Local Government Boundary Commission For Report No. 137 LOCAL GOVERNfiilINT







20th January, 1976.

Review of Electoral Arrangements Report of Local Government Boundary Commission


In paragraph 2 on page 5 of schedule 1, the Benfleet (Thundersiey) Division would comprise the 3t, Georges and the St. Peters Wards and the Polling District of Swans Green in the Cedar Hall Ward, and the Benfleet (Benfleet) Division would comprise of the St. Mary's and Appleton Wards and the Boyce Ward excluding the Shipwrights Polling District, sjid Benfleet (Hadleigh) Division would comprise of the St.James's and Victoria Wards, together with the Cedar Hall Ward excluding the Swans Green Polling District of that Ward, and the Shipwrights Polling District of the Boyce Ward.

2. On page 2 of schedule J> in the description of the Senfleet Appleton Ward there should be inserted in the last line between the words "Lime TTGB Avenue" and "to the starting point" the words "and northwards along the western "boundary of the district".

On page 6 of the schedule $ in the description of Ganvsy Island Central Ward "properties Hod., 15 to 6_ Knights wick Road and the western "boundary of ITo, 16 Waarden Head" should read "properties Nod. 15 to 5 Knightswick Hoad and the western boundary of Waarden Lcdsre and No, 16 Waarden P.oad".

"1 Local Government Boundary Commission, P.oom 123, 20 Albart Embankment, LOI-mOlT, 531 7TJ. To the Rt Hon Roy Jenkins HP Secretary of State for the Home Department


1. We, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, having carried out I our initial review of the electoral arrangements for the Castle Point District,

in accordance with the requirements of section 63 of and Schedule 9 to the Local

Government Act 1972, present our proposals for the future electoral arrangements

for that District.

2. In accordance with the procedure laid down, in section 60(1) and (2) of the

1972 Act, notice was given on J> June 197^ that we were to undertake this review.

This was incorporated in a consultation letter addressed to the Castle Point

District Council, copies of which were circulated to the Essex County Council,

the Member of Parliament for the constituency concerned and the headquarters of

the main political parties. Copies were also sent to the editors of the local

newspapers circulating in the area and of the local government press. Notices

inserted in the local press announced the start of the review and invited comments

from members of the public and from interested bodies.

3. Castle Point District Council were invited to prepare a draft scheme of

representation for our consideration. When doing so, they were asked to observe

the rules laid down in Schedule 11 to the Local Government Act 1972, and the guide-

lines which we set out in our Report No 6 about the proposed size of the council

and the proposed number of councillors for each ward. They were also asked to take

into account any views expressed to them following their consultation with local

* interests. We therefore asked that they should publish details of their provisional

proposals about a month before they submitted their draft scheme to us, thus

allowing an opportunity for local comment. *t. The Council had passed a resolution under section *f(a) of the Local Government

Act 1972 requesting the Secretary of State to provide for a system of whole council


5- On 51 October 197** Castle Point District Councii presented their draft scheme

of representation. They proposed to divide the area of the district into 13 wards

each returning 3 members to form a council of 39«

* 6. We considered the draft scheme submitted by the Council, together with comments

which had been made upon it, some of which proposed an alternative scheme. We noted

that the draft scheme complied with the rules in Schedule 11 to the Local

Government Act 1972 and our own guidelines, and v/e considered that it provided a

satisfactory basis of representation for the district. V/e carefully considered all

the comments and the alternative scheme but we concluded that the council's draft

scheme provided the best overall standard of representation for the district. V/e

then formulated our draft proposals accordingly.

7. On 11 December we issued our draft proposals and these were sent to all who had

received our consultation letter or had commented on the Council's draft scheme.

The Council were asked to make these draft proposals, and the accompanying map

which defined the proposed ward boundaries, available for inspection at their main

offices. Representations on our draft proposals were invited from those to whom

they were circulated and, by public notices, from members of the public. and

interested bodies. We asked that any comments should reach us by 6 February

8. The District Council and the County Council raised no objection to our draft


9. Other comments were received supporting, with or without modification, the

alternative scheme which wo had not adopted for our draft oronosals. 10. In view of these comments we considered that we needod further information to enable us to reach a conclusion. Therefore, in accordance with section 65(2) of the 1972 Act, and at our request, you appointed Mr B H Edwards as an Assistant

Commissioner to hold a local meeting and report to us.

11. Notice of the local meeting was sent to all who had received our draft proposals or had commented on them, and was published locally.

12. The Assistant Commissioner held the meeting at the Council's offices in

Benfleet on 3 October 1975 and visited the areas which were the subject of comment.

A copy of his report is attached at Schedule 1.

13- •'•n the light of the discussion at that meeting and of his inspection of the area, the AssistantCon^ssicner recommended confirmation of the draft proposals insofar as they related to the Benfleet area of the district. With regard to the

Canvey Island area of the district, the Assistant Commissioner recommended the adoption of the alternative scheme which provided for the existing arrangements in

Canvey Island to be retained with only slight modification. These arrangements provide for the division of Canvey Island into six wards, each returning 2 or 3 members, to give a total of 15 councillors representing the Island - the same number as in our' draft proposals.

1't. We reviewed our draft proposals in the light of the comments which we had

received and of the Assistant Commissioner's Deport. We noted that the alternative

scheme 'for the Canvey Island area provided a satisfactory standard of representation

-and that it had a large measure of local support. V.'e therefore decided to modify

our draft proposals to give effect to the alternative scheme for Canvey Island, as

recommended by the Assistant Commissioner. We then formulated our final proposals

accordingly. 15- Details of these final proposals are set out in Schedule 2 to this report and

on the attached nap. Schedule 2 gives the names of the wards and the number of

councillors to be returned by each. The boundaries of the new wards are defined on the attached map.


16. In accordance with Section 60(5)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 a copy of

this report and a copy of the map are being sent to Castle Point District Council and

will be available'for public inspection at the Council Offices at Benfleet, Essex.

Copies of this report are also being sent to those who received the consultation

letter and to those who made comments. A detailed description of the boundaries of

the proposed wards as defined on the map is set out in Schedule 3 to this report,










DAVID R SMITH (Secretary)

October 1975 SCHEDULE 1



to cpnsider


for the


B.n.EDtfARDS, Assistant Commissioner, Old School House, Godden Green, .

