73:9,22 134:6 248:13 270:15 measure 64:12,17 140:6 136:11,12 144:25 291:7 94:5 185:23 224:21 melody 20:1 183:25 195:5 matters 40:21 55:2 measures 25:24 melting 43:13 285:14 63:21 274:18 167:24 225:1 230:9 member 43:5 47:10 marketing 111:14 matthew 140:8 241:8 277:16 58:2 65:18 80:25 242:22 141:8 214:3,6 mechanic 42:13 110:15 225:22 marlow 35:17 215:5,9 mechanics 107:7 252:20 259:12 273:8 275:2 289:13

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300:20 307:12 68:2 70:24 74:11 46:13,14,18,20,20 mislead 75:14 members 15:13 91:9 98:20 103:23 46:21 218:2,2 misleading 74:17 16:6,10,20 26:9,25 125:22 126:12 291:14 75:2 305:7 50:25 58:25 64:25 131:21,23 149:2,4 milone 108:11,11 misnamed 107:9 69:12 85:4 110:23 177:22 182:15 109:25 177:25 113:22 116:10,12 185:2,9 203:19 milt 245:14 mispronounce 126:15 136:2,14 212:7,10 231:11 mimi 68:1 10:13 192:2 202:17 179:9 181:12 211:6 234:12 247:9 mind 5:19 111:4 mispronouncing 239:16 240:9 248:5 251:23 273:12,15 159:12 173:5,12 186:17 248:23 252:8,11 273:17 288:12 197:13 missing 176:16 259:3 260:6 264:19 294:4 310:4 mine 84:6 177:3 274:12,16 296:2 mic 160:14 minimal 154:13 mission 92:7 memorial 110:16 michael 150:21 159:23 160:11 146:20 184:6,10 185:3 155:4 208:20,23 minimize 31:22 185:10 211:3 229:1 memory 84:2 michele 163:13 133:24 282:13 men 60:12 61:7,9 michelle 69:10 minimum 107:14 mississippi 152:6 94:9 166:24 70:22 125:10 144:17 mistake 94:18 mendez 283:23 microphone 55:3 286:7 148:5 227:12 289:12,13 mics 110:8 minister 45:13 mistakes 189:17 mendoza 89:1 91:1 mid 42:10 minoque 216:13,14 misti 12:22,25 91:3,5,8 93:4 middle 177:3 minorities 138:23 mistreatment mental 308:15 190:15 198:12,15 272:20,22 158:17 mention 53:16 70:7 273:4 279:18,19 minority 290:15 misty 88:24 98:8 164:6 179:8 midst 83:11 minute 53:24 68:24 mitch 143:14 mentioned 135:16 midway 295:19 98:25 235:12 mitigate 133:1,2 177:2,3 212:11 migrants 46:1 minutes 4:17 5:9 mitigation 280:2,5 247:15 299:16 miles 90:16 118:12 5:13 53:20 69:9 280:9 mentor 149:19 256:18 257:18,19 110:6 178:20 181:8 mix 304:9 260:3 303:9,17 186:21 212:3 mizrahi 276:11 mentors 92:11 milestones 92:5 minzer 214:3,6,13 model 24:10 163:4 173:13 millennia 32:4 214:20 215:5,5,9 253:1 254:22,24 merely 262:21 million 19:23 216:10 296:17 297:2 meritus 185:4 120:12 126:14 miracle 64:12 modern 27:9 message 282:15 152:1,19 165:20 miramar 251:22 modernization met 242:2 251:9 166:9 183:18 195:5 mircia 11:13 12:1 104:7 method 144:3 227:18 243:3,6 miriam 218:18 modest 112:10 282:13 270:9 219:2 modification 38:7 mexico 78:1 144:25 millions 76:6 126:9 mis 266:4 mom 100:18 156:2 152:4,10,13 134:17 misinformation 199:23 212:8 miami 21:8 25:9,19 mills 41:17 44:19 103:4 265:8 266:5 288:22 298:9 25:25 31:18 38:24 44:20 46:5,6,10,11 307:18

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moment 137:23 morals 50:3,4 85:8 murders 21:8 142:7 145:7,23 235:20 moreno 28:15 muslim 41:9 46:1 147:10 149:1 monetary 252:16 29:24 30:3,3,5 58:2 151:14 153:16 money 7:2 9:5 morning 42:4 mutamba 231:9 155:4 157:15,17 15:17 23:25 33:12 284:2 232:15 158:25 161:17 37:4,5 41:6 43:22 mornings 34:16 mystery 279:8 162:13 166:17 54:15 55:14 56:19 morphine 286:23 n 167:14 169:9 73:5 90:12 101:20 mortis 215:23 170:23 172:17 n 200:20 101:23 107:24 mother 19:15 41:8 174:6 176:1 179:17 nadia 194:10 130:9,12,23 131:4 56:6 57:11,12,15 181:3,6 182:14 nadya 192:2 144:18 147:20 62:1,1 65:16 121:2 184:14 186:17,20 nagy 60:1 156:7 182:3 188:7 155:10 156:19 186:22 189:2 nails 206:14 195:8 198:18 200:2 159:15 160:17 190:10 192:10 namay 10:12 200:13 220:8 223:9 187:25 201:5 202:7 194:13 195:15 name 2:15 4:19 223:15,16,23,24 215:10 197:3 198:3,14 7:10 10:23 11:16 224:2 231:19,23,25 motivate 128:18 199:9,23 201:1,3,4 11:19 12:1,10 239:20 240:1 motivating 128:20 201:9,20 202:6,16 13:11,18,23 16:24 243:19,24 244:14 motivation 91:25 202:19 204:19 18:2 19:22 24:16 246:13,15,22 253:7 motor 154:18 207:9 208:22 24:21 25:4 26:23 255:2 258:19,20 move 46:4 145:2 210:24 212:6 214:5 28:17 30:2 31:17 259:1 260:16 269:1 194:11 212:18 216:13 219:2 221:2 33:5 37:11 39:16 282:10 287:20 271:3 283:25 294:3 221:5 222:19 41:1 42:6,18 44:19 296:23 299:23 294:6 299:4 300:2 224:16 225:20 47:2 50:12 51:19 302:8,11 moved 42:7 89:20 227:4 228:22 229:6 52:12 53:11 54:8 monica 86:17 88:20 89:22 265:13 230:17 234:11 56:4 57:9 58:12 88:21 moves 160:14 235:18 236:12 60:5 61:3,17 62:16 monies 36:13 47:25 moving 5:8 243:20 237:23 238:2 64:6 65:15 67:10 47:25 96:15 295:10,20 239:12 240:20 67:10 69:15,16 monitor 77:12 mubarak 37:10 242:16 245:19 70:22 72:6 74:9 month 57:2,3 111:1 41:1 169:8 247:8 250:6 251:21 79:1,4 80:20 82:21 152:1 190:2 muddled 247:1 257:10,11,13 83:2 84:25 87:9 months 45:10 multiple 4:18 5:10 259:11 260:20 89:3,17 91:7 93:8 152:3,21,22 205:12 5:12 154:6 206:11 262:2,10 264:1 93:19 94:3 95:22 205:16 286:4 294:3 207:3 225:9 265:1,19 269:11 98:19 100:14 294:5 multitude 256:10 271:3,5 272:7 103:22 108:11 moon 148:17 mumby 57:8 59:24 276:13 278:1 110:11 112:5 moorehead 20:1 municipalities 279:16 281:9 284:2 120:24 121:14 moral 76:12 162:20 18:19 48:15 293:2 287:13 288:21 122:2 124:18 morally 111:9 munoz 222:18 289:12 290:2 125:20 127:23 243:22 225:17 293:13,21 295:3 129:24 136:23 297:22 298:21 138:4 140:10 141:8 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [name - nine] Page 357

301:18 303:22 nebraska 42:7 189:22 204:25 nephews 109:20 304:14 306:13 necessarily 270:1 208:15 264:9 282:3 net 300:12 308:4 necessary 73:20 302:1,13 network 68:12 named 118:5 147:5 166:22 needing 90:8 159:9 92:10 177:20 names 10:13 309:4 175:12 237:5 needlessly 87:19 239:14 nancy 10:24 37:10 249:14 needs 16:15 18:9 networks 104:6 37:12 necessities 146:8 23:7 28:22 55:18 neutral 210:7,18,18 naples 72:12 need 8:6,11 12:17 72:23,23 73:19 neutrality 300:12 265:21 293:16 15:20 20:3 21:9 104:12 137:21 never 7:17 35:1,10 294:6,7 22:16 23:4 36:1,13 142:22 144:5 60:15 83:14 140:20 narcotic 286:23 37:4 40:11 46:22 146:11,25 159:25 143:5 151:4 166:25 287:3,3 53:5,8,24 54:4 173:2 175:11,19 210:18 214:16 natalie 59:25 55:13,16 58:6 61:9 194:7 211:5 213:7 241:25 284:6 237:25 239:12 61:21,24 62:13 224:1 229:3 234:20 285:22 303:15 nathaniel 310:6,13 66:22 72:13,16 241:15 251:9 new 15:23 64:24 nation 32:1 43:15 73:3 99:7 104:7 258:22 279:9 73:9 95:25 111:5 81:2 91:21 111:5 106:10 108:20 295:14 296:5 302:8 132:24 134:2 116:5 126:21 137:9 109:7 114:22 needy 77:21 141:16,17 164:2 139:10 140:15 123:14,15,16 negative 73:15 183:11 190:23 278:15 124:13 128:11 259:24 215:21 252:22,22 nation's 71:20 136:1 141:22,22 negatively 19:9 257:23 92:20 172:24 143:6 146:7 156:7 142:2 news 53:20 107:11 national 9:24 19:13 160:1 162:8 175:10 neglect 90:13 199:5 52:13 85:2 89:11 177:24 178:21 155:10,14 189:11 newspaper 164:2 110:16 113:18 183:6,6,8 193:2 305:21 181:21 150:10 158:3 198:14,24 200:8,11 neglected 105:24 nga 89:16 201:10 241:2,4 202:13 207:1 106:3 nice 52:7 124:2,3 254:22 267:17 208:15 209:3,4 negligence 155:19 nicole 1:23 nationally 269:5 215:3 221:12 162:6 nicotine 185:22 280:16 226:18 231:19,20 negotiable 200:4 nieces 62:25 63:1 nationwide 68:12 233:20,22 237:15 negotiating 134:11 109:20 118:2 244:14 246:21 neighbor 170:4 night 83:15 160:25 native 74:11 247:2 252:22 neighborhood 219:23 257:7 natural 52:4 63:7 256:11,12 260:15 43:21 259:5 309:10 79:24 274:7,13 275:5,7,8 neighborhoods nightmare 31:4,9 ncjw 85:3 278:12 285:21 19:9 23:19 nikki 226:24 near 155:6 256:17 286:7,12,16 287:1 neighbors 128:1 228:23 278:15 288:3,16 302:14 nelly 202:12,19 nimbly 127:7 nearly 69:21 needed 91:25 nelson 273:25 nine 21:6 45:6 100:24 141:13 101:24 127:11 274:3,5 95:13,15 126:23 164:23 167:4 137:15 160:18

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212:12 257:19 116:18 121:23 oath 221:14 222:2 officially 138:19 294:3 124:22 125:3,4 222:4 officials 15:7 18:10 nineteen 114:17 126:2 132:5 137:3 obey 220:9 18:13 87:18 109:3 ninth 200:11 137:10 197:14,14 obfuscating 75:14 222:3 276:25 289:9 noise 197:16 200:9,15 211:14 object 36:20 293:5,6 nominated 273:3 212:12 229:16 objectionable offshore 80:16 nominating 168:20 231:14 259:14 299:12 118:23 119:2,19 229:24 264:5 275:23 276:3 obligated 236:23 151:22 194:4 227:8 non 20:5 31:23 293:18 295:23 obliterated 223:14 230:21 256:13 55:5 120:12 164:7 numbers 46:6 obscene 166:24 257:18,19,23 303:5 172:6 264:15 numerous 138:17 observing 132:2 303:9,11,17 285:18 287:3 288:7 obtain 146:3 oftentimes 161:22 288:24 307:3 nurse 10:7,24 obvious 112:10,21 189:11 266:4 nonexistent 83:14 13:19,20 130:3 271:11 oh 11:17 54:24 nonprofit 113:18 nurses 159:16 obviously 28:11 93:20 102:14 266:25 nursing 5:25 6:7,20 82:6 264:6 299:5 112:24 210:14 nonsense 166:7 76:24,25 77:10 occupancy 183:13 255:14 norma 253:14 92:3 105:12,24 183:14,17,19,21 oho 148:18 normal 156:19 106:2,12 131:24 occur 7:1,5 133:5 oil 119:19 151:24 norman 266:18,23 132:16,22 153:19 occurred 132:16 152:1,3,4,8 256:13 north 135:8 155:5,9,13,18 242:11 284:6 256:17 257:17,23 northern 152:9 156:2,5,14 159:3 occurring 132:19 258:13 263:1 notch 127:14 160:21 161:22 oceans 119:22 303:12 note 107:7 139:8 162:1,6 177:21,23 offensive 299:6 ok 214:2 noted 241:7 178:8,10,13,17,21 offer 130:20 160:3 okay 10:21 12:8,22 notes 8:1 135:10 179:5 183:4,8,10 247:4 259:25 25:2 31:14 34:6 239:19 294:18 183:11,14,20,23 offered 63:25 37:9,23 55:9 64:3 310:9 184:1,2,4 187:23 offers 173:16 73:24 74:6 88:25 noticed 4:13 188:22 189:6,14,16 office 7:15 15:9 93:21 95:13 105:5 notified 83:5 124:7 189:25 214:10,11 16:3,12 70:6 121:12 129:20 notify 124:9 214:18,22,22 215:3 230:18 269:13 140:7,7 143:17 noting 288:8 240:23 241:10,19 officer 135:6 153:2,5,13 156:24 nova 2:9 118:18 242:1,12 171:16,17 188:21 189:1 192:7 122:23 123:1 309:5 nutritional 262:24 officers 116:15 197:22,24 198:9,17 nra 158:2,4 o 172:1,5,9 269:20 199:7,8 200:22 nsa 222:23 291:20,25 309:9 218:20 220:22 o 148:22,22 306:10 number 8:7 9:17 offices 16:16 65:10 221:11 222:14 o'campo 200:22 10:8,19 11:1,22 242:3 250:14,15,17 224:5 225:17 202:3,5 12:6 13:8 17:18 official 16:11 96:11 228:21 231:7 o'conner 193:15,17 20:20 30:8,17 221:14 303:20 235:11 236:2,8 oakland 67:11 51:11 83:20 108:15 248:4 250:4 256:23 271:6 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [okay - orban] Page 359

