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The Guardian, November 3, 1977

Wright State University Student Body

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For more information, please contact [email protected]. ©he Hailu (ivrarMan The tyrant's foe, the people's friend' I November 3, 1977 Volume XIV Issue 32 Wright State University Dayton, ^ Free 4A' spaces necessity to deans By HON WUKESON twenty-four hour, seven day a Guardian Staff Writer week position." said Torres, "I have to be accountable to stu- Wright State University deans dents. patients. faculty, feel that the free parking given to parents...it is a tremendous job. them and other administrators as It's nov that I don't feel that I can a frin ;e benefri has nothing to do pay (for the free parking), it's with equality, as indicated by just that I feel that my commit- Assistant to the President David tment is so total that i think it's a Atwater, but that it is rather a nice fringe benefit." matter of job requirement. Dean of the School of Nursing RESPONDING TO Atwater's Gertrude Torres said "1 think he claim that she makes twice as (Atwater) has to put things the much money as he himself does. way he's comfortable putting Torres said "That's not true at them." all...that's ridiculous," Her sal- TORRES SAID that she has no ary. she said, is on record, as are philosophy about the parking. "I all administtators' salaries, in have no strong committment to the library, and open to the ; I am committed to Dr. public. Spiegel and it's not based on an Brian Hutchings. dean of the elitist" stand. college of Science and Engineer- "1 consider my position a (Se« 'DEANS.' page 2) It'a Just a matter of tine. Two W!iU rlocki allow three different-time* at once. Guardian fllefoto Kegerreis re futes Zehner accusation against WSU By TOM VONDRUSKA critical letter written to Kegerreis In the letter Kegerreis said the date for the court hearing lawyers by Leonard J. Schwartz, Guardian Wire Editor by Zehner on Oct. 25 concerned that Zehner was "obviously mis- grew near the University atorney attorney for the plaintiffs for the tsuing of the guidelines and informed" if he thought "Wright "suggested that we ought to review. Wright State University Presi- the requiring of Jayne Lynch to State University has violated the adopt guidelines and report...to THERE HAS been no word on dent Robert J. Kegerreis. in a remove her name from the federal court directive issued by the Court...that...negotiations how the counter-proposal will letter to State Represenative "Deep Throat" suit. Judge Duncan. had failed to occur." ' effect the present guidelines. James Zehner (D-Xcnia). said ZEHNER CHARGED the Uni- "Over a period of many According to Ted Staton. a Wednesday, Andrew Spiegel, that the University did not violate versity had issued the guidelines months, attempts to negotiate an plantiff in the suit, there was a vice-president and provost said a federal court order in issuing without the negotiations which agreement about guidelines breakdown in communications that he knew of no counter-pro- obscenity guidelines in Septem- were required by a directive failed, because of the relative between the two parties at the posal. Upon -ecieving a copy he ber. issued by Federal Court Judge unavailability of the appropriate time the guidelines were issued. said that he would have to talk to The letter dated Oct. 31. was Robert Duncan in an effort to students or the ACIU attorney." In October he said they (the Gordon H. Savage, who is hand- written in reply to a highly settle the case out-of-court. he said. plantiffs) were waiting for word ling the case for the university KEGERREIS ADDED that from both their attorney and the and read the proposal himself from initial discussions between University about negotiations. before he could comment on it. thursday- the two parties in the suit it He did say. at that time, ' c knew When he was told that the became apparent that "any that a counter proposal was plaintiff s guidelines differ from the weather chance of negotiating a settle- being drawn up. the university's in the make-up Increasing cloudiness Thursday and a chance of showers late in ment of guidelines by agreement I.ast week the counter Proposal of the review board and the the day with highs between 65 and 70. Showers likely Thursday of the parties" was remote. As was sent to the University's (See 'PLAINTIFFS,' page 4) nighl with lows between 50 and 'O degrees. Showers are likely in •he cast, clearing ir. the west Friday. Highs will be between 55 and 60 degrees. Students rack up $15 million county draws blood in bankruptcy claims The Greene County Community Blood Center brought their By JOHN SALYER University. ing is deliquent over 30 days. He mobile blood drawing facilities to the basement of the University Guardian Staff Writer According to Darr. the two went on to point out that Ohio Ceiiter yesterday. most popular loan programs are fares better than most areas in Ma-iellen Teeters, the executive secretary of the Greene County From 1974 to 1976. 