17th October, 1.975 TO: The Secretary, Local Government Boundary Commission for England, Room 122. 20, Albert Embankment, . SE1 ?TJ.

Sir, Review of Electoral Arrangements for the Castle Point District I have the honour to report that pursuant to ray appointment by the Secretary of State as Assistant CoEiinissioner to hold a local inquiry or carry out any consultation or investigation with respect to the review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England of .the electoral arrangements for the District of Castle Point, I conducted a Local Meeting at the Council Offices, Kiln Road, Bcnfleet, Essex on Friday, the 3rd October, 1975. I carried out an Inspection of the whole of the District on Wednesday, 1st October, 1975. The District is some 10,791 acres in extent and comprises the areas of the former Benfleet U.D.C. and the former Canvey Island U.D.C. It is divided into two separate areas by the Benfleet Creek, but there are two convenient road accesses from the Benfleet area to theCanvey Island area. The District is a developing residential area, the main areas for further development being in the North Western () part of the Benfleet Area and the North Western (Winter Gardens) part of the Canvey Island area. A large oil stoKse installation has been established in the South Western area of Canvey.Island and there are a few relatively small industrial areas conveniently situate throughout the district. It has a considerable commuting .population. The District appeared to me to be very adequately provided with educational establishments and facilities for sport and recreation. 1. Attendance at the Local Meeting, I attach a list showing the names and addresses of those attending the meeting and the interests they represented (page 13).

-1- 2. Preliminaries.

I opened the Meeting by reading my personal appointment by the Home Secretary as Assistant Commissioner and, while emphasising the .Commission1s wish that the Meeting should proceed on lines as informal as possible, agreed with all those present a pattern to be followed in order to ensure a fair hearing and, at the same time, encourage a full exchange of views. Mr. A.R.Neighbour, Chief Executive and Cleric of the Castle Point District Council read the Statutory Notice of the Meeting and proved publication. 3. The Present Electoral Arrangements. The District is at present -divided into .12 wards, six (6) in the Benfleet area and six (6) in the Canvey Island area, returning 2, 3, or k Councillors with a total of 39, as set out in Appendix 'A1. k. Method of Election. The District Council passed a resolution in favour of whole-Council elections under Section 7(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. 5. The Commission ' s Draft Proposals . The Commission's Draft Proposals, which adopted with five very minor boundary adjustments, the Draft Scheme submitted by the Castle Point District Council, provide for the division of the District into thirteen (13) wards, each returning three (3) Councillors, a total number of thirtynine (39) Councillors, details of which are shown at Appendix ' B1 . 6. Objections and Alternative Proposals. (a) Prior to the Meeting written objections to the Commission's Draft Proposals were entered by the following Bodies:- A. The South East Essex Conservative Association. B. The Canvey District Committee of the South-east Essex Conservative Association. C. The Benfleet District Conservative Committee of the South east Esse:! -Conservative Association. d. The Canvey Island Residents and Ratepayers Association. 6, Objections and Alternative proposals (Contd). (b) Representations were also submitted by the South East Essex Divisional Liberal Association. The Association raised no objection to the Proposals " PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Single Transferable Vote System is used." (c) As to A. the Association represented that the merger of the two former Urban District Councils under Local Government Reorganisation had created confusion in the minds of many electors -which would be overcome with the passing of tine but that, if the present (ward) boundaries were to be changed, unnecessarily, this would give rise to even greater confusion. The Association sub. .itted that in Canvey, subj ect only to an adjustment of the boundary of the West/Central wards in order to give better equality of representation, the existing wards and representation,should be retained. In Benfleet'they urged that the existing six (6) wards should be retained but divided into twelve (12) two-member wards with minor changes on the St. George's/St. Peter's and St. Peter's/Victoria boundaries. The Association represented that the division of the present six (6) wards of Deiifleet into twelve (12) two-member wards and the retention of the existing six (6) wards of Caiivey Island would offer a better compatibility with the likely County Electoral Divisions following the review of the existing Electoral arrangements for the County of Essex. The Association submitted an alternative Scheme to give effect to their proposals, details of which are shown at Appendix 'C'. (d) As to B and C both District Committees supported the South East Essex Conservative Association's representations and, in addition, suggested that, in the Canvey Island area the shape of the proposed new North Ward was undesirable because it involved a long narrow strip to the south east of the Island, It was also represented that the creation of twelve (12) two-member wards for the Benfleet area would maintain continuity of interest and enable Councillors to maintain closer contact with the electorate. (e) As to D. the Canvey Island Residents and Ratepayers Association also argued for the retention of the existing six (6) wards and suggested the number of councillors be increased from fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) now or, failing that, when'the population merited an increase. 7. The Case for the Commission's Draft Proposals. Mr. Neighbour stated that in making the emergency electoral arrangements for the holding of the first elections in June, 1973, the District Council had adopted the then existing-ward boundaries of the Benfleet and Canvey Island areas of the New District as shown at Appendix 'A' and that, in considering the Draft Scheme for the review of those electoral areas, had taken the view that the two areas ought to be considered separately because, for geographical reasons - primarily the division of the two areas by the Benfleet Creek - it was not practical for any ward to include parts of both areas. He emphasised that, in preparing the draft scheme (Appendix 'B') the Council had given proper weight to the representations received from various organisations throughout the district and to the Rules to be observed in the consideration of draft schemes, as laid down in the llth Schedule to the Local Government Act 1972. He submitted that the only "Statutory Rule - and overriding consideration - which affected the New District, was that contained in paragraph 2(a) of the Schedule, that is to say, that, having regard to any change in the number or distribution of Local Government electors of the district likely to take place within the period of five years immediately following-the consideration (in this case the 197^ Register of Electors), the ratio of the number of Local Government electors to the number of Councillors to be elected shall be, as nearly as may be, the same in every ward of the district. He submitted that the draft Scheme, which was, apart fron five very minor 'cartographical* boundary alterations which did not affect the electorate in the wards concerned, identical with the Commission's Draft Proposals, gave proper and convenient effect to the Rules and provided a degree of equal representation which was as close as could possibly be obtained and, at the same time paid proper regard to the desirability of fixing boundaries which are and will remain easily identifiable and to the retention of local ties. In this respect he submitted that the Draft Proposals were preferable to the alternative scheme submitted by the South East Essex Conservative Assn. (Appendix 'C'). In the matter of compatibility with County Electoral Arrangements, Mr. Neighbour emphasised, firstly, that the Essex County Council had offered no comments on either the Draft Scheme submitted by the District Council or the Draft.Proposals, nor, despite proper notice having been given to the County Council of the holding of this Meeting, were they represented, or had submitted Written Representations. Mr. Neighbour submitted that, in these circumstances, it was proper for the Commission to infer that, so far as compatibility was concerned, the County Council anticipated no difficulty whatsoever in securing proper common boundaries for the review of the County Electoral Arrangements. The Case for the Commission's Draft Proposals (Contd). He emphasised that the review of the County Council Electoral Arrangement was entirely the responsibility of the Essex County Council,but that, in'the light of the Commission's request, he was prepared to suggest what the County Council could do to secure a proper degree of compatibility. Mr. Neighbour accepted that, on that question only, the alternative scheme might be said to provide more readily for complete compatibility but submitted that, although the Draft Proposals could'not provide complete compatibility with the existing County Electoral Boundaries, very convenient and adequate arrangements oould be made by the County Council in the Benfleet area by maintaining the existing Boundaries of tiie three Divisions and, for example, incorporating into the Benfleet (Thundersley) Division the proposed Appleton and St. GeorgeTs Wards and the Polling District of Swans Green in the Cedar Hall Ward: into the Benfleet (Benfl-eet) Division the proposed Victoria and St. James1 Wards with the Ship Wright's Polling District of the Boyce Ward and that part of the Cedar Kail V/ard not within the Swans Green Polling District: and Benfleet (Hadleigh) Division, the proposed Appleton and St. Mary's Wards and the Boyce V/ard excluding that part of the V/ard within the Ship Wright's Polling District, an arrangement which would result in the very equal distribution of electorate as follows:- Benfleet Thundersley Electoral Division - 12912 Electors Benfleet Benfleet Electoral Division - 11912 " Benfleet Hadleigh Division - 11515 " Canvey Island East and West Electoral Divisions also could readily be divided by a minor alteration in the existing County Electoral Boundary so as to include in Canvey West Electoral Division the proposed West and Winter Gardens Ward and Central V/ard plus a part of the South Ward .and in Canvey East Electoral Division the North and East Wards plus the remainder of the South Ward to give the following electorates:- Canvey West - 10282 Canvey East - 10995 as compared with the present electorates of 9903 (West) and 11275 (East) respectively. The Case for the South East Essex Conservative Association Miss Barbara Allen, representing the Association, reiterated the grounds of objection set out in the Association's letter to the Commission dated 28th October and submitted that the difficulties caused by Local Government reorganisation were exacerbated in the case of the Castle Point District because the merger was of

