Shipdham News NOVEMBER 2019

The Community Choir was founded in 2013. It is a secular choir which meets in St. Thomas’ Chapel, All Saints’ Church on alternate Tuesdays from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. The Choir has well over 30 members and represents all voices from soprano to bass. Membership is open to anyone who likes to sing. There are no auditions and it is not necessary to be able to read music. The choir is about sharing a love of music and performance in an atmosphere of enjoyment, friendship and support. We sing a wide range of music. From time to time the choir presents its own concerts and sings by request in care homes and at events such as the Nine Lessons and Carols in All Saints’ at Christmas.

Cover photo of the Shipdham Community Choir kindly supplied by Brett King

Your Parish Magazine Serving the Community Delivered FREE to every household Produced by All Saints’ Church, Shipdham SHIPDHAM DIRECTORY

All Saints Parish Church Team Vicar Rev. Gill Wells Tel. 01362 822404 Associate Priest Rev. Doreen Fotherby Tel. 01362 821481 Churchwardens John Larwood Tel. 01362 820049 Ray Arnold Tel. 01953 886751

The Church of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest Rev. Brendan Moffitt Tel. 01362 694066 Deacon Rev. Martin Sanderson Tel. 01362 822590

Shipdham Parish Council Chairman Carole Playford Tel. 01362 822154 Vice Chairman Paul Hewett Tel. 01362 820354 Clerk June Smith Tel. 01760 440953

Norfolk County Council Councillor Mr Ed Connolly Tel. 07786 028055

Breckland District Councillors for Shipdham & Councillor Lynda Turner Tel. 07500 818315 Councillor Paul Hewett Tel. 01362 820354

Shipdham Surgery Dr. Joshua Harrison Tel. 01362 820225 Dr. Scott Turner Dr Dooldeniya Holt

Thomas Bullock CE Primary Academy Head Teacher TBC Tel. 01362 820300 Acting Chair of Governors Victoria Parfitt Tel. 01362 820300

Shipdham Community Centre Trust Chairman Bill Fawcett Tel. 01362 820102

Shipdham News Printing & Distribution All Saints Church Tel. 01362 822404 Editor Carolyn Barrett - Bloom Design & Print [email protected] Advertising James Shelley Tel. 07854 402025 2 THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH

The dictionary tells us that compassion is “a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and wish to help them”. The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament tells us to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” and “defend the rights of the poor and needy”. Jesus is the ultimate example of compassion. He takes his compassion into action, eventually sacrificing His life for us. He was constantly moved by compassion, for He felt the weight of all the griefs of humankind. The examples of compassion told by Jesus in his Parables such as the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son and many others, are eternal. The comforting Psalm 149 tells us that “the Lord is good to all, He has compassion on all He has made”. Compassion manifests itself in many ways. The results can be dramatic - many charities, large and small, have been founded by individuals or groups banding together, who have been so disturbed by disasters, atrocities, illness, and other misfortunes, that they are impelled by compassion to do something tangible. Locally we have a range of charities, specific to a particular area and started by ordinary people who have been moved by the plight of victims of abuse, disease, discrimination and much else. Compassion is very flexible. We cannot all start charities but many of us show our compassion, for instance by helping out at a charity which moves us. Sometimes, a glance and smile, a brief word can help to lighten someone’s day; maybe we are in a hurry but have a feeling that giving the time to have a conversation may help to lessen their burden. Making the time for someone in our own busy schedule can be a small, but effective act of compassion. It does not always need words; it can be an understanding look, silent agreement, shared laughter with no words, Acts of kindness which may seem trifling to the doer at the time may be remembered many years on by the recipient. Such seemingly small acts can make a big difference. Sometimes compassion can be looking to help, without making a fuss. If there is mutual trust, compassion can be very supportive in discussing particular problems and actions, but sometimes it is listening and not talking while the other person works through what they want to say. It can also be talking to give the other person a chance to collect themselves and calm down without embarrassment. Compassion is often collective; people often find great support as well as enjoyment by attending for example, Café Saints and other social activities. Compassion can be about peacemaking - accepting anger and not responding in a hostile way. It is about active caring, irrespective of race, gender or orientation. In our daily lives we can, like Mother Theresa, use love and compassion and remember her words that “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things in great love”. Ray Arnold - Churchwarden All Saints’ Shipdham 3 CHURCH NOTICES

From the Parish Registers Funerals We commend to God’s care 18th October Pleasance (Pleasey) Tombling - Breckland Crematorium

All Saints’ Tower Floodlighting The Tower floodlighting for November is sponsored by Nancy and Richard Boldero in loving memory of our parents, Dorothy and Mike Burton and Dorothy and Leonard Boldero. Always in our thoughts. If you would like to sponsor the floodlighting at All Saints’ Church for a particular month to commemorate a special person or event, please contact Theresa Hewett on [email protected] or by telephone to 01362 820354. Alternatively fill in a slip in the church and leave it in the Donations box with your donation. Sponsorship is £30 per calendar month and can be shared. We currently have every month in 2020 except February available.

Book of Remembrance The Book of Remembrance is open every day. If you would like to have an entry in the Book in memory of a loved one please contact Theresa Hewett on 01362 820354 or by email to [email protected] or fill in a slip in the church and leave it with your donation of £5 in the Donations box in the church.

