

B.Sc., University of British Columbia, 1967 M.Sc., University of British Columbia, 1969




in the Department






Name : Lance Gutteridge

Degree : Doctor of Philosophy

Title of Dissertation: Some results on reducibility

1 Examining Committee: 7

, --L-- - I ' r , Chairman: N. R. Reilly ,'

A. H. Lachlan Senior Supervisor

A. R. Freedman

- .- - G. E. Sacks External Examiner, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass.

Date ~pproved: September 24, 1971 ABSTRACT

Enumeration reducibility was defined by Friedberg and Rogers in

1959. Medvedev showed that there are partial degrees which are not total. Rogers in his book Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective

Computability gives all the basic results and definitions concerning enumeration reducibility and the partial degrees. He mentions in this book that the existence of a minimal partial degree is an open problem.

In this thesis it is shown that there are no minimal partial degrees.

This leads naturally to the conjecture that the partial degrees are dense.

This thesis leaves this question unanswered, but it is shown that there are no degrees minimal above a total degree, and there are at most countably many degrees minimal above a non-total degree. J. W. Case has proved several results about the partial degrees. He conjectured that there is no in a total degree whose complement is in a non-total degree. In this thesis that conjecture is disproved. Finally, Case's result that there is a minimal pair of partial degrees is strengthened to show that there is a minimal pair of partial degrees which are total and form a minimal pair of r.e. degrees. The content of this thesis has been vastly influenced by

Professor A. H. Lachlan. The author appreciates the mathematical assistance and personal encouragement which he gave at all hours and through all crises.

The finished form of this thesis owes its neatness and presenta- bility to the typing skill of Mrs. A. Gerencser. Without her co- operation the author could never have met his deadlines.

The author is also indebted to the National Research Council of

Canada without whose financial aid in the form of a bursary the work on this thesis could not have been continued. TABLE OF CONTENTS































In this thesis we consider the partial (enumeration) degrees as defined by Friedberg and Rogers [2]. In Chapter I1 we disprove a conjecture by Case [l] that there is no set A in a total degree whose complement is in a non-total degree. Case [l] has shown that there is a minimal pair of partial degrees. In Chapter I11 we strengthen this result to show that there is a pair of co-r.e. sets whose partial degrees form a minimal pair of partial degrees; and hence their Turing degrees form a minimal pair of r.e. degrees. In Chapter IV we show that there are no minimal partial degrees and demonstrate that this result relativizes to show that there are no degrees minimal above a total degree. This still leaves open the question as to whether the partial degrees are dense. In Chapter V we move closer to a solution of the density problem by showing that given any partial degree -a there can be at most a countable number of partial degrees minimal above .a.-

In this section we intend to outline all the basic notation and definitions used in this thesis. For a detailed explanation and study of recursion theory the reader is referred to Rogers [5]. We will denote subsets of N by upper case letters, with D, E, F being reserved for finite subsets. Members of N will be represented by lower case letters except for f, g, h which are reserved for total functions. Partial functions (that is, functions whose domain is a subset of N) will be denoted by $ and $.

A will denote the complement of A, will be used for the C~ characteristic of A and A A B will denote the symmetric difference of A and B. For notational convenience we will sometimes use ~[n]to denote CX(n). We will call a finite initial segment of a characteristic function an initial function. A join B is the set

We define the binary function T by,

r(x1 y) = f(x2 + 2xy + y2 + 3x+ y), and T is a recursive, one to one mapping of N x N onto N (see k Rogers [ 5, p. 641 1 . For each k we define the k-ary function T as follows :

k Me abbreviate T (xl, ..., 5) by . For each k we k define the projection functions . , 1 5 i I kt by 1 k We will usually drop the superscript on n when its value is clear i from the context.

A set B is single-valued if

€B and €B+ j=k.

A set B is total if for all n there is a m such that € B.

If D is finite. i.e. D = {xl. ..., x < x < ... < XI then -- +. 1-- 2 Al "k the canonical index of D is 2 + ... + 2 , if D= p) we let its canonical index be 0. We denote by Di the whose canonical index is i. We will often make no distinction between a finite set and its canonical index, as in the use of for , where

Di = E.

We will assume that the reader is familiar with the recursive partial functionals, (see [6. p.150]) .

we let :=~ be an effective enumeration of the recursive partial th functionals. For each e we denote the e -partial recursive function

An[@ (C n)] by Oe. The function f is recursive if for some e. e B' 4e is total and f(n) = Oe(n) for all n. A set is recursive just if its characteristic function is recursive. A set is recursively enumerable if it is the range of some parkial recursive function. We denote the range of Oe by We. We say f is Turing-reducible to g

(f 5T g) if f = hn[Oe(g, n) ] for some e. We extend this reducibility to sets by defining A 5 B if C < Two functions f and g T A -T C~. are Turing equivalent (f 9) if f5 gandg5 f, It canbeshown -, T T that E is an equivalence relation (see (5, p.1371). The equivalence T classes under = of total functions (or sets by considering their -T characteristic function) are called the Turing-degrees. A Turing-degree that contains an r.e. set is calle6 an r.e. degree. We will use small underlined letters for the Turing-degrees, for example 2, b, 2. The jump of a set A, denoted A', is the set

Ie : Oe(CAf e) is defined}.

The jump operator is well defined for the degrees and if -a is the degree of A then we denote by 2' the degree of A'. We use 2 to denote the smallest degree, that is the degree of all recursive functions.

We reserve the symbol K for the set {e : e f we} and the symbol Kg for the set { : n € we}. Both K and K are of degree 2'. 0


Enumeration reducibility is defined in Friedberg and Rogers [2] and discussed in Rogers [ 5, p. 1461 . Intuitively, a set A is enumera- tion reducible to B is there is an algorithm that will work on any enumeration of B (the input enumeration) and produce an enumeration of A (the output enumeration). The formal definitions are as follows:

1.3.1 W(A1 = {x : for some D, D c A and € w}.

1.3.2 A is enumeration reducible to B (A Se B) if there is an

r.e. set W such that A = W(B). 1.3.3 A= B if A5 B and B5 A. e e e

1.3.4 A< B if A 5 B and B $ A. e e e

~USto every r.e. set W there is associated a function e 'e N from 2* to 2 . We call this function an enumeration operator. In

this thesis we shall not distinguish between an r.e. set V and its e associated operator me, for example if @ is the enumeration operator

associated with the r. e. set W we will write W (A) for @ (A) .

Notice that the definition of W (A) in 1.3.1 did not specify that W had to be r.e. In later chapters for purposes of relativization we shall

sometimes use non-r.e. sets to operate on other sets.

It is easy to show that E is an equivalence relation on the e subsets of N (see [ 5, p. 1531 . The equivalence classes are called

enumeration degrees. One of the reasons for studying enumeration

reducibility, other than the fact that it is a very natural relationship between , is that we can get a reduction between partial

L.. functions by defining ?+

The equivalence classes of partial functions (or single-valued sets) are

called partial degrees.

A partial degree is called total if it has as a member some total

function f. We will use 5 to denote the partial ordering of partial

degrees and enumeration degrees induced by 5 We will use underlined e . lower case letters to denote partial and enumeration degrees as well as Turing degrees. Me write -a < -b if -a 5 -b and -b 2 -a. The structure obtained by restricting the partial degrees to the total partial degrees is order isomorphic to the Turing degrees (see [5, p. 1531).

There is really no difference between the structure of the enumera- tion degrees under 5 and the structure of the partial degrees under 5.

The map which takes to T(@) induces an isomorphism between the partial degrees and the enumeration degrees. The inverse of this iso- morphism is induced by a map which takes a set A into a constant function with domain A. Hence in this thesis the terms partial degree and enumeration degree will be used synonymously. We will use 2 to denote the smallest enumeration degree that is the degree of all r.e. sets (from a partial function viewpoint it is the degree of all partial recursive functions) .

\ k Because of the above isomorphism between the enumeration and partial degrees, and the isomorphic embedding of the Turing degrees into the partial degrees, we are jcstified in using common notation, such as 5 and -0, for all three structures. One interesting fact that then Hence the enumeration degrees of co-r.e. sets have a structure isomorphic to the r.e. degrees. Thus we will denote by -0' the partial degree

For composition of operators we will often omit the parentheses, for example we will use W(B) for W (V(I3) ) . Also we will often use lower case letters in parentheses where it would be more usual to use subscripts as in V (k). 1 INFINITE GAMES

Throughout this thesis we shall be using the method of infinite games as explained in Lachlan [4]. In this section we outline some of the basic ideas and terminology.

We consider games with two people, one called the player and the other the opponent. Each person enumerates a sequence of sets.

That is each member of the player's sequence is a set that is enumer- ated during the game, and similarly for the opponent's sequence. To gain an intuitive feel for this method it is helpful to view these sets as receptacles into which numbers can be placed. The player and the opponent take alternate turns, with the opponent taking the first turn. For purposes of formal definition it is usual to insist that each person enumerate at most one number in one set during his turn.

However in describing actual games we shall only keep the opponent to this restriction and allow the plzyer any finite number of such actions in one turn (this does not make any change to the ability of the player to win a game). The game ends after w turns.

We shall call the conbined turns of the player and the opponent a stage. We number the stages starting with 0. The nth stage of the game is the portion of the game that begins at the start of the oppon- st st ent's n+l turn and ends when the player's n+l turn is completed. If X is one of the sets being enumerated during the game we will use xS to denote X as it appears at the end of stage s. We will normally use X to denote the set as it appears at the end of the game. Occasionally, hwever, we will refer to X as a receptacle into which numbers are placed, as in the phrase "the player puts n into XI1.

To specify a game we indicate the sets to be enumerated by the player and those to be enumerated by the opponent. We also give a recursively enumerable sequence of requirements. Each requirement states a relationship between some of the sets being enumerated. For example a requirement could be A $ B where the opponent is enumera- ting A and the player is enumerating B. A requirement is said to be satisfied if it holds at the end of the game, in our example above the requirement would be satisfied it at the game's conclusion the resulting set A is different from the resulting set B. The player is said to win the game if at the end of the game all the requirements are satisfied.

After n stages of the game, n < w, at most a finite number of the sets being enumerated will be non-empty. A list of these sets together with all the numbers in them and the stage each number was put in is a game situation. A strategy is a map from game situations into possible moves. A strategy S for the player is said to be complete if no matter what strategy the opponent follows the player is always able to follow S. A strategy S For the player is a winning strategy if S is complete and every play of the game in which the player follows S results in a win for the player. By encoding moves and game situations into numbers we can consider a strategy as a function from N to N. Thus effective strategy, effective winning strategy and the partial degree of a strategy are defined.

