What Does "Tagged Up" in Mean? by William McCoy, Demand Media

Your softball team is trailing by a but you're standing on 3rd base when your power­hitting teammate comes to bat. She takes a mighty swing & drives the ball to deep left field. In an eager attempt to tie the game, you dash for home but your heart sinks when you realize you're because the fielder caught the ball & threw it to third base before you could tag up. If this scenario sounds familiar, it's time to get acquainted with the tag­up rule.

Tag­Up Rule In softball and baseball, the tag­up rule requires baserunners to hold their base until an opposing player catches a ball in the air or the ball drops. If the opponent catches the ball, the runner must return to touch the base and then has the choice of remaining on the base or attempting to legally advance. If the ball lands in fair territory, the runner does not have to return to the base to tag up; in foul territory, the ball is dead and the runner cannot advance. If the fielding team notices a runner caught off base, the player with the ball will attempt to throw the ball to the base before the runner can return, which results in an out.

Tagging Up If you're a baserunner and your teammate hits a fly ball, it's common practice to take a handful of steps toward the next base. By doing so, you give yourself a head start if the ball drops safely into fair territory. Don't move too far off your base, however, especially if you plan to advance after the opponent catches the ball. Returning to the base takes valuable time and your opponent will likely be aware that you're trying to tag and advance.

Watching the Fielder Because you'll unlikely be able to tag up and advance on a fly ball in the , given the close proximity of your opponents, the majority of tag­up situations occur on fly balls to the . A wise baserunner will watch the ball off the bat and make a quick decision as to whether the ball will land safely or be caught. Knowing the probable outcome can help you avoid making an out. If you're sure the ball will land safely in fair territory, break for the next base immediately. If you're sure an opponent will it, remain on the base. When in doubt, move part way between your base and the next base and keep your eyes on the field or your base coach.

Coaching Tips Inexperienced players can have trouble judging the trajectory of a hit ball, which is why the commands of the base coach are important. A base coach should make a quick assumption as to where the ball will land and use verbal or visual cues to relay that message to the runner. When a runner is on first or third, the first or third base coach can easily relay this message verbally. Because teams don't use second base coaches, the third base coach typically makes a "stop" sign with his hands or swings one arm in a circle to indicate the runner on second base should advance.

Source = http://livehealthy.chron.com/tagged­up­softball­mean­2122.html