Freyssinet Expansion Joints

D esign, Build, Maintain

C V 1 C V 1 - 09/15

20 30 12 Viajoint N Joint CIPEC WP Joint

28 34 10 18 Freyssimod LW Joint Freyssimod LW of joints Manufacturing CIPEC WOSd Joints WM Joint 26 33 8 16 Multiflex SX Joint Multiflex devices Complementary CIPEC WR & WRB Joints CIPEC Wd&Wd+ Joints design of expansion joints design of expansion design offices assistance for of expansion joints manufacture teams installation by our specialist 24 32 6 14 NFT Joint 4-18 Transpec CIPEC JEP Joints NM Joint WP 700 and WP 960 joints Lourés - Portugal WP 700 and WP 960 joints Lourés Freyssinet expansion joints are certified and recognised worldwide by an recognised certified and are expansion joints Freyssinet of bodies. accreditation to none for reliability and diversity along with exclusive associated services. services. associated along with exclusive and diversity reliability none for to the: for support end-to-end provides Freyssinet a a a a every year installed joints are of Freyssinet of thousands of metres Tens appropriate features durability and guaranteed in over 80 countries, offering and conditions. all climates to For several decades, Freyssinet has been involved in developing structural developing structural in been involved has Freyssinet several decades, For and installation technology, in the related expertise and has complete accessories a range second now offers operations. Freyssinet maintenance Freyssinet integrated offer integrated Freyssinet Cover photo: Cover an unrivalled set . The company implements solutions implements solutions . The company

Cable-stayed structures Cable-stayed Structural accessories Repairs and maintenance Structural reinforcement Construction methods Construction Prestressing    

Reconstruction of the bridge over the river Crni Timok - Gamzigrad, Serbia structures and nuclear sectors. structures Freyssinet Group, a world leader in the soils, Group, Freyssinet Freyssinet is a subsidiary of the Soletanche Freyssinet responsibility policy. policy. responsibility of initiatives to reduce the environmental the environmental reduce of initiatives to and enhance its social impact of its projects development issues and has set up a number development issues and has set up a number Freyssinet is highly involved in sustainable is highly involved Freyssinet a a a a a a across five continents, making it the world across of: leader in its specialist areas Freyssinet is involved in numerous projects projects in numerous is involved Freyssinet construction and repairs. construction and repairs. sector in two major fields: with high added value of skills in the specialist civil engineering of skills in the specialist Freyssinet brings together brings together Freyssinet Group The Freyssinet The Freyssinet 2 C V 1 - 09/15 (, steel, mixed) Adaptability to alltypes ofstructure of wind,earthmovements,etc. variations, deformation underload,effects due to surface shrinkage,creep, temperature Account taken ofstructuralmovements noise pollution for excellent drivercomfort andlow Permanent wheelcontactwithjoint cyclists, pedestrians,etc. Appropriate for allusers a decisivefactor indesign Runoff water collection Our solutionsincorporate thefollowing criteria: and operatingconditionsofthestructure. and stresses to whichexpansionjointsare subjected, Freyssinet developsproducts designedto meetthesite conditionsandtheclimate The expansionjointiswithoutdoubttheelementundermoststraininanengineeringstructure. Expertinmanaging thefunctionalities Features ofFreyssinetjoints

20 : :


Viajoint (bitumen)



CIPEC WP (steel) Freyssimod LW (steel) CIPEC Wd, Wd+ (aluminium) 65

N, NM(elastomer) 75

CIPEC WR, WRB (aluminium) 80

MULTIFLEX (elastomer) 100

JEP (steel) CIPEC (aluminium) WOSd WM (elastomer) NFT (steel) 110



















(mm) Movement 700 (oil, gravel, salt,sand,etc.) resistance to aggressive elements Selected materials offering traffic loads(impact, fatigue, etc.) surfacecontinuity in non-traffic areas jointsproviding jointcontinuity Barrier connection through useofmodularelements Easy replacement intrafficflowconditions


Supported joint Supported joint Banded supported joint Modular 900

Cantilever joint

Gap-type joint Gap-type

Enhanced overlay joint


1200 with Transpec 4-18 under different exceptional

3 C V 1 - 09/15         Durability       Ease of         maintenance            Transverse Transverse movement    Sealing element

     

 

Supported joint Supported  joint Mat  joint Modular  Enhanced overlay joint overlay Enhanced  joint Nosing  joint Cantilever             Noise level            User comfort

Traffic Traffic   

  frequency                  Heavy traffic Heavy JEP CIPEC WOSd CIPEC CIPEC Wd CIPEC Wd+ WP NFT Multiflex SX LW Freyssimod Viajoint N WR CIPEC WRB CIPEC WM

JEP Wd WP NFT WM WOSd Model N, NM Viajoint WR, WRB Multiflex SX Freyssimod LW Freyssimod


Nosing Modular Joint type Cantilever Supported

Enhanced overlay

Mat joint Modular joint Supported joint Supported Cantilever joints Enhanced overlay joint Enhanced overlay Nosing joints section is inserted along the entire length of the expansion length of the expansion the entire along section is inserted entry of elements. It prevents joint between the metal runoff. water bodies and collects surface foreign Anchoring systems that connect the joint to the that connect the joint to Anchoring systems main structure sealing. A continuous elastomeric elements for Elastomeric Aluminium alloy or drawn steel elements that ensure joint elements that ensure steel Aluminium alloy or drawn and cleaning maintenance Short modules facilitate strength. in traffic flow conditions as well as installation          SELECTION CRITERIA SELECTION a a a


