volume 2

Eds.: Johannes Müller Martin Hinz Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung 18 Maria Wunderlich Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der CAU Kiel

Megaliths – Societies – Landscapes Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in

Volume 2

Proceedings of the international conference »Megaliths – Societies – Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe« (16th–20th June 2015) in Kiel

Eds.: Johannes Müller, Martin Hinz, Maria Wunderlich

in Kommission

Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn 2019 Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn und des Institutes für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der CAU zu Kiel

Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn Redaktion Martin Hinz, Maria Wunderlich & Julia Menne (CAU Kiel) Bildbearbeitung Nicole Schwerdtfeger & UFG-Graphic Department (CAU Kiel) Satz & Grafik Nicole Schwerdtfeger & UFG-Graphic Department (CAU Kiel) Design-Konzept Janine Cordts (CAU Kiel) Umschlaggestaltung Janine Cordts (CAU Kiel) Umschlagfoto Vol. 2: Agnes Heitmann (CAU Kiel) Kapitelfotos Ch. 3: Sara Jagiolla (CAU Kiel), Ch. 4: Agnes Heitmann (CAU Kiel) Konferenzfotos Sara Jagiolla (CAU Kiel)

ISBN 978-3-7749-4213-4 Titel auch als E-Book (PDF) erhältlich unter

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© 2019 by UFG CAU Kiel and authors 437

Preface of the Series Editor

The DFG Priority Program1400 »Early Monumen- this early workshop continued throughout the years tality and Social Differentiation: On the origin and de- after. In consequence the International conference velopment of Neolithic large-scale buildings and the »Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes« was organized emergence of early complex societies in Northern five years after on a broader scale. Many experts gath- and Central Europe« started its work in 2009. Its re- ered to discuss research on megalithic and monumen- search agenda focused on the investigation of the phe- tal structures and the societies that built them on not nomenon of monumental structures, in particular on only a European scale. megalithic constructions and their social and eco- The three volumes, which you hold in your hands, nomic backgrounds during the Neolithic with a focus may inspire again new ideas and perhaps new insides on Northern Central Europe. Already in May 2010 a for future research on the development of these early workshop on the topic »Megaliths and Identities« took monumental landscapes! place in Kiel. The vivid dialogue that had started on Johannes Müller Contents

Preface of the Series Editor ...... 437

Volume 1

Preface ...... 17

Introduction ...... 18

The monumentalisation of European landscapes ...... 21 Martin Hinz, Johannes Müller, Maria Wunderlich

Diversified monuments: A chronological framework of the creation of monumental landscapes in ...... 25 Maria Wunderlich, Johannes Müller, Martin Hinz

Boom and bust, hierarchy and balance: From landscape to social meaning – Megaliths and societies in Northern Central Europe ...... 31 Johannes Müller

1 Monuments of Wood and Earth ...... 78

Kerbstones, causewayed enclosures and protective circles in Southern Scandinavia and beyond ...... 81 Lutz Klassen, Benedikt Knoche

Monumentalisation and settlement development on the edge: T the case of Haldensleben-Hundisburg ...... 103 Annalena Bock, Christoph Rinne, Kay Schmütz

Ritual and competition: Reflections on the function of a Baalberge rondel in the light of the nomadic economy and way of life of the Baalberge Group ...... 111 Oliver Rück

the at Altheim: Built by many for many ...... 131 Thomas Saile First indications of Neolithic monumentality in the Dutch wetlands ...... 153 Gary R. Nobles Phenomenology of spatial organisation of Kujavian long barrows...... 167 Renata Zych

Monumental cemeteries of the 5th millennium BC: The Fleury-sur-Orne contribution ...... 177 Emmanuel Ghesquière, Philippe Chambon, David Giazzon, Lamys Hachem, Corinne Thevenet, Aline Thomas

Monumental entrances at Iberian Neolithic and ditched enclosures: Entrance 1 at Perdigões (Portugal) as a case study ...... 193 José L. Caro, Víctor Jiménez-Jáimez, José Enrique Márquez-Romero, José Suárez-Padilla

Neolithic ditched enclosures: A comparative history of their interpretation in Britain and Iberia ...... 205 Víctor Jiménez-Jáimez

2 Megalithic Studies ...... 228

The first farmers as monument builders in the Sarup area, Funen, Denmark...... 231 Niels H. Andersen

Early monumentality and social differentiation: A case study in Western Mecklenburg, ...... 255 Timothy Darvill, Friedrich Lüth

What’s going on in the southeast? Searching for the funeral and practices beyond the megalithic Oikumene . Examples from the land of Brandenburg ...... 267 Jonas Beran

A report on the verification of megalithic tombs in Western Pomerania, Poland ...... 277 Agnieszka Matuszewska

Case study of Erwitte-Schmerlecke, Westphalia . An archaeological contribution to Hessian Westphalian megaliths and their role in early monumentality of the Northern European plain ...... 289 Kerstin Schierhold

A monumental ground from the Funnel Beaker Period at Oosterdalfsen (the Netherlands) ...... 319 Henk M. van der Velde, N. Bouma, Daan C. M. Raemaekers

tRB tombs in the Netherlands ...... 329 J.A. Bakker

Megalithic monuments in Sardinia () ...... 345 Riccardo Cicilloni

A »rediscovered« in Mid-Southern Sardinia (Italy) ...... 359 Riccardo Cicilloni, Federico Porcedda

Monumental sector in the archaeological site of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville): Research in the area from »La Pastora« ...... 367 Juan Manuel Vargas Jiménez, Luis M. Cáceres Puro, Joaquín Rodríguez Vidal, Teodosio Donaire Romero, Fernando Muñiz Guinea

towards other Atlantic shores: Reviewing Senegambian megalithism ...... 389 Luc Laporte, Homady Bocoum

Megalithic landscapes in the highlands of Sumatra ...... 407 Dominik Bonatz → Volume 2

3 Monumental Landscapes ...... 446

O on the edge of the Neolithic world – But not on the periphery . Perspectives from an on T thy, North-Western Denmark ...... 449 Tobias Torfing

Megalithic tombs and wetland depositions as markers of old and new places in the Early Neoltihic: Break or inversion of ritualized practices? ...... 465 Almut Schülke

Megalithic and settlement patterns of Funnel Beaker times in Eastern Holstein, Germany ...... 487 Jan Piet Brozio

Settlements and houses between Elbe and Ems – The Funnel Beaker Culture in North-West Germany ...... 507 Moritz Mennenga

the of Northern Baden-Württemberg: A case study of a Neolithic landscape with enclosures and open sites ...... 525 Birgit Regner-Kamlah, Ute Seidel

Monumental sites in the landscape . World of the dead and living world during the Middle and Late Neolithic in Western-Central ...... 547 Vincent , Lucile Pillot, Emmanuel Mens, Vivien Mathé

Measuring distance in the monumentalities of the Neolithic in Western France ...... 565 Serge Cassen, Cyrille Chaigneau, Valentin Grimaud, Laurent Lescop, Pierre Pétrequin, Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán, Marie Vourc’h

Monumentality, liminality and the negotiation of ritual space in the Irish passage tomb tradition ...... 583 Lynda McCormack, Stefan Bergh

Just passing by? Investigating in the territory of the megalith builders of the Southern European plains . T the case of Azután, Toledo ...... 601 Felicitas Schmitt, Primitiva Bueno-Ramírez, Martin Bartelheim

Monuments on the move . Assessing megaliths’ interaction with the North-Western Iberian landscapes ...... 621 Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán, Ramón Fábregas Valcarce

General and local spatial trends in Galician megalithic landscapes (North-Western Iberian Peninsula) ...... 641 Miguel Carrero-Pazos, Antón A. Rodríguez Casal

A GIS approach to the study of megalithic tombs ...... 667 Riccardo Cicilloni, Marco Cabras

the European Route of Megalithic Culture – Pathways to Europe’s earliest stone architecture ...... 677 Daniela Stefanie Hauf, Rüdiger Kelm

4 Neolithic Subsistence and Megaliths ...... 688

Tracing dietary change of the megalithic population in South-Western Sweden ...... 691 Malou Blank

Middle Neolithic economy in Falbygden, Sweden . Preliminary results from Karleby Logården ...... 705 Karl-Göran Sjögren, Tony Axelsson, Maria Vretemark

Changing environments in a megalithic landscape: The Altmark case ...... 719 Sarah Diers, Barbara Fritsch

Megaliths, people and palaeoeconomics in Neolithic Malta ...... 753 Caroline Malone, Finbar McCormick, Rowan McLaughlin, Simon Stoddart

Volume 3

5 Material Culture in Monumental Settings ...... 786

Flint use in ritual contexts ...... 789 Lars Larsson

Causewayed enclosures under the microscope: Preliminary results of a large-scale use-wear analysis project . . . . .803 Peter Bye-Jensen

Pottery traditions in the Funnel Beaker Culture – Archaeometric studies on from Flintbek (Germany). . . . . 811 Katrin Struckmeyer

the Stein-Vlaardingen Complex and the T R B West Group . An inquiry into intercultural contacts and cultural diversity during the Dutch Neolithic as as an impetus to demographic archaeology ...... 819 Erik Drenth

From to symbol: The role of paintings in the ideological construction of European megaliths...... 845 P. Bueno-Ramírez, R. de Balbín-Behrmann, R. Barroso-Bermejo, L. Laporte, Ph. Gouezin, F. Cousseau, L. Salanova, N. Card, G. Benetau, E. Mens, A. Sheridan, F. Carrera-Ramírez, A. Hernanz, M. Iriarte, K. Steelman

6 Social Diversity and Differentiation ...... 866

the enigma of the Neolithic cult houses – Graves, shrines or social statement? ...... 869 Anne Birgitte Gebauer

Pots for the ancestors . The structure and meaning of pottery depositions at passage graves ...... 893 Torsten Madsen

the phasing of megalithic construction activities and its implications for the development of social formations in Northern-Central Germany ...... 921 Martin Furholt , Doris Mischka Enclosures, structured deposits and selective innovations: Riedling and the role of the South Bavarian Münchshöfen Culture in the new networks of the Late Neolithic ...... 939 Daniela Hofmann, Ludwig Husty

From graves to society: Monuments and forms of differentiation in death (Northern France, th4 millennium BC) . . . .957 Laure Salanova

