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Libromarcbalinglese.Pdf All rights reserved. Printed by Grafiche Scarponi s.r.l. Via Pergolesi, 15 - 60027 Osimo (AN) July 2008 The Marchigiana: a breed to be exported REGIONE Marche Region Sviluppo Marche SpA MARCHE PF Pesca e Zootecnia Società Unipersonale Lead Partner of Marcbal Project Territory and Rural Development Area Via Tiziano, 44 Via Martiri della Resistenza, 24 60125 Ancona 60125 Ancona tel +39 0718063738 tel +39 071 289941 fax +39 0718063055 fax +39 071 28994235 [email protected] [email protected] Polytechnic University of Marche University of Udine Faculty of Agriculture Department Faculty of Veterinary Science of Environmental and Crop Science Department of Animal Sciences Euromediterranea University of Sarajevo Social Promotion Association Faculty of Agriculture Bosnia and Herzegovina Abruzzo Region Agriculture, Forest and Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Hunting and Fishing Department Food and Consumer Protection Tirana, Albania University of Teramo University of Agriculture Department of Food Sciences Tirana, Albania The initiative has been realized with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund in the frame- work af Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme Interreg IIIA Adriatic Crossborder Preface Marchigiana cattle breed has been for many decades “engine” of the rural economy and income source for many families, communities and businesses that have used the working performances of this strong and mild cow. In this direction, Marchigiana cattle breed recalls rural traditions, the laboriousness of Marche’s people, sharecropping and conditions that have brought to development of Marche’s society during the last century. If it is true that the identity of a community, of a region, passes through common historical-cultur- al denominators, for Marche’s people one of these – and within the most evident – is surely repre- sented by Marchigiana cattle breed. It is not by coincidence that this breed is called Marchigiana; it is a race that has been selected since the end of the 19th century by breeders of our region to work on the clayey grounds and to sustain their families. To be a breeder of marchigiana “bulls” would give – then as today – social prestige; in visiting a farmhouse the first thing that would be shown, before entering the house, would be the stable. It was in the stable that during the winter people would gather to warm up and, while the cattle lying down would softly ruminate, play and tell stories. It is a frugal, mild, but more than anything else strong and resistant, with high maternal attitudes; the character of Marche’s man, solid, thoughtful and of few wise words, seems toughened by the relation held through centuries with this animal. Today the social and economic conditions are different; Marchigiana cattle race bred in the last years is the result of an efficient selection that has produced a race specialized to obtain a meat of optimal quality. In Marche Region there are more than 20.000 cows in selection, listed in the Herd Book; the breed- ers have substituted the stables for breeding in fixed stands with breeding structures in boxes and wild and semi-wild systems. To breed “Marchigiana” in wild or semi-wild state contributes to safe- keep and enhance our mountainous and hilly landscapes, helps to keep alive traditions linked to the countryside, with positive results also on rural tourism; it means, mainly, to bet on an entrepreneur- ial activity that produces income and occupation for many rural companies often family run. 5 To talk today about Marchigiana means to talk about a “Marche” model that is synonym of good food, good meat quality, environmental protection, hygiene and animal wellness, food safety, and in any case of wellbeing and people’s quality of life. The Marchigiana can therefore be considered a crowning achievement of Italian zootechny, a model to export, to favour sustainable development and of quality in marginal areas and, contemporarily, a true instrument of cooperation between the two Adriatic seashores. This work therefore summa- rizes the activities of Marcbal project but, at the same time, wants to be a kind of compendium, addressed to a wide audience, of technical-scientific knowledge useful to understand the character- istics of Marchigiana breed and the advantages connected to its breeding. A fair thank you is addressed to all the partners of the project that have believed in the potentials of the race and have permitted the foundation of new knowledge nets between the cross border Adriatic regions. The Vice President and Agriculture Councillor Paolo Petrini 6 Cross border cooperation in Eastern Adriatic Countries and MARCBAL project by SVIM To sustain the preparations for a future integration of the Western Balkans in the European struc- tures looking towards the final target of joining the Union is a priority theme for the EU. Currently, the integration process within European countries and the European Union’s widening needs an important institutional support by the cross border cooperation activities in order to favour the economic and social cohesion, as underlined by the rulings that discipline the European programme 2007 – 2013, and more than ever is also needed an integration of political nature. For this reason, many progresses have been made also with the support of cross border coopera- tion: the Eastern Adriatic Countries are constantly more aware about the complementarity of cross border cooperation with the process of European integration; the participation to community pro- grammes may, in fact, contribute considerably to the integration of the western Balkan countries in the EU, promoting the exchange of competences and best practices, involving the interested par- ties in common activities and incentivizing the development of cross border investments. 7 In order to obtain this, the reorganization of the external assistance proposed by the Commission for the period 2007 – 2013 foresees an easing of the of the total of thematic and geographic instru- ments used up till now: within these new instruments there is the pre-adhesion instrument IPA (Instrument for Pre – Accession Assistance) addressed to the candidate countries (Turkey and Croatia) and the potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) replacing the previous programmes addressed to these areas (Phare, Ispa, Cards and Sapard) and covering the sectors as institutional reinforcement, regional and cross border cooperation, rural and human resources development. The candidate countries will receive more assistance to allow them to reach the criteria of adhesion, to adopt and out carry the acquis communitautaire and to be prepared to manage structural funds, for cohesion and rural development. At the same time, on the basis of a widespread will to ensure participation to a wider initiative, largely intended as an instrument of cooperation and integration of the Balkan countries in the European Space, the Euro Adriatic Region has been established with the aim of strengthening a solid collaboration within regional and local entities and to contribute to solve or improve many matters that are related to the common resource “Adriatic sea”. The target of defining key and common sectors to the Adriatic area, and therefore to build themat- ic permanent working commissions, is also to promote sustainable development and social and economic cohesion, reinforcing stability and the peace process going on in the Balkan area. Region Marche, is an active partner since the beginning within the works of the Euroregion, has evaluated as strategic policy the promotion and out carrying the principles of the Adriatic Euroregion in its territory, identifying in the cross border cooperation action an important opportu- nity also for the start up of equal and sustainable processes. In this context, developing knowledge nets between the two Adriatic coastlines to modernize the primary productive structure and to innovate services and offered technologies represents an innovative challenge, specially facing the differences that today are present in the real and perceived quality of productions of the two areas and also bearing in mind the difficulties represented by the strong differences within the economic, administrative and legal systems of the Italian Adriatic Regions (IAR) and the Eastern Adriatic Countries (EAC). The promotion of sustainable development in rural areas, reinforcing the public and private assistance and service structures addressed to the primary sector represent the basis on which Marcbal project is founded promoted by the Dept. Unit Zootechny and Fishery of Marche Region in the context of the New Adriatic Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS/PHARE. The creation of collaboration net within different stakeholders interested in the development of the territory have permitted to consider and outline a common field of collaboration, by developing at a regional level the adequate technical assistance and organizing activities that have promoted cross border collaboration. The project, through the involvement of private and public bodies, has stimulated the spreading of 9 new techniques of company management, new products, production technologies and new cultiva- tion methods in enterprises active in agriculture, through the development of quality systems in the bovine meat sector. Through know how transfer between
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