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No. 4276 October 13, 1951 NATURE 641 life-history, ecology, population studies, fishery and Gold Coast), senior assistant conservator of forests, utilization and includes observations on autotomy Gold Coast; J. M. Cave (assistant agricultural and autoplasy; a large female with a carapace officer, British Honduras), agricultural superintendent, length of 13·5 cm. is estimated to produce 549,000 St. Vincent, Windward Islands ; C. A. Lea (assistant eggs. No. 8 is a paper that should prove of use to director, Meteorological Services, Federation of zoologists everywhere. It contains a bibliography Malaya), director, Meteorological Services, Federation which is complete from Delius and Linrneus (both of Malaya; N. A. MacHattie (forester, Tanganyika), 1758) up to and including 1949; it comprises 1,216 superintending forester, Tanganyika; R. H. Ball entries and is a valuable compilation. There is also and P. Bradshaw, agricultural officers, Nigeria; a key for the whole of the Collembola carried down D. V. Chambers, R. Frank, W. G. Mathewson and to genera ; and, as the characters given are only J. Russell, agricultural officers, Tanganyika; T. J. those essential for generic identification, the name of Forbes and K. Landskroner, agricultural officers, each genus is followed by that of its author, the date Gold Coast; R. N. Green, agricultural officer, and a number in brackets referring to the citation of Somaliland Protectorate; G. Heys, agricultural t hat publication in the bibliography in which the officer, Nyasaland; A. J. Jones, entomologist, original definition of the genus is to be found. This Tanganyika; R. Knight, plant breeder, West African work is additionally welcome because it provides the Cocoa Research Institute, Gold Coast; C.
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