257:13 266:18 44:16 47:11 51:1 70:12,25 79:4 242:19 248:8 270:24 285:3 54:12 73:22 80:11 80:23 83:17 91:7 250:25 259:20 old 35:25 55:20 91:23 96:2,25 97:9 95:24 98:21 103:22 261:14,16 264:20 114:9 160:18 212:9 107:13 120:8,10,18 107:2 113:16 266:16 275:13,13 232:6 245:2 252:19 127:15 131:10 115:11 125:24 277:10 282:19 279:4,19 288:1 160:2 176:18 126:13 131:20 288:6 293:17 294:1,3 295:17 196:13 209:9 227:7 133:2,15 134:25 298:24 299:15,19 296:5 298:10 288:18 289:15,23 142:16 143:7,9,11 299:22 301:13 older 22:9 62:23 opened 45:21 149:19,21 166:1 306:14 262:15 307:9 126:13 172:23 173:8 175:7 opposed 17:17 oliveira 208:21 opening 33:9 36:21 177:6 182:13 184:7 135:24 158:12,13 210:22,25 opens 33:17 97:12 192:9 201:22 184:21 194:3 oliver 190:7,9,10 operate 129:12 210:23 230:16 201:12 245:22 190:11 255:14 134:5 232:13 233:16 253:15,15 259:15 257:9 operated 156:5 236:14 240:17 272:18 294:8 olson 150:21 185:16 215:14 242:5 247:17 opposing 248:18 151:13,14,15 operates 184:2 258:15 272:3 287:18 152:25 operating 9:8 276:15 278:4 opposition 72:12 ombudsman 163:19 281:13 296:9 84:20 87:3 115:17 132:13 operational 183:22 297:24 303:23 119:2 132:14 135:2 once 5:11 60:15 operations 250:23 304:21 137:23 147:16 61:2 70:12 71:3 operator's 101:23 oppose 8:2 22:5 157:6 179:19 103:17 121:17 operators 132:22 25:12,15 26:13,19 184:16 187:5 124:16 148:13 opiate 286:17 28:19 29:22 31:19 202:22 207:22 162:10 163:9 opinion 79:20 96:4 33:7,21 34:7 35:23 211:14 230:19 169:24 205:24 248:13 298:23 41:4,15 44:24 231:4 233:5 235:22 212:11 257:2 opinions 124:11 49:12 70:15,16 239:14 240:24 290:17 303:20 260:23 79:6 85:15 86:6 250:9 253:25 274:6 oncology 185:5 opioids 67:24 88:21 93:10 94:5 291:17 292:13 one's 277:7,8 opportunities 94:23 99:20 108:13 293:17 296:12 ones 28:13 69:25 86:15 92:8 127:15 125:4,8,13,14,16 297:16,24 301:1,1 84:8 88:16 104:12 139:3 141:17 143:1 132:5 133:21 301:20 120:2 154:24 160:4 146:23 166:3 177:23,25 180:20 oppression 109:1 181:18 201:13 173:16 176:19 192:17 195:18 optimism 45:8 206:20 219:23 237:10 258:8 196:11,12,22 option 104:14 244:25 256:1 275:9 272:22 200:14 201:6,15 115:2 257:3 259:25 284:19 opportunity 4:15 208:24 213:8 259:25 283:11 onstad 253:16,16 12:1 14:8 27:1 216:16 217:7,11,23 optional 165:12 opa 130:18 28:12 36:16 40:25 225:1 231:13 234:2 orange 21:13,14 open 7:9 15:23 44:22 46:16 49:10 236:15 237:1,13,14 orban 45:13 17:15 36:14 39:10 58:11 65:20 67:19 237:18 239:8,17

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orcas 158:19 overs 23:23 118:5,10,12 121:15 parole 124:8 order 4:6 47:17 oversee 9:11 122:3 135:8 142:8 286:24 136:19 182:4 209:11 144:14 171:1 176:2 part 23:9 32:19 307:15 oversight 73:19 193:18 214:8 219:3 40:17 59:10 64:8 orderly 260:10 126:6 189:18,21 285:10 66:25 77:3 132:4 ordinary 15:8 238:20 267:13 palmer 306:10 177:25 219:17 organization 29:17 282:23,24 palomino 12:24 238:6 284:13 37:7 52:13 79:14 oversights 189:7 13:11,12 participate 129:10 85:3 96:24 113:19 overtone 61:12 pam 74:8 78:23 136:5 177:21 181:21 overturned 264:14 79:4 participation 18:20 267:1 overwhelmed panel 289:6 96:9 207:11 organizations 9:5 22:13 pangione 167:12 particular 41:7 44:6 134:12 236:19 overwhelmingly paper 40:19 199:9 50:9 77:20 82:4 260:17 299:14 32:23 88:8 243:11 209:24 272:17 95:1 176:6 177:16 original 59:7 owe 15:18 papers 163:21 228:9 275:21 118:25 140:22 owl 105:22 164:4 292:15 243:8 owned 65:18 par 118:6 particularly 16:1 originally 243:14 owner 31:7 57:19 paramedic 219:9,9 57:22 66:3 67:5 orlando 198:19,20 58:14 65:17 89:16 219:10 176:7 183:9 202:9 orthopedic 135:20 156:2 158:8 188:4 paraphrasing 202:23 225:3 290:8 orwell's 60:8 205:1,1 265:18 261:8 parties 129:14,16 otto 148:22,22,23 294:6 pardon 151:20 partisan 209:6 148:25 150:20,20 owners 101:19 parent 228:12,16 254:17 289:5 150:23 104:11 132:22 246:11 267:4 partner 99:2 153:4 outcomes 178:16 165:24 181:25 304:17 155:4,21 219:13 241:7 182:2 205:2,10 parenting 196:6 270:8 outdated 265:8 206:20 245:1 parents 34:21 partners 7:16 outlawed 164:11 p 48:13 81:10 104:17 270:18 outlawing 164:18 140:17 149:14 partnership 184:3 p.m. 1:10,10 4:14 outpatient 286:14 156:13 159:7 242:18 296:10 4:15 41:25 outs 265:17 188:22 189:5,9,9 party 45:13,15 p144 262:13 outside 56:13 215:7 189:14 192:22 50:22,25 120:12 pack 294:2 outstanding 174:3 198:17 246:13 289:17 package 21:19 296:25 259:4 268:15,16,23 pass 8:6 28:1 64:17 50:19 overall 139:1 park 67:11 156:14 75:25 112:12 120:3 paid 9:3 22:21,24 overdue 165:10 271:6 141:2 145:16 29:6 123:24 179:4 252:9 parker 175:24 208:14 213:18 190:2 205:1 240:6 overheard 164:8 176:1,2 274:1 217:1 294:10 overlooked 84:9 parks 49:8 302:21 passage 19:24 painted 56:11 90:2 overreach 27:17 parochial 130:13 236:16 261:17 palm 18:4 89:4,23 196:1 291:22 102:25 117:17,24 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [passed - perspective] Page 361

passed 8:15 15:9 pay 54:14 76:9 51:2,4 52:8 53:12 pepe 89:17 57:4 68:15 76:2,11 123:24 130:8 136:4 60:18 62:5 65:8 perceive 101:3 114:12 128:10 144:20 145:1 69:7 70:6 71:14 percent 118:2,2,4 130:5 161:5 191:4 190:16 256:7 78:20 82:4,7,9 percentage 126:22 194:16 243:11 268:17 84:22 94:20,23 149:15 261:18 256:16,19 292:20 payer 79:8 98:10,10 101:3,8,9 278:22 passengers 189:23 payers 9:3,5 182:24 101:11 102:2 103:1 perception 164:6 passes 250:16 191:6,8 104:21,22 108:8 perez 64:5 65:14,15 passing 5:2 35:24 paying 144:16,17 109:11,13,22 65:16 67:8 172:21 payment 242:23 110:18 111:6,7,7 perfect 113:7 passionate 246:8 payments 134:9 123:16,21,22,22 171:17 191:11 passions 35:23 55:1 242:25 128:10 131:11 281:6 294:20 pat 108:11 peace 70:15 199:1 136:4,6 144:10,16 perfectly 215:15 path 99:4 169:16 274:9 144:19 146:13 performance 116:4 169:18 peddled 103:5 151:10,25 158:11 performed 227:20 pathway 173:14 pediatrician 159:6 161:22 performs 246:19 pathways 142:23 242:17 164:15,21,22 perish 111:8 patience 69:3 peers 163:7 169:21 170:10 permanently 100:8 236:10 peggy 5:22 171:7 175:3 181:3 permission 55:3 patient 72:22,23,25 pelleton 245:10 190:21 191:21 perpetuate 225:12 132:2,6,12 133:9 pelrine 93:18,19,21 192:3,22 193:6 perpetuated 235:4 178:15,23 184:23 93:24 94:3,3 194:1 195:8 199:1 person 16:12 63:8 189:11,12 275:2,3 pelriwe 93:5,17 203:10 209:21 79:24 83:18 85:6 patient's 178:9,24 pelton 110:6,9 210:12 213:14 89:25 221:2 261:5 patients 8:5,24 112:3,4,5 218:20 219:21 263:2 303:10 9:17 17:15 23:7,11 pembroke 84:16 221:2 223:18 232:9 person's 63:10 80:1 73:10 133:7 159:18 308:6 233:7 234:18 83:8 204:1 261:7 185:14,17 274:10 penalty 262:17 238:17 245:3 personal 30:21 274:11 286:10 penalver 105:3,4 252:19 257:4,22 40:8 47:14 74:23 patriarch 6:5 pendency 155:12 267:6 268:14 97:6 135:10 139:1 patricia 6:16,20 peninsula 279:23 269:22 270:2,3 159:14 169:12 13:17,23 106:21,22 pennsylvania 34:14 272:3 276:23 187:9 196:4,6 108:4 35:7 278:18,21,24 279:4 227:22 248:11,12 patrick 230:4 penny 194:12 284:14 285:1,17,23 248:13 274:8,10 patti 199:23 195:14,15 286:4,21 289:7,23 277:7,8,8 299:7 patty 236:4,11 pensacola 25:17 292:16 293:3 personally 75:24 paul 219:8 people 4:18 15:4,20 294:13 297:25 91:16 103:13 109:5 paula 221:5 15:23 18:21 20:2 298:3,5,7,12 301:5 129:1 135:18 pave 173:14 39:20 40:17 43:18 307:2 308:11 172:20 246:22 pavement 175:8 44:21 45:23 46:4,7 people's 15:15 perspective 66:8 46:23 47:16 48:23 64:22 298:14

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perspectives 47:6 piece 136:7 177:4 19:18 25:15 26:4 301:14 303:18,18 pertain 248:11 pieces 78:11 26:13,19 28:1,1 306:12 308:1 pertaining 40:8 pigs 76:16,17 29:22 30:2,16,22 pleased 3:5 86:23 pet 187:22 pines 84:16 308:6 33:2,7,7,19,21,25 pleasure 176:3 peter 93:6 97:19,20 pipeline 162:18 35:15 36:4 37:21 251:20 252:3 98:1 127:21 129:22 290:25 41:19 42:25 44:15 pledge 3:9,13 98:7 129:24 143:18 pit 288:9 51:24 54:23 57:6 plenty 86:14 petit 7:25 8:1 pivotal 20:10 57:18 60:21 65:9 136:11 petition 40:19 place 7:18 9:15 68:11,20 69:14 plight 189:4 145:14 12:18 18:17 25:25 70:15 72:1 73:22 plus 121:17 pets 76:20 207:2 92:13 124:25 140:4 76:21 81:24 82:18 plymale 176:5 pettit 5:22 10:3,4 184:20 212:20 87:17,25 88:10,16 pneumonia 154:6 phantom 256:14 223:3 246:11 253:4 93:15 94:18,21 pob 263:19 phase 67:14 163:16 289:17 302:9 95:16 100:7 103:19 pockets 104:11 164:24 271:18 placement 89:7 105:14,17 106:13 131:5 phd 135:20 307:4,15 106:16 113:12 podium 157:15 philanthropic 29:7 places 209:21 129:23 131:6 145:2 point 4:22 6:10 philip 262:6 264:1 221:24 145:16 157:13,15 21:18 47:7 117:22 philipson 161:16 plainly 271:11 160:13 161:15 117:25 118:9 162:11,13,14 plan 73:2 163:13 164:23 139:11 210:17 philosophically planning 62:4 166:15 167:10 239:15 241:18 29:18 plans 70:2 169:7 179:14 181:2 279:11 philosophy 171:5,5 plant 262:22,24 181:6,6 186:18,20 pointed 97:7 phone 53:17 86:14 263:11 194:12 195:10 points 25:18 148:2 101:6 plantation 195:16 196:11 200:14,22 148:7 phones 2:6 301:19 201:13 202:15,24 police 21:9 76:6 photos 293:25 plastic 124:4 204:11,16 205:25 269:24 phyllis 12:23 13:5 plates 124:2 205:25 210:19 policies 15:14 physical 35:8 platforms 118:14 211:23 213:15 38:23 77:24 110:20 188:14 234:6 play 162:21 165:13 214:3 216:21 160:11 241:14 246:18 187:16 217:10,23 220:4,11 policy 20:13 78:16 physician 17:7 played 91:19 126:8 221:3 222:17 223:2 85:1 142:24 154:13 physics 107:16 playing 113:11 223:6 224:15 227:9 156:1 252:5 305:22 pick 73:10 187:17 232:5 239:16 245:5 305:24 picked 213:22 plays 174:23 246:19 247:1 polished 103:1 picking 131:5,9 plaza 177:19 248:16 258:14 political 16:16 86:7 194:2 plea 244:21 261:14,22 263:19 99:19 142:25 picture 68:1,6 plead 60:21 271:4 272:2 282:16 247:11 pictures 163:25 please 4:18 5:13,18 289:23 297:21 politicians 110:24 187:13 7:21 10:13 11:1,16 298:24 299:4,9,14 politics 96:25 209:6 16:23 17:24 18:4 299:19,21 300:2 289:5,21

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polk 21:14 positives 114:18,20 practicing 158:25 presents 156:3 poll 208:11,13 possess 262:15 167:16 232:20 preserve 27:20 polling 41:24 263:4 233:11 279:17 33:7,21,25 79:21 209:21 possesses 139:20 pray 141:4 99:17 111:15 168:5 polls 209:14 possessing 262:22 prayer 35:5,8 172:10 238:8 poltz 208:11 possession 286:8,9 praying 274:11 248:16 pompano 100:4 possible 39:4 78:16 pre 39:1 96:20 preserving 183:14 143:22 207:10 78:17,18 147:3 precedential 40:9 227:17 230:10 276:16 174:15 248:1 279:6 precinct 41:24 president 16:18 ponce 204:16 206:4 possibly 9:11 41:20 precious 40:18 52:13 62:18 102:5 206:4 42:22 90:15 199:20 predicament 99:12 112:14 115:13 poor 131:6 187:7 206:10 preempt 25:16 26:5 133:16 140:14 190:21 246:14 post 123:13 138:15 preemption 19:3 144:12 165:2 176:2 252:17 164:3 230:20 177:19 215:9 pop 156:2 posted 205:16 prefer 129:1 225:21 228:24 popular 182:4 pot 43:13 107:21 preference 20:8 233:10 241:16 208:11 potatoes 245:7 preferences 96:18 273:2 280:18,23 population 46:3 potential 66:1 96:2 pregnancies 98:25 290:3 146:12,16 175:6 97:8,9,12 107:3 pregnancy 53:2 presidential 20:24 180:7 245:24 187:3 59:17 99:1,6,11 150:2 278:18,20 286:16 potentially 184:18 187:25 228:6 pressure 156:21 301:5 pounds 6:12 pregnant 55:24 prestigious 170:5 poreda 82:17,19,21 poverty 258:17 99:1 188:2 pretty 81:21,21 82:22 power 16:13 45:16 premised 74:25 199:4 porous 279:24 48:13,25 84:11,11 96:21 preuss 222:16,19 port 105:10 133:4,4 168:23 premises 97:3 222:20 224:12 portia's 307:17 171:21,24 198:24 preparation 43:17 prevail 136:11 portion 63:5 159:2 198:25 213:5 225:2 preparatory 211:4 prevent 132:18 portions 44:16 230:1 263:23 270:3 prepare 222:1 233:16 262:24 pose 224:20 282:20 280:5 296:21 position 16:13 21:8 powerful 286:23 prepared 35:14 preventing 180:9 51:3 59:4 142:25 powers 38:20 168:6 40:20 62:6 73:18 240:1 195:10 209:2 230:6 253:2 103:3 prevention 147:22 270:21 272:16 practical 164:22 preparing 139:4 148:1,3,3,4,5,8,12 292:8 practice 28:21 146:19 148:14 186:3,6 positions 125:7 34:21 96:14 121:25 present 59:11 239:21 243:1,20,25 292:3 123:2,3 148:8 65:20 74:13 145:14 244:15 254:3 301:9 positive 139:23 164:19 214:9 229:8 presented 38:14 301:10,11,11 173:21 260:11 233:14 267:16,22 307:13 prevents 180:3 positively 263:16 practices 33:20 presently 209:1 previous 50:17 242:22 86:23

