January 1995

The Annual Cycle of Precipitation over the : Daily, Monthly and Seasonal Statistics

Dennis J. Shea Climate Analysis Section, NCAR

N. A. Sontakke Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, ,




Preface ....

Acknowledgments ...... v 1. Introduction ...... 15V Physiography .. ·...... 35 . . . .· . . ·...... 3 Seasons .... Surface Winds and Pressure ...... *.*.. . . 5 Temperature ...... 7 Precipitation ...... 2. Data ...... 15 3. Methodology ...... 17 Unconditional and Conditional Probabilities ...... 18 Objective Analysis Procedure ...... 19 4. Daily Annual Cycle ...... 21 Detailed description for one station ...... 21 Annual Cycle at Selected Indian Stations ...... 26 Annual Cycle at Selected Stations from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet . 33 5. Seasonal Precipitation Statistics ...... 35 6. Summary ...... 37 References ...... 39 Appendix A: "Day-of-Year" to "Calander Day" table ...... 43 Appendix B: Listing of Stations ...... 45 Appendix C: Daily Annual Cycles at Selected Indian Stations .... . 55 Appendix D: Daily Annual Cycles at Selected Stations from 125 Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet Appendix E: Seasonal Statistics over the Subcontinent ...... 156

iii I Preface

This technical note documents the annual cycle of precipitation over the Indian subcontinent. Particular attention is focused upon India, the largest country within the region. Gaussian (i.e., means and standard deviations) and robust (i.e., medians and sextiles) statistics are used to describe the climatology and variability (both temporal and spatial) of precipitation on a daily, monthly and seasonal basis. These statistics should be useful to meteorologists, hydrologists, atmospheric modelers, the agricultural community and policy makers.


N. A. Sontakke (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology) was supported under the World Me- teorological Organization Fellowship Program and was visiting Dr. Roland Madden for the pe- riod September through December 1993. The data were obtained from the India Meteorological Department and the Climate Analysis Center, Washington D.C. The data were archived and sup- plied by NCAR's Data Support Section. Drs. P. Das (Texas A&M), S. Gadgil (Indian Institute of Science), G.B. Pant (IITM) and S.V. Singh (IITM) graciously reviewed the manuscript. NCAR's Graphics Group produced several of the figures. Finally, Ronna Terrell-Baily typed much of the manuscript and provided considerable technical support.


The climate of the Indian subcontinent" is dominated by the south Asiatic (Fig. 1) which are important components of the global circulation of the atmosphere [see, for exam- ple, Ramage (1971), Rao (1976, 1981), Das (1986), Chang and Krishnamurti (1987), Fein and Stephens (1987) and references therein]. The northeast (NE) affects the subcontinent during winter, however, the influence of the NE monsoon is weak and limited in spatial extent. The southwest (SW) monsoon affects the subcontinent during summer, June to September. It brings humid air masses and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone reaches its maximum pole- ward displacement over the subcontinent. Rainfall associated with the SW monsoon accounts for 70 to 90% of the annual total over much of the subcontinent. However, this seasonal rainfall exhibits large temporal and spatial variability. As such, it has significant social and economic impacts. Agriculture, industry, hydroelectric power generation, irrigation and reservoir man- agement are directly affected.

During pre-monsoon and winter months, rainfall mainly occurs over the southern portions of peninsular India and northern/northwestern India. The principal rainy season over southeast- ern India and part of Sri Lanka is due to the NE monsoon advancing across the Bay of Bengal from October to December.

Rainfall over India has been the subject of scientific investigations for well over a century (e.g., Blanford 1884, 1886). The India Meteorological Department has published reports and atlases (1906, 1943, 1962, 1971a, 1971b, 1981) on climatology and rainfall characteristics on different time scales over India and its vicinity. Rao (1981) described the general characteristics of the climate of the Indian subcontinent in World Survey of Climatology. More recently, Sontakke (1993a) and Sontakke et al. (1993b) have constructed SW and NE monsoon rainfall series from 1844 and 1871 onwards, respectively.

Most previous climatological studies of precipitation over the subcontinent have focused upon monthly or seasonal precipitation. In this note, the monthly and seasonal aspects of the annual cycle are briefly discussed. However, the emphasis is upon documenting the daily climatological annual cycle of precipitation using selected stations from various parts of the subcontinent.

Particular attention is focused on India, the largest country within the region. Daily rainfall data from approximately 1600 spatially well distributed Indian stations generally spanning 60

1The Indian subcontinent is defined as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. 1 July


Figure 1. Schematic of the mean surface pressure and wind patterns of the south Asiatic mon- soon in July and January. [Rumney (1968); reprinted with permission.]

or more years are used. The daily rainfall climatologies from several other countries within the subcontinent are derived using data from about 60 stations. A maximum of 14 years of daily data is available from these non-Indian stations.

2 The results include:

* Robust and gaussian statistics on daily, monthly and seasonal bases.

* Plots from selected stations over the subcontinent which display (a) the unconditional prob- ability of precipitation on any day of the year and tabulated weekly information, (b) estimates of median and sextile precipitation amounts for each day of the year using wet days only (see Section 3) and tabulated monthly robust and gaussian statistics, and (c) histograms indicating the distribution of daily precipitation amounts.

Before proceeding to the details of the methodology and the results, a brief overview of the physiography and surface climatology of the subcontinent will be provided. The purpose is to provide the reader with a framework for interpreting the statistics.


One reason the SW monsoon has such a marked affect on the subcontinent is due to the phys- iography of the subcontinent (see Figs. 2 and 3). Peninsular India is bordered on the west, east and south by water (the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean, respectively). The northern limit is defined by high including the . These features isolate the subcontinent from the rest of Asia and exert a profound influence on the climate of the region.

The are parallel to the west coast of India, extending from 10°N to 22°N. Gen- erally, this range is within 100 km of the coast. Several peaks exceed 2000 m in the southern portions of this range (e.g. Anai Mudi [2695 m] and Nilgiri Hills [2636 m]). The Eastern Ghats are further inland (200 km) from the Bay of Bengal than the Western Ghats are from the Arabian Sea and are not as high. The highest peaks, located near 20°N, are a little over 1000 m while in the south, where the two mountain ranges merge, peaks as high as 1628 m occur in . Several other, smaller, mountain ranges (Aravali, Vindhya and Satpura) are present in west-central India. Between the Western and Eastern Ghats and south of about 22°N lies the . The Chota Plateau is between 80°E and Bangladesh and is centered at the Tropic of Cancer. North of the Chota Nagpur Plateau and south of Nepal and the Himalayas is the Ganges . The Great Indian Desert (sometimes called the Thar Desert) is in the northwestern part of India and borders Pakistan.





70 80 90 Figure 2. The physiography of the Indian subcontinent. (Area averaged elevations are in meters. Data source: RAND l°topography.)

SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT r,.---j ,, --- H1 I, I I I L ,-^· ts@ !iKunlunshanmai r ..I: ," .. [' >- be CHINA

c:_ ~ ' /-, Plateau 30 X C- . / . .. Indian 62 "/ Y)- A i Desert , ' A-- Naga- l P a in '\..1 '". ' rY SnlS S -Hill ' ] -- /, Nagpur ( , ateau - -jI


Bay of Bengal


I I[1, --IiI I I I t I t 70 80 90 Figure 3. Schematic of the Indian subcontinent.

4 Seasons

The climate over India is broadly divided into four seasons. The seasons and other names which are often used when describing them are: January-February (JF; winter), March-April-May (MAM; spring; "hot-weather" season), June through September (JJAS; summer; SW monsoon) and October through December (OND; autumn; northeast monsoon; post-monsoon season). Because the subcontinent is large, this seasonal segmentation is not "perfect". However, these unconventional seasonal designations best segment the large-scale annual variations of the ma- jor components of the subcontinent's climate: surface wind/surface pressure, temperature and precipitation.

Surface Wind and Pressure Patterns

Over the subcontinent, a large-scale reversal of the wind direction occurs twice per year (Fig. 1). The two prevailing wind directions are southwesterly from mid-May through September and northeasterly from November through mid-March. The winds result from the annual movement of large-scale pressure patterns. The transition seasons (MAM and OND) are characterized by lighter wind speeds and more complicated flow patterns. The changes from the dominant monsoon circulations to the transitional seasons are often rapid.

In January, a deep anticyclone or high pressure area is well established over Siberia and the equatorial trough and the associated trade-winds have retreated equatorward (Fig. 4a). The Himalayas act as a barrier and prevent the very cold polar air from affecting the subcontinent. The overall north-to-south pressure gradient (6-8 mb; see Fig. 4a) and the earth's rotation cause persistent northeast winds equatorward of about 22°N. This is referred to as the northeast [NE] monsoon. The NE monsoon wind speeds over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal range from 2 to 5 m/sec. Over peninsular India, the winds are lighter (1-2 m/s) and the wind direction is more variable, although the winds are generally from the east or northeast. The exception to this are light winds from the northwest which occur over northwest India and Pakistan.

April is characterized by small, weak anticyclones over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal while over India a weak trough of low pressure has developed [Fig. 4b]. Winds are generally light and are from the west or northwest over the eastern Arabian Sea and from the south or southwest over the western Bay of Bengal. Over land the winds are light and variable.

By July, the controlling systems of the SW monsoon, a large "heat-low" located over southern

5 40N




Un~ 40N


20 I



I 60E 70 80 90 100 60E 70 80 90 100

Figure 4.Mean surface pressure (mb) and wind patterns during January, April, July and October. [Rao (1981); reprinted with permission.]

Pakistan and the equatorial trough/trades have been established (Fig. 4c). The equatorial trough, which is commonly called the monsoon trough, is located at about 20-30°N and has a northwest-southeast orientation over India. The climatological locations of these systems are associated with the topography of the subcontinent, in particular, the Himalayas. Variations in the location of the trough have significant effects upon rainfall associated with the SW mon-

6 soon. The overall south-to-north pressure gradient (about 15 mb) is much stronger than during winter. As a result the SW monsoon wind speeds over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are considerably stronger (up to about 15 m/s) than those of the NE monsoon. Over peninsular In- dia the winds are much less (1-5 m/sec) than over the adjacent waters and are from the west or southwest. North of about 22°N the winds curve and become more southerly or southeasterly. Specifically, near the foothills of the Himalayas and over northeast India and Bangladesh the winds are from the south or southeast.

The winds in October over the eastern Arabian Sea and India are broadly similar to those of April (Fig. 4d). The winds are light and are generally northwesterly as a result of a weak high pressure ridge over the western Arabian Sea. Over India and Bangladesh the winds are light and even more variable than in April. The major difference is that a weak low pressure area has developed over the southwestern Bay of Bengal near 14°N, 82°E. This causes a generally southern flow over the Bay of Bengal except over portions of Tamil Nadu where the wind is east or northeasterly.


Figures 5a-h (adapted from May et al. 1992) illustrate the daily annual cycles of maximum, minimum and daily mean temperatures at seven stations over India and one station from Ti- bet. Generally, the coolest season is JF, while the warmest (or "hot weather") season is MAM. Maximum temperatures occur over in April over southwestern India and in May over most of India. The mean maximum temperatures over central India typically exceed 40°C with temper- atures over the Great Indian Desert occasionally exceeding 50°C (Rao, 1981). The rapid increase of temperature is modulated by the thunderstorms and onset of the SW monsoon which brings considerable cloudiness (which reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface) and rain to much of the subcontinent. Thus, during 'summer' the temperatures are often cooler than in 'spring'. The drops in maximum temperature in JJAS are particularly evident over the Indian interior. The rapid decrease in maximum temperatures at Bhopal (fig Se) is coincident with the arrival of the SW monsoon (9-14 June, days 160-165; see Table Al in Appendix A). Minimum temperatures are less affected by the SW monsoon. Thus, the mean daily temperature range is less during the SW monsoon than in other seasons. The OND season is characterized by a relatively uniform distribution of temperatures over areas where elevation differences are not large. It is only slightly cooler in the north than the south. Along the extreme southeast coast

7 Mangalore/Bajpe IN. (12.92, 74.88; 102 m) Bangalore IN. (12.97, 77.58; 920 m)

45 45

40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25 20 20

0) 15 15 10 10

0) 5 5 0 0 _ -5 -5 0o -10 -10 LU -15 -15 F- LU Machilipatnam IN. (16.18, 81.13; 2 m) Calcutta/Dum Dum IN. (22.65, 88.45; 5 m) LU 0_ 1979-1989 (6-10 Years) 50 45

45 40

40 35 zLL 35 30

UJ0 30 25

25 20 C 20 15

15 10 10 5

5 0 0 -5 -10

-10 -15 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 DAY OF YEAR DAY OF YEAR Figure 5. Averaged and smoothed daily maximum, minimum and mean temperatures. The header for each station includes the name; latitude and longitude (hundreths of degrees) and

8 Bhopal/Bairagarh IN. (23.28, 77.35; 523 m) Jaisalmer IN. (26.90, 70.92; 237 m)

50 50

45 45 40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20 Q)a) 15 15 10 10 Q 5 5

0 0 0 -5 LU -5 cr -10 -10

Srinagar IN. (34.08, 74.83; 1585 m) Pagri Tibet (27.73, 89.08; 4301 m) uJ 1979-1989 (5-7 Years) 1979-1989 (7-10 Years) 2 40 25 U-

LL 35 20 0 15 c) 30 z <1 25 10 Ul 20 5 15 0

0 10 -5

5 -10 0 -15

-5 -20 -10 -25

-15 -30

-20 -35 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 DAY OF YEAR DAY OF YEAR elevation (meters). The sub-header shows that the data spanned the period 1979-89 (11 years) and the minimum and maximum number of years used to calculate the raw means. (Adapted from May et al. 1992.)

9 the maximum/minimum temperatures are affected by the rain and clouds which occur in OND.

Although the temperature profiles for Srinagar and Pagri (Figs. 5g and 5h, respectively) level off in the summer, they show little effect from the SW monsoon. Pagri is high in the Himalaya while Srinagar is quite far north.


The quantitative aspects of precipitation over the subcontinent will be discussed in Sections 4 and 5. Presently, a brief qualitative overview will be presented.

Precipitation during JF occurs over the northwest portion of the subcontinent and over the extreme southeast. The precipitation in the northwest results from migrating westerly distur- bances (surface or upper air) and is important for winter farming. The rains in the southeast are due to the remnant NE monsoon. The west coast and the Deccan Plateau northwestward to the Great Indian Desert are very dry. Skies are generally clear in these areas with mean cloud cover of less than 20%.

During MAM, the hot-weather season, thunderstorm activity accounts for rainfall in the south- west peninsula and near Bangladesh while late-season westerly disturbances bring occasional rains to the northwestern areas, particularly in March; otherwise the skies are generally clear.

The SW monsoon is associated with significant rainfall over much of the subcontinent. The monsoon enters the subcontinent along two main branches emanating from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The onset of the monsoon (Fig. 6a) is normally on May 20 (day 140) over the Bay Islands. By June 1, (day 152) the monsoon affects the southernmost part of India with a standard deviation of about one week (Subbaramayya et al. 1984). The monsoon advances northward at an uneven pace, reaching northwestern India about mid-July. The SW monsoon recedes from the northwestern area around September 1 (day 244) and withdraws from most of the subcontinent by October (Fig. 6b). The onset dates and performance of the monsoon are not directly related (Dhar et al. 1980): an early onset year can be a deficient monsoon year, and vice versa.

During the SW monsoon, total rainfall over the subcontinent is abundant. However, the spatial

10 I Figure 6. (a) Normal dates of onset of the southwest monsoon. (b) Normal dates of withdrawal of the southwest monsoon (Rao, 1981). and temporal variability can be large within an individual season and from year to year. Gen- erally, July is the month of maximum rainfall. The important semi-permanent systems in the monsoon are: (i) a heat low over northwest India, (ii) a monsoon trough along the Ganges Plain, (iii) a tropical easterly jet between 100-200 mb at about 15°N extending from the west coast of Africa across Peninsular India to Vietnam, and (iv) a large anticyclone over the Tibetan with its greatest amplitude near 200 mb.

The synoptic systems associated with the SW monsoon are: (i) monsoon depressions, which are low pressure systems originating in the northern region of the Bay of Bengal and travel northwestwards (Fig. 7), (ii) monsoon lows, (iii) troughs in monsoon westerlies, (iv) mid-latitude westerlies, (v) troughs off the west coast of the peninsula, (vi) sub-tropical cyclones and (vii) upper level westerly waves. The tracks of cyclones and depressions are well defined in July and August but exhibit considerable variability in June and September (Fig. 8). The strength of the monsoon during the summer season depends on the frequency, the tracks and the strength of these synoptic systems. Orography also plays an important role. For example, along the west coast there is a copious amount of rainfall on the windward side of th Western Ghats due to the prevailing southwest winds.

11 ' 1 - 5 cm/day 5 - 10 cm/day More than 10 cm/day Figure 7. Movement of a typical monsoon depression up the Ganges Valley. An active phase of the SW monsoon has many similar disturbances. [From Webster (1981); (1981 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.]

The SW monsoon over India is not a continuous deluge, rather it is pulsatory. The monsoon is characterized by 'active' periods and 'non-active' periods which modulate the monsoon and, thus, the precipitation patterns and amounts. During the SW monsoon season, mainly in July and August, there are periods when the monsoon trough shifts to the foot of the Himalayas. These shifts are called monsoon 'breaks' (Fig. 9). During breaks, rainfall activity over most of the country decreases considerably but increases along the Himalayas and southeast peninsula'.

1 The rainfall increases along the Himalayas are readily understood. The reasons for the rainfall increase over the southeast peninsula are less obvious. Possibly, easterly waves penetrate fur- ther southward during breaks because the westerlies are weak. This leads to the formation of surface lows over the Bay of Bengal which produce rains over the southeast peninsula. 12 30




n ^ ------MU



I I I 70 80 90 70 80 90

Figure 8. Typical tracks of cyclonic storms during the SW monsoon (from Rao, 1976).

These breaks generally last about one week but may last as long as three weeks. They are found to be related to propagation of zones of maximum cloudiness from the equatorial trop- ics. Breaks, which occur at intervals of 40-50 days, may be associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO; Madden and Julian, 1972). This ubiquitous oscillation may influence not only the breaks but also the timing of the onset of the SW monsoon. Sikka and Gadgil (1980) have shown that the equatorial maximum cloud zone propagates northward to the Himalyan region with a period of 30-60 days. Intermittently, these zones stagnate and may play an important

13 30N



60E 70 80 90 100 Figure 9. Typical surface pressure pattern during a break in the SW monsoon. The dashed line indicates the trough axis during the break while the solid line indicates the normal position of the trough. The shaded area indicates the Himalayas. [From Das (1987); reprinted with permission of John Wiley and Sons.] role in establishing active and break periods. Webster (1987) provides an excellent summary of the interaction between the MJO and the monsoon.

Shukla (1987) lists four broad categories which affect both within season and/or interannual variability of the monsoon. These categories include synoptic scale disturbances (lows, depres- sions and storms), quasi-periodic oscillations (the Southern Oscillation, the MJO, a 10-20 day oscillation), the location of the monsoon trough and mid-latitude effects. In addition, there is the variability associated with the atmosphere's internal dynamics and changing boundary conditions including sea surface temperature, snow cover and soil moisture.

In OND, the primary areas of rainfall are the southeast peninsula, the east coast and north- east India. The principal rainy season over the southeast peninsula is due to the NE monsoon crossing the Bay of Bengal. Severe cyclonic storms form over the Bay of Bengal. These storms produce torrential rains over the east coast, northeast India and Bangladesh. Western distur- bances start passing over extreme northwest India during the latter portions of the season and, occasionally, produce large amounts of rainfall.

14 2. DATA

The daily rainfall data used in this study were from the India Meteorological Department (IMD- Pune) and from the Climate Analysis Center (CAC), Washington, D.C. These data are archived by the Data Support Section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The data from the IMD were in two datasets. These datasets are identified within NCAR as DS480.0 and DS480.1 (Shea et al. 1994). DS480.0 consists of daily data from over 4000 stations nominally spanning the period 1901-70. A subset of 1596 Indian stations was selected based upon length of record and the desire for representative spatial coverage. DS480.1 contains daily data from 511 Indian stations whose data records spanned 1975-84.

Data records in DS512.0 nominally span the period 1979-4/93. These data were received daily over the Global Telecommunications System and, in this study, were used to extend the data records of thirty-seven Indian stations through April 1993 and to provide coverage for surround- ing countries. A total of 1656 stations were used in this study (Fig. 10).



Figure 10. Locations of stations used in this study.

15 Appendix B lists the station names, locations and the period of record available for all stations used in this study. Generally, stations within India spanned more than 60-65 years of data. Thirty-seven stations spanned 1901-4/93 and 100+ stations spanned 1901-75/84 with the pe- riod 1971-74 missing. The data for surrounding countries, consisting of 60 stations, spanned, at most, 14 years. Results from these areas should be viewed as tentative. For this reason, the emphasis in this study will be on India.


Statistics presented in this note include: means, standard deviations, coefficients of variation, medians and the 1 and 5 sextiles which provide robust estimates of the lower and upper standard deviation. These quantities were calculated using the following formulae.

Mean: 1 N X(t) =- E x(t,n) (1) n- =1 Standard deviation:

Xa(t) E [x (t, n) X (t)2/ [N -1] (2) 7?=1 Coefficient of Variation (%):

X cu = (t[ X(t)] x 100 (3) where n = a particular year N = the total number of years t= mef for months: t = 1, 2, ... , 12 time - for day of year: t = 1, 2, ... , 365 x (t, n) = precipitation for a particular day/month in year n.

The robust quantities were calculated by sorting the data, x(t, n), into ascending order and applying the following formulae:

Medians: 21)) for N odd X (t) = , (4) 1) + (t, N + 1)] /2 forN even Sextiles(which represent robut estir Sextiles (which represent robust estirnates of ±t one standard deviation):


X (t)= (t, 5) (6) ¢G 6) where z (t, n) = precipitation after sorting into ascending order

The smooth daily curves of the annual cycle, which will be discussed in the next section, were 17 computed by using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to perform a harmonic analysis on the 365 daily estimates. This yielded 182 real and imaginary Fourier coefficients. Five coefficients were retained and all others were set to zero and an inverse FFT was used to construct the smooth curve. The smooth curves annual cycle could be constructed via 527rk Z (t) ZO + E Zk 365 (t- - t =1,2,...,365 (7) k=l 3 6 5 where k = Fourier component Zo = series mean Zk = k - th Fourier amplitude

0k = phase (days) t = day of year

The decision to retain only the first five Fourier amplitudes was arbitrary. Generally, the first five harmonics yielded reasonably 'nice' curves explained most of the variance.

Unconditional and Conditional Probabilities

Precipitation is not a continuous process. It may be considered a bivariate sequence of events (i.e., "either it does or does not rain"). Following the terminology of Katz (1983) we represent the occurrence (or nonoccurrence) of precipitation on calendar day t and year n as (1 if x (t, n) > 2.5 mm of precipitation J (t, n) { (8) 0 if otherwise

A wet day is one for which J (t, n) = 1. A dry day is one for which J (t, n) = 0. The total num- ber of wet days that occur over the N-year record may be used to calculate the unconditional probability (P) of a wet day occurring on a particular calendar day via 1 N P(t) = J(t,n) t = 1, 2,....,365 (9) N n=l The conditional probabilities which represent the occurrence of a dry day followed by a wet day (Poi) and the occurrence of a wet day followed by a wet day (P1) are defined as follows: 1 if J (t + 1, n) = 1 and J (t, n) = 0 Po1 (t, n) = (10) 0 if otherwise 18 and 1 if J (t + 1, ?) = 1 and J (t, n) = 1 P11 (t,n) = (11) 0 if otherwise Equations (10) and (11) may then be used to determine the long-term mean conditional prob- abilities of a dry day being followed by a wet day and a wet day being followed by a wet day via 1_ N Po (t) = poi (t, n) t = 1,2,.. .,365 (12) 7X=1 and 1 N P1l(t)-= pll(t,n) t =1,2,... ,365 (13) n=1

Objective Analysis Procedure

The objective analysis procedure used to interpolate the irregularly spaced station data to a latitude-longitude grid is of the iterative-corrective type. The procedure was initially developed by Cressman (1959) and later modified by Sasaki (1960) and Barnes (1964, 1973). An excellent overview is provided by Levitus (1982).

The data were interpolated to a 1.25° latitude-longitude grid. The grid spanned 7.5°to 36.25°N and 67.5 0to 96.25°E. The input data consist of the statistics at each location. Specifically, the difference between each calculated statistics and an initial 'guess' field' (interpolated to the location of the statistic) is computed within a specified influence radius (R) of a desired grid point (i, j). Next a correction to the guess value is calculated using a distance-weighted mean of all the differences that lie within the influence radius. The correction factor (Ciij), after Levitus (1982), is given by the expression

E W.Q. (15) Ci- =1 w. _ r R

1 The initial guess field for all quantities was zero everywhere. 19 where S = the number of data that fall within the influence radius Qs = the difference between each datum and the initial guess W f (exp(-4r/R2), r < R s- o0, r>R r = distance of each datum from a grid point (i, ).

The correction factors are smoothed using a simple nine point spatial smoother (Shea et al. 1990). They are added to the initial guess field to produce a new guess field. Ideally, this procedure should be repeated until a specified response function is achieved. However, since the data are not evenly distributed in space it becomes necessary to specify the number of iterations and the influence radii. The maps presented in this technical note were derived using four iterations with influence radii equivalent to 10, 7, 4, and 2 degrees of latitude. The rationale is to analyze successively smaller scales with each iteration.

The algorithm works best when the grid points are surrounded by data. It is not designed to extrapolate beyond the data boundaries. Thus, at and beyond the boundaries of the data, the objective analysis scheme may produce results that are non-representative.

20 4. Daily Annual Cycle

Stations representing each of India's 35 meteorological subdivisions (MSDs; Fig. 11) and other countries over the Indian subcontinent have been selected for presentation. Robust statistics,

6 describe the climatological daily annual medians, the 16 and 6 sextiles and means are used to cycle and its variability. Robust statistics are preferable to gaussian statistics for daily analysis because: (i) the median is the central value irrespective of the form of statistical distribution; (ii) its departure from the mean indicates the degree of skewness; (iii) it is unaffected by extreme values; and (iv) the - sextile, median and 6 sextile are sufficient to describe the mathematical distributions under consideration. The plots for one particular station are described in detail. This will help to understand and interpret the plots for other stations. These plots show the details of the precipitation cycle at the individual stations. In addition, they illustrate some general characteristics of precipitation over the MSD to which they belong. However, the effects of terrain within some MSDs are significant.

Each figure (see Fig. 12) consists of three graphs and a header. The header provides information about the station (name1, location and elevation) and the time period used. The three plots depict:

(i) The unconditional probability of precipitation (UPP) on any day of the year (top plot) .

(ii) Statistics derived by using wet days only (middle plot).

(iii) Histograms indicating the distribution of daily precipitation amounts (bottom plot).

Detailed description for one station

Chandrapur is in eastern and is within the Deccan Plateau. The plot header for indicates that 78 years of daily precipitation data spanning the period 1901-1983 were used. Five years, 1971-74 and one other year, of daily data were missing. The next header indicates, from left to right: the station name, state, the latitude and longitude in hundredths of degrees, the elevation in meters, and the MSD to which the station belongs. Chandrapur

1The names given on the plots are those contained on the computer tapes. In some cases, the names are outdated, (e.g., Poona versus Pune) or contain non-alphabetic characters. No at- tempt is made to change the names in this text.

21 36° N







8° N 72° E 76° 80° 84° 88° 92°E

Figure 11. Meteorological subdivisions of India. (From Mooley et al. , 1982): 1 Bay Islands 19 West Madhya Pradesh 2 Arunachal Pradesh 20 East Madhya Pradesh 3 North 21 4 South Assam 22 Saurashtra & Kutch 5 Sub-Himalayan West Bengal 23 6 Gangetic West Bengal 24 Madya Maharashtra 7 Orissa 25 8 Plateau 26 9 Bihar 27 Coastal Andhra Pradesh 10 East Uttar Pradesh 28 Telangana 11 West Uttar Pradesh Plains 29 Rayalaseema 12 West Uttar Pradesh Hills 30 Tamil Nadu 13 Haryana 31 Coastal 14 Punjab 32 North Karnataka 15 Himachal Pradesh 33 South Karnataka 16 Jammu and Kashmir 34 17 West Rajasthan 35 Lakshadweep 18 East Rajasthan

22 belongs to MSD 26 known as Vidarbha.

The top graph presents the UPP in percent for each day of the year. For example, the 200th day (19 July from Table Al) of each year over the 78 year record was checked for the occurrence or non-occurrence of precipitation. If 2.5 mm or more precipitation was reported, it was considered a wet day; otherwise it was a dry day. The irregular curve represents the UPP calculated using eq (9) for each day of the year. The smooth curve which overlays the irregular curve represents the smoothed daily UPP. The smoothed curve was derived by Fourier-analyzing the irregular curve and arbitrarilyusing only the first five harmonics plus the annual mean to create the curve (eq. 7). The amplitudes (%) and phases (day of year) used to produce the smooth curve are shown in the box located within the plot area. The phase displayed is the day of the first maximum for each harmonic. The box on the right presents a weekly breakdown of precipitation. For example, week 29, which starts on day 197 (16 July), has a mean UPP of 57%. The average rainfall total for that week is 87.6 mm. Finally, the abscissa is day of the year. Table Al allows one to convert the day number to a calendar date (leap year excluded).

The irregular curve in the middle graph shows the median wet-day precipitation (mm) for each day of the year determined via eq. (4). The smooth curve drawn in the middle represents the smoothed median. (Essentially this curve answers the question: "How much rain falls on a typical rainy day?".) The top and bottom solid curves represent the smoothed 6 and - sextiles, respectively. The irregular sextile curves are not shown to reduce clutter. These represent robust estimates of the upper and lower standard deviation of daily rainfall amounts. The dashed line represents the arithmetic means for wet days. Generally, the mean is greater than the median due to the skewness of the distribution of daily precipitation. The top box on the right of this graph indicates the mean monthly precipitation (mm) over the 78 years available and the standard deviation or interannual variability (eq. 2) of each month's total precipitation (mm). The lower box shows the median monthly rainfall and the 1 and - sextiles. During dry periods of the year the distribution of monthly precipitation is skewed. However, in months where the precipitation amounts are large the distribution is essentially normal.

The bottom graphic is composed of two histograms. The plot on the lower left shows the dis- tribution of daily rainfall amounts in 10mm classes or intervals up to 200mm. The last class (indicated by the *) is for all daily precipitation totals greater than 200mm. The left side scale represents the number or frequency of daily totals in each class over the 78 year record. The

23 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 78 (1901-19831 CHANDRAPUR MAHARASHTRA 1997 7930 194 MSD=26 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1.6 101a ...... 2 8 3 2.8 3 15 2 1.6 4 22 2 1,1 5 29 4 5.4 6 36 4 4,3 90 7 43 4 4.5 8 50 6 5.1 9 57 5 5.3 10 64 2 1.5 11 71 5 3.1 80 12 78 5 4.5 13 85 5 5.4 14 92 7 7.3 15 99 5 4.3 16 106 5 5.0 - 70 17 113 4 2.6 u 18 120 5 4,1 19 127 5 3.9 20 134 3 2.0 60 21 141 3 2.6 22 148 8 5,9 23 155 17 16.1 .J 24 162 28 36.0 25 169 41 58.4 mc 26 176 49 80.6 m 50 a 27 183 53 76.7 28 190 52 84.6 Q1 29 197 57 87.6 30 204 60 101.8 J z 40 31 211 58 100.7 32 218 48 68.2 33 225 45 70.6 34 232 48 75.2 z 35 239 44 69.7 o 30 36 246 41 63.7 z 2 37 253 37 53.8 38 260 30 46.6 39 267 26 39.4 40 274 18 23.7 20 41 281 10 11.4 42 288 7 9.6 43 295 5 4.0 44 302 6 7.4 45 309 3 3.4 10 46 316 2 1.9 47 323 3 2.6 48 330 2 2.3 49 337 1 1.3 50 344 2 1.1 51 351 1 0.8 52 358 2 1.4



L' a 5i 6 m xw -i 0


Io PRECImAnTON[omm CLASSES) LOGPCCIPITATION [0.5 CLASSS] Figure 11. Annual cycle of precipitation at Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India. See text.

24 right side scale indicates the percent within each class. The plot on the lower right shows the distribution of logarithmically transformed daily precipitation totals. The right and left hand scales again represent the frequencies and the percent in each class. The purpose of this plot was to investigate if the log transformed amounts were approximately normally distributed.

Some comments concerning the middle graph are in order. (i) In the dry portions of the year there may be very few rainy days. Strictly, to use sextiles requires a minimum of six rainy days otherwise the sextiles are not defined. The following conservative approach was used to deal with this problem. If there were four or five observations then the lower and upper quartiles were substituted for the sextiles. If there were three or fewer observations the sextiles were set to the daily median. (ii) The medians and the sextiles are smoothed independently. Thus, because the sextiles (especially the 6 sextile) have more day-to-day variability associated with them and because the curves were reconstructed using only five harmonics, it is possible for the smoothed sextiles to be greater than or less than the median. To prevent this from happening, the plot algorithm set the smoothed sextiles to the smoothed median whenever this occurred. This only happens in the very dry portions of the year . (iii) In very dry portions of the year, the smoothed curves may not have much practical meaning. This is because the rainfall events are almost random. It is suggested that the top graph representing the unconditional probability of precipitation and the middle graph be used in conjunction with each other to better interpret the statistics.

The influence of the SW monsoon is clearly seen in the UPP curves for Chandrapur. The UPP is less than 10% until about days 150-155 (30 May to 4 June) when a dramatic increase in the UPP begins. The normal onset date for the monsoon (Fig. 6) is about day 161 (10 June) which corresponds to a UPP of 20-25% on the graph. The maximum UPP, about 60%, occurs around day 200 (19 July) with a corresponding median daily rainfall of 15mm. The arithmetic average rainfall on this day is about 23mm. The difference is due to the fact that the distribution of daily rainfall is highly skewed during this season. The lower and upper sextiles are about 5mm and 38mm, respectively. The median, sextiles and daily average rainfall amounts do not change significantly over the course of the SW monsoon season but the UPP shows a steady decline after about day 200. In addition, there is a curious relative minimum in the unsmoothed UPP around days 220-230 (8-18 August). Ananthakrishnan and Pathan (1991) analyzed pentad rainfall over India and have observed a rainfall minimum separated by two maxima around mid-August. They have concluded that this minimum, which they call a "climatological singularity", is linked

25 with the extreme northward displacement of the monsoon trough. The two rainfall maxima are associated with the advance and retreat of the trough over north and central India. According to Ramamurthy (1969), break monsoons occur most frequently during the period 11-20 August.

During the other portions of the year, a large scatter of the median rainfall amounts is noted. This is due to the almost random nature of rainfall in these seasons. Around days 330-340 (26 November to 6 December) the median rainfall is about 10mm. However, the corresponding UPP is 2-3%. Thus, only 2 or 3 rainy days occurred over the 78 years of the record. This leads to large sampling errors and also explains why the upper sextile curve is so close to the median. (see previous comments on the middle graph).

The histograms of precipitation amounts are obviously skewed. About 45% of the wet days had between 2.5 and 10mm of rainfall while about 10% of the days had 20-30mm of precipitation. Only rarely did more than 100mm occur. The distribution of the log transformed daily rainfall amounts is slightly skewed. This knowledge can be useful in certain statistical applications.

Annual Cycle at Selected Indian Stations

A brief overview of the annual cycles of precipitation for stations representing India's meteo- rological subdivisions (MSDs) and other countries within the subcontinent will be presented. Occasionally, MSDs which are geographically adjacent and exhibit similar characteristics will be grouped together. The station names and the number of years of data (in parenthesis) used to derive the statistics are listed for each subdivision. One characteristic frequently observed is the climatological singularity in several precipitation statistics (e.g., the median, mean, 6 sextile and, in particular, the raw UPP) in mid-August which has been described by Ananthakrishnan and Pathan (1991). This feature can be observed in the annual cycles for many of the MSDs in northern and central India.

MSD 1 [Kondul (24), Mayabander (27), Port Blair (78)]

The Nicobar and Andaman Islands are located in the eastern Bay of Bengal. The three stations show a relative minimum of precipitation and UPP for the months January to mid-April. Kondul, in the Nicobar Islands, has a slightly longer rainy season (mid-Aprilto December) than the other stations. During the wettest portion of the year the UPP ranges from 50 to 70% and median daily precipitation is about 15mm at each of the stations.

26 MSD 2 and 3 [Pasighat (47), Tezpur (79)]

Pasighat, located in the Naga Hills, is the northeastern most station presented. It shows very heavy monthly totals in June and July. Typical daily medians are near 30mm in these months with the - sextile near 85mm. On some occasions, daily precipitation amounts exceed 100mm and, on rare occasions, more than 200mm. At Tezpur, the daily median rainfall during the peak rainfall months is less than 15mm. The UPP are more than 20% from April to mid-October with monthly rainfall of 100mm or more.

MSD 4 [Cherrapunji (72), Agartala (81)]

Cherrapunji, at an elevation of 1313 meters, is about 30 km south of the Khasi Hills which rise to elevations of 2000 meters. It is one of the wettest places on earth. The mean UPP during the wet season exceeds 90%. Daily median rainfall amounts exceed 60mm with the upper sextile showing an extraordinary 190mm. The June monthly median is approximately 2600mm while in December virtually no rain falls. The histograms indicating daily rainfall totals exceed 200mm about 8%of the time. The curves for Agartala illustrate that pre-monsoon thunderstorms, which generally occur in April and May, can produce large amounts of rain (median wet day precipita- tion 18mm) while during the SW monsoon the median amounts are less (1mm). However, the UPP during the monsoon is generally over 50% while it is 30-35% during the preceding months. Thus, the monthly total precipitation is larger and more uniform for the monsoon months.

MSD 5 [Darjeeling (74), Malda (74)]

These stations again illustrate the effect of topography. Darjeeling (2129m) is located in the "foothills" of the Himalayas in the northwest part of West Bengal. The southerly winds which blow during the monsoon cause considerable uplift. Malda is south of Darjeeling and is not as affected by the topography. As a result, it receives less than half the rain (e.g., 768mm versus 289mm in July) than Darjeeling. The median daily rainfall during the peak of the monsoon is about 20mm at Darjeeling and about 12mm at Malda. The maximum UPP at Darjeeling is over 80% while at Malda it is 50%. A relative minimum is readily observed in the irregular UPP curve for Malda around day 230. Also, the smoothed curves of the mean, mmedian and sextile exhibit a relative minimum.

27 MSDs 6, 7 and 8 [Alipur (80), Sagar Island (80), Puri (78)] [Sambalpur (78), Chaibasa (75), Panki (62)]

The stations show broadly consistent features. Median rainfall during the SW monsoon season

ranges from 10mm to 15mm while the 6 sextile ranges from 30mm at Alipur (located near Cal- cutta) to 45mm at Sambalpur located in western Orissa. The maximum UPPs occur around day 210 (29 July) and generally exceed 50% with a maximum of 65% at Sambalapur. An exception is Puri located on the Bay of Bengal where the maximum UPP is less (~ 43%) and occurs about day 250 (7 September). Although Puri, Alipur and Sagar Island have climatologically small UPPs after day 300 (27 October) they all exhibit large fluctuations in median rainfall after this day (irregular curves). These could be related to cyclone activity that can bring heavy rains to these stations in the close proximity to the Bay of Bengal.

MSDs 9 and 10 [ (63), Motihari (71), Bahraich (78), Varanasi (73)]

These stations are located in the northern Ganges Plain. Motihari and Bahraich are located 50- 100km south of Nepal. Varanasi (Banares) and Dehri are further south. All exhibit maximum UPPs of about 45-50% which occur about days 210-220 (29 July to 8 August). Daily median rainfall amounts are between 10 and 15mm and the upper sextile is about 30-35mm at Varanasi and Dehri and 40-45mm at Motihari and Bahraich. The higher amounts at the latter stations are, perhaps, the result of the relative proximity of the these stations to the Himalayas. The irregular UPP curves for Motihari and Bahraich show a relative minimum around day 230.

MSDs 11 and 12 [Agra (78), Roorkee (72), Joshimath (65), Thakurdwara (66)]

Three out of the four stations indicate the effects of westerly disturbances which affect northwest India in January, February and early-March. The exception is Agra, the most southern of the stations. The UPPs at Roorkee, Josimath and Thakurdwara exhibit clear relative maxima in these months. The UPPs range from near 10% at Thakurdwara to 20% at Joshimath which is the most northern station and is located at the base of the Himalayas. In addition, the January- April precipitation totals are noteworthy at Joshimath. UPPs during the SW monsoon range from 40 to 55%.