How routine life was made sacred: Settlement and monumentality in Later Neolithic Britain ...... 969 Joshua Pollard

the North Munster atypical court tombs of Western – Social dynamics, regional trajectories and responses to distant events over the course of the Neolithic ...... 983 Carleton Jones

Burial practices and social hierarchisation in Copper Age Iberia: Analysing tomb 10 04. 2 – 10 04. 9 at Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) ...... 1005 Leonardo García Sanjuán, Marta Cintas-Peña, Marta Díaz-Guardamino, Javier Escudero Carrillo, Miriam Luciañez Triviño, Coronada Mora Molina, Sonia Robles Carrasco

Landscapes of complexity in Southern Portugal during the 4th and 3rd millennium BC ...... 1039 António Carlos Valera

7 Monuments and their Builders...... 1056

Danish passage graves and their builders ...... 1059 Torben Dehn

Niedertiefenbach reloaded . The builders of the Wartberg ...... 1073 Christoph Rinne, Katharina Fuchs, Ben Krause-Kyora, Julian Susat, Juliane Muhlack, Christoph Dörfer, Sabine Schade-Lindig

Physical strain on megalithic grave builders from Wartberg and Funnel Beaker Culture in Northern Germany – Erwitte-Schmerlecke, Völlinghausen, Calden I, Großenrode II and Rheine ...... 1083 Susan Klingner, Michael Schultz

Moraines, megaliths and moo: Putting the prehistoric tractor to work ...... 1099 Eva Rosenstock, Astrid Masson, Bernd Zich

Building workforces for large stone monuments: The labour dynamics of a living megalithic tradition in Eastern Indonesia ...... 1113 Ron L. Adams

Social implications of megalithic construction – A case study from Nagaland and Northern Germany...... 1133 Maria Wunderlich

Building community: Significant places now and before ...... 1153 Lara Milesi 17


Monumentality and megaliths continue to be a and problems, whereby we hope that this book will prominent and central research object in prehistor- equally provide a basis for further discussions. ic archaeology, as reflected by the lasting interest in It is undoubtedly the contributions that make up the research of monumentality in the course of many the quality of these three volumes, and we are ex- research projects. A considerable improvement of the tremely grateful that so many European colleagues understanding of monumentality has been accom- have been willing to contribute their knowledge to plished by improved dating-methods and comparative the overview of the current state of research that perspectives. In accordance with these developments, these books intend to provide. Indeed, it is not least an international conference was held in Kiel in 2015, thanks to the contributors’ discipline, friendliness, aiming to bring together researchers from all over Eu- patience and professionalism that we have been able and their respective perspectives on different to compile such an extensive body of research. In ad- forms of monumentality.The conference »Megaliths, vance, we had hoped that this publication could be- Societies, Landscapes. Early Monumentality and So- come a reference book on Early Monumentality and cial Differentiation in Neolithic Europe« was organ- Social Differentiation, and if we succeed, it is thanks ised by and meant as a platform for final discussions to every single author. Therefore, we would like to ex- of the Priority Programme 1400 »Early Monumental- press our deep gratitude. ity and Social Differentiation. On the origin and de- In addition, a multitude of helping hands – in lan- velopment of Neolithic large-scale buildings and the guage correction, image processing and layout– make emergence of early complex societies in Northern such a comprehensive publication possible in the first Central Europe«. This priority programme lasted for place, and whose work is far too rarely appreciated. six years and included several institutions in Germa- These include Julia Menne, Richard Forsythe, who ny. We would like to thank all of the researchers in- honed the last linguistic imperfections, Janine Cordts, volved for their persistent and fruitful work, which are Nicole Schwerdtfeger, Susanne Beyer, Agnes Heit- mainly also published as monographs within this se- mann and Carsten Reckweg, who edited hundreds of ries. The European Megalithic Study Group also took illustrations and arranged them in the right places. part in the conference. Without the support of the German Science Foun- The conference – and with it this publication – pro- dation (DFG), it would not have been possible to car- vided a framework for the presentation and discussion ry out the DFG-Priority Programme or the conference of many different case studies, which shed light on and this publication. We would like to express our sin- the interconnectedness and diversity of the complex cere thanks to all these parties involved. › monumentality ‹ in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Eu- rope. It also provided a place to discuss open questions Martin Hinz, Johannes Müller, Maria Wunderlich 21

The monumentalisation of European landscapes

Martin Hinz, Johannes Müller, Maria Wunderlich

It is the monumental sites that characterised large and cultural anthropological perspectives can an un- parts of Neolithic Europe during the 5th and 4th millen- derstanding of these processes be made possible. The nia. During these centuries, Neolithic societies began structure of both the priority program and the con- to construct above-ground monuments and enclosures ference is committed to this goal: the monuments as in many regions of southern, western, northern and such must be studied in detail, whereby those that are central Europe. These developments might be linked to not made of stone and therefore have not visibly sur- processes of social differentiation, changed economic vived to this day and thus have experienced less re- practices, new exchange systems and ritual traditions. search activity require special attention. Nonetheless, These perspectives were the central focus of the at least as important is the analysis of the econom- conference › Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes. Early ic basis of the communities constructing them, the Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic material culture, which can be directly or indirectly Europe ‹, which was held in Kiel with 184 participants connected to the monuments themselves, the social from 14 countries by the SPP 1400 › Early Monumen- conditions, which can be deduced from these traces tality and Social Differentiation. On the origin and de- of activities and must be given special consid- velopment of Neolithic large-scale buildings and the eration against the background of collective work and emergence of early complex societies in Northern Cen- burial, and, finally, the people of the Neolithic peri- tral Europe ‹. The conference especially focused on the od themselves, who we can seldom enough identify interlinkage between Neolithic monuments, the con- for the area of megalithic architecture in general but struction of landscapes and the societies. who are the bearers of this phenomenon and ultimate- This took place against the background of the pri- ly responsible for the monuments, which still shape ority programme, which from the onset aimed to un- landscapes today and can and indeed still do serve as derstand and analyse the monuments in their context. markers and points of crystallisation of identity. For too long, megaliths in particular have been ex- The phase of early monumentality offers important amined detached as monoliths, so to speak, which in insights into processes that have influenced human their own right represent a prominent archaeological coexistence. While it is difficult to recognise a social phenomenon of the European Neolithic, but whose structure before, the dynamics of change intensify real significance can only be appreciated through their enormously during the construction period of Neo- entanglement in the overall network of socio-cultural lithic monuments. Starting with the Passy type graves, conditions of early agricultural societies. The investi- in which individuality and monumentality suddenly gation of architecture and its regional characteristics emerge to an enormous extent, we see an ever-more is certainly very valuable in itself, and a classification developing focus on cooperation. The multiple change and chronology form an important starting point for in cognitive expression, this quasi search for a social further investigations. However, it must not be lim- configuration against the background of the new way ited to that! Therefore, the objective of the priority of life and economy– certainly connected with new programme was clear from the beginning, and this ideologies – can be located precisely during the phase view was reinforced during the course of the project, of early monumentality. namely that the monumentalisation of the landscape Therefore, in addition to the individual case studies through the collective work of communities is to be on individual monument landscapes, the SPP also in- explained by social processes of differentiation result- cluded projects investigating the background of early ing from changed ways of economy, new exchange monumentality; in fact, more projects were related to systems and ritual ideas. Only from the synthesis of this aspect than those set up in the traditional sense. all available and newly-acquired data combined with Indeed, this is also the basis for the division of the the interpretation from ecological, socio-historical conference into the individual sessions, which again 22 M. Hinz/J. Müller/M. Wunderlich reflects a focus on the holistic approach to the concept themselves are part. With the help of such analyses, of early monumentality. the work processes that to a certain extent determined There is a close relationship between monumen- Neolithic societies can be examined. In addition, it is tality and cooperative practices in the construction the tangible densification of communication processes and use, especially the burial and other ritual prac- that connected the individual groups of spaces, where- tices of and within the monuments themselves. Ex- by the exchange of objects may have been a medium pressions of this concept can be found in the form of for the reproduction of these societies. In the session megalithic tombs, , stone circles, avenues and › Material Culture in Monumental Settings ‹, mate- non-megalithic constructions like long and round rial culture was examined in the context of the phe- barrows, causewayed enclosures and further timber- nomenon of early monumentality. The focus was on and-earth constructions. The session › Monuments of research investigating the production, use and distri- Stone, Wood and Earth ‹ provided an overview of the bution of objects and thus addressing the overarching various manifestations of monumentality in their Eu- questions. Chorological or chronological differences ropean context. in the use of an entire group of materials, site-specif- Monuments are a part of an economic, social and ic analyses and microscopic examination of individ- ritual landscape. Monuments are always embedded ual objects formed the broad framework. The objects in an overall landscape and social practices, from themselves were in focus, but above all the question of which they gain their meaning. Domestic structures the practices that were made possible by the artefacts often represent the background and link of symbolic and into which they were embedded. and ritual components associated with monumental- As a distinctive phenomenon, the megalithic tomb ity. In order to understand the phenomenon of monu- represents a form of monument that points to a signif- mentalisation, it is essential to take an archaeological icant cooperative aspect. Such monuments could only perspective that integrates social practices and land- be built together. At the same time, the common use of scapes. In the session › Monumental Landscapes ‹, this these structures is made plausible by a collective bur- entanglement was examined. Several contributions ial custom. The same applies to other forms of monu- identified different levels of meaning by addressing mentality in which cooperative building processes by groups of monuments, their relationships with each larger groups of people were necessary. At the same other and to the non-monumental elements of the Ne- time, these monuments may have been important as olithic worlds. ritual and symbolic central places, especially for both It has always been assumed that early monumen- large or disperse groups of people. In addition to the tality is associated with changes in subsistence, econ- integrative character of monuments, they might often omy and , and may be causally related to be associated with the exclusion of persons. For ex- these changes. In its quantity and omnipresence, ample, a megalithic tomb separates the enclosed from monumentalisation remains linked– according to to- the outside world. The same applies to causewayed en- day's state of knowledge– to productive economies. closures, where in these cases a distinction is made Today, we have a large amount of data, dating and new between inside and outside. Accordingly, are these methods at our disposal in field archaeology and sci- monuments the expression of a cooperative ideology, entific analysis to confirm or question this notion. or do they testify to the power of some over the labour New light is cast on agricultural , techniques and of many? In addition to these inherent characteristics the organisation of the Neolithic subsistence econo- of monuments, the timespan of their emergence seems my, including the movement and mobility of things, to be characterised by a stronger (inner) differentia- plants, animals and . In this sense, the de- tion of groups of people, recognisable archaeological velopment of monumentality in relation to econo- in the field of material culture. For example, in north- mies can be correctly assessed. The session › Neolithic ern Funnel Beaker Societies, there is a significant re- Subsistence and Megaliths ‹ therefore comprised con- gionalisation of decorations and ceramic forms, while tributions dealing with the Neolithic subsistence in they are spatially connected by a very similar burial general, as well as the connection between economy custom, almost a variation of a supra-regional shar- and monumentality in particular. ing of megalithic construction customs. The topic The study of material culture has always been the dealt with in the session › Social Diversity and Differ- backbone of archaeological research. Material culture entiation ‹ highlighted references to the underlying itself is the most direct way of observing the life of processes of the mentioned phenomena, which result Neolithic societies responsible for the construction from current studies. How can we interpret the rath- of the monuments. Through the exploration of ma- er sparse and often seemingly contradictory traces of terial culture, processes of production and consump- the social organisation of Neolithic societies? Can so- tion become perceptible, of which the monuments cial differentiation be observed in the context of the The monumentalisation of European landscapes 23 monumentality of the landscape, and in what forms cases – chronological continuity, as well as the shared are the different developments presented in different role of the monuments in the creation of new and re- regions? Although a differentiated picture has been newed monumental landscapes. drawn, a common line may nevertheless be presumed The second volume comprises chapters on › Monu- that architecture is in most cases indeed more cooper- mental Landscapes ‹ and › Neolithic Subsistence and ative but also most often the most traditional and inert Megaliths ‹. Both chapters take an overarching per- element in the course of social change. spective on different regions and types of monuments. There are some approaches that lead directly to the Their focus lies on aspects of the creation and alter- people who erected the monuments, namely the di- ation of landscapes, as well as aspects of Neolithic rect study of human remains and the analysis of their economy and subsistence. One of the main accom- sparse personal testimonies. Ultimately, with their plishments of these case studies lies in their chance data, ethnoarchaeological studies – even if they do not to provide a socioeconomic background against which examine Neolithic cultures themselves – represent an the phenomenon of monumentality might be under- invaluable extension of the interpretive scope. Human stood and interpreted. remains are unevenly present in the different areas of Finally, the third volume is devoted to different as- the distribution of the phenomenon of early monu- pects of material culture, social differentiation and dy- mentality. Nevertheless, they become all the more im- namics. It comprises chapters on › Material Culture in portant as a source where they are present. Although Monumental Settings ‹, › Social Diversity and Differen- a knowledge transfer of anthropological studies from tiation ‹ and › Monuments and their Builders ‹. The pa- one research area where they can be carried out to an- pers included in these sections provide a background other must use the same analogy as ethnoarchaeolog- on the social processes and mechanism being influ- ical studies, they represent unique focal points that ential in monumental building practices. They also illuminate an otherwise only indirectly visible area. provide a comparative perspective, including recent The › Monuments and their Builders ‹ session was de- examples of ethnoarchaeological research in areas of voted to the task of collecting such evidence to get megalith building traditions. › closer to the people behind the monuments ‹. The newly-acquired data now makes it much more The three volumes presented here broadly reflect possible to integrate the phase of early monumentali- the original structure or the conference. The first vol- ty meaningfully into developments that span the arc ume deals with › Monuments of Wood and Earth ‹, as from complex foragers via agriculturalists to met- well as › Megalithic Studies ‹. al-producing societies. In our observation, most of We have decided to separate the originally-consol- the European megaliths are linked to societies that idated session for the publication. This decision was already produced surplus but comprised cooperative influenced by the outstanding role of non-megalithic ideologies. monuments made of wood and earth due to their sig- However, it is precisely the regional heterogeneity nificance as the earliest appearing types of monumen- and inner dynamics that ensure that the investigation tal structures in Neolithic Europe. The second chapter of early monumentality and social differentiation will focuses on monuments built of stone. Despite this di- continue to be an exciting field of research in the fu- vision between the two types of monuments, we would ture, which is also relevant for the assessment of to- like to stress the interconnectedness, their – in many day's social configurations.