Most of the games considered in this thesis will use recursion

theory notation in their requirements. It is possible to rephrase

these games in purely game theoretic terms and eliminate all notions

special to recursion theory. Although this would emphasize Lachlan's

result that recursion theory can be done by strictly game theoretic

means [4], we have sacrificed this interesting point to make the

results more concise.

In the discussions and proofs about the games we sometimes

identify with the player and occasionally refer to the player's actions

as our own.

All the strategies given for the games in this thesis are effective.

We shall not prove this for any strategy as it is clear from their



Case [l, p.4261 has conjectured that there is no set A whose partial degree is total and whose complement has a non-total partial degree. In this chapter we will disprove this conjecture by shcwing that there is a total function f, B iT f 5 Kt such that for all T single-valued B

BCe ~(f)and B total . +. BE 9. e


Consider a game where the player defines a set A and enumerates the sets V 0 , V 1 , . .. , and where the opponent enumerates the sets

The requirements are :

-1): A is well defined, single valued, and total

R(O) : W(O) CA) single valued and total + W(O) (A) A V(0) finite 11

R(2) : W(1) ('Ti) single valued and total -+ W(1) (A) A V(1) finite - R(3) : A # W(1)

The oppo~entduring his turn can put one number into one of his sets 0 , 1 . . The player during his turn can add numbers to one of his sets 0 , 1 , . . The player is also allowed during his turn to remove a finite nurnber of members of A and replace each one with another number.

We will allow the player to change the value of CA(nl only finitely many times for each n. This is equivslent to the player 03 S enumerating a series of initial functions, say s=O, that converge to A. If at the beginning of the game A is recursive, the player's strategy is effective, and the opponent simultaneously enumerates all the r.e. sets in an effective manner then the Turing degree of A will be less than or equal to 0'.

We will assume that at the start of the game A = { : n € N).

If all our changes to A that remove a member of the form

also add a number of the form and occur below some stage S(n) then the requirement R(-1) will be satisfied.

Throughout the game the player will be putting labels on requirements.

These are a "bookkeeping" device which make the strategy more concise.

The labels persist until they are explicitly removed. The player also

has an infinite number of labels, denoted 1-label, 2-label, ..., with which to label numbers. If a number becomes n-labelled at some stage s then it is n-labelled for all stages t, t 2 s.


At stage 0 all sets are empty except for A, which is

{ : n € N}, and the player does nothing.

Strategy at stage s + 1:

1. If n (s + 1) = 2p then 1 - 1.1. for each x € wS (p) (A') the player puts x into ~(p), and

1.2. if R(2p) is not labelled at the end of stage s and for


> and > in wS (p) we have

1.2.1. m + m* and

1.2.2. € (D U D*) fl A" -+ is not -labelled

for any r S 2p

then the player takes the smallest such pair, say > and

>, and

1.2.3. <2p, O>-labels all members of E U E*,

1.2.4. unlabels all labelled requirements R(q), q 7 2pl

1.2.5. labels R(2p), and

1.2.6. for any € (E U E*) fI A' the player removes

from A and puts the smallest such that j! E U E* and is not -labelled or -labelled for

any r 5 2pr

into A and <2p, l>-labels .

2. If l'r (s 1) = 2p 1, R(2p 1) is not labelled at the end 1 + + + . . of stage SI and there exists f wS (p) such that 2.1. no number is -labelled for some r 5 2p + 1, and

2.2. is not -labelled for some r 5 2p + 1, then the player takes the smallest such number, say , and

2.3. puts into A,

2.4. <2p + 1, l>-labels r

2.5. removes and <2p + 11 O>-labels all members of A of the form with kt # k,

2.6. unlabels all R(q), q > 2p + 1, and

2.7. labels R(2p + 1).


A requirement R(p) labelled at the end of stage s can be unlabelled at stage s + 1 only if for some q < p, R(q) is not labelled at the end of stage st but R(q) is labelled at the end of stage s + 1. Thus for each p there exists an r(p) such that either R(p) is labelled at all stages 1 r(p) or R(p) is not labelled at any stage L r (p) . Choose r 0 , r 1 , . .. such that r(0) 5 r (1) 5 .. . . If is put into A at stage s (1) then for some p (1), is -labelled at stage s (1).

If , 2 # 1 , is put into A at stage s(2) > s(l), then must be - labelled at stage s(2) for some p(2) c p (1). Therefore there must be a stage s (k) and a number m(k) such that C At for all t E s (k) . and consequently

A must be well-defined. A is single-valued and total since AS is single-valued and total for every s.

It now remains to be shown that R(qi is satisfied for every q L 0. Consider a requirement of the type R(2p), p 10, i.e.

W(p) 6) single-valued and total + Vip) A W (p) (A) finite.

Now suppose W (p) CX) is single-valued and total.

Let L = Vr(2p) (p) . Clearly L is finite. To show that

R(2p) is satisfied it will suffice to show that V(p) - L C

W (p) 6) and W (p) (x) c V(p) . Consider any that is put into s V(p) at a stage s + 1, s 1 r(2p). There must be a member of W (p) of the form > where D c AS. Now suppose, for proof by contradiction, that p W (p) (A). As W (p) (A) is total there must be a stage t + 1, with t > s and rl(t + 1) = 2p, such that - t t for some D* and m* # n, > € W (p) and D* C A . We claim that 1.2.1. and 1.2.2. hold for the pair > and

> at stage t. Clearly m* f m, so 1.2.1. holds.

Now suppose € (D U D*) n At and - is € D ll A . However D C AS. Hence must be put into A at a stage t', t > t' > s > r(2p). This can occur at only two points in the player's strategy, 1.2.6. or 2.3. Now if the player puts into A at stage t' on behalf of 1.2.6., then as t' > r(2p) we have sl(tl) > 2p and cannot be -labelled for any r 5 rl(tl) , which contradicts our assumption about . If the player puts

into A at stage t' on behalf of 2.3., then by 2.1., nl(tl) c r 5 2p and ~(r~(t))must become labelled at a stage t' > r (2p) P r IT^ (t) ) which is impossible. Therefore > and

> satisfy 1.2.1. and 1.2.2. at stage t + 1. It follows that R(2p) is already labelled at stage t because otherwise R(2p) would become labelled at stage t + 1 contradicting t + 1 > r(2p). Let u + 1 be the largest stage < t at which R(2p) becomes labelled. Thsn there must exist some least pair > and

> in wU(~) that satisfy 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. at stage u + 1.

The player <2p, O>-labels every member of E U E* at stage u + 1 and removes every member of (E U E*) n -AU from A at stage u + 1. Clearly then , € W"~(~)(A~+'), and k # k*. If at some stage v + 1 > u + 1 a member of E U E*, say , is put into

A then, R(T (v 1)) is labelled at stage v + 1 and as is 1 + <2p, O>-labelled at stage u + 1 we have rl(v + 1) c 2p. Therefore r(ni(v + 1))2 v + 1 which contradicts v + 1 > r(2p). As no such stage v + 1 can exist we have < j , k>, € W (p) (A) and k # k* . This in turn contradicts our assumption that W(p) (Ti) is single-valued. Hence

t t Now suppose € W (p) (A) , then for some s , € W (P (A for all t I s. There must be a stage u l s such that rl(u + 1) = 2pI u+ 1 hence € v (p) c ~(p) Clearly W (p) c V(p) and

I(p) 6)h V(p) c L. Therefore all the requirements of the type R(2p) , p L 0 must be satisfied.

Consider a requirement of the type R(2p + l), p 2 0, i.e.

As A is total and single-valued, for any n there is an m such that € A. Thus we may suppose without loss of generality that for all n there is an m such that € W(p).

Each time a number becomes -libelled or -labelled the requirement RCr) becomes labelled. If r 5 2p + 1, then R(r)

cannot become labelled at any stage greater than r(2p + 1). As only a

finite set of numbers become labelled at any stage, there must be a n(p) such that if k > n(p) then for all y, is never

labelled or -labelled for any r 5 2p + 1. Choose a

such that k > n(p) and € W(p). There must be a stage s + 1 >

S r(2p + 1) such that 'IT (s + 1) = 2p + 1 and € W (p) Since 1 . k > n(p), 2.1. and 2.2 are satisfied at stage s. Thus R(2p + 1) must be already labelled at stage s, as otherwise R(2p + 1) would become labelled at stage s + 1 contradicting s + 1 7 r(2p + 1). Let

t be the greatest stage < s + 1 at which R(2p + 1) becomes labelled.

Some is put into A at stage t and becomes

<2p + 1, l>-labelled at stage t. Now if j? A then must become -labelled at some stage t' > t where r < 2p + 1.

We would then have that t < t' < s + 1 and the label on R(2p + 1) is

removed at stage t', which contradicts our choice of t. Therefore t € A and as € W (p) c W(p) we have W(p) fI A # pl.

Therefore W@) # A.


Consider a play of the game in which the opponent follows an

effective strategy whereby 0 1 , . is an enumeration of all the

r.e. sets and in which the player follows his effective winning strategy, - then all the sets V 0 1 will be r. e. Now suppose B 5 A , , .. . e and the partial degree of 3 is total. Then there must be a single-

valued total set B* , B* B . Thus for some j , B* = w ( j ) (%) and as - e the player's s2rategy is a winning one,

B* A V(j) is finite.

Hence B*Ee V(j) and 8 1 B* E B. Also x#W(j) for all j, whence - e e A >e 8. It follows that A >e B, because A is single-valued and total.

This completes the result claimed for this chapter because the partial

degree of A is total and non-zero, but there is no non-zero partial - degree, less than or equal to the partial degree of A, that is total.

We also note that a theorem of Medvedev is a corollary to the above

result .

Corollary 2.5.1. (Medvedev)

There is a non recursive such that for all f,

f 5 4 + f recursive. e CHAPTER I11



If r is a set partially ordered by 5' with a least element a, then 8, y € r are said to be a minimal pair if B, y # a and

V 6 € I'(6 5'6 and 6 r'y -t 6 =a).

Case [l] has shown that there exists a minimal pair of partial degrees.. Lachlan 131 and Yates [7] have shown independently that there is a minimal pair of r.e. degrees. In this chapter we will combine these two results to show that there are two non-r.e. but co-r.e. sets whose partial degrees form a minimal pair. The method used is similar to the one in the paper hy Lachlan [3]. Whether every minimal pair of r,e. degrees forms a minimal pair of partial degrees is an open question.