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previously 40:7 140:23 151:3,6 probation 286:24 professionals 116:17 166:20 195:20,23 problem 102:16 265:15 266:9 price 134:4 144:22 195:24 201:12 112:20 133:4 professor 111:14 pride 19:15 103:15 202:9 203:23 162:12 203:16 119:10 185:4 primaries 50:23 213:10 217:20 219:17,17,18,20,22 professors 173:13 120:8,10,18 131:10 218:7 227:13,14,18 233:20,22 profile 233:8 209:9 227:7 252:18 227:22,24 228:4,5 problematic 67:5 profit 72:8 73:12 289:16,24 228:11,16 248:6,9 problems 26:3 103:6 135:7 162:1 primarily 97:1 248:10,16 261:5 48:21 114:3 144:15 177:20 180:19 167:15 185:15 276:21 277:6,11 164:5 179:25 191:6 238:20 285:19 256:4 289:2 299:7 232:7 244:2 246:3 304:2,9 primary 20:24 private 27:2,19 procedurally 65:22 profitable 245:3 83:10 129:13 28:21 29:25 30:13 proceed 173:25 profits 223:10 146:20 261:24 47:24 52:20 63:10 proceedings 71:12 271:21 262:4 301:10 65:9 75:5 80:1,5,10 71:13,14 310:8,10 profoundly 85:6,18 prime 45:13 81:8,13 96:7 97:5 process 8:19,20 progenitor 49:25 prince 100:12 97:15 104:15 123:2 9:12,22 15:25 19:3 program 17:12 105:1,1 123:2 130:13 156:5 23:17 90:20 113:9 30:7 66:12 81:20 principal 193:5,6 166:21 184:2 116:19 125:9 128:8 95:7 101:25 107:11 principals 260:8 223:16 224:23 128:13,22 172:4 122:25 148:9 principle 168:6 227:22 231:24 183:6 191:20 175:18 183:16 275:22 237:7 238:17,19,24 207:12 267:14,24 184:17,19 185:6 principles 171:8,12 246:13 248:14 272:24 186:3 194:16,24 printed 50:16 258:20 260:17 processes 233:7 213:24 239:21,24 prior 6:19 261:7 275:18 produce 152:17 240:4,12,15 243:5 prison 123:20 277:18 280:24 209:24 243:15 246:9,10 prisons 123:18 281:25 308:8 producer 104:1 254:4,9,12,13,15 286:20 290:25 privately 97:11 product 26:10 31:1 254:21,24 255:2 privacies 217:15,16 289:3 195:5 291:1,2 296:15,17 privacy 14:12,15 privilege 12:2 production 94:9 296:24 302:10,13 20:25 27:10,13,19 131:22 193:16 productive 143:10 304:16 305:10 27:19 28:2 39:22 privileges 52:2 259:3 308:7 39:22,25 40:14,16 prize 174:23 211:8 productivity 208:4 programs 15:11 40:21 52:16 54:3 pro 62:18 76:5 products 23:1,3 23:4 67:4 72:20 58:22,23 59:7,8,9 105:22 178:4 144:24 240:7 297:7 73:6 146:7,24 59:22 60:12,13,18 305:11 professional 22:14 175:14 244:13 60:23 62:24 63:2,6 probably 4:23 92:1 139:3 140:1 260:16 278:11 63:7,14,18,19,24 49:17 93:25 118:11 185:13 296:21 297:6 65:8 70:3 74:15,19 157:7 158:10 professionally progress 27:9 74:22 75:2,6 79:22 169:15,23 218:20 71:24 40:12 70:14 119:12 80:7 99:10 140:19 228:2 295:4 243:19

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prohibition 41:5 22:1,2 24:12,13 126:2 127:18 128:4 229:14,22 230:19 115:3 209:13 25:15 26:4 27:12 128:14,23 130:2 230:20 231:5 233:5 263:22 27:25 28:1,9,19 131:8 132:5,14,15 233:15,19 234:5,14 prohibits 48:6 29:23 30:8,17,18 132:18 133:6,20 236:15,16,20,24 57:24,24 30:23,24 31:19 135:2 137:1,21 237:1,12,13,18 project 233:8 234:4 32:1 33:3,7,17,21 138:7 140:2,16 238:9,14,23 239:15 projected 9:7 33:24 34:6,7,11 141:4,10 142:11 239:23 240:25 146:23 170:14 35:15,24 38:5,6 143:10,25 145:3,11 242:20 243:18 promise 239:25 39:10,12,19 40:5 145:14,17,25 244:6,22 247:14,16 promised 3:17 41:4,15 43:7,20 146:21 147:6,17,17 247:18,18,21,22 215:18 44:5,11,13,15,25 148:5 151:9,18 248:6,7,8,18,18,20 promote 15:6 89:12 47:10,21 48:11 153:22 156:11 249:1 250:9,11,11 139:18 49:11 50:11,14 157:24 158:7 251:2 252:24 256:5 promotes 121:21 51:8,21 52:16 160:13 161:19 257:3,16 258:16 267:19 54:11 55:13,20 162:9,15 163:2,10 259:20,20 262:12 promoting 137:18 57:17,22 58:8,17 166:8,24 167:17,19 262:14 263:20 promotions 147:12 58:20,24 59:16 167:19,21 168:18 264:11 267:12 prone 195:9 60:10 63:3 64:8,19 168:21 170:17 269:16 270:13 pronounce 197:3 65:2,5,11 67:13 171:3,3,4,7,18 271:18 272:2,16 pronounced 79:1 68:15 69:18 70:5 172:8,22 174:1,9 273:7,7,20,22 proof 164:1 70:16 71:2,5,8,19 175:22 176:4 177:7 274:6 275:6,16 prop 11:11 24:18 72:1 74:13,16,25 177:24,25 178:17 276:5,20,22 277:4 25:6 41:19 43:1 75:3,21 76:21,23 178:18 179:19 277:5,10,21 278:6 53:17 54:2 68:11 76:24 79:6,10,18 180:15 181:13,23 278:8 280:1,3,7 68:21 98:14,15 79:20 80:8,13,15 182:6 183:3,5 282:21 283:9,9 163:16 164:24 81:6,7 82:1,13,23 184:6,16,21 186:23 284:3,8 285:16 167:7 194:14 210:7 84:13,21 85:25 192:17 193:1,24 287:2,19 288:6,24 238:12 245:8 86:24 87:3,13,18 194:6,7 195:18,22 289:4,15 291:18 302:23 303:18 87:19 88:1,11 196:10,12,13,22,23 292:14,22,23,24 propagating 91:12 93:10,12,15 196:23,23 201:7,7 297:17,17,25 158:19 94:5,24 95:2 96:1,1 201:15,24 202:8,23 298:24 299:5,10,15 proper 18:15 68:7 96:4 98:23 99:9,21 206:1 207:14,15 299:15,16,19 146:17 187:6 100:7,8,9 102:24 208:24 209:8,9,10 304:25 305:12 properly 154:25 103:19 105:14 209:12 210:23 306:5,14 308:2,9 175:1 187:18 269:3 106:15 111:10,15 211:23,25 213:1,3 308:25 309:1 property 231:20 112:6 114:1 115:5 213:10,15,16 proposals 3:18,22 proposal 6:3 8:7,10 118:15,25 119:17 216:16,16,16,17,18 4:1,3 5:12 25:12,13 10:8,18 11:1,22 119:18 120:8 216:22 217:7,11 26:14,20 27:11 12:5 13:3,8,14,21 122:10 123:5,7 225:4,6,11 226:19 28:8,11 47:8 50:19 14:1,10,14,21,22 124:12,22 125:4,7 226:21 227:6,8,10 50:21 69:20,22,23 15:1 17:1,13 19:2 125:8,13,13,14,17 227:10,11,13 69:25 80:24 81:24

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85:13 87:13 103:25 propositions 204:8 63:14,25 74:19 88:4 108:25 109:2 115:16 118:22 prosecution's 79:15 86:7 99:18 134:23 139:2 120:4,6,15 125:3 71:11 109:2 113:19 141:16 173:23 128:2 130:10,24 proselytizing 33:18 122:24 196:1 280:1 237:3 242:8 294:10 137:23 168:5 proserpi 212:5 280:4,8 provider 83:10 180:20 182:16 214:1 protections 8:21 providers 8:10 192:15 224:19,19 prospective 78:6 33:1 39:22 58:22 72:21 73:22 308:14 224:24 225:10,15 296:1 71:15 74:22,23 308:14 229:12 237:14 prospects 174:25 75:6 80:4 195:23 provides 24:2 259:15,23 275:15 prosperity 137:20 196:11 276:21 36:15 43:9 75:1 275:21 277:19,21 137:20 protects 44:8 79:23 80:3 138:14 281:14,21 282:1,8 prostate 301:7 109:10,12 134:20 138:22 142:15 282:17,19 288:7 protect 19:3 27:11 196:2 300:12 152:13 178:24 292:20,25 293:1 32:13 33:19 40:18 protestant 44:1 195:25 300:3,6 41:22 59:8,9 71:9 protestants 44:1 providing 22:25 propose 54:18 76:17,24 80:6 proud 89:16 91:8 72:9 173:3,8 174:2 124:12,21 85:14 111:18 92:25 121:2 126:15 187:22 211:3 proposed 8:17 117:19 119:25 127:13 132:2 241:11 25:22,23 39:19 154:23 161:25 157:18 158:8 provision 28:20 71:12 90:18 121:23 167:24,24 168:17 179:20,22 198:17 29:15,21 32:19,24 264:6 170:18 189:7,23 198:18 245:20 33:8,22 38:5,6,17 proposition 19:19 203:22 213:9 254:25 267:4 39:7 41:14 44:7 22:8 24:24 44:24 240:10 247:3 proudly 58:1 79:7,12 85:19 88:2 49:11 50:2,10 56:9 256:11,12 261:14 prove 139:11 176:15 180:2,8,11 56:22 61:19 72:15 282:17 291:6 proven 71:10 93:12 272:20 273:8 73:23 74:4 85:15 305:19 306:6 112:17 148:11 provisions 117:2 87:3,5 94:23 98:3 protected 28:21 240:15 263:1,11 261:10 100:5 107:8 108:14 38:10 53:6 73:21 provide 8:4,23,25 provost 125:21 109:18 120:1 85:19 132:7,9,10 9:2 15:19 58:22 prudente 220:15 122:10 124:21 152:8,12 165:14 73:11 103:15 220:20 221:5,5,11 131:2 146:25 155:6 171:20 176:13 104:19 108:22 prying 80:7 165:9 227:9 229:25 177:8 230:5 260:25 125:25 126:5 psychological 238:9 239:18 263:3,4,8,10 134:17 136:1 123:14 245:23 253:15,15 269:19 137:13 157:15 public 3:17 20:7 254:1 256:21 protecting 19:10 160:7 174:14 25:14 26:10,13,16 261:14,16,21,22 19:17 38:20 44:4 175:18 182:3,4 27:12 29:8,16 30:9 262:4 266:16 76:18 240:11 186:7 196:8 275:8 31:21 34:11 36:14 272:11,12 273:10 304:20 305:8 279:7 301:10 36:14,24 43:15 295:8 296:12 301:2 protection 27:13 306:15 47:3,23 48:3 50:4 301:13,20 303:5,24 27:15,19,21 28:2 provided 32:8 55:13,16 56:7 39:21 40:13 59:14 39:23 63:11 80:2 57:24 75:19 81:4,6

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81:8,11,13,23 287:16,17,21 205:17 207:1 208:10 82:25 86:4,12,15 299:23 300:1,3 215:18 232:8 235:6 quinonez 197:3 96:2,7,10,11,22,23 public's 82:2 238:12 254:19,20 199:20 201:1,2,4 97:15 101:5 104:3 publicly 75:8 257:3 264:21 quite 119:14 192:4 104:4,10,11,17 288:23 284:12 298:6 quo 252:15 111:16 113:12 pull 129:1 303:18 quotas 97:14 115:12 116:8,20 pulled 42:14 302:8 puts 202:9 quote 94:25 113:1 117:6 125:15 130:1 pulmonologist putting 7:7,18 113:7 130:12,15,18,25 300:19 108:24 118:6 r 138:8 140:25 punishment 122:14 143:25 195:9 r 310:1 142:12 154:17 285:12 305:22 race 32:9 43:23 157:3 165:21 puppies 265:23 q 50:22 59:19 89:14 166:22 167:4,24 puppy 274:20 quaker 41:9 95:7 100:20 104:20 175:3 176:18 180:3 pups 245:5 qualified 42:13 188:4 234:17 184:2 192:21,25 pure 89:17 159:17 233:23 racer 89:22 193:1,21 196:14,19 purely 186:2 272:22 racers 68:14 198:9,21 203:9,11 purge 20:23 quality 8:4,25 9:18 races 47:12 68:21 212:10,17 218:10 purports 58:21 12:18 18:12 23:10 90:12 165:13 221:24 222:9,21,24 purpose 75:14 29:12 66:8 73:16 racetrack 206:7 223:1,3,5,8,15,16 85:22 118:25 176:8 81:22 104:19 245:6 224:20,22 225:10 187:1 227:13 262:3 133:19,23 134:20 racing 67:14,21 225:13 231:15,17 282:16 134:23 135:6,14 68:6,22 75:22 76:5 231:19,24 232:10 purse 28:24 136:2,15 137:8,13 76:12,14,15 89:6 232:11 236:19,21 pursue 146:5 146:4 174:15 89:14,16,17 90:11 237:4,7,15 238:4,8 262:19 182:25 237:4,6 90:23 94:6,11,21 238:10,16,25 239:3 pursued 47:19 239:2 241:2,4,8,12 95:9,12 102:24 239:5,7 245:20 purview 287:10 241:22 258:13 112:7 114:5,6 246:20,20,23,24 push 56:1 92:12 261:11 267:14,20 115:1,3 119:17 251:24 253:3 266:9 275:20 281:22 121:19 158:12,13 254:16 255:5,7 pushed 128:10 282:7 158:21 163:17,17 256:11 257:14 pushing 212:16 quantity 137:7 164:1,5,6,10,12,16 258:18,19 259:1,5 put 4:11 18:16 40:6 question 32:6 164:20,25 165:20 259:17,24 260:13 46:1 50:18 51:25 108:14 116:13 165:25 166:1 261:2,12 262:12 56:25 64:10,12 150:25 180:15,16 181:14 268:7,13,15 270:17 68:15 94:22 103:11 questions 32:15 182:5 186:24 188:5 270:22 274:21 106:1,1 116:21 quetti 11:4,5 12:14 198:6 210:18 275:16,20 276:18 124:25 128:16 12:22 14:3 16:24 234:14 235:8 276:25 277:17 141:23 144:24 16:24 244:24 245:1 265:9 278:10 280:1,23 156:13 179:10 quick 235:12 236:6 265:15,18,25 266:9 281:15,18,20,23,25 182:7 186:25 quickly 46:15 271:19,19 293:18 282:2,4,18 287:15 191:20 195:3 129:6 137:20 298:8 303:25 304:1 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [racinos - reconvening] Page 368

racinos 165:8,12 ratings 9:18 117:25 101:4,8,10 106:4 reckless 7:1 95:15 racist 131:2,3 139:10 107:25 108:19 recognition 127:4 167:6 217:9 286:7 raton 120:25 120:7 121:20 recognize 39:6 radical 111:25 130:20 140:11 128:19 200:8 54:25 81:9 92:16 radio 17:11 214:17 220:18 221:12 171:10 199:6 211:2 raiding 243:6 ravages 185:15 239:1 252:25 211:10,22 rail 175:8 ray 131:17 135:4 254:13,19,22 255:4 recognized 40:21 rain 64:14 226:25 230:14 255:5 268:18 92:22 97:24 137:5 raise 200:24 201:23 raydor 266:8 283:13,18 286:16 137:9 138:3,9 204:17 218:19 raymond 61:16,17 289:6 298:1 299:1 162:12 226:17 233:20 261:17 61:17 135:5 reappear 44:14 241:20 280:16 raised 41:9 64:21 reach 22:12 149:21 reason 3:15 45:12 recognizes 147:2 70:24 96:15 145:9 reached 243:18 49:9 69:19 75:22 recognizing 91:17 182:14 198:11 reaching 92:4 112:7 132:6,13 126:25 246:16 247:9 reaction 35:9 139:12 181:13 recommend 18:6 raises 167:20,22 132:15 184:20 189:22 174:8 308:9 raising 228:8 297:7 read 3:25 34:20 220:6 245:2,4,21 recommendation ramifications 35:4 40:22 63:4 245:22 255:23 47:18 250:10 62:10 67:22 82:22,25 257:21,22 261:17 recommendations ran 105:25 198:10,22 204:9 270:9 273:20 280:13 rank 137:10 234:7 257:11 271:1 278:23 284:7 recommended ranked 226:9 272:17 280:7 reasonable 70:19 186:12 296:16 278:13 reading 34:17 157:8 308:18 ranks 278:14 107:15 253:14,17 reasons 45:19 96:5 recommends rapid 285:13 253:18 113:25 115:4 132:4 254:23 rapidly 173:2 readmissions 24:1 255:22 259:14 reconsider 14:10 rare 118:1 ready 5:7 69:8 reassurance 53:5 19:18 70:17 85:25 rarely 205:2 226:23 228:7,10 recall 256:15 86:5 87:1 168:18 rate 9:16 22:24 233:17 receive 7:17 23:11 229:22 230:8 72:20,22,23 73:4 real 7:6 198:18 72:21 103:6 123:11 247:15 249:25 146:13 175:7,16 238:8,16 239:7 143:8 187:6 263:19 276:20 194:19,22 274:17 284:11,18 received 23:12 84:3 277:13,20 288:25 rated 186:5 241:5 realities 252:13 174:22 204:25 reconsideration 250:19,19 reality 58:22 155:8 255:1 307:21 39:19 167:18 rates 22:22 183:13 realization 185:18 receives 72:25 229:14 291:8 306:6 183:14,19,21 realize 51:5 149:11 133:9 reconsidered 40:5 194:18 239:25 238:17 284:15 receiving 68:7 reconsidering 240:16 297:12 reallocated 277:18 212:23 275:3 289:7 247:21 262:12 ratify 133:1 136:25 really 21:24 36:20 receptive 269:22 277:3 rating 118:3,4 37:17 54:1 63:17 recess 68:24,25 reconvening 69:2 250:20 66:4 90:21 100:20

