Agenda Item 3 PLANNING AND ACCESS COMMITTEE MEETING: 26 March 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Director of Rural Development and Planning APPLICATION NUMBER: 2016/0399/DET APPLICANT: Rural Stirling Housing Association LOCATION: Land to East of Montrose House, Balmaha PROPOSAL: 20 unit affordable housing development (comprising 12no. houses and 8no. flats), formation of 2 housing plots, access road and associated infrastructure NATIONAL PARK WARD: 7 COMMUNITY COUNCIL AREA: Buchanan Community Council CASE OFFICER: Name: Alison Williamson Tel: 01389 722 610 E-mail:
[email protected] 1. SUMMARY AND REASON FOR PRESENTATION 1.1 Planning Permission is sought by Rural Stirling Housing Association for a 20 unit affordable housing development comprising 12 houses and 8 flats, the formation of 2 self-build house plots, access road and associated infrastructure. 1.2 The National Park Authority’s Scheme of Delegation, relative to planning, requires applications subject to a significant level of representation to be referred to the Planning and Access Committee. 115 letters of representation have been received to this application. 2. RECOMMENDATION That Members: Approve the application subject to the imposition of conditions as set out in Appendix 1 of the report. 1 Agenda Item 3 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The current application was submitted on 23 December 2016. After a period of delay, as a result of discussions over foul drainage constraints, all information required to assess the application has now been submitted and considered. Given the significant level of representation (see section 4 of this report) received in relation to this application, it was agreed at a meeting of the Planning and Access Committee on 18th December 2017 that a special date would be convened, for a hearing, to allow the application to be determined.