Connections Volume 22 No . 6 November/December 2008 President’s Message Ed Vawter, QD Information IN THIS ISSUE I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone Happy Holidays and hope that

President’s Message . . . . 1 you and your family are doing well.

Footnotes ...... 2 ow, time has flown by and winter new look. We are also still working on is nearly upon us. I can’t believe the website and adding some Web 2, Opportunities in a W over half my term as President of AIIP including the podcasts I have done in Changing World . . . . . 4 is past. Given that our conference is the past, and including the new blog The Perils of Blogging earlier than usually next year, I actually called i to i. the News ...... 6 only get to serve 11 months instead of a I mentioned the conference earlier and full year. I wish I had more time to get What is Fair Use? . . . . . 9 just wants to reminder everyone that the many things done that myself and it is from March 26-29 at the Marriott the board have planned but I will have WordWise ...... 10 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. I the pleasure of continuing on the board understand that the economy right now The Four Phases for one more year under the leadership does not look promising but I would of a Project ...... 13 of Marcy Phelps. I’ve been very happy encourage you to start putting away with what we have accomplished and I Coach’s Corner ...... 15 some money each week to enable you to think the whole board would agree that attend. It is very much worth your time DTIC Online ...... 17 we are moving in a positive direction. and money to invest in yourself and your Product Review: ProQuest I want to take this opportunity to wish company. I went to my first conference Entrepreneurship . . . . .20 everyone Happy Holidays and hope that in Austin back in 2004 and have been you and your family are doing well. By the each and every year since, I look at it as The Wisdom of Keith . . . .22 time you read this, I will be in London, an investment in my business. England along with Marcy Phelps for Traveling Almost Without You can find out all about the great work the Online Information conference. I Hardcopy ...... 25 our conference planning committee loved going last year and am looking is doing here: Book Reviews ...... 28 forward to it again this year. It is a great conference. I hope to see you there! opportunity to meet some new European 2008 Conference of the members as well as to catch up with those Ed Vawter is president of QD American Association of I met last year. Hopefully everyone at the Information Services, which provides Law Libraries ...... 31 show came by our new booth and got a consulting and information services to Call for Nominations . . . .32 chance to see our new branding efforts. the fine chemical and pharmaceutical The booth, our literature, our website industries. Ed can be reached at and even Connection all now have a [email protected]. n AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

AIIP Connections AIIP 8550 United Plaza Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 United States 225-408-4400 AIIP Director, Community Care Marjorie Desgrosseilliers [email protected] Footnotes 425-408-0368 Jan Davis, JT Research LLC Editor-in-Chief Jan Davis With this end-of-year issue of “The Four Phases of a Project.” In [email protected] Connections I’d like to wish you all her column Coach’s Corner, Amelia 503-827-7241 a very peaceful and pleasant holiday Kassel wrote “Build Your Reputation Copy Editor and certainly a very prosperous new for Successful Marketing,” which offers Joann Wleklinski [email protected] year. As I am writing this, I’m looking proven techniques for building our 219-836-4008 out at more snow than I’ve ever seen businesses by writing, public speaking in Portland Oregon, listening to B.B. and networking. Advertising Director Eiko Shaul King sing “Back Door Santa,” and Copyright is an issue that affects us [email protected] waiting for the fudge to slowly come 416-544-0208 directly, and Melissa Corley’s article, to a boil. Ah, the holidays! “Think Before You Link: The Perils Advisor After the last issue of Connections of Blogging the News,” proves that Andrea C. Carrero [email protected] copyright laws are applied to social came out, featuring the smart and 610-494-0316 sassy layout from our new designer media. And for those of us who blog AIIP Connections (ISSN 1524-9468) is published Darlene Swanson (www.van-garde. or are thinking of blogging, Andrea bi-monthly and is copyrighted © 2008 by the com), I received lots of positive Carrero’s column WordWise provides Association of Independent Information Professionals, 8550 United Plaza Blvd. Baton Rouge, comments and offers to submit us with “11 Tips for Writing a Blog.” LA 70809 United States articles. In fact, I had too many Earlier this year, Carol Lee-Roark Subscriptions: articles for this issue, and will push posted a request on the AIIP list Free to AIIP members. Material contained them for the next issue. So thank you, regarding traveling with electronic in Connections is copyrighted. For thank you. What a wonderful way to permission to reprint, contact AIIP at books and smartphones. In her article, set Connections in motion in 2009. 225-408-4400 or at [email protected]. “Traveling Almost Without Hardcopy,” The media has bombarded us with Carol shares her experiences negative news about the state of the vacationing in Scotland without information on a transactional basis. economy, and it can be depressing printed travel guides. Susanne Bjorner, She shares her findings with us. wondering how the economic downturn Peggy Garvin and Nora Stoecker I hope you enjoy this issue of will affect us. Heather Carine’s timely reviewed two information sources of Connections, and I hope to continue to article “Opportunities in a Changing interest to info pros, and Steven Kaye, receive your emails and your ideas for World” helps us take a fresh look at Lorene Kennard, Ruth M. Shipley future issues. n our businesses so that we can endure read and reviewed interesting books these challenging times. Risa Sacks also for us. Ruth Balkin spent hours in the Jan Davis helps us work through those aspects exhibit hall at AALL in Portland this Connections Editor-in-Chief of our projects that bog us down in summer, looking for databases that sell [email protected]

2 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals Dialog® Take a new look

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By Heather Carine, Carine Research

elling independent research services can be a difficult task At all times our clients need S in a buoyant economy, let alone in an economy that has reassurance that they can be temporarily lost its confidence. confident in our business skills. We must offer and deliver information Many commentators – and AIIP members – are saying that services that are more than our uncertain times offer an ideal opportunity to review and clients could do with their own improve one’s business strategy and operations, to suit the time and resources. current conditions and prepare for the coming years. For many people who use Now would be a good time to take a fresh look at your business our services, we are the only Heather Carine strategy, operations, and selling points to continue attracting independent information and securing the clients you want. professional (IIP) they have dealt with; they may be unsure of what to expect from an IIP. We independent researchers know that we should be constantly working our business strategy, but client deadlines have a way of In a business purchase, clients seek certainty. It is vitally overtaking matters of importance in our business lives. important that, despite any business concerns we personally might have, we continue to present our businesses in an authoritative, reasoned, and confident voice. Doing so will Confidence breeds certainty reassure our clients that their business needs will be expertly In many respects, as a seasoned researcher, your current handled by a seasoned information professional. business strategy won’t alter markedly from the strategy you relied on in the first few years of establishing your business. Back to the drawing board Micro business operations, such as ours, rely heavily on The current economic dip is also a good time to examine the reputation and relationships as key aspects of our business business you have developed over the years. brand to attract clients to our business. While there are many ways to look at your business plan, a Recently, I attended a seminar on business survival in 2009. One simple, helpful guide is to consider two questions asked by AIIP of the speakers from a PR agency emphasized the importance in in the Myra T. Grenier award application: these uncertain economic times of staying true to the brand you have established. Don’t be daunted by the tasks ahead. • What are your plans and goals for developing an independent information business during the next five We are the business and the brand. It is vital that every message years? we send about our business must be a reflection of how we want our brand to be seen. Clients don’t only judge us by our logo and • What steps have you taken to become a successful web presence, but also by how we present our business through entrepreneur? conversation, email, business proposals, and the work we do. Quite often we get caught working with clients and industries

4 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

that aren’t our first, or even second, loves. The economic and reliable IIPs help to reassure our clients that using our downturn can be an opportunity to think boldly about the services is relatively risk-free – in fact, our clients face greater industries and clients we would ideally like to work with, and risk undertaking their own research by themselves. how to build on our experience to reach them. Reflecting, reviewing, and refining our plans for the next few Many IIPs research in the competitive intelligence (CI) field, months and years should be part of what we do in and for and there is no better time than the present to put your CI our business. If you have been caught up with simply running research skills to practice in your own business. Your CI skills your business, take this current bumpy time to step back and come into play as you research and build knowledge about your prepare for the next phase of being an independent information ideal clients, their industries and challenges. Use those skills to professional. n position yourself as a key provider who can assist in providing Heather Carine, based in Adelaide, South Australia, is a freelance answers to meet their challenges. business researcher specializing in tailored research for businesses Examine the key areas where you can help your clients to steer that require information for their strategic decisions. She also through the next few years. For example, I recently put forth to writes a monthly newsletter on business research tips. a specialist librarian’s group a speaking-engagement proposal on tips for negotiating with the owners and managers of their business, to help them prepare for tough budget and staffing discussions.

While some modifications to your business plans might be needed in an effort to adjust to the current economic times, it is important to think well beyond today and towards the next five or so years. Can You Use Free Publicity? Do it!