NM a a

joint families: Freyssinet joints belong to the following expansion the following to joints belong Freyssinet a a a Compliant with ETAG 32 recommendations, our expansion our 32 recommendations, with ETAG Compliant 3 main elements: joints comprise Design of joints of Design 4 C V 1 - 09/15 advice for ourcustomers. This uniqueexperienceallows us to provide theverybest qualifications andtraining for optimumjointinstallation. Our installationteams have thenecessaryexpertise, maintenance techniques. withstand continuoustraffic growth andstandard road usage conditions.Thematerials selected are designed to Freyssinet expansion jointsare perfectly suited to different World-renowned for theirdurabilityandsimple,robust design, Durability a a a a a a and durability: installation, anessentialoperationfor guaranteed performance Our experiencedspecialistsregularly review allaspectsofjoint Installation ofFreyssinetjoints       Performed ateverystageoftheinstallationprocess. Quality control surface continuity, usercomfort andreduced noisepollution. Assembly usingspecialtools to ensure optimumroad assemblyModular the mainstructure's waterproofing system. seepage underthejointitselfthrough itsconnectionto Installing drainsincreases jointdurabilitybypreventing Drains andconnection controlled. The tightening oftheanchorsto secure thejointiscarefully Connection quality the surface material. the mainstructure: withrebate orwithinthethicknessof There are varioussolutionsfor connectingthejointto Installation principle to suitthestructure's climate andoperatingconditions. A joint'smovementcapacitycanbesetduringinstallation Pre-adjustment ofjoints

3. InstallingaWPjoint 2. Detailofanchorage 1. WDjointinstallation tool 5 C V 1 - 09/15 51 85 136 40 gr Dimensions in mm 37 61 98 60 gr 31 52 84 80 gr Design these the nosing joint family, Belonging to sections extruded steel joints comprise two lengths and placed supplied in 3.50 metre other. each facing anchoring steel wavy two with fitted are These mortar beam in a resin embedded sections structure. the main bonded to installed and butt- A series of pairs of sections the joint seam. welded form Installed within the thickness of surface material Installed within the thickness of surface the in holes drill or recesses no with install to Quick main structure such as the problems solving specific Ideal for joints, work done by of existing replacement traffic short very requiring work renovation lane, is all and when speed of execution interruptions important means that JEP joints can Absence of saw-teeth to change any without angles skew large accept their intrinsic qualities     Specific features Specific a a a a CIPEC JEP joint seam - Nice Airport - France 30 50 80

Straight (100 gr) α JEP3 JEP5 JEP8 Type

of the of α)

main structure. JEP joints depending on the skew angle ( angle skew the on depending joints JEP The table opposite shows the movement capacity of The table opposite Movement range


6 Nosing joint Nosing CIPEC JEPjoint

C V 1 - 09/15 Dimensions inmm a a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories Technical datasheet 3    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints Type JEP8 JEP5 JEP3 J min. 75 75 80 JEP 3 B I max. 155 125 110 H bars reinforcement Anchoring E Elastomeric section models J min. 10 10 10 G JEP 5 I max. 90 60 40 G B min. 140 140 140 E J Steel section E 3. JEPjointseam 2. 3Dviewofthe upstand 1. Anchoringajoint seam 2 Elastomeric section min. mortar Polymer 80 80 80 H JEP 8 I Kerb coverplate 95 75 60 I 59 59 55 J 1 JEP joint Upstand JEP joint 7 C V 1 - 09/15 85 110 127 40 gr Dimensions in mm 61 80 92 60 gr 52 68 78 80 gr Design these the nosing joint family, Belonging to extruded aluminium alloy joints comprise two lengths and metre three sections supplied in each other. laid facing by means of a anchored The elements are in reinforced fasteners series of slightly inclined the main bonded to beams microconcrete These bars. by seam reinforcement structure with comprise anchor rods may fasteners load a with bars anchor model) or (WR sleeves A series of pairs of (WRB model). plate transfer the joint forms sections installed end-to-end seam. Installed within the thickness of surface material Installed within the thickness of surface main in the with no recesses install Quick to structure Particularly economical works new and replacement Suitable for     Specific features Specific a a a a 1. Adjusting a WR joint the flashing 2. Concreting 50 65 75 Straight (100 gr) α Type WR/WRB50 WR/WRB65 WR/WRB75 ) α 2 WRB with anchor bars c

e WR with sleeves 1

of the main structure. The table opposite shows the movement capacity of The table opposite angle ( WR and WRB joints depending on the skew Movement range


8 Nosing joint Nosing CIPEC WR&WRBJoints

C V 1 - 09/15 2. 3Dviewoftheupstand 1. a a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories WR withsleeves Technical datasheet 1    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints WR 50jointÎleSaintLouisBridge - Paris Aluminium alloysection H E G B reinforcement bars Elastomeric section Anchored Sleeve E