All Saints’ Day Everyone knows the customs associated with Halloween, but what about the day after? All Saints’ Day - also known as All Hallows’ Day - ‘hallow’ meaning ‘holy’ - is observed by Christians on 1st November and prompts Christians around the world to reflect on the lives of saints and martyrs - holy people - throughout the ages. Our church in Shipdham is named after all these holy people, and is why we have the All Saints Festival on the nearest weekend to All Saints Day. The fabulous Craft Fair this year is on Saturday 2nd November and there will be a special service in church on Sunday 3rd November, where we celebrate our Patronal Festival. You will find a Gift envelope in your magazine this month and it is your opportunity to give a gift to your church on its special day. If you are able to Gift Aid your gift we can claim 25% back from the Treasury - a win-win situation! We so appreciate all the support we receive from church members and the wider community and the stunning WWI window is a tribute to this. However, other giving to the church has gone down recently and we now need to repair the heating and a leak in the roof, so all financial help will be gratefully received. 4 CHURCH NOTICES

All Souls Service St Nicholas Church, REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Dereham 10th November 2019 A Service to 10.50am Remember Sunday 3rd November, 4pm All Saints Church A service of reflection to remember ‘At the going down of the sun those who have died and whom you and in the morning - we will hold in your heart with love. remember them.’ All are welcome

Café Saints Coffee Morning ALL SAINTS CHURCH, All Saints Church Thursday 7th SHIPDHAM November 10.00 - Christmas Tree 11.30am All welcome Festival 2019 Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December 12 midday to 7pm

Sunday 8th December 12 midday to 4pm

SATURDAY 17th Please come along and support the charities and NOVEMBER, 7.00PM good causes. You can listen to some festive music ALL SAINTS CHURCH and enjoy the perfect start to Christmas with TEAMS OF 6, Carols round the trees with the Salvation Army £4/HEAD TO INCLUDE band on Sunday at 4pm. A SOFT DRINK AND Why not met your friends for a cuppa and NIBBLES. RAFFLE something good to eat (all home made). Light Phone Revd Gill Wells lunches and suppers available until 6pm . to book a table 01362 822404


3rd November 8.00am Holy Communion BCP St Andrew’s 11.15am Patronal Festival Parish Communion CW All Saints 4pm All Souls Service CW St Nicholas Dereham

10th November 10.50am Remembrance Service St Andrew’s 10.50am Remembrance Service All Saints

17th November 9.30am Choral Matins BCP St Andrew’s 11.15am Morning Praise CW All Saints

24th November 9.30am Holy Communion BCP St Andrews 11.15am Parish Communion CW All Saints Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Communion CW All Saints

CW = Common Worship, BCP = Book of Common Prayer

Café Saints Coffee Morning: Coffee Morning Thursday 7th November 10-11.30am. All welcome. Community Choir meets in St Thomas’ Chapel, All Saints Church, alternate Tuesdays 7.30pm. Contact Ray Arnold 01953 886751 for details. Bellringing 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thursdays 7.30-9pm - beginners welcome

We will be praying in November for all those who live in: Shipdham: Richard Haggard Close, Park Highatt Drive, Townsend Place, Greenwood Way, Larwood Way, Mews Court, Oak Meadow. Bradenham: Hall Hill, Bradenham Lane, Green Lane. If you have any specific needs or people that you would like us to pray for, please contact: Revd Gill Wells or Revd Doreen Fotherby


All the shops are getting ready for Christmas and the Church is too! Only a few weeks before Advent Sunday on December 1st. Advent is ‘the final countdown’ to Christmas day and many children will have an Advent calendar to help them count the days. It’s also a really special time for the church. Here’s more about why it’s so special, and some Advent activities for children. The words Advent simply means ‘coming’ - it’s the season when Christians remember that God came to earth to be born as the Christ child, Jesus. God also promised that Jesus will come again at the end of time to heal all the world’s hurts and divisions. Advent remembers this amazing promise, so it’s a time of hope, of getting ready, and expectation. Waiting is hard, but Christmas is worth waiting for - it’s a special time, and at its heart is a gift of love from God to the world. Here’s what you might see in church during Advent:- • Fewer decorations. This allows us to recognise that the Christian life isn’t all about celebration. It’s about hope and faith during times of sadness and challenge, too. • An Advent wreath with candles on it. One candle is lit each week (usually at the start of the service) - often with a special song or prayer. Advent at home If your family enjoys chocolate, you might like a Real Advent Calendar (www. These calendars have a piece of Belgian Fairtrade chocolate behind every window, plus an illustrated Christmas story booklet that you can read together as a family. A percentage of each purchase is also donated to a good cause. There are other Advent calendars which present the Christmas story, like one offered on the Traidcraft website: by Divine chocolates. Both of these calendars are available at Tesco stores too, while stocks last. If you’re holding off on the chocolate, an Advent candle is a lovely way to count down the days - it’s marked with the numbers 1 to 25 so you can burn a little each day and still have enough left to light up your Christmas day. You can find them in Christian bookshops and some department stores. There is one available on and on the Traidcraft website, You can also buy lovely Advent calendars and candles at Green Pastures Christian bookshop in Street, Dereham. They stock a wonderful array of cards, gifts, CDs and books, host the Community Fridge and have lots of gift ideas for Christmas. 7 SHIPDHAM GARDEN & HORTICULTURAL CLUB

Report on the Club September 5th Meeting & October AGM 2019 The planned presentation was unfortunately cancelled, but one of our Members stood in at the last moment. Many thanks to Jeff Hinchliffe who gave an interesting talk and slide show about his visit to the Farne Islands. The talk was entertaining and informative, about the people living in this harsh environment, as well as the incredible bird life on the islands. It was well received by the members. Bloom of the Month - Jeff Hinchliffe with an Euonymus. Unusual Bloom of the Month - Oland Ridewood with a Streptocarpus.