After you have reviewed and tinkered with your business plan Learn strategic public relations to better suit both the short-term and long-term vision for your tactics and actionable tips at a business, you need to get out and make the change happen. special workshop to get your PR Recently, I read a tip about promoting and selling your services campaign producing results. that struck me as a simple message to keep in mind. In buying Cost for AIIP, AFP. APRA and STC members: decisions, there are three key benefits that people seek: greater • Early bird $125 by 2/15/09; $150 thereafter return, lower risk, and future options. How can IIPs direct their Cost for all others: message to these three benefits? By linking in the message • Early bird $150 by 2/15/09; $175 thereafter about their services to what people value when buying business Reservation deadline: Sun, Mar 15, 2009 services. To register or for more information, visit: To a prospective client, greater return can mean many things, be Monday, Mar 23, 2009 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. it the dollar value of grants won through grant research or hours Albuquerque Marriott 2101 Louisiana Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 saved by senior staff researching an answer. Word Technologies Inc. can help you to become newsworthy.. In a recent client speaking-engagement proposal, I emphasized We’ll help you to consistently market your business See how, based on numbers from similar sessions that I have run, special or nonprofit to your prospects on a regular basis. dis- my practical speaking topics will attract delegates to their Learn how we can create and implement a custom counts marketing plan with a budget you can afford. for AIIP, conference. AFP, Word Technologies Inc. ♦ [email protected] ♦ APRA & We all experience uncertainty using the services of someone 1.610.494.0316 STC members whom we don’t know very well. The efforts we put in to lifting We create the voice of your business. our profile and building our reputation as experienced, capable,

5 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

efore You B L Retort site. The AP claimed that the excerpts k i in n violated its copyrights. h k T : The AP action was brought to light by Drudge Retort site owner Rogers Ca- denhead, who has made the case that his site was not violating the AP’s copyrights because the excerpts posted were up on the site in order to encourage debate and discussion (Cadenhead, June 12, 2008). Under U.S. copyright law, it is permis- sible under certain circumstances to copy the work of others to encourage such interaction. Cadenhead and his advocates asserted that copyright law was on their side because their reproduction of the AP Te Perils of Blogging the News excerpts constituted fair use of the material By Melissa Corley, student member of AIIP (see sidebar for definition of fair use.

Te Offending Posts The AP’s take-down notices concerned Editor’s Note: The following feature use blogs as a way to interact with clients, six article excerpts posted by Drudge article first appeared as a report Melissa potential clients, and colleagues. Retort bloggers and one user comment, Corley wrote for her Masters in Library which also copied text verbatim from an Sciences at the University of Maryland, Te Drudge Retort AP article, Cadenhead said in his blog, College Park. She has adapted the report The Drudge Retort ( is Workbench (June 12, 2008). Of the article as an article for Connections. a social news web site. It is not the same excerpts posted by the bloggers, the word- as The Drudge Report (www.drudgere- ing ranged in length from 33 words to 100 ow often have you copied the head-, but it is similar in format. The words each. Cadenhead said all but one line and or first paragraph of a news H Drudge Retort features breaking news of the excerpts had user-created headlines story to post on your blog or web site? headlines and allows its users to interact by rather than the original AP headlines. Each When was the last time an online acquain- commenting on the articles. The articles it of the user-created headlines linked back tance caught your attention by posting an features are usually not original to the site to the original AP article in its entirety. The interesting news item originally published – most were originally published on sites excerpt included in the user comment con- elsewhere? Such actions are now so com- belonging to major news organizations and tained two paragraphs from an AP story monplace, few think twice about posting are linked to from The Drudge Retort. The and also linked back to an original AP ver- part of a news story as a way to provide site does feature many of its own bloggers. sion of the full article (June 12, 2008). information to colleagues or enhance their In June, 2008, the Drudge Retort, as it often blogs. Since a link to the full, original story Cadenhead provides a full summary of the did, featured several bloggers who used ex- is usually included, there’s no problem, infringements alleged by the AP on his Work- cerpts from Associated Press (AP) articles to right? bench blog. There, he provides the original start discussions with the site’s users. What wording of each disputed excerpt and a link Such practices ignited a dispute between a had become a standard practice among not to the discussion that each generated. popular political blogging web site and the only bloggers on the Drudge Retort web Associated Press this past summer – and site, but many other sites as well, became the fallout could affect how all of us surf the subject of much controversy and debate Te Associated Press and stay in touch online. It is an especially when the AP sent take-down notices re- Most AP articles are written in pyramid important issue for IIPs, many of whom garding seven items featured on the Drudge format, with the most important details at

6 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

the top (in the headline and lead paragraphs). The blogged excerpts collectively prompted their own writing, a vast number of bloggers As the article progresses, the story provides 342 comments. Presumably, in order to will post links they find online that they feel further details, quotes, descriptions, etc. With comment on the news items, the users leav- that their friends/readers will find interest- AP news stories top-loaded with the perti- ing comments would have had to follow the ing. In posting these links, many will take nent details, the meat of any given article is in links to the original whole articles to read the title of the page or piece they are blog- the headline and first few paragraphs. them. “If AP’s core business is to report the ging and the first paragraph or description news, blogs and social news sites send mil- to include in their blog post. The AP has argued that because the Drudge lions of people to its articles every day,” Ca- Retort’s bloggers posted the headlines Some social news sites exist only because denhead stated in a follow-up blog post on and lead paragraphs of its articles on the reuse behavior is the norm. Newsvine Workbench (June 20, 2008). “Retort users site, many online users who would have ( invites its users to have posted 41,000 links to news stories in otherwise read the articles on sites that write their own pieces and to seed articles the last four years, each link sending from subscribe to AP stories instead read all that from other media sources. On the opposite 1,000 to 5,000 readers directly to a media they needed to on Drudge Retort. The AP’s end of the spectrum from the AP, many site to read the article,” he continued. belief is that this scenario, in effect, stole news organizations, like the Washington customers from its paying subscribers. Other critics of the AP action have gone on Post, have links with each article that allow the offensive by calling out instances where readers to seed the articles to Newsvine. In an article written by the Associated the AP has done just what it has told the Such links populate Newsvine automati- Press on the matter, AP Vice President Drudge Retort to stop doing – it has quoted cally with the headline and lead paragraph and Strategy Director Jim Kennedy said, excerpts from blogger columns (and usu- of the seeded article. Note: Newsvine also “The AP had both a journalistic concern ally without linking back to them). subscribes to AP content and allows its us- about preventing AP news from being ers to comment on these stories as well. quoted out of context and also a business “It [AP] violates its own guidelines in its own concern about protecting the value of AP’s articles,” wrote Mitch Wagner in a blog for AP and Bloggers Talk news from being diluted if its key elements InformationWeek (June 20, 2008). “It quoted The infringement case has not gone to the are made available from places that aren’t a passage of 154 words from the blog Pat- courts because the two sides have instead licensed” (Sutel, June 17, 2008). terico’s Pontifications and 22 words from the reached an agreement through negotia- blog TechCrunch. And AP doesn’t even pro- tions. Cadenhead agreed to permanently Te Retort’s Retort vide links back to TechCrunch – a violation remove the excerpts cited by the AP and Cadenhead’s defense, echoed by the blogging of one of the very few fundamental rules that the AP, in turn, said it considered the mat- community, is that the excerpts adhere to fair virtually all bloggers and Internet journalists ter closed. use standards because 1) they are not copy- agree on,” Wagner wrote. While the infringement alleged against the ing the articles in their entirety; and 2) they Another comment repeated throughout the Drudge Retort has been resolved, many, in- are instigating discussion and debate about coverage of the incident is the cluding Cadenhead, worry that the proper the articles and the larger issues to which the commonplace nature of the infringe-ments way for bloggers to use such news stories in articles pertain (Cadenhead, June 12, 2008). the AP has claimed. “When linking to ar- the future is anything but clear. According “None of the six entries challenged by AP, ticles, bloggers commonly include excerpts to the New York Times on June 20, 2008, which include two that I posted myself, of the article for the purposes of criticism “The A.P. backed down and said it had been contains the full text of an AP story or any- or discussion,” said Cadenhead in his too heavy-handed in its initial complaint. It thing close to it,” stated Cadenhead in his Workbench blog (June 12, 2008). “Some AP added that it hoped to publish guidance for blog on Workbench (June 12, 2008). “I have member sites encourage this kind of reuse. bloggers suggesting how they can use A.P. difficulty seeing how it violates copyright Yahoo News, the source for two disputed content” (Hansell). These guidelines have law for a blogger to link to a news story stories, invites bloggers to use items from its yet to be revealed. with a short snippet of the story in further- RSS feeds,” he wrote. Cadenhead expressed concern that similar ance of public discussion,” he wrote. Reuse is how a large number of bloggers complaints against bloggers could arise in Cadenhead questions whether the excerpts populate their blogs. Though many also post the future. “I’m glad that my personal legal truly caused injury to the AP’s bottom line. stories about their day or original pieces of dispute with the AP is resolved,” he wrote

