Rolls-Royce Plc Directors' Report and Financial Statements 2013
Rolls-Royce plc Directors’ report and financial statements 2013 Strategic report better power for a changing world “ 2013 was a year of good progress in which our order book, underlying revenue and underlying profit, all grew. Our focus remains on the 4 Cs: Customer, Cost, Cash and Concentration.” John Rishton, Chief Executive Rolls-Royce plc Directors’ report and financial statements 2013 1 Strategic report Strategic Strategic report Introduction 1 Group at a glance 2 Chief Executive’s review 4 Our vision, business model, strategy and values 6 Chief Financial Officer’s review 8 Directors’ report Civil aerospace 12 Defence aerospace 14 Marine 16 Energy 18 INTRODUCTION Power Systems 20 Rolls-Royce is a global company, providing Engineering and technology 22 Operations 23 Sustainability 24 integrated power solutions for customers statements Financial Key performance indicators 28 in civil and defence aerospace, marine, Principal risks and uncertainties 30 energy and power markets. Directors’ report Board of directors 33 Internal control and risk management 35 Our vision is to deliver ‘better power Shareholders and share capital 37 for a changing world’. Other statutory information 37 Directors’ report and financial Other information statements 38 Financial statements Contents listed on page 39 Other information Subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates 107 2013 2012** % change Independent Auditor’s report 110 Order book – Additional financial information 111 firm and announced £71,612m £60,146m +19% Underlying revenue* £15,505m £12,209m +27% Underlying profit before tax* £1,760m £1,434m +23% Reported revenue £15,513m £12,161m +28% Reported profit before tax £2,019m £2,766m -27% Net cash £1,939m £1,316m * See explanation in note 2 on page 54 ** Restated to reflect the adoption to IAS19 Employee Benefits and change in accounting policy on the treatment of Risk and Revenue Sharing Arrangement entry fees – see note 1.
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