Defining Design Facilitation: Exploring and Advocating for New, Strategic Leadership Roles for Designers and What These Mean for the Future of Design Education
Dialectic Volume I, Issue I: Position Paper Defining Design Facilitation: Exploring and Advocating for New, Strategic Leadership Roles for Designers and What These Mean for the Future of Design Education paMela napieR1 and teRRi wada2 (edited by Michael R. GibsOn)3 1. Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design (iUpUi), Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa; Principal in Collabo Creative, Indianapolis, in, Usa 2. Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design (iUpUi), Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa; Principal in Collabo Creative, Indianapolis, in, Usa. 3 The University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, Usa; Producer and Co-Editor, Dialectic, a scholarly journal of thought leadership, education and practice in the discipline of visual communication design published by the aiGa Design Educators Community (DEC) and Michigan Publishing. sUGGested citatiOn: Napier, P. & Wada, T. “Defining Design Facilitation: Exploring New, Strategy Leadership Roles for Designers and What These Mean for the Future of Design Education.” Edited by Gibson, M.R. Dialectic 1.1 (2016): 154-178. dOi: Copyright © 2016, Dialectic and the AIGA Design Educators Community (DEC).All rights reserved. poSItIon PapER Defining Design Facilitation: Exploring and Advocating for New, Strategic Leadership Roles for Designers and What These Mean for the Future of Design Education PamELA nApIER & tERRI Wada (EDItED by mIChAEL R. GIbSon) Examining current prevalent trends in design practice and education Over the past decade or so, design as a professional and academic discipline has seen much momentum and growth in interest from areas of both study and practice outside design. Over the course of the last decade, the buzz around design thinking as a transferable “method of creative action” 1 for developing and implementing innovative ideas has grown into broad assortment of ex- ecutive education offerings and workshops.
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