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ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Friday 13 & Saturday 14 November 2020 CANTERBURY KENNEL ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS Canterbury Kennel Centre, McLeans Island - Friday 13 & Saturday 14 November 2020 JUDGES Friday AM Friday PM Saturday Ring 1 Gundogs S Sloan L Murdoch L MacKenzieGoodwin Ring 2 Toys S Chaytor B Murdoch C Matheson Ring 3 Working L MacKenzie-Goodwin S Chaytor S Sloan Ring 4 Hounds B Anderson L MacKenzie-Goodwin S Gilbert Ring 6 Terriers L Murdoch S Sloan K Simmons Ring 7 Utility B Murdoch C Matheson H Owen Ring 8 Non-Sporting C Matheson K Simmons B Anderson Ring 2 Best In Show K Simmons B Anderson A Bradshaw SHOW OFFICIALS: SHOW MANAGER – Brian Harris SHOW SECRETARY – Sylvia Schmidt VETERINARIAN: After Hours Veterinary Clinic, 366 1052, Cnr Disraeli & Antigua Streets Held under the Rules and Regulations of Dogs New Zealand A copy is available at the office Our shows are generously sponsored by Canterbury Kennel Association Toys 1 Championship Shows 13/11/2020 & 14/11/2020 TTOYOY GROUP CCAVALIERAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CClasslass 3 - Puppy Dog 111 (123) HHAWARDENAWARDEN MIGHTY QUINN 01547-2020 9/12/19 Ch Prestonville Man On A Mission / Hawarden Sweet Talk Bred & Owned by V M Foley, D J Foley & T'K Foley 009438 067431 098113 222 (123) HHAWARDENAWARDEN CRACKER JACK 02824-2020 9/12/19 Ch Prestonville Man On A Mission / Hawarden Sweet Talk Bred by V M Foley, D J Foley & T'K Foley Owned by Angela Kettink 102271 333 (123) RROZMOROZMOR ZIGGY STARDUST 02733-2020 14/03/20 NZ Ch Hilarny Coltrane (Imp UK) / Ch Rozmor Daisy's Chain Bred & Owned by Robyn Moody 084023 444 (123) NNIDRAIDRA CELEBRATION AT GREYGABLES 05238-2020 11/05/20 Ch Greygables Stepping Out / NZ Ch & Spl Gr Ch Boxtop Moulen Rouge (Imp-Aust) Bred by J King Owned by Sue Pinnow & J King 094129 010551 1: 444 2: 333 3: 111 1: 444 2: 333 3: 222 1: 444 2: 333 3: 111 CClasslass 5 - Junior Dog 555 (123) NNZZ CH CARIIBELLE EGOS AND EMPIRES (IMP AUST) 3100386742 13/12/18 Ch Caribelle Icy Cold But Cool (AI) / Caribelle Jemima Puddle Duck Bred by Caribelle Kennels Owned by Kaye Finlayson 002951 666 (123) EEVERSBROOKVERSBROOK KNOT TO B FORGOTT'N 00130-2020 2/11/19 Glengariff Total Image At Westona / Eversbrook Forget Me Knot Bred & Owned by J Herrick 077619 1: 555 2: 666 1: 555 2: 666 1: 555 2: 666 CClasslass 6 - Intermediate Dog 777 (123) GGLENGARIFFLENGARIFF TOTAL IMAGE AT WESTONA 04165-2018 18/02/18 NZ Ch Caribelle Total Eclipse (Imp Aust) / Glengariff Rainbow Bred by A Dobie Owned by C Smyth & K Wells 002128 064814 888 (123) VVINTIQUEINTIQUE DARK CHIEPTAIN 08178-2018 7/10/18 NZ & Ayst Ch Coloora Rumours Fly (Imp Aust) / Aust Ch Kabob Garbo (Imp Aust) Bred & Owned by Mrs M J Whitren 067498 1: 888 2: 777 1: 888 2: 777 1: 888 2: 777 CClasslass 8 - NZ Bred Dog 999 (123) CCHH RAINFOREST EASY RIDER 06994-2015 27/09/15 Ch Hawarden Choir Boy / Rainforest Black Opal Bred & Owned by L Houtos 087908 110010 (123) CCHH GREYGABLES STEPPING OUT 06983-2017 5/07/17 Ch Nidra King's Treasure / Ch Travilla Over The Top At Greygables Bred & Owned by S Pinnow 094129 111111 (123) EELWINDILWINDI HIGHEST CARD 00857-2019 2/12/18 Aust & NZ Ch Coloora Rumors Fly (Aust) / Ch Elwindi Take A Gamble On Me Bred & Owned by Gloria & Savannah Gwatkin 051352 100650 1: 110010 2: 111111 3: 999 1: 110010 2: 111111 3: 999 1: 110010 2: 111111 3: 999 CClasslass 11 - Open Dog 112212 (123) CCHH NIDRA GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY WITH GREYGABLES 06420-2016 19/07/16 Ch Nidra King'S Treasure / NZ Ch Boxtop Moulen Rouge (Imp-Aust) Bred by J King Owned by Sue Pinnow & J King 094129 010551 113313 (123) CCHH PRESTONVILLE MAN ON A MISSION 00325-2018 9/08/17 Aust & NZ Ch Prestonville Blackmoor / Ch Prestonville Halle Berry With Allyn Bred & Owned by Dianne Tyssen 004551 114414 (1-3) RROZMOROZMOR THE DUKE 04885-2018 20/06/18 Miniatura Summs Days (Imp Aust) / Ch Rozmor Daisy Duke Bred & Owned by Robyn Moody 084023 1: 113313 2: 112212 3: 1: 2: 1: 113313 2: 112212 3: Best Dog: 113313 CC: 113313 Best Dog: 888 CC: 888 Best Dog: 555 CC: 555 Res Dog: 112212 RCC: 112212 Res Dog: 777 RCC: 777 Res Dog: 113313 RCC: 113313 Canterbury Kennel Association Toys 2 Championship Shows 13/11/2020 & 14/11/2020 CClasslass 1a - Baby Puppy Bitch 115515 (123) NNIDRAIDRA ETERNAL FLAME AT MARKAN 05252-2020 16/05/20 Nidra Ashes To Ashes / Nidra Fame And Fortune Bred by Janine King Owned by A Hubbard & J King 087249 010551 1: 115515 1: 115515 1: 115515 CClasslass 3a - Puppy Bitch 116616 (123) HHAWARDENAWARDEN GEORGIE GIRL 01548-2020 9/12/19 Ch Prestonville Man On A Mission / Hawarden Sweet Talk Bred & Owned by V M Foley, D J Foley & T'K Foley 009438 067431 098113 117717 (123) WWOODCOTEOODCOTE SWAN SONG 04588-2020 6/03/20 Aust Ch Cahrook Wat A Legend / Ch Woodcote Bow Bell Bred & Owned by Mrs A M Coles 001634 118818 (123) RROZMOROZMOR BETTY BOOP 02734-2020 14/03/20 NZ Ch Hilarny Coltrane (Imp UK) / Ch Rozmor Daisy's Chain Bred & Owned by Robyn Moody 084023 119919 (123) RROZMOROZMOR CHAIN REACTION 02735-2020 14/03/20 NZ Ch Hilarny Coltrane (Imp UK) / Ch Rozmor Daisy's Chain Bred & Owned by Robyn Moody 084023 220020 (123) WWESTONAESTONA SILHOUETTE 05856-2020 8/05/20 Westona Outback Jack / Glengariff Vanilla-Moon Bred & Owned by C Smyth & K Wells 002128 064814 221121 (-2-) NNIDRAIDRA JOYOUS EVENT 05007-2020 11/05/20 Ch Greygables Stepping Out / NZ Ch & Spl Gr Ch Boxtop Moulen Rouge (Imp Aust) Bred & Owned by Janine King 010551 222222 (-2-) NNIDRAIDRA GALA EVENT 05008-2020 11/05/20 Ch Greygables Stepping Out / NZ Ch & Spl Gr Ch Boxtop Moulen Rouge (Imp Aust) Bred & Owned by Janine King 010551 1: 117717 2: 220020 3: 119919 1: 222222 2: 119919 3: 220020 1: 119919 2: 118818 3: 117717 CClasslass 5a - Junior Bitch 223323 (123) EELWINDILWINDI ITS IN THE PIPELINE 00858-2019 2/12/18 Aust & NZ Ch Coloora Rumors Fly (Aust) / Ch Elwindi Take A Gamble On Me Bred & Owned by Gloria & Savannah Gwatkin 051352 100650 224424 (123) GGREYGABLESREYGABLES STARRSTRUCK WITH PRESTONVILLE 03218-2019 11/02/19 Ch Nidra Golden Opportunity With Greygables / Prestonville Stargazer With Greygables Bred & Owned by S Pinnow 094129 225525 (-2-) BBEAUSOLEILEAUSOLEIL KIRI-MAY 04099-2019 18/02/19 Ch Beausoleil Firenze / Thistlebrook Medici Bred by Lynn Mcindoe & N Bisset-Berkahn Owned by Jacqueline Todd 105747 226626 (123) KKALIAKALIAK PIN UP GIRL (IMP AUST) 2100519312 14/05/19 Aust Ch Kaliak Captivation / Kaliak Material Girl Bred by S J & K L Axiak Owned by B Rogers 069590 227727 (123) PPRESTONVILLERESTONVILLE SECRET SURPRISE WITH MILFORD 06531-2019 30/06/19 Prestonville Man On A Mission / Milford Secret-Pleasures With Milford Bred & Owned by Dianne Tyssen & Robyn Turner 004551 090817 228828 (-2-) NNIDRAIDRA GLOWING EMBER 06013-2019 10/07/19 Ch Greygables Stepping Out / Nidra Cinders And Coal With Prestonville Bred & Owned by Janine King 010551 229929 (123) GGRAMARYERAMARYE GOLDEN ATTRACTION 06109-2019 19/07/19 Ch Greygables Stepping Out / Ch Gramarye Golden Fortune Bred & Owned by Janet Collie 058830 330030 (123) EEVERSBROOKVERSBROOK KNOT TO B MISS'D 00131-2020 2/11/19 Glengariff Total Image At Westona / Eversbrook Forget Me Knot Bred & Owned by J Herrick 077619 1: 227727 2: 229929 3: 224424 1: 330030 2: 227727 3: 225525 1: 224424 2: 227727 3: 226626 CClasslass 6a - Intermediate Bitch 331131 (123) GGLENGARIFFLENGARIFF HEARTBREAKER 07276-2018 25/08/18 Ch Glengariff Cartoccio / Glengariff Rainbow Bred by A Dobie Owned by J Herrick 077619 332232 (123) VVINTIQUEINTIQUE MYSTICK MINX 08177-2018 7/10/18 NZ & Ayst Ch Coloora Rumours Fly (Imp Aust) / Aust Ch Kabob Garbo (Imp Aust) Bred & Owned by Mrs M J Whitren 067498 Canterbury Kennel Association Toys 3 Championship Shows 13/11/2020 & 14/11/2020 333333 (123) RRAINFORESTAINFOREST COAL N'DIAMOND WITH ROZMOR 07726-2018 21/10/18 Nidra Rozamore The Coalman With Prestonville / Ch Rainforest Black Opal Bred by L Houtos Owned by L Houtos & R Moody 087908 084023 1: 332232 2: 333333 3: 331131 1: 331131 2: 332232 3: 333333 1: 332232 2: 331131 3: 333333 CClasslass 8a - NZ Bred Bitch 334434 (123) CCHH GREYGABLES LOOK AT ME 06982-2017 11/07/17 Ch Nidra King'S Treasure / Ch Travilla Top Of The Pops With Greygables Bred & Owned by S Pinnow 094129 335535 (123) CCHH ROZMOR DAISY'S CHAIN 04886-2018 20/06/18 Miniatura Summs Days (Imp Aust) / Ch Rozmor Daisy Duke Bred & Owned by Robyn Moody 084023 336636 (123) RRAVILLAAVILLA HARTZ ON FYRE 05886-2018 17/07/18 Ch & Spl Gr Ch Buckley Prince George At Redcrest / Ravilla Hartz Dezire Bred & Owned by A Kannewischer 073948 337737 (123) GGRAMARYERAMARYE MOON SHADOW 02690-2019 2/02/19 NZ Ch Caribelle Total Eclipse (Imp Aust) / NZ Ch Dapsen Lets Get Ridiculous (Imp Aust) Bred & Owned by Janet Collie 058830 1: 337737 2: 335535 3: 336636 1: 337737 2: 335535 3: 336636 1: 335535 2: 336636 3: 337737 CClasslass 11a - Open Bitch 338838 (-2-) NNZZ CH & SPL GR CH BOXTOP MOULEN ROUGE (IMP AUST) 3100286437 1/03/13 Ch Lacelee Liaison Of Love / Boxtop Femme Fatale Bred by Boxtop Kennels (Aust) Owned by J King 100551 339939 (123) HHAWARDENAWARDEN SWEET CHARLOTTE 02062-2015 5/01/15 Prestonville Persuasion / Hawarden Sweet Sixteen Bred by Mrs V M Foley Owned by Angela Kettink 102271 440040 (123) PPRESTONVILLERESTONVILLE SECRET FORTUNE 03089-2017 19/02/17 Ch Nidra Fortunately With Prestonville / Prestonville Secret Delite With Milford Bred by D Tyssen Owned by Kirsty M Hubbard And D J Tyssen 094129 441141 (123) KKABOBABOB JUSTA COOL DREAM (IMP AUST) 4100306754 3/05/18 Ch Garbrielle Icy Cold But Cool / Ch Kabob Absolutely Bred by Mr R Crapp Owned by Mrs M J Whitren 067498 1: 440040 2: 441141 3: 339939 1: 338838 2: 440040 3: 441141 1: 440040 2: