Shipdham News MARCH 2020

Your Parish Magazine Serving the Community Delivered FREE to every household Produced by All Saints’ Church, SHIPDHAM DIRECTORY

All Saints Parish Church Team Vicar Rev. Gill Wells Tel. 01362 822404 Associate Priest Rev. Doreen Fotherby Tel. 01362 821481 Churchwardens John Larwood Tel. 01362 820049 Ray Arnold Tel. 01953 886751

The Church of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest Rev. Brendan Moffitt Tel. 01362 694066 Deacon Rev. Martin Sanderson Tel. 01362 822590

Shipdham Parish Council Chairman Carole Playford Tel. 01362 822154 Vice Chairman Paul Hewett Tel. 01362 820354 Clerk June Smith Tel. 01760 440953

Norfolk County Council Councillor Mr Ed Connolly Tel. 07786 028055

Breckland District Councillors for Shipdham & (including ) Councillor Lynda Turner Tel. 07500 818315 Councillor Paul Hewett Tel. 01362 820354

Shipdham Surgery Dr. Joshua Harrison Tel. 01362 820225 Dr. Scott Turner Dr Dooldeniya Holt

Thomas Bullock CE Primary Academy Interim Head Teacher Chris Read Tel. 01362 820300 Acting Chair of Governors Victoria Parfitt Tel. 01362 820300

Shipdham Community Centre Trust Chairman Bill Fawcett Tel. 01362 820102

Shipdham News Printing & Distribution All Saints Church Tel. 01362 822404 Editor Carolyn Barrett - Bloom Design & Print [email protected] Advertising James Shelley Tel. 07854 402025 2 THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH

As I write it’s fairly calm after a wild night with Storm Dennis. Last week Storm Ciara caused a flash flood at the Rectory so that the outer hall, downstairs loo and garage were two inches deep in water again. Thank goodness for my quick-thinking husband who managed to stop it coming right through the house!

Of course, that is nothing compared to the problems that many people, especially in South Wales, Shropshire, Yorkshire and the Scottish Borders, have had to cope with. Our farmers, too, are really beginning to struggle with the extreme rainfall over the last few months. It is mostly impossible for them to prepare the ground for the crops which should be growing by now. Our prayers go with all affected by heavy rain and flooding as they try to cope in very difficult circumstances.

In the church year we enter the season of Lent this month, as we, with Jesus, turn our faces towards the Passion and the Cross to come. Lent is a traditional time for fasting or abstinence; it is a time that many Christians observe by giving something up. But what should we give up? Chocolate? Alcohol? Social media? TV? Perhaps. Yet somehow I feel that, although self-discipline is admirable, the lack of chocolate in itself won’t help anyone except, perhaps, our waistlines.

I like St Paul’s idea more: “‘ Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” Ephesians 4:31. Imagine, if we fasted from anger. From bitterness. From thinking and speaking badly about others. Imagine if we fasted from holding grudges. From hurtful words or actions. Imagine if, instead of these things, we followed this idea from Paul to the Ephesians: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32.

Here’s another thought: what if Lent could be about more than just giving stuff up? What if it could be a time of radical generosity as well as a spiritual discipline? How about signing up to a movement called 40acts? 40acts is a daily generosity challenge which challenges you to give back, do good and live generously this Lent. I love getting the daily message in my inbox, challenging me to do something positive each day. Why not give it a try?

However you decide to keep Lent, may your thoughts, actions and prayers be blessed.


From the Parish Registers

Baptism We welcome into God’s family: 23rd February Daisy May Rudd born 28/10/2019

Funerals We commend to God’s care: 29th January Mr Jim Rudling (All Saints) 18th February Mr Henry Dodd (Breckland Crematorium)

All Saints’ Tower Floodlighting All Saints Tower Floodlighting is sponsored in March by Sally in loving memory of her husband, Brian Watters. If you would like to sponsor the tower floodlighting at All Saints’ Church for a particular month to commemorate a special person or event, please contact Theresa Hewett on [email protected] or by telephone to 01362 820354. Alternatively fill in a slip in the church and leave it in the donations box with your donation. Sponsorship is £30 per calendar month.

Book of Remembrance The Book of Remembrance is open every day. If you would like to have an entry in the Book in memory of a loved one please contact Theresa Hewett on 01362 820354 or by email to [email protected] or fill in a slip in the church and leave it with your donation of £5 in the donations box in the church.

Nearly New Sale Save the Date: Saturday 18th April 2020. Nearly New Sale at All Saints Church, Shipdham We would be delighted to receive donated nearly new items in the week leading up to the Sale at the church.

The Drynkkings 2020 NB Change of Date: Saturday 2nd May Due to the change in the Bank Holiday this year we have had to move the day and date of the Church Drynkkings. We will be delighted as always to have help with organising the event. If you would like a stall please contact Theresa on 820354 or by email to [email protected] 4 CHURCH NOTICES

ANYONE FOR A CURRY? Shipdham Playgroup Friday 27th March - 7pm All Saints Church, Shipdham All Saints Church Every Tuesday in term time March dates: 3rd,10th, 17th, 24th, 31st.

£10/person BOOKING ESSENTIAL For pre-school children, parents and e: [email protected] carers - £1/family 01362 822404 FUNDRAISING CURRY Refreshments, crafts, quality toys, NIGHT qualified supervisor to support Christian education, Children must be the responsibility complex and sensitive of their carers medical work and accessible administration in Dogura, Papua New Guinea by buying a vehicle. New at All Saints! Saturday 21st EASTER LILIES March Once again David 10am-12pm Lister and his team In aid of: of flower arrangers will be decorating the church at Easter with lilies in memory of our loved ones. Please make a donation of £2.50 Drop in for cakes, bring & buy, per lily and give donations and chat - ALL WELCOME! names to Revd Gill or Revd Doreen 18th April with Nearly New Sale as soon as possible. then 16th May


1st March 8.00am Holy Communion BCP St Andrew’s 9.30am Café Church CW All Saints 8th March 9.30am Café Church Bradenham Village Hall 11.15am Parish Communion CW All Saints 15th March 9.30am Choral Matins BCP St Andrew’s 11.15am Morning Praise CW All Saints 22nd March MOTHERING SUNDAY 9.30am Holy Communion BCP St Andrew 11.15am Family Service for Mothering Sunday CW All Saints’ 29th March 6.00pm Choral Evensong BCP St Andrew’s 11.15am Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer BCP All Saints Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Communion CW All Saints

CW = Common Worship, BCP = Book of Common Prayer Café Saints Community Choir meets in St Thomas’ Chapel, Coffee Morning All Saints’ Church on alternate Tuesdays, 7.30pm. Phone Ray Arnold 01953 886751. New members All Saints Church welcome. Thursday 5th March Bellringing 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thursdays 7.30-9pm - 10.00 - 11.30am beginners welcome All welcome

We will be praying in March for all those who live in: Shipdham: Fen Folgate, Mill Close, Cushing Close, Old Post Office Road, Watton Road, Little Hale Road, High Street. Bradenham: Church Lane, West End, Haggard Road. If you have any specific needs or people that you would like us to pray for, please contact: Revd Gill Wells or Revd Doreen Fotherby


The garden provides an invaluable service to the community as a local place where the ashes of loved ones can be interred. The garden is open 24 hours a day on every day of the year. The garden is well-used and visitors come to place flowers, or spend some quiet time remembering loved ones in the green and peaceful space. The Remembrance Garden is maintained solely by volunteers, who do an excellent job weeding the beds and keeping the hedges trimmed, removing dead floral tributes and keeping the garden looking neat and tidy. Please help us to keep the garden tidy.