-5- 8. The Case for the S.E.Essex Conservative Assn. (Contd). two differing authorities - the Island community of the then Canvey Urban District and the more urbanised area of the . Miss Allen urged upon the meeting the more ready contact between Councillor and electorate which could be maintained by the establishment of the suggested twelve 2-Member Wards and the maintenance of the existing ward boundaries in the Benfleet area. Miss Allen stressed also the complete compatibility which could be achieved with the existing County Electoral Divisions if the Associations alternative scheme were to be adopted. Miss Allen submitted also that the suggested difficulty in arranging the dates of retirements of Members in 2-Member wards had been exaggerated and could be very readily overcome in the manner set out in Section 7. 9(c) of the Local Government Act 1972, and finally stressed that it was not only the numbers of the electorate that was important but that the geographical features were equally important in considering a convenient administration of the area by the Associations concerned, 9. The Views of the Castle Point Labour Party. CouncillorA.!ST.Wright, representing the Castle Point Labour Party, supported the Draft Proposals which, he submitted offered a much tidier and numerically equal solution while maintaining t'ae flexibility necessary, should that be decided in the future, to return to elections of Members of the Council by thirds rather than by whole-Council elections as at present. Contrary to the view expressed that the difficulties attending the election of Members for 2-Mevaber wards could readily be overcome, Cr. Wright submitted that it was in fact difficult to decide which Members of a 2-Meniber ward should retire in which years and that the system created or was likely to create confusion in the minds of the electorate. He urged upon the Meeting the very high measure of equality of representation throughout --the suggested wards of the district which would be secured by the Draft Proposals which would maintain a maximum "differential" between ward representation of not more than 10£ as compared with the maximum "differential" of 20Jr of the provisions of the Alternative Scheme. He supported the view expressed by Mr. Neighbour that the question of equality of representation was of paramount importance - as was emphasised by the fact that it was the subject of the only statutory rule which applied in the district and that the Commission should not, as he put it, " be hidebound by the compatibility question." Cr. Wright referred to the " lateness of these proceedings" and to the very real difficulty occasioned to political organisations by not knowing the ward basis upon which the next elections of Councillors would be held 10. The Views of the Canvey Island Residents and Ratepayers Association. Mr. A. A .Patterson , representing the Canvey Island Residents and Ratepayers Association, reiterated the Association1 s Written Representations as set out in their letter to the Commission dated 19th January, 1975 and urged that the existing warding of Canvey Island should be retained with, if possible, an increase in the representation of the South, West and Winter Gardens Wards from the existing two Councillors for each ward to three Councillors for each ward, making a total number of Councillors for the Island of IS Members. He supported the Draft Proposals for the Bcnfleet area an (3 expressed his preference for the election of Members of the Council by thirds as opposed to v;hole Council elections. Mr. Patterson referred to the decision of the then Essex County Council in 1971 to accept the then Canvey Island U.D.C. from 15 to IS Councillors and urged that, if the increase had been considered to be justified in 1971, the increase in population and* electorate in the Canvey area of the new Castle Point District since that date must justify the same increase. 11. Mr. G.M. Pollock, a Canvey Island resident, questioned the forecast made by the Castle Point District Council of the likely numbers of electors in the five years to 1979 and from 1979 to 1984. He pointed out that, at the present time, there were some 188 local authority dwellings under construction plus some 70 dwellings on a private housing estate and that, in addition, 150 permanent residential mobile homes on a site known as Newlands Camp appeared to have been omitted from the calculations upon which the forecast had been based. Mr. Pollock referred also to the very considerable number of ' iii-f illing ' plots which tere being, or could be, made available by the demolition of the older type of dwelling with a large frontage and its replacement by two or more new dwellings. 12. Miss A-. Ore enwoo d , a Canvey Island resident, supported Mr. Pollock and referred to " ...... the many Planning Permissions which have been granted subsequent to the preparation of the forecasts in 13. Mr. S. Al terman, representing the "Free Canvey Association" and the past Chairman of the former Canvey Island U.D.C. supported Mr. Pollock and stressed the " ...... large amount of land. in the Winter Gardens area which is available for development." He urged the retention of the existing 6 (six) wards and especially opposed absolutely the suggested amalgamation of the present West and Winter Gardens areas.

