WHO classification of breast tumours 2019 Dr Puay Hoon Tan Singapore General Hospital Singapore Email:
[email protected] Hong Kong Division of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP) 30th Anniversary Scientific Congress Published, November 2019 Online version https://tumourclassification.iarc.who.int/ 2 WHO Classification of Tumours - ONLINE Now available at: tumourclassification.iarc.who.int Instant access to the following books: 5th edition 4th edition Digestive Tumours Eye Tumours Breast Tumours Skin Tumours Soft Tissue and Bone Endocrine Tumours Head and Neck Tumours Central Nervous System - update Special subscription rate of 100 Euros This new, easy to use resource provides: ▪ Interactive database ▪ Access to whole slide images ▪ Ability to search for information through all the books ▪ Easy access to reference information ▪ Quick access to many, soon to be all, of the books in the series WHO Classification of Tumours ~ ‘Blue Books’ • Essential tool for standardising diagnostic practice. • Allows translation of cancer research into clinical utility. • Diagnostic criteria and standards are underpinned by evidence evaluated and debated by experts in the field. • About 200 authors and editors participate in each book. Foreword, Dr Ian Cree, Breast blue book 2019 WHO Classification of Tumours ~ ‘Blue Books’ ▪ Localisation • Tumour types common to ▪ Clinical features multiple systems are ▪ Epidemiology described together ~ ▪ Aetiology haematolymphoid, ▪ Pathogenesis mesenchymal tumours, ▪ Macroscopic appearance genetic tumour