2 WR/WRB50 WR/WRB75 WR/WRB65 WR/WRB75 WR/WRB65 WR/WRB50 Type Type Kerb coverplate Anchor bar WRB withanchorbars TR footpath joint min. 65 65 65 Model TR65 TR50 TR75 H B Aluminium alloysection max. 140 130 115 Transfer plate E H min. E 15 15 15 Anchored reinforcement bars min. 65 65 65 G max. 90 80 65 G B B max. 115 140 130 250/200 250/200 250/200 B G min. E min. E 15 15 15 G 60/70 60/70 60/70 max. min. Elastomeric section 65 90 80 H E TR footpath joint Upstand min. 150 150 150 Dimensions inmm Dimensions inmm E min. 100 100 100 H 9 C V 1 - 09/15 85 127 170 40 gr Dimensions in mm 61 92 123 60 gr 52 78 105 80 gr Design these the nosing joint family, Belonging to extruded aluminium alloy joints comprise two lengths or six metre three sections supplied in other. each and laid facing sections installed end-to- A series of pairs of the joint seam. The metal elements end form by fasteners. structure the main to anchored are Easily accessible anchor bolts and method of method and bolts anchor accessible Easily section simplify the the elastomeric fastening example, if necessary (for of WOSd joints removal work) during resurfacing its and section elastomeric of the shape The mean that surface position slightly below the road by suction caused by debris is simply removed passing vehicles means that WOSd joints can Absence of saw-teeth to change any without angles skew large accept their intrinsic qualities    Specific features Specific a a a 1. Installing a WOSd joint 2. Adjusting a WOSd at the upstand the anchors 3. Tightening 4. Finished WOSd Joint 50 75 100 Straight (100 gr) α Type 4 WOSd50 WOSd75 WOSd100 ) of the α 2

3 1 main structure. The table opposite shows the movement capacity of The table opposite angle ( WOSd joints depending on the skew Movement range


10 Nosing joint Nosing CIPEC WOSdJoint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories Technical datasheet    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints Prestressed anchor Elastomeric section H E 3D viewoftheupstand G B TO footpath joint E WOSd100 WOSd75 WOSd50 Type Aluminium alloysection WOSd100 WOSd75 WOSd50 Type Kerb coverplate min. 150 150 146 H Model TO100 B TO80 TO50 max. 250 225 196 E min. min. 150 150 146 12 12 15 G B max. 112 87 65 max. 250 230 196 WOSd 75/100 Elastomeric sectionmodels B G min. 150 150 150 WOSd 50 E min. 12 12 15 WOSd joint min. 200 200 200 H G max. 112 E 92 65 Dimensions inmm Upstand min. 150 150 150 Footpath joint E Dimensions inmm min. 70 70 70 H 11 C V 1 - 09/15 29 40 gr Dimensions in mm 33 50 gr 40 60 gr 52 70 gr 68 80 gr Design one-piece nosing joint The N joint is a long moulded 2 metre comprising 1 or sections containing vulcanized elastomeric optimum ensure to metal inserts shaped service load transmission. Watertightness ensured by total continuity of the by total ensured Watertightness area overlap an and elements the on elastomer the elements meet where by the The special shape of the N joint and contact surface absorb wheel impact and road elastomer level an excellent providing thereby irregularities, of user comfort fully coated, elastomer inserts entirely Steel and chemical attack against corrosion protected and de-icing salts) hydrocarbons (oil, grease, install. Especially simple to     Specific features Specific a a a a N joint seam 65 90 gr 65 Straight (100 gr) α N65 Type

of the


main structure. The table opposite shows the movement capacity The table opposite angle ( of N joints depending on the skew movement capacity is reduced. The N joint is designed with a single movement single a with designed is joint N The the gr, 70 under angles skew For mm. 65 of capacity Movement range

N Joint N

12 Nosing joint Nosing N Joint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a available: on (ornon-traffic areas), the followingaccessories are To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness andjointcontinuity Accessories the thicknessofsurface material. for installationeitherwithrebate ordirectly within The Njointcanbefastened with2typesofanchor Technical datasheet    N jointwithsleeveanchor Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstands Footpath joints Type N65 Installation withrebate H min. 120 Threaded rod E N footpath joint B H max. 185 E G B min. 20 G B G E max. 85 E min. 170 Elastomeric section E Dimensions inmm N65 with/withoutrebate min. 150 H Sleeve anchor Type 3D viewoftheupstand Installation withoutrebate Elastomeric section min. 120 H B E max. 185 min. 20 G B G N jointwitheyeanchor max. 85 Eye anchor E N Joint N footpath joint min. 170 Upstand E Dimensions inmm reinforcement bars Anchored 200/70 min. H 13 C V 1 - 09/15 22 40 gr Dimensions in mm 25 50 gr 30 60 gr 40 70 gr 52 80 gr Design It joint. nosing one-piece a is joint NM The moulded elastomeric comprises 2-metre bands. steel elements containing by M12 the main structure to It is fastened by means or anchored bolts sealed with resin or in galvanized available of sleeves. They are stainless steel. The one-piece design of the joint, male/female join The one-piece design of the joint, male/female membrane recovery and water elements between watertightness excellent ensure elements and a galvanized or steel coated Entirely excellent provide system fastening stainless steel resistance corrosion on replace install or to simple joint is very The NM both new and existing structures    Specific features Specific a a a NM joint seam 50 90 gr 50 Straight (100 gr) α Type NM50

of the


main structure. NM joints depending on the skew angle ( NM joints depending on the skew capacity of 50 mm. shows the movement capacity of The table opposite The NM joint is designed with a single movement Movement range