• Please do not pierce or damage the covering membrane underneath the stones of the memorial garden area.

• Only fresh or silk flowers are allowed in the garden, no plastic flowers or additional pots, plaques or hanging tributes.

• Extra vases, ornaments, solar lights etc. are not allowed and if you choose to leave them please be aware that these may be removed without notice at any time.

• Any items found to be broken, decayed or not in keeping with the surroundings of the Garden of Remembrance will be removed.

• All Saints Church cannot accept liability for any damage or theft of additional items which are left. All items are left at your own risk.

• Christmas wreaths and tributes must be removed by the end of the following January. We hope that the garden is a place of peace, of stillness and of beauty, and a fitting place to remember loved ones. For any additional information or comments/suggestions you might like to make please contact: Ray Arnold (Churchwarden) 01953 886751, or The Rev’d Gill Wells 01362 822404 or [email protected]

Shipdham Community Hub has marquees, gazebos, tables, chairs and portaloos for hire. Reasonable charge to hire

marquees will be erected. All Foritems further can be information delivered andor to collected hire please when contact you haveRay on finished 01362 with820065 them,

7 Lent 2020 pray, listen to music, discuss, study the bible

Tuesday Afternoons in Dereham ‘Sing for Lent’ Led by Gordon Barker (tel. 850538) at Church House Dereham - 3rd, 10th & 17th March starting at 2.15pm to 3.15pm approx and ending with refreshments. New material as well as familiar music will be introduced at each meeting. This is not designed for ‘clever stuff’. All the music is congregational style. Thursday Evenings in Shipdham From Now On: A Lent Course on Hope and Redemption in ‘The Greatest Showman’ Led by Rev’d Gill Wells (822404) and Rev’d Doreen Fotherby (821481) and hosted at Shipdham Rectory. 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March & 2nd April at 7.30pm. Prior to the course, there will be a showing of the complete film at Shipdham Rectory on Sunday March 1st at 3pm. Taking the film ‘The Greatest Showman’ as a starting point, the course explores ways in which themes of faith, hope and redemption run through all our lives. Thursday Afternoons in Dereham Opening the Scriptures: Setting our hearts on fire. Led by the Revd. James Rosie (637311) and hosted at Church House, Dereham. 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March & 2nd April 2-3pm. What biblical text sets your heart on fire? This phrase is drawn from one of the most evocative and treasured New Testament episodes - the account of a mysterious stranger who meets two people journeying on the road to Emmaus, whose identity is eventually revealed as the three of them break bread together (Luke 24: 13-38). After the realisation dawns that their fellow traveller was none other than Jesus himself, the two disciples say to each other: ‘Were not our hearts burning within us…’ Taking this biblical story as its starting point, the course invites us to ‘open the scriptures’ and read them with both our hearts and our heads.

For full details of any of the groups or events please contact the named leader or host. It is important that you let them know if you plan to attend so they can organise seating, books and catering. 8 SHIPDHAM WIVES

Our speaker on 20th February was Megan Dennis a Curator from Farm and Workhouse Museum of Life. Her subject was Voices from the Workhouse the title of a recent three year project to research the people who passed through and collected objects from Gressenhall and other Workhouses. The main building was opened in 1777 as a House of Industry, hence its appearance as a Georgian country house with the lovely red brick façade. Poor families lived there supported by local parishes and supplied with work. By all accounts this was a relatively caring environment. The change came in 1834 with the Poor Law Amendment Act whereby such institutions became Union Workhouses through amalgamation of institutions of several parishes for the ‘deserving poor’. Families were separated with even children over the age of 7 not allowed to stay with a parent. Gressenhall became The Union Workhouse. Although the regime was harsh and the food poor it was probably better than being what we would call a ‘rough sleeper’ and starving or freezing to death.

Megan showed us photographs of many objects and written details including wooden dolls dressed in hand made clothes from various periods and occupations; boots; examples of ‘menus’; a large hand sewn sampler with historicace events and good spelling and letters pertaining to events and causes. We learnt about open sewers existing until a comparatively late date with a Shipdham clergyman arguing that poor sanitation caused cholera and other diseases, denied by a Workhouse official. One lady was so badly behaved, in the view of the staff at the Workhouse that the guardians were persuaded to donate money to make her go away! Megan told us the names and stories of several Shipdham people some probably with descendants still in the village, judging by surnames.

This was a fascinating and interesting account and if you haven’t visited within the last decade or possibly never it is well worth going and by the sound of it even more interesting and accessible than in the past. The facilities provide something for all ages.

We did give a little time to voting for the venue for our annual meal on 19th March and making individual choices. 9 SHIPDHAM GARDEN & HORTICULTURAL CLUB

Subject for the Talk: Trip to the Falkland Islands - Presented by Geoff Hinchliffe. A trip to the Falkland Islands is a long one, but worthwhile if you wish to see unique wildlife. This includes various Penguins, Seals, Seagulls, Raptors and other ground birds which seem to have little or no fear of people and are quite inquisitive, and would come quite close to ‘ check you out’. Their are several Seal colonies spread across the islands but you have be careful and keep your distance when viewing or photographing them, as they can move quickly, especially as the elephant Bull seals can weigh several tons!!. There was also a Falkland wolf or fox called a Warrah but unfortunately became extinct around 1876 as it was friendly and went the same way as the Dodo in Mauritius. Travelling between the islands can be done by boat, but the most efficient way is by small 6 seater planes which have to be booked in advance. While travelling around Geoff stayed at local farms which brings in valuable income. One way in which the local people make extra income is by knitting woollen squares, which are all signed, sewn together and made into jumpers.

History of the Falkland Islands. They are a remote south archipelago with rugged terrain and cliff coasts, hundreds of islands and islets, home to sheep farms and abundant birdlife. The capital Stanley, sits on the East Falkland the largest island. The Islands are self sufficient and average a gross domestic product of 100m.

Bloom of the Month was won by Sylvia Tuck with an Iris Neglecta bloom. Unusual Bloom of the Month was won by Paul Blanchette, with a Garrya Elliptical bloom. Upcoming Events 5th Mar Garden Swap Shop - bring your unwanted garden items or spare plants to swap 2nd Apr “Fuchsias” All you need to know about how to grow them. Illustrated talk by Frank Lambert 2nd May Club stall at the Drynkkings Fair on the village green 4th Jun “The Plantation Garden” An illustrated talk on its history and restoration by Ruth Liss 16th Jun Group outing to The Place for Plants, East Bergholt including a guided tour of the gardens followed by visit to Beth Chatto’s garden. 10 4th Jul Summer Social 18th Jul Summer Show 3rd Sep “Roses, Trees and Shrubs for all year colour”. Talk by Bill LeGrice 1st Oct AGM 5th Nov Gardener’s Question Time - put your questions, serious or light-hearted, to the panel. This is a combined event with Bradenham Horticultural Society 3rd Dec Festive Quiz and nibbles Gardening for February 1. Pruning time for Clematis, Wisteria, Winter Jasmine, Hydrangea, Buddleia, Cronus, Mahonia, Evergreen shrubs, Climbing and Bush roses. 2. Sow early seed under glass with extra heat and light. 3. Plant summer flowering bulbs. 4. Cut back Sedum. 5. Sow Sweet Peas. 6. Chit Potatoes.


