2015中国国际游乐设施设备博览会 Attractions Expo 2015 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

2015年3月18日 - 20日 March 18th - 20th, 2015 国家会议中心 China National Convention Center, Beijing

主办单位/Presented by

中国游艺机游乐园协会 China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions

承办单位/Hosted by 北京东方游乐设备科贸公司 公司介绍Beijing/Company Oriental Amusement Profile: Equipment Scientech & Trade Co.

协办单位/Co-Organized by 经纬展联(北京)国际展览有限公司 C-Exponet International Conference & Exhibition Co.,Ltd

海外协办单位/Overseas Sales Agent L & A Business Ltd

中国游艺机游乐园协会联系信息 Contact Info of China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions 地址:中国北京复兴路乙12号908.914A室 邮编:100814 Add:Rm.908,914A,No. Yi 12, Fuxing Rd, Beijing, 100814, China 电话Tel:+8610-68825005/7 传真Fax:+8610-68825020 电邮Email:[email protected] 网页http://www.caapa.org

本会刊之内容由参展商提供。编辑单位尽力保证内容的准确性,如有错漏之处,敬请包涵。 The contents of this catalogue have been compiled from information supported by exhibitors and/or their agents. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents are correct, the organizers are unable to accept any liability for errors or omissions that may occur.

1 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


大会讯息 General Information...... 3

参展商名单 Exhibitors List...... 7 公司介绍/Company Profile:

展会平面图 Floor Plan...... 19

参展商介绍 Exhibitors Profile...... 20

2 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


公司介绍/Company Profile:

3 展会名称 / Event Name:

参展商介绍China Attractions Expo Exhibitors’ 2015 Profile 2015中国国际游乐设施设备博览会

展会开放时间 / Opening Hours:

2015年03月18日 周三 —— 09:00-17:00 2015年03月19日 周四 —— 09:00-17:00 2015年03月20日 周五 —— 09:00-14:00

March 18th 2015 —— 09:00-17:00 March 19th 2015 —— 09:00-17:00 March 20th 2015 —— 09:00-14:00

展会地点 / Exhibition Venue:

气势宏伟的国家会议中心位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区,紧邻鸟巢、水立方和国家 体育馆,总用地面积约12.22公顷,总建筑面积约为53万平方米。其中会议、展览面积 27万平方米,主体建筑地下2层,地上8层,高42米,长398米,宽148米,是整个奥运 建筑项目中单体建筑面积最大的;配套设施建筑面积约26万平方米,包括2座酒店、2公司介绍/Company Profile: 栋写字楼、商业等建筑。

国家会议中心在2008北京奥运会和残奥会期间为国际广播中心(IBC)、主新闻中 心(MPC)、击剑馆及媒体酒店所在地。IBC、MPC为120家电台、电视台的12,000 名转播商及6,512名注册文字记者和摄影记者提供服务;击剑馆先后为击剑、轮椅击剑 等项目的比赛提供场地,国家会议中心大酒店在奥运会、残奥会期间共接待了87家境 内、外媒体的1008名注册媒体记者及奥委会代表。

奥运会后,国家会议中心进行了局部改造。已于2009年底盛大开幕。作为中国最 大、最新、地理位置优越、周边配套完善的会议中心,国家会议中心致力成为具有世界 一流水平,能够满足大型会议、展览、多种公共活动和酒店客房需要的大型会展中心。

国家会议中心地处京城北四环,亚奥商圈的核心,距首都机场26公里,驱车仅需30 分钟,交通极其便利。由国家会议中心到天安门、颐和园、长城、十三陵观光游览或到 东三环商务区、北京站、中关村也非常快捷。连接市中心、火车站和机场的地铁奥运支 线在国家会议中心设有车站,更有多条公交线路经过国家会议中心。

4 计程车价格 / Taxi Fare and Reservation:

参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile The参展商介绍 taxi fare rates are labeledExhibitors’ on the window: Profile RMB 2/km. All the taxi price will be raised 20% at night: 23:00 to 5:00 (next morning). Waiting in a car will also cost money. So that total price given by the car meter calculator should be according to the traffic condition. The highway Fee at the airport is RMB 10/car.

计程车价格贴在每部计程车的车窗,为2元/公里。所有计程车的价格在夜间11点至 次日凌晨5点上浮20%。计程车等候时间同样会计价,因此计价器给出的最终价格将会 取决于路程距离和交通状况。机场高速路的过路费为10元/车。

货币兑换 / Currency Exchange:

The official currency in China is the RMB (ren min bi); the basic unit is the yuan. Exchange centres can be found at airports, most hotels, and large shopping centers. When exchanging money, please keep your receipt so that you can change any RMB back to foreign currency when leaving China. VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, and other credit cards are accepted in many department stores and hotels. The Bank of China and most hotels can cash traveler’s cheques issued by any foreign bank or financial 公司介绍/ : institution. ParticipantsCompany will Profileneed to show the passport and pay a 0.75% commission.

中国流通货币为人民币,基本单位是元。在机场及众多酒店和大型购物中心中均设 有货币兑换中心。在兑换货币时请保留兑换收据,以便在离开中国时可以将剩余的人民 币换回相应的外币。VISA, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, JCB等信用 卡可以在大多数酒店及商场使用。中国银行及大多数酒店可以接受由国外银行开具的旅 行支票,持票人需出示护照并支付0.75%的服务费。

5 展览注册 / Registration and Information Hours:

参展商介绍China Attractions Expo Exhibitors’ 2015 registration atProfile the lobby of the Exhibition Hall of the China National Convention Centre:

Exhibitors Registration Hours: March 16th 2015 —— 08:30 to 17:00 March 17th 2015 —— 08:30 to 17:00


展商注册时间: 2015年3月16日 —— 08:30 至 17:00 2015年3月17日 —— 08:30 至 17:00

保险 / Insurance:

The organizers cannot be held responsible for personal accidents or material damage that may occur to the participants or their possessions during the conference, exhibition, or tours. All participants are advised to make their own 公司介绍 arrangements/Company for health and Profile travel insurance: before commencing their journey to the event.

主办方对于参展、参会人员在会议、展览以及旅行期间可能发生的人身及财物意外 伤害和损失不承担任何责任。在此,主办方建议所有参会及参展人员在行程开始之前, 请办理有关健康和旅行保险。

联络热线 / Organizer’s Hot line:

You can contact the organizer for help if you have any difficulties in finding the China National Convention Center. And our staff will also serve you at the on- site registration area. The contact hot line is +86-10-84373300.

如果你无法顺利到达国家会议中心,请拨打联络热线寻求帮助。当你抵达国家会议 中心后,我们的工作人员将在注册台为你提供现场服务和帮助。服务热线:+86-10- 84373300

6 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


公司介绍/Company Profile:

7 Exhibitors List 参展商名单

展位号 4C42、4C44 参展商介绍展商名称 Exhibitors’北京荻森沃德景观工程技术有限公司 Profile Beijing national's ward landscape engineering 3E48 co., LTD 奥普乐体育运动(北京)有限公司 Topool Sports (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 4C41、4C43 北京恒山宏业数字科技有限公司 2E23-2E26 Bolliger & Mabillard Inc. 4C50 北京鸿鼎利泰充气游乐设备有限公司 2E45 Beijing Hi-Techinflatables.Co.,Ltd 保定市恒瑞游乐机械有限公司 3E31-3E34 1F04 北京华录乐动科技有限公司 保定市建力游乐机械有限公司 Beijing Hualuledong Technology Co.,LTD city to build amusement machinery co.,Ltd 4F18 北京画中行景观设计有限公司 3A08 北京画中行游乐设备有限公司 保定市新兴华游艺机械有限公司 Beijing Hua Zhong Xing Landscape design Co.,Ltd 2F09 Beijing Hua Zhong Xing Play Equipment 保定市长虹游艺机械工程有限公司 Co.,Ltd Baoding Changhong Entertainment Machinery CO.Ltd 3B45、3B47 北京建凯祥游乐设备有限公司 1E01-1E10 Beijing Jian Kaixiang Amusement Equipment 北京爱德乐科技发展有限公司公司介绍/Company Profile: Co., Ltd. Beijing music ed amusement equipment limited company 2F22 北京金典游乐设备有限公司 2E50、2E52 Beijing Jindian Amusement Rides CO.LTD 北京安琪永逸科技中心 Beijing An Qi Yongyi Technology Center 4F22 北京金贵创新科技开发有限公司 1B01-1B10 Beijing Goldensoft Science and Technology 北京奥特翔游乐设备有限公司 Development Co., Ltd. Beijing Aotexiang Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. 1D43-1D57 北京金元宝工贸有限公司 2C39 Beijing gold ingot Industry and Trade Co,Ltd. 北京北方融大游乐设备有限公司 BFRD 2D38、2D40 北京金运通宇游乐设备有限公司 4D47 Beijing Jinyuntongyu Amusement Equipment 北京朝雨文化有限责任公司 Co. Ltd. Zhaoyu Culture(Beijing),LTD 1C09-1C16 1B19—1B22 北京九华游乐设备制造有限公司 北京辰金鹰游乐设备开发中心 Beijing JiuHua Amusement Rides BeiJing ChenJIngYing Amusement Manufacturing Co. ,Ltd. Equipment CO. 1B23-1B26 北京凯特乐游乐设备有限公司 BEIJING KAITELE AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD

8 4D45 1B11-1B18 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 北京乐客灵境科技有限公司参展商介绍 北京新时代乐源游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Leke VR TechnologyExhibitors’ Co ., Ltd. Beijing Profile New Times Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd. 2A10 北京利达永恒游乐设备有限公司 2E49 北京阳光奇特科技发展有限公司 3F19 BEIJING SUNSHINE TECHNOLOGY 北京奈欧赛电子科技有限公司 DEVELOPMENT CO.LTD

4E39-4E42 2B19-2B22 北京乔氏飞龙气模玩具有限公司 北京以诺视景数字艺术有限公司 Bejing Enochview Digital Art Co., Ltd 4F02 北京峭壁翔云攀岩器材有限公司 4B11-4B18 Beijing Q.B.X.Y sports equipment.Co.Ltd 北京易德利游乐设备有限公司 BEIJING YIDELI AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT 4F21 CO.,LTD 北京瑞切斯科技有限公司 Beijing Riches Technology co.Ttd 4D09-4D16 北京赢康科技开发有限公司 2C01-2C08、2D01-2D08 Wincomn Technology 北京实宝来游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment 4D46、4D48 Co.,Ltd 北京长征天民高科技有限公司 BEIJING LONG MARCH TIANMIN HI-TECH 1C42 CO. LTD 北京市童欣乐玩具有限公司公司介绍/Company Profile: Beijing Tongxinle Toys CO.,LTD 3F08-3F09 博能传动有限公司 3E01-3E10 BONENG TRANSMISSION CO.,LTD 北京顺天恒瑞科技发展有限公司 Beijing Shun Tian Heng Rui Technology 4A26 Development Co.,Ltd.Beijing Shun Tian Heng 沧州勇士拓展器械有限公司 Rui Technology Development Co.,Ltd. warrior Outward Bound appliance co.,Ltd. 1E19-1E22 北京太阳光影影视科技有限公司 4E11-4E14 Beijing Sunlight And Shadow TV Technology 常州恐龙园股份有限公司 Co.,Ltd Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd.

1E23-1E26 4A01-4A05 北京太阳系传媒技术有限公司 常州嬉戏谷智能科技产业有限公司 Beijing Solar System Media Technology Co., ChangZhou Joyland Inteelligent Fechnology Ltd. Lndustry co.,Ltd.

3B31-3B34 2B23-2B26 北京天北星际主题游乐设备有限公司 成都昌龙游乐设备有限公司 Beijing TianBeiXing International Park CDCLYLSBYXGS Equipment Co.LTD 2E40、2E42 1F07-1F09 成都市新都新安游乐设备有限公司 北京同君炜达游乐设备有限公司 Chengdu Xindu Xinan Beijing Tongjunweida Play Equipment AmusementEquipment Co,.Ltd Co.,Ltd

9 3D38、3D40、3D42 3C21-3C24 成都新马游乐设备有限公司 广东省中山市智乐游艺设备有限公司 参展商介绍Chengdu xinma amusement Exhibitors’ equipment ZHONGSHANProfile G-LOOK AMUSEMENT co.ltd MACHINE CO., LTD

2C43-2C44 2C33-2C36 成都智和振翎企业管理咨询有限公司 广州大浪水上乐园设备有限公司 Chengdu ZhiHeZhenLing Consultants GUANGZHOU DALANG WATER Services CO.,Ltd EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD.

2A11 2F12-2F13、3A12-3A13 承德福泰游乐设备有限公司 广州番禺潮流水上乐园建造有限公司 承德燕鹰游艺机制造有限公司 Guangzhou Trend Water Park Construction Co., Ltd. 2E44 承德胜达游艺机有限责任公司 2B27-2B30 Chenggde Shengda Amusement Machine 广州海山娱乐科技有限公司 Co.,LTD Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. 3D37 承德市鹰手营子矿区京北游艺机制造有限公司 3A23-3A25 Jingbei Amusement Equipment 广州华立科技有限公司 Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou Wahlap Technology Limited

4C01-4C08 3C38、3C40 创联龙冈 广州汇乐水上游乐用品有限公司 CUCTT GUANGZHOU H-FUN WATER 公司介绍/ : RECREATIONAL ARTICLES CO.,LTD 4A18-4A20 Company Profile Dreampark International 3F12、4A12 广州金泰游乐设备工程有限公司 1D17-1D24 Guangzhou Jintai Amusement Equipment 大连博涛多媒体技术股份有限公司 Enginerring CO . , LTD Dalian Betop MultimediaCo., Ltd 4C45-4C46 3E43 广州酷乐游乐设备有限公司 德国IMAGINATION-FIRST规划设计有限公司 Guangzhou Kule Amusement Equipment IMAGINATION-FIRST GmbH Co.,Ltd

2E19-2E22 4C48 德国Simtec系统公司 (合昊机电科技有限公司) 广州龙赢动漫科技有限公司 Simtec Systems GmbH(Hehao Technology Guangzhou Dragonwin Animation Co., Ltd.) Technology Co.,LTD.

3E19-3E22 1A01-1A02 东莞市琦佳玩具有限公司 广州绿沁水上乐园设备制造有限公司 Guangzhou Greenspa Waterpark Equipment 2B01-2B10 Manufacturing Co., Ltd 东莞市环宇文化科技有限公司 LASEREFFECT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 3C42、3C44 广州南玮星动漫科技有限公司 3A16-3A17 Guangzhou Nan Wei Xing animation FORREC Ltd. technology

4C09-4C16 1E39 富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司 广州奇乐游乐设备有限公司 FUJIFILM(CHINA)Investment Co., Ltd Guangzhou Kira Amusement Equipment Co.ltd.

10 4B35-4B42 3B11-3B18、3B19-3B26 广州胜骅科技有限公司 广州市顺翔动漫科技有限公司 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile GuangZhou参展商介绍 ShengHua Technology Exhibitors’ Co., LTD Guangzhou Profile Shunxiang Animation Technology Co., Ltd 3E11-3E18 广州市(华泰)百顺动漫科技有限公司 2A15-2A17 Guangzhou(Huatai) Baishun Animation 广州市旺明水之乐设计咨询有限公司 Technology CO,LTD 广州市旺昊温泉建造有限公司 深州市旺明游乐设备有限公司 3F11 Guangzhou Wangming Water Feeling 广州市宝比万像科技有限公司 Design Consult Co., Ltd. B&B Exporting Limited Guangzhou City Wanghao Hot Spring Construction Co., Ltd. 4E49-4E52 Wangming Amusement 广州市番禺区金满鸿电子厂 Equipment Co., Ltd. Miss King's children amusement Co,ltd._ 4C33-4C34 4C47、4C49 广州市影博士影视设备有限公司 广州市富佳娱乐机械有限公司 Guangzhou Yingboshi Movie&Television GAME PLUS LTD. Equipments Co.,Ltd

3E39-3E42 4B48 广州市华秦游乐设备有限公司 广州市粤华金属制品有限公司 Guangzhou Huaqin Playground Equipment Yuehua Hardware Products Co., Ltd. Co.,ltd 2B31-2B34 1E27-1E34、1E37 广州市众喜动漫科技有限公司 广州市凯昌电子有限公司 Guangzhou Zhongxi Animation Technology GUANGZHOU公司介绍/ MECPOWERCompany ELECTRONICS Profile: Co.Ltd CO., LTD. 3C33-3C36 3D47、3D49 广州油菜花动漫科技有限公司 广州市肯琰优电子设备有限公司 GUANGZHOU RAPE FLOWER ANIMATION KN&U Electronics Co., Ltd. TECH CO.,LTD

4D17-4D24 2B35-2B42 广州市乐创电子科技有限公司 桂林巅峰文化科技连锁经营有限公司 Guangzhou Lechuang Electronic Technology Guilin DianFong Chain-Store of Culture Co., Ltd. Technology Co., Ltd

4E27-4E34 3D46、3D48 广州市乐天游乐设备有限公司 桂特過山車 Guangzhou Letian Playground Equipment Great Coasters International, INC. Co.,Ltd 1F10-1F11 4F15 国汇机械制造(泰州)有限公司 广州市力童康体设备有限公司 GuoHui Mechanic producing(taizhou)co.,ltd Guangzhou Superboy Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd. 2F23 国际游乐园及景点协会 ( ‘国际游协’) 1B27-1B30 IAAPA 广州市龙程电子有限公司 Guangzhou Longcheng Electronic CO,.LTD 3F10 Haystack Dryers Ltd

1F14-1F15 Huss Park Attractions GmbH

11 3E45 2A06 哈尔滨中业电子科技有限公司 湖北业华游乐设备有限责任公司 参展商介绍In the industry of Harbin ElectronicExhibitors’ HUBEI Profile YEHUA RECREATIONAL FACILITY CO. Technology Co., Ltd. LID.

3C48 3F21-3F24 哈皮小孩(北京)体育文化发展有限公司 湖南省中一游乐设备有限公司 Hapikids(Beijing) Sports Culture Hunan ZhongYi Amusement Equipment Co., Development Co. LTD Ltd.


2E46、2E48 2F24 杭州俊士铁路设备有限公司 汇隆基业科技(北京)有限责任公司 Hangzhou Trains Equipment Co.,Ltd Huilong Foundation Science and Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 3C47 河北宏发机械有限公司 3D39、3D41、3D43、3D45 hongfa machinery co., LTD. IDEATTACK, INC. 美国艾迪泰克设计咨询公司 4B49、4B51 河北冀州经济开发区 2A18-2A19 Hebei Jizhou Economic Development Zone AMUSEMENT RIDES Int. Corp. Est.

4B50、4B52 3B46 公司介绍河北天鸿游乐设备有限责任公司/Company Profile: INTERPARK MAGAZINE Hebei Tianhong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. 1E35-1E36 B.V. 2D33-2D36 河北智跑游乐设备制造有限公司 2F07-2F08 Hebei Zhipao Amusement Equipment 济南微装游乐设备有限公司 Co.,Ltd JNWZYLSBYXGS

2E11-2E18 4E23-4E26 河北中冶冶金设备制造有限公司 济宁金耀工贸有限公司 Hebei Metallurgical Equipment JINING JINYAO INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., LTD Manufacturing Co.,Ltd of MCC Group 3E49-3E52 4B43-4B46 济宁微装游乐设备有限公司 河南省恒泰华游乐设备有限公司 Jining Micro Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd Henan Hengtaihua Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd 1A09 江门市乐驱脚踏卡丁车有限公司 3F25-3F26 JIANGMEN HYL CO.,LTD 河南沃金游乐设备销售有限公司 Henan Wojin Amusement Equipment Sales 3B51-3B52 Co,. Ltd 江苏飞碟游艇有限公司 JiangSu Flying Saucer Yacht Manufacturing 3B41 Co., Ltd 黑龙江海燕演出经纪有限公司 1D25-1D32 金龙游乐集团 Golden dragon Amusement Group

12 2A07 1F06 锦航文化科技集团有限公司 OKE Inc Design & Management 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile Avirace参展商介绍 Culture Technology Exhibitors’ Group Co., Ltd Profile 1F16-1F17 3F14-3F15 PDC SOLUTION KCC ENTERTAINMENT DESIGN 3A01-3A02 2C17-2C24 AND POOL SYSTEMS 乐士游乐设备有限公司 LS-GAME 2F16-2F17 Proslide Technology, Inc. 4B01-4B06 立本集团温州玩具有限公司 1C25-1C32 LIBEN GROUP WENZHOU TOY 日照市盛唐游乐设备制造有限责任公司 CORPORATION Rizhao City Suntime Amusement Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd 2D37、2D39 连云港市亚桥机械制造有限公司 1F03 LianYunGang YaQiao Machinery Severn Lamb Manufacturing Co.,LTD 2A14 4B27-4B34 4C25-4C32 4D25-4D32 Showtime Entertainment Production 洛阳乐宝游乐设备有限公司 现场实况娱乐演出制作公司 Luo Yang Le Bo Recreation Equipment Co.,Ltd 3E35-3E38 上海班趣实业有限公司 2F14-2F15 Shanghai Banqu Industrial Co.,Ltd Martin & Vleminckx Rides, LLC 公司介绍/Company Profile: 4F19-4F20 2D42、2D44 上海驰童游乐设备有限公司 Maurer Rides GmbH Shanghai Chi Tong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd 2A02 MOSER’S RIDES SRL 2D45-2D48 上海好宛游乐设备有限公司 2F21 Shanghai Haowan Amusement Equipment 沐睦投资咨询(上海)有限公司 Co., Ltd M2 Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 2F10 上海浩童游乐设备有限公司 4D01-4D08 Shanghai HaoTong Amusement Equipment 南京派格斯游乐设备有限公司 co., LTD. NanJing Recreation Equipment Co.,Ltd 3A10 上海禾锐数码科技有限公司 4F01 Shanghai Ray Digital Studio 倪科军事模拟训练器材研究所 Nike military research of simulated training 4E01-4E10 equipment 上海恒润数字科技股份有限公司 Shanghai Hirain Technology CO,LTD 2E39、2E41 宁波市奥兰多游乐设备有限公司 1C37、1C39 Ningbo Orlando Amusement Equipment 上海涟恒精密机械有限公司 Co.,LTD ShangHaiLianHengPrecisionMachineryCo.,L td

13 4B19-4B26 3C01-3C08 上海龙宣数字科技有限公司 深圳市普乐方文化科技有限公司 参展商介绍Shanghai Loong Vision Digital Exhibitors’ Technology ShenZhen Profile playfun Culture&Technology Co,Ltd Co.,Ltd

3A22 4B07-4B10、3A09 上海鹿鹿童车有限公司 深圳市润林景观设计工程有限公司 SHANGHAI LULU TOY CAR.,LTD 4A14-4A17 3D44 深圳市申特智能科技有限公司 上海奇趣游乐设备有限公司 Shenzhen scient intelligence technology Shanghai qiqu fun co.,ltd. co.,ltd

3E23-3E26 4C37、4C39 上海钦龙工贸有限公司 深圳市维骏文化旅游科技有限公司 Shenzhen Viking Inc. 2E51 上海清英食品销售有限公司 3A04-3A05 Shanghai Qingying Food Sales Co.,LTD 深圳市鑫美地环境艺术有限公司 ShenZhen Matee Environmental Art Design 4F03 Co.,Ltd 上海游艺机工程有限公司 Shanghai Amusement Machine Engineering 4F08 Company LTD. 深圳市学之友科技有限公司 Shenzhen Xuezhiyou Technology Co., Ltd. 1D09-1D16 深圳华侨城文化旅游科技有限公司 2F18-2F19 公司介绍Shenzhen OCT/ Vision Inc. : 深圳市永利兴游乐设备有限公司 Company Profile Shenzhen yonglixing playground equipment 3B35-3B38 limited 深圳联点机构 Shenzhen Unite Art 4C17-4C24 深圳市远望淦拓科技有限公司 2A08-2A09 Shenzhen Yuanwang Cocotop Technology 深圳圣景创筑环境艺术设计有限公司 Inc. Shenzhen Shengjing Chuangzhu Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd. 1F20-1F21 深圳中深创美景观艺术工程有限公司 3F13、4A13 ZHONGSHEN CHUANGMEI 深圳市创艺园景观工程有限公司 LANDSCAPEDESIGN Shenzhen City CreativeGardenLandscape EngineeringLimited 3B43 神州动漫 3C25-3C32 深圳市东鼎园林景观设计有限公司 3C45 SHENZHEN DAVID LANDSCAPE DESIGN 沈阳澳岑机械电子有限公司 LTD Shenyang Aocen Machinery and Electronic Co.Ltd 1C33-1C36 深圳市红源旅游景观发展集团有限公司 2D09-2D16 Shenzhen Red-style Tourism Development 沈阳市创奇游乐设备有限公司 Group Co., Ltd. Shenyang Chuangqi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd 4C38、4C40 深圳市华正联实业有限公司 Shenzhen Huazhenglian Industrial Co., Ltd

14 2E27-2E34 3D01-3D08 沈阳市友邦游乐设备厂 万德沃(北京)游乐设施发展有限公司 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile Shenyang参展商介绍 youbang amusement Exhibitors’ equipment wonderworld(beijing)amusement Profile riders factory development co,ltd

3D09-3D16 1E11-1E18 沈阳松陵游乐设备制造厂 威海金山游乐设备有限公司 Shenyang songling amusement equipment Weihai Jinshan Amusement Equipment manufacture factory CO.,LTD.

1D33-1D36 1C01-1C08 司姆泰克文化创意(北京)有限公司 温州南方游乐设备工程有限公司 Themetech Culture & Creative (Beijing) Wenzhou Nanfang Amusement Rides Co., Co.Ltd. Ltd.

3D25-3D32 1E45-1E50 苏州福龙游乐设备有限公司 沃德乐实业有限公司 Suzhou Fwu-long Amusement Equipment World-Fun Attraction Industry Limited Co.,LTD 4A10-4A11 2E01-2E10 芜湖市宝艺游乐科技设备有限公司 TRIOTECH Wuhu Valuable Skill Amusement Science and Technology Equipment Co.,Ltd 2F25-2F26 TÜV南德意志大中华集团 1C43、1C45 TÜV SÜD Greater China 武汉穆特科技有限公司 Wuhan Motus tech CO.,LTD. 公司介绍2A04-2A05 / : 天津枫韵旅游景区管理有限公司Company Profile 2C09-2C16 TianJin Forture-Wing Tourism Management 武汉市福特游乐设备有限责任公司 Consuiting Co.LTD Wuhan Te Pleasure Ground Pacilities Limited Co.,Ltd. 3A18-3A19 天津市泛美亚娱乐产品开发有限公司 3F06-3F07 Tianjin FMY Entertainment Inc. 武汉顺源游乐设备制造有限公司 Wuhan Shunyuan Amusement Equipment 4D34、4D36 Manufacturing Co., Ltd 同泽景园(北京)园林工程有限公司 With ze garden landscape engineering 4E35-4E38 (Beijing) co., LTD XTREM AVENTURES PARKS

4A22-4A23 4B47 童韵游乐设备(上海)有限公司 厦门鼎艺雕塑有限公司 Funlandia Playground Systems Ltd XIAMEN DINGYI SCULPTURE CO.,LTD

3E27-3E30 2A20-2A21 Rides Manufacturing B.V. 西安浐灞生态区瑞雪游乐设备有限公司 Xi’an Ruixue Entertainment Equipment Co., 4E15-4E18 Ltd. Vortex Aquatic Structures International 1E38、1E40 1F18-1F19 西安吉米游乐设备有限公司 Water Technology, Inc Xi’an Jimmy amusement equipment co.,LTD

1F05 西安凯得宝机电一体化科技有限公司 KDB

15 2F20 3B44 西安同乐工贸有限责任公司 游乐界杂志 / Asia Attractions Magazine 参展商介绍Xi 'an pleasure of industry Exhibitors’ and trade co., Profile LTD 3C46 游艺风 2A01 AmuseWind 仙居县广奇游乐设备厂 3A14-3A15 1C17-1C24 Karussel – und Spezialmaschinenbau 新道信创意设计咨询(上海)有限公司 GmbH & Co., KG Sanderson Group Design Limited 奇乐游乐设备股份有限公司中国办事处

4F11 3C09-3C16 新疆华通泰克游乐设备有限公司 浙江巨马游艺机有限公司 Xinjiang Huatong Taike Amusement Zhejiang Juma Amusement Equipment Equipment Co.,Ltd. Co.,Ltd

2B47-2B58 1D38、1D40 许昌创艺游乐设备有限公司 浙江美奇游乐设备有限公司 Xuchang chuangyi amusement equipment Mich Playground Co; LTD. co.,LTD 2E35-2E38 1B31-1B38 浙江中南卡通城投资管理有限公司 许昌佳禾游乐设备有限公司 Zhejiang Zhongnan Animation City Xuchang Jiahe Amusement Equipment Co., Investment Management Co. , Ltd. Ltd. 4F12-4F14 公司介绍3C41 /Company Profile: 郑州安德利游乐设备有限公司 许昌巨龙游乐设备有限公司 ZHEGZHOU SFI AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT Xuchang Julong Amusement Equipment CO.,LTD. Co.,Ltd 1C41 2D41、2D43 郑州德润游乐机械有限公司 雅特国际有限公司 Zhengzhou Derun Rides Co.,Ltd ACOR LEISURE CO., LTD. 2C37 1C47-1C48 郑州航天游乐设备制造有限公司 烟台海德龙游乐设备有限公司 Zhengzhou Hangtian Amusement Equipment Yantai Heitro Amusement Equipment Co., Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Ltd 3E44、3E46 1A07-1A08 郑州全美游乐设备有限公司 雁金模型 ZZQMYLSBYXGS

1F12-1F13、2A12-2A13 1C44 意大利赞培拉游乐设备公司 郑州市黑狮子游乐机械有限公司 ANTONIO SPA Zhengzhou City Blacklion Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd 3A06-3A07 意万仕(中山)泳池设备有限公司 3A20-3A21 Emaux Swimming Pool Equipment Co. Ltd. 郑州市经开区红升游乐设备厂 Zhengzhou Hong Sheng amusement 4F16 equipment factory 银科环企软件(苏州)有限公司 Galasys Global (Suzhou)CO.Ltd

16 2E43 1D39 郑州市奇乐迪游乐设备有限公司 中山市大展动漫科技有限公司 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile Zhengzhou参展商介绍 Qiledi Amusement Exhibitors’ Equipment D&A Profile Amusement Technologies Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd 3A11 3B01-3B10 中山市得森纸品有限公司 郑州市神童游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Desen Paper CO., Ltd ZHENGZHOU PRODIGY AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD 3C37、3C39 中山市港口镇天宇游艺设备厂 1B39-1B52 Zhongshan Game Paradise Amusement 郑州市万乐游艺设备有限公司 Equipment Factory Zhengzhou Wanle Amusement Equipment Co,.LTD 3C17-3C20 中山市光阳游乐设备有限公司 2B11-2B18 Zhongshan GuangYang Amusement 郑州市卧龙游乐设备有限公司 Equipment Co.Ltd Zhengzhou Wolong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd 1D37 中山市广益机械制造有限公司 2C40、2C42 Zhongshan GuangYi Machinery 智景發展有限公司 Manufacturing Co.,Ltd JUMBO GAIN DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 4E19-4E22 2B35-2B42 中山市华鑫游乐设备有限公司 智立方数码科技(深圳)有限公司 Zhongshan Huaxin Amusement Equipments M-Cube Digital Co.Ltd Co.,Ltd

4F09公司介绍/Company Profile: 3B50 中港游乐设备有限公司 中山市华亿游乐设备有限公司 REVOLVI AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD Zhongshan Hua Yi Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd 3F16-3F17 中山艾特游乐设备有限公司 2C38 ZhongShan Aita Amusement Equipment 中山市欢乐世博游艺设备有限公司 Co.,Ltd., Zhong Shan Supergame Amusement Co.,LTD

2F11 3F20 中山华娱游乐 中山市佳鑫游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Fun-Game Amusement Dawon Leisure Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd 2D29-2D32 中山乐斯高游乐设备有限公司 3B39 Zhongshan Lesgo Amusement Equipment 中山市嘉技游乐设备厂 Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Jia Technology Amusement Equipment Factory 2C45-2C50 中山市爱乐游艺设备有限公司 1C40 Zhongshan Airo Amusement Equipment 中山市金骏游乐设备有限公司 Co.,ltd Zhongshan golden dream amusement equipment Co., Ltd. 1C38 中山市保力游乐设备有限公司 1D01-1D08 Zhongshan Power Amusement Equipment 中山市金马科技娱乐设备有限公司 Co., Ltd GOLDEN HORSE TECHNOLOGY ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD.

17 2C25-2C32 2D17-2D24 中山市金信游乐设备有限公司 中山市世宇动漫科技有限公司 参展商介绍Zhongshan Golder Credit Exhibitors’Amusement UNIS Profile TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Equipment CO. Ltd 4F23 4A21 中山市童年游乐设备有限公司 中山市金益游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan childhood amusement equipment co.,LTD 1E42、1E44 中山市金鹰游乐设备有限公司 3B48 Zhongshan Jinying Amusement Equipment 中山市喜乐达游乐设备有限公司 Co., Ltd Zhong Shan Shi Xi Le Da You Le She Bei You Xian Gong Si Co.,LTD 2F06 中山市骏业游乐配套设备有限公司 2A03 Zhongshan Junye Amusement Facility 中山市小榄洋跑塑料制品厂 Supply co.,LTD ZHONGSHAN XIAOLAN OCEAN FINE ART PLASTIC FACTORY 3E47 中山市康乐游艺机有限公司 3C43 ZSkangle kangle Amusement Machine 中山市星娱动漫设备科技有限公司 Co,Ltd SUN GAME

1D41-1D42 4F17 中山市乐邦游艺设备有限公司 中山市艺新环境艺术工程有限公司 Global Amusement Ride Manufacture Zhongshan Yixin Environmental Art Co.,Ltd Engineering Co.,Ltd 公司介绍/Company Profile: 3F18 3B49 中山市乐贝尔游艺设备有限公司 中山市赢丰游乐设备有限公司 ZhongShan Leber Amusement Equipment ZHONGSHAN WINNER & HAPPY Co.Ltd AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD

3B27-3B30 3D17-3D24 中山市乐奇金鹰游艺机制造有限公司 中卫世艺(北京)国际文化发展有限公司 Zhongshan LUCK & JINYING amusement Zhong Wei World Art(Beijing) International machine manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Cultural Development Co.Ltd.

3A26 3B40、3B42 中山市连兴动漫科技有限公司 珠海市美蓝游艇有限公司 Zhongshan Lianxing Animation Technology ZhuhaimeilanboatsCo.,Ltd Co.,Ltd. 2C41 2D25-2D28 株洲南车特种装备科技有限公司 中山市日东动漫科技有限公司 Zhuzhou CSR Special Equipment Technology Nitto Fun Technology Co., Ltd. CO.,LTD

1C46 1F01-1F02 中山市尚乐游乐设备有限公司 淄博华龙游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Sun Amusement Equipment Zibo Hualong Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD Company Ltd

1E41、1E43 2E47 中山市世汇游艺机有限公司 自贡市恐龙景观艺术有限公司 ZhongShan WorldWide Amusement Zigong City Dinosaur Landscape & Art Machine Co.,LTD Co.,Ltd

18 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


公司介绍/Company ProfileFLOORPLAN:

19 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


公司介绍/Company Profile:

20 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

奥普乐体育运动(北京)有限公司 Topool Sports (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

地址:北京市朝阳区化工路9号北人户外产业园 Add:Beiren Outdoor Industry Zone, No.9 Huagong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 电话Tel:010 -6737 2055 传真Fax:010 -6736 6155 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.topool.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

奥普乐体育运动(北京)有限公司是一家专注于体育运动、全民健身、大众娱乐 领域的产品开发、销售、运营、服务为一体的现代化企业。奥普乐坚持以产品创 新、产业创新、模式创新为动力,不断投入研发,稳步经营,来保证产品的高品 质和领先性。 奥普乐公司是国内可拆装水上乐园项目的开创者,是全球顶尖的可拆装水上乐园 产品公司。奥普乐将世界上面积最大、品质高、安全性高、运营经验超过20余年 的韩国可拆装游泳池产品带到了中国,并且在可拆装水上乐园的整体功能设计、 形象策划、产品配套、服务标准化方面不断努力创新,旨在打造兼具安全性、娱 乐性、易拆装性的可拆装水上乐园,以推进水上乐园事业在中国的建立和发展, 让嬉水之乐变 得更加易于普及和贴近大众。奥普乐已经在全国拥有100多家奥普乐欢乐水世 界,深受当地消费者喜欢。 奥普乐可拆装水上乐园的特点是投资小、不用开挖占地、拆装便捷、维护简便、 节约用水量、冬季不用即可打包库存。此外,区别于传统游泳场馆,奥普乐可拆 装水上乐园集游泳嬉水、游泳培训班、餐饮娱乐、水边休闲、电视水上冲关、承 接商业活动、秀场等功能为一体的可拆装水上嘉年华的组合型经营模式和经验, 保证了场地经营者的投资回报最大化。而全进口、高品质的可拆装式游泳池按照 15年的超长使用寿命设计生产,保障投资人拥有持续多年的高额收益率。

21 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Bolliger & Mabillard Inc.

Add:Chemin des dailles 31, 1870 Monthey, Switzerland 电话Tel:0041 24 472 1580 传真Fax:0041 24 471 9584 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.bolliger-mabillard.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Bolliger & Mabillard is specialized in the delivery of custom-designed Roller Coasters, each ride is conceived to meet the customer’s specific needs and desires, reliable, unique, smooth and highly popular Roller Coasters, as well as quality services and on time delivery, have built B&M’s reputation during the years.

Bolliger & Mabillard是专业从事定制设计过山车的公司。每个过山车设计构想 是以满足客户的特定需求和欲望。可靠的,独特的,顺滑的和极受欢迎的过山 车,以及优质的服务和准时交货是B&M公司在多年间建有的声誉。

B&M products include the Flying Coaster, Dive Coaster, Wing Coaster, Hyper Coaster, Inverted Coaster, Floorless Coaster, Sitting Coaster, Stand- Up Coaster and Family Coaster.

B&M公司产品包括:飞行过山车,潜水式过山车,飞翼式过山车,超高过山车, 悬挂式过山车,无地板式过山车,坐立式过山车,站立式过山车和家庭式过山 车。

22 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:河北省保定市北市区华北工业城29号(190信箱) 电话Tel:0312-5993470 传真Fax:0312-5993470 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.hengruiyl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司主要产品为:激流勇进、自控飞碟、疯狂老鼠、滑行龙、豪华转马、豪华 波浪、海盗船、双人飞天、脚踏车、弯月滑车、摩天环车等六个类别的二十余种 大中型游乐设备产品。多年来我们以优质的产品质量、完善的售后服务、合理的 销售价格赢得了众多用户的一致好评。产品行销全国二十六个省、市、自治区。 其中:激流勇进、自控飞碟、中型豪华波浪、小豪华波浪、24人海盗船、豪华转 马、16人太空大战更是以其新颖的造型,较高的投资性价比,受到中小游乐场所 投资经营者的广泛赞誉。

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保定市建力游乐机械有限公司 Baoding city to build amusement machinery co.,Ltd

地址:河北省保定市高新区贤台乡杨庄工业区 Add:Baoding high-tech zone Xian Tai township Yang Zhuang industrial Zone 电话Tel:13932273608 传真Fax:0312-7013556 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. jlyljx.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

专业生产,设计各种游乐设备,游乐场地的规划设计。 主要产品有太空飞碟、海盗船、豪华转马、无基础自控飞机、无基础豪华波浪、 全新的迷你穿梭、创新欢乐戏水、碰碰车、大火车等。

24 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:保定市高新区杨庄 电话Tel:0312-7011172 传真Fax:0312-7011170 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. youle.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 公司简介 我公司的前身是保定市满城新兴游艺机械厂,成立于1986年,2007年5月更名为 保定市新兴华游艺机械有限公司。公司位于保定市高新区,是生产、设计各种类 型的游乐设备的专业厂家,中国游艺机游乐园协会会员。本公司资金、技术力量 雄厚,设备齐全,质量稳定、可靠,产品销售全国各地,2003年12月取得特种设 备制造许可证。 建厂二十几年来,始终以质量优,信誉高闻名于游乐设备行业。坚持“质量第 一,用户至上”,一整套完善的售后服务使我公司拥有一批稳定的客户。在搞好 畅销产品生产的同时,大量投入人力物力开发研制适销的产品。公司凭借过硬的 产品质量及严格的设计、审查、生产、质检等控制程序,顺利通过每4年一次的 国家质量体系换证审查。 年年都有新产品问世,年年都有新发展、新气象,这是公司永保欣欣向荣、朝气 蓬勃的法宝。 我公司的产品类别由三类增为七类,品种型式由4个增为13个系列。“开拓进 取、不断创新”是本公司的企业精神,“重合同,守信用”“质量第一,安全第 一”是本公司的经营宗旨。我们将用科学的管理手段、精湛的制造安装技术、高 尚的职业道德、完善的售后服务,竭诚为用户提供安全可靠,造型美观、漂亮大 方的产品,让用户满意是公司永恒的追求。

25 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

保定市长虹游艺机械工程有限公司 Baoding Changhong Entertainment Machinery CO.Ltd 地址:保定市北三环与向阳大街交叉口北行300米路东 电话Tel:0312-3196068 传真Fax:0312-3196622 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.chjx.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中:本公司主要从事游艺机的设计、生产及整体游乐园的规划设计和成套游艺机 施工等业务,产品销售遍布全国各地。现有滑行车、超级秋千、海盗船、高空揽 月、太空飞碟、豪华波浪、自控飞机、迪斯科转盘、 自旋滑车、神州飞碟、疯狂 老鼠、逍遥水母、海洋世界、双人飞天、迷你穿梭等大中型设备。我们将以一流 的管理、一流的产品、一流的质量、一流的服务开拓创新,与客户携手共进共创 美好未来。 英:Our company is mainly engaged in production and overall amusement park amusement machine design, business planning and design and complete sets of amusement machine construction, product sales all over the country. Existing scooter, super swing, , reach high waves, space flying saucer, luxury, control plane, disco turntable, spin block, the shenzhou flying saucer, crazy mouse, free and unfettered jellyfish, , double flying, mini shuttle and other large and medium-sized equipment. We will be first-class management, first-class products, first- class quality, first-class service innovation, with customers hand in hand for a better future.

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北京爱德乐科技发展有限公司 Beijing music ed amusement equipment limited company 地址:北京市朝阳区黑庄户乡定辛庄工业区 Add:Beijing city Chaoyang District Zhuanghu rural set Daxinzhuang Industrial Zone 电话Tel:010-85373708 传真Fax:010-85370726 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.bjadle.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京爱德乐游乐设备有限公司是一家专业集研发。生产。销售于一体的现代化企 业,为了满足公司发展与市场日益增长的广泛需求,公司于2013年正式更名为 “北京爱德乐科技发展有限公司”并正式将北京爱德乐游乐设备有限公司归入旗 下,旨在打造一个爱德乐的理念。为了能更好的满足长江,秦岭淮河以南地区客 户的需求,公司于2013年投资3千万元开工建设湖北巴河工厂,同时引进国内外 先进设备及技术,是中国游乐设备企业中最具实力的制造商之一。 公司一直致力于室内儿童乐园产品,用户体验模式创新,并不断的通过市场的反 馈,改进创新,成功研制出多款具有革命性意义的产品。并成功开发出旗下三大 主题乐园,森林主题乐园,糖果主题乐园,海洋主题乐园,完善的管理,先进的 技术,专业的工程设计,不断研发出一批集益智、娱乐、健身为一体的新产品, 目前拥有淘气堡、室内外儿童游乐设备、户外拓展训练设备等,产品遍及全国各 地,远销海外。 从设计研发到试制,生产,公司遵循安全,环保的的理念,产品在出厂前进过多 项测验,,产品先后获得ISO9001;2000国际质量体系认证、国家体育用品质量 监督检验中心检验合格企业、欧洲质量认证中心CE认证、中国游艺机协会会员单 位、中国玩具协会会员单位、国际游艺机IAAPA会员,并取得了多项产品外观技 术专利。 旨在打造“有爱,有德,有快乐”的经营理念,公司将于社会各界有志于儿童事 业发展的各界人士携手共赢,共创美好明天。为广大投资者和小朋友们带去更加 好的产品和服务。

27 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京安琪永逸科技中心 Beijing An Qi Yongyi Technology Center

地址:北京市西城区太平街B19号 Add:B19 Taiping Street, Xicheng District Beijing 电话Tel:010-63575712 传真Fax:010-67622123 电邮Email:1727495848 网址Web:www. Anqileyuan.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:


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北京奥特翔游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Aotexiang Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:北京密云密西路环保园工业区1号 Add:No.1 Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Mixi Road, Miyun, Beijing China 电话Tel:010-53073390/91/92/93 传真Fax:010-53073398 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Aotexiang.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

京奥特翔游乐设备有限公司作为中国儿童游乐设备行业最具实力的制造商之一创 建于2003年,历经10余年的发展已成为拥有集生产研发为一体的基地21000平方 米,固定资产8000余万元专业生产儿童游乐设施的企业。 产品涵盖儿童主题乐 园、康体游乐设施、拓展训练设施、儿童游乐设施、公共设施等二十多个系列, 1000多个产品,100余项设计专利。同行业处于领先水平。 公司在2003年通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证;2005顺利加入国际 游艺机协会,同年被北京市商务局批准为自营进出口企业;2007年通过德国 TUVGS认证。 我公司产品以其科学的感官教育结合先进游戏主体,让孩子们玩中学、学中玩的 设计理念,赢得了国内外客户的认可。客户遍及全国各省、市、自治区。产品远 销世界各国,如美国、澳大利亚、墨西哥、智利、摩尔多瓦、乌克兰、俄罗斯、 土耳其、阿尔巴尼亚等众多欧美国家。

29 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Beijing Aotexiang amusement equipment co., Ltd. is one of the most powerful manufacturers of the Chinese children’s amusement equipment industry. It was founded in 2003, after more than 10 years of development has become a professional production of children’s amusement equipment company, it owned a 21000 square meters base takes the production and research in one; the fixed asset is more than 80 millions yuan. The products cover children’s theme parks, fitness amusement facilities, expanding training facilities, children’s amusement facilities, public facilities, it is more than 20 series products, 1000 products, hundred of design patents, takes the leading level in the same industry .(

The company passed the ISO9001:2003 international quality system 公司介绍certification/ inCompany 2003; joined Profile international: amusement machine association in 2005, at the same year, approved by Beijing municipal bureau of commerce to be import and export enterprises; the products is certified By German TUVGS in 2007.

The design idea of our products lets scientific sense education combined with advanced game, let the children playing in learning, learning by playing has won the recognition of domestic and foreign customers. Our Customers in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Our products are exported to a lot of countries around the world, such as the United States, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Albania, and many other European and American countries.

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北京北方融大游乐设备有限公司 BFRD

地址:北京市顺义区杨镇松各庄79号 电话Tel:010-61411941 传真Fax:010-61411041 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. china-bfrd.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京北方融大游乐设备有限公司,坐落于中国首都北京,是一家集专业从事游乐设 备研发、生产、安装、销售于一体的高科技企业。公司总经理宋宝祥是实宝来公 司前任技术主管,从事游乐行业20余年,并亲自参与香港迪斯尼“小小世界”, 奉化雪窦山“高空火车”,65米旋转自由落体等重大项目的建设。 公司坚持以“优质的产品,完善的服务,务实的价格”满足客户要求。立足“高 起点,高技术,高质量,高效率,高效益”的“五高”方针。把“热真做事,诚 实做人”作为融大人的工作态度和人生准则;“诚信,创新,和谐,发展”作为 企业精神。 真诚欢迎各界朋友与我们一同,用“道德”成就品质;以“和谐”创价值,为我 国的游乐行业做出更大的贡献。

公司地址:北京市顺义区杨镇松各庄79号 邮编:101309 网址:www.china-bfrd.com 国内电话:010 61411941 61411041/13910604307 国际电话:+8610 61411941 传真: 010 61411941 邮箱:[email protected] 乘车:地铁15# ——顺20路直达

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北京朝雨文化有限责任公司 Zhaoyu Culture(Beijing),LTD

地址:北京市昌平区北七家温泉花园B区30-511 电话Tel:010-80149475 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

朝雨,源自唐王维诗“渭城朝雨浥轻尘”,朝为新生,雨为涤荡。我们是一支年 轻的、敢于推陈出新的团队。多年来,公司依托不断的业务及产业升级,除影视 美术效果包装以外,开始致力于主题公园整体设计包装、室内娱乐(电影)体 验、室内儿童游艺、秀场等大型娱乐项目,同时兼顾4D电影技术设备和4D影片 专业制作一体化解决方案、主题展馆创意类互动类多媒体整体解决方案的业务。 我们将创意包装结合,将高科技融入设计,拥有精彩创新的前期创意策划能力、 成熟的包装置景能力、逼真的后期特效及高端前沿的科技手段,广泛驰骋于影 视、主题效果包装及室内电影体验类项目等多个领域,为各领域注入一股年轻的 力量。朝雨文化---我们以创新的点子做真正好玩的项目。

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北京辰金鹰游乐设备开发中心 BeiJing ChenJIngYing Amusement Equipment CO.

地址:河北省廊坊市大厂潮白河工业区工业一路 电话Tel:18611107558 010-80842488 传真Fax:010-80842488-812 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. bj-cjy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京辰金鹰游乐设备开发中心成立于1991年,是国家质量监督检验检疫总局审 核通过的的大型游乐设施制造、安装、维修企业,是“中国游艺机游乐园协会” 会员单位。在20年的发展历程里稳步提高,2010年投资5000万入住大厂潮白工 业区,成立大厂龙泰基游乐设备有限公司,建成先进合理的现代化生产车间、综 合试验场、办公楼等基础设施,集园区规划、产品研发、生产、销售于一体的综 合实体企业。公司一直严守“质量重于效益,责任重于泰山的质量保证体系,贯 彻做好对客户的售前、售中、售后服务,要求综合质量整体提升,得到了行业协 会和广大用户的一致好评和认可。曾多次荣获协会颁发的“最受公众喜爱设备” 奖、“新产品开发”奖和“重合同守信誉单位”等奖项。2008年我公司独家与中 国奥组委在全国5大城市共同举办“奥运嘉年华”活动,全程由我公司提供园区 整体规划、产品选型设计、设备制造安装、运行维护保养的一条龙式服务。 北京辰金鹰游乐是一个大集体,是一个大家庭,“务实”是我们的服务态度, “用心”是我们的制造理念,“自信”是我们的团队精神,“创新”是我们的发 展方向,我们愿意为中国游乐设备的蓬勃发展贡献微薄之力!

33 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Beijing Chen jinying amusement equipment company was established in 1991, is the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine approved large-scale amusement equipment manufacturing, installation, maintenance , is a member of the CAAPA and IAAPA . Improved steadily in 20 years of development, in 50 million investment at DACHANG industrial zone in 2010, established new amusement equipment co., LTD., built a reasonable modern production workshop, advanced comprehensive test site, office buildings and other infrastructure, industrial park planning, product development, production and sales in a body’s comprehensive entity company. Company has been strictly abide by “quality is more important than efficiency, responsibility is more important than mount tai quality assurance system, to carry out 公司介绍good pre-sale,/Company sale and after-sale Profile: service to customers, the comprehensive quality overall ascension, obtained the industry association and the broad masses of the user’s consistent high praise and recognition. Has repeatedly won the association awarded the” most popular with the public equipment “prize,” new product development award “and” contract and keep credibility units “and other awards. 2008 my company exclusive with China’s Olympic organizing committee five big cities across the country” Olympic “carnival activities, which are held together by my company to provide overall planning, product selection design, equipment manufacturing, installation and maintenance of one-stop service operation. Beijing jinying amusement is a big collective, is a big family, “pragmatic” is our service attitude, “the heart” is our manufacturing philosophy, “confidence” is our team spirit, the development of “innovation” is our direction, we are willing to make contributions to the rapid development of China’s amusement equipment!

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北京荻森沃德景观工程技术有限公司 Beijing national’s ward landscape engineering co., LTD 地址:北京市昌平区百善镇半壁街888号 Add:Beijing changping district 888 half hundred good town street 电话Tel:010-61732104 传真Fax:010-61732104 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. disenwode.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介 美国G.T.S.G.I. 北京荻森沃德景观工程技术有限公司 荻森沃德景观工程公司, 是一家总部设在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶工业市的G.T.S.G.I.系统集团公司中国业 务拓展公司。主要从事于娱乐空间、商业空间、展示空间及景观建筑领域里的策 划、设计、建设和主题营造于一身,尤其体现在上述领域里的新概念、新工艺、 新材料及其配套产品生产、开发、销售的高新技术的企业。 公司自成立以来,现在已发展成为以自营作宗旨的北京昌平区百善镇文化创意产 业园为核心主体,营建了影视拍摄、动漫制作、影视后期、特技效果合成、极其 相关业务配套辅助设施,其中:采用新工艺、新材料、和新理念积木组合式影视 拍摄区欧洲小镇,拍摄空间变化灵活、视觉信息语素丰富,主题场景组装快睫, 极大满足当代影视制作全新理念的需要及特点。 在景观建筑装饰领域,公司率先把美国最先进的环保节能景观建筑装饰材料、技 术、工艺及设备导入中国,已形成了成规模的生产能力,目前,主要产品:建筑 外墙装饰构件及预制件、室内装饰构件及基材,如:仿硅酸岩、碳酸岩和仿任何 材质及欧式造型的窗口、门套、柱式、檐口、围栏、装饰线条等以及景观类的仿 真石材、仿真树皮、仿真木材等等装饰型材,弥补了国内在这个领域材料单一、 工艺陈旧、综合成本高的缺陷。 在主题娱乐及主题景观营造领域,创新、独特的构思,个性化集聚吸引力的创造 想象,是我们的概念标志;将文化与艺术、技术与工艺、传统与现代高科技完美 结合,是我们的营造理念与手段。对于国际、国内主题娱乐业和市场的精通,使 团队在业界树立了良好的信誉和形象。

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Company profile American national G.T.S.G.I. Beijing's ward landscape engineering technology co., LTD., the national ward landscape engineering company, is a company based in the industrial city of Los Angeles, California G.T.S.G.I. system group company business development company in China. Mainly engaged in the entertainment space, commercial space, exhibition space and the field of landscape architecture planning, design, construction and subject construction, particularly in the field of new concept, new techniques, new materials and products production, development, sales of high-tech enterprises. Company since its inception, has now developed into with proprietary purpose of Beijing changping district town of charity culture creative industry park as the main body, core construction for film and television filming, production, film and television animation, special effects synthesis, auxiliary facilities and related business, including: the adoption of new technology, new materials, and new concept blocks combined, film公司介绍 and television/Company shooting Profile area: town in Europe, flexible space and rich visual information morpheme, assembly fast solution theme scene, greatly satisfy the needs of contemporary film and TV making new ideas and characteristics. In the field of landscape architecture decoration, the company takes the lead in the United States the most advanced landscape architecture decoration materials, technology, environmental protection and energy saving technology and equipment import, China has formed the scale of production capacity, at present, the main products: building exterior wall decoration and prefabricated components, interior decoration components and base material, such as: imitation silicate rocks, carbonate rocks and imitation euro-style model of any material and window, door cover, column type, eaves, fence, decoration line, etc, and landscape classes of simulation, simulation tree bark, wood, and so on decorative stone material, makes up for the domestic material single in this field, the defects of the old process, high comprehensive cost. In the field of theme amusement and theme landscape construction, innovation, unique idea, personalized offer attractive creative imagination, mark is our concept; Culture and art, technology and craft, the perfect combination of traditional and modern high-tech, is our building idea and means. For the theme of the entertainment industry and market of proficient in international and domestic, the team in the industry establish a good reputation and image.