28 MSD 13 [Ambala (71), New Delhi (87)]

Climatologically, the onset of the SWmonsoonoccursnearthe end of June inthis area. The UPPs peak around late July to early August but are less than 40%. The maximum rainfalls occur in July and August with June relatively dry. Median daily amounts in early July are 13-15mm with the upper sextiles 35-40mm. The January to March rainfall at Ambala due to westerly disturbances is noteworthy. The reason for the maxima in median and the 5/6 sextile curves around day 250-265 is not immediately obvious. Although, it is about the time the SW monsoon recedes from this area. New Delhi exhibits a relative minimum in the irregular UPP curve around day 220. Both Ambala and New Delhi show relative minima in the UPP, median, mean and 5/6 sextile curves.

MSD 14 [Ferozepur (70) and Hoshiarpur (70)]

Punjab is a relatively small area and the stations, Ferozepur and Hoshiarpur, are relatively close. Ferozepur is east of Hoshiarpur and near the border with Pakistan. However, precipitation at Ferozepur is only about half of that at Hoshiarpur (e.g., the median monthly rainfall in July is 232 versus 113mm). The median daily rainfall amounts are 13-15mm at both stations but the UPP at Hoshiarpur is 35-40% while at Ferozepur it is barely 20%. Clearly, the effect of the monsoon is considerably less at Ferozepur. At Hoshiarpur, westerly disturbances produce relatively large amounts of rainfall from January to March.

MSDs 15 and 16 [Palampur (67), Simla (65)] [Reasi (65), Srinagar (82), Gilgit (43)]

Himachal and Kashmir are the two most northern MSDs. Both the Himalayas and, to a lesser extent, the Siwalik Range influence the precipitation totals in this region. Simla, Palampur and Reasi all exhibit the signature of the SW monsoon: a sharp peak in the UPP curves. Palampur and Reasi have relatively high median daily rainfalls (27mm and 25mm, respectively) around day 215. However, at Srinagar and Gilgit, the UPPs and monthly totals during the hot-weather season (MAM) are higher than during summer season. These two stations have relative maxima in the UPP curves so the SW monsoon does affect these areas but effectively these stations define its northern limit. Gilgit is quite dry. Median daily amounts are at most 7mm and UPP is less than 10% throughout the year.

29 MSD 17 [Anupgarh (65), Jaisalmer (69)]

The Great Indian Desert encompasses much of western Rajasthan. This is the driest region of India. Even at the peak of the SW monsoon, the UPP is only 13%. The monthly medians show that for more than half the year no rain falls. Only July and August show non-trivial amounts of rain; Both Anupgarh and Jaisalmer show distinct minima in the irregular UPP curves around day 220.

MSDs 18, 19 and 20 [Dugarpur (70), Jaipur (87), Barwani (69)] [Nowgong (78), Raipur (88)]

Rainfall generally decreases from east to west. This reflects the influence of monsoon depres- sions which migrate inland from the Bay of Bengal. These depressions weaken as they move westward. Median annual rainfalls are 1129 mm at Raipur, 824 mm at Nowgong, 500 mm at Barwani and 469 mm at Jaipur but 739 mm at Dugarpur. The relatively high total for the latter station, located in the southeastern portion of Rajasthan, is due to the orographic effect of the Aravalli Range. All of these stations have relative minima in the irregular UPP curves around day 220.

MSDs 21 and 22 [Ahmedabad (78), Surat (87), Anjar (69), Veraval (87)]

Rainfall decreases westward and northward in the SW monsoon months. There is a sharp in- crease in rainfall from June to July in all the stations. This is the region where mid-tropospheric cyclones occasionally produce relatively large amounts of rainfall. Maximum UPPs at Surat (52%) and Ahmedabad (43%), are greater than over Veraval (33%) and Anjar (20%). In non-monsoon months, medians are near zero for all the stations. Surat, Anjar and Veraval exhibit local minima in several statistics around day 230.

MSDs 23 and 31 [Bombay (79), Ratnagiri (86), Mangalore (76)]

During the SW monsoon, the winds blow at right angles to the Western Ghats. This causes considerable orographic lifting. The three stations (Bombay, Ratnagiri and Mangalore) all have copious rainfall during the SW monsoon season. Bombay, the most northern of the stations gets a median annual rainfall of 1946mm, while Ratnagiri and Mangalore, the more southern stations get 2747mm and 3140mm, respectively. The maximum UPPs range from 75% at Bombay 30 to 95% at Mangalore. Mangalore differs from the other stations because it is also affected by the northeast monsoon from October to December and by pre-monsoon thunderstorms during May. Bombay and Ratnagiri exhibit relative minima iin several statistics around day 220, in particular, the raw UPP curves.

MSD 24 [ (77), Poona (86)]

These stations provide another example of how topography can affect precipitation. Poona is located in the lee of the Western Ghats while Mahabaleshwar is located within the range. Poona receives considerably less rainfall. For example, the median July monthly precipitation at Mahabaleshwar is 2645mm while at Poona, it is 160mm. Mahabaleshwar, like Cherrapunji, has daily median rainfalls of over 60mm and maximum UPP of nearly 100%. Poona barely recieves 10mm and the UPP is just over 40%. The distribution of daily rainfall as indicated by the histograms shows that a little less than 5% of the median daily rainfall totals exceed 200mm a day at Mahabaleshwar. Poona has a marked minimum in the UPP curves and other statistics. This minimum spans days 220 through 250.

MSD 25, 26 and 28 [ (77), (70), (77)] [Nagpur (76), Asifabad (77), Begampet (86)]

These MSDs are located within the Deccan Plateau. The northern and eastern regions tend to get more rain than those in the south. This is because they are affected by the southern extent of the monsoon depressions emanating from the Bay of Bengal. All have well defined rainy seasons and similar shaped UPP profiles (40-53%) with maxima occurring around days 195-200. Nagpur has the largest annual precipitation total.. Each of these stations has relative minima around days 225-230 in the irregular UPP curves.

MSD 27 [Isakapally (68), Masulipatnam (86), Vishakhapatanam (78)]

Coastal Andhra Pradesh represents a region of transition. Northern sections are affected by the SW monsoon but to a lesser extent than stations in Orissa. Southern regions are more affected by the post-monsoon rains. At all stations, the maximum median rainfall occurs in October. Generally, the rainy period lasts from June to November. At two of the three stations the maximum UPPs (30-37%) occur at days 270 (27 September) and 300 (27 October).

31 MSD 29 [Cuddapah (77), Kurnool (86)]

Inland Andhra Pradesh is affected by both the SW and post-monsoon rains although to a lesser extent than the coast. Maximum rainfalls occur in September (134 mm and 131 mm).

MSD 30 [Tiruchirapalli (86), Madras (86)]

In this southeast region, the NE monsoon is stronger than SW monsoon. Madras, on the north- ern coast of Tamil Nadu, and Tiruchirapalli, inland and southwest of Madras experiences max- imum rainfalls in October-November. However, Madras gets considerably more precipitation (1058 mm versus 663 mm). The maximum UPPs (30-40%) occur at the end of October and are similar. However, the maximum median daily rainfall at Madras (20 mm) is greater than that at Tiruchirapalli (15 mm).

MSD 32 and 33 [Belguam (76), Gulbarga (77), Bangalore (86), Chitradurga (87)]

Belguam, located in the Western Ghats, is affected by topography and receives large amounts of rainfall during the SW monsoon. The maximum UPP is 75% around day 205 (24 July). The other stations are in the rain shadow of the and get considerably less rain. This is reflected in lower maximum UPPs (30%). The maximum rainfall for these stations occurs in September or October. This reflects the influence of the post-monsoon rains.

MSD 34 [Calicut (87), Trivandrum (87)]

Kerala is in the southwest region of India. This is the area where pre-monsoon thunderstorms, the SW monsoon and NE monsoons are equally active resulting in large amounts of rainfall. Northerly portions of the area are dominated by the SW monsoon although considerable rainfall totals occur from April to November. A clear maximum UPP (90%) is evident for Calicut in early July (median daily rainfall 25mm) with a hint of a-relative maximum in October. Trivandrum shows a clear double maximum (55% and 40%) in the UPP curves. The first occurs on days 170-180 while the second occurs around day 300.

32 MSD 35 [Amini (45)]

Amini is located off the west coast of India, in the Arabian Sea. It is primarily affected by the SW monsoon although the rainy season extends from May to November. The maximum UPP curve shows a peak around day 185 with second week maxima around day 280 showing the influence of the northeast monsoon.

Annual Cycle at Selected Stations from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet

Appendix D contains the figures showing the daily annual cycles for countries and regions outside of India. These are based upon much shorter time series (maximum time span: 1979-April 1993) and, because they were received on an operational basis at the CAC, they are not of as high quality as the data from India. There are short data gaps for many of the station records and very little, if any, error checking was performed. The lack of quality control, the data gaps and the sort period of record preclude an unambiguous estimate of the monthly total precipitation and its variability. The monthly totals presented were calculated if a month had twenty-five days reporting during a particular month. This could lead to underestimating the monthly totals. Also, only a minimum of five or more years were required for a "long-term" mean to be calculated. Obviously, the small sample sizes require the statistics to be interpreted with caution. Nonetheless, there is some useful information to be gleaned from these data.

The stations from Pakistan generally show maxima or relative maxima in the UPP profiles in late July at southern latitudes and early August for northern latitudes. At Peshawar, the influence of the westerly disturbances is noted with a UPP maximum (17%) in March. Other northern stations also show the effects of western disturbances in February and March. August is the month with heaviest rainfall at stations where the SW monsoon is dominant. Stations located in Sind (Chhor) and Baluchistan (Jacobabad) are very dry.

The SW and NE monsoons are both active over Sri Lanka. The UPP curves show double maxima with larger UPPs occuring during the NE monsoon rather than the SW monsoon. November is the rainiest month over all the stations. The NE monsoon effect is seen in January also. In general, this near-equator region gets rainfall throughout the year, with the exception of February.

The data from Bangladesh stations indicate less precipitation then nearby Indian stations with

33 much longer data records. This could be due to less rainfall during this period or it could be related to sampling problems. They are presented here for completeness but should be inter- preted with caution.

Stations in eastern Tibet are more influenced by the SW monsoon than those in the west. Shi- quanhe has maximum UPPs of just over 10%. This increases steadily toward the east to a max- imum of about 35%. Rainfall amounts also increase west to east.

34 5. Seasonal Precipitation Statistics

Plots of selected statistics for the Indian subcontinent for the four main seasons are presented in Appendix E. Seasonal statistics presented include: means, standard deviations, coefficients of variation, medians, differences between the medians and long-term means, 6 and - sextiles, probabilities for a dry day to be followed by a wet day and a wet day to be followed by a wet day, unconditional probabilities of precipitation, the number of wet days and, finally, the standard deviation of the number of wet days. The information is largely self explanatory. However, a brief discussion of the seasonal plots will be presented.


The winter season medians show that much of the subcontinent is dry. However, the northern areas in Kashmir experience over 140mm due to the westerly disturbances and the influence of topography. The rainfall in the north is about the same in January and February (70mm). The southern tip of India and the Chota Napur plateau receive over 30mm. The rains in the south are a result of the NE monsoon and occur mainly in January. The distribution of rainfall is skewed over much of the continent. This can be readily seen in the sextile plots and the figure showing the difference between mean and median. The dry areas show considerable deviations from low median amounts. Above normal seasonal rainfall amounts provide considerable benefits to agriculture. The average number of wet days range from near zero along the west coast to ten over Kashmir. About three wet days-are indicated over the southern tip of the peninsula and the Chota Napur plateau. Over areas where rain normally occurs, 10-15mm average rainfall occurs on a wet day.


Most of the subcontinent is very hot and dry. However, precipitation occurs in the Kashmir region, Bangladesh and northeast India. Over Kashmir, March has the largest rainfall (>100mm) with lesser amounts in April and May. The large rainfall amounts over Bangladesh and northeast India (>700mm) are due to pre-monsoon thunderstorms. These thunderstorms can be severe and result in occasional tornados. These severe thunderstorms are called "northwesters" or "kal baisakhis" (Rao, 1981). Pre-monsoon thunderstorms produce rain in the southwest portions of the peninsula. Most of the rain occurs in April and May.

35 June-july-August-September

This is the season of the SW monsoon. Most of the annual precipitation falls in this season for most of the subcontinent. The west coast receives copious amounts of rainfall due the oro- graphic lifting of the moisture laden air by the Western Ghats. Median seasonal totals in these windward areas range from 1500mm to well over 4000mm at Mahabaleshwar. Monsoon de- pressions cause over 1000-1200mm of rainfall to occur over much of east-central India, north of about 16°N. The lower and upper sextile ranges for this area are 700mm to 1500mm. Rainfall amounts gradually decrease northwestward from east-central India. The influence of topogra- phy is readily observed in some regions: Bangladesh and northeast India receives over 1500mm of rainfall in places due to the influence of topography (e.g., Khasi Hills) and over 1000mm of rainfall occurs in Uttar Pradesh. Despite generally large rainfalls there are some areas which are comparatively dry (e.g., the area south of about 16°N and between the Eastern and Western Ghats, especially the southeastern tip of India).


The northern half of the subcontinent is generally dry. However, the NE monsoon brings the years heaviest rainfalls to the southeastern coast. The Eastern Ghats exert a much smaller influence on rainfall amounts than the Western Ghats do in the SW monsoon.


Daily precipitation data from more than 1600 stations are used to document the climatological aspects of the daily annual cycle of precipitation over the Indian subcontinent. The data records for many of the stations span the period 1901-70 although some span 1901-84 or 1901-93. Plots of the annual cycles of precipitation statistics from a subset of these stations representing all of 35 meteorological subdivisions are used to illustrate regional characteristics of the rainfall. These plots include:

(i) The daily and weekly unconditional probability of precipitation (UPP) and the mean weekly total precipitation.

(ii) Daily climatological statistics of rainfall amount including the mean, median and the 1/6 and 5/6 sextiles. These statistics were developed using only days when precipitation oc- curred (i.e., wet-days only) and should be interpreted in conjunction with the UPP plots. Tables include both gaussian and robust estimates of monthly rainfall amounts and variabil- ity.

(iii) Histograms of daily rainfall amounts and the log-transformed rainfall amounts.

These plots illustrate characteristics of rainfall amount, variability, probability of occurrence and the distributions of rainfall on a daily, monthly and seasonal basis.

The UPP plots show the following:

(a) Very high UPPs, often exceeding 70% at the peak of the monsoon, occur along the west coast (Bombay, Mangalore), the western Ghats (Mahabaleshwar), and northeast India's hilly area (Cherrapunji, Darjeeling).

(b) Very low UPPs, never over 20%, over Pakistan (Multan, Jacobabad, Chhor), west Ra- jasthan (Jaisalmer, Anupgarh), western Gujarat (Anjar), Kashmir (Gilgit) and western Tibet (Shiquanhe, Burang).

(c) Double UPP maxima are evident over Sri Lanka, Tamilnadu (Tiruchirapalli, Isakapalli) and Kerala (Trivandrum). These are areas where both the SW and NE monsoon are active. The

37 NE monsoon is active but weak compared to the SW monsoon over peninsular and northeast India, and the east coast.

(d) The SW monsoon is weak at the northernmost stations (Srinagar, Gilgit, Joshimath). Western disturbances, which generally occur in January through March, are responsible for the majority of precipitation at these stations.

The statistics for daily precipitation amounts illustrate some interesting characteristics.

(e) Stations like Gilgit, Srinagar and Zero show low daily median amounts of rainfall and little variability. However, some stations (Anjar, Veraval, Surat), which also have low median totals, show larger departures from the median.

(f) Stations (Madras, Vishakhapatnam, Isakapalli, Masulipatnam, Puri) along the southeast coast affected by the NE monsoon and post-monsoon rains typically have large daily rainfall totals.

(g) Stations (Mahabaleshwar, Cherapunji) where topography has an important influence can have very large median rainfall amounts and can exhibit considerable variability.

(h) During the SW monsoon, a relative minimum is frequently observed in August in several statistics (e.g., mean, median, UPP and - sextile) at stations over central and northern India. This relative minimum between two maxima was first noted by Ananthakrishnan and Pathan (1991). They called it a "climatic singularity". It is related to the northward movement of the monsoon trough (i. e., 'breaks' in the monsoon which are most frequent in August). Rainfall activity during this period decreases over most of India.

The histograms of wet days at all stations show that the distribution of daily rainfall is highly skewed. Using a simple log transformation of these data makes the distribution closer to sym- metrical although still skewed. Stations with low precipitation amounts and large variability still exhibit very skewed distributions even after the transformation has been applied. The dis- tribution of log transformed rainfall amounts at stations with large median rainfall amounts and high variability are very nearly symmetric.

38 REFERENCES Ananthakrishnam, R., and J.M. Pathan, 1991: A climatological singularity around mid-August in the summer monsoon rainfall of India. Current Science, 60, 439-445. Barnes, S.L., 1964: A technique for maximizing details in numerical weather map analysis. J. Appl. Meteor., 3,396-409. , 1973: Mesoscale Objective Map Analysis Using Weighted Time Series Observa- tions. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL NSSL-62, 60 pp. Blanford, H.F., 1884: On the connexion of the Himalayan snowfall with dry winds and seasons of drought in India. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 37, 3-22. ,1886: Rainfall of northern India, Ind. Met. Dept. Memoirs, 3, 658. Chang, C.P. and T.N. Krishnamurti, 1987: Monsoon Meteorology. Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics No. 7. Oxford University Press, New York. 544pp. Cressman, G.P., 1959: An operational objective analysis scheme. Mon. Wea. Rev., 87, 329-340. Das, P.K., 1986: Monsoons. World Meteorological Organization. WMO-no. 613, 155pp. _1987: Short and long-range monsoon prediction in India. in Monsoons. J. S. Fein and P. L. Stephens, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, 549-578. Dhar, O.N., P. R. Rakhecha, and B.N. Mandal, 1980: Does the early or late onset of the monsoon provide any clue to subsequent rainfall during the monsoon season? Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1069-1072. Fein, J.S. and P.L. Stephens, 1987: Monsoons. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 632 pp. India Meteorological Department, 1906: Climatological atlas of India. , 1943: Climatological atlas for Airmen.

, 1962: Monthly and annual rainfall and number of rainy days. 1901-1950.

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, 1981: Climatological atlas of India, Part A (Rainfall). Katz, R.W., 1983: Statistical procedures for making inferences about precipitation changes sim- ulated by an atmospheric general circulation model. J. Atmos. Sci., 40, 2193-2201. Levitus, S., 1982: Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean. NOAA Professional Paper No. 13, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 173 pp. (+17 microfiche).

39 Madden, R.A., and P.R. Julian, 1972: Description of global scale circulation cells in the tropics with a 40-50 day period. J. Atmos. Sci., , 29, 1109-1123. May, W., D.J. Shea, R.A. Madden, 1992: The annual variation of surface temperatures over the world. NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-372+STR, 134 pp, 16 fiche. Mooley, D.A., B. Parthasarathy, N.A. Sontakke, 1982: An index of summer monsoon rainfall excess over India and its variability: 1871-1978. Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl. Ser. B., 31, 301-311. Ramage, C.S., 1971: Monsoon Meteorology, Academic Press, New York, 296pp. Ramamurthy, K., 1969: Some aspects of the 'break' in the Indian southwest monsoon during July and August. Forecasting Manual, Part IV. India Meteorological Dept, New Delhi, India. Rao, Y.P., 1976: Southwest Monsoon. India Meteorological Department, Meteorological Monograph: Synoptic Meteorology 1. 367 pp. , 1981: The climate of the Indian subcontinent, in World Survey of Climatology 9, K. Takahashi and H. Arakawa, Eds., Elsevier, 67-182. Rumney, G.R., 1968: Climatology and the world's climates. Macmillan, New York. 656pp. Sasaki, Y., 1960: An Objective Analysis for Determining Initial Conditions for Primi- tive Equations. Ref. 60-16T, Atmospheric Research Lab., University of Oklahoma Research Institute, Norman, OK. 23 pp. Shea, D.J., K. E. Trenberth, and R. W. Reynolds, 1990: A global monthly sea surface temperature climatology. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-345+STR, NCAR, Boulder, CO, 167 pp. S.J. Worley, I. R. Stern, and T.J. Hoar, 1994: An introduction to atmospheric and oceano- graphic data sets. NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-404+IA, 130 pp. Shukla, J., 1987: Long Range Forecasting of Monsoons. in Monsoons. J. S. Fein and P. L. Stephens, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, 523-547. Sikka, D.R., and S. Gadgil, 1980: On the maximum cloud zone and the ITCZ over Indian longi- tudes during the southwest monsoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1840-1853. Sontakke, N.A., 1993: Fluctuations in northeast monsoon rainfall over India since 1871. Ad- vances in Tropical Meteorology. R.N. Keshavamurty and P.C. Josh, Eds., McGraw-Hill, 149-158. G.B. Pant, and N. Singh, 1993b: Construction of all-India summer monsoon rainfall series for the period 1844-1991. J. Climate, 6, 1807-1811. Subbaramayya, I., S.V. Babu, and S.S. Rao, 1984: Onset of the summer monsoon over India

40 and its variability. Met. Mag., 107, 37-44. Webster, P., 1981: Monsoons. Sci. Amer., 245, 108-118. , 1987: The variable and interactive monsoon. in Monsoons. J. S. Fein and P. L. Stephens, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, 269-329.


Table Al Sequential Numbering of Days

Day of -> Month Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1 1 32 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 2 2 33 61 92 122 153 183 214 245 275 306 336 3 3 34 62 93 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 4 4 35 63 94 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 5 5 36 64 95 125 156 186 217 248 278 309 339 6 6 37 65 96 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 7 7 38 66 97 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 8 8 39 67 98 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 342 9 9 40 68 99 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 .10 10 41 69 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 11 11 42 70 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 12 12 43 71 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 346 13 13 44 72 103 133 164 194 225 256 286 317 347 14 14 45 73 104 134 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 15 15 46 74 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 16 16 47 75 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 17 17 48 76 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 18 18 49 77 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 19 19 50 78 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 20 20 51 79 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 21 21 52 80 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 22 22 53 81 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 23 23 54 82 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 24 24 55 83 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 25 25 56 84 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 26 26 57 85 116 146 177 207 238 269 299 330 360 27 27 58 86 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 28 28 59 87 118 148 179 209 240 271 301 332 362 29 29 88 119 149 180 210 241 272 302 333 363 30 30 89 120 150 181 211 242 273 303 334 364 31 31 90 151 212 243 304 365

43 I Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

1 ADONI ANDHRA 1563 7728 1901- 70 95 PRATHIPADU ANDHRA 1723 8220 1901-70 2 ALAMUR ALAMAR ANDHRA 1677 8188 1901-70 96 PRODDATUR ANDHRA 1475 7857 1901-70 3 ALOOGRADA ANDHRA 1515 7852 1901-70 97 PULIVENDLA ANDHRA 1442 7823 1901-70 4 ALURI ANDHRA 1538 7723 1901---70 98 PUNDI ANDHRA 1867 8437 190'1-70 AMALAPURAM ANDHRA 1657 8200 1901--70 99 PUNGANUR ANDHRA 1337 7858 1901-70 6 ANAKAPALLI ANDHRA 1768 8300 1901-70 100 PUTTUR ANDHRA 1345 7955 1901-70 7 ASIFABAD REV ANDHRA 1937 7930 1901-70 101 RAJAHMUNDRY ANDHRA 1700 8177 1901-70 8 ATMAKUR ANDHRA 1462 7963 1901-70 102 RAJAMPET ANDHRA 1420 7917 1901-70 9 ATMAKUR ANDHRA 1588 7858 1901-70 103 RAMACHANDRAPURAM ANDHRA 1683 8203 1901-70 10 AVANIGADDA ANDHRA 1603 8092 1901-70 104 RAPALLE ANDHRA 1603 8085 1901-70 11 BADVEL ANDHRA 1475 7907 1901-70 105 RAPUR ANDHRA 1420 7953 1901-70 12 BAPATLA ANDHRA 1590 8047 1901-70 106 RAYACHOTI ANDHRA 1405 7875 1901-70 13 BEGAMPET ANDHRA 1745 7847 1901-93 107 RAYADURG ANDHRA 1470 7685 1901-70 14 BHIMAVARAM ANDHRA 1653 8155 1901-70 108 RAZOLE RAJOLE ANDHRA 1647 8183 1901-70 15 BHIMUNIPATNAM ANDHRA 1788 8343 1901-70 109 SALUR ANDHRA 1852 8320 1901-70 16 BOBBILI ANDHRA 1857 8337 1901-70 110 SANGAREDDI REV ANDHRA 1763 7808 1901-70 17 BOLARAM ANDHRA 1755 7852 1901-55 111 SATHENAPALLI ANDHRA 1638 8013 1901-70 18 BUKKAPATNAM ANDHRA 1420 7778 1901-70 112 SATYAVEDU ANDHRA 1343 7997 1901-70 19 CHANDRAGIRI ANDHRA 1360 7933 1901-70 113 SIDHOUT SIDDAVAT ANDHRA 1447 7897 1901-70 20 CHIDAVARAM ANDHRA 1783 8293 1901-70 114 SOMPETA ANDHRA 1893 8460 1901-70 21 CHINTAKUNTA ANDHRA 1858 7798 1930-70 115 SRIKAKULAM ANDHRA 1830 8390 1901-70 22 CHINTALAPUDI ANDHRA 1707 8098 1901-70 116 SRUNGAVARAPUKOTA ANDHRA 1812 8313 1901-70 23 CHIPURUPALLY ANDHRA 1830 8357 1901-70 117 SULLURPET ANDHRA 1378 8002 1901-70 24 CHITTOOR ANDHRA 1322 7912 1901-70 118 TADA ANDHRA 1360 8003 1901-70 25 CHITVEL ANDHRA 1417 7933 1901-64 119 TADEPALLIGUDEM ANDHRA 1683 8152 1901-70 26 CHODAVARAM ANDHRA 7033 4885 1901-70 120 TADPATRI ANDHRA 1492 7803 1901-70 27 CORINGA CORINZA ANDHRA 1680 8223 1901-70 121 TANDUR ANDHRA 1723 7758 19.31-70 28 CUDDAPAH ANDHRA 1448 7883 1901-84 122 TANUKU ANDHRA 1675 8172 1901-70 29 DHARMAVARAM ANDHRA 1442 7772 1901-70 123 TEKKALI ANDHRA 1862 8425 1901-70 30 ELLORE ANDHRA 1670 8112 1901-70 124 TENALI ANDHRA 1623 8065 1901-70 31 GAJAPATHINAGAR.AM ANDHRA 1830 8333 1901-70 125 TIRUPATI ANDHRA 1363 7940 1901-70 32 GANNAVARAM ANDHRA 1655 8080 1901-70 126 TIRUVUR TIRUVVRU ANDHRA 1712 8062 1901-70 33 GOOTY ANDHRA 1512 7763 1901-70 127 TUNI ANDHRA 1735 8255 1901-70 34 GUDIVADA ANDHRA 1643 8098 1901-70 128 UDAYAGIRI ANDHRA 1488 7930 1901-70 35 GUDUR ANDHRA 1415 7987 1901-70 129 URVAKONDA ANDHRA 1495 7725 1901-70 36 GUNTUR ANDHRA 1630 8045 1901-70 130 VENKATAGIRI ANDHRA 1397 7958 1901-70 37 GURJALA GURUJALA ANDHRA 1655 7963 1901-70 131 VENKATAGIRIKOTA ANDHRA 1300 7850 1901-70 38 HANAMKONDA ANDHRA 1802 7957 1901-83 132 VENUKONDA ANDHRA 1605 7975 1901-70 39 HINDUPUR. ANDHRA 1382 7748 1901-70 133 VIJAYANAGARAM ANDHRA 1812 8342 1901-70 40 HUZURNAGAR ANDHRA 1690 7988 1951-70 134 VIJAYAWADA ANDHRA 1652 8062 1901-70 41 ISAKAPALLY ANDHRA 1473 8012 1901-70 135 VISHAKHAPATANAM ANDHRA 1772 8323 1901-84 42 ITCHAPURAM ANDHRA 1912 8470 1901-70 13G YADKI ANDHRA 1505 7787 1901-68 43 JACTIAL ANDHRA 1880 7893 1930-70 137 YELLAMANCHILI ANDHRA 1755 8287 1901-70 44 JAGGIAYAPET ANDHRA 1688 8010 1901-70 138 YELLAVARAM ANDHRA 1743 8203 1901-70 45 JAMMALAMADUGU ANDHRA 1485 7840 1901-70 139 YEMMIGANUR ANDHRA 1578 7748 1901-70 46 JANWADA ANDHR.A 1740 7822 1901-70 140 BOMDILA ARUNACHAL 2727 9243 1965-76 47 KADIRI ANDHRA 1412 7817 1901-70 141 DENNING ARUNACHAL 2787 9483 1929-51 48 KAIKALUR ANDHRA 1655 8120 1901-70 142 PASIGHAT ARUNACHAL 2810 9538 1916-70 49 KAKINADA ANDHRA 1695 8223 1901-93 143 SUNPURA ARUNACHAL 2783 9588 1929-53 50 KALAHASTI ANDHRA 1377 7972 1901-70 144 ZERO ARUNACHAL 2758 9483 1965-81 51 KALYANDRUG ANDHRA 1455 7712 1901-70 145 AMCHONG SONEPUR ASSAM 2597 9097 1901-66 52 KAMALAPURAM ANDHRA 1458 7867 1901-70 146 AMGURI ASSAM 2680 9453 1901-68 53 KANUPARTHI ANDHRA 1558 8022 1901-66 147 ATTABARI ASSAM 2712 9467 1901-66 54 KAVALI ANDHRA 1492 8000 1901-70 148 ATTARIKHAT ASSAM 2670 9175 1901-68 55 KOILKUNTLA ANDHRA 1525 7832 1901-70 149 BADARPUR ASSAM 2488 9258 1901-59 56 KONDA ANDHRA 1802 8358 1901-68 150 BALIPARA ADDIBAR ASSAM 2682 9273 1901-59 57 KOTHAPETA ANDHRA 1672 8190 1901-70 151 BARDUAR ASSAM 2592 9148 1901-66 58 KOVVUR ANDHRA 1702 8173 1901-70 152 BARKOLA ASSAM 2493 9275 1901-57 59 KRISHNAPATNAM ANDHRA 1427 8012 1901-70 153 BARPETA ASSAM 2632 9102 1901-68 60 KUPPAM ANDHRA 1275 7835 1901-70 154 BARPUKHURI ASSAM 2675 9308 1901-66 61 KURNOOL ANDHRA 1583 7807 1901-93 155 BEDETTIBEHALI ASSAM 2683 9335 1901-68 62 LAXMANCHANDA ANDHRA 1913 7847 1935-70 156 BIJNI ASSAM 2648 9072 1901-68 63 MACHARLA ANDHRA 1647 7943 1901-69 157 BIKRAMPUR ASSAM 2497 9225 1901-66 64 MADAKASIRA ANDHRA 1393 7727 1901-70 158 BOKO ASSAM 2597 9125 1901-55 65 MAHBUBNAGAR ANDHRA 1673 7798 1901-70 159 BORELI ASSAM 2683 9265 1901-66 66 MALAKAPURAM ANDHRA 1762 8320 1901-68 160 CHARDUAR ASSAM 2687 9278 1901-59 67 MANGALGIRI ANDHRA 1642 8058 1901-69 161 CHHAYGAON ASSAM 2605 9140 1901-57 68 MANGINAPUDI ANDHRA 1623 8118 1901-70 162 DAFLATING ASSAM 2655 9430 1901-66 69 MASULIPATNAM ANDHRA 1618 8113 1901-93 163 DAMRA ASSAM 2593 9078 1901-68 70 MEDAK ANDHRA 1805 7827 1933-70 164 DEWAN ASSAM 2483 9300' 1901-67 71 MUMMIDIVARAM ANDHRA 1665 8212 1901-70 165 DHAKUAKHANA ASSAM 2722 9445 1901-59 72 NALGONDA ANDHRA 1705 7927 1901-70 166 DHUBRI ASSAM 2602 8998 1901-81 73 NANDIGAMA ANDHRA 1678 8028 1901-70 167 DIBRUGARH ASSAM 2747 9492 1901-61 74 NANDIKOTTUR ANDHRA 1587 7827 1901-70 168 DOOM DOOMA ASSAM 2757 9557 1901-68 75 NANDYAL ANDHRA 1550 7850 1901-70 169 DULLABCHERRA ASSAM 2448 9245 1901-66 76 NARASANNAPETA ANDHRA 1842 8405 1901-70 170 GAUHATI ASSAM 2618 9175 1902-62 77 NARSAPUR ANDHRA 1643 8170 1901-70 171 GOALPARA ASSAM 2618 9063 1901-59 78 NARSARAOPET ANDHRA 1623 8005 1901-70 172 GOHPUR ASSAM 2688 9363 1901-66 79 NARSIPATNAM ANDHRA 1767 8262 1901-70 173 GOLAGHAT ASSAM 2652 9398 1901-55 80 NELLORE ANDHRA 1445 7998 1901-93 174 HAILAKANDI ASSAM 2470 9258 1901-59 81 NIZAMABAD ANDHRA 1867 7810 1901-84 175 HAJO ASSAM 2625 9153 1901-59 82 OWK ANDHRA 1522 7813 1901-70 176 HALFLONG ASSAM 2517 9302 1901-79 83 PALAKONDA ANDHRA 1860 8375 1901-70 177 HARMATI ASSAM 2730 9442 1901-68 84 PALAMNER ANDHRA 1320 7875 1901-70 178 JAFFIRBAND ASSAM 2453 9275 1901-66 85 PARVATIPUR ANDHRA 1878 8343 1901-70 179 JAIPUR ASSAM 2727 9538 1901-66 86 PATTIKONDA ANDHRA 1538 7752 1901-70 180 JAITANGA VALLEY ASSAM 2513 9300 1901-55 87 PEAPALLI PYAPALI ANDHRA 1523 7773 1901-70 181 JORHAT ASSAM 2677 9422 1901-55 88 PEDDAPURAM ANDHRA 1708 8213 1901-70 182 KACHUGAON ASSAM 2655 9005 1901-57 89 PENDRAKA ANDHRA 1633 8133 1901-68 183 KAMALPUR ASSAM 2633 9168 1901-55 90 PENUKONDA ANDHRA 1408 7758 1901-70 184 ASSAM 2487 9235 1901-66 01 PITHAPURAM ANDHRA 1712 8225 1901-70 185 KERKERIYA ASSAM 2687 9193 1901-57 92 POLAVARAM ANDHRA 1725 8165 1901-70 186 KOPATI KAUPATI ASSAM 2658 9222 1901-68 93 POLAVARAM ANDHRA 1740 8282 1901-67 187 KOYAH ASSAM 2457 9250 1901-66 94 PONNUR PONNURU ANDHRA 1605 8055 1901-69 188 KUKICHERRA ASSAM 2438 9257 1901-49