AGM 3rd October Annual General Meeting - A summary of the last year and future plans. Chair Persons report was given by Lesley Webdale standing in for Helen Champ. General Secretary, yearly report followed by: • The Treasury report on the club’s finances. • The meeting discussed several other issues. • Our President was surprised with a cake on her 90th Birthday. • Tea and coffee was followed by a general talk on Bonsai trees by Paul Blanchette. Bloom of the Month - Jeff Hinchliffe with a Geranium Bloom. Unusual Bloom of the Month - Sandra Harley with a Salvia Spray.

Up coming Events 7th November “House Plants”- Talk by Robin McDonald. 5th December “Festive Quiz and Nibbles” Gardening Tip of the Month: • Care for your lawn by raking or brushing leaves off the grass. • Trim hedges so they are crisp and tidy for the winter. • October’s the time for clearing up. • Divide herbaceous perennials. • In the veg patch plant garlic cloves with their pointed ends up, and spaced 10cm apart. • Plant bulbs for a colourful spring display.

Coach to Norwich The Wednesday coach to Norwich leaves the King’s Café at 9.10am and picks up at The Green at 9.15am. It leaves Norwich at 1.05pm, arriving back in Shipdham at approx 2.15pm.

8 At our October meetings we celebrated our 8th Anniversary with tea, coffee, cake and lots of laughter and chat, all good for the soul.

Group members are all busy working towards the annual Craft Fair in All Saints Church on Saturday 2nd November. Our craft stall will be full of a variety of newly knitted items. As usual we will also have knitted poppies the proceeds from which will be donated to The Royal British Legion.

We are in the process of planning our Christmas tree for the Festival in the Church. It is a pleasure to participate in these village events, the greatest part being the money we raise enabling us to help local charities. A big thank you to all our members for the many hours of work dedicated to these projects, without which none of this would be possible.

Events for 2020 are already being organised and booked so please look out for dates announced in the near future.

Meeting dates for November are: Tuesday 5th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm WI Hall Wednesday 13th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm All Saints Church. For more information please contact Kathy on 820615, Marlene 820327 or Sue Hart 822536

Shipdham Community Hub has marquees, gazebos, tables, chairs and portaloos for hire. Reasonable charge to hire

marquees will be erected. All Foritems further can be information delivered andor to collected hire please when contact you haveRay on finished 01362 with820065 them,

9 Shipdham Village Forum Shipdham as a safe, vibrant community Minutes of meeting held on 30th September 2019 at The Golden Dog, Shipdham. 31 people attended. Personal ambitions and objectives for the meeting: Paul Hewett (PH) explained the purpose of the meeting and encouraged all to take part. He suggested ways forward for the meeting, to enable Shipdham to be a safe, vibrant community, with residents very much involved going forward. Topics suggested from the floor included: Environmental issues, Traffic, Speeding & Central Community Hall. Update on Local Plan: PH explained the current status of the Local Plan, its complexities and impact on Shipdham. He also explained about a government grant to help release the use of the OSPF by delivering roadworks to serve both OSPF when developed and the Old Coal Yard development across the road. It is planned to have a staggered T junction at the site, with resiting of the existing pedestrian crossing. Lynda Turner (LT) reassured residents that the small consecrated grave yard would be preserved and the headstone removed and stored for safety until all works were completed. Traffic, speed, parking, etc: Much discussion on this including relocating bus stop on Green, possible lay-by at the Green, traffic lights, traffic calming measures, extended speed limits either side of village, the use of a movable speed camera, yellow lines etc. Actions points: 1. Invite Police to next or subsequent parish council meeting to discuss topic of speeding, traffic flow etc. Parish Clerk 2. Village mobile speed camera to be retrieved and use of discussed with police and highways - may need a review of suitable sites and new memorandum of agreement. Parish Clerk 3. LT to discuss at next SNAP meeting (all public welcome to attend). LT Anti Social behaviour etc: LT explained the definition of anti social behaviour (that harms, harasses or distresses a person or people) and explained the protocol for reporting homeless persons etc. She also explained how No Calling Zones worked, and how individual streets could be designated working with Trading Standards. Enhancing the Environment: There was a keen desire to see more trees planted, unloved areas cared for, so discussion re guerilla gardening etc. To be continued at next Forum, and/or at Parish Council meetings 10 Community Facilities: Long discussion over need for a centralised village hall – questions asked about current community facilities including the Community Centre based at the school – and how best our current facilities could be used or rethought for the future. To be further explored. Action Point: 4. LT et al to explore further. LT et al Everyone agreed the meeting had been most useful and another would be held in early Spring. Thanks given to Dave for hosting at The Golden Dog and thanks to PH for drinks.

Notes from the Chairman’s diary And the next instalment! The Chairman (no gender issues, the title is The Chairman!) is elected for one year from May to April, and fulfils a civic, not political, role rather like a Mayor. Since my last notes, I have chaired a full council meeting, which included a motion that Breckland Council declare a Climate Emergency, which many other councils have also declared, and this we did. Members and officers will now work on a strategy that it is appropriate for a district council to deliver. In my civic role I have attended a number of receptions including one at the Norfolk Wildlife Trust centre in Cley, launched the “magic table” at Meeting Point, spent time at the MacMillan coffee morning in , opened the new shop in Narborough, drawn the raffle at the new RSPCA shop in Dereham, met the Governor at HMP Wayland, and opened the new Crematorium in . My vice chairman and I attended a number of Battle of Britain services. By the time you read this I will have attended the Justice Service and the installation of the new Lord Lieutenant, Lady Pippa , at Norwich Cathedral, been to South Holland for the Chairman’s reception, and the Leeway conference in Norwich. I will also be attending a number of Remembrance Day services, attending the enthronement of the new Bishop of Norwich, and raising the flag for White Ribbon Day. As Chairman I have also been visiting other town and parish councils – working my way around 5 market towns, and 110 villages! As one of your two elected Ward representatives, I have continued to prioritise my work in Shipdham with Scarning, including . With Paul Hewett I have attended a planning hearing, co-hosted a very successful Parish Forum at The Golden Dog, attended Parish Council meetings, and dealt with many local issues. Lynda Turner 11 SHIPDHAM TWINNING ASSOCIATION