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地址:北京市小汤山镇小汤山村206号 电话Tel:010-52873642/60701011 传真Fax:010-60701833 网址Web:www. Hshy4d.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司自2003年初成立以来,由于企业发展及生产地址的变更,公司名称由原 来的“北京恒山宏业仿真科技有限公司”更名为“北京恒山宏业数字科技有限公 司”。我公司一直致力于4D动感影院设备的开发与推广,公司拥有成熟的技术储 备,对4D动感座椅的生产、安装和维护,我公司有过硬的技术人员,对其衍生品 在各行业的应用,有非常强的研发与制造能力,技术和服务成熟,工程业绩遍布 海内外,取得了骄人的成绩,在行业内获得了一致好评。 我公司成立初期,国内的3自由度4D动感座椅还是一片空白,仅国内部分厂家能 生产只能上下跌落运动的4D特效座椅,而且价格不菲。我公司的创始人及技术骨 干们弘扬了恒山宏业人的艰苦奋斗、自主创新的精神,在欧美液压动感座椅的基 础上,研发并推广了适合中国国情的气动4D动感座椅,在其基础上增加了喷水、 喷气、震动、扫腿等4D特效,形成了具有中国特色的4D动感座椅,并申报了新 型实用型专利(专利号:ZL02 2 89821.2),此举一下打开了4D动感座椅在中 国的市场,并被日后的所有生产厂家效仿。 到2008年初,恒山宏业技术人员总结了前期工程的经验之后,在液压控制的原理 上加以改进,用液压的伺服控制技术来控制气动4D动感座椅,并一举获得成功,

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此举又为4D动感影院行业注入了新鲜的血液,使4D动感影院设备在原来的使用 寿命上延长了1倍以上,也使4D动感座椅的运动动作更加流畅,仿真度更高。 综合前期近200多个4D影院工程案例,恒山宏业技术人员共同研究,发现气动的 4D动感座椅有些细微的动作难以再现,以及使用寿命方面,都是无法与液压驱 动的方式比拟的,所以在2009年初恒山宏业技术人员开发出了新型的液压驱动电 路,并使生产成本大大降低,其物理性能与国外进口的不相上下,具有良好的市 场推广价值,液压4D动感座椅又一次为4D影院行业带来一个崭新的春天。 液压4D动感座椅具有前两种无法比拟的诸多优点,例如寿命长,为10-15年,单 台推力为3000KG以上,空载与承载的动作无区别,由于采用液压油作为驱动介 质,其机械磨损几乎可忽略不计。 现在恒山宏业技术人员又在致力于电动4D动感座椅的改进与推广,并已在国内安 装了几个典型的工程案例,用户反应非常满意,相信在不久的将来,恒山宏业电 公司介绍动4D动感座椅又会在4D影院领域掀起一个崭新的高潮。/Company Profile: 恒山宏业公司由创建时的300平米生产场地在2006年初扩充到了1400平米,在 2014年末由于生产规模的不断扩大,又扩建到了目前的5000多平米。 恒山宏业公司的宗旨是“客户第一、质量第一、安全第一、信誉第一”,我们的 口号是“更强、更高、更快、更远”。

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北京鸿鼎利泰充气游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Hi-Techinflatables.Co.,Ltd

地址:北京延庆县延庆镇东卓家营 Add:Dongzhuojia ying, Yanqing county ,Beijing China 电话Tel:010 60166187 传真Fax:010 60166197 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. bj-hd.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京鸿鼎利泰充气游乐设备有限公司坐落于有北京“夏都”之称的延庆,毗邻八 达岭长城,是一家专业从事大型充气娱乐设施(充气蹦床、充气滑梯、充气攀岩 等)、水上充气娱乐设施、充气竞技类项目(主要可运用于大型户外娱乐活动) 户外充气媒体造型等各类充气玩具的开发生产及销售的企业。

We are the leading manufacturer of inflatable amusements in Beijing, China. Our team has more than 10-years experience in the inflatable industry. Our products are manufactured with meticulous craftsmanship. We always meet or exceed USA and European standards for safety. Our games are being inflated and creating Fun and Joy for Adults and Children all over the world!

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北京华录乐动科技有限公司 Beijing Hualuledong Technology Co.,LTD

地址:北京市石景山区阜石路165号中国华录大厦7层 Add:7th Floor,China Haul Building,No.165, Fushi Road,Shijingshan District,Beijing 电话Tel:400-706-0607 传真Fax:(86-10) 52280600 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.hlld.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京华录乐动科技有限公司是中国华录集团构建“以信息产业为基础的新型文化 产业集团”的骨干企业,是国有企业第一家涉足于新媒体数字技术领域的服务型 央企。 华录乐动坚持以创意为导向,充分发挥资源与平台优势,通过强而有力的项目服 务和实施团队,为用护提供各类项目策划设计、内容制作、技术解决方案及运营 支持。华录乐动现已形成了以“文化旅游、主题展厅展馆、大型音视频系统总 成、内容制作、运营管理”为核心的全产业链供应服务商,是中国最具实力的综 合型数字文化创意企业。 华录乐动将始终坚持“创意为导向,技术为核心,服务为根本”的理念,不断自 我完善与产业升级,推动国内数字文化及内容的传播发展与革新,打造高端数字 文化娱乐全产业链央企品牌的精品模式,为全体合作伙伴提供全方位的高端顾问 式服务和持续不断的精彩内容。

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Beijing Hualuledong Technology Co.,Ltd.which is the key enterprise of China Hualu Group Co.,Ltd. China Hualu Group Co.,Ltd. is the new cultural industrial company that based on information industry development. Also, it’s the first central enterprise who expands business and service fields to new media&digital technology in China. Hualuledong insists treat creativity as the guide,and makes the most of industrial resource and advantage. We provide plan,design,content making and technical&operation support for diverse kinds of project for all customers by our high quality service and creative team members. The business field of Hualuledong refers to many areas,including Culture- oriented travel, theme hall,city culture complex,large scale audio and visual system integration, content making and operation management so 公司介绍as to became/Company the comprehensive Profile: digital&cultural creative enterpeise with the strongest influence power. Hualuledong insists treating ‘creativity as guide, technology as central point,service as basis’, and keeps self completing and upgrading industry all the time,so as to promote the content transmision and revolution of digital culture. Also, creates high-end digital&cultural entertainment entire industrial chain for our central enterprise brand and fine mode for it as well. On this basis, provides advanced services and continuous brilliant project content for our all cooperative partners.

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北京画中行景观设计有限公司 北京画中行游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Hua Zhong Xing Landscape design Co.,Ltd Beijing Hua Zhong Xing Play Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:北京市通州区潞城镇前榆村 Add:Qianyu Village,Lucheng town,Tongzhou District,Beijing.China 电话Tel:010-87698419 13701070687 传真Fax:010-87698419 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.park798.com www.bjhzxyl.com www.bjhzx.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京画中行环境艺术有限公司于2002年成立,专注于旅游景区、主题公园、旅游 地产、商业地产等旅游行业,为客户提供项目实施全过程的完整解决方案;涵盖 了主题公园卡通形象文化、商业创意包装、策划设计、景观工程施工、大型彩车 策划设计制造、嘉年华游乐设备、中小型游乐设备的全方位综合体系。并先后成 立了北京画中行景观设计有限公司、北京画中行游乐设备有限公司。 北京画中行游乐设备有限公司,是一家以美术设计为主及雕塑、声控、电控、光 控和机械转动为一体的,并以注重外形美术包装为主的游乐行业企业,拥有一支 具有较强自动化控制、游乐设备设计开发能力的高水平科技人才队伍。公司的主 导产品是声光机电一体化高科技型游乐设备,致力于应用当今最前沿高新技术成 果,开发与时代发展相符合的、满足游乐市场消费需求的集科技、科普、娱乐相 结合的游乐项目与产品。 公司在未来的发展中还将继续保持高科技特色及水平,以产品创新为企业发展之 根本,视品牌为生命,不断开发游乐业科技新产品,竭诚为各类用户服务。

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Founded in 2002, Beijing Huazhongxing Landscape Design Co.Ltd. is specialized in the tourism industry covering tourist areas, theme parks, tourism real estate and commercial real estate and offers customers with complete solutions of project implementation. The company business covers an all-round comprehensive system including cartoon culture in theme parks, commercial creative package, planning design, landscape project construction, planning, design and fabrication of large bandwagons and carnival traveling equipment. Beijing Huazhongxing Amusement Equipment Co.Ltd., is a design-oriented art and sculpture, sound, electric control, light control and mechanical rotation as a whole, and to pay attention to the shape of the art packaging based amusement industry enterprises, has a relatively strong automation 公司介绍and control,/ Companyplay equipment Profile design: and development capabilities of high- level scientific and technological personnel. The company's lead product is a high-tech sound and light mechatronics play equipment, committed to the application of today's most cutting-edge high-tech achievements, development and consistent development of the times, to meet consumer demand for recreational market set technology, science, entertainment, combining pleasure projects and products. The company will continue to maintain the level of high-tech features and future development, product innovation as the fundamental enterprise development, depending on the brand for life, and constantly develop new IT products amusement industry, dedicated to all types of users.

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北京建凯祥游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Jian Kaixiang Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. 地址:北京大兴区魏善庄镇伊庄村 Add:Yi Zhuang Cun Wei Shan Zhuang Town Beijing Daxing District 电话Tel:010-89237412 传真Fax:010-89237413 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Jkx112.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司专业生产充气城堡、电动车、沙池、水池、蹦极、水上游乐产品和运动趣 味器材等。我们的用户覆盖全国各地,远销海外韩国、日本等地。

Our company specializes in manufacturing inflatable castle, electric cars, sand pool, pool, bungee jumping, water recreation and sports equipment and other products of interest. Our customers cover all over the country, are exported to Korea, and other overseas.

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北京金典游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Jindian Amusement Rides CO.LTD

地址:北京市通州区于家务西垡村 电话Tel:15801663621 13520831290 010-60545603 传真Fax:010-60545603 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. JDYL2008.CN

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京金典游乐设备有限公司成立于2008年,注册资金200万RMB,本公司创办以 来,自主研发了10项新型游乐设备,都属于家庭型游乐设施。 本公司主要经营中型游乐设备(游艺机)、家庭型游乐设备及儿童打靶游乐设 备,此类设备不属于大型游乐设备,不需要国家质检部门的检测,省去了中间环 节,简化了使用程序。但如果客户需要第三方检测,我公司竭诚为您提供一切检 测所需要的技术资料。 本公司所有研发产品都是国内较新颖的游乐设备,秉承“质量为首,服务相辅” 的经营理念,坚持“产品至上”的原则为广大客户提供优质的游乐设施。欢迎广 大客户惠顾! 现热销的产品有:星际探险、儿童秋千、疯狂迪斯科、弹跳车、桑巴气球、神奇 树屋、咖啡杯、龙腾虎跃、森林聚会、丛林骑士、儿童爬山车等家庭型游乐产 品。

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北京金贵创新科技开发有限公司 Beijing Goldensoft Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. 地址:北京市海淀区石板房768创意园(大华无线电厂院内)B北(5号门) 2081 Add:Room2081 5# 768 Creative Industry Park Shibanfang Street Haidian District Beijing 电话Tel:18911183337 传真Fax:62330215 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.goldensoftcn.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京金贵创新科技开发有限公司,成立于1999年。金贵坚持自主开发是全功能全 模块全业态智慧旅游线上、线下管理系统开发商运营商。 当业务洞察和技术伴您左右时,创新将不约而至。针对您的关键业务与管理挑 战,金贵为您提供与众不同的领域专长,带来实际的商业价值。融合技术和业务 流程,获取、利用分享信息,以便更好的做出决策。用新的技术和标准来连接和 优化规范业务流程。公司经过了十余年的努力,在各方面取得了比较迅速的发 展。 金贵致力于利用物联网技术助力智慧旅游实现全功能全模块全业态一卡通产品无 缝链接涉及: 1、O2O,线上票务平台、微信平台、APP客户端; 2、大型水上乐园、主题乐园、旅游景区; 3、温泉酒店、度假酒店、餐饮、水疗、健身、高尔夫、一卡通系统、 4、CRM、呼叫中心、物流、数字智能控制系统等领域。 以专业服务帮助客户应对业务挑战,并创造机会,推动其实现 卓越绩效。我们深 知行业动态及业务流程,具有应用新兴技术的经验。我们的观点、经验、拥有熟

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练技术的员工以及行业化的方法使我们在交付高质量,低成本的运营管理信息系 统方面富有信心。 企业使命 面向行业应用,为用户提供成熟、稳定的解决方案 面向业务应用,为用户提供长期、持续的产品服务 企业宗旨 品质源于专注,诚信来自服务 企业文化 厚德载物,自强不息 我们深知行业动态及业务流程,具有应用新兴技术的经验。我们的观点、经验、 以及深知行业流程的技术培训的人员使我们在交付高质量,低成本的销售和运营 管理信息系统方面富有信心。我们立足国内旅游娱乐信息管理软件服务市场,我 公司介绍们将一如既往地开拓进取,务实拼搏,为适合中国国情的旅游行业的现代化发展/Company Profile: 共同携手创新!

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北京金元宝工贸有限公司 Beijing gold ingot Industry and Trade Co,Ltd.

地址:北京市通州区聚富苑民族工业区东1路1号 Add:No.1 of east road in Jufuyuan national industrial park,Beijing Tongzhou district. 电话Tel:86-10-80523812,80522393 传真Fax:86-10-80529357 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. jybyl.com www.bjjybyl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京金元宝工贸有限公司(原:北京金元宝游乐玩具有限公司)成立于1994年,是 中国产品质量协会质量信得过单位、中国游艺机游乐园协会理事单位、国际游乐 设备协会会员单位。地处于北京市通州区聚富苑民族工业区,拥有现代化的办公 厂区,占地面积15000平方米,现有员工100余名。是一家集研发、生产、销售 于一体的专业游乐设备制造企业,近年来专注于主题乐园、旅游景区、生态度假 区的整体规划、方案设计与工程施工! 公司始终坚持“科技创新,科技兴业”研发理念,配备各类专业技术人员,产品 不断创新。相继推出了电池类、小火车类、转马类、飞行塔类等,集声、光、电 于一体的、一批又一批引领时代潮流的、深受广大用户欢迎的合格设备。几年 来,公司业务不断发展壮大,产品销往全国各地,遍及祖国的大江南北,同时远 销俄罗斯、印度、土耳其、东南亚等全球30多个国家和地区。 欢迎各界友人与我们建立长久的业务联系,我公司全体员工竭诚为您服务!

48 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Beijing Golden Industrial and Trading Co. Ltd(Beijing Golden Amusement Machine Co. Ltd)It was founded in 1994,which was trusted by China Association for Quality, the China Association of Amusement &Entertainment Parks Association, the International Playground Equipment Association. It is located in Beijing Tong Zhou District, which is a national industrial zone gathered many rich gardens. It has a modern office factories where covers an area of 15000square meters, more than 100 staffs are working for there. It is a collection of researching and development, production, sales in the integration of professional amusement equipment manufacturing enterprises. In recent years, It focus on theme parks, Tourist Attraction, Ecological Holiday Resort of overall planning, design and construction. Companies always adhere to the“scientific and technological innovation, 公司介绍/Company Profile: and promotion”development concept. More and more qualified equipment have been launched in succession. For example, batteries, small trains, , flight tower, sound, light, electricity in one batch after batch of leading the trend of the times. Many qualified equipment are popular for the users. In recent years, the company continued to develop, and the products are sold throughout the country from north to south across the country. As well as exported to Russia, India Turkey, southeast Asia more than 30 countries and regions. Welcome all friends to establish long cooperation relationship with us, all the staff will do our best to service for you!

49 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京金运通宇游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Jinyuntongyu Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd. 地址:北京市顺义区李遂科技园 Add:Lisui Technical garden, Shunyi District, Beijing City. 电话Tel:01089422899/13910975495 400-650-8082 传真Fax:01089483066 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web: www.jytyyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京金运通宇游乐设备有限公司,是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员单位,是阿里巴巴 诚信通企业,是一家专门生产、研发、销售游乐设备的企业。公司坚持“以质量 求生存,以信誉求发展”的企业宗旨,不断研发不同档次、不同价位的产品以满 足不同层次的购买者的需要。公司拥有雄厚的技术力量和多年来在游艺机研制、 生产上积累的大量宝贵的实战经验,并不断致力于新产品的开发研制以扩大生 产规模,来生产更多更好的产品回报新老客户的厚爱和所有的业界同仁的大力支 持。携手共创游乐业的美好明天。 公司主要产品有:欢乐战城(又称:疯狂战城、泡球战城、快乐战城、儿童战 城乐翻天)、福娃欢乐城、淘气堡、无敌炮(实战英雄)、观光代步车、另外有 游乐设备配件批发零售(护套管、扎带、尼龙网、泡沫球...... ),及其他产品销 售...... 等几十类产品。另承接游乐园(场)的设计规划。 公司会以优质的服务,带给您无后顾之忧的产品。

50 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Beijing JinYunTongYu amusing facility limited corporation is the member of China's game machinery amusement park association. Our company's only business is to produce, research, develop and sell the game machinery facility. Our company's tenet is: The quality guarantees the life of our company, the credit guarantees the development of our company. According to this tenet, we are researching and developing the products in different grade and different price for different buyers in different rank. Our company's technology is in strength. We have already heaped up a lot of valuable effective experiences in the field of researching and producing of game machinery in the past years. On the basis of these experiences, we apply ourself to exploit the new products in order to enlarge the production scale and produce more and better products for 公司介绍returning old/Company and new clients' Profile favor: and redounding upon all the support and friends. Our corporation's dream is to create a great future in the field of game machinery facility. Main Products: Frantic Fighting City, Cheerful Fighting City, Foam Ball Fighting City, Fighting Playhouse (Ecstatic), Lucky baby happy city,Baby Chateau,Sightseeing Car , Invincible Artillery, and etc. Synchronously, we undertake the work of design and layout for amusement park., Our first-class products and excellent service will authentically assure you of reliability of our products.

51 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京九华游乐设备制造有限公司 Beijing JiuHua Amusement Rides Manufacturing Co. ,Ltd. 地址:北京.昌平.小汤山工业开发区 Add:Xiaotangshan Development Zone. Changping District Beijing China 电话Tel:010-61714882 61714867 61714980 传真Fax:010-61714989 电邮Email: [email protected] 网址Web:www.jiuhuarides.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

超级大摆锤 翻江倒海 大惊跳 迷你伞塔 跳伞塔 大摆锤 自旋滑车 自旋滑车Ⅱ 型 极速飚车 悬挂式过山车 家庭过山车 风火轮 海盗船 霹雳摇滚 疯狂滑板 醉拳 蝙蝠侠 激流勇进 旋风飞椅 儿童过山车 自由落体 快乐飞侠 海洋漂 流 舞蹈喷泉 美人鱼 豪华转马 峡谷漂流 单轨高架列车 高空飞翔 矿山车

Super Pendulum Rolling Wave, Lightning Jump Mini-parachute Tower Parachute Tower Super Swing Spinning Coaster Spinning Coaster Ⅱ Flying Coaster Suspended Fireball, Pirate Ship, Rock And Roll, Crazy Skateboard, Drunkard's Boxing, Flume Rides, Whirlwind Chairs, Children Coaster, Freedom Drop, Happy Flyer, Mini-Ocean Drift , Mermaid, , Monorail , Sky Flyer, Rapid Ride,

52 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京凯特乐游乐设备有限公司 BEIJING KAITELE AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO., LTD 地址:北京市通州区漷县镇漷兴四街16号 电话Tel:010-80585555 传真Fax:010-80587925 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.kaitele.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京凯特乐游乐设备有限公司是一家集科研、设计、生产、销售、培训于一体的 综合性教育装备供应商,公司总部位于北京市通州经济开发区内,并在全国拥有 三个生产基地,总建筑面积30000平方米。 公司通过出国交流访问在08年首家引进美国与日本儿童乐园的理念与技术,并通 过不断的改造升级,使之与国内市场相结合,成功研制出百余款具有前瞻性的淘 气堡设备,带领国内的淘气堡市场走向第三次改革。 公司推出的凯特乐欢乐城,整合了一系列前卫新颖的儿童娱乐设备,并在国内首 家推出了带有视频功能的设备,解决了以往设备不够长久吸引力的问题,保证了 设备内容的最新同步性,让孩子来玩了一次还想来第二次。 公司致力于科技为本,通过不断的创新改造,推行“一直被模仿,从未被超越” 的理念。推陈出新一直站在行业领军者的地位。

53 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Beijing KAITELE amusement equipment CO. ,Ltd which works on scientific researching, designing, selling, and training is a comprehensively educational equipment s supplier. Our products are made from imported edible plastic which are poisonless and non-pollution . It brings a healthy and happy environment for the growing kids. Our products are suit for kindergartens, schools amusements parks and other social places and marketed in more than 80 countries. We are one of the best manufacturers in China To satisfy the growing market demand, our company moves to the industy zone located in Huoxian town,Tongzhou District,Beijing, China meanwhile, we introduce global advanced equipment and technology to make the quality of our products comes to the top of the world. 公司介绍In the face/ Companyof a new round Profile of :the 2014 global economic challenges, company will be as in the past to Endeavour off to revitalizing the nation through science and education, service education as its mission, with rigorous diligent the concept of innovation to contribute preschool education

54 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京乐客灵境科技有限公司 Beijing Leke VR Technology Co ., Ltd.

地址:北京海淀区信息路19号401室 Add:Beijing Haidian District information road 19 401 room 电话Tel:15810368072 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.lekevr.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 北京乐客灵境科技有限公司简称“乐客VR”是一家虚拟现实内容制作公司。团 队由一群具备丰富电影制作,游戏开发,以及大型娱乐研发等行业的精英组建而 成,专注于虚拟现实主题娱乐开发、虚拟现实游戏互动开发、虚拟现实电影制 作、虚拟现实旅游研发等领域。同时兼顾虚拟现实技术使用和研发一体化解决方 案、主题展馆创意类互动类虚拟现实整体解决方案等业务。 我们将创意、创新、科技、服务融于一体,始终以创造快乐为宗旨。“乐客,创 造快乐的VR客”

Beijing Le Ke Ling Jing Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (“LeKe VR”) is a production company of virtual reality. Our professional team is made of a group of experienced people whose industries are film-making, game development, research and development of large-scale entertainment and so on. We’re focusing on the development of theme entertainment of virtual reality, interaction game of virtual reality, film-making of virtual reality, tourism R & D of virtual reality, etc. We provide integration solutions of the usage and R & D of virtual reality technology and the holistic solutions of the creative and interactive virtual reality of theme pavilions, etc. We’ll integrate originality, innovation, technology and service, and we’ll always take creating happiness as a purpose. "LeKe, VR makers who always create happiness".

55 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:北京市顺义区赵全营镇稷山营村 电话Tel:010-89422298 传真Fax:010-89422028 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.bj81888.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京利达永恒游乐设备有限公司是一家专业生产欢乐战城的厂家,多年来本公司 以 质 量 求 生 存 , 以 诚 信 求 发 展 。 产 品 质 量 得 到 了 市 场 的 认 可 , 赢 得 客 户 满 意 。 该产品在市场的销售不断扩大,并给投资者带来高额回报。在此基础上,本公司 还要不断的推出新产品,满足客户需求。 经过几年的努力,产品的品质不断提高。客户反映良好。欢迎新老客户前来合作 公司地址:北京北六环火寺路出口往北六公里。稷山营村开发区 电话:010——8942 2298 13701260899 13520938059 传真:0108942 2028 网址:www.bj81888.com.cn QQ: 1501952409

56 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:北京市昌平区回龙观西大街琥珀天地3单元560室 电话Tel: 400-654-6548 传真Fax: 010-57536949 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. bjnos.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:


北京奈欧赛电子科技有限公司是专业开发和生产各种运动休闲设备的大型康体设 备公司。公司已“创新、务实、精益求精”为企业的经营理念,把客户的需求作 为企业发展的根本动力,把”客户满意“作为企业追求的最终目标,凭借”规范 的管理、良好的信誉,一流的产品,高品质的施工质量,完善的售后服务“赢得 了广大用户的信赖。集研发、生产、销售、安装、施工、售后为一体。不仅为了 社会奉献了一系列高质量的最新康体休闲产品,同时提供了良好的工程服务和完 善的售后服务体系。 我公司以“以技术为生命,挑战极限,超越极限”为信念,主营模拟射击、3D秘 籍设计、模拟运动、模拟高尔夫等康体娱乐产品的开发和5D影院的真人实景射击 对战系统的射击承建。KS团队有最高的激情愿付出最大的努力,为广大顾客提供 行业内最优秀的产品,最热情的服务。

57 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:北京市昌平区马池口镇白浮村 电话Tel:010-57237688 传真Fax:010-60775967 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Bjfeilong.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京乔氏飞龙气模玩具有限公司致力于气模业的发展,专业从事大型游乐充气设 备、水上运动休闲产品、充气广告和充气型体的研究、开发制造及销售,凭借公 司的强大技术力量和经济实力,不断地开发出具有国际先进技术水平的新产品。 公司成立于1994年,经过10余年的发展,在全国各大城市设有分支机构,服务网 络遍及全国。公司内部实行网络化管理,依托先进的计算机辅助设计系统和计算 机管理系统,市县规范化运作,在最短的时间内为用户提供高品质的产品。是国 内具影响力的气模玩具服务商之一。 公司本着技术先进、质量第一、客户至上的原则为广大用户提供满意的服务。 目前公司为国内、外超过上万家的企业提供了气模玩具、充气大棚、户外帐篷、 大型儿童游乐设备、膜结构,充气水池、充气滑梯、水上乐园、水上自行车、水 上滚筒球、水上步行球、气垫船、橡皮划艇等产品的批发零售业务,同时为广大 创业者提供了良好的商业平台。公司将坚持客户向导、应用为本的策略,继续专 注于在气模玩具制造领域开拓发展成为企业、政府、家庭化的推动者和服务者。 飞龙气模将秉承“和谐、参与、激情”的文化,与客户和合作伙伴齐心协力一起 成长,共同发展。 我公司自创办以来,积极进取,不断创新,凭借良好的企业信誉,独特的经营风 格及较强的市场开拓能力,取得了一个有一个惊人的业绩。飞龙气模的迅速稳健 的发展,离不开业内极其优秀的合作伙伴。

58 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京峭壁翔云攀岩器材有限公司 Beijing Q.B.X.Y sports equipment.Co.Ltd

地址:北京市怀柔区怀柔镇南关村209号 Add:NO.209,NANGUAN CUN, HUAIROU, BEIJING, CHINA 电话Tel:010-60680541 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.517panyan.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京峭壁翔云攀岩器材有限公司是一家销售攀岩产品、拓展产品的专业公司。十 余年间,公司致力于发展中国攀岩及拓展事业,在全国各地均建有质量优异、设 计新颖的岩场及拓展基地。从帮助客户选址、设计、安装到后期运营协助,峭壁 翔云人都秉着“客户至上”的服务方针提供一条龙式的服务支持。 公司产品有各种规格岩板、岩点,可为您提供人工岩壁、抱石岩壁、自然岩壁、 儿童岩壁等适合不同场地,不同人群的攀岩场;拓展项目根据您现场情况,可为 您设计森林探险、水上闯关、儿童探险乐园、高空拓展基地等各种拓展场地。公 司所售高强度有机复合岩板符合欧盟人工岩场—EN12572安全标准;通过国家技 术监督部门制定的检测机构,GB19079.4—2005的检测,并通过了环保部门的 毒理检测,并取得中国登山协会检测认定。

59 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京瑞切斯科技有限公司 Beijing Riches Technology co.Ttd

地址:北京市通州区宋庄镇北刘各庄东方银邦产业园9栋 Add:Beijing Tongzhou District Songzhuang Zhen Bei Liu Ge Zhuang East Silver State Industrial Park 9 电话Tel:010-59792029 010-59793239 传真Fax:010-69599598 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. bjrqsjs.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司是一家研发生产型科技企业,下属3个事业部:1、汽车用品及设备事业部 ——专业生产研发烤漆房红外电加热设备及承接新旧烤漆房油改电工程及相关汽 车维修设备 2、游乐设备研发生产事业部——重点专业研发生产大、中、小型室 外室内拓展类游乐设备及其它市场上所需求的游乐设备产品 3、金属结构精工制 造生产事业部——专业制造加工疑难、精准、高难度金属结构及相关产品。 拓展游乐设备研发生产事业部—— 专注于生产研发大、中、小型室外室内拓展类 最新游乐设备及市场上所需要的其他游乐设备产品。研发生产事业部通州科研基 地,多年来与相关的游乐设备生产企业和国内顶级的游乐设备设计研究所密切合 作,推出国内首台大并于2012年9月份顺利安装在北京朝阳公园内,10月1日正 式对外营业,其“挑战自我、挑战高度、挑战勇气、释放激情”的设计理念,被 充分展现出来,深受广大游客的欢迎,其游玩的人数、受欢迎程度及轰动效应是 我们始料未及的。同时,我公司游乐设备研发生产事业部自行设计生产的小型室 内外拓展游乐设备、立体迷宫、蜘蛛塔等适合儿童类游玩的产品也同样受到全国 各地的客商青睐,成交的订单源源不断。 我公司遵循“安全第一、质量为本、诚而有信”的原则,深挖自身潜力,密切与 研发单位的合作,逐步推出具有对抗性、比赛型、水上嬉戏型、军事训练型等拓 展游乐设备及其它相关受市场欢迎的游乐设备产品。

60 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

北京实宝来游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:北京市朝阳区北岗子环里甲19号北京实宝来游乐设备有限公司 Add:No.19A Huanli Beigangzi,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China 电话Tel:010-84310891 传真Fax:+8610-84313646 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.china-sbl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京实宝来游乐设备有限公司成立于1989年,是中国最早的游乐设备生产企业, 专门从事大中型游乐设备产品的研发、制造和销售,是目前中国最大的游乐设备 制造基地,产品销售到全国各地,并出口到二十多个国家和地区。 实宝来也是中国游乐设备行业唯一的国家级高新技术企业和北京市中关村高新技 术企业,拥有实力雄厚的研发中心,以及现代化的生产制造装备。实宝来作为中 国游乐设备游乐园协会副会长单位,中国游乐设备游乐园协会制造分会会长单 位,参与了中国游乐设备行业标准的制定。

Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd(Shorted as SBL) established in 1989 is the earliest amusement Rides manufacturer in China.It’s specialized in R&D,manufacturing and sales of large and medium rides,It has become the biggest and most advanced amusement rides manufacturing base in China,and the products have been sold to all over China and exported to more than 20 countries and areas. SBL is also the only one national level hi-tech enterprise and Beijing Zhongguancun hi-tech enterprise in amusement industry of China. It has very strong R&D team and advanced manufacuring facility.SBL as the leader of China amusement industry is the deputy chairman of China Association Park and Attractions(CAAPA) and has participated the standardization of China amusement equipment industry.

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北京市童欣乐玩具有限公司 Beijing Tongxinle Toys CO.,LTD

地址:北京市通州区台湖镇外郎营245号 Add:NO.245 Industrial Zone Wailangying Taihui Town Tongzhou Area,Beijing,China. 电话Tel:010-61535087 传真Fax:010-61534609 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Tongxinle.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京市童欣乐玩具有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体,专业制造销售各 种大、中、小型游乐设施的现代化企业。公司创立于2001年,位于北京市通州区 台湖镇外郎营245号。公司已经取得中国特种设备的相关资质----大型游乐设施制 造生产许可证及安装改造维修许可证,是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员单位之一。 本公司从先前生产幼儿园教玩具发展到现如今有资质有规模的生产制造室内外大 型游乐设施。公司现已配备专业管理人员、高级设计师、工程师、技术人员若干 人等,同时引进国内外先进设备及技术,融合国内外幼儿产品的最佳特性,创造 安全、健康、经典的造型,体现了公司专业的设计开发理念和超前领跑国内游乐 玩具行业的先锋力量。公司产品齐全、功能卓越,深受消费者青睐。 公司主打产品: “以利亚”牌碰碰车系列、旋转木马系列、淘气堡系列、小博士系列、健身器材 系列、塑料玩具系列、充气城堡系列、木制系列、游乐设施系列等,产品覆盖幼 儿园、学校、游乐场、社区等各类场所。产品畅销多个国家和地区,是中国儿童 游乐设施行业销量最大的企业之一。公司将在产品上推陈出新,在生产、销售及 售后服务上为客户提供更有效的质量保证。 公司经营理念: 公司一贯奉行“质量第一、信誉第一、服务第一”的经营理念,实行设计、生 产、销售、运输、安装、售后服务一条龙,建立了一支全天候服务队伍。“精益 求精、追求卓越”是本公司不懈努力,为业界树立榜样,为客户创造奇迹。

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Beijing Tongxinle Toys Co., Ltd. is a modern enterprise specialized in R&D, manufacturing and marketing of various large, medium and small amusement rides. Founded in 2001, the company is located at No. 245 Wailangying, Taihu Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing. As a member of China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA), the company has the relevant qualifications for manufacturing of special equipment in China, such as the licenses for manufacturing, installation, reconstruction and maintenance of large amusement rides. The company manufactures teaching aids and toys for kindergartens initially and now has the qualification for mass production of large indoor and outdoor amusement rides. With experienced professional managers, senior designers, engineers and technicians, the company leverages domestic and international advanced equipment and technology to develop safe, healthy and classic product style with the best features of domestic and international child care products, which demonstrate the company’s 公司介绍professional/ Companydesign and developmentProfile: concepts and leading expertise in China amusement ride and toy industry. The company’s products are well received by consumers for their wide variety and outstanding performance. Key products: ELIYAH-branded bumper car series, carousel series, naughty castle series, Little Doctor series, fitness equipment series, plastic toy series, inflatable castle series, wooden series and amusement ride series, catering for kindergartens, schools, amusement parks and communities. As one of the largest companies in China children’s amusement ride industry by sales volume, the company sells products in several countries and regions. The company will introduce new products constantly and provide customers with more effective quality assurance in production, sales and after-sales services. Business philosophy: The company adheres to the business philosophy of “quality first, reputation first and service first”, and has a 24/7 service team, offering one-stop solutions of design, manufacturing, sale, transportation, installation and after-sale service. The company’s vision is to pursue excellence, set an excellent example for the industry and create miracles for customers through unremitting efforts.

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北京顺天恒瑞科技发展有限公司 Beijing Shun Tian Heng Rui Technology Development Co.,Ltd.Beijing Shun Tian Heng Rui Technology Development Co.,Ltd.

地址:北京市顺义区李桥镇庄子营村北2巷1号 Add:Liqiao Town,Shunyi District,Beijing 电话Tel:010-84595488 传真Fax:010-63979188 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.sthrkj.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京顺天恒瑞是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员单位,是集主题公园创意策划、游乐 设备设计制造、产品造型及平面设计于一体的实业公司。 公司成立至今,已为多家单位完成了主题公园创意策划、产品造型及平面设计项 目,培养了一支能力强、素质高的专业化设计施工队伍,取得了骄人的业绩。 近年来,为配合游乐行业及全民健身运动的开展,公司游乐设备部开发生产了蹦 极跳床系列、三维太空环系列、拳王争霸系列、立体迷宫及游艺恐龙等众多游乐 设备,并申请了多项国家专利,产品均经过国家权威机构检验合格,并获得生产 许可。产品遍及全国各地并出口多个国家和地区,深受游客及游乐园、旅游景 点、健身场馆等多家单位的好评。 顺天恒瑞秉承“用产品赢得市场、为客户创造价值”的经营理念,以奋斗求生 存、以发展求完善,严谨求实、不断进取,已成为中小型游乐设备的专业生产 商。

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北京太阳光影影视科技有限公司 Beijing Sunlight And Shadow TV Technology Co.,Ltd

地址:北京市中关村大街18号中国互联网教育中心6层B区 Add:6th floor, The Internet Education Center Building of China , Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District,Beijing City. 电话Tel:010-53241477 传真Fax:010-53241499 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.031.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

身临其境7D多人互动影院是北京太阳光影影视科技有限公司运营的高科技项目, 是首家将游戏娱乐、3D立体视频技术与动感影院技术巧妙结合的创新型项目。观 影者能够成为电影中的角色并身临其境(身临奇境)般感受到自己就是电影里的 一份子,并持续与影片内容产生交互作用。 影院内动感座椅会结合影片内容出现相应的运动,当影片里出现风、雨、雷、电 等自然现象时,特效设备也将同步出现刮风、下雨、打雷、闪电等自然景象;当 观众驾驶战斗机向敌人发射导弹时,座椅会出现强烈的震动,让观众感受到近乎 极致的参与感,困惑、焦虑、痛苦,欢乐都可以真真切切感受到!

SLQJ 7D interactive Cinema, is China's first of the game entertainment, 3D stereoscopic video technology and dynamic theater unique combination of innovative technology projects, which is develop and operation by Beijing Sunlight And Shadow TV Technology Co.,Ltd . The audience who can become a character and immersive feel that he is part of the movie and continue interact with video content. Dynamic seat will be combined with in a corresponding movement of video content, when the film appeared in the wind, rain, thunder, electricity and other natural phenomena, effects appear scraping device will also be synchronized wind, rain, thunder, lightning and other natural phenomena; let the audience feel almost the ultimate sense of participation , confusion, anxiety, pain and happy.

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北京太阳系传媒技术有限公司 Beijing Solar System Media Technology Co., Ltd.

地址:北京市中关村大街18号中国互联网教育中心6层B区 Add:6th floor, The Internet Education Center Building of China , Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District,Beijing City. 电话Tel:010-53241999 传真Fax:010-53241900 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Wasai,Cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

哇噻虚拟现实体验馆是北京太阳系传媒技术有限公司运营的高科技项目。哇噻头 盔有着高分辨率,将哇噻头盔设备佩戴在头部,作为显示器和控制器来使用,与 哇噻头盔相连的PC和互动设备将进行数据处理,创造三维的虚拟现实环境,而用 户头部的运动将可以触发在虚拟世界中的运动,有很强的虚拟现实的沉浸感和临 场感。它可以带您的顾客身临其境般的体验过山车、赛车、飞翔、高空、cs射击 等不同场景,感受逼真、刺激。使人产生不同的真实体验感,例如:悬晕感、降 落感、不平衡感等。戴上哇噻虚拟现实头盔,你会瞬间感觉自己仿佛进入了显示 器中的奇幻世界。

WaSai Virtual Reality Experience Center is develop and operate by Beijing Solar System Media Technology Co., Ltd. As the display and the controller, the helmet has a high-resolution and ability to processing data via connected to PC and interactive equipment so that to create a three- dimensional virtual reality environment. The users movement of the head will be able to trigger the movement in the virtual world, there is a strong sense of immersion virtual reality and telepresence. WaSai can take the user an immersive experience of realistic and stimulation, such as roller coaster, racing, flying, aerial, CS shooting and other different scenes. Taking the helmet, you will instantly feel as if fall into a fantasy world of the display to experiencing hanging dizzy feeling, landing sense, sense of imbalance, and so on.

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北京天北星际主题游乐设备有限公司 Beijing TianBeiXing International Park Equipment Co.LTD 地址:北京市通州区台湖镇唐大庄158号 Add:Beijing, Tongzhou District,TaiHu Town, TangDaZhuang 158 电话Tel:+8610-67377110 传真Fax:+8610-67385517 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.tbxjplay.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京天北星际主题游乐设备有限公司成立于1992年,是一个以光机电一体化,技 术开发、应用为主导的科技型企业,拥有一支具有较强自动化控制、计算机设计 开发能力的高水平科技人才队伍。公司的主导产品是光机电一体化高科技型游乐 设备,致力于应用当今最前沿高新技术成果,开发与时代发展相符合的、满足游 乐市场消费需求的集科技、科普、娱乐相结合的游乐项目与产品。 公司目前开展的主要业务有:游乐园策划与规划设计,大型主题游乐项目设计开 发,游乐设备设计、开发与生产,游乐市场开发等等。公司经过多年努力已逐步 形成了独具特色的产品风格,目前,公司开发的产品主要有“主题项目、科普项 目、射击项目、遥控项目、综合项目”,包括幽灵公馆、极地探险、救火勇士、 虚拟魔幻世界、哈利历险、海洋欢乐岛、海洋漂流、超级水战等五大类三十余个 品种,。公司所拥有的技术实力、产品特色、质量信誉及所开拓的市场份额,已成 为国内游乐业界重要的游乐设备开发生产企业之一。 北京天北星公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会常务理事单位,同时也是国际游艺机游 乐园协会会员单位。公司所生产的产品已通过国家游艺机质量检验中心质量体系 认证,获得国家颁发的生产许可证。公司一贯遵循的宗旨是“科技领先、产品

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创新、质量第一、信誉至上”,公司以领先时代的创意、一流的生产技术水平、 可靠的质量保证以及完善的售后服务体系赢得了市场的广泛认可,产品遍布全国 各地,如:北京石景山游乐园、天津乐园、山东潍坊富华游乐园、山西太原迎泽 公园、四川成都塔子山公园、重庆游乐园、云南昆明动物园、湖南岳阳公园、长 沙烈士公园、陕西西安革命公园、新疆乌鲁木齐水上乐园等国内众多知名游乐园 区。公司还积极拓展海外市场,俄罗斯、土耳其、墨西哥、蒙古、越南等国家都 有我公司的产品,并且在当地取得了较好的经济和社会效应。公司自从1992年成 立以来较为稳步发展,尤其在最近几年发展迅速,2002年产值达600万,到2007 年底产值超过2000万,保持极为强劲的发展趋势。 公司在未来的发展中还将将继续保持高科技特色及水平,以产品创新为企业发展 之根本,视品牌为生命,不断开发游乐业科技新产品,竭诚为各类用户服务。

公司介绍/Company Profile:

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北京同君炜达游乐设备有限公司 Beijing Tongjunweida Play Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:北京市通州区漷县镇吴营村同君炜达58号院 Add:Yard No. 58, Tongjunweida, Wuying Village, Huoxian Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing 电话Tel:010-67626219 传真Fax:010-80520788 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. 669188.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京同君炜达游乐设备有限公司是一家从事游乐设备研制、生产的专业公司,主 要生中小型免检类游乐设备。自公司创建二十年来,随经济的发展,公司规模在 不断扩大。本公司不仅拥有优秀的专业技术力量,而且具有丰富的产品创新经 验。因此,我们所生产的游乐设备,创意新颖独特、生产工艺精良、运行稳定可 靠,将会给客户带来良好的利润回报。 本公司除向广大客户用户提供多种多样的游乐设备外,还承接主题娱乐园工程。 向客户提供从创意、规划、设计到施工的一条龙服务。 特别是公司秉承“客户为本”的宗旨,不仅为客户提供质量上乘的产品,更是做 好了充分准备:保证为客户提供可靠、迅捷的售后服务。

Beijing Tongjunweida Play Equipment Co.,Ltd (BTPE) is a specialized company dedicating itself in research, development and production of recreational equipments. since its establishment 20 years before, the company has expanded its scale progressively as the national economy grows.BTPE has both excellent specialty technology and abundant innovative product experiences. Therefore, equipments produced by our corporation have state-of-the-art and unique originalities, and our production processes are high-quality and reliable, both of which will bright favorable returns to our customers. Besides providing versatile recreational equipments, BTPE is also engaged in large theme creational park projects, so as to provide integrated services of originality, scheme, design and construction. Our corporation insists our customer-oriented concept to provide high- quality products and reliable and fast after-sale services.

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北京新时代乐源游乐设备有限公司 Beijing New Times Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd.

地址:北京通州张家湾北大化南口工业区(新时代玩具厂) Add:Beidahua Industry Zone,Zhangjiawan Town,Tongzhou District,Beijing,China 电话Tel:010-69500100 010-69507799 传真Fax:010-69580852 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.bjxsd.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京新时代乐源游乐设备有限公司是一家专业集研发、生产、销售为一体的现代 化企业。为了满足公司发展与市场日益增长的广泛需求,公司于2011年更名为 “新时代游乐”并于5月份搬入新厂办公、生产,新公司位于北京市通州区张家 湾北大化工业区,占地面积25余亩,拥有20000多平方米的现代化标准厂房及仓 库,同时引进国内外先进设备及技术,是中国游乐设备企业中最具实力的制造商 之一。 我公司以完善的管理,先进的技术,专业的工程设计,不断研发出一批集益智、 娱乐、健身为一体的新产品,目前拥有淘气堡、室内外淘气堡、儿童乐园设备、 儿童滑梯、儿童游乐场设备等设备,适用于室内外儿童游乐场、商场、餐厅、社 区、公园、幼儿园及各类室内外场地。产品遍布全国各地,并远销东南亚、中 东、欧美等多个国家和地区。 新时代把儿童游乐、健身融为一体,08年首家引进日本先进技术和产品理念研 发出“海贝儿乐园”系列产品,此系列一经推出就获得了广大投资者与儿童的青 睐,现已成为0岁起点的儿童室内游乐园的主流产品。 从设计研发到生产,公司主张绿色、环保、安全,所有产品均选用环保耐用的 原材料,出厂前经过严格的检验。产品先后获得ISO9001;2000国际质量体系认

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证、国家体育用品质量监督检验中心检验合格企业、欧洲质量认证中心CE认证、 中国游艺机协会会员单位、中国玩具协会会员单位、国际游艺机IAAPA会员,并 取得了多项产品外观技术专利。 秉承“以诚信生存、以质量发展”的经营理念,公司正以全新的姿态和精神风 貌,将为全力打造知名品牌形象,开创美好的“新时代”,并积极为广大客户提 供更好更优质的产品与服务。

BEIJING NEW TIMES PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. is one modern and professional enterprise in Beijing of China that specialized in making and supplying kinds of outdoor & indoor playground equipments since 2001.We have plenty experience for exporting for many years. Our products have been exported to more than 30 countries, and enjoy a high reputation in the world market. We own the workshop of 20 thousand square meters with more than 100 employees. 公司介绍/Company Profile: Our major products cover indoor play equipment, outdoor play equipment, kids playground, playground toys, amusement equipment, soft play, ball pool, outdoor fitness equipment, kids slide, swing, trampoline, children furniture, merry go round, amusement park equipment etc. We can also manufacture according to customers’ special designs and requirements. Our products are mainly used for schools, kindergartens, gardens, villas, parks, companies, residential areas, children’s halls, shopping centers etc. With a group of strong contingent of technician and the state-of-art manufacturing plant, plus the very fare-thee-well inspection solutions, our products certified of ISO9001,TUV,EN1176,CE continuously. we are the number of CAAPA,China Toys Association,etc. We have abundant production capability, efficient apparatus, scientific management and a hardworking production team. And we have enough OEM capability to guarantee the fulfillment of your orders. We can offer high quality products, better service and competitive price to keep our advantages in this field. We sincerely hope that there will be business possibilities between us and any of your reply is highly appreciated

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北京阳光奇特科技发展有限公司 BEIJING SUNSHINE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO.LTD 地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号1701-1703室(华腾北搪集中办公区 171611号) Add:Beijing chaoyang district south mill road no. 37, 1701 - room 1703 technicians to teng north central office district no. 171611 (China) 电话Tel:86-10-87665631/86-18911838878/86-13366963298 传真Fax:86-1069272300 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.rodeobull.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 北京阳光奇特科技发展有限公司是一家专业研发大中型游乐设备的公司。生产基 地占地5000平方米,拥有很强的规划设计能力,设计制造,具备安装中型和大型 机械游乐设备。 我公司先后推出了大中型游乐设备,索道、蹦极、机械公牛等,生产技术可持续 发展,安装团队经验丰富。公司将不断创新,以忠诚服务为宗旨,对产品质量为 生命。 我们希望与您携手,共创美好未来!

Beijing sunshine technology development co., LTD Company is a specialized manufacturer engaged in the production of large and middle scale amusement equipment. Our company has a production base covering 5000 square meters, boasting strong capacity of planning, designing, manufacturing, and installing medium and large-scale mechanical toys and amusement parks. Furthermore, our company has introduced a batch of professional designers with intermediate and senior titles and experienced workers specializing in mechanical toy manufacture and installation. In technology, production techniques and sustainable development, our company will keep on innovating and taking faithful services as tenet, regarding product quality as life. We sincerely invite domestic and foreign users to send us their advice. With wisdom, we hope to create joy together with you to make a glorious future!

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北京以诺视景数字艺术有限公司 Bejing Enochview Digital Art Co., Ltd

地址:北京市海淀区蓝靛厂南路25号牛顿办公区807室 Add:Room 807, Newton Office Blg, No. 25 Lan Dian Chang South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 电话Tel:+86-10-88400966 传真Fax:+86-10-82658892 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.enochview.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 以诺视景是一家以主题娱乐产业的创意与集成、室内空间规划及多媒体创意、3D数字 影片的创意策划及制作、4D娱乐的产品化为主的创意集成型公司。以全球视野结合对 本土化文化理解,成为国际级室内空间规划、多媒体技术及主题娱乐产业的创意集成及 内容提供商。 公司核心团队拥有10多年的行业背景和经验。并汇集了一批多年从事主题娱乐、空间 创意及多媒体技术领域创意设计、生产销售等高素质专业人才团队,结合分析客户需 求,以精湛的工艺水平,完整的质量管理体系,鲜明优秀的企业文化、专业的服务精神 及优质的售后服务,并通过强大的研发能力和丰富的实践经验、取得了众多骄人的成 绩,在项目创意、设计、整合等方面都处在国际一流水平。

With the continuous growth of the world economy and the updating of the modern science, Enochview leads the industry’s development all along by unique creation, prospective thought, innovative technology, profound commercial understanding and sincere service, has now become a leader enterprise of many industries of 4D cinema, 4D film, museum, public security, etc., The diversified development ideas make Enochview be the strategic partner of many foreign well known enterprises. Meanwhile Enochview has created industry-leading excellent project for lots of domestic national programs, and gained recognition and praise. Insisting on commitment and investment of innovation and creating diverse products. Enochview has won a lot of honors on creative design and product quality and received Chinese society’s widespread praise.

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地址:北京市通州区宋庄小堡佰富苑工业区 Add:BAIFUYUAN INDUSTRY AREAM,TONGZHOU DISTRICT,BEIJING,CHINA PC 101118 电话Tel:010-69597755 传真Fax:010-89516880 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ydel.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司位于中国的首都——北京。 自公司创建十几年来,随着国家不断发展,企业已同世界接轨,产品遍布全国各 地,还远销中东、欧美、东南亚20多个国家和地区。 坚持生产高品质的产品,注重生产质量的不断改进,公司拥有完善的售前、售后 服务体系。专门为您准备了一条龙的全方位专业服务。 我们的服务宗旨是“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展。” 企业拥有一支集设计、开发、管理的专业技术人员,根据儿童心理学和教育学的 最新理念,通过造型设计、色彩搭配、符号诱导等方法将各种教育方式融为一 体,不断突破现有技术,孜孜不倦的技术研发,使得产品领先于市场前沿。 我们始终秉承质量第一、客户至上、诚信经营为理念,不懈努力为中国游乐产业 发展尽我所能,力争为全世界的儿童打造一个欢乐的天地。 产品经权威机构检测认证,产品质量由中国人民保险公司承保。

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Our company is located in China’s capital city - Beijing. Since the company was founded more than a decade, as the country continues to develop, companies have with the world, products throughout the country, but also exported to the Middle East, Europe, America, and Southeast Asia more than 20 countries and regions. Insist on producing high -quality products, focusing on continuous improvement of production quality, the company has a perfect sales service system. Specially prepared for you a one-stop full range of professional services. Our services are “quality of survival, reputation and development." Enterprises have a set design, development, management, professional and technical personnel, according to the latest ideas in child psychology 公司介绍and pedagogy,/Company through Profiledesign,: color, symbolic induction methods will integrate various educational methods, continue to break the existing technology, R & D tireless, making products in the forefront of the market leader. We always uphold the quality first, customer first, integrity management as a concept, make unremitting efforts for the Chinese amusement industry to do my best for the children of the world and strive to create a happy world. Product testing and certification by the authority, quality of products covered by the Chinese People's Insurance Company.

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北京赢康科技开发有限公司 Wincomn Technology

地址:中国北京经济技术开发区景园北街2号BDA国际企业大道33-1 Add:Bldg.33-1, BDA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK, 2 Jingyuan North Street, Economic-technological Development Area,Beijing , P.R.China 电话Tel:010-67856868 传真Fax:010-67856262 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.wincomn.com 公司介绍/Company Profile: 北京赢康科技开发有限公司深耕耘于高端音视频领域,创始于1996年,致力于 为会议培训、指挥调度、模拟仿真、文化旅游等领域提供全球领先的产品及系统 解决方案。北京赢康科技开发有限公司作为高端音视频产品分销商,十几年专业 代理全球顶级品牌,取得了骄人的历史成绩,在宣传推广、渠道建设、销售运 营及售后服务方面积累了专业经验;作为系统解决方案提供商,北京赢康科技开 发有限公司集系统设计、软硬件集成、运行维护及售后服务为一体,为客户和 用户提供增值服务。目前,赢康科技是Christie、dnp、Shure DIS、Extron、 WolfVision、Alcorn六大全球领先品牌的中国区代理,总部设在北京,在上海、 深圳、香港、成都都、武汉、西安、沈阳设立分部,员工近200人。

Beijing Wincomn Technology Development Co., Ltd., founded in 1996, is a company dedicated to high-end A/V industry, committing in providing leading products and system solutions for intelligent conference, commanding center, simulation and cultural tourism and so on.As a distributor of high-end A/V products, Wincomn Technology has distributed professional global leading brand for several years,making impressive achievement and accumulatingprofessional experiencein promoting, channel building, sales and service.Asa system solution provider, Wincomn Technology provides customers and userswith value- added services like system design, hardware and softwareintegration, operation maintenance and services.Now, Wincomn is the distributor in China for Christie、dnp、Shure DIS、Extron、WolfVision and Alcorn, with HQ located at Beijing, three branches at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong,and four offices respectively located at Chengdu, Wuhan, Xian and Shenyang, totaled approximately 200 staffs.

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地址:北京亦庄经济开发区永昌南路17号 Add:No. 17 Yongchang Nan Road,BDA,Beijin,PRC 电话Tel:010-67802313-6501 传真Fax:010-67802521 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.tianmin-dw.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

北京航天发射技术研究所成立于1952年,隶属于中国航天科技集团公司中国运载 火箭技术研究院。是地面设备的总体单位,是中国宇航学会发射工程及地面设备 专业委员会主任委员单位,航天科技集团发射技术战略研究组组长单位,是兵器 发射理论与技术硕士学位授予点。年产值31.3億元。 北京长征天民高科技有限公司成立于2001年,注册资本5000万元,年产值4.7億 元,隶属于中国航天科技集团公司中国运载火箭技术研究院北京航天发射技术研 究所,是集研发、销售、服务于一体的航天技术应用企业,属北京市高新技术企 业。 低温工程业务作为北京长征天民高科技有限公司和北京航天发射技术研究所的主 要业务板块。目前,低温专业涵盖低温、供配气、控制三大专业方向,共有143 人,其中,研究员3人,博士后1人,博士9人,硕士73人。

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Beijing Institute of Space Launch Technology is established in 1952, which is affiliated with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) of CASC (China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation. It is the general center of ground equipment, the chairman of launching and ground equipment unit of Chinese Society Astronautics, the lead institution of strategy group of CASC, offers the master degree of Armament Launch Theory and Technology. The annual value is 3.13 billion Yuan. Beijing Long March Tianmin Hi-tech Co,. is established in 2001. The registered capital is 50 million Yuan and the annual value is 470 million Yuan. The company is affiliated with CALT of CASC. Tianmin is an integrated enterprise, containing with R&D, sales and service. 公司介绍Cryogenic Engineering/Company Department Profile: is the main business of Tianmin and CALT. The department concentrates on cryogenic, gas supply and distribution, control. There are 143 staffs, among which 3 are researchers, 1 has post doctor degree, 9 have doctor degree, and 73 have master degree.