-7- 13. (Contd).

He expressed his strong opinion that the forecast figures v.*ere " grossly under-estimated" and that the real increases likely to talce place justified the increase of representation from 15 to 18 Councillors for the Canvey area, each to return three Members. He requested that the Meeting be adjourned in order that an up-to-date and correct forecast could be prepared and placed before them. On my indication that I did not feel justified at this stage in adjourning the Meeting, Mr. Alterman retired from the Meeting. 14. Councillor Mrs. D.E.Sha'w supported the view that the forecast figures v;ere grossly under-estimated and urged that the existing 6 (six) Canvey Island wards be retained, each returning three Members, 15. Councillor H.A.Tibbies objected strongly to-.the Draft Proposal provision for only five wards for the Canvey area. He, also, urged the retention of the existing wards and pointed out that the adoption of the Draft Proposals would necessitate the splitting up of wards for County Council election purposes - a most undesirable feature of the Proposals.

16. At this stage and in view of the unanimous opinion of the-Canvey area representatives that the forecast figures for the area were incorrect, I invited Mr. Neighbour to call the Chief Planning Officer (the Officer who prepared the forecast figures in 1974) to explain the method of calculation of those figures.

17. Mr. D. Reay, Chief Planning Officer of the Castle Point District and Mr. V.r. A. :\icho 11 s , Principal Planning Officer, attended the Meeting and presented the following table of estimated completions of new dwellings in the Canvey area during the five year periods 1974-79 and 1979-34. Year' Estimated Number of Completions 1974-75 120 dwellings 1975-76 135 11 1976-77 135 it 1977-78 95 ti 1978-79 95 ii 580 dwellings 1979-80 135 dwellings 1980-81 60 11 1981-82' 60 u 1982-83 60 !l 1933-84 60 TI 375 dwellings the effect of which was calculated to increase the forecast figures for the proposed West and T.v inter Gardens wards from 4397 to 5027 (1979) and from 5072 to 3871 (1984); also to increase the 1'orecast figures for the proposed North ward from 4339 to 4729 (1979). 18.• Mr. Pollock, Mr. Altennan, Mr. Wright and Mr. James all expressed the view that these revised forecast figures were still not correct and that the real increase in the likely number of electors in the Canvey area for the ten year period might well be in the region of 2,000 electors. It was stressed that, for example, these revised forecast figures did not include the likely increase in respect of the 150 dwellings omitted from the original and the revised forecast.

19. Mr. Neighbour accepted that the forecast figures 11 were suspect" and offered to arrange for a re-assessment of the estimated population growth in the Canvey area and, if any gross inequality of numbers of electors in wards was shown up, to re-examine the proposals and prepare a fresh warding scheme for the Canvey area, an exercise which he estimated would take 6-8 weeks.

20. CONCLUSIONS. In considering the submissions made in favour of the Draft Proposals and the Alternative Scheme respectively, I adopted the view expressed by Mr. Neighbour that the Beni'leet Area (North of the Benfleet Creek) and the Canvey Island Area (South of the Creek) must, for geographical reasons, be considered separately. I was mindful also of the fact that the Draft Proposals provided a very good measure of equality of representation throughout the whole district (subject only to the question of the 'suspect' nature of the forecast figures for the Canvey Island Area hereinafter referred to) 1 was concerned ttith the desirability of securing, as nearly as possible, common boundaries for the District and County Council electoral arrangements but, in this respect, I V;as forced to the conclusion - and I accept the submission made by Mr. Neighbour, that the Essex County Council were prepared to accept either the Draft Proposals or the Alternative Scheme as being proper bases on which to consider their own review of County electoral division boundaries for the Castle Point District. 21. THE BENFLEET AREA. My inspection of the area showed, in my opinion, that each of the proposed S (eight) wards described in the Draft Proposals comprised relatively closely knit communities within reasonably sized areas, and would enable ready and convenient contact to be maintained between Councillors and the'Electorate they served. V/hile I feel that the difficulties to which Mr. Wright suggested two-member wards gave rise are more apparent than real, I do not consider that the • division of the Benfleet area into a multiplicity of smaller wards, that is to say, 12 x two member wards would be in the best interests of either the Councillors or the electorate. 21. THE BENFLEET AREA (Contd). -I also do not feel able to accept the view of the South East Essex Conservative Association that the proposed, alterations of the existing wards are " unnecessary". I say that because the acceptance by the Castle Point District Council of the existing wards for the first electious was an emergency measure i:iade necessary by the very short time scale available to them under Local Government reorganisation. At this time we are concerned with the future and are looking forward some 5-10 years. In the light of the "no comments" attitude of. the Essex County Council in relation to both the Draft Proposals and the Altentative Scheme, I consider that the degree of compatibility which could be obtained between the District and County electoral areas under the Draft Proposals, as outlined by Mr. Neighbour, to be acceptable, especially bearing in mind the very good measure. of eqiiality of representation given by the Draft Proposals. In my opinion, the Draft Proposals for the Benileet area give proper effect to the provisions of Schedule 11 of the Local Government Act 1972 and provide an acceptable and convenient form of warding for the area for future elections. I have considered all the other points made in support of the Alternative Scheme but am of opinion that they are not sufficient to justify my seeking to amend the Draft Proposals as they relate to the Benfleet area.

