Pianos"Rive a New Pleaxme to Doth Instruments I with the Lotions to Be Used Externally, and Is Followed up with Letters from E Tier *Nd Vocal Performances
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TIIB NEWS AND OBSERVER. WOV. 11, IHS7, 3 l BLDBIt GOLD WRITES. There Is a Charm He Denies That any Primitive Baptist a mnsle. especially if it be produced on Good The HUNGATNGONTO-DAY Association has Joined the Mission- »e ®f our Pianos. Fine instruments like Easv aries. In the current number of Zion’s Land- Morn incH Cura You‘ Only Cure mark, its editor, Elder I*. D. Gouhl, Sam Wright Who Murdered publishes the article iu the Biblical Re- You can fool people, but there is Lon Carr Pays the corder and iu Rev. J. E. While's com STICK- 0O such thing as cheating Nature. muuication to the effect that several Primitive Baptist churches have united A doctor may prescribe salves and Penalty, Missionary Baptist church. It Pianos"rive a new pleaxme to Doth instruments I with the lotions to be used externally, and is followed up with letters from E tier *nd vocal performances. One can Janies 1). Draugham, of White Plains. •carccly realize tlic difference between deceive the sufferer from Eczema * Elder M. G. Harbour, of Copeland, and superior and an inferior instrument The attention of vis for the time being, but the poison in A PRIVATE EXECUTION Elder J. M. Wyatt, of Roaring Gap—- xcept by comparison. The Stieff Pianos Is called to this re the blood is not deceived by it. It all Primitive Baptist preachers iu Sur- only prized more highly when judg ry county, denying absolutely and vigor- d by this standard. They present a itors to Is bound to show again in the shape apPJ the State TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED PEO- ously that any Primitive Baptist church- combination of excellences impos eme dy of ugly eruptions and scales. es in Wilkes or Surry have united w.tii ibie to surpass and difficult to equal Fair^^^R PLE WERE IN GOLDSBORO TO the Missionary Baptist church. E.der Ise where. Gold in editorial comments says: J )fIN-) STANDARD ORGANS. K. T, UUWAN. JO. M. WfcA I Hfc..%B SEE THE HANGING. “Thus we see that t lit* Recorder, the Tuning in and ami Repairing. Terms to Suit. Missionary organ North Carolina Norfolk, Va., 4lii Main corresponding secretary of their Mis- Street. the Charlotte. X. C.. 213 X. Try on sion Boaid both assert that a number of Street Eczema THE MURDERER MAKES FULL CONFESSION Baltimore—9 N. Liberty St. J3H'JS, & churches of the Pr.mitive ordir have GOWAN Washington—s2l 11th St., N. WEATHERS, is a deep-seated blood disease. It gone to them. W. is so difficultto cure that today there “1 wish they had stated what Primi- The Execution is a Case of Swift justice- The tive Association the churches received by Cotton is only one medicine Which sufferer? belonged they Merchants Murder Was Committed Just Ihirtyi LC. Durham to. Will bo can take with certainty of a cure [kind enough to state it yet? Mr. While \ RALEIGH. N.|:. Friday, Sop- Student Swift's Specific (S. S.) Nine Drs Ago. states that on the 2-lth of *3. neve: ! tehber, 18015, six of the Regular Anti- fails to cure Eczema. It searches Goldsboro, N. C.. Nov. 10.—(Special.) mission, Hardshell or Primitive Baptist Lamps, Special out the germs that cause the disease, —Sara Wright, the murderer of Mr. L. churches, of the Stoney Fork Associa- Agents Smith This not the truth, V^ tion, joined them. is Nature throw off the Carr, was hanged here today. At 12:03 assists to because there is no such Primitive Bap- Church poison, and cures permanently. It o’clock the drop foil, and in six minutes tist Association in North Carolina as 'Premier Typewriter, • makes the blood well and keeps it life was extinct. Ills neck was broken. Stoney Fork. I have never heard of Lamps, He met death bravely. Some of the col- such a one until be stated it. I am well. It is the only Real Blood Pur- somewhat acquainted with every Primi- Tll# Standard Typewriter of the world. ored clergy wore with him in his last ifier, because it is the only medicine tive Baptist Association in North Caro- Banquet hours. His last words were: “Alright, of our Associa- U the blood that is composed lina and know that none COLUMBIA BICYCLES for en- good-bye, my friends! Meet me in Jor- tions correspond with, or recognize, any 6X;'^ of Lamps, tirely vegetable ingredients. dan!” He was a man of bad record and association