Martin Hinz [email protected] [email protected]

Johannes Müller [email protected]

Maria Wunderlich [email protected]

Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2 – 6 24118 Kiel Germany 25

Diversified monuments: A chronological framework of the creation of monumental landscapes in prehistoric Europe Maria Wunderlich, Johannes Müller, Martin Hinz

The emergence of different kinds of prehistoric mon- Germany and Denmark (compare Andersen this vol- umentality within modern-day Europe creates a com- ume; Hage 2016). With one of the highest densities, plex structure of diverse building traditions, including but in a different context, enclosures were also erected both megalithic and non-megalithic monuments. on the British Isles from 3800 cal BC onwards (Whit- Only recently, B. Schulz Paulsson (2017) pre- tle et al. 2011). In contrast to these situations, the sented a comprehensive summary of available dates of building of enclosures in the Iberian Peninsula started megalithic monuments in western and parts of cen- slightly later, around 3300 cal BC (Jiménez-Jáimez/ tral Europe. Expanded by the British Isles as well as Márquez-Romero 2016), already situating them in modern-day Germany and Poland, Figure 1 presents a Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic contexts. general overview of the different chronological and so- The second type of non-megalithic monuments are cial contexts in which the construction of prehistoric long barrows, which represent the earliest types of monuments took place. In order to ensure compara- monumental grave structures in the respective regions. bility and accessibility, the classification of monument Outstanding examples of these early grave types are to types is based on the distinction between , be found in both the Paris Basin as well as north-west- passage graves and (megalithic and non-megalithic) ern France. Long barrows are preceded by the monu- long barrows. The category of dolmens comprises dif- mental tombs of the Passy type in the Paris Basin, of ferent sub-types, such as the extended and small dol- which similar examples can also be found in the Nor- mens present in Funnel Beaker contexts. mandy (Chambon 2010 ; Ghesquière et al., this vol- Megalith building traditions and the construction of ume; Schulz Paulsson 2017 ; Guilaine 2011). enclosures represent an archaeological topic of Euro- Long barrows are also present in Funnel Beak- pean scale, spanning different regions and times. Both er contexts, representing the earliest monumen- aspects have been the subject of intensive and diverse tal burial types in northern Germany, Denmark and research questions as well as extensive dating pro- Poland with an appearance from 3900/3800 cal BC grammes. Besides early approaches (cp. Müller 1984; onwards (compare Mischka 2014; Müller 2014; 1998), especially the improvement of archaeological Rczepe ki 2011 ; Sjögren 2011). Nevertheless, a dis- excavation techniques and the use of Bayesian mod- tinction can be made between the Kujavian grave elling has significantly improved our understanding types in modern-day Poland – which were always of the chronological framework within which the rise non-megalithic long barrows – and the monuments in of monumentality took place (among others: Schulz northern Germany and Denmark, which were partly Paulsson 2017; Whittle et al. 2011). The summary transformed into megalithic long barrows by the inte- that we present here strongly relies on these studies. gration of megalithic grave chambers (Mischka 2014; As reflected in the different chapters of this book, Nowak 2013; Pospieszny 2010). A similar develop- monumentality encompasses monuments made of ment is also detectable in southern . Here as wood, earth and stone. Certainly among the most im- well, the earliest monuments comprise non-megalithic pressive sites are the different kinds of enclosures that long barrows (3700 cal BC), while later on a transfor- were built throughout the Neolithic and Chalcolithic mation into megalithic monuments took place (Dar- phases of European . Among early examples vill 2016). of causewayed enclosures are those within the context Soon after the introduction of long barrows, the of Cerny and Michelsberger Groups in the Paris Basin, construction of dolmens and passage graves mark as well as in central Germany (Jeunesse 2004; Klas- the most intensive phase of megalithic building activ- sen 2014; Whittle et al. 2011). Several centuries lat- ities throughout Europe. In many cases, the appear- er, enclosures were frequently built in the context of ance of dolmens precedes the emergence of passage Funnel Beaker communities in what is now northern graves, although – based on available 14C-data – a 26 M. Wunderlich/J. Müller/M. Hinz Southern France Andalusia Scotland/Orkney Ireland West Iberian Peninsula West Malta South England/Wales Bretgane/Paris Basin/NW-France Bretgane/Paris Sardinia Sweden Catalonia Corsica Central Germany Central Poland Southern Germany/Switzerland Denmark Northern Germany Netherlands/NW Germany 2500 Battle 2500 FN FN BB BB BB BB FN FN CW CW CW SGC CW SGC LN CW LN LN MN B Stone circles Stone MN B Chalcolithic 3000 3000 GAC SOM LN Tarxien Wartberg LN MN A Veraza Bernburg LN FN Horgen Chalcolithic Chalcolithic Conguel MN MN MN A Chalcolithic MN

Temples LN 3500 FN MN 3500 LN Plain Ware Neolitico Ggantija FBC Baalberge Altheim Chasséen YN EN YN FBC LN Mgarr LN EN EN FBC LN Michelsberg 4000 4000 EN EN MN EN FBC FBC MN Zebbug Michelsberg Swifterband MN Chasséen LN MN MN Chambon Skorba Münchshofen MN Cerny EN MN 4500 MN MN MN 4500 Neolitico Ghar Daian LPC EN EN EN Passy Epicardial Epicardial Cardial EN Cardial Cardial Cardial 5000 5000 EN EN EN

Dolmen Passage Graves Gallery Graves Earliest apprearance of Causewayed/ Ditched Enclosures

Non-Megalithic Megalithic Special types Long Barrows Long Barrows

Fig.1. The chronological framework of megalith building traditions in Neolithic and Copper Age Europe. Included are both monuments made of stone, as well as stone and earth monuments. The depicted enclosures mark the earliest appearance of this phenomenon in the respective regions. Nevertheless, the presence and use of these enclosures spans a longer timeframe. The different contexts covered by the contributions within this book are marked in lighter grey. Diversifi ed monuments 27 Southern France Andalusia Scotland/Orkney Ireland West Iberian Peninsula West Malta South England/Wales Bretgane/Paris Basin/NW-France Bretgane/Paris Sardinia Sweden Catalonia Corsica Central Germany Central Poland Southern Germany/Switzerland Denmark Northern Germany Netherlands/NW Germany 2500 2500 FN FN BB BB BB BB FN FN CW CW CW SGC CW SGC LN CW LN LN MN B Stone circles Stone MN B Chalcolithic 3000 3000 Grooved Ware GAC SOM LN Tarxien Wartberg LN MN A Veraza Bernburg LN FN Unstan Ware Horgen Chalcolithic Chalcolithic Conguel MN MN MN A Chalcolithic MN