22. THE CA:-rVEY ISLAND AEEA. I was impressed by the unanimity of all those objecting to the provisions of the Draft Proposals as they relate to the Canvey Island area although I do not feel able to accept the suggestion that because the Essex County Council in 1971 agreed to the increase of the representation of the former Canvey U.D.C. from 15 to IS Members, the increase in the electorate more than ever justified the same increase in 1975. I "say that because in 1971, the County Council were concerned only with the area of the former Urban District whereas in 197Ai, the Castle Point District Council were concerned with the representation for 'the whole of the new district. I note that even if the correct forecast figures for 1979 show an increase in the total electorate of as many as 2,000, on the basis of, say, 1500 electors per Councillor, the 'entitlement' for the Canvey Island area would amount to only some 16 members or, if spread over the existing six wards, an additional 138 electors per Councillor.

-10- 22. THE CANVSY ISLAND AREA (Contd). While I consider that the numerical equality of representation provided by the Draft Proposals is marginally better than that provided by the Alternative Scheme, in my opinion, the measure of equality of representation provided by the Alternative Scheme is acceptable under the rules - contained in Schedule 11 of the Local Government Act 1972, and in accord with the practice of the Commission. I accept the criticism of the shape of the proposed North ward under the Draft Proposals - it appears to me to be an unnecessary complication and likely to cause confusion in the minds of the electorate. I have considered the suggestion by Mr. Neighbour that a revised scheme might be prepared but I do not feel this to be justified because I have reached the conclusion that for the Canvey Island area the Alternative Scheme is acceptable and preferable to the Draft Proposals. In my-opinion, any increase in the proposed representation of the Canvey Island area of the Castle Point District may properly be left to be dealt with in, say, 1979 or 1984, that is to say, when the actual increase in population/electorate may be seen to justify an increase bearing in mind the total population/electorate for the whole of the Castle Point District. On the question of compatibility, I consider the suggestions made by Mr. Neighbour as to how this could be achieved to be somewhat complicated and, again, likely to cause confusion in the minds of the electorate. In my opinion, the Alternative Scheme is likely to enable a more acceptable and convenient measure of compatibility to be achieved between the District and County electoral area boundaries. 23. RECOMMENDATION. Having given all the beforementioned factors my most earnest consideration I RECOMMEND - (i) that the Local Government Boundary Commission's Draft Proposals as they relate to the Benfleet area of the Castle Point District, that is to say, the area of the district lyins to the North of the Benfleet Creek to be ADOPTED, and (ii) that the said Draft Proposals, as they relate to the Canvey Island area of the Castle Point District, that is to say, the area of the • District lying to the South of the Benfleet Creek to be MODIFIED to'give effect to the Alternative Scheme submitted by the South .East Essex Conservative Association as illustrated on the maps submitted with the Alternative. Scheme and as specified in Appendix "C" attached to this Report. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I record my thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who attended the Meeting for the clear and helpful manner in which they made their several representations and to Mr. Neighbour and his Officers for the courtesy extended to me, both on my visit of inspection and in the arrangements made by them for the local Meeting. I am, Sir,, Your obedi'ent servant,

As s is tant Commis s Local Government Boundary Commission for England, 3

Old School House Godden Green, Sevenoaks. Kent.



3rd OCTOBER, 1975



Councillor Tony Wright Castle Point Labour Party, 20, Greenw-ays, Beni'3eet. SS7 5EQ.

Mr. J. Wood 20, Hazel Close, liadleigh, Benfleet.

Miss B. Allen South East Essex Conservative Assn. 7, London Hill, Rayleigh. Essex.

Mr. S. Alteriuan Free Canvey Association, 1'iS, Shipva-ights Drive, Thundersley. Beufleet.

Mr. G.M.Pollock Canvey Island Conservative Association, Western Gardens Ward. Miss T. A. Gr e eirv.-o od Member of Raiubers Association & Winter Gardens & 60 acres R.A. (not representing these organisations). "Oirschot" Stronia Avenue, Canvey Island. Mr. A. R. Ne i glib o ur Chief Executive, Castle Point District Council, Council Offices, Kiln Road, Benfleet. SS7 1TF. Mr. J.S.Bridges Principal Admin. Assistant, Castle Point District Council.

Mr. R.C.Fise Adminis trative Assistant, Castle Point District Council

Mr. M.E.James • S.E.Essex Liberal Association, 10, Badgers Way, Thundersley. Denfleet.

Mr. T. McCave Clarion Newspaper, 63, High Street, Canvey Island. Mr. T. Riclell "Evening Echo" Newspaper House, Clarence Road, Southend-on-Sea. Hi". J. Woosnam Legal Officer, Castle Point District Council.

Councillor II.A.Tibbies Councillor, Castle Point D.C. /i2, Marcos Road, Canvey Island. SSS 7LE.


Mr. A. Patterson Carivey Island Residents & Ratepayers Assn 15, Southfalls Road, Canvey Island. Essex. SSS 7QB. Councillor J.H.Lewis Councillor, Castle Point D.C. 52, Point Road, Canvey Island. SSS 7TD; Mrs. Councillor D.E.Shav, Councillor - Castle Point D.C. 12, Cleveland Road, Canvey Island. SSS ODE Mrs. Reeves Castle Point L a b o ur P a r ty Mrs. I. Crerie Castle Point Labour Party Mr. T. Pritchard Free Canvey Association Mr. D. Reay Chief Manning Officer, Castle Point District Council, C/o Council Offices, Long Road, Canvey Island. Mr. V.A.Nicholls Principal Planner, Castle Point District Council, C/o Council Offices, Long Road, Canvey Island. Mr. K.H.Thompson South East Essex Conservative Assn. 70, Grove Road, Benfleet. Essex.