known ns Stoney Fork. I AGENTS WANTED FOf* also satisfied the that according to his last confession had am that churches Everyone who has bad blood should sene C. Durham were no nearer Piano \ ....TYPEWRITERS killed two. men, one in South Carolina received i totheSwirr Spe- Primitive Bapt.sis than the Stoney Fork and the other in Georgia before com- ' Cine Co., AtJan* mitting last crime in Ford’s town- people. lamps, the "Now wo deny what they affirm. It is /S ship Saturday nignt, j Library L arrpp, Triving l Bmps and fix ' ta, Ga., for vaiu- V, on October 2nd. make good j of people !their business to their as-er- lamps by free books. v. Quite a number were here, by proper proof. tures for ail arm au'trns sold I able despite fact of a private exe- tions the The Mission- ;j the known ark's quiite likely thought they were PURITAN I cution. Only those saw him die who making an inroad on our churches, and W H. HUGHES, I were in the enclosure a few who and is evident they rejoice in the.r sup- KEY WEST climbed trees near the jail yard. iit posed triumph. 127 Fayetteville Street. 1 OIL The sun was shining brightly as the HEATING'STOVES, | state many people call drop fell and the murderer was I “Let me that launched themselves Primitive Baptists that are into eternity. The Goldsboro Rides I THE BEST. CH EROOTS not. are particular about we I made a cordon around the enclosure, We whom or correspond or and one of the 2,500 people who receive, with, acknowl- Miss Maggie Reese not edge Baptists, had come to see the hanging got a as Primitive I THOMAS H. & "1 learn that there is a class of people BRIGGS SONS, of j I glimpse it. in Wilk<s and Surry couut.es c aim ug * o § Jr I WRIGHT’S CONFESSION. ; to be Primitive Baptists that joined *he = “I had been drinking heavily. I was Union League, and are members of otiier gr * 4: 3 clerking that day for Mr. Carr and soil- things that we do not fellowship, and ing wine for him. As soon as I got my that these are the people the Missiona- supper I went back to the store. I ries are glorying over rece.ving. High Class Novelties in -'V A GIRL’S 1 1CYCLE met three men coming from the store. I “How is it that such wild rumors get - ! I called Mr. laws. M/ The store was locked up. out? Answer. Many claim to be Primi- -AT A_ Carr. He came and he was in his night tive Baptists that we do not fellowship, clothes. He had gone to bed. I told nor acknowledge as such. Many of the j him I wanted a pound of cheese. He j Missionary Baptists themselves claim MILLINERY. got that for me. I told him I wanted to be the true Primitive Baptise. But Special 71 Price.! S Baptists &WEST some wine, and when he went to draw we claim that Primitive them- X .1 I with a stick I proper judges to " the wine struck him selves are the decide 11 carried with me. I had no distinct in- who are the true Primitive Baptists. If tention when I went there except to got others beside us are to say who are teoOTsi | money. Everything Desirable in ONLY ONE, his My mind was unsettled. I I Primitive Baptists, and we must receive “When was stonpimr down to draw Baptists any and they I ho as Primitive all the wine I struck him with the stick over call such, would that not be a strange St) la and Colors. the head, and he jumped up and grab- state of things? the collar one hand, * bed me in with j “In that mountain section of Surry Misses’ Hats, Children’s Caps, Infants I tried to get him loose from me and I and Wilkes counties are people that could not. and I ran my hand in my claim to be Primitive Baptists, but who White and Colored Caps. pocket and got my knife and cut him hold in their membership secret socie- KNIT SKIRTS. /*? “* loose from me and he fell. Ho did not ties, suen as Union Leagues, and do Commercial and Farmers yanufarfored£>y Bank, * strike me at all. I do not know how not hold the doctrine that we do, and DOWN PILLOWS, RALEIGH, N. C. *+ his finger was broken. He never hol- we hold no more correspondence with Mtonis&firffjftm I • lered or cried out at all. Tho men met them than we do with other denomina- VEILINGS, t OUR HAM HC. did some shooting. I do not know who tions. Some of these have gone to the V- - LINEN COLLARS STATEMENT OF CONDITION MARCH 9. 1897. V—- o they were. I stepped into the bushes Missionaries —we are informed —and had - - -*1 and let them pass by. but a siiort distance to go. The Mission- aud CUFFS Capital Stock Paid Up, - $ 100.000 OO * - .