We held our AGM and film night in October and the usual review of the year took place. Our events this year have included a barn dance with the group Shinannikins in November 2018, the Christmas Tree festival in December, our twinning meal in Lyng in January, the wine tasting in February, a beetle drive in April, being at the Shipdham Drynkkings in May, our visit to France in May, a quiz in June, the garden party in September and the film evening and AGM in October. That’s 10 events in 12 months! We have 84 people on our ‘books’, of whom 58 have been to France and/or received guests from France. So why the difference? Twinning is the obvious focus, but we enjoy being part of our village community and we welcome anyone to our events even if they are not interested in twinning and it seems to work! We don’t have ‘members’ as such because we don’t charge a subscription like most organisations, relying on our events not only for funds but also as a chance to get together to have some fun. What’s not to like? On Saturday 8 February at 7pm is our popular Wine Tasting in Thomas Bullock school hall. Yep, they’re a bit more expensive than supermarket plonk but you get to taste 12 wines, you get told about them by our host Brian from Harper Wells, you don’t have to buy but there’s a generous discount if you do. A great evening’s entertainment for all, not just twinners and for only £14! Where else can you get value like that and on your doorstep too? Food is included (we cater for vegetarians, vegans, gluten free etc, but PLEASE let us know beforehand!) and of course the wine. Tickets available now. Our guests from Noyant La Gravoyère are coming here on Thursday 21 May 2020 and leave early Sunday 24 May. Plans are well under way for a jolly time. If you are interested in hosting, this is a good way to give twinning a try, on ‘home ground’! Steve Kite, Chair. 01362 820847


Some of you may not know but there is a small still consecrated piece of land in Shipdham adjacent to the Old School Playing Field, which has some graves and headstones in. To preserve the eight headstones, whilst forthcoming road works take place they are being removed professionally and will be stored in the Breckland Business Centre, Thetford, after being photographed in situ. They will be professionally cleaned and photographed again, so that we have evidence of the location of the storage. Once this is done a timber post and rail fence will be installed so that the whole site is identifiable. Once all works in the vicinity are completed the headstones will be returned, so that the village keeps a dignified, respectful memory of this historic site. Any questions, please contact Cllr Lynda Turner. 12 BRADENHAM HORTICULTURE & GARDEN CLUB

Our Thursday evening Club event on 19th September was a highly enjoyable dinner at the George Hotel in which was held to thank the wonderful people who judge the entries for our Spring and Autumn Horticultural shows. Sandra and Fred Howard and Louise Culley always give impartial and detailed feedback to the entries for our shows and we are very lucky to have their expertise.

Our next event was the Annual General Meeting on Thursday October 17th. Our Chairperson Barbara Steward`s report noted the extra membership, how our funds had gone from strength to strength and the success of some of new ideas, such as the Garden Safari and Barbeque. The existing committee were all willing to stand for re-election ( and were proposed and seconded) and Katy Hillier, who was co- opted last year and has proved such an asset for our fund raising, has moved to being a permanent committee member. With drinks and nibbles, this was also a pleasurable social event for our members, as well as dealing with important business for the coming year. There was also a plant swap and sale for our members.

Thursday November 21st at 7:30pm in Bradenham Village Hall will see another Club first - a quiz! No Latin name knowledge needed - we promise! This quiz is not just about gardening, so it is a great time to come and join us and take advantage of our year`s membership - just £12.00. Do bring along your own drinks and nibbles. We will be handing out the new Member`s Schedule with an exciting programme of meetings, speakers, outings and events. This meeting is open to non-members as well (price £2.00), you are most welcome to join us.

For your diary: Thursday November 21st 7:30pm Quiz and membership renewal Thursday November 28th 2:30pm Flower crafting for our Christmas Tree at Leys Farm Friday 6th - Sunday 8th December Christmas Tree Festival All Saints Shipdham Thursday December 19th 7:00pm Member`s Christmas Party - music and food

Details of how to become a member or any information available from Chairman, Barbara Steward ([email protected]), Secretary, Helen Parnell-Cook([email protected]) or Publicity Officer, Laurene Henderson ([email protected]) 13 DeeDee Jackson Jackson First AFidir scto Auirdse cso: urses: TrainingTraining ✓Emergency✓Emergency First Aid First at WorkAid at – Work1 day – 1 day ✓First Aid✓First at WorkAid at – Work3 days – 3 days EnquiriesEnquiries and bookings: and bookings: ✓Specialist✓Specialist Paediatric Paediatric 07801 48107801 367 481 367 [email protected] ✓Defibrillator✓Defibrillator training training ✓Basic ✓FirstBasic Aid First Aid CompetitiveCompetitive rates Fullyrates insured Fully insured ✓Annual✓Annual refresher refresher training training

SpeciaSlipste cioaulirsste cso fuorrs es for transptorratn osppoerta toopres:rators: ✓Passenger✓Passenger Assistant Assistant Training Training SchemeScheme ✓MiDAS✓MiDASdriver trainingdriver training

SHIPDHAM JUDO H. BRETT & SON Monumental Masons - CLUB Craftsmen in Stone

The Judo club takes place Traditional Memorials, on a Monday night Period Fireplaces, Worktops, Vanities, House Names at the Bullock Park Marble, Stone, Slate, Granite Pavilion, 7-9pm Call for our Brochure or Visit our SHOWROOM and For more information WORKSHOPS contact Home Visits can be arranged 75 Norwich Road, Watton, IP25 6DH Bob Hunter Email: [email protected] on 07885 Telephone: 01953 881501 692028 Fax: 01953 882979