45 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year BIHAR 2568 8520 1001-G8 189 KULIKUCH1 ASSAM 2608 9233 1901-68 281 HAJIPUR BIHAR 2637 8432 1901-03 190 KUTUR.I ASSAM 2657 9325 1001-66 282 HATHWA BIHAR 2470 8770 1001-70 191 LAKHIMPUR ASSAM, 2723 9412 1901-93 283 HIRANPUR BIHAR 2453 8402 1902-70 192 LANKA ASSAM 2592 9297 1901-50 284 HUSSAINABAD ISLAMPUR BIHAR 2515 8522 1003-70 193 LUMDING ASSAM 2575 9318 1901-50 285 BIHAR 2522 8500 1901-70 194 MAIBONG ASSAM 2530 9315 1901-68 280 JAHANABAD JAMALPUR BIHAR 2538 8667 1901-70 195 MANDAKATA ASSAM 2625 9175 1901-54 287 BIHAR 2493 8622 1901-70 196 MANGALDAI ASSAM 2643 9203 1901-66 288 JAMUI KATBARI BIHAR 2237 8602 1901-66 197 MARGHERITA ASSAM 2728 9567 1901-66 289 KHARAGPUR BIHAR 2512 8655 1901-70 198 MARNAI ASSAM 2610 9075 1901-681001-68 290 291 KHARSAWAN BIHAR 2280 8583 1901-70 199 MAZBAT MAJBAT ASSAM 2675 9235 1901-68 KHUTAUNA BIHAR 2652 8640 1903-70 200 MONIERKHAL ASSAM 2458 9295 1901-57 202 KISHANGANJ BIHAR 2612 8793 1901-G2 201 MORAN ASSAM 2717 9492 1901-68 293 KOATH BIHAR 2533 8425 1901-70 202 NALBARI ASSAM 2645 9143 1903-57 294 KURDEGE BIHAR 2257 8413 1901-67 203 NAZIRA ASSAM 2692 9475 1901-57 295 296 LADANIA BIHAR 2662 8633 1903-68 204 NIGRITING ASSAM 2675 9403 1901-66 BIHAR 2375 8450 1902-70 205 NOWGONG ASSAM 2637 9270 1901-57 297 LATEHAR BIHAR 2343 8468 1901-70 206 ORANGAJULI ASSAM 2682 9185 1901-68 298 LOHAR-DAGA LOUKAHI BIHAR 2647 8657 1903-65 207 PALASBARI ASSAM 2612 9153 1901-57 299 MADHIPURA BIHAR 2592 8678 1901-69 208 PATACH.ARKUCHI ASSAM 2650 0123 1901-57 300 MADHUBANI BIHAR 2635 8608 1901-70 209 PATHALIPAM ASSAM 2743 9430 1901-52 301 302 MAHESPUR BIHAR 2430 8777 1901-69 210 RANGIA ASSAM 2645 9162 1901-68 303 MAHUA BIHAR 2580 8540 1901-70 211 RANI RANIGODA ASSAM 2603 9158 1901-66 304 MAHUADAUR BIHAR 2340 8413 1902-70 212 SADIYA ASSAM 2783 9567 1901-53 305 MANOHARPUR BIHAR 2238 8522 1901-70 213 SAGUNBARI ASSAM 2618 9275 1901-59 MANOHARPUR BIHAR 2533 8383 1901-70 214 SEKONI ASSAM 2642 0300 1901-59 306 307 MARHAURA AMNAR BIHAR 2597 8487 1901-70 215 SELENG ASSAM 2675 9450 1901-G8 308 MEHGAWAN BIHAR 2505 8732 1901-70 216 SIBSAGAR ASSAM 2698 9463 1901-81 309 MAHANIA BIHAR 2517 8360 1901-70 217 SILCHAR ASSAM 2482 9280 1901-81 MONGHYR BIHAR 2538 8647 1901-70 218 SINGIMARI ASSAM 2062 9248 1901-66 310 311 MOTIHARI BIHAR 2667 8492 1901-81 219 SONARI ASSAM 2703 9503 1901-56 312 MUZAFFARPUR BIHAR 2612 8540 1901-81 220 TEZPUR ASSAM 2662 9278 1901-88 313 NAGERUTARI BIHAR 2428 8350 1902-70 221 WILTON ASSAM 2750 0550 1901-68 314 NAWADAH BIHAR 2488 8555 1901-70 222 PORT BLAIR, ANDA BAY ISLAND 1167 9272 1001-93 315 PACHAMBA BIHAR 2420 8630 1901-70 223 AGEON BIHAR 2538 8460 1901-70 316 PAKRIBARWAN BIHAR 2495 8573 1901-70 224 ARARIA BIHAR 2613 8738 1901-66 317 PAKUR BIHAR 2463 8783 1901-65 225 BIHAR 2557 8467 1901-81 318 PALKOT BIHAR 2288 8465 1901-69 226 A RWVAL BIHAR 2523 8468 1901-70 319 PANKI BIHAR 2405 8447 1902-70 227 ASSOBANI BIHAR 2408 8758 1901-68 320 PARAIYAHAT BIHAR 2467 8717 1901-68 228 ASTHAWAN BIHAR 2522 8562 1903-70 321 PARTAPGANJ BIHAR 2630 8697 1901-67 229 AURANGABAD BIHAR 2475 8438 1901-70 322 BIHAR 2562 8517 1901-67 230 BAGAHA BIHAR 2710 8410 1901-70 323 PUPRI BIHAR 2647 8572 1901-68 231 BAHERA BIHAR 2608 8613 1901-66 324 PURNEA BIHAR 2577 8747 1901-80 232 BAHRAGORA BIHAR 2228 8670 1901-70 325 RAJAULI BIHAR 2465 8550 1901-70 233 BIHAR 2572 8658 1901-65 RAJMAHAL BIHAR 2505 8783 1901-09 234 BALUMATH BIHAR 2383 8478 1902-70 326 327 RAMNAGAR BIHAR 2542 8425 1901-70 235 BANKA BIHAR 2488 8693 1901-70 328 RAMNAGAR BIHAR 2717 8432 1901-70 236 BANO BIHAR 2267 8493 1901-70 329 RANCHI BIHAR 2338 8533 1901-67 237 BIHAR 2548 8572 1901-70 330 RANKA BIHAR 2400 8383 1902-68 238 BARHARWA BIHAR 2487 8778 1901-68 331 ROSERA BIHAR 2575 8603 1901-70 239 BARHARWA BIHAR 2723 8463 1901-70 332 SAHEBGANJ BIHAR 2525 8763 1901-70 240 BARSOE BIHAR 2562 8793 1901-66 333 SAMASTIPUR BIHAR 2587 8580 1901-70 241 BASSAWAN BIHAR 2518 8372 1901-65 334 SARAIKELA BIHAR 2272 8595 1901-70 242 BAUNSI BIHAR 2480 8703 1901-69 335 BIHAR 2495 8403 1901-70 243 BEGUSARAI BIHAR 2543 8615 1901-70 336 SHEIKHPURA BIHAR 2515 8585 1901-65 244 BETTIAH BIHAR 2680 8450 1901-70 337 SHEOHAR BIHAR 2653 8528 1901-61 245 BIHAR 2505 8362 1901-70 338 SHERGHATI BIHAR 2455 8480 1901-70 246 BHAGALPUR BIHAR 2525 8700 1901-64 339 SIKRAUL BIHAR 2543 8413 1901-65 247 BHORE BORCH BIHAR 2645 8412 1901-70 340 SILLI BIHAR 2337 8583 1901-70 248 BIHAR BIHAR 2518 8555 1901-70 341 SITAMARHI BIHAR 2658 8548 1901-68 249 BIKRAM BIHAR 2545 8487 1901-70 342 SIWAN BIHAR 2622 8437 1901-68 250 BORIO BIHAR 2483 8750 1901-70 343 SUPAUL BIHAR 2612 8662 1901-67 251 BIHAR 2557 8398 1901-70 344 TAMAR BIHAR 2307 8563 1901-67 252 CHAIBASA BIHAR 2255 8582 1901-81 345 AMINI EX-INDIA 1112 7273 1901-70 253 CHAINPUR BIHAR 2313 8423 1902-70 346 HUT BAY/LITTLE A EX-INDIA 1058 9255 1969-84 254 CHAKAIBANDA BIHAR 2453 8640 1901-70 347 LONG ISLAND EX-INDIA 1242 9293 1953-84 255 CHAKRADHANPUR BIHAR 2270 8563 1901-70 348 MAYA BANDAR EX-INDIA 1292 9292 1953-84 256 CHAPRA BIHAR 2578 8473 1901-81 349 KONDUL EX-INDIA 722 9373 1953-84 257 CHAS BIHAR 2363 8617 1901-70 350 NANCOWRY EX-INDIA 798 9353 1953-84 258 CHATRA BIHAR 2420 8487 1901-70 351 AHMEDABAD AERO GUJARAT 2307 7263 1901-83 259 CHATTARPUR BIHAR 2437 8420 1902-70 352 AHWA GUJARAT 2075 7368 1903-70 260 COLAGAON BIHAR 2527 8723 1901-70 353 AMOD GUJARAT 2200 7287 1901-70 261 DALTONGANJ BIHAR 2405 8407 1901-81 354 ANAND GUJARAT 2255 7297 1901-70 262 DAR.AULI BIHAR 2608 8413 1901-70 355 ANJAR GUJARAT 2312 7003 1901-70 263 DARBHANGA BIHAR 2617 8590 1901-81 356 ANKLESHWAR GUJARAT 2163 7300 1901-69 264 DAUDNAGAR HASPUR BIHAR 2505 8440 1901-70 357 BAJAN GUJARAT 2312 7177 1901-70 DEHRI BIHAR 2492 8418 1901-81 265 GUJARAT 2295 7333 1901-70 BIHAR 2465 8442 1901-70 358 BALASINOR 266 DEO GUJARAT 2077 7337 1901-70 BIHAR 2563 8505 1901-70 359 BANSDA 267 DINAPUR 1901-70 1901-81 360 BARDOLI GUJARAT 2112 7312 268 DUMKA BIHAR 2427 8725 361 BHAVNAGARPARA GUJARAT 2175 7220 1901-61 269 FORBESGANJ BIHAR 2630 8727 1901-52 362 BHUJ GUJARAT 2325 6980 1901-57 270 GARHWA BIHAR 2417 8380 1902-70 363 BORSAD GUJARAT 2243 7290 1901-70 GAVA BIHAR 2475 8495 1901-93 271 GUJARAT 2170 7297 1901-69 BIHAR 2260 8650 1901-70 364 BROACH 272 GHATSILA 1901-70 1901-67 365 BULSAR GUJARAT 2062 7293 273 GIDHOUR BIHAR 2487 8632 366 BYAD GUJARAT 2322 7323 1901-70 274 GOBINDPUR BIHAR 2383 8653 1901-70 367 CAMBAY GUJARAT 2232 7262 1901-70 275 GODDA BIHAR 2483 8722 1901-70 368 CHHOTA-UDEPUR GUJARAT 2230 7402 1901-70 276 GOGRI BIHAR 2548 8663 1901-70 369 CHIKHLI GUJARAT 2075 7307 1901-69 277 GOILKERA BIHAR 2253 8538 1901-70 370 CHUDA GUJARAT 2248 7168 1901-70 278 GONDWARA KOHRA BIHAR 2562 8742 1901-69 371 D .BARIA GUJARAT 2470 7392 1901-70 279 GOPALGANJ BIHAR 2647 8445 1901-68 372 DAKOR GUJARAT 2275 7315 1901-62 280 GUMLA BIHAR 2303 8455 1903-70

46 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

373 DEESA GUJARAT 2420 7220 1901-83 466 SAMPLA HARYANA 2877 7677 1001-70 374 DHANDHUKA GUJARAT 2237 7198 1901-69 467 SATHAWAS HARYANA 2845 7647 1901-70 375 DHARAMPUR GUJARAT 2055 7318 1901-70 468 SIRSA HARYANA 2953 7503 1901-70 1901-70 376 DHOLERA GUJARAT 2225 7218 1901-67 469 SOHANA HARYANA 2825 7708 377 DHOLKA GUJARAT 2272 7245 1901-70 470 SONEPAT HARYANA 2900 7703 1901-70 1901-70 378 DHORAJI GUJARAT 2173 7045 1901-70 471 TAURU UAORU HARYANA 2822 7695 1901-70 379 DHRANGADHRA GUJARAT 2298 7147 1901-70 472 THANESAR HARYANA 2998 7683 1901-70 380 DWARKA GUJARAT 2237 6908 1901-83 473 TOHANA HARYANA 2970 7592 1901-69 381 GODHRA GUJARAT 2278 7362 1901-69 474 BAN3AR SARAJ-TEH HIMACHAL 3163 7733 1951-69 382 GOGHA GUJARAT 2168 7128 1901-70 475 CHOWARI HIMACHAL 3245 7602 1901-69 383 GONDAL GUJARAT 2197 7080 1901-70 476 DEHRA GOPIPUR HIMACHAL 3188 7622 384 HALOL GUJARAT 2250 7348 1901-70 477 DHARMSALA LOWER HIMACHAL 3222 7632 1901-69 385 HANSOT GUJARAT 2158 7282 1901-70 478 HAMIRPUR HIMACHAL 3170 7653 1901-69 386 HIMATNAGAR GUJARAT 2360 7297 1901-70 479 KANDAGHAT HIMACHAL 3097 7712 1954-69 1901-G9 387 IDAR GUJARAT 2385 7300 1901-G8 480 KANGRA HIMACHAL 3210 7625 1901-69 388 ILAV GUJARAT 2145 7280 1901-70 481 KILBA HIMACHAL 3150 7813 1901-65 389 JALALPUR GUJARAT 2095 7290 1001-67 482 KOTAR.H HIMACHAL 3130 7748 1901-G9 390 JAMBUGHODA GUJARAT 2238 7373 1901-70 483 KOTKHAI HIMACHAL 3112 7753 7712 1901-69 391 JAMBUSAR GUJARAT 2205 7280 1901-70 484 KULU HIMACHAL 3195 7707 1903-78 392 JASDAN GUJARAT 2203 7120 1901-67 485 KYELONG HIMACHAL 3258 3105 7672 1954-69 393 JHALOD GUJARAT 2310 7415 1901-70 486 NALAGARH HIMACHAL 3230 7592 1901-69 394 JUNAGADH GUJARAT 2152 7047 1901-70 487 NURPUR HIMACHAL 7653 1901-69 395 KAIRA GUJARAT 2275 7270 1901-70 488 PALAMPUR HIMACHAL 3213 3110 7717 1901-70 396 KALOL GUJARAT 2262 7347 1901-70 489 SIMLA HIMACHAL 7628 1901-69 397 KAPADVANJ GUJARAT 2303 7307 1901-70 490 UNA HIMACHAL 3147 417 7350 1981-88 398 KHAMBHALIA GUJARAT 2222 6967 1960-70 491 MALE ISLAND ISLANDS 3530 7562 1901-44 399 KHAWADA GUJARAT 2385 6973 1953-60 492 SAKARDU OBSY J AND K 1901-69 400 LAKHAPAT GUJARAT 2383 6878 1953-69 493 AKHNOOR J AND K 3288 7473 3372 7515 1901-70 401 LUNAWADA GUJARAT 2313 7362 1901-70 494 ANANTNAG J AND K 3383 7458 1901-70 402 MAHUA GUJARAT 2108 7178 1901-64 495 BADGAM J AND K 3420 7437 1902-70 403 MAHUDHA GUJARAT 2282 7293 1901-70 496 BARAMULLA J AND K 3298 7407 1901-47 404 MANDVI GUJARAT 2125 7330 1901-70 497 BHIMBER J AND K 7775 1956-64 405 MANDVI GUJARAT 2283 6937 1901-70 498 DIGAR J AND K 3425 3 AND K 3443 7577 1901-68 406 MATAR GUJARAT 2270 7263 1901-70 499 DRAS K 3592 7438 1901-44 407 MEHMEDABAD GUJARAT 2283 7275 1901-70 500 GILGIT J AND K 3343 7493 1903-47 408 MODASA GUJARAT 2345 7328 1901-68 501 GULABARH J AND K 3405 7440 1901-82 409 MOHANPUR GUJARAT 2345 7307 1901-61 502 GULMARG J AND J AND K 3425 7683 1956-79 410 MORVI GUJARAT 2282 7083 1901-70 503 KHALATSE K 3433 7650 1956-77 411 NADIAD GUJARAT 2270 7287 1901-70 504 KHANGRAL J AND K 3330 7575 1901-62 412 NALIA GUJARAT 2327 0883 1901-64 505 KISTWAR J AND AND K 3352 7390 1901-47 413 NALIYA GUJARAT 2325 6885 1958-70 506 KOTLI J J AND K 3363 7502 1902-70 414 NAVANAGAR GUJARAT 2247 7008 1901-59 507 KULGAM J AND K 3320 7380 1901-47 415 OLPAD GUJARAT 2135 7275 1901-70 508 MIRPUR K 3475 7750 1956-75 416 PALANPUR GUJARAT 2417 7243 1901-70 509 PANAMIK J AND 3442 7558 1956-79 417 PALITANA GUJARAT 2152 7183 1901-70 510 PENDRAS JAND K AND K 3378 7412 1901-62 418 PARDI GUJARAT 2052 7295 1901-70 511 POONCH J K 3338 7430 1901-62 419 PORBANDAR GUJARAT 2162 6963 1901-64 512 RAJPURI RAMPUR J AND K 3280 7532 1901-69 420 PRANTIJ GUJARAT 2343 7287 1901-70 513 RAMANAGAR J AND AND K 3325 7525 1901-69 421 RADHANPUR GUJARAT 2383 7160 1901-68 514 RAMBAN J J AND K 3308 7483 1901-69 422 RAHAPUR GUJARAT 2357 7063 1901-70 515 REASI K 3432 7532 1901-79 423 RAJKOT GUJARAT 2230 7078 1901-93 516 SONEMARG J AND K 3430 7447 1930-70 424 RAJPIPLA NANDOD GUJARAT 2188 7350 1901-69 517 ,SOPORE J AND K 3262 7473 1901-69 425 SANAND GUJARAT 2298 7238 1901-70 518 SRI RANBIRSINGH J AND K 3408 7483 1901-93 426 SONGADH GUJARAT 2173 7188 1901-66 519 SRINAGAR J AND AND K 3292 7513 1901-69 427 SURAT GUJARAT 2120 7283 1901-93 520 UDHAPUR J K 3405 7403 1901-47 428 THARAD GUJARAT 2438 7162 1901-70 521 URI J AND AND K 3450 7467 1901-56 429 THASR.A GUJARAT 2280 7322 1901-70 522 UTTAMACHIPURA J K 3388 7490 1901-70 430 UMBERGAON GUJAR.AT 2020 7277 1901-70 523 VANTIPURA J AND 1297 7598 1901-70 431 VAGRA GUJARAT 2185 7285 1901-70 524 ALUR KARNATAKA 1223 7585 1902-70 432 VALOD GUJARAT 2105 7327 1901-70 525 AMMATHY KARNATAKA 1270 7768 1901-70 433 VERAVAL GUJARAT 2090 7037 1901-93 526 ANEKAL KARNATAKA KARNATAKA 1467 7430 1901-70 434 VIRAMGAM GUJARAT 2312 7205 1901-70 527 ANKOLA 1277 7605 1901-70 435 WADHWAN GUJARAT 2270 7167 1901-70 528 ARKALGUD KARNATAKA KARNATAKA 1332 7625 1901-70 436 WANKANER GUJARAT 2262 7093 1901-70 529 ARSIKERE KARNATAKA 1673 7507 1901-70 437 AMBALA HARYANA 3037 7678 1901-65 530 ATHANI KARNATAKA 1592 7568 1901-70 438 AMBALA HARYANA 3038 7677 1901-76 531 BADAMI KARNATAKA 1620 7570 1901-70 439 BALLABGARH HARYANA 2833 7733 1901-70 532 BAGALKOT KARNATAKA 1378 7778 1901-70 440 BHIWANI HARYANA 2880 7613 1901-70 533 BAGEPALLI 1658 7597 1901-70 .441 BUDHLADA HARYANA 2993 7558 1901-49 534 BAGEWADI KARNATAKA 1387 7463 1901-70 442 DADUPUR HARYANA 3025 7742 1901-65 535 BAINDUR KARNATAKA KARNATAKA 1297 7758 1901-93 443 FARUKHNAGAR HARYANA 2845 7683 1901-50 536 BANGALORE 1300 7818 1901-70 444 FATEHABAD HARYANA 2952 7545 1001-70 537 BANGARPET KARNATAKA 1288 7503 1901-70 445 FEROZEPUR JHIRKA HARYANA 2780 7697 1901-70 538 BANTWAL KARNATAKA. 1585 7453 1901-84 446 GOHANA HARYANA 2913 7670 1901-70 539 BELGAUM KARNATAKA KARNATAKA 1515 7685 1901-84 447 GULAH GULA HARYANA 3005 7630 1901-70 540 BELLARY KARNATAKA 1298 7528 1901-70 448 GURGAON HARYANA 2847 7703 1901-70 541 BELTHANGADY KARNATAKA 1317 7585 1901-70 449 HANSI HARYANA 2910 7597 1901-70 542 BELUR KARNATAKA 1398 7455 1901-70 450 HATTIN HARYANA 2805 7723 1901-70 543 BHATKAL KARNATAKA 1792 7753 1901-84 451 HISSAR HARYANA 2915 7573 1901-70 544 KARNATAKA 1682 7572 1901-84 452 JAGADHARI HARYANA 3017 .7730 1901-65 545 BIJAPUR KARNATAKA 1635 7562 1901-70 453 JATUSANA HARYANA 2833 7655 1901-70 546 BILGI KARNATAKA 1432 7665 1901-70 454 JHAJJAR HARYANA 2860 7665 1901-70 547 CHALLAKIRE KARNATAKA 1192 7693 1901-70 455 JIND HARYANA 2930 ?632 1901-65 548 CHAMARAJNAGAR KARNATAKA 1403 7592 1901-69 456 KAITHAL HARYANA 2980 7638 1901-70 549 CHANNAGIRI KARNATAKA 1265 7720 1901-70 457 KARNAL HARYANA 2970 7700 1901-70 550 CHANNAPATANA KARNATAKA 1290 7638 1901-70 458 NARAINGARH HARYANA 3047 7713 1901-65 551 CHANNARAYAPATNA KARNATAKA 1343 7773 1901-70 459 NUH HARYANA 2812 7702 1901-17 552 CHICKBALLAPUR KARNATAKA 1333 7577 1901-70 460 PALWAL HARYANA 2815 7733 1901-70 553 CHICKMAGALUR 1342 7662 1901-70 461 PANIPAT HARYANA 2938 7697 1901-70 554 CHIKNAYAKANIHALL KARNATAKA 1643 7458 1901-70 462 PUNAHANA HARYANA 2787 7720 1901-70 555 CHIKODI KARNATAKA 1340 7807 1901-70 463 RAJAUND HARYANA 2960 7648 1901-70 556 CHINTAMANI KARNATAKA 1423 7643 1901-93 464 REWARI HARYANA 2820 7660 1901-70 557 CHITRADURGA KARNATAKA 1363 7468 1901-70 465 ROHTAK HARYANA 2890 7658 1901-70 558 COONDAPUR KARNATAKA

47 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

559 DAVANGI RE KARNATAKA 1447 7592 1001-70 650 SHIGGAON KARNATAKA 1498 7522 1901-70 560 DEVANHALLI KARNATAKA 1325 7770 1901-09 651 SHIKARPUR KARNATAKA 1427 7535 1901-70 561 DHARWAR KARNATAKA 1545 7500 1001-70 652 SHIMOGA KARNATAKA 1393 7563 1901-50 562 DODBALLAPUR KARNATAKA 1328 7755 1001-70 653 SIDDAPUR KARNATAKA 1433 7488 1901-70 563 FRAZERPET KARNATAKA 1245 7597 1901-68 654 SIDLAGHATTA KARNATAKA 1338 7785 1901-70 564 GAURIBIDANUR KARNATAKA 1362 7752 1901-70 655 SINDGI KARNATAKA 1692 7623 1901-70 565 GOKAK KARNATAKA 1617 7483 1901-70 656 SIRA KARNATAKA 1375 7692 1901-70 506G GUBBI KARNATAKA 1332 76093 1901--70 657 SIRSI KARNATAKA 1462 7483 1901-70 567 GUDIBANDA KARNATAKA 1363 7770 1901-70 658 SIRUGUPPA KARNATAKA 1563 7690 1901-70 568 GULBARGA KARNATAKA 1735 7685 1001-84 659 KARNATAKA 1260 7585 1901-70 569 GUNDLUPET KARNATAKA 1180 7668 1901-70 660 SORAB KARNATAKA 1438 7510 1901-70 570 HADAGALLI KARNATAKA 1502 7593 1901-70 661 SRINGERI KARNATAKA 1342 7525 1901-70 1901-70 662 SRINIVASPUR KARNATAKA 1335 7822 1001-70 571 HALIYAL KARNATAKA 1533 7475 1901-70 572 HANGAL KARNATAKA 1477 7513 1901-70 663 SRIRANGPATNAM KARNATAKA 1242 7668 573 HARAPANAHALLI KARNATAKA 1478 7598 1901-70 664 SUNTICOPPA KARNATAKA 1245 7583 1902-701901-701002-76 665 SUPA KARNATAKA 1527 7450 574 HARIHAR KARNATAKA 1452 7580 1901-70 1901-70 1901-70 666 T.NARSIPUR KARNATAKA 1220 7690 575 HASKOTE KARNATAKA 1308 7778 1901-70 667 TARIKERE KARNATAKA 1372 7580 576 HASSAN KARNATAKA 1300 7615 1901-84 1901-70 1901-70 668 THIRTHAHALLI KARNATAKA 1368 7523 577 HAVERI KARNATAKA 1480 7540 1901-70 7633 1901-70 669 TIPTUR KARNATAKA 1328 7645 578 HEGGADDEVANKOTE KARNATAKA 1208 1901-70 KARNATAKA 1335 7710 579 HIREKERUR KARNATAKA 1445 7540 1901-70 670 TUMKUR 1901-70 580 HIRIYUR KARNATAKA 1395 7662 1901-70 671 TURUVEKERE KARNATAKA 1317 7667 1901-70 581 HOLALKHERE KARNATAKA 1403 7618 1901-70 672 UDIPI KARNATAKA 1335 7475 1001-70 7623 1901-70 673 VIRAJPET KARNATAKA 1218 7580 1901-70 582 HOLENARSIPUR KARNATAKA 1278 1901-70 1901-70 674 YELLAPUR KARNATAKA 1495 7472 583 KARNATAKA 1423 7565 1901-70 1901-70 584 HOSADURGA KARNATAKA 1382 7617 1901-70 675 BADAGARA KERALA 1160 7558 585 HOSANAGAR KARNATAKA 1392 7505 1901-70 676 CALICUT KERALA 1125 7578 1901-93 586 HOSPET KARNATAKA 1527 7640 1901-70 677 CANNANORE KERALA 1187 7537 1901-70 587 HUBLI KARNATAKA 1533 7513 1901-70 678 CHERAPALASERI KERALA 1087 7632 1901-70 588 HUKERI KARNATAKA 1623 7460 1901-70 679 CHITTUR KERALA 1070 7673 1901-70 589 HUNGUND KARNATAKA 1607 7605 1001-70 680 CHOWGHAT KERALA 1057 7605 1901-50 590 HUNSUR KARNATAKA 1230 7628 1901-70 681 HOSDURG KERALA 1230 7510 1901-70 591 ILKAL KARNATAKA 1597 7612 1901-70 682 IRIKKUR KERALA 1197 7555 1901-70 592 INDI KARNATAKA 1717 7597 1901-70 683 KASARGOD KERALA 1252 7498 1901-70 593 JAGALUR KARNATAKA 1452 7633 1901-70 684 KUTTIADI KERALA 1167 7575 1901-70 594 JAMKHANDI KARNATAKA 1650 7530 1901-70 685 MANANTODDY KERALA 1180 7602 1901-70 59i KADUR KARNATAKA 1355 7602 1901-70 686 MANJERI KERALA 1112 7613 1901-70 596 KALGHATGI KARNATAKA 1518 7497 1901-70 687 MANNARGHAT KERALA 1098 7647 1901-70 597 KAMPLI KARNATAKA 1540 7660 1901-70 688 NILAMBUR KERALA 1128 7623 1901-70 598 KANAKAPURA KARNATAKA 1255 7742 1901-70 689 OTTAPALAM KERALA 1078 7638 1901-70 599 KARKAL KARNATAKA 1322 7500 1901-70 690 PALGHAT KERALA 1078 7665 1901-65 600 KARNATAKA 1478 7413 1901-84 691 PARLI KERALA 1080 7655 1901-68 601 KHANPUR KARNATAKA 1563 7452 1901-70 692 PARUR KERALA 1015 7622 1901-70 602 KOLAR KARNATAKA 1313 7813 1901-70 693 PAYYANUR KERALA 1210 7520 1901-70 603 KOLLEGAL KARNATAKA 1212 7712 1901-70 694 PERINTHALAMANNA KERALA 1097 7623 1901-70 604 KOPPA BALGADI KARNATAKA 1355 7535 1901-70 695 PERUMPAVUR KERALA 1012 7648 1901-70 605 KORATAGERE KARNATAKA 1353 7723 1901-70 696 PONNANI KERALA 1078 7592 1901-70 606 KRISHNARAJNAGAR KARNATAKA 1243 7642 1901-70 697 QUILANDI KERALA 1145 7570 1901-70 607 KRISHNARAJPET KARNATAKA 1267 7648 1901-70 698 TELLICHERY KERALA 1175 7550 1901-70 608 KUDLIGI KARNATAKA 1492 7638 1902-70 699 TIRUVANGADI KERALA 1105 7592 1901-70 609 KUMSI KARNATAKA 1405 7538 1901-70 700 TRICHUR KERALA 1052 7622 1901-70 610 KUMTA KARNATAKA 1442 7442 1901-70 701 TRIPRAYAR KERALA 1045 7613 1901-50 611 KUNIGAL KARNATAKA 1302 7702 1901-70 702 VAYITTIRI KERALA 1155 7603 1901-70 612 LINGASUGUR KARNATAKA 1617 7652 1901-70 703 ARYANKAVU KERALA 898 7717 1905-70 613 MADHUGIRI KARNATAKA 1365 7720 1901-70 704 COCHIN FORT KERALA 997 7623 1901-80 614 MAGADI KARNATAKA 1295 7722 1901-68 705 MAVELIKARA KERALA 925 7653 1901-70 615 MALAVALLI KARNATAKA 1238 7707 1901-70 706 PUNALUR KERALA 900 7692 1901-70 616 MALUR KARNATAKA 1300 7793 1901-70 707 QUILON PWD KERALA 888 7660 1905-70 617 MANDYA KARNATAKA 1253 7688 1901-70 708 TRIVANDRUM KERALA 848 7695 1901-93 618 MANGALORE KARNATAKA 1287 7485 1901-81 709 BALODA BAZAR M.P. 2167 8217 1903-68 619 MERCARA KARNATAKA 1242 7573 1901-83 710 DHAMTARI M.P. 2070 8157 1901-68 620 MOLAKMURA KARNATAKA 1472 7675 1901-70 711 GARIABUND M.P. 2063 8207 1903-66 621 MUDDEBIHAL KARNATAKA 1633 7613 1901-70 712 RAIPUR M.P. 2123 8165 1901-93 622 MUDHOL KARNATAKA 1633 7528 1901-70 713 SARAIPALI M.P. 2108 8245 1902-58 623 MUDIGERE KARNATAKA 1313 7563 1901-70 714 SIMGA M.P. 2163 8170 1901-58 624 MULBAGAL KARNATAKA 1317 7840 1901-70 715 AMBAH M.P. 2670 7823 1903-70 625 MULKI KARNATAKA 1310 7478 1901-62 716 BHANDAR M.P. 2573 7875 1901-68 626 MUNDAGOD KARNATAKA 1497 7503 1901-70 717 BHIND M.P. 2657 7880 1901-70 627 MUNDARGI KARNATAKA 1522 7590 1901-70 718 DATIA M.P. 2567 7847 1901-68 628 MYSORE KARNATAKA 1230 7670 1901-84 719 GIRD M.P. 2620 7817 1901-65 629 NAGAMANGALA KARNATAKA 1282 7675 1901-70 720 SABALGARH M.P. 2625 7740 1901-70 630 NANJANGUD KARNATAKA 1213 7668 1901-70 721 SHEOPUR M.P. 2567 7670 1901-69 631 NAPOKLU KARNATAKA 1230 7568 1901-70 722 AJAIGARH M.P. 2490 8025 1901-70 632 NARASIMHARAJAPUR KARNATAKA 1362 7552 1901-70 723 ALIRAJPUR/RAJPUR M.P. 2230 7437 1901-69 633 NARGUND KARNATAKA 1572 7538 1901-70 724 AMBIKAPUR M.P. 2312 8320 1901-65 634 NAVALGUND KARNATAKA 1555 7537 1901-70 725 ASHTA M.P. 2302 7672 1901-70 635 NELAMANGALA KARNATAKA 1310 7740 1901-70 726 BAIHAR M.P. 2210 8057 1901-67 636 PAVAGADA KARNATAKA 1410 7728 1901-70 727 BALAGHAT M.P. 2180 8020 1901-67 637 POONAMPET KARNATAKA 1215 7593 1902-70 728 BANDA M.P. 2405 7897 1901-57 638 PUTTUR KARNATAKA 1277 7520 1901-70 729 BARWANI M.P. 2203 7488 1901-70 639 RAICHUR KARNATAKA 1620 7735 1901-84 730 BHILSA VIDISHA M.P. 2353 7782 1901-69 640 RAMDURG KARNATAKA 1595 7530 1901-70 731 BHOPAL M.P. 2327 7742 1929-70 641 RAMNAGARAM KARNATAKA 1272 7728 1901-70 732 BIJAWAR M.P. 2462 7950 1901-69 642 RANEBENNUR KARNATAKA 1462 7562 1901-70 733 BILASPUR M.P. 2208 8213 1901-70 643 RON KARNATAKA 1570 7575 1901-70 734 CHATARPUR M.P. 2492 7960 1901-69 644 SAGAR KARNATAKA 1417 7503 1901-70 735 CHHUIKHADAN M.P. 2153 8100 1902-70 645 SAMPAGAON-BAILH KARNATAKA 1582 7485 1901-70 736 DAMOH M.P. 2383 7945 1901-70 646 SANIVARSANTHE KARNATAKA 1282 7590 1901-69 737 DHAR M.P. 2260 7530 1901-69 647 SANKLESPUR KARNATAKA 1295 7578 1901-70 738 DONGARGARH M.P. 2120 8075 1902-63 648 SAUNDATTI KARNATAKA 1577 7510 1901-70 739 DURG DRUG M.P. 2122 8128 1901-70 649 SAUNUR SAVNUR KARNATAKA 1497 7533 1901-70 740 GUNA M.P. 2463 7732 1901-70

48 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year 2090 7478 741 HARDA M.P. 2235 7708 1901-- 69 834 DHULIA MAH 1901-70 2012 7772 1901-70 742 HATTA M.P. 2413 7960 1901-609 835 DIGR.AS MAH 2020 7383 1901-70 743 HOSHANGADAD M.P. 2277 7777 1901-83 836 DINDORI MAH 2018 7672 1901-70 744 JADALPUR M.P. 2317 7995 1901- 93 837 DONEGAON MAH 2107 7607 1901-70 745 JABERA M.P. 2355 7968 1901-68 838 EDALABAD. MAH 2093 7533 1901-70 746 JASHPURNAGAR. M.P. 2288 8413 1901-69 839 ERANDOL MAH 1622 7435 1901-70 747 JHABUA M.P. 2278 7458 1901-70 840 GADHINGLAJ MAH MAH 1630 7413 1901-70 748 KATANGI M.P. 2178 7980 1901-660 841 GARGOTI 1995 7990 1927-68 749 KHAIRAGARH M.P. 2142 8098 1902-70 842 GARMURI MAH MAH 1905 7383 1901-70 750 KHAMARIA M.P. 2180 8133 1902-66 843 GHODA AMDEGAON 2053 7963 1906-70 751 KHURAI M.P. 2405 7832 1901-690 844 GHORAJHERI MAH MAH 1747 7320 1901-70 752 KORBA M.P. 2233 8270 1901-61 845 GUHAGAR MAH 2055 7883 1901-70 753 KOWARDHA M.P. 2202 8125 1902-69 846 HINGANGHAT 1972 7358 1901-70 754 LANJI M.P. 2150 8053 1901-67 847 IGATPURI MAH MAH 1812 7503 1901-70 755 MAIHAR M.P. 2428 8077 1901-69 848 INDAPUR MAH 1705 7427 1901-70 756 MANAWAR M.P. 2223 7508 1906-70 849 ISLAMPUR MAH 2105 7557 1901-84 757 MUNGELI M.P. 2207 8168 1901-70 850 MAH 2105 7653 1901-70 758 MURWARA KATHI M.P. 2385 8040 1901-55 851 JALGAON MAH 1873 7532 1901-70 759 NAGODE M.P. 2457 8058 1001-69 852 JAMKHED MAH 2082 7578 1001-70 760 NOWGONG M.P. 2507 7945 1901-83 853 JAMNER 1705 7522 1901-70 761 PACHMARHI M.P. 2247 7843 1901-82 854 JATH MAH 1828 7417 1902-67 762 PANDARIA M.P. 2222 8142 1901-59 855 JEJURI MAH MAH 1922 7388 1901-70 763 PANNA M.P. 2472 8020 1901-70 856 JUNNAR MAH 2050 7403 1901-70 764 PENDRA M.P. 2277 8190 1903-93 857 KALVAN MAH 1925 7312 1901-70 765 RAIGARH M.P. 2192 8340 1901-69 858 KALYAN MAH 1728 7418 1901-70 7066 RAJNANDGAON M.P. 2108 8103 1902-69 859 2048 7748 1901-58 767 REHLI M.P. 2363 7907 1901-70 860 KARANJIA MAH MAH 1855 7500 1901-70 768 REWA M.P. 2453 8130 1901-68 861 1892 7333 1901-70 769 SAGAR M.P. 2385 7875 1901-83 862 KARJAT MAH MAH 1840 7520 1901-70 770 SAKTI M.P. 2203 8297 1902-70 863 KARMALA 2127 7858 1901-70 771 SARANGARH M.P. 2158 8308 1901-69 864 KATOL MAH MAH 2027 7977 1906-70 772 SEONI M.P. 2245 7748 1001-68 865 KHAIREE MAH 2072 7657 1901-70 773 SIDHI M.P. 2440 8188 1901-68 866 KHAMGAON MAH 1805 7403 1901-70 774 SIHORA M.P. 2348 8010 1901-69 867 MAH 1772 7340 1901-70 775 SIRONJ M.P. 2410 7770 1936-69 868 KHED MAH 1885 7300 1901-70 776 SOHAGPUR M.P. 2270 7820 1901-69 869 KHED MAH 2095 7752 1901-70 777 SOHAGPUR M.P. 2332 8135 1901-70 870 KHOLAPUR MAH 1670 7423 1901-69 778 SUTNA M.P. 2457 8083 1901-93 871 MAH 1990 7448 1901-70 779 TEONTHAR M.P. 2498 8103 1901-68 872 KOPARGAON MAH 1770 7417 1901-70 780 TIKAMGARH M.P. 2475 7883 1901-70 873 MAH 1602 7370 1901-70 781 ACHALPUR MAH 2127 7752 1901-70 874 KUDAL MAH 1958 7083 1906-70 782 AHIRI MAH 1940 8000 1914-70 875 KUNGHARI MAH 1907 7288 1901-62 783 MAH 1008 7480 1901-84 876 KURLA MAH 1068 7458 1901-66 784 AKLUJ MAH 1788 7503 1901-66 877 KURUNDWAD MAH 1875 7340 1901-68 785 AKOLA MAH 1955 7402 1901-70 878 MAH 1803 7552 1901-70 786' AKOLA MAH 2070 7703 1901-83 879 MADHA MAH 1793 7367 1901-84 787 AKOT MAH 2110 7707 1901-70 880 MAHABALESHWAR MAH 1808 7342 1901-70 788 MAH 1867 7388 1901-64 881 MAHAD MAH 1965 7272 1901-70 789 ALIBAG-CVL.HOSP. MAH 1863 7288 1901-58 882 MAHIM MAH 2055 7453 1901-84 790 AMALNER MAH 2105 7507 1901-70 883 MAH 2088 7620 1901-70 791 AMRAOTI MAH 2093 7778 1901-83 884 MALKAPUR MAH 1787 7492 1901-70 792 ANJANGAON MAH 2117 7732 1901-70 885 MALSIRAS MAH 1005 7347 1901-70 793 ARMORI MAH 2047 7998 1901-70 886 MALVAN MAH 1798 7325 1901-70 794 ARVI MAH 2098 7825 1901-70 887 MANDANGAD MAH 1823 7328 1901-70 795 ASOLA MAH 2025 7985 1006-70 888 MANGAON MAH 2032 7735 1901-70 796 AURANGABAD MAH 1988 7533 1901-83 889 MANGRULPIR MAH 1898 7328 1901-70 797 BADNERA MAH 2087 7773 1901-70 890 MAH 1778 7383 1901-70 798 BALAPUR MAH 2067 7678 1901-70 891 MEDHA MAH 2017 7655 1901-70 799 BARAMATI MAH 1815 7458 1901-70 892 MAH 1763 7470 1901-70 800 BARSI MAH 1823 7570 1901-70 893 MAH 1993 7333 1901-70 801 BARUD WARUD MAH 2147 7827 1901-70 894 MOKHADA MAH 2133 7802 1901-70 802 BASSEIN MAH 1935 7280 1901-70 895 MORSI MAH 2007 7968 1901-60 803 BHADGAON MAH 2067 7523 1901-70 896 MUL MAH 1923 7340 1901-70 804 BHANDARA MAH 2117 7907 1901-70 897 MURDAD MAH 2073 7738 1901-66 805 BHIR MAH 1900 7577 1901-59 898 MURTAJAPUR MAH 2115 7912 1901-83 806 MAH 1930 7305 1901-70 899 NAGPUR MEYO HOSP MAH 1913 7733 1901-70 807 BHOR MAH 1813 7385 1901-70 900 NANDED MAH 2032 7467 1901-70 808 BHUSAVAL MAH 2107 7578 1901-70 901 NANDGAON MAH 2083 7647 1901-70 809 BOMBAY COLABA MAH 1890 7282 1901-84 902 NANDURA MAH 2137 7425 1901-70 810 BRAHMAPURI MAH 2060 7987 1901-70 903 NANDURBAR MAH 2000 7378 1901-63 811 BULDANA MAH 2053 7618 1901-70 904 NASIK MAH 2115 7380 1901-70 812 CHALISGAON MAH 2045 7502 1901-70 905 NAVAPUR MAH 2048 7787 1901-67 813 CHANDGAD MAH 1593 7418 1901-70 906 NER MAH 1955 7493 1901-70 814 CHANDOR MAH 2033 7425 1901-70 907 2008 7412 1901-70 815 CHANDRAPUR MAH 1997 7930 1901-83 908 NIPHAD MAH MAH 1817 7605 1901-70 816 CHANDUR BAZAR MAH 2125 7773 1901-70 909 OSMANABAD MAH 2067 7537 1901-70 817 CHANDUR RAILWAY MAH 2082 7797 1901-70 910 PACHORA MAH 1792 7382 1901-70 818 CHIKHALDA MAH 2142 7732 1901-70 911 PANCHGANI MAH 1765 7533 1901-70 819 CHIKHLI MAH 2035 7625 1901-70 912 MAH 2002 7855 1901-69 820 CHIMUR MAH 2050 7938 1901-70 913 PANDHERIKAWARA MAH 1898 7312 1901-70 821 MAH 1753 7352 1901-70 914 MAH 1900 7445 1901-70 822 CHOPDA MAH 2125 7530 1901-70 915 PARNER MAH 2088 7512 1901-70 823 DAHANU MAH 1998 7272 1901-70 916 PAROLA MAH 1737 7390 1901-70 824 DAHIWADI MAH 1770 7455 1901-70 917 PATAN 2045 7695 1901-63 825 DAPOLI MAH 1777 7320 1901-70 918 PATUR MAH 1853 7362 1901-70 826 DARWHA MAH 2032 7777 1901-70 919 PAUD MAH 2025 7350 1901-70 827 MAH 2093 7733 1901-70 920 PEINT MAH 1873 7310 1901-70 828 DEOLGAON RAJA MAH 2003 7603 1901-70 921 PEN MAH 1798 7443 1901-70 829 DEVGAD MAH 1637 7337 1901-70 922 MAH 2017 7398 1901-70 830 DEVRUKH MAH 1705 7362 1901-70 923 PIMPALGAON MAH 1853 7385 1901-93 831 DHANORA MAH 2027 8032 1920-60 924 POONA MAH 1992 1901-70 832 DHARNI MAH 2157 7688 1901-68 925 PUSAD MAH 7758 1747 7433 1901-70 833 DHOND MAH 1847 7460 1901-70 926 PUSESAULI MAH