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record 4:9,10 14:21 refused 76:5 112:9 regulatory 9:22 relationship 102:1 86:5 94:22 205:21 191:10 23:14,16 249:18 270:6 205:24 237:23 regard 36:3,16 rehab 155:11 relationships 16:8 253:14,17,19 151:7 240:21 released 156:18 272:14 regarding 38:22 rehabilitation relegated 49:3 recorded 4:20 90:10 108:15 160:22 relevance 211:16 records 114:4 115:16 138:7 reimbursement relied 16:7 recourse 162:8 210:24 227:7,10,23 22:22 134:6 religion 33:11 recovering 156:17 230:19 253:3 rein 64:25 34:10,15,19 35:13 recreation 258:6 280:11 reinaldo 115:8 43:24 49:12,22 303:3 regardless 53:4 117:13 61:13 70:7 79:16 recreational 66:16 59:18,19,20 72:22 reinhardt 277:24 107:11,14,18,18,19 recruited 306:22 104:19 136:3 278:1,2 107:20,23 108:1 recruiter 170:8 289:19 reiterate 36:8 109:12,13 180:2,4 red 108:7 156:20 regards 216:17,22 268:4 180:8,10,11 192:19 redact 249:12 289:14 reject 25:13 26:4 192:21 212:20,22 redland 108:12 regional 304:15 28:1 30:8,17 33:24 218:9,12,13 238:15 redress 178:22 registered 10:24 74:12 87:13,18 238:25 288:3,5 reduce 9:20 14:15 13:19 102:25 98:2,15 102:23 religions 33:14 130:17 166:8 131:11 209:15 103:19 167:7 111:12 192:24 183:22 185:23 registration 216:24 178:16 182:18 201:15 reduced 73:8 148:9 regnier 46:24 201:24 213:2,11,16 religious 28:21,23 148:10 243:4 50:12,13 218:6 225:9 227:9 28:25 29:3,5,17 reduces 23:25 regular 15:23 266:16 276:2,5 32:14,15,16,21 178:25 101:14 rejected 32:23 33:13,15,20 36:19 reducing 9:6 regularly 89:11 38:14 77:10 236:24 36:22,23 37:2,6 185:10 94:12 118:22 247:22 41:7,12 43:22 44:5 reduction 194:18 regulated 9:4,25 rejecting 213:10 44:6,7,8,8 47:24 reese 306:9,13,14 136:10 178:11 rejection 96:1 48:1,8 49:14 54:13 reestablish 18:7 189:19,21 rejects 145:14 55:15 56:15,18,21 referral 286:13 regulates 178:8 related 96:4 168:19 57:25 61:12 79:8 refers 50:17 regulating 112:13 170:2,7 185:21,25 79:14,16 81:7 reflect 111:20 regulation 23:17 195:1 229:22 240:2 85:15,17,19,22 158:14 73:19 76:8 77:11 244:3 301:6 87:4 88:1,5,7 96:3 reform 50:20 189:6 215:3 relates 250:10 96:8,14,18,20 97:4 101:17 106:12 regulations 8:11 251:2 299:16 97:11 98:10 104:15 112:9,18 198:20 76:18 110:20 relating 195:24 104:20 107:9,10,22 reforms 113:20 161:12,13 293:23 249:2 107:23,25 108:22 refrain 108:5 294:2 relations 196:5 108:25 109:6 refrigerator 307:1 regulators 132:21 247:12 130:19 158:4 192:18 196:14,19

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196:20 200:3 14:1 17:1 24:13,19 77:19 79:9 94:7 requests 5:10 212:19,21,23 24:24 25:6 33:2 116:8 125:5 131:21 require 78:19 99:8 223:15 224:23 50:10 54:11 73:23 153:21 159:22 254:1 257:24 278:6 238:14 246:9 74:4,21 86:6 183:4 207:13 272:15 required 64:15 258:20 259:17 184:4 209:14 301:24 305:14 73:1 83:19 128:17 260:16 261:1,3 251:11 266:16 306:2 229:16 275:17 277:18 275:6 289:5 representation requirement 36:25 281:25 282:12,14 removed 12:17 177:13 233:4 305:4 71:6 233:21 272:12 282:15 287:21 23:20 48:25 representations requires 115:18 299:13 removes 57:23 155:23 147:19 167:22 relocated 110:13 removing 25:13 representative 275:19 rely 109:21 258:3 41:13 243:24 146:22 179:14 requiring 76:11 274:14 281:23 190:1 78:5 209:24 210:1 relying 161:24 renal 6:11 representatives 297:8 remain 8:16 38:19 renamed 229:6 113:6 178:3 256:16 rescinded 11:9 116:1 127:2 129:15 renatta 192:1,10 represented 30:15 rescue 67:15 206:6 291:20 305:23 render 156:9 138:19 174:18 rescued 68:2 remainder 230:22 rendered 40:7 175:1 243:2 308:10 rescuing 204:20 remaining 3:22 renovate 282:6 308:20,22,23,24 research 103:8 remains 9:14 rentals 19:7 representing 19:23 116:2 147:23,24,25 139:17 163:5 reopen 258:12 19:25 147:13 148:1,13 149:23 262:20 303:10 rep 102:7 153:18 159:3 198:9 195:8 239:20,22 remarkable 139:3 repairs 104:8 202:21 214:9 238:4 243:21 244:7,12 remarkably 14:14 repeal 32:23 34:8 268:16 304:19 246:24 254:2 255:6 remarks 4:2,17 5:7 38:8 85:21 115:20 represents 232:20 255:7,8 300:22 125:25 287:8 repealing 29:14 reproduction resembles 42:20 remedies 208:9 48:5 183:10 196:15 145:15 reserve 74:14 remember 52:1 repeat 101:16 reproductive 14:18 reserved 171:11 55:21 57:6 81:17 109:10 259:13 63:21 74:23 85:10 reside 39:17 56:4 158:1,6 209:5 replace 125:15 109:19 196:5 159:9 240:3 257:12 report 75:24 201:11 resident 14:7 35:20 remind 84:18 267:18 280:5 281:1 republic 299:11 41:2 43:4 49:7 104:22 247:17 310:7 republicans 120:11 58:15 62:17 65:16 reminded 111:1 reported 161:9 131:12 289:18 67:12 70:23 80:21 reminder 5:8 17:24 233:9 repugnant 111:10 92:24 95:25 105:11 28:5 157:3 287:7 reporter 310:6,13 request 4:2 30:8 109:8 121:15 122:3 reminds 112:18 reporting 75:25 103:24 183:3 127:24 142:8 removal 50:9 112:23 114:11,12 273:22 285:15 157:18,23 167:14 remove 8:8 10:8,19 reports 67:22 requested 140:24 180:14 183:2 11:2,22 12:6,11 represent 6:5 30:1 requesting 54:10 195:16 201:23 13:3,8,14,15,21 30:22 66:11 71:11 212:7 218:3 227:5

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241:16,17,19 respond 127:6 203:4 230:4 238:3 184:14 262:7 255:18,21 260:21 response 286:18 251:22 281:11 richly 132:3 271:6,17 275:12 responsibilities retiree 149:3 rick 1:6 2:10,16 276:16 278:2 249:21 250:15 retirees 22:9 rid 51:9 275:7 298:23 299:21 responsibility retirement 229:15 ride 307:21 302:20 308:5 57:15 133:18 187:4 295:10 ridiculous 90:14 residents 18:13 228:8,11 251:13 retiring 68:14 217:22 299:17 76:25 105:12 117:9 responsible 270:2 return 15:5,8 65:23 rifle 158:3 131:25 137:14 270:10 97:13 236:8 right 2:22 14:11,15 138:23 139:21 responsive 175:11 returned 154:4 14:18 27:16,23,24 154:25 174:13 rest 103:1 107:1 156:18 38:1 39:21 40:1,2 182:23 189:8 121:10 129:20 revealed 34:14 40:14,15,16,18 241:22 242:5 130:23 156:9 219:5 revenue 43:10 51:16 52:16 57:4 residing 157:21 235:3 278:20,22 166:4 243:7 261:1 60:12 62:12 63:6,7 resolution 178:24 restating 202:16 278:9,14 63:8,24 70:3,10,10 281:4 restoration 64:10 revenues 152:20 70:18 71:7 74:14 resolve 208:9 restored 243:15 reverend 12:25 79:21,24 80:12 resources 66:2,7 restrict 58:23 70:1 86:18 88:24,25 83:4,5 86:3,8 87:20 67:3 183:1 233:10 70:17 99:10 142:25 143:14,16 273:25 99:11,19 105:2,5 260:7 178:21 274:5 105:18 117:12 respect 38:24 55:4 restricting 62:12 reverse 264:23 128:21 133:8 65:5,6,6,8 171:9 restriction 281:24 revert 291:24 140:21 143:5 232:24 295:9 299:2 restrictions 195:21 reverted 292:3 148:23 151:5 153:7 306:3 rests 171:21 299:13 153:12,15 157:21 respected 248:12 result 34:12 72:17 review 280:10 161:2,21 166:20,20 299:8 131:4 146:23 285:15 292:20 184:13 189:3 respectfully 4:1 155:19 250:21 revised 52:17 195:13,19 196:7 10:7,18,25 11:7,21 resulting 146:9 revision 1:3 2:4,17 203:25 204:2,3 12:5,11 13:2,7,13 183:12 258:11 8:20 27:5 50:17,18 213:10 217:15,20 13:20,25 16:25 results 15:18 179:1 139:19 232:17 218:7,9,10 220:9 24:11,18 25:5,11 183:18 288:8 309:7 223:4 227:17,21,24 27:20 40:22 74:3 resume 188:5 revisited 48:9 228:4,5,11,16 95:24 98:22 103:24 resurrect 70:16 revolution 112:1 232:1 242:7 248:16 118:23 121:5,22 resurrected 247:19 reward 292:16 254:11,17 261:5 141:2 179:18 248:7 reyes 172:16 174:6 262:18,20 263:4,5 182:17 304:24 resurrection 174:6 263:6,8,10,14 respective 18:15 292:24 rhonda 60:3 61:15 265:20 266:3 129:15 retained 6:4 ricardo 31:15,18 272:19 277:11 respectively 97:10 retired 29:9 30:5 rich 18:25 130:16 287:1 288:19 289:2 229:13 47:3 74:10 89:5 richard 64:5 67:11 297:18 305:13 107:5 142:9 169:1 175:25 181:5

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rights 8:21 20:9,25 roberto 273:18 rulers 15:4 saltzman 231:1 21:4,25 27:10,12 robertson 46:24,25 rules 64:24 69:6 sam 89:18,18 52:2,3,4 57:1 58:23 47:2 49:2,3 222:16 110:20 120:15 sammons 197:2 59:8,22 61:10 230:24 235:15,16 132:24,24 213:6 199:20 62:24 63:2,19 robin 61:15,17 249:22 293:23 sampling 210:1 64:10 70:1 77:1 106:20,21,22 295:19 sandi 82:17,19,22 87:22 93:13 100:21 robinson 270:25 run 9:4 47:16 90:16 sandra 105:3,5 104:23,23,24,24 272:6,7 300:15,18 90:19 103:16 156:4 172:15,18 193:15 105:9 109:14 300:18 306:11 206:25,25 239:4 193:17 111:19 123:9,9,12 robust 26:16 254:24 266:14 sandy 60:2 124:5,7 132:3,6,12 rockway 20:1 272:23 294:7 saphier 202:14 133:9 168:9 178:1 rodney 273:19 runcie 78:25 115:8 saphire 203:3 178:9 181:10 rohrbach 277:25 115:10,12 117:9,12 sarah 276:12,14 192:18 200:15,17 281:8,10 running 16:2 50:22 sardinia 244:17,19 201:12 216:24 role 91:19 126:9 260:9 289:6 294:8 sarubbi 150:22 217:1 227:14 242:1 134:13 162:21 runs 71:8,19 153:1,1,3,4,7,11,15 248:10 261:14 165:13 174:24 rural 23:18 73:7 153:16 262:14 263:15 romantic 274:20 183:9 sat 7:4 271:8 275:25 277:6 ron 241:16,25 rushed 154:8 save 9:5 73:5 76:13 285:16,22 305:1 ronne 35:18 36:6 ruth 266:19 268:4 187:2 220:10 306:4 ronnie 41:16,18 268:6 301:12 rigor 215:23 roofs 232:5 ryan 276:10 279:15 saved 194:24 ringling 158:15 room 154:8 210:13 s saves 23:25 53:1 rise 179:18 231:20 215:22 228:2 saving 239:25 s 228:24 240:16 286:19 289:23 243:5 sacred 27:20 96:6 risk 22:25 97:5 rooms 286:15 savings 8:24 9:2 sacrifice 150:25 136:6 202:9 271:23 roots 19:10 183:15 194:18 sad 215:4 217:17 risks 41:14 159:18 rosa 57:8 58:12 saw 45:25 46:18 safe 45:11 53:3 rita 143:18,19 rotation 15:22 81:3 98:4 113:7 56:2 59:17 73:21 230:24 rotted 7:4 118:21 123:20 99:13 246:3 261:11 rivas 283:23 284:2 round 20:15 307:1 262:23 263:11 284:3,23 285:8 routinely 137:8 sawyer 229:7 270:22 306:21,24 river 174:22 211:6 roy 74:8 77:17 saying 51:10 53:21 safeguard 169:2 roaches 307:1 rubio 52:1 59:12 88:13 102:23 248:5 road 3:16 197:25 rule 18:22 19:4 259:19 274:18 safely 266:14 256:9 26:2,5 33:25 51:8 297:25 298:5 safer 90:23 robbed 83:8 57:21 70:17 87:17 says 50:2,15 63:7 safety 266:12 robert 17:23 35:17 119:23 171:10 230:5 296:1 270:17 37:8 51:15 59:25 204:4 213:3 250:12 scare 166:5 207:25 sake 7:2 78:25 115:8 122:18 264:7 275:16,25 scars 187:14,20 salary 113:3 124:16 273:16 293:1 188:11 206:11