We consider a game where the player enumerates the sets A, B, VCO1,

1 , .. . , and the opponent enumerates the sets W(0) , W (11 , .. . , U(O) ,

U(1) , .... *

The requirements of the game are:

RC1) : W(O) (TI = U(0) (g) -+ 3i (~(i)A WCO) 61 is finite}


Before giving the actual strategy and proof we outline the main ideas behind the strategy. Let us first consider the problem of constructing two non-r.e. but co-r.e. sets which satisfy the first requirement, i.e.

At each stage s of the game we define Level (0, ST as the largest n < s such that

We also consider the sequence s c s < defined by 0 1 ....,

s i = ~(Ctlj< il (s.I < x and Level CO, s j) < Level (0, xlll.

This sequence is either finite or infinite, If it is finite then R(O1 is clearly satisfied.

We reserve a set V(0) for this requirement. For each i, we s -S i i enumerate each number of W (0) (A ) that 'is < ~evel(0, si) into V (0) .

At stage s we may wish to put some member x into A to ensure - A # M@) for some p. Putting x into A- may remove some k < Level (0, s . ) , with s . < s , from wS (0) CAS1 Despite this we may 3 3 . enumerate x in A as long as we then keep out- of B all numbers whose removal from B would remove k from us (0)(BSl . If Level CO, tl < k 2 0

for all t > s then RCQL will be satkfied and the restriction on B persists from stage s through all subsequent stages. If for some

stage t > s, Level (0, t) L k then the restriction on B may be

lifted at stage t and at stage t we may put any number y in A or

B provided that an appropriate restriction is placed on B or A.

respectively. The effect of this procedure, if the sequence s < s < 0 1 ... is infinite, is to ensure for all k and all -t > s we have k € ut (0)(B~) t t However we want lim W (0) (A I[k] to be defined, w t - t so we only allow k to leave W (0) (A ) when we place numbers into A to ensure that A # W(q) where q < k. This restriction also ensures

that'the set of numbers restricted from entry to A on behalf of k is

finite. A similar method ensures the same for B.

Now if the sequence so < sl< ... is finite then let u be the maximum stage in the sequence. For each k < Level CO, ul we have seen

that the set of all numbers restricted from entering A or B on behalf of k is finite, This allows the player to start playing the other

requirements starting at stage u + 1 with only a finite interference

from R(0) If the sequence is infinite then any . So< "' restrictions on entry into A or B will be eventually lifted and other

requirements may wait for this relaxation before they act.

At any stage si we assume that the sequence will be infinite, and play a strategy on these stages that conforms with this assumption. On

all other stages we assume that we have passed the last member of the

sequence and play accordingly, Thus for the requirement R(1) we have

two strategies being played. For each strategy we carry a distinct set

from the sequence V 0 , V 1 , .. . . When we are assuming that the sequence SO c S1 < .." is infinite, that is when we are at a stage s j ' then we play as if the only stages that have occurred are S1< "' < s This policy is extended to all requirements. Thus for a requirement j ' R(p) there are p requirements above it and hence there are 2' pos- sible assumptions. For each of these assumptions we require a distinct set from the sequence V (0) , V (1) .. . .


We first give some definitions used in the strategy,

~efinition 3.4.1

. .1, Level (p , s) is the largest n < s such that

-2, A p-state is a subset of {i : i < p}

.3. The p-states are linearly ordered by T* defined by

E 5* F +-t Wj(j € F - E + zi(i € E - F and i < j))

,4, We define E(s) C {i : i 5 s} and finite sequences

and by

the following stipulations:

4 ~(0,s) = s, u(0, j, s) =. j for j INCO, s)

.4.2. k€ECs) ++Level (kt s) 7 max Level k, uCk, i, s)) i

.4.3. k j? ECs) and j i NCk, s) .+.N(k + 1, s) = N(k, sl and u(k + 1, j, S) < s .+, u(k + 1, j + 1, S) = u(k, y, S)


y = pz(Leve1 (k, u(k, z, s)) > Level (k, u(k + 1, j, s)))

.4.,6.. k € ECs) and u(k+ 1, j, sl = s .+. N(k+ 1, s) = j,

.5. We define Etp, s) as E(s) fl (i : i

.6. R(3p + 1) is frozen at stage s if for some m,

m c wStp) n A".

.7. R(3p + 2) is frozen at stage s if for some m, S m c uS(p) n B .

In the strategy we will make use of the auxiliary function

L(p, EI s). It is assumed that if L(p, E, s + 1) is not set explicitly it is equal to L(p, EI s). At stage 0 all sets are empty and

L(p, El 0) = 0. At stage 0 the player does nothing.

Strategy at stage s + 1:

1, For each p € E(s) if there exist n and D such that

1.4 n 5 Level Cp, s) then the player chooses the smallest such n and

1.5 puts n into V( p, E(p, s) ) and

1.6 sets L(p, E(p, s), s + 11 to the maximum of L(p, ECp, sl, s) and n,

The player chooses the least p < s, if any, such that EITHER 23

2, RC3p + 11 is not frozen at stage s and there exists m such


2,2. if q 5 p and for some q-state E we have E:* ECq, s) - and further there is a D such that € wS Cq) and D c AS for some k 5 L(q, E, s + 11, then if D* is the least such D

(note that at this point in the strategy LCq, E, s + 1) will have been set, either explicitly by part 1, or implicitly by our conventionl - 2..3 .. if q 5 p and k < p and if there is a D such that D C AS and C wS (q) then if D* is the least such D we have

3, R(3p + 21 is not frozen at stage s and there exists m such


E T* 3.2. if q Lp and for some q-state E we have - ECq, s) and further there is a D such that € uSCq1 and D c BS for some k 5 L(q, E, s + 11, then if D* is the least such D

Cnote that at this point in the strategy LCq, E, s + 1) will have been set, either explicitly by part 1, or implicitly by our convention] - S 3.3.. if q 5 p and k < p and if there is a D such that D c B and

If p exists satisfying 2. then the player chooses the least m that satisfies 2, for p and puts into A. If p exists but not satisfying 2. then the player chooses the least m that satisfies 3. for p and puts into B.


For each p l 0 we define the final p-state, denoted by F P ' as the smallest p-state under S*, such that the sequence of all stages s with E@, s) = F say P I

is infinite, Now it is clear from the definition of ECs] that F C P We define the final game state, denoted by Fa as 8 F Fp+l p=O P . Consider a requirement of the type R(3p + i], i = 1, 2, We let rC3p + i) be the least stage s such that RC3p + i) is frozen at stage s, if no such stage exists we let rC3p + il be 0.

Lemma 3.5.1 If for some p, p L 0 we have

Wn 3s WtCt > s +Level (p, t] L n)

'. Proof: Suppose p satisfies the hypothesis but p R Fa. Clearly then

Consider the infinite sequence

For any . k, k > 0, there must be a j > k such that 25

Level (p, v@ + 1, j)) > k. Therefore there is an inflnite subsequence

suchthat E(p+ 1, t(i)) = F U (PI<* Fp+l, i=0, 1, 2, This p+l ..... contradicts our definition of F and our result is shown, p+l

Lemma 3.5.2 If for some p 2 0, p = 1)then

Proof t Consider p > 0, and suppose W @1 6) = W @I (c]. NOW for a proof by contradiction assume that there is an n such that for all s

there is a stage t' (s) > s such that Level (p, t' (s) ) < n. Clearly

there must be an infinite sequence m such that for some m i=O

for all i. Choose j sufficiently large so- that tCj1 > r(3q + il, q 5 m, i = 1, 2. Now either m C Wt(j'(pl rnt(j)) or m t ut(j1@)@tcj)

Suppose the former, then for some set D, D c A tcJ1 and

PIt (j) (p) . Therefore there must be some set D* such that D* is the - least set such that for some s 2 t(j) D* 'c' A' and € wS (p). If

D* % then at some least stage r > s a number of the form

is put into A, Hence R(3qt + 11 becomes frozen at stage r and as r> s 2 t(j1 > rC3q + 11, q Lm, i = 1, 2, we must have qE>m,

Hawever n q, 1 must satisfy 2.. of the player's strategy at

stage r and hence m > qE by part 2,3, jf the player rs strategy, " is a cont.:adiction so we must have D* C r,

Now as C wS (p) C W @) we have m € W@l 61. However

W@)&) = UU@)CEI.Hence m € W@) 6) n UCpl 61 and for some k we t (k) t (k) ) ut'k' (B have m E K (A , t'k)l. similarly for m c u t(j)(Bt(j)).

OD This contradicts our choice of the sequence i-O- and establishes our lemma.

Lemma 3.5.3 For every p I 0 there is a stage ze(pl such that

Prooft As there are only finitely many p-states it suffices to shw that for each p-state E, E <* F that there is a stage tCE) such P ' that

This is immediate from the definition of F P.

For economy of notation we note that there is a stage zCp1 such that z@) > zt@) and z(p) > rC3q + il, q 5 p, i = 1, 2.

Lemma 3,5.4 For all ql0 there is a bCql suchthat LCq, E, sl 5 bCql for all stages s and all q-states E suCh that E c* F' = Fq U {q}. Q

Proof! Consider a q-state E with E <* F' It suffices to show that q' for some n, L(q, E, s) < n for all s. Suppose for proof by contra- diction that for all n there is a stage s such that LCq, E, sl > n.

Hence there muat be an infinite sequence of stages say such that L(q, E, tti) +11 >L(q, E, tCiIl, i 0 1, 2, . . Clearly

then, as the auxiliary function L can be increased only on behalf of part 1, of the player's strategy, ECq, t(i)l = E, i = 0, 1, 2, ... ,

Therefore by our definition of F F' I* E, This contradicts our 9' 9 assumption that E <* F' and establishes our Lemma. q

Lemma 3.5.5 If q < p and q € Fa then for all k > 0.

a 03 Proofr As k=O is a subsequence of kO- it suffices to show that for all k >_ 0

1. LCq, Fq, vCq, k1 + ll 5 Level (4, vCq, kl).

Now L Cq, Fq, v(q, 0) + 1) either is equal to LCq, Pq, vCq, 01)

which has value 0 or is set to the maximum of L Cq, F vCq, 0) l and 4' some n 9 Level (q, v(q, 01). Clearly then LCq, Fq, vCq, 01 + 1) 9 Level (q, v (q, 0) l . Now suppose 1. is true for k = j . Now L(q, F , vCq, j + 11 + 1) either equals L(q, F , v(q, j + 111 or is 9 9 set to themaximumof L(q, F v(q, j + 111 and some n5 9' Level Cq, vCq, j + 121, To show that 1, holds for k = j + 1 it

clearly suffices to show that LCq, Fq, vCq, jl + 1) whence by our induction hsothesis

This completes our proof by induction of the required result.

