CRICH PARISH COUNCIL Glebe Field Centre, Glebe Field Close, Derbyshire DE4 5EU

Tel: 01773 853928 E-mail: [email protected]


1866/18 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), C Collison, J James, K Smith, V Thorpe, R Walsh, P Yorke In attendance: DCC Cllr T Ainsworth, DCC Cllr D Taylor, AVBC Cllr G Gee, C Jennings - Parish Clerk Also present: Four members of the public

1867/18 TO NOTE ABSENCE Cllr D Anstead (apologies), Cllr S Bateman (apologies), Cllr M Baugh (apologies), Cllr J Brown (apologies), Cllr V Broom (apologies) Resolved: Absence was noted.

1868/18 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS It was not considered necessary to vary the order of business.

1869/18 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest.

Pecuniary Interests declared: Cllr Thorpe – Planning application AVA/2018/1053, previous working involvement

Personal Interests (not Pecuniary) declared: Cllr J Brown – Planning application AVA/2018/0910, owns adjacent property Cllr V Thorpe – Planning application AVA/2018/1021, previous involvement Cllr M Lane – Defibrillators, member Glebe Field Centre Management Committee

PUBLIC SPEAKING 1870/18 a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair.

A resident reported a missing footpath sign on Hollins Lane, and that the Lane was also giving way, falling apart. DCC Cllr T Ainsworth to follow-up both complaints. A resident enquired what had happened to the seat in the Burial Ground. None of the Councillors were aware of the bench mentioned, the resident will make further local enquiries.

1871/18 b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

DDC Cllr D Taylor advised that they had been successful in deferring Southern Derbyshire NHS Commissioning Group’s (CCG) decision regarding the proposed health cut to services, until December 2018. Cllr Taylor was hoping to meet with Senior NHS representatives on 26th November 2018 for further talks.

DDC Cllr T Ainsworth asked that residents continue to report pot holes on-line, or if they were unable to do this, to take a photograph and send it into him at County Hall. Once the pot hole was on the system it could be addressed. There is one year left on the roll-out of LED street lighting. The new lights should be more dependable, needing less repairs, and will bring cost savings for DCC. Cllr Ainsworth had received the draft report on the Greenbelt Review, from the independent advisor. It was a long, complicated document that would require study to understand. He was meeting with Derek Stafford - Assistant Director (Planning and Regeneration) AVBC, next week, and would provide more detail after that meeting. Crich did not have any Greenbelt areas.

AVBC Cllr G Gee said that the Greenbelt Review would not have any implications for Crich. The original boundaries were set-up around urban areas and did not come as far out as Crich. Cllr Gee advised he would be attending the Planning Board Meeting on 12th November, to speak against the way the proposed Woodside Farm development was being handled. He, like all Crich Parish Councillors, believes the present actions of AVBC to be undemocratic, and deeply concerning. Chair gave an overview of the work that had been undertaken by Crich Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to negotiate and agree Crich boundaries and development sizes with AVBC. AVBC had gone back on this agreement and had subsequently ignored the Crich Neighbourhood Plan. She too would be attending the Planning Board Meeting to raise objections on behalf of the Parish Council.

AVBC Cllr V Thorpe said that Planning Application AVA/2018/0841, land off Hagg Lane, needed to be looked at. This Item was discussed later under Planning. She also reported that the grey car left at Dimple Head was displaying a ‘Police aware’ sticker. This could take a while to be resolved whilst the Police carried out the necessary searches.

1872/18 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair advised her announcements would be covered under the individual Agenda Items.

MINUTES 1873/18 Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st October 2018.

1874/18 Resolved: To approve the minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 22nd October 2018. Excluding Minute nos. F046/18 Clerk, and F048/18 Budgets and Precept 2019/20 both discussed as separate Item.

PLANNING 1875/18 Cllr Thorpe left the room during the discussion of Planning application AVA/2018/1053. She re-joined the meeting after the conclusion of the discussion. Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications comments made at the meeting be submitted to AVBC. Representations attached.