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scatter 303:9 264:18 266:25 281:25 282:2,4,18 sect 48:8 49:22 scenario 286:9 267:4,5,14,17 282:20,23,25 79:14 scharff 291:13 275:16 276:2,18 287:15,21,21 sectarian 43:11 293:12,14 279:19 281:12 299:24,24,25 47:22 49:22 180:5 schauer 61:16 282:6,7,14,22 schwartz 82:18,19 236:17,18 62:15,16 64:2,3 287:15,16,17 84:18,23,24 85:1 section 29:21 43:8 scheckwitz 60:2 288:13,14 307:17 science 247:12 52:16 74:15 79:22 schifino 1:20 3:3 307:22 280:11 85:21 114:23 132:9 schifino's 120:14 schooling 14:16 sciences 107:16 132:11,12 147:18 schneider 86:17 schools 26:11 29:8 scientific 66:13 261:1,4,9 262:17 87:8,9,10 29:16 30:11 34:11 scientist 135:21 263:3 scholarship 307:21 34:15 43:21,22,23 scooby 187:21 sections 132:9 scholarships 260:5 43:25 44:1,2,3 scott 2:16 214:5 260:24 261:13 school 15:1,13 16:2 47:24 55:14,16 254:19 257:9 sector 138:8 182:22 16:9,14,20 26:7,8 56:7,15 81:7,8,13 293:21 secular 33:12 81:12 29:11 30:9 34:25 104:3,7,10,12,16 scraping 212:14 81:12 88:4 96:6,12 35:5,6,8 41:10 104:18 115:13,25 scuba 110:14 96:16,17,18,22 43:12,16 47:3,10 116:4,20,22 117:6 118:20 97:4 98:5 47:12,16 48:11,21 125:15 130:1,13,18 sculptures 78:10 secure 261:11 48:21 56:10,19 130:19 142:13 sea 158:18 280:2,4 secured 87:20 81:1,2,9,15,18 143:3 146:10 280:8,11 302:23,25 security 78:2 107:14 115:14,20 196:14,21 200:1,2 303:8 123:19 170:6 115:21 116:9,12 200:3,4 203:10 seabright 60:1 209:19 249:4,11,15 118:18 125:4 212:10,17,19 sealed 215:22 253:7 270:16,17 130:15,17,22 218:10,11,11 seat 15:23 69:1 see 4:12 17:12 28:6 149:11,12,17,21,24 221:25 222:21 seats 163:25 32:25 35:6 38:17 150:5,8,12,16 223:1,5,9,15,17,20 sebesta 276:9 43:14 52:8,10 169:19 185:2 224:6,21,23 225:3 second 9:17 23:22 53:15 55:18 56:9 192:12,13,14,25 225:7,13 231:20,25 34:22 42:9 54:23 63:22 67:20 76:3 193:14,20,21,22 232:12 237:7,7,16 55:3 116:11 132:13 77:8 86:25 90:18 194:2 196:7 198:13 237:17 238:8,11,16 161:3 172:24 98:12 99:5,21 198:16 203:11,20 238:18,18,24,25 173:22 187:21 103:10,18 108:8 212:20 221:24 239:3,4,5,7 246:20 252:24 283:8 109:5 112:20 222:24 223:3,19,21 251:24 253:3 secondarily 73:7 137:12,20 156:3 225:5 231:24 233:6 258:19,21,21 259:1 secondary 138:15 161:7,11 175:19 238:4,21 239:1,4 259:18,18,24 260:8 301:11 176:9 187:13 245:21 246:9,10,13 261:12 267:2,3,6,8 secondly 56:22 188:11 196:20 246:14 252:8,11,12 268:7,10,12,13,13 85:24 268:20 217:17 231:14 252:14,20 257:14 268:14,15,16 seconds 37:24 245:3 246:24 258:18,19 259:5,12 275:18,18,20 secretary 209:1,5 250:12 252:18 260:6,13,18 264:7 277:18 281:18,23 253:22 288:11

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seed 21:14 166:16 166:10 178:19 september 280:3 282:10 289:7 seeing 101:15 244:22 266:7 septic 6:15 308:15 113:8 187:16 senators 193:9 serenity 274:9 serving 72:7 151:2 seek 31:21 84:7 send 43:21 103:9 sergeant 111:2 252:3 127:16 162:7 130:16,18 155:22 serious 3:20 39:13 session 57:2 139:14 190:24 225:1 264:6 205:18 268:23,24 66:6 97:8 115:17 sessions 76:1 seeking 85:21 sending 55:14 188:9,12 224:20 set 2:6,13 101:20 seeks 87:14 56:18 256:6 263:12 144:22 175:8,8 seen 2:13 104:2 senior 153:17 290:16 205:12 269:17 123:3 159:10,18 155:5 156:8 168:2 seriously 195:19 293:23 163:20 179:25 229:19 231:12,18 seriousness 87:11 settled 242:20 205:6 206:6,13,16 233:9 252:5 274:25 servants 15:4 254:5 206:20 214:15 seniors 231:21 serve 35:21 48:24 settlement 38:23 232:7 245:7 274:22 241:12 104:12 135:24 147:20 240:5 segal 143:19,21,21 sense 78:2 161:20 163:6 167:23 209:1 243:13 segregate 43:23 171:18 195:10 232:25 233:17,18 seven 3:22 7:12 segura 37:10 39:15 229:17 271:16 233:21 250:7 10:25 35:25 118:12 39:17 273:2 303:12 258:22 264:19 131:23 154:1 seismic 257:24 sent 188:1 215:16 267:3 272:13 177:21 207:16 seize 173:15 294:17 273:12 300:20,21 269:18 select 215:16 sentence 68:5 served 63:13 68:10 seventeen 123:1 selection 168:19 sentenced 291:3 177:5,5 178:2 214:8 229:23 sentencing 83:18 185:1 260:24 273:6 seventies 42:10 selene 60:2,5 61:3 sentinel 199:12 serves 9:17 85:21 seventy 132:1 selene's 61:6 separate 45:3 96:5 137:2 176:9 182:19 167:21 240:22 self 97:10 110:21 96:6 109:7 116:19 229:20 262:3 295:10,11 305:8 111:19 242:7 201:17 250:23 service 17:12 23:20 sever 16:8 sell 179:6 separated 28:23 33:3 34:1 37:14 severe 189:12 selling 78:13 separately 229:21 38:2 47:18 73:11 245:25 246:2 253:8 144:22 separating 32:15 75:19 83:21,24 271:23 semester 170:4 separation 31:23 94:9 150:24 160:4 severely 105:23 173:23 31:23 33:10 36:10 227:4 232:16 266:2 106:3 262:20 seminole 114:11 38:20 48:4 54:17 282:12 296:15 semitism 45:25 55:17 56:14 58:4 services 22:15,25 sex 14:17 21:10 semper 112:1 96:8,12,16 98:3,13 23:2 24:23 53:3 sexual 20:7 196:5 senate 76:1,3 98:14 108:19 168:6 56:2 59:18 77:15 284:6 112:14 256:20 179:22,23 196:16 88:4 99:14 123:12 shaggy 187:23 280:18 196:17 200:5 203:6 123:15,16 134:22 188:2,10 senator 52:1 74:8 230:6 236:20 145:16 241:12 shake 104:9 75:17,18 77:2,14 299:10 266:13 274:14 shaken 35:6 77:16 121:22 278:11,25 279:7

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shameful 75:12 shlackman 276:10 silver 241:1 235:10 236:24 277:2 shock 6:15 silverware 124:3 268:9 305:18 shannon 148:18,21 shocked 35:6 similar 295:20 sixteen 114:19 202:14 101:10 149:25 296:1 149:25 150:5,9,14 shape 206:22 shooting 155:16 simon 226:24 150:17 159:2 shapiro 119:6,7 shore 256:17 228:22,23 257:9 sixth 81:1 121:13,14,15 122:1 short 2:19 6:18 7:3 simple 254:10 sixty 91:10 179:4 122:2,3,6,8 45:4 154:2 185:20 286:1 269:18 278:18 share 44:25 156:10 200:23 simply 47:22 97:2 size 9:21 18:24 169:21 187:9 shortage 253:9 103:16 253:6 301:5 281:16 306:19 302:12 259:19 289:13 skewed 110:25 shareholders 73:13 show 17:11 224:4 299:18 skill 162:20 sharing 142:11 286:3 simultaneously skilled 160:21 188:19 shower 131:4 263:18 162:22 177:21,23 sharon 167:11 shown 49:14 sinclair 113:1 178:10,13,17,20 170:21,24 203:3 301:12 singer 230:24 183:4 184:4 240:22 shattered 210:11 shows 68:6 157:5 231:3 skills 127:10 147:5 shaw 78:25 80:19 211:16 single 100:17 170:13 80:19 shrink 263:1 287:17 298:9 skin 6:23 187:16 shed 117:17,20 sibling 308:21 sir 106:25 108:1 slight 38:7 sheds 66:14 side 33:8 263:13 143:20 145:4 147:9 small 31:7 45:9 sheets 124:1 307:24 157:16 162:12 57:19 64:11 65:17 shelf 100:6,7 sides 6:1 119:14 199:11 216:9 83:13 122:13 shell 7:7 siegelman 291:14 248:22 255:15 187:19 258:11 shellfish 66:15 sienna 27:3 262:8 263:25 284:1 269:1 276:22 295:8 shelve 76:3 100:8 sign 4:14 246:5 287:12 297:13 smaller 211:14 sheriff 25:19 signature 310:12 300:17 smith 1:21 52:9,9 249:17,18,19 signatures 20:11 sister 222:22,23 69:11 72:3,3,6,7 269:14,21,21 270:2 20:16,17,20,22 sit 3:14 34:17 56:12 86:17 88:20,20,21 270:4,11,18,20 64:10,15 229:16 286:18 88:21 145:5,6,7,7 sheriff's 249:3 signed 5:16 145:13 292:19 198:8 231:1,10,11 269:13 significant 114:2 sitting 197:15 237:22 255:19 sheriffs 251:12 significantly 81:4 273:14 259:9 260:20,20 269:18 270:14 98:15 134:13,16 situation 61:21 266:7,8 273:19 shield 80:6 257:25 276:21 190:13 191:24 smith's 237:23 shift 225:1 signs 108:7,8 211:18 215:4 232:6 smokeless 243:17 shifting 243:19 silence 64:19 situations 258:23 smoking 185:24 244:6 282:20 111:25 six 19:15 32:24 194:18,19,22 195:1 shine 64:25 silenced 64:23 88:9 100:8 118:3 239:25 240:16 shivering 215:6 silent 94:18 142:9 152:21,21 300:24 301:6,12 161:5 215:25 231:7

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sneak 20:4 197:7 202:17 143:24 153:8 212:2 215:15 221:2 snow 215:23 214:21 216:12 154:14 157:24 224:17 233:1 snowbirds 78:9 220:17 221:9 159:14 160:17 235:14 278:4 sobel 74:8 75:17,18 228:20 235:13,14 162:15 176:3 297:15 77:14,16 178:19 284:20 299:15 182:13 186:20 speaks 136:13 social 97:8 101:2 300:25 192:10 202:8 spearheading 229:3 241:14 sort 247:20 255:3 210:23 219:7 233:8 society 15:8 18:25 299:13,22,24 300:8 221:11 222:1,10 special 16:6,9 33:12 46:12 68:16 sorts 207:24 230:17,19,20 44:25 128:6 142:21 85:6 184:22 234:4 sough 307:6 235:19 236:14 163:5 175:19 236:22 239:13 sound 94:8 243:21 239:14 240:17 191:16 245:24 259:3 source 49:14 242:1 249:5 250:2 258:22 solari 1:21 3:1 104:16 118:17 250:8 251:20 252:6 specialist 22:5 sold 45:12 240:7 south 66:4,20 67:5 253:18,19 256:5 specially 42:12 sole 6:20 7:2 71:22 110:13 153:24 262:11 276:15 species 152:8,10,13 251:13 208:3 242:3,12 279:25 281:13 specific 19:6 49:21 solomon 300:16 251:19 255:17,18 290:12 291:17 84:21 116:14 304:12,13,15 255:20,24 257:6 294:15 295:7 specifically 27:11 solution 18:25 279:17,23 288:10 304:21 308:13 74:17 161:24 solutions 26:3 288:16 302:22 speaker 4:16 5:10 176:14 262:25 somebody 31:11 southeastern 2:9 38:22 86:23 178:4 speech 111:24 197:18 302:9 122:23 309:5 182:11 184:12 246:5 somebody's 34:5 southern 41:8 78:3 188:19,24 190:5 spencer 3:10 someone's 71:21,22 304:15 193:7 197:1 280:19 spend 15:16 30:6 somewhat 185:19 spaces 277:8 speakers 4:7 5:6 122:12 147:20 son 35:25 41:8 span 272:25 37:17,19 69:9 180:16 234:15 198:15 212:8 264:4 spanish 202:5,13 138:1 143:17 145:5 252:21 290:18,20 293:14 298:10 202:18 148:17 157:5,13 290:20 sonia 204:15,19 speak 4:4,15 5:11 161:15 163:12 spending 195:7 206:5 210:8 240:20 5:17 10:14 14:25 166:14 167:10 278:15 sonya 237:23 17:25 27:1 28:12 169:7 172:15 spends 195:4 soon 4:22 30:13 41:1 43:6 179:14 186:18 spent 50:6 83:22 sophomore 138:5 47:1 50:13 58:11 192:1 200:20 89:18 113:19 sore 156:21 60:5 69:8 71:1 204:15 208:20 118:19 173:10 sorely 264:9 76:19 80:23 82:1 212:4 218:17,22 183:2 185:13 205:4 sores 6:12 83:3,17 86:3 91:7 speaking 44:20 214:8 243:5 sorry 11:17 37:16 98:21 103:3,22 51:21 69:19 82:25 sphere 97:4 50:10 54:24 93:20 107:2,8 113:16 100:5 103:2 115:15 spill 151:24 258:9 97:21 106:24 115:9 119:13,18 120:7 135:10 139:1 spilled 152:1 184:13 186:17 128:2,3 131:20 140:15 145:25 spinal 135:19 188:23 192:4,5 135:1 138:6 141:10 151:16 153:12