We now show that requirements of the type RC3p) are satisfied.

Now suppose n € W(pl (A?. We can choose s sufficiently large so tFmt t t if kc n and k f W(pl(ji) then t 2 s + k € W (p)U 1 n vt and for

- S some D C A,

€ W (p). Now by Lemma 3.5.2 and Lemma 3.5.1we have p € Fm. AS s was chosen arbitrarily high we can assume that s = v (p + 1, il for some if hence p € E (s). Also by Lemma 3.5.2 we can choose s so that n 5 Level (p, s). Therefore 1.1, 1.3. and 1,4., of the player's strategy hold for n and D at stage s + 1. Therefore

S either 1.2. does not hold for n and n € V , or 1.2. holds for n s+l and n € V . Clearly n € V, which completes our proof by induction

Suppose n € V - L, Clearly there is a stage s(1) such that n € wS (l) (A' ) . Let D (1) be the smallest szt D such that € W s (1)

00 and D c A . In the following construciion of the sequences i-l,- 03 00 i-l- , we will assume that if w(i) = 1 and s(i+l) I s > i= 1 - - s (i) then D (i) is the least set D with

€ wS (AS) and D c AS, similarly for w(i) - 2 by replacing A with B. Clearly this assumption is equivalent to dropping an argument s from each D(i).

w5at we want to show, We call this a terminating case,

Case 2, DUI 9 A.

Let us suppose the latter case holds. Now a member of DCll can

be put into A only on behalf of part 2. of the player's strategy. Let

s (21 be the smallest stage > s (1) such that a member of D (1) , say

where w(2) = 1, is placed into A at tkis stage.

Let t (2) be the stage immediately preceding s (2) . Now s (2) > s (1) > s (1) @S (1) z(p) as n €W ) - L, hence as R(3q(2) + 1) becomes

frozen at stage s(2) we have q(2) > p. Now by Lemma 3.5.3,

F 5* E(p, tC21). Also P

Hence by part 2.2. of the player's strategy,

That is either

Now if 1. is true we can repeat the above argument. Either this

repetition will continue without end or it will terminate finitely, i.e,

either we can get an infinite sequence s(1) < s(2) < sC3' < ... or a finite sequence

s(l) < sC21 < ... < sCj) such that n C U (j ' (8' 'j) ) . Suppose the latter (this case includes

2., as the special case j = 21, then there must be some smallest set D(j), D(j) C ElS('), such that C Us(') (p). Now as before we have two cases.

Case 1. D (j) C B, in which case n € U @I = ~(pl6) which is wkat'we want to show. This is also a terminating case.

Case 2. DCj) %

Let us suppose case 2. holds, then there must be a smallest stage s(j + l), s(j + 1) > s(j), such that ~(j)$ B (j+ll. some nunher

, w(j + 1) = 2, must beput into B at stage s(j + 1). Now s(j + 1) > s(1) > z(p), so q(j + 1) > p.,

Let t (j + 1) be the stage immediately preceding s (j + 1). By

Lemma 3,5.,3, F 5* E @, t (.j + 1)1 . Therefore by part 3.2. of the P player's strategy which we can apply as n 5 L@, Fp, ~(11)5

L4, Fpf t(j + 1)) we have

That is either Now if 1. holds we can repeat this argument and continue the sequence. As before we get either an infinite sequence

or a finite sequence

such that n € wS 'k) (A' 'k) 1 . In the latter case (2. is a special sub-case with k = j + 1) we can apply the argument used on s(l1 to continue the sequence. Thus either one of the terminating cases will hold and n € W(p1 (A1 or we get an infinite sequence

with the associated sequences

Consider i 2 1. Now -if w(i + 1) = 1, then DfiI is the smallest set such that DCi) C A S(i' and € W~~'@II.By part 2.3. of the player ts strategy q(i + 1) 5 n, -Now if wCi + 1) = 2, then DCiI (il is the smallest set such that D(i) C Bs(i' and CUs (pl.

By part 3.3. of the player's strategy q(i + 1) 5 n. Now r (3q(il + w(i) ) equals sCil for all i L 2, hence as at most one requirement becomes 3 2 frozenat any stage, 3qCil + wCi1 # 3qCjl +wCj1 for all if j,

i, 9 L 2, This is a contradiction, hence one of our terminating cases must hold.

We have shown that W(p) (x) c V and V - L c W(p) (3,therefore

W@) (A) A V c L, and all the requirements RC3pl, p 2 0, are


Now let us consider a requirement of the type RC3p + 11, i,e.

If R(3p + 1) is frozen at some stage t then there is an x such t t that x € A r) W (p) , and A f W (p) . Now suppose for proof by

contradiction that R(3p + 1) is never frozen at any stage, Clearly

then for all m, ,f A. If at the gamets conclusion there is an m such that ,f W(p) then € - W@1, and - A f W(p). We are left with the case when for all m,

He will first show that there is a number and a function dl hl such that if m > dl and s > hl(m) then will satisfy part 2.1, of the player's strategy at stage s,

Let dl = 0 and define hl(m) to be the smallest stage s such

S € W (pl whence 2.1. is satisfied.

We will now show that there are numbers such that if d3' e3 m>d and s > e then satisfies part 2.3. of the 3 3 player's strategy at stage s. 3 3 Consider any q 5 p and k < p. Suppose- there is a set D such t that for some stage t, t 2 z(k) , D c At and € W (q) . Let

D (k, q) be the smallest such set D, and let t(k, q) be the smallest

stage such that D (k, q) c A t(krq' and C w t(krq) (q) . If

D&, ql $x then some , € D(k, q), must be put

into A at some stage t > t (k, q) . Now as satisfies part 2.3. of the player's strategy at stage t we have qt < k. Now

R(3q1 + 1) becomes frozen at stage t, and we have t > t (k, q) > z (kl > - r(3qr + 1). Thus we must have DCk, q) c A,- Now if there is no such t set D such that for some t 2 z(k), D c At and € W Cq) ,

then'we let D(k, q) = and t(k, ql = zCk1. We let d3 be the maximum of all m such that € DCk, ql for some k < p, q 5 p, and we let e be the maximum of all the stages t Ck, q) 3 , kcp and qIp,

Now suppose m > d3 and s > e Consider any q 5 p and k< p 3 ' such that there is a D, D c AS and € tiS Cq). Now s > tCk, q) hence if D* is the smallest such D, D* = DC~,ql. Clearly then, by our choice of d j? D*, Therefore d3 and e have the 3' 3 desired property.

We will now demonstrate that there are numbers d2 and e such 2

that if m > d2 and for some i, v(pmIi)> e2. P' = P f 11 then

satisfies part 2.3. of the player's strategy at stage V(P' ~i)+ 1.

Consider any q 5 p and k I b(q1. we can construct D(k, q) and

t(k, ql exactly as above. Let d2 be the maximum of all m such that

€ D (k, q) k I b (q) q 5 p, and let e be the maximum of , , 2 Let m > d and let i be sufficiently large so that v (pf i) > 2 , e Assume for proof by contradiction that part 2.2. of the player's 2- strategy does not hold for at stage v(pl,i) + 1. Hence there must be a q 5 p, a q-state E with E C* E@, ~(p'ri))= F P and a k I LCq, E, v(p' ,i) + 1), such that if D* is the smallest set

v(p. , i)(Bv(pfIi) D* and k p U 1 Now if E c* F U{q), then by Lemma 3.5.4 . q k 5 b(q), and as ~(~l,i)> t(k, q), we must have D* = DCk, q). Hence

p D* as m > d This leaves the case E = F and q E Fa. By 2 ' 9 Lemma 3.5.5, L(q, E, v(p8,i) + 1) 5 Level (q, v(pf,i)), hence k 5

Level (q, v(pf I ill. Now as we have uvcp'ti) v(pfii) CB ) which contradicts our assumption about k.. Hence 2 and e have the desired property. 2 Now choose m such that m is greater than any of dl, d2 and d3, and choose an i such that v@' ,i) > z (pl , v 4',i] > h(m) and v(p' I il is greater than either e or e Now must 2 3 ' satisfy 2.1,, 2.2., and 2.3. at stage vCpl,il + 1. By our assumption that R(3p + 1) is never frozen there must be a q c p such that either R(3q + 1) or R(3q + 2) hecomes frozen at stage vCpf ,il + 1

This contradicts our choice of v(pl,i) > zCp). Hence we have shown that all requirements of the form R(3p + I), p'~0 are satisfied. We can show that the requirements of the form R(.3p + 21, p L 0 are satisfied by a similar argument.


Consider a play of the game where the opponent follows an effective 35 strategy so { i , U i 1 : i C N} fs the set of all pairs of r .e. sets. Therefore as the player's strategy is effective A, B and all - - the sets V (0) V (1) will be r .e, Furthermore A > 9 and B >e pl , , .. . e - - - as A # ~(i)and B # U(i), i = 0 1, 2, . . Vow if C 5 A and - e C 5 B then for some pair of r.e. sets W i U i 1 we will have e , , C = WCi) 61 = UCi) (El. As RC3i) is satisfied, there is a set vC~) such that C A Vck) is finite, and as V(k) is r.e. C E PI. Thus the e - - partial degrees of A and B form a minimal pair. Now A and B are co-r.e. hence their partial degrees are total. Therefore the Turing - - degrees of A and B form a minimal pair of r.e. degrees. CHAPTER IV



In this chapter we will show that there are no minimal partial degrees.

Definition 4.1.1.

.l. A partial degree -a is minimal if -0 < -a and -b < a+- b = -0.

-2- A set B is minimal if its partial degree is minimal.

Mention of this problem occurs in Rogers [5, p.2821 and Case [l].

