Fraternities Tabled, Campus
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OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Vol. 38 Rochester 8, N. Y., March 1, 1963 No. 16 Fraternities Tabled, Campus 'Damp'; Board Relays New Campus Decisions The Board of Trustees voted Monday The present status of alcoholic bever- night to allow a "damp" campus and tabled ages on campus will not be affected to any the motion to allow fraternities on the new great extent. The transition period will be GREEKS GET THE WORD—Dr. Campbell tells fraternity and campus. In a special meeting for fraternity evidenced by changes in the regulations on sorority members of Trustees decision at last Monday's and sorority members, Dr. James Campbell, meeting. vice president of Student Personnel Ser- alcoholic beverages to conform to those that vices, revealed the Board's decision. will be established for the new campus. The Board approved the follow- ment, your justifications must be College Journalism ing recommendations: (1) Alco- equally as vehement." holic beverages will be allowed Campbell later stated that fra- Scholarship Aid at approved functions; (2) Beer ternities and sororities should will be allowed in the college "forget the past and start with Conference . Today union at hours to be specified. by what we have now and improve Forms Ready the Administration; and (3) Beer Today the RIT Reporter, the Democrat and Chronicle it." He suggested including fac- and alcohol will not be allowed ulty, students, and staff in this and the Rochester Times-Union are co-sponsoring the in the residence halls and fra- venture. Next Monday Fourth Annual College News Conference. ternity and sorority houses ex- Scholarship application forms At the opening of the conference, Dr. Mark Ellingson, cept at approved functions in the Commenting on the Board action, Tom Grabowski, IFC for 1963-64 will be available in lounge area. the Student Aid Office beginning RIT President, extended a welcome to the 18 colleges from president, said, "We have im- Western New York State who are represented. The Board tabled the move on March 4, 1963. Robert F. Belk- fraternities and sororites at least proved steadily during the past nap, Student Financial Aid Of- Ira C. Sapozink, Director of Pro- until their next meeting. The few years, but have we kept up ficer, announces that all applic- motion and Public Relations for with fraternities on other cam- ations must be filed by May 1, the Rochester Times-Union will Board offered the following rea- puses? This is the question we 1963. All applications for federal present the conference keynote. Bucknell Wins sons for the postponement of the decision: (1) the Board felt that must ask ourselves. Then we loans for 1963-64 must be filed in The members from the Report- the Student Aid Office no later the representation from the orig- must consider the non-fraternity er staff that will represent RIT than August 15, 1963. Debate Meet inal investigating committee was men on campus: what are their are: Bill Barley, Tony Puskarz, These forms include application Gary Ludwick, Leroy Kappes, Bucknell University of Lewis- not sufficient at this meeting for reasons for not joining a frater- nity? How do others feel about for regents scholarships, scholar Ken Spencer and Richard Burlier. ton, Pa. came out the victor in the Board to consider the action incentive awards, industry or us?" At 10 the members of the con- the Sixth Annual Canadian- and (2) the present arguments business-sponsored scholarships, ference attend one of the five American Debate Tournament. for the existence of fraternities Dr. Campbell called the meet- and government loan funds. Ap- clinics or five panel discussions. The event sponsored each year and sororities are too shallow in ing of the Greeks in an effort to plication forms will be available by the RIT Forensic Society was The clinics are conducted by pro- the Board's mind. personally inform the students of at any time. Students are urged fessional journalists from the held Feb. 22 and 23. the Board's decision instead of Dr. Campbell, in speaking to to obtain these forms beginning local Gannett newspapers. Both the affirmative and neg- reading it in the local newspap- the assembled Greeks, said, "We in March in the Student Aid Office John Dougherty, Assistant Man- ative teams from Bucknell amass- ers. Another such meeting will in the Eastman Buidling. respect most of what you do, but aging Editor of the Times-Union ed a 4 wins 0 losses record. As be held after the next Board will present a clinic on news a result, the Championship round there is always need for improve- meeting. - writing. Feature writing will be saw Bucknell pitted against Buck- ment. Since your desires are vehe- The Greeks were well repre- conducted by John C. Hadley, As- nell. The affirmative team emerg- sented at this meeting with over SC Votes Itself sistant Managing Editor of the ed the winner. 