The book discussed on 19th February was Fatherland by Robert Harris. It is set twenty years after Nazi Germany’s triumphant victory in World War II and the entire country is preparing for the grand celebration of the Führer’s seventy-fifth birthday, as well as the imminent peacemaking visit from President Kennedy. Meanwhile, Berlin Detective Xavier March, a disillusioned but talented police officer investigates a corpse washed up on the shore of a lake. When the dead man turns out to be a high-ranking Nazi commander, the Gestapo order March off the case immediately. Suddenly other unrelated deaths are anything but routine.Now obsessed by the case March teams up with a beautiful young American journalist and starts asking dangerous questions. What they uncover is a terrifying and long-concealed conspiracy of such astounding and mind-numbing terror that it is certain to spell the end of the Third Reich if they can live long enough to tell the world about it. Two members disliked the book and gave up after struggling over German military titles etc. and a third had read it before and was bored by it. As often happens when those who disliked it and gave up heard the discussion they wished they’d persevered and wanted to give it another try. Those who enjoyed it found it a good read and an interesting take on what might have been; it was considered to be well written, flowing smoothly despite the German titles; it was gripping to read and a ‘page turner’and well researched ; characters were very well constructed especially March’s unloving son, full of the excitement of the German Youth movement who gave his father away to the authorities and we couldn’t help but think ‘what if?’ and how different our lives might have been. It was certainly a stimulating and thought provoking book. For our 18th March meeting we are reading The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker. 11 The Silver Social Project is an exciting daytime touring arts programme, aimed at older people in rural communities across Breckland. The Project puts on monthly events, alternating between workshops and performances in multiple venues over the . The project, which is run by Breckland Council and funded by Arts Council and Breckland Council, brings something a little different to daily life in towns and villages across Breckland, Norfolk. Whether you want to meet new people over a cuppa, take part in new social pursuits, or you know a neighbour or family member who might like to join a new group, we aim to bring high quality accessible arts in a friendly, familiar space. To find out more visit our website; Phone 01362656870 Email [email protected]


What were the three things that the oldest person who ever lived attributed to her living to a ripe old age? Answers below. We had our wine tasting which was its usual jolly occasion. About 60 people came to taste the 12 wines, eat the home-made buffet, chat to people they did and didn’t know, take part in a table quiz sort of related to wine in a general way like the question above and, as one person said, “Well, I found out things I hadn’t heard before!” There’s room for wine buffs and wine buffoons which is why it seems to work…and has been for the last 12 years! During their visit 21st-24th May, we are taking our French guests to Norwich for a walking guided tour - with French speaking and English guides. We choose a different place of interest each year: the last time we all went to Norwich together was in 1986! We have just heard that 45 French twinners will be coming so we will be close to our usual 100 or so people. Our “soirée” or evening entertainment is at Hall this year with a meal and ceilidh band. These are the ‘big do’s’ that we have together, but at other times twinners are in small groups to go out, eat, go to the pub, have a picnic, go to someone’s house together and so on which is what makes it such a friendly, homespun weekend. It’s often busy and when we have made our farewells early on the Sunday for our guests to make their way back to France, we rush home to flop on our couches. Then, in due course, we do it all again, but in France! Steve Kite, Chairman - [email protected] 12 Our Coffee morning for The British Heart Foundation on Saturday 15th February was the weekend of Storm Dennis. In fact the weather was not as bad as expected and as always you turned out to support the charity with the wonderful work they continue to do. Dawne Hart, Fund Raising Manager for Norfolk BHF, came to join us and couldn’t believe the crowded hall with the whole place buzzing. She thanked everyone personally for their continued support which was much appreciated by the whole gathering. We would like to say Thank You to all who came along on the day; people who couldn’t attend but gave donations; those who made cakes and all who helped on the 15th February. Shipdham Knitters have a very special thank you to Wayne and his son, Teddy, for their donation to the British Heart Foundation of £180 raised by selling the vegetables they grew. This made our total up to a wonderful £620 for the charity.

Meeting dates for March are: Tuesday 3rd, 1:00pm to 3:00pm WI Hall Wednesday 11th, 1:00pm to 3:00pm All Saints Church. For more information please contact Kathy on 820615, Marlene 820327 or Sue H 822536

CHARITY BINGO Bradenham Cricket Club - Village Hall Bingo The cash and prize bingo is Wednesday 11th March at Shipdham WI Hall. Doors open at 6.45pm, eyes down at 7.30pm. Many thanks for the continued support and new faces always welcome to this

monthly event Answer: Wine, olive oil and 3 kilos of chocolate a week! a chocolate of kilos 3 and oil olive Wine, Answer:

13 DeeDee Jackson Jackson First AFidir scto Auirdse cso: urses: TrainingTraining ✓Emergency✓Emergency First Aid First at WorkAid at – Work1 day – 1 day ✓First Aid✓First at WorkAid at – Work3 days – 3 days EnquiriesEnquiries and bookings: and bookings: ✓Specialist✓Specialist Paediatric Paediatric 07801 48107801 367 481 367 [email protected] ✓Defibrillator✓Defibrillator training training ✓Basic ✓FirstBasic Aid First Aid CompetitiveCompetitive rates Fullyrates insured Fully insured ✓Annual✓Annual refresher refresher training training

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SHIPDHAM JUDO H. BRETT & SON Monumental Masons - CLUB Craftsmen in Stone

The Judo club takes place Traditional Memorials, on a Monday night Period Fireplaces, Worktops, Vanities, House Names at the Bullock Park Marble, Stone, Slate, Granite Pavilion, 7-9pm Call for our Brochure or Visit our SHOWROOM and For more information WORKSHOPS contact Home Visits can be arranged 75 Norwich Road, Watton, IP25 6DH Bob Hunter Email: [email protected] on 07885 Telephone: 01953 881501 692028 Fax: 01953 882979


GUTTER CLEANING Fully insured n Mobile, carry own water ------n FREE CAMERA SURVEY and electricity supply Packages starting from £15 n Different protections available to keep your car, caravan or CALL FOR A NO OBLIGATION QUOTE. WE ALSO CLEAN, FASCIAS AND CONSERVATORY ROOFS. camper looking great Phone Stuart on 07917 875886 NYE CLEANING (01603)868014 Jill’s Help @ Home Services. Offering a variety of services to suit your needs Paving & Groundworks Services. Years of experience in domestic and care settings Paving & Groundworks l Cleaning l Care work •Landscaping •Landscaping •Driveways •Patios l l •Driveways •Landscaping Pet care Dog walking/sitting •Patio’s•Paths •Fencing•Driveways •Drainage l Shopping l Hoovering and Ironing •Patio’s •Paths •Foundations •Groundwork•Paths l Fully Insured •Fencing•Mini Digger & Driver•Fencing •Drainage •Drainage Tel: 07951 365025 •Foundations •Foundations Email: [email protected] •GroundworkCall: 07747443460•Groundwork •Mini Digger & Driver •Mini Digger & Driver Call: 07747443460 Call: 07747443460