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spirit 168:17 167:17 177:6 114:4,8 116:4 249:4,7,8,11 253:3 229:11 243:8 207:14 218:4 228:4 118:11 119:1,22 256:3,18,24 261:2 spiritual 241:14 228:23 233:5 120:10,18 121:20 264:10,22 266:10 spoke 55:12 239:17 260:13 126:4,5,8 130:6 267:2,10,13 268:8 spoken 39:20 65:4 274:5 279:1 132:7,11,21,21,23 268:8,11 272:14 67:18 104:22 standard 78:18 135:23 137:4,11,13 273:10 275:24 227:16 287:18 standards 155:15 137:17,19,23 138:7 278:7,7,13,13,15 sponsor 75:8 237:8 138:10,12,13,17,21 280:21,24 282:21 sponsored 98:6 standing 105:11 139:8,12,15,16,21 283:10,13 288:13 sponsoring 166:11 162:20 182:15 139:22 140:3,17 289:16,24 290:22 211:25 226:21 218:5 141:12,14,14,15,23 293:6 297:1,5 sport 95:10 164:20 stands 159:13 141:23 143:3,7 299:10 305:5,12 181:20 289:19 145:9,13 146:2,20 310:3 spot 156:20 star 241:5 147:16 149:23 state's 41:5 69:18 spreading 53:19 start 3:20 62:12 150:1,7 153:20 87:24 91:13 92:20 282:12 69:2 97:21 107:17 154:16,21 159:1 126:10 138:25 spring 3:18 181:7 226:24 161:22 162:16,18 174:10 184:17 springfield 89:1 started 35:4 100:16 163:8 164:15 227:17 305:24 93:4,5,7,8,9 209:17 265:3 165:18,25 170:12 stated 36:9 171:4 springs 167:16 state 1:2 2:12 8:14 170:16 171:12,14 233:22 282:10 260:21 278:3 9:13,24 14:11 171:19 173:9 statement 56:23 281:10 291:16 18:17 19:5,6 20:10 174:16,19,20 82:23 83:1 282:13 292:19 21:1,12 22:9 26:17 175:17 176:2,9,11 states 14:12 16:18 st 105:10 27:4 31:24 32:12 176:18,21 177:10 64:22 75:21,23 stability 47:17 32:22 33:10 36:11 177:15 179:20,21 78:15 93:11 95:11 138:25 211:21 36:12,22 38:10 179:23 181:6,22,22 95:13,15 112:8 staff 2:11 149:19 41:6,11 43:9,15 183:12 186:20 121:19 130:5 154:4 161:8 234:3 44:9,10 45:2 48:4,6 187:3 189:2 190:21 150:13,13,15 152:5 258:24 309:9 49:8,21,23,24 52:5 191:5,9,13,16,18 179:24 181:14 staffed 7:3 159:16 54:12,17,20 55:17 191:21,22 192:19 187:5 207:5,16 289:7 56:15 58:5,6 65:1 194:19,25 195:7 233:19 236:22 staffing 241:8 67:1,18 69:14,24 196:17,18,19 199:3 238:12 258:5,9 stagnates 191:2 70:7 71:11,15,23 200:5,6 203:7,7,16 262:17 264:15 stains 206:23 73:14 79:12 82:3 203:18 209:1,5,16 267:21 282:9,14 stake 55:19 61:23 84:14 85:1,11,12 210:24 211:2,6,7 290:10 301:4 stakeholders 85:16 86:9 88:3 211:13,15,16,18,22 statewide 21:13 191:19 251:6 91:23 92:22,24 225:2 226:1,5,12 48:11 114:10 254:3 stand 3:6 27:1 94:6,10 95:12 96:5 226:15,16 229:9 254:11 267:1,13 60:16 105:19 98:4,5,13 99:8,8 236:20 237:9 238:5 290:4 106:11 132:4,14 100:6 108:19 240:1,8 241:10,17 station 41:25 140:2 161:23 110:18 111:12 241:20,23 244:12

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statistically 183:16 sticker 50:15 51:13 strings 28:24 126:22 127:8 129:7 statistics 119:15 stiller 53:8 strip 147:19 129:10 137:3,4,12 150:11 293:25 stimulants 67:24 strive 106:18 138:15,17 141:13 status 59:20 99:16 stimulating 174:25 strong 26:16 27:21 141:20 142:10,17 252:15 253:12 stirred 107:12 39:21 40:13 86:7 142:20 143:1,4,6 statuses 172:5 stood 29:22 106:7 99:18 111:15 146:3,6,7,11,19 statute 77:7,8 stop 3:16 20:9 162:20 173:6 147:4 149:11,14,14 144:5 33:19 90:8,10 184:15 149:15,17 150:5,16 statutes 132:11 113:11 122:5 131:8 stronger 39:23 162:19,21 170:13 149:24 150:7 182:1 216:2 220:6 189:17 198:25 170:16,18 172:22 283:16 269:6 288:10 304:1 strongly 14:9 28:18 173:3,7 174:13 statutory 172:11 stopped 34:21 28:25 29:19 41:3 177:5,8 192:12 staunch 166:10 152:22 41:14 86:6,22 193:3,3,3,16,21,22 stay 6:6,7 8:20 65:9 stops 216:2,3 124:21 125:8,16 194:4 211:3,13,15 231:19 279:5 stories 104:6 174:8 180:14 223:10 226:3,12 306:24 126:17 164:2 207:14 245:22 237:3,5 245:24 stayed 231:23 214:14 248:7 249:23 246:2 258:23 267:3 staying 181:1 247:5 storm 65:19 66:3 295:22 study 18:6 116:3 307:11 67:3 285:5,6 structure 9:13 studying 247:11 stays 16:12 story 45:4 59:2 23:15,16 127:5 stuff 197:25 199:8 steadfast 36:11 156:10 163:20,20 171:13,15 172:1 294:17 297:25 steady 162:18 187:24 221:10 173:6 298:5 steal 244:14 284:25 structured 9:25 stunned 70:8 steep 46:3 straight 130:11 struggle 284:18 subcommittee 47:9 stemberger 1:22 strangle 278:8 struggled 75:25 subject 22:4,23 2:24 stranglehold 77:2 207:18 49:13 55:2 139:13 step 34:5 90:1 191:18 struggles 284:15 226:7,11 270:15 190:25 strategy 186:1 struggling 258:24 subjected 35:2,10 stephanie 79:2 stratemann 204:16 260:4 47:12 226:10 80:19,21 148:17,19 204:19,20 206:5 student 91:8 92:3 271:22 148:19 stratemann's 210:9 125:21 136:24 subjects 171:11 stepping 275:25 straw 284:11 138:5 139:5,18 211:18 steps 91:25 92:1 streams 66:18 140:1 141:9 145:24 submit 23:6 154:14 307:8 strength 43:14 162:14,24 169:11 280:25 sterner 51:17 52:7 strengthen 26:15 172:18 173:5,19 submitted 5:10 52:12 55:13,16 174:7 211:1 225:22 69:17,21 241:4 steroids 67:23 stress 123:13 225:24 264:4 279:16 280:2,23 steve 234:11 strict 5:15 279:19 suboxone 286:22 266:19 269:12 stricter 161:12 students 81:12 287:2 steven 231:9 strikes 158:4 91:10,22 104:8,13 subsequently 89:7 125:12 126:15,18 89:22 161:2

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subsidized 76:11 suggested 72:15 162:15 163:16 sure 5:17 18:22 substance 285:17 suit 213:6 165:8 167:17 171:2 23:13 29:4 57:3,13 286:21 summarize 259:19 176:3,6,11,23 58:4 88:16 133:18 substandard 17:14 summed 15:2 177:7,16 180:15 141:19 160:13 153:23 sun 20:12 64:14 181:23 186:23 195:11 197:2 substantial 101:20 199:12 285:6 193:2,13 195:7 206:18 216:25 substantially sunrise 198:11 215:2 216:17,21 217:14 222:2 207:23 sunshine 92:24 218:5 219:4 226:2 223:23 241:15 substantiated 9:19 sunstate 102:7 227:6,8 229:12,13 251:8 260:7,8,10 substitute 149:4,10 super 45:15 224:1 230:20 231:15,17 260:14 269:7 subterfuge 21:20 superintendent 234:5 235:22,24 283:17 291:9 subtract 234:6 115:12,25 117:11 236:16 239:2 250:9 303:16 308:17 succeed 77:6 193:23,25 194:3 256:5,21 257:16,20 surely 189:8 127:11 142:18 232:10,11 258:15,25 260:2,3 surgeon 135:19,20 143:9 146:7 superintendents 260:13 262:4,11 185:1 254:18 succeeded 113:23 115:14,16,19,22 267:11 269:15 surgeries 156:17 success 18:12 116:7 125:5 253:1 270:8,13 271:18 surgery 160:20 126:17 139:18 superiors 15:5 272:2 283:9 288:24 161:3,4 204:25 146:6 147:5 173:5 supervision 107:15 290:12,12 291:2,19 205:1,17 186:4 supplier 134:3 295:8 300:25 303:4 surgical 185:5 successful 98:24 supplies 73:1 303:4,24 304:25 surprised 101:10 146:5 184:19 supply 208:16 supported 48:5 108:18 164:9 194:17 208:7 support 11:10 70:7 88:9 290:13 surrounded 78:9 243:24 12:16 15:12 22:7 supporter 166:10 surrounding successfully 32:21 33:13 37:18 39:9 supporters 43:20 207:16 succession 243:1 42:23 50:15 51:10 85:4 surveillance 196:3 sudden 20:8,18 54:9 57:20 61:6,7 supporting 106:15 217:22 59:4 67:13 68:21 76:21 139:21,24 216:18 surveys 120:9 sue 7:8 140:7,10 76:24 81:7 82:23 229:2 259:13 survival 281:22 sued 154:12 83:3 84:13,20 supportive 55:5,5 survive 76:20 suffer 240:16 304:4 85:17 86:22 87:6 260:1 survived 161:5 suffered 114:15 88:13 91:11,24 supports 19:2 survivor 257:15 190:20 93:2 102:6,10 70:18 117:20 147:2 258:12 suffering 6:15 29:8 107:21 111:15 176:18 250:22 survivors 216:18 159:19 180:18 114:1 115:5 117:7 suppose 197:16 sus 137:6 186:2 271:21 118:14 120:10,18 supposed 59:14 suspended 286:2 suffers 46:3 121:22 122:10 106:1 297:3 sweet 165:16 sugar 215:25 126:1,10 127:19 supposedly 107:22 switched 292:7 suggest 111:9 135:2 137:24 supreme 40:3 sworn 221:14 130:12 142:11 145:25 169:1 282:9 222:2,4 296:2 150:3 153:22 157:6

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sydney 118:7 system's 211:11 249:13 256:22 taught 43:13 193:4 syed 64:4,6,6 systems 32:5,8 257:1,2 267:10 218:11,13 synergy 146:9 41:21 66:3 175:4 286:22 289:16 tax 9:3,5 29:15 147:3 223:19 264:23 297:2 298:13 33:15 44:6 48:6 syphoning 81:10 szostak 72:4 73:25 taken 19:15 30:12 50:1 54:15 56:20 104:3 238:16,19 74:1,1 53:18 68:3 77:23 79:8 88:6 130:9,12 259:16 t 117:2 141:18 166:4 167:1 182:24 system 25:14 26:13 161:10 189:14 191:6,8 246:22 t 107:18 148:22,22 26:15,17 31:12 204:21 205:12 264:8 278:7,13,14 237:24 310:1,1 41:20 53:25 71:4 215:25 234:17 282:3,10 292:7 table 57:1 150:11 71:20 83:12 84:10 261:2 272:15 297:7 299:12 168:22 174:12 91:13 92:16 93:1 290:17,23 taxes 54:15 76:10 257:3 104:5 111:16 takes 64:11 128:23 109:5 196:20 tabled 56:23 58:18 125:24 126:3 127:3 162:18 197:5 231:21 256:7,8 tacit 97:14 127:14 133:18 272:23 282:22 268:17 taco 95:14,15 134:6 136:6 137:2 tale 45:1 taxpayer 23:25 tactic 166:5 137:4 138:8,12,14 talenfeld 283:24 29:4 33:12 41:5 tactics 207:25 138:18,21 139:9,12 290:2,3 43:21 51:21 79:13 taft 1:6 139:15,22 141:12 talk 17:11 75:20 240:4 244:4 275:17 tags 213:13 141:14,15,16,23 123:4 125:2 151:22 283:1 tailor 173:1 142:2 144:2,7 158:7 192:15 taxpayers 29:13 tailored 146:8 146:2 162:16 163:3 201:22 218:8 249:1 73:6 182:7 175:14 163:4,5 167:7,25 260:15 271:10 teach 48:1 107:14 tailoring 146:24 168:2 170:16 297:24 303:23 107:16 110:13 take 3:18 8:7 11:10 172:21 174:19,23 talked 7:16 157:21 149:19 170:13 20:20 22:7 26:5 176:17,17,23,24 159:11 193:23 218:9 271:9 36:4,25 52:5 54:4 177:1,2 183:25 talking 109:22 teacher 129:25 54:15 55:3 56:8 208:7 210:24 211:7 188:22 189:4 149:4,10 203:5 60:22 61:10 62:11 211:13,15,21 197:17 254:14 221:21 222:25 63:3 64:16 69:1 213:11 217:8 226:1 tallahassee 18:18 223:3 238:4 245:21 70:3 71:24 86:21 226:5,7,8,9,12,15 57:2 112:16 113:5 251:23 253:8 91:25 95:16 100:18 226:17 229:18 113:20 198:3 199:4 257:14 258:17 103:15 107:2,7 231:24,25 237:4 202:25 224:9 252:4 271:17 276:17 110:18 122:8,9 252:14 260:14 264:9 281:12 287:14,15 130:14 137:22 261:12 263:16,17 tamper 261:13 287:17 156:15,15 158:9 275:16,20 276:18 task 71:25 87:12 teacher's 224:25 169:13 200:15,17 280:21 283:18,19 124:24 238:7 203:19 205:9 286:7 288:3 290:19 tasks 19:5 teachers 223:11 206:10 217:19 290:20 291:4,6,10 taub 127:21,22,23 224:18 252:1 253:5 223:8 225:6 228:7 295:17 296:5 302:7 127:24 129:20 256:8 260:9 267:9 235:11 236:5 302:15 282:5 287:16 246:20 247:2,17 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [teaching - thank] Page 381

teaching 198:15 281:3 26:25 28:2 29:24 120:19,20,22 121:1 199:24 223:22 terminate 99:11 30:4 31:12,13 33:3 121:12 122:16,17 238:24 246:12 228:6 33:25 34:2,4,6 124:14,15,19 287:23 288:5 terminated 253:6 35:16 36:5 37:13 125:17,18,24 teachings 212:23 termination 99:5 38:2 39:12,13,14 127:17,20 129:18 team 241:10 308:11 terms 38:20 47:11 40:23,24,25 41:15 129:23 131:14,15 308:16 115:2 186:1,2 41:16 43:1,2 44:12 131:19 133:10,11 tear 187:16 212:13 254:10 44:18,22 46:5,9,9 134:25 135:3 tech 170:8 286:24 46:13,15,17,19,19 136:20,21 137:24 technical 142:23 terner 35:17,19,19 46:22,23 49:1,4,5,9 137:25 140:4,5 technology 40:10 terrible 60:10,13 50:11 51:12,14 141:4,6 142:3,4 teck 266:18,21,24 83:8,11 201:14 52:5,9,11 53:9,13 143:12,13,22 145:4 teeth 206:17 terrific 254:19,21 53:13 54:5 55:7 145:18 147:7,8,15 television 94:9 terrifying 60:19 56:3 57:5,6 58:8,9 148:15,16 150:17 tell 2:11 45:3 61:25 territorial 257:18 58:10,11 59:23 150:19,24 151:2,11 83:23 101:1 130:7 terry 60:1 222:16 60:4,23 61:4,14 151:12 152:24 164:11 169:12 222:19 62:14,14,15 64:1,7 153:15 155:1,2 204:3,17 221:9 tertiary 301:11 65:12,13,19 67:8 156:24,25,25 224:8 246:7 288:1 test 96:8,10 68:22,23 69:3,12 157:11 158:22 tellers 265:16 testified 208:5 70:20,21,25 72:1,2 160:15 161:13,16 telling 109:3 testify 162:25 73:23 74:1,5 75:15 162:9 163:10,11,14 284:25 308:13 75:16,18 77:13,16 164:25 166:9,11 temporarily 105:15 testimony 86:15 77:19 78:22,23 167:8,12 169:3,5 tempore 178:4 157:3 306:15 79:4 80:17,18 170:19,20 172:12 ten 12:3 22:10 83:6 tests 96:11 82:11,14,16 84:16 172:13 174:5 126:23 137:15 text 3:25 84:17,24 86:10,11 175:23 176:4 152:12 167:22 tff 195:3,12 86:19 87:6,7 88:18 177:17 179:12,13 206:5,20 210:8 thank 2:8,13 3:12 88:19,23 90:24,25 180:12,20 181:1,7 229:17 233:11 3:14 5:1,24 7:24 91:6,16 93:1,3,14 181:9 182:9,10,12 244:10 272:25 10:2,4,9,10,16,19 93:16 95:18,19,22 184:8,11 186:9,13 280:8 281:1 290:10 10:20,23 11:2,3,11 95:23 97:16,18 186:14 188:15,17 295:21 296:3 11:12,23,24,25 98:17,21 99:23 188:18 189:2 190:3 tendons 188:12 12:6,7,12,13,20,21 100:9,10 102:8,8 190:4,8 191:24,25 tens 238:5 13:4,9,10,15,16,21 102:12,14,17 192:8 194:7,9,10 term 15:1,3,11,22 13:22 14:2,7,19,20 103:21 104:24,25 194:10 195:12,14 16:3,7,14,17 26:8 16:20,22 17:1,2,5 105:7 106:4,18,20 195:15 196:24,25 47:19 116:12 17:18,22 18:1,4 108:2,3 109:24 197:6,9 198:8 132:13 154:16,22 19:20,21 21:16,17 110:2,2 112:2 199:3,10,11 200:17 155:23 173:10 21:22 22:1 24:3,4 113:13,15 115:6,7 200:19,23,25 201:7 182:21,23 223:17 24:14,15,19,20,24 115:10 117:8,10,12 201:8,17,18,20 225:5 252:7 264:18 25:1,7,9 26:21,22 117:15 119:3,4,8,9 202:2,4,10,11,12

