52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 2339.pdf THE EARTH-BASED RADAR SEARCH FOR VOLCANIC ACTIVITY ON VENUS. B. A. Campbell1 and D. B. Campbell2, 1Smithsonian Institution Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, MRC 315, PO Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012,
[email protected]; 2Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Introduction: Venus is widely expected to have geometry comes from shifts in the latitude of the sub- ongoing volcanic activity based on its similar size to radar point, which spans the range from about 8o S Earth and likely heat budget. How lithospheric (2017) to 8o N (2015). Observations in 1988, 2012, and thickness and volcanic activity have varied over the 2020 share a similar sub-radar point latitude of ~3o S. history of the planet remains uncertain. While tessera Coverage of higher northern and southern latitudes may highlands locally represent a period of thinner be obtained during favorable conjunctions (Fig. 1), but lithosphere and strong deformation, there is no current the shift in incidence angle must be recognized in means to determine whether they formed synchronously analysis of surface features over time. The 2012 data on hemispheric scales. Understanding the degree to were collected in an Arecibo-GBT bistatic geometry which mantle plumes currently thin and uplift the crust that led to poorer isolation between the hemispheres. to create deformation and effusive eruptions will better inform our understanding of the “global” versus Searching for Change. Ideally, surface change “localized” timing of heat transport. Ground-based detection could be achieved by co-registering and radar mapping of one hemisphere of Venus over the past differencing any pair of radar maps.