12.300 the National Direct Student Loan delinquency and default on stu- Bloo ) Bank saio that she was pleased with the turnout and the by former collegc students filed Program (NDSL). and the Feder- dent loans. t!ie end o. ti e day they hope.1 to have ovef 100 donors. bankruptcy claims totaling $15 ally Insured Student Loan Pro- STUDENTS WHO are having THE COMMUNITY Blood Center ..ill return to Wright State million borrowed through various gram (FISL). difficulty repaying their educa- University November 16 through 18. goverment funded !oan pro- NDSL loans are handled tional loans shouUl take heart, grams. through the office of financial aid though. New I97ej laws specifi- they do it with mirrors According to Barbara Gilder and the Bursar's office, he said. cally provide for deferment of Quint, a columnist for Giamuur The FISL loan program lead to repayments for up to 12 months Mirrors allowing sight around "blind corners" will be piaced in magazine, filing for bankruptcy the development of the Ohio during any one period when the the tunnel system according to Robert Francis, executive director because of an inability to pay Guaranteed Student Loan Pro- borrower is unemployed and of campus planning and development. back government funded student gram (OGSL), in which many looking for full time work. Francis said the mirrors were being erected with the left truck loans, is not generally the best area bank- participate. drivers from Shipping and Receiving in mind, tat he felt, course c student can take. All government loan programs "pedestrian traffic will benefit (from the mirrors) as well." Quint said bankruptcy is a last A. Richard Parker, vice-presi- encourage former students who THE M1BRORS had been tried for about a year, reported resort for those who are unabli dent of Winters Bank, said a are having trouble repaying their Francis. He pointed to the mirror in Allyn Hall and the mirror in repay their debts and carry on large majority of the problems loans to apply to their banks or the basement of Millett as examples of the system. "It worked out with their lives; it is not meant associated with educational loans college lenders is used when an real well, and as a result, we're going to extend the use of the for young men and women who to students involve federally institution changes the terms of a Mirror system." said Francis. find it temporarily ine^pendient funded loans, and student loans loan to make it easier to repay. to meet debt repayments. generally have a higher delin- Darr said if a large percentage editorials, new* shorts will return NOT ONLY bankruptcy, but quency rate than other types of (20 percent), of students are Due to ins-jtficient advertising, we are unable to produce our delinquency and default on stu- - loans. delinquent or default on their standard eight-page issue today. Our editorial page and News dents loans is an area of growing Parker said approximately two loans, it could have a detrimental Shorts will return tomorrow. concern, said Dave Darr. director and one half percent of the dollar effect or the number of students K of financial aid at Wright State value of student loans outstand- receiving loans in the future.

j I IMt DAILY GUARDIAN November 3, 1977 House investigate «PPSS man aije 0ailo (Suar&ian WASHINGTON (UPl)-Sources THE LOL'ISIAiV . Democrat, formation." close to the House Ethics Com- beaten in his bid for re-election IN THE Times' report from mittee investigation of alleged last year, denied the Times' London, "close friends and as- Korean influence-buying on Cap- report and his attorney in Wash- sociates who said they had direct The World ital Hill said Wednesday the ington called the story "horend- knowledge of the payments" panel is "taking a hard look" at ous." disclosed the Park-to-Passman the activities of former Rep. Otto Passman, reached by the payoff. from United Press International Passman of Louisiana. Times at his office in Monroe, "Passman denies he got any -a., responded to the story by illegal money from Tongsun The sources refused, however, saying, "I'm 77 years old and Park." Passman's attorney Jim Jf to say whether the move was served in the congress for 30 Hamilton said from his Washing- prompted by a story in today's years. I have never received a ton office. "This horrendous NITW York Times which said Reds need grain dime from Mr. Park or any other story was a shocker to him." Passman got $190.000-alleged!y foreign national. How things get "When somebody is judging WASHINGTON (UPI)-Agricu!ture Secretary Bob Bergland said more money than any other out. I don't know." the