POSTAL BULLETIN 22230A (4-17-08) „ for Employees at CONTENTS

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POSTAL BULLETIN 22230A (4-17-08) „ for Employees at CONTENTS Front Cover Also on the Web: For customers at 2 POSTAL BULLETIN 22230A (4-17-08) For employees at CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO MAILING AND New Price Changes Effective May 12, 2008 . 3 SHIPPING SERVICES Domestic Mail . 15 Standup Talk for All Employees . 3 International Mail . 18 INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO PRIORITY MAIL ACCEPTANCE MAIL AND EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES Mail Acceptance Information for Business Mail What is changing? . 21 Entry Unit Personnel . 4 Express Mail . 21 Plant-Verified Drop Shipment Procedures. 4 Priority Mail . 21 Online Submit-a-Form Users. 4 Why is it important?. 21 Stand-up Talk for Business Mail Acceptance Employees (including Mailpiece Design Analysts). 5 What do you need to do? . 21 First-Class Mail . 5 Where do you go for more information? . 21 Express Mail . 5 Priority Mail . 5 DOMESTIC PRICE TABLES . 23 Periodicals . 5 INTERNATIONAL PRICE TABLES Standard Mail and Nonprofit Standard Mail . 6 AND COUNTRY LISTINGS Package Services . 6 Global Express Guaranteed Prices . 59 Extra Services and Other Fees . 6 First-Class Mail International . 6 Express Mail International, Express Mail International Flat-Rate Envelope Prices . 60 New Domestic and International Postage Statements . 7 Priority Mail International, Priority Mail International — Language for Local Postal Letterhead . 8 Flat-Rate Prices. 62 Introduction . 8 First-Class Mail International — Postcards, Letters, Letters . 8 Flats, Packages . 63 Language for Business Reply Mail Customer Letters . 8 First-Class Mail International Letters . 63 Letter Language for Meter, PC Postage Customer Letters . 8 Postcards. 63 Language for Permit Customer Letters . 9 Large Envelopes (Flats) . 64 FINANCE Packages (Small Packets) . 64 International Reply Coupon Revaluation. 10 IPA and IPA M-Bags . 65 Instructions for Payments Mailed Before May 12. 10 International Priority Airmail. 65 IRT Offices . 10 International Priority Airmail M-Bag — Full Service. 65 POS ONE Offices. 10 International Priority Airmail M-Bag — ISC Drop Shipment . 65 Payments Mailed Before Price Change. 10 ISAL and ISAL M-Bags . 66 Forever Stamp Stock Revaluation Instructions . 11 International Surface Air Lift . 66 New Selling Price for Forever Stamp Booklet . 11 International Surface Air Lift M-Bag — Full Service . 66 eMOVES Offices . 11 International Surface Air Lift M-Bag — ISC Drop Shipment . 66 POS ONE Offices. 12 M-Bags . 66 Vending Credits under POS ONE . 12 Airmail M-Bag Prices . 66 Automated Postal Center . 12 Extra Services . 67 IRT Offices . 12 Country Listings. 68 SSPC Stamp Vending Credits . 13 Contract Postal Units. 13 FIELD IMPLEMENTATION KIT. 73 Forever Stamp Booklet Exchanges . 13 Rural Carrier Fixed Credit . 13 Postal Bulletin Index Rural Carrier Owned Stock . 13 Annual Index. PB 22224 (01-17-08) Procedure Changes for Inventorying and Selling Sheet Postal Cards and Banded Postal Cards. 14 Ordering Information: Following is the list of postal stock numbers (PSNs) to use when ordering copies of the Postal Bulletin from the MDC: PB 22230A: 7690-10-000-8803 PB 22223: 7690-09-000-9374 PB 22215: 7690-09-000-9366 PB 22207: 7690-09-000-9358 PB 22230: 7690-10-000-6446 PB 22222: 7690-09-000-9373 PB 22214: 7690-09-000-9365 PB 22206: 7690-09-000-9357 PB 22229: 7690-10-000-6445 PB 22221: 7690-09-000-9372 PB 22213: 7690-09-000-9364 PB 22205: 7690-09-000-9356 PB 22228: 7690-10-000-6444 PB 22220: 7690-09-000-9371 PB 22212: 7690-09-000-9363 PB 22204: 7690-09-000-9355 PB 22227: 7690-10-000-6443 PB 22219: 7690-09-000-9370 PB 22211: 7690-09-000-9362 PB 22203A: 7690-09-000-9947 PB 22226: 7690-10-000-6442 PB 22218: 7690-09-000-9369 PB 22210: 7690-09-000-9361 PB 22203: 7690-09-000-9354 PB 22225: 7690-10-000-6441 PB 22217: 7690-09-000-9368 PB 22209: 7690-09-000-9360 PB 22202: 7690-09-000-9353 PB 22224: 7690-09-000-9375 PB 22216: 7690-09-000-9367 PB 22208: 7690-09-000-9359 PB 22201: 7690-09-000-9352 INTRODUCTION POSTAL BULLETIN 22230A (4-17-08) 3 Introduction New Price Changes Effective May 12, 2008 On May 12, the Postal Service™ will adjust prices for Service has considerably more flexibility. We plan to mailing services — First-Class Mail® (including First-Class provide 60 days notice of new shipping services prices Mail International™, Standard Mail®, Periodicals, Package each year to help mailers prepare for the change. Services, and Special Services). The average increase by This special Postal Bulletin issue contains information on class of mail is at or below the rate of inflation measured by these changes as well as implementation resources avail- the Consumer Price Index. Prices will also be adjusted for able to employees and customers, and the new domestic ® ® shipping services — Express Mail , Priority Mail , Parcel and international postal prices, fees, and classifications. ® Select , Parcel Return Service™, and