7 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

(June 20, 2008). “But it does nothing to AP was not the only media company using For More Information resolve the larger conflict between how AP Attributor. “Other Attributor customers in- American Library Association (2008). What interprets fair use and how thousands of clude Thomson Reuters (TRI), Condé Nast is Fair Use? woissues/copyrightb/copyrightarticle/ people are sharing news on the web.” Publications’ CondéNet, and the Canadian whatfairuse.cfm Press,” wrote Peter Burrows on Bloggers: Big Associated Press [AP] (2007, April 16). About So What’s an IIP Blogger To Do? Media is Watching (June 25, 2008). Us. If it seems that Cadenhead has had more For those who want to protect them-selves AP (2008). AP Digital. than his fair share of things to say on the in the event their blog may be the target pages/product/apdigitalservices.html matter, it is because, in comparison, the AP of legal action, a special type of liability Burrows, P. (2008, June 25). Bloggers: has remained rather mum throughout the insurance specifically for bloggers is now Big Media is Watching. BusinessWeek. entire process. In a New York Times article, available. BlogInsure, a new product of technology/content/jun2008/ an AP executive did offer some advice the Media Bloggers Association, offers tc20080625_325222.htm?chan=technology_ for bloggers while they wait for the news protection for not only copyright infringe- technology+index+page_ internet#readerComments organization to issue its usage guidelines. ment claims, but also libel and invasion of Hansell quoted Jim Kennedy: “He said that privacy (Gahran, September 26, 2008). Burrows, P. (2008, June 26). The Threat to “Fair he still believes that it is more appropriate Use” in the Blogosphere. BusinessWeek. http:// for blogs to use short summaries of A.P. Courting Danger archives/2008/06/the_threat_to_f.html articles rather than direct quotations, even Insurance may be a good idea to protect short ones” (June 16, 2008). Cadenhead, R. (n.d.). Copyright Infringement an IIP’s financial well-being, but a claim of Alleged by the Associated Press. Workbench. An intellectual property lawyer offered copyright infringement against an IIP could dmca-summary similar advice when interviewed for a do more than just financial harm. The cost blogged article on Wired magazine’s web of the smudge on the IIP’s name and poten- Cadenhead, R. (2008, June 12). AP Files 7 DMCA Takedowns Against Drudge Retort. site. “If the blogger were my client, I would tially his/her business’s reputation is much Workbench. advise reading the news and then writing harder to quantify. workbench/news/3368/ap-files-7-dmca- one’s own headlines and content just to takedowns-against-drudge Even if you are confident that your blog avoid trouble,” said Kathleen Williamson Cadenhead, R. (2008, June 20). AP Settles or web site’s content falls under fair use, (Kravets, June 16, 2008). Dispute with Drudge Retort. Workbench. are you ready to defend yourself and the The operators of smaller sites should not rights of all bloggers in court? Consider news/3372/ap-settles-dispute-drudge-retort assume that they are safer than Cadenhead the potential consequences. As Cadenhead Cox, R. (2008, June 18). Backstory on AP – was simply because their site is lower profile. realized with the case against the Drudge Drudge Retort Issue. WordsInEdge. http://www. It was the method used by the AP that Retort, taking the claim to court for a judge ap-drudge-retort-issue detected the excerpts on the Drudge Retort to decide would have had repercussions Crews, K. D. (2006). Copyright Law for web site. “Drudge Retort got onto AP’s radar beyond simply the case at hand. A judge’s Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies & because those posts were flagged by software ruling on a claim of fair-use by a blogger Practical Solutions. ALA Editions. http://www. used by AP called Attributor,” said Robert would set a precedent that would affect how Cox of the Media Bloggers Association in his nearly everyone interacts online. n edu/Details.aspx. blog (June 18, 2008). “This is a data mining Gahran, A. (2008, September 26). E-Media spider similar to the bots and web indexers Tidbits: Discounted Liability Insurance for Bloggers Now Available. PoynterOnline. used by search engines; content companies Melissa Corley is a public relations professional can use it to track the use of their content on asp?id=31&aid=151286 at the University of Maryland and a volunteer the web,” Cox said. reference librarian at the Internet Public Li- Hansell, S. (2008, June 16). The Associated Press to Set Guidelines for Using Its Articles in Bloggers should not assume that if they do brary. She is an aspiring IIP with plans to open Blogs. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes. not catch the attention of anyone at the AP, her first business in early 2009. She has previ- com/2008/06/16/business/media/16ap.html?_r= or any other media organization, they are ously written for The Washington Post and 2&ref=technology&oref=slogin&oref=slogin safe. In all likelihood, crawlers like Attributor the Baltimore Sun, among other publications. Hansell, S. (2008, June 20). The AP Asserts will find them.BusinessWeek noted that the Melissa can be reached at [email protected]. Tough (and Still Secret) View of Copyright on

8 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Blogs. The New York Times. ap-asserts-tough-and-still-secret-view-of-copyright-on-blogs/ Harris, L. E. (2006, December). Weighing the Four Fair Use Factors. Infor- What is Fair Use? mation Outlook, 10 (12), pp. 40-41.

Kravets, D. (2008, June 16). Drudge Retort Episode Highlights Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act provides a ‘Fair Use’ Uncertainties. Wired Blog Network. http://blog.wired. definition of the concept of fair use and the factors com/27bstroke6/2008/06/if-ap-is-right.html to be considered when judging whether the use of Larrington, J. M. (2007, September). Impact of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act on Libraries and Library Users. Against the Grain, 19 (4), pp. a copyrighted work is covered by fair use or not. 26-30. Among the fair uses of a copyrighted work are: for Pever, T. (2003). The Transfer of Media to Digital Form: Redefining the Copyright Infringement Test to Include Commercial Use as a Solution to criticism, comment, scholarship, news reporting, Digital Copyright Infringement. Capital University Law Review, 31(109). teaching or research (U.S. Copyright Office, n.d.). Pike, G. H. (2007, December). The Value of Fair Use. Information Today, 24 (11), pp. 17-21. However, these uses of a work do not guarantee

Sutel, S. (2008, June 17). AP to meet with blogging group to form guide- absolute freedom to reproduce a work, even if for lines. Associated Press. one of the aforementioned purposes. If a copyright U.S. Copyright Office (n.d.). Fair Use. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from owner claims that his/her work has been infringed, and the supposed infringer claims the use of the Wagner, M. (2008, June 20). AP Struggles To Save Face In Blogger Copy- right Dispute. The InformationWeek. work falls under fair use, there are four factors that blog/main/archives/2008/06/ap_tries_to_sav.html the judge overseeing the case must use to determine if fair use is, in fact, at play. The four factors to be considered are:

1. The reason for the use of the work – for instance, whether for nonprofit educational purposes or for commercial purposes;

2. The nature of the copyrighted work;

3. How much of the copyrighted work was reproduced and the amount in relation to the work as a whole;

4. The effect of the use on the marketability of the work (U.S. Copyright Office, n.d.).

The fair use section of the Copyright Act is vaguely worded and done so intentionally. The vague wording of the Act enables it to be applied to electronic works as well as works on paper and in other formats. n

9 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals Word

Wise by Andrea C . Carrero 11 Short Tips for Writing Your Blog

Blogs have become just about as I read a corporate blog that has remember to use the keywords as part commonplace in today’s business personal information in it. While of natural speech—in other words, just marketing efforts as printed many people think it humanizes listing a bunch of keywords with no newsletters have been in the past. a business to write about personal other prose won’t gain you any points But no one seems to know what things in a business blog, I think in your prospect’s eyes. the rules are for writing a blog— it muddies the waters and blurs probably because there are no hard the line in your prospects’ minds Write Short and fast rules. as to what you’re selling and what If it’s a long entry, consider breaking your business is about. After all, a it into two or three separate blog So, I thought I’d create some rules corporate blog is a marketing tool to entries. Most people have limited that you can follow (or not) that will help you gain business. So why talk time or a limited attention span and help you to maximize your marketing about your dog or your car breaking having a “continued tomorrow…” efforts when it comes to writing a blog. down? Save that for your personal line can create some interest. blog or tweet it on Twitter. Having said that, I’m now going Compelling Content to contradict myself—somewhat. Everyone has one or at least has I think if you’re blogging each and Keywords access to one. What makes yours every day, which most people try If you’re writing a blog for your different? Readable? The trick is to to do, writing short is imperative. business, then most likely you’re make yours unique—there are plenty If, however, your frequency is more using it as a marketing tool. As such, of things out there trying to capture open, I think writing a bit longer you’ll want your target prospects to your prospects’ attention, so you need and having a compelling story in be reading it—hopefully on a regular to write something compelling… your blog entry can work to your basis. Like any marketing you do, something that will pique interest and advantage just as well. knowing what the keywords are for keep ‘em coming back for more. your prospects will help them to find you when they perform an internet Engage People Separate Entities search. Pepper your blog entries Ask questions if you’re open to Keep a personal blog or a corporate with various keywords so that you comments and want dialogue. By blog. But don’t try to keep both have a better chance at having a high establishing a dialogue, you’ll create within one blog. It’s odd to me when placement in results. Just a relationship with the poster—who

10 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

may in turn be a good networking friends who have blogs to link from ever. And the more interesting and connection or even client for you their blog to yours. By linking to and compelling the scannable parts are, in the future. And don’t forget from each other, you’ll create a viral the more likely the person will either to engage dissenters—people world where people can more easily read your entry right then and there who don’t agree with you. While find you and your blog. or come back to it within a few hours. you may not win them over and Take a look at this article and you’ll change their opinions, you’ll have see that if you didn’t choose to read Enticing Headlines a dialogue going that can spark it all from start to finish as soon as Writing a catchy or snappy headline interest in the readership of your you opened your Connections PDF, will do more for you than a traditional, blog. My suggestion for your blog you most likely at least glanced at the staid one. Of course, the headline is to enable comments but only subheads to see what advice I was must be appropriate to the content— moderated ones. While it may seem going to give. Each subhead is short for example, you wouldn’t want a counterproductive to say that, I have and to the point and is written to snazzy, off-the-cuff headline if your found that my blog is constantly eminently scannable. blog entry speaks about the death of being targeted by spammers. a prominent researcher. But for most If comments were allowed entries, you’ll want to have a headline Remember Your Audience unmoderated, I’d have nothing but that makes the reader want to read As with any other marketing tool spam comments on my blog. your entry. When I was the features that you use, remember your target editor for a daily newspaper, I wrote audience. You need to be writing Words Live Forever multiple headlines each and every as though you’re speaking to them If you don’t want something you day—some fun, some serious—and one-on-one. If your target audience write associated with your name in what great experience that was in both is lawyers, for example, you’ll want perpetuity, don’t write it. So if you writing words that will get people to your language to be appropriate like to challenge people or write read a story but also in training me and appealing to that audience. about controversial topics, be aware to make each word count. (Hmmm. You wouldn’t want to use shortcuts that somehow, someday, somewhere, Maybe I should offer a short course on and emoticons, most likely, as they someone’s going to drag up your how to write headlines!) wouldn’t necessarily be used by old blog about the pros or cons of attorneys in their professional lives. abortion, whether marijuana should Scannable be legal, and so on. And if you flame a Did I mention that people have short Last Toughts former client, it will haunt you for the attention spans? Yep—they do! So Try to strive for consistency in your rest of your life. Just ask any politician! making your entry “scannable” is entries. If you typically write three a worthwhile endeavor. What that paragraphs per entry, then don’t Link In, Link Out means is to use bullet lists, subheads, write seven or ten one day out of the Creating links in your blog entries formatting (such as bold, italic) and blue. Consider, as mentioned before, is essential, just like it is for your other tricks of the trade to allow the splitting up that one long entry into website. When you cite someone reader to glance down your entry a series of two or three entries. As for or something, make the citation an without actually reading it. That may frequency, try to apply consistency to active link. And IMHO, that link sound counterproductive—after all, that as well. If you write on a weekly should launch a new window, not you want them to read your entry— basis, then ensure you have at least take the place of your blog window. but what it does is to allow the reader one entry per week—preferably on And don’t forget to get links in. Ask to decide if he/she has the time at the same day and close to the same colleagues, family members and that moment to read it then—or time. This allows you to “train” your