credibility of stories like Wednesday the Soviet Union is likely to buy 15 million metric tons congressman-from millionaire this." Hamilton said, "one must of grain from the next year since Moscow expects a Korean rice trader Tongsun At the same time. Benjamin note that Passman took some shortfall in grain production. P*rk. the central figure in the Civiletti, who heads a separate positions that were diametrically But Bergland stopped short of flatly predicting such a large influence-buying investigation. Justice Department probe of the opposed to Park's interests." purchase. "We're taking a hard look at Korean payoff allegations, simi- HAMILTON REFUSED to say He told a news conference the Soviet shortfall "is probably him." one source close to the larly refused direct comment on whether Passman had been in- going to tend to push priccs up" but said it would be "without any investigation said of Passman, the Times' report, adding. "We terviewed by the Justice Depart- devastating impact *o the American consumers." who once held virtual veto power have been conducting a very ment or House Ethics committee. SOVIET LEADER Leonid Brezhnev announced earlier that the over foreign aid allocations as thorough and searching investi- Park left his Washington home nation's 1977 grain harvest totaled 194 million tons. 29 million tons chairman of a House Appropria- gation and we don't think we months ago. went to London, and below the 1976 crop, and well below the 215 million tons forecast tions subcommittee. have missed much available in- then on to Seoul. by the U.S. Agriculture Department in late September. Under a five-year grain agreement between the two countries, the Soviet Union can buy up to 6 million tons per year from U.S. Deans must acquire '.A' spots grain producers, and the government on Oct. 6 gave the Soviets (continued from page 1) Spiegel requires the deans to "It'd be nice if everyone o,dld additional authority to buy 15 million tons next year. ing, said "I don't think it has have an A spot in order to be here find a parking space when they Bergland said ony 2.3 million tons-I million tons of wheat and anything to do with equal at one rapidly...By requiring us to have got here; but you have to be 1.3 million tons of corn have iieen formally purchased to date for thing or another." Hutchings an A space he's taking away realistic about the economic next year. explained that people weren't some degree of mv freedom; but structure of things." ASKED IF he expected the Soviet Union to go ahead and buy equal at skills or jobs, for exam- I have no strong feelings one way Iddings stated that there are the entire 15 million tons from the United States. Bergland replied. ple. or the other." "two sources of funds for the "It would seem so. particularly now with the added shortfall." "As I understand it. the park- "Personally I don't think it has university '.o operate on: state ing is to go with the office, it has anything to do with equality or funds and student funds...every- nothing to do with (he individual. not equality," said Hutchings "I one that's employed by the Flynt draws reply Dr Spiegel wanted parking simply think it's pan of the job university is contributing to the spaces for the respective offices requirement," support of the university in this of the deans, not for Brian COLUMBUS (UPD-Hiistlcr magazine publisher Larry Flynt has "I think things have been way. If you get down to who responded sharply to a written reprimand from Rep. Alien Ertel. Hutchings. It jus' happens that blown out of proportion," said should be supporting the univer- the present dean of Science and R-Pa.. that Flynt was only seeking publicity when he proposed an Roger Iddings. Dean of the sity. it shouldn't be the faculty in-depth study of child abuse. Engineering is Brian college of education. "There arc and administration and staff of Flynt suggested a study of the relationship between child abuse Hutchings." so many things to be dwelt with the university, but the other two WHEN ASKED if he felt the and sexual repression in an appearance earlier this year before the and this thing is consuming an sources." House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime. free parking was tair. Hutchings awful lot of time." "I think what you're finding He offered al the same time to turn over all profits from said. "I don't think it has "IT'D BE NICE if everyone here is that faculty and staff are anything to do with fairness. Dr. to fund the study and further to stop publication of that magazine had free parking." said Iddings. supporting students in this." and Chic if the study showed harmful to societv. But Ertel wrote Flynt Oct. 18 obviously peeved that Flynt had |Stiule nt paycheck* | asked for additional time before presenting a detailed proposal on his suggested study. Because of the Veterans' | Correction THE CONGRESSMAN wrote. ' Any. te who makes an offer to a (!)a> holiday, it will be neces- i Several errors were made in WSU funded by WAFB". the article on Dr. Gatv Sides' House subcommittee as readily as you did. should be prepared to | sari for student time cards to " while the laser is actually only back it up with specifics. Unless I have a concrete proposal from ;aser project that appeared in . be turned in Nov. 9. | 20 watts. WAFB should have you within two weeks, it seems apparent that your offer was net f Students will receive pay- yesterday's Daily Guardian. been WPAFB I Wright Patter- made in good faith." Ihe hr.