PREVENTIVE DIPLOMACY AS A KEY FOR CONFLICT REDUCTION AND REDUCING THE THREAT POSED BY RADICAL ISLAMISTS Prof h.c. Dr. h.c. Zoran R. Vitorovic, President, Association Swiss Morning Star & Swiss Center for Humanitarian Law (e-mail:
[email protected]) Abstract In this paper the author focuses on preventive diplomacy in order to increase confidence and diffuse tensions between the parties of a conflict. Since the concept of preventive diplomacy has become binding on all members of the UN, they must build trust and partnership relations in order to reduce the prospects of violent conflict between states by applying PD. The paper also deals with why states have not yet managed to find a solution to form the Global Village, a key vision in seeking to combat conflict and crisis. Key words: asymmetry, diplomacy, conflict, UN, concept Introduction -magic phrase “Preventive Diplomacy (PD)” In the multipolar world of today, which is slowly growing, one of the models for easing and reducing the incidence of asymmetric conflicts is certainly the use of preventive diplomacy. The basic idea was promoted by the first UN General Secretary U Tanta and developed by UN General Secretary Boutros Boutros – Ghali in a UN “Report Agenda for Peace” 1. The idea is that, at the very least, by recognising and paying attention to the appearance of “smoke” we may be able to prevent the outbreak of “fire and conflict”. This focus on prevention was discussed at numerous international conferences. It was not until 1971, however, when the expert of psychodynamics of ethnic conflict, Professor Joseph Montville2, pointed out the importance and essence of preventive diplomacy (PD) as a mechanism for preventing the emergence of conflicts, that PD really became an integral part of global processes.