1876/18 AVA/2017/1363 proposed development, land at Woodside Farm. Resolved: Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) be urgently notified that the report in respect of Item 6(B) (Planning Application AVA/2017/1363 relating to land at Woodside Farm, The Common, Crich) of the Report to Planning Board for the meeting on 12 November 2018 is fatally flawed. Crich Parish Council objects to the report on the grounds that: 1. The submission of Crich Parish Council to the revised scheme for 71 dwellings is not accurately reported; 2. The report includes important errors and omissions not least with respect to the Policies of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, and existing planning applications and appeals; and 3. The report is irrational, without proper reasoning, and not based on sound evidence. Amber Valley Borough Council be also urgently notified that if the decision recommended in said report is taken, then Crich Parish Council will prepare Grounds of Claim with a view to them being submitted for Judicial Review of the decision in the High Court of Justice (Queens Bench Division, Planning Court). That the Parish Council observations on the revised scheme for 71 dwellings (with the exception of the timing issue previously raised which has been overtaken by events) are sent for reporting to the Planning Board as a submission received after preparation of the report.

1877/18 FINANCE a) Payments Resolved: That payments of the attached accounts in the sum of £5,105.05 be formally approved. b) Receipts Resolved: That receipts of the attached accounts in the sum of £162.26 be formally approved.


RECREATION GROUND 1878/18 a) PLACE project Cllr Yorke reported that the PLACE project would be refunding the waste bin loan money shortly. There had still been no response from Peveril Homes regarding their support of the Quiet Area. The group had received a proposal from a local resident for the Quiet Area consisting of three interconnecting circular paths representing Crich, Whatstandwell and , with a central feature. The construction would involve the assistance of local school children to place pebbles to create the paths. Council asked if the proposal might consider including the other villages, such as Wheatcroft. Cllr Yorke to take the suggestion back to the PLACE project group. Cllr Yorke would present the proposal once feasibility study etc had been completed.

1879/18 b) Damaged wall 2 Holly Bank Court, bordering the Recreation Ground. The Council’s Insurers advise the potential claim had now been closed, but any future claim should be referred back to them. Resolved: The Clerk to write to the owners of 2 Holly Bank Court to say that since they had decided not to proceed with an insurance claim against the Council, the residents would need to undertake the work to their wall themselves. The Council would shortly be removing the safety barrier it had put in place, as it was required for the Christmas Tree in the Market Place. The residents should consider making the area safe themselves, pending undertaking the repair works. They are responsible, as the owners of the wall, to ensure the safety of others and would be responsible for any injury that might occur.

1880/18 BURIAL GROUND a) Removal of excess spoil tip The excess spoil requires the use of a digger to dig out/remove the spoil from under the hedge, transport it to a skip at the bottom of the drive, which will then need to be disposed of. Work to source three local suppliers willing to undertake the work and provide quotes, had been unsuccessful. The Clerk is currently undertaking work to source suppliers and quotes further afield.

b) Top right-hand side extension Work to look into the consecration of area needs to be undertaken. The Clerk to look into the possibility of both the right-hand side and the bottom extension being consecrated together. This will require the removal of the spoil first and the latest Burial Ground regulations to be checked.

c) Easement Chair had contacted the gas company on 25th October to see if they wanted to continue with their request for an easement. So far, she had not had a response, and will not be pursuing the matter further, unless she hears from the company.

1881/18 RECREATION GROUND – ASH TREE Planning Consent to remove the tree had been received from AVBC. The Clerk will place an order for the work to be carried out, and inform the residents concerned.