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地址:苏州相城区如元路100号 Add:100#,Ruyuan Rd.,Xiangcheng District,Suzhou,China 电话Tel:0512-66189999 传真Fax:0512-66189888 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.boneng.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

博能传动于1992年蹒跚起步,历经博能人不渝的发展精神,自主创新、艰苦创 业,形成了以博能传动(苏州)有限公司为总部,博能传动温州为齿轮制造基 地、并已在长沙、天津、开封、美国、印度等地发展组装厂,进而形成本地化 生产与近地化服务,成为集设计、制造、组装、销售为一体的传动产品专业化公 司。 公司通过F、C、K、S、P、H、B、R等20余种系列近千种型号的产品,以高度模 块化产品,差异化适应性设计,以及行业专用产品来满足各个行业的需求。 博能传动依靠全球统一的标准来提供具备优质、经济的优秀产品,在依托充裕的 库存来保证快速的交货能力。 博能传动以专业的行业解决方案、丰富优良的行业业绩、产品应用技术的领导地 位,积极服务于采矿能源、化工环保、金属加工,建筑建材、起重输送、港口码 头、车辆轮船、农业轻工、休闲娱乐等的各个领域,满足社会需求,推动社会进 步。 团队协作、持续创新是我们的工作氛围,我们以稳健的财务策略保证企业持续发 展,并以此为员工提供广阔的发展空间。

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Boneng started in 1992 from scratch, after Boneng staffs hard working and innovation, now we have founded Boneng Transmission (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd as the headquarter, Boneng Transmission Co. Ltd (located in Wenzhou) as the gear box manufacturing base, and have set up the assembling shops in Changsha, Tianjin, Kaifeng, USA and India, thus we can act local and service local. We are the professional transmission company with design, manufacturing, assembly and sales. Boneng has F、C、K、S、P、H、B and R etc.series gearboxes with thousand of types. They are designed with modular and different adaptability. We offer the special products to meet the different industry field. Boneng offers the international standard high quality products and has 公司介绍the big stock/Company house to guarantee Profile: the prompt delivery Depending on the professional industry field solution, excellent industry field achievement and the leading technology application, Boneng gear boxes widely service in Mining mill, Chemical & environment, Metal processing, Construction material, Crane & hoist, Harbor, Vehicle & Boat, Farm & light industry, and entertainment etc. Team works and constant innovation are our working ambient. Stable financial strategy keeps Boneng constant developing. Thus provides the vast developing space for Boneng staffs.

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沧州勇士拓展器械有限公司 Cangzhou warrior Outward Bound appliance co.,Ltd.

地址:河北省青县马场镇东姚庄村北 Add:Yaozhuang village,Machang town,,Hebei Province 电话Tel:0317-4072777 传真Fax:0317-4073777 电邮Email: [email protected] 网址Web:www. yongshituozhan.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

沧州勇士拓展器械有限公司成立于2009年,注册资金贰仟万元。公司坐落于河北 省沧州市青县,靠近京沪高速公路,交通非常便利。公司现占地面积23800平方 米,厂房面积12690平方米,是一家国内集“儿童拓展乐园”产品研发、设计、 生产、销售、安装和服务于一体的专业现代化公司。 我公司具有雄厚的技术实力和优秀的专业人才,其中,有职称的工程技术管理人 员32人,中级以上职称人员17人,相关专业技术人员24人,项目经理8人。我 公司秉承着“顾客至上、质量第一、追求卓越、奉献真诚”的宗旨,创立了“勇 士”“小勇士”“拓展勇士”“哈你”等品牌,承接各种儿童主图乐园的开发与 建设。我们的产品广销全国各地,因其设计科学、功能多样、造型美观、安全性 高而受到客户的一致好评,赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉,并受到有关专家的高度 称赞。

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Cangzhou Warriors expand Instruments Ltd. was established in January 2009 with a registered capital of 20 million yuan . The company is located in Cangzhou City , Hebei Province, Qing County , adjacent to State Road 104, the Beijing-Shanghai high- railway , Beijing-Shanghai Expressway , location and convenient transportation. Our company covers an area of 23,800 square meters, plant area of 12,690 square meters, is a set of “ psychological and behavioral training equipment “ and “Child Development Paradise” product development , design, production , sales, installation and service in one of the professional modern company. My company has strong technical strength and excellent professionals. Among them, there are titles in engineering and technical management staff of 32 people , intermediate professional titles 17 people, related 公司介绍professional/ Companyand technical Profile personnel: 24 people , project managers 8. My philosophy of “customer first, quality first , the pursuit of excellence , dedication and sincere ,” the purpose of the creation of a “ warrior”, “Little Warrior” and Hini brand products , to undertake various psychological and behavioral training base , physical training facilities and a children’s theme park development and construction. Our products are widely sold throughout the country, because of its scientific design , versatile, attractive appearance, safe and praise of customers, has won widespread praise from all sectors of society , and by the relevant experts highly praised .

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常州恐龙园股份有限公司 Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd.

地址:江苏省常州市新北区汉江路1-7号 Add:No.1-7,Hanjiang Road,Xinbei District,Changzhou,Jiangsu province 电话Tel:051985605646 / 051985605596 传真Fax:051985106668 网址Web:http://www.cnkly.com/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

常州恐龙园股份有限公司于2000年7月注册成立,2011年4月完成企业改制,是 一家专业从事主题公园经营、动漫影视作品制作、主题商品研发销售以及演艺演 出推广的综合性文化旅游企业。多年来,恐龙园公司致力于“文化、科技、创 意”的相互融合,遵循“形象、内容、渠道、体验、衍生”的文化创意发展链 条,通过市场化运作,实施科普教育、旅游发展、动漫创作与演艺推广聚力发 展,走出了一条旅游文化产业化发展之路。 多年来,恐龙园公司在取得巨大成功的同时也陆续收获了“全国科普教育基 地”、“国家文化产业示范基地”、“全国青年文明号”、“国家5A级旅游景 点”、“全国五一劳动奖状”、“全国旅游服务质量标杆单位”等一系列荣誉光 环。成功起草并发布实施了中国首个主题公园国家标准《主题公园服务规范》, 带动了国内主题公园的标准化、规范化和国际化,领跑者角色凸显。 常州恐龙园股份有限公司与深圳市卓筑景观设计工程有限公司于2014年联合投 资成立了常州卓筑景观规划设计有限公司,秉承“技艺精湛,服务精诚,精雕细 琢,止于至善”的一贯宗旨,为客户提供文化旅游产业的顾问、咨询、策划、规 划、设计和专业施工的全方位服务。卓筑拥有一批高素质的行业专业人才与设计 施工队伍,为客户提供针对不同区域环境下的创新规划,实现艺术创想和市场营 销的互通与融合。同时致力于高新科技成果的创新研发和落地实施,并以综合艺 术的形式将新理念、新科技与景区规划完美融合,创造出新颖独特的旅游文化产

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业新亮点。在不断更新的国内市场,帮助客户推陈出新,实现梦想,打造具有品 牌价值力和影响力的创新旅游产品。

Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd. was incorporated in July of 2000. Enterprise restructuring has been done in April of 2011. It is a comprehensive cultural tourism enterprise specialized in theme park operation, animation production, themed merchandise sales and research & development, and performance promotions. Over the years, Dinosaur Land has devoted to integrating “Culture, Technology and Creativity”, following cultural and creative development chain of “Character, Content, Channel, Experience and Derivatives”. Through market oriented operation, Dinosaur Land implements science popularization & education, tourism development, animation creation and performance promotions. It has been on the road of tourism & culture industrialization development. For years, Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd has gained lots of honors 公司介绍in succession/Company while achieves Profile a great: success, for instance, “National Science Education Base”; “National Cultural industry Base”; “National Youth Civilization”; “National 5A Scenic Spots”; “National 1st. May Labor Reward” ; “The model enterprise certified by National Tourism Administration” and so on. Moreover, Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd is successfully drafted, promulgated and implemented the service specification of theme parks which is the first regulation that meets the national standard. Consequently. Changzhou Dinosaur Land Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Excellence Landscape Design&Construction Co., Ltd. jointly invested and set up Changzhou Excellence Landscape Planning and Design Co.,Ltd. in 2014. We have a number of highly qualified talents. Adhering to the purpose of exquisite technique, sincere service, and pursuit of perfection, we provide all- round service of consultation,design and professional construction. We could put forward innovative planning according to local conditions and customers’ ideas, thus realizing the integration of artistic imagination and marketing management. Meanwhile, we are dedicated to innovative research on high&new technology and apply them to practice. We insist on applying new ideas and technologies to scenic spot planning program in the form of synthetic arts, so as to creating new and unique highlights in touristic and cultural industry.

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常州嬉戏谷智能科技产业有限公司 ChangZhou Joyland Inteelligent Fechnology Lndustry co.,Ltd.

地址:常州市武进区雪堰镇太北路1号 Add:NO.1 Joyland Avenue,Wujin Changzhou,Jiangsu 电话Tel:0519-81686196 传真Fax:0519-88888832 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ccjoy.com.cn/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

江苏嬉戏族集团是一家集文化创意、主题文化旅游、商品贸易、会展演艺、智能 科技、景区运营管理等于一体的综合性国有文化平台型企业。常州嬉戏谷智能科 技产业有限公司作为江苏嬉戏族集团旗下全资子公司,长期致力于基于智能科技 的“虚实互动”娱乐新体验的项目设计及研发、并已成功推向市场。 在多年的产品设计研发和运营经验的支持下,公司在互动娱乐设备的高端科学技 术研发领域已具备国内同领域公司无可比肩的实力,作为国内一流的文化产业规 划服务商和互动娱乐体验服务商,常州嬉戏谷智能科技产业有限公司创造性研 发、制造了例如:主动式LED立体屏幕、F1动感仿真平台、交互式4D游戏影院、 交互式全景虚拟塔防、虚拟过山车、虚拟脱口秀等诸多崭新娱乐体验设备并引领 国内市场。

85 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

成都昌龙游乐设备有限公司 CDCLYLSBYXGS

地址:四川省成都市新都区工业东区金泰路321号 Add:NO.321,JINTAI ROAD,XINDU INDUSTRIAL ZONE CHENGDU,CHINA 电话Tel:028-61604753 传真Fax:028-61604172 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.cdclyl.net

公司介绍/Company Profile:

昌龙游乐设备有限公司是一家以游乐设备研发、设计、生产制造及游乐园、水上 游乐园、主题游乐园的整体规划、设计和主题游乐园的经营管理等为一体的综合 性企业。 总公司位于成都市新都工业东区龙虎大道,总投资六千万元,工厂占地近60亩。 其中,生产车间有三个,分别是铆焊车间、机加工车间和玻璃钢车间。此外公司 还有宽阔的室外装配平台。 公司现拥有一支团结奋进、技术精湛、理念先进的员工队伍。 公司设备精良,拥有设备近50台,其中有车床、铣床、钻床,镗床、磨床,此外 购置有二氧化碳气体保护焊机、起重机、切割机、铆焊组对十字平台、剪板机等 专业设备若干。 我们的精神是:诚信求生存、质量求发展、安全求效益! 我们的口号是:汇天地之精工,铸明日之辉煌! 我们的目标是:以专业化的规范管理,产品的新颖设计和优良品质保证,引领游 乐设备时尚潮流。 热忱欢迎并期待国内、外客户光临、咨询、合作!

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Chang-Long Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise that merges recreation facilities’ development, design, manufacture as well as the overall planning, design of amusement park, Water Park, theme parks, and the management of theme park into a single whole. The head office is located in the Longhu Boulevard, Xindu Industrial Zone, Chengdu. The total investment is 60million Yuan. The factory covers nearly 360 acres. Among them, there are three workshops, namely welding workshop, processing workshop and fiber reinforced plastics workshop. In addition, this company has equipped with wide assemble platform. This company owns a team with unity and progressive, advanced technique, good concept. The equipment is excellent, possessing nearly 50 facilities, including lathes, milling, drilling, boring, grinding. In addition, 公司介绍this company/Company had purchased Profile a carbon: dioxide gas shielded welding machine, crane, cutting machine, welding to cross platform, clippers and other professional equipment. Our spirit is good faith for survival, excellent quality for development, safety and security for efficiency. Our slogan is : merging the excellence of heaven and earth, casting the brilliant future. Our goal is: relying on the professional management, innovative design and excellent quality to lead the fashion trend of the amusement equipment. We hope and look forward the domestic and foreign customers coming to visit, consultation and cooperation!

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成都市新都新安游乐设备有限公司 Chengdu Xindu Xinan AmusementEquipment Co,.Ltd

地址:成都市新都区新繁镇海源村 电话Tel:028-83001046 13608089203 传真Fax:028-83001038 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. cdxayl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 成都市新都新安游乐设备有限公司是集设计、制造、安装、改造、维修为一体的 游乐设施企业。是中国游艺机游乐园协会理事单位。 公司拥有强大的技术力量,并通过了IS09001:2008质量认证体系。生产过飓 风飞椅、神州飞碟、遨游太空、迪斯科转盘、大摆锤、狂呼、摇滚排排座、海盗 船、空战机、自旋滑车、激流勇进、双人飞天、太空飞车等大中型游乐设施。产 品通过了国家技术监督局检疫总局和中国特种设备检测研究院检测。并取得了制 造、安装许可等相关资质。 我们的方针是质量、诚信、服务。欢迎各界朋友光临、咨询、合作,愿我们的产 品和服务与你共创游乐事业的新未来。

The Chengdu Xindu Xinan amusement equipment Limited company is the collection design, the manufacture, the installment, the transformation, the service is a body’s amusement facility enterprise. Is the Chinese Mechanical toy Amusement park Association Member Unit. The company has a strong technical force, and through the IS09001:2008 quality certification system. fly chair, that we have produced the shenzhou flying saucer, space travel, disco turntable, the big pendulum, chanting, rock blouses, pirate ship, fihgters, spin block, surging ahead, double flying, space coasters and other large and medium-sized amusement facilities. Products by the state bureau of technical supervision and quarantine and China special equipment inspection institute. And manufacture, installation permits and related qualifications. Our policy is the quality, the good faith, the service. Welcome the friend presence, the consultation, the cooperation from all walks of life, hope our product and the service creates the amusement enterprise’s new future with you.

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成都新马游乐设备有限公司 Chengdu xinma amusement equipment co.ltd

地址:四川省成都市新都区新繁镇繁川家具大道620号 电话Tel:028-83091345 传真Fax:028-83082785 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.cd-xm.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:


本公司是国内集陆地和水上综合型游乐设施研究开发、规划设计、制造安装、环 艺为一体。并提供游乐经营管理技术咨询和服务的大型优秀专业化企业。取得国 家质检总局获准从事大型游乐设施A级制造和安装改造维修资格许可,拥有十四 大类数十种系列主题游乐产品,产品遍布全国,部分产品出口东南亚。由于公司 技术实力雄厚、管理完善、设备工艺先进、生产手段齐全、产品质量精良、价格 合理,多年来为客户提供了最可靠的投资回报,赢得了客户的信赖和好评,成为 中国享有盛誉的游乐设备制造商。 公司自一九八八年创建以来致力做“中国游乐行业最卓越品牌”,定位于成为 “中国最优秀的游乐系统服务商”。遵循“以诚立信、创新为要、成就客户”之 三大精神,为你想的更多、做得更好的企业理念,始终站在社会前沿,以高度的 社会责任关注城市游乐建设和市民文化生活,体现为社会创造财富、实施与社会 同步,以顾客为导向的发展策略,坚持客户、消费者和社会利益完美结合的核心 价值,做好每个细节,不断向顾客提供最安全、最舒适、最新颖、最美观的游乐 产品,以先进的经营理念打造成为业界的一流优秀企业。 公司真诚欢迎新老客户光临洽谈!

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成都智和振翎企业管理咨询有限公司 Chengdu ZhiHeZhenLing Consultants Services CO.,Ltd 地址:四川省成都市温江区万春镇 Add:Wanchun Town,Wenjiang District,Chengdu,SichuanP.R.C. 电话Tel:86-28-82617053 传真Fax:86-28-82782676 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

成都智和振翎企业管理咨询有限公司成立于2014年8月,是目前国内唯一一家以 主题乐园及景区运营经验为发展本底的咨询公司,旨在为主题乐园及景区提供规 划、设计、管理和运营指导以及员工培训服务。公司位于国际花园城市四川成都 温江区,现有员工80名,资深专业顾问40余名,外聘专业顾问20余名。团队依托 于成都国色天乡乐园持续发展,已拥有十余年主题乐园及景区专业运营经验,逐 步搭建起一套由基础标准体系、管理标准体系、服务标准体系和岗位标准体系四 大子体系组成的主题公园标准体系。公司专注于主题乐园及景区咨询领域,汇聚 了规划设计、工程建设、人力资源、景区运营、市场营销等多个板块的专业人才 为您提供全方位专业咨询服务。 公司以成都国色天乡乐园为基地,目前已经成功打造出4座室外大型主题乐园,3 家大型商业综合体室内儿童乐园,1家大型室内冰雪乐园。公司将运用专业的行 业经验为您的主题乐园及景区发展之路保驾护航,期待与您合作!

90 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Chengdu Zhi He Zhen Ling Consultants Services Co., Ltd. is a professional intelligence service provider specialized in theme park and tourist attractions. It was established in August, 2014, which was the first and only consultant service company based on operational experience of theme park and tourist attractions. Relied on Chengdu Floraland, we have nurtured over 40 qualified consultants and also hired more than 20 professional consultants. Possessed with 10 years operational experience on theme park and tourist attractions, we have constructed a whole standard system of theme park which includes basic standard system, managerial standard system, service standard system and job responsibility standard system. Focusing on theme park consulting sector, we, a group of specialties in planning, construction, HRM, operation and 公司介绍marketing, /canCompany provide all-round Profile: consulting services for you. Based in Chengdu Floraland, we have set up 4 large theme parks, 3 large indoor children’s playground in commercial complex and 1 large scale indoor snow park. Possessed with professional industry experience, we are the escort of your choice!

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承德福泰游乐设备有限公司 承德燕鹰游艺机制造有限公司

地址:河北省承德市鹰手营子矿区 电话Tel:0314-5014879 传真Fax:0314-5017745

公司介绍/Company Profile:

福泰公司:双龙出海系列,飞毯系列,翻滚海盗船,摩天环车,自控飞机系列, 宇宙飞碟系列,疯狂列车,大摆锤,双人飞天,章鱼


92 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

承德胜达游艺机有限责任公司 Chenggde Shengda Amusement Machine Co.,LTD

地址:河北省承德市鹰手营子矿区东风路 Add:Dongfeng Road , Chengde City , Hebei province , Yingshouyingzi Mining District 电话Tel:0314-5011589 传真Fax:0314-5011806 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.cdshengda.com i.youku.com/cdshengda

公司介绍/Company Profile:

承德胜达游艺机有限责任公司(原承德铸造机械总厂)是中国游艺机游乐园协会会 员单位。2004年改制后组建新公司以来,始终以追求卓越为目标,坚持“质量 第一,用户至上”的宗旨,紧跟市场步伐,努力开拓进取,现公司具备国家A类 游乐设施制造及安装资质。公司拥有一支素质过硬,技术精湛的专业队伍,近年 来陆续研制成功“太空飞碟”、“勇敢者转盘”、“弹跳机”、“摩天环车”、 “狂呼”等大中型游乐设施,同时“章鱼系列”、“海盗船系列”等系列产品适 应不同客户需求。公司在不断开拓市场的同时,始终将品牌建设作为首要任务, 其中“太空飞碟”别评为2009年最受公众喜爱的游乐设备。公司产品安全可靠, 趣味性强,遍布全国各省市,并远销缅甸、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯等国家.深受国内外 客户喜爱。

93 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

承德市鹰手营子矿区京北游艺机制造有限公司 Chengde Jingbei Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd.

地址:承德市鹰手营子矿区北马圈子镇工业园区 Add:Majuan Industrial Park, Ying Shou Ying Subsidiary Mining, Chengde Hebei Province 电话Tel:0314-5038346 传真Fax:0314-5039044 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Jingbeiyouyiji.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 承德京北游艺机制造有限公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员单位,是一家专门生 产、研发、销售、安装游艺机的专业厂家。配备有齐全的机械加工设备,具有完 善的设备检测能力。公司拥有雄厚的技术力量和多年来在游乐设备研制生产上积 累的大量宝贵实战经验,并不断致力于新产品的开发研制以扩大生产规模,生产 更多更好的产品。近几年我公司开发了“摩天环车”、“冲浪旋艇”、“宇宙旋 风”且均已获得了国家专利。 “质量第一、信誉为本”是我们向广大用户的承诺,“不断创新、开拓进取”是 我们努力的目标。公司总经理张军带领全体员工努力创造功能卓越创意新颖的游 乐设备,满足广大客户的经营需求,使您在市场竞争中永站上风。

As a member unit of China Amusement Machine & Park Association, Chengde Jingbei Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is professional in Developing,Producing and Selling Amusement Machines. We have complete facilities and qualified abilities for the examination of the equipment. Since the foundation of the company, we have been devoting to developing new machines, enlarging the scale and manufacturing more and better products through the full use of our experience during these years.Recently, the newly-produced products such as “Sky Ring Car”, “Surfing Motorboat” and “Air Flying”have all obtained the national patents. We hold the faith that quality and honesty come first. Innovation and enterprising spirit are what we treasure the most. The general manager Zhangjun and the whole team will make every effort to meet the needs of the clients by producing more creative and profitable amusement equipment to help them go farther on their business way.

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创联龙冈 CUCTT

地址:深圳市南山区科苑路15号科兴科学园B3-601 Add: KEXING SCIENCE PARK, 15 KEYUAN ROAD, SCIENCE PARK CENTRAL AREA, NANSHAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, 518057, CHINA 电话Tel:M : (+86)18617108966 18617108266 18676737456 T (+86)8695 0566-608 8695 0566-606 8695 0565-616 传真Fax:8695 0565-601 电邮Email:[email protected][email protected];cuctt@ cuctt.com 网址Web:www.cuctt.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市龙冈文化旅游科技有限公司(简:创联龙冈 英:CUCTT),坐落于深圳 市南山区科技园。是从投资、创建,到运营,一站式的主题公园开发商。是国际 一流,高端科技游乐设备的研发&制造领航者。 创始人 杨兵 先生 CEO、CTO。拥有二十载,高科技主题公园、室内旅游综合体 的 全程管理 及 核心创始经验。拥有多项核心技术专利。其主导开发的“梦幻星 空主题公园”,自主投资21亿元,一期开发2700亩。是一座我司拥有自主知识产 权的高科技主题公园。其中,2千万至1亿元左右的室内 高端科技游乐设备,13 项;几十万至上千万的户外硬件游乐设备,30余项;同时,设置了丰富的商业、 购物、餐饮等配套设施。 创联龙冈CUCTT,提供极具客源吸引力、运营利润最大化的主题公园打包开发服 务,及高端科技游乐设备。是中国文化科技旅游行业,最值得信赖的合作伙伴。

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Situated in the hi-tech industrial park of Nanshan district, Shenzhen, Shenzhen Long-on Culture Travel Technology Inc.(CUCTT for short), a R&D and manufacture leader of high-end technological entertainment equipment, is an one-stop amusement park developer ranging from investment, creation to operation. Mr John Young, the CEO and CTO, who has over twenty years working experience in the whole process control management and key founding of hi-tech theme park as well as indoor tourism complex, owns a pretty number of core patents. With an autonomous investment of ¥2.1billion, we possess the intellectual property rights of “Starry Dream Sky”, a hi- tech amusement park covering an area of 2700 acres in the first phase. It presents 13 high-end indoor play equipment worth ¥20 to 100 million, 公司介绍over 30 outdoor/Company hardware Profile play facilities: worth several thousands to millions as well as extensive supporting ones involving commerce, shopping and dining. CUCTT is specialized in offering package and develop services of amusement park featuring wide tourist attraction and maximal operation profits. It presents the most trustful cooperation partner of cultural and technological tourism industry in China.

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Dreampark International

Add:4320 Suwanee Dam Road Suite 1700 Suwanee, GA 30024, U.S.A. 电话Tel:+1 678 546 5873 +82 2 2678 8650 传真Fax:+1 678 546 8099 +82 2 720 0557 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web:www.dpintl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Dreampark International is a multinational company which offers a wide range of services in the creation and management of entertainment, leisure, waterpark and themepark facilities. Our goal is not only to provide creative, innovative design and engineering services but also to lead you through the steps of planning, design, construction, opening and operations management. Our facus is to provide these service in a realistic, practicall way that will lead to the successfull operation of a profitable, safe, world class, guest friendly operation. Dreampark International 是一家在娱乐,休闲,水上乐园、主题公园设施领域 提供多种服务的跨国公司。我们的目标是不仅提供创造性、创新性的设计和工程 服务,同时分阶段提供规划、设计、建造,乐园开业及运营所需的经营服务等。 我们以现实、实用的方式提供上述服务,为您创收效益、并引导您在可靠的、国 际品质的、客户至上的成功体系上运营。 Design Budgeting, Equipment Selection Operations & Management Consultant & Supply 设计,制定预算,设备选材 运营和管理 顾问及供应商

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大连博涛多媒体技术股份有限公司 Dalian Betop MultimediaCo., Ltd

地址:辽宁省大连市高新园区火炬路10号动漫游产业大厦18-19楼 Add:18-19F,Shenghui Building ,#10 Huoju Road,High-tech Zone,Dalian China 电话Tel:0411-88857299 传真Fax:0411-88857229 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. betoptech.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

博涛多媒体是中国领先的视觉工程解决方案提供商。总部位于大连,北京、上 海、东京设有分公司。我们拥有国际顶级的创意、设计、制作、软硬件研发、项 目管理及工程施工团队,员工超过400人,是行业内少数通过ISO9001质量管理 体系认证的企业,国家高新技术企业、国家级动漫企业、科技部和文化部认定的 “国家科技合作基地”、现代服务业创新发展示范企业、展览展示工程一级资 质、青年就业创业见习基地、国际游乐协会会员、中国旅游景区协会会员、中日 文化交流协会会员等。我们的愿景就是“让视界变得更加多彩有趣”!

Betop Multimedia Technology Co.,Ltd is the leading provider of digital content comprehensive services.We established our main office in Dalian and set up three branch offices in Beijing ,Shanghai and .Now we own over 400 top class employees team including creative art designers, art directors, animation producers and engineering group .Betop got the certificated of ISO 9001 international quality system authentication ,National Hi-tech Company ,be one of the very few members of using

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international standard management process in digital technology and animation services industry. Betop has been honored to be “international technology cooperation base” by Chinese technology department, “excellent animation enterprise ”, example enterprises of new modern services, youth employment training base, member of IAAPA, CTAA and Chinese-Japan culture communication association.Our mission is to make your vision world more colorful and interesting!

BETOP/大连(Dalian) Tel:0086-411-88857266 400-886-5377 Fax:0086-411-88857229 公司介绍Zip:116023/Company Profile: 总部:大连市高新园区火炬路10号动漫游产业大厦17-19楼 Head office address:17-19F,Shenghui Building,#10 Huoju Road, High-tech Zone,Dalian,China

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地址:上海市太阳山路188弄6号503室 Add:Suite 503, No. 188/6 Taiyang Shan Road, Shanghai, China 电话Tel: +86 21 6605 3661 传真Fax:+86 21 6605 3662 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. imagination-first.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

德国Imagination-First规划设计公司成立于2007年,致力于为整个娱乐休闲产 业及房地产业提供优质的建筑和设计服务。公司总部位于德国慕尼黑并在中国上 海设立了代表处。 激情、经验、专业是我们的企业精神和文化,我们寻求与客户的信任理解以及长 期合作。我们将在故事主题叙述、总体规划、方案设计、3D模型制作和动画、舞 台设计、游乐主题和发展、室内设计以及城市和景观设计等领域,为你提供最佳 的独特的方案。 欧洲和中国是我们最为重要的服务市场。为客户提供满意的服务是我们追求的宗 旨。期待与你的合作!

Imagination-First GmbH, established in 2007 offers premium Design & Architecture Service for the Leisure Industry and beyond. We are acting globally with our headquarters based in Munich and a representation in Shanghai, China. Our company and working culture is based on passion, experience, professionalism, true customer understanding and reliable long- lasting partnerships. We provide you the best tailor-made solutions in Storytelling, Master Planning, Conceptual Design, 3D Modeling & Animation, Stage Design, Attraction Theming & Development, Interior Design as well as Urban Planning & Landscape Design. Our growing base of clients is spread all over the world with a focus in China and Europe. Happy and satisfied customers are our most precious good, and we are looking forward to collaborating with you!

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德国Simtec系统公司 (合昊机电科技有限公司) Simtec Systems GmbH(Hehao Technology Co., Ltd.) 地址:上海市梅园路228号企业广场711室 Add:Room 711, Enterprise Square, No. 228, Meiyuan Rd, Shanghai 200070, China 电话Tel: 0086-021-58211298 传真Fax:0086-021-58211298-8021 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web:www.hehaotech.com www.simtec.de

公司介绍/Company Profile:

在中国新兴的多媒体互动娱乐产业中,德国Simtec系统公司致力于世界顶级互动 和运动体感装置的研发与推广。Simtec系统公司是一家国际领先的运动模拟系统 制造公司,最早于1980年制造航空飞行模拟系统,在其后的30多年间不断的向其 他领域的模拟系统发展。Simtec为德国梦幻公园提供了可盛在240个观众的大型 球幕动感影院, 包括:大直径圆顶银幕,巨幕影片为基础的视频系统,以及6自 由度大型动感模拟系统。这项工程的完成标志Simtec成为了全球为数不多的一站 式服务供应商。 多年来Simtec 系统公司的各型动感娱乐系统广泛的应用在主题 乐园、博览会、博物馆、体验中心...... 合昊机电科技有限公司是Simtec系统公司在中国的合作伙伴,2010年上海世博 会上海馆的6+2自由度动感球幕影院,和Simtec系统公司的全力合作下,成就了 娱乐系统行业里最著名的案例。在2014年,在合昊机电和德国Simtec的共同努 力下,有多套大型项目成功落地,其中包括明星产品——HEXaFLITE飞行影院。

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In the quick growing multi-media interaction entertainment industry, Simtec Systems GmbH is committed to the research, development and integration of all kinds of interactive motion base entertainment equipment. Simtec Systems GmbH, is the leading manufacturer of entertainment attraction simulator. Since the first flight simulator setup in 1980, Simtec System GmbH has strongly developed to other motion simulation fields in the last 30 years. In 1992, the big success of Park (Germany) project, which requires a large dynamic simulation system with Galaxy dome screen and IMAX film, marked the transformation for Simtec from a manufacture to a one-stop service provider. Our customers are theme parks, zoos, museums and expos all around the world. 公司介绍Hehao Technology/Company Co.,Ltd Profile is a marketing: partner with Simtec in China,In 2010 Word Expo (Shanghai), supported by the deep cooperation between Hehao and Simtec, the motion simulation platform with 6+2 degrees of freedom with dome screen in Shanghai Pavilion has been highly recognized in the field. With the new HEXaFLITE® Simtec presents the new generation of the flying theatre indoor simulator attraction. With a breathtaking initial movement like a roller coaster, the visitors are dropped in front of the movie and experience a high dynamic fully immersive . In 2014, we have multiple projects successfully done, including one HEXaFLITE 16.

目前Simtec系统公司可向全球客户提供标准或定制的多自由度动感影院系统、飞 行影院系统、黑暗乘骑系统...... Simtec Right now can supply worldwide customer with all kinds of entertainment simulators, dynamic flying simulators, system, either in our standard model or per your request with customized design.

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地址:东莞市长安镇横中路5号 电话Tel:0769-85321971 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

太空沙是中国彩沙第一品牌, 琦佳玩具是太空沙新概念进入游乐行业的创始者及领 导者, 我们始终保持一流的品质和最佳的创意, 使太空沙项目成为儿童游乐界的吸 金明星!

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地址:东莞市常平镇利氏工业区 Add:Li Shi Industrial Area,Chang Ping Town,Dong Guan City,Guang Dong Province,p.r.c 电话Tel:0769-83364999 传真Fax:0769-83364699 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Huanyu1992.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

环宇文化科技是以领先的创意创新、设备研发制造、工程安装、产品租赁、售后 服务为一体的高新技术企业集团,于广东东莞建设占地三万平方米的技术研发基 地,建有目前亚洲唯一在企业内有专业的最大室外实景水秀表演剧场,以及国内 先进水平的室内整套表演系统的灯光设备汇演大厅。环宇文化科技以实景演出制 作、演艺剧院设计、舞台机械安装、舞台特效设计、水幕激光电影、大型音乐喷 泉、大型水秀特效、专业激光设备、户外激光地标、环形球幕投影、无缝拼接投 影、公关活动策划、3D视频制作等经营服务范围。 环宇文化科技技术实力雄厚,在2007年通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,于 2008年被认定为国家高新科技企业,并承担了一批国家、省市科技计划项目。在 发展战略方面公司融合“科技+文化”,以先进的技要来表现文化科技创意。企 业拥有一支完整的技术研发团队及工程技术施工团队,从创意研发、舞台舞美设 计、灯光设计、视频制作、工程设计、工程施工、工程调试、工程监理等为客户 提供一条龙的专业化服务。 环宇文化凭借强大的技术力量,高质量产品,优质的 服务,获得了市场和业内同行的高度认可,以最佳的质量、最优质的服务、最严 谨的工作态度赢得市场信誉,成为国内文化科技行业的领军企业。 集团旗下拥用环宇文化科技有限公司、环宇激光工程有限公司、北京联创合力文 化传媒有限公司、博思美创意文化发展(北京)有限公司、广州全亚贸易有限公 司、安徽黄山谜窟风景共六家分公司。

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Forrec Ltd

Add:219 Dufferin St., Suite 100C, Toronto, ON, Canada, M6K 3J1 电话Tel:416-696-8686 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.forrec.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

FORREC is a planning and design firm that specializes in the creation of entertainment and leisure environments world-wide. Recognized globally as one of the largest and most experienced firms of its kind, FORREC stands alone in its ability to balance design creativity, operational savvy and fiscal practicality. With built projects in over 20 countries, FORREC as mastered the art of making memorable experiences by building big ideas. This singular ability to merge design creativity with fiscal practicality has earned us the trust of some of the world’s most successful leisure and entertainment companies. FORREC是一家规划和设计公司,专门致力于在世界各地创造娱乐和休闲环境。 FORREC公司是全球公认的同类公司中规模最大、经验最丰富的之一,凭借其平 衡设计创造性、运作精明性和财务可行性的能力,在业界独树一帜。FORREC设 计建成的项目遍布20多个国家,公司掌握了通过构建宏大创意而打造令人难忘体 验的艺术。 这种兼顾设计创造力和财务可行性的非凡能力使我们深得世界多家顶级休闲娱乐 公司的信任。 Forty years of international experience in theme, urban, architectural and interior design has given FORREC a unique ability to develop innovative concepts that reflect our clients’ economic geographic and demographic realities. FORREC公司在主题公园、城市、建筑和室内设计上有四十年的国际经验,这赋 予了我们独特的能力,创造出可以反映我们客户的经济、地理和人口显示的创新 构思。

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富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司 FUJIFILM(CHINA)Investment Co., Ltd

地址:上海市浦东新区银城中路68号28楼 Add:28F No.68 Middle Yin Cheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 电话Tel:021-50106000 传真Fax:021-50107100 网址Web:www.fujifilm.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司成立于2001年4月12日,是富士胶片株式会社为 扩大中国大陆地区事业在中国上海成立的独资公司,并于2002年成为最先被上海 认定的中国地区总部之一,主营业务包括数码相机、影像、护肤品、印刷、医疗 系统、生命科学、产业材料等

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广东省中山市智乐游艺设备有限公司 ZHONGSHAN G-LOOK AMUSEMENT MACHINE CO., LTD 地址:广东省中山市港口镇木河迳工业区 Add:MuHeJing Industrial District,GangKou Town ,Zhongshan City,Guangdong,China 电话Tel:0760-88481888 传真Fax:0760-88401666 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. glook.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市智乐游艺设备有限公司位于中山市木河迳工业区,创建于1997年, 是一家 集研发、生产、销售、游乐场经营、管理服务输出为一体的大型游乐设备企业。 通过10多年特续稳定的发展,不单属于海外享有较高美誉大型国际化企业集团, 更是目前中国游乐行业中规模最大、实力最强的大型专业企业集团之一。 中游协副会长单位; 中山游戏游艺行业协会副会长单位; 中山游乐协会会长单位; 智乐拥有超过3万平方米的生产场地,产品展示厅是亚洲最大的儿童游艺机展示 中心,更加是一年一度“中山游博会”的分会场,智乐一直坚持产品的阳光、健 康、时尚和创意十七年,是当今国内热门的“家庭娱乐体验中心”设备的领导 者,主张是“有智乐,有欢乐”。 智乐自主经营的“智趣乐园”品牌,“家庭娱乐体验中心”直营和联营店已有 30多家,主张是“让快乐无处不在”,全力打造集健身、娱乐、休闲、益智于一 体的嘉年华主题乐园。 智乐公司获得国家质量监督检查检疫总局颁发的《中华人民共和国特种设备制造 许可证》(大型游乐设施),所有产品已获CE认证。

Zhongshan G-look Amusement Machine Co., Ltd., Wood River Trail located in Zhongshan City Industrial Zone , founded in 1997 , is a collection of scientific research , production, sales and after-sales as one of the large play equipment business. Is a joint venture with Hong Kong joint- stock enterprises. The company has more than 30,000 square meters of production plants, product range covers carnival lottery machines , analog machines , small motorized...

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广州大浪水上乐园设备有限公司 GUANGZHOU DALANG WATER AMUSEMENT PARK EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD. 地址:广州市白云区江高镇水沥工业开发区长岭一号 Add:Changling No.1, Shuili Industrial Area , Jianggao Town,Baiyun District,Guangzhou.China. 电话Tel:020-86202018 传真Fax:020-36081434 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. gzdalang.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州大浪水上乐园设备有限公司成立于1999年,是欢乐岛集团公司在华设立的下 属控股实业公司;位于广州市白云区江高镇水沥工业开发区内,占地面积58000 平方米,生产厂房占地48000多平方米,是集产品研发、生产、销售、施工服务 及项目规划设计为一体的大型水上娱乐设施企业。是专业从事水上游乐设施成套 设备的生产供应商。主要生产供应的产品有:游泳池水处理设备及恒温设备、水 上乐园设备、大型水上游乐设施、水滑梯、人造海浪设备、儿童戏水设备、温泉 设施、水疗设备、喷泉水景设备、环境艺术产品等。 公司拥有国家质量技术监督总局颁发的《大型游乐设施制造/安装改造维修许可 证》,产品通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,在2009年公司被评为《中国 质量信用AAA级》企业,所生产的产品在2010年被国家有关质量检验部门检定 为《国家质量检测合格产品》;产品已获得10项国家专利;2012年,我司成为 IAAPA(国际游艺机游乐园协会)会员,同年我司荣为“中国游艺机游乐园协会 常务理事单位”,并获相应荣誉证书。 公司设有综合办公大楼、生产车间、产品展示厅。公司拥有专业设计工程师、质 检工程师、给排水工程师和电气工程师等多支实力强大的专业工程师队伍,且有

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经验丰富的施工队伍,有独立的售后服务队伍,有十多名专业水质处理人员。公 司具备完全自主研发、制造产品的能力,所有产品和工程项目,均符合国际泳联 (泳协)、中国《游艺机和游乐设施安全规范》GB8408-2008和《水上游乐设 施通用技术条件》GB/T18168-2008的标准和规范。产品行销全球三十多个国家 和地区,遍布中国所有省市,2000多家旅游度假区游泳场馆、水上乐园使用大浪 产品。在行业内独树一帜,深得用户好评。 公司已发展成立了“广州中航水上设施建造有限公司”生产水上浮桥、水上平 台、浮动码头、水上餐厅、水上表演平台等水上浮动系统,成立了“广州市智立 方旅游管理咨询有限公司”提供专业管理咨询服务,成立了“广州大浪腾云旅游 规划设计有限公司”专业提供旅游度假村、水上游乐园、温泉水疗项目的投资策 划、规划设计和项目监造等服务,全方位为客户提供产品及服务。 在行业发展中,公司追求的目标是“国际一流,国内领航”。公司坚持“公正、 公司介绍科学、可靠”和“先进、经济、合理”的原则,秉着“待人以诚、执事以信”的/Company Profile: 企业精神,竭诚为新老客户提供完善的最优质服务。

Guangzhou Dalang Water Park Equipment Co.,Ltd. is a water park equipments manufacturer in China. Since 1999, we have been majoring in manufacturing water park equipments including water slide, water play structure, wave pool, lazy river and other related water equipments. Meanwhile, our main business also include water park design, project installation supervision and water park management work. With over 400 projects in China and over 30 foreign projects, we’re waiting for your participation.

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广州番禺潮流水上乐园建造有限公司 Guangzhou Trend Water Park Construction Co., Ltd.

地址:广州市番禺区南村镇兴业大道263号潮流大厦 Add:No.263, Xingye Road East, Nancun Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China 电话Tel:400 800 6133 传真Fax:020-84761868 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. CL158.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州潮流公司成立于1994年,是中国首家水上乐园设备软性制造商,独家提供水 上乐园投资策划、规划设计、设备施工、会员制服务、景区委托管理等一站式服 务。 公司创办20年来,为全球建造了超过1000个水上娱乐项目,工程案例遍布中国 28个省、市、自治区,并畅销东欧、南美、澳洲、非洲、中东及东南亚等地区。 本公司研制的水滑梯、造浪机等设备的市场占有率稳居国内第一。是长隆水上乐 园、珠海梦幻水城等大型水上乐园的独家服务提供商。公司率先通过了ISO9001 国际质量保证体系,成为中国游艺机游乐园协会理事单位。 创新是企业发展的原动力,潮流以其永无止境的创新精神,不断开发适应客户需 求的创新性产品,先后研制了具有国内国际水平的水上娱乐设施数百种,其中大 水炮等多项产品和发明获得国家专利; 作为中国水上娱乐设备领先企业,潮流致力提高游乐设施的娱乐性,赋予其不同 个性和文化内涵,使项目更具魅力与价值。我们将以国际一流的技术和设计能力 为客户提供最完美的整体解决方案 。

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Trend Corporation was founded in 1994 and became the first overall supplier of water amusement park in China. We exclusively offer one- stop service, includes water park investment planning, design planning, equipments manufacturing, projects constructing, scenic entrusted management and etc. Since the company was founded 20 years ago, we have completed the constructions of over 1,000 water amusement projects, spread all over 28 provinces and areas in China. Moreover, our productions are widely exported to global areas, included East Europe, South America, Australia, Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia and etc. The equipments developed by ourselves, like water slides and wave machines steadily occupied the most market share in China. Trend Corporation is the exclusive service supplier 公司介绍of several large/Company water parks Profile such :as Chimelong Water Park and Zhuhai Dream Water City. We also own the first ISO9001 certificate in China’s water amusement industry, and became the council member of China Association of Amusement Parks & attractions. Innovation is the driving force of an enterprise, powered by endless creative spirit. Trend Corporation continuously develops innovative products to satisfy customers’ demands. We have developed hundreds of water amusement facilities, with international high-level technologies. Trend Corporation possesses equipments with independent intellectual property rights and national patents like water cannon slide and etc. As a pioneer of China’s water entertainment industry, Trend Corporation is dedicating to enhance entertainment value and charm for water attractions, give water parks with unique character and cultural content. We will provide customers integrated scheme of world-class technologies and design powers.

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广州海山娱乐科技有限公司 Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. 地址:广州市番禺区番禺大道北555号节能科技园创新大厦508单元 Add:Room 508,Innovation Building, Jie Neng Hi-Tech Ecological Park, Panyu Ave. 555, Panyu District, Guangzhou 电话Tel:020-23889586 传真Fax:020-23889566 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.gzhaisan.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州海山娱乐科技有限公司是国内最早专业从事水上游乐主题公园项目设备设计 研发、设备生产安装、景观园林施工,以及经营(筹备)管理服务的专业公司,实 现了水上游乐主题公园项目设备设计→设备制造安装/景观工程施工→管理纵向一 体化的运作模式。 Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. is the first professional company engaging in investigation planning, planning and design, manufacturing and installation of equipment, landscape gardening construction and operation (management) service for water entertainment project, and has established an integrated operation mode of water entertainment theme park in terms of design, equipment installation /landscape construction and management. 广州海山娱乐科技有限公司是广州海森机构成员企业。包括有广州海森度假温泉 设计建造有限公司、广州海森旅游策划设计有限公司(国家甲级规划资质)、广 州海山娱乐科技有限公司(特种水上游乐设备制造许可证企业)、广州海森度假 温泉管理顾问有限公司、广州海森旅游投资有限公司。 Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. is the member enterprise of Haisen Institute which is a subsidiary of Singapore Haisen Investigation Holds Co., Ltd. The member enterprises of Haisen Institution

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include Guangzhou Haisen Holiday Hot Spring Design and Construction Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Haisen Tourism Planning and Design Co., Ltd. (Planning Ⅱ), Guangzhou Haisan Environment Art Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Haisan Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.(Large Amusement Equipment Manufacturing License) and Guangzhou Haisen Holiday Hot Spring Management Consultants Co., Ltd.. 目前公司拥有200多名水上游乐主题公园规划设计、工程专业设计、水上游乐设 备研发、设备制造安装等专业人才,在中国水上游乐主题公园新产品研发和产品 制造安装(含进口设备)等方面的综合能力处于行业领先地位,公司在广州从化 投资建设游乐设备产品制造加工基地,其生产基地建筑面积约60000平米,内设 玻璃钢产品制造分厂、钢构产品加工分厂、艺术品雕塑分厂。 Our company has established research institution for water entertainment. We have a number of more than 200 professional design and engineering technicians who are significantly capable and experienced in professional fields including water park planning, engineering, landscape design, water 公司介绍park equipment/Company research Profile & design,: which ensure that Haisan Company takes the leading position in the fields of water entertainment theme park design and newly product research. We have built a 60,000 sqm. manufacturing base in Conghua, which covers fiberglass slide workshop, steel structure workshop and sculptures. 海山公司先后为浙江横店影视城梦幻谷水公园、海南三亚凤凰水上乐园、苏州乐 园水上世界、湖北洪湖水上世界、杭州乐园浪浪浪水公园、山西华尧水上乐园、 宁波水秀花香水上乐园、安徽嘉年华水上乐园、福建福州欢乐天地水上乐园、马 来西亚吉隆坡水上乐园、保加利亚瓦尔纳水上乐园、马其顿斯科普里水上乐园项 目、伊朗塞姆南室内水上乐园、菲律宾克拉克度假城水公园等国内外200多家水 上乐园提供了项目设计、设备制造安装等服务,深受广大客户信赖。 Haisan Company has continually provided reliable aquatic entertainment project design and facility installation for about 200 water entertainment parks at home and abroad such as Zhejiang Hengdian World Studios Dream-Valley Park, Hainan sanya phoenix water park ,Suzhou Paradise Aquatic Entertainment Park, Hubei honghu water world ,Hangzhou paradise water park, Shanxi Huarao Water Park, Ningbo Shuixiuhuaxiang Water Park, Malaysia Water World, Bulgaria Water Park, Thailand GP Water Park, Egypt ALBA Water Park and so on.

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广州华立科技有限公司 Guangzhou Wahlap Technology Limited

地址:广州番禺东环街迎星东路143号星力产业园H1 Add:H1 Startoon City, No.143 East Yingxing Road, Donghuan Street, Panyu, Guangzhou, China 电话Tel:020-39226222 传真Fax:020-39226302 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.wahlap.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

华立科技(WAHLAP)创建于上世纪90年代初,秉承“绿色文化、创意科技” 的发展理念,致力于用创新精神发展大型游戏产业。20余年来,华立科技凭借对 游戏潮流的精准把握、先进的研发水平、优异的设计能力、优秀的品牌管理能力 以及专业的营销经营体系,不仅成功奠定了国内行业领先地位,而且发展成为业 务覆盖全球不同国家及地区的国际著名企业。自2005年至今,华立科技连续多年 获得中国游戏领域最高奖项——“年度优秀游戏企业”。 Founded in early 1990s, WAHLAP is devoted to the development of arcade games with the innovative concept of “Sunshine Culture & Creative Technology”. Over the past two decades or so, WAHLAP has successfully secured its leading position in the domestic market and has developed into a world-class enterprise with global service. It owes its success to its accurate mastery of gaming trends and its advanced R&D technology. In addition, its excellent design ability, outstanding brand management and professional marketing team are also contributing factors. WAHLAP has been granted the top prize for Chinese E-games as an "Outstanding Game Design Company of the Year" consecutively since 2005.

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自主研发为先导——华立科技始终专注于原创动漫游戏产品的研发,凭借较强的 研发实力与丰富的生产资源,建立起多样化、精品化的游戏产品开发链。公司拥 有资深动漫游戏研发人才数百人;自主研发3D游戏开发引擎可实现次世代跨平台 技术开发。截至目前,华立科技已成功申报多项软件专利技术,多款产品荣获国 家游戏产业年会颁发的最高奖项——“金手指”奖。自主研发已成为华立科技建 立长期可持续竞争优势的源泉。 Driven by the International Brand BuildingStrategy - WAHLAP aims to become a globalized company. It has established good strategic relations with many famous local and international partners. Also its products are best-sellers in the global arcade game market. It has become the preferred partner for many arcade game theme parks, large shopping mall and high-end department stores both over the world.

国际化品牌建设为驱动——华立科技以建立全球化品牌企业为战略目标,目前已 与众多国际知名游戏开发公司建立良好的技术合作关系,并在全球不同地区均拥 有一批实力雄厚的本土化战略合作伙伴,产品畅销全球动漫游戏市场,成为国内公司介绍/Company Profile: 外各大动游戏主题乐园、大型购物中心、高级百货商场等的首选合作伙伴。 Oriented by original R&D- WAHLAP has been engaged in the R&D of many original animation games. With a great R&D technology and abundant production resources, WAHLAP has set up a diverse and refined chain of game development. Hundreds of senior R&D talents work for R&D department and they have independently developed a 3D game engine to facilitate next-generation cross-platform game developments. To date, WAHLAP has successfully patented many software technologies and have been awarded “Golden Finger” Prize, the top award at the Annual Conference of the Chinese E-game Industry. Original R&D has become the primary source of long-term sustainable competitiveness for WAHLAP.

绿色游戏文化为核心——华立科技倡导“用科技享受生活”的全新价值理念,未 来将继续以自主研发为先导,以全新面貌、全新理念、全新模式运营,着力打造 绿色文化创意产业,为全球消费者创造高品质的娱乐体验。 Focusing on Sunshine Game Culture- WAHLAP advocates a totally new value concept of "Enjoy life with technology". In future, the company will build a sunshine culture creative industry with its original R&D initiatives. It will fully implement new styles, ideas and business models, which will enable global consumers to enjoy life with high technology.

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地址:广东省广州市白云区江高镇私企区鹤云路24号之二 电话Tel:020-86160991 传真Fax:020-86161373 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.gzhfun.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州汇乐水上游乐用品有限公司成立于2014年,是全国首家专业为水上乐园、游 泳池(馆)、温泉度假村(酒店)、桑拿、SPA(水疗)、漂流等水体娱乐行业 提供周边配套用品的“一站式”采购中心。公司秉承“以实力求生存,以信誉求 发展”的经营理念,本着为客户提供“省钱、省时、省力、省心”的服务宗旨。 致力于为水体娱乐行业提供世界一流的产品和服务,解决客户的后顾之忧。我们 将为客户带来:降低采购成本!提高采购效率!的全新体验。 主要经营产品类别有:智能一卡通系统、水上乐园用品、水处理药品及助剂、水 质测试产品、吸污清洁设备及配件、比赛救生用品、户外休闲家具、温泉药包、 漂流用品等。 企业目标:专业、专注、诚信、优秀的产品制造商。我们将竭诚为广大新老客户 提供更优质、更全面的服务。

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Established in 2014, Guangzhou Huile Water Recreation Equipment Co., Ltd. is the first professional “one-stop” purchasing center nationwide, which is specialized in providing complete set of products and accessories related to water park, swimming pool (natatorium), hot spring resorts (hotels), sauna, SPA (hydrotherapy), rafting, etc. water entertainment industries. Adhering to the business philosophy of "Surviving by Strength, Developing by Reputations" and following up the principles of providing customers with “Money-saving, Time-saving, Labor-saving, Worry-free" services, the company is committed to providing world-class products and services for water entertainment industry, and to solving any troubles and worries the customers may encounter. We will bring customers with brand-new experiences of reducing the purchasing costs and improving 公司介绍the purchasing/Company efficiency! Profile : Main products include the following categories: smart card systems, water park products, chemicals and additives of water treatment, water quality testing products, sewage suction and cleaning equipment and accessories, competition life-saving supplies, outdoor leisure furniture, hot spring medicine packages, and drifting products, etc. CorporateTarget: To be professional, devoted, honest and trustworthy, and excellent manufacturers of products. We will endeavor to provide better and more comprehensive services for all new and old customers!

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广州金泰游乐设备工程有限公司 Guangzhou Jintai Amusement Equipment Enginerring CO . , LTD 地址:广州市天河区天河北路248号金山大厦北塔九层 Add:Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianhe North Road, No. 248, Jinshan tower, nine layer 电话Tel:020-39022018 传真Fax:020-39022018 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. jtyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州金泰游乐设备工程有限公司注册资金1000万,由设计公司、设备制造车间、 环境艺术车间、工程公司共同构成;专业从事游乐设备制造安装、游艺机械生 产、场地规划设计、建设承包、环境艺术、装饰包装工程、项目经营管理及投资 咨询的高科技公司。 公司主要产品包括:7D影院、淘气堡、素质拓展、淘气堡、转马、转转杯、逍 遥水母、激战鲨鱼岛、卡丁车、观光车、水上乐园设施、水滑梯、碰碰船、 小飞 机、儿童观览车、爬山车、摇摆机、小火车、充气城堡、组合滑梯、蹦蹦床、海 盗船、飞椅、篮球机、充气滑梯、蹦极、儿童玩具等设备若干。 公司聚集了一大批专业人才,拥有一支优秀的技术团队竭诚为客户提供专业的工 程解决方案和高质量的专业工程应用服务。高学历、高素质、高实践性的公司团 队,保证了公司产品服务的高品质和技术的先进性,为国内外客户提供全球最前 沿最顶端的游乐场工程服务。拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。欢迎各界朋友莅 临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

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Guangzhou Jintai amusement equipment Engineering Company Limited registered capital of 10000000, manufactured by the company, design, environmental art workshop, workshop equipment engineering company constitute; professional recreation equipment manufacturing and installation, amusement machinery production, site planning and design, construction contracting,environmental art, decorative packaging engineering, project management and investment consulting high-tech companies. The company's main products include: 7D cinema, naughty fort, quality development, naughty fort,horse, around the cup, free and unfettered jellyfish, battle of Shark Island, go kart, sightseeing car,water park facilities, water slides, boat, a small plane, , climbing car, children's 公司介绍swing machine,/Company mini train, Profile inflatable: castle and the combination of slides, leap the bed, the pirate ship,flying chair, basketball machine, inflatable slides, bungee jumping, children's toys and otherequipment number. The company gathered a large number of professionals, has an excellent technical team dedicated to provide professional engineering solutions and high quality professional engineering application service for the customer. Highly educated, high-quality, high practical company team, ensure theadvanced company's products and services of high quality and technology, providing the world's most cutting-edge playground project the top service for customers at home and abroad. Has a complete, scientific quality management system. Welcome all friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation.

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广州酷乐游乐设备有限公司 Guangzhou Kule Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:广州番禺区东涌镇西樵村22号 Add:No.22 Village Xiqiao,Dongchong Town,Panyu District,Guangzhou 电话Tel:+86-020-34925390 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. kulechina.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州酷乐游乐设备有限公司是一家专注于气模产品研发、造型设计、精密制造, 销售与服务为一体的专业化集团企业。 我们拥有6000多平方米的生产车间和一流的制造设备,精湛的技术研发和设计人 才,熟练的专业生产制作人才,现代化的企业治理结构和规范华的管理团队。 我们以“设计能力更强、生产技术更高、交货速度更快、产品质量更好、售后服 务更优”先后为众多海内、外客户,大批量制作各大种帐篷、水上运动产品、充 气儿童玩具、充气模型、开空气球,彩虹拱门等气模产品。被广泛应用于游乐场 所、水上乐园,大型博览会、交易会、艺术节、广告宣传等商务、体育,社会活 动中,深受广大客户的喜爱。 酷乐气模产品畅销海内外、年产销量名列行业前茅。大量产品运销美国、德国、 法国、西班牙、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、日本、沙特等40多个国家 和地区。 酷乐人的共同目标、致力于成为世界级气模产品生产商和服务商!致力提供:安 全稳定,价格实惠,品质一流的产品与服务!让酷乐成为您贴心的专业顾问、稳 定的合作伙伴,永远的知心朋友!