-.dline incorrectly J checks Nov. 10. son Air Force Base). Ertel said the delay "tends to verify the opinion that you were read "750.000 watt laser at In addition, the name of Dr. after headlines rather than a federally backed study'of child Gram Jones was inadvertently abuse." omitted from the article as one of the collaborators of thi projec. Dr. Mason Hughes, a Helms up the river ? r:scarch scientist who aisc Little ArtTheatr helped develop the project, is WASHINGTON (UPD-Former CIA director Richard Helms. who no longer associated with pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges that he cowed jp Senia Ave. Wright State. coven political activity in Chile, will be sentenced Friday, it was announced Wednesday. • '' Velio*- Scriiigs _ The caption of the photo- Helms will learn at 10:30 a.m. EST whether he has avoided a jail graph that appeared with the term by agreeing Monday to enter the "no contest" plea as part of story is also incorrect in that a bargain struck with the Justice Department to avoid a trial that Tonight Nov ember 3- 10 the equipment pictured is not could have jeopardized national security secrets. thru Sat. Marlon Brirnki in the laser. Helms will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker Parker refused at the time of Helms' arraignment to bind to part of the bargain in which the department i pin On the Waterfront reconmended any jail term be suspended. ATTORNEY GENERAL Gtriffin Bell defended the arrangement 9pm The Wild One on national security grounds in a briefing Tuesday. He also denied influenn'a^defendantj"^6 ""H"'"1" ** We"-,°'d0 W P0"*"" Sun. & Mon. Max Ophul's 7 & 9pm Lola Montes legendary Film classic of French Tut. & Wed. Romance 7pm Inserts WETT1AUFER a campy, funny story of a film director who turns to Porno. FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE 8UV(SCR([K TOWNSHIP, . 9pm Last Tango in Paris MltMMN AND IAIH.T0VKNSHIP ^ \dulits 81.75 12 >S under $1.25 November 3, 1977 THE DAILY GUARDIAN 3 Overdose spreads across social strata v\ By PAUL E. DUNCAN Drug Enforcement Agency to had any effect on their life. He suicide, a lot of people just make addictive drugs snould not be Guardian Special Writer find out what is going on in the wanted to know if they had mistakes. They just don't know unilaterally available." Notable street. They solicit the help of changed their social life or they arc not supposed to drink exceptions were marihuana and Dave was worried about mid- various hospital emergency drug- taking habits in any way. when they take Valium." Disre- alcohol which are a "low poten- terms. His doctor prescribed rooms, crisis centers, hotlines, garding directions is common, tial for very rapid harm." some Valium to calm him down. drug treatment units, and coron- Siegal, who for the last 10 evidenced by the fact that only Siegal warned about the dan- They were small pills and they ers to collect ongoing data on years has specialized in the area one-fourth of the people follow gers of street dope. "With the didn't seem to work fast enough. acute drug reactions. of drug abu^e and alcoholism, the labels on their prescriptions. obvious exception of marihua- He fixed that by upping the One of the people who helped describes the study as a "land- Siegal felt the solution to this na...in 80% of the cases the dosage. gather this information was med- mark." He explained that just as problem was "education on sev- buyer was wrong about what he Sur also took Valium for her ical soc-olgist Dr. Harvey Siegal, the typical alcoholic is not i skid eral different levels." was buying." Without a compa- nerves. But she discovered a few of the WSU Med School. Siegal, row bum. the typical overdose Siegal offered some "technical ny logo on the pill your chances pills and a few drinks was a who previously lived with the victim is not a "" or a advice" for people who take of getting ihe drug you want are pretty good high. A lot of her winos of skid row to study "black kid with streaks up and drugs for recreational purposes. less than good. friends were into the same thing alcoholism, used similar "fly on down his arms."They are every- If you plan to "mix and match," In