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DAY CLUB/EVENT VENUE TIME CONTACT Monday Shipdham Art Group WI Hall 10:00am Weekly Judo Club Bullock Park 7:00pm Bob Hunter 01362 695910 3rd Monday of each month Shipdham Branch Royal British Legion The Golden Dog 8:00pm Tuesday Whist Drive WI Hall 7:30pm Kick-boxing Bullock Park Tom 07585 663905 1st Tuesday of each month Shipdham Knitters WI Hall 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 Wednesday Weekly Zumba Bullock Park 8:00pm Jeanette Chant 07909 735356 3rd Wednesday of each month Shipdham & District Book Group 2:00pm Coach to Norwich King’s Café 9:10am Line Dancing WI Hall 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Shipdham Knitters Shipdham Church 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 1st Shipdham Brownies WI Hall 5:30pm - 7:00pm 1st Shipdham Guides WI Hall 7:15pm - 9:00pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Bingo WI Hall 7:30pm Thursday 1st Thursday of each month Shipdham Garden Club & Horticultural Society WI Hall 7:30pm 07885 113860 1st Thursday of each month Cafe Saints All Saints Church 9.30am - 11.30am 3rd Thursday of each month Shipdham Wives Group WI Hall 7:30pm Audrey Griffiths 01362 821448 4th Thursday of each month Dereham Flower Club Toftwood Village Hall 7:30pm (Feb, Mar, May-Oct) 01362 638320 Last Thursday of each month Shipdham Fuchsia Society Paul Lambert 01362 695820 Art Classes WI Hall 10:00am - 1.00pm Jim 01603 457055 Kick-boxing Bullock Park Tom 07585 663905 Friday Weekly Yoga Bullock Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm Laura Dunn 07724199385 Last Friday of Month Charity Quiz WI Hall 7:30pm Gillian de Cruz 077202 88116

Shipdham WI Hall Have you got an event coming up, a birthday, christening, fundraising event then why not book the WI Hall? The booking charge is £5 per hour including heating and lighting. For further information or to book call Marlene on 01362 820327.


DAY CLUB/EVENT VENUE TIME CONTACT Monday Shipdham Art Group WI Hall 10:00am Weekly Judo Club Bullock Park 7:00pm Bob Hunter 01362 695910 3rd Monday of each month Shipdham Branch Royal British Legion The Golden Dog 8:00pm Tuesday Whist Drive WI Hall 7:30pm Kick-boxing Bullock Park Tom 07585 663905 1st Tuesday of each month Shipdham Knitters WI Hall 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 Wednesday Weekly Zumba Bullock Park 8:00pm Jeanette Chant 07909 735356 3rd Wednesday of each month Shipdham & District Book Group 2:00pm Coach to Norwich King’s Café 9:10am Line Dancing WI Hall 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Shipdham Knitters Shipdham Church 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 1st Shipdham Brownies WI Hall 5:30pm - 7:00pm 1st Shipdham Guides WI Hall 7:15pm - 9:00pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Bingo WI Hall 7:30pm Thursday 1st Thursday of each month Shipdham Garden Club & Horticultural Society WI Hall 7:30pm 07885 113860 1st Thursday of each month Cafe Saints All Saints Church 9.30am - 11.30am 3rd Thursday of each month Shipdham Wives Group WI Hall 7:30pm Audrey Griffiths 01362 821448 4th Thursday of each month Dereham Flower Club Toftwood Village Hall 7:30pm (Feb, Mar, May-Oct) 01362 638320 Last Thursday of each month Shipdham Fuchsia Society Paul Lambert 01362 695820 Art Classes WI Hall 10:00am - 1.00pm Jim 01603 457055 Kick-boxing Bullock Park Tom 07585 663905 Friday Weekly Yoga Bullock Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm Laura Dunn 07724199385 Last Friday of Month Charity Quiz WI Hall 7:30pm Gillian de Cruz 077202 88116

The deadline for receiving contributions for the Magazine is the 18th of each month. We are delighted to receive articles from Shipdham organisations and groups which help keep residents in touch. Please be aware of GDPR regulations and keep your report to either half a page (approx 275 words) or a full page (approx 525 words). Please send your articles to: [email protected] Thank you to all of our regular contributors.


At the October meeting the group discussed the Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain. Gustav Perle grows up in a small town in Switzerland, where the horrors of the Second World War seem only a distant echo. An only child, he lives alone with Emilie, the mother he adores but who treats him with bitter severity. He begins an intense friendship with a Jewish boy his age, talented and mercurial Anton Zweibel, a budding concert pianist. The novel follows Gustav’s family, tracing the roots of his mother’s anti-Semitism and its impact on her son and his beloved friend. Moving backward to the war years and the painful repercussions of an act of conscience, and forward through the lives and careers of Gustav and Anton, The Gustav Sonata explores the passionate love of childhood friendship as it’s lost, transformed, and regained over a lifetime. It also informs us about Switzerland and the problem of retaining its neutrality faced with the threat of Nazi Germany engulfing surrounding countries. This book was well received by all members despite a dark side. All agreed on the excellent depiction of characters; the hardships suffered, emotionally and physically; the interesting background; sex was there but understated and it answered some questions whilst opening our minds to others. It led to a debate on the true meaning of the word ‘love’ and its various forms and how much was packed into a comparatively short book. All agreed that we knew very little about the history of Switzerland and its legendary neutrality until reading this and realising how close the country was to invasion by Hitler and why money and other valuables accrued, some from the Nazis seeking a safe haven. We are now amazed that they did escape invasion and think we have been misled by films of POWs escaping and heading for neutral, safe Switzerland. The attitude to Jews came as a complete surprise. Rose Tremain is a powerful and original writer and the popularity of her books remains undiminished. For our November meeting we are reading Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon.