1882/18 ALLOTMENTS – BRUSH CUTTER The Clerk had collected the brush cutter and PPE from Twigg, and it is now stored in the Glebe Field Centre basement. The Allotment Volunteer has undertaken operating instruction from the supplier to ensure competency for Insurance purposes. Warranty has been registered, manual completed and stamped by Twigg. The following documentation has been developed and put into place: • Brush cutter log – to sign equipment out/in • H&S operating sheet – copy to be provided and discussed with volunteer, and copy kept with equipment. • Risk Assessment – copy to be provided and discussed with volunteer, and retained on file. • Volunteer agreement – copy to be provided and discussed with volunteer. To be signed by Clerk and volunteer, and a copy retained on file. • Map of Allotment cutting areas, Terms and conditions of use – to be provided and discussed with volunteer, and copy to be kept with equipment. Permission had been given by Glebe Field Centre for two batons to be fixed to the basement wall behind the Parish Council’s grit salt, to allow brackets/hooks to be put into place to lift the brush cutter bag and supporting items up off the floor to maximise utilisation of space. Mr Creed to undertake the work when able.

DEFIBRILLATORS The Clerk’s Report had been circulated with the Agenda.

1883/18 Fritchley kiosk (01773 852062) - The Clerk had completed the necessary documentation and sent a cheque for £1 to allow the official adoption of the kiosk. The consultation process continues.

1884/18 Whatstandwell, Family Tree – The Clerk had met again with the Family Tree to discuss potential alternative locations, if DVMWHS and AVBC Planning will not allow the chosen location behind the front retaining wall. The equipment cannot be installed in the car park as it would remove a parking place. The Clerk to continue with work to produce a map and photos to clearly show possible location/s. The Clerk will then contact Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site to discuss the proposal and find out what permissions are required. Once an agreement can be reached with Derwent Valley Mill World Heritage Site, the Clerk will contact AVBC again to progress a planning application.

1885/18 Crich kiosk - (01773 852221) – The Clerk’s enquiry regarding using Crich kiosk to install a defibrillator had finally been acknowledged by Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT), who own the kiosk. CHT forwarded six documents relating to their organisation, these were reviewed by Cllr Yorke and the Clerk, and further clarification had been sought from CHT. The Clerk’s Report outlined 11 points that CHT wanted to impose on the Council. The Council did not find the conditions to be conducive as they were too onerous, and had the potential for future change. This was not acceptable to the Council. Resolved: The Clerk to contact CHT and thank them for the information they have provided, and advise them that the Parish Council will not be using their kiosk as a location for their defibrillator. Resolved: The location of the defibrillator in Crich to be brought back to the meeting in December, when more Councillors are present.

Cllr Yorke and the Clerk will produce a summary of Crich locations that have already been rejected by Council, to help focus the discussion and avoid repeating earlier discussion.

1886/18 WINTER SERVICE Grit bin status report, Cllrs Baugh and James. Item to be discussed at December’s meeting when all work has been undertaken and collated. Cllr Yorke confirmed that he’d had a meeting with Peter Clark about the small Christmas trees and had placed an order, which would be delivered on 3rd December 2018.

1887/18 DERBYSHIRE ASSOCIATON OF LOCAL COUNCIL’S (DALC) - AGM The Clerk to ask Cllr Broom, when she feels well enough, to e-mail Councillors with any information from the event that might be relevant.

1888/18 RINGING OUT FOR PEACE – WW1 CENTENARY COMMEMORATION Chair has arranged for the Last Post to be played by Crich Brass at 6.55pm on 11th November 2018. Crich Beacon will be lit by the Fire Chief at 7.00pm, and the Church Bells will ring at 7.05pm. Chair has a suitable poem to read, should it be needed. Resolved: The Parish Council to give a one-off thank you donation of £100 to Crich Brass in recognition of their contribution to the event. Amount to come from Contingency.


1889/18 BOWNS HILL PUBLIC WC ELECTRICITY COSTS Resolved: The Clerk to complete the form sent by British Gas and sign-up for a three-year fixed rate electricity plan.

1890/19 Standing Orders were suspended to allow the meeting to conclude.

