Tips for Responsible Tourism 1 Table of Contents
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Amani Nature Reserve and Amani Nature Reserve E ast U sambara sambara M Amani ountains in T anzania Nature Reserve TIPS FOR RESPONSIBLE TOURISM 1 TaBLE OF CONTENTS MAP OF THE AREA ............................ 3 © Elina Piekkola EAST USAMBARA MOUNTAINS .................... 4 AMANI NATURE RESERVE ....................... 6 AMANI BUTTERFLY PROJECT .................... 10 FaUNA AND FLORA ........................... 12 BIRDLIFE ................................. 16 TRAILS AND SIGHTS .......................... 18 ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS ..................... 22 SIGHTS AND VILLAGES OUTSIDE OF AMANI NR......... 26 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND / TIPS FOR VISITORS ........ 28 Cover photos: © Elina Piekkola, © Juha-Pekka Kervinen / WWF Text: Elina Piekkola Maps: © 2011 Microsoft Corporation and its data suppliers COMBINING THE COAST WITH YOUR VISIT ........... 30 2012 2 3 EAST USAMBARA MOUNTAINS The Usambara Mountains are part of the the Eastern parts through Amani. East Usam- wide Lwengera river valley, they still create a Eastern Arc Mountain chain that consisted bara is relatively smaller than the West but it homogenous ecological and geological unity. of twelve scattered mountain blocks, winding receives more rainfall since it is geographically The uniqueness and the richness of the area from Southern Kenya to Southern Tanzania. closer to the Indian Ocean. in terms of biodiversity is the result of the These geologically ancient mountains harbor The Usambara Mountains were formed geographical position of the area and stability an unusual number of endemic species and more than 30 million years ago. For the last in geological and climate factors. The end- are highly important for African as well as for 10 million years the forests have been separated emism among species is remarkable which global biodiversity. The Eastern Arc Moun- from the west and central African forests and makes the area an interesting and unrivalled tains are recognised as one of the world’s 25 because of this the forest blocks have been able ecotourism and research destination. Biodiversity Hotspots and are often referred to develop as a refuge for many species as well The number of species found in the as the “Galapagos Islands of Africa”. as an area with high biodiversity. Geological Eastern Arc Mountains is very high and new and climate history as well as geographical fea- species are regularly discovered. The entire The Usambara Mountains tures such as rainfall and the range of latitudes mountain range is a home to about 2960 spe- The Usambara Mountains forests in Tanzania are the main reason for extensive variety of tree, cies of plants, 394 species of butterflies, 371 are one of the most important conservation shrub and animal species. These mountains species of birds, 106 species of mammals, 101 areas in Africa. Including some of the world’s have many highly forest dependent animal spe- species of reptiles, 38 species of amphibians oldest, remaining unspoiled tropical forests. cies and the combination of different habitats and 61 species of linyphiidae spiders. The Usambara Mountains are 110 km long and has made it possible to maintain a varied num- In terms of tourists, the West Usambara 30-60 km wide and the highest point reaches ber of animal species. The main forest types in Mountains receive most of the visitors since up to 2440 meters. These mountains are situ- the Eastern Arc Mountains are Montane, Sub- the accessibility, general infrastructure and ated between the Mt. Kilimanjaro and Indian montane, Lowland and Dry Lowland forests. services are more developed. People, who vis- Ocean. The Usambara Mountains have two The East Usambara Mountains are situ- it the East Usambara, mostly stay in Amani sub-mountain ranges namely the East and the ated approximately 40 km from the Tanzanian and in the West Usambara, in Lushoto. West Usambara. Western parts of the moun- north-east coast. Even though the East and West Since the mountain area receives sub- tains can be accessed through Lushoto and Usambara Mountains are separated by the 4 km stantial amounts of rainfall and the forests 4 © Laura Tahkokallio / WWF Tahkokallio © Laura maintain the soil fertility, the area is also good landscape that changes from tea fields and in the region for many years and developed for agriculture. Unfortunately many of the local farms into a lush mountainous forest. approaches that at the same time benefit local forests have been cleared for ever expanding German and British colonial period and its communities and protect the remaining for- farm lands. The Eastern Arc Mountains also influence can also be seen in the old remain- ests. These projects have included for instance provide firewood, building material, electrity ing deteriorated buildings and the significant establishing community forests, beekeeping through hydroelectric power plants, medical tea cultivation, especially at Amani Nature activities and fish pond and butterfly