CHARITY BINGO Bradenham Cricket Club - Village Hall Bingo The cash and prize bingo is Wednesday 13th November at Shipdham WI Hall. Doors open at 6.45pm, eyes down at 7.30pm. Many thanks for the continued support and new faces always welcome to this monthly event


*IMPORTANT NOTICE* The December meeting will be on the 12th a week earlier than usual but NOT the 13th as accidentally reported last month. Our Christmas event will be a social evening with trivial games, Secret Santa and delicious refreshments. Our speaker on 17th October was Chrissi Rix from The Colour Style Show at Eaton. Illustrated with large photographs of well known ladies including Nigella Lawson and Helen Mirren, Chrissi told us how we could improve every aspect of our appearance including height and shape by careful attention to which colour group we match. She also reminded us that our hair and skin change with age in case we were unaware. We were given vouchers for The Style Show shop and studio in Eaton for a mini colour analysis and shape styling which would normally cost £70. If you notice ladies of a certain age looking younger, slimmer, taller, shorter etc. you will know that they are members of the Shipdham Wives. In November we have Jacqui Aldous demonstrating Christmas Flower Arrangements which will then be donated to the raffle. For a small charge of £3 this meeting is open to visitors so if you want to create something different for your Christmas table or to give as a gift this is your opportunity. We will meet in the WI Hall at 7-30 on 21st November. Sue Hart


I would like to THANK MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING everyone who sent me 90th Sue, Juliet and Jo would like to thank birthday cards, lovely flowers everyone who provided cakes, raffle and chocolates. prizes and help in any way on Saturday at their coffee morning. The hall was full Donations for the National for most of the morning with the buzz of Deaf Children’s Society, conversation from people having a ‘catch which supports deaf children up’ with fellow villagers. The wonderful and young people, came to a sum of £485 was raised by you all for total of £395. which we are very grateful. With grateful thanks Many thanks and see you next year. - Sheila Crane. Jo

If you would like to send us an announcement, then please contact the Editor at: [email protected] 19 ANDY’S CARS CAR BODY REPAIR SPECIALISTS

l Quality Accident Repairs Peter Rudling Travel Specialists in Airport Transfers, l Full/Part Resprays l Colour Coding Train Stations & Seaports l Welding l Bodykits and Styling 24 Hour Service (Pre-Booked) l Panel Beating l Personal Service Mercedes Cars l Free Estimates Wedding Car Service Contact us on: 01362 821140 CALL (01362) 822177 07776040004 / 07545560565 Unit 2, The Old Foundry, Market Street, Shipdham


David A Cutting Building Surveyors Ltd Breckland Business Centre : St Withburga Lane: Dereham CHARTERED SURVEYORS & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS Tel: 01362 821000 or visit us at: l Full Architectural & Surveying Services for all l Quantity Surveying and Estimating Building Work l Homebuyers Surveys l Detailed Plans, Specifications and Schedules l Structural Surveys and l Tender Documents and Contract Administration Defect Analysis Reports CONTACT US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE OR BUILD W.C. LITTLEPROUD & SON Family Funeral Directors “Our family taking Serving Mid-Norfolk care of your family” u Owned by the Littleproud family for over 75 years u Pre-Paid & Pre-arrangement funeral plans available u Horse-drawn & Green Funerals Tel: 01362 695458 or 01760 440269 Hale Road, Bradenham, IP25 7RA

20 SHIPDHAM POST OFFICE & CONVENIENCE STORES A friendly, family business run by Lax & Raj Purewal (opp. Village Green) Telephone: Dereham (01362) 820285 SHIPDHAM’S LARGEST ONE STOP SHOP OPEN 7 DAYS We are always happy to take requests for specific requirements NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES New Special Deals & Multi-Buys now available Delicatessen, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Fresh Flowers & Plants (in season), Flowers by post, Fresh Bread from Hingham Bakery, Pastries/Sandwiches, Bunnings local fish, Cromer Crabs (in season), Ices, Wide range of Convenience Foods, Pet Foods, Stationery, Gifts & Toys, Fax Service, Bottle Gas, Mobile top-up, Photocopier, Tobacco & Off-Licence. Large variety of Cards - views of Shipdham by Liz Mace NATIONAL LOTTERY & HEALTH LOTTERY NOW AVAILABLE Cash Machine. Groceries delivered by arrangement In the Post Office we offer: Personal Banking - selected Banks (no charge by Post Office), Motor Tax, Insurance, Foreign Currency, Euros in stock, Loans, Phones and more. Shop: Mon - Fri 6:00am - 7pm, Sat 6:30am - 7pm, Sun 8am - 4pm Post Office: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm, Sat 9:00am - 12:30pm M.O.T’S Book your MOT online at Or Call 01362 820416 Cars, 4 X 4’s, pick-ups, vans, campers, motorcycles, three wheelers, trikes, horse-boxes and mini buses/PSV’s We can MOT everything MOT’s start from £29.00 to £35.00 We also offer a very well equipped workshop for all your motoring needs IVAN CHUBBOCK GARAGE SERVICES LTD SHIPDHAM We’re 60 years old

