TheThe Dartmouth Dartmouth Class Class of of 1968 1968 The Transmission The Dartmouth Class of 1968 Newsletter Fall 2014 Class Officers Editor’s Note President: Peter M. Fahey 225 Middle Neck Rd Port Washington, NY 11050 (516) 883-8584,
[email protected] There is much exciting news to celebrate from the College this fall. We have just Vice President: John Isaacson beaten Penn, Yale, and Holy Cross in football! It’s nice to pick up the Boston Globe 81 Washington Avenue and read something positive about the College for a change. Having just attended Cambridge, MA 02140 (617) 262-6500 X1827, Class Officers Weekend in early September, there is much support for and excite-
[email protected] ment about Moving Dartmouth Forward and the Presidential Steering Committee Secretary: David B. Peck, Jr. will continue to gather input through the fall. As your Newsletter Editor and class- 54 Spooner St. Plymouth, MA 02360 mate, I am encouraged to see this real effort go forward to combat the three ex- (508) 746-5894,
[email protected] treme behaviors of sexual assault, high-risk drinking, and exclusivity. President Treasurer: D. James Lawrie, M.D. Hanlon and Dartmouth are national leaders in working to solve these serious prob- 1458 Popinjay Drive Reno, NV 89509 lems that affect most colleges and universities. Unfortunately, Dartmouth has (775) 826 -2241
[email protected] been singled out in the past for these issues and the bad publicity has discouraged students from applying and some from attending once accepted. 50th Reunion Gift: William P.