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February brought some surprisingly sunny weather and suddenly it was starting to feel like Spring. Wise gardeners know not to be lulled into false security - and this was confirmed as hail, snow cascaded down between storm force winds. Our Beetle Drive with Bangers`n`Mash on the 16th January was a great evening. Fast and furious dice shaking saw Katy Hillier the winner and we had more delicious mash than you could shake a potato peeler at. Our Mini-Show Winners for the best pot plant were Pauline Rant (1st), Ava Malt (2nd) and Pam Walker (3rd). We had more than 40 attending, so a big thank you to all who made the meeting such a success! On Thursday 19th March 7:30pm we will welcome the return of Dr Ian Bedford, this time talking on All You Might Ever Need to Know about Slugs! (and possibly were afraid to ask?). We hope that he will provide some suggestions in controlling these gardens pests without the use of slug pellets, which can have such a devastating impact on other garden creatures. Our mini show will be for one stem of blossom. This is also an opportunity to pick up a copy of the schedule for the Spring Show. Entries are open to all. Our Saturday April 4th Spring Show will have categories for a huge variety of flowers, produce, cookery, photographic art and crafts. Membership is just £12.00 for the year. Non members can pay £2.00 to attend meetings, while members of other garden and horticultural societies pay just £1.00 (showing proof of membership). A warm welcome awaits! All meetings are at Bradenham Village Hall. Look out for our updates on Facebook at Bradenham Community Hub Contact Barbara Steward [email protected] or Laurene Henderson 07942 820590 [email protected]

Coach to Norwich The Wednesday coach to Norwich leaves the King’s Café at 9.10am and picks up at The Green at 9.15am. It leaves Norwich at 1.05pm, arriving back in Shipdham at approx 2.15pm.


The Vicar came to visit the other day. He said that at my advanced age I should be thinking of the hereafter. I told him, “Oh, I do it all the time.” “No matter where I am - in the living room, upstairs, in the kitchen, or down in the basement, I am always asking myself: ‘Now, what am I here after?’”

Ten Reasons Eve Was Created 10 God was worried that Adam would frequently become lost in the garden because he would not ask for directions. 9. God knew that one day Adam would require someone to locate and hand him the remote. 8. God knew Adam would never go out and buy himself a new fig leaf when his wore out and would therefore need Eve to buy one for him. 7. God knew Adam would never be able to make a doctor’s, dentist, or haircut appointment for himself. 6. God knew Adam would never remember which night to put the wheelie bin out. 5. God knew if the world was to be populated, men would never be able to handle the pain and discomfort of childbearing. 4. As the Keeper of the Garden, Adam would never remember where he left his tools. 3. Apparently, Adam needed someone to blame his troubles on when God caught him hiding in the garden. 2. As the Bible says, It is not good for man to be alone! 1. When God finished the creation of Adam, He stepped back, scratched his head, and said, “I can do better than that.”

The Vicar’s wife walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter. “What are you doing?” She asked. “Hunting flies” He responded. “Oh. Killing any?” She asked. “Yep, 3 males, 2 females,” he replied. Intrigued, she asked. “How can you tell them apart?” He responded, “3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone.”

Shipdham WI Hall Have you got an event coming up, a birthday, christening, fundraising event then why not book the WI Hall? The booking charge is £5 per hour including heating and lighting. For further information or to book call Marlene on 01362 820327.


DAY CLUB/EVENT VENUE TIME CONTACT Monday Weekly Shipdham Art Group WI Hall 10:00am Judo Club Bullock Park 7:00pm 5-16yrs 8:00pm 16yrs+ Bob Hunter 01362 695910 3rd Monday of each month Shipdham Branch Royal British Legion The Golden Dog 8:00pm Tuesday Weekly Whist Drive WI Hall 7:30pm East Coast Premier Marshal Arts Bullock Park 6:00-8.30pm [email protected]

1st Tuesday of each month Shipdham Knitters WI Hall 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 Wednesday Weekly Zumba Bullock Park 8:00pm Jeanette Chant 07909 735356 3rd Wednesday of each month Shipdham & District Book Group 2:00pm Coach to Norwich King’s Café 9:10am Line Dancing WI Hall 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Shipdham Knitters Shipdham Church 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 1st Shipdham Brownies WI Hall 5:30pm - 7:00pm 1st Shipdham Guides WI Hall 7:15pm - 9:00pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Bingo WI Hall 7:30pm Thursday Weekly 1st Shipdham (Thomas Bullock) Scout Group Bullock Park Beavers 5:00-6.15pm 6-8yrs Cubs and Scouts 6.30-8:00pm 8-14yrs 07434 901082 [email protected] 1st Thursday of each month Shipdham Garden Club & Horticultural Society WI Hall 7:30pm 07885 113860 1st Thursday of each month Cafe Saints All Saints Church 9.30am - 11.30am 3rd Thursday of each month Shipdham Wives Group WI Hall 7:30pm Audrey Griffiths 01362 821448 4th Thursday of each month Dereham Flower Club Toftwood Village Hall 7:30pm (Feb, Mar, May-Oct) 01362 638320 Last Thursday of each month Shipdham Fuchsia Society Paul Lambert 01362 695820 Art Classes WI Hall 10:00am - 1.00pm Jim 01603 457055 Friday Weekly Yoga Bullock Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm Laura Dunn 07724199385 East Coast Premier Marshal Arts Bullock Park 6:00-8.30pm [email protected] Last Friday of Month Charity Quiz WI Hall 7:30pm Gillian de Cruz 077202 88116 18 DIARY OF REGULAR EVENTS

DAY CLUB/EVENT VENUE TIME CONTACT Monday Weekly Shipdham Art Group WI Hall 10:00am Judo Club Bullock Park 7:00pm 5-16yrs 8:00pm 16yrs+ Bob Hunter 01362 695910 3rd Monday of each month Shipdham Branch Royal British Legion The Golden Dog 8:00pm Tuesday Weekly Whist Drive WI Hall 7:30pm East Coast Premier Marshal Arts Bullock Park 6:00-8.30pm [email protected]