49 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

927 RAHURI MAH 1940 7465 1901-70 1018 CUTTACK ORISSA 2047 8587 1901-55 928 R.AJAPUR MAH 1665 7352 1901-70 1019 CUTTAK ORISSA 2047 8593 1901-84 929 RAMTEK MAH 2140 7933 1901-70 1020 DASPALLA ORISSA 2035 8485 1901-67 930 RATNAGIRI MAH 1698 7333 1901-93 1021 DHARINGBADI ORISSA 1992 8413 1901-58 931 RAVER MAH 2125 7603 1901-70 1022 DHARMASALA ORISSA 2078 8615 1901-49 932 RISOD MAH 1997 7680 1901-66 1023 DHENKANAL ORISSA 2067 8560 1901-64 933 ROHA MAH 1843 7312 1901-70 1024 GOP ORISSA 1998 8602 1901-67 934 SAKOLI MAH 2108 8000 1901-70 1025 GOPALPUR ORISSA 1927 8488 1901-84 935 SAKRI MAH 2100 7430 1901-70 1020 GUMMA ORISSA 1898 8403 1901-54 936 SANGAMNER MAH 1957 7422 1901-70 1027 GUNUPUR ORISSA 1908 8382 1901-67 937 MAH 1687 7457 1901-70 1028 HINDOL ORISSA 2062 8520 1903-67 938 SANGOLA MAH 1743 7520 1901-70 1029 JAGATSINGPUR ORISSA 2027 8617 1901-67 939 SASVAD MAH 1835 7403 1901-70 1030 JAIPUR ORISSA 2083 8633 1901-67 940 MAH 1768 7398 1901-70 1031 JALLESORE ORISSA 2182 8722 1901-58 941 SATNA MAH 2000 7420 1901-70 1032 JEYPORE ORISSA 1885 8257 1901-58 942 SAWANTWADI MAH 1590 7382 1901-70 1033 KAMAKHYANAGAR ORISSA 2093 8555 1901-55 943 SHAHADA MAH 2155 7447 1901-70 1034 KANAS ORISSA 2002 8565 1901-64 944 SHAHAPUR MAH 1945 7333 1901-70 1035 KENDRAPARA ORISSA 2050 8642 1901-64 945 SHEGAON MAH 2080 7670 1901-70 1036 KEONJHARGARH ORISSA 2163 8558 1901-67 946 SHEVGAON MAH 1933 7522 1901-70 1037 KHURDA ORISSA 2018 8563 1901-58 947 SHIRALA MAH 1697 7415 1901-70 1038 KORAPUT ORISSA 1882 8272 1901-58 948 SHIROL MAH 1673 7460 1901-70 1039 MALKANGIRI ORISSA 1835 8190 1901-64 949 SHIRPUR MAH 2135 7488 1901-70 1040 NARSINGPUR ORISSA 2045 8508 1901-67 950 SHOLAPUR MAH 1707 7590 1901-93 1041 NAWARANGPUR ORISSA 1923 8255 1901-58 951 SHRIGONDA MAH 1862 7470 1901-70 1042 PADWA ORISSA 1838 8267 1901-58 952 SINDKHEDA MAH 2128 7475 1901-70 1043 PAL-LAHARA ORISSA 2143 8518 1901-64 953 SINNAR MAH 1985 7400 1901-70 1044 PARLAKIMEDI ORISSA 1878 8410 1901-58 954 SIRONCHA MAH 1883 7997 1901-70 1045 PHULBANI ORISSA 2048 8423 1901-67 955 SIRPUR MAH 2018 7700 1901-69 1046 POTTANGI ORISSA 1857 8297 1901-64 956 SIRUR MAH 1883 7438 1901-70 1047 PURANKOT ORISSA 2065 8483 1901-58 957 TALEGAON MAH 2068 7810 1901-70 1048 PURI ORISSA 1980 8582 1901-84 958 TALEGAON D-DHERA MAH 1865 7415 1901-68 1049 PURUSHOTTAMPUR ORISSA 1953 8488 1901-57 959 TALODA MAH 2157 7422 1901-70 1050 RAM/UDAYAGIRI ORISSA 1915 8413 1901-50 960 TASGAON MAH 1703 7460 1901-70 1051 PRAMBHA ORISSA 1952 8510 1901-64 961 TELHARA MAH 2103 7683 1901-70 1052 RAYAGADA ORISSA 1917 8342 1901-64 9q.2 THANA MAH 1920 7298 1901-70 1053 RUSSELKONDA ORISSA 1995 8458 1901-58 903 TIRORA MAH 2143 7993 1901-62 1054 SALEPUR ORISSA 2050 8613 1901-57 904 TRIMBAK MAH 1995 7353 1901-68 1055 SAMBALPUR ORISSA 2147 8397 1901-84 965 UMERKHED MAH 1958 7770 1901-70 1056 SORO ORISSA 2128 8670 1901-58 966 UMERKHED MAH 1958 7770 1901-70 1057 SURADA ORISSA 1977 8443 1901-64 967 UMRER MAH 2085 7933 1901-70 1058 TALCHER ORISSA 2095 8522 1901-64 968 URAN MAH 1890 7292 1901-70 1059 BANDHER PUNJAB 3012 7542 1901-70 969 VADA MAH 1965 7313 1901-70 1060 BARAULI PUNJAB 3092 7700 1901-50 970 VADGAON MAVAL MAH 1873 7365 1901-70 1061 BATALA PUNJAB 3180 7520 1901-70 971 VADUJ MAH 1760 7445 1901-70 1062 BHARTHALA PUNJAB 3050 7608 1901-68 972 VENGURLA MAH 1587 7363 1901-70 1063 DADAHOR PUNJAB 3053 7558 1901-70 973 VITA MAH 1728 7455 1901-70 1064 DASUYA PUNJAB 3180 7563 1901-70 974 WAI MAH 1793 7390 1901-70 1065 DHANETA PUNJAB 3013 7623 1901-67 975 WANI MAH 2005 7895 1901-70 1066 FAZILKA PUNJAB 3040 7403 1901-70 976 WARDHA MAH 2075 7862 1901-70 1067 FEROZEPUR CITY PUNJAB 3092 7462 1901-69 977 WARORA MAH 2022 7902 1901-70 1068 FEROZEPUR SADAR PUNJAB 3088 7458 1901-70 978 WASHIM MAH 2012 7713 1901-70 1069 GARHSHANKAR PUNJAB 3122 7612 1901-70 979 .YAVAL MAH 2117 7570 1901-70 1070 GOBINDGARH PUNJAB 3017 7425 1901-68 980 YEOLA MAH 2005 7448 1901-70 1071 GUJJRAN PUNJAB 3013 7600 1901-67 981 YEOTMAL MAH 2038 7813 1901-65 1072 HOSHIARPUR PUNJAB 3153 7592 1901-70 982 CHURACHANDPUR F MANIPUR 2433 9365 1959-70 1073 JAGRAON PUNJAB 3078 7548 1901-70 983 IMPHAL MANIPUR. 2477 9390 1953-93 1074 JALALABAD PUNJAB 3060 7425 1901-60 984 IMPHAL C.HOSP MANIPUR 2485 9397 1901-66 1075 JODHPUR PUNJAB 3003 7508 1901-70 985 MARAM FARM MANIPUR 2540 9412 1959-70 1076 JULLUNDAR PUNJAB 3133 7558 1901-70 986 CHERRAPUNJI MEGHALAYA 2525 9173 1902-81 1077 KASSULI PUNJAB 3088 7697 1901-50 987 CHERRAPUNJI/P.S. MEGHALAYA 2528 9172 1901-67 1078 KHARAR PUNJAB 3075 7665 1901-70 988 JOWAI MEGHALAYA 2543 9220 1901-68 1079 KOTRA PUNJAB 2988 7582 1901-67 989 MAWPHLANG MEGHALAYA 2545 9177 1901-46 1080 LEHAL PUNJAB 3037 7650 1901-67 990 SHILLONG MEGHALAYA 2557 9188 1902-81 1081 LUDHIANA PUNJAB 3092 7587 1901-70 991 TURA MEGHALAYA 2552 9023 1901-81 1082 LUDHIANA PUNJAB 3093 7587 1901-84 992 UPPER SHILLONG MEGHALAYA 2557 9190 1901-59 1083 MOGA PUNJAB 3080 7517 1901-70 993 AIJAL MIZORAM 2373 9272 1901-52 1084 MUKTESAR PUNJAB 3047 7452 1901-70 994 CHAMPHAI MIZORAM 2347 9333 1901-59 1085 NAKODAR PUNJAB 3112 7548 1901-70 995 DEMAGIRI MIZORAM 2292 9247 1901-68 1086 NATHANA PUNJAB 3032 7508 1901-60 996 LUNGLEH MIZORAM 2288 9275 1901-57 1087 NAWANSHAHR PUNJAB 3112 7612 1901-70 997 SAIRANG MIZORAM 2380 9267 1901-59 1088 PATHANKOT PUNJAB 3228 7565 1901-70 998 DIMAPUR NAGALAND 2592 9375 1901-57 1089 PATIALA PUNJAB 3033 7647 1901-93 999 KOHIMA NAGALAND 2563 9417 1948-70 1090 PHILLAUR PUNJAB 3102 7580 1901-70 1000 MOKAKCHUNG NAGALAND 2633 9453 1901-69 1091 RANIKE PUNJAB 3035 7580 1901-70 1001 WOKHA NAGALAND 2610 9425 1901-57 1092 RUPAR PUNJAB 3097 7652 1901-69 1002 AKHUAPADA ORISSA 2093 8628 1901-58 1093 SAMRALA PUNJAB 3083 7618 1901-70 1003 ASKA ORISSA 1962 8467 1901-67 1094 TIBRI PUNJAB 3210 7558 1901-70 1004 ATHMALIK ORISSA 2072 8453 1903-67 1095 ZIRA PUNJAB 3097 7498 1901-70 1005 BALASORE ORISSA 2150 8693 1901-93 1096 AJMER RAJASTHAN 2645 7462 1901-84 1006 BALLIGUDA ORISSA 2020 8392 1901-58 1097 ALWAR RAJASTHAN 2757 7660 1901-70 1007 BANKI BANKIGARH ORISSA 2038 8553 1901-67 1098 ANGAI RAJASTHAN 2660 7748 1902-50 1008 BANPUR ORISSA 1978 8518 1901-58 1099 ANUPGARH RAJASTHAN 2920 7323 1906-70 1009 BARAMBA ORISSA 2043 8535 1901-58 1100 BAKANI RALLAI RAJASTHAN 2430 7623 1901-70 1010 BARIPADA ORISSA 2195 8673 1901-64 1101 BALI RAJASTHAN 2518 7328 1901-70 1011 BERHAMPUR ORISSA 1932 8480 1901-58 1102 BARI RAJASTHAN 2665 7760 1901-70 1012 BHADRAK ORISSA 2107 8650 1901-57 1103 BARMER RAJASTHAN 2575 7140 1901-70 1013 BHAWANIPATNA ORISSA 1992 8317 1902-49 1104 BASERI RAJASTHAN 2675 7753 1901-70 1014 BISSEM-CUTTACK ORISSA 1952 8350 1901-58 1105 BAYANA BIANA RAJASTHAN 2690 7728 1901-70 1015 BOLANGIR ORISSA 2070 8350 1902-64 1106 BEAWAR NAYANAGAR RAJASTHAN 2610 7432 1901-70 1016 CHATRAPUR ORISSA 1935 8500 1901-58 1107 BHARATPUR RAJASTHAN 2722 7750 1901-70 1017 CHENDIPADA ORISSA 2110 8487 1901-67 1108 BIKANER RAJASTHAN 2800 7330 1901-93

50 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

1109 BIKANER RAJASTHAN 2802 7330 1958-70 1202 BHAVANI TAMILNADU 1145 7770 1901-70 1110 BILARA RAJASTHAN 2618 7370 1901-70 1203 CHATRAPATTI TAMILNADU 1047 7762 1903-70 1111 CHATSU RAJASTHAN 2660 7595 1901-70 1204 CHENGAM TAMILNADU 1230 7878 1901-70 1112 CHIRAWA RAJASTHAN 2823 7565 1901-70 1205 CHETTIKULAM TAMILNADU 1115 7880 1901-70 1113 CHOMU RAJASTHAN 2717 7572 1901-70 1206 CHEYYAR TAMILNADU 1235 8002 1901-70 1114 CHOTAN RAJASTHAN 2548 7107 1901-70 1207 CHEYYAR TAMILNADU 1267 7958 1901-70 1115 DAUSA RAJASTHAN 2690 7633 1901-70 1208 CHIDAMBARAM TAMILNADU 1140 7970 1901-70 1116 DEOLI RAJASTHAN 2577 7538 1901-58 1209 CHINGLEPUT TAMILNADU 1270 7998 1901-70 1117 DESURI RAJASTHAN 2528 7355 1901-70 1210 COIMBATORE TAMILNADU 1100 7697 1901-84 1118 DHOLPUR RAJASTHAN 2670 7788 1901-70 1211 COVELONG TAMILNADU 1278 8025 1901-70 1119 DIDWANA RAJASTHAN 2740 7458 1901-70 1212 CUDDALORE TAMILNADU 1177 7977 1901-93 1120 DUGARPUR RAJASTHAN 2393 7583 1901-70 1213 DENKANIKOTTAH TAMILNADU 1253 7778 1901-70 1121 GANGAPUR RAJASTHAN 2648 7673 1901-70 1214 DEVALA TAMILNADU 1147 7640 1901-70 1122 GOELA RAJASTHAN 2612 7495 1901-70 1215 DHARAPURAM TAMILNADU 1073 7753 1901-70 1123 GOVINDGARH RAJASTHAN 2750 7700 1901-70 1216 DHARMAPURI TAMILNADU 1213 7817 1901-70 1124 GUDHA RAJASTHAN 2518 7172 1901-50 1217 DINDIGUL TAMILNADU 1035 7797 1901-70 1125 HANUMANGARH RAJASTHAN 2958 7432 1906-70 1218 ERODE TAMILNADU 1135 7772 1901-70 1126 HINDAUN RAJASTHAN 2672 7702 1901-70 1219 GINGEE TAMILNADU 1225 7943 1901-70 1127 IKLERA AKLERA RAJASTHAN 2442 7657 1901-70 1220 GLENMORGAN TAMILNADU 1158 7650 1901-70 1128 JAIPUR RAJASTHAN 2682 7580 1901-93 1221 GOBICHETTIPALAYA TAMILNADU 1147 7743 1901-70 1129 JAISALMER. RAJASTHAN 2692 7092 1901-70 1222 GUDALUR TAMILNADU 1150 7650 1901-70 1130 JAITRAM RAJASTHAN 2620 7395 1901-70 1223 GUDIYATHAM TAMILNADU 1297 7887 1901-70 1131 JALORE RAJASTHAN 2535 7262 1901-70 1224 HARUR TAMILNADU 1205 7850 1901-70 1132 JASOL RAJASTHAN 2582 7222 1901-62 1225 HOSUR TAMILNADU 1272 7783 1901-70 1133 JAWAJA RAJASTHAN 2595 7422 1901-70 1226 ILUPPUR TAMILNADU 1052 7862 1901-70 1134 JHUNJHUNU RAJASTHAN 2813 7538 1901-70 1227 JAYAMKONDAM TAMILNADU 1122 7937 1901-70 1135 JODHPUR RAJASTHAN 2630 7302 1901-93 1228 KALLAKURICHI TAMILNADU 1173 7893 1901-50 1136 JODHPUR RAJASTHAN 2630 7303 1929-70 1229 KANCHEEPURAM TAMILNADU 1283 7972 1901-70 1137 KAMEN KAMAN RAJASTHAN 2765 7727 1901-70 1230 KANGAYAM TAMILNADU 1100 7757 1901-70 1138 KARANPUR RAJASTHAN 2983 7347 1928-70 1231 KARAMBAKKUDI TAMILNADU 1045 7915 1901-69 1139 KARAULI RAJASTHAN 2650 7702 1901-70 1232 KARUR TAMILNADU 1097 7808 1901-70 1140 KEKRI RAJASTHAN 2597 7515 1901-70 1233 KATTUMANNARKOIL TAMILNADU 1128 7955 1901-70 1141 KHETRI RAJASTHAN 2800 7580 1901-70 1234 KATTUMAVADI TAMILNADU 1012 7923 1901-70 1142 KISHANGARH RAJASTHAN 2782 7672 1901-70 1235 KETTY TAMILNADU 1138 7677 1901-70 1143 KOTPUTLI RAJASTHAN 2772 7622 1901-70 1236 KILANILAI TAMILNADU 1018 7887 1901-70 1144 KOTRA H RAJASTHAN 2437 7320 1951-53 1237 KODAIKANAL TAMILNADU 1023 7747 1901-84 1145 LACHMANGARH RAJASTHAN 2737 7687 1901-70 1238 KODANAND TAMILNADU 1150 7692 1901-70 1146 LALSOT RAJASTHAN 2655 7633 1901-70 1239 KODAVASAL TAMILNADU 1085 7948 1901-70 1147 LUNKARANSAR RAJASTHAN 2850 7375 1906-70 1240 KODUMUDI TAMILNADU 1108 7787 1901-70 1148 MACHILPUR RAJASTHAN 2663 7723 1901-53 1241 KOTAGIRI TAMILNADU 1143 7687 1901-70 1149 MAHAJAN RAJASTHAN 2875 7392 1962-68 1242 KRISHNAGIRI TAMILNADU 1253 7823 1901-70 1150 MAHWA MAHWAR RAJASTHAN 2705 7693 1901-70 1243 KULATTUR TAMILNADU 1070 7855 1901-70 1151 MALPURA RAJASTHAN 2628 7538 1901-70 1244 KULITHALAI TAMILNADU 1092 7842 1901-70 1152 MANDAWAR RAJASTHAN 2787 7655 1901-70 1245 KUMBHAKONAM TAMILNADU 1097 7937 1901-70 1153 MANDREAL RAJASTHAN 2630 7723 1901-54 1246 KUNDHA KAILKUND TAMILNADU 1127 7665 1901-70 1154 MANOHAR THANA RAJASTHAN 2423 7680 1901-70 1247 KURINJIPADI TAMILNADU 1157 7960 1903-70 1155 MERTA CITY RAJASTHAN 2663 7403 1901-70 1248 LALGUDI TAMILNADU 1087 7883 1901-70 1156 NAGAUR (NAGORE) RAJASTHAN 2720 7375 1901-70 1249 MADRAS TAMILNADU 1300 8018 1901-93 1157 NAWA RAJASTHAN 2702 7500 1901-70 1250 MADURANTAKAM TAMILNADU 1253 7988 1901-70 1158 NEEMKATHANA RAJASTHAN 2773 7578 1901-70 1251 MANAPPARAI TAMILNADU 1060 7842 1901-70 1159 NIMARANA RAJASTHAN 2800 7638 1901-70 1252 MANNARGUDI TAMILNADU 1067 7945 1901-70 1160 NOHAR RAJASTHAN 2918 7477 1906-70 1253 MARUNGAPURI TAMILNADU 1043 7840 1901-70 1161 PACHPADRA RAJASTHAN 2593 7227 1901-70 1254 MAYURAM TAMILNADU 1110 7965 1901-70 1162 PALANA RAJASTHAN 2785 7325 1906-70 1255 MELUR TAMILNADU 1005 7833 1901-70 1163 PARBATSAR RAJASTHAN 2688 7475 1901-70 1256 MERCANAM TAMILNADU 1218 7997 1901-66 1164 PHALODI RAJASTHAN 2713 7237 1901-84 1257 METTUPALAYAM TAMILNADU 1130 7695 1901-70 1165 PISANGAN RAJASTHAN 2640 7438 1901-70 1258 MUSIRI TAMILNADU 1095 7845 1901-70 1166 POKARAN RAJASTHAN 2693 7192 1957-70 1259 MUTHUPET TAMILNADU 1040 7950 1901-70 1167 RAJAKHERA RAJASTHAN 2690 7818 1901-70 1260 NADUVATTAM TAMILNADU 1147 7655 1901-70 1168 RAMGARH RAJASTHAN 2737 7050 1901-70 1261 NAGAPATTINAM TAMILNADU 1077 7985 1901-84 1169 RAMGARH RAJASTHAN 2758 7682 1901-70 1262 NAMAKKAL TAMILNADU 1122 7817 1901-70 1170 SAM RAJASTHAN 2683 7050 1957-70 1263 NANNILAM TAMILNADU 1088 7962 1901-70 1171 SAMBHAR RAJASTHAN 2692 7518 1901-70 1264 NEIDAVASAL TAMILNADU 1035 7915 1901-70 1172 SAMOD RAJASTHAN 2717 77575 1901-70 1265 NIDAMANGALAM TAMILNADU 1077 7943 1901-70 1173 SANGANER RAJASTHAN 2680 7578 1901-70 1266 NILAKOTTAI TAMILNADU 1017 7785 1901-70 1174 SAPOTRA RAJASTHAN 2628 7675 1901-70 1267 OMALUR TAMILNADU 1175 7805 1901-70 1175 SAWAI MADHOPUR RAJASTHAN 2598 7637 1901-70 1268 OOTACAMUND TAMILNADU 1140 7673 1901-84 1176 SAWAR RAJASTHAN 2575 7522 1901-70 1269 PALACODE TAMILNADU 1230 7808 1901-70 1177 SEPAO RAJASTHAN 2682 7775 1902-70 1270 PALANI TAMILNADU 1045 7752 1901-70 1178 SHEO RAJASTHAN 2618 7125 1901-70 1271 PALLADAM TAMILNADU 1098 7730 1901-70 1179 SHERGARH RAJASTHAN 2633 7230 1901-70 1272 PANRUTI TAMILNADU 1177 7957 1901-70 1180 SIKAR RAJASTHAN 2762 7515 1901-70 1273 PARAMATHI TAMILNADU 1117 7803 1901-70 1181 SIRMUTHRA RAJASTHAN 2652 7737 1901-70 1274 PATTUKKOTTAI TAMILNADU 1043 7932 1901-70 1182 SIWANA RAJASTHAN 2565 7242 1901-70 1275 PENNAGARAM TAMILNADU 1213 7790 1901-70 1183 SRIMADHOPUR RAJASTHAN 2747 7560 1901-70 1276 PERIAKULAM TAMILNADU 1012 7753 1901-70 1184 SURATGARH RAJASTHAN 2932 7375 1906-70 1277 PERIYANAICKAMPAL TAMILNADU 1115 7695 1902-67 1185 SURPURA NOKHA RAJASTHAN 2758 7348 1906-70 1278 PERUMBALUR TAMILNADU 1123 7887 1901-70 1186 TIJARA . RAJASTHAN 2795 7685 1901-70 1279 PERUNDURAI TAMILNADU 1128 7758 1901-70 1187 TODGARH RAJASTHAN 2568 7397 1901-70 1280 POLLACHI TAMILNADU 1065 7702 1901-70 1188 TONK RAJASTHAN 2617 7580 1901-70 1281 POLUR TAMILNADU 1252 7913 1901-70 1189 UNIARA ALIGARH RAJASTHAN 2592 7603 1901-70 1282 PONNAMARAVATHI TAMILNADU 1028 7853 1901-70 1190 ADANAKOTTAI TAMILNADU 1055 7897 1901-62 1283 PONNERI TAMILNADU 1332 8020 1901-70 1191 ALANGUDI TAMILNADU 1037 7898 1901-70 1284 POONAMALLEE TAMILNADU 1303 8012 1901-65 1192 AMBUR TAMILNADU 1280 7872 1901-70 1285 PORTO NOVO TAMILNADU 1150 7975 1901-70 1193 ANNAVASAL TAMILNADU 1045 7870 1901-69 1286 PUDUKKOTTAI TAMILNADU 1038 7882 1901-70 1194 ARANTANGI TAMILNADU 1018 7898 1901-70 1287 RASIPURAM TAMILNADU 1145 7818 1901-70 1195 ARAVAKURICHI TAMILNADU 1077 7792 1901-70 1288 RAYAKOTTAH TAMILNADU 1252 7805 1901-70 1196 ARIYALUR TAMILNADU 1113 7908 1901-70 1289 SAIDAPET TAMILNADU 1305 8023 1901-70 1197 ARKONAM TAMILNADU 1308 7967 1901-70 1290 SALEM TAMILNADU .1165 7817 1901-84 1198 ARNI TAMILNADU 1267 7930 1901-70 1291 SANKARI TAMILNADU 1147 7787 1901-70 1199 ATHIPETTU TAMILNADU 1327 8028 1901-65 1292 SATYAMANGALAM TAMILNADU 1150 7725 1901-70 1200 TAMILNADU 1160 7862 1901-70 1293 SENDAMANGALAM TAMILNADU 1128 7823 1901-70 1201 AVANASHI TAMILNADU 1120 7728 1901-70 1294 SHOLINGUR TAMILNADU 1312 7943 1902-70

51 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

1295 SIRKALI TAMILNADU 1125 7073 1001-70 1385 BANSI U.P. 2717 8293 1901-68 1206 SRIMUSHNAM TAMILNADU 1140 7942 1003-70 1386 BARODA U.P. 2723 7773 1901-61 1207 SRIPERUMBUDUR TAMILNADU 1207 7007 1001-70 1387 BASAUNTI U,.P. 2755 7752 1901-61 1298 SULUR TAMILNADU 1103 7713 1001-70 1388 DASTI U.P. 2678 8272 1001-68 1299 TALAVADI TAMILNADU 1178 7702 1001-70 1380 BERINAG U.P. 2077 8005 1001-68 1300 TANJAVUR TAMILNADU 1078 7013 1001-70 1300 BHAGAON BHOGAON U.P. 2725 7918 1001-68 1301 THALLI TAMILNADU 1258 7765 1901-62 1301 BHAINSWAL U.P. 2953 7730 1901-67 1302 THAMMAMPATTY TAMILNADU 1145 7850 1001-70 1302 BHIKAPUR U.P. 2767 7867 1901-61 1303 THATHAIENGARPET TAMILNADU 1113 7845 1001-70 1303 BIJNOR U.P. 2037 7813 1001-68 1304 THIRUTHURAIPOOND TAMILNADU 1053 7065 1001-70 1394 BILARI U.P. 2862 7880 1001-68 1305 TINDIVANAM TAMILNADU 1225 7965 1901-70 1305 BILGRAM U.P. 2718 8003 1901-68 1306 TIRUCHENGODE TAMILNADU 1138 7700 1001-70 1306 BIRONKHOL U.P. 3025 7025 1901-68 1307 TIRUCHIRAPALLI TAMILNADU 1077 7872 1901-03 1307 BISAULI U.P. 2830 7893 1901-67 1308 TIRUKKATTUPALLI TAMILNADU 1085 7807 1002-70 1308 BISWAN U.P. 2748 8100 1901-67 1309 TIRUKOILUR TAMILNADU 1197 7022 1901-70 1399 BUDAUN U.P. 2805 7912 1001-67 1310 TIRUMAYAM TAMILNADU 1025 7875 1901-70 1400 BUDHANA U.P. 2928 7748 1901-68 1311 TIRUPOONDI TAMILNADU 1062 7082 1002-70 1401 BULANDSHAHR U.P. 2840 7787 1001-68 1312 TIRUPPATHUR TAMILNADU 1012 7860 1001-70 1402 CHAMPAWAT U.P. 2933 8008 1901-68 1313 TIRUPPATTUR TAMILNADU 1248 7858 1001-70 1403 CHAUKURI U.P. 2975 8025 1901-68 1314 TIRUTANI TAMILNADU 1318 7062 1001-70 1404 CHHATA U.P. 2773 7750 1901-68 1315 TIRUVAIYARU TAMILNADU 1088 7010 1001-70 1405 CHHOTA KOSI U.P. 2778 7743 1901-67 1316 TIRUVALLUR TAMILNADU 1313 7002 1001-70 1406 CHUNAR U.P. 2512 8290 1901-67 1317 TIRUVANNAMALAI TAMILNADU 1223 7008 1901-70 1407 DALMAU U.P. 2607 8103 1901-68 1318 TIRUVARUR. TAMILNADU 1077 7965 1001-70 1408 DATAGANJ U.P. 2803 7940 1901-67 1319 TITTAGUDI TAMILNADU 1140 7912 1001-70 1400 DAYANATHPUR U.P. 2818 7760 1001-68 1320 TRANQUBAR TAMILNADU 1103 7087 1901-70 1410 DEOBAND U.P. 2970 7768 1001-68 1321 TURAIYUR TAMILNADU 1115 7860 1001-70 1411 DEOGAON LALGANJ U.P. 2573 8298 1001-68 1322 UDAYALIPATTI TAMILNADU 1062 7802 1901-62 1412 DEORIA U.P. 2650 8378 1901-68 1323 UDUMALPET TAMILNADU 1058 7725 1001-70 1413 DHAMPUR U.P. 2030 7852 1001-68 1324 ULUNDURPET TAMILNADU 1170 7928 1001-70 1414 DHANDAUS U.P. 2710 7928 1901-68 1325 UPPILIYAPURAM TAMILNADU 1127 7852 1001-70 1415 DOMERIAGANJ U.P. 2722 8267 1001-68 1326 UTHANKARAI TAMILNADU 1225 7855 1001-70 1416 ETAH U.P. 2757 7868 1001-68 1327 UTTIRAMERUR TAMILNADU 1262 7978 1001-70 1417 ETMADPUR U.P. 2723 7820 1901-68 1328 VALANGIMAN TAMILNADU 1087 7038 1902-70 1418 FAIZABAD U.P. 2678 8213 1901-63 1329 VALAPADY TAMILNADU 1167 7842 1901-70 1419 FATEHABAD U.P. 2703 7830 1001-68 1330 VALLAM TAMILNADU 1072 7007 1001-70 1420 FATEHPUR U.P. 2717 8122 1901-67 1331 VANIYAMBADI TAMILNADU 1268 7863 1001-64 1421 FATEHPUR SIKRI U.P. 2708 7767 1901-68 1332 VANUR TAMILNADU 1203 7075 1001-70 1422 FIROZABAD U.P. 2715 7838 1901-68 1333 VAYALUR TAMILNADU 1202 7983 1901-69 1423 GANGAPUR U.P. 2528 8288 1901-68 1334 VEDARANAYAM TAMILNADU 1037 7083 1001-70 1424 GHAZIABAD U.P. 2865 7743 1901-67 1335 VEDASANDUR TAMILNADU 1052 7705 1901-70 1425 GONDA U.P. 2713 8103 1901-67 1336 VELLORE TAMILNADU 1292 7015 1001-84 1426 GOPALPUR U.P. 2845 7862 1901-68 1337 VILLUPURAM TAMILNADU 1103 7950 1001-70 1427 GUNNAUR U.P. 2823 7843 1901-67 1338 VIRALIMALAI TAMILNADU 1060 7855 1001-63 1428 HAIDARGARH U.P. 2660 8137 1901-67 1339 VRIDDHACHALAM TAMILNADU 1150 7933 1901-70 1420 HALDWANI U.P. 2022 7952 1901-68 ' 1340 WALLAJAH TAMILNADU 1293 7037 1001-70 1430 HARAIYA U.P. 2680 8247 1901-68 1341 WANDIWASH TAMILNADU 1250 7062 1001-70 1431 HARDOI U.P. 2740 8013 1901-68 1342 YERCAUD TAMILNADU 1178 7822 1001-70 1432 HARDWAR MAYAPUR U.P. 2905 7817 1901-68 1343 AMBASAMUDRAM TAMILNADU 870 7743 1901-70 1433 HARPUR U.P. 2872 7778 1901-67 1344 ARAMBOLY TAMILNADU 825 7750 1901-70 1434 HASANGANJ U.P. 2678 8063 1901-67 1345 ARASADI TAMILNADU 887 7810 1901-70 1435 HASANPUR U.P. 2873 7828 1901-68 1346 ERANIEL TAMILNADU 820 7732 1901-70 1436 HATA U.P. 2675 8375 1901-68 1347 KAYALPATANAM TAMILNADU 850 7812 1964-70 1437 HATHRAS U.P. 2760 7805 1901-68 1348 KAYATNUR TAMILNADU 895 7778 1904-70 1438 IGLAS U.P. 2772 7793 1901-68 1349 KIRNUR NAM TAMILNADU 855 7810 1901-58 1439 IKAPUR U.P. 2660 8212 1901-67 1350 KULASEKARAPATNAM TAMILNADU 842 7805 1001-70 1440 JALALPUR U.P. 2632 8273 1901-67 1351 KUZHITHURAI TAMILNADU 830 7720 1001-70 1441 JALESAR U.P. 2747 7830 1901-68 1352 NAGARCOIL TAMILNADU 817 7745 1901-70 1442 JAUNPUR U.P. 2575 8268 1901-68 1353 OTTAPIDARAM TAMILNADU 892 7803 1901-70 1443 JEOLI JANSATH U.P. 2032 7785 1001-68 1354 PALAYANKOTTAI TAMILNADU 873 7775 1901-84 1444 JIWANPUR SAGRI U.P. 2615 8333 1901-68 1355 PAMBAN TAMILNADU 927 7930 1001-84 1445 JOSHIMATH U.P. 3055 7958 1901-68 1356 RAJAKKAMANGALAM TAMILNADU 813 7737 1901-70 1446 KADIPUR U.P. 2617 8237 1901-67 1357 RAMANATHAPURAM TAMILNADU 938 7883 1901-70 1447 KAIRANA U.P. 2940 7720 1901-68 1358 SANKARANKOIL TAMILNADU 917 7755 1901-70 1448 KAISERGANJ U.P. 2725 8155 1901-68 1359 SATTUR TAMILNADU 937 7702 1001-70 1440 KARHAL U.P. 2700 7895 1901-68 1360 SHENCOTTAH TAMILNADU 897 7725 1916-70 1450 KARNAPRAYAG U.P. 3027 7025 1901-68 1361 SIVAGANGA TAMILNADU 985 7848 1001-70 1451 KASGANJ U.P. 2780 7865 1901-68 1362 SRIVAIKUNTAM TAMILNADU 863 7702 1901-70 1452 KASHIPUR U.P. 2922 7893 1901-68 1363 TENKASI TAMILNADU 895 7732 1001-70 1453 KATHGODAM U.P. 2928 7953 1901-67 1364 THAMARAIKULAM TAMILNADU 813 7748 1901-70 1454 KHAIR U.P. 2793 7783 1901-68 1365 TUTICORIN TAMILNADU 880 7815 1901-70 1455 KHAIRAGARH U.P. 2603 7780 1901-68 1366 AGARTALA TRIPURA 2388 9125 1901-93 1456 KHALILABAD U.P. 2678 8307 1901-68 1367 BELONIA TRIPURA 2325 9147 1938-70 1457 KHANDHLA U.P. 2932 7727 1901-67 1368 AGRA U.P. 2717 7803 1901-83 1458 KHERI U.P. 2790 8080 1901-68 1369 AGRA U.P. 2720 7800 1901-68 1459 KHURJA U.P. 2825 7785 1901-68 1370 AKBARPUR U.P. 2642 8253 1901-67 1460 KILPURI U.P. 2900 7968 1901-68 1371 ALIGANJ U.P. 2750 7918 1901-68 1461 KOTDWARA U.P. 2975 7853 1901-68 1372 ALIGARH U.P. 2790 7808 1901-67 1462 KUNDA U.P. 2572 8152 1901-68 1373 ALMORA U.P. 2960 7967 1901-68 1463 LUCKNOW U.P. 2685 8093 1901-56 1374 AMETHI U.P. 2615 8180 1901-67 1464 LUCKNOW U.P. 2687 8093 1901-77 1375 AMROHA U.P. 2890 7847 1901-68 1465 MAHARAJGANJ U.P. 2637 8128 1901-68 1376 ANUPSHAHR U.P. 2835 7827 1901-68 1466 MAHUL PNULPUR U.P. 2608 8287 1901-68 1377 ATRAULA U.P. 2732 8242 1901-67 1467 MAINPURI U.P. 2723 7903 1901-68 1378 ATRAULI U.P. 2803 7828 1901-68 1468 MAINPURI U.P. 2723 7905 1901-83 1379 AZAMGARH U.P. 2605 8318 1001-68 1469 MALIHABAD U.P. 2692 8072 1901-63 1380 BAGHPAT U.P. 2895 7722 1901-67 1470 MAT U.P. 2763 7772 1901-68 1381 BAH U.P. 2688 7860 1901-68 1471 MATHURA U.P. 2750 7768 1901-68 1382 BAHRAICH U.P. 2753 8160 1901-68 1472 MAWANA U.P. 2910 7793 1901-67 1383 BAHRAICH U.P. 2757 8160 1901-83 1473 MEERUT U.P. 2902 7772 1901-83 U.P. 1384 BALANPUR U.P. 2800 7767 1901-68 1474 2515 8258 1901-67

52 Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year Location Region Lat.-Lon. Year