11 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

readers to show up on a regular sometimes hard to foster with other basis to read your blog. If you are marketing tools. n erratic, you’ll lose the momentum If have specific questions you’d like and you’ll rely on people reading answered in my next “WordWise” your blog only when the spirit moves Connections column, please feel free or when they remember that you to email me at [email protected]. exist. And lastly, don’t forget to inject some personality into your blog entry. Just remember that if you’re Andrea C. Carrero is president of writing a corporate blog, you’ll want Word Technologies Inc. (WTI), a the personality to be that of your firm that specializes in marketing business. Personality will color your communications services and blog—even your corporate blog— solutions. Based in Glen Mills, PA, and give the reader a sense that he WTI can be found on the web at or she knows who you are and what you do. It creates an affinity that is

12 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

By Risa Sacks, Risa Sacks Information Services

Over the years I have found that, for 1. Project Euphoria; you add that one-too-many, extra bit me, almost every research project has 2. Information Overload; of information, and then your brain four distinct phases. While working a 3. Project Hysteria; circuits totally shut down. Certainly you project, sometimes I can avoid Phases 4. Do the Project. can’t process and remember all those 1 through 3, and in a tight timeframe, $#@*& acronyms – it’s all alphabet soup I can scrunch Phases 1 through 3 into Phase 1: Project Euphoria in your head. In fact, you can barely a few hours or less. Repeat clients and The project has just been proposed remember your own name in this mess. colleagues now recognize the phase and/or accepted. At this stage, ensuing At this stage, it’s only by sheer luck patterns, and can even recognize them. thoughts and feelings run thusly: Joy that you can find the off switch to the knows no bounds. Won’t this be fun? computer, manage to close the paper The phases seem to speak to my What an interesting topic! The client is files, and crawl away from your desk. colleagues as well; I’ve often been so darling and /or has been a favorite asked to expound on them. So here are Should your client happen to call for years. The request is so reasonable Risa’s Four Phases of a project: during Phase 2, he or she may well and clear; the timeframe so totally find that you are physically drooling acceptable. Boy, this is the project in your office corner, and incoherently from heaven. I am so lucky to have it! babbling into the phone, “Project? You’re a total delight to your client at What project? Industry? Did you say this point. Except long-time clients industry? Oh yeah, that…” know to be wary; they’ve learned from Now, your client has serious doubts past experience that the dreaded Phase as to your sanity, not to mention 2 and Phase 3 are each on the way… your competence as a researcher. Of course, repeat clients simply nod and Phase 2: Information Overload knowingly say “She’s in information Trying to get a firm handle on the overload; she’ll come out soon.” research topic, you delve more deeply into the subject. As you go along, you Slowly recovering from the fog of discover more and more information Information Overload, next the brain Risa Sacks that needs to be considered. Finally, cools off and reboots. (Note: Recovery

13 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

might be aided by a good slug of wine, be covered? Doesn’t the client realize is good and it gets the job done to the but sometimes that only increases the that the question is nonsensical and satisfaction of the client. It is certainly general morass of the situation, so can’t be answered as stated? How much better than your worst fears proceed with caution when introducing could he/she be such an unreasonable from Phase 3: Project Hysteria. In wine as a research aid.) You then find bird-brained barbarian? Why does the fact, right now, the client thinks you yourself experiencing much more client expect me to continue pulling are a research genius. You bask in the clarity looking at the project. Only the the proverbial research rabbit out glow and completely forget the earlier clarity then immediately hurls you into of the proverbial research hat? My phases. Bring on the next challenge! the third phase: Project Hysteria. business policy is: one miracle per You are the consummate research client, one miracle per year – and this professional! You can do this! client had his/her miracle last month! Phase 3: Project Hysteria Which only sets you up again for Internal dialogue in Phase 3 involves Again, long-time clients simply grin Project Euphoria. And so the cycle any or all of the following: Why did through my rantings with a “Yes, dear begins anew… I ever say I’d do this project? We have – just do what you can, and don’t get Obviously, the professional goal is to about as much chance of getting this your knickers in such a twist.” These skip the first three phases of a project, information as the proverbial snowball clients know from experience that the and I’ve been known to actually in the well known hot climate. Was end is in sight. accomplish that. Most often though, I demented when I said yes to this? I count on going from Joy through And the time frame! Didn’t I realize Phase 4: Do the Project Overload to Despair, and out again, that this was in the middle of or the annual happens. At some point you simply increasingly recognize the Four Phases settle down and do the work. Once and humor me through them. If I where every expert is now completely you’ve made a few calls, reviewed can’t totally control the phases, at least unavailable by phone, fax, email, the information, reformulated the having a roadmap lets us together instant message, or Twitter? And the questions, you kick into Work Mode anticipate the bumps ahead, and feel client – oy! I forgot the client takes two and get on with the job. People help fairly secure that the destination will weeks to respond to critical questions, you (bless their kind hearts), and it is be a successful project outcome. while refusing to push the final just fine to ask the difficult questions. deadline as they dawdle away precious You gain assurance – even glibness – Do any of these work phases strike research time. as you move along with the research a familiar chord with you? If so, feel process. Soon you sound like an expert, free to adopt or modify the Four- All this, and to say nothing of what asking really intelligent questions and Phases explanation to describe your it does to your nerves while waiting. able to recognize critical points. own project-performance quirks. In Plus the delay will now (of course) the meantime, here’s wishing everyone compress the timeframe for the next You can have reasonable interactions Project Euphoria. n project you promised – to the Really with the client – even if it’s to question Good Client (the one never guilty of their goals or methodology. Is this the Risa Sacks, owner of Risa Sacks this foolishness….until, of course, same snarling, incoherent, idiot the Information Services, specializes in you’re in Project Hysteria for their client talked to yesterday? (Must have providing telephone and primary project). been her evil twin, Asir.) research to the business and research communities. Risa can be reached at At this point, you are quite snarly in And so, the research project gets done. [email protected]. your conversations with the client. It might not resemble the shining How could the client not mention piece of perfection you envisioned these additional forty-three points to way back in Project Euphoria, but it

14 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Build Your Coach’s Reputation for Corner Successful Marketing

by Amelia Kassel, MarketingBase, www .marketingbase c. om

veryone has to start somewhere. to see ways to contribute to the databases to new Internet tools and EIn 1993, after two years of discussions. Significantly, I found sources useful to searchers. membership in AIIP and more than 10 that answering questions or making Participation in AIIP proved to be years in business, I decided it was time substantive comments to AIIP-L was an excellent way to build personal to become active in the association. an avenue for building my reputation and business relationships. By the Quite alone in business since 1982 among my information professional late 1990s, quite a bit of new business and without colleagues in my field, I colleagues. began coming my way, flowing from learned of the AIIP online discussion Participating in AIIP-L is one way to relationships with my AIIP colleagues, group which, at the time, was located showcase your professional expertise and it all began with my contributing within CompuServe’s Work from and thus garner clients and projects. answers and insights to AIIP-L. Home forum. After about a year, one AIIP member While I continue to participate in I wasn’t sure how I would benefit retained me for a small project. AIIP-L, another opportunity for from AIIP discussions, which, at Thereafter, others contacted me for mining new work has emerged: Social first, seemed like a lot of chatter subcontracting or began referring networking. LinkedIn, the popular but after observing list activity for clients to me. From my AIIP-L social networking Internet site, offers several months (also called lurking), postings, they could see that my an Answers area (www.linkedin. I decided to get involved. With knowledge and skill base fit some of com/answers?trk=hb_tab_ayn) the help and encouragement of their research needs. which I periodically sift through to then Electronic Communications Another member, in charge of a ply my expertise as an information Committee chairperson, Mary Ellen conference program panel, invited professional. I respond to questions Bates, I signed up, logged in, and me to speak at a national conference. from other LinkedIn members who never looked back. Within a couple of years, Barbara hail from all over the globe. To review Quickly, I found that AIIP members Quint, editor of Searcher Magazine, my most recent answers, check my provide one another with support asked me to write an article. Her LinkedIn Profile and scroll down to in business development, research invitation later led to a regular Amelia’s Q&A ( sources and techniques, trends, and column, Web Wise Ways, which profile?viewProfile=&key=2212257& technical problems. Soon I began focused on comparing traditional trk=tab_pro). (Note: You must have

15 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals a LinkedIn connection to me for this URL to work.) Those Amelia’s Recommendation: asking questions can opt to rank responses as Best Answer Contribute substantive comments or Good Answer – yet another way to build one’s info pro and answers to AIIP-L and reputation. Answering questions has proven to be a valuable other social media sites. It’s an marketing strategy for me overall and has produced several effective, long-range, no-dollars- new contacts and one large account for my business this year invested, marketing strategy that can be used for successful business development. With a little luck, the strategy could pay off relatively quickly although one by Amelia Kassel, must weigh the pros and cons of MarketingBase, how much time to devote to the www .marketingbase .com activity, and whether it is the best strategy for you (in time spent and direction taken.) For me, the clear result has been an expansion of my network of associates and added business profitability in 2008. n

For more information on this topic, see Social Networking: A Research Tool by Amelia Kassel ( find/3196).