NM Joint NM

14 Nosing joint Nosing NM Joint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories Technical datasheet   Drains (seepage33) joint typesare suitablefor thissystem) Footpath joints (alltypesusedfor otherexpansion NM50 Type min. 265 B Joint betweentwoelements Elastomeric section max. 315 Anchoring usingsleeves H min. 20 Sleeve anchor Threaded rod G E max. 70 min. 200 E G B Anchoring usingsealedbolts min. 175 H membrane Elastomeric water recovery Dimensions inmm NM joint Footpath joint 15 C V 1 - 09/15 69 87 93 142 102 117 30gr Dimensions in mm 68 86 94 107 124 143 40 gr 71 91 129 153 104 158 60 gr 63 84 Design family, the cantilever saw-tooth Belonging to a pair of individual cast this joint comprises with triangular saw- aluminium alloy sections lengths and laid in one metre supplied teeth of pairs of elements A series other. each facing the joint seam. forms installed end-to-end the main to anchored are The metal elements fasteners. by structure with in contact the joint of surface bottom The paint with epoxy be coated may the concrete to subject main structures for Wd+) (model high humidity and de-icing salts. 189 232 115 168 80 gr Exceptionally robust due to the use of tension tension the use of due to robust Exceptionally the connect the metal elements to bolts to control They and the choice of materials. main structure traffic heavy intensive designed for are elements of the metal The triangular saw-teeth perfect enable operation with no gap and so ensure reduced and significantly continuity surface road noise over the joint elements Easily accessible anchor bolts and short the joint with maintain and remove it easy to make only necessary on the lane in traffic interruption question 30 gr to up angles skew accept joints Wd+ and Wd their intrinsic qualities change to without any     Specific features Specific a a a a 1. Installed Wd joint 1. Installed Wd 2. Minnesund Bridge E10 - Norway 60 80 230 320 110 160 Straight (100 gr) α Type Wd/Wd+60 Wd/Wd+80 Wd/Wd+230 Wd/Wd+320 Wd/Wd+110 Wd/Wd+160

) α 30 40 60 2 Skew angle (gr) 80 95 80 60 230 160 110 320

Movement (mm)

JEP joint PSN 80 60 320 230 160 110 Wd Wd Wd Wd Wd Wd


of the main structure. of Wd and Wd+ joints depending on the skew angle ( angle joints depending on the skew and Wd+ of Wd The table opposite shows the movement capacity movement the shows opposite table The Movement range

CIPEC Wd & Wd+ joints & Wd+ Wd CIPEC

16 Cantilever joint Cantilever

Angle du biais (gr)





40 50 120 110 60 100 90 Mouvement le long de la ligne de joint (mm) 70 80 70 60 80 50 40 30 90 20 10 100 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 175 SX 80 Mouvement suivant l’axe de l’ouvrage (mm) SX 350 SX 320 SX 270 SX 250 SX 220 SX 200 SX 180 SX 160 SX 120 SX 100 CIPEC Wd&Wd+joints

C V 1 - 09/15 3D viewoftheupstand a a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories Technical datasheet    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints Wd/Wd+320 Wd/Wd+230 Wd/Wd+160 Wd/Wd+110 Wd/Wd+80 Wd/Wd+60 Kerb coverplate Footpath joint Type min. 450 440 400 300 220 185 B Prestressed anchor max. 770 670 560 410 300 245 min. Upstand 70 70 50 40 30 20 Wd joint G E max. Wd/Wd+320 Wd/Wd+230 Wd/Wd+160 Wd/Wd+110 390 300 210 150 110 Wd/Wd+80 Wd/Wd+60 80 Type TO footpath joint PL footpath joint Elastomeric section min. 350 350 300 250 200 200 E G B Sleeve anchor PL350 PL230 PL160 PL110 Model TO80 TO80 min. 300 280 280 250 200 200 H H H Dimensions inmm E min. 490 360 280 220 150 150 E B E G max. 840 590 440 330 230 230 H Aluminium alloyelement min. 50 40 30 20 12 12 B G G B max. 400 270 190 130 92 92 Elastomeric membrane F min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 E E min. Dimensions inmm 540 420 350 300 F - - min. 150 150 150 150 70 70 H 17 C V 1 - 09/15 49 49 40 gr Dimensions in mm 56 56 50 gr 68 68 60 gr 88 88 70 gr 84 105 80 gr Design is a one-piece cantilever joint The WM comprising metal elements joint saw-tooth at moving loads accommodate designed to on coated elastomer are the gap. The inserts protect abrasion to subject to not surfaces is made The traffic surface against corrosion. metal. The waterproof corrosion-resistant from the road very close to membrane, although of debris, does not enable removal to surface contact with vehicle tyres. direct into enter Greatly improved durability through use of low of use through durability improved Greatly by an protected iron) (cast materials corrosion coating elastomeric on watertightness for bonded The bellows are to be the metal elements, enabling runoff water of the system the drainage to directly channelled main structure comprising a sleeve embedded fasteners Vertical bolt allow for and a prestressed in the concrete of elements if necessary easy replacement the for as a replacement ideal joint New generation old M joint.    Specific features Specific a a a a Partial replacement of an M joint by a WM joint Partial replacement 80 101 90 gr 80 100 Straight (100 gr) α Type WM80 WM100 The transverse movement capacity of joints WM80 and WM100 is +/-20 mm.

) α

of the main structure. Movement capacity depending on skew angle ( Movement capacity depending on skew Movement range

WM Joint WM

18 Cantilever joint Cantilever WM Joint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a accessories are available: To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness andjointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic areas), the following Accessories Technical datasheet    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstands Footpath joints WM100 Prestressed anchor WM80 Type Footpath joint Sleeve anchor H Model M100 M80 3D viewoftheTMfootpath joint E min. 155 110 E B max. WM 80 255 190 G B G B min. 15 10 E G max. 115 90 WM element H E Dimensions inmm Upstand min. 175 175 E min. 100 100 H WM100 WM80 Type Prestressed anchor Sleeve anchor min. 225 165 WM100 WM80 Type H B Kerb coverplate max. 325 245 Model TO100 TO80 E E 3D viewoftheTO footpath joint WM 100 min. 150 150 min. G B 10 15 B 250 230 max. G B G E max. 115 90 min. 12 12 H WM element G max. 112 92 min. 170 200 E Footpath joint Dimensions inmm E min. 150 150 Upstand E min. 210 210 Dimensions inmm min. H 70 70 H 19 C V 1 - 09/15 e Skew angl Fig.2 Design this the cantilever comb family, Belonging to of individual elements joint comprises a pair supplied in saw-teeth (combs) with parallel each other. lengths and laid facing one metre rolled a either flame cut from The combs are or aluminium alloy castings. plate steel installed end-to- A series of pairs of elements the joint seam. The metal elements end forms tension by structure main the to anchored are fasteners. control WP joints are manufactured to order and can be order to manufactured WP joints are movement of the main the directional to adapted (fig.2) straight (fig.1) or skew structure, their to due robust exceptionally are joints WP simple design and user comfort The comb joint principle provides noise reduction    Specific features Specific a a a Vienne Viaduct, A7, France


on the model. The capacity varies from 60 to 1,200 mm depending 60 to from varies The capacity Movement range