International Mail. Changes in this Postal Bulletin revising the Mailing Stan- Consistent with the Postal Accountability and Enhance- dards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail ment Act of 2006, we will adjust mailing services prices Manual (DMM®) will be incorporated into the DMM effective each May. By law, these prices can increase on average no May 12, 2008. Changes in this Postal Bulletin revising the more than the rate of inflation as measured by the Con- Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, sumer Price Index. We plan to provide 90 days notice of the International Mail Manual (IMM®) will be incorporated into new mailing services prices each year to help mailers pre- the IMM also effective May 12, 2008. Up-to-date information pare for the change. For shipping services, the Postal on new prices can be found at Standup Talk for All Employees ® On May 12, 2008, prices will be adjusted for mailing ser- Click-N-Ship customers. ® ® vices (which includes First-Class Mail (including First- Registered end users of PC Postage service. Class Mail International™), Standard Mail®, Periodicals, In addition, we’re adding commercial volume prices in Package Services, and Special Services, and for shipping the form of quarterly rebates based on volume thresholds services (which includes Express Mail®, Priority Mail®, for customers who pay postage through an Express Mail Parcel Select®, Parcel Return Service, and International Corporate Account (EMCA) or Federal Agency Account, Mail). These changes are consistent with the Postal and registered end users of PC Postage products. Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006. Priority Mail commercial base pricing will be offered to Other major changes include: customers as follows: Shape-based pricing for First-Class Mail Click-N-Ship customers. International service. Registered end users of PC Postage products when Express Mail pricing by weight and zone. producing a shipping label with Confirmation Express Mail Hold for Pickup replaces Post Office™ Services. to Post Office. Customers using permit imprint, including Manifest All postal employees should be aware of the opportuni- Mailing System (MMS), with electronic Confirmation ties these changes offer our customers and the Postal Services. Service™. Many recent USPS News LINK articles provide When these items are brought into a Post Office they will detailed background information on the upcoming changes contain the printed identifier “Commercial Base Pricing” on and what they mean. See the LINK Online News Archive at the postage label in the text area of the indicia for easy; identification by the accepting postal employee. click March 2008 or April 2008, or go to prices for additional information. The upcoming changes provide many opportunities for you to promote the benefits of using postal services and Some of the highlights of the changes to Express Mail and products to customers, family, and friends. Please take Priority Mail are the introduction of commercial base pricing. advantage of these opportunities. Express Mail commercial base pricing offers prices that are 3 percent below retail for customers as follows: Express Mail Corporate Account (EMCA) customers, including Express Mail Manifest (EMM) users, and Federal Agency Account customers. 4 POSTAL BULLETIN 22230A (4-17-08) INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS MAIL ACCEPTANCE Information for Business Mail Acceptance Mail Acceptance Information for Business Mail Entry Unit Personnel Plant-Verified Drop Shipment Procedures Postage statements submitted prior to Monday, May 12: Current Prices If the mailing date entered on the postage statement Mailers may use the current prices for plant-verified online is prior to May 12, and the statement is sub- drop shipment (PVDS) mailings verified and paid before mitted prior to May 12, the postage statement will be May 12, 2008. We will accept these mailings at destination processed using the current prices. entry postal facilities until May 27 when presented with If the mailing date entered on the postage statement appropriate verification and payment documentation. online is May 12 or later, but the form is submitted New Prices before May 12, the postage statement will be pro- Mailers may use the new prices for PVDS mailings veri- cessed with current prices that will not be valid when fied and paid beginning April 12, 2008, for deposit on or the mailing is presented after the implementation of after May 12. We will accept these mailings at destination the price change. Mailers will be asked to cancel the entry postal facilities beginning May 12 when presented submission and resubmit a valid form. with the appropriate verification and payment Postage statements prepared and submitted on documentation. or after May 12: Online Submit-a-Form Users If the mailing date entered on the postage statement online is prior to May 12, the postage statement will Instructions be processed using the current prices.
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