The proof will be in two parts. First we will show that a minimal degree must be 5 -0' and then we shall show that there is an r.e. set V such - that for all BI jl ce B 5 K, we have pl ce V(B) ce B. e


In this section we describe two games that have an effective winning


We consider the following game where the player enumerates V and

the opponent enumerates ki 0 I W (1)I . . . . We will assume that the

partial degree of the opponent's strategy is less than or equal to the

partial degree of a given set A. If the player's strztegy is effective

then any set W(i) that the opponent enumerates will be such that 3 7

W(i) I A. Also if the player's strategy is effective we will have e V 5 A. The requirements of the game are: e

: for each n there exists an m L 1 such that for all j R-l

€ V(X) + j 5 m for all X, X > A e

O< j€VCX) forall X, X A >e

n € X * € VCX) for all X, X >e A

Now if we have an effective winning strategy for this game it will work when the opponent simultaneously effectively enumerates all the

r.e. sets. In the following discussion we will assume that this is the

case. We can take A to be jd and hence the requirements will be

satisfied by any non r.e. set X. Also the set V the player enumerates

will be r.e. Now suppose B is minimal. We must have B re jdr hence

B is non r.e. and B satisfies all the requirements of the above game.

By definition fl 5 V(B) Se B, hence either V(B) Z B or V(B) !if. e e -e 3 8

V (B) f B wo~ldimply that B 5 V (B) hence for some r .e. set W (p) e e , we would have B = W (p)~(B) . This is impossible as B satisfies R(p) .

Therefore, for every minimal B we must have V(B) r.e., that is

V(B) = W(q) for some q. Now if 2 is the partial degree of the join

of the characteristic function of V and the characteristic function of

W (q) then we have by that the partial degree of C 5 b. Having , R-l B - an oracle for V would allow us to compute for each n the m whose

existence is assured by . we can then consult an oracle for W(q) R-l to see whether is in ~(q)or not. In the former case n C B,

in the latter n j? B. Now clearly b is a total degree and -b 5 -O'r

hence we have the following:

Theorem 4.2.1. If X is minimal then X has T-degree 5 -0'.

As V (B) = W (q) , an enumeration of V and W (q) will give us a

sequence of initial functions {cSlm which will converge to For B s=O c~. given partial enumerations of V and w (q) , say vS and wS (q) , we s take CB(n) to be 1, if there is C wS (q) such that

S € W (q) + k 5 j and k < j * > € vS, and 0 otherwise.

Now recall that V satisfies and thus for each n there exists an R-l S m L 1 such that C WS(q) -t j 5 m and j < m -t € W (q)

and C V(B) * n € B. For any n either will appear t in W' (q) for some s > n in which case t 2 s -t CB (n) = 1, or there

l will be an s > n such that t s +cr(n)B = 0. As W(q) = V(B) and

CB. S of these initial functions is finite and hence has a canonical index, CB

thus we can consider the sequence as a function from N to N, {cSlrnB s=O say g. As game one is played we are essentially getting an enmeration of countably many such functions, and if a minimal B existed at least one of these functions would have to converge to B in the manner described above. To show that a non r.e. set B is not minimal it is sufficient to find an effective procedure that, applied to the above function g enumerated by game one, will enumerate a set V such that

B<, V(B) ce B.

Let us consider the following game where the player enumerates V and the opponent enumerates W 0 , W (1), . . . . As before we assume that the opponent's strategy has partial degree less than or equal to the partial degree of a given set A. We will also assume that at each stage

S of the game we have an initial function ps such that CB = 1% CB, -B S

B > A and the function that encodes this sequence of initial fanctions e has partial degree less than or equal to the partial degree of A.

Now suppose that we have an effective winning strategy for the above

game. Applying that strategy when the opponent sim~ltaneouslyeffectively

enumerates all the r.e. sets such that WC2p) = W(2p + 1) and A = B 40 we see that there exists an r.e. set V such that all the requirements are satisfied. By definition 5 V(B). If % V(B) then for some e e r.e. set W(2r) we have V(B) = W (2r), which would imply that B does not satisfy R(2r) . If V(B) B then for some r.e. set W(2r + 1) - e we have B = W (2r + 1)V (B) and B does not satisfy R(2r + 1). Both of these assumptions contradict the existence of an effective winning strategy. Hence if we can find an effective winning strategy for both games we have:

Theorem 4.2.2. For every B >e 9 there is an r.e. set V such that pl ce V(B)

We notice that the V depends upon the choice of B and hence the result is not uniform. Now suppose B > C and the partial degree of e C is total (we may then regard C as being the graph of a characteristic function). We now re-examine the games and this time in the first game let the opponent play so that his strategy has partial degree less than or equal to the partial degree of C, and N(i) = U (i) (C) i = 0, 1, 2, .. . where U 0 , U 1 , .. . are all the r. e. sets. We also take A t o be C.

Hence as our winning strategy is effective and C is total V 5 C, e that is for some r.e. set UO, V = UO(C) .

This is not necessarily the case if the partial degree of C, say

-c, is not total. As 5 is total we can assume that the order of enumeration oi { : n C W(j) (C)) is fixed. Because given any enumeration of C there is an effective procedure that will output a

fixed enumeration of C. Hence as our game takes a fixed enumeration

of { : n C W(j) (C)) and outputs an enumeration of a set V, we can combine these two e ffective procedures and get an effective procedure such that for any enumeration of C it will oiltput an enumeration of V.

However, if -c is non-total we cannot effectively extract a fixed enumeration of C from an arbitrary enumeration of C, see Case [l], and so we cannot conclude that V Se C unless 2 is total.

Now V(B) = UO (C) (B) but B >e C hence for some r.e. set ul'

C = U1 (B) . Therefore V (B) = UO (U1 (B) ) (B) thus there is an r.e. set

U2 such that V(B) = U (B) 5 .B. Fina~lly there must be some r.e. set 2 e

U3 such that U (B) = V(B) join C. Now suppose there is no set strictly 3 between C and B. If U3(B) Ee B, then for some r.e. set W1'

W U (B) = B and so W1(V(B) join C) = B. Therefore for some q, 13 W(q)V(B) = B. This would contradict the fact that an effective winning strategy exists for game one. Hence U3 (B) Ee C, that is U 3 (B) = W(q) for some q. Mow U (B) = V(B) join C, hence we can extract a sequence 3 of initial functions as before, the only difference being that this time the function that encodes them will have a partial degree that is less

than or equal to the partial degree of C. Hence we can apply the

5 C second game to this sequence where the opponent's strategy is e and where W(2i + 1) = W(2i) = U(i)(C), i = 0 1, 2, . . Again we

Now take A to be C. consider v(B) . Clearly V 5e C, hence as in the

analysis of game one, there is an r.e. set U* such that u*(B) =

V(B) jcin C, and C 5 U*(B) 5 B. If u*(B) B then for some r.e. e e - e set W*, W*U* (B) = 5. However, W*U* (B) = W* (V(B) join C) thus as

B > C there is a q such that W*U* (B) = W (2q 1)V (B) here fore e + . B = W*U* (B) = W(2q + l)V(E) which contradicts R(2q + 1). 42 The only other alternative is U*CB) C, that is for some r.e. set -e Wf, W(C) = U*(B) = V(B) join C. Thus there must be an r.e. set w** such that w**(C) = V(B) but W** (C) = W(2q) for some q and hence

W (2q) = V (B). This is impossible by R (2q) hence our assumption that there is no set strictly between B and C must be false. We have

Theorem 4.2.3. If -a and -b are partial degrees with 5 total and

-a c b then there is a partial degree -c such that ac -c c -b.


We now present an effective strategy for the first game and prove that it is a winning one. The plziyer will construct a function f(n, s) at each stage s. It is intended that the value of f(n, s) should remain fixed for all sufficiently large stages. This final value of f(n, S) will be the m required for n by R-l. If, during the construction the player does not explicitly set the value of f(n, s + 1) it is assumed to be f(n, s). At stage 0, all sets are empty and f (n, 0) = 1 for all n. A superscript s on a set being enumerated will indicate that set as it appears after s stages of the game.

The basic idea behind the strategy is that each number n is issued a flag by putting <{n), > into V. (At stage s the

flag of n will be ). We call a flag since the presence of in V(X) would indicate the presence of n in X.

To satisfy RO we ensure that the only solution of X = w (O)V(X) is

0 (W(O)V)~(~),where (w(o)v)~ is W(O)V and (W(O)V)"+~ is n=O W(O)V( (W(0)V)n). For the first instruction of the form that is placed in W(0) we put > into V for any C E. indicate the presence of m in XI SO we issue a new flag by putting <{m}, > into V. For the first instruction of the form in W(0) we proceed as we would for 0 but we do not disturb any flags of 0. ~hus1 C x * 1 C W(O)V(~I)il (w(o)v)'(%). ~t n is clear that we can ensure that n C jLJO (W (O)V(O) ) j (j3) * n € X. Notice also that this strategy requires that n has at most n + 1 flags, as we only issue a new flag for n to handle a number less than or equal to n. This will satisfy R(0). For R(k), k > 0, the method is the same except that we never repeal a flag of any n c k. This means that any solution of X = W (k)V(X) hs.s the form 0 !w(~)v)~(F)where F n=O is a subset of 0 1, k - 1 and hence will be 5 A. . . e

Player's strategy at stage s + 1:

1. For every member

of wS (IT (s) ) and for ev 1 with F c {x : x c IT~(s)} such that . ..! r i 1.1. D c ?(N)

1.2. C D and r (s) 5 m < r -t € vS(j3) or 1 -labelled

1.3. r is not -labelled

1.4. Fr ={n< IT~(S): C D - vS(j3) for some j} U

/-I m : IT1 (s) 5 m < r and C D - vS (PI) for some k) the player -labels r and for each € D such that n E IT~(S)and n 2 r the player

1.5. puts <@, > and >into V Ule proceeds through the members of L? (s)) and the subsets

Fof . ., Fr of In : n < li (s) in numerical order with respect to the . 1 1 index >.)

2. The player puts {ns , n s , 1 into V and sets f(nl(s). s + 1) = 1 if f(nl(s), s) = 0.

Now consider any XI X >. A. We show that R is satisfied. e -1 Consider any n € N. Clearly by our construction if f(n, s + 1) > f (n, S) L 1 then n (s) 5 n and there is an r 5 n that becomes 1 -labelled at stage s + 1 for some E c {x : x < ITl (s)1.

However a number may become -labelled at most once. Hence for all t, f (n, t) 5 2" (n + 1) + 1. Thus there must be a smallest

such that s 1 t -t f(n, s) = f(n, tn). We denote f (n, tn) by tn n f (n) . By induction on s :

1. 3t(t < s and ?r (t)= s) -t f(n, s) L 1 1

2. € vS(x) -t j 5 f (n, S)

Therefore we can conclude:

Thus R-l is satisfied for all X.