20 Cantilever joint Cantilever CIPEC WPJoint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a The system compriseseither: A system for recovering runoffwater may becombinedwithbasicWPjoints(type1). Water collection    Up to WP600 Two elastomeric orstainlesssteel sheetwater recovery membraneswithagutter located underthejoint(type4) An elastomeric sectioninserted betweenthemetalelements(type3) A continuouselastomeric loopedmembraneovertheentire lengthofthejoint(type2) Type 3 Type 1 Steel element Sleeve anchor Prestressed anchor Elastomeric section Water drainage Elastomeric membrane Water recovery gutter Fastening rail membranes Elastomeric water recovery Fastening rail Type 4 Type 2 21 C V 1 - 09/15 H 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 min. H E Dimensions in mm 450 470 480 490 540 550 620 650 660 min. E 320 420 520 620 720 820 920 max. 1,020 1,120 G 120 170 220 270 320 370 420 470 520 min. B G Type 3 Type max. 1,020 1,150 1,265 1,395 1,600 1,715 1,950 2,110 2,235 B E 820 900 965 min. 1,045 1,200 1,265 1,450 1,560 1,635 Type WP3 200 WP3 250 WP3 300 WP3 350 WP3 400 WP3 450 WP3 500 WP3 550 WP3 600 WP joint seen from below WP joint seen from H H 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 min. min. H Dimensions in mm Dimensions in mm E E E 980 235 280 280 330 370 400 445 480 520 555 585 655 815 880 210 220 240 290 290 290 310 min. min. 1,030 1,120 80 360 460 560 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 950 120 160 200 280 320 360 max. max. 1,050 1,150 1,250 G G B G 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 40 60 80 160 210 260 120 140 160 min. min. Types 1, 2 and 4 1, 2 and Types 820 920 630 700 780 760 890 300 360 440 580 660 max. max. 3,290 1,860 2,280 2,510 2,810 3,010 1,140 1,260 1,390 1,510 1,620 1,000 B B E 570 620 430 740 810 890 960 520 580 510 590 650 240 280 340 460 500 min. min. 1020 1,160 1,480 1,610 1,810 1,910 2,090

type Type WP80 WP60

WP300 WP200 WP250 WP900 WP600 WP700 WP800 WP450 WP500 WP550 WP350 WP400 WP200 WP250 WP300 WP160 WP180 WP100 WP120 WP1100 WP1000 WP1200 Aluminium Not applicable to WP Type3 (see opposite) WP Type3 Not applicable to


C V 1 - 09/15 PL footpath joint Adaptation for cyclelanes on cyclelanes. a speciallydesignedmetalsheetisaddedto joints To provide maximumsafety andcomfort for cyclists, Adaptation for cycle a a a accessories are available: continuity onfootpaths (ornon-traffic areas), the following To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness andjoint Accessories    Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints(withourwithoutwater recovery membrane) H Kerb coverplate E PL footpath joint G B Elastomeric membrane F CIPEC WPJoint WP1200 WP1100 WP1000 WP700 WP600 WP550 WP500 WP450 WP400 WP350 WP300 WP250 WP200 WP180 WP160 WP120 WP100 WP900 WP800 WP80 WP60 Type 3D viewofthefootpath PL1200 PL1100 PL1000 Model PL700 PL600 PL550 PL500 PL450 PL400 PL350 PL300 PL250 PL200 PL180 PL160 PL120 PL100 PL900 PL800 PL80 PL60 1,340 1,240 1,140 1,040 min. 840 740 690 640 590 540 490 440 380 330 300 280 230 210 180 160 940 B 1,540 1,340 1,240 1,140 1,040 2,540 2,340 2,140 1,940 1,740 max. 940 840 740 630 530 480 440 350 310 260 220 min. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 G 1,250 1,150 1,050 max. 750 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 290 240 210 190 140 120 950 850 90 70 min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 E Dimensions inmm 1,390 1,290 1,190 1,090 min. 990 890 790 740 690 640 590 540 490 440 390 370 350 310 290 270 250 F min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 H 23

Cantilever joint C V 1 - 09/15 e Skew angl Fig.2 e Skew angl Design this joint family, the supported Belonging to securely metal plate joint comprises a robust and equipped the main structure to anchored on that bridge the gap and rest with saw-teeth allows for A rubber interface a sliding surface. impacts and absorbs of the metal plate rotation prohibits device innovative traffic. An due to the metal components. lifting of any The exceptionally robust design makes the design makes robust The exceptionally under intensive including NFT joint very strong, dynamic stress saw-teeth of the presence user comfort; Excellent noise reduces optimum for has anti-skid grooves Upper surface user safety exposure for extreme Designed specifically snow withstand to conditions and in particular clearing equipment and can be order to manufactured NFT joints are movement of the main the directional to adapted (fig.2) straight (fig.1) or skew structure,      Specific features Specific a a a a a Bridge over the Tecino river - Switzerland Bridge over the Tecino


on the model. The capacity varies from 100 to 600 mm depending to 100 from varies capacity The Movement range