1st Tuesday of each month Shipdham Knitters WI Hall 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 Wednesday Weekly Zumba Bullock Park 8:00pm Jeanette Chant 07909 735356 3rd Wednesday of each month Shipdham & District Book Group 2:00pm Coach to Norwich King’s Café 9:10am Line Dancing WI Hall 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Shipdham Knitters Shipdham Church 1.00pm - 3.00pm Kathy Newton 01362 820615 1st Shipdham Brownies WI Hall 5:30pm - 7:00pm 1st Shipdham Guides WI Hall 7:15pm - 9:00pm 2nd Wednesday of each month Bingo WI Hall 7:30pm Thursday Weekly 1st Shipdham (Thomas Bullock) Scout Group Bullock Park Beavers 5:00-6.15pm 6-8yrs Cubs and Scouts 6.30-8:00pm 8-14yrs 07434 901082 [email protected] 1st Thursday of each month Shipdham Garden Club & Horticultural Society WI Hall 7:30pm 07885 113860 1st Thursday of each month Cafe Saints All Saints Church 9.30am - 11.30am 3rd Thursday of each month Shipdham Wives Group WI Hall 7:30pm Audrey Griffiths 01362 821448 4th Thursday of each month Dereham Flower Club Toftwood Village Hall 7:30pm (Feb, Mar, May-Oct) 01362 638320 Last Thursday of each month Shipdham Fuchsia Society Paul Lambert 01362 695820 Art Classes WI Hall 10:00am - 1.00pm Jim 01603 457055 Friday Weekly Yoga Bullock Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm Laura Dunn 07724199385 East Coast Premier Marshal Arts Bullock Park 6:00-8.30pm [email protected] Last Friday of Month Charity Quiz WI Hall 7:30pm Gillian de Cruz 077202 88116 19 ANDY’S CARS CAR BODY REPAIR SPECIALISTS

l Quality Accident Repairs Peter Rudling Travel Specialists in Airport Transfers, l Full/Part Resprays l Colour Coding Train Stations & Seaports l Welding l Bodykits and Styling 24 Hour Service (Pre-Booked) l Panel Beating l Personal Service Mercedes Cars l Free Estimates Wedding Car Service Contact us on: 01362 821140 CALL (01362) 822177 07776040004 / 07545560565 Unit 2, The Old Foundry, Market Street, Shipdham


David A Cutting Building Surveyors Ltd Breckland Business Centre : St Withburga Lane: Dereham CHARTERED SURVEYORS & ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTANTS Tel: 01362 821000 or visit us at: l Full Architectural & Surveying Services for all l Quantity Surveying and Estimating Building Work l Homebuyers Surveys l Detailed Plans, Specifications and Schedules l Structural Surveys and l Tender Documents and Contract Administration Defect Analysis Reports CONTACT US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE OR BUILD W.C. LITTLEPROUD & SON Family Funeral Directors “Our family taking Serving Mid-Norfolk care of your family” u Owned by the Littleproud family for over 75 years u Pre-Paid & Pre-arrangement funeral plans available u Horse-drawn & Green Funerals Tel: 01362 695458 or 01760 440269 Hale Road, Bradenham, IP25 7RA

20 SHIPDHAM POST OFFICE & CONVENIENCE STORES A friendly, family business run by Lax & Raj Purewal (opp. Village Green) Telephone: Dereham (01362) 820285 SHIPDHAM’S LARGEST ONE STOP SHOP OPEN 7 DAYS We are always happy to take requests for specific requirements NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES New Special Deals & Multi-Buys now available Delicatessen, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Fresh Flowers & Plants (in season), Flowers by post, Fresh Bread from Hingham Bakery, Pastries/Sandwiches, Bunnings local fish, Cromer Crabs (in season), Ices, Wide range of Convenience Foods, Pet Foods, Stationery, Gifts & Toys, Fax Service, Bottle Gas, Mobile top-up, Photocopier, Tobacco & Off-Licence. Large variety of Cards - views of Shipdham by Liz Mace NATIONAL LOTTERY & HEALTH LOTTERY NOW AVAILABLE Cash Machine. Groceries delivered by arrangement In the Post Office we offer: Personal Banking - selected Banks (no charge by Post Office), Motor Tax, Insurance, Foreign Currency, Euros in stock, Loans, Phones and more. Shop: Mon - Fri 6:00am - 7pm, Sat 6:30am - 7pm, Sun 8am - 4pm Post Office: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm, Sat 9:00am - 12:30pm M.O.T’S Book your MOT online at Or Call 01362 820416 Cars, 4 X 4’s, pick-ups, vans, campers, motorcycles, three wheelers, trikes, horse-boxes and mini buses/PSV’s We can MOT everything MOT’s start from £29.00 to £35.00 We also offer a very well equipped workshop for all your motoring needs IVAN CHUBBOCK GARAGE SERVICES LTD SHIPDHAM We’re 60 years old

21 Rowland George Thacker, a local Norfolk lad in Yorkshire: I am currently researching the names on the various War Memorials in my village: Shelf in Halifax, West Yorkshire. One of the names is Rowland George Thacker who appears on the World War Two memorial at St. Michael’s Parish Church in Shelf. I found that there were no such casualties in either of the World Wars and I was very surprised to discover that he died in 1956 in Libya. So who was he and why is he commemorated on a War Memorial in my village? Rowland George Thacker was born in the Mitford area of Norfolk on the 5th April 1931. His parents were George (1899-1961) and Gertrude Selina (1905-1990) Thacker (née Goodrich) who were married in 1930. He was their eldest son and had two younger siblings, Hazel M. (1934-1935) and Tom (1938-1959). In 1939 the family were living at Mill Road in Mitford and Launditor, Norfolk. He served with the Royal Air Force and was based at RAF Akrotiri, a large Royal Air Force base in Cyprus. He died on the 30th May 1956 in an accident at R.A.F. Idris near Tripoli in Libya, perhaps during a test flight or training exercise. He was the pilot of aircraft Venom FB4 WR411 which stalled on take off from R.A.F. Idris. The aircraft wing tip hit the ground, cartwheeled, caught fire and burnt out. He is buried at the British Military Cemetery in Tripoli, Libya. So why is this Norfolk lad commemorated in a Parish Church in West Yorkshire? I was able to find that probate of £733 11s 7d was granted to his parents in October 1956. The probate record indicates that he was living at Brown Horse Cottage, Northowram. Whilst the address is ‘Northowram’ it would actually have been within the village of Shelf. To complicate matters the address was within the neighbouring parish of Coley! No one I have spoken to seems to remember him, although I have been told that there was a caravan behind the Brown Horse Inn - which I am told had a letterbox with the name ‘Thacker’ on it. I believe that the World War Two memorial was put up in the 1990s but nobody remembers when and the local British Legion group was disbanded around that time. I found that his brother Tom Thacker died on the 20th October 1959 aged 21 years at 40 Windmill Street in Peterborough and is buried at Shipdham in Norfolk. A photograph of his grave online shows that someone had left flowers on the grave. I am hoping that he may have relatives or friends in the Shipdham area and I would be very grateful if anyone who knew him or has information about him could get in touch or write in to the Shipdham News. It would be wonderful to find a photograph of him or answer some of the questions I have about him. Ben Stables - 22 The deadline for receiving contributions for the Magazine is the 18th of each month. We are delighted to receive articles from Shipdham organisations and groups which help keep residents in touch. Please be aware of GDPR regulations and keep your report to either half a page (approx 275 words) or a full page (approx 525 words). Please send your articles to: [email protected] *Note: Dec/Jan and Jul/Aug are double issues. Thank you to all of our regular contributors.