Ward No. 1 The 13oyce Ward, of the Urban District 4 5772 !Vi3 3.96 of Benfleet Ward No. 2 The St. George's Ward of the Urban District of Benfleet 4 6453 1613 **.li Ward No. 3 The St. James Ward of the Urban District of Bcnflect 'i 5555 1389 3.8 Ward No. *t The .St. Mary's V/ard of the Urban District oi' Benfleet 4 6l'iO ' 1535 'i.2 Ward No. 5 The St. Peter's Ward of the Urban District of Benflcct 4 5689 I'i22 3.9 V/ard No. 6 The Victoria Ward of the Urban • District of Berifleet '-i 5960 I'i90 'i.09 Ward No. 7 The Central Ward of the Urban District of Canvey Island 3 40>i5 13'tS 2.78 Ward No. 8 The East V/ard of the Urban District of Canvcy Island 3 'i2'i7 I'll 6 2.9 Ward No. 9 The North V/ard of the Urban District of Canvey Island 3 'i06'i 1355 2.8 Ward No. 10 The South V/ard of the Urban District of Canvey Island 2 296'i 14S2 2.0 Ward No. 11 The West Ward of the Urban District of Canvcy Island 2 3'i23 1711 2.3 Ware] No. 12 The Winter Gardens Ward of the Urban District of Canvey Island o 2'i35 1217 1.6 39 567^7 A v . 1 ;i 5 5 33.73 APPENDIX THE DfcAFT PROPOSALS OF THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION

CANVEY ISLAND No. of 1974 1979 Cllrs Electorate Entitlcment % Electorate Entitlement 1 Canvey Island I/inter Gardens 3 3722 2.56 -15# 4397 2.95 -2* Canvey Island Central 3 4371 3.00 AV 4371 , 2.93 -2% Canvcy Island North 3 4304 2.96 -1# 4389 2.95 -2Jt Canvey Island East 3 4402 3.0"f 3l~ \ T + 11 >/".* 4402 2.95 -2% Carivey Island Sou tli 3 4379 3.01 AV 4379 2.94 -2% 15 21178 14.56 21938 14.72 BENELEET. Appleton 3 4507 3.10 +3# 4653 3.12 + 4/u Boyce 3 4524 3.11 + 4$ 4632 3.H + 4# Cedar Hall 3 4191 2.88 -4# 4445 2.98 -\t St. George1s 3 4260 2.93 -2#' 4260 2.86 -5/0 St. James1 3 4522 3.11 -^fo 4522 3.03 + 1{6 St. Mary's 3 4595 3.16 + 5JS 4595 3.08 + 35$ St. Peter's 3 4524 3.11 + 4# 4587 3.08 + 3£ Victoria 3 4446 3.06 +2$ 4491 3.01 AV 24 . 35569 24.46 36185 24.27 APPENDIX 'C< THE ALTERNATIVE SCHEME SUBMITTED HY THE S.E.ESSEX CONSERVATIVE ASSN.

CAMVEY ISLAND No. of 1974 1979 Cllrs Electorate Entitlement '/o Electorate Entitlement i Canvey Island Central 3 /i 28/t 2.9't -2* ' .28. 2.83 -Ajt Canvey Island East 3 .2.7 2.92 -3# 4247 2.85 -5% Canvey Island North 3 .06. 2.79 -1% 4149 2.78 -1% Canvcy Island South 2 296/1 2.0/1 + 2# 2964 1.99 -1S6 Canvcy Island Vest 2 318/i 2.19 +10# 3184 2.14 +7$ Canvey Island Winter Gardens 2 2/135 1.67 -17# 3110 2.09 + W 15 21178 1/J.55 21938 34.73

Appleton 2 2889 1.99 -l# 2985 2.00 AV Boyce 2 3150 2.16 + 8J6 3175 2.13 +7# iV Cedar Hall 2 2877 1.98 -l?i 2967 1.99 I /" Daws Heath 2 3082 2.12 +6$ 3082 2.07 +'t% Manor 2 3171 2.18 + 9# 3:171 2.13 +1% Kents Hill 2 2622 1.80 -10?; 2750 1.85 -Q% St.George's 2 289/1 1.99 -\.% 2894 1.94 -5$ St. James' 2 288/1 1.98 -IJi 2884 1.94 ^% St. Peter's 2 3078 2.12 +6% 3305 2.22 + 11# St. Mary's 2 3257 2.2/1 + 12J6 3257 2.19 + 10f. Victoria 2 299/J 2.06 +3? 2994 2.01 + 1# Woodlands o 2671 1.8/1 -8£ 2716 1.82 -9* 2/1 35569 24.46 36180 24.29 NOTE: AV No. of Electors Per Councillor = I'i55:l (l97/i) SCHEDULE 2


APPLETON " 3 BOYCE 3 CANVEY ISLAND CENTRAL 3 CANVEY ISLAND EAST 3 CANVEY ISLAira NORTH 3 CAHVEY ISLAND SOUTH . 2 CANVEY ISLAND WEST 2 CANVSY ISLAND WINTER GARDENS 2 CEDAR HALL 3 ST GEORGE'S _ 3 ST JAMES 3 ST BARY'S • • 3 ST PETER'S 3 VICTORIA 3 ''-:. • ••--' SCHEDULE 3 CASTLE POINT DISTRICT : VEriBAL DiSCRIFTIOii OF WARD BOUNDARIES NOTE: V/here the boundary is dascribscl as following a -road, railway, river, canal or similar feature, it should be deemed to follow the centre line of the ' . 'feature unless otherwise stated. - . '. K5JFL3ST ST GEOHGES WARD

Starting v/here London Road meets the western boundary of the District, northwards

and following said boundary, eastwards and southwards along the northern and

eastern boundaries of parcel no 2983 as shown on 03 1:2^00 plan TQ76/77&9 Revision

of 1962 eastwards and southwards along the northern and eastern boundaries of

North Benfleet Hall Wood,' eastwards along the southern boundary of parcel no 5366

and parcel No 8159 southwards along the western boundary of the Manor Trading

EstateY westwards and following Church Road, southwards along Kennington Avenue and westwards alon London" Road to the startin oint.


Starting v/here London Road r.iccts the eastern boundary of Benfleet St Georges V.'ard,

northv;ards and following said boundary, northeastwards and following the northern

boundary of the District, southwestwards crossing Southend Arterial Road along

the path from said road to Connon Approach, and Cor.iraon Approach, generally west-

v;ards along Hart Road, southwards along Kenneth Road, eastwards along The Chase,

southwards along V/enslcy Road and generally northwestwards along Kiln Road, Bread

and Cheese Hill and London Road to the starting point.