farming. plants and a perfect environment for animals Reserve. In Amani, the East Usambara Tea Raising awareness of the importance of and plants. Company owns more than 1000 ha of land the mountain forests has been promoted in which has a significant impact on the regional the area through World Environment Day Human impact, history landscape. celebrations on 5th June. During the years, about 70% of the original The East Usambara Mountain forests forest cover has been chopped down, first for Future challenges and their wellbeing is crucial for sustaining wood production and now by turning the re- The remaining forest cover is threatened by the lives of millions of people. The mountain maining forests into a farm land. It has been forest fires, illegal logging and mining and forests regulate and sustain the water supply estimated that in 2003 there were less than the constant expansion of agricultural land. for the area and for the city of Tanga and its 3 300 sq. km of the original forest cover re- The current population in the Usambara surrounding area. The forests also act as car- maining. The mountains have been influenced Mountains is estimated to be 420,000 inhab- bon sinks and storage and provide non timber by human activities and inhabited by local itants, living in 61 villages and numerous sub- forest products. One of the alternative income farmers for over 2000 years but in the past villages. These people are directly dependent revenues to the area can be developed from decades the pressure towards the use of the on the existence of the forests. Different sustainable ecotourism that is based on saving forests has become unsettling. During German Organizations, such as Tanzanian Forest Con- and protecting the remaining forests and colonialism, new cash crops, like coffee and servation Group (TFCG), World Wildlife Fund their biodiversity. In the end, the forest and tea, were introduced to the local agriculture. (WWF) and NORAD (the Norwegian Agency its animals and plants are the main reason This transformation can be seen in the diverse for Development Cooperation) have worked visitors are attracted to the area. 5 © Elina Piekkola View from the road on the way from Amani Conservation Rest House towards Shebomeza village. 6 AMANI NATURE RESERVE Amani Nature Reserve offers an alternative includes low and highlands. As the biggest for- like pottery, preheated iron-smelting furnace and diverse side of Africa’s nature to be dis- est reserve, Amani has a high value in terms of and presence of charcoal are all indicators of covered. This peaceful, lush and mountainous the regional nature conservation. Due to mul- local people´s early habitation and explora- region offers visitors a chance to immerse tiple factors, Amani not only has a variety of tion. After and during colonial timetimes, the themselves into relaxed and unique mountain different endemic flora and fauna species but Germans and the British made many efforts to forest surroundings and enjoy the beauty of also a wide variety of different landscapes. explore the mountain area and its resources, nature. As the Usambara Mountains are glob- The establishment of Amani Botanic mainly to supply timber. Forestry also pro- ally recognised as highly valuable in terms of Garden in the early 1900s introduced many vided other important non-timber products biodiversity, the Tanzanian government, with new and exotic trees as well as scrub species as well as shelter. Also a railway line (Tanga- foreign donors, has made efforts to ensure the to the area. Even though the botanic garden Muheza) and a power mill were built to sup- future protection of the area. The rich bio- was moved to Nairobi, Kenya in 1948, a vast port the timber transportation and access to diversity and the uniqueness of the location amount of exotic species were left behind and the markets. is also the reason for high number of endemic are nowadays naturalised into the landscape. People have been influencing the area for species in the area. This makes the Amani Nature Reserve’s ex- more than 2000 years and there are still some Amani Nature Reserve is situated in isting plant collection probably one of the fragments of the old history left visible in the northeast Tanzania, 35 km from Muheza and largest homogeny collections of exotic area. Beside of the old colonial buildings and 45 km from Tanga, in the southern section of plants in tropical Africa. Consequently, the short colonial history we should not forget the East Usambara Mountains. Amani Nature area has a very unique collection of endemic the history and culture of the local peasants Reserve was the first nature reserve in and introduced plant species important to lo- and their influence to the area. Tanzania and it has been protected since 1997 cal and global botany. Over time Amani forests German colonialists introduced coffee under the Director of Forest and Beekeeping have developed into a lush, and interesting for- plantations, among sisal, cinchona, cocoa and Division. Assembled from six different forests ests rich in biodiversity, that provides shelter rice.