1891/18 PARISH COUNCIL LAPTOP The Clerk’s Report regarding the replacement of the Parish Council laptop, which was 12 years old and becoming unreliable, was circulated with the Agenda. Council has the funds to purchase the equipment. Resolved: The Clerk to place an order with Council’s IT support supplier, to purchase a new laptop and Microsoft Office software as outlined in option 1: SSD Hard drive laptop - £550. Set-up and transfer of all data to new lap-top by IT support, around 3 hrs - £200. Support to resolve any set-up and transfer – nil. To purchase Microsoft Office software, single licence - £200. Total – approx £950

1892/18 BUDGETS AND PRECEPT 2019/20 At the Finance Committee Meeting of 22nd October 2018, the status of Budgets for 2018/19, and proposed budgets for 2019/20 were discussed at length. The Minutes of that meeting detailed specific budget items and provided explanation, the spreadsheet was circulated again with the Full Council Agenda. Where possible the figures had been reviewed from a zero-base. Where not possible, figures have been put forward based on previous years. Breakdown of costs was also provided. The Finance Committee put forward some additional Resolutions that were discussed prior to agreeing the budget and Precept as they affected the final figure. Resolved: The Clerk’s contract to be amended to 21 hours per week, with no overtime hours to be worked, paid or unpaid, unless requested by Council and agreed by the Clerk. Effective immediately. Resolved: Councillors will not be provided with a e-mail account for Council business. Resolved: The Council will not trial the provision of tablets for Council business. Resolved: The Clerk to contact the four Councillors who require paper copies of the Agenda and selected Appendices, to agree whether these documents should be provided for collection from the Glebe Field Centre Reception, OR, to continue to be provided on the evening of the Council meeting. Copies would be printed as soon as possible after the Agenda was issued and the Councillors advised when ready to collect.

Council went on to look at the budget spreadsheet for 2019/20 and noted the requirement to budget for the 2019 Elections, estimated by AVBC at around £5,000. This alone increased the Precept by almost eight percent. Along with other rising costs and additional works, this meant the Precept will therefore need to be increased from £64,240 to £76,051, an increase of £11,811 – 18.4%. This would mean an increase per Elector (2,455 December 2017) to £4.81 per year, or less than 9 pence per week. Updated spreadsheet Appendix A Resolved: Subject to the decisions taken above, the Parish Council accept the amended Budgets for 2019/20 recommended by the Finance Committee and submit a Precept form for £76,051 to Amber Valley Borough Council.

1892/18 AVBC – CONSULTATION ANIMAL WELFARE POLICY Resolved: No comments are to be lodged.

1893/18 DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL LIAISON FORUM Invitation to attend the Liaison Forum taking place on Tuesday 29th January 2019, 6pm – 8pm, County Hall, Matlock. DE4 3AG. Resolved: The Clerk to confirm Cllr Walsh will attend.

1894/18 CORRESPONDENCE a) Rolls-Royce Environmental Monitoring Results – Q2 2018 The original copy was very faint and would not scan. The original was available to view in the Parish Council Office Monday – Wednesday mornings, and was available at the meeting. b) DCC – Community Involvement Scheme, 17th September 2018 meeting notes. c) AVBC – Derbyshire Police ‘Target Harden your property’. Copies given to the Glebe Field Centre. d) DALC – Circular 14/2018 e) Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site – Artist Opportunities. Resolved: Correspondence was noted.

1895/18 NEXT MEETING Parish Council Meeting – Monday 3rd December 2018 – 7.30pm Glebe Field Centre, Crich

The meeting closed at 9.55pm


Ref: TRE/2018/0354 Proposal: Fell ash tree growing from wall Location: Recreation Ground The Beeches Crich Matlock Derbyshire Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2018/0975 Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to provide access for off road parking from Stones Lane Location: 3 Coast Hill Terrace Coast Hill Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DS Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2018/0971 Proposal: Demolition of existing stone wall remnants of former cottage and construction of new single storey cottage (the proposal may affect the setting of a Listed Building) Location: 3 Taylors Yard Market Place Crich Matlock Derbyshire Response: Objection. The design and materials of the proposed workshop are contrary to Policies NP4 and NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The proposal will be detrimental to the significance of the character of the Crich Conservation Area and will adversely affect the setting of Listed Buildings in the vicinity