1475 MISRIKH U.P. 2743 8053 1901-67 1566 KALCHINI W. BENGAL 2670 8945 1901-66 1470 MOHANLALGANJ. U.P. 2G67 8098 1901-03 1567 KALNA W. BENGAL 2320 8835 1901-63 1477 MORADABAD U.P. 2887 7878 1901-68 15608 KATWA W. BENGAL 2365 8813 1901-66 1478 MUHAMMADPUR U.P. 2603 8338 1901-08 1569 KHATRA W. BENGAL 2298 8685 1901-63 1479 MUHAMMADPUR U.P. 2980 7797 1901-68 1570 KOTALPUR W. BENGAL 2302 8760 1901-58 1480 MUHAMMDI U.P. 2795 8022 1901-68 1571 KRISHNANAGAR W. BENGAL 2340 8852 1901-81 1481 MUKTESHWAR U.P. 2947 7965 1901-83 1572 KUKRAHATI W.BENGAL 2218 8812 1901-66 1482 MUSAFIR KHANA U.P. 2637 8180 1901-67 1573 KURSEONG W.BENGAL 2688 8828 1901-70 1483 MUSTAFABAD .lASR.A U.P. 2723 7867 1901-68 1574 MALDA W.BENGAL 2503 8813 1901-84 1484 MUZAFFARN AGAR U.P. 2947 7708 1901-068 1575 MATHABHANGA W. BENGAL 2635 8922 1901-67 1485 N GHASAN U.P. 2823 8087 1901-068 1576 MEKLIGANJ W. BENGAL 2633 8892 1901-55 1486 NAGINA U.P. 2945 7843 1901-08 1577 MIDNAPORE W. BENGAL 2242 8732 1901-84 1487 NAGLA U.P. 2900 7952 1901-67 1578 MONGPOO W. BENGAL 2692 8850 1901-70 1488 NAINITAL U.P. 2938 7945 1901-68 1579 ONDA W. BENGAL 2313 8720 1901-57 1489 NAJIBABAD U.P. 2962 7835 1901-608 .1580 PANSKURA W. BENGAL 2242 8772 1901-70 1490 NAKUR U.P. 2993 7730 1901-08 1581 POTKABARI W. BENGAL 2387 8845 1901-56 1491 NANPARA U.P. 2787 8150 1901-70 1582 PURULIA W.BENGAL 2333 8638 1901-70 1492 NAWABGANJ U.P. 2690 8120 1901-02 1583 RAGHUNATHPUR W.BENGAL 2355 8667 1901-70 1493 OKHIMATH U.P. 3050 7925 1901-68 1584 RAIGANJ W. BENGAL 2562 8813 1901-59 1494 PADRAUNA U.P. 2092 8398 1901-68 1585 RAIPUR W. BENGAL 2280 8695 1901-46 1495 PATTI U.P. 2592 8220 1901-68 1586 RANAGHAT W. BENGAL 2318 8855 1901-67 1496 PAURI U.P. 3015 7878 1901-68 1587 SERAMPORE W. BENGAL 2275 8835 1901-63 1497 PITHORAGARH U.P. 2958 8022 1901-68 1588 SILIGURI W. BENGAL 2663 8832 1901-88 1498 PRATAPGARH U.P. 2590 8195 1901-68 1589 SILIGURI W. BENGAL 2672 8843 1901-67 1499 PURWA U.P. 2047 8078 1901-67 1590 SONAMUKHI W. BENGAL 2330 8742 1901-63 1500 RAE BARELI U.P. 2023 8123 1901-68 1591 SURI W. BENGAL 2392 8753 1901-70 1501 RAMNAGAR U.P. 2940 7912 1901-08 1592 TAMLUK W.BENGAL 2230 8792 1901-70 1502 RANIKHET U.P. 2903 7943 1901-68 1593 TUFANGANJ W. BENGAL 2632 8967 1901-65 1503 ROORKEE U.P. 2985 7788 1901-83 1594 ULUBERIA W. BENGAL 2247 8812 1901-68 1504 RUDRAPUR/KITCHHA U.P. 2892 7950 1901-68 1595 VISHNUPUR W. BENGAL 2308 8732 1901-67 1505 SADABAD. U.P. 2745 7803 1901-68 1596 SAGAR ISLAND W. BENGAL 2165 8805 1901-84 1506 SAFIPUR U.P. 2673 8035 1901-67 1597 BOGRA BANGLADESH 2485 8937 1982-93 1507 SAHARANPUR U.P. 2995 7755 1901-68 1598 CHHOR BANGLADESH 2552 6978 1979-93 1508 SAHASWAN U.P. 2807 7875 1901-67 1599 CHITTAGONG/PATEN BANGLADESH 2227 9182 1982-93 1509 SALON U.P. 2003 8147 1901-68 1600 COX'S BAZAAR BANGLADESH 2145 9198 1982-93 1510 SAMBHAL U.P. 2858 7857 1901-68 1601 DACCA/TEZGAON BANGLADESH 2378 9038 1979-93 1511 SANDILA U.P. 2707 8052 1901-68 1602 ISHURDI BANGLADESH 2415 8903 1982-93 1512 SANEHIGHAT U.P. 2080 8153 1901-67 1603 JESSORE BANGLADESH 2318 8917 1982-93 1513 SARDHANA U.P. 2913 7702 1901-07 1604 RANGPUR BANGLADESH 2575 8925 1982-93 1514 SHAHABAD U.P. 2763 7995 1901-68 1605 SYLHET BANGLADESH 2490 9188 1982-93 1515 SHIKOHABAD U.P. 2710 7858 1901-08 1606 MANDALAY BURMA 2198 9610 1979-88 1510 SIDHAULI U.P. 2728 8083 1901-67 1607 MEIKTILA BURMA 2083 9583 1979-88 1517 SIKANDARABAD U.P. 2845 7770 1901-68 1608 MINGALADON BURMA 1690 9618 1979-88 1518 SIKANDRA RAO U.P. 2708 7838 1901-68 1609 PRUME BURMA 1880 9522 1979-93 1519 SITAPUR U.P. 2757 8068 1901-67 1610 BIELIXIDU CHINA 3410 9503 1979-88 1520 SRINAGAR U.P. 3020 7877 1901-68 1611 DENGQEN CHINA 3142 9560 1979-93 1521 SULTANPUR U.P. 2027 8208 1901-67 1612 NANGQEN CHINA 3220 9647 1979-93 1522 TANDA U.P. 2055 8265 1901-67 1613 NYINGCHI CHINA 2955 9435 1979-93 1523 TARABGANJ U.P. 2097 8198 1901-67 1614 QUMARLEB CHINA 3413 9578 1979-93 1524 THAKURDWARA U.P. 2920 7887 1901-68 1615 TUOTUOHE CHINA 3422 9243 1979-93 1525 UNNAO U.P. 2653 8050 1901-67 1616 ZADOI CHINA 3290 9532 1979-93 1520 VARANASI U.P. 2530 8302 1901-78 1617 BARKHAN PAKISTAN 2988 6972 1979-93 1527 DELHI SADAR UNION T. 2863 7725 1901-65 1618 DERA ISMAIL KHAN PAKISTAN 3182 7092 1979-93 1528 MAHRAULI UNION T. 2852 7718 1901-65 1619 DROSH PAKISTAN 3540 7178 1979-88 1529 NEW DELHI/SAFDAR UNION T. 2858 7720 1901-93 1620 FT SANDEMAN PAKISTAN 3135 6947 1979-93 1530 ALIPUR W. BENGAL 2253 8833 1901-84 1621 HYDERABAD PAKISTAN 2538 6842 1979-88 1531 ALIPURDUAR W. BENGAL 2647 8955 1901-59 1622 ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN 3362 7310 1979-93 . 1532 AMLAGORA W. BENGAL 2277 8733 1901-56 1623 JACOBABAD PAKISTAN 2830 6847 1979-93 1533 AMTA W. BENGAL 2258 8802 1901-66 1624 JHELUM PAKISTAN 3293 7372 1979-93 1534 ARAMBAGH W. BENGAL 2288 8778 1901-68 1625 KHANPUR PAKISTAN 2865 7068 1979-93 1535 AZIMGANJ W. BENGAL 2423 8823 1901-61 1626 LAHORE PAKISTAN 3155 7433 1979-93 1536 BALURGHAT W. BENGAL 2522 8877 1901-70 1627 MULTAN PAKISTAN 3020 7142 1979-93 1537 BANKURA W. BENGAL 2323 8707 1901-84 1628 NAWABSHAH PAKISTAN 2625 6837 1979-88 1538 BARABAZAR W. BENGAL 2303 8642 1901-68 1629 PESHAWAR PAKISTAN 3402 7158 1979-93 1539 BARRACKPORE W. BENGAL 2277 8837 1901-65 1630 SARGODHA PAKISTAN 3205 7267 1979-93 1540 BASIRHAT W. BENGAL 2267 8888 1901-70 1631 ANURADHAPURA SRI LANKA 833 8042 1982-93 1541 BERHAMPORE W. BENGAL 2413 8827 1901-84 1632 BATTICALDA SRI LANKA 772 8170 1979-88 1542 BOLPUR W. BENGAL 2367 8770 1901-66 1633 COLOMBO SRI LANKA 690 7987 1979-93 1543 BONGAON W. BENGAL 2307 8882 1901-67 1634 COLOMBO/RATMALAN SRI LANKA 682 7988 1979-93 1544 BORSAT W. BENGAL 2272 8848 1901-59 1635 HAMBANTOTA SRI LANKA 612 8113 1979-93 1545 BUDGE BUDGE W. BENGAL 2248 8818 1901-70 1636 KANKESANTURAI SRI LANKA 980 8007 1979-87 1546 BURDWAN W. BENGAL 2323 8785 1901-84 1637 NEGOMBO SRI LANKA 717 7988 1979-93 1547 BUXA W. BENGAL 2677 8958 1901-68 1638 NUWARA ELIYA SRI LANKA 697 8077 1979-93 1548 CHANCHAL W. BENGAL 2533 8792 1901-54 1639 PUTTALAM SRI LANKA 803 7983 1979-93 1549 CONTAI W. BENGAL 2178 8775 1901-50 1640 TRINCOMALEE SRI LANKA 858 8125 1979-93 1550 COOCH BEHAR AERO W. BENGAL 2033 8947 1901-84 1641 BAINGOIN TIBET/CHINA 3137 9002 1979-93 1551 DANTAN W. BENGAL 2197 8727 1901-66 1642 BURANG TIBET/CHINA 3022 8127 1979-93 1552 DARJEELING W. BENGAL 2705 8827 1901-84 1643 GYANGZE TIBET/CHINA 2890 8960 1979-88 1553 DIAMOND HARBOUR W. BENGAL 2220 8820 1901-69 1644 JIALI TIBET/CHINA 3078 9340 1979-88 1554 DINHATA W. BENGAL 2615 8947 1901-58 1645 KAITSE TIBET/CHINA 3207 8405 1979-93 1555 FALAKATA W. BENGAL 2652 8920 1901-64 1646 LHASA TIBET/CHINA 2970 9113 1979-93 1556 GANGAJALGHATI W. BENGAL 2343 8712 1901-61 1647 LHUNZE TIBET/CHINA 2842 9247 1979-93 1557 GANGARAMPUR W. BENGAL 2538 8852 1901-68 1648 NAGQU TIBET/CHINA 3148 9205 1979-93 1558 GAZOLE W. BENGAL 2522 8820 1901-57 1649 NEDONG TIBET/CHINA 2925 9178 1979-86 1559 GHATAL W. BENGAL 2265 8772 1901-63 1650 PAGRI TIBET/CHINA 2773 8908 1979-93 1560 HOOGHLY W. BENGAL 2292 8840 1901-62 1651 SHIQUANHE TIBET/CHINA 3250 8008 1979-93 1561 HOWRAH W. BENGAL 2258 8832 1901-48 1652 SOG XIAN TIBET/CHINA 3190 9380 1979-93 1562 INDUS W. BENGAL 2315 8763 1901-66 1653 TINGRI TIBET/CHINA 2863 8708 1979-93 1563 ITAHAR W. BENGAL 2530 8815 1901-62 1654 XAINZA TIBET/CHINA 3095 8863 1979-93 1564 JALPAIGURI W. BENGAL 2653 8872 1901-84 1655 XIGAZE TIBET/CHINA 2922 8892 1979-93 1565 JHALDAH JHALDA W. BENGAL 2337 8598 1901-61 1656 ZHATEKETANG TIBET/CHINA 3073 9245 1979-88


[Section 4 (pg. 21) describes how to interpret the plots.] [Table Al (pg. 43) lists "day of year" to "calander day" transformation.]

55 I PRC (MM). NYEARS=24 11953-19841 KONDUL EX-INDIA 722 9373 7 MSD= 1 WK DAY UP TO7TD 1 1 25 30.9 100 2 8 31 50.2 3 15 22 28.1 4 22 22 32.3 5 29 27 37.0 6 36 19 30.2 7 43 15 17.3 8 50 15 14.8 9 57 18 20.2 10 64 17 20.2 11 71 8 10.1 12 78 15 15.4 13 85 14 12.6 14 92 16 14.7 15 99 18 21.2 16 106 23 30.7 - 70 17 113 28 52.3 18 120 33 55.8 19 127 48 79.0 0 20 134 57 92.3 60 21 141 60 103.7 >- 22 148 56 104.0 23 155 46 67.7 24 162 52 90.2 25 169 55 101.2 m 26 176 54 73.8 m 50 27 183 45 51.7 28 190 42 67.0 29 197 51 84.8 30 204 60 98.4 31 211 41 56.3 z 40 32 218 46 70.4 33 225 50 82.0 34 232 45 64.7 z 35 239 55 77.4 1 30 36 246 52 80.0 z 37 253 57 77.8 38 260 49 80.2 39 267 62 100.4 40 274 53 93.1 41 281 51 69.0 20 42 288 49 88.3 43 295 55 75.7 44 302 62 85..5 45 309 49 71.4 46 316 54 92.2 10 47 323 48 69.5 48 330 49 68.9 49 337 52 112.4 50 344 51 79.5 51 351 44 76.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 33 52.6

50 188 150


400Ir 31.S



E 700 E S I I 8.I 3w1 I th ffi--.. . .- 11 i 8Ii T-T I ILi i i I I i II se Wo "a O * 0.0 LS P L 7.


57 PRC (MM) NYEARS= 27 (1953-1984] BANDAR EX-INDIA 1292 9292 30 MSD= 1 WK DAY UP TOT MAYA 1 1 6 9.8 1C 2 8 4 6.7 3 15 3 3.3 4 22 3 6.0 5 29 3 1.5 6 36 5 7.2 q 7 43 2 3.3 8 50 1 0.4 9 57 2 3.2 10 64 1 0.6 11 71 0 0.1 12 78 1 0.3 13 85 0 0.0 14 92 3 1.6 15 99 3 3.3 16 106 7 12.5 17 113 14 17.7 u 18 120 29 54.4 cr la. 19 127 33 59.2 20 134 45 88.1 21 141 54 114.2 22 148 70 135.4 23 155 70 189.7 -i 24 162 59 111.8 25 169 71 117.2 CL 26 176 71 117.4 27 183 71 119.0 28 190 61 109.9 z i 29 197 69 120.7 2 30 204 68 114.9 31 211 67 114,3 32 218 67 99.6 33 225 62 101.5 z 34 232 67 107.3 n 35 239 70 109.6 36 246 68 122.1 37 253 59 87.9 I 38 260 62 100.4 39 267 63 13.9 40 274 57 01.7 41 281 44 58.4 42 288 41 50.7 43 295 39 54.1 44 302 40 55.1 45 309 35 57.8 46 316 26 34.0 47 323 27 30.2 48 330 17 24.5 49 337 19 31.8 50 344 21 35.9 51 351 5 5.7 52 358 11 19.2



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S I 1 : 20.9 § i 8 E I; lew W"o 4.,

a II...... PrEEP7rrATmoNlommcLmsSEs) LOGPCPTATW (.(ION CLASSES) 251 Figure C-02

58 PRC (MM) NYEARS= 78 [1901-1993] PORT BLAIR, A BAY ISLAND 1167 9272 73 MSD= 1 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 12 21.6 100 2 8 6 6.1 3 15 5 4.6 4 22 6 10.4 5 29 6 5.1 6 36 5 7.6 90 7 43 5 9.6 8 50 7 7.8 9 57 3 3.4 10 64 5 6.9 11 71 4 4.0 B0 12 78 6 5.4 13 85 3 4.8 14 92 10 9.5 15 99 11 11.7 16 106 17 18.5 17 113 17 17.4 18 120 30 42.2

a- 19 127 39 53.3 20 134 55 85.5 L. 0 21 141 60 115.5 60 22 148 67 125.5 23 155 67 132.6 n 24 162 68 113.1 25 169 68 119.0 m 26 176 65 106.7 mc 50 27 183 57 85.9 0 28 190 59 92.4 29 197 67 98.4 30 204 60 93.2 31 211 60 94.7 z 40 32 218 66 109.9 2 33 225 58 89.3 34 232 65 89.3 106.9 .z 35 239 66 36 246 64 113.6 30 37 253 63 96.5 z 38 260 66 124,3 39 267 60 105.1 40 274 62 94.7 41 281 51 70.9 20 42 288 46 52.0 43 295 44 55.9 44 302 44 55.5 45 309 39 64.4 46 316 41 57.3 10 47 323 38 48.3 48 330 31 44.0 49 337 28 46.6 50 344 23 43.2 51 351 18 28.0 52 358 15 25.4



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4400 r 42.1 33oo li S E i; 8

loi tIoo !il.i..I ; [100 CSoSE PREClTATION[10mm CLASSES] LOGPRtC1TATION 10.5CUSSES] 157 Figure C-03

59 PRC IMM), NYEARS= 47 (1916-1970] PASIGHAT ARUNACHAL 2810 9538 0 MSD= 2 WK OAY UP TOTD 1 1 8 7,1 2 8 14 11.9 3 15 12 11.5 4 22 17 14.8 5 29 20 23.6 6 36 28 25.9 7 43 24 19.4 8 50 26 23.7 9 57 29 27.2 10 64 29 31.2 11 71 26 23.5 12 78 37 38.1 13 85 32 36.6 14 92 36 42.3 15 99 47 57.6 16 106 44 57.7 17 113 44 73.2 u 18 120 52 93.2 19 127 48 90.6 CL 20 134 47 99.6 L'. 21 141 52 109.9 148 0 22 48 129.1 23 155 57 189.4 n 24 162 66 185.0 25 169 74 278.7 m 26 176 75 267.8 Om 27 183 71 264.7 cr 28 190 74 249.7 CL 29 197 64 217.8 -j 30 204 59 164.3 z 31 211 65 183.3 0 32 218 65 181.3 33 225 51 139.8 34 232 51 139.5 35 239 49 134.1 z 0 36 246 50 138.0 u 160.9 z 37 253 54 38 260 49 134.2 39 267 44 92.9 40 274 42 93.1 41 281 31 67.9 42 288 25 36.2 43 295 19 33.4 44 302 12 10.6 45 309 9 9.4 46 316 9 9.0 47 323 6 4.9 48 330 6 3.5 49 337 3 2.3 50 344 9 7.8 51 351 4 4.6 52 358 7 5.1




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IL" I us a I t - 17.2 a 6 6 0 I a I;

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hillom ------...... . . I i so 1000 C soooES LOGPtCCITATN [0.s CLASSES] PRECIRTAION[10nm CLASSES) 245 Figure C-04

60 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 79 [1901-1988] TEZPUR ASSAM 2662 9278 77 MSD= 3 WK DAY UP TOTD --- 1 1 2 2.0 1 2 8 4 2.9 3 15 4 1.8 4 22 7 4.8 5 29 7 3.9 6 36 7 5.0 7 43 8 5.6 8 50 9 6.1 9 57 8 5.9 10 64 12 9.2 11 71 12 8.4 12 78 18 14.6 13 85 20 17.0 14 92 27 25.1 15 99 37 39.3 16 106 33 31.9 17 113 40 43.2 u 18 120 52 58.8 19 127 48 58.1 LI 20 134 48 56.4 21 141 46 60.6 22 148 44 63.2 23 155 51 69.4 24 162 56 81.4 25 169 55 70.9 m 26 176 54 69.3 0 27 183 53 77.5 28 190 56 89.9 29 197 51 66.3 30 204 51 66.4 z 31 211 51 72.9 2 32 218 55 81.2 33 225 48 76.3 34 232 48 56.6 z 35 239 43 62.5 u0 36 246 45 53.5 z 37 253 43 54.4 38 260 38 50.1 39 267 31 34.9 40 274 32 37.1 41 281 22 28.4 42 288 16 17.7 43 295 14 17.1 44 302 9 8.5 45 309 6 5.0 46 316 5 3.5 47 323 5 3.7 48 330 4 5.1 49 337 1 0.6 50 344 3 1.9 51 351 3 1.3 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 4 1.8 DAY OF YEAR 120


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11 --- --...... I I I PII I AI I I I I I I I II S I I * so 100 HO 2 eo U 0a 7S IoD PRECIPrTATION[lommCLASSS] LOGaRCIMTATMN 1o.5CLASSS) 119 Figure C-05

61 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 81 (1901-19931 AGARTALA TRIPURA 2388 9125 16 MSD= 4 WK DAY UP TOT t 1 2 2.5 1 00 2 8 2 2.2 3 15 2 0.8 4 22 3 2.0 5 29 4 3.4 6 36 5 6.4 90 7 43 7 8.7 8 50 7 10.2 9 57 7 10.1 10 64 9 12.0 11 71 9 12.8 80 12 78 13 20.3 13 85 11 15.9 14 92 15 21.7 15 99 21 36.8 16 106 32 51.7 70 17 113 31 53.6 u 18 120 35 62.5 La. 19 127 31 63.9 20 134 33 57.7 21 141 40 75.7 ° 60 22 148 42 80.3 23 155 51 101.3 J 24 162 58 115.8 25 169 58 95.1 m 26 176 48 62.9 ' 50 27 183 51 71.2 o 28 190 61 82.7 29 197 51 67.9 30204 53 75.1 31 211 54 70.2 o 40 32 218 55 69.6 33 225 50 71.4 34 232 53 64.0 35 239 49 63.1 36 246 47 62.7 8 30 37 253 47 50.7 3 38 260 41 53.3 39 267 37 52.5 40 274 35 55.0 41 281 25 40.6 20 42 288 19 30.9 43 295 13 20.0 44 302 11 17.0 45 309 4 7.3 46 316 6 9.0 10 47 323 3 4.4 48 330 3 4.8 49 337 1 0.8 50 344 2 2.0 51 351 1 0.7 52 358 2 2.7 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

5s 188 150


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62 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 72 11902-1981] CHERRAPUNJI MEGHALAYA 2525 9173 1313 MSD= 4 K DAY UP TOTD I 1 2 1.5 1 2 8 4 4.3 3 15 6 5.2 4 22 5 6.4 5 29 8 7.8 6 36 10 9.8 7 43 9 10.1 8 50 12 14.1 9 57 13 21.1 10 64 18 39.3 11 71 18 26.4 80 12 78 30 56.5 13 85 33 76.7 14 92 39 96.8 15 99 53 144.8 16 106 59 175.5 17 113 59 193.3 18 120 76271.2 cr- 19 127 69 284.2 20 134 70 313.2 21 141 72 312.2 22 148 72 389.4 23 155 78 595.1 24 162 86 689.1 25 169 87 679.6 m 26 176 91 725.7 cr 27 183 93 599.6 cl 28 190 91 715.0 29 197 85 494.9 30 204 88 475.9 31 211 87 425.2 z 32 218 89 493.6 2 33 225 82 390.7 34 232 80 384.6 z 35 239 75 313.2 0 36 246 71 261.6 zu 37 253 70 320.9 D 38 260 55 189.1 39 267 49 205.2 40 274 52 228.6 41 281 36 127.0 42 288 22 54.6 43 295 17 54.5 44 302 11 28.8 45 309 6 12.9 46 316 7 15.3 47 323 4 10.6 48 330 3 3.1 49 337 1 0.8 50 344 3 2.9 51 351 2 1.4 52 358 2 4.5





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V 08 LI

o loe to Mee* e·o L o 7. PRECIPTATION[(0mm CASSES] LOGPRECIPITAIM [0.5 CLASSES] 127 Figure C-07

63 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 74 [1901-1984) DARJEELING W. BENGA 2705 8827 2129 MSD= 5 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 2 3.1 2 8 3 4.3 3 15 4 2.7 4 22 6 5.6 5 29 6 4.6 6 36 9 5,9 7 43 8 7.4 8 50 11 8.0 9 57 7 6.3 10 64 11 9.8 11 71 11 9.2 12 78 18 14.7 13 85 17 16.1 14 92 18 17.7 15 99 22 18.9 7- 16 106 29 26.4 17 113 32 30.4 18 120 40 39.5 19 127 42 41.4 LI 20 134 42 40.1 0 21 141 50 46.2 22 148 48 52.9 23 155 56 86.2 !Z 24 162 70 131.9 -i 25 169 73 143.7 m 26 176 80 166.0 c 27 183 83 165.8 m 0 28 190 85 179.4 29 197 82 172,6 30 204 79 169.0 z 31 211 81 150.4 2 32 218 83 159.1 33 225 76 135,0 34 232 72 121.1 z 35 239 67 112.1 0 36 246 66 115.7 z 37 253 62 114,7 38 260 53 84.6 39 267 43 74.5 40 274 35 66.6 41 281 19 25.9 42 288 15 25.4 43 295 7 8.4 44 302 6 8.8 45 309 5 6.6 46 316 2 2.2 47 323 3 2.5 48 330 2 2.6 49 337 2 1.1 50 344 2 1.4 51 351 2 1.0 52 358 2 1.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350


AVE SD JAN 18.4 35.1 FE8 25.1 21.8 MAR 52.0 39.7 APR 101.4 63.7 MAY 188.5 77.9 JUN 525.4 224.8 JUL 760.5 168.6 AUG 590.7 156.2 SEP 420.3 194.3 OCT 126.3 150.7 NOV 21.1 50.7 DEC 4.6 9.6

MED 1/6 5/6 JAN 8.4 0 27 FEB 17.4 6 46 MAR 48.8 10 83 APR 90.0 39 163 MAY 179.8 122 276 JUN 495.4 334 682 JUL 768.3 591 906 AUG 570.7 432 748 SEP 383.8 245 594 OCT 78.2 24 205 NOV 4.2 0 26 DEC 0.5 0 9

EaCPITATION1 .-~~--~-_ ,--. _.-.- _. ...._- __" . _.__[_--

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64 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 74 (1901-1984] MALDA W. BENGA 2503 8813 30 MSD= 5 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 2 1.7 100 2 8 3 3.1 3 15 3 3.1 4 22 4 4.0 5 29 6 4.5 6 36 5 2.6 90 7 43 5 4.4 8 50 6 6.4 9 57 2 2.1 10 64 5 4.7 11 71 4 2.1 12 78 5 4.9 13 85 3 3.8 14 92 4 4.4 15 99 7 5.3 16 106 9 12.0 70 17 113 10 9.6 18 120 13 15.8 (>=o 19 127 18 18.2 20 134 16 24.7 I,0- 21 141 19 23.9 60 22 148 24 43.8 23 155 24 35.2 24 162 38 51.2 25 169 43 69.6 m 26 176 46 73.4 50 27 183 47 67.2 28 190 49 71.0 Q.0: 29 197 49 71.3 66.1 -Jaz 30 204 46 31 211 47 58.1 40 0 32 218 54 67.8 60.9 z 33 225 47 o 34 232 40 59.9 35 239 42 66.8 0 36 246 41 60.1 30 37 253 41 67.9 z M 38 260 35 56.9 39 267 32 54.0 40 274 28 51.5 41 281 17 29.1 20 42 288 12 21.4 43 295 6 10.2 44 302 6 8.5 45 309 3 3.2 46 316 2 1.8 10 47 323 2 2.9 48 330 2 1.7 49 337 0 0.1 50 344 1 1.5 51 351 1 0.2 52 358 2 21.0 .0



2400 147

1800 -I3.4 ti i r UNOO i Ja r GoMF

1 lI..I I I I II II R I II I I ...... I I I I I aoII 4 QO Inoe *m LU5. MO. 5 CL 7 Ia PRECIPITATION[10mmCLASSES] L0 MP:OIATAONl0.5 CLASSES] 155 Figure C-09

65 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 80 (1901-1984] 7 MSD= 6 1s



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66 PRC (MM). NYEARS= B3 [1901-19841 3 MSD= 6 1

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67 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 78 [1901-1984] PURI ORISSA 1980 8582 7 MSD= 7 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 3 4.0 1 2 8 2 1.8 3 15 2 1.9 4 22 3 3.7 5 29 4 5.4 6 36 4 5.4 7 43 4 4.9 8 50 5 5.0 9 57 3 2.7 10 64 3 3.0 11 71 3 3.0 12 78 4 3.5 13 85 3 2.3 14 92 2 1.7 15 99 4 4.4 16 106 4 4.6 u 17 113 4 3.2 18 120 5 7.2 19 127 9 11.7 10.5 LL- 20 134 9 0 21 141 9 13.3 22 148 14 15.4 23 155 20 26.3 !i 24 162 28 43.2 m 25 169 32 51.0 26 176 37 60.2 27 183 34 68.0 a 28 190 39 56.4 m 29 197 38 55.9 30 204 42 73.2 31 211 41 67.0 z E 32 218 36 58.3 33 225 42 68.0 34 232 38 53.8 z 35 239 44 68.0 0 36 246 44 69.5 U z 37 253 43 59.8 Z) 38 260 37 47.2 39 267 37 46.7 40 274 33 51.5 41 281 26 41.5 42 288 25 42.7 43 295 16 37.8 44 302 17 36.7 45 309 7 16,7 46 316 9 28.6 47 323 6 15.2 48 330 2 2.9 49 337 1 1.6 50 344 2 2.1 51 351 2 2.8 52 358 1 0.5




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68 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 78 11901-1984] ORISSA 2147 8397 148 MSD= 7 WK DAY UP 70T SAMBALPUR 1 1 2 2.6 2 8 2 1.5 3 15 2 3.2 4 22 3 4.4 5 29 6 5.9 6 36 6 5.8 7 43 6 5.9 8 50 7 6.5 9 57 7 4.1 10 64 4 3.6 11 71 5 5.1 12 78 5 5.6 13 85 6 5.2 14 92 5 2.7 15 99 5 3.3 16 106 5 4.1 17 113 3 2.0 u 18 120 4 2.2 19 127 6 4.2 20 134 5 5.0 cr- 21 141 6 5.4 22 148 12 11.0 23 155 17 21.8 24 162 31 50.7 r- 25 169 44 68.2 26 176 51 94.5 m 27 183 57 102.5 28 190 56 102.3 a. 29 197 60 100.7 30 204 66 119.5 31 211 67 121.4 z 32 218 63 106.9 2 33 225 61 133.0 34 232 56 96.6 35 239 53 84.3 z 0 36 246 51 84.4 37 253 42 62.9 z 38 260 35 45.7 39 267 23 31.6 40 274 22 24.8 41 281 13 11.9 42 288 10 11.3 43 295 5 4.8 44 302 6 6.2 45 309 3 2.2 46 316 1 1.2 47 323 3 2.2 48 330 3 2.0 49 337 1 0.5 50 344 1 0.8 51 351 1 1.0 52 358 1 0.4

DAY OF YEAR 168 5r



3 - 0


2 m

a xw0.

..z V Z! 1



--- 2400 r


I.I 1200I I9

ooII 10.9

I-I-- I--I , ....I I [. I ..[ I I ...I I I I I


69 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 75 [1901-19811 CHAIBASA BIHAR 2255 8582 226 MSD= 8 AK DAY UP TOTD I 1 4 3.0 100 2 8 4 3.7 3 15 4 3.0 4 22 6 4.9 5 29 8 6,5 6 36 8 8,3 90 7 43 9 10.8 8 50 8 6.1 9 57 6 4,7 10 64 6 4.4 11 71 7 7.3 80 12 78 6 3.7 13 85 7 4.9 14 92 6 5.2 15 99 8 7.6 16 106 8 7.7 70 17 113 7 5.6 cr 18 120 12 9.1 C.L 19 127 19 17.8 LL. 20 134 13 11.3 0o 21 141 16 15.6 22 148 19 19.2 -, 23 155 24 25.7 24 162 34 42.4 25 169 42 56.2 m cC 26 176 43 57.0 m 50 27 183 50 71.0 o Co 28 190 49 74.2 29 197 50 66.3 30 204 55 79.9 31 211 54 73.1 z o 32 218 52 61.1 1- 33 225 50 75.4 o 34 232 51 72.9 z 35 239 48 62.6 36 246 48 59.5 z 30 z 37 253 42 48.7 38 260 33 40.2 39 267 31 40.5 40 274 26 33.7 20 41 281 15 16.5 42 288 13 19.0 43 295 8 9.4 44 302 9 9.9 45 309 3 3.2 46 316 2 2.8 47 323 4 5.6 48 330 2 2.4 49 337 1 0.4 50 344 1 1.1 51 351 2 1.4 52 358 1 0.4

DAY OF YEAR 194 50





; 25

z 208 In

. 15 le 10


·- - 2Woor 147.1

1»05I aI

1300I 12liI ti I uS a F II s IF ILO

I . I I I I I o P Mc noo noSSS


70 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 62 (1902-1970] PANKI BIHAR 2405 8447 1066 MSD= 8 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 2 3.3 100 2 8 5 4.2 3 15 4 2.2 4 22 10 8.9 5 29 9 6.9 6 36 8 6.4 90 7 43 6 5.5 8 50 8 7.8 9 57 6 3.9 10 64 6 5.0 11 71 4 2.3 80 12 78 4 2.5 13 85 4 2.1 14 92 3 2.1 15 99 3 2.5 16 106 1 0.9 70 17 113 2 1.1 u 18 120 3 2.0 19 127 4 3.8 3 LL 20 134 2.2 60 21 141 4 3.3 22 148 9 8.6 I._ 23 155 16 15.0 24 162 22 30.7 25 169 30 39.7 m 26 176 37 52.3 m 50 27 183 44 72.0 o a. 28 190 47 60.9 29 197 50 78.3 30 204 53 89.6 31 211 57 103.8 z 40 o 32 218 58 84.0 33 225 50 82.5 34 232 48 69.4 2 68.6 z 35 239 47 36 246 44 62.8 o 30 z 37 253 36 50.0 38 260 26 32.4 39 267 22 29.1 40 274 22 19.9 41 281 10 11.4 20 42 288 8 10.2 43 295 5 5.1 44 302 4 4.3 45 309 3 5.4 146316 2 1.9 10 47 323 2 4.7 48 330 2 1.0 49 337 0 0.1 50 344 1 0.7 51 351 2 1.4 52 358 2 1.9



.c 0




twoo .14.7·- 700 I.S

35.7 25 13.g

tl S 3 o0 9.3 E goo I 450 'i. 75 ese aogI Is4.6

I .- I . . . o o.e 1°5.0cu I


71 PRC (MM)I NYEARS= 63 [1901-19811 K 050 UP TOTO BIHAR 2492 8418 108 MSD= 9 WK DAY UP TOTO DEHRI 1 1 4 3.7 1 2 B 3 2.7 3 15 5 2.3 4 22 8 7.3 5 29 7 5.3 6 36 7 6.3 7 43 5 3.3 8 50 7 6.3 9 57 3 2.0 10 64 4 3.6 11 71 4 3.7 12 78 5 2.5 13 85 4 2.1 14 92 3 2.7 15 99 2 1.4 16 106 2 1.2 17 113 2 1.0 18 120 3 1.7 a: 19 127 6 5,1 20 134 2 1.5 L- 21 141 3 2.1 22 148 5 5.7 23 155 12 20.6 .2 24 162 22 29.4 25 169 23 31.5 26 176 36 57.8 cr- 27 183 42 54.3 28 190 42 72,1 29 197 48 72.1 30 204 47 65.1 31 211 50 72.1 32 218 53 91.4 33 225 47 73.1 0z 34 232 41 60.5 35 239 45 71.4 36 246 40 59.8 z D 37 253 37 68.0 38 260 27 41.1 39 267 21 32.7 40 274 20 25.1 41 281 8 8.5 42 288 6 7.5 43 295 3 2.3 44 302 3 3.6 45 309 2 2.5 46 316 2 2.4 47 323 2 3.4 48 330 1 0.3 49 337 1 0.7 50 344 1 0.5 51 351 1 1.0 52 358 3 1.8



et CL z n L' ,x



--- 1oor

34.8 1200I I oo i- 23.2 1 .E8 n.6 400I

II-~ y T I . ON...... *. . . . o!F PoC o "o 2O* &. M *.o 1. PRlCITTATION [10mm ClSSE S] LOGPECITATION [O.S CLASSES] 187 Figure C-16

72 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 71 [1901-19811 MOTIHARI BIHAR 2667 8492 66 MSD= 9 WK DAY UP TOM 1 1 3 2.2 2 8 4 2.9 3 15 4 2.7 4 22 4 3.5 5 29 5 3.8 6 36 4 3.4 7 43 5 4.7 8 50 5 3.8 9 57 2 1.5 10 64 4 3.1 11 71 2 2.0 12 78 4 3.5 13 85 4 3.4 14 92 2 1.1 15 99 4 3.3 16 106 7 6.4 17 113 6 8.0 u 18 120 7 7.7 19 127 11 13.8 20 134 10 12.2 LL 0 21 141 12 13.0 22 148 20 25.6 23 155 22 28.1 , 24 162 25 40.3 25 169 34 58.0 26 176 38 71.6 cc a- 27 183 43 82.9 28 190 46 86.7 -i 29 197 49 98.1 30 204 41 69.5 31 211 43 82.6 32 218 44 BO.0 33 225 43 67.7 z 0 34 232 42 66.1 35 239 33 57.4 36 z 246 33 61.8 M 37 253 39 57.2 38 260 26 53.1 39 267 18 32.3 40 274 20 35.2 41 281 7 10.0 42 288 6 9.7 43 295 3 3.7 44 302 2 2.8 45 309 2 1.9 46 316 1 1.5 47 323 1 0.4 48 330 1 0.3 49 337 0 0.3 50 344 0 0.4 51 351 1 1.1 52 358 2 1.9 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 DAY OF YEAR 190

-C 35

30 w I 25






I 13.4 S [. I I., 1. I I %E 41 9i 4.5


73 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 78 [1901-1983] BAHRAICH U.P. 2757 8160 125 MSD=10 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 5 5.1 1 2 8 4 4.4 3 15 5 5.0 4 22 7 6.7 5 29 8 5.0 6 36 7 5.1 7 43 5 4.8 8 50 6 4.2 9 57 3 2.3 10 64 5 4.6 11 71 3 1.7 12 78 4 2.5 13 85 4 2.2 14 92 2 1.1 15 99 2 1.7 16 106 2 1.9 L) 17 113 3 2.0 18 120 3 2.3 19 127 8 6.8 20 134 5 5.6 L. 0 21 141 6 7.8 22 148 11 14.0 23 155 15 16.9 24 162 18 27.0 .c 25 169 24 49.0 26 176 29 57.6 m 27 183 38 64.8 a: 28 190 40 69.9 CL 29 197 44 90.5 30 204 40 75.6 31 211 45 82.7 z 32 218 44 75.7 2 33 225 39 61.2 34 232 40 68.0 35 239 34 61.0 z 0 36 246 34 68.8 37 253 32 69.3 z 38 260 21 40.2 39 267 17 30.8 40 274 14 29.8 41 281 8 17.1 42 288 5 6.6 43 295 2 3.0 44 302 2 4.4 45 309 2 1.1 46 316 1 1.8 47 323 1 1.0 48 330 1 0.4 49 337 1 1.6 50 344 2 1.0 51 351 2 1.7 52 358 4 3.0

cZ ! w

r |r

b , vlarr··- v - -



I 8 6W 6



74 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 73 11901-19781 VARANASI U.P. 2530 8302 75 MSD=10 WK DAY UP TOT 1 5 3.1 2 8 3 2.1 3 15 7 6.2 4 22 8 7.0 5 29 7 5.4 6 36 7 6.3 7 43 5 3.8 8 50 8 6.2 9 57 3 2.4 10 64 4 3.2 11 71 4 2.9 ; 12 78 3 1.7 13 85 3 2.7 14 92 2 1.3 15 99 2 1.9 16 106 1 0.6 17 113 1 0.9 u 18 120 2 2.5 a. 19 127 6 4.0 20 134 2 2.3 U- 0 21 141 3 2.6 22 148 4 3.9 23 155 9 10.8 -i 24 162 15 16.9 m 25 169 21 23.2 26 176 30 41.6 27 183 39 56.5 190 43 72.9 I 28 -C 29 197 49 79.5 30 204 45 67.2 31 211 46 67.4 z 32 218 56 88.5 33 225 46 66.4 34 232 45 60.3 35 239 39 60.9 z 0 36 246 39 61.6 u 37 253 36 66.5 z :3 38 260 27 40.9 39 267 22 31.0 40 274 18 30.2 41 281 6 6.9 42 288 5 7.8 43 295 1 1.3 44 302 2 3.0 45 309 2 3.3 46 316 2 3.1 47 323 2 1.8 48 330 1 0.7 49 337 1 1.1 50 344 0 0.3 51 351 2 2.3 52 358 3 1.5



--.. 47.6 18.0

35.7 13.5


ti t I 8 A.0 5 tOo re . E 4.5 450 L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I PE [100 CSS o 10, o PCcno [o.sC 7SS] PRECIfTATION[10mm CASSES] LOGPR£CIMITATIOM [0.5CU.ASSES] 269 Figure C-19

75 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 78 [1901-19831 AGRA U.P. 2717 7803 171 MSD=11 1W DAY UP TOTD 1 1 6 3.6 100 2 8 3 3.3 3 15 4 3.2 4 22 5 3.2 5 29 5 3.9 6 36 2 2.1 90 7 43 5 4.3 8 50 4 2.7 9 57 3 1.2 10 64 3 2.9 11 71 4 2.8 B0 12 78 3 2.1 13 85 3 1.9 14 92 3 1.5 15 99 2 1.4 16 106 2 1.7 - 70 17 113 1 1.1 u 18 120 2 0.9 a. 19 127 4 2.8 20 134 3 2.0 21 141 5 3.4 60 22 148 4 2.9 23 155 7 5.2 8.0 ,_ 24 162 7 25 169 13 14.5 m 26 176 19 34.6 m 50 27 183 27 31.8 28 190 32 44.6 29 197 38 54.6 J 30 204 40 51.6 31 211 42 59.3 Z 40 0 32 218 41 64.6 58.8 r 33 225 35 34 232 31 44.5 3o 35 239 35 48.1 z 36 246 26 35.4 Z 30 37 253 22 37.5 :3 38 260 15 26.3 39 267 12 20.1 40 274 7 10.5 41 281 4 6.3 20 42 289 2 2.2 43 295 1 2.1 44 302 1 1.1 45 309 2 1.8 46 316 1 1.5 10 47 323 1 0.9 48 330 2 0.8 49 337 1 1.0 50 344 1 1.2 51 351 2 1.8 52 358 2 1.1


_.t - 100Ir I u. a

1200 .¼.O4.0 u 8. am I re E 2LG 9 4.7 400 I


76 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 72 [1901-1983] ROORKEE U.P. . 2985 7788 276 MSD=11 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 8 8.2 2 B 10 8.2 3 15 9 9.8 4 22 10 10.2 5 29 11 12.9 b 36 8 8.0 7 43 9 10.2 8 50 8 10.1 9 57 7 8.0 10 64 8 8.1 11 71 6 5.6 1278 7 44 13 85 4 4.5 14 92 5 3.0 15 99 3 2.8 .-. 16 106 5 3.5 17 113 4 2.9 U (r 18 120 3 1.7 0. 19 127 7 4.5 L., 20 134 7 4.8 0 21 141 3 2.8 22 148 9 8.0 -i 23 155 11 13.2 24 162 14 17.4 169 m 25 18 27.8 c 26 176 28 48.0 27 183 31 51,2 28 190 40 71.7 a- 29 197 43 88.0 30 204 45 82.3 z 31 211 45 79.2 2 32 218 45 87.2 33 225 41 73.5 34 232 36 61.3 z 35 239 30 54.3 0 36 246 24 39.3 z 37 253 24 48.5 38 260 14 27.0 39 267 15 38.3 40 274 8 15.6 41 281 4 8.8 42 288 3 3.7 43 295 2 2.8 44 302 2 1.8 45 309 1 0.5 46 316 1 0.8 47 323 1 1.4 48 330 1 0.9 49 337 1 1.9 50 344 4 3.6 51 351 5 4.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 6 5.8








45.2 11.1

I3.1 1600 I B Ifa ".3 4.S

!I 11 0 - - - oe T o E E eA LOGPRECIArrt [0.5 CLASSES] PKcPrTnATi[10mm CLASSES) 195 Figure C-21

77 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 65 [1901-1968] JOSHIMATH U.P. 3055 7958 790 MSD=12 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 11 14.1 2 8 16 16.8 3 15 13 13.5 4 22 18 16.8 5 29 20 23.4 6 36 18 17.7 7 43 20 18.5 8 50 19 20.4 9 57 20 20.2 10 64 21 23.4 11 71 20 19.5 12 78 20 23.6 13 85 19 16.5 14 92 17 15.4 15 99 15 12.6 16 106 15 11.7 17 113 11 8.1 o 18 120 11 6.5 . 19 127 16 11.1 LL. 20 134 11 7.1 0 21 141 11 5.6 22 148 10 6.1 23 155 16 10.5 _1 24 162 25 18.6 25 169 30 25.6 m 26 176 36 29.7 m o 27 183 44 35.1 28 190 50 36.9 29 197 49 42.4 J 30 204 56 47.6 a 31 211 56 49.5 2 32 218 57 48.2 z-- 33 225 55 39.3 o 34 232 50 36.7 35 239 42 30.6 0 36 246 38 27.1 .) z 37 253 31 20.9 38 260 22 16.3 39 267 22 28.5 40 274 13 12.5 41 281 7 8.9 42 288 7 8.5 43 295 4 2.6 44 302 6 4.5 45 309 3 2.0 46 316 3 3.4 47 323 2 3.4 48 330 4 2.6 49 337 4 2.8 50 344 7 7.2 51 351 7 7.6 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 8 7.0

50 100 158 50 300 350



220 I 4M~ 130 t; 1500

u~rt 750 I

LfmI...... Ii 0 T O nO0 o .· 04 ULO 7.P


78 PRC (MM), NYEARS=66 [1901-19681 THAKURDWARA U.P. 2920 7887 243 MSD=12 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 5 4.5 100 2 8 7 6,6 3 15 8 8.5 4 22 8 8.7 5 29 10 9.7 6 36 8 9.1 90 7 43 8 8.1 8 50 8 8.1 9 57 4 3.7 10 64 5 4.7 11 71 4 2.5 80 12 78 4 2.4 13 85 5 3.6 14 92 3 2.0 15 99 2 1.5 16 106 3 3.0 - 70 17 113 2 1.6 o 18 120 2 2.0 - 19 127 7 4.4 20 134 5 3.8 21 141 3 2.1 ° 60 22 148 7 5.4 I 23 155 9 18.3 24 162 i2 15.2 _ 25 169 22 43.0 26 176 26 52.8 S 50 27 183 33 59.4 o 28 190 38 77.6 29 197 42 77.9 30 204 42 78.9 z 40 31 211 48 80.9 32 218 43 71.8 33 225 41 76.2 o 34 232 37 76.9 35 239 33 55.4 36 246 29 48.6 I 30 37 253 29 51.7 38 260 18 36.2 39 267 16 36.3 40 274 10 26.5 20 41 281 4 13.0 20 42 288 4 7.4 43 295 3 3.3 44 302 1 0.8 45 309 1 0.9 10 46 316 2 1.0 47 323 1 1.1 48 330 2 0.8 49 337 2 0.9 50 344 4 2.9 51 351 3 4.3 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 4 2.5


* _ 05. w~ocr


i t; 700

a ,E I w5 11.

LI . . . I aI PrcciprIAniON[l011m CO.ASSES] LOGPICPIATION [O.S C.SES] 205 Figure C-23

79 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 71 [1901-19761 AMBALA HARYANA 3038 7677 272 MSD=13 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 8 7.7 1e 2 8 10 7.5 3 15 8 11.0 4 22 7 7.4 5 29 13 14.8 6 36 8 7.0 7 43 9 9.2 8 50 11 14.6 9 57 7 6.3 10 64 6 7.8 11 71 6 5,7 : 12 78 8 6.8 13 85 4 3.4 14 92 6 5.5 15 99 4 1.9 16 106 4 3.2 17 113 2 1.2 18 120 3 1.7 Q. 19 127 8 6.1 20 134 5 5.0 21 141 3 3.5 . , 22 148 6 6.2 23 155 12 13.8 24 162 11 14.8 m 25 169 15 16.0 c 26 176 20 29.5 m 27 183 27 39.0 28 Q: 190 35 62.5 29 197 39 62.1 30 204 38 64.9 211 38 4 31 67.7 -o 32 218 34 56.8 =- 33 225 34 56.4 34 232 27 43.3 35 239 25 32.0 o 36 246 21 43.3 3 z 37 253 23 47.2 D 38 260 11 24.8 39 267 14 28.3 40 274 6 14.7 41 281 3 5.9 42 288 3 2.6 43 295 2 3.5 44 302 1 1.2 45 309 1 0.7 1 46 316 2 1.2 47 323 1 0.9 48 330 2 2.8 49 337 2 1.6 50 344 6 4.7 51 351 5 3.8 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 4 4.3


1400 520 17.2

IONo 30 12.1 Uti

700 2I0 IL ! I

U.6 4.3

. INN.. - - L1EPAI(0.5CLASSE) 1 I I ...... I I I I I I I I PRPo A t oo(107a. ,00 CLoC.L s w0 eo u -r1 I .e


80 PRC (MM). NYEARS=87 [1901-19931 NEW DELHI/SAF UNION T. 2858 7720 214 MSD=13 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 6 4.2 2 8 5 4.8 3 15 6 4,8 4 22 5 4.1 5 29 7 6.4 6 36 4 3.7 7 43 7 6.4 8 50 6 5.7 9 57 4 3.5 10 64 5 4.7 11 71 5 2.7 12 78 4 2.6 13 85 3 2.5 14 92 4 2.2 15 99 4 1.9 16 106 2 2.4 u 17 113 3 2.2 a: 18 120 3 2.6 19 127 6 4.2 Ll- 20 134 3 2.2 21 141 5 3.7 22 14B 5 3.8 23 155 9 6.6 24 162 12 12.3 25 169 15 17.7 m 26 176 16 26.9 0 27 183 24 29.7 28 190 29 41.5 29 197 32 53.7 30 204 34 50.2 z 31 211 34 61.6 2 32 218 34 47.4 33 225 29 38.5 34 232 30 41.4 z 35 239 25 41.1 u 36 246 21 37.5 z 37 253 20 33.8 38 260 13 26.7 39 267 12 23.6 40 274 6 11.4 41 281 4 5.0 42 288 2 2.4 43 295 2 1.5 44 302 1 0.9 45 309 1 0.5 46 316 1 0.6 47 323 1 1.4 48 330 1 0.3 49 337 2 2.6 50 344 4 2.1 51 351 3 2.0 52 358 3 1.8 DAY OF YEAR 2

_...... ,.....__o ------IwBr .9


1 B.

SooI b ri LI 254 le 400



81 PRC (MM)I NYEARS= 70 [1901-1970] FEROZEPUR SAD PUNJAB 3088 7458 197 MSD=14 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 5 4.4 2 8 7 5.4 3 15 7 5.7 4 22 4 2.6 5 29 7 6.0 6 36 5 2.5 7 43 7 5.8 8 50 7 5.6 9 57 5 4.6 10 64 5 3.9 11 71 6 5.6 12 78 7 5.1 13 85 4 3.0 14 92 4 2.6 15 99 3 2.2 16 106 3 3.2 17 113 2 1.7 u 18 120 1 1.0 a. 19 127 5 3.4 LL. 20 134 4 3.0 0 21 141 4 2.5 22 148 2 1.9 23 155 7 6.7 co 24 162 7 6.3 25 169 7 8.4 26 176 11 13.0 27 183 13 14.8 a- 28 190 19 33.4 -i 29 197 21 33.8 30 204 21 36.1 z 31 211 16 26.2 2 32 218 20 26.7 33 225 16 27.2 34 232 17 26.3 35 239 13 23.3 z 36 246 10 20.3 37 253 11 17.2 38 260 7 12.7 39 267 4 7.7 40 274 2 3.1 41 281 2 1.3 42 288 3 1.4 43 295 2 1.9 44 302 1 0.4 45 309 1 0.9 46 316 1 0.6 47 323 0 0.9 48 330 1 1.2 49 337 2 1.5 50 344 4 3.7 51 351 4 2.8 52 358 2 1.9 l


- *kA 591. Iw r I1~)l.

VI tiJ6 I 440 . A iI ILI 220I

0 - yr o I00W 200o Be LooMCITA0N 0.5 C ASS PRECIPITATION[10mmCLASSES] tLMrnEtruATION 10.5 CuSSEs] 5 Figure C-26

82 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 70 [1901-1970] HOSHIARPUR PUNJAB 3153 7592 0 MSD=14 W( DAY UP TOTD 1 9 8.6 100 2 8 10 11.0 3 15 9 7.6 4 22 10 10.8 5 29 11 11.2 6 36 10 11.0 90 7 43 9 8.2 8 50 10 10.6 9 57 8 8.2 10 64 9 9.5 11 71 9 8.4 80 12 78 9 8.8 13 85 6 3.7 14 92 7 13.4 15 99 7 4.0 16 106 4 3.2 70 17 113 3 1.5 a: 18 120 3 2.0 Q. 19 127 5 3.4 20 134 6 4.3 21 141 4 3.8 60 22 148 6 4.1 23 155 9 9.3 24 162 8 9.9 25 169 14 15.1 26 176 20 29.8 m 50 | . 27 183 26 45.6 a 28 190 33 56.4 Q 29 197 36 68.9 30 204 38 65.1 z 40 31 211 37 72.2 32 218 32 58.9 33 225 31 51.0 34 232 31 57.3 2 35 239 22 36.9 2 36 246 21 32.9 u 300 z 37 253 20 38.2 38 260 11 21.4 39 267 8 21.3 40 274 5 24.8 41 281 2 5.8 42 288 3 2.8 43 295 3 4.1 44 302 2 2.0 45 309 2 1.6 10 46 316 1 0.6 47 323 2 1.9 48 330 2 2.4 49 337 3 2.7 50 344 6 5.8 0 51 351 7 7.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 6 4.6



1400 47.2 U r 117.5

105( U.1

700 23.4 21S -0




83 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 67 [1901-1969] PALAMPUR HIMACHAL 3213 7653 1217 MSD=15 AK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 15 20.8 10 2 8 20 25.7 3 15 19 23.5 4 22 21 27.4 5 29 26 33.9 6 36 21 24.3 9 7 43 22 24,9 8 50 20 26.5 9 57 18 21.8 10 64 19 21.9 11 71 17 23.3 8 12 78 23 28.9 13 85 18 16.3 14 92 18 17.8 15 99 16 14.4 16 106 13 11.4 7 17 113 11 8.7 u ac 18 120 11 10.0 a. 19 127 16 13.5 20 134 16 19.2 21 141 11 8.5 22 148 15 15.1 I- 23 155 23 27.5 _. 24 162 24 30.4 25 169 28 41.8 26 176 38 74.7 m 5 27 183 51 105.9 o 0 28 190 66175.7 aJa. 29 197 75 195.2 30 204 76 218.3 31 211 77 199.2 32 218 79 230.9 - 33 225 77 225.0 34 232 66 172.7 3 z 35 239 61 128.1 36 246 50 102.7 I 37253 43 71.0 38 260 26 37.4 39 267 21 32.5 40 274 14 21.7 41 281 8 10.0 42 288 6 5.5 43 295 7 7.9 44 302 4 4.7 45 309 3 3.4 46 316 3 3.9 1 47 323 3 3.4 48 330 3 5.1 49 337 6 6.5 50 344 11 16.7 51 351 11 13.9 52 358 15 13.6


g .c I-0 r I 2

£ 5 x -j § 0


^, _- _ I7 a 2400r 3r.9

M0DF 2a.4

I h 1200 I 9 a lI 0 0. (00 11,._ 0 r 100 0 00 *. 0.0 L I .IA 7J. I". : LOGPRECITATION [0.5 C.SSES] PRECMItTTION[10mm CL.ASSS] 107 Figure C-28

84 PRC IMM). NYEARS=70 [1901-19701 SIMLA HIMACHAL 3110 7717 2201 MSD=15 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 13 12.8 2 8 15 13.2 3 15 18 16.8 4 22 16 14.2 5 29 20 19.0 6 36 18 15.7 7 43 20 14.5 8 50 18 17.4 9 57 16 11.7 10 64 16 13.8 11 71 16 13.3 12 78 19 17.9 13 85 15 12.0 14 92 17 12.8 15 99 15 10.1 16 106 14 10,1 17 113 10 7.4 u 18 120 11 8.0 a: 19 127 20 15.0 LI 20 134 17 16.4 21 141 16 11.9 22 148 17 16.1 t: 23 155 22 21.0 24 162 30 28.7 25 169 38 44.7 cr m 26 176 43 55.8 O 27 183 54 70.8 Er 28 190 63 96.2 a. 29 197 67 109.0 -i 30 204 67 99.3 -cc z 31 211 71 95.7 2 32 218 65 95.9 33 225 67 103.2 34 232 60 83.6 z 35 239 52 65.9 0 36 246 43 55.8 zu 37 253 41 55.1 38 260 25 32.3 39 267 18 27.8 40 274 14 18.5 41 281 8 9.5 42 288 5 4.3 43 295 6 6.8 44 302 5 3.0 45 309 2 2.2 46 316 4 2.7 47 323 2 2.0 48 330 4 2.9 49 337 4 3.7 50 344 8 6.7 51 351 9 6.8 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 10 6.5 DAY OF YEAR 114


U; 0-C



rw J. -j cl


3000 48.4 1200 1.4

Ina t4 I 1500

.0 I

0o so loo ango * L L0 7.0


85 PRC (MM). NYEARS=43 11901-19441 7438 1492 MSD=16 UK DAY UP TOTO GILGIT J AND K 3592 1 1 3 2.0 2 4 1.6 1 3 15 3 1.3 4 22 3 1.7 5 29 4 2.4 6 36 1 0.9 7 43 3 2.1 8 50 3 1.7 9 57 4 2.6 10 64 6 4.8 11 71 6 3.9 12 78 6 4.0 13 85 7 6.9 14 92 7 3.7 15 99 8 5.1 16 106 9 7.1 17 113 12 7.4 L. 18 120 8 4.4 19 127 8 4.4 20 134 9 5.1 5.9 LA- 21 141 10 0 22 148 6 3.0 23 155 4 2.5 24 162 4 2.0 25 169 5 2.4 26 176 6 1.7 27 183 4 2.6 m 28 190 2 1.6 0 29 197 4 1.8 30 204 6 2.9 31 211 5 2.2 218 7. 3.5 z 32 2 33 225 6 3.3 34 232 5 2.6 35 239 5 5.1 z 36 246 4 2.6 37 253 4 2.9 z 38 260 5 1.8 39 267 3 1.1 40 274 3 2.2 41 281 3 1.5 42 288 2 1.5 43 295 2 0.9 44 302 3 1.0 45 309 1 0.3 46 316 0 0.2 47 323 0 0.3 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 1 0.4 50 344 1 0.9 51 351 2 1.0 52 358 0.6


-C 70 ai

3u) m


r W



50 386 350


63.2 240 50 I

6.4 6aO V17.7 420 Iw 1 27.B 0 20 I

26 I &M t40 219

-.. 260 . U .. 7.


86 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 65 11901-1969] REASI 1


u cr a.

LL. 0


tz -j

m x m 0


u z






1400 I- I

1050 00. t; t; I ; 70 17J 9 a: I' w~ I

r I II I I I. I I I I 1 -1 I I I O so No no ~ W PRECIPITATION[10mmCLeASSES] LOGPRC[IPTATION [O.SC 2SS]21 Figure C-31

87 PRC (HM), NYEARS= 82 [1901-1993] SRINAGAR J AND K 3408 7483 1585 MSD=16 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 15 10.1 2 8 18 12.8 3 15 16 12.6 4 22 21 17.8 5 29 23 19.9 6 36 16 13.6 s 7 43 21 18.8 8 50 21 18.7 9 57 25 20.0 10 64 24 22.3 11 71 24 24.4 12 78 28 26.8 13 85 25 21.4 14 92 29 24.1 15 99 25 22.2 16 106 23 17.2 17 113 28 22.5 18 120 20 15.3

A- 19 127 22 18.3 20 134 19 15.7 6 21 141 17 13.5 i 22 148 13 8.3 23 155 11 8.3 J 24 162 14 10.1 m 25 169 10 6.8 26 176 11 7.0 5 27 183 14 10.8 28 190 13 9.4 29 197 16 15,3 ._ 30 204 19 13.0 z 4 31 211 19 18.1 o 32 218 18 14.8 33 225 17 14.6 3 34 232 14 12.0 z 35 239 15 15.0 zo 36 246 11 7.3 37 253 12 11.1 38 260 9 6.3 39 267 8 7.3 40 274 8 6.5 2 41 281 8 7.3 42 288 8 7.6 43 295 7 7.3 44 302 7' 5.9 45 309 5 3.7 46 316 5 3.8 47 323 4 4.0 48 330 4 3.7 49 337 4 4.0 50 344 13 12.6 51 351 12 7.9 50 100 150 200 250 308 350 52 358 14 12.9 DAY OF YEAR 218


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3000 )r -194.9 120~~~~~~~~~~~110r 2. I

2230I - 48.7 m0 - 1».5

I E iowI 3LS 8 00 - 13.0 E I 1.2 8 . _. i 750oI -

I I I., ,0--- . .. .,,1 ILI ....a

(10mm 73ECWP1ATW0[0.5 PREC.J7AToN CLASSES) LOG CLASSES] 217 Figure C-32

88 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 65 11906-1970] ANUPGARH RAJASTHAN 2920 7323 161 MSD=17 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 2 0.9 1 2 8 2 0.5 3 15 2 1.5 4 22 2 0.6 5 29 2 1.3 6 36 2 2.9 7 43 2 1.6 8 50 2 1.6 9 57 2 1.4 10 64 2 2.7 11 71 2 2.6 12 78 2 0.9 13 85 1 1.4 14 92 2 1.3 15 99 2 1.0 16 106 2 0.9 u 17 113 1 0.4 18 120 1 0.3 19 127 3 1.7 20 134 2 1.2 LL. 0 21 141 2 1.6 22 148 2 1.1 23 155 2 2.2 24 162 4 4.3 cc 25 169 4 3.8 m 26 176 5 6.1 27 183 9 10.6 28 190 8 12.5 a. 29 197 11 12.2 30 204 12 13.5 31 211 10 z 11.1 2 32 218 8 14.7 33 225 8 9.3 34 232 11 18.1 z 35 239 10 14.9 0 36 246 8 11.0 zu 37 253 4 6.8 38 260 3 4.7 39 267 1 1.3 40 274 1 2.6 41 281 0 0.3 42 288 0 0.0 43 295 1 0.4 44 302 0 0.0 45 309 0 0.0 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.6 48 330 0 0.1 49 337 1 0.3 50 344 1 1.3 51 351 1 0.9 52 358 1 1.1



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_-v AD r- ~IQ.4 285I 37.l K 1 j 0oo 5 8 9 1i 10 12.9

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89 PRC IMM), NYEARS= 69 [1901-19701 JAISALMER RAJASTHAN 2692 7092 292 MSD=17 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1 0.2 100 2 8 2 0.7 3 15 1 0.5 4 22 1 0.8 5 29 2 1.4 6 36 1 0.7 90 7 43 1 0.8 B 50 3 2.6 9 57 1 0.6 10 64 2 0.9 11 71 1 0.5 80 12 78 2 1.4 13 85 1 0.8 14 92 1 0.4 15 99 1 0.9 70 16 106 1 0.5 17 113 1 0.5 u 18 120 1 0.6 a 19 127 1 0.9 L, 20 134 3 1.6 O 21 141 3 1.9 60 22 148 3 2.9 23 155 2 1.6 _. 24 162 3 3.1 m 25 169 3 2.5 26 m 50 176 6 6.7 27 183 10 12.2 co 28 190 9 12,2 .L 0 29 197 11 13,1 30 204 14 15.4 z 40 31 211 12 12.1 32 218 11 15.8 33 225 10 13.9 1 34 232 13 18.0 z 35 239 13 17.0 0 . 30 36 246 7 7.7 z 37 253 5 7.3 38 260 2 1.9 39267 3 1.9 40 274 1 0.6 20 41 281 0 0.3 42 288 0 0.0 43 295 0 0.4 44 302 0 0.0 45 309 0 0.1 10 46 316 1 0.9 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 0 0.5 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 1 0.4 0 51 351 1 0.7 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 1 0.5 DAY OF YEAR 278



rc F 6

cr Ix 2

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90 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 70 [1901-19701





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lomm. , I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I 0so m so M PRECPTATION[10mm CLASSS) LOGPRECIPITATIQO (0. CLASSES Figure C-35

91 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 87 [1901-1993] JAIPUR RAJASTHAN 2682 7580 390 MSD=18 WK DAY UP TOT 1 1 2 2.0 100 2 8 3 2.8 3 15 2 2.0 4 22 2 1.7 5 29 4 2.9 6 36 2 0.8 90 7 43 4 2.8 8 50 4 3.3 9 57 3 2.2 10 64 2 1.3 11 71 2 1.9 80 12 78 3 1.6 13 85 3 1.5 14 92 1.0 15 99 2 1.9 ;Z 16 106 2 1.7 u 17 113 2 1.2 cr 18 120 2 1.8 a- 19 127 5 3.1 L- 20 134 5 3.4 21 141 5 3.7 60 22 148 5 5.4 23 155 8 6.0 -i 24 162 12 12.7 m 25 169 11 11.4 c 26 176 19 21.5 50 27 183 24 28.9 28 190 32 42.6 29 197 38 58.3 -i 30 204 37 56.1 31 211 34 46.9 z 40 0 32 218 38 51.6 33 225 32 47.2 0 34 232 34 48.0 35 239 32 42.9 z 36 246 23 24.5 :D 30 37 253 18 21.9 38 260 13 13.8 39 267 8 11.6 40 274 6 8.1 41 281 3 3.7 20 42 288 2 3.1 43 295 1 2.3 44 302 2 2.0 45 309 1 0.8 10 46 316 2 0.9 47 323 1 0.6 48 330 2 1,0 49 337 2 1.0 50 344 2 2.2 51 351 2 1.3 52 358 1 0.5


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92 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 69 [1901-19701 BARWANI M.P. 2203 7488 0 MSD=19 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 2 2.6 2 8 1 0.6 3 15 1 0.7 4 22 1 0.5 5 29 1 0.4 6 36 0 0.1 7 43 1 0.2 8 50 1 0.6 9 57 1 1.3 10 64 1 0.9 11 71 1 0.3 12 78 1 0.6 13 85 1 1.0 14 92 0 0.2 15 99 1 0.4 ;Z 16 106 1 0.8 17 113 1 0.6 u 18 120 0 0.3 m 19 127 2 1.5 (L 20 134 3 2.4 L.. 21 141 1 0.8 0 22 148 6 4.9 23 155 13 13.9 24 162 24 35.4 I 25 169 24 32.8 26 176 34 40.5 27 183 42 48.0 38.5 cr. 28 190 36 29 197 40 42.0 30 204 42 39.8 z: 31 211 39 31.6 2 32 218 29 26.5 33 225 32 28.1 34 232 30 31.9 z 35 239 30 34.8 0 36 246 28 44.5 zu 37 253 26 35.7 38 260 20 28.4 39 267 16 17.3 40 274 12, 13.3 41 281 6 11.6 42 288 4 5.7 43 295 2 1.2 44 302 2 3.1 45 309 3 5.6 46 316 2 3.4 47 323 2 2.9 48 330 2 1.9 49 337 1 0.5 50 344 2 1.4 51 351 1 1.3 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 0 0.3



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93 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 78 [1901-1983) NOWGONG M.P. 2507 7945 230 MSD=19 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 4 2.9 100 2 B 5 3.0 3 15 6 5.7 4 22 7 6.8 5 29 7 5.3 6 36 3 2.2 90 7 43 5 3.2 8 50 4 4.9 9 57 4 2.9 10 64 3 1.8 11 71 2 1.6 80 12 78 2 1.3 13 85 2 1.2 14 92 2 0.8 15 99 2 1.2 ,;7 16 70 106 1 0.9 17 113 1 1.0 u 18 120 1 0.7 a- 19 127 2 1.5 LA- 20 134 3 2.0 O 60 21 141 3 2.0 22 148 7 4.3 23 155 8 9.0 24 162 14 14.8 25 169 22 28.4 m 50 26 176 29 44.9 0 27 183 39 66.7 28 190 42 65.9 29 197 50 88.6 -j 30 204 51 87.5 z 40 31 211 50 78.2 0 32 218 53 103.1 33 225 46' 82.3 34 232 44 69.7 z 35 239 39 57.7 0 L. 30 36 246 37 57.6 z 37 253 27 44.0 D 38 260 19 25.1 39 267 17 26.5 40 274 11 13.0 20 41 281 7 8.7 42 288 3 3.9 43 295 2 1.6 44 302 2 2.7 45 309 3 4.7 10 46 316 3 3.6 47 323 2 1.8 48 330 2 2.3 49 337 2 1.2 50 344 2 1.1 51 351 2 1.4 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 3 3.1 DAY OF YEAR 214


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. 32 II a , 9~ 9 BT 4.2

I I i I I I I I -- 1 1 T -F T PEtCIPOATION[lDmm CuAES] LOGPECIPITATI [o0.5 LASSES] 213 Figure C-38

94 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 88 (1901-1993] RAIPUR M P 2123 8165 296 MSD=20 K DAY UP TOTD 1 1 3 2.3 100 2 8 3 1.9 3 15 3 2.2 4 22 4 3.4 5 29 5 4.7 6 36 6 5.2 90 7 43 6 4.8 8 50 6 5.8 9 57 6 4.9 10 64 3 2.5 11 71 5 4.6 80 12 78 6 5.3 13 85 6 4.9 14 92 6 3.2 15 99 6 3.6 16 106 5 4.3 70 17 113 4 2.6 o 18 120 7 5.4 a. 19 127 6 4.3 20 134 7 5.7 LL 21 141 5 3.2 22 148 10 8.8 23 155 16 17.6 24 162 28 52.3 25 169 41 62.4 26 176 47 80.3 m 50 I 27 183 49 87.3 0: 28 190 50 83.1 a. 29 197 48 69.1 30 204 54 87.0 31 211 54 97.1 z 40 32 218 52 81.1 33 225 49 80.9 o 34 232 48 73.6 35 239 44 75.5 36 246 44 64.3 8 30 z 37 253 38 62.2 D 38 260 27 46.6 39 267 22 30.5 40 274 19 23.4 41 281 11 11.1 20 42 288 9 10.3 43 295 5 4.8 44 302 6 5.7 45 309 2 2.5 46 316 1 1.4 10 47 323 3 2.2 48330 2 2.6 49 337 1 0.6 50 344 1 0.8 51 351 1 0.6 52 358 1 1.2



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95 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 78 [1901-19831 AHMEDABAD AER GUJARAT 2307 7263 56 MSD=21 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 0 0.5 10 2 8 1 0.3 3 15 1 0.8 4 22 1 0.4 5 29 1 0.6 6 36 0 0.1 9 7 43 0.3 8 50 0 0.2 9 57 1 0.5 10 64 1 0.3 11 71 1 0.4 B 12 78 0 0.3 13 85 0 0.1 14 92 1 0.4 15 99 0 0.1 16 106 1 0.5 7 17 113 1 0.7 u 18 120 1 0.8 c: a. 19 127 2 3.3 20 134 3 2.2 >- 21 141 2 1.3 - 6 22 148 5 6.5 23 155 8 10.5 24 162 12 14.8 J 25 169 18 26.2 m 26 176 29 44.9 m 5 27 183 39 69.6 0 a:nr 28 190 41 66.3 n 29 197 38 57.6 30 204 45 99.9 31 211 44 62.5 z 4 0 32 218 40 55.5 33 225 34 48.1 34 232 33 38.7 35 239 31 51.9 36 246 25 47.7 I 3 37 253 21 36.8 z 3 38 260 15 25.4 39 267 9 11.5 40 274 4 5.2 41 281 4 4.0 42 288 1 0.4 43 295 1 1.1 44 302 1 0.5 45 309 1 1.5 46 316 2 1.7 1 47 323 3 3.1 48 330 1 1.3 49 337 0 0.2 50 344 0 0.2 51 351 1 0.7 52 358 0 0.0


"'n 14w r

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700 I il r O50 12.1

IT,I i .L.i i i i ...I 1i i.. I . i I . . i soP T O1 000 o LU P C AO 7 LOGPFRECIATION [O.5CuAES] PRECTATION[1Omm CLASSES] 139 Figure C-40

96 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 87 (1901-19931 SURAT


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ti It; a 8 I I 21

so IO W,o m0 0.0 U *.0 7. " PCCInATlON[o10rm CLASSES)] o PCITAT [0.5CASSS] 173 Figure C-41

97 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 69 [1901-1970] ANJAR GUJARAT 2312 7003 75 MSD=22 UK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 0 0.7 100 2 8 0 0.3 3 15 0 0.1 4 22 1 0.6 5 29 1 0.7 6 36 1 0.6 7 43 1 0.6 8 50 1 1.0 9 57 0 0.1 10 64 0 0.3 11 71 0 0.5 80 12 78 0 0.6 13 85 0 0.2 14 92 0 0.0 15 99 1 0.5 16 106 0 0.1 - 70 17 113 0 0.0 u 18 120 1 0.3 a: n 19 127 0 0.0

LL 20 134 1 2.4 0 0.5 0 60 21 141 >. 22 148 2 1.9 23 155 3 3.9 24 162 4 8.1 25 169 7 8.0 m I 26 176 12 15.4 m 50 183 2 27 19 32.8 r 1 28 190 24 44.9 CL 29 197 20 27.1 30 204 22 42.8 31 211 17 27.0 z 40 0o 32 218 15 18.0 33 225 13 16.9 34 232 12 12.2 14 17.3 z 35 239 36 246 12 19.7 u 30 z 37 253 11 13.5 38 260 7 7.4 39 267 3 2.2 40 274 2 2.5 41 281 1 0.9 20 42288 1 1.4 43 295 2 3.2 44 302 0 0.0 45 309 0 0.1 46 316 1 0.6 10 47 323 0 0.4 48 330 1 0.4 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 1 0.3 Z 51 351 1 0.5 la - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 0 0.0

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98 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 87 [1901-19931 VERAVAL GUJARAT 2090 7037 6 MSD=22 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1 0.4 100 2 8 1 0.3 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.1 5 29 1 0.8 6 36 0 0.2 90 7 43 1 0.4 8 50 0 0.4 9 57 0 0.1 10 64 0 0.3 11 71 0 0.3 80 12 78 0 0.0 13 85 0 0.1 14 92 0 0.0 15 99 0 0.1 7. 16 106 0 1.5 70 17 113 0 0.0 18 120 0 0.1 19 127 0 0.1 20 134 1 1.6 L. 0 21 141 0 0.4 60 22 148 2 3.7 -i 23 155 6 11.6 24 162 12 27.1 25 169 19 47.6 cr 26 176 23 50.3 50 0- 27 183 33 77.7 28 190 31 48.8 29 197 34 58.4 30 204 34 45.3 31 211 28 53.8 40 32 218 25 29.9 z 33 225 25 27.7 0 34 232 21 21.6 35 239 21 25.5 36 246 19 21.2 zu 30 37 253 15 25.5 38 260 12 16.9 39 267 8 8.6 40 274 5 4.7 41 281 3 6.0 20 42 288 2 3.0 43 295 2 3.7 44 302 1 0.7 45 309 1 5.2 46 316 1 1.0 10 47 323 2 2.9 48 330 1 0.4 49 337 0 0.1 50 344 1 0.6 51 351 0 0.3 52 358 0 0.0



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soe OO 00e 0. LOGRE g AS7J?AT e" PRtCPTTATON[10m CLSSES] LOCPRECinTATIM [0.5 WMASCS] 181 Figure C-43

99 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 79 [1901-19841 BOMBAY %COLAB MAHARASHTRA 1890 7282 11 MSD=23 WK DAY LP TOTO 1 1 1 1.3 100 2 B 0 0.3 3 15 1 0.4 4 22 0 0.3 5 29 1 1.2 6 36 1 0.5 90 7 43 0 0.3 8 50 0 0.0 9 57 0 0.3 10 64 0 0.1 11 71 1 0.6 80 12 78 0 0.1 13 85 0 0.0 14 92 0 0.1 15 99 0 0.1 16 106 1 0.8 U 70 17 113 1 0.3 18 120 1 0.3 19 127 0 0.1 CL. 20 134 2 1.8 21 141 4 5.5 LA- O 60 22 148 10 19.2 23 155 29 55.8 !Z 24 162 54 121,2 I 25 169 61 166.4 m 26 176 67 163.3 r 50 27 183 74 186.9 m 0 28 190 67 139.1 29 197 71 146.4 m 30 204 75 129.3 31 211 72 135.3 40 32 218 64 88.9 33 225 56 80.6 z 0 34 232 59 78.6 35 239 58 82.7 73.3 z 36 246 49 I, 37 253 43 66.5 38 260 38 76.4 39 267 30 44.1 40 274 19 34.9 41 281 13 16,7 20 42 288 5 7.2 43 295 4 5.2 44 302 4 4,9 45 309 3 2.3 46 316 2 3.6 10 47 323 3 5.0 48 330 1 1.1 49 337 1 0.8 50 344 1 0,8 51 351 1 0.8 0 52 358 0 0,1






2100r 44.9

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LT I . . I I-r -TI IM-- . I 0 l PRECIP Nw [1 U0 IAo 7J0 leJ PRECIPATIONItOmm ClASSSI Lo tKmanOn [0.5QAnSS] 83 Figure C-44

100 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 86 [1901-1993) RATNAGIRI MAHARASHTRA 1698 7333 34 MSD=23 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 1 0.4 2 8 0 0.5 3 15 0 0.1 4 22 0 0.1 5 29 1 0.6 6 36 0 0.0 7 43 0 0.0 8 50 0 0.0 9 57 0 0.0 10 64 0 0.0 11 71 0 0.1 12 78 0 0.0 13 85 0 0.2 14 92 0 0.1 15 99 1 0.5 16 106 2 1.7 17 113 1 0.6 18 120 3 1.6 19 127 2 1.7

L.L 20 134 4 3.6 0 21 141 9 11.5 22 148 22 37.8 23 155 49 115.3 -i m 24 162 73 202.5

c 25 169 81 236.5 m 26 176 83 231.5 0 27 183 87 226.7 m 28 190 80 204.6 29 197 83 195.3 30 204 87 188.9 31 211 86 174.4 c z 32 218 81 128.0 33 225 75 120.0 34 232 78 116.0 z 35 239 71 104.4 0 u 36 246 64 89.0 z 37 253 52 76.2 D, 38 260 45 68.5 39 267 38 57.5 40 274 29 53.1 41 281 22 27.5 42 288 12 15.9 43 295 10 10.7 44 302 7 8.5 45 309 8 9.6 46 316 5 10.3 47 323 4 8.8 48 330 2 1.8 49 337 1 1.7 50 344 2 2.9 51 351 1 1.3 52 358 0 0.0






0 b eo i noo, * o .LOGP oTA tor PRECIPTATONftOm CLASSES] LOCM'EUPTAIT'd [0.S GSES] 85 Figure C-45

101 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 77 (1901-19841 MAHABALESHWAR MAHARASHTRA 1793 7367 1381 MSD=24 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1 1.4 1c 2 8 1 0.8 3 15 0 0.2 4 22 0 0.3 5 29 1 1.3 6 36 0 0.1 7 43 0 0.1 8 50 1 0.7 9 57 0 0.2 10 64 1 1.8 11 71 2 1.5 i 12 78 1 0.9 13 85 2 1.6 14 92 4 3.2 15 99 4 3.0 16 106 7 10.3 17 113 6 7.3 18 120 7 9.7 a: 19 127 5 5.7 CL 20 134 10 8.8 L- 21 141 14 17.9 22 148 19 26.3 o 23 155 49 74.2 24 162 76 195.7 -i 25 169 90 282.2 03 c 26 176 91 396.9 m 27 183 96 538.4 0 cr 28 190 96 528.8 a. 29 197 97 566.4 30 204 97 624.0 98 z 31 211 618.3 0 32 218 97 466.8 33 225 96 378.5 34 232 95 326.6 35 239 92 306.6 z 0 36 246 88 224.6

z 37 253 76 149.8 D 38 260 68 133.1 39 267 54 84.4 40 274 40 69.4 41 281 31 38.8 42 288 18 22.4 43 295 14 13.8 44 302 12 16.0 45 309 11 10.8 46 316 9 8.7 47 323 7 11.2 48 330 4 2.7 49 337 2 2.2 50 344 3 3.3 51 351 2 3.0 52 358 0 0.1



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102 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 86 [1901-19931 POONA MAHARASHTRA 1853 7385 559 MSO=24 WK DAY UP TOT 1 1 1 0.4 1 00 2 8 0 0.2 3 15 1 0.4 4 22 1 0.4 5 29 1 0.7 6 36 0 0.0 7 43 1 0.5 8 50 1 0.3 9 57 0 0.1 10 64 1 0.7 80 11 71 1 0.6 12 78 1 0.3 13 85 2 1.7 14 92 2 1.8 15 99 3 2.5 16 106 4 2.5 u 17 113 6 5.5 18 120 6 6.9 u- 19 127 4 3.6 LL 20 134 7 7.3 o 60 21 141 10 10.5 22 148 11 13.7 -. 23 155 19 31.4 J. 24 162 26 23.1 m 25 169 25 27.3 26 176 33 34.5 m 50 o 27 183 40 43.1 28 190 38 35.8 29 197 41 37.8 30 204 47 43.8 I:- 31 211 44 39.3 0r 40 o 32 218 30 24.1 oz 33 225 27 26.7 34 232 24 17.1 35 239 22 19.1 30 36 246 19 15.8 z 37 253 18 18.4 :D 38-260 31 44.4 39 267 32 43.6 40 274 21 28.5 20 41 281 18 20.7 42 288 14 15.8 43 295 9 8.9 44 302 7 10.0 45 309 8 8.9 10 46 316 5 4.2 47 323 6 7.9 48 330 3 2.5 49 337 1 0.6 50 344 3 1.7 51 351 2 1.8 52 358 0 0.4



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103 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 77 [1901-19831 AURANGABAD MAHARASHTRA 1988 7533 581 MSD=25 VK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 2 2.0 1_0 100 2 8 1 0.8 3 15 2 1.4 4 22 1 0.7 5 29 2 1.6 6 36 1 1.0 90 7 43 1 0.5 8 50 1 1.2 9 57 1 1.4 10 64 2 1.3 11 71 2 0.8 80 12 78 1 0.5 13 85 2 1.1 14 92 3 1.3 15 99 2 1.6 16 106 3 1.6 -- 70 17 113 1 1.2 18 120 2 1.6 070 19 127 1 1.1 20 134 3 2.7 21 141 6 7.8 60 22 148 9 8.9 23 155 18 21.3 _- 24 162 28 35.0 25 169 29 37.1 m 26 176 35 42.3 m 50 27 183 37 40.5 o 28 190 36 34.8 EL 29 197 38 37.8 30 204 43 42.6 31 211 43 46.5 z 40 32 218 31 28.5 33 225 25 23.4 34 232 30 32.5 35 239 31 40.5 36 246 30 37.4 o 30 I 37 253 27 44.2 38 260 31 37.4 39 267 27 35.6 40 274 17 20.6 41 281 11 11.4 20 42 288 7 9.3 43 295 5 6.4 44 302 6 6.8 45 309 7 9.4 46 316 5 4.5 10 47 323 4 6.6 48 330 5 8.9 49 337 2 1.6 50 344 3 2.4 51 351 3 3.7 0 52 358 1 1.0




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V- I -.. - -I- - I I -- I -I 1 _. _ ..._ _ .. , _ , ... .