Temples LN 3500 FN MN 3500 LN Plain Ware Neolitico Ggantija FBC Baalberge Altheim Chasséen YN EN YN FBC LN Mgarr LN EN EN FBC LN Michelsberg 4000 4000 EN EN MN EN FBC FBC MN Zebbug Michelsberg Swifterband MN Chasséen LN MN MN Chambon Skorba Münchshofen MN Cerny EN MN 4500 MN MN MN 4500 Neolitico Ghar Daian LPC EN EN EN Passy Epicardial Epicardial Cardial EN Cardial Cardial Cardial 5000 5000 EN EN EN

contemporaneity of both grave types must be as- Around 4400/4300 cal BC, the earliest dolmens Passage Graves Gallery Graves Earliest apprearance of Causewayed/ Ditched Enclosures sumed (Furholt/MiSchKa, this volume; Schulz in Sardinia and Corsica were built during the Mid- PaulSSon 2017; SJögren 2011). Once again, the ear- dle Neolithic, soon to be followed by passage graves liest dates of human bones from megalithic grave and accompanied by the erection of standing stones. chambers are to be found around 4500 cal BC in Brit- Th ese building activities continued until the end of th Non-Megalithic Megalithic Special types tany and along the Atlantic coastline of France in Cas- the 4 millennium BC (cicilloni, this volume). Long Barrows Long Barrows tellic and Sandun contexts (Schulz PaulSSon 2017). Another centre of megalith building activities is Th e whole area of Brittany, north-western France as to be found on the Iberian Peninsula, with the earli- well as the Paris Basin provides an extraordinary case est construction phases of dolmens starting around of diversifi ed monumentality, encompassing diverse 4300 cal BC in Andalusia and Catalonia. Andalusia grave types and a long duration of monumental build- provides an interesting case study, including from an- ing activities in diff erent contexts (le roy et al. 2014; other perspective. Here, megalith building can be di- guilaine 2011; BouJot/caSSen 1993). vided into two distinct construction phases. After the 28 M. Wunderlich/J. Müller/M. Hinz initial Neolithic phase, megalith building activities started slightly later and partly in contemporaneity immensely decreased, although the old monuments with the passage graves (Furholt/Mischka, this vol- were still important places. It is only during the Chal- hume; Misc ka 2014, Müller 2014 ; Ramstein 2014; colithic period that building activities became clear- Schulz Paulsson 2010 ; Sjögren 2011). ly intensified again. This second phase of megalith The last type of megalithic building activities is rep- building started in the second half of the 4th millenni- resented by the gallery graves that occur in modern-day um and lasted for many centuries (Schulz Paulsson Sweden, Germany, France and Catalonia. These tombs 2017; García Sanjuán et al. 2011; García Sanjuán represent a different construction type, albeit at the et al., this volume). same time providing a continuation of collective bur- On the British Isles, in the Netherlands and Ger- ial rites in the respective regions (raetzel-Fabian many as well as Scandinavia, the earliest appearance 2000; Blank et al. 2018; Schierhold 2012). of dolmens and passage graves is to be found mostly Despite presenting a wide scope of case studies later during the second half of the 4th millennium BC. within different regional and chronological contexts, Many of these monuments are situated in the con- this compilation is only a summary of the fundamen- text of the different Funnel Beaker groups, as well as tally diverse and complex monumental building activi- the neighbouring Wartberg and Bernburg Groups. ties in the scope of the 5th to 3rd millennium BC. Future The megalithic grave chambers appear at a very sim- research will sharpen our understanding of chrono- ilar time within the modern-day areas of the Neth- logical matters as well as the occurrence of megalithic erlands, northern and central Germany, as well as architecture in other regions of Europe. Denmark. Only in Sweden, the erection of dolmens

Rceferen es

Blank et al. 2018: M. Blank/A. Tornberg/C. Knipper, New Per- Hage 2016: F. Hage Büdelsdorf/Borgstedt. Eine trichter- spectives on the Late Neolithic of South-Western Sweden. becherzeitliche Kleinregion. Frühe Monumentalität und An Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Gallery Grave soziale Differenzierung 11 (Bonn 2016). Falköping Stad 5. Open Archaeology 4, 2018, 1–35. Jeunesse et al. 2004: C. Jeunesse/P. Lefranc/A. Denaire, Boujot/Cassen 1993: A Pattern of Evolution for the Neolithic Groupe de Bischheim, origine du Michelsberg, genèse Funerary Structures of the West of France. Antiquity 67, du groupe d’Entzheim. La transition entre le Néolithique 1993, 477–491. moyen et le Néolithique récent dans les régions rhénans. Chambon/Thomas 2010: P. Chambon/A. Thomas, The first Cahiers de l’Association pour le Promotion de la Recherche monumental cemeteries of western Europe: the »Passy Archéologiques en Alsace 18/19 (2002/03), 2004, 1-280. type« necropolis in the Paris basin around 4500 BC. www. Jiménez-Jáimez/Márquez-Romero 2016: V. Jiménez-Jáimez/ 2010, version 19.10.2010. J.E. Márquez-Romero, Prehistoric ditched enclosures and Darvill 2016: T. Darvill, Megalithic tombs, barrows, and en- necropolises in Southern Iberia: a diachronic overview. In: closures in fourth millennium BC Britain. In: V. Ard/L. V. Ard/L. Pillot (eds.), Giants in the Landscape: Monumen- Pillot (eds.), Giants in the Landscape: Monumentality a tality and Territories in the European Neolithic. Proceedings nd Territories in the European Neolithic. Proceedings of of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 3 / Session A25d (Oxford 2016), 57–68. Spain) Volume 3 / Session A25d (Oxford 2016), 3–17. Klassen 2014: L. Klassen, Along the Road (Aarhus 2014). García Sanjuán et al. 2011: L. García Sanjuán/D.W. Wheatley/ Le Roy et al. 2014: M. Le Roy/S. Rottier/C. de Becdelievre/ M.E. Costa Caramé, The Numerical Chronology of the S. Thiol/C. Coutelier/A.-M. Tillier, Funerary Behaviuor of Megalithic Phenomenon in Southern Spain: Progress and Neoltihic Necropolises and Collective Graves in France. Problems. In: L. García Sanjuán/C. Scarre/D.W. Wheat- Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 44/3, 2014, 337–351. ley (eds.), Exploring time and matter in prehistoric mon- Mischka 2014: D. Mischka, Flintbek and the absolute chro- uments: absolute chronology and rare rocks in European nology of megalithic graves in the Funnel Beaker North megaliths. Proceedings of the 2nd European Megalithic Group. In: M. Furholt/M. Hinz/D. Mischka/ G. Noble/ Studies Group Meeting. Menga: revista de prehistoria de D. Olausson (eds.), Landscapes, Histories and Societies in Andalucía. Serie Monografía 1 (Antequera 2011), 121–157. the Northern European Neolithic. Frühe Monumentalität Guilaine 2011: J. Guilaine, Megalitos de Francia: Distribución und soziale Differenzierung 4 (Bonn 2014), 125–143. Geográfica y Cronogía. In: L. García Sanjuán/C. Scarre/ Müller 1987: J. Müller, Ein Vergleich von Radiokarbon-Da- D.W. Wheatley (eds.), Exploring time and matter in pre- ten west- und nordeuropäischer Megalithgräber, Archäo- historic monuments: absolute chronology and rare rocks in logisches Korrespondenzblatt 17, 71-75. European megaliths. Proceedings of the 2nd European Meg- Müller 1998: J. Müller, Die absolutchronologische Datierung alithic Studies Group Meeting. Menga: revista de prehis- der europäischen Megalithik. In: B. Fritsch/M. Monte/ toria de Andalucía. Serie Monografía 1 (Antequera 2011), I. Matuschik/J. Müller/C. Wolf (Hrsg.), Tradition und 77–101. Innovation. Prähistorische Archäologie als historische Diversified monuments 29

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Maria Wunderlich [email protected]

Johannes Müller [email protected]

Martin Hinz [email protected] [email protected]

Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel Johanna-Mestorf-Straße 2 – 6 24118 Kiel Germany 449

On the edge of the Neolithic world – But not on the periphery. Perspectives from an enclosure on Thy, North-Western Denmark Tobias Torfing


The enclosure at Liselund was almost on the edge of the Ne- It will be argued that the enclosure was a central part of net- olithic world when it was built. Located on Thy, a small piece works of exchange of physical products and a place where ide- of land in North-Western Denmark, it bordered the North Sea as formed the society around it. On the edge of the world, the and the Norway beyond. In this article, I will discuss enclosure was in many ways central to both local and region- the local, regional, and super-regional context of the enclosure, al networks, a channel for international trends to spread into and connect it to the development of a new group structure. Scandinavia and a factor in creating a local identity.

