District Census Handbook, Bidar
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 MYSORE STATE DIsrrRIc'r Cli~NSUS HANDBOOK BIDAR DIS'fRICT K. BALASUBRAMANY A:'I1 OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIOE SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, -l1YSORE 'PRINTED -t\ND PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PRINTING, STATiONERY AND PUBLICATfONS A. T THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS, BANGA!,ORE 1967 oCOo , " ,_. , . ,. .,. ...~ ! .J ...... ~ . .. :_, ... _.~ . ._;:.. "" PREFAOE Census in India has all along been a scientific and systemutic survey. Grad"Wtlly through_ the decades it has· also aimed at providing besides a statistical accorl-nt- Df the p&pgla.ti04· surveyed, a picture of the Socio-Economic 'condition of the people. \Vj.;th~ this end in ·vie'Y, the Census authorities in India have ll,lways interested themselves, side by sid-e 'Yith the .counting of the people, at making several special studies relating to the life of ~he people. One of these special feature$ of the Census of Imlia at present is the preparation and publi cation of the District Oensus Handhooks. These were first published in the 1951 Census. Upto 1951, after each Census, only the list of villages along with population was published. But for the first time in 1951, general population tables, literacy tables and social and economic tables were published in the District. Census Handbooks. When preliminary work on the 1961 Census started in 1959, the question of enlarging the coverage of subjects included in the District Handbooks was also examined. A broadsheet indicating the items on which information had to be gathered from the various Departments was circulated by the Registrar General, India, and a.t the First Conference of Superintendents of Census Operations held at Delhi towards the end of 1959 the delegates agreed that it was quite within the bounds of possibility to gather information on all the topics suggested by the Registrar General.
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