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*- 44 27.8 i'§ 340

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...... b,,,0 - 0 V-1 I I I I II I I . I . . I . I .1 I I 0 CCIAT O i 200ES La U (.o ES.S PRECIPITATION(10mmCLASSES) LOGPRClmTATON [o.s5 aCASSES 103 Figure C-48

104 PRC tMM). NYEARS=70 [1901-19701 NANDED MAHARASHTRA 1913 7733 358 MSD=25 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 2 1.6 2 8 2 1.7 3 15 1 1.3 4 22 2 0.8 5 29 2 4.9 6 36 4 3.0 7 43 1 1.0 8 50 3 3.4 9 57 2 3.4 10 64 1 1.3 11 71 2 1.0 12 76 2 1.6 13 85 5 3.3 14 92 4 2.9 15 99 3 2.6 16 106 3 2.2 17 113 3 2.2 18 120 3 1.3 19 127 3 1.4 LL. 20 134 6 4.1 0 21 141 5 6.5 22 148 10 9.1 -i 23 155 19 21.0 24 162 26 27.8 25 169 35 52.3 co r 26 176 39 54.0 CD 27 183 41 51.9 28 190 36 48.4 29 197 41 52.3 30 204 49 59.8 z 31 211 46 57.2 0 32 218 34 36.3 33 225 35 43.7 34 232 40 59.5 z 35 239 38 52.4 0 36 246 35 52.9 z 37 253 33 56.7 38 260 31 48.9 39 267 28 39.7 40 274 18 21.8 41 281 10 10.6 42 288 8 10.0 43 295 3 2.5 44 302 6 9.9 45 309 5 7.0 46 316 4 4.1 47 323 2 2.2 48 330 3 2.6 49 337 1 1.3 50 344 3 3.8 51 351 1 0.8 52 358 1 1.2

I 58






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. . . . . 1 . 1 - i. I .I .I .[ I C I I I I I I I ,a so too zno MrCCuTAT1ON[lomm CLASSES] LOGPltCUPTATION [0.5 CLASSES] 105 Figure C-49

105 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 77 (1901-1983] AKOLA MAHARASHTRA 2070 7703 282 MSD=26 WK DAY UP OTD 1 1 4 3.1 2 8 4 3.4 3 15 3 1,9 4 22 2 1.5 5 29 3 2.9 6 36 2 1.6 7 43 2 1.7 B 50 3 2.7 9 57 3 2.8 10 64 2 1.3 11 71 2 1.6 12 78 3 1.6 13 85 3 2.6 14 92 2 0.9 15 99 2 1.0 7. 16 106 3 2.1 17 113 1 0,7 18 120 2 0.8 19 127 2 1.1 LL 20 134 4 1.6 0 21 141 3 2.4 22 148 8 9.0 :z 23 155 14 12.8 co 24 162 23 28.0 c M 25 169 33 46.5 0 26 176 38 52.6 M 27 183 41 55.1 28 190 43 48.7 29 197 37 49.4 -j 30 204 43 50.3 z 31 211 46 62.3 2 32 218 31 37.6 33 225 29 31.5 34 232 26 33.0 z0 35 239 29 37.0 L) 36 246 28 38.1 z 37 253 27 42.9 M, 38 260 27 35.4 39 267 19 27.0 40 274 14 16.0 41 281 7 9.5 42 28B 5 6.0 43 295 2 2.1 14 302 5 4.9 45 309 5 4.9 16 316 2 5.7 47 323 3 5.4 48 330 3 4.7 49 337 2 2.0 50 344 3 2.3 51 351 3 3.7 52 358 3 2.6



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uso UdI a ii 8 LI8j le


-.M. I I I I . I . Io soP I ( s L SS

PRECIMAPON(10mm CLASSES] LOGPRECrmnAn [10.5 CLASSS] 51 Figure C-50

106 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 76 [1901-1983) NAGPUR MEYO H MAHARASHTRA 2115 7912 312 MSD=26 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 3 3.1 10 2 8 3 2.0 3 15 2 1.7 4 22 3 3.8 5 29 4 4.5 6 36 5 3.8 9 7 43 6 4.6 8 50 7 5.9 9 57 6 4.6 10 64 4 2.6 11 71 5 3.7 8 12 78 6 4.3 13 85 6 4,5 14 92 7 4.2 15 99 5 3.8 16 106 5 4.4 7 17 113 4 2.2 o 18 120 3 3.1 19 127 6 2.7 20 134 6 4.8 LL O 6 21 141 6 4.6 22 148 10 8.8 23 155 17 18.7 42.6 ._ 24 162 30 25 169 40 61,0 26 176 49 84.3 0O 5 27 183 51 85.0 CE 28 190 51 86.5 a- 29 197 48 64.7 30 204 56 85.5 31 211 51 84.2 z 4 32 218 47 62.6 o 33 225 37 53.4 34 232 45 68.0 z 35 239 43 63.0 0 36 246 44 60.8 1 3 3 37 253 37 51.1 38 260 30 34.1 39 267 23 29.8 40 274 16 20.3 41 281 11 10.5 2 42 288 7 8.7 43 295 5 4.1 44 302 6 7.8 45 309 3 4.1 46 316 2 2.0 1 47 323 3 5.6 48 330 5 5.8 49 337 1 1.4 50 344 3 3.7 51 351 2 2.6 I52 358 2 2.7 _ _ _




. u z

oK 0


22x00 -47.4

1630 - *35.

E 1 ' u V. 1 ,.0...... I

i I I Ii i iii i iiI I iiIII III o e 0Oo 0 200* 00 3.s LIO 7. 10W


107 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 68 [1901-1970) ISAKAPALLY ANDHRA 1473 8012 0 MSD=27 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 5 7.5 1 2 8 4 5.4 3 15 3 4.6 4 22 2 2.1 5 29 3 1.9 6 36 1 1.0 7 43 1 3.1 8 50 1 1.9 9 57 1 1.6 10 64 1 2.4 11 71 0 0.1 12 78 1 1.9 13 85 1 0.4 14 92 2 2.1 15 99 2 4.1 ;z 16 106 3 3.0 17 113 1 1.4 u 18 120 3 2.1 19 127 3 4.8 CL 20 134 7 8.5 L. 21 141 8 17.8 22 148 8 8.3 0 23 155 5 5.0 n 24 162 8 7.1 -i 25 169 14 13.6 mr 26 176 14 13.9 m 27 183 16 11.0 28 190 16 12.5 29 197 18 15.7 30 204 18 13.8 31 211 19 16.6 z 0 32 218 18 16.3 33 225 18 15.5 34 232 21 23.5 35 239 17 17.2 z 0 36 246 18 27.3 L) 37 253 19 18.8 z 38 260 20 25.8 39 267 17 26.5 40 274 20 29.1 41 281 25 41.0 42 288 36 78.5 43 295 33 82.4 44 302 32 87.5 45 309 30 83.0 46 316 26 63.1 47 323 23 47.5 48 330 17 32.4 49 337 13 26.1 50 344 12 23.6 51 351 7 12.8 52 358 6 7.7


1400 A.7,

4.l I7O 1


w> F n.«

I I IP E . I Af I I I I EI S I1-1 I I .'t"r so to S M . o0.0 xU .0 ?7 PRECIPnATION[blOw CLASSES] LOGPREClMATNO (O.S5CUSSCS] 73 Figure C-52

108 PRC IMM), NYEARS=86 11901-1993] 2 MSD=27



-c m

0 M. (L


0z z


200 9 a

I0 I 0 8

0 I I V le I

e so s eo0 · o. LU 7A Mo


109 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 78 [1901-1984) 3 MSD=27

LL 0


m 0

z 2

z 0



2000 r 'I

1300 .37. 370C I - 14-3

I , E . §2 5. w - i .

IZ n · II·,8 boo

L..~~~~ I~.I - e s0 M0o o ao * o.o P LOP CO.e74


110 PRC (MM), NYEARS=65 (1901-1970] ASIFABAD%REV< ANDHRA 1937 7930 210 MSD=28 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1 0.8 100 2 8 1 0.8 3 15 2 1.1 4 22 1 1.0 5 29 4 4.9 6 36 3 2.9 90 7 43 3 2.9 8 50 6 5.8 9 57 3 3.5 10 64 1 0.6 11 71 3 3.2 80 12 78 4 3.0 13 85 5 4.4 14 92 7 7.4 15 99 5 3.4 16 106 5 4.4 - 70 17 113 5 3.2 u 18 120 4 3.2 c: a. 19 127 5 5.3 L. 20 134 3 3.1 21 141 7 4,9 60 22 148 7 7,5 23 155 20 18.7 _- 24 162 24 26.2 25 169 38 54.3 m 26 176 43 61.6 m 50 0 27 183 43 60,1 a: 28 190 42 56.1 a 29 197 51 70.1 30 204 52 68.9 31 211 51 65.7 Z 40 32 218 37 45.3 33 225 36 45.4 8 34 232 37 46.3 z 35 239 35 49.3 36 246 38 50.6 2 37 253 35 41.9 38 260 34 48.8 39 267 27 31.7 40 274 22 26.2 41 281 13 14.1 20 42 288 11 12.9 43 295 6 9.3 44 302 6 11.8 45 309 4 3.6 46 316 2 1.6 47 323 2 1.8 48 330 1 1.8 49 337 2 1.2 50 344 1 1.0 51 351 1 1.3 52 358 1 0.4



--- 40J.

UN - 37.0 t; S 14 II 8 r 450 IU

. I' l l ...... I so C ON( a L noE


111 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 86 [1901-19931 BEGAMPET ANDHRA 1745 7847 545 MSD=28 WK DAY UP TOT --- 1 1 1 1.9 100 2 8 1 0.5 3 15 2 2.0 4 22 1 0.9 5 29 2 1.9 6 36 2 1.6 90 7 43 2 2.2 8 50 3 3.7 9 57 2 2.1 10 64 1 2.4 11 71 3 3.0 80 12 78 4 4.2 13 85 3 3.2 14 92 6 4.8 15 99 5 5.4 ;Z. 16 106 6 6.3 17 113 7 5.9 18 120 6 5.1 19 127 5 4.9 20 134 7 6.0 LL. 0 21 141 10 11.1 60 22 148 12 10.0 23 155 18 18.6 24 162 22 24.0 25 169 27 31.4 m 26 176 31 32.8 0 27 183 31 32.0 28 190 33 35.4 29 197 36 41.8 30 204 41 45.8 -x 31 211 37 40.7 z 2 32 218 31 30.3 33 225 32 34.1 34 232 29 32.7 z 35 239 31 34.5 0 36 246 31 38.0 zu 30 37 253 31 38.8 38 260 32 42.5 39 267 27 38.5 40 274 18 21.3 41 281 17 19.5 20 42 288 14 16.6 43 295 11 14.2 44 302 10 13.7 45 309 9 7.8 46 316 5 6.4 10 47 323 4 4.3 48 330 2 3.3 49 337 1 1.7 50 344 2 1.1 51 351 1 1.3 52 358 1 1.1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

v-r s

I ac E >-Mz



2400r I,.1

1800 4LI I11 tjS 1200I- 0 II r Io0


I ...... I y0 I I I I I I I T I I I I I I IC 0 so no n .o oo PRECIPITATION(10mm CLASSES] LOGPRECIPITATION [0.5 CLASSES] 283 Figure C-56

112 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 77 11901-1984] CUDDAPAH ANDHRA 1448 7883 131 MSD=29 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 3 3.6 2 8 2 1.1 3 15 1 1.1 4 22 1 1.4 5 29 2 1.1 6 36 0 0.3 7 43 1 0.5 8 50 1 1.1 9 57 1 2.0 10 64 1 0.2 11 71 1 0.7 12 78 2 1.7 13 85 1 0.8 14 92 1 1.5 15 99 3 2.6 16 106 5 4.9 U 17 113 4 3.0 18 120 5 5.3 cr M 19 127 5 7.1 20 134 11 10.6 LL 0 21 141 11 15.4 22 148 12 16.7 23 155 15 17.5 :z 24 162 18 21.1 -i 25 169 16 14.7 m 26 176 18 18.1 c m 27 183 20 21.1 a: 28 190 20 27.7 29 197 26 28.1 30 204 29 32.1 Er 31 211 22 21.7 32 218 20 23.8 225 26 29.9 z 33 34 232 26 33.9 2 35 239 24 24.9 z 36 246 24 29.1 5> 37 253 23 27.8 38 260 29 46.1 39 267 28 38.4 40 274 21 26.1 41 281 23 33.2 42 288 25 33.0 43 295 18 23.6 44 302 21 27.2 45 309 21 27.0 46 316 19 21.7 47 323 13 17.2 48 330 7 8.6 49 337 9 9.2 50 344 5 3.9 51 351 3 1.9 52 358 3 1.7



two SI 700 20. I I Unfi 1t.1 1350 21.0 350 0.1 I aj8 m I - 130o 175 s.o

. . . . I . . . . . PRECIPITATION. . [ r I L so Mo no ano LG R *.0 A.S]7 PRECIPITATION[10mmCLASSES LOGPRCCTPITION [O.SCLSSES 79 Figure C-57

113 PRC (MM)1 NYEARS= 86 [1901-1993] KURNOOL ANDHRA 1583 7807 280 MSD=29 WK DAY UP TOT 1 1 0 0.4 100 2 8 2 0.9 3 15 1 0,9 4 22 0 0.4 5 29 1 1.7 6 36 1 0.5 7 43 1 2.2 8 50 2 0.9 9 57 2 1.7 10 64 1 2.3 11 71 1 1.1 80 12 78 2 1.4 13 85 2 1.7 14 92 4 3.0 15 99 4 3.7 16 106 4 4.1 - 70 17 113 6 4.8 u 18 120 8 6.5 CL 19 127 6 7.4 20 134 7 6.6 21 141 11 14.1 60 22 14B 12 11.8 23 155 19 24.1 24 162 15 17,2 J 25 169 19 18.1 m 26 176 22 18.3 27 183 23 20.5 o 1: 28 190 28 25.7 29 197 31 28.5 30 204 37 34.7 31 211 33 28.6 z 40 32 218 25 21.4 33 225 27 28.1 34 232 27 29,6 35 239 23 21.6 36 246 23 25.2 37 253 25 28.1 38 260 32 43.7 39 267 30 43.1 40 274 19 22.6 41 281 19 19.8 20 42 288 17 20.9 43 295 11 11.7 44 302 11 15.1 45 309 10 8.6 10 46 316 5 5.0 47 323 4 3.9 48 330 3 2.6 49 337 .2 1. 50 344 2 1.2 51 351 1 0.5 52 358 1 1.3



I I L; m

w m



Ilm - SB.0 ',Lwvr


1100 It~ 2 t E

suI 14.7

...... -...... I I I II PRCI I I I I I I ICLASSES] I I I I I I so w0e n o e. coo aui o ts ICAo PRECiPrTAT'ON[10mm CLASS5] LOCPtCIt TATIO[O.5 CLASSES] 77 Figure C-58

114 PRC IMM). NYEARS= 86 [1901-1993) MADRAS TAMIL NADU 1300 8018 16 MSD=30 SK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 11 14.3 100 2 8 7 11.2 3 15 5 8.5 4 22 3 2.5 5 29 2 1.8 6 36 2 2.8 90 7 43 3 3.7 8 50 4 3.9 9 57 1 0.9 10 64 1 2.9 11 71 2 2.6 80 12 78 1 1.8 13 85 2 1.8 14 92 2 2.6 15 99 3 4.7 16 106 4 5.3 70 17 113 2 1.9 n- 18 120 3 6.8 19 127 4 8.3 L. 20 134 7 15.1 o' 60 21 141 4 10.0 22 148 7 5.3 23 155 9 9.6 24 162 12 11.4 25 169 19 16.6 26 176 17 14.4 m 50 27 183 20 18.1 a: 28 190 20 22.4 Q. 29 197 25 23.6 30 204 28 29.3 z 40 31 211 23 21.9 32 218 29 27.9 33 225 26 27.3 34 232 28 29.7 o 35 239 26 34.0 Q 36 246 24 27.6 ° 30 z 37 253 23 25.3 38 260 27 31.4 39 267 24 32.4 40 274 23 43.1 20 41 281 27 40.5 42 288 34 59.5 43 295 40 92.2 44 302 44 108.4 45 309 41 91.8 46 316 33 86.0 47 323 30 71.9 48 330 28 53.0 49 337 26 50.0 50 344 19 33.2 51 351 12 20.1 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 17.3


:l jr T- £ 5 noz g: 3c -i



2400r 48.

laOOI is I i I t12z I 24.5 § i -. i oo00I

I LI I .....I ITi IA I I....I CI, I, I ISSES O PRuE l 7?. *o.


115 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 86 [1901-1993] TIRUCHIRAPALL TAMIL NADU 1077 7872 85 MSD=30 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 8 9.0 10 2 8 9 10.1 3 15 3 3.5 4 22 2 3.2 5 29 2 1.6 6 36 2 1.5 9 7 43 2 2.3 8 50 3 3.1 9 57 2 1.3 10 64 2 2.0 11 71 2 2.4 8 12 78 3 2.4 13 85 3 3.3 14 92 6 8.5 15 99 8 12.1 16 106 7 9.9 - 7 17 113 10 13.9 uo 18 120 8 9.6 cr' a. 19 127 11 18.4 20 134 16 19.4 0 6 21 141 12 15.2 ma 22 148 11 16.7 23 155 11 14.9 -j 24 162 8 10.3 25 169 5 4.8 CD 26 176 6 4.4 27 183 8 9.4 a: 28 190 11 13.9 a- 29 197 8 8.6 30 204 9 13.6 31 211 9 10.5 z 4 32 218 11 14.3 o 33 225 14 18.8 34 232 18 22.7 35 239 23 31.3 z o 36 246 18 30.2 I 3 z 37 253 23 33.8 38 260 24 33.9 39 267 25 35.4 40 274 25 34.9 41 281 32 39,6 42 288 33 44.1 43 295 29 40.7 44 302 32 41.0 45 309 31 38,3 46 316 27 36.7 47 323 22 26.3 48 330 23 24.8 49 337 21 26.1 50 344 12 12.0 51 351 13 14.8 52 358 9 12.2

7 0-C w E

£ 511 L; §m




---- 2oo Ir 49.7 ILI

1500 37J 14.2

I t; o000 u 6 ~ Vs 8 si9 I 248 1! I; . le 500 4.7


116 PRC (MM) NYEARS= 76 11901-1981] MANGALORE KARNATAKA 1287 7485 22 MSD=31 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1.8 . _ 1 2 8 1 1.1 3 15 0 0.4 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 1 1.1 6 36 0 0.0 7 43 1 0.5 8 50 0 1.0 9 57 0 0.0 10 64 1 0.5 11 71 1 2.0 12 78 1 1.3 13 85 2 2,6 14 92 4 4.5 15 99 5 5.2 16 106 8 11.4 17 113 11 11.6 u 18 120 11 19.2

CL 19 127 13 24.3 20 134 24 38.3 LL 21 141 32 64.1 22 148 46 100.6 23 155 76 189.2 24 162 88 244.7 25 169 89 260.1 26 176 90 249.9 27 183 92 264.5 r 28 190 91 228.3 29 197 87 240.6 )- 30 204 92 225.5 I-- 31 211 90 177.2 z 32 218 83 159.7 33 225 78 147.4 C~ 34 232 78 145.7 35 239 72 93.2 z 36 246 63 83.3 37 253 50 59.9 38 260 48 60.2 39 267 45 58.0 40 274 40 54.8 41 281 36 58.6 42 288 34 44.0 43 295 28 34.4 44 302 24 28.7 45 309 23 27.9 46 316 14 16.6 47 323 11 14.3 48 330 7 7.1 49 337 4 4.6 50 344 4 6.4 51 351 2 3.2 52 358 2 3.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 DAY OF YEAR 28






rwa 3r

;. IC



. Ls 7.3


117 PRC (MM), NYEARS=76 [1901-1984) BELGAUM

mu CL

L. 0




-- "- --' --- · ----

3400r . ..~~~~~~~~~~~_-1u38

23M 40.4

9 70 a ~o 9 8 I 9 I ISO

I I I II III.I I · · · · · *· Z |. ·|. w. ·§. |. ·. · · 0 0 no 0 NOO OJ L . t7Lo 1. PRtCriTAT)ION10mm CLASSE]' LO PKrCCIPTAT10[0. CLASS 35 Figure C-62

118 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 77 [1901-1984] GULBARGA KARNATAKA 1735 7685 459 MSD=32 WK DAYUP TOD 1 1 1 1.2 2 8 A 2.2 3 15 1 1.1 4 22 1 0.5 5 29 2 2.7 c 6 36 1 2.1 7 43 1 0.6 8 50 2 1.2 9 57 2 1.7 10 64 1 1.3 11 71 2 1.6 8 12 78 3 2.4 13 85 4 3.5 14 92 5 3.6 15 99 5 4.6 3.8 7 16 106 6 17 113 ' 6.1 18 120 9 7.9 19 127 6 4.5 20 134 9 7.6 0 21 141 9 11.3 >- 22 148 14 15.6 23 155 19 23.8 24 162 22 25.3 m 25 169 27 30.1 26 176 27 30.2 o 5 27 163 26 27.1 o: 28 190 33 31.4 CQ 29 197 31 35.5 30 204 32 33.8 4 31 211 31 36.0 ,- 32 218 21 22.8 z 33 225 28 29.8 34 232 29 44.3 35 239 28 34.9 3 36 246 27 36.9 z 37 253 32 44.1 38 260 39 62.5 39 267 33 46.5 40 274 22 26.3 2 41 281 14 19.5 42 288 12 12.7 43 295 11 11.8 44 302 11 10.6 45 309 7 9.6 46 316 5 4.2 47 323 3 5.2 48 330 3 3.9 49 337 1 1.6 50 344 1 0.8 51 351 1 0.3 52 358 1 1.3

Zr 0


z s §sI s3-


42.1 540 . .2 i, t; a ,-ILI 0 3" --VA a.0 i | I I I I , SW I99 I

...... f| . ,- .I ...... ,, II., - a t ID00 00 m 0O 0. . 7, 0I3 PaECIPrTATION([OmmCLASSES] LOGPREaIPTATION [o0. CLASSES] 25 Figure C-63

119 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 86 (1901-19931 BANGALORE KARNATAKA 1297 7758 920 MSD=33 WK DAY LP TOTD I axm I 1 2 1.3 1 2 8 3 2.1 3 15 1 1.6 4 22 1 0.3 5 29 1 1.4 6 36 1 0.5 7 43 1 1,4 8 50 3 4.5 9 57 1 1.7 10 64 2 2.9 11 71 2 1.6 12 78 3 2.2 13 85 3 3.4 14 92 5 4.5 15 99 8 12.0 16 106 10 9.9 17 113 13 14.8 a: 18 120 17 19.4 19 127 18 18.6 20 134 24 28.7 21 141 24 27.2 22 148 25 29.2 23 155 24 23.5 24 162 17 16.6 r m 25 169 17 12.4 0 26 176 19 13.7 (x ti 27 183 26 25.6 28 190 23 22.9 29 197 31 27.7 30 204 27 25.1 31 211 30 26.8 a 32 218 29 29.0 z 33 225 32 30.3 u0 34 232 33 34.0 35 239 28 29.1 z 36 246 25 27.7 37 253 27 38.5 38 260 36 52.1 39 267 34 50.5 40 274 33 48.9 41 281 31 45.4 42 288 25 31.8 43 295 21 24.0 44 302 20 22.5 45 309 19 20.6 46 316 13 13.9 47 323 12 12.2 48 330 7 6.2 49 337 7 6.1 50 344 6 4.5 51 351 2 1.9 52 358 2 1.6

1 .t 0

w CL


58 1 0 150 58 333 350



.. ia PT. . IommI o cCLAS ss oE MOttPTATION[10mm CLSSES] LOGPRECPTATION [O. CLASS] 45 Figure C-64

120 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 87 [1901-1993) CHITRADURGA KARNATAKA 1423 7643 733 MSD=33 AK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 0.9 100 2 8 1 0.4 3 15 1 1.9 4 22 0 0.4 5 29 1 1.0 6 36 1 0.6 7 43 0 0.3 8 50 1 1.4 9 57 1 0.4 10 64 2 1.6 11 71 1 0.5 12 78 1 0.9 13 85 3 2.1 14 92 5 3.4 15 99 6 4.7 16 106 7 7.3 17 113 12 12.4 o 18 120 13 14.7 08 19 127 10 12.0 20 134 17 20.8 6 21 141 16 24.5 0 22 148 15 16.6 c- 23 155 19 21.6 24 162 13 10.0 O 25 169 18 10.3 26 176 19 12.6 co 27 183 23 14.6 28 190 24 14.5 5 29 197 29 17.2 30 204 32 19.5 |Zo_ 40 31 211 28 18.2 I 32 218 21 16.7 0- 33 225 24 18.0 34 232 25 20.9 35 239 22 20.0 u 30 36 246 15 12.5 z 37 253 17 14.8 38 260 27 29.8 39 267 30 39.0 40 274 26 33.8 20 41 281 26 35.3 42 288 19 24.5 43 295 18 23.3 44 302 15 17.6 45 309 15 17,2 46 316 11 12.1 47 323 7 8.0 48 330 5 5.6 49 337 3 4.0 50 344 5 4.7 51 351 2 2.4 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 2 1.9

U; a"





.2 24.1 low



US a0.8 2LO§ i 1 I E I LO

. . .low---......


121 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 87 [1901-19931 CALICUT KERALA 1125 7578 4 MSD=34 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 2 3.3 100 2 8 2 2.1 3 15 1 0.7 4 22 1 1.5 5 29 1 1.8 6 36 1 0.4 90 7 43 1 2.4 8 50 2 2.0 9 57 1 0.8 10 64 1 1.9 11 71 4 5.1 80 12 78 4 5.6 13 85 4 5.9 14 92 10 16.5 15 99 12 19.2 70 16 106 17 19.5 17 113 16 27.0 cr 18 120 20 32.1 19 127 23 42.7 20 134 32 58.5 21 141 33 77.5 8 60 22 148 47 105.1 23 155 72 181.6 J 24 162 82 199.6 o 25 169 87 194.9 26 176 87 221.6 m 50 0 27 183 83 213.7 0c 28 190 84 194.0 0 29 197 81 188.3 _J 30 204 83 175.0 z 48 31 211 77 134.0 0 32 218 73 133.3 33 225 65 105.0 34 232 59 77.5 o z 35 239 47 51.8 u 30 36' 246 44 52.6 z 37 253 34 41.6 38 260 38 48.1 39 267 40 63.9 40 274 37 63.0 28 41 281 36 66.7 42 288 35 B3.5 43 295 32 57.4 44 302 32 54.8 45 309 29 46.5 46 316 21 33.3 47 323 18 50.5 48 330 11 15.4 49 337 9 14.1 50 344 6 7.4 51 351 1 1.6 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 3 2.3 DAY OF YEAR 216 .a


z2 c 0

si8 8a

5s 1i8 150




b , i 60


to o O no* Oe XJ O 7J


122 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 87 11901-19931 TRIVANDRUM KERALA 848 7695 64 MSD=34 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 7 6.9 100 2 e 7 5.1 3 15 4 3.2 4 22 5 4.0 5 29 4 4.8 6 36 4 5.0 90 7 43 4 5,4 8 50 8 7.6 9 57 4 3.2 10 64 7 6.7 11 71 9 7.5 80 12 78 8 8.3 13 85 15 15.B 14 92 19 21.3 15 99 21 24.6 16 106 21 24.7 70 17 113 23 30.4 o 18 120 25 28.5 19 127 26 37.0 LL. 20 134 31 49.4 ° 60 21 141 36 58.3 22 148 45 67.4 23 155 62 102.8 -J 24 162 59 84.2 25 169 57 65.6 m 26 176 56 70.8 27 183 49 58.9 c( 28 190 50 46.0 29 197 47 49.4 30 204 48 46.1 z 40 31 211 38 37.4 32 218 38 37.7 o 33 225 35 32.0 34 232 33 29.7 Q 35 239 26 22.2 | 30 36 246 28 28.3 z 37 253 27 25.6 38 260 31 34.3 39 267 35 52.3 40 274 33 47.5 41 281 33 49.8 42 288 41 73.9 43 295 42 70.9 44 302 46 72.4 45 309 38 55.6 10 46 316 32 43.4 47 323 29 40.3 48 330 20 24.6 49 337 19 23.9 50 344 12 14.9 51 351 10 14.1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 8 9.0 DAY OF YEAR 264


4200I 44l 20J

31SO 3.i

8 Ii 2oo00 24.4 ' I Id I i1. 1os III 2&

I I i i I i I I .I .I I. CLi i.S i i. i I. . a mo mle e ot


123 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 45 [1901-1970] AMINI EX-INDIA 1112 7273 3 MSD=35 WK DAY UP TOTO l 1 6 6.6 100 2 8 9 9.3 3 15 3 3.5 4 22 5 4.7 5 29 2 0.9 6 36 0 0.0 90 7 43 1 1.0 8 50 1 0.8 9 57 0 0.3 10 64 A 0.0 11 71 2 1.5 80 12 78 1 0.9 13 85 2 1.9 14 92 2 3.6 15 99 4 4.7 70 16 106 4 3.6 17 113 5 6.1 u ac 18 120 4 4.1 0. 19 127 8 10.8 LL 20 134 19 29.8 21 141 33 66.9 0 60 22 148 43 81.4 23 155 61 98.7 _J 24 162 55 77.6 85.7 m 25 169 59 26 176 52 76.9 m 50 O 27 183 63 86.8 a. 28 190 51 66.5 29 197 53 81.6 ._j 30 204 53 74.8 31 211 44 47.2 Z 40 O 32 218 38 56.4 33 225 34 44.5 34 232 39 50.7 35 239 34 38.9 I 30 36 246 34 33.2 z 37 253 31 29.4 38 260 39 39.1 39 267 31 34.7 40 274 26 33.4 20 41 281 36 39.8 42 288 29 37.3 43 295 19 25.7 44 302 21 20.4 45 309 22 28.6 10 46 316 17 21.1 47 323 13 16.6 48 330 10 11.0 49 337 8 12.7 50 344 8 15.1 51 351 5 4.4 52 358 4 5.0


IOO 41.3 u.K

37.0 40

I 00o z24.7 1 E 2 I 450 I m no 4.7

i I I I I I I I I - I t re o i aE00. PNCaMnATtON[tOmM CSSE] LOGMrIRYATON (0.5 CLACSE) 19 Figure C-68


[Section 4 (pg. 21) describes how to interpret the plots.] [Table Al (pg. 43) lists "day of year" to "calander day" transformation.]

The statistics presented in this section are based relatively short records. In addition, there are sampling problems. Thus, the statistics should be interpreted with caution.

125 I PRC IMM). NYEARS= 10 (1979-1993) BARKHAN 2988 6972 1097 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 5 2.5 4 Mex -I 2 8 0 0.0 3 15 8 6.7 4 22 3 1.8 5 29 1 0.3 6 36 4 1.9 7 43 6 12.3 8 50 7 2.8 9 57 9 4.9 10 64 6 1.8 11 71 9 7.2 12 78 16 13.9 13 85 17 15.6 14 92 10 9.8 15 99 4 2.4 I 16 106 3 2.0 17 113 9 13.0 18 120 3 2.0 a: 19 127 8 14.1 ix. 20 134 5 3.1 U- 21 141 4 5.2 0 22 148 4 3.1 23 155 3 2.5 24 162 2 1.3 25 169 10 13.3 a) c ; 26 176 16 15.6 m 27 183 21 20.8 0 28 190 26 26.5 29 197 25 29.8 30 204 20 25.7 19 z 31 211 23.3 0 32 218 20 13.1 33 225 16 19.5 34 232 12 18.5 z 35 239 15 13.4 36 246 10 8.1 z 37 253 3 4.6 38 260 9 13.0 39 267 3 2.4 40 274 0 0.0 41 281 4 2.0 I 42 288 4 2.2 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 2 1.5 45 309 0 0,2 46 316 1 0.2 47 323 4 1.1 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 2 7.8 50 344 1 0.9 51 351 3 2.4 52 358 3 0.9


FsI- wu, £ 5




2o( n.8

41. 17.9

'.0 ILI 8i I 155o ILO

0 omm Uss e LS o s]7o PUCPIMrrATION[OmmCLASSES] LOGRECIrTATok [0.5 CLASSES] 19 Figure D-01

127 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 12 (1979-1993] CHHOR 2552 6978 5 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 0 0.1 1 00 2 8 O 0.0 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.1 HEANUP 1.5 5 29 1 0.7 H AMPPHASE 6 36 0 0.0 90 1 1.7 208.4 7 43 1 0.2 2 1.4 33.2 8 50 1 0.5 3 1.4 90.1 9 57 1 0.8 4 1.1 34.2 10 64 0 0.0 5 0.8 70.1 11 71 3 1.4 80 12 78 0 0.0 13 85 0 0.0 14 92 1 0.2 15 99 2 1.4 16 106 1 0.7 17 113 0 0.0 0 0.0 a: 18 120 a 19 127 2 1.2 20 134 0 0.0 0 21 141 0 0.2 60 22 148 1 0.7 I-- 23 155 2 0.9 24 162 0 0.1 25 169 0 0.0 in m 26 176 1 0.6 o 50 27 183 3 2.7 o 28 190 3 6.0 a. 29 197 6 5.4 30 204 8 11.1 31 211 9 7.7 z 40 o 32 218 7 7.9 33 225 9 13.7 34 232 4 6.7 o z 35 239 3 8.8 o 36 246 1 0.6 o 30 z 37 253 0 0.0 38 260 0 0.0 39 267 0 0.2 40 274 0 0.0 41 281 0 0.0 42 288 1 0.7 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 4 4.0 45 309 0 0.0 46 316 0 0.0 10 47 323 1 1.4 48 330 0 0.1 49 337 0 0.0 I LLI 50 344 1 0.8 l . I -III-, - ,, - I. - ~ 1 ·v 111fill I 11k11I I'i 11 -_ I I m~r II r. 51 351 1 0.8 0 1L.IIIAkM 52 358 0 0.0 50 100 150 200 I 250 300 350

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40 4.s so~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

3o t4.S i 20 yI .oI 14S I |.0 tO 211 4 7J

0 0. . I-1 1 1 - # III I I -rI I I I I I I 1i _I I I lui1. f . I. . I. I. I I. I. .-I I. I I I so we so 00 6 . 14 WA PRECIRTATION[Iomm CIA sES] LOGPRITATaW 18.5 LAssEs] 29 Figure D-02

128 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 13 [1979-19931 DERA ISMAIL K 3182 7092 173 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 2 1.1 2 8 1 0.6 3 15 1 1.1 4 22 4 2.2 5 29 5 3.0 6 36 3 2.0 7 43 6 4.3 8 50 6 5.7 9 57 6 3.3 10 64 6 4.1 1 71 0 12.0 12 78 15 10.3 13 85 11 8,4 14 92 6 5.4 15 99 10 6.2 16 106 3 6.3 17 113 5 3.9 18 120 1 4.2 19 127 2 0.9

LA. 20 134 3 4.8 0 21 141 0 0.4 22 148 4 5.5 23 155 2 2.0 24 162 2 7.0 25 169 3 1.1 m xL 26 176 0 0.0 m 27 183 8 6,9 28 190 2 0.9 a. 29 197 7 7.5 30 204 7 16.2 z 31 211 13 25.7 0 32 218 6 13.4 33 225 2 9.4 34 232 8 16.8 35 239 2 3.6 z 36 246 4 6.2 37 253 1 4.2 38 260 3 2.3 39 267 2 1.0 40 274 1 0.3 41 281 2 1.3 42 288 4 4.9 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 1 0.9 45 309 0 0.0 46 316 3 1.4 47 323 1 0.6 48 330 2 1.3 49 337 1 5.7 50 344 5 2.0 51 351 3 3.2 52 358 2 2.0











o 47.1

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so IL7

I I I I i I I I I o0* 2 LO 74.