24 Supported joint Supported NFT Joint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness andjointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic areas), the followingaccessories are available: Accessories a a The system compriseseither: A system for recovering runoffwater may becombinedwithNFTjoints. Water collection Technical datasheet PL footpath joint      Drains (seepage33) End sectionupstandsandkerb coverplates Footpath joints (withourwithoutwater recovery membrane) A continuouselastomeric loopedmembraneovertheentire lengthofthejoint located underthejoint Two elastomeric orstainlesssteel sheetwater recovery membraneswithagutter H E NFT600 NFT500 NFT400 NFT300 NFT200 NFT100 Type H Male comb G E 1,085 min. 985 885 785 685 585 c Stainless steel sheet B 1,685 1,485 1,285 1,085 max. 885 685 (elastomer) Flexible interface B G Elastomeric membrane min. 100 100 100 100 100 100 F B G max. 700 600 500 400 300 200 Sleeve anchor min. 260 260 260 260 260 260 F 2. NFTjointseamandfootpath adaptation 1. InstallationofanNFTjoint E Female comb min. 775 675 575 475 375 875 F Dimensions inmm Dimensions inmm NFT600 NFT500 NFT400 NFT300 NFT200 NFT100 f min. Type 240 240 240 240 240 240 H Prestressed anchor Model PL600 PL500 PL400 PL300 PL200 PL100 min. 740 640 540 440 330 210 B 1,340 1,140 max. 1 2 940 740 530 310 min. 50 50 50 50 40 20 G max. 650 550 450 350 240 120 min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 E min. 790 690 590 490 390 290 F min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 H 25 30 40 60 Angle du biais (gr) 80 95 80 60 320 230 160 110 C V 1 - 09/15 Sou e (mm)

80 60 320 230 160 110 Wd Wd Wd Wd Wd Wd Skew angle (gr) 10 20 45 40 30 50 120 110 60 100 90 Movement along the joint seam 70 80 70 60 80 50 40 Design is a mat joint in which The Multiflex SX joint is by the main structure movement imposed of the elastomeric absorbed by deformation vulcanised moulded sections. It comprises in length elements 1 or 2 metres elastomeric metal model) bonded to (depending on the moving accommodate inserts designed to in the fasteners. stress loads and distribute 30 90 20 10 100 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 175 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 SX 80 ± Movement along the axis of the main structure (mm) SX 350 SX 320 SX 270 SX 250 SX 220 SX 180 SX 160 SX 120 SX 100 Complete watertightness ensured by total continuity of the by total ensured watertightness Complete on the elements and the positioning of a high quality elastomer the elements meet adhesive seal where of wheel impact and contact enables absorption The elastomer level of an excellent providing thereby irregularities, surface road user comfort optimum user safety for has anti-skid grooves Upper surface rotational transverse, vertical and accommodates effectively Very movements of the main structure against fully protected coated, elastomer inserts entirely Steel and hydrocarbons and chemical attack (oil, grease, corrosion de-icing salts) in without recesses Simple installation, can be installed directly the main structure       Specific features Specific a a a a a a Arab Emirates Saadiyat Bridge - United α

) of the main structure. α

Movement capacity by model depending on skew Movement capacity by model depending on skew angle ( Movement range

Multiflex SX Joint Multiflex

26 Mat joint Mat Multiflex SXJoint

C V 1 - 09/15 2. PLfootpath jointadaptation 1. Tailor-made footpath upstand a a a areas), thefollowing accessoriesare available: and jointcontinuityonfootpaths (ornon-traffic To ensure generalexpansionjointwatertightness Accessories bridged joint.Theyhave different movement capacities. There are twodifferent designs,thesinglemodulejointand Technical datasheet PL footpath joint    Drains (seepage33) cover plates End sectionupstandsandkerb Footpath joints H H E E H Sleeve fastening G Double elementmodule Single elementmodule E Sleeve fastening Multiflex SXelement Multiflex SXelement

G G B B B Bonded fastening 1 Elastomeric membrane F Bonded fastening Dimensions inmm SX220 SX320 SX270 SX250 SX180 SX160 SX120 SX100 SX350 Type Type SX80 SX350 SX320 SX270 SX250 SX220 SX180 SX160 SX120 SX100 SX80 Type 2 Module Module double double double double double single single single single single PL350 PL350 PL300 PL250 PL230 PL180 PL160 PL120 PL100 Model PL80 Kerb coverplate 1,115 min. min. 690 235 755 915 410 390 330 305 930 min. 490 490 440 380 360 300 280 230 210 180 B B B max. 840 840 740 630 590 480 440 350 310 260 max. max. 1,435 1,025 1,165 1,280 910 590 550 450 405 315 min. 50 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 Multiflex SXJoint min. min. 10 10 60 15 10 10 10 10 10 45 G max. 400 400 350 290 270 210 190 140 120 G G 90 max. max. 380 285 260 230 190 170 130 110 395 90 PL footpath joint min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Upstand E Dimensions inmm Dimensions inmm min. min. 415 195 525 605 445 535 275 265 235 225 E E min. 540 540 490 440 420 370 350 310 290 270 F min. min. 360 350 260 250 250 230 230 210 190 190 27 min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 H H H