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202:15,16,25 203:1 278:3 279:13,14,20 157:7 161:10 251:23 281:11 204:12,13,18,18 281:5,7,13 283:3,4 179:10 203:11 286:22 206:1,2 207:7,10 283:21,22 285:7,8 205:8 214:12 thomas 36:9 46:24 207:12 208:18,19 287:4,6,11 288:18 218:12 230:9 250:5 251:18,21 208:22 210:2,3,5 288:19 289:9,24 234:23 273:2 thompson 237:22 210:19,20,22 290:1,7 291:11,12 294:15 thoracic 184:25 211:24,25 212:1,2 293:8,9 294:25 think 15:10 27:18 185:5 213:21,24,25 214:1 295:1 296:6,7,8 31:8 36:7,18,20 thought 35:3 214:4 216:8,10,12 297:13,14,17,18,22 49:25 53:16 61:8 101:11 108:18 217:23,25 218:14 297:23 298:17,19 61:12 90:11 108:7 164:10 187:9 221:6 218:15,21,23 219:1 300:13,14 301:14 110:24 135:22 thoughts 142:11 220:13 221:3 222:5 301:15,17 302:16 136:8 158:20 thousand 19:24 222:7,10 224:10,14 302:17 303:20,21 164:12,15 176:8 85:4 91:10 126:17 225:16 226:20,21 303:23 304:9,11,13 177:7 198:23 200:4 137:2 152:21 226:22,25 227:3 304:22 306:7,8 200:23 208:14 170:16 181:12 228:13,17,19 308:1,3 309:1,3,5,9 212:25 219:24 265:15 230:12,13,16,22,23 thanking 309:8 220:23 249:14,22 thousands 32:5 231:2,6,16,16 thanks 91:4 100:4 252:8,9,11 255:9 94:22 145:12 232:12,12,14,15 133:14 186:15 270:6,9 277:23 151:10 152:7,7 234:8,9 235:8,9 213:20 287:17 288:16 185:17 190:19 236:2,6,9,13 theil 110:8,9 291:9 292:25 295:2 238:5 271:22 237:20,21 238:1 113:14,15,17 295:11,13,17,23,25 threat 60:13 142:1 239:9,10,11 240:16 theil's 119:15 296:4 297:19 301:3 256:14 240:18 242:14,15 theme 287:24 302:7,9,12,13 threatens 213:3 244:15,16,20 therapy 187:22 thinking 62:21 threats 224:20 245:11,13,18,19,22 188:14 246:5 74:18 three 5:6 13:6 247:4,4,6,7 248:20 284:10 thinly 75:10 19:24 47:7 69:7,9 248:21 250:1,3 thing 33:8 42:19 third 9:15 20:21 87:13 114:7,9,9 251:14,16 253:12 56:14 82:8 101:16 22:9 187:23 273:17 121:2,17 122:13 253:13 255:11,12 124:9 125:15 thirdly 268:20 123:24 125:2 137:3 255:13 257:6,8 140:24 141:1 thirds 104:9 134:9 138:1,14 140:7 259:6,7 260:18,19 143:24 156:6 thirteen 212:8 141:13 143:17 260:22 262:4,5,9 164:13 190:20 279:19 298:9 145:5 148:17 152:2 263:24 264:2,23,25 191:11 201:16 thirty 3:22 6:12 152:3,20 154:10 266:14,14,17,22 203:14 204:5 245:2 10:17 13:6 35:25 157:12 161:14 267:25 268:2,3 253:9 268:21,25 47:4 85:20 95:13 163:12 166:13 269:8,10 270:23,24 269:7 272:21 95:14 105:23 106:9 167:10 169:6 271:4 272:4,5 278:17 284:24 114:4,14 140:13 171:20 172:14 273:22,24 274:3,4 288:2 295:13 304:8 142:9 150:13 179:14 181:3 275:9,10 276:6,7 things 5:1 14:16 167:17 180:8 186:18 192:1 276:15 277:22,23 123:20 144:11 199:25 221:21 194:11 197:1

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198:11 200:20 thursday 53:16 287:8 288:11,17 304:11 306:8 308:3 204:15 205:11,16 tie 70:5 225:11 289:25 300:9 305:3 309:3 208:20 212:4 214:2 279:2,12 306:25 timothy 1:17 215:15 218:16,22 tied 23:17 timely 8:2 266:18 226:24 234:16 ties 96:15 times 16:11 17:8 tina 218:17 220:14 237:24 246:1 tilson 119:6 120:21 31:5,20 52:21 76:2 title 192:12,13 250:20 256:18 120:23,24,25 137:3 138:15 193:3 257:18 265:15,24 tim 115:8 119:10 141:13 152:2 tobacco 147:20 271:25 273:6 time 4:18 5:6,15,21 158:20 164:2 148:2,4,8,9,10,12 281:16 290:18 6:18 8:5 10:11 284:14 286:23 184:17 185:6,8,11 291:3 294:3 303:9 14:22 16:12 20:21 timing 281:6 185:15 186:3,6 303:17 22:12 26:21 28:9 timmann 1:23 3:5 194:15 195:4 threshold 64:20 28:14 30:6 31:12 171:4 222:12,14 213:19,20,21 240:2 125:10 128:25 33:4 34:1 36:8 224:10,14 225:16 240:5,6,11,14 129:2 300:8 37:16,21 45:23 226:22 228:13,17 242:18,21,24,25 thrive 70:14 127:2 47:1,15 55:25 228:20 230:13,23 243:9,13,17,20 136:9 68:16,24 70:14 231:6 232:14 234:9 244:1,3 253:23 throats 269:1 84:20 93:2 95:4 235:9,16,21,25 254:3,6,8,20 throwbacks 164:16 99:6 103:10 105:8 236:2,8 237:21 296:10,14 297:7,11 thrown 69:22 105:17 112:13,14 239:10 240:18 toboga 200:21 253:4 266:5 298:25 112:17 113:11 242:14 244:16 201:20,21 thurer 262:8 119:9 122:9,16 245:13,17 247:6 today 2:20 3:15 4:4 thurlow 1:22 3:4 143:12 148:15 248:2,21 250:3 14:9 24:22 26:16 180:22,23,25 150:18 156:9,23 251:14 253:13 27:1 39:18 40:9,17 182:10 184:8,11 158:12 159:13 255:11,14 257:8,12 41:1,3 52:15 57:10 186:9,13,16 188:15 164:17 165:9 259:7 260:19 262:5 64:8 72:11 74:11 188:18,23 189:1 169:10,13 170:10 263:24 264:25 80:23 87:11 91:9 190:4,8 191:25 179:1,20 180:12 266:17 268:2 92:3 93:25 94:4,19 192:6 194:9 195:13 182:6,8 183:1 269:10 270:24 95:1 98:5,12,22 196:25 197:6,9 190:7 205:5 206:25 272:5 273:24 100:5 103:22 105:8 199:10,14,19 207:4,5,11 219:6 275:10 276:7 106:6 113:8,16,24 200:19 201:8,18 220:21,24 228:9 277:23 279:13 119:9,14 120:4,7 202:2,11 203:1 230:22 231:4 281:6 283:3,22 121:1 124:20,20 204:13 206:2 207:7 234:24 235:5 243:2 284:22 285:7 287:6 125:25,25 126:21 208:19 210:3,20 247:8,25 252:12 288:19 289:11 128:1 135:1,9 212:1 213:25 216:8 255:17,20 260:21 290:1 291:12 293:8 138:6 139:19 216:11 217:25 263:21 264:24 293:10 294:25 140:15 142:13 218:15,25 220:13 269:9 272:2 277:14 295:4 296:7 297:13 143:24 149:5 220:17,22 221:8 277:22 278:2 297:18 298:19 153:21 154:14,15 222:7 279:10 281:5 283:8 300:14 301:15 154:18,21 162:15 284:7 285:4 287:4 302:17 303:21 165:6 169:11 171:2

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192:10 202:22 totally 37:1 178:19 trains 46:1 trend 275:25 214:14 219:8 222:6 touched 275:1 trample 87:22 trent 187:12 222:10 224:17 tough 129:1 178:11 transcript 4:21 trial 39:1 77:1 229:12 232:21 281:8 284:18,19 310:8 178:22 179:3 249:7 234:13 242:19 tour 3:17 transcription 310:9 299:24 247:23 254:14 toured 30:9 transfer 172:6 trials 286:5 262:11 265:5 tourism 118:15 173:9,21 tried 7:5 52:21 267:11 269:14 119:21 152:17,20 transient 19:8 124:3 266:9 273:5 278:5 279:1,25 256:6 258:6 translating 201:4 triple 20:19 284:25 287:18 tourist 164:8 transparency 16:4 trojan 130:24 294:16 308:1 203:16 38:3 trombino 140:7,10 today's 4:19 183:6 tourists 118:10 transparent 19:3 140:11 toes 34:5 164:7 256:3,7 transport 89:9 trouble 85:14 toilet 307:3 town 18:3 19:2 102:6,11 306:9 told 6:16 42:6 219:12 264:3 290:8 traub 82:18,20 troubles 159:5 51:23 58:25 161:9 track 95:7 101:14 86:16,16,18,19,20 trudden 212:5 205:9 293:24 101:14 121:17 87:8 214:2 307:19 122:12 164:18 traumatic 123:13 trudy 236:4,11 tolerated 67:25 165:7 181:18,19,25 traumatized 238:2 tom 50:12 112:14 182:2 205:25 305:20 true 66:3 73:12 121:22 244:22 251:25 271:25 travel 118:5 75:14 90:22 183:25 tone 164:12 294:6,10 traveled 2:12 208:1 310:8 tonight 250:2 256:5 tracks 89:14 90:23 101:14 truly 18:24 92:6,20 256:20 276:15 101:19,21 103:9 traveling 42:14 128:23 189:20 290:9 291:17 114:5 163:19,25 199:2 trump 273:3 304:17,21 165:12,17,19 travelled 72:11 trust 31:6 53:8 tons 200:16 180:18 206:14 travesties 159:10 103:9 167:25 tony 42:9 265:10,17 266:13 treasures 92:21 227:24 228:3 232:9 tool 134:20 tradition 79:10 treasury 36:13 242:24 243:6 tools 146:17 173:24 tragedies 162:5 180:3 261:3 trusted 126:18 283:11,20 tragedy 132:16,19 treat 244:15 263:12 trustees 91:20 top 66:17,23 100:6 132:20 242:11 treated 94:15 298:2 174:11,17 118:5 127:2,14 trained 42:12 298:3 304:3 trusts 229:18 139:10 174:21 71:24 135:19 treating 131:24 truth 60:7 94:14 222:24 162:19 266:1 treatment 271:13 95:5 101:18 topics 287:11 trainer 100:16 286:14 try 28:12 33:1 39:3 toro 310:6,13 102:5,24 265:13,14 treatments 185:18 59:15 108:9 157:7 torok 293:11 296:8 trainers 205:7 296:23 159:21 287:8 296:9 206:19 tremendous 211:22 trying 63:23 83:22 total 20:9 82:5 training 6:21 89:24 254:14 160:25 190:23 212:18 213:18

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266:12 69:9 75:23 76:1,2 unanimously 76:2 120:14 129:10 trzeciak 100:12 85:13 89:10 98:24 272:10 170:21,22 178:13 102:17,18,18,21,22 104:9,14 105:23 unchanged 60:16 197:12 223:2 tuition 56:19 106:9 114:14,15 unchecked 253:1 229:24 284:23 125:10 173:4 121:3 126:14 uncomfortable 285:2 302:11 304:2 175:15 129:25 132:4,4 34:16 understanding tumor 263:2 134:9 135:13 uncomfortableness 113:4 168:22 turiano 172:15 152:10 165:8,11 108:16 understands 204:6 turn 2:7 22:13 178:5 181:8 182:16 uncommon 68:4 307:20 71:13 121:11 157:1 186:21 197:14 uncompromising understood 183:17 160:14 207:2 215:1 212:3,8 219:24 248:15 undo 34:9 243:18 222:11 222:22 244:12 unconstitutional unemployed 170:1 turned 107:12 247:13 250:1,23 39:8 unequal 81:25 turning 159:24 252:6 265:20,21 undercut 184:19 unfair 64:24 90:3,3 160:12 260:16 267:14 275:21,23 underfunded 81:4 unfortunate 38:12 turnout 252:18 280:22 285:24 278:10 282:2 155:8 284:11 turns 42:5 162:19 288:23 293:22 296:15 unfortunately 5:11 tuter 244:18 294:21 304:18 underfunding 51:4 113:23 160:8 248:23 305:2 306:21 307:2 225:13 279:8 190:18 217:2 tuter's 250:10 307:9 undergraduate 269:13 271:15 tweak 295:9 tying 67:4 226:4 302:11 twelve 22:11 47:18 type 7:11 133:3 underhanded unfunded 292:11 81:3 121:3 138:12 160:3 59:22 uniform 149:12 163:19 210:8 types 15:24 22:11 underlying 233:19 237:3,8 261:10 215:20 306:25 66:17 216:18 undermine 26:12 275:19 twenty 5:25 8:17 u 168:12,15 195:19 uniformly 172:9 10:25 18:8 19:24 236:21 264:7 unimaginable 92:5 u.s. 58:13 80:5 27:4 42:3 51:14 undermines 29:19 284:20 140:12 202:20 67:16 70:12 100:25 48:12 unintelligible 266:2 282:9 288:15 103:14 107:5 121:3 undermining 79:14 173:20 284:9 uden 238:1 257:10 121:3,4 122:13 225:10 unintended 53:2 257:10,13,14 125:22 129:25 underperform 59:17 99:1 135:12 306:12 152:10 157:4 175:9 104:10 234:25,25 ultimate 184:18 193:5 234:15,16 underrepresented union 224:18 225:1 ultimately 159:8 255:21 262:15 302:7 253:4 175:22 182:24 284:5 286:1 301:24 underserved 183:9 unique 19:1 136:13 185:11 189:16 twice 23:5 105:2 216:20 251:7 255:24 233:8 264:13 124:17 291:9 307:5 undersheriff 261:24 unable 6:9 161:23 two 4:17 5:9,13 269:12 unit 154:11 258:12 10:17 20:15 46:18 understand 7:11 united 14:12 16:18 unacceptable 37:1 52:8 62:20,25 68:1 65:21,22 113:3 78:15 93:11 105:19 180:19 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [united - versus] Page 386