Ref: AVA/2018/0987 Proposal: Drop 3 extra kerb stones to allow for double drive access Location: 18 The Common Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5BH Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2018/0998 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement dwelling (Resubmission of AVA/2018/0131 to incorporate a balcony) Location: Alpha 15 Hindersitch Lane Whatstandwell Matlock Derbyshire Response: No objection subject to suitable replacement of trees to be removed

Ref: AVA/2018/1021 Proposal: Change of Use of existing decommissioned electrical substation to be used as summer house within the curtilage of existing dwelling, modifications to roof of the existing house to incorporate two new gables, installation of a brick chimney and re-roof to summer house Location: The Old Surgery Dimple Lane Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5BQ Response: Objection. The flat roof design and materials of the proposed summer house are contrary to Policies NP4 and NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The design and materials of the proposed alterations to the dwelling are contrary to Policies NP4 and NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The application site is part within, and part immediately adjacent to, the Crich Conservation Area. The proposals will be detrimental to the significance of the character of the Crich Conservation Area. The elevation drawings are incomplete. Commercial vehicles associated with the use of the site are currently not accommodated on the site. The area proposed as a summer house could alternatively provide additional on-site parking capacity to the benefit of highway safety and residential amenity.

Ref: TRE/2018/0381 Proposal: Crown reduce various trees Location: The Dovecotes Bowns Hill Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DG Response: No objection

Ref: TRE/2018/0383 Proposal: Ash (T1 / TPO 118): Prune to increase ground clearance to 5 metres by removal of over-extended limb (NE) and low hanging limb (SE); Prune branches on western side growing towards neighbouring property to achieve 5 metres ground clearance. Remove self-set ash and hawthorne trees from beneath canopy to prevent competition with tree T1. All works recommended in tree condition surveys conducted by Cheshire Woodlands (25-July-18) and Thompson Tree Services (24-Oct- 17). Location: Land Adj Market House Market Place Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DD Response: No objection

Ref: AVA/2018/1053 (Validated: 23 Oct 2018) Location: Land Adjacent Sunnyside Cottages Kirkham Lane Fritchley Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling (This is a departure to the Development Plan) Response: Objection. Reasons: 1. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which seeks to protect the Butterley Gangroad. The proposal will be clearly visible from important publically accessible viewpoints to the east of the application site and will adversely affect the setting of the Grade II listed Tramway Embankment (NHLE 1109195) (part of the Butterley Gangroad). The proposal does not enhance or better reveal the significance of that important listed asset. 2. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP11 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which seeks to protect and enhance heritage assets. The proposal is situated within the Fritchley Conservation Area and fails to better reveal the significance of that asset. Indeed, the proposal will adversely affect the character of the Conservation Area which is characterised by a loose grain of development interspersed with open areas that provide views of the surrounding rural backdrop. This harm to the significance of the Fritchley Conservation Area cannot be said to be outweighed by provision of a single dwelling in the context of a village that has a significant number of vacant dwellings and unsold recently constructed houses. 3. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which seeks to guard against the loss of important open areas within the built area of Fritchley. 4. The proposal is contrary to Policy NP4 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan which requires residential development to reflect local character. The proposal includes features that are alien to the local vernacular. The large glazed areas on the east elevation, the main entrance feature, and the mixed stone and brick design are inappropriate. Important features of the local built environment including chimneys have not been included. 5. The access arrangements: • are detrimental to highway safety on Kirkham Lane which has a narrow, shared pedestrian and vehicle surface; ▪ include the introduction of a large area of driveway hard surfacing on land not previously developed; and • include the loss of boundary walls that are important to the character of the Conservation Area. It is unclear how these elements of the proposal enhance the Fritchley Conservation Area. 6. It is not clear how the elements of landscaping proposed for land adjacent to the application site (indicated to be currently in the control of the applicants) will be secured in the future. 7. It is noted the ecological appraisal report dated November 2016 relates to a much larger application site including extensive areas north of the current application site. 8. The village of Fritchley does not represent a sustainable location for further housing development. The village is deficient in essential services and facilities having no shops and no dedicated employment sites. The application site is distant from the nearest bus route that offers a very limited service, particularly in evenings and at weekends, and which can only be accessed via steep gradients.