To pose a question for this column, contact Amelia at [email protected].

Amelia Kassel is President of MarketingBase, a global firm specializing in industry, company and competitive and AIIP Association Coordinator Jenny Constantin’s darling baby Phil. market intelligence research. Amelia also operates The Mentor Program for independent research professionals. She teaches how to grow and market a research business. For those new to the research field, Amelia teaches research methods and includes in the program, exercises for learning how to search fee-based databases using cost and time effective techniques.

AIIP would like to thank

for its consistent support of AIIP and for sponsoring the online publication of Connections. Ed Vawter at AIIP’s booth at Online London

16 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals DTIC Online: Improving Public Access By Peggy Garvin, Garvin Information Consulting and Nora Stoecker, NKS Info Services

he Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) “Portable Weather Intelligence for the Soldier” Tunveiled its new public website this summer, (ADA483306); consolidating several old sites and introducing new features “Synthesis and Thin Film Assembly of Copper intended to improve navigation and access to resources. If Nanoparticles for Sensing Contaminants in Aircraft you have never used DTIC resources or have not done so Cabins,” (ADA484769); recently, take another look. The new site, DTIC Online, is available at “Text-Mining the Biomedical Literature,” (ADA473638).

DTIC provides scientific, research, and engineering DTIC’s Bonnie Klein pointed out in an article earlier information support for the U.S. Defense Department this year that although the agency has taken measures to (DoD). DoD’s research interests are widespread, and DTIC open up their public content to Google and other search Online’s coverage reflects that fact. In addition to areas engines, Google searches still do not surface some of normally associated with defense research, information can the relevant DTIC-cited reports. The reports themselves be found in most, if not all, of the basic sciences, as well as do show up in results, but often via the website of a behavioral and social sciences. DTIC serves as an aggregator commercial provider that is selling the reports for a fee. rather than originator of this research. Sources include DoD (See “Google and the Search for Federal Government research centers, university research centers, corporate R&D Information” in Against The Grain, April, 2008, http:// centers, civilian government research, and other diverse ) authorities such as the Congressional Research Service, Before you buy a report that could be available for free, military colleges, and scientific journals. A sample of report check out DTIC Online. titles, all published within the past two years, to be found on DTIC Online, using the accession number that begins with Some History ADA, reveals the range of topics covered: DTIC was founded in 1945 to collect and disseminate “Bio-based Hydraulic Fluids” (ADA479846); scientific and technical information for the Department of Defense (DoD) community. Over the years, DTIC’s “Injury Reduction Effectiveness of Prescribing Running Scientific andT echnical Information NETwork (STINET) Shoes Based on Foot Shape in Basic Combat Training” became one of the DoD’s largest repositories of sci-tech (ADA484214); information. DTIC made an estimated 41 percent of the STINET collection available to the public without restriction as Public STINET. The remainder of the content was restricted to registered users from defense-related and other government agencies and their contractors.

The new DTIC Online site offers DTIC’s customers one comprehensive website to search for and access DoD Peggy Garvin Nora Stoecker

17 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

scientific and technical information, with, again, some The Bad: results can come back very slowly; no ability for content restricted to registered users. In this article, we will public users to set up “alerts”; abstracts and full records must highlight three publicly available DTIC resources: Technical be opened one at a time; no ability to download results into a Reports (Public), Advanced Search, and . spreadsheet or into bibliographic tools such as Endnote.

Technical Reports (Public) Advanced Search The Technical Reports (Public) section of DTIC Online is a The Advanced Search section of DTIC Online is a revamped version of the old Public STINET. It is accessible that includes data from various defense- from the S&T Resources section of the web site and related web sites. provides access to unclassified, unlimited citations and/or full-text documents published from 1960 to present (and provided to DTIC). Access to full-text is available for most documents published since the mid-1990s.

Advanced Search focuses on websites, including the public technical reports site reviewed above, and some indexes to periodicals and conference proceedings. According The revamped page uses a different search engine than the to the librarians at DTIC, it does a Google-like search old Public STINET, but still offers four search options: a rather than the more traditional Boolean search used for one-line Simple Search and fielded Quick, Guided, and technical reports, but Boolean operators, including NOT, Advanced options. do seem to work.

In theory, the Advanced Search option could be very In an interesting addition, the Search Results page also powerful. But the online Search Tips file provides no actual brings up a list of keywords, acronyms, and categories, tips on how to build an advanced search. In our opinion, the which can be used to modify the results of the initial Guided Search option is powerful enough for most searches. search.

Each of the fielded search options accepts Boolean The Good: access to information from 20 websites; can operators in some fields, each enables you to sort results easily select combination of defense-relates sites to search. by various fields, and each allows you to restrict results by The Bad: searching websites rather than structured some form of publication date. information; lacks the advanced features of general web The Good: access to a significant portion of the full search engines. Technical Reports database of nearly two million reports in print and other formats.

18 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

MultiSearch nice features. You can select relevant hits and add them to MultiSearch, in the earlier STINET days, was described a Your Selections list for further review. That list remains as “a portal to the deep web for scientific and technical active until you clear it or end the session. In addition, you information.” It is now described as “a DTIC Online can e-mail the list of hits – either from the main search gateway for searching federal and worldwide selected results page or from Your Selections – to yourself, a client, authoritative science resources at once.” or another interested party.

For some reason, DTIC has chosen to hide the link The results page also clusters the hits by topic, author, to MultiSearch well. Here is the direct link: http:// publication, publisher, date and some other options, enabling you to drill deeper as desired. A short list of news stories deemed relevant to the search is provided by the EurekAlert science news service of the AAAS. And finally, sometimes with extremely interesting results, there’s a link to a Wikipedia article bearing at least some relationship to the search strategy.

The Good: one-stop access to a number of reputable government-related and other sci/tech databases; an A for effort with EurekAlert and Wikipedia.

The Bad: a step backwards: the earlier MultiSearch tool enabled you to select specific hits – as above – but then provided a Display option that also enabled you to create MultiSearch provides access to about 50 database sources a single document containing the full records for each from – according to DTIC – approximately 50 countries citation. Too bad that seems to be gone! with an estimated number of 20 million documents.

DTIC’s 50-countries estimate may be based in part on Summary the fact that MultiSearch accesses the WorldWideScience DTIC Online has free, full-text content that will be of site ( Nonetheless, interest to many AIIP members. Long-time DTIC users MultiSearch hits a large number of very reputable sci-tech are still getting used to the new search and interface, which databases from sources including the US Department is largely powered by the private contractor DeepWeb Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency Technologies ( Other (EPA), NASA, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and federal gateways have adopted the DeepWeb look – the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). notably, and Searchers MultiSearch also hits the Library of Congress and the Naval of federal research information will want to take a look. n Postgraduate School library catalogs, and other public web sources like Scitopia, WorldWideScience, and, yes, Google. Peggy Garvin is CEO of Garvin Information Consulting, As one would expect, it is possible to search across any or all where she guides clients through the maze of U.S. of the listed resources by selecting each individually or by government information online. She can be reached at selecting all or any number of them. Unfortunately, there are [email protected] only three fields available for searching (full-text; title; author) Nora Stoecker owner of NKS Info Services. Nora specializes and the date limitation option only goes back to 1990. in providing focused secondary information research Search results are displayed in Google-like fashion, with for engineering, R&D, scientific, and technology-related automatically-generated text excerpts rather than formal business planning, competitive intelligence, and problem abstracts. But the search results page provides some very resolution. Nora can be reached at [email protected]

19 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Product Review:


By Susanne Bjørner, Bjorner & Associates

If you’re ever called upon to provide advice for start-up Publishing, eClipsNet, Wiley’s Dummies book series, business owners, or if you simply want to check out some Hoovers, the United States Association for Small Business different models to fine-tune your own business practices, and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), and the International take a look at a new product from ProQuest. Council for Small Business (ICSB). A full list of more than 285 titles appears behind the Publications tab on the main Launched in July, 2008, ProQuest Entrepreneurship offers an page. intriguing collection of web-based tools and information in multiple formats covering practical and scholarly aspects A test search to find material related to information businesses of running a business. It’s a unique blend of video clips, proved very difficult – there is no easy way to search descriptors start-up toolkits, templates, how-to books, market research, in Basic Search. I recommend proceeding immediately to scholarly studies, and teaching resources for teaching Advanced Search, where the possibilities are plentiful, detailed, Entrepreneurship courses. and well-documented. I entered AIIP in the article citation/ abstract or document text field and found 17 hits. Included Some of the recognizable sources of content are: Inc., Fast are a couple classics: founder Marilyn Levine’s “Brief history of Company, Business Week, Springer, Palgrave, Emerald information brokering” in the February 1995 ASIS Bulletin and Mary Ellen Bates’ July/August 2002 Searcher article, “A day in the life of an information broker; or, ‘so, you’re tired of a steady paycheck?’” AIIP has also been promoted in the “Cool Careers Yellow Pages” of Cool Careers for Dummies, acknowledged by several members in articles about their businesses, and mistakenly indexed in PDFs of at least three unlikely business reports.

The eclectic collection can also be effectively approached by browsing, where a classic business hierarchy tree leads users to tools for Start-up, Funding, Legal, Marketing, Operations, and Product Development topics and sub-topics. Other ways to discover data include links to Business Cases, Market Research Reports, and Business Plan Samples.