Idntro uction

Liselund was excavated more than twenty years ago, but has only gotten small references in the liter- ature connected with the excavations (Mikkelsen­ 1989; Olsen 1993; Westphal 1996; Westphal 1997; Westphal 2000). The site deserves more attention, not only because it with its 13 – 15 hectar is one of the largest enclosures in Scandinavia, but also because it is an early enclosure, and one that lies in a region in which our knowledge about the Early Neolithic is scarce. The location at the edge of the Neolithic core Liselund area makes it an important site for investigating the in- troduction of enclosures and the interconnections be- tween this phenomenon and the surrounding society. The site offered a way for a dispersed population living in small household settlements to expand the network of interaction (martín /​ murillo herrera 2014). The site of Liselund is located in Thy, the north- 0 500 km westernmost part of Denmark (Fig. 1), close to the North Sea to the north and west. Across the sea is Fig. 1. Location of the site Liselund within the Funnel Beaker Norway, and while the southern coast and espe- North Group (modified after Bakker 1979). cially the Oslo Fjord area can be regarded as part of the Funnel Beaker Culture, it is also clear that the finds in Norway are scarce and evidence of ag- date in the beginning of the 37th century BC. It had riculture even scarcer (glørstad /​ solheim 2015, several reuses before a time around 3.500 BC, where 140 – 143). So while Southern Norway is the final it changes to a settlement (torfing 2015). frontier, Thy is the outermost part of the heartland Some of the key characteristics of the enclosure of the Neolithic in the period the article is con- will be presented, and there will be a discussion of cerned with (4,000 – 3,300 BC). The site itself consists the enclosure as a nodal point in networks of vari- of a phase and a slightly later ous sizes. The term network is in this article not settlement phase. The enclosure is among the oldest understood as a passive channel for transmission known enclosures in Denmark, with a probable start of objects and ideas, but as the result of a dynamic 450 T. Torfing interaction between people and objects in complex created through different interactions and between constellations, which have left physical traces in the different actors, creating multiple communities of material record. The network is not something that practise, interconnected by yet other networks. Thus, is or was, but something that was continuously cre- this article cannot describe all of these networks, ated through interactions, and which we attempt to but I hope it will bring to the foreground how some re-create through archaeological research. At any of these networks are part of the enclosure’s role as time multiple networks might have been in existence, a centre of ritual and mundane practices.

The site

Only small excavations have been carried out, The initial phases only include small amounts of but additional evidence of the layout of the cause- pottery, ranging from zero to three or four vessels, wayed enclosure is available in the form of ortho- while the later layers can include more than 10 ves- photos and a geomagnetic survey on a part of the sels, though other re-cuts are almost devoid of finds. site (Fig. 2; westphal, 2000). The site is between The flint gives a similar result; few pieces in the pri- 13 and 15 hectares large, and thus among the larger mary layer, with later layers containing either noth- enclosures in South Scandinavia, where enclosures ing or many finds. As only small excavation trenches smaller than 10 hectares are the norm (Klassen have been cut into the ditches, and none have been 2014, 195 fig. 118). The site has two rows of outer completely excavated, it is likely that some of the re- ditches, which form a slightly triangular enclosure. cuts would yield finds in other parts of the ditch. The space inside is then divided into three by rows Some of the enclosure ditches have only three phas- of ditches. The orthophotos suggest that these in- es of activity, while others show evidence of five to ternal rows have much wider causeways than the seven phases. The maximum use time of the enclo- outer ditches. sure was from around 3,700 to around 3,500 BC, thus Part of the geomagnetic survey revealed two lines around 200 years of enclosure activity. The many of ditch sized positive anomalies in prolongations of re-cutting events and depositions suggest a contin- the ditches known from excavations, these are in- uous awareness and reuse of the enclosure roughly terpreted as enclosure ditches. Interestingly, at one every generation, until the site transforms into a set- point there is a break, and in this break are two post tlement around 3,500 BC or slightly later (torfing hole sized anomalies with an oblong run- 2015). The activity history show that this pattern is ning between them (Fig. 3). These signals could be followed in both the inner row and the outer rows, an entrance structure with double posts; similar and that there seem not to be a great time-difference features are known from other enclosures (Klassen between the two. 2014, 179 – 182). West of the enclosure there would The settlement traces are all located within the have been a small stream. A digital elevation mod- enclosure. The excavation trenches reveal scattered el suggests this is also the case to the south (Fig. 4). signs of activity in all excavated parts, but the clear- In the north-western corner the stream met another est evidence of settlement activity is in the central stream and turned west into the now drained Sjør- part. A thick cultural layer containing many arte- ring Sø. North of the enclosure the landscape slopes facts and waste products was found west of N 4. The slightly. At the north end, the outer lines of ditch- cultural layer measured at least 20 m in length along es were found. The innermost of these was cov- the trench, with an unknown width. In connection ered by 40 – 70 cm of later eroded soil, but the outer to the layer, several pits and a possible post hole were ditch by 2 – 3 m of eroded soil, suggesting that the excavated. At least two pits, N 2 and N 3, can be in- slope would have been more marked in prehisto- terpreted as related to nut roasting due to layers of ry. The shape of the enclosure closely matches that charcoal and charred nutshells at the bottom (Fig. 5). of the landscape, following the slightly triangu- The finds from the cultural layer include pottery, lar plateau where it is located. The southern part of as well as flint tools and flint waste, and small frag- the enclosed area is marked by low hills, while the ments of indicating amber bead production. northern part is more flat. Around 150 m from the cultural layer, in the oth- Most of the ditches are around 0.8 – 1.0 m deep and er end of the central part of the enclosure, a group show complex processes of digging, re-filling and of post holes and pits were found, as well as two re-cutting. At the bottom of the ditch and in the re- possible . One of the hearths, many of the cuts, whole or almost whole vessels are occasionally post holes and all the related pits include Neolith- found, indicating deliberate depositions of pottery. ic finds in the form of flint flakes and potsherds. On the edge of the Neolithic world 451 300 m 300 Features Neolithic features trenches Excavation survey of geomagnetic Area Geomagnetic survey from know Ditches orthophotos from Ditches extend Suggested N 50 100 150 200 250 0 . Model of the enclosure. 2 Fig. 452 T. Torfing

0 10 20 30 40 50 m

Fig. 3. Close-up of the magnetic survey. Orange lines mark the enclosure ditches, while red indicates the possible entrance.

0 100 200 300 400 500 m

Fig. 4. The suggested outline of the inner and outer enclosure overlain a digital elevation model. Irregular darker areas to the south, west and north indicate lower lying areas. On the edge of the Neolithic world 453

Both hearths lie on the central axis of lines of post holes (Fig. 6). The dimension of the houses would fit the known examples of contemporary houses (erik- sen /​ andersen 2014, 98 – 104, 265 – 271; Sørensen 2014, 177 – 212). In the eastern and northern parts of the enclosure there were additional traces of activity, mostly small and thin cultural layers, as well as var- ious pits and single post holes with Neolithic finds. Fig. 5. Drawing of pit N 3. Layer c and the bottom of layer a con- Most of these features contain typical settlement sist of charcoal, sooth, burned clay fragments and charred hazelnut shells, indicating two horizons of use, likely roasting of material, rather than select material typically associ- nuts. Layer d and b contained very few artefacts, with the excep- ated with an enclosure. Most remarkable is pit N 253, tion of an amber bead. Pottery fragments were found in layer a. which contained around 42 – 44,000 cereal grains, mostly emmer. As less than 2 % of the area is exca- vated, it is questionable if the finds are represent- ative for the extend of the settlement activity. The final phase of this (torfing 2015). The interpreta- existing traces suggest a series of activities, includ- tion of the finds as a settlement is based on the char- ing living, , flint knapping, and amber bead acter of the material, as there are no indication of production. The settlement most likely postdates the deliberate deposits, but instead traces of cooking, enclosure or is alternatively contemporary with the general refuse (a cultural layer), and possibly houses.



N088 N087

N086 N089 N085 N081 N084

N082 N080 N083 N078 N077 N079



N073 N070

N075 N074 N069 N065 N N068 N067 N062 N060 N066 0 1 2 3 4 5 m

Fig. 6. Possible house at Liselund. Post holes belonging to the house marked marked in red. The house would have consisted of three central posts, a in the south-east end, and a series of stakes along the wall. Possibly four of these were preserved, disturbance was present along wall in the form of post holes and another hearth (feature N 086), perhaps marking a second phase of the house. Grey features are the layout from the house at Bygholm Nørremark (orientation rotated) (Rønne 1979). The house at Liselund would have had almost the exact same proportions as the Bygholm Nørremark house, as the outermost posts in the central axis overlap. 454 T. Torfing

The local connections

With the basic chronological aspects of the site construction is probable, as the primary layers con- established, I will turn to a discussion of the role of tain no silting lines at Sarup, which would occur if Liselund in the local network. The understanding of they were open for a longer period (pers. communi- local in this context is the area where the people lived cation). Some of the ditches at Liselund are backfilled who took immediate part in the activities at the site: very quickly with no layers at the bottom, indicating the people building it and participating in the that they could not have been open for months. Other connected to it, whose descendants made later re-use ditches contained indications of layers of water at the of the site for ritual and /​ ​or practical purposes. As is bottom, which could indicate longer periods of open- often the case in archaeology, we still have gaps in our ness, however the time period is probably still less knowledge of the past distribution of sites, and thus than three months. An estimate must remain rath- the interpretation offered here must be based on the er loose, but if the same values as used by Andersen evidence which can be assembled. are applied, the two outer ditch circuits would require Some central questions for understanding the role above 130 people for three months. Any labour invest- of the enclosure in relation to surrounding society is: ment required for the palisade and internal rows of ditches should be added, as well as the increased time ùù Who built it? required to dig in the clay soil. More people would ob- ùù How many people were involved? viously have been needed if the construction time was ùù How were they organised? shorter. Approximately 150 – 400 people is a conserv- ative estimate for the people involved, a large palisade Below there will be a discussion of these questions. and shorter construction time would easily double this number. As EN settlements are small one house settlements, Labour investment it is clear that we are dealing with multiple settlements cooperating in the construction (andersen 1999, 296 – Andersen has calculated the work force involved in 302). Even extended family groups consisting of mul- Sarup I to 170 persons for three months (ander­sen tiple single households would be insufficient to make 1988, 26 – 27). Both the combined length of ditches and out the required work force, thus a larger clan- or the palisade are significantly longer at Liselund. The tribe-based system for organizing the effort can be outer perimeter at Liselund is 1,500 m containing two proposed. Other models can also be proposed, but cer- lines of ditches. From the orthophotos and geomag- tainly, the construction of monuments is part of shap- netic surveys it can be estimated that approximately ing larger social networks (Adams 2007; Dehn 2016; 20 % of the perimeter are un-dug parts (causeways). Gunawan 2000). Thus a combined length of the two rows of ditch- This gives us important information about the es is around 2,300 m – 2,500 m, in comparison there structure of the network: it should be able to facilitate were around 600 m of ditches at Sarup I. The ditches that kind of labour investment, and be stable enough at Sarup I and Liselund have comparable depths and to re-construct the enclosure, even though these sec- widths, thus volume of running meters are the same. ondary events could be much smaller than the ini- Very little information has been recovered regarding tial construction event. Dynamics within the network the palisade at Liselund, thus it could be much small- should provide the scattered and small settlements er than at Sarup, and no external fences are recorded. with a way and a reason to construct a single large This is a large dark number, since much of the work- monument. This suggests that the enclosure was one force at Sarup was focussed on the palisade. At Sarup, part of a larger effort to create extended social ties, the soil is very sandy, while at Liselund there is a clay and that it changed the way the socially defined kin- subsoil. This would increase the labour investment of ship was perceived and organised (Wiessner 1998). Liselund in comparison to Sarup as digging in the clay would be a much harder and more time demanding task. Thus, we can propose that the ditches at Liselund Settlements and graves required more labour than at Sarup, while we cannot properly estimate the work force required for the pali- An important part of the local network is the rela- sade. Many assumptions can be differentiated in order tion of the enclosure to settlements and burial sites. to calculate the work force required. An important As discussed above, the enclosure is not the invest- one is that of time: Andersen proposes three months ment of a single settlement, but of a larger area. The in 1988, but today suggests a much shorter period of next step is to explore what this larger area is, and how On the edge of the Neolithic world 455