Advertising in Shipdham News 1/8 page £100 Household cleaning & Ironing 1/4 page £150 One-off cleans or regular visits Holiday-let cleans - Holiday pet care 1/2 page £200 Office Admin Full page £350 Contact me if you need a hand For 12 months - 10 copies Mobile: 07745923454 Email: [email protected] Please contact: [email protected]

Shipdham Judo club are looking for Senior Members aged 16+ It doesn’t matter about your age or ability, if you want to get fit, meet new people or have fun, we will take you on. We have two sessions on a Monday night at Bullock Park Pavillion: children over 5yrs, 7pm-8pm and an adult 16+ session, 8pm-9pm For more information contact Bob Hunter on 07885 692028 or visit


After our Christmas break, the January quiz was very well attended, with a new team to add to our regulars. Our chosen charity was The Marie Curie Nurses and the amount raised was £291; included in the final total was a very generous donation given by Vi Webb.. If any of you have a charity or a local cause you would like us to raise money for, please come along to our quizzes with your team of no more than 6 people. We desperately need more teams to make our quiz sessions viable and need more support as we have lost a couple of teams recently due to ill health. The February Quiz will be held to raise money for Shipdham Church, so rather than the church hold their own quiz which would clash with ours, we will be holding it at the WI Hall as usual on Friday 28th Feb at 7:30pm so bring your own drinks and nibbles, but a complimentary tea or coffee will be available at the break. Please come along and support us for a fun evening. We meet on the last Friday of each month at The WI Hall Shipdham. To book a table , please contact Heather Crowdy on 01362 820078

Mobile Library Timetables The places visited and times are as follows: Village Arrival Departure Stop Name SCARNING 10:25 10:40 MAYFAIR BRADENHAM 10:55 11:10 MILL HILL BRADENHAM 11:15 11:30 CHURCH ROAD BRADENHAM 11:35 11:50 NELSON CLOSE BRADENHAM 11:55 12:10 SOUTHEND SHIPDHAM 12:25 12:40 EASTGATE SHIPDHAM 14:35 14:50 BLACKMOOR ROW SHIPDHAM 15:00 15:20 RICHARD HAGGARD CLOSE SHIPDHAM 15:40 14:10 PARK ESTATE SHIPDHAM 16:15 17:00 OLD SCHOOL Date of Visits 19-Nov, 17-Dec, 14-Jan-20, 11-Feb-20, 10-Mar-20, 7-Apr-20


HENRY DODD Our dear Dad died aged 96 in early February and we would like to thank all those who sent us messages and cards expressing sympathy. They were all very much appreciated and helped us through a difficult time. We would also like to sincerely thank the Reverend Doreen Fotherby for her warmth, understanding and sensitivity and the lovely service she gave for Dad at Crematorium. Such kindnesses give great comfort at such a sad time. Janice Knights, Beanie Brown and Roger Dodd.

I wish to express a massive THANK YOU on behalf of THE SALVATION ARMY. On Saturday 19 th of November we held a coffee morning in Shipdham W.I Hall to raise funds to assist with our Social work. The amount raised was £376.00, which is amazing! A very special thanks to Kathy Newton, Sue Dewing, Marlene Secker, Jean Greer, Susan Hart and Revd Gill Wells, who assisted so much to make this event successful, also to all the people that attended what a wonderful community we have in Shipdham God bless you all. Babs Miell

If you would like to send us an announcement, then please contact the Editor at: [email protected]

Dance Saturday 7th March - 8.30pm to midnight Shipdham WI Hall. The group is Tobacco Road who play music from the 50s through to present day. £6.00 entry. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. There will be a raffle held during the evening. Further information please contact Sue on 01362 821240.

25 Jimmy Burt Plastering Services

No job too big or too small Friendly reliable service Over 35 years in trade Call Jimmy Burt 07833 965606 or 01953 713855


26 Adrian Grauwiler Egan GOsC Registered Osteopath Practising at: Willow Farm, Electrical Dereham Road, . Domestic Electrical Contractor Weekend & evening appointments available. Lighting * Sockets Spinal Pain Sciatica New Build Rewiring Headaches Muscle Strains * Ligament Sprains Sports Injuries No job too small Chronic Conditions Part ‘P’ Registered Problems relating to Pregnancy Babies to the Elderly treated Approved Contractor Animals also treated For more information, Or to book an appointment, contact [email protected] Caroline De Wilde BSc (Hons) Ost. Tel: 01362 858530 Mobile: 07915 062964

Shipdham Manor Private Residential and Retirement Home

Proprietors: Healthcare Homes Manager: Kayleigh Emsley CHAPEL STREET, SHIPDHAM , NORFOLK IP25 7LB Telephone: Dereham (01362) 820939

27 NOW OPEN Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 3.30pm Closed Monday Coffees, Teas & Hot Chocolate Variety of Homemade Cakes & Cream Teas from £5 a head King’s Cafe All Day Breakfast/Daily Specials Cooked Lunches & Sandwiches 2 Dereham Road, Vegetarian options available Shipdham M.O.T’S Beer garden & children’s play area Book your MOT online at 7NA **Parties & Wakes available Or Call 01362 820416 with pre-booking** Cars, 4 X 4’s, pick-ups, vans, campers, motorcycles, Tel: 01362 820030 three wheelers, trikes, horse-boxes and mini buses/PSV’s Call: 01362 820030 to book We can MOT everything MOT’s start from £29.00Hair by to £35.00 We also offer a very well equippedJeanette workshop for all your motoring needs Market Street, Shipdham l Established Unisex Salon IVAN CHUBBOCK GARAGEl Member of NationalSERVICES Hairdressers Federation Do you find l Fully qualified and experienced staff yourself lost SHIPDHAMl Offering a full range of Hair Treatments at in paperwork? We’re 60 years old very competitive prices LET US help YOU Telephone: (01362) 820042 l Bookkeeping & Accounts We offer every l Company & Business Start-ups Qualified Foot Health Professional business and individual client, l Payroll - Workplace Pensions & CIS returns clear, trusted and Helen Malcolmson (MCFHP, MAFHP) l Credit Control l VAT Returns valuable support Convenient Foot Care Treatment l Peter Rudling Travel with their financial Final Accounts - Sole Traders, Partnerships u Ingrown toenails records to help & Limited Companies Specialists in Airport Transfers, them focus on the l u Self-Assessment Tax Returns Train Stations & Seaports Fungal nail treatment important task l Administration 24 Hour Service (Pre-Booked) u Corn & callus removal of making their business profitable. l Bookkeeping Software Advice Mercedes Cars u Bunion care Wedding Car Service u Offices in: General footcare Dereham 01362 691275 Contact us on: 01362 821140 Fakenham Telephone: 01362 692892 01328 851440 accounting 07776040004 / 07545560565 E: [email protected] SCS solutions MOBILE: 07796 617938 helping you manage your business

28 Kitchen Fitter Work Tops / Sink Changes Twenty years experience 01362 861356 - MICK WEIGHT Email: [email protected] Jacksons Car Sales Market Street, Shipdham

MOT’S Bikes £24.95 Air Conditioning Car & Class 7 Re-gas & service from £39.95 £39.95

Cam Belts supplied & fitted from £79.95 Servicing from £49.95 Brake-pads supplied & fitted from £29.95 Tyres supplied & fitted from £24.95

On board computer diagnostic and health check from £19.95 Four wheel laser alignment from £19.95 Call today for a quote: 01362 820700

Full range of Family, Sports & Prestige used cars

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With an extensive range of second hand cars featuring all makes and models. Get the best prices and widest choice on quality used cars, contact us today!