C V 1 - 09/15

LW 80: no intermediate sections therefore no sections therefore 80: no intermediate LW support bar (small movements) bars model T: with multiple support LW (medium movements) bars support L: with monolithic model LW movements) (large    Design this the modular joint family, Belonging to sections with steel joint comprises special installed between them. sections elastomer by is determined The movement capacity are chosen. There of sections number the 3 models: a a a Totally watertight, requires no water collection no water requires watertight, Totally system Installation in a single piece not movements or curved for Suitable the roadway parallel to movements Accepts vertical movements, rotational main structure of the and deformations Durable and low-maintenance      Specific features Specific a a a a a Freyssimod LW joint seam LW Freyssimod


Freyssimod LW joints are manufactured to order and can be adapted to the directional movement of the main structure, straight or skew. skew. or straight structure, main the of movement directional the to adapted be can and order to manufactured are joints LW Freyssimod on request. movement capacities can be provided 960 mm depending on the model, but larger 80 to The capacity varies from Movement range

Freyssimod LW Joint LW Freyssimod

28 Modular joint Modular Freyssimod LW Joint

C V 1 - 09/15 a a There are twooptionsfor creating thefootpath joint: Footpath joint Technical datasheet Freyssimod LW 80   covered withsteel sheet A simpleslanted upstandcombinedwithaPLjoint, geometry The jointsectionsexactlymatch thefootpath H PL footpath joint H E E G B G F 3D viewsofthefootpath B Elastomeric membrane F Freyssimod LW -Mod.T E G B LW960 LW880 LW800 LW720 LW640 LW560 LW480 LW400 LW320 LW240 LW160 LW80 Type Dimensions inmm Range 12 11 10 LW960 LW880 LW800 LW720 LW640 LW560 LW480 LW400 LW320 LW240 LW160 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 F LW80 Type H K Movement ±480 ±440 ±400 ±360 ±320 ±280 ±240 ±200 ±160 ±120 ±80 ±40 PL1000 Model PL900 PL800 PL800 PL700 PL600 PL500 PL400 PL350 PL250 PL160 PL80 min. 960 880 800 720 640 560 480 400 320 240 160 1,140 1,040 80 min. 940 940 840 740 640 540 490 380 280 180 Freyssimod LW Joint B 1,920 1,760 1,600 1,440 1,280 1,120 B max. Freyssimod LW -Mod.L 960 800 640 480 320 160 2,140 1,940 1,740 1,740 1,540 1,340 1,140 PL footpath joint max. 940 840 630 440 260 min. 910 830 750 670 590 510 430 350 270 190 110 30 min. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 30 10 G E 1,870 1,710 1,550 1,390 1,230 1,070 max. 910 750 590 430 270 110 G 1,050 max. 950 850 850 750 650 550 450 400 290 190 90 1,280 1,200 1,140 1,040 min. 960 880 800 750 670 590 350 350 E min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 G B E min. 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 F Dimensions inmm 1,190 1,090 min. 990 990 890 790 690 590 540 440 350 270 min. F 480 470 460 450 430 420 400 390 380 370 300 250 H F H min. 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 min. 390 390 370 370 370 340 340 340 480 350 210 H K K - 29 C V 1 - 09/15 Design of highly sophisticated Viajoint is the product constituent of choice the processes: design quantity and ultra-precise materials optimum quality. ensure proportioning binder It consists of a bitumen-elastomer the substrate, bonding to ensuring complete The and bridging elasticity. watertightness granular selected addition of rigorously mechanical excellent provides aggregate section provides An aluminium strength. mechanical bridging. Suitable for any type of and requires requires and surface type of road any Suitable for of traffic conditions irrespective no maintenance and noise control user comfort excellent Provides solution Cost-effective resumed very quickly flow can be Traffic     Specific features Specific a a a a Viajoint seam

Slanted Viajoint seam Slanted

skew angles up to 50 gr. angles up to skew The maximum movement capacity of this joint is 20 mm. This type of joint accepts The maximum movement capacity of this joint is 20 mm. This type of joint accepts Movement capacity


30 Enhanced overlay joint overlay Enhanced Viajoint

C V 1 - 09/15 **  *  the extreme temperatures for theregion. out atatemperature corresponding to theaverage of (20 mm)canonlybeattainedifinstallation is carried As thejointisnotadjustable,movementvalue Technical datasheet experienced personnel. 40 to 60mmlayers. Eachstep requires expertiseandspecialprecautions andcallsfor qualifiedand is installed the recess is filled with the preheated aggregate andthe bitumen-elastomer binder in Viajoint isinstalledafter cuttingandstrippingtheexistingroad surface material. Oncethejointbase Installation 1 For valuesunder70 mm,pleasecontactus For othervalues,pleasecontactus 15 to 35 mm* 450 mm 2

70 to 150 mm* Surfacing Sealing element 3. Installationequipment 2. Introducing theaggregate 1. Pouringthefirstlayer ofbinder 3 Flexible section Bitumen-elastomer binder+aggregate Flat aluminiumsheet 31 C V 1 - 09/15 barrier subject to a special design study barrier subject to 4-18 is strongly Installation of Transpec 150 mm movements from for recommended Process tested and proven fully effective under fully effective and proven tested Process 4-18 is positioned actual conditions. The Transpec no specific or inside BN4 barrier rails and requires special arrangement other models of protection to It can also be fitted    a Principle world, and unique in the Designed by Freyssinet mechanical continuity 4-18 ensures the Transpec expansion joints, while barriers at roadway of safety longitudinal deck movements. also accommodating slides freely. 4-18 the Transpec In normal operation collision in the vicinity of an In the event of a vehicle up the load 4-18 takes expansion joint, the Transpec by locking the previously and inhibits deformation is vehicle The together. elements barrier separated the barrier. going through from prevented therefore features Specific a a WITH Barrier fitted with two Transpec 4-18s with two Barrier fitted WITHOUT Application on a guardrail