Now suppose for some X > A and some W(q) we have W (q)V(X) = X- e We define U as follows: Since the player's strategy is effective and the opponent's strategy has degree 5 A we must have U 5 A. We show by induction on m that e e

for every m, X(m) c X. Clearly X (0) = {x : x < q) n X C X. Suppose

X (m) c XI then

We now show by induction on n that

IH1. n E X -+ there is a set c X and a stage such that Fn tn the player -labels n at stage t n

IH2. if the conclusion of the implication in IH1. holds then

n E U.

Suppose this is true for all n c k and suppose k € X. Clearly

S k E wS (q)vS(XI for some stage s. Thus there must be a member of W (q) ,

say such that D* c vS(X) . Let Fk be the set

{n c q : E D* - V(g) for some j) U

U{F~: q C mc k and E D* - V(g) for some j}.

We see that F c XI by our induction hypothesis and noting that n < q k

and E D* - V(9) C v(x) + j = f(n) and n C X. Now conditions

1.1., 1.2. and 1.4. given in the player's strategy clearly hold for 4 6

and F at any sufficiently large stage t with T (t) = q. k 1 Hence there must be a stage such that the player -labels tk k k at stage Thus we have shown part IH1. of our induction result. tk . Now suppose the conclusion of part IH1. holds about k. Let tk be the member of W (q) that causes k to be -labelled at

stage t. Now consider € D.

Case a) n < q: in which case either C V(@) c V(U) or

n € Fk C X(0) whence Cn. j> C V(X(0) ) c V(U).

Case b) n L q: we have two sub-cases tk+l i) n L k, in which case <@, > € V and

hence € V (9 c V (x) , t ii) n < k, in which case either € V n(@) c V(U)

or n is --labelled for some F* c Fk c X

and hence by our induction hypothesis n € U and

€ VCU).

Thus in all cases € V (U) . Therefore D c v (u) so k C w (q)~(u) =

U. This completes our induction.

Thus we have shown that X c U and U c X hence X = U. This

would contradict our hypothesis that X > A as U 5 A. Hence our e e assumption that Wiq)V(X) = X is false. Thus any X such that X ze A

must satisfy all the requirements.

To construct a winning strategy for the second game we rely heavily

on the sequence of characteristic functions. At any stage we act as if

the characteristic function given to us at that stage is correct. The . . negations of some requirements, which are equalities, will be evidently 47

false if we know that our current characteristic function is correct.

We only deal with the smallest requirement that could possibly be unsat-

isfied (i.e. the equality could hold). If this requirement is an even

one, say R(2p). we issue flags of the form for larger and

larger n. If the requirement is odd, say R(2p + 11, we force

V(2p + l)V(X) to be W(2p + l)V(P() for any X. If the opponent allows

us to work on a requirement infinitely many times any solution to its

equation will have to have partial degree less than or equal to the

partial degree of A. Thus for any requirement he must make the equality

in that requirement contradict the characteristic functions for all

sufficiently large stages. However as the sequence of characteristic

functions converges to CB it will be impossible for any such equality

to hold at the game's conclusion.

A superscript s on one of the sets being enumerated by the

opponent or the player will denote that set as it appears after s stages.

At stage 0 all sets are empty and the player does nothing. We make the

following definitions to simplify the strategy and the proof.

4.3.1. s(n) is the smallest stage such that

S s 1 s (n) -t C (n) = CB (n) = cBw . B

4.3.2. t (q, s) is the largest stage < s such that R(q) is the

first requirement not passive at stage tCq, s) and is 0

if no such stage exists.

4.3.3. R(2q) is passive at stage s if s > 0 and for some

n < t (2q, s). j? vS (g) and wS (zq) [] # C;(n) . 4 8 4.3.4. ~(2q+ 1, s) = { v'(N) : 2p < 2q4-1 and C S tn) = 11 B

4.3.6. R(2q + 1) is passive at stage s if s > 0 and for some

n < t (2q + 1, s) either

i) 1 = ~'(2~+ l)(D(2q + 1, s) U vs(0))[n] # ~i(n)or

ii) 0 = ~'(2~+ 1)(D(2q + 1. s) U Z(2q + l))[n] # ~:(n).

4.3.7. R(q) is active at stage s if it is not passive at stage s.

Player's strategy at stage s e 1:

Let q be the smallest number < s such that R(q) is active at stage s (if there is no such q the player does nothing at stage s + 1).

Case 1. q = 2p

for each n < s the player puts > into V.

Case 2. q= 2p+1

for all n, r such that s > 2r > 2p + 1 and n c s the

We now show that this strategy is a winning one. In particular we shall show that for each q, R(q) is satisfied and there is a stage r (q) such that s > r (q) + R(q) is passive at stage s. Suppose there is a q for which this does not hold and let q* be the smallest such q. Let t' be chosen > r(p) for all p < q* and let t* > t' be chosen such that t* > s (m) for all m < t' .

We consider two cases.

Case 1. q* = 2p* for some p*. 49

Suppose for each stage t there is an s L t such that R(~P*) is active at stage s. Let U = in : E W(2p*)), and let

L = (n : n < t*}. Clearly U 5 W(2p*) 5 A. We shall prove that the e e symmetric difference of B and U is a subset of L and hence finite.

We can then conclude that B 5 U 5 A which is impossible, hence e e r(2p*) must exist. Suppose n € B - L. Let us choose an r > 0 such that r > s (n) , r > t*, t (2p*, r) > n and ~(2p*) is active at stage r. Consider any 2q + 1 < 2p*. Since t* > r(2q + l), R(2q + 1) cannot be active after stage t* and since n > t* the player never puts > into V on behalf of R(2q + 1). Thus j?

V(p), and as ~(2p*) is active at stage r we must have r (2p*) [] = C: (n) Now r > s (n) and n € B, hence C (n) = 1. wr . B Therefore € wr(2p*) c W(2p*) which implies that n € U. This shows that B - L c U. Suppose n € U - L and n j! B. Choose r as r above. As n j? B and r > s(n) we have 0 = C (n) = cB(n). By the B same reasoning as above ,C ~~(2~*).Now as out choice of r could have been arbitrarily large we must have j? W(2p*) which contradicts the fact that n C U. Hence U - L c B and thus the symmetric differ- ence of B and U is included in L. By our remarks above r(2p*) must exist. We must then have by our assumption about q* that R(2p*) is not satisfied, that is W (2~*)= V(B).

Choose r > s (m) for all m < t* + r (2p*). Now as r > r (2p*) we have R(2p*) passive at stage r, hence for some n < t(2pe, r) < r r (2p*) , P vr (B) and wr (2p*) [I # CB (n) . NOW as r n < r (2p*) , r > s (n) hence CB(n) = CB (n) . Also as we could have 50 r chosen r arbitrarily large we can assume that W (2p*) []=

W(2p*) []. Hence CB(n) # W (Zp*) [].As n c t (Zp*, r) the player must have put > into V at stage t (2p*, r) .

However )? V (J2) , thus CB (n) = v (B) [ 1. By our assumption that R(2p*) is not satisfied we have v(B) = w (2p*) which t,rould imply that C (n) = W(2p*) [] contradicting B $(Zp*) [] # CB(n). Therefore our assumption about q* cannot hold in this case, and Case 1 is impossible.

Case 2. q* = 2p* + 1 for some p*.

Suppose for each stage t there is an s 2 t such that R(2p* + 1) is active at stage s. Let

Clearly U 5 A. We shall show B = U and hence r(2p 1) must exist. e + Suppose n C B. Choose r> 0 such that r> s(n), r>t*, t (2p* + 1, r) > n and R(2p* + 1) is active at stage r. Now suppose t* € D(2p* + 1, t*). Thus € V (N), hence m< r(2p). t* r Therefore t* > s (m) and 1 = CB (m) = CB (m). Also vt* (N) c vr (N) , therefore D (2p* + 1, t*) c D (2p* + 1, r) . Notice that if C r vr (N) then m < r(p) c t* hence € vt* (N) and CB (m) = t* 1 -+ CB (m) = 1 as r > t* , theref ore D (2p* + 1, r) c D (2p* + 1I t*)

This shows that D(2p* + 1, r) = D (2p* + 1, t*) . Now suppose C

Z (2p* + 1) , we can choose r' > r so that r' > 2q, r ' > m and

R(2p* + 1) is active at stage r' . Hence as r' > r > r(2p) for all

2p < 2p* + 1 and as R(2p* + 1) is active at stage rl the player puts > into V at stage r' . Thus Z (2p* + 1) c V (PI) hence

c W(2pf: + 1) (D(2p* + 1, t*) U V(P)l = U

Now as R(2p* + 1) is active at stage r and r > s (n) then 1 = CB (n) = r CB(n) = ~~(2~'+ 1)(D(2p* + 1, r) U Z(2p* + 1)) [n] hence n U. NOW suppose n € U, we can choose r as before but with the added condition that

Now as before we have D(2p* + 1, r) = DC2p* + 1, t*) . Thus as R(2p* + 1) is active at stage r we have

and as r > s (n) , CB (n) = 1. Thus B = U which is impossible as

U 5 A, hence r(2p* + 1) must exist. Therefore, by our assumption e about q*, R(2p* + 1) cannot be satisfied, that is B = W (2p* + l)V(B) .

Choose r such that r > r(2pk + l), r > t* and such that r > s(m) for all m< r(2p* + 1). As above we have D(2p* + 1, r) - ~(2p*+ 1, t*). Also R (2p* + 1) is passive at stage r hence for some n < t (2p* + 1, r) <

r(2p* + 1) we have two cases: r Case a) 1 = W (2p* + 1) (D(2p* + 1, r) U vr(,O))[n] # c;(n).

Consider € D (2p* + 1, r) . Either € vr (g) c V (B) r or CBh) = 1. Now as m c r (2q) we have r > s (m) hence CB (m) = 1

and thus € V (B) . Therefore D (2p* + 1, rl U vr (9) c V (B) and 52 thus n € wr(zp* + l)(D(2p* + 1, r) U vr(fI)) C W(2p* + lIV(B) = B which is impossible .,

n € B, As B = WC2p* -1- llV(B), n € W(2p* + l)V(B) and there must be a member of N(2p* f 1) of the form where D C V (B) . Consider

€ D, there are two possibilities:

i) 2q < 2p* + 1, in which case either € V(@) or

m € B. Suppose m € B, we must have m c r (2q), by our r choice of r we have r > s Cm) hence C Cm) = 1 and B € DC2p* + I, rl. Thus for sufficiently large r,

€ D and 2q < 2p* + 1 -t € ~C2p*+ 1, rl.

ii) 2q> 2p* + 1, in which case € Z(2p* + 1).