ProQuest Entrepreneurship’s entry screen provides numerous There’s not enough space here for me to rave about ways to approach its content. ProQuest’s updated interface, though I have to some of my

20 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

into who want your advice on how to start an information business. It’s worth consulting from time to time when you want to give a shot in the arm to your own business thinking. And if you want to reach out and make yourself and your services known in your local area, you might even approach those public Susanne Bjørner taking agencies to do some collaborative a break near her home in marketing or training. n Roquetas de Mar, Spain. Advanced Search options allow access to ProQuest Entrepreneurship’s variable-format resources in multiple ways. More information on ProQuest Entrepreneurship can be found at clients! It’s worth exploring if only to see what the standard is detail/pq_entrep.shtml. becoming. Susanne Bjørner provides print and online editorial services to You can’t buy ProQuest Entrepreneurship – it’s marketed only publishers, researchers, and librarians and may be contacted to libraries. But do make sure that your local public or college at [email protected]. She currently serves as chair of library buys it. It’s a good place to send those people you run AIIP’s membership development committee.

Conference Hotel Rate Announcement

Te Albuquerque Marriott has lowered the guest room rate during the 23rd Annual AIIP Conference ( to $129/night (originally, the rate was $150/night). Take advantage of this extra savings and book your room ( ConferenceLodging) for the conference now!

AIIPers should use the group code “AIIAIIA” in order to get the AIIP rate. Tose who have already booked a room will automatically receive the new rate.

21 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

The award, and attending the conference, will be pivotal to the success of my business, Carine Research.

To receive the Myra T. Grenier award, applicants need to outline their plans and goals for the next WISDOM five years, the steps they have put OF KEITH in place to become a successful Myra T. Grenier Award Essay entrepreneur, and why they want to attend the AIIP conference… all in By Heather Carine, Carine Research 600 words.

Two years into business, the application process was a very useful eather Carine was awarded our knowledge, resources, time, exercise for planning, and reflecting, the AIIP Myra T. Grenier and geographic location. We can H on the development of my business. award at the 2008 Annual AIIP overcome some of our limitations via It’s cathartic to consider what you Conference. The award assists a the online support offered through have achieved in the first few years of new independent information AIIP-L, and our network of AIIP business. It is also very challenging to professional to attend his or her connections available via outline your intended path to grow first AIIP conference. Carine is a However, it was only through your business beyond 2013 – and know Freelance Business Researcher with attending my first AIIP conference that it will be reviewed by your peers. her own business, Carine Research that I came to fully appreciate the (, based As one of the few Australians extent of the support, wisdom, and in Adelaide, South Australia. Carine working as an independent generosity of the AIIP community also received support from the South – and how much that support Australian Government through can help to make us better than their Market Access Program – a ten others, as Richards would say. program that assists small business Jocelyn Sheppard, AIIP’s remarkable owners to develop their export conference co-ordinator, summed services by attending international up this approach beautifully when events where strong connections can she opened the 2008 conference with be made. the words, ‘we’re here to help you Rolling Stone Keith Richards succeed.” sums up the AIIP philosophy best. I was very honoured to receive the When he was asked who is the better Myra T. Grenier award, to assist with guitarist, he or fellow Stone Ronnie attending my first AIIP conference. Wood, Richards simply says that The Myra Grenier award honours neither of the two are great players, Grenier as one of the co-founders but together they are better than ten of AIIP, and for her strong support others. for the independent information As independent information profession. There is no doubt, professionals, we are all limited by applying for the Myra T. Grenier Iuliana Pop and Heather Carine

22 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

information pro-fessional, I was very for independent professionals was great to sit alongside so many keen to attend the AIIP conference around the world. colleagues whose books, blogs, and in Pittsburgh to meet with my list comments I routinely refer to The conference program, organized independent researcher colleagues and have benefited from. around converging, connecting from around the world, and to and communicating, was a very hear and share tips on research good base for delivering a range * Assistance for first-timers techniques, public speaking, adding of operational, technical, and The AIIP attitude of ‘we’re here to value to deliverables, and business motivational talks. help’ really shines though with the strategies for independents working special attention shown to first-time together. Building on the generous nature of conference attendees. I enjoyed the AIIP members, many of the sessions Further, I wanted to share my networking session for first-timers, had a lot of practical messages experience establishing an and the chance to practice my that could be taken on board independent information business in crucial business introduction spiel, immediately, or highlighted issues to Australia through my presentation, before the annual grand parade of all be aware of. “Building an IIP Business.” attendees introducing their business. There were many aspects of the AIIP * Roundtable discussions conference that were beyond my The two sessions of roundtable * Opportunities to give expectations, and to name just a few, discussions were wonderful On returning to Australia, I I highlight: opportunities to learn from presented to the South Australian experienced colleagues as they specialist information professionals shared some of their pearls on my impressions of the AIIP * Conference leadership of wisdom on such topics as conference, and what could be learnt At every point where I had contact marketing outside your comfort from how AIIP runs a successful with the conference organizing zone, telephone research, and tips information professionals committee, the message of “we’re for consulting. There is so much to conference. here to help” came through loud be gained when you can hear, firstly, One of the strengths of the AIIP and clear. As a conference speaker, how your colleagues overcome the conference is the continuing input I was really impressed by the same concerns and discomfort we from delegates who run very support I received from the Program all face as independent operators, successful independent businesses Committee Co-Chairs, Deb Liptak and secondly, those ah-ha moments and attend and contribute to the AIIP and Eiko Shaul, and their warm when you hear a tip that makes so conference in some way every year. welcome. Mary Ellen Bates was much sense, but had alluded you. They highlight the simple message also an outstanding facilitator, and that “you get out what you put in.” contacted my co-speaker, Valerie The roundtable discussions, whilst The AIIP conference organisers Matarese, and me many months led by an experienced colleague, excelled in providing many prior to our talk, with a suggested also provided a lot of opportunity opportunities for members to put in. framework for our topic of building for talking about the experiences of an IIP business. the AIIP members around the table. Some forty people contributed to the AIIP conference. For others not * Program * Industry experience directly involved, there was plenty of Deb Liptak and Eiko Shaul, and For a small gathering of about time – at breaks, roundtable their program committee, had one hundred delegates, there is discussions, workshops, question time, put together a strong program enormous depth and breadth of private dinners, and the finale boat trip with timely and relevant material industry experience in the room. It – to meet and learn from one another.

23 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Although I won’t be attending next year’s conference the long-term success for my business. Many months after in Albuquerque, I was delighted to accept the kind returning from the conference, I am able to appreciate the invitation to be a consultant to the 2009 Program importance of tips learned as I explore new ways to deliver Committee to provide an international perspective. and expand my business.

I came away from the AIIP conference with my suspicions * Generosity of spirit confirmed: my AIIP colleagues are impressive, and as that Last, but definitely not least, I knew that the AIIP Rolling Stone Keith Richards suggests, we lift one another. n community was incredibly helpful but on meeting my colleagues for the first time I was still overwhelmed by the incredible support, encouragement, free exchange of ideas, and stories that flowed throughout the conference.

Attending my first AIIP conference in Pittsburgh was an incredibly valuable and rewarding experience for me and

AIIP would like to acknowledge the following corporate sponsors for their generous support of the 2008 Conference:

Gold Sponsors

10K Wizard

Dow Jones

Silver Sponsor

Tomson Scientific

Bronze Sponsor


24 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Almost Without Hardcopy

by Carol-Lee Roark, CKLR Research and Consulting

whereas my husband is a process- n late 2007 and early 2008, I oriented, mellow person – INFJ Carol-Lee Roark at the Urquhart posted some questions concerning I and ESTP, for the Meyers-Briggs Castle near Inverness, Scotland electronic books and smartphones folks. Tim would choose a vacation to AIIP-L. My husband and I were in which he got off a plane or train preparing for a trip to Scotland, and and walked into town, sat at a pub on this trip, we didn’t want to lug our and talked to people, and then had an extra suitcase full of books, usual laptop and a duffle bag of books wandered in another direction. I, as well as my laptop. I intended to (90% hers / 10% his). on the other hand, would be madly use wi-fi with my laptop to find Although we have a long history of running from point to point, trying us train, bus, subway or rental car backpacking and canoe trips behind to see everything, do everything and information, and book a room at a us, we have settled comfortably into cram it into the available time. Our bed-and-breakfast each morning (or our middle-aged era of camping with compromise has been to travel with night before) in the direction we were a pickup truck. The pickup affords us only the very vaguest of itineraries, headed. If we had wi-fi just about the luxury of traveling with a crate of but lots of reference materials. We go everywhere in Bozeman, Montana, my nature guidebooks and maps in the with day-by-day decisions to stay in certainly the whole UK would be wi- back of the pickup, along with another the same place another day or head fi-able, right? Wrong. Two years ago, I crate containing reading material, on, and where to head if we do move found it relatively inconvenient to find board games, etc. Our first overseas on. The extemporaneous approach is a wi-fi, and the laptop was more-or-less trip proved a dilemma for me. Every wonderful treat for me. But…I usually an anvil we lugged along with us for landscape or town seems to be linked have my months of anticipatory travel no reason. The suitcase full of books with famous literature, plus there is a research behind me and a bunch of was extremely useful – but hardly whole new natural history to learn. I reference materials with me so that “portable.” couldn’t imagine getting by with only I can give us interesting options. If one crate-load of books – and yet I traveled via my style of itinerary Te Clever Idea on that trip we weren’t traveling via without Tim, I would be exhausted. If For the upcoming trip to Scotland, pickup. he traveled without me, he would miss we came up with a brilliant idea: we a lot. Together, we have a good system Add into this the fact that my would go totally electronic. Dismayed and wonderful trips. husband, Tim, and I are opposite by the unavailability of wi-fi two years (okay, complementary) personality Therefore, that first overseas trip – to ago, for this trip I bought a Blackberry types. I am a goal-oriented planner, Southern England two years ago – we smartphone for web and email access.

