“Anti-Patristic” Nature of Our Ecclesiology of Resistance a Response to the Orthodox Christian Information Center Website
Statement on the Supposed “Anti-Patristic” Nature of Our Ecclesiology of Resistance A Response to the Orthodox Christian Information Center Website The Deficient Scholarship of Monk Basil’s Comments on the Allegedly Anti-Patristic Stand of the So-Called “Old Calendarist Zealots” By Hieromonk Patapios Academic Director, Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies St. Gregory Palamas Monastery, Etna, California I. Part One: Introductory Remarks to the O.C.I.C. Webmaster, Patrick Barnes Dear Patrick, May God bless you. I hope that you will allow me, as you did once before in answering some rather ill-conceived reactions by one of your readers to Archbishop Chry- sostomos’ comments on Jewish traditions (“Menstruation, Emissions, and http://www.orthodoxinfo.com. - - Holy Communion”), to respond to your recent posting about the ecclesiology of resistance. The article by Monk Basil of the Gregoriou Monastery on Mt. Athos, which you reproduce and extensively introduce in this posting (rather awk- wardly translated and entitled “Anti-Patristic: The Stance of the Zealot Old Calendarists”) is well known to us. Inchoate, polemical, insulting, bereft of any real scholarly substance, drawing half-truths from the misuse of historical and Patristic texts, and posturing as a Patristic commentary, it does little to address the real issues of so-called Old Calendarist zealotry. In his observations, which are basically a response to an earlier article (written in 1999) by Father Nicholas Demaras on the ecclesiology of resistance (criti- cizing the Gregoriou Monastery for not walling itself off from the Orthodox ecumenists), Father Basil (a former “zealot” who, I am told but have not confirmed, is now an Archimandrite in Crete) comes to sweepingly broad conclusions drawn from difficult canonical, historical, and Patristic texts that he presents in a naive and, of course, self-serving way, grinding his axe on a soft stone.
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