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Guangzhou Kule Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is one of professional group enterprises integrated in R&D,design,precise manufacturing,sales service for gas mould. We hold one production workshop and first-class manufacturing equipment covering over 6000sqm,exquisite technical R&D and design intellectual,skillful professional production and manufacturing intellectual, modern enterprise management structures and standardized management team. We shall rely upon much stronger design,higher production technology,faster delivery and better product quality and more excellent after-sales service to successively manufacture a lot of tents,water sports product,inflatable toys for children,inflatable air mould, air balloon, 公司介绍rainbow arch/Company and other Profile gas mould: products for massive customers at home and abroad,which are the most popular among massive customers at business activities,sports and social activities at amusement centers,water park,big expos,,art festivals and advertisements. Kule Gas Mold Products have deeply been selling at home and abroad,and their annual turnovers come to top. Massive products have been selling to the USA,Germany,France,Russia,A ustralia,New Zealand,Singapore,Japan,Saudi Arad and over 40 countries and regions. Kule staff have joint objectives,namely dedicate to be world-class gas mould manufacturer and service provider! It is dedicated to provide with service for safe and stable, compertitive price and first-class product. Let Kule productsbe your hospitable professional consultant,stable cooperation partner and forever sincere friends!

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广州龙赢动漫科技有限公司 Guangzhou Dragonwin Animation Technology Co.,LTD. 地址:广州番禺金山大道为民中路(樟边)杜宅坊新区东大街二巷22号 Add:Add: No.22,Lane 2, Main Street(East),Du Zhai Fang New District, Wei Min Zhong Road, Jinshan Da Dao(Zhang Bian Village),Panyu District, Guangzhou 电话Tel:18929510308 吴小姐 13688854980 朱先生 18928742330 冯 小姐 传真Fax:020-39106603 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] connie_feng@ly- dm.com 网址Web:www.LY-DM.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 广州龙赢动漫科技有限公司创建于2003年,本公司是集研发、生产、销售、场 地合作于一体的高科技企业,主要业务为生产电子娱乐设备、配套技术服务。产 品除销售全国各地外,还远销出口东南亚以及欧美地区。我司拥有高效的自主研 发团队,生产管理团。每年都力争研发多款畅销新品,以满足市场需求。前期由 射击类产品为突破口:喷火神枪,快枪手,森林幽灵,pk918,等枪机系列。新 研发产品包括:中国文化部认证准入游艺机台“糖果熊系列,连线打地鼠,悠游 车,4合1自动贩卖机,娃娃机”等产品。 我们的产品通过欧盟CE认证,、龙赢动漫也是通过德国TUV莱茵认证的金牌供应 商。产品共获得十多项专利以及商标证书。 Guangzhou Dragonwin Animation Technology Co.,Ltd was established in 2003. We are an integrated and high-tech enterprise which researches, produces, sells game machines and cooperated with game centers.Our company is specialized in producing electronic entertainment equipment and providing technical services for customers at home and abroad. The products are sold throughout the country, but also exported to Southeast Asia as well as Europe and America.With efficiently independent research and development team, production management,we strive to develop hot sale products every year to meet the market demands. We reached breakthroughs by producing shooting game machines, for example, Fire Shooter, Fast Gunman, Forest Ghost, PK918 and other shooting machines. Recently, we have many new arrivals, including Candy Bear ,Whack-a mole game,4 in 1 vending machine, Yucar, crane claw game machine etc, which are authorized by the China's Ministry of Culture. As a gold supplier approved by TUV in Germany, our products have been gained the CE certification of EU and more than 10 patents and trademarks.

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广州绿沁水上乐园设备制造有限公司 Guangzhou Greenspa Waterpark Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd 地址:广州市南沙区大岗镇庙贝村广州东路404号 Add:Guangzhou East Road 404, Miaobei village, Dagang Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong China. 电话Tel:020-34580013 传真Fax:020-34580015 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.slidewaterpark.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: Guangzhou Greenspa Waterpark Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd has its manufacturing base covers an area of more than 20,000 square meter in Nansha district of Guangzhou, mainly consists of the department of fiberglass & steel structure products manufacturing workshops, engineering, designing, product developing, installation, after-sale service and etc. We have strong ability of product development, manufacturing and constructing independently. All product or project is in accordance with international and domestic specification and standard on design, manufacturing, and construction. For 15 years, we have supplied the products for a total of over 2000 domestic and overseas customers of real estate agency, resort, hotel, park, school, water park, SPA, swimming pool, private villa and etc. We are always highly praised by customers with the professional scheming, strong designing ability, advanced equipment, leading developing capability, experienced professionals, skillful construction team and perfect after-sale service.

广州绿沁水上乐园设备制造有限公司在广州南沙区拥有占地面积2万多平米的生 产基地,设有玻璃钢产品制造车间、钢结构产品制造车间、工程设计部、产品开 发部、安装部、售后服务部等相关部门。公司具备自主的产品研发、制造和施工 能力。所有产品和工程项目均按国际国内相关规范和标准设计、制造和施工。 十五年来,公司产品畅销国内外,为2000多房地产公司、旅游景区、酒店、公 园、学校、水上乐园、水疗会所、游泳场馆、私人别墅提供优质的服务。公司依 托绿沁机构专业的策划、设计能力、自身先进的设备、领先全球的研发能力、经 验丰富的专业技术人员、熟练的施工队伍和完善的售后服务,赢得了广大用户的 好评。

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广州南玮星动漫科技有限公司 Guangzhou Nan Wei Xing animation technology

地址:广州市番禺区大龙街市新路新水坑段4号之二3楼302 Add:Guangzhou Panyu District dragon market new road new puddle section No. 4 two 3 302 floor 电话Tel:020-39183118 传真Fax:020-39183118 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile: 广州市南玮星动漫科技有限公司,创建于2011年,经过多年持续稳健的发展, 南玮星动漫一直秉持着“质量第一、信誉至上、热诚服务、高效快捷”的经营宗 旨,竭诚的服务客户。通过不断改革创新,由生产制造到实现自主研发,时至今 日已发展成为拥有动漫产品娱乐设备设计研发、生产组装、销售、代理、OEM、 ODM及娱乐场管理经营于一体的大型游戏游艺设备企业。以众多优秀产品和完 善经营理念赢得了游戏行业界的认可,也凭藉着诚信与雄厚的市场资源,累积得 到了广大合作伙伴的信赖与支持。

Guangzhou City Southern Wei Xing Animation Technology Co. Ltd., founded in 2011, after years of sustained and stable development, South Wei star animealways uphold the "quality first, the supremacy of credibility, warm service, fast and efficient" business purpose, dedication to customer service. Through continuous reform and innovation, from manufacturing to achieve theindependent research and development, today has become with animation design R & D, entertainment equipment production assembly, sales, agents,OEM, ODM and Casino Management in one of the major gaming and entertainment equipment enterprises. With many excellent products and perfectbusiness philosophy to win the game industry recognition, but also with good faith and strong market resources, accumulation and won the trust and support of our partners.

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广州奇乐游乐设备有限公司 Guangzhou Kira Amusement Equipment Co.ltd.

地址:广州市科学城光谱西路69号创意中心二楼 Add:69th Guanpu West Road, Science Town, Luogang District, Guangzhou. 电话Tel:18666295888 传真Fax:020-32206731 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. gzqile.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中文简介: 广州奇乐游乐设备有限公司主要经营青少年儿童心智拓展及探险的游乐设施项 目,是一家专注于少儿智能发展专业设备研发、生产及项目运营管理的团队。奇 乐引进国际儿童运动智能拓展趋势概念,针对3-16岁青少年身心拓展及探险精神 研发出的奇乐智能项目,将运动、娱乐和教育完美的结合起来,促进儿童体能、 智能、情商的全面发展。

英文简介: Kira is a brand of Guangzhou Kira Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd which is the biggest ropes course manufacture, construct and training company in China with thousands of executed projects.We offer high and low ropes courses designed to offer a tremendous variety of challenges:Children's(from 3 to 16 years old) indoor climber, zip tours, climbing towers, low ropes, and high ropes courses. Each design offers a variety of challenge levels.

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广州胜骅科技有限公司 GuangZhou ShengHua Technology Co., LTD

地址:广州市番禺区市桥东环街迎新东路星力动漫产业园A2-6 Add:A2/6 Startoon City Yingxin Es.Rd Donghuan Street Panyu Guangzhou 511440 CHINA 电话Tel:+8620-23885033 传真Fax:+8620-39955708 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.gzhero.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

胜骅成立于2000年初,一直致力于音乐机、娱乐机的研发、生产和销售。在过去 的十多年里,胜骅科技的产品成功引领着行业尖端,并一直得到同行和客户的喜 爱和高度赞誉。 2013年,“舞立方”“欢乐唱吧”“欢歌乐总会”引领行业前瞻,打造音乐机的 巅峰之作! 2014年,“梦幻钢琴”,打造音乐王者,演绎浪漫风情,弹奏一曲梦幻,点燃整 场激情。 亲子娱乐“打豆豆”,欢快的节奏,炫彩的灯光,简单对战,趣味横生。 运筹帷幄、突破自我,我们从未言弃!我们不断努力,持续关注行业新动向、调 整策略和计划,立志研发更多满足市场需求和为客户带来更多利益的产品。 我们的理念:专业!专注!专心!专一! 因为专业,所以卓越!

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Shenghua was established in early 2000, has been committed to R&D, production and sales of music machine and amusement machine . Over the past ten years, Shenghua has successfully leaded the industry cutting- edge , and the love of peers and the highly praise of customers. In 2013 ,"Dance3" , "Sing bar” and " Dynamic Bar " has always lead the industry forward, to create the peak works in music machine ! In 2014,"Dream of Piano" music feast, create the King of music, deduce romantic amorous feelings, play a turn, ignite the whole passion. Perent-Child entertainment "Beat Beans", the rhythm of the cheerful, beautiful light, simple against, It’s funny so on! Devise strategy , self-break , we never give up! We are continuous efforts, attention to industry development, and adjust the strategy and plan, 公司介绍aspire to research/Company and develop Profile more: products to satisfy the demand of market and bring more benefits for the customer the product. Our concept of profession、Attentiveness、Concentration and Specificity! Because of professional , so excellent !

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广州市(华泰)百顺动漫科技有限公司 Guangzhou(Huatai) Baishun Animation Technology CO,LTD 地址:广州市番禺区迎新路星力动漫产业园E15-16号 Add:E15-16 Xingli Animation Park,Yingxin Road,Panyu,Guangzhou,China 电话Tel:020-23885979 传真Fax:020-23885979 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. huataibaishun.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

本公司主要研发,生产,销售儿童游乐机,大型动感枪机,大型动感车机,大型智能模拟 教练机,产品得到全球多个国家客户认可,及玩家的喜爱。公司1998年成立,发展至 今,拥有自置工厂6800平米厂房,工作人员200人,有专业的开发团队,高品质的生产 线和完善的售后服务。

Guangzhou Hua Tai Bai Shun Animation Technology Co LTD, Our Corporation was founded in 1998, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of Dynamic car racing arcade game machine, Dynamic shooting arcade game machine, Childrens game machines, Race car coach simulators. Our products are sold in America, Russia, Africa and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. With and most of HT People’s effort has been changed into a company which Covering an area of 6800 square meters, over 200 employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD 50 millions and are currently exporting 30% of our production worldwide. Besides,our excellent quality control and well-after-service throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction

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广州市宝比万像科技有限公司 B&B Exporting Limited

地址:广州市花都区三东大道花山新和工业区D区 Add:Bldg.#D,Xinhe Industrial Park,Huashan Sandong Avenue,Huadu,Guangzhou 电话Tel:020-86780687 传真Fax:020-86780697 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.baobiwanxiang.com www.bb-exporting.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州市宝比万像科技有限公司,是一家专业研发、设计、生产、销售腕带打印 机、识别类腕带,条码扫描器、条码打印系统软件及计算机、通信和其他电子设 备的企业。公司一直把产品质量和技术的研发放在首位,由于可靠的产品质量及 良好的企业信誉,宝比生产的产品已畅销美国、欧洲及其它国家多年,在行业中 一直处于领先地位。 宝比公司已自主研发、设计并推出一整套宝比打印身份识别系统,包括了宝比 BB777腕带打印机、宝比打印腕带、宝比打印标签、宝比腕带打印软件、宝比条 码扫描器、宝比万像条码打印系统、宝比万像票务系统。由宝比公司专业设计和 制作的休闲娱乐通用识别腕带,种类繁多,功能齐全,安全可靠,可广泛应用于 各大旅游景区景点,游乐场,主题公园,水上乐园,儿童乐园等场所,可作为票 务,二次入园,储值消费等的凭证。 宝比公司始终把产品质量和技术的研发放在首位,我们将不断改进、创新、完 善,以适应不断提升的识别技术需求。公司在发展的同时,也非常重视对自己产 品的知识产权的保护。至今为止,先后注册国内外商标已超过121个/类别,申请 国内外使用新型专利、外观设计专利、发明专利累计达149多个。在今后的日子 里,宝比公司将一如既往地重视产品质量,保护本公司的知识产权。

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B&B Exporting Ltd. is one of the major manufacturers for Design & Development and Production of Wristband, labels, thermal printer and related software development in the world. We produce all kinds of ID wristbands, charity bracelets, labels, tags. Our product range includes B&B Direct Thermal Printable Wristbands, B&B Direct Thermal Wristband Printers, B&B vinyl wristbands, B&B plastic wristbands, B&B tyvek wristbands, B&B woven wristbands, B&B paper wristbands, TUTU band for kids wristbands, B&B reusable wristbands, B&B RFID wristbands and B&B silicone bracelets, etc. Meanwhile, we put a high premium on intellectual property protection, until now, we already registed over 121trademakes in domestic and overseas, more than 149 outward design patents, utility model patents 公司介绍and invention/Company patents. We Profile will put: great value on product quality and our intellectual property protection as ever We are the global leader in identification wristband industry, delivering innovative and reliable solutions to organizations and governments especially healthcare facilities and amusement park in over 100 countries worldwide. Our products sell well the EU, the US, Australia and South Africa

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广州市番禺区金满鸿电子厂 Miss King’s children amusement Co,ltd._

地址:广州市番禺区新水坑开达工业园P座3楼 Add:Kaida Industrial Park Xinshuikeng Village ,Panyu District Guanghzou City China 电话Tel:13544442226 传真Fax:020-39949013 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.lebache.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州市番禺区金满鸿电子厂成立于2005年初,是一家以研究、开发、生产、销售 为一体的综合型游乐设备企业。公司在广东番禺拥有占地面积约6500方的大型 研发生产基地,组建了一个实力雄厚的软硬件开发团队,并且培养了大批训练有 素、经验丰富的生产、装配、售后维修技术骨干。 金乔始终坚持以市场为导向,以满足客户的需求为己任,并逐步形成了以户外健 身器材、水上乐园、淘气堡、户外游乐设备 户外儿童游乐设备为主的产品体系, 主要以广场、公园、生活区、旅游区、度假村,房地产、学校等各种主题游乐场 等场所提供各类游乐设施。产品成功出口到欧洲、俄罗斯、中东、东南亚以及非 洲二十多个国家和地区,深受客户的信赖和好评。公司坚持“以质为根、以诚为 本、以信为生”的理念,注重产品质量的控制。建立起一套从研发设计—装配生 产——售后服务的完整体制,为广大客户提供高效、快捷、安全的一站式服务。 所有环节的数据都会实时录入客户管理软件中,实行全程可追溯的品质管理。 我们期望和国内外客户建立长久的共赢的商业关系,携手并进,共创明日辉煌!

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广州市富佳娱乐机械有限公司 GAME PLUS LTD.

地址:广州市番禺区市桥迎宾路珠坑村横基路6号 Add: No.6 Hengji Road. Zhukeng village ,Shiqiao,Panyu,Guangzhou. China. 电话Tel:13809246822 传真Fax:020-84665011 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. gameplus.hk

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介:COMPANY PROFILE 企业宗旨:享受娱乐,共享财富 经验理念:质量至上,信誉第一 富佳电子开发有限公司创建于上世纪80年代初期,总部坐落于广州市番禺区。是 一家集研发、生产、销售、经营电子游戏机为一体的企业。经过20多年的持续稳 定发展,富佳已成为电玩行业中规模最大,实力最强的企业之一。 富佳代理及生产各种世界知名品牌产品和套件。厂房遍及香港、中山、番禺等 地,并在全国各地设有多个大型游乐场所,为产品的畅销打下了坚实的基础。产 品均以优良的质量和完善的服务,享誉全球。 富佳娱乐秉承质量至上、信誉第一的经营理念,在业内深得新老客户的追捧和支 持,富佳不仅是国内外产品信息的流通渠道,也是国内外客户迈向成功的必要桥 梁。无论是现在还是未来,富佳都会以“为顾客创造财富,为员工创造机会,为 社会创造价值”为宗旨不懈努力与奋斗。

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Gameplus LTD. Was established in the early 1980s, the headquarters is located in guangzhou panyu district .We are leading manufacturer and re-builder of coin operated amusements machines of all kinds. We build from a new original kit or rebuild an extensive range of simulation, redemption, prize and medal machines. In association with our international partners we have concluded many turn key FEC/Theme Park projects in China and the Middle East. We are also the exclusive distributors of many world class brands such as Megatouch/USA,Presas/Spain and Game Keepers/Russia,in China. Our China and Hong Kong based factories and Warehouses are efficiently serving the Chinese market as well as overseas. We also have warehouses and distribution affiliates in the Middle East and Europe. We offer our 公司介绍products and/Company service through Profile most: of the local and overseas trade shows including IAAPA/USA, ATEI/UK, IAAPI/Dubai and RAAPA/Russia etc. Welcome to contact us for more detail information about our products and services, we will give our best services and support for you.

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广州市华秦游乐设备有限公司 Guangzhou Huaqin Playground Equipment Co.,ltd

地址:广州市番禺区迎新路8号星力动漫产业园E32-E35 Add:No.E32-35 Startoon city,No.8 Yingxin road,Shiqiao town,Panyu dist,Guangzhou city,Guangdong. 电话Tel:400-0003-909 传真Fax:020-23885188 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. cnhuaqin.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

华秦游乐设备有限公司创建于2003年,座落在世界最大的游艺、游乐生产基 地——广州番禺,是一家集研发、生产、制造、销售服务于一体的游乐设备公 司,多年来专业生产各类室内、户外游乐设施,历经10载的锐意拼搏,在游乐业 迅速崛起已初具规模,产品含盖室内外大型机动类、摇摆类,转马类,电动类, 碰碰车等六大系列。30多余项自主设计专利,在同行业中遥遥领先。这一切无不 倾着我们每个华秦人的心血。 公司自创建以来,不断引进国内外一流的设备与工艺技术,通过导入国际先进 的管理理念和标准规范的认证体系,通过了ISO2000质量体系认证,CE,UL认 证。“专业、专注、持续创新”是公司多年来的核心竞争力,在科技高度发达的 今天,公司始终以“健康、安全”发展为第一要素,华秦产品销往全国各地并远 销欧美、东南亚等50多个国家和地区。公司通过加大技术创新,产品创新和人才 培养的投入力度,致力打造创新型企业的良好形象,争创国际一流品牌和行业共 享美好明天。

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Hua qin Playground Equipment co., LTD., Founded in 2003, is located in the world's largest production base of recreational, amusement, Guangzhou panyu, is a collection of R&D, production, manufacture, sales and service in one of the Playground Equipment company, Specializing in the production of various types of indoor and outdoor amusement facilities for many years, after 10 years of struggle, the rapid rise in leisure is taking shape, products cover indoor and outdoor amusement,Kiddy ride, carousel type, electric type, and so on.30 extra independent design patents, far ahead in the industry.Pour it all of us in Huaqin company. The company since its inception, and constantly introduce domestic and foreign first-class equipment and technology, by importing 公司介绍the international/Company advanced Profile management: concept and standard certification system, went through the quality system certification, CE, UL certification."Professional, dedicated, continuous innovation" is the core competitiveness of the company over the years, the science and technology highly developed today, the company has always been to "health, safety development as the first thing to do," hua qin products sold throughout the country and exported to Europe, America, southeast Asia, more than 50 countries and regions.Company with more technological innovation, product innovation and talent training investment, efforts to create a good image of the innovative companies, sharing the international first-class brand and industry better tomorrow.

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地址:广州市番禺区石基镇文边工业区 Add:WENKENG RD WENBIAN VILLAGE ,SHIJI TOWN ,PANYU DIST,GUANGZHOU 电话Tel:020-34882820 传真Fax:020-34882821 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.mecpower.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我们有很多年的经验,在开发和制造投币游戏.我们的核心产品包括投币游戏机, 娃 娃机, 碰碰车, 摊位游戏, 摇摆机, 主题项目等等

we have many years experience in developing and manufacturing coin-op redemption games . Our core products include coin-operated redemption games, skill crane machines, prize vending machines, bumper cars, carnival games, kiddie rides, amusement rides, themed attractions etc.

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广州市肯琰优电子设备有限公司 KN&U Electronics Co., Ltd.

地址:广州市番禺区石楼镇砺江路184号 Add:No.184#, Lijiang Rd., Shilou, Panyu, Guangzhou, China. 电话Tel:020-84869969 传真Fax:020-84860109 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Knandu.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 公司简介 广州市肯琰优电子有限公司是一家集游戏设计、自主开发、生产、代理销售国际 品牌设备,并提供全方位售后服务为一体的多元化公司。公司成立于1995年南 京,后因业务发展,于1997年将总部移至广州番禺区。广州市肯琰优电子有限公 司基于强强合作的理念,与美国、韩国、日本等国家著名游戏公司进行多方位合 作。并随着游戏机产业的发展,近几年在自主研发生产方面投入了巨量资金,形 成了独立研发、生产、销售一体化公司。相继推出多款专利产品,产品远销至美 国、菲律宾、越南、阿连酋等著名游戏产地。 我们成立至今,已经为近千家游戏 场所提供包括设计、安装、维护等多项服务. 专利产品,自主研发 广州市肯琰优公司产品发展始终坚持两手抓:一手抓产品自主生产与研发,一手 抓代理国外优秀产品,始终坚持在自主研发的基础上代理部分优秀产品,让代理 产品与自主研发产品相互借鉴彼此之间优点,销售上相互促进,相互带动。2008 年中国第一批动漫游戏游戏艺产品进入市场审核,肯琰优电子若干机台顺利通过 审核,成为电玩游乐场地大型机台的标杆。

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KN&U Electronics Equipments Co., Ltd. is a company that focuses the manufacture, developments, distribution and integration of arcade gaming system. In August, 1995, KN&U Electronics Equipments Co. was established in Nanting, China. Due to rapid business developments, we decided to relocate it’s headquarter to Panyu District in Guangzhou. Our services include, but not limited to, importing, distributing and manufacturing of arcades, kids arcades, and components such as cabinets and CRTs. KN&U Electronics Equipments Co. has a team that shares the same beliefs of providing excellent customer service with strong teamwork and mutual trust. Most of our team members have abundant gaming industry experiences. Our management has prior technical leadership roles in large 公司介绍software development/Company companies Profile: in the entertainments industry. We strongly believe the teams that we have assembled can provide the best solutions that suit your needs. The growth of KN&U can be attributed to the supports of our friends. Our friends have contributed the development our company. More importantly, your continuous trust has allowed us the chance to provide you our excellent services. We sincerely wish for your future partnership. May us grow together into a bright and prosperous future.

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广州市乐创电子科技有限公司 Guangzhou Lechuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

地址:广州市天河北路894号(天河软件园-国际科贸中心首层) Add:Room101-102, No.894, Tianhe North Road, Guangzhou 电话Tel:400-008-2112 传真Fax:020- 87515938 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.800180.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 广州市乐创电子科技有限公司集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体,作为中国互动 影院的先驱领航者,已逐步发展成跨5D/7D/8D互动影院、多媒体娱乐车、9D虚 拟现实体验馆和环球拍等多个领域的综合型高科技企业,拥有中国8D影院技术唯 一出口品牌——第一现场,旗下产品远销30多个国家和地区,以其无可比拟的超 一流互动娱乐体验,赢得全球客户的广泛认同和高度赞誉。 乐创自成立之初,就确立了“自主研发核心技术构建市场领先优势”的长远发展 战略。作为业内研发投入最高的企业,乐创的研发投入不设上限,按需分配。正 是如此强有力的支持,让乐创一举摘下多项“全国领先”桂冠:2008年,全球首 台能足不出户拍遍世界的环球全景拍;2010年,国内首创5D动感影院模式,强 势推动互动仿真在国内的应用发展;2012年,率先推出第一家可以玩的7D互动 影院,颠覆影院行业百年发展历史;2015年,全球首发9D虚拟现实体验馆,变 革娱乐生活方式,引领大众迈入虚拟互动娱乐新纪元…… 时至今日,乐创人始终不忘不忘“创业维艰,守成不易”之古训,以质量管理为 中心,用高目标、强手段锤炼产品品质:坚持对进厂的每一个零配件进行严格检 测,同时在设计和生产环节推行“零缺陷”工程,使旗下产品返修率大大降低。 正是乐创人对质量近于苛刻的高度重视,才使乐创在一波波的互动仿真行业淘汰 大潮中屹立不倒,最终确立了乐创难以撼动的市场地位。

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与此同时,乐创秉持“技术与内容双核驱动”的发展理念,以成熟先进的技术和 产品推动行业发展,整合旗下优秀产品,推出拥有最佳回报率的潜力投资项目, 力求让每一个有志自主奋斗未来的创业者,成就“轻松创业,快乐致富”的梦 想。 近年来,随着乐创在互动影院市场业务的不断扩展,为给广大合作伙伴提供更优 质的售后服务和技术支持,公司先后在北京、西安、济南等地开设了分公司,通 过地域优势,进一步把优质的服务辐射全国,使众多合作伙伴能更方便快捷地获 得高效优质的售前售后支持。

Guangzhou Lechuang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is the earliest manufacturer engaged in R&D, production, sales and service of interactive cinema and other amusement equipment field. We are located in Guangzhou with convenient transportation access. Since founding, we have devoted ourselves with unbridled passion 公司介绍/Company Profile: to overcoming the ever-evolving challenges and become the leading manufacturer of 5D/7D/8D interactive cinema, multimedia truck cinema and 9D virtual reality experience. In recent years, we still introduce a series of advanced equipment and make great efforts to develop new products. Lechuang is famous for superior quality, competitive price, first-class craftwork, safe package, and prompt delivery. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. Therefore, our products are popular in both domestic and oversea markets. They have already exported to over 38 countries and regions such as Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Africa. We aim to deliver outstanding equipments and system solutions continually to ensure fantastic entertainment experience for all people in the world. With their excellent performance, our products have gained wide recognition and universal praise year after year. We sincerely welcome friends from all over the world to visit our company and cooperate with us on the basis of long-term mutual benefits. We are looking forward to receiving your enquiries soon.

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广州市乐天游乐设备有限公司 Guangzhou Letian Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:广州市白云区人和镇横坑工业区自编2号 Add:Hengkeng Industrial Area, Renhe Town, Baiyun district GUANGZHOU CHINA 电话Tel:020-36252999 传真Fax:020-36252333 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.lettoy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 广州市乐天游乐设备有限公司位于中国珠江三角洲之中线的商业大都市——广 州。公司拥有大型的现代化标准厂房和办公楼,全方位,多功能的产品展示厅。 公司自1992年创建以来,坚持“科技领先、创新于上”,一贯奉行“质量第一、 信誉第一、服务第一”的原则,所有产品由国家体育用品检测中心检测,均通过 中国人民保险公司质量承保,并实行ISO9001国际管理体系与品质保证体系。是 一家集设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的室内外儿童游乐、康体设备专业企业。 主要产品有儿童游乐设施、户外健身器材、运动场地设施等一系列的游乐设施。

Guangzhou Letian Playground Equipment Co.,LTD locates in Guangzhou, the business metropolis in the center of Delta of Pearl River in China. It owns large modern standard factory,office building and multiple and diversified products showroom.Since it was set up in 1992,it has insisted on the leading scientific technology and creation,and implemented the principle of quality the first,credit standing the first and service the first.All the products are tested by national athletic Equipment Test Center,the quality is all insured by the People’s Insurance Company of China.And perform the ISO9000 international management system and quality guarantee system.It is a professional indoor and outdoor pleasure ground for children and healthy body equipment manufacturer combining design,development,manufacture and sales together.the main products contain the children pleasure ground equipment,outdoor fitness equipment,sports equipment,etc,series of pleasure ground equipment.

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广州市力童康体设备有限公司 Guangzhou Superboy Playground Equipment Co.,Ltd. 地址:广州市番禺区沙湾福龙路83号(威乐工业园) Add:No.83 Longfu Road Shawan Town Panyu District Guangzhou City China 电话Tel:020-61932110 传真Fax:020-84580101 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. superboyok.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州市力童康体设备有限公司成立于2007年。是专业生产儿童游乐设备、儿童主 题乐园规划、设计、品牌运营加盟为一体的集团公司。 我们生产、销售的产品包含儿童淘气堡、电动设备、户外大型滑梯及健身器材、 塑料玩具、儿童亲子机等游乐设备,并获得ISO9001、CE、TUV等国际认证,产 品深受国内外用户的欢迎,销售网络不仅遍及全国,还远销香港、澳门、欧美、 中东等海外市场。 经过多年的发展,我们的“乐贝儿”品牌在全国形成了良好的市场知名度和美 誉,迄今为止,我们的“乐贝儿”主题乐园遍布全国已达200多家。“乐贝儿” 主题乐园将主题装修、儿童淘气堡、儿童体验、情景娃娃家、互动亲子机、家 长娱乐等资源整合,营造了一个新奇、美妙、好玩的梦幻王国,并拥有一流的运 营、督导队伍、为门店经营提供全方位服务.

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Founded in 2007, Guangzhou Superboy Playground Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional group with integration of theme park planning, designing, production, and brand franchise. We are professional manufacturer with indoor playground, electric products, outdoor large slide, outdoor fitness equipment, plastic toys, children game machine etc. All of our products are certificated by ISO9001, CE, TUV and popular with customers at home and abroad. Our sales network is extending to all parts of the country and foreign markets like Hong Kong, Macao, Europe, America, Middle East, Southeast Asia etc. With year’s development, our brand “Superboy” had formed a great market reputation throughout China. Up to now, Superboy’s theme park had reached more than 200 franchises all over the country. Superboy’s 公司介绍amusement/Company park integrates Profile theme: park decoration, children indoor playground, children experience house, game machine and parents entertainment area which helps to build a wonderful and playful dream kingdom.

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广州市龙程电子有限公司 Guangzhou Longcheng Electronic CO,.LTD

地址:广州市番禺区迎新路星力动漫园G3档 Add: G3# XingLI Animation industrial park,East yingxing Road,Panyu,Guangzhou,China 电话Tel:020-39258994 传真Fax:39258994 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.gzlcdm.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州龙程电子有限公司是一家专业的室内外游乐设备制造商。一直致力于将多媒 体技术与自动化控制技术相结合,打造适合广大创业者 的高回报型高科技娱乐项目。自2009年以来公司大量投入资金和人力,致力于立 体特效影院的研发.由我公司研发的4D,5D动感影院系统于 2010年年初 ,全面投放市场,多年的研发经验,以及对品质的卓越追求,使龙 程电子的自主5D品牌“勇者幻境”,深得广大投资者的认可,目前 在已经全球30多个国家拥有众多成功运营的动感影院案例,把千千万万的人们带 进了全方位的视觉,听觉,触觉,嗅觉等全新影院感受中。 公 司自主研发的动感影院特效同步控制系统,取得了国家相关专利证书。在该系统 的控制下,影片的特效同步性发挥到极致,体验效果达到行 业一流水平,引领动感影院观赏的新标准。 龙程始终坚守产品创新路线。以客户体验为主导。不随波逐流,不为追逐利润而 放弃原则。在市场竞争激烈时,坚定为客户打造高性价比 产品。 我们始终坚信客户体验是商家的盈利基础。2013年,7D电影概念热火 朝天的时候,龙程电子并没有浮躁,而把大量的资金投入到7D 游戏的研发中, 龙程人无法接受粗糙的游戏,和形同虚设的特效。淋漓尽致的特

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效发挥,惊心动魄的互动竞技,回味无穷的客户体验过程才是 我们追求的真7D。2014年龙程7D产品一推出,立即成为7D电影市场新标杆。 龙程电子将不断推陈出新,为广大投资者打造一个又一个的黄金项目,在致富道 路上,携手双赢。我司专业的设计团队,运营团队和售后 团队,将为投资者提供从商圈分析,方案设计,装修设计,安装服务,售后维 护,影片更新,运营指导等一条龙的服务.让投资者轻松享受高 科技带来的丰厚财富回报。

Guangzhou Longcheng (Abbreviated as LC) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is an entertainment system integrator, providing creative solutions and interactive 5D motion theater devices worldwide. Founded in 2009 and located in the biggest Animation Industry Park, Guangzhou, LC has recruited some of the best tech and engineering talent in the industry to work on its own line of 5D motion theatre. In 2011, LC successfully 公司介绍/Company Profile: launched its 3D, 4D, and 5D theatre products consecutively into the marketplace. As a system integrator, LC put 3D visual effect, , 4D theatre hall effects and 5D motion seat effects together to let the viewers be part of the movie and to get attraction adventure of sight, sound, motion and touch with fun and excitement. At LC, technology mixes with innovation, offering you a whole new generation 5D experiences. We are pioneers in China for an interactive technology to take you to the next generation of movie-going experience. With vast experience and technological capabilities, LC is positioned as one of the leading providers of 5D theater and motion effect seat simulators. LC is a provider of specialty equipment and related services, and does if required, provide the customized 5D solutions and theater devices. What you can do is just to decide the location and we will then produce all appropriate drawings and documents for the specific architectural and facility features needed for installation and operation of the 5D equipment and systems. Let you get payback soon with delight.

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广州市顺翔动漫科技有限公司 Guangzhou Shunxiang Animation Technology Co., Ltd 地址:广州市番禺区石基镇金山村华创动漫产业园C4栋 Add:Building C4,Huachuang Animation Industrial park,Jinshan Village,Panyu,Guangzhou City,Guangdong,China(mainland) 电话Tel:020-23885840 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.sxgame168.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州市顺翔动漫科技有限公司位于中国广州市番禺区华创动漫产业园。华创动漫 产业园是中国唯一一家电玩动漫产业园,汇集了最顶尖的50家中国电玩生产企 业。顺翔正是其中佼佼者之一。 顺翔是一家集产品研发,生产,销售(包括动漫游戏产品进出口)于一体的专业 动漫游戏企业。长期主要从事大型电子游戏机、游戏机配件、游戏机软件开发、 游戏机软件配件、游艺机等产品的批发、销售。 品牌介绍: “顺翔”坚持以前沿视觉审视大型游戏机的软件、硬件研发,保持产品的领先; 在追求产品的卓越做工和优良品质。“顺翔”的产品具有良好的用户使用体验, 完美的游戏体验,深受广大游戏玩家的喜爱!

Guangzhou Shunxiang Animation Technology Co., Ltd is located in Huachuang Animation Industrial Park, Guangzhou, Panyu district, it is the only one animation park in China, besides, it collects 50 top Chineseelectronic game manufactures, and we are one of them.

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We are an enterprise integrated by R&D, production and sales (including import and export business) . For a long time, we mainly engaged in large electronic game machines, game machine opponents, the development of game machine softwares, software opponents, and the sales of game machines. Brand Introduction: “Shunxiang” persists in cutting-edge vision to the research and development of game machine softwares and hardwares, thus, keeping our products a leading position in the market; in the respect of pursuing superior workmanship and high quality, our products have excellent user experience, and perfect game experience, so they have been welcomed by extensive consumers. 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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广州市旺明水之乐设计咨询有限公司/广州市旺昊温泉建造有 限公司/深州市旺明游乐设备有限公司 Guangzhou Wangming Water Feeling Design Consult Co., Ltd./Guangzhou City Wanghao Hot Spring Construction Co., Ltd./Shenzhou City Wangming Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. 总部地址:广州市番禺区市桥清河东路金海岸花园兴泰东路46号 生产基地:河北省深州市城市新区泰山东路南 Add:NO.46, East Road, Golden Beach Garden, Qinghe East Road, Shiqiao Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City Factory: Taishan East Road South, City New Zone, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province 电话Tel:13726784523 传真Fax:020-39920426 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.wangminggj.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

旺明国际是国内最早从事水上休闲娱乐项目设计建造的专业机构之一,为客户提 供温泉度假村、水疗(SPA)会所、水上乐园及主题公园项目的策划包装、整体 规划、温泉设计、景观设计、游乐设计、工程设计、设备研发及生产、设备安装 及调试、经营管理及咨询等全方位、一体化服务

WM International, one of the earliest professional organizations designing and constructing water recreation projects, provides the customers with all-round and integrated services, including design and packaging, overall planning, design of hot spring, landscape, amusement and engineering, device R&D and production, installation and debugging, management as well as consultation for hot spring resorts, SPA clubs, water parks, theme parks and other projects; WM International has been granted maintenance permit, manufacturing license, qualification of design, manufacture and installation of water amusement facilities as well as Class B tourism planning and design, and is director unit of Professional Committee of Environment Art under China Construction Culture and Art Association and member unit Guangdong Hot Spring & SPA Association.

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广州市影博士影视设备有限公司 Guangzhou Yingboshi Movie&Television Equipments Co.,Ltd 地址:广州市番禺区石基镇金山大道华创动漫产业园C27栋 Add:Plant C27,Huachaung Animation Industrial base,Jinshan Road,Shiji Town,Panyu District,Guangzhou,China 电话Tel:020-31075846 传真Fax:020-31075846 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. gzyingboshi.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州市影博士影视设备有限公司,是一家专注于4D 5D 7D动感影院设备研发、 生产、销售于一体的高科技企业,是中国多维立体虚拟互动演示系统集成服务 的先进企业,公司的4D 5D 7D设备生产基地坐落于全球最大的游艺设备生产基 地—中国华创国家动漫产业园。专业的技术开发和设计能力,完全满足投资者对 4D 5D 7D影院的需求,为你量身定做的个性化的4D 5D 7D动感体验投资方案, 提供从商圈分析、方案规划、装修设计、设备提供、安装服务、营销策划、售后 维护、影片更新等一条龙的服务。 广州影博士公司“坚持科技自主创新”之路,将高端的4D 5D 7D影音体验设备 由原来的可望不可即的贵族价位,做到了贵族体验平民价位,实现了大多数人的 尊贵之旅,大大的推动了国内4D 5D 7D 影音的体验行业的发展。公司怀着“让 每一个中国人都看到4D 5D 7D 电影”的宏伟理想,不断的进行资源整合,提升 研发实力,以“持续进取,不断创新”的精神,迎接未来的挑战。随着4D 5D 7D立体数字技术的日益完善和成熟,常规平面影视手动已无法满足人类与时俱进 的欣赏品位要求。4D 5D 7D 高清影视正快速引领市场,一个有品位且技术含量 高的时尚生活正贴近全世界的社会大众。

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Dr. Movie is a brand of Dayibai (GROUP) animation technology Co., Ltd, have wholly owned subsidiary in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong of China, and Korea. Company products spread all over 38 countries and region, mainly engaged in 4D,5D,7D special theater’s developing, produce, engineering construction service and so on. And it is one of the biggest 7D equipment developing manufacturer, owned five international intellectual property rights patents certificate, in which 4D,7D theater applied international patents successfully in Korea, we are the only one enterprise which owned international patents certificate in China. Our company owned 150000 square meter production base, more than 20 people research and development team, we are an advanced enterprise in China which have multi-dimension virtual interaction display system 公司介绍integration/ service.Company Summarized Profile :plenty of management experience after many year’s production practice and physical store operation, saved production cost for customer continuously, improved production performance, get general consent from the end customer all over the world。

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广州市粤华金属制品有限公司 Yuehua Hardware Products Co., Ltd.

地址:广州市番禺区东环街迎星东路143号星力动漫游戏产业园F19 Add:19, STARTOON CITY, NO. 143 EASTERN YINGXING ROAD, DONGHUAN STREET, PANYU DISTRICT, GUANGZHOU CITY 511400, CHINA 电话Tel:020-23885968 传真Fax:020- 23885967 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.yuehuatoken.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

粤华代币彩票制造中心 广州市粤华代币彩票制造中心,始创于1989年,是广州市粤华金属制品有限公司 的下属企业,专业研究及生产游戏机代币,是中国第一批从事游戏机配件生产的 企业,经过二十多年的积淀与发展,如今粤华已成为行业的翘楚,粤华代币也成 为众多经销商和中高端场地经营者的首要选择。粤华的旗帜插满了全国包括港、 澳、台34个省、市、地区,国内市场覆盖率为100%,欧美、东南亚、中东等 100多个国家及地区也遍布着粤华代币!一流的生产设备和技术精湛的人员,在 占地20000㎡米的花园式厂房中有条不紊地忙碌着,在学习型的团队中,采用现 代企业的管理制度,不仅使生产的速度及产品的质量都保持在高水平上,成本也 得到了有效的控制,有效地保障了我们对所有客户“粤华品牌 您可信赖”的郑重 承诺!

Yuehua Token & Redemption Ticket making center Guangzhou Yuehua Token & Redemption Ticket making center is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of tokens for coin-op machines,

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which is a subsidiary company of Guangzhou Yuehua Hardware Products Co., Ltd. and the first batch of enterprises engaged in accessories field of game line in China, established in 1989. After more than two decades’ development, Yuehua Token Making Center has become industry leader and Yuehua tokens have become the first choice of distributors and operators. Its market coverage rate is 100% at home including all 34 provinces, municipalities and Special Administrative Regions and its tokens also spread over 100 countries and regions all around the world, like Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Middle East! The garden-style factory occupies over 20,000 square meters and it is working orderly by exercising modern enterprise management system 公司介绍with the first-class/Company equipments, Profile skilled: technicians and learning group which is not only to maintain the producing speed and product quality at a high level, but also to control the cost effectively and protect our solemn promise to all customers “YUEHUA BRAND, MAKE YOU TRUST”!

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广州市众喜动漫科技有限公司 Guangzhou Zhongxi Animation Technology Co.Ltd

地址:广州市番禺区市桥镇龙美村番禺大道北1004号 Add:Guangzhou City Guangdong Province Panyu District Panyu Avenue North,NO.1004 电话Tel:020-39996912 传真Fax:020-39996912 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.88bbdan.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

让子弹飞,实弹射击(BB弹射击)一直以来都是人们最喜爱的娱乐项目,但国内外 一直还没有一款能真正自动上弹,自动回收子弹,安全性高的实弹射击(BB弹射 击)产品.广州市众喜动漫科技有限公司应运而生,经过公司专业技术团队的多年 潜心研发, 专注BB弹自动发射,自动回收的核心开发,成功研发整套高仿真的实弹 射击,拥有核心的技术专利认证。丛林狙击手是本公司2013年独家推出的最新 专利产品,拥有自主的知识产权,本射击游戏机采用塑料子弹(BB弹)射击,解决了自 动发射和回收,脱靶自动锁枪,安全刺激,是实弹射击的革命性的突破. 众喜动漫公 司专业生产的BB弹射击系列产品:丛林狙击手,质量不断精益求精,重视科技品牌 不断投资研发,现在众喜动漫品牌的丛林狙击手各项技术指标已经达到国际先进 水平。丛林狙击手是一项投资成本低,回报率高,国内外市场空白的新兴娱乐产 业,是老百姓真正需要的健康和刺激的娱乐消费,符合市场需求的好项目,是不 少有识创业者的选择,其发展空间将无可估量!众喜动漫公司诚意邀请投资加盟 商并建立长期双赢合作关系。 众喜动漫科技有限公司秉持“尽一切可能让我们的客户发家致富”的经营理念, 不断加强和代理商,加盟商的真诚合作,共同为消费者创造有价值的实弹射击 (BB弹射击)娱乐生活,开创实弹射击(BB弹射击)的新时代—让老百姓体验 实弹射击(BB弹射击)更方便!更刺激! 我们本着技术创新、完善服务、真诚合作、共同发展的原则,期望与您共创未来 电话:020-39996912 电邮: [email protected]

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There are some entertaining activities that are very popular among people, like ‘Let the Bullets Fly’ and ‘Live Firing Practice’. However, there is not any real shotting products of high security which can automatically reload and recover bullets. Therefore, Guangzhou Zhong Xi Comic & Animation Technology Co., Ltd is founded to meet the marketing demands. For years, the company, with the great effort of the professional team, has been focusing on core technical research, concentrating on developing the kind of BB bullet which is able to reload and recover automatically. Till now, the company has successfully worked out a set of replica of firing products, and has been granted the certification of the core technology patent.‘The jungle sniper’is a game lanched exclusively with latest patent in 2013. Plastic bullets (BB bullets) are applied in the shotting game machine and enables a series of actions including automatic firing, recovery of bullets, automatic lock-gun when undershot. This is a thorough breakthrough for live firing game mixing safety and excitement together. 公司介绍The jungle/ sniper’, as the series: games of BB bullets produced by GuangzhouCompany Zhong Xi ComicProfile & Animation Technology Co., Ltd, is becoming better with higher quality. Owing to the continuing investment, research and development, the technology standards of ‘The jungle sniper’ have reached the international level. ‘The jungle sniper’ , as a product with low investment cost and high rate of return, has become a uprising entertaining product that meets the needs of being healthy and exiting, and at the same time fulfills the vacancy of domestic and international markets. ‘The jungle sniper’ which has a broad developing space is definitely the very choice for business runners. Zhong Xi Comic & Animation Technology Co., Ltd is sincerely welcoming business alliances to establish long-term and stable cooperation relations. ‘Enriching every client’ is the business philosophy of Zhong Xi Comic & Animation Technology Co., Ltd. We are dedicated to strengthen cooperation with commercial agents and business alliances, and bring about better live firing entertainment to consumers. Together with you, Zhong Xi Comic & Animation Technology Co., Ltd shall create a new era of live firing which is more convenient and exiting. With the principles of ‘Technological innovation, Perfect service, Sincere cooperation and Common development’, we are looking forward to build up a bright future with you! Company address: No. 1004, Panyu Dadao Bei, Guangzhou City Tel: 13501486360,QQ:380211019,email:[email protected]

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地址:广州市番禺区迎新路星力动漫产业园五街C区C8-C10 Add:C8-C10Animation Industrial Park,YingXing East Rd 电话Tel:020-23885382 传真Fax:020-23885383 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

广州油菜花动漫科技有限公司成立于2012年,由城市英雄管理系统研发,生产, 销售原班人马组建而成。一直致力于游戏开发,网站建设与管理,管理咨询培训 服务,电玩场地管理系统软硬件研发、生产、销售等业务领域。公司继承城市 英雄18年场地管理经验,扎实的研发及在实践中不断优化改进,我们已与全国 1000多家电玩场地缔结了战略合作关系; 700多家电玩场所,其中包括58家知名 连锁电玩品牌使用了我们的产品,如今我们的业务已经遍布全国

Yocartoon Video Game Clubs Management System --help those who have no experience in management get profits easily. A whole set of video game club management system developed by advanced technology which integrates management experience and notion of several successful video game clubs such as City Hero which has operated for 18 years, and has 22 branch stores. We have developed over 1000 video game clubs to use Yocartoon video game club management system in long term.

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桂林巅峰文化科技连锁经营有限公司 Guilin DianFong Chain-Store of Culture Technology Co., Ltd

地址:桂林市灵川县灵钢路1号 Add:No.1 Lingang Road, Lincun, Guilin, China 电话Tel:020-87029556 传真Fax:020-87076436 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. dinfone.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

巅峰文化科技连锁经营有限公司简介 Guilin Pinnacle Culture Technology Chain Management Co. Introduction

巅峰文化科技有限公司成立于2012年,是一家集室内外游乐设备、主题公园以及 数字展厅等相关产品的研发、生产、销售于一体的高新科技公司。 Guilin Pinnacle Culture Technology Co. Ltd. was founded in 2012. It is a high-tech company specialized in the design, production, sales of indoor and outdoor amusement equipment, theme parks, showrooms, and other related products. 基于母公司广州市希力电子科技有限公司的研发平台,巅峰文化在国内动漫文化 行业具有较高知名度。公司研发的产品均申请了知识产权保护,其中“4D动漫体 验平台”荣获中国文化艺术政府奖首届动漫奖。目前巅峰文化是中国游艺机游乐 园协会常务理事单位。 Being a subsidiary company of Guangzhou Sealy Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. and expanding from its large R&D platform, Pinnacle Culture has become a well-known brand in the local Chinese market. It has applied for Intellectual Property protection on its inventions, among them the “4D Animation Experience Platform” which received the China Cultural Arts Administration First Prize. Currently Pinnacle Culture occupies the seat of Executive Director in the Chinese Association of Amusement Games and Parks.

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桂特過山車 Great Coasters International, INC.

地址:上海市閔行區金雨路55號D座201室 电话Tel:021 5441 0617 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

以超过40年的丰富经验, 专门设计与建造各式木制过山车, 特别是疯狂旋转式, 近 年来已为全世界建造了超过20个新形式的木制过山车, 是首屈一指的高质量、既 刺激又平稳安全的专业公司。

With a combined 40 years of experience in the amusement park industry, Great Coasters International, Inc. offers the smoothest, most twisted and highest quality attractions in the world. Since 1994, GCII has installed more than 20 of these "new generation" wooden coasters, providing thrilling rides with minimal maintenance to some of the best parks in the country.

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国汇机械制造(泰州)有限公司 GuoHui Mechanic producing(taizhou)co.,ltd

地址:江苏泰州,经济开发区,吴陵南路66号 Add:NO 66, wuling south road , economic development zone,taizhou city

公司介绍/Company Profile:

国汇机械制造(泰州)有限公司建立于1980年,是香港独资企业.公司拥有大型 游乐设备制造许可证,安装改造维修许可证。主要产品有摩天轮,海盗船,疯狂老 鼠, 自旋滑车,双人飞天,神州飞碟,遨游太空,自控飞机,转转杯, 森林火 车等等 公司占地面积60亩,注册资本210万美元,年生产能力6000吨左右,拥有各种切 割、焊接、无损检测,起重,运输等生产,检测设备。 公司拥有员工500余名,起用各类专业技术人员70余名。操作工人岗位技能熟 练,经验丰富。公司建立了完善的质量保证体系,产品质量可靠、价格合理、讲 究信誉,供货及时,深受客户好评。

Guohui mechanic producing(taizhou )co.,ltd is Hong kong-owned enterprises ,it was established in 1980.we have large-scale amusement equipment manufacturing license, installation transformation maintenance license. Our major products are ferris wheel 、pirate ship、crazy mouse 、

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spinning coaster、double flying 、shen zhou 、space travel 、self- control plane、revolving cup 、forest small train and so on. Our company covers an area of 60 acre, registered capital is 2.1 million dollars, annual production capacity is 6000 tons, with all kinds of cutting, welding, NDT, lifting, transportation and other production, testing equipment. our company has more than 500 employees ,we employ all kinds of professional and technical personnel more than 70. Operation workers are good at skills and rich in experience. Our company has established perfect quality assurance system, the product quality is reliable, the price is reasonable, we pay attention to credit, timely delivery, well received by customers. 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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国际游乐园及景点协会 ( ‘国际游协’) IAAPA

Add:16/F., Man Yee Building, Central, Hong Kong. 电话Tel:852-37962569 传真Fax:852-37962600 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. IAAPA.org

公司介绍/Company Profile:

国际游乐园及景点协会 IAAPA 国际游乐园及景点协会 (简稱 ‘国际游协’) 是世界上最大型同类组织机构。总 公司设於美國首府华盛顿,有90多年历史。国际游协每年所举办的三个地区性展 览会 : 北美洲 -国际游乐园及景点协会游艺博览会 IAAPA Attractions Expo - IAE (每年11月) , 欧洲景点博览会 Europe Attractions Show - EAS (每年10月) 及亚洲景点博览会 Asian Attractions Expo - AAE (每年6月) 都是景点旅游业界 内最大型的展览会。欧、亚洲每年更在不同国家区域展出。其中展览会所举办的 会议及课程,更是独一无二,为业界注入生命力亦带领大家走到国际舞台上。国 际游协的游艺博览会把创意、交流、策略、管理、产品、技术、买家、供应商等 全部汇聚一堂。各展会上设有的研討会、教育会议及考察游都是世界级的。国际 游协更专为业界开拓景点管理学院 Institute for Attractions Managers,培育专 才,成就非凡,为业界所推崇。 国际游协会员 IAAPA Membership 国际游协全球有高达5000会员,除了美国本土境内大部份乐园、景点设施也是 我们会员外,其他会员分布在90多个国家。会藉包括乐园及设施、供应商、个

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别会员及青年专业会员等。登記成为国际游协会员,即可享有多重会员独享优 惠,包括展览场地及门票优惠价。其他会员专享经验有:每月免費网上专题讲座 Webinar 、每工作天发出的景点旅游业最新资讯 News Flash 、会员独有月刊 FUNWORLD、专题证书课程 Specialized Certification Programs、专业行政人 员特训管理学院 Discipline-Specific Institute Programs、危机处理及通訊辅助 计划 Crisis Communication Plans等等。为业界提供給一个世界性平台,互相 学习,互惠互利。 为拓展世界性的理念,国际游协近年更在三大洲开展办事处 - 亚洲、欧洲及南美 洲,为当地会员提供更佳更快捷的服务。如有查询,可到国际游协主网页 www. IAAPA.org或致电香港分区办事处。 亚太区香港办事处联络人 : 甄雪兒 Jessica Yan [email protected] 亚太区香港网页 : www.IAAPA.org/asiapacific 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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Haystack Dryers Ltd

Add:Unit 3, Lindberg Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Ferndown, Dorset, England. BH21 7SP 电话Tel:01202 890 705 传真Fax: 01202 890 706 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.haystack-dryers.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Haystack Dryers are the only manufacturer of walk-in people dryers in the world. Based in the UK and with representatives in America and China, we have hundreds of customers across the world. Our dryers can be seen at many of the world’s largest theme parks, water parks , FEC’s and resorts across the world, adding a unique customer service and generating a reliable, year round revenue stream. Haystack dryers prevent your guests from being cold, wet and uncomfortable after enjoying a water based activity such as a or or after showering in changing areas. 海斯达克烘干机有限公司,是世界上唯一的一家生产踏入式,人体烘干机的专业 公司。总部和生产基地在英国,在北美和中国都有代表处。海斯达克烘干机有限 公司拥有遍布全球的几百家客户。 您可以在世界最大的主题乐园,水上乐园,亲子室内乐园和度假区,看到海斯达 克人体烘干机。它给游客增添了一项独特的服务,也给买方带来稳定的年收益。 游客乘坐激流勇进和峡谷漂流后,海斯达克烘干机能让他们摆脱寒冷,衣服溅湿

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Our most popular product, the Cyclone Dryer can dry up to 5 people at a time. The dryers heat you with infrared lamps and circulate warm, clean air around you, creating vortex. Each cycle last around 3½ minutes and you emerge feeling warm, dry and energised. 我们的明星产品“旋风”烘干机一次可以安排5人同时进入,体验烘干感受。烘 干机内置红外线灯和循环烘干系统干净清新的空气流让你瞬间感受温暖,只需3.5 分钟,你就可以从湿漉漉的不适感回归到温暖舒适,充满能量中来。

公司介绍/Company Profile:

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Huss Park Attractions GmbH

Add:Emil-Sommer-Str. 4-6, 28329 Bremen, Germany 电话Tel:+49 421 499000 传真Fax:+49 421 4990070 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.hussrides.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: Huss Park Attractions - The Birthplace of excellent Amusement Rides Huss Park Attractions GmbH is one of the world market leaders in the development, manufacture and sales of amusement rides for theme and amusement parks. HUSS® is well known as a long-established German company with extensive experience in engineering, project management, installation and after sales service. The high-end products developed by HUSS® have established a reputation for being highly innovative, extremely reliable and thus represent the leading edge in this field. 精品游乐设备诞生地 德国虎士主题公园设备有限公司是一家集开发, 制造与销售于一体的世界游乐设 备的业内佼佼者之一。 虎士公司的创立时间悠久,在工程,项目管理,安装和售后服务方面具有丰富的 经验和良好的声誉。 虎士公司的产品享有高端,独创,可靠的美誉,引领着世界游乐设备行业的潮 流。

The famous HUSS® Classic, Family and Giant Rides guarantee an unforgettable ride experience for everyone. HUSS rides are innovative themes and ride patterns, new twists and speed but also gentle thrills combined with a sense of adventure. 虎士公司著名的经典游乐设备,家庭游乐设备和巨型游乐设备带来令人难忘的设 备乘坐体验。 虎士设备创新的主题和形式,新颖的盘旋和速度,加上温和的刺激以及冒险的感 受。

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哈尔滨中业电子科技有限公司 In the industry of Harbin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区学府路333号 Add:Heilongjiang province Harbin city Nangang District School Road No. 333 电话Tel:13836135138 传真Fax:0451-86619678 电邮Email:master@zy6668.com 网址Web:www.zy6668.com/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

哈尔滨中业电子科技有限公司正式成立于2000年8月,现在是以独立法人注册的 电子科技有限公司 In the industry of Harbin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was formally established in 2000 August, is now registered with independent legal person of Electronic Science and Technology Co. Ltd. (营业执照注册号:230103100137038)经营范围:游乐设备及游乐模型产品的 开发、研制、生产、经销。 (business license registration number: 230103100137038) the scope of business: amusement equipment and recreation model of product development, development, production, sales. 电子产品、计算机软硬件的开发和技术服务等。地处哈市南岗区繁华路段交通便 利。 Electronic products, computer software and hardware development and technical service etc.. Convenient transportation department Harbin Nangang district downtown sections of the ground. 我公司经过几年的调研、开发、研制,生产了遥控模型系统产品。 My company after several years of research, development, design, production of remote control model system products. 并于2004年获得国家专利证书(专利号为:ZL200420063116.1)产品具有投资 少、见效快的特点。

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And access to national patent certificate in 2004 (Patent No.: ZL200420063116.1) products have the characteristics of less investment, quick. 不仅趣味性强、科技含量高,易管理,而且可以使游客了解航模知识,培训青少 年学科技、爱科技的兴趣。 Not only the strong interest, high technology content, easy management, and can make the tourists understand the aeromodelling knowledge, training young people to learn science and technology, scientific and technological interest in love. 我们公司的专利产品“载人模型小火车”(专利号为:ZL200620020097.3), Our company’s patent product “manned small model train” (Patent No.: ZL200620020097.3), 被太阳岛风景区申报了吉尼斯世界记录,冰上碰碰车填补了冬季游乐项目的空 白,UFO战车 The Sun Island scenic area was declared the Guinness world records, the ice bumper cars fill the blank of winter recreational projects, UFO tanks 公司介绍(三百六十度电动旋转碰碰车)是以未来为题材的高科技游乐项目(专利号:/ : ZL200820090091.2)。Company Profile (three hundred and sixty degree rotary electric bumper cars) is in the future as the subject matter of the high-tech rides (Patent No.: ZL200820090091.2). 我公司产品现已在全国30多个省市游乐场所投入经营,我公司生产的产品在质 量、 Our products are now in the country more than 30 provinces and cities the playground is put into operation, our company products in quality, 信誉及售后服务等方面也受到了广大用户的一致赞扬,我公司将以信誉第一、客 户至上的原则, Reputation and after sale service and other aspects also was appreciated by the majority of users, our company will be the credibility of the first, customer supreme principle, 以专业的技术水平、严格的质量管理,周到的售后服务,期待着与您的真诚合 作。 With strict quality management technology level, professional, considerate after sale service, look forward to sincere cooperation with you. 欢迎各界朋友来我厂参观、考察,并给予指导。 Welcome friends from all walks of life to come to our factory to visit, study, and give guidance.