some respects the use of and she didn't think much about the wall" tactics in this study. daj people in virtually all walks Siegal suggested this plan: "cat heroin may be safer than that of it. He worked split shifts for several of life. your dope first, get the effects, other drugs commonly used in Dave and Sue are typical months at the busiest emergency According to Siegal. the major and then titrate (regulate) the today's society. Siegal used Qua students in typical situations with room in the country, the "Zoo", drug problem in America is the booze." Control is much easier ludc as a case in point. "What typical problems and somewhat Miami Florida's Jackson Memor- mixing of prescription drugs, when you "drop and then happened with Quaaludc was typical solutions. They are also ial Hospital. Siegal said he sim- particularly Valium, and alcohol. drink." tliere an absolute lethal dose and typical drug abusers. ply "hung around waiting for The victims rarely die from the While admitting that his views a relative euphoric dose. You It may be time to re-evaluate overdoses." His emphasis was in toxicity produced, but rather be- on drug availability could put lon't have this with the opia- our stereotype of the average what happened to the OD victim come sick and aspirate their own him "on the wrong side of the tes...After a certain dose of overdose viciim. Professional after the overdose itself. His vomit, thus choking to death. generation gap." he still be- Quaaludc there's no more im- people, teenagers, housewives, follow-up consisted of contacting What is the reason for this rise lieved drugs "with a high poten- munity. you don't feel good and students are all finding the victim at 6-month, 13-month, in overdoses among the middlt tial for rapid harm or highly anymore, you just die." themselves in overdose situations and 18-month intervals in an and upper classes? Siegal stated with prescription drugs, particu- attempt to Find out if the event that "if were not talking about a larly Valium. Learn to The fact is 10% of 267.000 Witness re futes monitor cases brought into hospital emer- EEE=^ SKY DIVE -= gency rooms were overdoses of Campus police will hold a tickctcd vehicle and started yell- the most commonly prescribed conference today with a Wright ing at the monitor, who turned drug, Valium. Second on the list State student who reportedly away. of most common overdose* is the tried to run down a parking SHINDELL REPORTED what Greene County Sport mixture of Valium and alcohol. monitor last week to determine he had seen to Security after the Adding to the bad news is the whether or not charges will be motorcycle's driver approached recent finding that Valium is a filed. him. He also said passengers on Parachute Club physiologically addicting drug. the bus he was driving witnessed These are just a few of the THE MONITOR who claims the incident, but he did not know C.Uune* 10:00am & 2:00pm daily surprising findings of a soon to 'he student tried to run her down any of them. be released goverment study on Oct. 27 had just given the Shindell saiu that at the time Individuals $45.00 drug abuse. Called Project motorcyclist a parking ticket he did not think anvthing would DAWN, Drug Abuse Warning when the incident occurred result and added "he (the motor- Group of 5 $35.00 per ind. Network, it is a product of the K-lot bus driver Joe Shindcll. cyclist) did not try to hit her." combined efforts of the National who witnessed the incident, said The monitor could not be Institute of Drug Abuse and the the motorcyclist returned to his reached for comment. For further information call 376-9293

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MMMH 4 THE DAILY GUARDIAN November 3, 1977 WSU broadens hazing definition, frats react By DAVID MIX ment or ridicule." The remainder Ervin, which include any activi- actually took place," Ervin ssid. People may do the pledge (iuardhui Staff Writer of the policy gives examples of ties which are not consistent with Scott Graham, President of because of peer pressure rather hazing, such as "paddling in any fraternity law, ritual, policy, or Thet* Delta Phi said. "I am not than by force. "Their buddies do Deliberate harassment of a form." or creation of excessive the regulations and policies of all sure hazing is necessarily it, so they do i; too." Graham person, or hazing, has undergone fatigue. WSU. understood. The definition is said. If this is so. the group a change of definition at Wright Assistant Director of Student Most national fraternities and very broad and almost covers too cannot be blamed. State to encompass a broader Development Jo Ervin said, sororities sland behind the exec- mi <•' . Pi Kappa Phi President Bruce scope. "The University definition is utive FEA "no hazing" policy. "Certain people define hazing Rockwell said