Impact of Steam Treatment on Protein Quality Indicators of Full Fat Soybeans from Different Origins
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Impact of steam treatment on protein quality indicators of full fat soybeans from different origins Pieter Bos 20-10-2019 1 Wageningen University ASG - Animal Nutrition Group Impact of steam treatment on protein quality indicators of full fat soybeans from different origins Author : Bos, P. Registration nr. : 940221104030 Code : ANU-80436 Supervisor(s) : A.F.B. van der Poel, G. Bosch Wageningen, Oktober 2018 2 Copyright Niets uit dit verslag mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm of welke andere wijze ook, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de hoogleraar van de leerstoelgroep Diervoeding van Wageningen Universiteit. No part of this publication may be reproduced or published in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the head of the Animal Nutrition Group of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. 3 Summary The production of soybeans in the EU-28 in 2016 was 2.4 million tons, which is only 0.7% of the global production. From a social perspective, there is a stimulus in the Netherlands to a protein transition in which regional proteins are used for livestock farming. Heat-treated full-fat soybeans (FFSB) can be an important protein source. Due to the gap in knowledge about European soybeans, more research can provide clarity about protein quality of European FFSB. In this study, raw GMO- free, unprocessed soybeans from European zone (France, FFSBFR; Netherlands, FFSBNL ) and common used beans (Ukraine, FFSBUKR; Brazil, FFSBBR) were steam-toasted for 9 different time- temperature combinations, and analysed on different in-vitro protein quality indicators: Trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), total and reactive lysine (rLys, tLys), crude protein (CP), pH-stat digestibility at 10 minutes (DH10) and 120 minutes (DH120), and protein dispersibility index (PDI). For Lysine, the degree of heat damage was determined by calculating the rLys:CP ratio. TIA sharply decreased for all origins when temperature increased, with remaining TIA levels at 130 °C of 0.51 mg/g DM or lower. At 130 °C, the rLys:CP ratio decreases between 4.5 – 6.8%. FFSBBR processed at 115 °C had the highest overall rate of hydrolysis (11.82 %) for DH10. FFSBFR seems to have a better result under higher temperatures, whereas for both DH10 and DH120 the observed values at 130 °C was higher (respectively 10.37% and 18.73%) compared to lower temperatures. For FFSBUKR, the DH10 and DH120 decreased slightly for the 130 °C compared to the 115 °C. For FFSBNL, results between DH10 and DH120 were in contradiction with eachother, and therefore based on pH-stat it is confusing which process temperature gives the best protein quality. Unprocessed, raw soybeans have an initial PDI value between 84.2 – 87.4. After steam-toasting of the raw beans for different temperatures (100 – 130 °C) for different durations (2.5 – 30 minutes) the PDI decreases and becomes stable at PDI levels of approximately 10-12 %. Based on processing temperature at a toasting time of 10 minutes, 115 °C seems to be the most favourable temperature when looking at TIA and rLys:CP ratio. This, because of the sufficient inactivation of ANF below the threshold of 4mg/g on the one hand (underprocessing), and maintaining the lysine availability which can be reduced by Maillard reaction on the other hand (overprocessing). Based on pH-stat, degree of hydrolysis of both DH10 and DH120 was the highest for common soybeans (FFSBBR, FFSBUKR). This is in conflict with the rLys:CP ratio, which was the highest in FFSBNL. Based on PDI and DH120 by pH-stat, European beans seems to act better after more intensive processing conditions. Because of a decrease in rLys:CP ratio at 130 °C, rLys:CP is in conflict with the optimum degree of hydrolysis at DH120 for FFSBFR and FFSBNL, which indicates best protein quality at processing temperature of 130 °C. For this reason, it is assumed that other processes must have influenced an overall higher degree of hydrolysis in commonly used soybeans and the preference of European beans for a more intensive processing. In conclusion, it is assumed that, based on TIA and rLys:CP ratio, European FFSB could have an competitive value compared to common used FFSB. However, because the overall protein hydrolysis was higher in common beans, it seems that other processes play a part in determining the digestibility of protein. 4 Contents Summary .................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 6 Production and origin ............................................................................................ 6 Composition of full-fat soybeans from different origins ......................................... 7 Processing of full-fat soybeans ............................................................................. 7 Indicators for protein quality .................................................................................. 8 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 9 Material and Methods ............................................................................................. 10 Materials ............................................................................................................. 10 Steam treatments ............................................................................................... 10 Chemical and physical analyses ......................................................................... 11 Results ................................................................................................................... 12 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 17 Data analyses ..................................................................................................... 17 Protein quality indicators ..................................................................................... 17 Evaluating protein quality indicators ................................................................... 19 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 20 Recommendations ................................................................................................. 21 References ............................................................................................................. 22 Appendix I .............................................................................................................. 24 5 Introduction The feed and food industry is worldwide becoming increasingly dependent upon vegetable protein sources (Henchion et al., 2017). In 2001, the EU banned the use of meat and bone meal (MBM) as an ingredient in animal feed in order to halt the spread of mad cow disease. In the year following the ban, some 16 million tonnes of MBM in animal feed was substituted by 23 million tonnes of soybean meal (De Ridder, 2015). FAO (2009) stated that the expected increase per capita income will increase the demand for food products that are responsive to higher incomes, such as livestock and dairy products. To meet the demand for animal protein, plant-based proteins are needed to produce such products (FAO, 2009). As the major vegetable protein commodity, soybean are an important dietary raw material. Mainly due to the high protein content, full-fat soybeans (FFSB) can be used for increasing plant-based protein demand, but is in addition, an even more excellent source of energy and fatty acids (Willis, 2003). For the feed industry, most of the FFSB fed were first oil-extracted by an desolventizing-toasting (D-T) step, whereas the oil is being used for human purposes (Mustakas et al., 1981). Because the remaining protein rich soybean meal is the main source of protein for the feed industry worldwide, it has become an ingredient that is strategically traded around the globe every day of the year. The global production of soybeans by farmers has increased from 108 million tons in 1990 to 335 million tons in 2016, mainly due to the high amount of protein and an excellent amino acid pattern for animals and human food in soybeans in combination with the growing demand for human edible protein (Zarkadas et al., 2007; FAO, 2018) Production and origin In 2016, the five largest producing countries were contributing for 89% of the 335 millions tons of global soybean production, which is represented in Figure 1 (FAO, 2018). The import- export- and production for the most important continents or countries is represented as a flow chart in Appendix 1. It can be concluded that EU-28 and China have an high import of soybeans and soybean meal (respectively 33 Mton and 97 Mton). This is mainly imported from countries as Brazil, Argentina and USA. The production of soybeans in the EU-28 in 2016 was 2.4 million tons, which is only 0,7% of the global production (FAO, 2018). However, it is suggested that the demand for European soybeans will increase. From a social perspective, there is a stimulus to a protein transition in which regional proteins are used for livestock farming. The European Parlement (2018) recognizes that soy production in South America plays an important role in the change in land use, and causes