Sites mentioned in the text Enclosure Flint Mine Hoard Palisade-site 5 km radius from pollen sample

Fig. 7. Density map of Funnel Beaker graves, ranging from light orange (low density) to red (high density). Within 3 km of Sjør- ring Sø more than 30 graves were located, while 3 km around Ove Sø only 5 graves are known. it was organised. Are we dealing with clusters of dif- picture, it can be assumed that the grave structures ferent areas, equally scattered traces, or a skewed pat- are a rough proxy for settled areas. Fig. 7 shows a heat tern in relation to resources? map of graves registered as belonging to the Funnel Few Funnel Beaker settlements have been record- Beaker period in the Danish national heritage home- ed in Thy, and fewer excavated. A series of surface page as of early 2015 (kulturstyrelsen – fund og finds were recorded in relation to the Thy project, fortidsminder 2015), in relation to the sites men- but as only selected areas were surveyed, they might tioned in the text. Most noticeable is the lack of graves present a skewed picture of the settlement for the re- at the west coast. The sea level has been higher in pre- gion (Bech 2003; Bech 1993). One of the results was history, with a maximum of 4 – 6 m above present day that at some sites, the majority of finds are located in levels in the region. The coast would have been fur- the zone. A site which through sampling of the ther east, perhaps 4 – 5 km with many fjords (Jensen top soil can be estimated to have contained 4 tonnes 1920, 48). There are no indications of marine layers in of flint in the plough zone, only yielded a few pits with Sjørring Sø, and newer research suggests it might have a few finds when excavated S ( teinberg 1996). The been cut off from the sea by a small strip of land (an- picture gained from the survey is that of smaller set- dersen /​ sjørring 1992, 109; Petersen 1992; Jensen tlements, often found within a kilometre of a megalith. 1920; liversage /​ robinson 1995). In addition to the This is supported by on-site pollen studies from meg- sea level, two other explanations can be proposed: aliths in Denmark, which demonstrate that they were located either directly on or close to contemporary ag- 1. A general preference in the Funnel Beaker peri- ricultural lands (Westphal 2009). As there is no ma- od for inland fjords. Like the late Mesolithic, the jor variation in research activity or destruction rate of EN population preferred settlements close to in- megaliths within the area, and later Single Grave and land lake /​ river systems or fjords, and not directly Bronze Age barrows do not show the same skewed on the coast. 456 T. Torfing

2. Dune systems formed by drifting sands cover pre- easy access to the western coast. The enclosure also historic traces along the coast of Thy. The first indi- lies on a north / ​​south travelling corridor between Sjør- cation of large scale drifting sands come from the ring Sø and the dried out fjord to the south, and it is Single Grave period, but with larger episodes after close to the mentioned crossing to the island of Mors, the Middle Ages onwards (liversage /​ robinson and further away from the mainland of Jutland. Thus 1995). the enclosure lies centrally within the travel network of Thy. The concentration of burial monuments could Apart from this lack of sites at the west coast, it can be a consequence of the status and wealth accumulat- be observed that the are scattered across the ed through the activities at the enclosure, rather than region, but with a marked concentration in the area specific landscape features. around Liselund. This identifies the area as a core area There have been different suggestions regard- of funnel beaker activity in Thy. The cluster of graves ing the size and organisation of the settlement ter- stretches from a part of the Limfjord area around the ritories in the Funnel Beaker period (Madsen 1982; villages of Sjoldborg and Ås along a stream, which madsen /​ jensen 1982; Madsen 1988; Klassen 2014, might partly have been a salt water fjord in the Neo- 134 – 158; andersen 1981; andersen 1997, 89 – 100). lithic, to Liselund (Jensen 1920, 46). The area of in- The suggestion by Klassen of areas of roughly4 – 5 km tensive use stretched further north along another in diameter seems well founded. However, both the stream and to the area north of the lake of Sjørring models by Madsen and by Klassen­ are formed on the Sø and south of another lake, Vandet (possibly a Neo- basis of areas along fjords in Eastern Jutland, which lithic fjord). Also the area immediately south of Sjør- represent densely settled areas in the Funnel Beaker ring Sø has an above average density of Funnel Beaker period. Similarly, the model by Andersen is developed graves. The same is true along the Limfjord coast to on the background of a small, densely settled area near the south, with a marked concentration in the south- a large enclosure. In Thy, territories of approximately ern end. There is also a possible small cluster of graves 4 – 5 km in diameter are suggested for the area around close to the flint mine at Hov. The field surveys under- Liselund and along the Limfjord coast, but as other taken in connection with the Thy project give a similar parts of Thy were loosely settled, I would argue that picture: Intensive fieldwork was done in the Sønder- these areas did not follow this pattern. Based on the hå district near the former fjord at Ove Sø, but only graves, the concentration could represent two terri- a few Funnel Beaker sites was found, while more Fun- tories north of Sjørring Sø and towards the Limfjord, nel Beaker sites were found in the surveyed areas along possibly another one or two could exist south of Sjør- the Limfjord coast (Bech 2003, 50 – 51 fig. 6; Jensen ring Sø, while a few more clusters of graves lie along 1920, 46 – 60; liversage / robinson 1995, 42). the Limfjord coast, at Hov and at the south end of Thy There are no features in the landscape that offer an and on the south-east end of Mors. The rest of the area immediate explanation for the higher density around was sparsely populated in this period, probably with Liselund. The landscape was marked by streams and smaller settlements scattered in mixed forests, a no- inland lakes and saltwater fjords, and part of the area tion also supported in the pollen diagrams. is close to the east coast at the Limfjord, a fjord cut- Two pollen diagrams exist from Thy, one comes ting Thy from the remainder of Jutland to the south- from a lake, Ove Sø (Bech 2003 fig. 2), the other a bog /​ ​ east. However, this description fits almost all of Thy. small lake, Hassing Huse Mose (andersen 1992; an- Neither do soil components explain the distribution. dersen /​ rasmussen 1993; andersen 1995). These As shown by Tab. 1, the grave monuments are rough- show little human impact in the EN I-phase, with ly equally distributed on sand mixed with clay, clay only slight indications of forest clearing. In the EN II mixed with sand, and clay soils. Grave monuments are and MN, there is an increase in hazel as well as grass- rare on the very sandy soils, but as mentioned above es and herbs, indicating a small opening of the land- that is probably due to later sand dunes covering large scape. A major opening of the landscape did not occur areas, hiding both the original soil and any prehistor- until the Single Grave period. Ove Sø lies 15 – 16 km ic features along the western coast, as well as changes south of Liselund, and Hassing Huse Mose 16 – 17 km, in the coastline. thus both lakes are located outside the area with the One important factor is perhaps the close proxim- Funnel Beaker grave concentration (Fig. 7). With ity to the island of Mors at Vilsund, a site containing a prevailing western wind in the area, it is doubtful if what is interpreted as a special enclosed site (Klas- these pollen diagrams fully represent the landscape sen 2014, 182 – 192). The location is a central travel- use around the grave concentration near Sjørring Sø or ling corridor southwards. Another important reason is the landscape at the Limfjord coast to the east. How- the physical centrality of the site, located in the central ever, they are a good indication of the vegetation for part of Thy. Along Sjørring Sø there would have been the central and western part of Thy. At Liselund, there On the edge of the Neolithic world 457

Tab. 1. The distribution of Funnel Beaker graves on the different soil types.

Soil type Area (hEctAre /​​​ 10,000m2) Number of graves Area per grave (hectare) Clay soil 8,371 8 1,046

Sand mixed clay 29,890 37 808

Clay mixed sand 44,332 50 887

Sandy soil 37,343 11 3,394

Other /​​​ unclassified 21,525 27 797 are indications of mixed exploitation of wild resourc- the site, if not people from an even larger region. This es (pits with charred hazelnuts) and agricultural pro- suggests that the enclosure construction required a set duction (pits with charred cereal). The combination of social institutions spanning multiple small clans. of evidence for resource use at sites, on site pollen By gathering the dispersed population, each household analysis from Danish dolmens, and the regional pol- has its network of exchange and interaction expand- len diagrams from lakes suggest that a majority of the ed (martín /​ murillo­ herrera 2014). The social in- landscape would still be forested, with smaller areas of stitutions and the construction of the enclosure then open agricultural land around settlements. become integrated in the same sphere of understand- In the Early Neolithic the settlement pattern is ing. I would argue that the enclosure becomes not just likely to have been that of small settlements existing the result of the social institution, but part of how it is one generation or less, before moving to a new loca- constructed and maintained. tion (madsen /​ ​jensen 1982; Madsen 1982). The ques- A preliminary description of the situation in Thy tions of how many people lived at each Early Neolithic at the time: People primarily lived in small seclud- site, and how many sites were in use at same time, are ed single house settlements within small open- difficult to answer. Some sources can be used to sup- ings of the forest, in some regions small clusters of port an estimate: The houses found are often very these settlements might exist close together forming small and they likely represent single family house- a more domesticated land in the area around Sjør- holds. In the EN II and MN I phases, when the meg- ring Sø and along the Limfjord coast, while most of aliths were being built, it is clear that each area has the area was sparsely populated and dominated by multiple small clusters of megaliths (andersen 1997, mixed forests. In the 37th century this scattered pop- 91; andersen 2009), and we can thus suggest that ulation met to construct a 13 – 15 hectare large en- each territory was inhabited by multiple single house- closure, deposit pottery and other artefacts just to holds, perhaps 3 – 8 families in an extended family /​ ​ cover it all up again. clan. Thus we would get no more than 10 – 20 adults By connecting the physical evidence from the en- per territory (2 – 3 adults per family household). With closure, the graves, the sites and landscape proxies, perhaps 8 – 10 densely settled »territories« on Thy /​ ​ part of the prehistoric society can be described, but Mors, as well as smaller settlements scattered across the means and the reasons for the construction of the the region this would amount to 80 – 200 adults in the enclosure remain elusive: What triggered this single densely populated part plus perhaps 20 – 50 additional monumental effort from a scattered population? To adults from other areas of Thy and Mors (based on the understand this, it is important to understand that number of graves in these areas compared to the clus- this event does not exist in a vacuum, but was part of ters). It is clear that the entire region of Thy and Mors networks of relations that possessed a regional char- would have had to be involved in the construction of acter. These networks will be explored further below.