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哈皮小孩(北京)体育文化发展有限公司 Hapikids(Beijing) Sports Culture Development Co. LTD 地址:北京丰台区丰北路28号习鼎阁大厦4层 Add:4th floor Xidingge Building No. 28 Fengbei Road Fengtai District Beijing City 电话Tel:010-56579258 传真Fax:010-56579258 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.hapikids.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

哈皮小孩(北京)体育文化发展有限公司,致力于青少年儿童素质教育产品的研 发、“课本外”综合素质教育基地的建设及运营。经过不懈努力,哈皮小孩始终 秉承更专业、更优质的服务于少年儿童教育,目前产品已经涵盖“哈皮小孩”旗 舰店及主力店、成长乐园(户外农庄)、主体空间(户外景区)、品格教育等几 大产品线,其中多项核心产品已获得国家技术及商标专利。 “哈皮小孩”旗舰店更是发展成为了中国青少年运动探索乐园第一品牌,专为 3-16岁少年儿童量身定制,内分10大主题乐园,融合风靡国际的户外运动、拓展 训练、素质教育、童军教育、心理行为训练、安全常识教育、体质训练的精华, 开设了运动探索区、职业体验区、非物质文化遗产体验中心、科学实验区、梦幻 剧场、生存训练区等10大区域。目前,公司与中国青少年发展基金会、中国红 十字会、中国非物质文化遗产保护中心紧密合作,并成功进驻北京鸟巢国家体育 馆,标志着“哈皮小孩”成为中国顶级一流的青少年儿童游乐主题乐园的代表。 “哈皮小孩”每到一个城市,都会成为家长孩子追随的对象,已经演变为每个 大、中、小城市不可缺少的学校、幼儿园、培训机构外的,体量最大,内容涵盖 最丰富的“第二大课堂”。

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地址:广东省中山市阜沙镇阜沙工业区 Add:FUSHA INDUSTRIAL ZONE FUSHA TOWN ZHONGSHAN CITY G.D. 电话Tel:0760-23404185 / 23404181 传真Fax:0760-23404183 电邮Email:[email protected] / [email protected] 网址Web:WWW.HKLS.CO.KR

公司介绍/Company Profile:

韩中(中山)游乐设备有限公司是一家集大中小型游乐设备的设计开发、生产制 造的外商独资企业生产厂家,其总部设立在韩国釜山,2007年在广东省中山市阜 沙镇阜沙工业园成立分公司,拥有4500多平方米的标准化生产厂房,配备先进的 生产技术力量,凭着雄厚的技术力量、安全可靠的产品质量、精美的产品外观, 优质的售后服务受到世界各地新老用户的青睐,畅销到全国各地并出口韩国,欧 洲、美洲、及中东等多个国家,带给人们不同的快乐体验。 本公司主要生产产品:摇摆机,海盗船,各种简易或豪华转马,轨道火车,旋转 产品等其它中小型游乐设备。产品品种规格齐全、结构质量保证,各项指标均达 到符合国家游艺机设备的质量标准。同时并可根据用户的要求,定制生产用户所 需游艺设备及幼儿园设施。 欢迎各界人们前来洽谈咨询

公司地址:广东省中山市阜沙镇阜沙工业园 公司业务联系人:金小姐 13924517790 公司电话:076023404185/1 公司网站:WWW.HKLS.CO.KR QQ : 1227793683

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杭州俊士铁路设备有限公司 Hangzhou Trains Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:浙江省杭州市余杭区瓶窑镇长命村国辅路12 电话Tel:0571-26287698 传真Fax:0571-87855085 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. trainscn.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

专业旅游观光火车、蒸汽机车、有轨电车、火车历史景观设计、制造、销售、售 后;旅游观光火车线路设计、轨道铺设、 工程施工和技术开发;火车相关技术 咨询的专家。主题乐园、景区旅游规划方案,托马斯火车主题乐园,铁路机车公 园:铁路 自行车、铁路青年旅舍,军事主题乐园:高仿真坦克等游乐设施的提供 商。 公司有用心服务的销售售后部门,专业的火车设计团队,高效的机车生产部门, 经验丰富的景观火车策划、设计、施工 队伍。公司占地17000多平方,位于良诸 博物院旁,新104国道边,五千多年古文明的沉淀,人杰地灵,全国卫生城镇的 瓶窑。公 司制造了台湾第一台仿古蒸汽机车-腾云号(台湾1888年从德国引进的 最早投入运营的火车),目前已经在台中东势客家文化 公园,恢复当年的运行景 观......

Hangzhou trains equipent co.,ltd.professional tourist trains, steam locomotives, trams, trains history of landscape design, manufacturing, sales, after-sales; tourist train lines, track laying,Construction and technology development; train technical advice of experts. Theme parks, scenic tourism planning program, Thomas the train theme parks, railway locomotives Park: RailwayBicycles, railway Hostel military theme park: high simulation tanks and other providers of recreational facilities. The company has intentions sales of aftermarket services sector, professional train design team, efficient locomotive production sector, experienced landscape train planning, design, constructionTeam. The company occupies over 17,000 square feet, located in Liang Zhu Museum next to the edge of the new State Road 104 ......

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河北宏发机械有限公司 Hebei hongfa machinery co., LTD.

地址:邯郸县工业开发区 Add: county industrial development zone 电话Tel:15830068888 传真Fax:0310-8012359 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. hbhfylss.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

河北宏发机械有限公司,位于赵国古都——河北邯郸,是一家专业设计、研发、 制造、销售与安装为一体的大、中型游乐设备的生产企业。 Hebei hongfa machinery co., LTD., located in the ancient capital of zhao- Handan city, hebei province, is a professional design, development, manufacture, sales and installation as one of the big or medium sized amusement equipment manufacturing enterprises. 公司生产的“宏发牌”系列过山车、观览车(摩天轮)等大型游乐设备及深受游 客喜欢的各类豪华转马、章鱼等系列的中型游乐设备,并与游乐设备研发单位合 作,形成集研发、设计、开发与生产为一体的战略伙伴。河北冀南地区,有着丰 富的资源优势及技术优势,大型游乐设备的生产占全国生产总量的一半,所以选 定“宏发”、选定冀南,是经营与销售的首选之地。 Our company produces the \”macro\” brand series of roller coaster, ferris wheel and other large-scale amusement equipment and all kinds of luxury carousel, and other series of medium sized amusement equipment that favored by tourists.And our company cooperate with

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amusement equipment research and development unit, forming strategic partner of r&d, design, development and production into an organic whole.The southern region of hebei province, has the advantages of resources and technical. The production of the large-scale amusement equipment of this area accounts for about half of the total national. It is the right choice if you selected \”macro\” or the southern region of hebei province, because they are the best choose for business and sales. 宏发雄厚和生产实力及过硬的职工队伍,相应的资质,定能取得您的信任。欢迎 各位嘉宾及业内人士,借此次会议的机会,切磋交流,携手共创您与我的辉煌。 Our company have the strong production power and the excellent staff team.She can gain your trust for the corresponding qualification. Welcome the distinguished guests and the personage to the business 公司介绍negotiation/ Companyin creating our Profile glory :by the meeting to exchange views .

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河北冀州经济开发区 Hebei Jizhou Economic Development Zone

地址:河北省冀州市滏阳西路68号 Add:No.68,Fuyang Road(west),Jizhou,Hebei Province 电话Tel:0318-8638318 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

冀州市位于河北省东南部平原,方圆300公里以内有北京和天津两个直辖市,石 家庄、太原、郑州、济南4个省会城市和26个地级城市。国道106线、省道郑昔 线贯穿全境;大广高速从冀州市东南部穿过,邢衡高速(邢台至衡水)已建成通 车。同时冀州与青银、石黄、衡德高速及太青高铁、京九铁路、石德铁路紧密相 邻,距黄骅港160公里,距德州高铁站1小时车程。穿越冀州南部的邯黄铁路即将 正式运营,邯黄铁路运营总公司已落户冀州。衡水通用机场已确定落户冀州。 冀州市区依湖而建,人居环境优美,与国家级自然保护区衡水湖“零”距离。衡 水湖总面积187.8平方公里,现有水域面积75平方公里,相当于10个杭州西湖, 被誉为“蓝宝石”“京南第一湖”“京津冀最美湿地”。全市造林总面积39.7万 亩,在衡水市率先实现了“一人一亩林”。 游乐装备产业园区选址于市区南部4公里处,邯黄铁路、国道106线与大广高速、 邢衡高速连接线之间,交通便利。园区规划面积9平方公里,集设备加工、研 发、创意、展销、物流配送于一体。冀州市年生产复合材料30万吨,优质球墨铸 铁20万吨,油漆涂料10万吨,聚氨酯10万吨,周边邢台、邯郸等地的大型钢铁企 业可提供优质碳钢、不锈钢。

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Jizhou is located in the southeast of Hebei Province. Within 300km², there are two Municipalities----Beijing and Tianjin, four provincial capital cities-- --, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Ji’nan and 26 prefecture-level cities. No.106 National Road and provincial highway----Zhengkou-Xiyang Line goes through the whole city, Daqing-Guangzhou highway runs through the southeast of the city, and Xingtai- highway has been finished. Meanwhile, Jizhou is next to Qindao-Yinchuan, Shijiazhuang-, Hengshui-Dezhou High-speed Line and Taiyuan-Qingdao High-speed Rail Line, Beijing-Kowloon, Shijiazhuang-Dezhou Railway. Jizhou is 160km away from Huanghua Port, and one hour drive from Dezhou High- speed Railway Station. Not only the Handan-Huanghua Railway which runs through south of Jizhou is in operation, but also Hanhuang Railway Corporation has been settled in Jizhou. In addition, Hengshui Tongyong Airport has determinately settled in Jizhou. 公司介绍/Company Profile: In Jizhou, there is good human settlement, because the city is next to Hengshui Lake which is a National Wetland Nature Reserve. The lake covers an area of 187.8 square kilometers, and the water area is 75 square kilometers which is equal to 10 times of West Lake in Hangzhou. It has been known as the “Sapphire”, “No.1 lake in south of Beijing” and “the most beautiful wetland in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region”. Afforestation area in Jizhou is 264,666,666 km². Jizhou is awarded the title of “one person one mu forest” in Hengshui. Attactions Industrail Area is located in the south of Jizhou which is 4km away from downtown. The position is the junction of Handan-Huanghua Railway , No.106 National Road, Daqing-Guangzhou High-speed Line and Xingtai-Hengshui High-speed Line. The planning area is 9 km². The area combines equipment processing, research and development, creative, sales and distribution in one. In Jizhou, annual output of composite material is 300,000 tons, high quality ductile iron is 200,000 tons, paint coating is 100,000 tons, polyurethane is 100,000 tons. Furthermore, around the city, there are some large-scale iron and steel enterprises in Xingtai and Handan, They can provide high quality carbon steel and stainless steel.

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河北天鸿游乐设备有限责任公司 Hebei Tianhong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:河北省冀州市南部工业新城 Add:Southern Industrial Of Jizhou city , Hebei Province 电话Tel:0318-8637988 传真Fax:0318-8612323 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.tianhongyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

河北天鸿游乐设备有限责任公司位于九州之首——冀州,是一家集研发、生产、 销售游乐设备、游艺机、健身器材、景观设施于一体的专业生产企业;中国游艺 机游乐园协会会员单位;主题公园成套设备供应商,游乐园运营方案提供商。 公司总占地面积100亩,拥有大型机床80余台套,检验设备齐全,具备游乐设备 的设计、制造及安装能力;并汇集了一支优秀的产品设计团队、专业的技术人员 以及高素质的生产安装员工队伍。 天鸿游乐设备具有新颖独特、色彩艳丽、美观大方、结构合理、安全可靠等特 点,深受新老用户好评,尤其是得到了广大少年儿童和游客们的喜爱。产品销往 北京、天津、山东、山西、河南、吉林、辽宁、黑龙江、陕西、新疆等地,并出 口十多个国家和地区。 天鸿游乐,诚信合作、共赢发展的首选!

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Hebei Tianhong Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd is located in the first in Kyushu -- Jizhou, is a collection research and development, production, sales of amusement equipment, amusement, fitness equipment, landscape facilities in one of the professional production enterprises; China amusement park association member unit of complete sets of equipment suppliers; theme park, amusement park operator solution provider. The company covers an area of 100 acres, has more than 80 sets of large machine tools, testing equipment, with the design, amusement equipment manufacture and installation capacity; and brings together a team of excellent technicians to product design team, professional and high- quality production and installation staff. Tianhong amusement equipment has the characteristics of novel and 公司介绍unique, colorful,/Company beautiful Profile appearance,: reasonable structure, safe and reliable, by new and old users, especially by the vast number of children and the favorite of tourists. The products are sold in Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, and exported to more than 10 countries and regions. Network recreation, good faith cooperation, win-win development preferred!

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河北智跑游乐设备制造有限公司 Hebei Zhipao Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:河北省邢台市经济技术开发区 电话Tel:0319-5235000 传真Fax:0319-3973470 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. china-zhipao.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

河北智跑智跑游乐设备制造有限公司是一家轨道类及升降类游乐设备研究开发、 设备制造、设备安装、游乐场规划、营销为一体的专业性比较强的大型游乐设备 制造公司。 公司坐落于具有3500年城市历史的河北省邢台市市区,厂区占地60 亩、厂房面积12000平、办公楼3000平,企业资产总额31000万,在岗职工320 人、其中设计技术团队30人。 目前我公司生产项目有:六环过山车、中型四环 过山车、、八环悬挂过山车、65米自由落体、52米高空飞翔、89米摩天轮、119 米摩天轮。 工厂自创业之日起,就遵循“一流人才、一流管理、一流技术、一流 服务”的发展方针,智跑倡导“专业、务实、高效、创新”的企业精神,公司具 有良好的内部体制,优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,吸引了一批年轻的、 有学识的、具有实干精神的人才。 高素质、高水平、高效率的人才是智跑在当今激烈的市场中立于不败之地的保 障。

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Hebei Zhipao Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is a top-ranking manufacturer for Tracking and Lifting Games. Specializes in planning design ,equipment manufacturing , installation, technical services and marketing. Located in Xing tai City with a cultural heritage 3000 years of Hebei province. Manufactory covers an area of 60 acres, plant area around 12000sqm with office building 3000smq. Enterprise total assets of 310 million. More than 320 workers and 30 technicians in our manufacturing bases. we are a leading manufacturer of fun equipment in China. At present, we have developed production projects: Six ring roller coaster, Medium-sized Four-ring roller coaster, The waves three-ring roller coaster Suspended Eight Ring roller coaster.65Meters Free Falling,52Meters Skying Flying,89Meters Ferris Wheel. 公司介绍We are following/Company enterprise Profile :policy "first-class talents, first-class management, first-class technology, first-class service" and advocating "professional, pragmatic, efficient, innovative"as spirit of enterprise.Good internal system, excellent working environment and a good incentive mechanism, attracted a group of young, educated, with a pragmatic spirit of talents. With the operation essence to enhance the brand impact with quality and service, taking the sense of social responsibility that safety is above all, holding on to the principle of wining with quality and establish enterprise with faith, learning from the manner of organic integration with innovation, with never-ending innovative spirit, careful quality control measures, capabilities of quick response to customer demands and services.

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河北中冶冶金设备制造有限公司 Hebei Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd of MCC Group 地址:河北省沙河市建设路10号 Add:No.10, Jianshe Road, Shahe City,Hebei ,China 电话Tel: +86-319-8702895 8818020 传真Fax:+86-319-8702800 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:WWW.MCCEM.COM

公司介绍/Company Profile:

河北中冶冶金设备制造有限公司是世界500强企业--中国冶金科工集团有限公司 旗下的国有全资子公司。1978年建成投产,占地11万平方米,建筑面积5万平方 米,拥有金属结构、机械加工、机械装配、电气装配等10个生产车间,机械工程 先进工艺设备400余台(套),在职员工700余名。 公司是全国索道与游乐设施标准化委员会委员单位,中国游艺机游乐园协会常务 理事单位,国家标准《游乐设施安全规范》和《滑行车类游艺机通用技术条件》 等相关规范主要起草单位,是国内规模最大的大型游乐设施制造企业。 公司从1983开始先后开发出20余种大中型游乐设备,1995年率先填补了国产大 型过山车空白,1997年领先多年在全国首家取得过山车生产许可证,是国产过山 车的领航者。 20年生产过山车达100余台,其中出口8台,产销量和出口量在全 国同行业中遥遥领先。为国防工业研制的用于惯性导航实验系统主体工程的“特 种过山车”,填补了国内实际模拟飞机等惯性导航实验的一项高科技空白。 主导产品有中三环、三环、四环、六环、家庭、悬挂过山车、矿山车等滑行类系 列,88米、118米摩天轮等。

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Hebei Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd of MCC Group.(short for MCCEM)is a solely state—owned subsidiary of China Metallurgical Group Corporation,which is among top 5 00 enterprises in the world.MCCEM,put into operation since 1 978,has 1 0 plants for metal construction,machining,mechanical assembling and electrical assembling etc., over 400 modem technical equipments for mechanical engineering and over 700 employees. Since 1983,the company has developed over 20 large/medium amusement equipments. In 1995,it developed the first home—made large roller coaster.In 1 997, it gained the first roller coaster production permit in China.The company has produced more than 100 large/ medium roller coasters.Before then,all large/medium roller coasters in 公司介绍China were/ importedCompany from Profile foreign: countries.The production,sales and export of large/medium roller coasters from the company are much more than those from Chinese competitors.The company developed“special roller coaster’’for defense industry for use in inertial navigation system .The“special roller coaster’’is an innovative high technology in China for inertial navigation experiments such as simulation aircrafts. The main products of the company include mid-3-loop,3-loop,4-loop, suspended roller coasters;special roller coasters;8 8-meter,1 1 8-meter Ferris wheels, and mine cars etc. The first 1 l-loop roller coaster in the world will be developed soon. The company plans to found a large amusement equipment research institute which is dedicated to design and development of high—end, state—of-the—art large amusement equipments in order to make contribution to advancement of amusement industry.

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河南省恒泰华游乐设备有限公司 Henan Hengtaihua Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:河南省驻马店市中华路388号 Add:NO.388,Zhong Hua Road,Zhumadian city,China 电话Tel:0371-63779100 传真Fax:0371-63621539 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.hthtoy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中文:河南省恒泰华游乐设备有限公司(原名驻马店市恒泰华游乐玩具有限公 司)成立于1992年,是一个集研发、设计、生产、销售等一体的专业公司,质量 保证价格优惠。是国际游艺机协会和中国游艺机协会会员,产品通过了ISO9001 质量管理体系认证,公司拥有雄厚的生产实力,目前拥有郑州,驻马店两个生产 基地。销售网络遍布全国各个省市;产品远销韩国、日本、泰国、马来西亚、欧 美等国家和地区。公司拥有专业的研发设计能力,采用国际品牌的充气玩具布料、 精心研究、精致设计、精细制作,本着寓教于乐,锻炼与启迪相结合的原则,力 求方便客户管理的思索,对售出产品进行全方位的跟踪服务,及时解决客户的需 求,有一套严格的售后服务管理系统。 随着企业规模的不断壮大,遵循“重质 量、守信用、服务佳”的承诺,为顾客提供优质的产品和优良的服务;公司率先 设立客服中心,成为全国同行业中唯一一家设立客服中心的企业,为客户提供方 便、快捷、优质、高效的售前和售后服务。产品式样向“高科技、新奇特”的结 构迈进,为客户提供最新理念、更受欢迎的新产品。同时,公司将和社会各界有 识之士,特别是广大用户一道,携手努力,真诚合作,共创美好未来!

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Henan HTH(Hengtaihua) Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd was established in 2004,HTH is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production,sale and service of inflatable bouncy castle,inflatable slide,inflatable tent,inflatable water park products and inflatable advertisement products. We are located in zhumadian city,we have sale office in zhengzhou city,our new factory for the inflatable products was finished in the year of 2013,with the size of 6000 m2.until today ,we have equipments as follow:more than 50 sets sewing machines,3 sets cutting machines,10 sets hot sealing machines,one print machine and one laminating machine,we can make at least 20,000 m2 inflatable one month. In addition, we have ISO9001 certificates and EN15649 and EN14960. We Sell well in all cities and provinces around 公司介绍China,our products/Company are Profilealso exported: to clients in such countries and regions as USA,Uk,Russia,Thailand,middle east country.We also welcome OEM and ODM orders.we attended for RAAPA show in Moscow,DEAL show in Dubai,IAAPA show in Orlando,EAS show in European every year. we are member of IAAPA and CAAPA.you will be welcome to come to visit our new factory,thanks!

181 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

河南沃金游乐设备销售有限公司 Henan Wojin Amusement Equipment Sales Co,. Ltd

地址:河南省郑州市西高新开发区 Add:West High-tech Development Zone, Zhengzhou city, Henan province 电话Tel:0371-55052068/55052069 传真Fax:0371-86500870 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.wojine.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

河南沃金游乐设备销售有限公司公司是一家自主设计、研发、生产大型充气玩 具、充气广告媒体、支架游泳池、支架水池、移动水上乐园、充气水池及水上休 闲用品的专业厂家;同时亦运营、销售、租赁移动式游乐场和夏季嬉水乐园。 公司拥有本行业十年以上的资深专业人才10余名,并与知名设计公司建立了良好 的合作关系,将许多国际游乐流行元素与国内发展趋势相融合,推出新颖的移动 式充气产品和移动式水上乐园产品。 公司生产实力雄厚,拥有行业最先进大型全自动快速裁床、热熔焊接机、大型高 周波热合机,淋膜机等配套设备;公司员工百余人,是目前中国同行业生产规模 较大的厂家之一,产品质量完全符合甚至超出行业标准,水上乐园产品完全达到 国外标准。 公司秉承“优质、高效、低耗、努力超越客户需要”的精神,学习国内外的先进 技术,博采各家之长,与业内资深游乐经营者合作交流,使公司产品更加适应市 场,满足客户需要.

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Welcome to Wojin! Henan Wojin Amusement Equipment Co,. Ltd, strong design ability, we employ over 10 skilled 3D computer technicians along with Graphic Designers and Pattern makers. They are backed up with over 200 skilled craftsmen who together produce hundreds of beautiful products. Safety design and products, we design and manufacture products according to international standard CE, UL and AU etc, our material is non-toxic and environment protection, so clients and parents do not worry about children safety etc. Stable production quality, Wojin integrates many advanced and skilled techniques. By using several high-end automated cutting machines, we can accurately cut and prepare the material for a near perfect assembly. 公司介绍In the production/Company process, Profile we use: only high end welding machines and digital printers which equate to a more overall efficiency. Just tell us your inflatable idea, Wojin will be your best choice, your best partner for long-term business cooperation. Technological Innovation, Enjoy Life.

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地址:中国•黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区司徒街76-1号 电话Tel:0451-55628490 传真Fax:0451-51935594 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. hljhaiyan.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司于2006年1月8日注册成立,具有黑龙江省文化厅批准的文化演出资质(许可 证);是以引进国外知名演艺团体在国内演出为主,以承办国内、外游艺机代购代 销及赴国外旅游服务为辅的综合服务性企业. 公司具有俄罗斯、巴西、南非等国外演艺体的良好关系网络和资源;领导层及业务 人员具有多年为哈尔滨之夏音乐会等大型文艺演出从事幕划、运营经验;公司以 “真诚各柞,资源共享”为宗旨,以诚信、文明、高效为准则,竭诚为客户提供 优质服务,我公司愿与国内同仁携手共创辉煌

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地址:湖北省武汉市汉阳区王家湾顶琇广场A座10楼 电话Tel:027-84881246 传真Fax:027-84885580 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.whyehua.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

2013年金秋十月,湖北业华游乐设备有限责任公司占地近三万平米的现代化新 厂区隆重落成开业,它标志着业华公司在创新发展的大道上又迈出了坚实的一大 步! 湖北业华游乐设备有限责任公司是一家主要自主研发生产新型游乐设备的专业企 业。本公司拥有一支集科研、开发、生产、营销为一体的专业队伍,是中国游艺 机游乐园协会会员单位。 1999年,中国第一支采用全新仿舰造型、拥有新奇海战功能的海战游乐舰队从这 里诞生。并在多年不断地改进和完善中风靡祖国的大江南北。 2008年,又一款超酷时尚、功能独特的仿悍马激光战船一经推出,立刻受到市场 的好评和欢迎,迅速打开市场。2009年,造型活泼可爱、功能新颖独特的水老鼠 激光碰碰船问世,为我们的激光海战船系列又添新彩。 本着“持续开发,引领潮流”的方针,本公司在2004年推出新款陆地项目—— 花果山漂流,并于次年迅速推出其爬坡冲浪升级型,它以神奇的造型、奇妙的 功能、欢乐的场面、可观的收益吸引了广大投资者和游客,红遍了祖国的大江南 北!

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近年来,本公司基于“专业打造孩子们的快乐”理念,锐意创新,连推新品: 2010年推出集中国风,财富梦及多种娱乐元素一体“招财进宝”;2011年推出 世界第一款以风能射击为特色的“风车王国”; 2012年推出极富迪士尼嬉水风 格的“快乐大巴”; 2013年底,又推出一款全新的“三头六臂孙悟空”;它们 个性鲜明,相得益彰,联手打造出一片童心欢乐世界! 与此同时,本公司水上游船也新品不断,如“悍马船的战友”装甲战船、妙趣横 生的打擂碰碰船、古典精致的仿老爷车电动船、湖上茶吧似的六人电动亭船、新 潮舒坦的西式豪华电动游艇、温馨浪漫的豪华情侣卧船、飘逸精致的四人电动游 艇、以及“刚朵拉”风格的手划艇等各个档次的水上游乐船系列产品。 长期以来,本公司坚持自主开发,诚信服务的原则,以独特的产品创意, 新颖的技 术组合,质优价廉的产销风格以及完善负责的售后服务赢得了广大客户及游客的 青睐。其系列化产品行销全国400多个城市,拥有近千家客户,并出口到邻国缅 公司介绍甸、越南等国家。/Company Profile: 本公司以“创新、质量、服务、诚信”为企业方针;以“创新求质量,诚信求发 展”为公司内涵;竭诚为广大客户开发出更多更好的游乐产品,使投资者获取最 大的投资回报,为振兴中国的游乐事业不断努力奋斗。

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湖南省中一游乐设备有限公司 Hunan ZhongYi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:长沙市雨花区恒大绿洲19栋702 Add:Room 702,Building No.19.,Evergrande Greenland,Yuhua district,Changsha.Hunan,China 电话Tel:0731-89901929 传真Fax:0731-84131935 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:HTTP://zyqq.en.alibaba.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

湖南省中一游乐设备有限公司是一家专业集研发、生产、销售、大中型儿童游乐 场,室内外儿童探险乐园,水上嘉年华,儿童遥控车,船等设备的现代化优秀企 业,装备精良的检测设备和雄厚的技术力量。 具备良好的质量,合理的价格,时尚的设计,我们的产品广泛用于大型商用综合体, 超市,广场公园等大中型游乐场。 我们的产品被广大用户广泛认可和信任。可以满足不断变化的经济和社会需求。 欢迎世界各地的新老客户,联系我们。我们希望与您,共创美好未来!

Hunan ZhongYi Amusement Equipment Co., LTD is a Manufacturer specializing in the r&d, production, sales, large and medium-sized children's playground, indoor and outdoor children's adventure playground, water the carnival, children's remote control car, remote control ship equipment such as the modernization of outstanding enterprises, well-equipped testing equipment and strong technical force. Good quality, reasonable price, fashionable design, our products are widely used in large commercial complex, the supermarket, square park and other large and medium-sized playground. Our products is the widely recognized and trusted users.To meet changing economic and social needs. Welcome new and old customers from all over the world, to contact us.We want to work with you, create bright future!

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地址:温州永嘉桥下西岙工业区 Add:Xi’ao Industrial Park,Qiaoxia Town,Yongjia County,Wenzhou China. 电话Tel:0577-67499999 传真Fax:0577-67479999 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. huaxiatoys.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

华夏游乐有限公司创立于2000年,前身是温州华夏游乐设备有限公司,座落于潮 起潮涌的瓯江之滨,有“中国教玩具之都”之称的桥下镇西岙村,公司占地面积 6550多平方米,在建面积8000多平方米。2012年经国家工商总局核准为无区域有 限公司,注册资金5180万元,是一家集开发、研制、生产、销售于一体的游乐设 备、康体设施、教玩具产品制造企业,年生产能力超亿元,综合实力为温州市教 育装备行业第5位。是“滑梯、秋千术语国家标准”制订的参与单位。 目前,公司生产的“自然绿光森林”系列、原始森林系列、古堡系列、童话圣堡 系列、户外攀爬系列、水果动物系列等24个系列上千种产品远销欧盟、泰国、韩 国、澳大利亚等70多个国家。形成了品牌经营系列化,产品开发自主化,管理模 式专业化,工作环境生态化,员工培训经常化“五位一体”的发展格局。 质量立身,品牌兴业。公司积极实施品牌战略和自主知识产权的开发和运用, “孩子堡”、“vasia”两枚商标均为温州市知名商标,并且还在欧盟、东南亚、 阿拉伯等50多国家进行境外注册,产品先后通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体 系、德国TUV安全测试GS认证、ISO14001-2004环境管理体系认证、欧洲质量 认证中心CE认证、CHSAS18001:1999职业健康安全管理体系认证、中国强制性 CCC认证等诸多国内外权威机构认证。

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永续追求,锐意开拓。华夏游乐有限公司以专注、勤俭、和谐为企业发展之魂, 做一流的企业,树一流品牌,引领教育装备产业新潮流,彰显自己的魅力,创造 完美“华夏”。 Huaxia Amusement Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000, the predecessor of Wenzhou Huaxia Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd., located in the Ou River flood tide from the shore, Town Ao village "China Education Toy," said the company covers more than 6550 square meters, construction area of over 8000 square meters. 2012 was approved by the State Administration for Industry and non-regional Limited, the registered capital of 51.8 million yuan, is a collection development, development, production and sales in one of the play equipment, recreational facilities, teaching toy manufacturing company, with annual production capacity of over one hundred million yuan, the overall strength of Wenzhou City, the first five educational equipment industry. Is "slides, swings term national 公司介绍/Company Profile: standard" developed by the participating units. Currently, the company's production of "natural Green Forest" series, virgin forest series, castle series, fairy St. Petersburg series, outdoor climbing series, fruit series, 24 series of animals on thousands of products exported to the EU, Thailand, , Australia and more than 70 countries. Formed a series of brand management, product development, autonomy, management specialization, ecological environment, regular staff training "five in one" development pattern. Conduct quality, brand Societe Generale. Actively implement the brand strategy and development and use intellectual property rights, "the boy fort", "vasia" two well-known trademarks are trademarks of Wenzhou City, and also the European Union, Southeast Asia, more than 50 Arab and other countries outside the registration, the product has passed the ISO9001: 2008 quality management system, the German TUV safety certification test GS, ISO14001-2004 environmental management system certification, the European CE certification quality Certification Center, CHSAS18001: 1999 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification, China compulsory certification CCC, and many other domestic and foreign certification authority.

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汇隆基业科技(北京)有限责任公司 Huilong Foundation Science and Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

地址:北京市石景山路22号瀚海长城大厦8层 Add:Beijing No. 22 Shijingshan Road, Hanhai Great Wall Building 8 电话Tel:010-56121419 传真Fax:010-58897601 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Huilongjiye.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

汇隆科技——智能拍摄系统的缔造者与领导者,专注智能拍摄系统研发13年。是 一家拥有完全自主知识产权专业广电级设备和技术的供应商,集科研、设计、生 产、销售、售后服务为一体的综合型技术企业。目前已经拥有独立的高新技术型 研发公司、品牌运营公司、文化传媒公司、直营店等多家全资子公司的新型文化 产业集团公司。 从艺术照片到艺术电影,随着科技的发展,人们对以数字音视频技术为载体的现 代文化越发渴望。 汇隆科技以影视专业设备进入民用消费市场,对民用化智能拍摄系统进行深度研 发与升级。拥有完全自主知识产权。实现了将高端广播电视专业录制设备进入民 用消费市场的创新突破!产品远销全球20多个国家和地区,并为大陆众多音视频 企业提供技术和设备OEM生产。开启了数字音视频技术民用消费新的篇章。 汇隆科技总部坐落于素有“中国数字娱乐第一区”之称的石景山区,致力于高端 数字音视频技术民用化消费的品牌运营和管理。 汇隆科技,创造流行新焦点、引领时尚新潮流,倡导完美新生活!

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Huilong technology -- intelligent shot creator and leader of the system, focusing on Intelligent shooting system 13 years of research and development. Is a company with a completely independent intellectual property rights of professional radio and television equipment and technology suppliers, technology integrated enterprise integrating scientific research, design, production, sales and after-sales service as one of the. Now has independent high-tech research and development company, brand operation company, culture media company, straight camp shop and a number of wholly owned subsidiary of the new cultural industry group company. From the artistic photos to the art of film, with the development of science and technology, more and more people desire for the modern culture with digital audio and video technology as carrier. Huilong technology into civilian consumer market with film professional 公司介绍/Company Profile: equipment, the civilian intelligent system development and upgrading of shooting depth. Have complete independent intellectual property rights. Realized the high-end professional radio and TV recording device to enter domestic markets innovation breakthrough! Products exported to the world more than 20 countries and regions, and to provide equipment and technology for OEM production, many audio and video business. Open a new chapter in digital audio and video technology and consumer. Huilong technology headquarters is located in known as "China digital entertainment area first" known as Shijingshan District, brand operation and management is committed to high-end digital audio and video technology to civilian consumption. Huilong technology, create new popular focus, leading the new trend of fashion, advocating the perfect new life!

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IDEATTACK, INC. 美国艾迪泰克设计咨询公司

地址:美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳南湖大街70号 Add:70 South Lake Avenue, Pasadena, California 91101, USA 电话Tel:+1 626 463 7353 传真Fax:+1 626 463 7010 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ideattack.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

World leader in planning and design for tourism and leisure projects, ranging from large tourism destinations, city planning, city complex projects to theme parks, entertainment centers, lifestyle centers, resort hotels, interactive museums, cultural attractions, , etc; Years of rich experience cooperating with top entertainment brands, governments and real estate developers worldwide; With unparalleled reputation in the industry, we interpret and influence the future of design. 世界旅游休闲规划设计行业领跑者,项目包括大型旅游目的地,城市规划项目, 综合体,主题公园,娱乐中心,生活方式中心,主题酒店,互动博物馆,文化景 点等 世界范围多年项目经验 业内享有盛誉,诠释影响设计的未来趋势 Specializing in feasibility study, overall masterplan, concept design, detailed design, architectural design, attraction design, character and signage design as well as project supervision functions for all kinds of tourism and leisure projects 项目可行性研究,总体规划,概念设计,深化设计,建筑设计,娱乐项目、角色 及标识系统设计,项目监管

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Add:Landstrasse 126, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein 电话Tel:+423 237 0343 传真Fax:+423 237 03 04 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.intaminworldwide.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

INTAMIN AMUSEMENT RIDES is based in Schaan, Liechtenstein and offers the largest complementary line of products in the amusement ride industry. The company is known from the numerous entries in the Guinness Book of Records for the Highest, the Fastest, the Steepest and further superlatives in amusement rides in the world. Notwithstanding the reputation for big rides, INTAMIN rides are also designed of such size and cost as to meet the client’s demands and needs. As the worldwide leading manufacturer and supplier of amusement rides and attractions INTAMIN is the only company in the attractions industry producing and offering a very wide selection of every different kind of amusement rides and attractions. From all types of Steel Roller Coasters to Wooden Roller Coasters to all kinds of Water Rides (e.g. Rafts, Rapids Rides, Flume Rides, Spillwater Rides, Splash Rides, Boat Rides), from Observation Towers to several different Free Fall Attractions, from Simulators to Ferris Wheels and Giant Wheels, or Dark Rides, Round Rides, Flat Rides and High-rising Rides. Not only that, in nearly all categories by our innovative approach we

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hold a position as the market-leader. Following are the product groups of INTAMIN rides: Roller Coasters Water Rides Thrill Rides Observation Towers Free Fall Towers Giant Wheels Dark Rides Round Rides Simulators What is clear to all who know the names is that we are synonymous with innovation, quality and creativity as shown by the numerous from IAAPA and others for ‘Innovation in Technology’ and ‘Best Ride’ categories. INTAMIN’s customer list reads like a ‘Who’s who’ of the industry. INTAMIN游乐设备公司总部设在沙恩, 列支敦士登,是游乐设施行业领域内产品 公司介绍供应互补性最广的一家公司./ 公司因制造世界上最高、最快、最刺激的游乐设备和: 优化顶级游乐设备而著称,其中很多设备都载入了吉尼斯纪录。INTAMIN公司不Company Profile 仅在大型游乐设备制造和供应方面享有美誉,而且还竭力为客户设计和制造满足 客户需求大小和预算的各类游乐设备。 作为全球游乐设备和设施的主要制造商和供应商, INTAMIN公司是唯一一家在行 业领域内供应各种类型游乐设备和设施范围最广的公司。 我们的供应的产品有:各类钢质过山车、木质过山车、各类的水上设备(如船筏、 漂流河、 木筏激流, 各类激流涌进、水上游船设备) 、 观光塔、不同类型的自由 坠落塔、 模拟影院设备和摩天轮, 或是黑暗乘骑类设备、旋转类设备、平面设备 和架空设备等。 不仅仅如此, 在几乎所有的产品分类中, 都结合了我们创新的途径, 从而使得我们 牢牢稳居于市场领导者的位置. 以下是INTAMIN游乐设备的产品分组: -过山车 -水上设备 -刺激型设备 -观光塔 -自由坠落塔 -摩天轮 -黑暗乘骑类设备 -旋转类设备 -模拟影院类设备 了解INTAMIN名称的人都知道, 我们代表着发明, 质量与创新。这一点从我们被授 予的许多“技术创新”、“最佳设备”和IAAPA奖项中得以证明。一览INTAMIN 公司的客户名单,可以说都是“行业的领头羊“。

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Add:137 NEWSHAW LANE, HADFIELD, GLOSSOP, DERBYSHIRE, SK13 2AT, UK 电话Tel:+44 1457865500 传真Fax:+44 161 8840086 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:WWW.INTERPARK.CO.UK

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Launched in 1995 to provide the theme park and amusement attractions industries with a dedicated, independent source of information, InterPark has grown to become the leading international publication of its kind. Its success has been built upon an understanding of the industries it serves, together with a uniquely trusted voice, a vital quality that makes it an invaluable resource for readers. InterPark is distributed globally to a wide audience of more than 5000 operators, suppliers, developers, consultants and other interested parties within the theme park and attractions industry. The magazine is also represented and distributed at all the major trade shows and many other industry events held around the world during the year.

InterPark 杂志创刊于1995年,是一本针对主题乐园以及游乐游艺设施行业的英 文版国际性专业刊物。InterPark杂志每年出版6期,每两个月一期,发行到全球 100多个国家和地区。InterPark的成功之处在于全面透彻的报道行业内的发展动 态以及最新产品的流行趋势,经过20年的努力,已广泛被游乐游艺行业的专业人 士所认可,并形成其特有的读者群体,成为行业内决策者的首选杂志。 如果您想要订阅我们的杂志或者通过我们杂志宣传你们的产品和公司 请联系立立:[email protected]

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Jora Vision B.V.

Add:De Maessloot 2B 电话Tel:0031 (0) 71 40 26 747 传真Fax:0031 (0) 71 40 20 274 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.joravision.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

JORA VISION B.V. Jora Vision is a leading company in the International leisure industry. Our goal is to create breathtaking experiences, environments and attractions with a wide range of services both in design and production. This combination has made us a unique theme creator in the world. Our team consists of more than 90 creative employees who work together to design and realize spectacular projects for theme parks, zoos shopping centers, museums and various other recreational destinations. DESIGN Our design starts with creating a unique storyline and studying the design principles such as available budgets, technical innovations and style in theming. Throughout the project our designers stay in direct contact with our production to ensure optimal quality and cost efficiency. We create an experience visitors will never forget.

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PRODUCTION Our production departement transforms ideas & designs into reality. Our creative builders & engineers, all experts work together to realize to realize the highest quality possible.

Jora Vision在国际休闲产业中占领先地位,我们的目标是不断创造令人惊叹的体 验、环境和游乐项目,并提供从设计到制作全方位的服务。 这样的组合使我们成为一个世界上独特的主题世界创造者。 我们团队由90多名倍具创造力的员工组成,共同设计并实施不同种类的独特项 目:主题公园、 动物园、商业中心、博物馆和其他各类休闲旅游目的地等等。 设计 我们的设计项目都从创建一个独特的故事线开始,并根据不同的预算、创新技术 公司介绍的运用和主题风格来确定项目的设计原则。/Company Profile: 在项目实施的过程中,设计人员全面跟踪制作,以确保项目的质量和成本控制。 为游客创造一个难以忘怀的体验。 制作 我们的制作部门致力于将创意和设计变成精彩的现实。我们的创意制作师、工程 师和不同领域的专家们,会协力合作来实现最高质量的项目。

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济南微装游乐设备有限公司 JNWZYLSBYXGS

地址:济南市经十西路6228号 Add:JNWZYLSBYXGS 电话Tel:0531-85813336 传真Fax:0531-68808229 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. wzyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

济南微装游乐设备有限公司位于山东济南市,主要研发生产销售创新的创业游乐 产品!避免同行业内恶性竞争而产生经济价值和社会价值。 济南微装2011年全国第一家研发生产游乐挖掘机产品,独自研发设计生产儿童挖 掘机项目是济南微装游乐设备有限公司的专利产品,其公司【微装】两字为公司 商标,任何个人与公司不得变造仿冒其商标,违者必究! 济南微装游乐设备有限公司位于济南市经十西路,交通便利,路海运发达,周边 产业配套齐全。是全国知名的工程机械配件市场制造基地。公司占地8亩,包括 大型生产车间,研发部门及产品展示厅。 微装游乐挖掘机具有独自知识产权,中国独家首创,是你致富梦想的最好选择!

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地址:山东省济宁市任城区长虹路北首 Add:Shihang Village, Liying Street Office, Rencheng Area,Jining City, Shandong Province, China 电话Tel:13258057688 传真Fax:0537-39269988 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:http://shop1417020244213.1688.com/,www.jnjy. en.alibaba.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

济宁金耀工贸有限公司成立于2009年,是一家集工程机械加工制造、工程机械配 件销售、儿童游乐挖掘机生产销售等于一体的生产贸易型企业,公司坐落于享有 “中国工程机械,设备生产及配套产业基地”之称的山东省济宁市,公司现有员 工200余名,技术人员30人,建筑面积1.2万多平方米,我公司先后引用配备了大 型数控等离子火焰切割机,卧式加工中心及数控车床等先进设备. 公司从欧美等发达国家引进的一款益智游乐设备,根据工程用挖掘机的工作原理 设计开发生产的儿童游乐挖掘机,其主要适用于公园、游乐场、商场、体验馆和 科技馆等,投入市场后反响良好,产品远销欧美等发达国家,深受广大用户青睐. 公司生产的多款JY小型压路机,荣获多项国家专利.其施工区域狭窄并对压实 设备重量敏感的施工场合,能灵活高效地完成压实工作.作业半径小,可在狭小 的区域内工作,深受国内外用户的欢迎. 公司主营的工程机械配件,是日本小松及美国伊顿的一级供货商,主要提供小 松、香港长江机械、山推、山重建机、伊顿等主机厂的配件,常年批发、零售小 松、山推、山重建机等工程机械设备及配件。 我们始终坚持以质量求生存,以市场求发展,以信誉求长久,本着客户至上的经 营理念,给客户提供卓越的产品质量,优惠的产品价格,及时的交货期,保证客 户利益的最大化,欢迎各界朋友光临、咨询、合作。在互利互惠的基础上,欢迎 国内外代理商和经销商的加盟!与客户携手共进,共同发展!

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Jining Jinyao Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd. is manufacturer and trading company who was established in 2009, we are specialized in processing and export spare parts for engineering machinery and large-scale machine tool equipment. our company is located in Jining City, Shandong province, which is one of the biggest Chinese construction machinery base, company own more than 200 employees currently, technical personnel 30 people, over 12,000 square meter of building area, 1 million RMB registered capital. Factory equipment have CNC large-plasma cutting machines,horizontal machining centers and CNC lathes and other advanced equipment, and have produce line for small road roller and kid electric excavator. Amusement kids electric excavator is according to the working principle of the engineering excavator design and development of an educational and high security amusement equipment, suitable for indoor and outdoor amusement park, experience of science and technology museum, square, 公司介绍scenic areas/ Companyand other places. Profile Since: products favored by the majority of users and praise. Its becoming the more interesting amusement in China. Our company produced a series of JYCB small road roller, won several national patents. Its small operating redius, can flexibility and efficient finish compaction working in stenosis and weight sensitive compaction occasions. own an honor among customers. Our factory supporting parts komatsu Shandong branch company. We are specialized in export excavator parts, the main parts have final drive, swing device, hydraulic main pump, control valve, cylinder, cab, engine parts, undercarriage parts. The main brand have komatsu, caterpiller, hyundai, hitachi, volvo, kobelco, doosan, deawoo, eaton, kawasaki, kayaba, etc. We as always with quality parts, reasonable price, timely and accurate, convenient for customers to provide first-class service. Welcome domestic and foreign agents and dealers to join us, We sincerely hope to cooperate with friends all over the world to create a better tomorrow.

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济宁微装游乐设备有限公司 Jining Micro Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址: 山东省汶上县经济开发区如意路068号 Add:No.068,Ruyi Road,Economical Development Zone,WenshangCounty, Shandong province. 电话Tel:0537-7239222 传真Fax:0537-7230909 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. www.vekain.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

山东济宁微装游乐设备有限公司是威肯(VEKAIN)游乐集团旗下的工程机械类 游乐设备生产制造企业,公司位于中国佛都山东汶上,东临孔子故里曲阜,西临 水泊梁山,北依五岳之首泰山,南临微山湖,是全国知名的工程机械配件生产制 造基地。公司占地73亩,设有大型生产车间壹万余平方和全方位的产品展厅, 员工200余人,其中本科以上学历60余人;是一家集设计开发、生产制造、销售 安装于一体的综合性企业,也是全国唯一一家专业生产儿童挖掘机、游乐吊车的 大型企业,旗下品牌有“VEKAIN”、“微装”、“威肯”、“微特”、“威凯 恩”等。 开拓创新是我们不断前进的动力,公司已申请获得国家专利40余项,与国际一流 工程机械生产企业合作,积极借鉴国内外先进技术,立足自主研发,不断改进工 艺,创造更适应儿童成长的益智游乐产品,与传统的游乐设备相比教育意义更加 深远。 本公司生产的儿童游乐挖掘机和游乐吊车具有适用场所广泛、操作简单、坚实耐 用、适用人群广、上座率高的优点,自产品上市以来深受广大用户的青睐和好 评。儿童游乐挖掘机为体验式游乐设备,具有挖掘机的旋转、伸缩、挖掘的全

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部功能,是一种成人和儿童皆可以玩的游乐设备,让您和孩子都能体验到其他游 乐设备不一样的全新感受,在游乐过程中提高了孩子的动手、动脑以及手脑协调 能力。我公司生产的威肯VEKAIN儿童挖掘机在全国三十多个省均有成功案例, 并成功打入国际市场,在公园、游乐场等场所处处可见,生意十分火爆,受到中 国青年报、北京青年报、人民网、新华网、腾讯新闻、搜狐新闻等国内外媒体关 注,北京电视台、山东电视台、安徽电视台、江苏电视台、山西电视台、广东电 视台等各大电视台相继报道,并受邀参加了“2014年中国(中山)国际游戏游 艺博览交易会”,大放异彩,圆满成功。掀起了国内外儿童挖掘机消费热潮,为 中国游乐设备行业注入新鲜活力,为经营者带来丰厚的回报,是您投资的最佳选 择! 我公司将秉承创新、安全、诚信的宗旨,发扬威肯(VEKAIN)游乐“智动”中 国未来的价值追求,谋求企业与社会的共同发展,精心将自身打造成为全球最优 公司介绍的体验类游乐设备品牌。/Company Profile:

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江门市乐驱脚踏卡丁车有限公司 JIANGMEN HYL CO.,LTD

地址:广东省江门市新会区启超大道5号108室 Add:NO.108, BLOCK 5 QICHAO ROAD XINHUI JIANGMEN GUANGDONG 电话Tel:0750-6324780 传真Fax:0750-6324750 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: WWW. PEDAL-GOKART.CN

公司介绍/Company Profile:

江门市乐驱脚踏卡丁车公司是欧洲荷兰BERG公司中国区经销商,经销FERRARI/ JEEP系列脚踏卡丁车,同时在中国开展设立JEEP主题乐园项目。

We are a distributor of BERG based in Holland , we are distributing FERRARI/JEEP series pedal go kart in China. In the meanwhile, we are building up JEEP pedal go-kart theme park all across China.

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江苏飞碟游艇有限公司 JiangSu Flying Saucer Yacht Manufacturing Co., Ltd

地址:中国江苏省常州市武进区焦溪工业园 Add:Jiaoxi industrial park, Wujin, Changzhou,Jiangsu,China 电话Tel:0519—88902387 传真Fax:0519—88903119 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.cn-feidie.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

江苏飞碟游艇有限公司是集设计、研发、制造、贸易和服务为一体的专业生产各 种规格游艇的民营规模企业,主要设计生产豪华游艇、画舫船、电动观光船、手 划脚踏船、浮动码头等系列产品。产品具有款式新颖,外表光洁度高,色彩鲜 艳,耐腐蚀性好,结构牢固,布局合理,环保舒适等特点,现已广泛使用于全国 各大景区、水库及沿海旅游区。 建立于1994年的飞碟游艇公司,经过20年的努力,逐步发展壮大,现已建立了 新品研发设计、产品质量保障、成品销售、零备品供应和售后服务等系统化的管 理机制。现公司占地面积25000㎡,建筑面积10000㎡,自有试航水域3000㎡,游 艇标准生产厂房6000㎡,配备专业的玻璃钢船体模具、动力、电气等资深工程师 和游艇配件国际采购员。 江苏飞碟游艇有限公司不但能为客户提供自有品牌的高质量产品,同时也可以为 客户提供OEM服务或根据客户要求定做产品。 选择飞碟游艇,携手共图大业!

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Incorporated with the strength in design, R&D, manufacturing, trade and service, JiangSu Flying Saucer Yacht Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a large private enterprise specialized in manufacturing all kinds of yachts. Flying Saucer Yacht Corporation is specialized in designing and manufacturing luxury yachts, painted pleasure boats, motor-driven sightseeing boat, rowing or pedal boats and floating docks which are widely used in various tourist resorts, reservoirs and coastal tourist region of China for their new style, exquisite finish, bright color, high anticorrosive properties, robust structure, rational design, environment-friendliness and comfort. Founded in 1994, Flying Saucer Yacht Corporation has made great efforts to develop into a large corporation covering an area of 60000 公司介绍m2 (including/Company 40000 m2 Profile of building: area, 3000 m2 self-owned trial run waters and 30000 m2 of standard workshop for yacht manufacturing) and supported by a well-established system covering R&D, quality control, product sales, spare parts and accessories supply and after-sale service as well as an expertise pool including senior engineers in FRP hull mold, kinetics, electrics, etc. and international procurement specialists in yacht accessories. In addition to supplying the customers with quality products of its own brand, Flying Saucer Yacht Corporation is capable of providing OEM service for customers or making customized products at their request. It will be a great honor for us to have your participation in our joint efforts to seek for mutual development!

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金龙游乐集团 Golden dragon Amusement Group

地址:广东省中山市港口镇沙港中路29号 Add:No.29th,Shagang Road,Gangkou,Zhongshan,Guangdong,P. R.China 电话Tel:0760-88920289 传真Fax:0760-88920389 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址 web: www.gd-amusement.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山金龙创建于1989年,是亚洲规模最大、产品种类最多的著名游乐设备现代化 集团公司。金龙游乐集团的业务范围涵括了游戏游艺设备的研发、生产及销售, 世界各大品牌游戏游艺产品的展示交易代理业务,游乐园与游乐场策划设计、工 程安装及投资顾问运营服务,文化旅游及游乐商业地产开发等。集团公司中山总 部占地面积300亩,生产厂房66000平方米,国内员工超过1000余人。集团公司 旗下全资分公司及控股子公司有:中山市金龙游乐设备有限公司,中山龙城国际 游戏游艺交易中心,中南(定南)投资有限公司,中山市东升金龙游艺机厂,中山 市金羊游艺机有限公司,中山市安益科技有限公司,广州市新金隆动漫科技有限 公司,中山市威龙动漫科技有限公司等。中山市金龙游乐设备有限公司是中国游 艺机游乐园协会副会长单位,是具备国家A级游艺机制造许可资质的主要生产企 业,生产规模生产能力在国内处于领先地位,具有雄厚的设计开发、制造、安装 大中型游乐机械类设备产品的能力,配备有先进齐全的机械加工设备、具有高标 准完善的设备检测能力,是集开发,设计、生产销售为一体的集团化专业公司, 多年来始终坚持以可靠的产品质量、完善周到的服务满足全球客户。金龙产品覆 盖游乐园及游乐场的整场设备配置,市场分布中国大陆各省市、东南亚、中东及 南亚、中亚及俄罗斯联邦、东欧、非洲、南美洲、大洋洲等地区,金龙公司质

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量管理体系已通过ISO 9001:2000国际标准认证,是广东省特种设备协会理事单 位,现有大、中、小型机械类产品200多种,电玩游戏游艺机超过2000多种,专 业服务各类游乐园、城市综合体游乐场客户,是中国游戏游艺产业,世界游乐产 业的重要组成部分。金龙公司连续多年被中山市政府授予为“重合同守信用”企 业,二十多年的商誉得到广大海内外客户的厚爱与支持。

Eatablished in 1989, Golden Dragon Group has become one of the largest amusement manufacturers in Asia, Producing over 400 different kinds of amusement machines. Golden Dragon Group consists of two large facotries, one research center, one trading company, and a series of amusement centers. Owning total production area of 88,000 square meters with about 200 engineers and 1000workers, we can manufacture over 180 kinds of redemption machines (tacket machines, gift machines, pushers, cranes, laser shooting, etc.), over 120 kinds of mechanical 公司介绍/Company Profile: facilities (kiddy rides, bumper cars, carrousels, major rides, etc. ), and over 100 kinds of simulators (original and second-hand arcade games). Since 1997, Goldne Dragon Group became th efirst to build up th efirst and second indoor amusement centers in China, casting substaitial influences on domestic industry in terms of operstion and management. Based on 18 years experiences, we’ve beeen providing professonal services for indoor and outdoor amusement center palnning, themed decoration, facility installation, personnnel training, etc. There are over 2000 amusement centers using our products all over the world. Due to the continuously rising demand of our products, in 2007 Golden Dragon Group has purchased an additional industrial zone occupying as large as 100 acres in Zhongshan, And 70 @of the zone will be completed and ready for production by 2008. Golden Dragon Group has been, and will be palying and influential role in amusement idustry of china as well as the whole world.