21 NOW OPEN Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 3.30pm Closed Monday Coffees, Teas & Hot Chocolate Variety of Homemade Cakes & Cream Teas from £5 a head King’s Cafe All Day Breakfast/Daily Specials Cooked Lunches & Sandwiches 2 Dereham Road, Vegetarian options available Shipdham M.O.T’S Beer garden & children’s play area Book your MOT online at 7NA **Parties & Wakes available Or Call 01362 820416 with pre-booking** Cars, 4 X 4’s, pick-ups, vans, campers, motorcycles, Tel: 01362 820030 three wheelers, trikes, horse-boxes and mini buses/PSV’s Call: 01362 820030 to book We can MOT everything MOT’s start from £29.00Hair by to £35.00 We also offer a very well equippedJeanette workshop for all your motoring needs Market Street, Shipdham l Established Unisex Salon IVAN CHUBBOCK GARAGEl Member of NationalSERVICES Hairdressers Federation l Fully qualified and experienced staff SHIPDHAMl Offering a full range of Hair Treatments at We’re 60 years old very competitive prices Telephone: (01362) 820042

Qualified Foot Health Professional Helen Malcolmson (MCFHP, MAFHP) Peter Rudling Travel Convenient Foot Care Treatment u Specialists in Airport Transfers, Ingrown toenails Train Stations & Seaports u Fungal nail treatment 24 Hour Service (Pre-Booked) u Corn & callus removal Mercedes Cars u Bunion care Wedding Car Service u General footcare Contact us on: 01362 821140 07776040004 / 07545560565 Telephone: 01362 692892 MOBILE: 07796 617938

22 Kitchen Fitter Work Tops / Sink Changes Twenty years experience 01362 861356 - MICK WEIGHT Email: [email protected] THE GOLDEN DOG - SHIPDHAM - EnJOY OUR NEW MENUS WITH OLD FAVOURITES & NEW ADDITIONS Christmas menu now available to book & pre order

8th November family karaoke with jeanette is back come and enjoy yourself

22nd November the fantastic marc james singing here. Free entry.

MENU’S aNd rEStaUraNt opENiNg tiMES arE oN our website/face book PAGE or phone paula or dave If you have an event coming up book us. Weddings, parties, christenings, wakes or fundraising. there is no charge for using our facilities.

Facebook ‘thegoldendogshipdham’ or visit [email protected] Tel: 01362 820255

23 PANWORTH HALL FARM COTTAGES We have cottages for rent in Ashill for long or short lets s Open Fire, Central Heating s Sleeps 4/5

s Own Gardens and Parking s Pets Welcome For price and availability telephone: Ralli Properties on: 01760 440852

PONDER’S JOE SISTO GARAGE TV, Video, DVD and Satellite Sales, Set-up & Repairs l Free Estimates l 30 Years Experience MOT TESTING PETROL, DIESEL & CATALYSTS l All Makes & Models l Work Guaranteed SERVICING & REPAIRS l Qualified Engineer l Discount for OAP’s CAR ALARMS & IMMOBILISERS l Sales, Repairs, Installations & Tuning Services MOBILE PHONE HANDS-FREE KITS FITTED Telephone: 01760 722168 CHAPEL STREET, SHIPDHAM Mobile: 07785 746682 Tel: 01362 820238 Fax: 01362 822582 White Cottage, School Road, (opp. Rectory)

Breckland & Wayland A Step In The Foot Health Clinic Right Direction

I am a registered Foot Health Practitioner and offer a visiting service to private patients within a 10 mile radius of Dereham Treatments: • Diabetic foot care • Painful corns • Hard skin removal • Verruca advice • Nail thickening • Nail trimming (including hands) • Fungal nail/skin infections • Ingrowing toenails • Basic orthotics

I offer a friendly, flexible, professional and caring service to each of my patients. Please contact Ruth by telephone, email or via the website or Facebook for a discussion and appointment bookings. Ruth Walters MCFHP MAFHP A mobile practice for private patients 01362 693912 | 07595177910 [email protected] |


It’s shoe box time again! Thanks to you and Operation Christmas Child, last year over 1 million children worldwide, in some of the poorest parts of the world received a shoebox full of gifts at Christmas. If you would like to contribute to this year’s appeal, please wrap a medium sized shoe box and the lid separately and then include new items from each category. Then label whether your box is suitable for a boy or a girl and the age category (2-4, 5-9,10-14). Please drop your filled shoebox off at HAIR BY JEANETTE in Shipdham by the end of the first week of November so that they are all delivered in time for Christmas. Toys - Education Supplies & Stationery - Hygiene Items & Toiletries - Small Clothing Items: Items not to include are: food (except non-chocolate sweets), medicine, war-related items (e.g toy soldiers), clothing (other than that listed), fragile items, liquids, aerosols, dangerous items (e.g sharp objects), novels, political items, hand-knitted toys without a CE mark (unless made using patterns from the website). FLAT PACK BOXES ARE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE 40P EACH. All items must be NEW and unused please. For more details please pick up a leaflet from HAIR BY JEANETTE or visit


In the age of the inter-web our little piece of Norfolk is not without its own online presence. is where you can find lots of local information including agendas and minutes of Parish Council meetings, Shipdham News in an electronic format and lots of other great things.