130:5 152:5 179:24 untenable 29:18 275:6,13 276:2,5 validated 92:22 236:22 252:1 258:9 untouched 163:5 276:19 277:19 valuable 138:21 264:15 282:8 301:4 untreated 285:11 278:5 299:21 300:5 177:9 182:25 units 292:2 untruthful 75:3 300:9 value 40:9 176:22 unity 31:22 unusual 122:14 urging 34:7 56:25 183:23 211:22 universal 261:24 285:12 56:25 57:17 82:9 281:20 universities 173:9 unwanted 62:6 urine 206:23 valued 40:16 173:22 280:24 188:1 usa 113:17 values 85:5,11 university 1:7 2:9 upheld 38:17 use 2:10 8:1 31:3 112:1 129:9 176:10 95:6 119:11 122:23 uphold 221:14 44:6,21 51:13 55:4 179:21 137:4 138:12 222:2 227:24 228:3 66:9 67:23 76:15 vanish 27:16 141:15 163:5 170:5 upholding 38:9 78:5,19 85:7 vantage 47:6 175:4 177:2 185:2 upholds 168:9 108:10 130:12 various 104:6 203:18 211:15 upper 190:15 148:9,10 154:5 141:16,17 247:10 264:4 ups 2:13 160:5 180:3 185:11 vasquez 60:2,3,4,5 280:21 281:18 upset 145:10 185:21,23 188:16 61:3,3,5,5 309:6 upton 113:1 191:17 193:15 vassar 219:8 unknown 231:3 upward 122:12 208:8 209:13 232:8 vehemently 77:11 235:14,18,23 236:1 urge 14:9 25:15 243:16 254:9,10 248:8 297:15 26:11 28:19 29:20 262:16 282:10 vehicle 154:18 unlimited 208:16 31:19 33:23 39:18 287:3 297:3 303:2 veil 71:9 unmanaged 183:12 41:3,15 44:10 uses 66:15 96:15 veiled 75:10 unnecessarily 46:12 49:11 52:15 usf 307:21 velma 188:8,10 87:24 56:8 58:7,16 64:24 usual 7:10 venture 88:12 unnecessary 39:10 65:4 74:12 76:23 usually 68:5 149:16 verbal 246:6 71:17 133:6 79:6,17,20 80:14 308:23 verify 30:24 31:3,9 unparalleled 93:10 94:10 95:25 utilization 9:16 31:12 41:20,22 175:18 98:2,15,22 99:17 utilize 144:3 42:23 57:20 78:5 unpopular 164:19 99:20 115:5 119:16 uttal 127:21 129:22 78:19 87:14 124:22 182:3 120:18 122:9 129:24,24 144:1,5,11 167:6 unpopularity 164:1 124:21 125:3,8,12 v 190:12 201:14 unprepared 73:15 125:13,16 135:11 207:15,15,19,21 v 38:15 unreasonable 136:17,25 147:5 208:2,6,11,13,14 va 289:6,8 129:3 151:9 167:7 178:16 213:11 219:5,16 vacate 249:13 unscrupulous 180:10 217:10 220:5 299:17 vacation 19:7 73:21 224:24 225:4,9,14 vernell 273:25 154:2 unskilled 77:21,22 226:19 236:14 274:5 vague 227:11 unsupervised 237:1,12,14,18 veronica 12:23 valderrama 57:8 159:20 249:23 253:11 13:11 58:10,13 unsuspecting 103:7 261:12 263:18 versus 81:16 valdez 152:2 266:15 271:18 192:19 292:14

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vested 188:5 violation 60:11 57:17 58:7 64:8 88:8 119:1 120:9 vet 205:13,19 206:9 violations 161:8 65:1,5,7,10 67:13 120:12 125:7 veteran 13:12 violence 216:19,19 67:20 71:1 72:1 128:18,20 129:15 110:12 129:25 violent 285:18 79:17 81:24 82:4,9 181:22 182:7,8 219:10 231:13 vision 60:14 82:12 87:25 88:10 208:12 209:14 266:3 visit 103:9 161:7 93:15 105:14 227:16 235:5,6 veterans 110:15,16 214:17 256:3 113:12 120:6 121:5 236:23 237:19 138:24 175:19 257:22 288:12 128:19,21 131:6,13 243:9 254:13 veterinary 68:7 306:20 135:11 136:19 261:25 263:21 vetting 78:6,6 visits 9:6 24:1 144:11 147:6 163:9 264:18 270:10 viable 165:18 visual 246:6 164:24 181:12 289:22 296:13 vibrant 239:6 vital 26:17 162:16 182:6 194:1,14 votes 19:24 20:14 vibrate 2:6 162:21 278:10 197:14 199:5 20:17 103:25 120:5 vice 102:5 125:21 vocation 142:22 205:25 209:15,23 voting 39:20 42:25 233:9 vociferously 75:8 210:2,7,19 213:1 44:13 64:10 125:10 vicki 41:17 44:20 voice 47:5 64:19,22 213:15 223:6 224:4 204:10 209:24 victim 71:2,23 87:2 95:25 119:2 224:5,24 225:4,14 216:23 217:1 248:6 82:24 105:21 120:13 164:12 226:19 234:13 261:19,20 292:14 victim's 82:22 179:18 184:15 236:15,24 237:19 298:8 87:20 123:9 201:24 213:17 248:19 253:11 voucher 81:19 victims 83:4 84:8 241:15 267:11 258:16 269:23 130:21 196:14 84:14 106:10 123:3 284:7,9 285:1,3,22 273:22 275:13 vouchers 43:22 123:4,10,10,14,23 289:18 290:5 276:3 277:19,21 81:11 238:17 124:6,13 153:18 294:24 298:23 278:5 282:16 vow 72:7 159:3,22 214:10 voices 18:24 134:22 292:16 299:9 vulnerable 23:10 216:19 284:16,24 202:21 308:25 217:18 305:19 305:20 void 79:20 voted 34:8 42:4 w victoria 150:21 volunteer 11:21 52:23 120:16 w 93:23 94:2 151:13,15 13:6,7 29:11 49:8 227:19 229:5 wage 144:17 victory 45:15 206:5 242:18 272:10 292:15,17 wages 191:3 video 104:1 257:15 302:21 voter 20:23 27:2 wait 53:24 209:22 vierney 291:13,15 306:18 308:12 41:2 42:1,5 50:15 278:24 291:16 293:9 volunteered 89:8 51:10 102:25 waiter 170:3 vietnam 110:12,16 volunteering 30:6 252:17 260:21 waiting 60:17 111:22 206:21 voter's 209:14 179:1 265:20,22 view 118:13 vote 20:14,16 30:22 voters 19:20 25:17 waive 84:20 86:22 views 288:17 32:13 33:2 35:15 25:25 26:9 32:22 190:7 230:21 231:4 vigilant 38:19 38:4 39:11,18 34:9 50:23 59:15 235:22 viktor 45:13 41:19,25 44:11,15 63:12 65:6 68:20 waived 297:16 violates 236:19 50:15,24 51:10,24 74:18,20 75:14 waiving 157:6 51:24 52:25 56:8 76:19 82:5 84:6 235:23,23 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800 [walk - werr] Page 388

walk 192:4 284:23 285:2 waving 153:9 weaver 157:14 walking 232:8 287:22 288:7 290:6 way 5:8 19:17 21:6 159:12 160:15,16 walkway 118:19 290:14 291:5 297:2 31:23 42:20 44:3 160:17 wall 36:12 54:18 297:9 303:25 49:9 53:23 54:2 website 4:12 28:5 111:11 wanted 53:15 63:4 77:3,3 87:22 90:1 150:11 walls 56:11 99:4 117:21 119:18 101:3 102:19 websites 193:15 wanda 17:23 22:3 130:1 141:1 149:7 108:20 110:25 wedded 16:6 54:7 56:4 188:4,21 218:4 127:6 129:16 130:8 wedge 33:9 want 5:17 6:1 247:17 252:6 268:8 134:14 135:18 week 86:24 112:16 17:19 21:18 25:24 304:22 306:23,24 136:15,15,16 113:5 117:23 32:25 33:14 34:5 wanting 294:7 139:17 141:24,25 123:25 210:12 34:23 37:2,3,13,18 wants 61:19 165:22 147:25 162:7 270:14 37:20 38:1 43:20 182:5 204:1 234:22 166:23 175:20 weeks 154:10 44:11,22 46:4 50:1 235:1 178:10 179:2 215:15 250:1 52:15 53:7 55:11 war 46:2 76:7 184:25 186:25 welcome 2:3 69:6 55:19 56:20 58:16 warm 107:7 215:6 187:15 191:23 69:11 77:18 95:20 62:2,3 63:13 69:25 warrant 111:24 220:9 231:8 239:22 98:18 117:14 119:7 79:19 80:11 83:3 warriors 110:14 250:19 251:7 143:15 166:15 84:19 86:5,25 87:2 washington 1:23 252:10 255:1,8 195:14 197:8 222:8 90:7 99:22 104:22 2:23 18:17 91:17 259:24 265:21 251:19 255:18 106:4 107:18,19,20 110:17 127:17 289:4 295:23 267:25 107:25 109:5,10 148:18,20,24 149:1 298:25 303:16,16 welcomed 157:19 114:21 116:24 149:2 164:3 176:5 305:19 306:2 welfare 75:11 121:1,20 123:7,7 211:24 226:20 ways 32:10 54:14 90:21 186:24 124:6,7,8,12 washington's 126:2 258:2 297:5 304:23 305:17 129:16 130:7,8,11 waste 247:25 283:1 we've 2:12,13 58:5 wellbeing 271:12 130:14,17 134:24 wasting 154:14 101:4,7 120:8 wellington 86:20 137:22 143:22 watch 107:11 126:13 144:24 wellness 134:18 156:12 166:9,23 286:19 157:25 179:25 139:1 169:13 176:4 179:8 watches 117:16 204:24,25 219:15 wendy 13:17 14:3 182:1,2 190:2 watching 60:8 297:10 17:3 25:2 31:14 192:24 196:20 101:9 285:10 weaken 26:12 34:3 37:9 51:16 200:14 212:22 water 65:19 66:2,3 55:14,15,17 227:14 went 21:1,2 43:15 222:1 223:14,16,17 66:7,8,8,13,14,21 275:15 276:21 95:6 118:18 156:19 223:19,23,24 67:3,3 117:16,17 weakened 27:17 158:16 161:2,4 231:11,22 232:23 117:20 151:24 49:3 189:5 190:14 234:19 235:7,19 waters 66:18 80:16 weakening 25:12 198:12 203:18 239:15 244:14,25 256:18,24,24 257:2 27:19 33:9 205:13 208:5 246:22 247:23 257:18 303:6 wealth 233:12 214:17 265:10 253:18,19 260:17 waterways 303:2 wealthy 130:19 werr 179:15 180:13 268:24 270:13 131:4 180:13

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west 25:17 72:11 wiped 27:10 wonderful 89:9 workers 42:23 89:4 219:3 251:22 wisdom 168:1 135:25 203:11 77:21 162:19,22 285:10 229:19 206:19,19 207:2 191:2,9 208:17 weston 279:20 wise 262:6,9,10 wood 78:11 213:14 whalen 161:19 wish 98:11 214:12 woodward 57:7,9 workforce 126:11 whatsoever 42:20 293:17 57:10 137:19 139:24 wheelchair 154:3 wishes 289:14 word 77:9 95:4 working 16:3 43:17 whim 128:9 299:7 305:15 306:1 135:18 184:13 63:15 70:13 94:15 white 105:22 withdraw 285:12 worded 59:16 100:19 101:25 215:23 witherspoon 219:6 wording 47:22 113:21 118:20 whites 43:16 131:5 219:7 276:8 227:11 122:24 126:24 wholeheartedly witness 162:24 words 15:7 20:5 249:18 251:5 217:8 witnessed 274:22 36:19 77:4 154:5 278:11 289:13,22 wholly 38:14 84:1 woman 61:19 wore 149:12 307:3 wide 127:15 65:17 98:23 109:18 work 8:19 12:2 works 16:2 82:10 widening 76:25 203:24 223:4 45:23 56:12 64:16 110:5 170:3 222:23 widgets 134:2 276:18 299:2,6 68:13 78:14 90:4,9 234:21 240:14 wields 168:22 woman's 14:18 90:22 92:8 94:23 267:1 229:25 27:23 80:12 86:8 103:13 104:1 world 2:19 16:19 wife 3:11 6:16 42:1 99:11,19 276:23 122:22 131:23 46:2 107:13 118:6 42:17 122:4 214:17 women 52:14,19 134:19 139:4 127:9,13 158:18 215:10,22 216:7 53:1,5,9,19 54:2 144:12,18,20 180:1 189:20 218:7 wildlife 258:1 55:22,23 59:16,21 147:15 149:3,10 274:25 302:22 60:12 61:10 75:11 173:17 175:8 185:8 worried 209:6 wildman 271:1,5,6 85:3 94:9 99:11 199:18 201:10 worry 21:10 84:9 wiles 186:19,22,23 104:23 138:23 208:15 211:4 109:20 188:16 214:3 140:14 195:22 216:22,24 220:7 worse 93:24 152:16 william 1:20 200:16 202:8,9 245:23 250:21 worst 83:13 219:13 153:16 217:19 218:7 251:3,9 261:13 worth 117:16,18 williams 231:1 223:12,12 227:21 266:11 270:7,18,19 192:14 198:15 willing 60:18 92:8 227:25 228:5,24 270:19 279:20 214:20,21,23,24 105:17 164:22 229:2 277:5 283:15 293:15 worthy 36:22 173:17 247:23 women's 52:19 296:25 302:20 wound 156:21 wilschke 161:16 57:1,4 59:8 61:7 308:5,6,11,15 wounded 110:14 162:11 63:19 104:23 worked 32:20 wounds 6:14 win 38:21 166:20 197:19 42:11 64:14 104:5 187:18 winds 79:19 201:12 277:3 122:25 123:19 wreck 203:17 winners 181:16 won 21:12 106:7 132:23 172:2 185:5 wreckage 246:18 winning 90:12 wonder 27:3 50:4 214:11 217:13 wrestled 105:23 wipe 90:20 187:20 252:20 233:6 wrestler 105:22 106:8

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wright 253:17 16:15 17:11 18:8 232:18,19,20,22,22 write 51:5,6,9 27:5 28:20 29:10 232:23 233:2,3,3,4 83:19 129:20 204:5 29:22 32:24 42:3 233:18 234:1,1 261:23 262:1 45:6 46:21 47:4,11 272:8,9 274:23 writing 59:10 47:18 51:14 52:18 295:22 304:18 107:15 294:19 63:3,15 67:16 305:19 written 59:13 66:5 70:12 81:3 83:6,22 younger 114:9 75:13 83:24 85:20 88:9 101:18 youth 148:10 wrong 41:20 42:22 103:14 105:23 194:22 243:16 48:2 97:2 122:16 106:9 107:5 109:19 271:11 162:2 167:5 112:25 113:20 yusty 231:1 wrongful 106:8 114:9,9 121:4 yvonne 306:10 153:19 122:25 129:25 308:5 wrote 294:17 131:23 132:1 142:2 z wwe 106:9 142:9 159:2 160:18 zap 208:21 210:5,6 wwf 106:9 163:20 164:11 zip 59:18 99:15 y 167:17,22 169:25 172:2 173:1 174:4 yaffa 157:14 175:9 178:4,5 158:24,25 180:8 185:1,7 yards 21:6 193:5 199:25 yeah 143:19 204:21 206:21 year 10:17 13:6 210:8 212:9 213:19 16:17 20:15 23:5 214:9,11 215:7 34:13 35:25 41:2 221:21 229:16,17 45:10 68:17,17 233:11 236:25 78:12,12 89:19 244:10,24 251:23 130:22 133:10 254:22 255:22 140:13 152:18 265:4,5,24 266:7 153:23 157:23 270:3 272:23 273:6 164:8 166:9 173:9 273:11 280:8 281:1 206:5 211:20 281:11 284:5 219:10 225:25 285:14 290:18 226:7,11 232:2 291:4 294:1,21 241:17,19,21 243:3 295:21 296:3 243:3 252:22 301:24 272:25 279:19 yield 220:21 221:6 280:3 284:10 288:1 york 164:2 215:21 294:8 295:24 young 34:18 46:7 298:10 83:7,15 141:20,20 years 6:1 7:12 8:17 166:17 218:5 9:9 10:25 12:3,4 Veritext Legal Solutions 800-726-7007 305-376-8800