EXPERIENCES IN HOSTING REFUGEES LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN HOST COMMUNITIES ﺑﻬﺎرات © Center for Mediterranean Integration, 2018 Printed in Marseille Contact:
[email protected] Website: cmimarseille.org Disclaimer: The experiences compiled in this report were submitted by members of the Center for Mediterranean Integration’s Host Municipalities Learning Network in the period September 2017 – January 2018. They have not been subjected to verification by the CMI and their publication does not reflect ownership by the CMI or any of its members and partners. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This compendium on Local Economic Development in Host Communities was prepared by the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI), in the framework of the CMI Refugees and Host Communities Program. This work has been conducted under the overall guidance of Blanca Moreno-Dodson, CMI Manager. Its concept and production was led by Janette Uhlmann, Senior Program Officer, with contributions from Gilda Borriello, Consultant. Essential support in the concept development was provided by Sara Boughedir, Nicolas Meyer, and Steve Commins. Karim El Arnaouty, Abigail Garner, Faten Khaleel, and Ahmad Fakih contributed to the compendium’s production. Experiences were provided by members of the Host Municipalities Learning Network and partners. The work benefitted greatly from comments provided by peer reviewers: Clara Straimer, Advisor – Forced Displacement, G210 Forced Displacement, Migration, Return, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); Katja Schaefer,