Entrelac Stocking A fun stocking with an entrelac leg and novelty cuff. A great way to show off a shifting color , or work in a patchwork for a more traditional look.

ayarn Tri-color Patchwork Rowan Felted Tweed Aran, 95yds/50gm 1 skein each #732 Cherry/MC, #777 Clay/CC1, #782 Pine/CC2 Rowan Soft Bouclé, 109yds/50gm 1 skein #607 Plush/CC

Shifting Color OnLine Line 359 Fano, 262yds/150gm 1 skein #65/MC Noro Kanzashi, 229yds/150gm 1 skein #8 Saiki/CC aneedles & notions Size 9 (5.5mm) 16” circular needle, or size to get Size 9 (5.5mm) double points, Addi FlexiFlips, or second circular hook, size H (5mm) Waste yarn Stitch markers agauge 16 stitches & 20 rows = 4” in stockinette stitch

afinished size 6.25” wide by 17” long

aabbreviations CO Cast on K Knit wth K2tog Knit two stitches together aled a ki INC se M1 Insert left needle from front to back into the horizontal strand between the last stitch worked and the next stitch on the needle; knit this strand through the back loop. P Purl P2tog Purl two stitches together EST PM Place marker PU Pick up in outer loop only 1993 Sl1 Slip one stitch purlwise a SM Slip marker a legend SSK Slip two stitches, one at a time, knitwise to the right oklahom needle; insert left needle into the front of these an two stitches and knit them together st(s) Stitch(es) swakknit.com ©2006/2020 Sealed with a Kiss, all rights reserved aleg afoot Tri-colored patchwork stocking is worked by alternating between With circular needle, PU 6 sts in each top triangle. (42 sts) three shades. Begin base triangles with MC, then alternate each Place marker for beginning of round, and with MC work round of rectangles between CC1, CC2, and MC. End with MC as follows: for the top triangles. Increase round: With circular needle and waste yarn provisionally cast on Increase by picking up one arm of chain loop in back of next stitch. 35 stitches. With MC, knit across. Join in the round, place K6, INC, *K10, INC; repeat from * until 6 sts remain, K6. marker, and knit one round. (48 sts) Base Triangles Turn Knit 2 rounds. *P2, turn; K2, turn Sl1, P2, turn; K3, turn Remove marker and place next 24 sts on a for Sl1, P3, turn; K4, turn instep. Sl1, P4; repeat from * around (7 base triangles with 5 sts each) Heel Flap Cut yarn. Note: For Tri-colored patchwork stocking work heel flap with CC2. Do not cut MC. Rectangles, Left Leaning **PU and knit 5 sts down side of next base triangle (or next Work back and forth in rows on 24 heel stitches only as right leaning rectangle on subsequent rounds). follows:

Row 1: Sl1, purl to end Row 2: Sl1, knit to end

Repeat rows 1 & 2 for a total of 16 rows.

*Turn, P5; turn, Sl1, K3, SSK; repeat from * 4 more times. Heel Turn Repeat from ** around. Place marker in center of heel flap. Sl1, P across until 1 stitch past marker, P2tog, P1, turn; Rectangles, Right Leaning Sl1, K across until 1 stitch past marker, SSK, K1, turn. **PU and purl 5 sts down side of next left leaning rectangle. Row 1: S11, P across until 1 stitch before the gap created by the turn, P2tog, P1, turn;

*Turn, K5; turn, Sl1, P3, P2tog; repeat from * 4 more times. Repeat from ** around. Cut yarn. Row 2: S11, K across until 1 stitch before the gap created by the turn, SSK, K1, turn; Alternate between left and right leaning rectangles for a total of 11 rounds of rectangles, ending with left leaning rectangles. Top Triangles PU and purl 5 sts down side of next rectangle to the left. Turn, K5 *Sl1, P3, P2tog, turn; K3, K2tog, turn Repeat these 2 rows until all heel sts have been worked. Note Sl1, P2, P2tog, turn; K2, K2tog, turn that the final two rows end with the at the end of Sl1, P1, P2tog, turn; K1, K2tog, turn the row, without a P1/K1 following the decrease. Sl1, P2tog, turn; K2tog, turn P2tog (1 stitch remains) PU and purl 5 sts down side of next rectangle, turn K4, K2tog, turn Repeat from * around. After all top triangles are complete, fasten off and cut yarn. a2 ©2006/2020 Sealed with a Kiss, all rights reserved Picking Up Stitches a Place left needle through the 9 slipped stitches along left cuff side of heel flap, with the left arm of the stitch to the front With circular needle and CC, PU 5 sts in each base triangle, of the needle. Knit across these picked up stitches, working and remove waste yarn. (35sts) through the front loops so they are twisted.

*K6, KFB; repeat from * around. (40 sts) For Tri-colored patchwork stocking cut CC2, continue with MC. Round 1: Purl Place sts from holder back onto needle. Round 2: Knit Repeat rounds 1 & 2 for a total of 9 rounds. PM, M1, K24, M1, PM. Next round: *K7, KFB; repeat from * around. (45 sts) Place left needle through the 9 slipped stitches along other side of heel flap, with the right arm of the stitch to the front Beginning with round 1, repeat rounds 1 & 2 for a total of of the needle. Knit across these picked up stitches, working 10 rounds. through the back loops so they are twisted. Bind off loosely. Fold cuff down. Attach yarn and crochet a chain loop for hanging.

Knit to center heel marker. This marker now designates the beginning of each round. Next round: K to next marker, SM, K2tog, K until 2 sts before next marker, SSK, SM, K to beginning of round.

Gusset Round 1: K until 3 sts before next marker, K2tog, K1, SM, K to next marker, SM, K1, SSK, K to marker. Round 2: Knit Repeat rounds 1 & 2 until 48 sts remain. Continue in stockinette stitch for 18 rounds.

Toe For Tri-colored patchwork stocking cut MC. Work with CC2 for toe.

Change to double point needles. The stitches will be distributed with each area of stitches between the markers on a separate needle. If working with 2 circulars or Addi FlexiFlips, use stitch markers as needed. Round 1: Needle 1 - K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1 Needle 2 - K1, SSK, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1 Needle 3 - K1, SSK, K to end Round 2: Knit around Repeat these 2 rounds until 28 sts remain. Work Round 1 only until 8 sts remain. Last round: *K2tog, SSK; repeat from * once. (4sts) Cut yarn and draw through remaining sts to fasten off. a3 ©2006/2020 Sealed with a Kiss, all rights reserved