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Publisher E-ISSN:2582-7545 Food and Agriculture Spectrum P-ISSN:xxxx-xxxx Journal Review Article NPD 2021 Volume 02 Number 01 Jan-Feb Plant Based Butter and Novel Alternatives M D.1* DOI: NA 1* Dharani M, Student, Department of Dairy Chemistry, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Plant-based butter is one of the great alternatives to dairy butter and the most sustainable food. Replacement of dairy butter with plant source is also an environmentally friendly approach and helps to avoid several lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypercholestermia, obesity, and coronary heart diseases so on. Plant-based butter is mostly from oilseeds, nuts, and seeds also from fruit like avocado that contains higher fat level which contains certain antioxidants and bioactive compounds which acts as an antifungal, anticarcinogenic and cytotoxic activities. Recently, there are many finding and researches that works on the complete replacement of butter with the use of vegetable oils and emulsifiers. This review article presents some seed and fruit butter and novel oleogels which are used as dairy fat replacers with desirable rheological and textural properties. Keywords: plant based butter, pumpkin seed butter, sesame butter, sunflower seed butter, olive butters, avocado butter, watermelon butter, oleogel/ organogel. Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse Dharani M, Student, Department of Dairy Chemistry, Dharani M, Plant Based Butter and Novel College of Food and Dairy Technology, Tamilnadu Alternatives. FASJ. 2021;02(01):17-27. Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, Available From Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
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