that his fraternity's patterned after the one made by Ervin said. "There has never differently." Graham said, edg- stand was "similar «o the Univer- THE NEW definition describes the Fraternity Executive Associa- been a documented hazing inci- ing that hazing must be treated sity's "We have never practiced hazing as "any action taken or tion (FEA). Before now, hazing dent" at WSU. differently case to case. it (hazing)." situation created, intentionally, had IK) real definition. IF ANY person or group is "THEY (the University) are "Hazing has dropped during whether on or off campus, to '•THE FRATERNITIES and caught hazing, disciplinary ac- trying to be technical but they the past decade," Ervin said. produce mental or physical dis- sororities know about hazing and tions would be taken. "A hearing arc just broadening the definition "There may be a resurgcnce in comfort, embarrassment, harass- have definite guidelines." said would take place to sec if hazing more." Graham said. hazing." Plaintiffs release their own obscenity guidelines (continued from page l) attempt to illegitimacy bring associated with the position of fact the suit was titled "Lynch, et have time to build up the credi- definitions of obscenity. Spiegel pressure on the litigants to win Ombudsman." al. vs. Wright State University. bility of the office and to make its said that the University ^ascd its out of court what they could not This view is also held by "This made her name stand services known to the University guidelines solely on the Supreme win in court." Joar.Oe rishacher. director of out." he said. community. court's decision that community Kcgerreis said in the letter student development and Allai: ATTORNEY FOR the plain- Bob Brandt. Chairman of the standards define what obscenity that "I am sure you know how Spetter, associate professor of tiff's. Leonard Schwartz said Ombudsman Advisory Commit- is but that he would like to see deeply this allegation offends history. Tuesday that the removal of tee. was not available for com- some revision of the present me...I had no information what- RISACHER SAID Tuesday that Lynch's name from the suit ment. guidelines so that they would ever about the names of the she did not think it proper that would have no effect on (he cover only "non-academic and canidates for the Office of Om- the Ombudsman should be con- outcome. non-reasearch material." budsman Advisory Committee. nected with a suit against the Jaync Lynch refused to com- Specifically the counter-propo- The Committee never discussed University. ment on the issue and said that sal would set up a review board w ith me any of their delibera- This view was shared by Spet- she would like to keep the of seven students, two chosen tions...as an aside...it ought to ter who said that it was his own Ombudsman's Office of the con- from the University Centtr be understandable why (he Com- personal view of the affair that trovery because she would like to Board, three chosen by Student mittee apparently belived that a "it was the consensus of the Cacus. and two chosen by the party to a Federal Suit against committee that she should re- President. The University guide- the University could hardly be move her name from the suit. lines provide for a three member expected to protray (he neutrali- What seemed to bother commit- review board with o, e student, ty, independence and autonomy tee members, he said, was the one administrator and one com- munity person. THE GUIDELINES also differ greatly in what is to be brought before the review board. The plaintiffs concerns itself only with movies while the universi- ty's would oversee any "movie, book. play, presentation or artisic or literary work." /

lastly, the plaintiff s guidelines state "The film (in question) shall be banned only if the.e is IN STEP WITH YOU clear and present danger to any Dayton's perennial number one disco gives you th? biggest place, the finest sound system and' member of the University com V member of the University com v* ^ dance floor - plus your favorite games. member of the University com- _ .*** A Vc munity or causes a disruption of EVERY NIGHT IS SPECIAL the Univesity's classes." After 3 PM call 276-5231 and find The University's guidelines out what is happening tonight! would ban a film if it were found to violate current community standard", as previously stated. v THE SECONn half of Keg- >\ gereis' letter «o Zehner deals SHE NIGHT CLUB with Zehner's allegations that the requirement that Lynch re Behind Forest Park Plaza on North Main Street R«ove her name from the "Deep Tli.-oat" suit in order to become Beavercreek Residents,-Wright State INVOLVED Student Ombudsman was "an Students! A vote for CAROL GRA FF Gl'AMDlAN classified ads for Beavercreek Tow nshlp Trustee RESPONSIBLE arc free u Wright Stale Uni- versity sludvnts ai.