John A. Henderson CONTACT Department of Political Science E-mail:
[email protected] INFORMATION Yale University Web: 77 Prospect St., ISPS New Haven, CT 06520 ACADEMIC Yale University POSITIONS Assistant Professor of Political Science (2013 – Present) FASTAP ‘07 (2013 – 2018); FASTAP ‘16 (2018 – Present) Resident Fellow, Institution for Social and Policy Studies; Center for the Study of American Politics Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, MIT (Spring 2016) EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley Ph.D., Political Science, December 2013 M.A., Political Science, 2007 University of Oxford M.Phil., Comparative Politics, 2005 Emory University B.A., Political Science, 2003 RESEARCH Book Manuscript Downs’ Revenge: How Polarized Candidates Inform Voters and Win Elections, In Preparation. Publications “What Goes with Red and Blue? Mapping Partisan and Ideological Associations in the Minds of Voters” (with Stephen Goggin and Alexander G. Theodoridis), Forthcoming, Political Behavior. “Seeing Spots: Partisanship, Negativity and the Conditional Receipt of Campaign Advertise- ments” (with Alexander G. Theodoridis), Political Behavior. 40:4, December 2018. “Gerrymandering Incumbency: Does Non-Partisan Redistricting Increase Electoral Competi- tion?” (with Brian Hamel and Aaron Goldzimer), Journal of Politics 80:3, July 2018. “Hookworm Eradication as a Natural Experiment for Schooling and Voting in the American South,” Political Behavior 40:2, June 2018. “Cause or Effect? Turnout in Hispanic Majority-Minority Districts” (with Jasjeet Sekhon and Roc´ıo Titiunik), Political Analysis 24:3, Summer 2016. “Mediating the Electoral Connection: The Information Effects of Voter Signals on Legislative Behavior” (with John Brooks), Journal of Politics 78:3, July 2016. “Who Matches? Propensity Scores and Bias in the Causal Effects of Education on Participation” (with Sara Chatfeld), Journal of Politics 73:3, July 2011.