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锦航文化科技集团有限公司 Avirace Culture Technology Group Co., Ltd

地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路27号北科大厦10层 Add:10 floor, Beike Building, no. 27 west 3rd ring north road, Haidian District, Beijing 电话Tel:010-88589989 传真Fax:010-68489943 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.avirace.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

文化旅游产业全案服务商。 打造中国版的迪斯尼。 锦航企业顺应文化旅游发展潮流, 致力于成为卓越的文化旅游产业全案服务商。 锦航企业旗下包括锦航文化、锦航科技、锦航设备、锦航运营公司。服务内容涉 及文化创意,旅游规划,主题游乐项目设计、研发和集成,智慧旅游、智慧景区 解决方案,景区和主题公园运营管理。

Cultural tourism industry whole case service provider. Create China version of Disney. Adapting to the development trend of cultural and tourism industry, Avirace Group is committed to become an excellent whole case service provider in cultural tourism industry. Avirace Group includes Avirace Culture, Avirace Technology, Avirace Equipment and Avirace Operating Company. Service content relates to culture creativity, tourism planning, the design, development and integration of the theme amusement projects, wisdom tourism, the wise scenic spot solutions as well as the scenic spot and the theme park operation management.

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Add:Papestraat 1, 8710, Wielsbeke, BELGIUM 电话Tel:+32 56439843 传真Fax:+32 56416015 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.kcc.be

公司介绍/Company Profile:

KCC Entertainment Design has established itself as one of the worldleading companies in the design and realization of themed leisure projects. We have been designing Entertainment projects for over 10 years and have an international track record with projects in over 20 countries. Our custom design projects range from Family Entertainment, Multi Entertainment Centers integrated in Shopping Malls, or in free standing units till theme parks, water parks, bowling centers, karting centers, snow play grounds, themed bars and restaurants, themed retail entertainment centers, etc. Our broad international experience in every facet of themed entertainment – from the initial concept to the realization – has been applied to some of the most distinctive and profitable entertainment centers in the world. A good reference of our experience and excellence is that two of our projects have received the award for Best Family entertainment Center of the Wolrd at IAAPA in Orlando in 2010 and 2012!

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Bth of these entertainment projects are seamlessly intergrated into the enviornment and very successful. KCC娱乐设计公司是主题娱乐休闲项目设计和实现领域的领先公司。我们在娱乐 项目设计领域已经有10年的设计经验,并在20多个国家都有成功的项目业绩。我 们的专业设计项目包括:亲子项目,购物中心内的多主题娱乐中心,独立场馆项 目,主题公园,水上乐园,保龄球馆,卡丁车中心,雪乐园,主题酒吧及餐厅, 主题零售娱乐中心等等。 我们的广泛的国际经验升级主题娱乐设计的方方面面 ——才能噢乖起步的概念设 计到项目实现——我们将其运用到了一些世界最具特色和最盈利的娱乐中心里。 一个很好的例子来说明我们公司的成功经验和能力就是我们在2010和2012年度 的奥兰多世界IAAPA展会评比中获得了世界最佳家庭娱乐中心的奖项。这两个获 奖项目都和环境非常好的融合到了一起并且在后来的使用中非常成功。 公司介绍KCC is one/ Companyof the leading Profile worldwide: companies in the design and realization of exceptional entertainment projects, by delivering high quality from the initial concept design over detailed design till turnkey realization for over 10 years in more than 100 projects all over the globe. KCC已发展成为全球最佳主题环境设计和项目实现的龙头企业之一,从原始理念 设计到项目实现,甚至到实际运作的设施方面,KCC已将其在主题娱乐设计上丰 富的国际经验运用到一些世界上最有特色性且最具盈利性的娱乐中心上。从原始 理念到项目实现直至实际运作方面,并在全世界顶级的项目设计和实现领域内, KCC娱乐设计公司已领航数十年,在全球主持过超过100多个大型娱乐设施的设 计与设施建设。

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乐士游乐设备有限公司 LS-GAME

地址:中山市港口镇穗安工业区福田二路18号 Add: 18th Futian 2 Rd.,suian Industrial Zone,Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province,China 电话Tel:0760-88660028 传真Fax:0760-89939756 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zs-lsgame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

乐士游乐设备有限公司(中山市港口镇乐鸿游乐设备厂) LS-GAME Amusement Equipment Co.Ltd 公司简介 公司位于中国游戏游艺产业基地——中山市港口镇,是一家专业从事游艺机生 产及经营的企业,现拥有生产车间达到1万平方米,办公面积2400平方米。公司 以客户需求为出发点,以专业生产为核心,以自主研发为灵魂,以一流服务为保 障,注重打造良好口碑,树立专业品牌形象,在国际上已经逐步树立了一定的知 名度。成为国内少见的建立时间不长但是发展迅猛的企业之一。我们集设计、研 发、生产、销售、服务于一体,设计开发出各种中小型儿童游乐产品,专心专注 专业做阳光产品、健康产品,主攻中小型游乐设备市场,产品已畅销国内外。 公司拥有一批经验丰富的生产工人及专业的设计团队。产品追求细节与质量,公 司近年研发的系列产品取得各项外观、传动、及细节专利,部分产品获国际CE 和SASO认证。优质的服务和高质量的产品让乐鸿赢得包括美国,墨西哥,加拿 大,俄罗斯,伊拉克、迪拜、危地马拉,叙利亚、俄罗斯等在内的五十多个国家 的稳定客户。公司近年参加国内外游乐设备展会,将乐士产品推向国内外市场,

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其因漂亮的外观色彩和独特的设计受到客户喜爱,同时乐士产品也接受及迎合来 自国内外不同客户的不同需求,在客户的要求中不断得到改进。2014年乐士将参 加的展会有十几个,国内的如中山、广州、北京,国外的有迪拜展、美国奥兰多 展、欧洲阿姆斯特丹展、俄罗斯展等。

Company Profile LS-Game Amusement Equipment Company Limited is a manufacture and trade enterprise, specializing in the design and production of newly- styled, high quality amusement equipment. It was established in 2007 and located in Gangkou Town, Zhongshan City, which is is also the “Chinese game entertainment industry base”.LS-Game Amusement Equipment is now a leading manufacturer in the amusement industry. We have technical 公司介绍workers with/Company more than Profile10 years: of experiences. We hold CE certificate for our products. We are member of ZGAA,CAAPA and IAAPA. Our products are exported to more than 50 countries throughout the world. LS-Game Amusement Equipment provides you varieties of amusement machines, including Redemption machines,Kiddie rides, Indoor/outdoor rides,Children paradise design,Water rides, Simulators machine, 5D Cinema and so on, with total more than 200 kinds. We provide you one station service. Trust us, LS-Game Amusement Equipment is the best choice for you.

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地址:浙江省温州市永嘉县桥下镇垟塆工业区 Add:YANGWAN INDUSTRIAL AREA QIAOXIA TOWN 电话Tel:+86 0577 66968777 传真Fax:+86 0577 66977778 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.libenplay.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

立本集团有限公司是一家致力于游乐玩具产品的研发、制造、营销、服务的民营 股份制企业。公司总投资3亿元,系“中国教玩具之都”注册资本最大、经营产 品最全、研发能力最强、营销理念最优、企业文化最具特色的企业。 公司生产的系列产品有:蹦床,室内蹦床,成人蹦床,室外大型游乐蹦床,室 外,成人蹦床。各系列被广泛应用于商场、星级酒店、高档住宅区、大型公园、 游乐场、幼儿园等,深受国内外客户好评! 公司最先将自动化切割加工技术、数控液压转塔冲床技术、焊接机器人工作站等 系列先进技术和自动化设备应用到生产流程中,产品质量在中国游乐玩具领域遥 遥领先。公司先后通过了ISO14001环境管理体系认证、ISO18000职业健康安全 管理体系认证、ISO9001国际质量体系认证;产品获得德国TUV颁发的GS认证。 2013年公司被评为“中国教玩具出口基地龙头企业”、浙江省重点文化企业、 “爱心企业等称号。 让每一个孩子都能智慧的游玩、快乐的成长是我们永远的追求,作为中国游乐玩 具行业整合与转型升级的探路者,立本集团盼望同海内外有识之士精诚合作,共 创美好未来!

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Liben Group Corporation is located in Qiaoxia town of Wenzhou which is well known as “The Capital of Playground Equipments in China”. With total investment 50 million USD, we have dedicated to the research, development, manufacture, sales and service of playground equipments. We have many series for trampoline: trampoline for children, trampoline for teenagers, outdoor big trampoline parks, indoor trampoline. All of these series are widely used in shopping malls, hotels, upscale neighborhoods, big parks, amusement parks and kindergartens etc.. And the products have earned good reputation from clients both at home and abroad. We firmly believe that “Science and Technology is the First Production Force”. Therefore we established our own R & D center, cooperating with 公司介绍Zhejiang University/Company of Technology, Profile: whose R & D team of 38 professors and experts to ensure our constant innovation. As a result of self-development and research, we were the first, who have applied advanced technologies and the newest automatic machines, such as laser cutting technology, CNC turret punching technology, welding robot, etc in the production procedure. We have got ISO14001, ISO18000, ISO9001 Certificate, and GS certificate from TUV Company of Germany. In 2013,we were recognized and awarded many honorable titles, such as ''The Leading Company of Playground & Toys Industry Area in China'','' the Key Cultural Enterprise in Zhejiang Provice'', and ''Caring Enterprise'' by Chinese Government. These Days, Liben Group is becoming more and more international,and to be a greater learder of our Industry,we will never forget our enterprise mission"Play, and the Wisdom of play;grow,and growing fun”, Liben Group Corporation is looking forward to the long, firm and win-win cooperation with you.

214 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

连云港市亚桥机械制造有限公司 LianYunGang YaQiao Machinery Manufacturing Co.,LTD 地址:江苏省连云港市海州洪门工业园区纬二路6号 Add:No.6,Weitwo Road industry garden area, Haizhou district, LianYunGang City, JiangSu Provice 电话Tel:0518-85431525 85216525 传真Fax:0518-85287020 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.lygyq.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司目前拥有100多个游艺机品种,包括:海盗船、翼天、自旋海盗船、自旋滑 车、小型过山车、滑行龙、穿梭时空、观览车、弯月飞车、转马、幸福快车、升 降飞机、小猴爬杆、迪斯科转盘、咖啡杯、荷花绽开、双人飞天、旋转飞椅、仿 古蒸气火车、赛车等一系列品质优良的产品。

The company has more than 100 mechanical toy varieties at present,including:The pirate ship,the yitian,the spinning pirateship,the spinning pulley,the small roller coaster,the glide dragon,the shuttle space and time,looks at the vehicle,the crescent moon speeding car,the extension horse,the happy express train,rises and falls the airplane,the small monkey pole climbing,the disco dancing turntable,the coffee cup,the lotus splits open,the two person flying apsaras,revolving flies the chair,the vapor train,the yitian,the rocker rocker laugh,the vehicle race in the style of antiquity and so on a serics of excellent in quality products.

215 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

洛阳乐宝游乐设备有限公司 Luo Yang Le Bo Recreation Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:洛阳市孟津县会盟镇乐宝科技园 Add:Huimeng town Mengjin County Luoyang City Le Bo Technology Park 电话Tel:0379-67839888 传真Fax:0379-67096159 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.cnlebao.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

洛阳乐宝游乐设备有限公司是乐宝集团旗下集科研、生产、销售为一体的专业化 游乐产品生产企业,我们以做中国最高品质游乐设备为目标,以质量为本、品质 第一为原则。乐宝游乐设备有限公司成立于2014年2月,注册资金一千余万元, 现有正式员工百余人,其中研究生以上人员十余人,本科以上人员30余人,专 业技术人员数十人,厂区共占地面积约两万余平方米,主要分为行政区、生产一 部、生产二部等,我公司拥有各类专业设备数十台/套,具有一定生产规模,产品 设计十余种系列,四十多个品种,目前已销售全国多个省、市、自治区。同时我 们公司对产品研发、创新相当重视,自企业投产以来已申请多项国家专利。为公 司在未来走入行业前沿,奠定了坚定基础。 “做中国最高品质游乐设备”是乐宝人的追求,在这个过程中,我们注定要比别 人付出的更多。因为这承载了客户对我们的期望与信任,打造百年客户合作模 式,终将能使乐宝这艘大船航行的更加长远,同时我们也要不断提高自身内涵和 社会价值意识,乐宝才会在不久的将来站在时代的领奖台。

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Luoyang Le Bao Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd (LB) is a professional entertainment products manufacturing enterprises, which is also a production enterprises including scientific research, production and sales. We take the highest qualidty entertainment products as the target and take quality oriented and quality first as principle. Le Bao Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd was established in February 2014 with registered capital of more than one thousand yuan.There are over a hundred full- time employees including more than a dozen graduate students ,more than 30 undergraduate, dozens of professional and technical personnel, existing over a hundred people, including graduate students more than a dozen staff, undergraduate or more than 30 people, professional and technical personnel dozens of people. LB company covers an area of about 公司介绍two million/ Companysquare meters Profile which: is divided into administrative regions, the first producing workshop, the second producing workshop, and other regions. LB has dozens of all kinds of professional equipment. It also has a certain production scale,more than ten kinds of series product design, over ten kinds of series and more than 40 varieties. At present, We've sold our products to many provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. AS the same time, we pay more attention on product development and innovation and have applied for several patents,these patents laid a firm foundation for the company going into the forefront in the future. Le Bao ’s pursuit is to Make China the highest amusement equipment ,In order to make the pursuit come true, we must pay more than others in this process ,because it carries the expectations and trust of our customers. To build Hundred years customer cooperation model will eventually make LB sail more long term. At the same time we have to constantly improve our own connotation and social awareness of the value .Only in this way , LB will stand on the podium era in the near future.

217 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Martin & Vleminckx Rides, LLC

Add:31096 US Highway 27, Haines City, FL 33844, USA 电话Tel:86 15021788420 传真Fax:1 863 439 9403 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. martin-vleminckx.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Visit Martin & Vleminckx Rides (MVR) & and see our unique quality and designs delivered in every Wood coaster! Including the High Five "Dualing Dragons" Racing Wood Coaster in Wuhan, China & the 5 new Chinese Wood coasters opening in 2015 including the 360 barrel roll, "a first for China"!. MVR now delivers 9 Wood coasters in China. Introducing the Family Steel Coaster Swing Thing (Canopy Flyer) as delivered to Universal Singapore. Custom Carousels as the Sea Life Carousel delivered to Ocean Park. 在Martin & Vleminckx Rides(简称MVR)公司的展台可以见到我们交付的每 一台木质过山车都是独一无二的设计并且高质量的,比如中国武汉欢乐谷的“木 翼双龙”竞速木质过山车。另外,公司在2015年将交付5台新的木质过山车,其 中就包括中国首次的360度翻滚木质过山车。MVR公司的木质过山车数量在中国 已经达到9台。 交付给新加坡环球影城的家庭式钢构过山车。 交付给香港海洋公园的以海洋生物为主题的客户订制型转马。

Wood Roller Coaster, Steel Coaster (Wave Swinger) and Carousel 木质过山车,钢构家庭过山车,转马

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Maurer Rides GmbH

Add:Frankfurter Ring 193, 80807 Munich - Germany 电话Tel: +49 89 32394211 传真Fax:+49 89 32394355 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.maurer.eu

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Maurer Tailor-made solutions out of one hand for rides and roller coasters of the highest technical level with the highest riding pleasure and quality “Made in Germany”. We are the first manufacturer to be certified for the production of amusement rides by TÜV Süd.

Innovation From the idea to a creative concept and an exceptional ride experience. Layouts From the layout, structural design, construction and engineering to the perfectly manufactured track. Vehicles Our vehicles are produced to the latest standards (EN13814, EC3, GB8408, ASTM F2291).

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Add:SS.12 A.BRENNERO NORD 15B 电话Tel: +390386800001 传真Fax:+390386802099 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:WWW.MOSERRIDES.COM

公司介绍/Company Profile:


220 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

沐睦投资咨询(上海)有限公司 M2 Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Add:上海市长宁区延安西路2067号, 仲盛国际金融中心1506室, 邮编 200050 Room 1506, 2067 Yanan West Road, Changning District, 200050 Shanghai Tel:021 8012 9915 Email:[email protected] Web:www.m2leisure.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

简称沐睦休闲公司成立于荷兰。我司已经成为全球休闲和度假产业举足经重的开 发和咨询公司。我们的宗旨是为酒店和休闲产业中存在的挑战创造可持续的解决 方案,并为所有利益相关者带来附加值。在酒店发展、家庭度假村开发以及大型 休闲设施领域,我们具有专门的技术知识。 积累了丰富的专业经验后联手共同创建了本公司。在整体项目开发和项目管理方 面,该团队已积累了丰富的经验,能为各酒店、休闲及度假场所提供可持续的建 设和运营方案。M2休闲公司在南北美洲、非洲及中东地区、欧洲诸国和亚洲均 有大量已竣工以及正着手进行的项目。

M2Leisure is a development and consulting company in the worldwide leisure and resort industry with offices in the Netherlands and in China. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions to challenges in the hospitality, leisure and attraction park industry and adding value to all stakeholders. We have specific expertise in hotel development, family resort development and large-scale attraction and leisure facilities. Through the years, M2Leisure have developed a wide range of experiences concerning overall project development, project management, offering sustainable building and operating solutions in hotels, leisure facilities and resorts. M2Leisure have finalized and under portfolio projects in North & South America, Middle East, Europe and in several Asian countries including China.

221 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

南京派格斯游乐设备有限公司 NanJing Pegasus Recreation Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:南京市江宁区空港工业园蓝天路17号 Add:No.17 Lantian Road. Konggang Iidustrial Park Lu Kou Town Jiangning District NanJing China 电话Tel:025-52775109 传真Fax:025-52771635 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. China-cheer.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司名称: 南京奇业游乐设备有限公司 公司性质: 外商投资 公司营业额: 1000万欧元 年利润: 3 百万欧元 人数: 500 公司主要经营领域: 生产玩具和游乐产品(除了赌博机),塑料产品和相关模 具,设备,健身器材,电脑配件,并销售自己生产的产品

Company Name: Nanjing Pegasus Recreation Equipment Co., Ltd. Nature of business: Enterprise with Foreign Investment Company Turnover: 10 million Euros Annual profit: 3 million Euros Number of employees: 500 Company’s principle field of activity: Production of toys and recreation products (excluding the slot machines), plastic products and relevant moulds, equipment and gym fitness equipment, and computer fittings; and sale of self-made products.

222 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

倪科军事模拟训练器材研究所 Nike military research of simulated training equipment

地址:江苏省徐州市铜山货场路3-9号 Add:Jiangsu province Xuzhou city Copper Mt. yard Road No. 3-9 电话Tel:13852228855 传真Fax:0516-85768223 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.xzjsmx.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

二十多年以来本研究所一直经营军事训练器材,驾驶模拟训练器材,航空,航海 模型,战车及武器装备模型,游艺越野坦克、装甲车、赛车、飞机、大炮研究制 造,提供对外加工等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有自己的专利和完整、科学的 质量管理体系。其中研制的小型游艺坦克车、装甲车生产了一百余辆销往全国各 地,给客户带来了很大的效益。徐州市鼓楼区倪科军事模拟训练器材研究所的诚 信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽 谈。

For more than 20 years the Institute has been operating military training equipment,driving simulation training equipment, aviation, navigation model, vehicles and weapons and equipment model, tanks, armored vehicles, recreational off-road racing, aircraft,artillery research and manufacturing, to provide external processing products such as professional production and processing companies, have their own patents and complete,scientific quality management system. The small game development of tanks, armored carproduction more than 100 cars are sold all over the country, has brought great benefits to the customer. Recognized training equipment Research Institute of integrity, strength and product quality for the industry's military simulation Gulou District of Xuzhou CityDepartment of ni. Welcome friends from all walks of life to come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.

223 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

宁波市奥兰多游乐设备有限公司 Ningbo Orlando Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD

地址:浙江省宁波奉化市尚田镇甬临线东28号 Add:E.28, Yonglin Line, Shangtian Town, Fenghua City, Ningbo, Zhejiang 电话Tel:0574-81777777 传真Fax:0574-88577189 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.oldae.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

宁波市奥兰多游乐设备有限公司位于浙江省宁波奉化市,公司致力于移动水世 界、移动水上乐园项目设计、策划、生产、运营、服务以为一体的企业,具有各类 支架游泳池、充气水上游乐设备、水上滑梯、水寨水屋、遮阳棚、亲水台以及救 生培训、品牌包装运营、游乐设备保养指导的综合水上游乐项目服务公司,为运 营商提供全方位服务。 公司占地30000平方米,有独立的机械加工车间、注塑车间、组装车间和产品展 厅。现有300克、800克、1200克注塑机3台80mm、60mm、50mm、30mm 液压缩口机5台,弯管机4台;静电喷塑自动流水线一条;20KW和30KW大型热 熔机2台;10KW长臂活动头热熔机1台;35米高周波自动流水线一条,55米高周 波自动流水线一条(国内最先进设备)。自1992建厂起,主要为国内外各大水上 游乐设施公司代工生产,由于做工精细、品质把关严、信用服务好,深受业界青 睐。企业发展至今,已成长为集产品研发、生产、销售、施工服务及项目规划为 一体的专业水上娱乐设施企业。

Ningbo Orlando Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd., Ningbo is located in Fenghua, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the company is committed to moving water park project design, planning, production, operations, services that one of the enterprises, with various Steel Frame Pool, inflatable water play equipment, water slides, water kiosk houses, awning, hydrophilic units and rescue training, brand packaging operations, equipment maintenance guide amusement rides integrated water services company, for operators to provide full orientation services.

224 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

OKE Inc Design & Management

Add:R/No.1504, 119 Dong, Purgio, 340, Geumho-dong 4-ga, Seongdong-gu, , Korea 电话Tel:+82-70-86838228 传真Fax:+82-70-86128558 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ikeinc.co.kr

公司介绍/Company Profile: The OKE INC. specializes in developing, designing and introducing programs for theme park projects owing to consistent accumulation of on-site experience and research and development in the field. We are emerging into a major company leading the theme park facilities sector as shown by the success of our projects. Our priority has been to successfully complete projects to the best of our ability in order to create enhanced client satisfaction. Spearheaded by the Chief Creative Director, we pledge to commit ourselves to every aspect of the project from review of feasibility, planning, monitoring of design quality to site-oriented design management on the basis of our research and analysis capability. 我们通过不断的开发经验的积累和研究开发,逐步往主题相关项目的开发,设计 及设计管理专业公司发展,并且基于开发经验和设计能力,逐渐成长为开发主题 型综合设施领先的专家团队。 我司以“为创造顾客价值,全心全意成功完成项目”为第一价值。我司以专业化 的总体协调为主,通过专业的研究分析进行可行性分析、量身的项目规划、最高 的设计品质、成熟的现场设计管理。 Our major field: Theme park, outdoor/indoor water park, commercial street, theme hotel, indoor snow park, outdoor/indoor character park, theme spa park, animal park, flower park 主要工作范围: 主题乐园,户外/室内水上乐园,商业街,主题酒店,室内雪地乐园,户外/室内 卡通乐园,主题SPA乐园,动/植物乐园

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地址:上海市浦东新区东方路1217号陆家嘴金融服务大厦11楼B Add:27770 N. Entertainment Drive, Suite 200, Velencia, California, USA, 91355 电话Tel:+1 661 257 0233 +86 21-61006588-368 +86 400-101-3700 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.peopleid.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

With more than 55 years of experience, PDF connects people, products, and technology through innovative ID systems that deliver superior customer experience worldwide. PDC is the global leader and pacesetter in the development of wristbands. Lanyards and RFID solutions. A pioneer of innovative technologies, PDC introduced the first bar code wristband system, first thermal printer wristband, fist Smart Band® RFID wristband system, and the award-winning PDC Smart® Kiosk, among many other innovations. Visit www.pdcsolutions.com or call 800 255 1865 for more information.

创新识证产品全方案 自1956年起,PDC VIP®品牌手腕带在医疗市场中成为市场的领导者,在提供ID 方案同时慢慢赢得客户的信任,从而扩展至休闲娱乐市场。 我们一直相信不断完善PDC的视觉识证产品外,更重要的是保持PDC的理念:高 水品的服务,品质和创新的意念。

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PDC offers the largest selections of wristbands, lanyards, badge reels and holders. PDC wristbands provide non-transferable identification for admissions, crowd control & promotions. Tyvek®, Vinyl, Plastic, Holographic, Bar Code & RFID wristbands can be customized to meet your branding and operations requirements including custom full-colour printing, bar coding, serial numbering and variable data printing.

挑选从大量不同于腕带的物料,颜色,款式及非凡的定制工艺,防止未经许可认 识进入,更重要的是突出贵公司的独特品牌形象! 定制全色彩手腕带、热敏打印及条码手腕带、镭射手腕带、特卫强手腕带

公司介绍/Company Profile:

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Add:Gebkim OSB, Refik Baydur no:6 Dilovasi/Kocaeli/Turkey 电话Tel:+902626566467 传真Fax:+902626566475 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.polin.com.tr

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Polin Waterparks was founded in Istanbul in 1976. Today Polin is one of the world leaders in the design, production, and installation of waterparks, waterslides & water play attractions. 2500 watepark projects in more than 90 countries around the world have been completed by Polin, and Polin is the biggest waterslide supplier in Eurasia.

位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的波林水上乐园和水池系统公司成立于1976年,经过多年 发展,已经成为全球领先的水上乐园企业。目前Poiln公司在土耳其有四座高产量 工厂。 公司专注水上滑道领域,拥有500人的工作团队。除了土耳其总部,其在全球还 设有5个分公司。在水上乐园、水上滑道和水上游乐设备的设计、制造和安装方 面,波林在全球市场上都是佼佼者。 目前波林公司已在全世界90个国家完成2500个水上乐园项目。同时,不管在工程 数量还是地理范围上,波林都是欧亚地区最大的水上滑道供应商,其中不乏享有 世界声誉的游乐园。

Design, production, and installation of waterpaks, waterslides & water play attractions.

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ProSlide Technology, Inc.

Add:150-2650 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2B 8H6, Canada 电话Tel:+1-613-526-5522 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.proslide.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

ProSlide is the proven leader in design. We’ve won more ride awareds that all otehr manufacturers combined – 65+ in 29 years. These include over 30 Best Ride Awards (first place) and three IAAPA Industry Impac Awards. The IAAPA Impact award is the most prestigious accolade in the amusement industry and ProSlide is the only company to win more than once. These awards acknowledge ProSlide’s histroy of continuous innovation, and that’s what has driven us to pioneer almost every major water ride invention since 1986. Our mission at ProSlide is to build the best water rides in the world – rides that differentiate your park, thrill your tuests, are built to last and are, above all safe.

实践证明ProSlide(加拿大宝澜公司)是水滑倒设计的领导者。在过去的29年 中,荣获大奖超过65个 ----这比起行业其他制造商的总和还要多。其中包括30 多个最佳水滑倒奖(第一名)和三个IAAPA影响力大奖。IAAPA影响力大奖是游 乐娱乐行业最高地位的荣誉,宝澜公司是唯一一家获得不止一次的公司。这些奖 项认可了宝澜公司不断创新的历史,而这正是推动我们自1986年以来完成所有水 滑倒创新发明的动力。 宝澜公司的使命就是建造世界上最好的水滑倒设备------这些滑道让您的公园脱 颖而出,带给您的游客刺激体验,而且耐久、安全。

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日照市盛唐游乐设备制造有限责任公司 Rizhao City Suntime Amusement Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd 地址:中国山东省日照市经济开发区银川路中段 东南李工业园 Add:Dongnanli Industry Park, Middle Of Yinchuan Road, Economic Development Zone, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, China 电话Tel:+00 86 0633 817 0018 / 0633-8665866 传真Fax:0633-8665866 电邮Email:[email protected] / 158134815@ qq.com 网址Web:www. suntime amusement.com / www.YL198.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

日照市盛唐游乐设备制造有限责任公司,坐落于山东半岛美丽的海滨城市——日 照。 Rizhao City Suntime Amusement Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd, Located in the beautiful coastal city - rizhao shandong peninsula. 公司前身是日照海滨嘉年华有了服务中心,逐渐发展成为现代。综合型的游乐设 备研发。生产。销售于一体的知名游乐设备制造公司。 The company predecessor is sunshine beach life with service center, gradually developed into a modern. Comprehensive amusement equipment research and development. Production. The sale in a body’s famous amusement equipment manufacturing company. 公司经营范围:露天游乐场所游乐设备。游艺用品。舍内游艺器材及配件。 Company business scope: outdoor playgrounds for amusement equipment. Recreational supplies. Inner recreational equipment and accessories.

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Severn Lamb

Add:Tything Road, Alcester, Warwickshire, United Kingdom, B49 6ET 电话Tel:+44 1789 400 140 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.severn-lamb.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

‘When I am asked what Severn Lamb does, I say we move people. We’re also proud to say that we’re a full service, one stop shop for all your engineering needs.’ Patrick Severn Lamb, Managing Director. Founded in 1947, Severn Lamb offers a wide range of the industry’s leading people moving equipment suitable for amusement and leisure parks, zoos, outdoor attractions and other recreational needs. The company has many ongoing large and small projects in China and other parts of Asia. Rail Trains Trams Trolleys Trackless Road Trains Special Purpose Vehicles Leisure Monorails Period Replicas

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Showtime Entertainment Production 现场实况娱乐演出制作公司

Add:Level 14, Boulevard Plaza Tower One, Emaar Boulevard Downtown Dubai, PO BOX 27363, Dubai - UAE 电话Tel:+971509180688 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.sepproduction.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Over twenty two years international experience in live entertainment. Theme Park, Water Park, Mall, Festival, Product Launches, etc... We produce extreme sport, dance, circus, street act, stunt shows and so much more. Our philosophy is to deliver on time, on budget and on target. We believe that it is possible to produce a high quality show for any given budget. These shows always hold the highest regard for the community and the surrounding environment.

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上海班趣实业有限公司 Shanghai Banqu Industrial Co.,Ltd

地址:上海市亭卫公路3688号 Add:No.3688 tingwei road, shanghai 电话Tel:15618763725 传真Fax:021-61198635-2088 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.banqu1688.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

班趣火星沙,中国沙雕玩具领导者。淘气堡、手工坊首选设备。手感好、品质 好、口碑好、:不粘手、不掉色、可反复使用:永不变硬、自由塑型、安全无 毒:无异味、塑型效果好,搭高层建筑,屹立不多!

班趣3D缤纷雪人,中国DIY玩具领导品牌。商超手工店首选产品。手感好,品质 好,口碑好;安全、无毒、环保。全国首创拼贴玩法,操作简单,乐趣无穷。让孩 子在快乐中成长。

Shanghai Banqu Industrial Co.,Ltd.is a company specialiZing in the production of Mars Snd and Foam Clay. The sand which can be molded,carved,repeatedly used! The best quality in the world !

The foam clay which can be by hand ,Easy shape ,easy dry .The best quality in the world !

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上海驰童游乐设备有限公司 Shanghai Chi Tong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:上海市青浦区外青松公路4928号 Add: Waiqingsong Road 4928, Qingpu District,Shanghai 电话Tel:021-69793188 传真Fax:021-69791598 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.chitong168.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 上海驰童游乐设备有限公司是一家多年专业从事设计、研发、生产、销售碰碰车 系列、碰碰船系列、充气系列等运动休闲游乐设备设施于一体的公司。 公司坐落于中国金融之都—上海市青浦工业园,占地面积1余亩,其中厂房5800 余平方米,办公建筑1150余平方米。经过公司全体员工多年来的努力与奋斗,上 海驰童已成为华东地区最大的休闲游乐设备供应商,产品覆盖国内三十余个省、 自治区及港澳台,并远销至美国、土耳其、南非、马来西亚等国家和地区。公司 已设立有数家品牌代理机构,并于2012年正式成为中国游艺机游乐园协会常务理 事单位。 目前,公司拥有五个生产车间,分别是玻璃钢制作车间、精密加工车间、机械安 装车间,充气设备生产车间和充气城堡生产车间。具有先进的生产工艺流水线, 拥有大型电脑全自动裁床、大型自动喷绘机、无尘恒温粘胶机器及车间等先进设 备仪器。公司以专业的队伍、严谨的管理、先进的设备仪器为基础,打造了诸多 在市场竞争中处于优势地位的产品,并且公司可以根据客户的需求定制产品。公 司目前主打产品有激光水战碰碰船、机动碰碰船、卡通儿童碰碰船、卡通手摇 船、卡通母子手摇船、UFO飞碟碰碰车、卡通电瓶碰碰车、支架水池、充气水 池、充气水上滚筒、步行球、钢架蹦极、皮划艇、悠波球、充气围管、充气沙 滩、充气帐篷、水上乐园、充气城堡、充气攀岩、浮动码头、闯关项目……其中 激光水战碰碰船、机动碰碰船工艺在国内处于领先地位,卡通手摇船、卡通母子 手摇船、卡通儿童碰碰船是国内三个品牌之一,UFO飞碟碰碰车、卡通电瓶碰碰

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车、机动碰碰船、支架水池、充气水池、充气水上滚筒、步行球、钢架蹦极、皮 划艇、悠波球、充气围管、充气沙滩、充气帐篷、水上乐园、充气城堡、充气攀 岩、浮动码头、闯关项目等产品均采用国内先进制作工艺制成。 造型新颖、做工细致、安全可靠、高效节能、经久耐用的产品特点,以及专业的 营销团队和优质的产品售后服务体系,为公司赢得了良好的口碑。公司将以诚信 为本、质量第一、客户至上、服务一流为宗旨,更好的服务于新老客户。公司热 情欢迎各位新老客户的咨询与惠顾。 全国免费咨询电话:400-6767-407 市场部座机及传真:021-6979 1598 电子邮箱:[email protected] 公司网址:http://www.chitong168. com/

公司地址:上海市青浦区外青松公路4928号 Shanghai Chi Tong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise, engaging in the designing, developing, producing and marketing bumper car series, bumper boat series and inflatable 公司介绍amusement/ Companyequipment series Profile . : Our company is located in the financial center of China - Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park, covers an area of 10000 square meters, which more than 5800 square meters of factory buildings, office buildings over 1150 square meters. After all the staff years of hard work and struggle, Shanghai Chi Tong in east China has become the largest recreational equipment suppliers, products covered by the domestic more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and Hong Kong and Macao and Taiwan, and exported to Turkey, South Africa, America, Malaysia and other countries and regions. Our company has set up several agencies, and in 2012 became executive director of China Association of Amusement Parks unit. Currently, the company has five production plants, which are fiberglass workshop, precision machine workshop, mechanical installation workshop, inflatable bouncy castle equipment production workshop .We have advanced production technology pipeline, a large computer automatic cutting, large automatic inkjet machine, cleaning the thermostat viscose and other advanced equipment machinery and workshop equipment. Companies has a professional team, strict management, advanced equipment, based in a dominant position to create a lot of competition product in the market, and our company can be customized according

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to customer demand. Now ,the main products of our company are laser water war , motor bumper boats, Children’s cartoon bumper boat, cartoon hand boat, cartoon mother hand boat, UFO flying saucer bumper cars, cartoon battery bumper cars, bracket pools, inflatable pools, inflatable water drum, walking ball, steel bungee jumping, kayaking, leisurely wave ball, inflatable tube around, inflatable beach, inflatable tents, water park, inflatable castle, inflatable climbing, floating dock, which pass through the project ...... laser water war bumper boats , motorized bumper boats process in the country in a leading position, cartoon hand boat, cartoon mother hand boats, Children’s cartoon bumper boat is one of the three brands in china, UFO flying saucer bumper cars, cartoon battery bumper cars, bumper boats maneuver the stent pool, inflatable pools, inflatable water roller, walking balls, steel bungee jumping, kayaking, leisurely wave ball, inflatable tube around, inflatable beach, inflatable tents, water park, inflatable castle, inflatable climbing, floating 公司介绍docks, and /otherCompany products Profile pass through: the project domestic use of advanced production technology are made. Innovative design, meticulous workmanship, safe, reliable, energy efficient, durable product features, as well as professional marketing team and excellent after-sales service system, so our company win a good reputation. Our company will in good faith oriented, quality first, customer first, first-class service for the purpose. To better serve the new and old customers. We warmly welcome new and old customers advice and patronage. National Toll Free: 400-6767-407 Marketing landline and fax: 021-69791598 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http: //www.chitong168.com/ Company Address: Waiqingsong Road 4928, Qingpu District,Shanghai.

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上海好宛游乐设备有限公司 Shanghai Haowan Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:上海浦东新区森林路89号 Add:Shanghai Pudong New Area Forest Road No. 89 电话Tel:13321979927 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:http://www.shhaowan.com/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司经过多年的经营摸索和虚心向业内人士请教,在产品质量和市场需求上, 配备了专业水平的机电、电子、机械、等技术人员,初步形成了一个以技术为龙 头,以质量为生命,以管理为保障的集新型设备研究开发,生产于一体的专业公 司。在以诚信为本,本着客户有钱赚,公司才有效益的理念下,公司在设计、包 装制作、安装以及售后等方面 普遍适应并赢得了市场,基本满足了客户的需求, 通过对近几年的总结,公司加强了管理,更充分、更好地为德创的新老客户做好 服务! 公司将继续以优质的产品,真诚的服务欢迎国内外新老朋友光顾、咨询、合作, 愿我们的产品和服务理 念与您共创游乐事业的新未来。 德创公司是新的,但对于娱乐设备决不是新手, 我们有的 不仅是设备的购置和安装, 不仅是设备的维护和调整, 还有多年的经营和安装经验, 如果您在经营中遇到问题, 也许,我们也可以帮助你。

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上海浩童游乐设备有限公司 Shanghai HaoTong Amusement Equipment co., LTD.

地址:上海市浦东新区六灶镇砖桥工业园区18-1号 电话Tel:021-68160451 传真Fax:021-68160452 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Haotong365.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海浩童游乐设备有限公司位于中国最大工业城市上海,最具活力浦东新区,仅 离开建上海迪士尼乐园1公里。靠近沪蓉高速、申嘉湖高速、上海绕城高速,交 通便利、环境优美。 上海浩童游乐设备有限公司是一家从事研发、设计、生产、销售多种游乐设施专 业化企业。公司产品有:嘟嘟碰碰车、飞碟碰碰车、卡通激光碰碰船、双人碰碰 船、儿童碰碰车、儿童手摇船、儿童动物碰碰船(电瓶船)、水上步行球、水上 悠波球、太空球、水上滚筒、充气水池、充气玩具、充气城堡、充气蹦床、充气 拱门、充气帐篷、充气滑梯、可爱动物气模车、钢架蹦极等,产品畅销全国。公 司结合国内游乐市场需要,开发多种游乐产品。服务广大游乐商客户。公司始终 本着“以诚为本,以质求发展;不断创新,努力开拓国内、国际市场”的方针和 思路,打造“浩童”品牌。力争为全世界小朋友创造更多快乐的游乐产品,诚约 五湖四海宾朋携手共创美好未来!

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Shanghai HaoTong amusement equipment co., LTD. Is located in China's largest industrial city of Shanghai, pudong new area, the most dynamic, only left to build 1 km to . Near round high- speed shanghai-chengdu, ShenJiaHu expressway, Shanghai, convenient transportation and beautiful environment. Shanghai HaoTong amusement equipment co., LTD. Is engaged in the r&d, design, production, sales, a variety of amusement equipment professional enterprise. Company products are: dudu bumper cars, flying saucer motos, cartoon laser young, two young children, children's bumper cars, hand boat, young children animals (battery), water walking ball, floating ball, leisurely wave ball, space water roller, inflatable pool, inflatable toys, inflatable castle, inflatable trampoline, inflatable arch, inflatable, inflatable 公司介绍slide, cute /animalCompany model Profile gas car,: steel bungee jumping and so on, the products sell well. Company to meet the needs of domestic recreation market, develop a variety of amusement products. The amusement in services to our clients. Company has always been in line with "take honestly as this, to the quality strives for the development, continuous innovation, efforts to develop domestic and international market" principles and train of thought, make "HaoTong" brand. Strive to create more happiness for children around the world amusement products, sincere about all over the world friends to join hands in creating a better future

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上海禾锐数码科技有限公司 Shanghai Ray Digital Studio

地址:上海禾锐数码科技有限公司 Add:No,396, budiling1,4F,XinFu Rd, Minghang Dis, Shanghai 电话Tel:86-021-52272193 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ray-digital.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

禾锐数码(Ray Digital)是一家致力于数字多媒体互动娱乐内容开发设计和制作 的公司,我们的影片制作水准达到中国顶尖水平!2014年禾锐数码最新力作—— 为上海自然博物馆新馆制作的4D动感影片《逃出白垩纪》获得了第六届中国科普 产品博览交易会优秀科普产品奖。 公司的业务领域主要是主题乐园的大型高科技室内多媒体娱乐项目的创意、设 计、策划、制作、实施的一条龙服务;大型展览展示互动多媒体数字内容的策划 设计与制作;国外娱乐产品的代理。 我们的核心团队来自原上海电影制片厂的电影特效制作团队,我们给国内一些知 名的主题乐园定制过:天幕、飞行球幕、环幕、4D、脱口秀以及AR、体感等互 动游乐体验项目。我们的专长是超大画面、超写实、高清画质、娱乐互动性以及 影片内容的策划。 禾锐数码在主题乐园的成功的案例有:常州嬉戏谷飞行球幕剧场、宿迁嬉戏谷天 幕、龙岩志高欢神州乐园4D剧场,克拉嗨谷主题乐园飞行球幕等…. 2014年初,禾锐数码还成为了美国Go-Dome移动球幕的中国总代理,并引进了 法国XD的真人互动脱口秀;这两者具备超高的性价比和操作简单方便的灵活性, 在国外是非常受欢迎的娱乐体验项目!

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上海恒润数字科技股份有限公司 Shanghai Hirain Technology CO,LTD

地址:上海浦东新区浦东南路1088号中融国际17楼 Add:Room 1701 Zhongrong Building, No. 1088 South Pudong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 电话Tel:021-68888201—8011 传真Fax:021-58888204 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. hirain.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海恒润数字科技股份有限公司系国家级高新技术企业、国家科技部十二五重大 科技支撑项目实施单位、上海市设计创新示范企业、上海市文化创新融合工程项 目实施单位等。恒润科技通过不断优化和整合四大优势业务资源:创意设计、特 种影院、特种影片、项目管理,致力于打造国际一流的高科技文化创意企业。 恒润科技专注于主题公园、科博物馆、大型企事业及商业用户的主题文化游乐产 品的创意设计、研制生产、项目管理和技术服务;提供项目咨询、规划设计、项 目建设、特种影院设备供应、特效影片制作、工程安装调试、售后服务等专业的 一站式服务解决方案。 恒润科技作为行业内“一站式服务”的代表企业,已为南昌茵梦湖北纬30度主 题公园、泰安太阳部落主题乐园、山东孙子文化主题公园、内蒙古科技馆、北京 天文馆、上海烟草集团、金逸国际影城等几百家主题公园、科博场馆、企事业单 位、商业院线等提供了优秀的创意设计和产品。 同时,恒润科技作为国内最大的4D特效影院设备供应商,是国内最先应用虚拟技 术、仿真技术、三维技术等高新技术从事开发和生产科普娱乐性产品的公司,率 先推出了拥有自主知识产权的4D影院、动感影院和黑暗乘骑、飞翔影院系统、 360度沉浸式影视跳楼机特效院线系统等产品。 “如日之恒,润彩生活”,恒润科技以努力实现客户满意值为己任,秉承以现代 技术为手段、以质量服务为旗帜、以整体运营为特色、以客户需求为中心的经营 理念,奠定了领先的市场地位。

241 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Hirain Digital Technology Co. Ltd(Shanghai) is an enterprise with the titles of National High-tech enterprise. Projects with the Twelfth Five- -Year science and technology support from Ministry of Science and Technology. Shanghai design & innovation enterprise. Shanghai culture &innovation engineering project enterprise entity. We are developing to be an international first-class enterprise in science and cultural originality through constantly optimizing and integrating four dominant business resources: Creative Design. Special Theater. Special Films and Project Management. Hirain technology concentrates on the professional one-stop solution of the Creative Design.Development and Production. Project Management and Technology Service.Project Consultation.Planning and Design.Project Construction.Supplying the equipment for special theater.Special films production.Projection installation and debugging.After-sales service etc for theme parks.Science and technology museum.Thematic and cultural amusement product from large-scale enterprises and commercial 公司介绍customers. /Company Profile: Hirain Technology, as a representative of “one-stop service”in related industry, has supplied hundreds of theme parks, science & technology museums, enterprises and commercial theaters with superior products, like Nanchang Yinmenghu North Latitude 30 ° Theme Park, Taian Sun Tribe Theme Park, Shandong Sun-Tzu Culture Theme Park, Inner Mongolia Science & Technology Museum, Beijing Astronomy Museum, Shanghai Tobacco Group, Kinyi International Cinema etc. In the meantime, we, as the largest domestic equipment supplier of 4D special theaters, first applied virtual technology, simulation technology, 3D technology etc to develop companies that are producing entertainment products, and presented 4D theater, Motion theater, Dark ride, Flying theater system and The (360° ) with independent intellectual property right . “Constancy as each sun-rising, Rich in life” -- Taking the satisfaction from customers as the first priority, Hirain is holding the management concept of advanced technology as method, quality and service as flags, features in overall management, clients’ requirement as focal point and enhancing the advanced market position.

242 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

上海涟恒精密机械有限公司 ShangHaiLianHengPrecisionMachineryCo.,Ltd

地址:上海市嘉定区宝钱公路5799号7号厂房 电话Tel:021-59585740 021-69519099 021-60515444 021- 61843555 传真Fax:021-56488792 021-59585742 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. slhpdm.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海涟恒精密机械有限公司是中国专业从事精密传动设备的大型研发、制造、销 售的高科技企业。目前公司主要产品有:精密行星减速机、精密伺服减速机、精 密蜗轮减速机、精密螺旋升降机、精密齿轮减速机等五大系列产品。 产品广泛应用于:数控机床、玻璃设备、精密仪器、测量设备、食品包装、焊接 设备、印刷机械、纺织印染、制药制革、环保设备、水泥设备、煤炭设备、啤酒 饮料、矿山机械、橡胶塑料、石油化工、起重运输、制药制革、环保设备等轻、 重工业的机械传动和精密控制领域。作为中国精密传动设备的高新技术企业,目 前公司全部引进德国最新的制造工艺、装备和检验手段,有效地保证了产品的质 量、生产效率和设备的稳定性。涟恒精密致力于全球精密传动设备产品的研发与 生产,为国内外机械行业的传动应用提供最佳的解决方案。目前公司拥有浙江、 上海两大专业生产基地和上海研发中心,产品达到一万多种机型,并销往全球20多 个国家和地区。 公司以秉承“诚实、责任、创新,爱心、和谐、进步”的企业文化。本着“用户 至上、追求品质”的经营原则,一如继往的用心服务,努力打造成为工业传动领 域令人尊重的高级科技制造企业.

243 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

上海龙宣数字科技有限公司 Shanghai Loong Vision Digital Technology Co,Ltd

地址:上海市闸北区广中西路757号多媒体大厦6楼B座 Add:Room B,6F,No.757 Guangzhong West Road,Zhabei District,Shanghai,China 电话Tel:021-66982755 传真Fax:021-66982629 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Loongvision.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海龙宣数字科技有限公司是一家专注于高科技主题娱乐产业项目的创意策划、 定制设计、技术研发、生产制作及实施安装一体化整体解决方案的专业服务提供 商。 上海龙宣数字科技有限公司致力于将文化创意与科技创新相结合,运用先进的理 念、全新独特的创意,综合运用机械结构、动感模拟仿真、声光机电一体化、机 器人、多媒体交互、人工智能、三维视觉体验、PLC自动控制、计算机系统集成 等一系列专业技术,定制打造各种室内科技娱乐体验整体工程产品,其中包括: 特种影院(4D动感影院、多自由度动感平台影院、球幕影院、巨幕影院及360 度环幕影院等)、主题型黑暗乘骑及动感穿越体验、虚拟过山车、交互式体验剧 场及魔幻剧场、创意情景剧场、智能仿真机器人、数字互动娱乐及舞台特效实现 等。龙宣公司主要服务于主题公园、娱乐中心、旅游商业综合体、科技馆等各种 主题场馆、大型博览会、各类文化产业园以及其他行业应用领域,提供整体创意 科技娱乐工程项目全方位一站式服务。 核心理念:龙宣公司秉承创造经典、追求卓越的企业宗旨,将始终不渝地坚持走 文化与科技相结合的道路,坚持自主创意、自主设计、自主研发、自主制造,努 力构建和提升公司核心竞争力。我们因专注而专业,因专业而崛起。 公司愿景:通过持续努力,成为国内顶尖、国际一流的文化科技产业主流供应 商。

244 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Shanghai Loong Vision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.is a professional service provider who focus on creative planning,design,technology research and development,production and installation of integrated solutions for high- tech entertainment industry projects. Shanghai Loong Vision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.is committed to combine cultural creativity and innovation in science and technology.The company customizes various indoor high-tech entertainment engineering products by using advanced ideas,new and unique creativity.We apply a series ofprofessional technology that include mechanical structure design,dynamic simulation,sound and light and electricity integration,robo t,multimedia,artificial intelligence,three dimensional visual experience,PLC automatic control,computer systems integration,etc.Our projects include that:special theater(4D cinema,theater with multi degree of freedom motion platform,the theater with Spherical screen,theater with huge 公司介绍/Company Profile: screen and 360 degree screen cinema),dark ride and dynamic cross,virtual roller coaster,interactive experience theater and magic theater,theater with creative scene,intelligent bio-robotics,digital interactive entertainment and stage effects,etc.Shanghai Loong Vision Digital Technology Co.Ltd.mainly provides serves for the theme park,entertainment centers,complexes with tourism and commercial activities,Science and Technology Museum and other theme theater,and deals with large ,all kinds of cultural industry park and other fields,providing one-stop comprehensive service with overall creative technologies. The idea of company core:We keeps the faith of pursuing excellence and creating classics.We always follow the way of combining culture and technology,efforts to build and enhance the company’s core competitiveness.We are professional for concentration,and will rise up for our professional work. Company vision:becoming the domestic best,international first-class mainstream supplier of cultural technology industry by continuous efforts and struggle.

245 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:上海市松江区涞亭南路599弄187号别墅 Add:No. 187, Lane 599, South Laiting Road, Songjiang Dist., Shanghai, China 电话Tel:021-67831206 传真Fax:021-67831206 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海鹿鹿童车有限公司专业生产以毛绒面料为主的各种动物电动游艺机等产品, 公司经过多年实践,已成功开发出毛绒动物电动车,广场动物电动车,广场电瓶 车,动物电动童车,动物溜溜车,动物扭扭车,动物滑板车等。 本公司动物电动车申请国家专利,及通过了欧洲CE认证,中国的3C认证,中国检 验检疫商的玩具检测标准,欧洲标准,美国标准并已取得出口玩具质量许可证, 产品远销美国、意大利、德国、西班牙、俄罗斯、沙特、伊朗、希腊、日本、韩 国、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡等。 本公司的广场动物电动车, 面向广大少年儿童,市潜力巨大,投资小回报率 高,经营范围广,游乐场、购物中心、百货商场、大型超市、公园、广场、步行 街、室内、室外均可经营,是创业的首选。 上海鹿鹿童车有限公司真诚欢迎新老客户开展业务、合作、共同发展。 联系人: 沈经理 手机:13331877676 地址: 上海市涞亭南路599弄187号 电话:021-667831206 QQ: 642203845 邮箱:[email protected]

246 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Shanghai LULU Children Car Co.,Ltd. is located in Jinhui town, Fengxian, Shanghai, we are professional producing in the brand of “animal story” amusement machine , animal train and children battery car. We have various styles, attractive design and best quality in the products, what make us to win a high reputation in the market. Our products sell well to all over the world. All of our products have passed ISO9001 quality system certification and international accreditation,CE certification, ASTM F963-08 certification, EN71,EN62115 certification. We sincerly welcome to our company for investigation and cooperation! Sales manger: monika Mobile:0086-21-13761189978 Tel:0086-21-67831206 Fax: 0086-21-67831206 公司介绍E-mail: [email protected]/Company Profile zip: coad:201105 Shanghai LULU Children Car Co.,Ltd. Address: NO.187, 599 lane, South Laiting ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA

247 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

上海奇趣游乐设备有限公司 Shanghai Qiqu Fun Co.,Ltd.

地址:上海市浦东新区盐朝公路1517号 Add:NO.1517 YANCHAO ROAD, SHANGHAI, CHINA. 电话Tel:021 58260377 传真Fax:021 58260399 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.qiquyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海奇趣游乐设备有限公司,专业设计、生产、销售各类充气气模,产品包括充 气城堡,充气跳床,充气滑梯,水上步行球,充气水池,儿童手摇船,碰碰船等 各类产品,远销国内外,深受欧美客户亲睐。上海奇趣游乐设备有限公司位于上 海浦东新区,我司厂房面积达3000多平方,内部员工达到50人,每周都有国外 客户来访,我们的产品在亚洲,中东,欧洲,美国都有稳定的客户,质量上乘, 材料环保,售后服务一流。我们拥有国内数一数二的设计师,技术精湛的操作工 人,产品无瑕疵,欢迎客户来厂参观访问!

Based on many years of experience, Shanghai QIQU Fun Co.,Ltd has earned a reputation for quality and service in the world market, especially in Europe, USA and the Middle East. We are pride ourselves in providing various of inflatable products, such as giant inflatable slides, castles, bouncers, water balls, inflatable pools, etc. Our service standards are high quality with good price, considerable service, the most speedy and efficient response, and making shipment on time.

We are located in Shanghai Pudong district, just 5 kilos away from Shanghai International Airport, very convenient to pick up you to visit our factory. With a factory of 5000 square meters, we have the top designers in the world, a group of experienced and skilled staff, advanced machinery equipments, vanguard technology, all of these can meet your needs and assure you of our best quality.

