
Open letter to the crossbench members of the Victorian Legislative Council

Dear crossbencher,

I am writing to you personally to seek your support for tens of thousands of small business owners and sole operators across Victoria, against the arbitrary whims and appalling failures of the Andrews Government.You are our only hope.

The original Stage Four guidelines from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services recognised that sole operators could continue. At a news conference the following week, the Premier casually smashed this exemption. Despite many requests he has flatly refused to justify the change, to show evidence that it helps to control infection, or to explain why council workers and others can do the same jobs, even working in groups, often without masks.

Yet for no good reason, tens of thousands of Victorian families are suffering the misery of unemployment and financial ruin. People’s lives are destroyed and the great state of Victoria plunged into a ruin that will take decades to heal.

You represent the will of the people and are custodians of the Victorian Parliament and this state’s laws. I am urging you to stand up for us.

Premier Andrews is now seeking to extend his arbitrary powers for a further 12 months. This is unnecessary and without merit, and must not be allowed to happen.The Premier bungled the hotel quarantine and is now bungling the response. He must not be allowed to force us into bankruptcy.

Tens of thousands of Victorians have the right to fair compensation under the Public Health and Welling Being Act 2008, because they have been thrown out of work for no good reason. If refused, they have the right to appeal to VCAT.It is vital that no changes are made to this ACT to prevent people getting what they deserve.

This is not welfare for millionaires. I personally will not make a cent out of it. It is justice for vulnerable people who have no voice. It is the essence of democracy. It is what Parliament is FOR.

The decisions you make next week will ring across this state, Australia and the world. This could be the proudest and best moment of your careers. Victorians need you. Do not let us down.

-All restrictions must be based on scientific evidence

-This means sole operators, having no contact with the public and presenting no risk, should be allowed to work-Small traders hurt by unfair and arbitrary acts should be allowed compensation

-The State of Emergency must not be extended unless you, the cross-benchers, have an absolute veto over all restrictions. We trust you to do the right thing. We do not trust the Premier.

JimJim Penman Penman | CEO To members of the public, please assist. The contact details for crossbenchers in the Victorian Legislative Council are below. Contact them yourself, and pass this appeal to everyone you know.

Andy Meddick (03) 5222 1941 [email protected]

Stuart Grimley (03) 5218 5001 [email protected]

Tania Maxwell (03) 4700 1787 [email protected]

Fiona Patten (03) 9386 4400 [email protected]

Adem Somyurek (03) 9794 0699 [email protected]

Catherine Cumming (03) 9689 6373 [email protected]

Tim Quilty (02) 6048 6288 [email protected]

David Limbrick (03) 9584 4013 [email protected]

Jeff Bourman (03) 5623 2999 [email protected]

Clifford Hayes (03) 9530 8399 [email protected]

Rodney Barton (03) 9850 8600 [email protected]

Samantha Ratnam (03) 9348 2622 [email protected]