Thus we can choose w sufficiently large so that D c

DC2p* + 1, r) U Z (2p* + 1) and

€ wr (2p* + 11 .

Hence n € ~~(2~*+ 1) CD(2p* + 1, rj U Z(2p* + 1) 1 which

is inpossible .

Thus neither case a) nor b) can hold and hence RC2p* + 11 nust be satisfied. Therefore there can be no such stage q* and the player's strategy must be a winning one, This completes the proof of our result. CHAPTER V




In this chapter we will extend some of the results of the previous chapter. In particular we will show that for a given partial degree 5 there are at most countably many partial degrees minimal above a, that is, for any B there are at most countably many C such that C >e B and for no A is C > A > B. In the previous chapter we were able to e e do this for any B that belonged to a total degree. However for sets that belonged to non-total partial degrees we were not able to ensure that the enumeration operator we constructed was independent of the particular order in which the opponent enumerated his sets. We will give a new strategy for the first game of the previous chapter t.hat will itself be an enumeration operator and hence will produce an enumeration operator that is independent of the order of the opponent's enumeration.


In order to demonstrate this new strategy we will need operators that consider not only the input enumeration but also their own output enumeration. We will show that such operators can be replaced by enumer- ation operators, and hence are only a notational convenience. Definition 5.2.1.

-1. a triple of the form is called a positive e-


.2. a triple is a positive condition if it is a positive e-

condition for some e

.3. an extended enumeration operator S is an r.e. set of

positive conditions

.4. a set T is said to satisfy S for X if for every positive

e-condition in S, we have

n € W (T join X) -+ D c T e

.5. S is the intersection of all sets T which satisfy S for


Theorem 5.2.2. If S is an extended enumeration operator then S

satisfies S for X.

Proof: Suppose LC1) , L (2) , .. . is an enurneratian of S. Also suppose

L(j) = . Then we define

Let Z(0) = Y (0, j) . Now we define Z (k + 1) by induction. Suppose ' -J=o

Z (k) has been defined, also suppose that L (j) = , then we let

D if n € We(Z(k) join XI Y(k + 1, j) = pl otherwise . We then set Z(k + 1) = Y(k + I, j) U Z(k). Fi~allywe set Z = ~(k). j=o k= 0

Consider any L( j ) , say , and suppose n € W (Z join X) . e Now Z(k) c Z(k + 1) for all k, hence there must be m such that n € W (Z (m) join X) By our construction of Y (m + 1, j) we have e . D = YCm + 1, j) c ZCm + 1) c Z. Therefore Z satisfies S for X and thus S c 2.

We will now show that Z c S. This will prove that Z = S and as we have shown that Z satisfies S for XI we will have proved the theor em.

Let us consider a T such that T satisfies S for X. If x € Z(O) then x € Y(0, j) for some j, where L(j) = , and by our construction of YCO, j) we have n € We(% join X) and x D.

However W (@ join X) c We (T join X) , and as T satisfies S for X e we can conclude that D c T. Th-1s x € T and hence Z (0) C T.

Now suppose Z(k) c T. If x € Z(k + 1) - Z(k) then x € Y(k + 1, j) for some L(j) = . Therefore n € W CZ (k) join X) and x C D. e Now Z(k) c T, hence n € W (Z(k) join X) c W (T join X) and as T e e satisfies S for XI x € D c T. Thus by induction Z c T. Now as T was an arbitrary set that satisfied S for XI we must have Z c S.

This theorem tells us that S is a solution to all the conditions in S. We will now show that an extended enumeration operator can be replaced by an enumeration operator.

Theorem 5.2.3. If S is an extended enumeration operator then there exists an enumeration operator V such that for all XI V(X) = S.

Proof: Let L (1, L 2 .. . be a recursive enumeration of S . We will 56 assume that this enumeration is being given, together with a simultaneous effective enumeration of all the r.e. sets. We will construct V in stages. In effect we will be showing that V is enumeration reducible to these input enumerations and hence is r.e. We will denote by WS e' the finite subset of W that has been enumerated at stage s. e

Let V(O1 = pl. Consider some stage s 1. Suppose IT (s 1) = j. + 1 + S Let .U = U V(k), and suppose L(j) = . Then we take as V(s + 1) k= 0 the set of all pairs such that x f D, Fo C (i : i c s)

00 and for some F2 C u(F~)we have F wS. Let v = U VW. 1' e k=O

Clearly each VCk) is finite and V 5 S and hence V is r.e. e

We now complete the proof by showing that VCX) = S for all X.

Consider any set X. Clearly V(0) (X) c S. Suppose V(t) (X) c

S for all t. Now as n € V(s + 1)(X) there must be some pair

C VCs + 1) with F U F1 c XI n € D and for some 0 F2'

C QOV (k) ) (FO) and f W By the induction hypothesis F2 1 e .

V(P) (X) C S for all k i s hence


m € W (S join X). e

As S satisfies S for X by Theorem 5-2.2.' D c S and thus n € S. Clearly then 00 Referring to our proof of Theorem 5.2.2., we see that S = U z(k). k= 0 Suppose n € ZCO), then n € Y(0, j) for some j, where ~(j)=

. By the construction of Y (0, j) , m € W (B join X) and e

Y(0, j) = D. Now choosing s sufficiently large with T (s 1) = j 1 + we have m € W: join X) , that is there is a finite set F such that 1 S F1 C X and <@ join F1, m> € W . Now clearly B c V(s) ($31, hence e

<@ U Fit n> € V(S + 1) and n € V(s + 1)(x) C v(X) . Therefore z (0) c

V(X) . Now suppose Z (k) c V (X) . Let n € Z (k + 1) - Z (k) , then n € YCk + 1, j) for some j, where L(j) = . We see that m € We (Z (k) join X) and Y (k + 1, j ) = D. We choose s sufficiently large so that n € W: (Z (k) join X) and nl (s + 1) - j . There must be a member of LiS of the form where F c X and F2 c Z(k). e 2 1' 1 Now Z (k) c V (XI , hence we can assume that s is sufficiently large so s that F2 c ( U V(t) ) (X) Thus there is a finite set Fo c X such that t=0 . S C F c {i : i < By our F2 (tio~(t)) (Fo) . We can also assume that 0 s) - construction of V (s 1) we have € V (s 1) and n € V (X) + 0 + , as Fo U F1 C X. Therefore Z = S c V(X) by induction and so


We will now reconsider the first game in the previous chapter. One of the conclusions drawn from that game was that there are at most a countable number of partial degrees minimal above a total degree. If the opponent changes the order of enumeration of his sets, the strategy given in the previous chapter will produce a different set V (unless the opponent is e:~umerating all sets enumeration reducible to a total set, in which case it can always be assumed that the order is fixed). Let

KC denote the set { : n € We(C)}. We will demonstrate an extended enumeration operator S such that for any A if V = S and W(i) = Wi@) for all i then for h = W(0) the requirements

Rot R1, R2, ... listed on page 37 hold together with

: w YW Z(Y # Z+V(Y) # V(Z)). R-l We will show that this is sufficient to prove our result.

The idea behind the construction of our extended enumeration operator is similar to the strategy for the first game in Chapter IV.

To illustrate this and to clarify the construction we will first construct an S such that V = SW (0)> satisfies the requirements Ro, R-l' .

Let f be the function from N x N 2N defined by letting f(n, j) be the set {i : i 5 n} - D if j 2 1 and otherwise. j -1 Let g be the function from N x N to N defined by letting g(jr i) be 1 plus the canonical index of D U {i} if j 1 1 and 0 j -1 otherwise.

Consider the following four sentences concerning a pair :

4. ( € D and n c r )+ (there is a set D* such that satisfies 1. - 4. or € s(%)).

When ue take Y to be W(O), then these will be the conditions on a pair in W(G) that must hold before we repeal some flags in

D. The first condition asks that be in W(0) and the second 59 that D c S(N). Both of these conditions are clearly necessary.

The third coridition is to avoid a process in the strategy of the first game that cannot be handled by an enumeration operator. In that strategy once we have forced D, from a pair into W (0) , into k (W(0)V) @) we then label r so as not to upset more flags to achieve k= 0 an already accomplished result. Let us look at an example of how we achieve a similar result in an enumeration operator. Now 0 will have two possible flags and . We will construct S so that

<{0), > is always in ScW(O)>. If some appears in W(0) with E c Sa(O)>, then we will repeal all the flags in E, that is, force each in E into a solution of X = W (O)S (X) by putting <$3, > into S. We will then issue new flags to all the n such that E E which will encode the fact that 0 has been forced into a solution of X = W (0) S (X) The set D is . j-1 the set of all r I n that have already been forced into a solution of our equation, g(j, 0) will then be one plus the canonical index of

D U (O), and we will issue a new flag to each j -1 in E. Hence if <0, 1> E E then we will put > and > into S. Now <0, 2> will never be repealed because as in the strategy for the first game in Chapter IV we never repeal a flag of r to force in a number n > r, and as has coded into it the fact that

0 has been forced into a solution of our equation, we have exhausted all 2n+1 the possible reasons to repeal a flag of 0. In general there are possible flags of n.

In the first strategy given in the last chapter much the same result as the a5ove was gained by labelling numbers to indicate that they had 60 been forced into a solution of X = W(O)V&). The player could then check the label of a number to see if he wanted to repeal flags on its behalf or not. This technique cannot be used in a strategy which is an enumeration operator as one cannot inhibit instructions from working after they have been put in the operator.

The intent of the fourth condition is to ensure that if there is a set E c S(N) and E W(0) and if we force r into any solution of X = W (0) SW(O) > (X) then for all E E with n c r, which we cannot repeal for r, we have that n has been forced into a solution of X = W (0) S (X) .

If we consider the set of all that satisfy 1. to 4. above, we see as f is recursive that this set is 5 S join Y and hence is e

U (S join Y) for some d. l d

Ncw if satisfies 1. to 4. we will want to repeal all flags I

, E D, such that n t r. Thus we let

We will also need to issue new flags which will indicate that r has been forced into our solution. We let

= {<{n}, > : and E2 Da1 (x)

We let Sl be the set of all positive conditions .

Clearly hx[~~(x) U E2 (x) ] is recursive hence S1 is r.e.

We also need instructions to issue initial flags to all n. Let S2 6 1 be the set of all positive conditions where d' is such that wd,(pl) = N and D = {>).