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Well the season is fast approaching and our green is looking exceptional We are a small friendly club and welcome new comers of all ages and abilities to the sport. If anyone is interested in trying the sport please feel free to give me a ring and I will contact you and arrange a suitable time for you to have a no obligation roll upon a one to one basis. We also have an annual dinner and occasional BBQs. We play in 3 evening leagues and between May and September members are able to turn up and practice anytime. Some members just do that rather than play competitive bowls. Alternatively come along and meet us at our opening drive on Saturday 18th April at 1.30pm. The bowls green is located in Pound Green Lane. Entrance is via the school gates and the access to the green is located in the left hand corner of the car park . Regards Rod Blackwell, Chairman - 01362 820772


The dates for this year’s festival are 4th 5th and 6th December The theme is “Save our Planet” - based on the climate emergency, please use your imagination in creating a tree which demonstrates any aspect of climate change, or the environment. Ideas might include “reduce, re-use or recycle”, “no single plastic” or “carbon reduction”. We are sure you can come up with a multitude of creative trees whilst raising money for your charity. Full details will be sent out during the year to all those on our data base, so if you would like to join this, please email [email protected] or [email protected] We do need more help in organising this event, whether it is seeking sponsors, collecting tombola prizes, helping set up, stewarding during the three days or clearing up, every offer is warmly welcomed. Again please contact us as above. And finally, the grand total raised for Church funds in 2019 was over £2000 (plus over £600 for the individual charities). This was due to the enormous hard work by the team in Café Saints, those running the tombola and our sponsors. A huge thank you to everyone. Lynda Turner, Lesley and Richard Waterhouse and the Festival Committee 30 PANWORTH HALL FARM COTTAGES We have cottages for rent in Ashill for long or short lets s Open Fire, Central Heating s Sleeps 4/5 s Own Gardens and Parking s Pets Welcome For price and availability telephone: Ralli Properties on: 01760 440852

PONDER’S JOE SISTO GARAGE TV, Video, DVD and Satellite Sales, Set-up & Repairs l Free Estimates l 30 Years Experience MOT TESTING PETROL, DIESEL & CATALYSTS l All Makes & Models l Work Guaranteed SERVICING & REPAIRS l Qualified Engineer l Discount for OAP’s CAR ALARMS & IMMOBILISERS l Sales, Repairs, Installations & Tuning Services MOBILE PHONE HANDS-FREE KITS FITTED Telephone: 01760 722168 CHAPEL STREET, SHIPDHAM Mobile: 07785 746682 Tel: 01362 820238 Fax: 01362 822582 White Cottage, School Road, (opp. Rectory)

Experienced Carer/Personal Assistant from your local area Be independent at home. Fully insured. 30 years experience. References available. All aspects of care undertaken.

Also experienced in helping and supporting the terminally ill, which includes Cancer care

Qualified to resuscitate. Private, Non-Agency, One to one care. Trustworthy and reliable. Dementia & Alzheimers experienced. Call Gilly - 01362 820083 Mobile: 07827 620208

31 MONEY MATTERS Money - DOES MATTER!! From childhood pocket money through to death and beyond! We all need it to live, we all strive to earn it, but how much do we understand it? It appears to be so hard to EARN but so easy to SPEND!! We pay income tax, we pay VAT, we pay National Insurance contributions, most of us have to pay dental charges along with medical prescription charges and we should also be paying pension contributions for our retirement! HOW do we pay for holidays, HOW do we pay for those special events and HOW do we SAVE and WHERE are the best places to help make that money grow? During the course of this year, I hopefully will be able to shed some light on financial matters that always seem to be confusing. How do I prioritise financial matters that are my decisions to make? In a previous life, in the 1980/90’s, I was an Independent Financial Adviser, with my own business, a partner and an office with staff. I am no longer licenced to impart specific advice but the basics and the do’s and don’ts remain the same in most cases! I will NOT be talking about mortgages because that field has changed so much and I am no longer familiar with what is now ‘normal practice’ and what offers are now available in this specialised field. The monthly ‘utterings’ during this year will be, by nature, generalisations rather than specifics, and will hopefully point you in the right direction(s) in a lot of cases. If you cannot use this information presently, you can file this info away because it will still be pertinent in 5 years time (hopefully)!! The first thing to be aware of is that a lot of information is already online if you know where to look. For those of you who might follow Martin Lewis, his researchers will be using a lot of the same tools but then will be going into deeper specifics. The word INSURANCE applies to something that might happen i.e. a car accident, a home flooding, etc., and ASSURANCE applies to something that WILL happen - death! Most of the current TV ads are therefore grammatically incorrect! Whether you are looking for the best deal for a credit card, savings, ISAs, or lots of other financial matters, I think the best place to start would be: www.moneyfacts. which has headings to set you on your path of discovery. I will come back to this later on….. In this first article I will deal with what most working people want to know about: Will I EVER be able to retire !!!?? I believe that the answer is yes - but YOU HAVE TO make decisions if you want to retire and you must not rely upon the State to provide sufficient Pension for that purpose. The gamble is always “will I live long enough to 32 enjoy a retirement?” As we are all statistically living longer the simple answer is “yes”, but we do not all live a full life span. So, this is the first gamble - how important to you is it being able to provide for your own pension? The gamble is one hell of a better gambIe than playing the lotto, even if it might be less fun! I personally took a 50/50 view, but party because I married a woman quite a bit younger than myself and it became part of my decision making equation. Employees: It is currently law that all employers must provide pension provisions for employees, which will include an employer contribution. It is invaluable not to miss out on this ‘perk’ as it may be thought of, although joining such a scheme is voluntary. The Government currently dictates what percentage of pay you will contribute and what percentage the employer must contribute. If you wish to EVER retire this is the 1st valuable stepping stone towards that goal! There will also be an extra addition if you wish to use it and that is called an AVC (additional voluntary contribution) payment(s). This may be added as a monthly deduction from pay or it may be made as a single additional payment towards the end of each tax year. Your ‘scheme provider’ will confirm what the maximums are! Remember - ALL pension contributions currently attract tax relief up to a maximum level set by the IR. Again, the scheme provider will monitor this for you. ALL of this maximises your potential to be able to retire and also maximises your tax reliefs for pension contributions! You cannot beat an employer’s contribution!! The Self Employed: There is a grey area where the self employed become employees, as dictated by the IR (Inland Revenue). Some categories of taxi drivers and builders, for instance. For those where there is no quibble, a maximum of 15% of your declared NRE (net relevant earnings) may be put into a Personal Pension Policy. For those who own their own company, there will be opportunities with your own company scheme if you set one up. Some professions have earlier retirement ages for the withdrawal of a pension i.e. professional athletes, boxers & deep sea divers. A terminal illness will also qualify you to receive your pension pot early, quite often by way of a complete lump sum! The IR will dictate when that might be the case! Whichever you may be, start your pension contributions as EARLY as you are able to from aged 18. Part time workers are also eligible. Putting in £25pm in your 20’s is the same as putting in £150pm by the time you are 40-ish!!!! More than one pensionable job? Check with your employers and the IR. If you are in your 20’s how much would you spend in the pub in an evening? One evening fewer per MONTH will pay for a pension contribution. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT. Again though, different rules apply if you work for the NHS, Civil Service or Military. So, to put things into perspective - inflation has a part to play over the decades and must be taken into consideration. Consider: I started work in 1962 - when 17 litres of petrol cost 98p! a whisky was 10p and a pint of lager IN A NIGHT CLUB was 12.5p. My week’s pay was £9.50. Inflation is at its lowest since the 1950’s and in the 1970’s inflation was as high as 18/19%, partly due to an oil crisis! Richard Playford - 822154 33 am Not he Shipipddhham Notiiccee Board TThe Sh Board

Welcome to the Shipdham Parish Council Notice Board. WelcomeContact Paul to theHewett, Shipdham James Shelley Parish or CouncilSimon Smith Notice for furtherBoard. Contactinformation Paul Hewett, on anythingJames Shelley on these or Simon pages. Smith for further information on anything on these pages.

