S1872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 8, 2006 Pennsylvania as well as my colleague reassembled when called to order by the Congressional Record the following no- from Illinois, and my home State col- the Presiding Officer (Mr. SUNUNU). tice: league, Senator LIEBERMAN, and Sen- f ‘‘I, Senator ll, do not object to pro- ator MCCAIN, who have joined as co- ceeding to ll, dated ll.’’. sponsors. I think we have made a good LEGISLATIVE TRANSPARENCY case for it, the bright line to get rid of AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, if you the tripwires. That is a word you will 2006—Continued walked down the Main Streets of this hear me use quite frequently during The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- country and asked people what a hold the course of this discussion. We need ator from Mississippi. was in the U.S. Senate, I think it is clear, bright lines. We are not trying to Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I believe fair to say nobody would have any idea complicate or make life difficult for the Senate did clear the Dodd- what it is you were talking about. In people, but we are trying to make sure Santorum amendment, so the pending fact, they might hear the world ‘‘hold,’’ we have some very clear under- issue is the Wyden-Grassley-Inhofe and they would think it was part of the standings as to what is permissible or amendment. wrestling championships that are going not permissible in the conduct of our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The on across this country right now. But official business. So I thank my col- amendment has not been submitted so the reason I am on the floor of the Sen- leagues for their support. it is not currently the pending ques- ate today with my distinguished col- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- tion. league, Senator GRASSLEY, and Senator imous consent that before we move to Mr. WYDEN addressed the Chair. INHOFE, is that the hold in the Senate, the amendment at hand, Senator FEIN- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- which is the ability to object to a bill GOLD have his amendment in order fol- ator from Mississippi has the floor. or nomination coming before the Sen- lowing the Santorum-McCain amend- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I believe, ate, is an extraordinary power that a ment, and we will put it in the queue then, we would be ready to go with this United States Senator has, and a power at that point. If it turns out not to be, amendment. that can be exercised in secret. we will work with the Senator at a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- At the end of a congressional session, later time. ator from Oregon is recognized. legislation involving vast sums of Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, re- AMENDMENT NO. 2944 money or the very freedoms on which serving the right to object, and I will not object, let me say I appreciate the Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I propose our country relies can die just because work of the Senators on this. Clearly the Wyden-Grassley-Inhofe amend- of a secret hold in the Senate. At any ment, No. 2944, which is at the desk and point in the legislative process, an ob- what Senator DODD did is an improve- ment. I, however, believe we need to do ask for its immediate consideration. jection can delay or derail an issue to more. I don’t see this as a question of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the point where it can’t be effectively tripwires. What I see this as is a ques- clerk will report. considered. tion of whether certain often well-to-do The legislative clerk read as follows: What is particularly unjust about all individuals who work for companies, The Senator from Oregon [Mr. WYDEN], for of this is that it prevents a Senator who are not themselves registered lob- himself and Mr. GRASSLEY, proposes an from being held accountable. I think amendment numbered 2944. byists, be able to take Members of Con- Members would be incredulous to learn gress out to lunch without the Member Mr. WYDEN. I ask unanimous con- this afternoon that the Intelligence re- paying his own way for dinner, and I sent the reading of the amendment be authorization bill, a piece of legisla- want to offer an amendment on that. dispensed with. tion which is vital to our national se- But I want to acknowledge that Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without curity, has now been held up for ator DODD has achieved a significant objection, it is so ordered. months as a result of a secret hold. step in the right direction. The amendment is as follows: I will offer my approach to this a bit (Purpose: To establish as a standing order of I am going to talk a little bit about later. the Senate a requirement that a Senator the consequences of holding up an In- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, if I could publicly disclose a notice of intent to ob- telligence authorization bill in a mo- modify my request, since I understand ject to proceeding to any measure or mat- ment. But I want to first be clear on we had not gotten an agreement for- ter) what the Wyden-Grassley-Inhofe mally locked in. But after we dispose of At the end of title I, add the following: amendment would do. It would force the Dodd-Santorum amendment and SEC. ll. REQUIREMENT OF NOTICE OF INTENT the Senate to do its business in public, the Wyden-Grassley amendment, the TO PROCEED. and it would bring the secret holds out (a) IN GENERAL.—The majority and minor- next amendment to be in order is the of the shadows of the Senate and into ity leaders of the Senate or their designees the sunshine. Our bipartisan amend- Santorum-McCain amendment, to be shall recognize a notice of intent of a Sen- followed by the Feingold amendment. ator who is a member of their caucus to ob- ment would make a permanent change The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ject to proceeding to a measure or matter to the procedures of the Senate to re- objection, it is so ordered. only if the Senator— quire openness and accountability. We AMENDMENT NO. 2942, AS MODIFIED (1) submits the notice of intent in writing want to emphasize that we are not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to the appropriate leader or their designee; going to bar Senators from exercising question is on agreeing to the Dodd and their power to put a hold on a bill or amendment No. 2942, as modified. (2) within 3 session days after the submis- nomination. All we are saying is, a The amendment (No. 2942), as modi- sion under paragraph (1), submits for inclu- Senator who wants that right should sion in the Congressional Record and in the fied, was agreed to. applicable calendar section described in sub- also have a responsibility to the people Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I move to section (b) the following notice: he or she represents and to the country reconsider the vote. ‘‘I, Senator ll, intend to object to pro- at large. Mr. LOTT. I move to lay that motion ceeding to ll, dated ll.’’. Now, to the hold on the Intelligence on the table. (b) CALENDAR.—The Secretary of the Sen- The motion to lay on the table was ate shall establish for both the Senate Cal- bill that has been in place for more agreed to. endar of Business and the Senate Executive than 3 months, I think every Member of the Senate would agree that author- f Calendar a separate section entitled ‘‘No- tices of Intent to Object to Proceeding’’. izing the intelligence programs of this RECESS Each section shall include the name of each country is a critical priority for Amer- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- Senator filing a notice under subsection ica. Striking the balance between imous consent that the Senate stand in (a)(2), the measure or matter covered by the fighting terrorism ferociously and pro- calendar that the Senator objects to, and the tecting our civil liberties is one of the recess until 2:15 p.m. today so that the date the objection was filed. parties can have their respective con- (c) REMOVAL.—A Senator may have an most important functions of this Sen- ference meetings. item with respect to the Senator removed ate. The bill that is now being held up There being no objection, the Senate, from a calendar to which it was added under as a result of a secret hold, the Intel- at 1:12 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. and subsection (b) by submitting for inclusion in ligence reauthorization bill, has been VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 09, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G08MR6.025 S08MRPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with SENATE March 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1873 reviewed by a number of Senate com- Senator LOTT knows firsthand about that we do in American society. But mittees. It was reported by the Intel- this issue because he has personally somehow you can’t think that you can ligence Committee late last Sep- spent many hours with me as he has do it in a civil way when you ought to tember, by the Armed Services Com- wrestled with it, and in fact tried to be able to do it in a civil way. In the mittee last October, and by the Home- set in place some voluntary procedures U.S.
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