Starting v/here Kiln Road meets the eastern boundary of Benfleet St Peter's Ward

northwards and following said boundary, eastwards along the northern boundary of

the District, generally southwards along Rayleigh Road, v/estwards along Parkfields,

- southwards along Cranbroolc Avenue and westwards" along Kiln Road to the starting

point. -. • • V]C?OF;IA WARD • .' . ' • ' .- .,. .

Starting where Kiln Road. meets the eastern boundary of Benfleet Cedar Hall V.'ard,

generally northwards along said boundary, eastwards and following the northern

and eastern boundaries of the District, generally northwcstvicrds alor*$ the •

eastern and northern boundaries of Great V/ood, couthv/estwords along Poors Lane

(path) generally 'sout'heastv;ards along the western boundary of Great Wood, south-

wards alone; The V.'oods, westwards along Scrub Lane and New Road, -northwestwards •

alon London Road and Kiln Hoad to the starting Point.

Bj^M'JLj~'t^t?T "j

Starting i/here the southern boundary, of Benfleet St Georges ''.v'ard "eets the

v/estern boundary of the District, eastwards along said southern boundary and

'the southern boundary of Benfleet St Peter's V/ard, southv;estv/ards alons Dov-TiCr - - " ' - H . Road, eastv/ards along Catiierine Road, soutieastv/arcls along the soutrr.-restern

boundoxy of Meadowsweet, northeast\;ards and following the rear boundaries 'of ' K " '8 and 9 The Chines and the rear and northeastern boundaries of Ho 205 ThiLdorsley

Park Road, generally southwards along Thundersley Park Road, northviards e.lcng

Clarence Road, westwards along Oalcficld Road, northwards along nigh Road and

westwards along Lir.:e Tree Avenue to the starting point.


Starting v/here the southern boundary of Bcfifleet Apple ton Ward neets the v/estern

boundary of the District, eastvrards and following said boundary t southvestv;ards

along Thundersloy Park Rocd, generally southv/ards along High Road, High Street

and Ferry Road, northwestwards ^along 'Benflcet Creek and northv;ards along the

western "boundary of the District to the starting point. BiiiFLEET BOICL WARD

Starting where the eastern boundary of Benileet Appleton Ward meets the southern boundary of Benfleet St Peter's Ward, eastwards along the said southern boundary and the southern boundaries of Benfleet Cedar Hall Ward and Benfleet Victoria Ward, southwards and following Benfleet Hoad, generally southwestwarcls along the path from Benfleet Road to the eastern boundary of parcel no 6543 as shown on 03 1:2500 plan 1Q 7986 edition of 1956, generally southwards along the eastern boundaries of parcel nos 6543, 6428 and 5509 and 5494 as shown on OS 1:2500 plan T3 7985 edition of 1956 and in a straight line through Rat Grid reference TQ 7954735441 to Benfleet Creek, generally westwards along said creek and generally northwards along the eastern boundaries of Benfleet St Mary's Ward and Benfleet Appleton Ward to the starting point.


Starting where the eastern boundary of B&nfleet Boyce Ward meets the southern boundary of Benfleet Victoria Ward, southeastward^ and following said southern boundary, generally southwards along the eastern boundary of the District, generally westwards along Hauleigh Ray and Benfleet Creek and northwards and following the eastern boundary of Benfleet "Boyce Ward to the starting point.

Convey Island West v.'arcl continued CANVEY ISLAND WEST WARD

Commencing at a point where the western boundary of the District meets the

southwestern boundary of Benfleet St Mary's Ward, thence southeastwards along

the said southwestern boundary and continuing along the southwestern boundary of Benfleet Boyce Ward to a point being the prolongation northeastwards of

the eastern boundary of Parcel No 3^20 as shown on 1:2500 Ordnance Survey Plan

TQ 7885 Edition 1956 thence southwestwards along the said prolongation and

continuing along the eastern boundary of the said parcel to Winter Gardens

Path thence southwards and southeastwards along the said path to a point

opposite the drain that forms the eastern boundaries of Parcel Nos 4372 and rf» * 3721 and the southeastern boundary of Parcel No 1309 as shown on 1:2500

Ordnance Survey Plan TQ 788^ Edition 1956 and the southeastern boundary of

Parcel No 0002 on 1:2500 Ordnance Survey Plans TQ 7883/7983, and TQ 7683/7783

to the westernmost-point of Parcel No 1800 thence southeastvards along the

western boundary of the said parcel to the footpath that leads to Canvey Road,

thence southwestwards along the said footpath to the northern boundary of

St Katherine's Church thence southeastwards along the said boundary and in

prolongation thereof to the northern extremity of Edith Road thence south-

wards along the said road to a point opposite the northern boundary of

Thorpe Lodge, thence southeastwards to and along the said boundary and

continuing southwards along the eastern boundary of the said property to its

southeastern corner, thence southeastwards in a straight line to the north-

western corner of the property No 15 Village Drive, thence northeastwards

along the rear boundaries of the properties Nos 17 to 39 Village Drive and in

prolongation thereof to a point due west of the drain that runs from Village

Drive to New Road thence eastwards and southeastwards to and along the said

drain to New Road thence northwards along the said road to Link Road, thence

southeastwards along the said road to Maple Way,.thence southwards along the

said road to Long Road, thence northeastwards along the said road to a point

oonosite the western boundary of No 109 Long Road thence southwards to and along the said boundary and cc-tinuing southwards along the western boundary of No 14 Kitkatts Scad, thence sctithwards in a straight line to the western boundaries of Beatrice Littlevrc-cd House and Susan Fielder Cottages, thence southwards along the said boundaries and continuing southwards along the western boundaries of Clara J sires Cottages and Nos JO and 32 Kitkatts Road to the northern boundary of Kc 2" Berkeley Lane thence northeastwards along the said boundary to the northeastern boundary of the said property thence southeastwards along the said boundary across Berkeley Lane to the north- eastern boundary of fto 16 Berkeley Lane thence southeastwards along the said boundary to the rear boundary of the said property thence southwestwards along the said rear boundary to the northeastern boundary of No 1^ Berkeley