The village also has 2 Facebook pages. Shipdham Village Community and Bullock Park both post local information on events etc. Please remember, like and share as this helps promote the pages. is a great message board resource where local communities can have an online discussion and raise issues relating to the local area. If you’re not on there already please check it out. You can find information on local events, lost property, and offer items for sale without incurring advertising costs. It’s a great way of connecting with your community! 25 Jimmy Burt Plastering Services

No job too big or too small Friendly reliable service Over 35 years in trade Call Jimmy Burt 07833 965606 or 01953 713855


26 Adrian Grauwiler Egan GOsC Registered Osteopath Practising at: Willow Farm, Electrical Dereham Road, . Domestic Electrical Contractor Weekend & evening appointments available. Lighting * Sockets Spinal Pain Sciatica New Build Rewiring Headaches Muscle Strains * Ligament Sprains Sports Injuries No job too small Chronic Conditions Part ‘P’ Registered Problems relating to Pregnancy Babies to the Elderly treated Approved Contractor Animals also treated For more information, Or to book an appointment, contact [email protected] Caroline De Wilde BSc (Hons) Ost. Tel: 01362 858530 Mobile: 07915 062964

Shipdham Manor Private Residential and Retirement Home

Proprietors: Healthcare Homes Manager: Kayleigh Emsley CHAPEL STREET, SHIPDHAM THETFORD, NORFOLK IP25 7LB Telephone: Dereham (01362) 820939

27 Mobile Library Timetables The places visited and times are as follows: Village Arrival Departure Stop Name SCARNING 09:55 10:10 MAYFAIR BRADENHAM 10:25 10:40 MILL HILL BRADENHAM 10:45 11:00 CHURCH ROAD BRADENHAM 11:05 11:20 NELSON CLOSE BRADENHAM 11:25 11:40 SOUTHEND SHIPDHAM 12:30 12:45 EASTGATE SHIPDHAM 12:50 13:05 BLACKMOOR ROW SHIPDHAM 14:20 14:40 RICHARD HAGGARD CLOSE SHIPDHAM 15:00 15:30 PARK ESTATE SHIPDHAM 15:35 17:00 OLD SCHOOL Date of Visits 9-Apr, 7-May, 4-Jun, 2-Jul, 30-Jul, 27-Aug, 24-Sep, 22-Oct, 19-Nov, 17-Dec, 14-Jan-20, 11- Feb-20, 10-Mar-20, 7-Apr-20

Experienced Carer/Personal Assistant from your local area Be independent at home. Fully insured. 30 years experience. References available. All aspects of care undertaken.

Also experienced in helping and supporting the terminally ill, which includes Cancer care

Qualified to resuscitate. Private, Non-Agency, One to one care. Trustworthy and reliable. Dementia & Alzheimers experienced. Call Gilly - 01362 820083 Mobile: 07827 620208

28 Jacksons Car Sales Market Street, Shipdham

MOT’S Bikes £24.95 Air Conditioning Car & Class 7 Re-gas & service from £39.95 £39.95

Cam Belts supplied & fitted from £79.95 Servicing from £49.95 Brake-pads supplied & fitted from £29.95 Tyres supplied & fitted from £24.95

On board computer diagnostic and health check from £19.95 Four wheel laser alignment from £19.95 Call today for a quote: 01362 820700

Full range of Family, Sports & Prestige used cars

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With an extensive range of second hand cars featuring all makes and models. Get the best prices and widest choice on quality used cars, contact us today!

Part Exchange & Warranty Tel: 01362 821446

29 ham Notic The Shipd e Board

Welcome to the Shipdham Parish Council Notice Board. We have been asked to make this bigger so it’s easier to read! Contact Paul Hewett, James Shelley or Simon Smith for further information on anything on these pages.

As suggested by residents, Parish Council meeting minutes, agendas and Shipdham News are all now available via with links being posted on Nextdoor and Shipdham Village Community Facebook page when updated. You talk, we listen!

RESURFACING WORK TO THE VILLAGE GREEN Community Allotments On behalf of the Parish Council, WOULD YOU BE I would like to thank INTERESTED? residents and visitors for their It has been suggested understanding and co-operation that Shipdham sets up whilst the resurfacing was carried out to The Green. The vast Community Allotments for majority of people were very those that couldn’t take on compliant. Unfortunately, there one by themselves. were those that completely Contact the Clerk so that ignored no parking notices numbers interested can and requests, which is very be gauged. disappointing and annoying and has cost the Parish Council an extra £2000 due to delays caused Keep Shipdham Tidy! by this, i.e waiting for people to There have been reports return to cars. Very frustrating. of an excess of littering, Otherwise, I think the particularly of sweet paper contractors have done a very good job, and the road around wrappers, in Pound Green the Green is safer and looks Lane. Can everyone please better. put their litter in bins, or take Carole Playford - Parish Council it home with them, so that Chairman we can keep our village tidy.

30 Fly tipping? Parish Council meetings are Anti-social behaviour? at the WI Hall, usually on the Excessive noise? 2nd Monday of each month. Abandoned cars? 15 minutes in each meeting REPORT IT! are open for your questions. Use the ‘Report it’ button on Come along and have the BDC website! your say.

PLEASE TAKE PRIDE IN SHIPDHAM Keep your dog under close supervision and on a lead at Bullock Park, and wherever you walk them... PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG! Anyone wishing to report an incident, please call the Animal Warden Services on 01362 858500 Please keep hedges cut away from footpaths. Please be courteous to your neighbours when having bonfires.

Village Halls to rent at Allotments available great rates! There are a number of Bullock Park: Sarah Howlett allotments available at both 820047 the Dereham Road end and Now available Monday to Friday, Mornings and Afternoons Watton end of the village. WI Hall: Marlene Secker Contact the Clerk for more 820327 details.

Your Parish Council - your call Contact the Clerk in the first instance on any parish matter: June Smith - 01760 440953 For other Councillors, contact details are: Carole Playford (Chair) - 079541 20345 or 822154 Paul Hewett (Vice Chair) - 820354 James Shelley - 07854 402025 Marlene Secker - 820327 Mark Crane - 821440 Jo Dewing - 821285 Barry Allum - 820024 Steve Worth - 821069 Ann Stolworthy - 820567 Simon Smith - 07885 113860 Julian Woodrow - 820179 Website: Clerk: [email protected]