500 in attendance in an unusually Democrat and Chronicle. Homer Second place went to St. John Theta Xi Begins quiet gym. Many had expected King, an editoral writer from the Fisher College. the Board to reach a definite Free SW Tickets Democrat and Chronicle will dis- At the Parliamentary Debate decision and they eagerly waited cuss editoral writing. on Friday evening, Barry Win- Sweetheart Ball with sober expectation for the "I'd like nothing better than to The sports writing clinic will ters, Forensic President, was Board's decision. see a tremendous student turnout be directed by Ralph Hyman, named Honorary Parliamentarian for "Spring Bookend." With the Executive Sports Editor of the of the St. Michael's College Senate Weekend Tonight planning and organizing that is Times-Union. Press photography Club. going into this weekend, the big- The stage is set for Theta Xi's will be under the direction of gest student event of the year, I Sweetheart Ball, beginning to- Peter B. Hickey, Manager of the hope every student will turn out night with the Prelude. No tra- Photo Department of the Times- in support of it," said Russ Union. ditional "beer blast", the Prelude Trimble, Student Council Presi- 'Love All People' is being held at the Morasco bowl, dent. The panel discussions are com- which boasts "seats for all," in Bill Sloan, SC Retreat Chair- prised of four staff members from tiled-floor, paneled-wall comfort. man, reported that the retreat one of the college newspapers and Plea by Wood Entertainment is being provided will be held at Weona Camp a faculty moderator. They will by the Soul Brothers, one of the Lodge in Gainsville. This is a discuss "Campus Campaigns and "Love all people. That, you hottest groups in the Bufflo and YMCA camp with good facilities, Crusades", "Sound Business Prac- know, is the basis of brother- Western New York area. rooms, meeting rooms, and serv- tices for College Newspapers", hood," stated the Rev. George S. Interlude commences on Sat- ed meals. The bus will leave early "Freedom and Responsibility of Wood, pastor, Mother of Sorrows urday evening with a semi-formal Friday (March 15) morning and the College Press", "Policy and Church, Paddy Hill, Greece, at affair at the Rochester Country return Saturday night. This will Effective Editorial Writing", and the RAA Brotherhood Assembly Club, featuring the Mike Arena be considered a scheduled meet- "Selection and Training for Top Feb. 16. However, he added, Orchestra, noted for its big band ing and failure of any SC member Editorial Staff Positions". "Brotherhood is a very large stylings with a distinctive beat. to attend will constitute an ab- word, and very vague in some After this there will be a sence. This retreat will be a ways." The highlight of the evening will critique review of the college be the crowing of Theta Xi's sucess if all members strive to Father Wood emphasized the publications by the judges for the make it so, suggested Sloan. common beliefs held by men of sweetheart by reigning queen, journalism award for 1961-62, and Mickey Schauf. SC passed a motion made by the conference will visit the Re- many faiths. The Weekend climaxes Sunday Bill Sloan granting SC members porter pressroom. Here they will York State for 1961-62 will follow with its Finale, an afternoon over- complementary tickets to Spring see the Reporter being printed in the luncheon. cocktails affair, this year being MR. SPEAKER—Robert Or- Weekend for their services during color by the most modern means. Feature of the conference will presided over by Cecil and Jenks, gange of St. Michael's Col- the year. This includes all mem- At 1 there will be a luncheon in be the speaker, Desmond Stone, two of the best in local night club lege as he presided at the bers who had to go on block for the Pioneer Room of Nathaniel any quarter of the 1962-63 year. an exchange journalist from New entertainment. These activities, Forensic Society's Canadi- Rochester Hall. The presentation Zealand and a member of the along with the drawing of the free It excludes all those past mem- of awards for the best college Times-Union news staff. quarters tuition ticket will wind an-American Debate Tourn- bers who were dropped or resign- newspaper, yearbook, and literary The conference will conclude at up the weekend at the Carriage ament - Parliamentary De- ed from SC because of marks or magazine from Western New 3:15 p.m. House. bate on Feb. 22. any other reason. March 1, 1963 • RIT REPORTER • Page 3 IBM No. 0746 or Participating Student? by Russell L. Trimble elusions. Why do we have poor participation in (Ed, note) The following is an sports, campus publications, social events and Stu- address to the student body by dent Council? Namely, because only about 20 percent of the student body ever takes any interest in extra- Student Council President, Russ curricular activities.