Quinquennial Report Education Delhi Province
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QUINQUENNIAL REPORT ON EDUCATION IN THE DELHI PROVINCE 1932-37 COMPILED BY J. C. CHATTERJEE, M.A., Superintendent o f Education, Delhi, Ajmer-Merwara & Central India. ASSISTED BY SH. SIRAJUDDIN AZAR, M.A., M.O.L., P.E.S., Fellow o f the Panjab University, District Inspector o f Schools, Delhi, P u blish ed b y t h e M anager o r P ublications , D e l h l P hinted b y th e M an a g e r , G o v e r n m e n t o r I n d ia P r e s s . S m iiA , 1939. - 3 T List o£ Agents in India fiom whom Government of India Publications are available. (a) pEovnioui, GovEaNMENi: Book Depots. Uadbas :—Superintendent, Govemment Press, Mount Road, Madras. B om bay :—Superintendent, Govemment Printing and Stationery, Queen’s Boad, Bombay. SiKD :— Manager, Sind Govemment Book Depot and Record Office, Karachi (SadarV Dntted Pbovejces :—Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P., Allahabad. P d n j a b :—Superintendent, Govemment Printing, Punjab, Lahore. 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Nowshera, RawalpLidi. & Co. (Regd.), Egerton Road. Delhi. .tion only. PREFACE. The Fifth Quinquennial Review on the Progress of Educa- tiojn in the Delhi Province covers a period which has seen an eveent of immeasurable importance in the history of India—the passsing of the Government of India Act of 1935. Though strictly speeaking, the introduction of Provincial Autonomy falls outside the3 period of this review yet the immense potentialities of this me;asure liave had a remarkable effect on the life and thought of the^ country. Other economic and Political forces have combined to bring about vast" changes in the general outlook on most prob- lenns affecting society as a whole. Public interest in the Nation- departments of Administration lias vastly increased. In particular the problem of educational reform has received close attf.ention from various standpoints and much thought and labour ha^ been expended on a review and scrutiny of the various aspects an(d stages of public instruction. The educated-unemployment queestion, the problem of co-ordinating technical and cultural eduication, the urgent need for a reorientation of Primary Edtucation—these and many other important problems are being subjected to a thorough examination. The fact that these ques- tioins are of importance to the whole of India gives an added sigmificance to the educational report of every province. Some imjportant new developments have taken place in the Delhi Prcovince. For example the scheme for the establishment of a Fecderal University has been completed and we hope will soon be accomplished. The Advisory Board of Education has been revived and considerable interest has been evinced in its deliiberations. It would be presumptuous to claim any special merit for thi* Review, but every effort has been made to make it readable and a liittle less dull than is customary with such reports. In some res]pects new ground has also been broken. The chapters on the Edmcation of Special Classes and on Professional and Industrial Ediucation to which onlv brief references could be made in the last Quiinquennial Report have been amplified and made fuller. Seweral interesting heads have been added and a number of new stattistical tables introduced throughout the Report to make it connprehersive. All this additional matter has necessarily added to t:he bulk of the Report. hoped that some of the educational problems discussed ^ Report might be of some value and interest even to readers ouuside the Province. For although the conclusions formed and opijiions expressed have necessarily been based on statistical LlSofE diD u d«»ta of the Delhi Province yet an effort has been made to face these problems from a broader point of view. I am especially indebted to Sheikh Sirajuddin Azar, M.A., M.O.L,, who was placed on special duty for the compilation of this Review. His long association with various stages of educational work combined with his ripe scholarship have been of the greatest help to me in the preparation of a report of this size and detail within a short time and with so small a staff. My thanks are also due to the Assistant Superintendent of Female Education, Ihe Assistant District Inspectors of Schools and the office staff a?id last but not the least to Heads of Institu tions and Secretarins of Associations for statistics and informa tion so willingly supplied by them. J. C. CHATTERJEE, M.A., Superintendent of Education, Delhi, Ajmer-Merwara and C. T. Attested. Y. D. WZUR, D.i ^ The 9th Aug'U'St 1938. CONTENTS. P a g es. P^REFACE i—ii C^HAPTER I.—Iitroductory 1 CilHAFTER II.—^Acministration and Control 18 CiJHAPTER III.-Uriversity and Collegiate Education 36 Ci!hapter IV. —Seondary Education