Fits Mil. 3961 TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1831
fits mil. 3961 [ 115 The Edinburgh Gazette. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1831 At the Court at St. James's, the 27th day of City of York. 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards.—Captain April 1831, Samuel Adlam Bayntnn, of Regent Street, in the County Charles Wellesley, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Lieuten- of Middlesex, Esq. ant and Captain, vice Hulse, who exchanges. PRESENT, The Honourable Thomas Dundas, of Carlton, near Rich- 11th Regiment of Foot—Ensign Bertram Charles Mitford The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. mond, in the County of York. to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Fyers, who retires. Alexander Brown, gent, to be Ensign, by purchase vice HIS day the Right Honourable Sir Henry May 6, 1831. Mitford. Parnell, Bart, was, by command of His Town ofPoole. 12th—Captain James Paterson, from the half-pay, to be T Benjamin Lester Lester, of the said Town of Poole, Esq. Captain, vice Edward Hugh Hunt, who exchanges, receiv. Majesty, sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable The Honourable William Francis Spencer Ponsonby, of ing the difference.. Privy Council, and took his place at the Board ac- Canford-house, in the County of Dorset. 22d—Hardress Waller, gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, cordingly. Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. vice Flanaghan, appointed to the 76th foot. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. 33d—David FitzGerald Longworth, gent, to be Ensign John Hodgson, Esq. by purchase, vice Graham, promoted. CROWN-OFFICE, May 3,1851. City of Worcester. 40th—John Judkin Morris, gent, to be Ensign, without Thomas Henry Hastings Davies, Esq.
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