Draft Minutes of meeting held on Monday 26 November 2018 in & Henshaw Village Hall

Present Cllr J Oliver (Chair), Cllr A Saunders, Cllr P Robbie, Cllr J Benson, Cllr C Kennedy, Cllr S Armstrong, County Cllr A Sharp, M A Smith (Clerk). 283/19 Introduction and Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 284/19 Apologies for Absence Cllr V Gibson 285/19 Declarations of Interest None received. 286/19 Councillor Vacancy This item was brought forward on the agenda. An application had had been received from Mr S Armstrong for the vacant seat on the Council and following discussion it was the unanimous decision to co-opt Mr Armstrong as a Parish Councillor. The Chair welcomed Cllr Armstrong to the meeting. 287/19 Public Questions None received. 288/19 Minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 22 October 2018 These were read and approved with an amendment that Cllr Benson be added to those in attendance at the meeting. 289/19 Matters arising and actions from previous minutes All matters were covered during the course of the meeting. 290/19 General Amenities (Footpaths, Access, Seating and Lighting) • There are still high weeds/bushes in the roadside opposite Henshaw Church and the Clerk to arrange to have these strimmed. • Drain at Whitegates. Chair to check if repair works have been carried out. • The new bin and dog bag dispensers are still to be installed and the Clerk to arrange for this to be done as soon as possible. • The road signs on the road from Bardon Mill to the Sill need amending and repairing and this has been reported to the County Council. • Some of the streetlights in the area have been replaced but others seem to have been missed. Cllr Sharp has asked the County Council about this and they have confirmed the new lights will be installed in the near future. • All the Parish Council seats have been inspected and only minor repairs/repainting are required to 2no which will be carried out shortly. • Broadband Issues. There are still concerns about the poor quality of broadband in the area and the Clerk was asked to invite Nathan Fuller from the County Council to the next meeting and to see if a representative from BT could also attend. • Grassed area at Broadacres. Cllr Sharp has asked the County Council to look at this area with a view to tarmacking part of the area to improve access for vehicles. The County Council were looking at ownership etc and would be reporting back to Cllr Sharp. • It was noted that the moss on the footpath access to Henshaw School had not yet been cleared and Cllr Sharp would take this up with the County Council. 291/19 Maintenance Programme • Maintenance of Village Greens. The cutting of the greens for this season has now ended and the invoice from the County Council has been received (see 298/19). • General maintenance. No additional issues were raised. 292/19 Planning Applications & Issues A number of applications had been received and these were as follows; • Proposed Construction of 3 Holiday Lodges at Henshaw (NCC 18/037/REM). This application was for the reserved matters following the approval of the outline application. The Parish Council had objected to the outline application and following discussion it was agreed that an objection again be made on the previous grounds (namely undesirable precedent, affect on visual amenities, access, development outside village boundary). • Erection of Garden Fence at 1-2 Ellwoods Cottage, Redburn (NCC 18/03144/FUL). This related to a retrospective application which had recently been refused by the County Council and the Clerk updated Members on the case with the decision noted. • Proposed Change of Use from Boiler House/Stable to Holiday Let at Huntercrook, Henshaw (NCC 18/03808/FUL). This application was discussed and it was considered that as the application was for the conversion of existing buildings and at a location which already has B&B accommodation that no objections be made from the Parish Council. • Planning Enforcement – Craws Nest, East Twice Brewed. This related to a National Park Authority case concerning unauthorised works at the property (replacement windows and outside metal flue) which had been determined by the Planning Inspectorate. An enforcement notice had been served to have the windows replaced and flue removed. The owner of the property had contacted the Parish Council on the matter and asked if they could look at the case and offer assistance. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk write and ask the NNPA to endeavour to reach a compromise on the works required and timescales with the hope this would avoid the need for enforcement or legal action. General Planning Issues; • Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that this be progressed in partnership with Bardon Mill Parish Council and a meeting be arranged with the County Council Planning Officer to look at the work and costs involved. 293/19 Highway Matters • A69 Campaign. An update was given on recent developments and discussions with Highways and it was noted that Highways England still have no plans to improve the A69, either through our area, or in the west of the region. This is disappointing given the proposals to spend £35 million in the roundabouts at Corbridge and which do not appear to be in need of improving. It was agreed that the Parish Council continue to request a full copy of the historic dual carriageway plans (from Henshaw to ) and then present these with a further request for assistance from Guy Opperman MP. • General matters. There are pot holes at the junction with the A69 from Tow House (opposite Henshaw) which need repairing. The access road leading into the west end of Henshaw is also in need of partial resurfacing and repair and the Chair agreed to look into this. 294/19 Bardon Mill & Henshaw Village Hall • No matters to report. 295/19 Redburn Park • Repairs and inspections based on the ROSPA are being undertaken and the Clerk had met with the Cemetery Team to progress outstanding works. • It was agreed that in addition to the monthly inspection of the playpark that the Cemetery Team also be asked to inspect and tidy the overall park. • The woodland survey is now complete and the inspectors report is expected shortly. The trees which were noted as needing removing or dangerous had been attended to already. 296/19 National Park Update • An update was given on recent events and activities at the Sill. It was still considered that the offer at the Sill (displays, events, and the café) were not as good as they should be. 297/19 Henshaw School • An update was given on the current and planned activities at the school. 298/19 Parish Council Accounts At 18 November 2018 the funds held by the Parish Council were confirmed as follows; • Current Account £12,167.59 • Easement Account £5,361.92 Accounts approved for payment • Northumberland County Council (Grass Cutting) £3,283,20. • Haltwhistle & District Burial Committee (Redburn Park Inspections Sept & Oct) £63.60. Payments to Credit • Northern Powergrid (Wayleave) £20.91 Financial Matters The Clerk’s report and update on financial matters was approved and agreed. 299/19 Members Issues • Grit bins or ‘heaps’ are needed near to Smiths Shield and Windy Edge • Water is ponding on the road past Smiths Shield which is likely to freeze and cause problems over the winter months. • Complaints have been received that only one company is authorised to carry out grave digging work at Beltingham and others who can carry out such work are not given the chance to do so. Agreed the Clerk to contact the Church on this matter. 300/19 County Council Issues • Cllr Sharp agreed to look at the matters raised by Members (in 299/19) • Cllr Sharp had updated on most matters during the course of the meeting and would follow up any issues as required. 301/19 Issues and Correspondence since the last meeting • The Clerk advised that a letter had been received from a resident in Henshaw regarding overgrown trees at the first entrance to the village and parked cars at the Roman Hall causing road safety issues. It was agreed that as these were matters for the County Council that the Clerk write to them accordingly for consideration. 302/19 Any other relevant business No additional items were raised. 303/19 Date and time of next meeting to be Monday 28 January 2019 at 7.00pm.

Michael Anthony Smith, Clerk to Henshaw Parish Council c/o 1 Wilsons Cottages, Henshaw, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 7EN. Tel: 01434 344647 Email: [email protected] Web: https://northumberlandparishes.uk/henshaw