25 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Plus, I could load books onto the and web access via the Blackberry two) in my purse, I had only the Blackberry as well, using the color until the following Monday. On light-weight Sony E-Reader and my screen for maps and travel guides. We the other hand, there was readily- Blackberry. And the GPS Google- also bought a Sony E-Reader for Tim. available wi-fi just about everywhere map function on my Blackberry, We would download all the nature, we went, including on the trains with aerial photos, was very cool. travel, and general-reading books we – and now me without my laptop! However, I couldn’t successfully wanted, and have them in a light- However, there were full desktop track real-time our trains at the weight format. computers available many places maximum resolution; the refresh (libraries, coffee shops, hotel lobbies, rate was too slow. Great Concept, Difficult and at the Tourist Information My plan for our next trip: explore Implementation centers), usually costing one pound the wi-fi enabled mini-PC options. Once again, I seem to be slightly for 20 minutes’ use. Since we won’t head off to Ireland ahead of the technology curve. I also found that I am not a person until 2010, by then there likely Typically, only a single guidebook with patience enough to use my will be more guidebooks available was available in the appropriate Blackberry for the web. The email in electronic format, and perhaps format for my Blackberry, and access was wonderful, but the electronic book format-conversion then only for major population web is too slow and the screen too software will be much more effective. centers / tourist attractions. I small for a multi-window power (And dare I hope they will have found that converting from one surfer like me. Even after I had web also worked out the bugs in the format to another is very difficult, access on my Blackberry, I tended little speaking translators?) I will and the format for materials for to get frustrated and go to a public report that between the trip in 2006 my Blackberry was not the format access location to find lodgings and and that in 2008, the chargers and needed for the Sony E-Reader, and transportation information. necessary batteries had been reduced so on. After two months of evenings The electronic access was great at least fifty percent, a trend that will messing around with formats and for reading materials. Instead of likely continue. Perhaps we truly format-conversion software and carrying reading materials for each will be traveling light-weight and searching online stores for the of us (as well as a guidebook…or hardcopy-free in 2010! n materials I wanted, I had only one usable guidebook on my Blackberry, and a miscellaneous hodge-podge AIIP Conference of pages that I had scanned and This year’s Conference Gala imported. Not satisfied that this would be what we needed, I gave in will be held at the Indian and included four guidebooks (five Pueblo Cultural Center in inches, total) and one paper map in Albuquerque. The evening our suitcases. will include dinner, a Despite my precaution of checking bonfire, and a traditional at two different stores that my Blackberry access would be ready Native American dance to go when we arrived in the UK, performance. it wasn’t. And of course, we arrived Photo: Acoma Pueblo dancers at the Indian jet-lagged and wonder-struck on a Pueblo Cultural Center Friday and didn’t get it taken care of Photo credit: Tazbah McCullah that first day, so were without email

26 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals BUILD YOUR NEW BUSINESS, EXPAND YOUR REACH

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have good ideas is to have lots of ideas, and then throw away the bad ones.”

Create the question that describes your “pain,” then write down any and all potential answers, no matter how bizarre. Of all the answers, the first third will come easily, the second third will come with some effort, and the Book Reviews last third will be excruciating. But the last third is often where the gems – the unexpected connections – will be, Think Better: An Innovator’s Guide simply giving their cosmonauts according to Hurson. to Productive Thinking. Tim Hurson. pencils to write with in space. McGraw Hill, 2007. $27.95. 300 pp. “The power of productive thinking NASA’s solution asked the question: ISBN-13: 978-0071494939 lies in its potential to increase your “How can we make a pen write in chances of finding, developing, and Reviewed by Ruth M. Shipley, SMR zero gravity?” The Russian solution, implementing unexpected connections,” Information Solutions however, asked the question: “How Hurson writes. He believes these can we write in zero gravity?” Do you remember the space pen? unexpected connections can lead to new inventions, new ways of doing In his book, Think Better: An According to legend – an urban things, and can even change the world. Innovator’s Guide to Productive legend, according to Wikipedia Thinking, author Tim Hurson cites – NASA spent millions of dollars He cites several examples, such as the zero-gravity writing issue as an to create a pen that would write Philo T. Farnsworth, the man who example of the importance of asking in zero gravity. The Russians, also invented television. Farnsworth got the the right question when solving a trying to create a zero-gravity pen, idea for scanning and transmitting a problem. Why ask questions when circumvented the gravity issue by picture line by line while watching his solving a problem? To come up with father plow a field. answers. “Simply put, productive In another example, Hurson relates thinking is a way to come up with how one company devised a method to better answers,” Hurson writes. keep production moving. A restaurant For that reason, “What’s the supply company that made drinking Question?” is the third step of a glasses noticed that many production- six-step process for making better line workers would stop every now decisions when faced with a problem, and then to glance at the headlines of according to Hurson. He calls the the newspapers they used to stuff and entire process Productive Thinking, wrap the glasses with before shipping. which he describes in detail in his How to overcome the slow-down? 270-page book. Chapter 13 contains a During a Productive Thinking session quick overview of the entire process. to solve the problem, the first third and Essentially, each step of the process second third ideas came fairly easily, involves “making lists and making but the consultant kept pushing for the choices,” according to Hurson. He third third ideas. In desperation, one quotes Linus Pauling: “The best way to manager said, “Why don’t we just poke

28 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

their eyes out?” Within minutes, this his carbon footprint, but maintain the throughout the book, because the bizarre idea became “We could hire comforts of modern times without creatures pose so many challenges blind people.” Indeed, by hiring blind starving or electrocuting himself? - like how get into the rose bushes people, the company could solve their After growing up in the suburbs of New no matter how high the fence is production problem, employ people York, Doug Fine decided to find out if constructed to keep them out. Reading who traditionally have a hard time he could go ‘off the grid,’ but still enjoy about how Fine makes decisions and finding work, and gain valuable PR the Internet and ice cream. He bought follows through on his plans is very points in the community. A win-win the Funky Butte Ranch in New Mexico entertaining. The book really stuck solution – and the one the company and starting living locally. He bought with me, so when it came time to implemented. goats from Craig’s List so he could plan for the 2009 AIIP Conference, I make ice cream. He bought a truck suggested Fine as the keynote speaker. Hurson contrasts Productive Thinking and had it converted to run on grease with other types of organizational Farewell, My Subaru comes out in from fast food and Chinese restaurants change that focus on small, incremental paperback right before the conference, to reduce his dependency on oil. He changes. “No amount of incremental so the author will be on a book tour. installed solar panels and a windmill to change will turn an adding machine He has graciously agreed to squeeze generate water and electricity. into a spreadsheet,” writes Hurson. us in and will be speaking at 2 p.m. You might be thinking, “What does Saturday, March 28. There will be a Hurson’s book is one that you will this have to do with me and why is book signing after his presentation. As immediately forget unless you begin this book being reviewed in AIIP a freelance writer, Mr. Fine reported using the techniques. The techniques Connections? “ Well, when I read the for US News & World Report, Wired can be used in making both business book last year, I kept thinking about and the Washington Post, among and personal decisions. “The ability how similar what we do is to what Mr. others. He has appeared on the to think better will soon become Fine is doing. While cost of us haven’t Tonight Show with Jay Leno and is a the most significant competitive moved across the country to live off regular contributor to NPR Radio. advantage companies and individuals the land, many of us wanted to make can claim,” writes Hurson. I highly recommend the book. You great changes in our lives, so we left can also go to his website for more But you don’t need to follow the entire our jobs to start our own businesses. six-step process your first time out. Every day we have to be curious and You can start small and use only one creative in problem solving. Even technique. Hurson believes you will though we try to plan. we don’t always see an immediate difference: “You will know what we are going to be doing generate more ideas, and more useful one day after the next. Like Fine, we ideas, more of the time.” get asked a lot about what the heck it is that we are doing. T T T Farewell, My Subaru is educational Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic and really funny. “As I watched my Adventure in Local Living. Doug Fine. Subaru Legacy slide backward toward Villard, 2008. $24.00. 224 pp. ISBN-13: my new ranch’s studio building, the 978-1400066445. thought crossed my mind that if it kept going – and I didn’t see any reason Reviewed by Lorene Kennard, Walnut why it wouldn’t – at least I would use Avenue Research less gasoline,” writes Fine. And his Can a guy from the suburbs reduce Craig’s List goats are a running theme