Reference: AVA/2018/0841 Location: Land Off Top Hagg Lane Top Hagg Lane Fritchley Belper Derbyshire Outline Application with All Matters Reserved: Site for one dwelling (This is a Departure from the Development Plan) Proposal: Outline Application with All Matters Reserved: Site for one dwelling (This is a Departure from the Development Plan) Response: Objection 1. There has been a procedural failure. The application site lies within Crich Parish but Crich Parish Council has not been consulted - contrary to statutory requirements. 2. The proposal is contrary to Policies NP1 and NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan proposing development outside the Fritchley Settlement Development Boundary. 3. The proposal relates to development of green field land in open countryside and will adversely affect the landscape character of the area contrary to Policies NP1 and NP3 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. 4. The proposal will contribute to the coalescence of settlements in that it will erode the important gap between Fritchley and . 5. The proposal constitutes skyline development on a very steeply sloping site that is highly prominent when viewed from an important public footpath to the south contrary to Policy NP2 of the Crich Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. 6. The proposal relies on unsatisfactory unmade access along Top Hagg Lane which serves as a well used pedestrian route leading from Fritchley towards the towpath and Crich Chase within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage site buffer zone.

Ref: AVA/2018/0992 Location: Culland Farm Wingfield Park South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7LT Proposal: Replacement dwelling etc at Culland Farm Wingfield Park Response: No objection subject to condition - The ancillary accommodation shall only be occupied by households with at least one person employed on site or having a family connection to occupants of the main house.


Cheque Payee Vat No Vat Total Amount Description

22/10/2018 2824 Grasstrack 814252455 93.00 558.00 465.00 Strim - Allot/RG. GB clearing 2825 William Twigg (Matlock) Ltd 125424494 73.45 440.71 367.29 Brush cutter/ PPE/storage bag 2826 BT Payphones Ltd 1.00 1.00 Adoption Fritchley tel kiosk Totals 166.45 999.71 833.29

First two cheques signed at the Finance Committee Meeting of 22nd October 2018 to avoid exceeding 30 days. Third cheque was to progress forward the adoption of the Fritchley telephone kiosk.


Date Chq No Payee Vat No Vat Total Amount Detail 05/11/2018 s/o Keptkleen 287852742 45.07 270.40 225.33 Cleaning public w/c s/o Software into action - SIA 789358066 7.80 46.80 39 IT support s/o Grasstrack 814252455 78.60 471.60 393 Landscaping s/o Crich Glebe Field Trust Ltd 0.00 809.55 809.55 Glebe payment

s/o Mr D Creed 0.00 220.00 220 Burial Ground/ landscaping 2827 British Gas - elec Sept public 684966762 0.65 11.81 11.16 Public w/c - elec w/c 2828 DALC 0.00 103.99 103.99 Arnold Baker - yellow book 2829 Viking 536153357 8.07 48.42 40.35 Stationery 2830 D Creed - PC equipment 0.00 175.81 175.81 PC eqp for landscape maint 2831 Grasstrack 814252455 24.60 147.60 123 Burial Ground works

2832 C Jennings - Clerk 0.00 1,196.69 1196.69 Payroll 2833 HMRC - NI & Tax 0.00 148.36 148.36 Payroll 2834 C Jennings – expenses and 0.00 306.68 Expenses and office office equipment items 2835 RBL Poppy Appeal 0.00 20.00 20 RBL Poppy Appeal 2836 William Twigg (Matlock) Ltd 125424494 8.12 48.72 40.6 Allotments caution signs x 2

2837 Viking 536153357 13.15 78.91 65.76 Stationery

Totals 186.06 4,105.34 3,919.28

RECEIPTS – RECEIVED OCTOBER 2018 Payee Total Detail 25/09/2018 372 Archway Funeral Service 100.00 Burial Ground 08/10/2018 373 Western Power Distribution 62.26 Wayleave Totals 162.26



2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 comments Additional info


Admin 6,500.00 6,500.00 Stet - should be sufficient to include: Sml increase IT support. Decorate office £500. New lights £300.