R egional importance and global phenomena

Above the local settlement pattern and its con- societies: the sense of and strive for community, and nection to the enclosure was discussed, but explana- continuous controversies over the control of resourc- tions concerning the how and the why of enclosure es. Both aspects supported by the involvement of building was left unanswered. In this part I will ar- objects and sites. The following will analyse the inter- gue answers to both questions are to be found in the action between people and objects in the network at confluence of two divergent aspects of prehistoric and around the enclosure. 458 T. Torfing

th th The enclosure explosion in the 38 – 37 century BC and amber. There are around 12 km to the nearest flint quarry at Hov, and 15 km to another quarry at Bjerre. The start of enclosure construction within the Fun- Both sites can by pottery and axe preforms be dated nel Beaker Culture of northern Europe is not an iso- to EN I, at Hov this is supported by 14C-dates (Becker lated phenomenon, but part of a larger European 1993; Sørensen 2014, 170). trend (K­ lassen 2014, 214 – 238). That this is a very nar- Amber bead production is observed in the settle- row event horizon has been well documented for the ment layers at Liselund, as small fragments of amber British Islands (Whittle et al. 2011). Previously many and a few finished or half finished beads were found Scandinavian enclosures have been connected to the during the limited excavation of these parts. The ex- EN II – MN Ib phases 3,500 BC – 3,100 BC (Madsen­ tend of amber bead production cannot be estimated, 1988; andersen 1997; andersen 1999; Nielsen but less than 2 km south of Liselund a dry-land depos- 2004). However, a series of new dates indicate an ear- it of around 10,000 amber beads was found at a site lier start of the enclosure construction (lützau ped- called Engholm (Bech 2008). A nearby pit contained ersen /​ witte 2012; Dibbern 2012; müller et al. 2013; pottery identical to that at Liselund and, along with Hage 2016). Klassen has pointed out that some of the the typology of the beads, dates the Engholm depos- existing dates for EN II are not from the primary lay- it to the same time as Liselund. Large depositions of ers (Klassen 2014, 202 – 204). However, a site such as amber beads are not unknown from the Neolithic. Sarup II is definitely an enclosure built in the MN I These are concentrated to the northern part of Jut- phase, 3,350 – 3,100 cal BC (andersen 1999; andersen land (Ebbesen 1995). In the case of Liselund, the am- 1997) and thus indicates a prolonged period of enclo- ber for the production would have been gathered at the sure construction within the Funnel Beaker Culture. west coast, today 13 km away, in the Neolithic perhaps The date of the Liselund enclosure, and other equal- only 8 – 9 km away. Amber bead production could have ly early enclosures, corresponds well to the dates from been undertaken on multiple sites, though a special- the British isles, suggesting a larger global phenome- ized production site from the coast is only known from non. This does not invalidate the need for exploring the later MN I period (liversage /​ singh 1985). That local factors involved in the process, as the reasons for amber beads were produced on site during the set- participating in and sharing this larger phenomenon tlement phase at Liselund is well documented by fin- need to be explained. Local variations are also an ex- ished and half-finished beads and amber waste, and it ample of how the global is translated into specific local demonstrates that the inhabitants had either direct or events. The global background of enclosure construc- indirect access to the raw material from the coast. As tion is tapped into by local actors, and offers these amber is only found at the coast, and mainly the west a way to display foreign connections. By constructing coast of Jutland and in the Limfjord region, the amber the enclosure at Liselund, the local population mani- deposits found further inland must thus logically have fests its current network of contacts, allude to shared travelled there as part of exchange networks. ideas, and participates in a second wave of Neolithisa- Thy might be at the edge of the Neolithic world, but tion. The first was the inclusion of neolithic pottery not at the periphery. Within half a days travel from the and some neolithic diet, the second the beginning of area around Liselund, there would be access to two large communal and monumental constructions such flint quarries as well as amber along the coast, and as enclosures, the wooden and earthen long barrows, close proximity to the calm protected waters of the and later megalithic tombs, as well as an increased fo- Limfjord 4 km to the east and exchange partners here cus on agriculture. The creation of the enclosure is and further south in Jutland. This double access to two thus a step in creating a more fixed Neolithic identity. of the most important prestige goods of the EN would have made Thy a centre of the regional exchange net- work. In the centre of Thy, there was a more dense- Resources, production, and exchange networks ly settled area, and in the centre of this cluster one of the largest enclosures in South Scandinavia was con- Located on the edge of the Neolithic world, with structed by a workforce that would include almost the the North Sea as a neighbour and only a thin strip of entire population of Thy and Mors. It was re-used nu- partly Neolithic land further away in Southern Nor- merous time within its lifetime of about two centuries, way, it is easy to imagine Thy as a wood covered pe- and after the abandonment of the enclosure a settle- riphery in the Early and Middle Neolithic periods, in ment was established. contrast to booms in the later periods of the Late Ne- A connection between enclosures and control over olithic and Bronze Age. However, we have evidence to flint resources has previously been suggested (see the contrary, namely the access to and exploitation of sørensen 2014, pp. 169 – 174 for a discussion). Sim- two of the most prestigious resources of the time: flint ilar control over amber resources would have been On the edge of the Neolithic world 459 important: both the ability to make large sacrifices of this also relies on the size of the enclosure: Large scale amber such as the Engholm site, and the prestige gath- work would require some common group identity, but ered within larger exchange network would add to the the common project would also facilitate interaction status of the groups with amber access. However, the between the groups and offer opportunities to negoti- character of the use of the enclosure as a series of short ate appropriate behaviour and rituals within the group. events on a generational time frame, demonstrates In relation to the enclosure, a series of activities of ritu- that they could not originally have been centres from al or ceremonial character were performed. At Liselund where the resources could be controlled. Instead the the best evidence concerns the placement of complete construction of the enclosure is in itself the primary or almost complete vessels at the bottom of the ditch- function. The construction-process can in this light be es, but at other enclosures additional activities are ob- seen as a way of constructing a social system by par- served, both fireplaces at the bottom, and deposition ticipation. By mobilizing the work force required and of as well as animal and human bones (andersen distribution of the necessary tasks, a set of relations is 1997, 267 – 276). At both Lokes Hede and Store Brokhøj, created within the population. It should be considered remains of meals in the form of shells were associated whether the internal division of the enclosure in three with fireplaces. Thus, a variety of actions are associat- parts is related to this, and whether the central part ed with the ditches. The impact of these is in some cas- was meant to distinguish one subset of the population. es difficult to detect, but in the case of pottery we can The group creation is re-performed several times with- observe the development and relations in the technique in the following centuries by new re-cuts in the ditches and ornamentation. and perhaps re-establishing the palisade at least once. A concept which has recently been applied to Fun- The re-creations of the original event confirm the orig- nel Beaker pottery is that of communities of prac- inal social contract. Thus the enclosure fossilised and tice (Hallgren 2008), which is focused on how maintained a specific set of relations. This way, the learning and re-production of actions and interactions construction of the enclosure is part of an ongoing ne- are embedded in the social structure and culture. Hall- gotiation of social prestige within the community. gren discusses the theory and connects it to the idea In the early 35th century, the site is transformed of culture within Ethnography and Archaeology and into a settlement, and it is clear that the population at demonstrates how the concept is a useful way of un- Liselund at this time had access to the amber resources derstanding the development of local differences in the 8 – 9 km away, and that bead production happened at the pottery expression and how it relates to group identi- site. As only a very small part of the site is excavated and ty (Hallgren 2008, 17 – 33, 189 – 197). These ideas com- the flint remains understudied, it is difficult to establish plement ideas about stylistic behaviour within pottery whether large scale axe production happened at the site, producing communities within what have previously but some axe production can be observed. It is difficult been termed networks of style (torfing 2013). When to ascertain whether access to resources was direct, or producing new pots, the potter does not work within if access was gained as part of a local exchange network, a vacuum, but refers to existing ideas about how a pot where the prestige gained by constructing the enclosure should be formed and ornamented. The potter wishes had secured the group a status and continuous inflow for the pot to be accepted as appealing and fitting with- of resources. In support of the latter, it can be argued in the cultural context by other members of the com- that the lack of re-establishment of the enclosure, and munity, but at the same time the decorations can be an thus the social prestige in relation to this, after the shift arena for promoting a positive self identification (Roe to a settlement would lead to a gradual deterioration of 1980; Wiessner 1983; Wiessner 1984). the social position of the group, as this was dependent Regional stylistic groups have been identified with- on the physical participation of the other groups in the in the EN Funnel Beaker culture of South Scandi- construction-process. This would explain why the set- navia (madsen /​ petersen 1984), however it can be tlement was so short lived, less than a hundred years ac- questioned if these style-groups are valid for all vessel cording to the 14C-dates. types, as some of the groups are identified by the richly decorated lugged beakers and bowls (madsen /​ ander- sen 1978; ebbesen /​mahler 1980). These style-groups Communities of practice and pottery networks can be described as an east-west difference between the Jutish mainland on the one hand (the Volling and The construction of the monument did not just rely later Fuchsberg groups), and Zealand and Scania on the on and grant access to resources, it is also interlinked other (the Svaleklint and Virum groups). If other ves- with the creation of larger communities, creating ex- sel-types were taken as a starting point, other groups tended social relations through a process of homogeni- would emerge. Especially noteworthy is the Scandi- sation (Wiessner 1998). The first argument in favour of navian-wide distribution of small and medium sized 460 T. Torfing vessels with cord ornamentation near the rim and at a tooth stamp. In the secondary layers and in con- the neck of the vessels, which connects Jutland, South- nection with the settlement, 5 of 6 certain lugged ern Norway, Eastern and Western Sweden, as well beakers and the only lugged bowl from Liselund as Bornholm, while Zealand and northern Germa- have a complex ornamentation, including rim, ny are not included (torfing 2017). Yet another pic- neck and body ornamentation, with hanging trian- ture emerges if the basic funnel beakers are examined, gles in twisted or whipped cord on the neck and an were the variation in ornamentation within the north incised field or band of vertical /​ ​horizontal pattern group of the Funnel Beaker Culture is negligible, and at the body. Smaller fragments from an addition- we are dealing with a »global« common style. This al 3 – 4 possible lugged beakers have this combina- combination of different styles within the same ce- tion. The hanging triangles and the band pattern ramic assembly and the deduced negotiation between are always combined, and there are no document- local group-identification and a global homogeneous ed cases outside the lugged beakers and lugged expression continues into the MN I-period (torfing bowls. Similarly, the technique of whipped cord 2013), after which local variation declines. The potter occurs at 3 certain lugged vessels and two possible, can thus be said to have multiple interests when dec- and does not occur once on other vessels. A single orating a ceramic vessel, identification with different lugged beaker is ornamented as group 1. Thus the communities of practice, as well as a strive for positive lugged beakers are clearly ornamented differently self identification. These diverse interests can be used from the remaining beakers and undergo a devel- to discuss strategies of the potters and developments of opment from unornamented or slightly ornament- communities of practise. ed to having the most complicated ornamentation. The continuous meetings at the enclosure where a large group of people, who are otherwise dispersed The development of lugged beakers from an unor- over a large area, shares multiple activities offers the namented type to a type carrying a rich decoration possibility for them to interact, change ideas and is noted as a general phenomenon, and it is suggest- compare against each other. This puts stress on the ed that the type developed into a ritual type in the system described above: More people imply more MN (Koch 1998, 111). As noted above the regional people to compare against, both in terms of fitting style groups are best detected within the lugged beak- within the same ornamental schema, and in regards ers, and in the EN II onwards the open bowls which al- to the possibility to express individuality within the ways have parallel decoration. common expression (for an example of the latter see The morphological differences of the three groups wiessner 1984, 218). The large gatherings also offer suggest a functional difference, such as flat or round- a transitional route for new ideas to enter a communi- ed bases, handles for holding in the hand or lugs for ty, which can be accepted or rejected, translated and hanging. Koch has demonstrated that it was main- transformed collectively. ly the medium and large beakers that were used for Within the ceramic material from Liselund, three cooking (Koch 1998, 115 – 119). The ornamentation main categories of vessels can be identified and in ad- thus follows the function /​ ​use of the vessel and can dition to these numerous clays disks were found. The be related to different activities within the commu- disks differs so much from the vessels in form that it nity: The large, flat-based and lightly ornamented will not be used for comparison here. The three ves- beakers are probably connected to storage and cook- sel categories have different ornamentation and shape ing, while the smaller round-based beakers decorated variations and are in general easy to distinguish. with twisted cord, with or without handles, are used in drinking or other consumption activity, while the ùù Group one: medium to large funnel beakers, with lugged beakers in the beginning were used for mun- flat bases and no handles /​ ​lugs, and simple orna- dane purposes, but develop into a ritual type during mentation in the form of a narrow band below the the EN and become the richly decorated Prachtbech- rim, unornamented neck, and vertical furrows on ers of the MN, which likely had a special position in the body. pottery depositions in front of the megaliths (Kaul ùù Group two: small to medium beakers, with round 1995). The first group of everyday vessels were -or or rounded bases, and diverse ornamentation at namented similarly within the entire Funnel Beak- rim and often the neck executed in twisted cord. er Culture north group, changing with international Several vessels within this category have handles fashion rather than due to local developments. The suggesting a use as cups. uniformity of the decoration indicates frequent con- ùù Group three: lugged beakers. Mainly belong to the tact with neighbouring groups, where comparison larger beakers. In the lowest layers, examples are between different groups avoids alterations of the unornamented or in one case ornamented with style through continuous changes (Wiessner 1998; On the edge of the Neolithic world 461