Detail of connection to barrier Detail of connection to Transpec 4-18 Transpec Simulation of a collision on a crash barrier with or without the

Transpec 4-18 Transpec 32 Transpec 4-18

C V 1 - 09/15 a a a a a follows: The allcaststeel componentsofthisCIPECgullyare as Description sub-dossier ESectionII,publishedbySETRA. Assembly compliantwithFrench ST.E.R 81requirements evacuation system. efficient connection tothegeneralwaterproofing and Device intended to remove water from adeckwith Principle Gully by abituminousstrip. steel coilalongthelengthofjointprotected The drainiscomprisedofacontinuousstainless water inthisarea thatcoulddamagetheflashing. the decksurface layers. Thisprevents abuildupof and remove any water runoffthatmay infiltrate into A drainshouldbeinstalledbefore thejointto collect Drain      Grating bolts(1pair) Grating (1unit) Inlet -gratingsupport(1unit) Riser (numberdependingonheightofsurface layer) Base tubewithflange(1unit) Complementary devices Continuous seal

Detail ofdrainassembly 250 50 Basic assemblywith oneriser 25 Ø 135x122 Elastomeric bitumensealingelement Additional bitumen sealing element S ealing element Riser tubewithflange desired height) be specifieddependingon 20 mmrisers(numberto Inlet -gratingsupportwithtwobolts Grating Surface layer Stainless steel coil 260 Dimensions inmm

Ø360 260 33 C V 1 - 09/15 ASME a TZUS (Czech a SNCF (France) a INTRATEC (Nuclear, (Nuclear, INTRATEC a TNSISS (Russia) TNSISS a Politechnico Di Milano Politechnico a AFAQ-AFNOR (ISO Certification), and (ISO Certification), AFAQ-AFNOR a AREVA (Nuclear) AREVA EDF (Nuclear, Hydraulics) EDF (Nuclear, a a IBDIM (Poland) a DNV SUBSEA 7 (Off Shore) DNV SUBSEA 7 (Off Shore) on most of our products during both the product during both the product on most of our products phases. development and approval products Certified high- and expertise of Freyssinet's Recognition of a number in reflected is processes quality expansion certifications in a wide range of fields. Our the world around gained recognition joints have (France) such bodies as: SETRA from Republic) (Nuclear) a China) (CE Marking) others. many Because we manufacture our expansion joints our expansion Because we manufacture all of our customers ourselves, we guarantee in our and quality excellence the same level of over control and services. This complete products can adapt means that we and systems our products and applications of range wide a to solutions our operating conditions. extreme and designed Products by Freyssinet manufactured conceived and joints are expansion All Freyssinet department that designed by an in-house technical standards comply with the relevant adapts them to between Coordination specifications. and project choice of solutions and the design, manufacturing optimise our solutions and is essential to materials durable products. reliable, provide with its centre testing Our in-house mechanical testing out full-scale equipment carries specialist 4

5 3 2 1

Manufacturing of joints of Manufacturing 34 Manufacturing ofjoints

C V 1 - 09/15 10. Dimensionalcheck onaWMjoint 9. Dimensionalcheck onaWPjoint. 8. Capacitytesting aWMjoint 7. TheFPCbuilding(internal view) 6. TheFPCbuilding(external view) 5. Testing asleeveanchor 4. Watertightness testing aWDjoint 3. Fatigue testing aWPjoint 2. Freyssimod LW joint assembly 1. Designoffice supplied. issues a certificate of conformity for each product All checkpointsare definedinternally, andFPC instruments. checked byFPC,usingitscutting-edgemeasuring conformity oftheproducts supplied.Allproducts are department, whichguarantees thequalityand requires dailyinvolvement from thequalitycontrol The vastnetworkofFPC-managedproduction sites Guaranteed quality quality, irrespective oftheproduction location. processes andguarantee thesamelevelofproduct continents to defineandmonitor themanufacturing and qualitytravels thelengthandbreadth ofthefive in smelting,elastomers, mechanicalengineering activities worldwide. A large contingent of experts and logistics. It coordinates all of our production manufacturing, production engineering, control point for allofFreyssinet's expertiseinmaterials, (Freyssinet Products Company) actsasafocal Based inFrance,ourindustrialdivision FPC know-how Expertise andindustrial

8 7 6 10 9 35 Over 60 locations worldwide

AMERICAS • Argentina • Brazil • Canada • Chile • Colombia • United States • Mexico • Panama • El Salvador • Venezuela • EUROPE • Belgium • Bulgaria • Denmark • Spain • Estonia • France • Hungary • Ireland • Iceland • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Macedonia • Norway • Netherlands • Poland • Portugal • Czech Republic • Romania • United Kingdom • Russia • Serbia • Slovenia • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST • Abu Dhabi • South Africa • Algeria • Saudi Arabia • Dubai • Egypt • Jordan • Kuwait • Morocco • Oman • Qatar • Sharjah • Tunisia • ASIA • South Korea • Hong Kong • India • Indonesia • Japan • Macau • Malaysia • Pakistan • Philippines • Singapore • Thailand • Taiwan • Vietnam • OCEANIA • Australia • New Zealand

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© 2015 Soletanche Freyssinet - The text, photos and other information contained in this catalogue are the property of the Soletanche Freyssinet Group. All reproduction, display or other use without the prior consent of Soletanche Freyssinet is prohibited. Soletanche Freyssinet promotes the use of paper pulp from sustainably managed forests. The paper used in this catalogue is certified in accordance with the stringent rules of the PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). Publication: 09/2015 - C V 1 - Printed in France