Finally let S = S1 U S Clearly S is r.e. We shall show that 2 ' V= S satisfies R and RL1 . We denote by Pl.. PZ., P3. and 0 P4. the instances of 1 2 3. and 4. respectively that result from

replacing Y by W (0) , and the references to 1,2. , 3. and 4. by references to Pl., P2., P3., and P4.

Consider R 0 '

W(O)v(X) # XI for all X > A. e

Consider a particular X so that

We will show that X 5 W(0). Let e

Now by Theorem 5.2.3 V = SW(0) > 5 W (0) , hence U Ze W(0) e . We claim that X = U. Clearly U c X as

We will show by induction that x C U. Supg~osefor all k< r we have 62

IH1. k € X -t there is a D* such that satisfies pi. to P4.

IH2. if the conclusion of the implication in IH1. holds then k € U.

We first show that part Ell. of our induction hypothesis holds for r.

Suppose r € X then for some D c ViX), € WiO) . We claim that PI. to P4. hold for the pair or for some pair .

As € W (0) and D c V (X) c v(N) clearly P1. and P2. hold for . Now suppose € D and n 1 r. If r f f(n, j) then as

€ V(X) and V satisfies S for W (0) we must have for some j ' ,

<{n), > € V and hence for some D* , € W d (V join ~(0)) .

That is satisfies P1. to P4. which would show IH1. was true for r.

Now suppose € D and n < r, then as € V(X) either .

Me now show that part IH2. holds for r. Suppose for some Df

satisfies P1. to P4. We claim that D c V(U). Consider

€ D:

Case 1. n c r

Now as satisfies P4. we have either for some D*, satisfies P1. to P4. hence by our indudtion hypothesis n € U, and thus € V(U) or € ViP) whence € ~(9)C v(u).

Case 2. n L r

Now as satisfies P1. to P4. ue have a, r> 6 Wd(V join W(0)).

V. Therefore € ~(d)C V(U). This completes our proof that D c V (U) . Clearly r E W (0)V (U) = U.

Hence we have shown by induction that X c U. It follows that X = U and thus X 5 W(0). e We now show that V satisfies RL1. Suppose for proof by contra- diction that Z # Z* (we can assume Z - Z* # pl) but V(Z) = V(Z*).

Let n € Z - Z*. Consider € V(Z) (there must be at least one such number in V(Z) as n E Wd, (W (0) ) = N and hence <{n}, >€

Sa(0) > ) . As n f Z* we have € V (PI) . Then > €

V, whence some € Wd, n F r(l), and E D. Now as

satisfy P1. to P4. we have r 1 € f n j 1 Also

<(n}, -> € V. Let j 2 = g 1 , 1 Now

V (Z) hence we can repeat our argument with j (2) instead of j (1). ~hcs

03 w we can construct two sequences <~(i)>~=~,r i . Now as j (k + 1) = I

g(j(k), r(k)) we have r(k) f? f(n, j(k+ 1)). However, r(k) € f(n, j(k)). I

Therefore for some k, f (n, j (k) ) = pl and r(k) € f (n, j (k) ) which is

impossible. Bence Z # Z* +V(Z) # V(Z*) and R' is satisfied. - 1 We will now show that it is possible to extend S so that V = S A will satisfy all the requirements RIlI Rot RII ... . The basic idea,

as in the first game of Chapter IV, is to not let any requirement R(k),

k > n, disturb any flag of n. This, however, adds a complication,

specifically that it is not sufficient to force some r into k (w(~)v(O)1 (F) for some k by repealing some members of a set D, and

then consider r as "handled" for the remainder of the game. Attention

must be paid to the flags of numbers c q that were in the set D. We

must be prepared to take action on behalf of r for each possible subset

of numbers c q. To provide for this action we let our second co-ordinate the set of high priority numbers that was involved in this action. we 2~xF re-define f as a function from N x N into where F is the set of all finite subsets of N. We let f(n, j) be the set { :

r5n and F c {i : i

9,r F) to the canonical index of the set D U {), if j -1 j 1 1 and 0 otherwise.

For each j, j = 0 1 2 . consider the following six

sentences concerning a triple :

j.3. € D and n L r and n>_j -t € f(n, k)

j.4. € D and j f n < r .+. there is an E*, E* c F and

a set D* such that satisfy j.1. to j.6. or € S(g).

j.6. F c {n : n< j).

Let us suppose that h(j) is recursive. Then clearly there is a

recursive function d(j) such that

satisfies j.1. to j.6.

if and only if

€ W (S join Y). d(j) We let

E4(x, j) = {> : 'nr k> € ITl (x) and

n E n2(x) and n 5 j). Let S (j) be the set of all positive d(j conditions

Now choose c so that W (PI) = N and let s(-1) be the set of C all triples

Finally let S = S(k). Clearly each S(j), j 1 0 is r.e. as k=-1C8 AIPI[~3(~Iy) U E4(xI Y) ] is recursive, S (-1) is clearly r.e.. and hence as d(j) is recursive S is r.e.

Now in the game the opponent enumerates the set N(O), W(l), ... .

Let W* = { : n E W(j) 1, and let us consider an h' (j) so that

(W*) = W(j). %I (j)

Clearly we can take hl(j) to be recursive. Let V = S. We shall show that V satisfies the requirements:

RL1, Ro, R1, , for all X s W*. ... e

We let 1 to Pj.6. be the instances of j.1. to j.6. that

result from replacing Y by W*, h(j) by h)and all the references

to j .l. - j .6. by references to Pj -1. io Pj .6. respectively.

Now consider a requirement of the type R j > 0 i.e. j '

Suppose that R is not satisfied, i.e. j WCj)VCX) = X.

We shall show that in this event X Te I*. We define U by

~(0)= X n {i : i c j}

Clearly U 5 W* as V 5 W* by Theorem 5.2.3 and W(j) 5 W*. Now e e e

hence U c X.

Now if k € X and kc j then k € U. Therefore if we can show that k € X and k L j -+ k € U then we will have X c U, and hence

X = U I W*. This will show that R is satisfied. e j We prove the following two statements for all k 2 j by induction:

IH3. k € X and k l j -+ there is a set D and a set Fk such

that Fk c X(0) and P j .l. to Pj .6. hold for

4. if the conclusion of IH3. holds then k € U,

Suppose IH3. and IH4. are true for all kc r. We first show

that IH3. holds for r.

Suppose r € X and r L j . Now as X = W (j)VCX) there is a

such that € W(j) and D c ~(x).Let ~~={n:gk,€ D

and nc j and nj?V(fl)}U U {rm : €D and j Im

Fr, c if k € then either k € Fm for some m, j 5 m r, and k € X by IH3. or € D far some i and n < j and n )? V((ll). Now if n < j and

D ' vU) then either n X(0) or € V(%), hence

C X(0). We will now show that Pj.1. to Pj.6. hold for some . Fr r Clearly € W( j) = W (W*), so Pj.l. holds. ~lso ht(j) D c V(X) c SW*>tN), hence Pj.2. holds. Now suppose € D and n 2 r and n l j. Now if f f(n, k) then there must be r a C VCN) such that € f(n, kt) and for some D*,

satisfies 1 to Pj.6., which establishes IH3. Thus r either for Pj.3. holds or IH3. is true for r. Now r suppose C D and j 5 n < r, then either € V(9) or

n € X whence Pj.4. holds by our induction hypothesis. Pj.5. and Pj.6.

are immediate from our definition of F r . We now show that 1114. is true for r. Suppose the conclusion of

IH3. is true for r. That is there is a set D and a set F such r that F c X(O) and satisfies Pj.1. to Pj.6. Nowwe r claim that D c V(U). Consider € D:

Case 1. n c j

Now either € V (g) c V (U) or by Pj .5. n € F whence r n € X (0) by our induction hypothesis and € V (X (0)) c V(U) .

Case 2. n 2 j

Sub-case 2.1. n < r

Now as 1 to Pj.6. holds for then Pj.4. holds r for . Hence either € YCgl c VCul or there is a set

c F E*> E* r and a set D* such that € V(U1 . Now as satisfies 1 to Pj.6. we have € r r w and as V satisfies S for W* we have EJ(<~,r, Fr>, j) C V. d(j)

Hence for all € D with n I r, n I j we have > € V hence € V(pl) C v(u).

We have shown that D c V (U) , hence r € W (j) V(U) = U. This completes our induction proof that X c U. Hence X = U, and therefore

Now we will show that RL1 is satisfied. Suppose not; that is, suppose there are two sets Z, Z* such that Z # Z* but V(Z) = V~Z*).

We can assume without loss of generality that for some n, n € Z - Z*.

Now there must be a flag on n, say in V(Z) ( is in V(Z)). Hence € V(Z*). However n J? Z*, thus

V (g) . Hence there must be a triple D 1 , r 1 , F 1 > that satisfies

Pj.1. to Pj.6. for some j with n 1 € Dl and

( (1) . Hence € V(Z). We can repeat the above argument to extract the sequences

R If(n, j(l))l 5 2 where R = 2" x (n + 1).

Hence there must be a k such that f (n, j (k)) = pl, and f (n, j (k) ) which is impossible. This completes our proof that our strategy will satisfy RL1, KO, ... .


Consider a play of the game where the opponent's strategy has partial degree 5 A and he enumerates all the sets 5 A, that is e e W (i) = We (A) Then W* = { : n C w (j)} = K Z A. Let the player . A e - enumerate the set V = S. Now by Theorem 5.2.3 we have V 5 K = A. A eAe We have shown that V satisfies R KO, R for all X > W* E . e e K~. Consider any set B, C, such that B > C. Consider a play of the e game as described above where A = C. As the resulting V satisfies

R for B, we have W(j)v(B) f B, for all j F 0. Now as C < B we j e have V < B and hence V(B) 5 B. Let M = v(B) join C. Clearly e e M 5 B. Suppose M E B, then for some r.e. set U we have U(M) = e e U (V(B) join C) = B. Thus there must be some j , such that

W(j)V(B) = B. This is impossible as V satisfies Rcj), hence

V(B) join C C, then by an identical argument 1 e to the above we have V(B ) join C < Now suppose both B1 and B 1 e B1. are minimal above C, that is for all L


B>LLC+Lf C. e

Hence V(B) join C I C and V(B ) join C le C, so for some j and i e 1

v(B) join C = W(j) and V(B 1 join C = WCi). 1 Now as V satisfies R' -1

Tnerefore we have the following.

Theorem 5.4.1. There can be at most a countable number of partial d.egrees minimal above a partial degree. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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