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地址:上海市嘉定区嘉唐公路615号 电话Tel:021-59548853 传真Fax:021-59549086

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海钦龙工贸有限公司专业生产中大型游乐设备,具有20年生产历史,全国游艺 机协会常务理事,是获得国家游艺机生产许可证最多最齐全的单位之一。经过多 年发展,公司厂房占地20亩,配备有齐全的机械加工设备,并配有喷砂工艺对结 构件进行表面处理。公司拥有一批技术的湛的设计队伍和经验丰富的工程技术人 员,提供主题公园规划、游乐设备供应全方位的优质服务! 主要产品:海盗船、大摆锤、飓风飞椅、自控飞机、矿山车、过山车、豪华转 马,迷你过山车。

249 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

上海清英食品销售有限公司 Shanghai Qingying Food Sales Co.,LTD

地址:上海市徐江区陕西南路888弄2号楼304室 电话Tel:021-54650567 传真Fax:021-54650567 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile:

上海清英食品销售有限公司位于上海市徐江区陕西南路888号,上海清英食品销 售有限公司是一家挤压式冰激凌.爆米花、香肠等休闲食品 的经销批发公司(以 上产品均包含机器),专业针对景区等各公共场所,为其提供代理合作产品和服 务。上海清英食品销售有限公司经营的休闲食品畅销消费者市场,在消费者当中 享有较高的地位,公司与各个景区多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关 系。本公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄 利多销的原则,赢得了广大的客户的信任。

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上海游艺机工程有限公司 Shanghai Amusement Machine Engineering Company LTD.

地址:中国上海市天钥桥路1号11楼 Add:No.1 Tianyaoqiao Road Shanghai China 电话Tel:021-64397668 传真Fax:021-64388498 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.sameco88,com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司在历年发展中,共申请并获得了许多项国家专利。特别是随着我公司具有自 主知识产权的两台超百米巨型摩天轮--上海锦江乐园的总高108米巨型摩天轮和 哈尔滨游乐园的总高110米巨型摩天轮的建成并投入运行,使我公司在超大型游 乐设备的开发设计、制造、安装调试的水平又达到了一个新的高度。 2006年5月由我公司自主研制的世界最高摩天轮——160米高巨型摩天轮(南昌 之星)在江西南昌赣江之滨建成并投入使用。标志着我公司在这一领域达到了国 际先进水平。 上海游艺机工程有限公司是国际游艺机游乐园协会IAAPA的正式成员,与发达国 家的游乐业同行有着广泛的、良好的交流和合作。与不少国际著名的游艺机制造 商和原部件制造商也有着良好的技术合作和业务往来,为我国现代游乐业赶超世 界先进水平打下了良好的基础。我公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会的副会长单位, 是振兴中国游艺机民族产业的积极开拓者。 公司宗旨————让我们携手合作、互利共进!

251 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Companies in the past, application and development of many national patents. Especially along with my company has independent intellectual property rights over 100 meters two giant wheel - Shanghai jinjiang park of total high 108 meters gigantic wheel and Harbin amusement park of total high 110 meters gigantic wheel built and put into operation, make my company in the development of large amusement equipment design, manufacture, installation and debugging of level and reached a new high. In May 2006 by my company developed the world’s tallest ferris wheel - 160 meters high giant wheel (star) in nanchang, jiangxi province nanchang ganjiang shore built and put into use. Mark my company in this field have reached the international advanced level. Shanghai engineering Co., LTD. Is an international amusement amusement 公司介绍parks IAAPA/ Companyassociation member,Profile: compared with the developed countries has been widely, leisure counterparts of exchanges and cooperation. With many international famous amusement machine manufacturers and parts manufacturers also have a good technical cooperation and business, for our modern leisure surpassing the world advanced level have laid a good foundation. My company is the China association of amusement parks, the vice-chairman unit is the national industrial revitalizing China active innovater amusement. Company tenet -- - let us hand in hand to cooperate, mutual benefit together!

252 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

深圳华侨城文化旅游科技有限公司 Shenzhen OCT Vision Inc.

地址:深圳市南山区香山路甲一号后楼 Add:Backside Building No.1,Xiangshan Road,Shenzhen,china. 电话Tel:0755-83686211 传真Fax:0755-83686321 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. octvision.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳华侨城文化旅游科技有限公司是华侨城集团的数字娱乐平台及主力企业之 一,自2011年6月成立以来,始终坚持科技创新与移动互联网技术的智慧化应 用,已成为国内外一流的大型高科技文化旅游项目供应商和线上线下智慧旅游 系统提供商,全面开启华侨城智游新时代,致力于打造中国和世界的华侨城“梦 工厂”。公司总部位于深圳华侨城区,并另行设有两个研发制造基地,办公面 积三万多平米,近700名员工,其中从事创意设计和高科技技术研发的人员达到 75%以上。 公司综合运用特种影视、动感仿真、虚实结合、互动娱乐等高新科技手段,自主 研发出全球首创的360度全景天地剧场、影视跳楼机、时光飞车、飞行影院、主 题Ride为代表的二十余项具有国际一流水准的高科技文化旅游产品。同时,公司 将移动互联网的应用,结合动漫游戏开发技术,研发了全新的智慧旅游终端,实 现旅游景区的智慧化服务、主题文化的互动化体验,不仅让游客可以把旅游景区 带回家,还实现景区文化及其衍生产品增值。智慧旅游终端与高科技旅游项目一 道,构建华侨城智慧旅游系统,形成“文化+智慧+旅游”产业模式和全方位的线 上线下旅游产品链,可组建具备完全自主知识产权的智慧旅游型主题乐园,打造 科技版的欢乐谷。

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OCT Vision Inc is a main player as the digital platform of OCT Group, Established in Jun, 2011, we kept on heading for the intelligentizing by combining our technical innovation with internet application, now OCT Vision Inc is famous for providing solutions and equipment of Hi-tech attractions and on line & off line smart tourism system as well. New era of OCT Smart Tourism is coming, leading to OCT ‘Dream Work” of China and all over the world. We had our head office in OCT town and two R & D centre. Now we had office area of 30,000 sq m and 700 staff, of which 75% are Imagineering designer and R & D engineers. Based on H-tech method, such as special movie, dynamic simulation, virtual –real synthesis, interactive entertainment, etc, we developed and pioneered more than 20 international level HI-tech attractions, such as 公司介绍360 Spheron/Company theatre, Vision Profile drop: ride, Time flying, Flying theatre, Themed Dark Ride…Meanwhile, by applying mobile internet and animation game development technology, we developed brand-new smart tourism terminal, which provides smart service for the scenic spots and interactive experience of themed culture. Our visitors can bring the scenic spot home while our park can also enjoy increment from culture and derivate products. Smart tourism terminal and Hi-tech attractions together established our OCT smart tourism system, forming an on line & off line tourism products chain with Culture + Smart + Tourism model. With this concept, we can build smart tourism park, a kind of Hi-tech Happy Valley, with independent intellectual property right.

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深圳联点机构 Shenzhen Unite Art

地址:深圳市福田区东园路玉田大厦五楼 Add:5F,Yutian Building, Dongyuan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C. 电话Tel:0755-83655238 传真Fax:0755-83655234 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. ua48.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳联点机构致力于文化主题旅游、休闲娱乐综合体、主题公园、主题地产、主 题商业、主题城镇、主题景观、科技馆、博物馆等的策划、规划、设计和施工建 设的全程服务或专项服务。 “成为有影响力的快乐创造公司”是联点的愿景。我们与合作伙伴共同发展,建 立“双赢”的战略伙伴关系,我们与合作伙伴共同创造良好的商业生态,共享价 值链的利益。我们与客户、合作伙伴真诚携手,服务社会,共建美好生活。

Shenzhen Unite Art is devoting to the Full service and Special supporting service for the Plotting , Schematization, Design and Construction project of cultural tourism spots, Leisure and Entertainment Urban Complex, Theme Park, Theme Commercial Estate , Science and Technology Museum To be an influenced happy-creating company is our enterprise vision. We promote common development with partners and build “win- win” strategic partnership. We create favorable business ecosystem with partners and share benefits of value chain. We step forward hand in hand with partners. We insist on serving the society and build a better life.

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深圳圣景创筑环境艺术设计有限公司 Shenzhen Shengjing Chuangzhu Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd. 地址:深圳市南山区蛇口兴华路6号南海意库507-508室 Add:Suites507-508, Bldg 6, Nanhai e-cool, Xinghua Rd, Nanshan Distr. Shenzhen 电话Tel:0755-82760880 / 21606600 传真Fax:0755-82760867 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. sjcz.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳圣景创筑环境艺术设计有限公司是一家以创想与构筑为己任的设计和施工公 司,致力为客户打造富有标志意义的旅游产品,追求人类居住、休闲、娱乐环境 的新境界。 公司业务主要涉及旅游休闲度假产业及旅游房地产行业的规划、设计及施工建 设,包括主题公园、主题乐园、主题城镇、主题城市娱乐综合体、主题酒店、智 慧旅游景区、度假村、湿地公园、生态农庄、动漫家园、博物馆、科技馆、休闲 体育公园等。

Shenzhen Shengjing Chuangzhu Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd. is a design and construction company dedicated to the creation of imaginative design concepts for tourism, residential, leisure and entertainment environment. The company is focused on the planning, design and construction of projects in tourism and leisure industry, including theme park, theme town, integrated theme amusement city, theme hotel, wisdom tourist attractions, resorts, wetland park, ecological farm, animation park, museum, science museum, sports park, etc.

联系方式:+86 0755-82760880 / 21606600 官方网站:www.sjcz.com.cn

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深圳市创艺园景观工程有限公司 Shenzhen City CreativeGardenLandscape EngineeringLimited 地址:深圳市福田区彩田路5015号中银大厦B座14C Add:Shenzhen Futian Distrct CaiTian Road No.5015 Bank of ChinaTower,B block 14C 电话Tel:0755-83953601 传真Fax:0755-83953602-811 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. szcyy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市创艺园景观工程有限公司是一家专业从事主题公园、主题乐园、主题景观 等的设计和建设的单位,为广大客户提供旅游项目的策划、规划、设计、施工、 运营等全程服务或单程、单项服务,具体业务范围包括主题公园、主题乐园、动 物园 、主题商业街、旅游景区、海洋馆、社会职业体验馆的策划、规划、设计和 施工以及运营管理。

Shenzhen creative garden landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in the design and construction of the theme park, theme park, theme landscape and other units, providing tourism project planning, planning, design, construction, operation and service, or a single service to the masses of customers, the business scope include a theme park, theme park, zoo, theme commercial street, tourism, marine museum, the museum experience social occupation planning, planning, design and construction and operation management.

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地址:深圳市罗湖区人民北路水产大厦3楼309 Add:NO.309 3r Floor ShuiChan Building Rennming north Rd. luohu district Shenzhen 电话Tel:0755-25479858 0755-82237307 传真Fax:82237307 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.david88-hk.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市东鼎园林景观设计有限公司 我们是深圳市东鼎园林景观规划设计有限公司,在香港设有张东艺术顾问有限公 司。我们是从事旅游景观、主题乐园、城市景观规划设计的专业创意设计单位, 已积累了多年的丰富经验和口碑。一直以来与我公司合作、协作的国内外专业公 司有:海洋公园(香港)、L&O(香港)、永兴建设(香港)有限公司、M Associates Limited(香港)、辉德集团(马来西亚上市公司)、华侨城集团等等。

We are Shenzhen David Landscape Design Ltd., China. and in Hong Kong we are Zhangdong Arts Consultants(HK) Ltd. We are specialized in Tourist Attractions and Theme Park design, made of different professional creative design teams of urban landscape planning and design, have accumulates years of experience and reputation. We have been involved and in collaboration with many professional companies at home and abroad: Ocean Park (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd., M Associates Ltd. (Hong Kong), Fai Tak Group (Malaysia listed companies ), OCT Group, etc.

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我们曾与国内外同行知名公司合作参与了中国和香港以及国外的许多概念规划与 设计作品,包括在香港海洋公园、香港迪士尼乐园、新加坡环球影城、马来西亚 时代广场及云顶娱乐城、中东、俄罗斯以及国内的深圳、北京、成都、上海欢乐 谷、东部华侨城等地的项目。 We are well-known company with domestic and foreign counterparts involved in the conceptual planning and design works in China, Hong Kong and abroad, including Hong Kong Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, Universal Studios Singapore, Malaysia Times Square and Genting City of Entertainment, the Middle East Russia, Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, OCT East, and so on.

从2008年至今东鼎公司独立参与了香港海洋公园的”南美热带雨林”、”动感天 公司介绍地”、”南北极馆”扩建工程的规划设计、深化设计、施工艺术管理顾问等一系/Company Profile: 列任务。 Shenzhen David Landscape Design Ltd. Established since 2008, masterpiece design participation in the Hong Kong Ocean Park Summit Redevelopment-the “South American Tropical Rain Forest”, “Thrill Mountain” and “South & North Polar

我们一路走来,练就出了一支具有制作英标、美标和国标的专业设计团队。我们 口号:您给我一片荒地,我们给您一个世外桃源! Along the way throughout previous projects experience, we have followed through the adoption of Design & Construction under British Standard, American Standard and other relevant National Standard from various professional design teams. Our Slogan: You Give Us a Virgin Land, We’ll Give You a Paradise for Enjoyment!

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深圳市红源旅游景观发展集团有限公司 Shenzhen Red-style Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd. 地址:中国广东省深圳市福田区彩田路海滨广场福华阁裙楼2层, 邮编: 518016 Add:2/F, Fuhua Building, Haibin Plaza, Caitian Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518016,China 电话Tel:0755-26607790 传真Fax:0755-26608890 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.red-style.cn 公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市红源旅游景观发展集团是中国旅游景观领域的整体方案的服务提供商。从 创意设计、规划设计、工程施工、运营管理、实现一站式服务,为客户提供全方 位的解决方案。红源集团立足深圳,面向全球,以雄厚的实力为后盾,专注于主 题公园、旅游景区、城市文化娱乐综合体等专业领域。 红源集团始终秉承和发扬“以快乐创造快乐”的核心理念,不断精益求精,立志 以专业、品质、高效的精神面貌成为旅游行业的佼佼者,为中国旅游呈现更多富 有主题、富有快乐的精品项目。

Shenzhen Red-style Tourism Landscape Development Group is a China's overall solution service provider in the field of tourism landscape. Built from the creative planning, planning, design, engineering and construction to operation and management of the full range of the overall service system, to provide customers with comprehensive solutions. Our Group is based in Shenzhen, facing the whole country, with solid strength as backing committed to the theme park, tourism scenic spots, the city’s cultural entertainment complex and other professional field. The company will adhere to and develop “A happy team to create a happy life,” the core philosophy, and constantly keen on refinement, aspire to the professional, quality, efficient spirit, to become an outstanding team in the tourism industry. To provide more high-quality goods project for China’s tourism industry.

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深圳市华正联实业有限公司 Shenzhen Huazhenglian Industrial Co., Ltd

地址:深圳市南山区华侨城创意文化园北区B7栋3楼 Add: 3/F, Bldg.B7, North Block, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China 电话Tel:13609622275 传真Fax:(+86)755-86130077 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:http://www.ist-china.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市华正联实业有限公司自2000年开始涉及系统集成项目领域,一直致力于 数码影像领域相关软件开发、产品销售、技术服务。多年来,我们随着数码影像 产业的发展而迅速成长。到目前为止,我公司的产品和系统已在多个省市的安防 影像、数码证件图像采集及检测、主题公园、娱乐影像等领域中应用。从系统设 计、项目实施、运营管理到销售数据统计分析,我们提供完整的智能影像管理系 统解决方案。在赢得了客户的一致好评的同时,也确定了我公司在数码影像采 集、展示、售卖及运营系统领域的核心竞争力。 我公司在主题公园高速摄影项目上拥有丰富的设计、实施、系统集成经验,以及 雄厚的研发实力和核心产品。在科技引领发展的时代,我公司坚持创新中求突 破,立足市场,服务客户。 目前已涉及到国内多个大型主题公园,成功案例有:成都欢乐谷;Hello Kitty主 题乐园;深圳欢乐谷水公园;深圳麦鲁小城。

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Since 2000, Shenzhen Huazhenglian Industrial Co., Ltd. has committed to the field of systems integration, especially focuses on the digital imaging software development, product marketing, technical services. Over decades, we have progressed rapidly together with the growth of digital imaging industry. Now our products and systems have been applied successfully in the field of security imaging, digital ID Card image capture and detection, theme parks, entertainment photo and video, etc. in various provinces and cities. From system design, project implementation, operation and management to sales data statistical analysis, we provide a complete solution for intelligent imaging management system. By winning lots of praises from customers, we build our core-competitiveness in the field of digital image capture, display, sales and operation systems. 公司介绍We have plentiful/Company and rich Profile experience: of design, implementation and systems integration in high-speed photography in the theme park project, as well as strong R & D ability and core products. In the era of science and technology leading development, we focus on the market and customer needs, and insist innovation and breakthroughs. Until now, we have involved in lots of theme parks projects, such as Chengdu Happy Valley, Hello Kitty park, Shenzhen Happy Valley Water Park and Shenzhen Myrules World, etc.

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深圳市普乐方文化科技有限公司 ShenZhen playfun Culture&Technology Co.,Ltd

地址:深圳市南山区科技园1002号(滨海大道和科园路交汇)A8音乐大厦 17层 Add:17F,A8 Music Building,1002 Keyuan Road,High-Tech Park,Nans han,Shenzhen,518057,China 电话Tel:0755-86199286 传真Fax:86-755-86199410 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.playfun.net 公司介绍/Company Profile:

普乐方(playfun)是国内一流主题公园项目系统集成商及总包商,是文化科技 产业的开拓者,全面运用三维动画、全数字立体电影、机械特技、舞台视觉特效、 系统集成等高科技技术,为主题公园、科技馆、购物广场、旅游景区等提供具有 国际水平的室内游乐项目整体解决方案。 普乐方主要项目形式包括:立体交互脱口秀、幻影剧场、穹幕剧院、4D环幕影 院、黑暗乘骑DarkRide、立体交互剧场、虚拟交互水族长廊、水幕影院、动感球 幕、3D光影魔术秀、电影梦工场等,同时为主题公园以及动漫文化产业园提供咨 询、设计、规划、投资、运营全方位服务。

Playfun is a first-rate theme park projects supplier and integrator in China and is the pioneer of cultural and technological industry. Playfun has started to recruit core team members since 2007 to build the dream blue print of Chinese theme park. Currently the company provides international-level comprehensive solutions for indoor projects to theme parks,science museum,shopping plaza and tourism attractions with high-

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tech such as three-dimensional animation,digital three-dimensional movies,mechanical effects, stage visual effects and system integration. The main projects include:Interactive talk show, Phantom theatre,OMNIMAX,4D circarama cinema DarkRide, Three-dimensional interactive theatre, Simulated interactive aquarium,Water screen cinema,Dynamic doom screen cinema,3D light&shadow magic show and Film DreanWorks. At the same time,the company provides the theme parks with comprehensive services from planning and consultancy to design and construction,as well as consulta ncy,design,planning,investment and operation of animation culture and technology industry garden which combine theme parks and real estate.

公司介绍/Company Profile:

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地址:深圳市南山区茶光路一本创意园二层278号 电话Tel:0755-29611201 传真Fax:0755-23725411 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. szrunlin.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳润林景观设计工程有限公司把握时代发展规律,洞察国内娱乐、旅游业等业 界的发展趋势,自2002年起便开始致力于中国初代主题公园、主题酒店的设计、 创意、实施,经过近十年的发展与探索,根据国内外市场的聚变反映与总结,于 2011年10月完成体制改革,正式规范、制定公司专业发展方向,配合市场需求 建立专业、专精、专注的景观设计工程公司,正式以润林景观设计工程有限公司 面向市场。 公司历经十二年的积淀与提升,已然成为了业内专注主题公园、主题乐园、主题 酒店、主题商业会所及综合旅游度假景区的策划、设计、创意、施工为一体的标 志型企业。公司核心实施团队不仅吸纳各大艺术、美院的高材生作为年轻创意团 队,也由曾参与迪士尼、环球影城等多个大型成功项目的优秀人才组成,团队内 活跃的文化特质、先进的创新理念、新锐的设计角度等成就了多个主题公园、酒 店等优质案例。 在全东南亚最大的海洋水族馆及主题游乐园——香港海洋公园,亚洲顶级水陆联 体式梦幻主题公园——宁波杭州湾梦幻欢乐水世界,运用高新娱乐科技手段的超 级游乐王国——福州欢乐世界,微缩仿真模拟现实互动体验模式——福州儿童

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职业体验馆等优质主题乐园中,以其精湛的技术与设计理念,结合自然的地形地 貌、运用梦幻唯美的装饰手法进行了自然与人文的完美融合,使主题公园拥有了 更加蓬勃的生命力。也在2009年深圳大运会期间大放异彩,为展现深圳文化与魅 力,深圳大运会期间所使用的主题牌、仿古标识、地域介绍碑等特殊造型景观也 委托给了我们公司进行全程设计与施工。 公司核心团队,奉行“精益求精、突破创新”的宗旨,不断突破技术上的难题与 桎梏,多角度、多方向地思维问题、解决问题,引入国内外先进技术,再进行融 合提炼,以更加适用国内需求的形式进行实施落地。专注的团队成就专业的产 品,公司团队成员来自各大型主题行业的优秀人才,均拥有着20年的行业经验, 历经多个大型、巨型项目的筹建与开业,沉淀着丰厚的文化与创意理念,在每一 个项目中,都进行深度研讨分析,将自身的最大能力进行发挥,“海纳百川, 有容乃大”正是在这样的配合精神中,团队不断汲取各类优质、先进的思维和方 公司介绍法,将其融会贯通,让每一个我们经手的项目都展现出不同一般的光彩。/Company Profile:

Tel:+86(755)2961 1201 Fax:+86(755)2372 5411 Web:www.szrunlin.cn

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深圳市申特智能科技有限公司 Shenzhen scient intelligence technology co.,ltd

地址:深圳市南山区桃源街道平山一路世外桃源创意园C栋403 电话Tel:0755-86573230 传真Fax:0755-86573229 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Szshente.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市申特智能科技有限公司是国内一流的高科技游乐设施设计制造型企业和一 站式解决方案供应商,公司坚持“以科技为本”的企业精神,秉承“诚信、创 新、服务、满意”的核心经营理念,为广大客户提供具有国际顶尖水平的游乐设 施、舞台设备、智能机器、演出行动设备、黑暗乘骑设备、动感仿真模拟设备、 机械设备的设计、制造服务。目前,公司业务范围覆盖全国各地。公司拥有一支 国际视野、尖端技术、敢于创新且经验丰富实战型团队,圆满完成了国内多个主 题乐园、秀场、演出项目的设备设计,与众多知名客户建立了长期合作的战略伙 伴关系,努力为广大客户提供最新颖、最优质、最震撼的专业产品和服务,致力 于打造为海内外知名品牌,缔造高科技文化产业的全新时代。 深圳市申特智能科技有限公司自成立以来,成功获得证书的专利3项,其中发明 专利2项。公司拥有职员40多名,其中专门从事游乐设备、舞台机械、智能机器 的开发研发团队20名。作为致力于成为国际优秀科技文化产业的公司之一,我们 承诺:追求创意领先,持续提升核心竞争力;追求科技领先,坚持推行科技研发 技术,打造行业精品;追求服务领先,以客户为中心,为客户提供优质服务。

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深圳市维骏文化旅游科技有限公司 Shenzhen Viking Inc.

地址:深圳市福田区车公庙泰然七路25号苍松大厦北座1601A Add:1601A Northblock Cangsong Building,Tairan Seven Road No.25,Chegongmiao Futian District,Shenzhen,China 518040 电话Tel:0755-88604933/88377499 传真Fax:0755-88604733 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.vkfun.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

维骏文化旅游科技有限公司是一家高科技娱乐项目解决方案供应商,业务领域包 括:以旅游项目策划为核心的创意策划业务;以旅游项目设计为核心的工程设计 业务;以游乐设备制造为核心的硬件研发整合业务;以特种电影制作为核心动漫 影视制作业务,以智慧旅游产品开发为核心的APP软件业务,以文化延伸品开发 为核心的旅游增值业务等。致力于在文化旅游科技行业全链条上提供专业整体集 成服务。旗下设置:专注于文化旅游项目前期策划、文化主题创意领域的IDEA创 意工作室;专注于公园、景区、商业体规划设计服务的IPARK设计工作室;专注 于动漫游戏特种影视制作的蜜獾动漫工作室等细分服务领域子品牌。 公司由多名志同道合的文化旅游行业资深从业者创立,核心团队成员有着深厚的 项目策划、技术研发、工程实施以及运营管理工作背景,与众多全球业内顶级规 划、设计、影视、软硬件、运营企业及团队保持着长久和深度战略合作关系,积 累了丰富的各类文产项目全案操作经验,多年来在国内以华侨城欢乐谷系列、华 强方特主题公园系列、长隆、宋城等大型文化旅游项目群为代表的整体项目上得 以突出应用与展现。 公司以“丰富和创造更高品质的精彩生活”为企业愿景,以 “专注客户需求,实 现客户梦想,陪伴客户成就”为企业责任,树立“创造精彩的产品、分享精彩的 经历、实现精彩的人生”的企业理念,践行“创新、卓越、平等、分享”的企业 文化。 “维子之故,骏行千里”。为实现那个我们为之坚持,为之畅想和骄傲的产业腾 飞梦想,维骏文化旅游科技公司正以崭新的行业姿态乘风起航。

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深圳市鑫美地环境艺术有限公司 ShenZhen Matee Environmental Art Design Co.,Ltd

地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田手造文化街D区2号门301-310 Add:D District 2 Door 301-310 Handmade Culture Street Bantian ShenZhen 电话Tel:0755-86099285 传真Fax:0755-86016447 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.szmatee.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

鑫美地集团是旅游综合体项目的总体策划、规划设计、建设和后期管理的专业机 构。公司的设计团队既有香港、台湾、美国的设计师加盟,又有国内的有实战经 验的5A景区的董事长和华侨城专家提供全方位的支持,再加上有多个项目经验的 策划及设计精英,整个团队既能创新又能落地,还能保证后期顺利营运,完全解 决了旅游综合体项目从前期开发,投资回报保证,持续发展,到后期管理的一系 列问题,是旅游综合体项目开发商的最佳合作伙伴。

THE MATEE GUOUP is one of the famous suppliers of theme tourism in China. By many years of hard working development, our company has recruited some creative and quality designers and construction team to plot, plan and design for you. We also have a large specialized art factory. Our clients come from all over the world: Hong Kong Disney Land,Shenzhen Happy Valley, Yanuoda Rain Forest Culture Tourism Zone,Guangzhou Changlong Happy World, etc. THE MATEE GROUP, it gained trust from clients with its best creation and service.

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深圳市学之友科技有限公司 Shenzhen Xuezhiyou Technology Co., Ltd.

地址:深圳市龙岗区南湾街道布澜路联创科技园6栋2楼 Add:2/F, Building 6, Lianchuang Science and Technology Park, Bulan Road, Lanwan Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen 电话Tel:0755-28373232 传真Fax:0755-84688358 网址; http://www.xuezhiyou.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

深圳市学之友科技有限公司是集研发、生产、销售教育电子产品,教学设备、游 乐设备等为一体的高新技术企业。公司立足于中国电子产业,秉承“诚心、包 容、学习、创新”的企业精神,汇聚了国内众多研发精英和销售团队,始终以 “为广大客户提供高科技产品和服务”为企业最大使命。公司产品畅销国内外, 客户遍及全国各大、中城市及东南亚、中东、北美和欧洲的几十个国家和地区。

Shenzhen Xuezhiyou Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech corporation integrating R&D, production, sales and services of educational electronic products(read pen, learning laptop, interactive whiteboard) and amusement items. The company is grounded on electronic industry and follows the ideas of "integrity, absorb, learning and innovation". Our mission is "satisfy our customers with high quality products and services". Products have been sold throughout China and dozens of overseas countries.

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深圳市永利兴游乐设备有限公司 Shenzhen yonglixing playground equipment limited

地址:深圳市南山区沙河东路国际市长交流中心1604 Add:Shenzhen city Nanshan District Shahe Road International mayor Exchange Center 1604 电话Tel:0755-26500136 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.walking-sky.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 深圳市永利兴游乐设备有限公司落户于中国南部美丽的海滨城市——深圳。在这 四通八达的超新花园城市和“设计之都”的资源造就了这座充满游乐色彩的新都 市,而我们栖身其中,享受着带给我们的欢乐和创意的源泉,同时也造就着我们 的游乐世界。 公司成立于2012年,在新世代的发展浪潮中我们坚定以“自主研发、创新设计、 安全使用”为核心价值理念,一切以商家和用户需求为中心,力求通过我们的专 业水平和不懈努力,塑造良好的行业领域形象。在公司飞速发展的过程中,我们 突破传统游乐设备的局限性,结合国际先进的游乐理念,自主研发了新型无动力 空中拓展游乐项目——“空中漫步”。该项目获得了国家知识产权局的多项专利 证书并通过深圳市计量质量检测研究院的质检。在游乐行业领域深受各大游乐商 青睐,同时也成为各大主题公园欢迎和大众体验用户热衷的康体“明星”产品。 “空中漫步”以钢柱和钢结构为主要结构,构成稳定、安全的性能。辅以导轨和 绳网配合使用,具有多重保护功能的安全组合滑体,安全绳带转换器以保障游客 在空中行走时的安全性,并且通过转换平台在空中进行交叉换位,让游客在多种 游乐项目之间实现自有转换,无限循环。为现代社会各类人群在紧张繁忙的工作 之余,提供各种程度的另类空中探险体验,强身健体,愉悦身心。此项目更适用 于亲子体验互动,由于受众的广泛性优势,各类型家庭成员均可亲身参与体验,

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拉近彼此互动交流,促进家庭的和谐融洽。 “空中漫步”经过我司不断的创新和完善,结合不同场地环境和各种主题要求已 经拥有户外探险、室内拓展、水上游乐三大系列产品,均可根据不同类型的商家 群体需求变换不同的结构组成方式和主题包装要求,提供详细的解决方案,享受 真正意义上的“私人订制”。现阶段我公司各类产品已入驻深圳、成都、杭州、 山西、陕西、广东等全国多个一线主题乐园、公园、海滩、购物中心、青少年教 育基地...... 今后,我们将针对产品仍将保持一份热忱、创新,专心的在环保无动力、康体游 乐拓展设备领域用我们的真诚的服务和严谨的态度,在属于我们的专业领域做大 做强,为用户奉献更多的精品! “永利兴”犹如奔腾的策马,我们驰骋于祖国每一寸疆域,带着您的梦想缔造更 多姿多彩的游乐王国。 Shenzhen yonglixing Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. located in the coastal city of southern China beautiful -- Shenzhen. In the lead in all 公司介绍/Company Profile: directions of the new garden city and “design” the resources created a city full of amusement and color of the new city, and we to live among them, enjoying the springbrings us happiness and creative, but also make our amusement world. The company was founded in 2012, in the development of new wavegeneration we firmly to the “independent research and development,innovative design, safe use” as the core value idea, all the businessmen anduser needs as the center, through our professional standards and unremitting efforts, shaping a good image of the industry. In the process of rapid development of the company, we break through the limitations of traditionalamusement equipment, combined with the international advanced recreationidea, independent research and development of new non powered airexpanding recreation project -- “walking in the air”. The project received apatent certificate by the State Intellectual Property Office and the Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and quality inspection of quality inspection. By majorrecreation business favour in the entertainment industry, but also become the user interested sports “Star” product experience major theme park welcomeand

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popular. “Walking-sky” by the steel column and steel structure as the mainstructure, performance stability, security. Used in conjunction with guide rail and a rope net, safety combination sliding body with multiple protective functions, safety rope converter in order to protect the security of touristswalking in the air, and by switching platform for cross in the sky, let tourists to realize its own transformation between the various attractions, infinite loop. In modern society, all kinds of people in the busy work, provides the experience,various degrees of offbeat air adventure and physical fitness, mental and physical pleasure. This project is more applicable to the parent-childinteraction, due to the wide advantage audience, various types of familymembers can participate in the experience, closer to each other, interactive communication, promote family harmony. 公司介绍/Company Profile: “Walking-sky” through our continuous innovation and improvement,combined with different environment and various theme requirements haveoutdoor exploration, development, indoor water recreation three series of products, may request the packaging type and subject to different groupsdemand structure transformation of different types of components, providedetailed solutions, enjoy the true meaning of “private custom”. At present, the company products have been settled in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou,Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guangdong and other national many first theme park, parks,beaches, shopping centers, youth education base...... In the future, we will be according to the product will still maintain a passion,innovation, focus in environmental protection without power, recreational sports equipment to expand the field with our sincere service and rigorous attitude, in our areas of expertise to become bigger and stronger, more dedication boutique for users! “Yong Li Xing” like a galloping horse, we ride to the motherland every inch ofterritory, bring your dream to create a more colorful recreation kingdom.

273 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

深圳市远望淦拓科技有限公司 Shenzhen Yuanwang Cocotop Technology Inc.

地址:深圳市南山区高新园北区北环大道9018号大族创新大厦A座13楼 Add:13F/, Hans Innovation Building A, North Ring Road NO.9018, High-Tech Park Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China 电话Tel:0755 - 82969786 - 859 传真Fax:0755 - 82968378 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.cocotop.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

远望淦拓是拥有自主知识产权的第四代高科技主题公园制造商和运营商。 远望淦拓以主题公园为平台,构筑立体产业链。在主题公园、动漫产业、网络、 传媒、文化衍生品中搭建起桥梁,成为业界先锋。 远望淦拓是国家唯一具备双A级资质的高科技游乐设施制造企业,拥有20多项自 主知识产权和自主影视动漫制作版权,具备国际第四代高科技主题公园的整体策 划、设计、制造、工程施工及运营能力。文化科技产业是公司未来发展方向。公 司主营业务:高科技主题公园的设计、建造及运营、影视制作、动漫制作、游戏 制作、动漫衍生品、自动化技术等。 远望淦拓在高科技游乐行业有十多年从业历史,先后为美国、加拿大、东南亚等 国家和地区生产现代化的高科技游乐产品,广泛接触和参与了国外大型主题公园 项目的开发和建设,掌握了大型游乐主题公园的核心技术,积累了大量的实战经 验和资源。所开发的项目都为世界顶尖,并拥有自主知识产权,是具有当今世界 最前端高科技游乐产品研发和生产能力的现代化公司。

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Yuanwang Gametoy is the 4th generation high-tech theme park manufacturer and operator with proprietary intellectual property rights. Yuanwang Gametoy constructs solid industrial chain by the theme park platform; through the bridge formed by the theme park, industry, network, media and cultural derivatives, the corporation becomes the forerunner of the industry. Yuanwang is the only national high-tech rides manufacturer with AA qualification and owning more than 20 proprietary intellectual property rights and independent video and animation producing copyrights. It equips with the 4th generation high-tech theme park general planning, designing, manufacturing, project implementing and operating capability. The corporate future development direction is cultural technology 公司介绍industry and/Company main business Profile is high-tech: theme park design, construction and operation, video making, animation producing, game making, anime derivatives, automation technology, etc. Yuanwang Gametoy has more than ten years’ operation history in the high-tech amusement industry. It has successively manufactured high- tech modern amusement products for America, Canada, South-East Asia and other areas and countries; has widely contacted with and taken part in the foreign large scale theme park development and construction, therefore, the key technology of the large scale theme park construction has been mastered by Yuanwang and has accumulated many actual implementation experience and resources. All the projects developed by Yuanwang Gametoy are the top of the world and owning proprietary intellectual property rights. Yuanwang Gametoy is a modern corporation with the world’s most advanced high-tech amusement products’ researching and manufacturing capability.

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地址:深圳市福田保税区槟榔道2-1号创意保税园三楼A2 Add:A2, 3F Innovation Bonded Park, 2-1 Binlang Road, Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhou, P.R.C 电话Tel:0755-88296887 传真Fax:0755-88297378 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zs-cm.cn www.中深创美.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中深创美是一家专业从事文化及旅游地产、旅游景区、主题公园、室内娱乐综合 体等的投资、策划、规划、设计、施工和运营的主题公园全产业链创意服务商。 我们致力于为我们的客户提供主题公园系统和综合性的解决方案。 中深创美深谙产业之道,汇聚了一批具有丰富经验和强烈的的创新意识的业内精 英,形成了一支善于合作、乐于创新、追求卓越的的精英团队。中深创美公司核 心团队人员全程参与了中国大部分的主题公园的建设,在不断实战中锻造出高效 的专业团队和广泛的合作体系。 我们以建造中国最好的主题公园为己任,我们团队曾经参与的项目有:珠海长 隆、广州长隆、欢乐谷(深圳、北京、上海、天津)、常州嬉戏谷、中华恐龙 园、 春秋淹城、成都国色天香、江苏运河世纪城、石家庄辛玛王国。中深创美将 以丰富的主题公园设计和施工经验,为中国主题公园进入世界一流行列做出不懈 努力。

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ZSCM, an innovative service provider of investment, plan, concept, design, construction and operation evolved in tourism real estates, resorts, theme parks and indoor entertainment complex, is devoted to systematical and comprehensive solution. ZSCM boasts of elite team with rich experience and innovative spirit to cooperate well and seek excellence. Key staffs have participated in many projects of designing and building theme parks in China. Efficient and professional team and broad cooperation relations are formed. ZSCM aims to build the best theme parks in China, and our guys have worked for projects, such as Zhuhai Chimelong, Happy Valleys (Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin), Changzhou Joyland, Mistycal Yancheng, Chengdu Floraland, Jiangsu Canal Century City, Shijiazhuang Zima 公司介绍Kingdom. With/Company our experience Profile of: design and build, we spare no efforts in the progress of Chinese parks to be top in the world.

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神州动漫 ChinaGame

地址:广州市番禺区东环街东升工业区二号206室 Add:Room 206, No.2 Dongsheng Industrial Area, Panyu Avenue, Panyu District, Guangzhou 电话Tel:020-66318989转861 传真Fax:020-66318989转803 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.chinagameinfo.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

《神州动漫》是一本集动漫游戏产品资讯、行业资讯以及主题乐园资讯于一体的 综合型动漫杂志,不仅汇集了最全最新的游戏游艺产品资讯、主题乐园资讯、法 令法规、国内外展会资料以及展会报道,紧紧把握电玩游艺行业的发展方向;同 时也是目前国内动漫产业类内容最丰富、可读性最强的杂志,影响遍及海内外, 在业内享有极高的声誉。 在国内,《神州动漫》的合作企业遍布全国各地,形成一张渗透全国各地的杂志 发行和信息搜集网络,发行对象涵括各地的游戏娱乐厅、生产商、经销商等电玩 游艺行业经营者,深入了解各地行业趋势,紧跟各大展会的步伐,直击展会现场 传播信息,为动漫游戏业者提供最新的行业资讯,是目前中国发行量最大的动漫 游艺杂志,是企业开拓国内市场的不二选择。 在国外,《神州动漫》和世界各地企业精诚合作,并与《Game Time International》、《Amusement Journal》等知名国际杂志建立了良好的伙伴 关系,积极参与国际大型展会,设置摊位派发杂志,向国外业者展示中国的产 品,提高国内企业的知名度,为其走向国际铺路;而参展地区遍及亚、欧、澳、 南美和北美五大洲,同时分享国外的优秀科技成果、先进的经营管理经验,把握 全球行业态势,为企业开拓海外市场提供切实可靠的信息。 在服务上,《神州动漫》秉持“诚挚服务,以客为尊”的精神准则,以严谨踏实 的经营理念赢取社会各界朋友的赞誉和支持;以“做大、做强、做精”为办刊目 标,不断开拓创新、超越自我,形成一支高素质、有活力、敢拼搏的团队,为客 户排忧解难。

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海量的信息、超大的发行量、非凡的影响力,再加上遍布全国、波及海外的合作 关系网,《神州动漫》无疑为当今电玩游艺行业树立一座新标杆,是业者了解行 情、洞悉商机、推动事业发展的首选资料,同时也是各大企业值得信赖的合作对 象。

China Game China Game is a comprehensive animation magazine integrating with product information,industry and theme park news,laws and expos information home and abroad.It closely grasps the development trend of the electronic game and amusement industry.Because of its diversified reports,it enjoys great popularity among the industry. In China,China Game has well cooperated with manufactures,operators and agents,which forms the information collecting network over the whole country.It deeply learns the development trend and brings the fastest and latest news through attending different expos.With the largest circulation of animation magazine in China,China Game is your best choice to expand 公司介绍domestic market./ : China Game Companyalso establishes Profile good relationship with famous international magazine--Game Time International and Amusement Journal.China Game is a regular at the international expos.Distributing magazines,promoting Chinese excellent products and enhance domestic companies’ visibility are what the magazine seek to achieve outside China.Through attedding these expos,China Game shares the advanced technology and management experience with all the readers all over the world. Since its establishment,China Game actively responds to the policies,appeals to leisure life and has its own feature.It gets rid of the stale and brings forth the fresh,opening up the theme park module and creating new business opportunities. Upholding the concept of serve with sincerity,customers-oriented”,China Game wins trust and support from the trade members.Aiming at “larger,stronger,more precise”,the team blazes new trail in a pioneering spirit and helps solve problems for customers. To enhance communication,China Game actively explores the successful business management experience with different companies and shares them with all the industry peers.Moreover,it builds good relationship with government becoming the communicative bridge of the industry and government. Owning mass information,large circulation,deep influence and information network,China Game is no doubt the best business partners!

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沈阳澳岑机械电子有限公司 Shenyang Aocen Machinery and Electronic Co.Ltd

地址:沈阳市大东区榆林大街136-39号 Add:136-39# Yulin Street Dadong District Shenyang City 电话Tel:024-88259120 传真Fax:024-88261707 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.syaocen.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

沈阳澳岑机械电子有限公司是一家专注于游乐设备创新设计的高科技企业,针对 儿童游乐市场需求,设计兼顾娱乐性与教育性,设备兼具稳定性与安全性,公司 经营范围包括设备出售,联营合作,门店直营,在一线门店管理中更直接、深入 了解游客的娱乐需求、消费心理,进而设计、改进出更吸引游客、盈利良好的游 乐设备。 公司自2006年成立以来,坚持在产品设计上不抄袭、不仿造,以自有专利产品为 核心,在当下国内知识产权保护现状下,仅能依靠客户的大力支持,才能稳步发 展,公司远景规划,不求规模排名,但求能为中国游乐行业贡献一份微薄之力。

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沈阳市创奇游乐设备有限公司 Shenyang Chuangqi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:沈阳市沈北新区乐业街98号 Add:No. 98# Leye Street Shenbei Distribution Shenyang China 电话Tel:024-25359188、25359388、89313188、89313388 传真Fax:024-25359188 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Chuangqiplay.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

沈阳是创奇游乐设备有限公司是中国游戏机,游乐园协会常务理事单位,是生产 游艺机,游乐设备的专业厂家。拥有一批高素质的设计策划、生产、服务团队, 并且有非常强的理论基础和实践经验。公司位于历史悠久的东北地区重工业城市 沈阳,占地面积55000平方米, 生产厂房32000平方米。 目前我们拥有350个员 工,60个设计师,并设有现代化的办公环境,完善的管理机制,严格的质量控制 系统。创奇公司遵从用科技制造欢乐的宗旨,研发了大量受大众欢迎的高科技产 品。我们的产品远销东欧,东南亚以及许多其他区域。我们的产品获得了由德国 TUV SUD评估的CE认证以及SASO认证。

Shenyang Chuangqi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. is a member of CAAPA and IAAPA. We are a professional amusement rides manufacturer and own professional teams in designing manufacture and service with good theories and practice. It locates in heavy –industrial Shenyang, China and lands 55,000M2 with 32,000 M2 workshops. At present we own 350 staff with 60 designers. Which owns modernized office environment,

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completed management and Strict quality control system, aiming at creating fun by technology, we develop lots of popular products by ourselves, our products are sold to East Europe, Southeast Asia and so many areas . We got CE certificate by TUV SUD of Germany and SASO certificate.

创奇公司生产的产品创意新颖,参与感强,智能化程度高。目前,公司主要产品 有十五大类,超过60余种产品,其中包括旋转类、古堡惊魂类、碰碰车、碰碰 船、赛车类、射击类等系列。产品包括激战鲨鱼岛,星球大战、冒险岛、驾驶学 校、丛林大冒险、3D古堡惊魂、挑战者等,受到了国内外客户的一致好评。我们 的产品被广泛应用于商场和公园。 我们的使命是以客户需求为导向,为客户提供规划设计、景观建造、设备定制、 公司介绍运营管理的全套最佳解决方案,使客户在市场中立于不败之地。/Company Profile:

Our amusement rides are novel, interactive and interesting, now we have 15 series with more than 60 rides ,become client favorite rides, include: spinning rides, dark rides, bump car, bump boat, racing car ,shooting gallery series etc. products have fight shark island ,star war, adventure land , driver school, jungle safari ,3D dark rides ,challenger and so on. Our company has received the high praise from domestic and foreign customers. Our products are widely used in shopping malls and parks. We have the mission to provide costumers with the best full set solution which includes planning design, landscape construction, device customization and operation management depending on their demands so as to remain their unwavering competition.

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沈阳市友邦游乐设备厂 Shenyang youbang amusement equipment factory

地址:抚顺经济开发区中兴大街9号路南D2c Add:9 the lunan D2c fushun economic development zone, zhongxing street 电话Tel:024-78737555 传真Fax:024-78737888 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Ybplay.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

沈阳市友邦游乐设备厂简介 沈阳市友邦游乐设备厂成立于2000年,是东北老工业基地唯一家有特种设备A类 资质的游乐设备制造厂家。中国游乐协会会员单位。由于市内企业动迁于2009年 在铁岭懿路工业园建厂房30000平方米(45亩),其中办公楼2250平方米,厂房面积 7100平方米(其中一号厂房2400平方米,二号厂房4700平方米)。随着生产规模不 断扩大,于2012年在抚顺经济开发区新建厂房占地面积56000平方米(85亩), 建筑面积23700平方米,其中办公楼建筑面积1300平方米、宿舍楼面积7400平 方米、厂房面积:15000平方米(其中一号厂房6500平方米,二号厂房8500平方 米)。项目总投资15000万元。经过十余年的不懈努力,公司现已培养锻炼出一 支技术精湛、技能成熟的职工队伍。包括设备研发设计、液压系统设计、电脑控 制系统设计技术人员154人,其中包括高级工程师30名,工程师80人,具有各类 专业研发技术人员44名,另拥有技术工人、技师、售后服务、现场安装调试人员 285人。各类管理人员共同组建成一支技术过硬、高素质的职工队伍,是行业内 技术力量最强的企业之一。 我公司做为中国游乐设备制造行业起步最早的企业之一,在游乐领域经过10多年 的发展,公司得到了较快的发展,培育了一支拥有丰富研发、制造、安装经验、 技术精湛、成绩卓越、高素质管理队伍、技术队伍和专业施工团队;在主题乐园 规划设计、工程施工以及提供设施设备等方面为客户提供全方位的优质服务。我

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公司于2003年通过过国家ISO9001:国际质量体系认证。2007年通过CE认证及 德国TUVGS认证。 我公司制造的大、中、小型游乐设备、性能优越、安全可靠、外形美观、赢得全 国各地及国外新老用户的青眯和喜爱。设备远销俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦、匈牙 利、韩国、法国等十几个国家。公司是目前国内最大的以生产经营游艺机、游乐 设施为主,并以游乐投资经营、环境艺术工程、机电安装工程、动漫文化产业等 相关联多元化发展的综合性企业之一。公司目前生产的产品有13大类近200个游 艺机品种,包括观览车类、滑行车类、架空游览车类、陀螺类、飞行塔类、自控 飞机类、水上游乐设施、无动力游乐设施、赛车类、小火车类、碰碰车类、电池 车类、等一系列的优秀产品。

About ue Shenyang youbang amusement equipment pactory is a profession factory of the amusement equipments production, and China amusement equipments association member unit, have the strong design development公司介绍/Company and make, installProfile amusement: equipments . provide with the well-found machine processes the equipments and have the perfect equipments examination ability. Our factory is strict to obey ISO9001 quality management system. now the amusement equipments that have caned produce 12 type of near 50 specieses amusement equipments. My factory is used as China amusement equipments one of the earliest business enterprise in start in profession in manufacturings, Own a love factory love work, professional technique Team, the footprint spreads over the sale elite of national every locality, quick fast, serve the thoughtful after-sales service system.my factory make big, inside, small scaled play the equipments, function superior, the safety is dependable, the shape is beautiful, excellent low price in quality, win the new old customer in national every locality trustful of. The quantity the first, prestige is should be we face the commitment of the large customer, continuously creative, expand enterprising is target that we work hard.We will a such as since develop the new product for the large customer toward the ground.Provide the superior quality service. Create China amusement equipments business of glorious!

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沈阳松陵游乐设备制造厂 Shenyang songling amusement equipment manufacture factory 地址:沈阳市皇姑区乐山路9号 Add:No.9 Leshan road,huanggu district,shenyang china 电话Tel:024-86594525 传真Fax:024-86526349 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.slylsb.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我厂是中国航空工业总公司沈阳飞机工业集团主办的集体企业,现有职工二百多 人。几年来,在上级的关怀、扶植下,各方面都得到很大的发展,而且具备了发 展、设计、生产和安装各种游乐机械设备的条件。我厂通过国家游艺机质量监督 检验中心检测,获得国家游乐设施生产及制造许可证。从一九八六年至今我们已 生产GL52型、GL62型、GL72型、GL88型、GL115型、GL104、GL120型近百 台高空观览车。 由于我厂设计不断创新,产品质量安全可靠,近二十年来获得中国游艺机游乐园 协会多次表彰和奖励,并通过ISO9001质量体系认证。 我们为用户服务的宗旨是:项目一包到底,实行设计、制造、安装、售后一条 龙。我们愿为国家游艺机事业的发展贡献力量,愿为广大客户做出最好的服务。

Our factory is a collective enterprise with 130 staff sponsored by China Aviation Industry Corporation, Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group. In recent years, we developed a lot in all aspects with the care and help of the higher level leaders and also we have got the qualification on developing,

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designing, producing and installing all kinds of amusement equipment. We have got the license on amusement equipment’s production and manufacture after get through the Test of the National Amusement Equipment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. From 1986 till now we have produced nearly a hundred Ferris wheels, including types of GL52, GL62, GL72, GL88, GL115, GL104 and GL120. We’ve been awarded recognition and rewards by China Amusement Equipment Park Association for many times and have got the quality system certification of ISO9001. To customer service, our aims are: being responsible of the whole project, doing the job on design, manufacture and installation in succession. We are willing to contribute to the development of the National Amusement 公司介绍Equipment /andCompany provide the Profile best service: to our customers.

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司姆泰克文化创意(北京)有限公司 Themetech Culture & Creative (Beijing) Co.Ltd.

地址:中国北京市海淀区海淀北二街8号1109&1110室 Add:Rm.1109&1110,No.8 Haidian Bei Er Jie,Haidian Dist.,Beijing.,China 电话Tel:010-62682727 传真Fax:010-62682727-17 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: http://www.themetech.cn/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我们是来自美国的司姆泰克(主题)文化创意有限公司。集结了世界各地一流的主 题游乐行业设计师和工程师,与中国本土优秀的艺术家和制造家一起齐聚北京, 组 成司姆泰克的国际化专业团队. 我们致力于中国及亚太地区主题游乐的策划咨询, 创意设计,项目管理与实施。我们为您打造逼真的主题梦幻世界。东西方智力创意 交汇,激发无限想象力; 与我们分享您的梦想,我们将助您梦想成真, 我们是主题 公园的“造梦师”

Themetech Culture & Creative (TCC) combines American themed entertainment expertise, world-class designers and engineers sourced from across the globe, plus brilliant Chinese artisans and fabricators to form an international team in Beijing. This rich blend of east and west sparks unlimited imagination and great creativity for our clients in China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Share your vision and let our vast experience in consultation, creative design, project management and implementation help you realize the theme park of your dreams.

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苏州福龙游乐设备有限公司 Suzhou Fwu-long Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD

地址:苏州工业园区唯亭镇金陵东路183号 Add:NO.183EastJinling Road,Suzhou jiangsu Provice,P.R.China 电话Tel:0512-62538460 18913169637 传真Fax:0512-62538450 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.fwulong.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

苏州福龙游乐设备有限公司是一家多年从事研发、设计新产品、生产、销售各类 游乐设施专业 化企业。公司现有机械厂,气密厂,气模三大厂;我公司产品共分 六大类: 1、水上机械类2、陆地机械类3、水上充气类4、陆地充气类5、气模类6、充气 广告 本公司位于苏州最发达的工业园区,交通便利、环境优美。现有标准化厂房 二万平方 米,公司产品于2007年获得美国ASTM认证、欧洲CE认证及及TUV认 证,同时获得了多项发明专 利及产品外观设计专利和实用新型专利,并于2008 年加入了中国游艺机游乐园协会CAAPA和国 际游艺机游乐园协会IAAPA。本公 司具有“研发能力强、产品样式多、客户口碑好”的鲜明特点,以诚信、安全、 质量、服务为宗旨,公司将一如既往努力打造“福龙”品牌,为国内外客户呈上 一流的产品,同 时也真诚地为用户提供最优质的服务。打造21世纪儿童乐园新 世界。 Suzhou Fwu-Long Amusement Equipment Co,. Ltd is a professional enterprise who consistently develops, designs, produce and markets amusement equipment for the Amusement Industry,such as paddler boats,bumper boats,battery boats,water walking ball and inflatable water toys etc. As professionals, we pride ourselves in providing various amusement products which have passed CE and ASTM certification, and above all, our best service all over the world. Our goal is to assure customer satisfaction, safety and fun for children of all ages. Considering the fierce competition, we make it our priority to always keep on innovating and improving our products so as to meet the need of both domestic and foreign markets.Welcome friends all over the world,and we cordially invite you to visit our factory and see our products if you are convenient,and believe we will have good cooperation

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Add: 2030 BLVD PIE-IX , STE 307, Montreal, QC 电话Tel:514-354-8999 传真Fax:514-354-8968 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web:WWW.TRIO-TECH.COM

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Triotech has won IAAPA’s Brass Ring Award for Best New Product for two consecutive years. The company won in 2013 for its XD Dark Ride interactive theater and in 2014 for its Interactive Dark Ride. Triotech also received the much-coveted Impact Award for the product that will most positively affect the industry’s future. This was awarded for Triotech’s Interactive Dark Ride installation at Canada’s Wonderland. Over its 15 years of existence, Triotech’s media based interactive attractions have been installed in over 40 countries and have been experienced by over 37 million guests worldwide. TRIOTECH公司已经连续两年赢得了国际游乐园及景点协会的铜环最佳新产品大 奖,其中2013年由我们的XD黑暗乘骑影院获得,2014年由我们的互动式黑暗乘 骑获得。同时,TRIOTECH公司还在2014年由于为加拿大奇幻乐园提供的互动式 黑暗乘骑项目的创新足以对全游乐行业未来的积极发展起到巨大的影响作用而获 得了2014年度行业影响力大奖。在过去的15年里,TRIOTECH的多媒体互动设备 已经在全球超过40个国家迎接了超过三千七百万人次的各国游客!!!

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XD Dark Ride: interactive experience with ultra realistic in-seat motion and amazing special 4D effects, the world’s fastest targeting system. Players compete for best score and a growing library of exclusive content drive replay-ability of this award winning attraction. XD黑暗乘骑影院:本影院是综合了精准的互动体验、超级动感的座椅式动效再加 上绝佳的4D特效,并且集成世界上目前最迅速精准的目标追踪系统打造而成。通 过使游客竞争更好的成绩,并且不断开发更多更新的游戏影片,使这个获奖设备 具备了对游客反复乘坐极强的吸引力! Interactive Dark Ride: A media-based interactive attraction compatible with all ride systems. Players ride their carts through a series of interactive stations filled with special effects and unique story-telling. Featuring Triotech’s proprietary targeting systems and exclusive content.

互动式黑暗乘骑:这是一款全新的结合全景多媒体场景的互动体验乘骑系统。游 公司介绍/Company Profile: 客乘坐轨道车穿梭于配有各种特效的多媒体场景之间,并且根据故事中的情节通 过互动射击完全参与到故事中来。而这一切都得益于TRIOTECH无与伦比的互动 射击系统和自主开发的游戏影片。

XD Theater: the ultimate immersive motion theater experience with amazing “4D” effects.

XD动感影院:这是一款无与伦比的动感体验影院,通过超强的动感座椅和刺激的 动感影片配合4D特效,打造完美的动感体验。 Products (50 words)产品 XD Dark Ride: interactive experience with ultra realistic in-seat motion and amazing special 4D effects and the world’s fastest targeting system. Interactive Dark Ride: Media-based interactive attraction a ride system moving players through a series of interactive stations filled with special effects.

XD Theater: the ultimate immersive motion theater experience.