129 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 12 [1979-199)3 FT SANDEMAN 3135 6947 1405 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD i oA 1 1 7 3.0 2 8 1 1.6 3 15 2 1,4 I 0 4 22 8 9.4 5 29 9 9.5 90 6 36 3 2.0 7 43 12 17.5 8 50 9 5.2 9 57 3 4.0 10 64 6 4.2 11 71 10 7.1 12 78 13 10.0 13 85 9 10,9 14 92 6 5.0 15 99 4 2.5 - 70 16 106 4 3.8 u 17 113 4 3.8 18 120 8 6.1 19 127 3 2.6 0: 20 134 8 7.9 60 21 141 0 0.2 >- 22 148 2 1.8 23 155 2 1.9 J 24 162 0 0.2 25 169 1 1.1 n 50 26 176 0 0.3 27 183 0 0.3 28 190 6 7.6 29 197 6 5.3 30 204 14 10.7 31 211 14 18.8 o0 40 mr 32 218 13 13.2 33 225 8 9.4 34 232 8 5.1 35 239 2 1.4 u 30 36 246 1 1.1 z 37 253 1 0.7 38 260 1 0.2 39 267 1 0.8 40 274 1 0.2 41 281 2 1.4 42 288 3 2.2 43 295 2 2.5 44 302 2 1.1 45 309 1 0.5 10 46 316 3 1.8 47 323 0 0.1 48 330 2 1.4 49 337 2 1.2 50 344 5 1.4 51 351 3 1.7 52 358 3 2.2


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I 91 I I


130 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 12 (1979-19931 ISLAMABAD 3362 7310 508 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 100 1 1 9 10.0 2 8 4 6.1 3 15 7 3.9 4 22 16 17.0 5 29 7 12.3 6 36 10 12.7 7 43 14 13.2 8 50 9 15.4 9 57 14 17.0 10 64 19 25.4 11 71 21 23.2 80 12 78 31 40.7 13 85 11 6.5 14 92 15 13.1 15 99 15 23.0 70 16 106 10 25.5 17 113 10 14.6 u 18 120 4.2 19 127 16 28.2 o 20 134 8 4.6 60 21 141 6 5.6 22 148 11 9.9 -- 23 155 4 5.3 _ 24 162 7 4.2 m 25 169 11 12.3 26 176 19 33.0 C 50 27 183 18 13.8 28 190 23 53.4 29 197 25 38.8 30 204 29 67.9 20 31 211 30 84.2 32 218 25 44.6 -10 33 225 26 58.4 34 232 27 48.0 35 239 19 28.3 L 30 36 246 14 38.4 z 37 253 11 29.2 38 260 17 18.0 39 267 7 18.6 40 274 3 3.8 20 41 281 4 6.9 42 288 12 8.6 43 295 0.0 44 302 1 0.4 45 309 4 2.0 10 46 316 2 1.5 47 323 4 5.7 48 330 7 2.7 49 337 3 8.5 50 344 8 8.9 51 351 9 9.3 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 14 12.8 | DAY OF YEIFRI 6 , I I i I I .. . l , r-f I- . . . I I 50 r ' U i-tiiLI Ii(I I i i...... AVE SD JAN 36.7 35.0 H AMP PII i 45 FEB 38.0 41.4 1 4.9 20!50 MAR 85.1 44.9 2 7.8 41811 APR 66.6 90.6 48 3 4.6 11( O5 I MAY 43.3 58.7 4 1.6 6V66 JUN 50.4 52.1 I 5 2.4 4, JUL 169.9 54.1 30 AUG 210.5 82.4 SEP 82.7 95.0 II1tI, 1I. 'J III OCT 18.7 18.0 " 35 NOV 8.2 11.3 DEC 35.3 32.9 I 25 0 I ; 25 o hED1/6 5/6 - I I/ I JAN 18.0 4 82 I Ik FEB 21.0 6 68 g 20 I I MAR 73.5 50 114 I- APR 40.0 13 75 - 15 I MAY 22.6 6 100 JUN 27.0 10 115 o o JUL 184.0 167 194 10 II I AUG 218.5 136 287 SEP 60.5 6 131 OCT 14.0 0 39 5 NOV 4.0 0 14 I iI DEC 28.5 4 80

III L JI . . . t I I .II i, l i lllll ".L-A. -LI 1. I I II IIhllll a .. ---...... I . L- I ..u L.LAflUl Lt s58 f1 15s 20e 250 380 350 OAYOF YEAR DISTRIBUTIONOF WET DAY PRECIPITATr ON DISTRIBUTIONof LO [WETDAY PRECIPITATION]


118 I

I 1 I I IF S IS r 9 UI

so N noe me Le Ls Ls i *A mraiPMnaN(lomm cL.SSa] LOG; taPVnPITATnoaSSES) Figure D-OS

131 12 [1979-1993] PRC (MM). NYEARS= K DAY UP IOTA 2830 6847 55 MSD= 0 WKDAY UP TOTD JACOBABAD 1 1 0 0.0 2 8 0 0.1 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.4 5 29 0 0.1 6 36 1 0.7 7 43 7 5.7 8 50 2 1.0 9 57 3 2.1 0 64 3 2.0 11 71 1 0.2 12 78 4 5.6 13 85 1 1.5 14 92 2 1.0 15 99 0 0.5 16 106 1 0.6 - 17 113 1 0.7 18 120 1 0.2 19 127 3 2.5 20 134 2 1.6 LL. 0 21 141 0 0.0 22 148 0 0.0 23 155 0 0.0 , ,- 24 162 0 0.1 25 169 2 1.1 26 176 0 0.0 Ic 27 183 2 0.9 28 190 4 3.6 29 197 6 5.0 30 204 3 6.7 31 211 5 8.8 0 32 218 3 5.7 33 225 1 0.7 _i 34 232 0 0.0 35 239 0 0.0 36 246 0 0.0 C) 37 253 0 0.1 z 38 260 3 4.5 39 267 0 0.0 40 274 0 0.0 41 281 0 0.0 42 288 0 0.0 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 1 0.4 45 309 0 0.0 46 316 1 0.8 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 1 0.8 50 344 0 0.2 51 351 2 2.4 52 358 3 0.8

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L, ...... so "I WI 3n 0I PRECIMATIN[(07mm CIASES] LOGPntCPTAtoN [o0.5 CLAss] 21 Figure D-06

132 PRC (MM). NYEARS=13 11979-1993) JHELUM 3293 7372 232 MSD= 0 K DAY UP TOTO 1 1 12 8.8 2 8 5 4.9 3 15 3 1.5 4 22 14 16.7 5 29 10 8.4 6 36 7 18.6 7 43 12 10.8 8 50 9 26.4 9 57 10 12.6 10 64 13 13.2 11 71 17 13.4 12 78 19 37.9 13 85 11 10.1 14 92 13 7.7 15 99 8 9.8 16 106 10 17.2 17 113 14 11.6 C 18 120 9 5.2 r. 19 127 10 12.7 20 134 6 5.0 t- 21 141 14 12.6 22 148 6 2.6 23 155 4 1.5 J 24 162 11 12.0 25 169 10 9.5 26 176 18 14.9 m 27 183 16 16.1 0o 28 190 23 41.0 29 197 34 47.5 a 30 204 30 41.0 31 211 29 68.7 z 32 218 26 60.0 33 225 17 29.5 o 34 232 20 33.5 35 239 13 18.3 36 246 11 22.2 37 253 16 26.9 M> 38 260 6 4.1 39 267 9 8.4 40 274 5 3.1 41 281 7 6.2 42 288 7 5.5 43 295 0 8.0 44 302 1 0.7 45 309 0 0.1 46 316 2 2.1 47 323 4 6.1 48 330 6 4.5 49 337 1 0.6 50 344 7 8.2 1 351 6 5.8 52 358 11 16.7

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Ill. I L-e-TI. I . . . I . I a e e eo Le o rIRtaTATION[(Omm CLASSES] uC PftaPt ATON([.S CLASts] Figure D-07

133 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 11 (1979-19931 KHANPUR 2865 7068 87 MSD= 0 vK DAY UP TOT 1 1 4 1.9 100 2 8 0 0.0 3 15 0 0.1 4 22 5 1.9 5 29 1 0.9 6 36 1 1.2 7 43 2 1.7 8 50 2 2.5 9 57 1 0.7 10 64 0 0.1 11 71 3 1.0 80 12 78 4 3.7 13 85 0 0.1 14 92 1 1.1 15 99 0 0.2 16 106 1 1.6 70 17 113 0 0.0 u 18 120 4 4.7 L 19 127 1 1.3 b. 20 134 1 2.6 21 141 0 0.4 22 148 0 0.0 23 155 4 3.4 24 162 0 0.0 25 169 0 0.0 m 26 176 3 1.1 183 0 0.3 o 27 c- 28 190 0 0.0 29 197 1 1.9 30 204 7 7.0 z 40 31 211 6 2.7 o 32 218 2 0.9 33 225 0 0.0 34 232 1 0.5 z 35 239 0 0.0 36 246 1 1.6 o 30 z 37 253 0 0.0 38 260 4 7.1 39 267 1 0.4 40 274 0 0.2 20 41 281 0 0.0 42 288 1 1.6 43 295 0 0.2 44 302 0 0.2 45 309 0 0.0 10 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.2 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 0 0.2 51 351 1 2.1 52 358 1 0.6



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I . l . f I t* i o no o oJ u eo 7J oe IRTCnoATNo[10mm CLASSES] LOGPtECWAT)M [o.» c.UssEs] 23 Figure D-08

134 PRC (MMH)NYEARS= 13 [1979-19931 LAHORE 100

LL 0 tz I m cc m 0 w

z 2 z 0 u z



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PREOTATmON[10mm CLASS LOGMPrrECPATO [0.5 cuASES) 15 Figure D-09

135 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 13 [1979-19931 MULTAN 3020 7142 122 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD l 1 4 1.7 I AM I W 2 8 1 0.6 3 15 3 1.4 4 22 6 2.3 5 29 2 1.3 6 36 1 0.6 9 7 43 5 4.1 8 50 4 2.4 9 57 5 3.0 10 64 3 3.3 11 71 3 8.6 12 78 8 5.2 13 85 4 2.3 14 92 2 0.9 15 99 4 4.0 16 106 3 1.6 7 17 113 5 4.6 u. 18 120 0 0,4 19 127 4 7.8 20 134 3 1.7 o 6 21 141 4 4.4 22 148 3 2.3 23 155 2 1.9 -- 24 162 1 1.1 25 169 0 0.0 m 5 26 176 2 2.3 m 27 183 6 8.1 c3 a- 28 190 4 6.9 a. 29 197 3 1.6 30 204 9 16.1 31 211 8 23.3 Z 4 32 218 3 9.4 33 225 4 4.6 34 232 2 4.1 oz 35 239 8 5.0 36 246 3 15.6 U 3 z 37 253 3 4.1 38 260 0 0.2 39 267 6 4.6 40 274 1 0.7 41 281 1 0.6 42 288 0 0.2 43 295 0 0.1 1 44 302 1 0.9 45 309 4 3.4 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 1 1.0 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 0 0.1 50 344 1 0.7 51 351 1 1.0 52 358 0 0.2

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ni 2o. t; F.8S 8 E to.o s. I 9 1 I, L7 .u u i ~,, ?

PrClTA o S] LL MLcmS o [ s] ?A o MCefAYMoN[IOMm CLSSES] LOCPKCPITAT105CLSSS 17 Figure D-10

136 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 13 11979-1993] PESHAWAR 3402 7158 360 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD I 1 4 3.7 100 2 8 2 0.6 3 15 5 2.6 4 22 11 10.1 5 29 8 11.0 6 36 4 2.9 90 7 43 8 15.0 8 50 11 21.3 9 57 12 16.3 10 64 19 23.6 11 71 17 30.0 80 12 78 26 25.1 13 85 18 18.2 14 92 8 6.0 15 99 10 10.2 16 106 13 16.0 70 17 113 6 2.9 o 20 18 120 11 8.8 19 127 15 15.3 20 134 1 2.1 21 141 2 1.5 o 60 22 148 9 8.4 I-c 23 155 2 1.1 J 24 162 2 1.8 n1 25 169 2 1.6 m 26 176 2 2.0 27 183 4 3.1 r 28 190 4 9.9 29 197 6 5.7 30 204 7 8.5 31 211 8 27.4 32 218 14 18.5 33 225 14 15.8 34 232 6 10.5 o 35 239 2 2.9 36 246 6 5.7 37 253 1 0.6 38 260 4 1.8 39 267 8 3.7 40 274 3 1.6 1B 41 281 1 1.2 20 42 288 2 4.6 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 4 1.6 45 309 2 1.5 1 0.6 10 46 316 47 323 3 1.4 48 330 4 5.4 49 337 5 4.9 50 344 7 5.8 51 351 4 3.8 152 358 5 6.3


120 Il I E 8 40

ma O Li Lo 74 I" PREICQTATIONRltoo CLASSES LooMatCmATO [0o.5 CLAS] Figure D-ll

137 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 13 [1979-1993) SARGODHA 3205 7267 186 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOT 1 5 2.4 1 2 8 1 1.0 3 15 3 1.2 4 22 4 1.9 5 29 4 4.6 6 36 6 7.7 7 43 5 5.1 8 50 7 10.7 9 57 7 15.2 10 64 11 9.1 11 71 9 5.5 12 78 20 14.4 13 85 11 6.0 14 92 7 4.3 15 99 15 11.8 16 106 7 24.1 17 113 7 4.6 18 120 2 1.3 19 127 9 6.5 20 134 0 0.3 L. 0 21 141 4 2.3 148 10 3.9 - 22 23 155 4 1.2 24 162 5 2.6 _J 25 169 5 9.4 26 176 7 10.8 CD 27 183 9 12.9 0 28 190 14 37.9 a. 29 197 12 16.0 30 204 11 24.4 31 211 16 22.8 O 32 218 25 54.0 33 225 7 11.3 ,- 34 232 9 17.0 u 35 239 1 1.2 36 246 7 14.5 37 253 11 18.3 :3 38 260 5 4.7 39 267 4 3.6 40 274 2 1.3 41 281 2 2.2 42 288 3 1.3 43 295 0 0.0 44 302 0 0.1 45 309 1 0.4 46 316 0 0.1 47 323 3 6.7 48 330 1 1.7 49 337 2 3.3 50 344 1 0.5 51 351 4 4.7 52 358 7 6.5



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I 40


L-0I . , . 1-1 1--l I I r--r-r 0 so A ON E soE 0 PRECIMAYMItuhnm CLASSES) LOGPCrrPTATON [o.s CLSSES] Figure D-12

138 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 10 (1982-1993) BOGRA 2485 8937 18 MSD= 0 UK DAY UP TOTD . _ 1 1 0 0.0 1 2 8 1 2.1 3 15 0 0.2 4 22 C 0.0 5 29 0 0.0 6 36 0 0.2 7 43 4 1.2 8 50 1 0.3 9 57 1 0.8 10 64 3 1.8 11 71 6 2.8 12 78 4 2.0 13 85 1 0.3 14 92 0 0.1 15 99 2 1.7 N 16 106 3 2.0 17 113 9 11.2 18 120 4 3.8 19 127 10 12.7 O. 20 134 10 14,1 0 21 141 18 30.8 - 22 148 17 30.8 23 155 25 86.9 24 162 17 20.4 25 169 25 43.8 26 176 17 28.4 om 27 183 32 58.8 28 190 20 18.9 29 197 17 15.1 30 204 35 52.9 cs: 31 211 22 35.7 32 218 8 14.3 33 225 13 10.5 34 232 30 30.1 z 35 239 12 8.2 o 36 246 26 52.4 37 253 20 28.3 38 260 8 14.4 39 267 21 23.0 40 274 7 17.2 41 281 14 37.1 42 288 11 13.6 43 295 3 1.6 44 302 0 0.1 45 309 3 1.7 46 316 0 0.1 47 323 1 0.6 48 330 3 1.1 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 1 0.7 51 351 0 0.0 52 358 4 1.2


_ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . , .


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139 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 10 [1982-1993] CHITTAGONG/PA 2227 9182 4 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TO1 , ,,,, . A II1 1I 1 U. 2 8 0 0. 3 15 0 0. 4 22 0 0. 5 29 1 0. 6 36 2 1. 7 43 0 0. 8 50 5 6. 9 57 1 0. 10 64 3 3. 11 71 4 3. 12 78 1 3. 13 85 8 11. 14 92 1 3. 15 99 7 7.5 16106 5 9.6 17 113 9 17.1 a. 18120 6 5. 19127 6 6.: LL 20 134 6 12.1 0 21 141 17 26.; 22 148 7 11.; 23 155 23 38.4 cc 24 162 28 51.! m 25 169 19 25.8 0 26 176 33 57.9 27 183 47 57.9 28 190 28 57.7 29 197 20 42.4 30 204 40 70.1 z 0 31 211 24 39.5 32 218 20 27.5 33 225 11 8.E 34 232 39 74.0 z 0 35 239 16 21.4 L) 36 246 13 16.9 2 37 253 17 19.7 38 260 8 8.1 39 267 23 30.9 40 274 18 32.3 41 281 5 7.1 42 288 16 20.0 43 295 0 0.7 44 302 3 4.1 45 309 4 7.6 46 316 4 3.7 47 323 4 12.8 48 330 1 1.4 49 337 0 0.2 50 344 1 0.8 51 351 1 0.3 52 358 1 1.9

I I 44


,rsr 4L3


.st -2U ... I . k! 40 I

I? oInI sPoatA oN m CUss e IOmm 20m MtPPIMATION [10m(mCLASSES) LOGPRCOtPTATlo [10. CLASSES] 43 Figure D-14

140 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 10 (1982-1993] COX'S BAZAAR 2145 9198 2 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 1 0.5 2 8 1 0.3 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 1 0.8 6 36 0 0.1 7 43 2 1.9 8 50 4 6.3 9 57 4 2.5 10 64 1 0.6 11 71 1 1.1 12 78 4 3.7 13 85 2 1.7 14 92 3 2.7 15 99 3 0.8 16 106 0 0.0 17 113 8 13.7 18 120 7 5.8 ). 19 127 2 1.6 ,.J 0cr 20 134 3 5.8 o 21 141 14 14.3 22 148 14 24.5 23 155 25 34.7 24 162 37 59.9 25 169 38 46.4 m 26 176 44 64.9 o 27 183 57 74.9 a. 28 190 41 58.6 29 197 42 53.8 _J 30 204 56 70.5 z 31 211 37 56.7 32 218 31 33.3 33 225 33 27.9 34 232 37 45.4 z 35 239 o 31 33.0 36 246 29 46.8 z 37 253 20 18.9 38 260 14 14.2 39 267 19 13.9 40 274 15 10.4 41 281 12 13.3 42 288 14 12.1 43 295 5 3.5 44 302 4 3.3 45 309 5 4.5 46 316 10 11.5 47 323 5 5.0 48 330 1 2.6 49 337 3 1.1 50 344 1 0.3 51 351 1 0.6 52 358 0 0.0


...... W. L·..l.A r..Arll.l.r..J

t I I iI I

o 2. 6.5 7. MCWmTAION[lo CLASSES) LOGPOE I.PIIATI W (0. C10LA8el 45 Figure D-15

141 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 10 (1979-19931 7 MSD= 0



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a I so I I I I

a mo OR eO*.o L LoO.o 7J PRECIEaATION [IlOm CLUSSES) rOPrrcE ATrno [0.5 ctss]) 39 Figure D-16

142 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 10 [1982-1993] JESSORE 2318 8917 6 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 3 1.3 2 8 0 0.1 3 15 1 0.5 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 1 0.6 6 36 0 0.0 7, 43 2 0.9 8 50 4 3.2 9 57 1 0.4 10 64 1 0.9 11 71 1 1.4 12 78 3 5.6 13 85 5 5.8 14 92 3 1.8 15 99 3 1.1 16 106 3 3.8 17 113 4. 2.9 18 120 6 11.6 19 127 6 2.8 IL6 20 134 6 15.5 0 21 141 7 7.8 22 148 9 12.5 23 155 16 34.9 24 162 22 37.1 25 169 25 49.1 26 176 19 21.0 a 27 183 17 21.4 28 190 19 29.9 29 197 16 18.5 30 204 21 20.1 31 211 11 11,5 z 32 218 10 14.2 0 33 225 14 5.5 34 232 27 26.4 35 239 10 5.6 z 36 246 11 6.8 37 253 17 11.7 38 260 12 32.5 39 267 19 29.7 40 274 8 7.3 41 281 15 10.6 42 288 10 14.2 43 295 4 1.6 44 302 1 1.8 45 309 5 2.5 46 316 0 0.2 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 0 0.2 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 0 0.0 51 351 1 0.6 52 358 4 2.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350


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Ws - 4UI 43.S 17.1 5S w

70 27.9 g u I La

35 i.l

i I i i i i iid I mcrmo [m ] LOs PRECIPIAO[0.s s] 7CL PIECIPiTATWN[Im LASSS] LOGPaMAT [0.5 MlAn] 41 Figure D-17

143 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 10 [1982-1993) RANGPUR 2575 8925 34 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOm 1 1 0 0.1 2 8 4 2.9 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 0 0.0 6 36 1 1.8 7 43 1 1.1 8 50 1 1.8 9 57 0 0.3 10 64 0 0.0 11 71 3 4.1 12 78 1 9.3 13 85 3 4.1 14 92 3 1.8 15 99 3 2.6 16 106 8 10.9 70 17 113 13 16.3 u 18 120 10 16.2 m 19 127 13 12.7 20 134 14 12.8 21 141 18 26.5 60 22 148 22 35.1 23 155 18 40.1 24 162 25 40.5 cn 25 169 20 33.7 26 176 25 47.3 m 50 27 183 38 41.6 10 28 190 34 37.6 29 197 24 25.6 30 204 37 96.1 z 40 31 211 18 26.3 32 218 5 9.5 33 225 14 18.7 20 34 232 28 37.5 35 239 13 22.3 o § 30 36 246 20 17.5 z 37 253 27 40.5 38 260 9 18.1 39 267 15 21.6 40 274 9 7.4 20 41 281 15 20.7 42 288 11 14.4 43 295 3 5.4 44 302 0 0.1 45 309 1 0.5 10 46 316 1 1.4 47 323 1 0.4 48 330 1 1.5 49 337 0 0.2 50 344 0 0.2 51 351 1 0.3 52 358 3 1.2

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P Pso No no me en u M.1 [8.8 MCtmATMMiromm ASSCS LOGP80allTATION CL.4SSE] 31 Figure D-18

144 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 10 [1982-19931 SYLHET 2490 9188 34 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 1 0.6 100 2 8 4 2.1 3 15 0 0.2 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 1 0.9 6 36 1 6.1 90 7 43 2 3.3 8 50 5 4.8 9 57 8 9.5 10 64 1 0.6 11 71 9 12.6 80 12 78 12 15.3 13 85 7 9.2 14 92 16 25.0 15 99 31 58.2 16 106 24 28.2 - 70 17 113 21 34.7 o 18 120 17 30.4 19 127 35 37.4 20 134 36 40.3 21 141 31 73.1 60 22 148 29 64.2 -. 23 155 41 69.6 24 162 43 99.4 25 169 55 84.3 m 26 176 44 66.2 0050 27 183 48 71.9 o 28 190 50 64.4 29 197 49 52.8 .J 30 204 45 91.8 31 211 43 52.0 z 40 32 218 42 40.7 33 225 37 53.4 30 34 232 47 73.2 20 35 239 35 44.3 36 246 41 68.9 30 37 253 47 74.4 38 260 40 74.6 39 267 43 65.4 40 274 21 28.8 41 281 23 28.7 42 288 28 39.1 43 295 1 6.5 44 302 0 0.3 45 309 5 7.0 10 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 1 0.3 48 330 3 4.2 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 3 2.0 51 351 0 0.0 52 358 7 4.6



sor* I o oo


145 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 9 [1982-19931 ANURADHAPURA 833 8042 89 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOT 1 1 18 46.0 100 2 0 21 36.7 3 15 15 10,7 4 22 0 0.7 5 29 9 7.5 6 36 9 23.1 7 43 7 16.4 8 50 3 2.1 9 57 9 14.5 10 64 15 23.0 11 71 9 6.9 80 12 78 8 10.1 13 85 8 6.4 14 92 20 27.8 15 99 29 33.7 16 106 30 28.5 70 17 113 32 46.5 u oM. 18 120 16 27.6 19 127 18 32.6 20 134 24 25.3 21 141 7 7.2 60 22 148 7 8.7 I.- 23 155 10 9.6 24 162 1 0.7 25 169 0 0.4 26 176 2 1.2 20 27 183 3 6.6 28 190 12 24.3 29 197 5 1.8 30 204 0 0.1 31 211 2 1.3 z 40 32 218 9 10.3 0o 33 225 3 5.7 34 232 8 11.1 35 239 2 0.4 5 30 36 246 3 2.5 z 37 253 9 10.1 38 260 25 41.5 39 267 17 27.8 40 274 16 19.6 281 20 41 18 29.7 42 288 32 26.6 43 295 40 62.1 44 302 44 62.1 45 309 47 57.7 10 46 316 29 39.6 47 323 38 53.8 48 330 34 37.1 49 337 27 31.7 50 344 30 33.4 51 351 26 45.8 52 358 14 26.7

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LI I I I I I I I I I I I . 0 m m we PEC.IPATION (.I.. SSE . .... rO MtCITATION[0.5 CLASSS) 51 Figure D-20

146 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 8 11979-1988) BATTICALDA 772 81 70 5 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOT

^ A_ 1 1 13 12.6 1 2 8 33 75.2 3 15 25 29.8 4 22 24 21.8 5 29 18 40.1 6 36 20 58.6 7 43 10 13.7 8 50 4 2.2 9 57 22 25.8 10 64 14 27.0 11 71 12 15,8 12 7B 9 6.9 13 85 11 9.9 14 92 10 6.4 15 99 13 9.9 16 106 10 9.0 17 113 11 33.5 - 18 120 4 28.8 19 127 2 1.8 l- 20 134 0 0.1 O 21 141 6 6.7 22 148 2 3.9 23 155 9 12.1 Fcc 24 162 5 8.5 25 169 4 14.6 26 176 2 5.1 a: 0 27 183 0 0.0 _i1: 28 190 4 7.1 29 197 7 14.9 o 30 204 4 4.7 31 211 8 8,9 o 32 218 5 4.1 33 225 3 5.3 Uc 34 232 7 10.7 z 35 239 5 3.6 0o 36 246 9 12.6 z 37 253 17 13.5 38 260 21 16.1 39 267 10 17.9 40 274 12 29.4 41 281 9 18.3 42 288 25 22.9 43 295 39 78.5 44 302 38 46.3 45 309 35 52.9 46 316 32 53.7 47 323 43 68.8 48 330 52 67.5 49 337 41 42.8 50 344 41 60.8 51 351 45 94.9 52 358 19 16.7


.c 0

a 5 L;

La m

cl 0


K41a47m b I .I9

Vvi" 8! 9 4.7

PRctcTATION[lOm lCASSES] LOGM81PTATOW ([0.5CASS) 55 Figure D-21

147 PRC IMM) NYEARS= 12 (1979-19931 803 7983 2 MSD= 0 'K DAY UP TOTO PUTTALAM 1 1 16 23.9 2 8 10 11.8 3 15 5 9.3 4 22 1 2.5 5 29 4 2.7 636 6 15.2 743 6 2.4 8 50 10 6.5 9 57 10 13.3 10 64 10 11.9 11 71 5 6.1 12 7 6 7.6 13 85 10 13.6 14 92 22 30.4 15 99 20 30.2 16 106 21 30.9 u 17 113 19 28.7 18 120 10 10.9 19 127 17 13.9 20 134 20 34.5 LL. 21 141 4 4.8 0 22 148 14 19.0 23 155 15 22.8 -i 24 162 7 7.4 cc 25 169 7 2.4 26 176 7 2.0 m 27 183 6 7.3 0 28 190 5 6.3 cr. 29 197 2 0.9 -i 30 204 6 2.8 31 211 3 2.0 6 2.7 c 32 218 z 33 225 4 5.2 0 34 232 0 0.1 35 239 1 1.4 36 246 5 2.0 u 37 253 11 19.9 z M 38 260 14 12.2 39 267 7 7.5 40 274 13 30.7 41 281 20 21.1 42 288 33 38.0 43 295 42 72.3 44 302 33 45.1 45 309 57 75.6 46 316 39 43.5 47 323 33 46.1 48 330 27 33.2 49 337 27 24.4 50 344 30 25.4 51 351 28 21.4 52 358 15 14.1

L1I~IKIDUTn1l wl .m .....lrl..n......


MO 34A

I 1 P - 23.2 9 I I i k I

70 ILS

II ... Lb2 Luo 17 *a II mIIIA 1 a s o I I e (0.5CLASS] MGECTATION[Kknmn CLASSES] LOGPMOMTATON 53 Figure D-22

148 PRC (MM). NYEARS=12 [1979-1993] BURANG, TIBET 3022 8127 4562 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 4 2.2 2 8 3 1.7 3 15 0 0.6 4 22 0 0.3 5 29 1 0.7 6 36 1 0.9 7 43 8 3.2 8 50 9 5.3 9 57 6 3.6 10 64 5 5.6 11 71 8 3.9 12 78 9 9.4 13 85 8 5.9 14 92 3 1.2 15 99 10 3.9 16 106 4. 3.0 17 113 8 5.1 18 120 8 5.4 19 127 3 2.4 a0 20 134 8 7.6 21 141 3 1.4 22 148 2 1.6 23 155 0 0.7 24 162 0 0.2 m 25 169 1 1.9 26 176 6 4.4 o 27 183 0 0.5 l:c5 2B 190 15 16.4 o 29 197 9 6.9 30 204 9 6.0 31 211 6 4.7 32 218 10 6.7 33 225 11 5.7 o 34 232 4 1.6 z 35 239 7 3.6 36 246 7 3.5 37 253 4 4.9 38 260 5 1.8 39 267 2 4.0 40 274 0 0.1 11 281 5 5.8 12 288 4 1.5 13 295 1 0.4 44 302 2 0.4 15 309 0 0.1 16 316 0 0.0 47 323 1 0.9 18 330 0 0.0 19 337 1 0.8 50 344 4 3.0 51 351 0 0.1 52 358 7 4.9 DAY OF YEAR 86



cc z0 mw


ISO "A o0.0 M.1

n0 325 t7.1

4L2 I E S.O0 1S.O i I E I t, 40 20.4 17.5 1.0

I - ...... PT o O SS ee - 1l ai u IJ mPTATWA[10mm A1SES] LOGPRErCIRTAON O.SCUSSES] 85 Figure D-23

149 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 12 [1979-1993] KAITSE. TIBET 3207 8405 4420 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP T0m 1 1 1 0.6 2 8 1 0.6 3 15 0 0.3 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 0 0.0 6 36 0 0.0 7 43 0 0.0 8 50 0 0.0 9 57 0 0.0 10 64 0 0.3 11 71 1 4.3 12 78 1 O.B 13 85 1 0.4 14 92 0 0.3 15 99 1 0.5 16 106 0 0.5 17 113 1 0.8 18 120 1 0.5 o. 19 127 0 0.2 20 134 0 0.4 0 21 141 2 1.3 22 148 1 0.9 c 23 155 1 1.6 24 162 4 3.4 _J 25 169 6 6.2 m cc 26 176 8 4.8 m 27 183 15 8.6 0 28 190 16 10.1 O. 29 197 18 9.9 30 204 29 15.0 z 31 211 10 6.4 0 32 218 17 9.6 33 225 20 12.7 34 232 17 8.4 z 35 239 12 9.4 C~ 36 246 7 5.8 z 37 253 13 6.3 38 260 1 0.7 39 267 5 2.8 40 274 1 1.0 41 281 4 3.5 42 288 0 0.0 43 295 0 0.1 44 302 1 0.7 45 309 0 0.0 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 1 0.7 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 1 0.8 51 351 0 0.2 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 0 0.1 DAY OF YEAR 80 so . . v 8 U U i i | U | | z z E w § T . . . . i AVE SD HEOIAN ET 2.0 JAN 0.9 2.1 H AMP PHASE 45 FE8 0.1 0.1 1 2.5 206.2 MAR 0.9 1.2 2 1.5 29.8 APR 2.2 2.6 40 3 0.8 79.7 MAY 2.5 2.4 4 0.8 82.2 JUN 14.8 13.3 5 0.4 26.2 JUL 32.6 23.8 " 35 AUG 43.4 21.1 SEP 18.0 12.9 OCT 5.1 8.7 308 Iv v-F -r-r NOV 0.0 0.1 ir DEC 1.2 2.8 , 25 MED 1/6 5/6 JAN 0.0 0 1 z FEB 0.0 0 0 n 20 MAR 0.2 0 2 APR 1.0 0 5 MAY 1.3 1 5 JUN 11.0 2 22 JUL 31.1 11 55 10 AUG 50.0 21 59 SEP 18.2 5 30 OCT 0.0 0 13 NOV 0.0 0 0 DEC 0.0 0 2

.!1 1 II I I i_= * LC · IIJ"1111 IAw1 1 11 111*111II 1 - .A . I I.I { .-Yl · _ r 50 188 150 210 250 3B0 358 DAYOF YEAR DISTRIBUTIONOF WET DAY PRECIPITATION DISTRIBUTIONof LOG [WET DAY PRECIPITATION]

87.4 .I


120 4W. U.O ' GSE Su I wt i 2U

LA . II I I ,.I IS SI I I I a o weo« ao r u m 7Jr MrI [IMITAT^IT[10mm C.SSES] LOOPtcMIATiON [s cl.5AS] 79 Figure D-24

150 PRC (MM), NYEARS= 14 [1979-19931 LHASA, TIBET 2970 9113 3659 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTO 1 1 0 0.1 2 8 0 0.2 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 0 0.2 5 29 1 0.8 6 36 0 0.4 7 43 0 0.0 8 50 0 0.1 9 57 0 0.1 10 64 0 0.0 11 71 2 1.0 12 78 0 0.2 13 85 0 0.4 14 92 2 0.9 15 99 2 1.0 16 106 1 1.3 Q 17 113 3 2.1 18 120 3 2.2 19 127 11 5.8 CL 20 134 13 5.8 LL 21 141 9 7.7 0 22 148 10 7.4 23 155 18 10.4 24 162 22 18.0 25 169 24 20.1 cc 26 176 23 15.5 m 27 183 36 26.2 0 m 28 190 34 22.4 29 197 43 31.3 30 204 38 29.8 31 211 33 22.1 z 0 32 218 38 26.2 33 225 42 32.1 34 232 36 26.8 35 239 32 21.6 z 0 36 246 32 20.2 L) 37 253 28 16.9 z 38 260 22 11.9 39 267 11 8.8 40 274 7 3.5 41 281 4 3.3 42 288 2 1.1 43 295 1 0.9 44 302 0 0.0 45 309 0 0.3 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 2 0.6 49 337 0 0.2 50 344 3 1.9 51 351 0 0.2 52 358 0 0.2



- 31

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an 34.1 1 I *. I 17.1

I I.*, . , ,I I ...... I I ...... so no CA M 0 LOU 0. Ct a o rrcsrr Ia cufa PRECIPrIATION(IOm CLASSES) 93 Figure D-25

151 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 13 [1979-1993) SHIQUANHE, TI 3250 8008 4279 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 1 0.9 100 2 8 0 0.2 3 15 1 0.5 MEAN UP= 2.2 4 22 3 1.7 AMP PHASE 5 29 0 0.2 H 6 36 0 0.3 90 1 3.1 213.6 7 43 0 0.4 2 2,8 28.6 8 50 0 0.3 3 2.0 94.4 9 57 1 0.5 4 1.5 29.6 10 64 00.2 5 1.3 63.0 11 71 1 1.0 80 12 78 0 0.5 13 85 0 0.4 14 92 0 0.1 15 99 0 0.2 70 16 106 0 0.2 .- 17 113 0 0.2 18 120 2 0.9 19 127 1 0.6 20 134 1 0.9 o 21 141 1 0.6 60 22 148 O 0.1 -J 23 155 2 1.2 24 162 0 0.5 25 169 1 0.3 m r. 26 176 1 0.7 m 50 0 27 183 3 2.5 (. 28 190 8 4.9 29 197 10 4.8 30 204 21 29.2 31 211 9 13.4 0C_ 32 218 11 9.5 --z 33 225 13 5.8 34 232 2 1.4 35 239 7 6.2 30 36 246 2 1.4 Z 37 253 2 0.7 38 260 1 0.9 39 267 4 1.9 40 274 0 0.2 20 41 281 0 0.3 42 288 0 0.0 43 295 0 0.2 44 302 0 0.1 45 309 0 0.0 10 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.1 48 330 0 0.0 49 337 1 0.3 L 50 344 3 1.6 a ill;rr . 1 IIll I!a I ..' ,I1, l1 U ' II.IIlYt 11 111lI I III IlIII1111 n , .II I 1.T- l 1i 51 351 0 0.1 I I 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 52 358 1 0.5 DAY OF YEAR 78 5 AVE SD MEDIANWET 1.4 JAN 1.5 2.3 5 H AMP PHASE FEB 1.0 1.4 4 1 1.9 215.5 MAR 1.6 1.6 2 1.8 30.0 APR 0.5 0.7 40 *3 1.2 96.71 MAY 2.0 3.2 4 0.8 32.5 JUN 2.9 3.6 L5 0.7 64.9 JUL 46.8 56.5 35 AUG 31.9 40.3 -C SEP 4.6 5.6 OCT 0.6 0.9 39 NOV 0.3 0.6 I.- DEC 2.6 3.6 w Rc 25 MED 1/6 5/6 19 JAN 0.6 0 4 FEB 0.3 0 2 , 20 r· MAR 0.8 0 4 CL APR 0.3 0 1 MAY 0 3 2 0.9 JUN 1.7 0 7 JUL 28.5 7 69 is AUG 19.0 7 41 ------SEP 3.0 0 8 ------OCT 0.1 0 1 5 NOV 0.0 0 0 ll . illllj^LJ DEC 0.9 0 6


. . I ., U-.o r

64.J I

I r I - II

2" 2t.S

L- LIMI I I I I I I I I I i iS I i I I IE lie AIe OM a .* PRECIPTATION[tOmm CASSES] LOGPMWOIIATM8 [80.5 ELASO) 77 Figure D-26

152 PRC (MM). NYEARS=14 [1979-1993] TINGRI, TIBET 2863 8708 4302 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 00 1 0 0.3 2 8 0 0.1 3 15 1 2.1 4 22 0 0.0 5 29 0 0.0 90 6 36 0 0.2 7 43 1 0.3 8 50 1 0.3 9 57 0 0.0 10 64 0 0.1 80 11 71 0 0.1 12 78 0 0.1 13 85 0 0.2 14 92 0 0.5 15 99 1 0.4 - 70 16 106 2 0.9 o 17 113 3 1.2 18 120 0 0.3 a. 19 127 1 0.8 LL 20 134 5 2.8 60 21 141 3 2.1 22 148 2 1.4 23 155 7 2.9 -J 24 162 4 1.4 25 169 8 5.6 m 50 26 176 12 16.2 27 183 14 10.2 28 190 24 18.3 29 197 35 28.2 _J 30 204 32 25.9 z 40 31 211 32 28.2 32 218 34 26.5 33 225 53 40.4 34 232 28 20.6 z 35 239 24 12.6 u 30 36 246 14 10.8 z 37 253 8 3.9 38 260 5 4.0 39 267 1 1.2 40 274 2 0.7 20 41 281 1 0.5 42 288 1 2.0 43 295 1 0.6 44 302 1 0.3 45 309 0 0.0 10 46 316 0 0.0 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 1 0.2 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 0 0.0 51 351 2 1.2 52 358 1 0.4 DAY OF YEAR 98



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ar I

II c le' I

P A ( l so No ~ ~ PRECIMIATIONl1rnm CULSES) LOGPCIPTATnON [ s cuASs] 97 Figure D-27

153 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 14 (1979-1993] XAINZA, TIBET 3095 8863 4671 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOTD 1 1 0 0.3 100 2 .8 1 0.7 3 15 0 0.1 4 22 0 0.2 5 29 0 0.1 6 36 0 0.1 7 43 0 0.2 8 50 1 0.5 9 57 1 0.9 10 64 0 0.0 11 71 1 0.8 80 12 78 0 0.2 13 85 1 0.4 14 92 0 0.3 15 99 2 1.0 - 70 16 106 2 1.2 7 17 113 1 0.9 a: 18 120 2 1.5 a. 19 127 3 9.4 20 134 4 2.1 o 60 21 141 12 5.1 22 148 6 3.6 I- 23 155 9 8.4 _J 24 162 17 12.7 25 169 15 7.4 m m 50 26 176 25 15.4 .m 27 183 36 17.2 o 28 190 38 25.5 29 197 28 25.8 30 204 36 24.0 31 211 I--z 40 18 15.2 32 218 47 25.6 33 225 39 23,0 34 232 34 26.7 35 239 21 10.0 36 246 27 13.3 I 30 37 253 20 15.2 38 260 18 8.1 39 267 10 7.4 40 274 2 1.8 20 41 281 6 8.3 42 288 O 0.7 43 295 1 0.9 44 302 1 0.5 45 309 1 0.4 46 316 0 0.2 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 0 0.1 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 1 0.4 51 351 0 0.3 52 358 0 0.1

DAY OF YEAR 88 .. ..I I .I . 150 .. .l. r1.. . .I .I 1l.I .I... . .I . I I I . I , . . . ,. I I I ,. AVE SO EDIANWET 3.0 JAN 1.3 2.3 H AMP PHASE 45 FEB 1.7 2.5 1 4.0 204.7 MAR 1.6 2.7 2 1.0 24.1 APR 3.5 3.5 41 3 0.4 30.5 MAY 13.3 14.8 4 0.1 71 JUN 41.2 26.0 5 0.6 61.9 JUL 95.4 59.4 , 3 5 AUG 91.6 51.7 SEP 45.7 21.5 OCT 11.4 22.6 I. W0 NOV 0.8 1.3 DEC 1.0 2.0

MED 1/6 5/6 0.z JAN 0.5 0 1 FEB 0.6 0 3 5 MAR 0.5 0 3 w APR 2.6 1 5 r NAY 9.9 1 21 50 31 JUN 47.4 13 70 JUL 75.1 59 119 AUG 90.9 37 128 ------1tl...L ·. SEP 41.6 27 56 OCT 5.8 1 9 S. NOV 0.0 0 2 DEC 0.4 0 1 ... ,L .1.I . . IMi[.A ! ,.. _.. _ __--- 53 18 151 208 25i 3i0 350 DAYOF YEAR DISTRIBUTIONOF WETDAY PRECIPITATION DISTRIBUTIONof LOG [WET DAY PRECIPITATION]


so Su2

to I

UP A.4 I

ar soA nof se cASSE)no LOGPRcmPTATrO [Io c0.ue] 87 Figure D-28

154 PRC (MM). NYEARS= 14 (1979-1993] XIGAZE, TIBET 2922 8892 3837 MSD= 0 WK DAY UP TOm 1 1 0 0.0 2 8 0 0.0 3 15 0 0.0 4 22 1 0.2 5 29 0 0.0 6 36 0 0.0 7 43 0 0.1 8 50 0 0.0 9 57 0 0.1 10 64 0 0.1 11 71 1 0.6 12 78 1 0.7 13 85 0 0.2 14 92 0 0.2 15 99 0 0.1 ;;7 16 106 1 0.6 17 113 2 0.9 L) 18 120 3 1.7 m 0. 19 127 4 2.5 20 134 11 11.7 U- 0 21 141 9 5.6 22 148 9 12.2 23 155 12 6.2 -j 24 162 9 13.4 c( 25 169 21 13.2 m 26 176 24 21.0 Ir0 27 183 33 22,0 m 28 190 32 25.9 29 197 43 35.0 30 204 46 40.7 31 211 41 35.9 z 0 32 218 40 31.0 33 225 47 38.2 34 232 42 40.9 35 239 30 26.1 z 0 36 246 29 20.5 z 37 253 20 12.3 38 260 11 8.1 39 267 4 2.6 40 274 4 1.7 41 281 5 3.5 42 288 1 1.1 43 295 2 1.1 44 302 0 0.0 45 309 1 0.2 46 316 1 0.7 47 323 0 0.0 48 330 0 0.1 49 337 0 0.0 50 344 0 0.0 51 351 0 0.0 52358 0 0.0



2 EJ

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__ M.* 3OWr


I soII I~ I we ) 7»

! I P IP. .II I. I Io. IC. I.. I I. .I . O L a.s Lo 74 *Ao tlCtcnATATM[10mm CLAMES) LOGPCt0IPITA [(o CLASSS] 91 Figure D-29


[Values at island stations are explicity plotted.]






20 AI


70 80 90 Figure E-1. Mean seasonal precipitation (mm).








Figure E-2. Standard deviation of seasonal precipitation (mm).



70 80 90 Figure E-3. Coefficient of variation (xl00).



10 .






I 7n An Qn 70 80 90 Figure E-4. Median seasonal precipitation (mm).


10 i





IV ou J0 Figure E-4. Difference between mean and median (mean-median) seasonal precipitation (mm).


30 30

20 20

10 10


30 30

20 20

10 10

70 80 90 Figure E-6. 1/6 sextile (mm).




70 80 90 70 80 90 Figure E-7. 5/6 sextile (mm).


30 30

20 20

10 10


30 30

20 20

10 10

70 Bo vu Figure E-8. Mean seasonal probability of a dry day followed by a wet day.


30 30

20 20

10 10


30 30

20 20

10 10

IV au Nu Figure E-9. Mean seasonal probability of a wet day followed by a wet day.





Figure E-10. Mean unconditional probability of precipitation on a particular day during the season.






I 30

20 AI


i 70 80 90 Figure E-ll. Number of wet days during a season.


30 30

20 20

10 10

Figure E-12. Standard deviation of the rlumber of wet days during a season.