Lane, thence generally southeastwards along the said northeastern boundary, the southeastern boundary o? the said property, and the northeastern boundary of Ho 30 Welbeck Hoaci, to V/elbeck Boad, thence southwestwards along fche said road to a point opposite the northeastern boundary of Ko ^7 Ka o-not Welbeck Hoad, thence southeastward's Aalong the said boundary and continuing south-westwards,- eastwards and southwards, along the rear boundaries of Nos V? to 51 Welbeck Road, the southern boundary of No 50 Kitkatts Koad, and the western boundary of No 7 Chichestcr Close, thence in a straight line to the western boundary of No 8 Chichcster Close, thence southwards along the said boundary and continuing general ?vy northwestwards along the rear boundaries of Nos 6 to 2 Chichester Close, to the eastern boundary of the property known as Pickwick, Thorney Bay Koad, thence southwards along the said boundary to Thorney Bay Road thence northwestwards and southwestwards along

the said road to the access road leading to Thorney Bay Holiday Camp thence

southeastwards along the said rond and in prolongation thereof to the

southern boundary of the District thence westwards and generally northwards

along the southern and western boundaries of the District to the point of


Commencing at a point where the eastern boundary of Canvey Island West V/ard

meets the southern boundary of Benfleet Boyce V/ard thence southeastwards along

the said southern boundary and continuing southeastwards along the southwest-

ern boundary of Benfleet St James Ward to Tewkes Creek, thence generally

westward along the said creek to the footpath that is situated along the top

of the sea wall thence southwestwards and southeastwards along the said

footpath and in prolongation thereof to Kellington Road thence southwestwards

along the said road to the footpath that runs adjacent to the southern

boundaries of Parcel Nos 1039 and 79^3 as shown on 1:2500 Ordnance Survey

Plans TQ 808** Edition of 1956 and TQ 798^ Edition 1956 thence northwestwards

and southwestwards along the said path, crossing Sorr.nes Avenue, to the road

known as Central Wall thence northwestwards along the said road to a point

opposite the eastern boundary of Parcel No 4127 on 1:2500 Ordnance Survey

Plan TO 798^ Edition "i956 thence generally southwestwards to and along the

•said boundary and in prolongation thereof to the Lake thence generally

northwestwards along the said lake and continuing southwestwards along the

drain that leads from The Lake to Link Road to the eastern boundary of

Canvey Island West V/ard thence northwestwards and generally northeastwards

along the said boundary to the point of commencement.


Commencing at a point where the eastern boundary of Canvey Island Winter

Gardens Ward meet$ the southern boundary of the said ward at The Lake,

thence southeastwards along the said lake to a point opposite the western

boundary of Jethou Cottage thence southwestwards to and along the said

boundary and continuing along the southwestern boundary of the club in

Knightswick Road, thence southwestwards along the rear boundaries of the

.properties Nos 15 to 6 Knightswick Road and the western boundary of No 16

Waafden Road, crossing Waarden Road and continuing generally southeastwards 7 along the western boundaries of the properties Hos 1^ to 18 the Head Post

Office, and Nos 32 to 38 all situated in Futherwick Hoad, thence eastwards

along the southern boundary of the last mentioned properties to a point

opposite the rear boundaries of Nos 46 to 90 Furtherwick Road, thence

southeastwards to and along the said boundaries and continuing southeast-

wards along the eastern boundary of No 26 Long Koad and in prolongation there-

of, to Long Road thence westwards along the said road to the eastern boundary

of Canvey Island West Ward thence westwards and generally northwards along

the said boundary to the southern boundary of Canvey Island Winter Gardens

Ward thence generally northeastwards along the said boundary to the point

of commencement.


Commencing at a point where the northern boundary of Canvey Island Central

Ward meets the eastern boundary of Canvey Island Winter Gardens Ward thence

generally northeastwards and eastwards along the said eastern boundary and

continuing eastwards along the southern boundary of Benfleet St James Ward

to the eastern boundary of the District thence generally southeastwards

along the said District boundary to Hadleigh Ray thence southwestwards

along fiadleigh Ray and continuing southwestwards and northwestwards along

Oyster Creek and Smallgains Creek to the centre of the dam situated at

the northern end of Small gains Creek, Thence northeastwards along the said

darn to the footpath that bounds the northeastern, northern, western and

southern boundaries of Parcel No 11?2 as shown on 1:2500 Ordnance Survey

Plan TQ 8083/8183 Edition 1°6^ thence generally northwestwards, southeast-

wards and eastwards along the said footpath to a point opposite the rear

boundaries of Nos 10 to 3 Gains Close thence southwards to and along the • t said boundaries and in prolongation^thereof to High Street thence south-

eastwards along the said street to San Remo Road thence southwestwards

along the said road to Crescent Road thence westwards along the said road

to Maurice Road thence northwestwards along the said road to Odessa Road 8 ' thence generally northwestwards along the said road to the drain that bounds the eastern boundary of King Georges Field Recreation Ground thence north- wards along the said drain to the footpath that runs between Hilbery Read and

Bramble Road thence westwards along the said footpath to Bramble Road thence southwards along the said road to a point opposite the southern boundary of

Canvey Island County Secondary School thence southwestwards and generally northwestwards to and along the southern and western boundaries of the said school, to Oak Road thence southwestwards along the said road .to Furtherwick

Road thence northwestwards along the said road to Long Road thence westwards along the said road to the eastern boundary of Canvey Island Central Ward thence generally northwards and northwestwards along the eastern and northern boundaries of the said ward to the point of commencement.


Commencing at a point where the eastern boundary of Canvey Island Central

Ward meets the southern boundary of Canvey Island North Ward, thence generally southeastwards along the said southern boundary to Lottem Road thence southwestwards along the said road and in prolongation thereof to

the southern boundary of the District thence westwards along the said southern boundary to the eastern boundary of Canvey Island West Ward thence northwestwards, eastwards and northwards along the said boundary to the southern boundary of Canvey Island Central Ward, thence eastwards along the

said boundary to the point of commencement.


Commencing at a point where the northern boundary of Canvey Island South

Ward meets the southern boundary of Canvey Island North V/ard thence generally

northwestwards and eastwards along the said boundary to the eastern boundary of

the District thence generally eastwards, southwards and westwards along the

eastern and southern boundaries of the District to the eastern boundary of Canvey Island South Ward thence northwards along the said boundary to the

rioint of commencement.