Wiessner 1984). Such comparisons also allow new angled bands running all around the vessel. Thus by trends to spread through the network of interaction. comparing the ornamental schema of the lugged beak- The second group of vessels is related to other activi- ers, distinct regional groups are easily identified. The ties, maybe of a more personal nature, indicated by the development from the unornamented lugged beakers inclusion of small vessels with twisted cord and some- in the primary layers to the later ornamented vessels times handles in graves and at the palisades of earth- in a distinct local style, suggests that this develop- en long mounds (Thorvildsen 1941, nr. 3, nr. 58, ment happened within the use-time of the enclosure, nr. 59, nr. 82; Knöll 1978, 37, Plate 5,1b; Liversage and that it is related to the »ritualisation« of the func- 1980, 31). The ornamentation with twisted cord main- tion of the vessel. During the lifetime of the enclosure, ly belongs to vessels found along the fringe of the Ne- the lugged beakers changed connotation from a sim- olithic world, from Northern Jutland and Southern ple cooking or storage vessel to a vessel which signified Norway to Eastern Sweden. It reflects part of a net- aspects of group identification. The growing connec- work of contacts quite different from that of the basic tion of the lugged vessels to ritual sites could indicate funnel beakers. That different parts of material culture that they were used to cook or serve a specific course are affected by stylistic behaviour in different ways is or used at specific events, and by sharing in such ac- shown convincingly by Wiessner in the difference be- tivities the community would define themselves as be- tween the projectiles (group belonging and bounda- longing to a certain group. ry) and bead ornamentation (kinship relationships Different origins of pottery influences have been and personal prestige) (Wiessner 1983; Wiessner proposed for the Funnel Beaker pottery, both from 1984). Examining published vessels from the period, a south-western and a south-eastern direction (mad- it has not been possible to find a single lugged beaker sen /​ petersen 1984; Klassen 2004; Sørensen 2014, matching the schema of ornamentation from the later 227 – 269). However, from the early phase, local and phases at Liselund, thus it must be considered a local regional expressions developed alongside the inter- variance. Hanging triangles occur at some Fuchsberg national influences, for instance the Scandinavian sites, within the Virum style, and they are common cord-ornamented beakers. Tracing communities of on the Djursland peninsula, both at the enclosures practice and their diverse expressions at Liselund re- at St. Brokhøj and Blakbjerg as well as in grave con- veal that the pottery refers to different networks of in- texts such as a lugged beaker in a dolmen at Løven- teraction, one global and the other with the northern holm Skov. However, these vessels do not combine the edge of the Funnel Beaker Culture. A synchronous triangles with the distinct body pattern of Liselund, development of a distinct local ornamentation sche- but with vertical fringes in the whipped cord tech- ma for the lugged beakers indicates changes in the nique on Djursland and Zealand /​ ​Scania, a combina- strategies and structures of the network, delimiting tion not seen on any vessel at Liselund. The Fuchsberg the community from other communities within the lugged beakers and bowls are ornamented with large larger networks.


On the edge of the world an enclosure was built. It The changes within the pottery style can be added to was the 37th century BC, a time when enclosure con- these traces of activity. Together they offer an account struction boomed across Europe. The location was on how and why the enclosure was built and built the Thy, North-Western Denmark. Farming had been in- way and the place it was. troduced just a few centuries earlier, and it was a time The enclosure at Liselund was one of the largest in of change: New impulses spread across Europe, axes of Denmark, the area rich on then prestige resources such flint, jade, stone and copper were exchanged, new ide- as good flint and amber, so while it was on the edge of as about houses and pottery had been introduced, and the world, it was far from a periphery. The area around grave monuments in the form of long barrows were the enclosure developed into a local centre that partic- created. The background was international, the mani- ipated in far reaching exchange networks. The site it- festation a result of local factors. self was built centrally within the area with easy travel I have tried to gather the diverse traces of the past access in all directions: the amber rich west coast, the networks of action surrounding the site: The labour in- flint mines to the north, and exchange networks to the tensive work of building the enclosure, the activities at south, both along the coast and inland, and north to the enclosure, the deposition of pottery, the surround- Norway. I have argued that the population was caught ing landscape as seen through grave clusters and pol- in a difficult negotiation between different strategies, len diagrams, nearby resources such as flint and amber. that of access to resources and exchange partners and 462 T. Torfing that of different regional networks and ideas related relations for the future. Within its 200 years of exist- to these, as well as a growing local identity shown in ence the enclosure was re-created multiple times, and the pottery style. This was managed by using different through its construction and re-construction and the ornamental schemas for different pots, related to dif- activities related to it, the ideas of community grew ferent aspects of life: vessels related to wide ranging and an exchange of artefacts and ideas was conveyed. networks to the south, other vessels relating to a north- Following the enclosure phase, a short lived settle- ern network, as well as lugged beakers used to reinforce ment was founded at the site, but in contrast to other a local sense of community. Interconnected with this South Scandinavian enclosures, there is no great MN development is the construction of the enclosure: at activity at the site, suggesting that the status of the site the same time distinguishing one area as central, but failed. The exact reasons are unknown; perhaps the also creating a common point of referral. It is impos- stop in recreation of the enclosure by new re-cuts had sible to untangle the construction from this process: It a part in this, reducing the importance of the site, or was both created as an idea from abroad and was based perhaps some common cause, such as a breakdown in on negotiations of local relations. It also shaped the exchange relations, explains both the end of enclosure background for further interaction and formed local activities and the shift towards settlement.


Firstly, I would like to thank the attendants at the conversations and discussion about Liselund and its session Material Culture in Monumental Settings for relation to society. Finally, I would like to thank Lis- their comments and discussions. I further would like beth H. Torfing for reading and commenting on the to thank Peter Bye Jensen specifically for stimulating article, her help is much appreciated.


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Tobias Torfing Sydvestjyske Museer Tangevej 6 DK-6760 Ribe [email protected]