Staff costs 11,500.00 14,273.00 Clerk 21 hrs per week - to include 2% increase from April 2019 - nil allowance for any overtime

Burial Ground 3,500.00 5,357.00 Grasstrack (total £1,752). New cutting r/h side £54 x 16 Budget increase due to new areas = £864, Bottom extension £78 x 8 once a month = requiring cutting, and cost of occasional £624. Occasional weekly cut £500. D Creed increase weekly cut - no budget previously. Note: 5% £66 (total £1,386). Trade waste bin increase 5% only 2 weekly cutting approved for £11 (total £231) bottom extension.

Glebe Field Trust 9,800.00 9,958.00 £809.55 + CPIH increase 2.5% = £829.80 x 12 = CPIH increase only £9,958 Parish Facilities 120.00 243.00 Chairs allowance + CPIH increase 2.5% = £3 = £123. Fritchley fee not budgeted for previously. Lic fee for Fritchley School field £120 CPIH increase only

Landscape maint 5,750.00 6,797.00 Grasstrack (total £4,080). One off strim/spray Not budgeted for previously - RG strim/ egde/path est £330. Occasional weekly cut £500. D treatment, occasional weekly cut, Trade Creed increase 5% £66 (total £1,386). Trade waste bin waste bin. increase 5% £24 (total £501) Insurance 1,300.00 2,215.00 Assume: Increase 10% £183 (total £2,014) plus 10% defibs £201

Grants 2,000.00 2,000.00 Reduced to this level 2018/19. Retained level for 2019/20 Winter Service 3,100.00 3,000.00 Reduced to this level for 2019/20

Parish Enhancement 8,770.00 7,654.00 No increase floral displays (total £5,292). Stress testing Lower budget, as Stress Testing came 10% £18 (total £198). Large C/tree 10% £88 (total in much lower. £968), small trees 10% £23 (total £250). Belper T/C install small trees 5% £10 (total £220). Put up/take down lights 10% £66 (total £726) Public WC 3,800.00 4,392.00 No increase (total £3,245). Repairs/floor painting £250. Maintenance work required. w/c - offset Window and door painting £250. Elec 10% £20 (total grant AVBC £600. £220). AVBC rates 10% £39 (total £427)

BG development 500.00 0.00 Nil Capital Projects 0.00 0.00 Nil Allotments 560.00 400.00 Offset with income from rents if all let £405 (rent must be spent on allotments)

PLACE 0.00 0.00 Nil

Neighbourhood Plan 250.00 0.00 Nil

Recreation Ground 450.00 450.00 Assume £15 at 2.5 hr per month. Still to be done. Not started yet. Charity Admin Website 540.00 720.00 Hosting, support, annual licence, two e-mail a/cs £540. Additional cost every two years for domain name + £180 (Total £720) Installation of defibs 1,600.00 2,502.00 New batteries (3 x £190 = £570), new pads + spares There may be additional costs that are (£45 x 6 = £270).Installation Electrician (£600). unknown at present. Planning fee x 1 £462. Training costs est £500. Paint est £100 Election costs - new item 0.00 5,000.00 AVBC estimate - £4,794 Uncontested around £400

Contingency 10,000.00 10,000.00 This allows for contingency and perhaps build reserves

TOTAL 70,040.00 81,461.00


Burial Ground 5,000.00 Based upon approx avg of 2016-18 5,000.00 Allotments 800.00 410.00 5,800.00 5,410.00

Precept 64,240.00 2019/20 18.39% Percentage increase 76,051.00 2018/19 12.26% Percentage increase

2019/20 cost pa cost pw 2,455 electors - will 4.81 increase with new 0.09 homes

2018/19 cost pa cost pw 2,455 electors 2.85 0.06