The nextFly tipping? Shipdham Pot-holes? Village ParishAre you Council interested meetings in the are at Dead deer on the Green? thewellbeing WI Hall, and on the the development 2nd Monday of ForumAnti-social will take behaviour? place on of Shipdham? Friday 20 March from each month. 15 minutes in each Excessive noise? meetingIt is easy areto have for yourand express questions. 7.30pm Abandonedat the Golden cars? Dog. Comea view. alongHow about and volunteeringhave your say! If you areDog unable mess? to Litter attend on pleasethe and helping to deliver that view? pass onfootpaths? comments/observa Somethingtions Shipdham, and the community of Please take pride in Shipdham to Lynda Turnercausing or offence?Paul Hewett. Shipdham, with its committees, Keep your dog under close clubs, spaces, and societies, Last time’s theme was mainly supervision and on a lead on any REPORT IT! is run by volunteers keen to around Highways issues. For of the streets and roads in our Use the ‘Report it’ buttons improve the lives of villagers, the March the theme is enhancing village. Please also take your on the BDC and NCC local community, and the local and improving the environment dog’s poo home with you or put it websites! environment. If you want to see of Shipdham: what can we do to on one of the many bins the village change, please be the make ShipdhamThen, please, a be iftt eryou place can, for in the village. our communitypick up the and rubbish our you are change.Wherever If you wantyou thewalk PC, them PCC – residents?complaining about and put it Pleaseor other clean to do something up after on your your dog! Pleasein note:the bin. This Yes, is not it’s a meeunfair,ting but of behalf, come along to a PC or PCC the Parishit makes Council. the villageit is an informalbetter for meetingDo you with yourhave views a and hedge? a plan opportunity to everyone.share ideas and views for action. to help make Shipdham a better Please remember to cut it back place for all. And to support a local if it overhangs a footpath. If you are fortunate to have a ditch Parish Council meetings are at business at the same time! the , usually on the running outside of your house, WI HallThank you 2nd Monday of each month. please keep it clear from debris to ensure any waterYour in it Parishruns freely Council 15 minutes ­ your in call each meeting are Contact the Clerk in first instance on any parish matter: June Smith - 01760 440953 – you may be creating problems open for your questions. For other Councillors, contact details are: upstream if not. Come along and have your say. Carole Playford (Chair) - 07954 120345 or 822154 Paul HewettVillage (Vice Halls Chair) to - rent820354 at greatBarry Allumrates! - 820024 Mark Crane - 821440 Jo Dewing - 821285 Marlene Secker - 820327 Bullock Park: Sarah Howlett 820047 James Shelley - 07854 402025 Simon Smith - 07885 113860 Now available Monday to Friday, Mornings and Afternoons Ann Stolworthy - 820567 Julian Woodrow - 820179 Steve Worth - 821069 WI Hall: Marlene Secker 820327 Website: Clerk: [email protected]

34 Are you interested in the Highlights from the recent Parish PLEASE TAKE PRIDE IN CouncilHighlights meeting from the in February.recent Parish Formal wellbeingSHIPDHAM and the minutesCouncil meeting(including in January.all decisions developmentKeep your of dog Shipdham? under made)Formal are minutes posted (including on the village all notice If youclose want supervision to see the and village on boards,decisions the made) Parish are web posted site onand the on a lead at Bullock Park or Nextdoorvillage notice once boards, approved: the Parish change, please be the change. If web site and on Nextdoor once on Bradenham Road. Both • SPC notes the Band D increase you want the PC, PCC or other to approved: of these have instances of from BDC at £4.95 for 2020/21: do something on your behalf, • A number of planning applications dog poo being left on the many homes in Shipdham should come along to a PC or PCC discussed and commented upon - see kerb side or on resident’s be less than this; Also, SPC notes meeting with your views and a the Planning Portal on Breckland’s properties. Please stop - take the spending plans for BDC to web site under Shipdham Parish for your dog’splan forpoo action. home with you address vulnerability in the District or put it in one of the many details or to add your own comments Or pop over and have your say at on schemes such as loneliness bins in the village. Wherever on any of them the Golden Dog at the Village and the Silver Social project you walk them - Please clean • New play equipment to be installed Forum on 20 March. • SPC fed back comments via the up after your dog! at Bullock Park in February Planning Portal on a number of • New financial regulations approved planning applications for the Fly tipping? Pot-holes? • Footpath lighting between Chapel A huge thank you to our volunteers village Anti-social behaviour? Excessive Street and Pound Green Close being who quietly and pick up other • Tree works to be undertaken in noise? Abandoned cars? Dog reviewed and assessed people’s litter in the village and churchyard for H&S purposes; mess? Litter on the footpaths? • Locations discussed following kind make everything nicer for everyone. new matting purchased to protect SomethingWouldn’t itcausing be better offence? though if and appreciated offer of memorial benchkerbsides alongside church everyone did that themselves? And footpath REPORTanother thank you for all IT! those who • Financial contribution made to All Usemade the ‘Report Shipdham it’ lookbuttons so delightful on the SaintsDo you Church, have one a hedge? of the over Christmas, and put a smile on Please remember to cut it back if it BDC and NCC websites! Emergency Refuges in the people’s faces! Thank you all! overhangs a footpath. Thank you Then, please, if you can, Emergency Plan, for repairs to pick up the rubbish you are building fabric, roof and guttering, complaining aboutYour and putParish it Council along- your with call architect fees and in the bin.Contact Yes, it’sthe Clerkunfair, in but the first instanceSmartWater on any parish security matter: applications it makes the village Junebetter Smith - 01760• Acknowledgement 440953 of thanks to for everyone.For other Councillors, contactRev details Gill Wells are: for her work in the Carole Playford (Chair) - 079541community 20345 or in822154 the light of her VillagePaul Hewett Halls (Vice to Chair) rent - 820354 Jamesretirement Shelley in - 07854April 402025 Marlene Secker - 820327 Mark Crane• - Lighting 821440 replacementJo Dewing - for821285 footpath Barryat greatAllum - 820024 rates! Steve Worth - 821069between Ann Central Stolworthy Garage - 820567 to Pound Bullock ParkSimon: Sarah Smith Howlett - 07885 - 820047 113860 JulianGreen Woodrow deferred - 820179for more WI Website:Hall: Marlene Secker - 820327 Clerk: [email protected]; tree work at WI Hall Village correspondent: deferred until survey report James Shelley - 07854 402025

35 Anyone for a curry? Friday 27th March - 7pm All Saints Church

fundraising curry night to support Christian education, complex and sensitive medical work and accessible administration in Dogura, Papua New Guinea by buying a vehicle. £10/person BOOKING ESSENTIAL e: [email protected] T: 01362 822404