29 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

information on going green and living Investigations reflects her experience, Note that in some cases recommended locally. http://www.farewellmysubaru. offering advice not only on how to URLs have changed, or services have com. charge for services and how to create changed hands, which is to be expected. deliverables, but detailing the differing For example, Yahoo! Alerts is out of Lorene Kennard is the owner of Walnut types of investigations, from due beta and NewsEdge was acquired by the Avenue Research located near Chicago. diligence to competitive intelligence to aptly-named Acquire Media in June, She does not own any goats, but Internet investigation using the Web, 2007. wouldn’t mind tending a rose bush on forums, RSS feeds, and more. her condominium balcony. She provides Putting It All Together, the last consulting and research services to for Throughout Hetherington provides section, is most comprehensive in profit and not for profit organizations. examples and useful tips highlighted in its discussion of what to include in Lorene can be reached at info@ bold text, call-out boxes, or footnotes. different types of reports and how The language is straightforward, and to format them. The resource lists wherever jargon appears she is careful include everything from state websites T T T to define her terms. In several cases the for corporation records to listings of copyediting could have been better, but company extensions (AB, AG, plc, and Business Background Investigations: this did not detract from the overall so on) to international patent agencies. Tools and Techniques for Solution value of the book. A recommended reading list covers Driven Due Diligence, 1st ed., by various types of business research, Cynthia Hetherington, Facts on The Basics section is extremely useful, both books and magazines – a larger Demand Press, 2007. $21.95. ISBN with tips on how to work, several list, split out by type of research, might 978-1-889150-49-9. common types of analysis (SWOT, have been a nice extra here. value chain analysis, supply chain Book review by Steven Kaye, Associate analysis and CARA analysis), and how Business Background Investigations is member of AIIP. to present one’s findings to a client. recommended to anyone interested Business Background Investigations is Even the experienced researcher may in what is involved in business organized into three main sections, find a useful tip or two in this section. research, with the suggestion that starting with the basics of business the book be supplemented it with The bulk ofBusiness Background investigation, proceeding to techniques additional readings should the reader Investigations covers different information and information sources for different want to start a business or focus on a resources for investigations – company types of business investigation, and particular type or types of research. n information, information on corporate concluding with client issues (how to officers and employees, regulatory take orders and create agreements, enforcement records, asset and lien guidelines for report preparation, searching, researching affiliates, industry- estimating costs and invoicing). An focused research, and use of media appendix includes sample agreements, (news, TV, Web video). The emphasis lists of useful resources both domestic is on providing an overview of a topic and international, and a recommended (for example, investigating financial reading list. crimes), tips and resources to use rather The author, Cynthia Hetherington, than exhaustive detail. Hetherington has a background ranging from offers numerous screenshots of websites more traditional reference librarian and databases, but does not neglect the positions to competitive intelligence to importance of hardcopy, with sections providing research support for private on public records retrieval and library investigators. Business Background vertical files.

30 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Conference of the American 2008 Association of Law Libraries By Ruth Balkin, Balkin Information Services

n July, 2008, I attended the annual • Bureau van Dijk Electronic • Thomson Scientific (Thomson Iconference of the American Publishing: M&A global, global Innovation): Has scientific Association of Law Libraries (AALL) private, deposit. information, scientific journals, in Portland, Oregon. I didn’t attend any patent and trademark, technical • Business Valuation Resources, conference programs. Instead, I spent literature, some full-text journal LLC: Database has Pratt stats, three days in the Exhibit Hall, which articles, transactional, pay per private statistics, free searching. was splendid; there were 200 booths document. http://scientific. representing over 100 companies. • Law360 (Portfolio Media): I’ve compiled a list of some of the Their newsletter is free. Has • Sumobrain (Patents Online, publishers who have databases Litigation by practice areas. Daily LLC): They have online patent available on a transactional basis, newsletter with head stories. searching and document rather than subscription: Community online for practice delivery. Searching is free on development, good for tracking, which • Alacra Inc.: According to my trends in law. Totally original has been out for three years. contact, Alacra is an aggregator, content – people moves, mergers. Sumobrain, the professional available on a transactional enhanced site, will be pay- basis. They have 135 different as-you-go. http://www. databases, including Hoovers, • Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: An D&B, Moody’s, Fitch. Lots of imprint of Brill. Sign up for financial, company, and business e-bulletins on website; trans- From examining the conference content. actional pricing will be coming. exhibits, I was happy to see that some vendors still provide transaction-based • Bureau of Labor Statistics: They pricing. That’s a good thing. have new online publications, • Fastcase, Inc.: Public Library with a spotlight on statistics, of Law is free. Keep in mind that the sources I’ve listed geared for a lay audience. This is PLoL also includes free links to above may have changed. For more from the government, so it’s free. paid content on Fastcase. $5/ details, contact me at http://balkininfo. case. or the vendor directly. n

31 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals OPEN POSITIONS ON AIIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS —Deadline is January 12, 2009

ominations are now being • Secretary – a three-year – identifying, discussing, and voting Nsought for open positions on position as part of the Executive on issues that cut across committee the AIIP Board of Directors for our Committee boundaries, require fiscal oversight, 2009 elections. The deadline for or otherwise address policy of the Requirements: Candidates for nominations is January 7, 2009. You association. All Board members are also Secretary must be full members may nominate someone you know in required to attend four annual board in good standing, have been full AIIP or yourself. All nominees must meetings where face-to-face discussions members for at least two years meet the requirements list below under help us overcome some of the inherent at the time of nomination, and each Open Position description. To challenges of “virtual” governance. Two should have served AIIP in an make a nomination please contact any of these are held in conjunction with official capacity. member of the Elections Committee. the AIIP annual conference – one the • Director-at-Large – a two year Thursday before and one the Sunday Open Positions position. The Directors-at-Large after. Another meeting is traditionally The open positions and their technical are typically responsible for a held in June in conjunction with the requirements are: selected area. This year’s open annual Special Libraries Association position focuses on Marketing & (SLA) meeting in the US. The fourth • President Elect – a three-year Communications. yearly board meeting is typically held position as part of the Executive in the fall either in conjunction with a Committee. The President Elect Requirements: Candidates for conference, or most recently at our AIIP shall “succeed automatically Director-at-Large must be full headquarters office in Baton Rouge, to the office of President the members in good standing. LA, USA. If elected you need to plan following year and to Immediate on attending these four meetings, as Past President the third year.” Board Responsibilities well as preparing ahead of time for the Requirements: Candidates for In addition to specific tasks of selected issues discussed at each, and helping President-elect must be full offices, all board members bear to carry out any actions voted on at members in good standing, have the responsibility of governing the the meetings. “Board Members will be been full members for at least two association. So while the committees reimbursed for all reasonable expenses years at the time of nomination, carry out much of the work of AIIP, they incur on AIIP’s behalf when they and should have served AIIP in it falls to the board of eight to handle are engaged in business authorized by an official capacity. the broader business of the association the Board.”

32 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

Selection Process January 7, 2009 and a slate of candidates Content/Documents/Document. In addition to the technical will be presented to the membership by ashx?DocId=18758 requirements for each office, when the Elections Committee in late January. • Other board information creating its recommended slate At that time there will be a period of time is in AIIP Member Home / of candidates, the AIIP Policy & for nominations from the floor who must Governance / AIIP Policy Procedures manual instructs the present 5 AIIP member signatures in lieu & Procedures / Section 7 Elections Committee to consider the of the Election Committee’s selection following characteristics: process. AIIP does not currently allow Documents/Document. campaigning and instead will provide • Responsibility and reliability; ashx?DocId=18770 candidate statements to the membership. • Communication skills; Voting will take place in February. New • All members of the current board members will start their terms by board are willing to take your • Leadership (i.e., the ability to invitation to listen at the last meeting of call to answer questions about engender enthusiasm for and the current board the Thursday before board service. dedication to the organization); our Annual Conference (March 26, • You are especially encouraged • Active, constructive 2009). The first meeting of the new board to contact current President Ed participation in the organization will be the Sunday directly after the Vawter evawter@qdinformation. (e.g., attendance at annual Annual Conference (March 29, 2009). com or President Elect conferences, participation in Marcy Phelps MPhelps@ AIIP committees and ad hoc For More Information if you have tasks, participation in AIIP-L). • The AIIP Articles of Association questions about current and and Bylaws contain detail on future board plans and activities. Te Election Process the tasks and responsibilities of The Elections Committee will contact all each office. Find these at: AIIP To Make a Nomination nominees to discuss the position, answer Member Home / Governance Please send your nominations to any questions, and determine whether they / AIIP Policy & Procedures / member of the Elections Committee. are willing to serve. Nominations close Section 3 Thank you for your participation. • Jane John, On Point Research. AIIP Immediate Past President Need To Find A and Elections Committee Chair. Roommate Or 207-373-1755 Carpooler [email protected] For The AIIP • Peggy Garvin, Garvin Information Consulting. Conference? 202-538-1731 [email protected] • Amelia Kassel, MarketingBase. 707 829-9421 Logon to the forum (http:// [email protected] • Sandra Toalston, SanSeek. on the AIIP website and post your request or response! 301-915-4338 [email protected] n

33 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP Connections is the official newsletter for members of the Association of Independent Information Professionals

AIIP Board of Directors

President Ed Vawter QD Information Services LLC [email protected] 503-999-QDIS (7347) Connections

President-Elect The next issue of AIIP Marcy Phelps Connections will be published Phelps Research [email protected] on February 27th. 303-239-0657

Immediate Past President Have an article you’d like to Jane John write? Email Jan Davis at On Point Research [email protected] [email protected]. 207-373-1755

Secretary Mark Goldstein International Research Center [email protected] Ad Rates for Connections 602-470-0389 Connections is a quarterly online publication. If you are interested in Director, Membership advertising, contact Eiko Shaul at 1-416-544-0208 or email to e.shaul@ Ulla de Stricker [NOTE: Please prepare the ad in electronic image - PDF, de Stricker Associates JPG, TIF, GIF.] [email protected] 905-338-0357

Non Director, Community Care Size Frequency (/yr) Members Marjorie Desgrosseilliers Members SmartyPants Research Services, LLC Full page 1X $150.00 $300.00 [email protected] 425-408-0368 Full page 4X $450.00 $900.00 ½ page 1X $90.00 $180.00 Director, Marketing ½ page 4X $275.00 $550.00 Communications Wendy Cobrda ¼ page 1X $60.00 $120.00 Earthsense, LLC ¼ page 4X $175.00 $350.00 [email protected] 315-579-0015 ¹�16 page 1X $20.00 NA

¹�16 page 4X $60.00 NA

34 December 2008 © 2008 Association of Independent Information Professionals