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TÜV南德意志大中华集团 TÜV SÜD Greater China

地址:北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号M楼 Add:M Buliding , No.7 Wangjing Zhonghuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District Beijing 电话Tel:010-65906186 传真Fax:010-65906182 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.tuv-sud.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

TÜV南德意志集团总部设在德国慕尼黑,于1866年创立于德国的曼海姆,凭借世 界级的服务及领先的德国技术享誉全球。服务范围覆盖认证、测试、检验、资讯 及专家指导等多个领域。公司目前分布于全球800多处及拥有遍布全球的实验室 网络,员工超过22, 000人。着力为客户提供技术、体系及实际生产过程中的优化 服务。2013年,TÜV南德意志集团营业额约19 亿欧元,并在八个国家成功收购 八家公司。 TÜV (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein) 在英语中意为技术检验协会 (Technical Inspection Association) 。 TÜV南德意志集团主要服务的行业含盖了电子电气、航空、汽车、医疗、食品、 能源、化工、通讯、轨道交通、纺织、大型工业设备、游乐设施等等,是值得信 赖的过程伙伴,集团的服务贯穿整个产业链,始终放眼于整体商业流程,提供一 站式的整解决方案。 TÜV南德意志集大中华集团(TÜV SÜD Greater China)总部设于上海,主要分 布在北京、广州、香港、台北以及约40处贯穿整个大中华区,TÜV南德意志集团 是国际贸易合作的重要支持桥梁。迄今为止,已在中国为20000多家机构提供过

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服务。 更多信息,请浏览: www.tuv-sud.cn

Founded as a steam boiler inspection association in 1866, TÜV SÜD is one of the world’s leading technical service organizations. TÜV SÜD is a globally active, future-oriented company. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, TÜV SÜD achieved sales revenue of EUR 1.9 billion and acquired eight companies in eight countries in 2013. TÜV SÜD employs over 20,000 skilled staff in more than 800 locations worldwide. TÜV (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein): Technical Inspection Association in English. We review your entire business operations and pinpoint areas for quality 公司介绍optimization/Company throughout. Profile This begins: with expert opinion on requirements for quality standards compliance in the research and development (R&D) phases to avoid costly and time consuming errors from the onset. We pinpoint methodologies and criteria for evaluating raw materials and their suppliers and support you to set up an efficient business operation and transparent management system. Operating from its headquarters in Shanghai with main offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei as well as around 40 satellite offices throughout Greater China region, TÜV SÜD Greater China is an important supporting bridge between international trade partners. To date, TÜV SÜD has partnered around 20, 000 companies in China. For more information, please view: www.tuv-sud.cn

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天津枫韵旅游景区管理有限公司 TianJin Forture-Wing Tourism Management Consuiting Co.LTD

地址:天津市蓟县迎宾大街2号枫韵景区管理有限公司 电话Tel:022-82711885 传真Fax:022-82711881 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. forture-wing.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

天津枫韵旅游景区管理有限公司主要从事旅游景区的开发、规划设计及运营管理 方面服务。公司拥有一批高素质的规划设计人才、施工队伍以及丰富经验的旅游 景区经营管理专家,具备几十年的项目管理与实践经验。我们对细节的注重,对 规划品质的追求,对设计艺术的热爱,对景区智能化的运用,对旅游行业的敏 感,对团队精神的发扬,对客户的责任,是项目成功实现的保障。团队成员对 国内、国外主题公园发展历程及未来得发展方向和趋势有着清晰地认知与判断能 力,优化完善了一套成熟实用的景区开发及经营管理体系,能快速、高效的为主 题公园、旅游地产、主题商业、主题社区等项目提供一站式服务。 同时对于景区服务品质差、管理不善、市场运作不良等诸多方面原因造成经营不 善的景区,我们可进行极具针对性的管理咨询服务

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天津市泛美亚娱乐产品开发有限公司 Tianjin FMY Entertainment Inc.

地址:天津市北辰区红光工业园一区1号泛美亚公司 电话Tel:022-26949666 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.c-fmy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

天津市侨城高新技术科技有限公司成立于2008年,隶属天津泛美亚的娱乐产品开 发有限公司。主要从事机器人技术开发、 制造、 销售; 是容景观工程设计、 施 工; 影视效果设备设计、制造、销售于一体的专业公司,同时也是中国第一家将 高仿真硅胶技术与机器人相结合的专业雕塑单位。本企业主要服务于博物馆、纪 念馆、主题公园、旅游景点为主的文博业和旅游业。 侨城高科继承并发扬泛美亚 娱乐 “创造神奇与欢乐” 的创新精神,以其独特的发展思路,将仿真硅胶艺术 和机器人技术相结合,开创了中国乃至世界机器人研发领域的新市场, 艺术及 工艺水准达到世界先进水平。并于2012年5月被天津市科委评选为“科技创新 现 主要客户有深圳欢乐谷、 北京欢乐谷、 成都欢乐谷、 大连发现王国、上海欢乐 谷、深圳东部华侨城、常州中华恐龙园、重庆龙门阵、天津欢乐谷、泰安大汶口 太阳部落等多个大型主题公园。成立至今同时参与过电影《烽火》 、 《我的唐 朝兄弟》 、 《匹夫》的特效制作工作。

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同泽景园(北京)园林工程有限公司 With ze garden landscape engineering (Beijing) co., LTD 公司总部:北京市通州区宋庄小堡艺术东区同泽艺术馆 公司地址:北京市朝阳区西直河康化路2号 工厂地址:北京市大兴区采育经济开发区 电话Tel:010-67480090 传真Fax:010-67482568 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.toze.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

“同泽景园”品牌--始建于2006年,是一家集园林艺术设计、园林建筑、景观雕 塑、材料生产、施工、 研发于一体的高新技术企业,公司总部及“同泽艺术馆” 位于北京通州区宋庄艺术园区内,办公区位于北京朝阳区西直河康化路,在宋庄 艺术区建有雕塑工厂,大兴采育开发区建有4000多平米的生产基地,公司已全面 通过ISO9001质量管理体系及14001环境管理体系认证。 “同泽景园”拥有自己的园林公司、科技发展公司、文化艺术公司、设计事务 所、同泽艺术馆。在园林景观行业唯一一家将仿真景观艺术与混凝土地坪艺术、 艺术品集于一体的综合型企业。 同泽人以独特的审美、精湛的技艺、务实的作风、大胆的创新,使公司取得了良 好的社会效益和经济效益,赢得了重多客户的赞誉和再合作的认可。 在“大连、 沈阳、威海、 太原、郑州、广州、海南”等多个城市设有销售和工程服务机构。 多年来,我公司积累了丰富的成功经验,疑聚了大量的骨干精英,拥有着一支富 于创新精神和服务精神的团队,他们创造了许多独有的景观技法,把混凝土、水 泥、GRC等多种材质有机结合在一起,在市政、园林、游乐园、大型广场以及室 内外装饰等多种景观环境中都得到了充分完美的体现,目前拥有高承载透水艺术

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地坪、彩色压印艺术地坪、植草地坪及塑石假山、仿木、园林仿真小品等景观产 品并将其艺术形态发挥到了极致。 2011年,公司收购原北京中技引玉科技有限公司所有的地坪模具加上公司原有自 主开发的模具种类,一跃成为当前国内艺术地坪行业拥有模具款式最全、数量最 多的艺术地坪公司,在艺术地坪领域处于绝对领先地位。 同泽景园将本着“推陈出新、精益求精”的经营理念,一如既往地坚持“以科技 为依托,以诚信为宗旨”,不断提高工程科技含量,做好每一项景观工程,为园 林景观行业贡献力量,为建设节能、环保的新型社会做出更大贡献! 近年部分工程案例:三亚湾红树林度假世界水乐园、玉圭园•环球名胜水上乐园、 北京欢乐谷、天津欢乐海魔方嬉水乐园、天津凯旋王国、北京中南海、甘肃酒泉 卫星发射中心、安徽安庆五千年文博园、山东烟台渔人码头、北京石景山雕塑公 园、北京蓝调薰衣草庄园、北京星光影视城、大连圣亚等国内大型主题项目…… 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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童韵游乐设备(上海)有限公司 Funlandia Playground Systems Ltd

地址:上海市嘉定区菊城路189号 电话Tel:021-39528302 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: http://www.tongyunplay.com.cn/ http:// funlandiaplaygrounds.com/

公司介绍/Company Profile:

童韵游乐设备(上海)有限公司是专业从事室内儿童游乐设备的厂商,公司为客 户提供室内儿童乐园全套解决方案——咨询,设计,生产,安装——多年来,公 司产品售往欧美等各大市场

Funlandia is China’s leading turn-key indoor playground manufacturer, our solution includes all play equipment and accessories required by indoor playground, we support you in every step of owning an indoor play center - from market research, design, manufacturing, to installation and service. Our expertise and experience in the products and business will ensure your success

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Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V.

Add: Schaapweg 18, 6063 BA Vlodrop, The Netherlands 电话Tel:+31-475409222 传真Fax: +31-475402115 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.vekoma.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:


Vekoma Rides is one of the largest roller coaster manufacturers in the world and a market leader in the industry. With in-house concept design, engineering and manufacturing, we are in a unique position. Custom- designed attractions are one of our highly valued specialties. We offer a full range of coasters and attractions, including family, thrill & mega coasters, indoor coasters, and attractions & specialties, characteristic for its innovation, high quality and durability. In addition, with our partner Brogent we offer a broad range of interactive media based attractions, while our partnership with RMC brings very unique and exciting wood coaster concepts. 改变您的世界! 威克马游乐设施公司是世界上最大的过山车生产商之一和娱乐产业的市场领头 人,这一切都得益于我们包括概念设计,工程设计和设备生产在内的全方位团

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队。威克马不但擅长于为客户提供特殊定制的游乐设备,而且能够提供包括家庭 型过山车,刺激型&巨型过山车以及室内过山车在内的各式过山车和其他特色游 乐设备,并一直以其创新设计,卓越品质和经久耐用而独具特色。 此外,我们不仅与合作伙伴智崴科技携手推出了一系列互动式新媒体体感游乐设 备,而且和RMC公司共同合作为传统木制过山车加入了独特刺激的元素。

Product Range 产品范围 Vekoma Rides Manufacturing products are distinguished in four product groups: 威克马游乐设施公司主要以四种产品类型而著称: • Family Coasters 家庭型过山车 • Thrill & Mega Coasters 刺激型和巨型过山车 公司介绍• Indoor Coasters/Company 室内过山车 Profile : • Attractions & Specialties 其他特色游乐设备

Parts & Services 配件& 服务 Vekoma Rides Parts & Services main objective is to support the parks' maintenance staff and operators in a way to ensure that the Vekoma attractions will operate in a reliable and above all safe manner. 威克马配件和服务部门负责支持协助公园的设备维护操作人员,以确保我们的全 部游乐设备得以安全可靠地运行。

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Vortex Aquatic Structures International

Add: 328 Avro,Pointe Claire,Quebec,Canada H9R 5W5 电话Tel:+1 514 694 3868 传真Fax: +1 514 335 5413 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.vortex-intl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Vortex Aquatic Structures international, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, was founded in 1995 with the introduction of the first Splashpad®. Vortex's use of the highest quality materials coupled with unique, inspiring design and state-of-the-art engineering, positioned the company as the world leader in aquatic play solutions. In addition to its operations in Montreal, Vortex has regional sales and technical support offices in California, Michigan and Texas in the USA, Lyon and Paris in France, Valencia in Spain, and Shanghai and Beijing in China. The company has a global marketing and distribution network supporting Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and Latin America.

With over 6,000 installations worldwide, Vortex's mission is to lead the aquatic play industry by continuing to develop the most fun, innovative and safe products for families and children of all ages and abilities.

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渥太克斯水结构国际有限公司总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔市。成立于1995年,同年 将Splashpad理念引入市场。凭借着高品质用材和独特创新工业艺术设计的完美 结合,Vortex成功的奠定了在国际嬉水娱乐解决方案的全球领先地位。

在蒙特利尔总部之外,渥太克斯在全球多个国际以及地区成立了销售和客户支持 办公室,分别位于美国的加利福利亚,密歇根和德克萨斯,法国的巴黎和里昂, 西班牙的瓦伦西亚,中国的北京和上海等城市,并成功将渥太克斯的全球市场领 域扩大至中北美洲,拉丁美洲,欧洲,澳洲以及中东和亚洲区域。

渥太克斯在全球范围内,目前已经完成超过6000个项目。并将持续以引领嬉水娱 乐行业提供创新和安全的儿童以及家庭全年龄段嬉水娱乐解决方案作为公司的发 展使命。 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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Water Technology, Inc.

Add: 100 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916 USA 电话Tel:+1 920 887 7375 传真Fax: +1 920 887 7999 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 网址Web: www.wtiworld.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Water Technology, Inc. –World leader in waterpark planning, design & delivery. Our mission is to provide our clients everything they need to design, develop, and deliver successful world class waterpark projects. WTI has provided full waterpark design and engineering services for hundreds of indoor and outdoor waterparks. Over 30 years in professional waterpark design business 500+ finished waterpark designs worldwide and currently in operation

Water Technology, Inc. (WTI)是水上乐园规划设计与建设的全球领导者。我们 的目标使命是致力于帮助客户规划,设计与开发成功的世界级水上乐园项目。 WTI已经为数百个室内外水上乐园提供全面设计以及技术工程服务 WTI拥有哦30年以上的专业水上乐园设计历史 WTI在全球范围内已经完成了500个以上并且正在成功运营的水上乐园

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万德沃(北京)游乐设施发展有限公司 wonderworld(beijing)amusement riders development co,ltd

地址:北京市朝阳区望京园601号楼23层2706 Add:2706,23F,Buliding 601,Wangjingyuan,Chaoyang district, Beijing. 电话Tel:010-64777348 传真Fax:010-64777391 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. wdwbj.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

万德沃(北京)游乐设施发展有限公司,作为大型游乐设备制造企业,现已成为中 国领先的游乐设备制造商,成长为中国游乐制造领域最富生命力的企业之一。 公司拥有雄厚的研发设计、生产制造实力,对大型游乐设施均有独到的研究,对 市场的把握更具优势。利用高科技、高技能优势旨在生产一流水平,质高价优的 游乐设备。公司秉承“以客户感知为导向研发制造设备”的企业理念,坚持自主 研发,自主创新,用高新技术打造高品质的游乐设备。 我们会用心、努力做好每一件事,满怀信心迎接每一次挑战!全力打造一个以快 速成长和锐意创新为导向的全球化游乐设备制造企业,为推动中国游乐事业的发 展作出新的贡献。

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威海金山游乐设备有限公司 Weihai Jinshan Amusement Equipment CO.,LTD.

地址:山东省威海市环翠区羊亭镇北观工业园 Add:Beiguan industry Area Yangting Town Huancui Distict Weihai P.R.China 电话Tel:0631-5929777 传真Fax:0631-5929777 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. whjinshan.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

金山游乐是集大、中、小型设备于一体的游乐设备公司,成立于1999年 ,位于 山东威海,占地面积120亩,生产厂房6000平方米,拥有国家A类大型游乐设备 资质,主要生产大、中型游乐设备,旗下设有沈阳金山光电技术有限公司,主要 生产小型设备及电子设备生产。公司拥有一批高素质的研安发、生产、服务团 队,严格按照国家行业准则,在设备的研发制造上以安全为本,质量为根,以客 户的满意为金山的追求目标。经过多年的努力, 威海金山游乐设备有限公司已经 成为中国最具影响力的大型游乐设备厂家之一,并受到广大客户的支持与好评。

Jinshan amusement is A concentration of large, medium and small devices, which integrates amusement equipment co., LTD was founded in 1999, is located in shandong weihai, covers an area of 120 acres, production workshop 6000 square meters, with national class A large recreation equipment qualification, the main production of large or medium sized amusement equipment, its sets shenyang jinshan photoelectric technology co., LTD., the main production of small equipment and electronic equipment production. The company has a number of highly qualified research AnFa, production and service team, in strict accordance with national industry standards, based on security in equipment research and development of manufacturing, quality as the root, customer satisfaction as the pursuit goal of the jinshan. After years of efforts, the weihai jinshan amusement equipment co., LTD has become one of China’s most influential large-scale amusement equipment manufacturer, and by the broad masses of customers.

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温州南方游乐设备工程有限公司 Wenzhou Nanfang Amusement Rides Co., Ltd.

地址:浙江省温州市鹿城区周岭路26号 Add:No.26 Zhouling Road,Lucheng District,Wenzhou 电话Tel:0577-88722168 传真Fax:0577-88717441 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. nanfangrides.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司位于东海之滨的温州市。温州是一个融入长三角经济、科技、文化的重要地 区、是中国改革开放的领跑者、是极具创造力的和谐城市。 公司前身是温州市南方微型车厂,在1990年转产游乐设备生产,并改名为“温州 市南方游乐设备总厂”。2005年经政府批准规范改制为民营企业,又更名为“温 州南方游乐设备工程有限公司”。本公司是一家集大、中型游乐设备设计、制 造、安装为一体的专业化企业,拥有A、B类游乐设备制造、维修、安装资质。 公司现总占地面积75亩,厂房、办公楼、宿舍总建筑面积46000平方米,注册资 金2280万元,总资产2.6亿多元,年经营规模和生产能力达3亿元。现有职工530 名,有各类专业技术职称人员150名,其中高级职称6名,中级职称43名,拥有 发明专利与实用专利技术50项,配置机械、电器、玻璃钢等生产加工装备252台/ 套,设备精良,检测设施齐全。 多年来,遵循国家强制性特种设备TSG Z20004-2007质量保证体系与ISO 9001- 2008质量管理体系认证的要求,建立和健全质量管理方案,确保质量水平的稳 定,并以雄厚的技术力量来保证质保体系的健康运作。 公司目前有三十多个品种、四十多个规格型号的高质量游乐设施产品,覆盖了游 乐园大中型主力设备的需求。产品设计不断优化,新产品持续研发是我们长期的 市场战略目标。市场范围遍及全国,远销东南亚、俄罗斯、中亚、非洲,特别是 在国内知名主题乐园的广泛应用。我们不仅制造游乐设备,也提供游乐园的整体 策划和设计方案的技术指导以及满足客户多样化产品需求,更提供满意的售前、 售中、售后服务,优质高效的全方位服务使我们的客户群体不断扩大。

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经过二十几年的发展,工业总产值逐年高速增长,规模逐年扩大,生产能力持续 增长,新产品不断面市,专利技术创新性突破。公司始终以技术为先导的发展理 念,坚持以客户利益至上的经营原则,秉承以质取胜,抱持安全高于一切的社会 责任感,赢得了广大客户的赞誉。长期的创业历程磨练出一支德才兼备的专业化 优秀团队,科学管理、缜密的质量把控手段,精工制造,夯实了企业发展基石, 诚信经营推动了我们走到行业前列,并得到了客户和政府的肯定。荣获:“浙江 省科技型企业”、“重合同守信用企业”、“温州市鹿城工业50强企业”、“国 家级高新技术企业”,并参加起草和制定《游乐设备安全技术监察规程》、《游 艺机和游乐设施安全技术标准》等国家标准。 展望未来,我们将一如既往强化技术进步,促进产业升级,为建设一个现代化公 司而努力! Wenzhou Nanfang Amusement Rides Co., Ltd. is located in Wenzhou by the East China Sea. Wenzhou is an important region of the integration of economy, technology and culture in the Yangtze River Delta, is a leader of China’s reform and opening up, and is also a harmonious city with great creativity. 公司介绍The company’s/ predecessor was: Wenzhou Nanfang Miniature Vehicle Factory, whichCompany was switched Profile to the production of amusement facilities in 1990 and renamed as Wenzhou Nanfang Amusement Facilities Plant. Approved by the government in 2005, it was restructured into a private enterprise and was renamed as Wenzhou Nanfang Amusement Rides Co., Ltd. The company is a specialized enterprise integrating design, manufacturing and installation of large and medium-sized amusement facilities. It has manufacturing, maintenance, and installation qualifications for amusement facilities of Category A and B. The company covers an area of 75 mu (about 12.4 acres) with the registered capital of 22.8 million Yuan, the total assets of over 260 million Yuan and the annual scale of operation and production capacity of 300 million Yuan, among which its workshops, office buildings and dormitories cover a total construction area of 46,000 square meters. Now there are 530 employees, among whom 150 have professional and technical titles, including 6 with senior titles and 43 with intermediate titles. It has 50 technologies of patents for invention and utility patents. It is equipped with 252 pieces/sets of production and processing equipment for machinery, electrical equipment and glass reinforced plastic, etc., with sophisticated equipment and complete testing facilities. Over the years, it follows the TSG Z20004-2007 Quality Assurance System of National Mandatory Special Equipment and the ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System Certification, establishes and improves quality

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management programs to ensure the stability of the level of quality, and ensures the healthy operation of the quality assurance system with strong technical force. The company currently has more than 30 varieties and over 40 models of high-quality amusement facility products, covering the needs of main large and medium-sized equipment of amusement parks. Product design is constantly optimized and continuous new product R&D is the target of our long-term market strategy. Our markets are throughout the country and products are exported to Southeast Asia, Russia, Central Asia, and Africa, especially in the extensive application of the well-known theme parks in China. We not only manufacture amusement facilities, but also provide the overall planning of amusement parks and technical guidance on design plans, as well as meet customers’ diverse product demands. Moreover, we also provide satisfactory pre-sales, sales and after-sales services, and the quality and efficient all-round services make our customer groups continue to expand. 公司介绍After over /20 years of development,: its gross industrial output value increases rapidlyCompany year Profileby year, the scale expands year by year, the production capacity continues to increase, new products continuously come onto the market, and patented technologies achieve innovative breakthroughs. The company always takes the development concept of being technology-led, adheres to the operating principle of the interests of customers first, the strategy of success through quality, and the sense of social responsibility of safety overriding all else, thus it has won praise from customers. The long entrepreneurial journey has honed an excellent professional team with both morality and ability. Scientific management, careful quality control means and precision manufacturing lay a solid cornerstone for enterprise development, operation with integrity helps us come to the forefront of the industry and win affirmation of customers and the government. The company has won many titles like Scientific and Technological Enterprise in Zhejiang Province, Contract-Abiding and Trustworthy Enterprise, One of Top 50 Industrial Enterprises in Lucheng Wenzhou, and National High-Tech Enterprise. It also participates in drafting and formulating national standards such as Safety Technology Supervision Regulation on Amusement Facilities, Safety Technology Standards for Entertainment Machines and Amusement Facilities, etc. Looking into the future, we will, as always, continue to strengthen technological progress, promote industrial upgrading, and make efforts to build a modern company!

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沃德乐实业有限公司 World-Fun Attraction Industry Limited

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇新水坑村生态园环村东路27号, Add:Huancun East RoadNo.27, Shiji Town,Panyu Distric, Guangdong,China 电话Tel:020-38019394 传真Fax:020-32215849 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Wf-attractions.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

沃德乐实业有限公司是一家及设计,研发,生产于一体的中外合资企业。公司销 售总部位于中东迪拜. 公司拥有一支强大有力的国际设计团队,并与意大利设计公司RIDETEK ENGINEETING通力合作,打造出一款全球第一无二的APPOLO过山车和100米无 基础摩天轮。 公司每一款产品的设计都是经过精雕细琢,高端低调的设计,淡雅的风格,备受 国内外客户青睐。目前研发的几款主打热销产品:11座蛋糕转马,12座F1-X极 速飞车,18座音乐转杯,18座万圣节主题南瓜和16座天使飞椅等都已经申请专 利。公司产品在质量控制方面十分严格,经过国外权威认证,如德国TUV,欧盟 EN标准,CE认证等,并邀请国外检测机构前往工厂进行现场体验。 我司每年会固定参加数场国内外行业展,产品已销往欧美,中东,东南亚等区 域。 以质为本,不断创新是我们一直的发展理念,期待与您合作!

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World-Fun Attraction Industry Ltd is a professional manufacturer focus on design, development and producing joint venture enterprise.Factory located in panyu district,guangzhou city,and branch sales office in Dubai also.

We have a strong design team from abroad cooperate with Italian company RIDE TEK Engineering who are engaged in design in Roller Coaster and Ferris Wheel with top technology and innovation.We have been created an unique APPOLO Roller Coaster and 100m Semi portable Ferris Wheel on mutual cooperation. Own design new rides :11seats Cake Carousel,12seats X-F1 Racing Car,18seats Musical CuP,18seats pumpkin Train and16seats Angel 公司介绍Whirwind Chairs/Company are applied Profile for patent.: Our products have been approved by TUV company in German,passed EN Standard issued by CE certificate.We also invite third party international testing institutions to our factory for inspection to guarantee quality and safety .

Look forward to cooperating with you in the near future.

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芜湖市宝艺游乐科技设备有限公司 Wuhu Valuable Skill Amusement Science and Technology Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:安徽省芜湖市繁昌县峨山工业园 Add:Ershan Industrial Park, Fanchang County, Wuhu, Anhui, CHINA 电话Tel:0553-7916666 传真Fax:0553-7915345 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. http://www.whbyjoy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

芜湖市宝艺游乐科技设备有限公司成立于2006年7月,座落于峨山工业园柏树 村,系繁昌县政府招商引资企业。厂区占地16000多平方米,建筑面积约10000平 方米。 公司已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证、产品通过欧盟CE认证,并被认 定为“安徽省高新技术产品”, “芜湖市知商标”;主营产品:逍遥车、旋转秋千 鱼、旋转飞机、充气电瓶车、动物拉车、动物电瓶车、儿童蹦极、游乐电池车、 轨道火车、组合滑梯、淘气堡、健身器材、体育器材、休闲椅、果皮箱、橡胶地 垫、塑胶跑道、景观设施等。公司荣获国家专利证书800多项;并应邀参加2008 年第三届中国科技博览会、2009年中博会、2010年国际动漫产品博览会等。产 品除销全国各地以外,近年来已远销到阿联酋、新加坡、奥地利、俄罗斯、韩 国、土耳其、台湾等国家和地区。

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武汉穆特科技有限公司 Wuhan Motus tech CO.,LTD.

地址:武汉光谷芯中心文轩楼303# Add:Wenxuan Tower NO.303 Guanggu Road,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China 电话Tel:400-011-7155 传真Fax:027-81718826 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.motustechs.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

武汉穆特科技有限公司,是一家专业从事仿真模拟器、六自由度并联机器人、电 动伺服控制系统的研究、设计、生产、销售、以及售后服务的高新技术企业。 拥有一批掌握现代高科技理论与技术的优秀技术人员和管理人员,其中50%为 硕士研究生,10%为博士研究生,10%拥有教授职称,在自动控制技术、仿真 技术、计算机通讯技术、机械设计技术等方面有着完整的理论基础和实际工程经 验。 主要经营范围:电动运动仿真平台、伺服控制系统、六自由度并联机器人的设 计、生产和服务。这些产品已被兵器、船舶、航天、航空、电子等国防工业部门 和民航、石油、铁道、地震、交通等民用工业部门广泛应用在工程仿真、设计评 估、测试、实验、任务训练、训练评估、环境仿真、事件重现等方面。 公司自成立以来,本着“技术为中心,质量为根本,服务为核心”的方针,严格 按照国标、军标质量标准进行质量管理,狠抓售后服务,确保用户百分之百的满 意。我们相信,在雄厚的研发实力、规范的管理制度、灵活的经营机制、可靠的 质量保证、完善的售后服务的基础上,武汉穆特必将获得您的信赖和赞誉。

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MOTUS science and technology co., LTD is an new high-tech enterprise Engaged in the research, design, production, sales and service of the simulator、Six degrees of freedom electric and hydraulic motion platforms and the electric servo control system. The main business scope of MOTUS include the design, production and service of simulator, Six degrees of freedom electric and hydraulic motion platforms and electric servo control system . Around the world, motion platforms provided by MOTUS have been used in defense industry sectors like weapons, ships, aerospace, aviation and electronics, civilian industry sectors like Engineering simulation, design review, testing experiment, task training, training assessment and environmental simulation. MOTUS have been in line with “technology as the center, quality as the 公司介绍fundamental,/Company service as the Profile core”: policy since the day it is founded. Every single product from MOTUS is made in strict accordance with the national standard and military standard to ensure that the users are absolutely satisfied. We believe that MOTUS deserves your trust and praise for its enormous potentiality, standardized management system, flexible operational mechanism, reliable quality assurance and consummate after service.

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武汉市福特游乐设备有限责任公司 Wuhan Te Pleasure Ground Pacilities Limited Co.,Ltd.

地址:武汉市汉阳区罗七北路特5号 Add:Special No.5,Luoqi Road(North),Hanyang District, Wuhan City 电话Tel:027-84865873 传真Fax:027-84867515 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. futeyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介: 武汉福特游乐设备有限责任公司,创建于2001年2月,现任中国游艺机,游乐园协 会理事单位.2009年被评为“最受公众喜爱的中国游乐设备”生产企业。公司位 于中国三大名楼之首的黄鹤楼的故乡-武汉,地处中国经济发达的长江中游,是一 家集研究、开发、制造、经营于一体的国内游乐制造重点企业。 近年来,为适应游乐业迅速发展的需求,福特公司在武汉东西湖区,建设新厂 区,占地面积达90余亩,建设生产车间八间及综合仓库,各类生产设备200余台 套,并配备各类检测装置。公司现有员工200余人,预计将达到500人,各类专业 研发技术员20余人。自建厂以来,公司发展迅猛,相继研发了观览车类、飞行塔 类、陀螺类、滑行车类、架空游览车类、转马类等多个系列的产品,并且我司生产 的架空类、“立环跑车”市场占有率高达94.7%。 公司是一家以生产经营游乐设施为主,以投资、经营、机电安装工程等为辅的综 合性企业,其中包括过山车、转马、大摆锤、飞行塔等一系列优秀产品,产品均 严格执行国家标准和相关规定,已经取得了大型游乐设施A级制造许可证及安装 认可的资格。 目前,公司产品销售遍布国内几乎所有的大中小型城市。同时,公司产品还出口 到欧洲、中东、南美、非洲、东南亚等多个国家和地区,深受国内外客户及广大 游客的欢迎与好评,成为游乐行业的佼佼者。

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Company brief introduction: Wuhan Te Pleasure Ground Pacilities Limited Co., Ltd. founded in February 2001, is currently a executive director units in Chinese Amusement Park. It was named “The most favorite manufacturers of Chinese public amusement equipment” in 2009. The Company is located in Wuhan who is the hometown of Yellow Crane Tower that the first of three towers in China. It is the key enterprises of manufacturing amusement equipment at the country in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River who is Economically developed. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of the rapidly growing of amusement industry, the Ford Company construction of the new plant that covers an area of 90 acres, eight workshops and integrated warehouse, various types of production equipments more than 200 sets, and equipped with various of detection devices in Wuhan East Lake . The company currently employs more than 200 people, it will increase 公司介绍in predict 500./Company all kinds of Profile professional: R & D technicians and more than 20 people. Since its establishment, the company developed fast, have developed a Ferris wheel class, flight tower class, top class, scooter classes, class aerial tour, transfer equine and other series of products,the market share had achieved 94.7% belongs to overhead class, “vertical ring sports car”in our company. The company is a comprehensive enterprise who is mainly manufacturing and managing amusement equipment, and secondly investing, managing mechanical and electrical installation works, which includes a roller coaster, Carousel, big pendulum, flight tower and a series of excellent products, the products are strictly enforced national standards and regulations, has made large-scale amusement facilities class A manufacturing license and installation of approved qualifications. At present, the company’s product sales across almost all of the domestic large and small cities. Meanwhile, the company’s products are also exported to Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, it is popular in domestic and foreign customers and the majority of tourists deeply, so it became a leader in the amusement industries.

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武汉顺源游乐设备制造有限公司 Wuhan Shunyuan Amusement Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd

地址:武汉汉口古田四路新墩一村特一号附七号 Add:Sub-7# Special No. 1, Xindun No.1 Village, Gutian No.4 Road, Qiaokou District, Wuhan,China 电话Tel:02783849900 传真Fax:02783836632 电邮Email:wjm@shunyuanrides。com 网址Web:www. 83849900.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

武汉顺源游乐设备制造有限公司成立于1982年, 注册资金350万,是中国一家专 业从事游乐设备设计、生产和销售, 科工贸一体化的现代企业。我们是游艺机游 乐园协会理事单位,及湖北省游乐设备制造行业排头企业。 我们拥有一支高技能、经验丰富的专业技术团队。在全国率先研制出新颖独特的 步履型仿生动物系列游艺机,同时在不断总结创新的基础上, 研制出大型飞行塔 类、架空轨道游览车类、自控飞机类、转马类、陀螺类、观览车类、电池车类等 七大类100多种风格独特、质量优良的游乐设备。 同时我们不断拓展,紧跟时尚,引领业界潮流的生产领域以及完善周到的售后服 务使我们的销售网络遍布全国各个省市,并且远销到印度尼西亚、美国、加拿 大、西班牙、澳大利亚、南非、菲律宾和印度等国家和地区。 为了进一步扩大我公司的产品市场,我们一方面加大了本公司产品国内外市场的 营销力度,另一方面我们愿意在互惠互利的基础上,热情欢迎国内外代理商和经 销商的加盟。我们愿意以一流的管理,一流的产品,一流的质量,一流的服务开 拓创新,与客户携手共进,共同发展。

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Wuhan Shunyuan Amusement Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd is established in 1982, with registered capital 3 million RMB, which is a modern integration enterprise of science, industry and trading. It specializes in designing, manufacturing and sales. It has awarded the Certificate of China Association of Amusement Parks & Attractions (CAAPA), which is entitled to all the rights and privileges prescribed with by-laws. It is also a leading company in the field of amusement equipment manufacturing and trading. We have a high-quality, skilled and professional technical team, based on years of experience. We have been the first to develop the Bionic Animal Rides with lifelike walking and novel appearance. Based on continually summarizing and creating, we have developed large-scale Upper air 公司介绍orbits, Rotation/Company series, Watering Profile series: and Playgrounds products. Our products include 9 types and 100 kinds of amusement products with characteristic and distinctive style and high quality. Besides, we have been developing ourselves, going along with the fashion, leading the trend in this field and perfect after-sale service make our point-of-sale spreads all over the country, and our products have been exported to many countries and regions such as Indonesia, U.S.A, Canada, Spain, Australia, South Africa, Phillippine and India and so on. In order to expand our product market further, on one hand we have strengthened our marketing at both domestic and international markets; On the other hand we warmly welcome the partnership of domestic and oversea agents and distributors to join on basis of mutual profit. We hope with the best management, the best quality and the best services

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Add:20 RUE ALEXANDRE MERELLE 60110 LORMAISON 电话Tel:+33613499387 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web:www.xtremaventures.fr

公司介绍/Company Profile:

XTREM AVENTURES GROUP is a Designer and Builder Adventures Parks. We have already Design and Build 82 Parks in all the world, Shanghai China, Dubai UE, Istanbul Turkey, Paris France, Atlanta USA, Bogota Colombia, Rotterdam Holland, Marrakesh Morocco, Mauritius Island, Bombay India, ….. We design and customize all king of Adventures Parks on trees, forest, or poles, Outdoor or Indoor, But also, other sensation activities as the BENJI EJECTION, VERTIGO FLY, ZORBONG, ACCRO TOWER, SLIDE JUMP….. We just finish to install a very nice outdoor Adventures Park and ZIP Lines in ALMONTAZAR Parks in Sharjah. We wait for you on our booth 4E35 / 4E38.

We design and customize all king of Adventures Parks on trees, forest, or poles, Outdoor or Indoor,

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地址:厦门市思明区汇金国际中心21层0405单元 Add:04-05#,HUIJIN CENTER ,SIMNG DISTRICT,XIAMEN 电话Tel:13799753008 0592-5638151 传真Fax:0592-5779048 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.xmdingyi.net

公司介绍/Company Profile:

鼎艺雕塑经过10年的努力发展,拥有一支杰出的艺术团队,现已成为一家从事主 题公园、主题乐园包装工程设计制作的专业公司。 业务范围: 主题公园、主题乐园、水上乐园、主题酒店、旅游景区、主题商业街、度假村、 博物馆、科技馆的包装工程设计制作。 成功案例: 珠海长隆海洋王国、武汉万达电影乐园、新加坡环球电影主题公园、泰国CN卡通 频道水上乐园、可口可乐世博展馆、俄罗斯HAPPYLONG系列室内儿童乐园、韩 国济州岛趣味艺术博物馆、波兰微缩公园、新加坡滨海湾公园、台湾众多房地产 项目,深得业界及游客的赞誉。 核心竞争力: 1)过硬的软件:公司资深管理人员及技术人员有驻外工作学习,赴外考察交流 的经验,特别是聘请了有诸多大型主题公园制作经验的马来西亚和泰国的雕塑 师,团队具有较宽阔的国际视野。 2)过硬的硬件:公司自建厂房50亩,第一栋已经接近完工,具有更强的实力承 接大型工程。

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Through ten years of hard work and great efforts, Xiamen Dingyi has developed into a professional company for theme parks, amusement parks, project package designing and production. Service range: Designing and production for theme parks, theme amusement parks. water parks, theme hotels, tourist resorts, theme streets, vacation villages, museums,scientific parks. Successful projects: Ocean park for Zhuhai Chiemlong. Wuhan Wanda Studios. Universal Studios theme park in Singapore. Cartoon Network theme park in Thailand. Coca Cola pavilion for Shanghai World Expo. Happylong serie of children parks in Russia. Fun Art Museum in Jeju Island in South Korea. Mimiature park in Poland. Singapore marina bay project and plenty of real estate projects in Taiwan. And is well renowned in this field. Core-competitiveness: 公司介绍1.Excellent /software:Company Senior Profile management: personnel and technicians with experiences of Overseas study and work, And experiences of study of communication overseas. Especially that we have employed foreign artists who are experienced in large theme parks building. Our team has a comparatively broad international vision. 2.Excellent hardware: Our company has owned a factory site of 50 Mu. The first building is nearly finished. Thus has stronger ability to undertake large scale projects

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西安浐灞生态区瑞雪游乐设备有限公司 Xi’an Ruixue Entertainment Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:陕西省西安市田家湾中玩市场西四排七号 Add:Tianjiawan Zhongwanshichang, Xi’an, Shannxi province 电话Tel:13709258390 传真Fax:029-82319952 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.xaruixue.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

西安瑞雪游乐设备有限公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会理事单位,主要生产嘉年华 摊位游戏系列设备和充气类气模设备(充气弹跳、充气水池系列)等产品,并兼 营各类声光电系列游乐设备。 我公司自2003年起生产研发摊位游戏系列产品, 始终致力于该产品档次的提高和扩展,游戏棚在钢架基础上大量采用了玻璃钢制 品,延长了设备使用寿命,同时门头增加了LED灯光装置,设备外观更加大气漂 亮,并易于安装拆卸。现有室内型、室外型两大类40多个品种,可广泛应用于游 乐园、公园、度假村、旅游胜地、大型商场等娱乐场所。 我公司摊位游戏系列 产品先后被被上海锦江乐园、无锡太湖之星(日本)游乐园、兰州西部乐园、常 州春秋乐园、南充阆中熊猫乐园等国内较高档次乐园引进并投入经营使用。2012 年新推出的豪华室内型设备—愤怒的小鸟,欢乐摩天轮等—以其全新的外观设计 和新颖的内容更是受到游客的热衷喜爱。

Xi’an Ruixue Entertainment Equipment Co., Ltd. is a unit for producing Carnival,inflatable bounce,and water equipments since 2004. We are still committed in promoting the quality and extension of equipment as the new materials application. The form of game is diversified as FISHING and HAPPYBALL that make users more selective when picking. Our product has been going into operation for many park in China that means our status of product in China is already reaching the top group. We can also make special equipment if users need for different arena. Welcome to contact to us!

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西安吉米游乐设备有限公司 Xi’an Jimmy amusement equipment co.,LTD

地址:陕西省西安市灞桥 Add:Baqiao District,Xi an city of Shaanxi Province 电话Tel:029-83611441;029-83615802 传真Fax:029-83611441 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.xajimi.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

西安吉米游乐设备有限公司位于古城西安东郊,灞水之滨的千年古镇——灞桥 镇,和举世瞩目的2011年世界园艺博览会址携手相拥。沐浴古城之大气,汲取广 运潭之灵光。 公司创立于1997年,是集开发、设计、制造、安装、改造和维修于一体的综合型 大型游乐设备企业。多年来公司始终坚持:质量为本、安全第一;不断创新、顾 客至尊的经营理念。使产品的市场份额逐年提升;公司规模已经从创立时的20多 人发展到现在的100多人;拥有优秀的技术团队,生产能力从最初的年产值500 多万到现在年产值3000多万;硬件资源不断扩充,新建了喷丸车间、数控加工车 间、建立健全了质保体质,有力的保证了产品质量。 我公司已经取得了十大系列(观览车、激流勇进、狂呼、大摆锤、海盗船、丛林 飞鼠、脚踏车、滑行龙、转马及水上乐园等系列)20多个规格的大型游乐设备的 制造及安装、改造和维修许可资质。产品分布于全国20多个省市,并远销海外数 个国家。

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西安凯得宝机电一体化科技有限公司 KDB

地址:西安市莲湖区大兴西路200号9-701是 电话Tel:13572124416 电邮Email:510455129@qq。com 网址Web:www. Kaidebao.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

西安凯得宝机电一体化科技有限公司是集科研、制造、销售、安装为一体的机电 一体化大型企业,有大型游乐设施公司、曳引机公司、建材机械公司、石油机械 公司、煤炭及化工机械公司。 ----其中游乐设施公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员,已有十多年的科研制造经 验。现有专业技术人员十余名,高级技师二十余名。生产制造五大类三十多个品 种的游艺设备。 ----企业坐落在“周武王建都的镐京遗地东侧,东临秦阿房宫,北临汉城遗址, 距唐杨贵妃”温泉水滑洗凝脂的华清池30公里,北距西安钟楼10公里与西三环相 邻,风水宝地,景色优美,交通迅达。

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西安同乐工贸有限责任公司 Xi 'an pleasure of industry and trade co., LTD

地址:西安临潼区代新工业园骊丰六路 Add:Xi ‘an new industrial park le feng all established generation 电话Tel:029-83933669 传真Fax:029-83933669 电邮Email:472732851qq.com 网址Web: www.xatongle.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介 西安同乐工贸有限责任公司、暨陕西乐源机械制造有限公司于一体,位于西安临 潼区旅游商贸开发去代新工业园内。是具有国家A级游乐设施设计、制造、安装 资质的专业企业,获得了陕西质量监督信息发布中心授予的“质量兴陕、质量兴 企”示范的荣誉称号。 公司在王同川总经理的带领下,通过十几年的奋发努力,现已发展到拥有100 亩,具有大型娱乐设施生产制造、技术设计与研发,主题游乐园规划设计、包装 建造能力,200多名具有行业管理专家、高级技术职称及专业技术人才的员工队 伍,以及近伍仟万元资产的现代化规模。 公司主要产品有“神州飞碟”、“高空揽月”、“海盗船”、“双龙出海”、 “50m观览车”、“激流勇进”、|“阿拉伯飞毯”、“星转斗移”、“豪华转 马”等大型游乐设施,以及新研发的“高空双揽月”等。公司始终秉承着“制造 欢乐、传承文明;创造和谐、恪守诚信;铸造品牌、追求卓越”的全新理念,广 纳贤才,广交朋友,广开市场,为所有游乐设施经营投资者、公园或游乐园建设 者,提供从项目的“市场策划、规划设计、包装建造、研发制造、维修制造、经 营承包、经营托管”等全城配套服务,为投资经营者和公司所有用户解决后顾之 忧。并力争用最快的时间把“西安同乐”暨“陕西乐源”打造称我国西部大型游 乐设施研发制造基地。

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地址:浙江省仙居县白塔镇景星大道116号, Add:116,Jing Xing Ave.Baita, Xianju, Zhejiang 电话Tel:0576---8782 2838 传真Fax:0576--8938 6090 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. eletoy.net

公司介绍/Company Profile:

浙江省仙居县广奇游乐设备厂是一家专业生产充气电瓶车,电瓶车,机器人拉车, 马拉车,充气城堡,充气玩具,淘气堡,碰碰车,轨道火车、电动玩具,机械玩具,健身 器材,球弹枪等各种游乐设施的私营企业.坚持“质量就是生命,信誉等同命脉” 的创业理念,不断积累生产经验、开拓创新,致力开发新产品,严把质量关。产 品设计严格按照国家相关产品质量的规范和标准。陆续开发新品种,产品以美观实 用、防紫外线、永不褪色、永不变形、安全阻燃等特点赢得了广大用户的青睐。

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新道信创意设计咨询(上海)有限公司 Sanderson Group Design Limited

地址:上海市静安区南京西路580号南证大厦A座903室 Add:Unit 903, Block A, Nan Zheng Building, 580 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai, China 电话Tel:021-3305 0558 传真Fax:021-3305 0568 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.sandersongroup.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 新道信是一家总部位于澳大利亚,具有超过25年资深主题旅游景点设计建造经 验的跨国集团公司。我们拥有亚洲,中东,澳洲9个国家的专业设计管理及建设 实施团队,为我们的客户提供主题公园规划设计、市场可研、工程管理、项目施 工、运营管理的高性价比的解决方案。 在海外,新道信参与设计及建造的新加坡环球影城、新加坡动物园、东京迪士尼 海、澳洲华纳兄弟影城和澳洲海世界等众多全球知名项目为我们赢得了行业内和 游客的高度赞誉。 自07年进入中国,我们的事业版图已经覆盖了长三角、珠三角、京津冀、成渝经 济圈、皖江城市带、长株潭城市群以及海南国际旅游岛等境内经济发达区域和旅 游热点区域。青岛海上嘉年华、绍兴七王国山水馆、万达长白山魔法森林、重庆 恒大神秘王国、海南恒大海花岛主题乐园、合肥愤怒的小鸟室内外乐园等一大批 在建和设计中的项目获得了客户高度认可,同时也增进了我们为中国旅游文化和 娱乐事业描绘美好明天的雄心。 Sanderson Group is an Australian multi-national corporation with over 25 years experience in delivering high quality themed tourist attractions. Sanderson Group is led by an experienced multi-national team that draws on resources from professional design management and construction execution teams in our global network across 9 countries in Asia, Middle East, and Australia Pacific, to provide our clients with cost-effective solutions in theme park planning and design, market analysis and feasibility study, project construction, project management and operation management, etc. Sanderson Group also participated in the design and construction of

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numerous overseas global well-known projects, such as Universal Studio in Singapore, Singapore Zoo, Tokyo Disney Sea, Warner Brothers Movie World in Australia and Seaworld in Australia, which have gained highly praise for us from both industry peers and tourists. Since entering China in 2007, Sanderson Group has expand its business into economically developed areas and hot tourism areas, such as Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Chengdu- Chongqing Metropolis Region, Wan-Jiang Urban Belt along Yangtze River in Anhui province, Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration and Hainan International Tourism Island, etc. A large number of projects either under construction or in design have not only been highly approved by clients, but also enhanced our ambition of depicting a bright future for China’s tourism culture and entertainment industry, project list including Qingdao Rio Carnival, Shaoxing Seven Kingdoms Mountain Pavilion, Wanda Changbaishan Magic Forest Kingdom,Evergrande Chongqing Hidden Kingdom,Evergrande Ocean Flower Island Theme Park,and Angry Birds Hefei Indoor & Outdoor Theme Park, to name just a few. 我们的使命SANDERSON MISSION 公司介绍在项目前期概念设计阶段到项目完工的过程中,与客户建立战略伙伴关系,从而/Company Profile: 提供超越客户期望的高品质主题游乐项目和体验,协助客户赢得更好的市场声誉 和经济利益。 Our mission is to form partnerships with our clients from the initial project conception design to completion, to deliver high quality themed entertainment projects and experience that exceed our clients’ expectations, and assisting our clients in gaining better market reputation and economic benefits. 我们始终关注SANDERSON VALUES 创新的解决方案以及增值的理念 Innovative solutions and value added ideas 专业性及完整性 Professionalism and integrity 客户项目成功的全力保障 Total commitment to project success for clients 我们的服务 Group Service 市场可行性研究 Market Analysis and Feasibility Study 总体规划及概念设计 Master Planning and Concept Design 方案设计Schematic Design 扩初设计Design Development 建筑设计 Architectural Design 室内装饰装修 Interior Design and Fit Out 项目管理及施工管理 Project Management and Construction Management 主题设计及建造 Theming Design and Construction 专业道具设计及制造 Fabrication of Specialty Props 运营咨询管理 Operational Consultancy and Management 全套交钥匙工程 Full Turn Key Project Packages 扩展和翻新 Expansions and Refurbishments

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新疆华通泰克游乐设备有限公司 Xinjiang Huatong Taike Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd. 地址:乌鲁木齐高新技术产业开发区北区冬融街416号 Add:No. 416 Dongrong Street, North Zone of Urumqi High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Xinjiang, China 电话Tel:+86 991 6623200 6628906 传真Fax:+86 991 6623200 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. xjhuatong.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

探空梭、大摆锤、高空观览车、遨游太空、勇敢者转盘、神州飞碟、豪华转马、 飓风飞椅、疯狂老鼠、海盗船、自控飞机、摩天环车、空中脚踏车、激流勇进、 旋风鼠、滑道等大型游乐设施和客运架空索道、客运拖牵索道、滑雪场代步工 具——魔毯等

Space shop、Flying disc、Ferris wheel height、Travel space、Brave Turntable、Shenzhou Flying Disk、Luxurious Carousel、Hurricane flying chair、Crazy mouse、Pirate ship、Self-control Aircraft、Ferris car central、Sky cycle、Brave Exploitin Riptide、Tourbillion Rat、Slide、 Aerial Passenger Ropeway、Passenger Rope-towing Ropeway、Magic Carpet

327 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

许昌创艺游乐设备有限公司 Xuchang chuangyi amusement equipment co.,LTD

地址:许昌市鄢陵县金汇工业区科技大道与工人路交叉口 Add:Yanling County, Xuchang Jinhui Industrial Zone technology Avenue Road intersection with workers 电话Tel:0374-7762599/7763566 传真Fax:0374-7189123 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. chuangyiyoule.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 许昌创艺游乐设备有限公司,位于三国古都—河南许昌。是一家集专业设计、研 发、制造、销售与安装为一体的游乐设备企业。 我公司有专业的设计团队,齐全的生产设备和完善的检测能力。公司推出了一系 列的新型产品,我们独特的设计理念,时尚的产品外形,惊险刺激、互动性强富 有现实色彩的产品风格,得到了广大客户的认可和好评。 本公司可为客户规划、设计及承建整体游乐场及主题公园,培训游乐场的管理人 员和游乐设备的维护人员。 我们热忱的欢迎广大国内外客户光临,奉献给您的将是更多、更好的优质产品和 热情的服务。

Xuchang chuangyi amusement equipment co.,LTD., is located in the ancient capital of the Three Kingdoms - Xuchang, Henan. Is a collection of professional design, development, manufacture, sale and installation as one of the amusement equipment business. I have a professional design team, complete production equipment and perfect detection capabilities. The company launched a series of new products, our unique design, fashion product appearance, exciting, interactive and full of realistic color style of products, our customers have been recognized and praised. The company can provide customers with planning, design and construction of the entire playground and theme parks, training managers and amusement playground equipment maintenance personnel. We warmly welcome domestic and foreign customers to visit, you will be dedicated to more and better quality products and friendly service.

328 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

许昌佳禾游乐设备有限公司 Xuchang Jiahe Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:河南省许昌市鄢陵县金汇区未来大道东段路南#68 电话Tel:13903992163 传真Fax:0374-7186088 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Jiaherides.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 许昌佳禾游乐设备有限公司

许昌佳禾游乐设备有限公司位于三国古都——河南许昌,是一家集研究开发、制 造、销售于一体的游艺设施专业设计制造企业。 公司总占地面积28000平方米,厂区建筑面积约8600平方米,拥有大中型机床20 余台套,检验仪器设备齐全,具备大、中、小型游艺机的设计、制造、安装能力 及大型游乐园的规划、设计与施工能力。 公司汇集了一批具有中高级职称的专业设计师和经验丰富的游艺机制作安装工人 队伍,在技术和生产工艺上锐意进取,开拓创新。 目前经营的游艺机100多种,其中有:碰碰车,豪华转马,弹跳车,青蛙王子, 桑巴气球,魔幻汽车,咖啡杯,急速漂移,超级弹跳机,迪斯科转盘,海盗船, 果虫滑车,小型飞椅,摇头飞椅,自控飞机,旋转小蜜蜂,摇摆机,电池车等一 系列品质优良的产品。公司产品远销俄罗斯,印度,柬埔寨,美国,日本,匈牙 利等十几个国家,优质的产品和高品质的服务获得了国内外客户的好评。 质量第一,诚信为本!佳禾游乐设备有限公司诚邀国内外用户洽谈惠顾,让我们 共同努力、共赢未来!

329 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Established in 2001, we are a professional manufacturer engaged in the research and development, production, sale and service of amusement rides, family rides, kiddie rides and other related products. We are located in Xuchang City, with convenient transportation access.

Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment for family rides and kiddie rides. In addition, we have obtained ISO9001:2000 certificate.

Selling well in all cities and provinces around China, our products are also 公司介绍exported to/ Companyclients in such Profile countries: and regions as South Korea, Russia, Japan, Kazakhstan and Thailand. We also welcome OEM and ODM orders.

Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements.

地址:河南许昌鄢陵金汇工业区未来大道东段 电话:0374-7670886 传真: 0374-7766881

330 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

许昌巨龙游乐设备有限公司 Xuchang Julong Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:河南鄢陵金汇区创业大道7号 电话Tel:0374-7665555/7669999/7683333 传真Fax:0374-7192789 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. [email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile: 公司概况 许昌巨龙游乐设备有限公司始建于2008年2月。主要从事各种游乐设备的设计、 开发、生产、销售和安装等经营工作,产品主要涉及转马类、陀螺类、飞行塔 类、自控飞机类、观光类、小火车类等几大类几十个品种规格。 公司经营的核心理念是,帮助客户为广大少年儿童提供中高端游乐设备,努力实 现少年儿童娱乐天性和科学教育理念完美结合,巧妙运用声、光、电、水、色彩 等有机组合,设计游乐环境,渲染娱乐氛围,通过科学的立体组合形成一个集游 乐、运动、趣味、和健身为一体的新型综合性及强的儿童团娱乐活动中心,也是 增强孩子们思维能力、身体能力、协调能力和社交能力的最佳训练场所。 公司位于河南省鄢陵县金汇区创业大道,地理优越,交通便利。公司在游乐设施 的设计与制造方便具有雄厚的实力和丰富的经验,生产及检测仪器设备齐全。 公司一贯遵循,“以科技为先导,视质量为生命”的经营理念,时刻关注着国内 外游乐届的新动态、新潮流,专门建立了由高级工程师、设计师和市场分析师组 成的新产品研发部门,使得产品不断创新与升级。凭借我们独特的创造力及精湛 的专业技术,公司推出一系列的新型产品,我们独特的设计理念,时尚的产品外 形,惊险刺激、富有现代色彩的产品风格,得到了广大客户的认可和好评。 本公司可为客户规划、设计及承建整体游乐场及主题公园,培训游乐场的管理人 员和游乐设备的维护人员。 公司兼程“创新、诚信、质量、高效、”的精神,以优良的产品、优质的服务、 优惠的价格,竭诚欢迎新老客户和各界人士的光临、惠顾和指导。

331 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:北京市朝阳区望京经济开发区利泽中一路1号博雅国际中心写字楼 A1005 邮编:100102 Add:1005, Boya Office Building A, No.1 Lize Zhong Yi Road, Wangjing New Tech. Dev. Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100102 电话Tel:+86-10-64391088/ 64391080 传真Fax:+86-10-64391089 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.acorinternational.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Introduction Acor was one of the first international leisure companies to establish a strong market presence in China, which quickly expanded to the other Asian markets. Together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, Acor has become a diversified entertainment company in providing our clients with innovative, reliable, and efficient integration of fun related products & services.


作为所有在中国建立的第一家国际休闲公司其中的一员,雅特国际有限公司已然 在中国成功攻占一个强大的市场份额,并迅速扩展到其他亚洲市场。连同其分支 机构和子公司,雅特国际已经成为一个多元化的娱乐公司,为我们的客户提供创 新、可靠的、有趣的相关游乐产品和服务并对其进行有效的整合。

332 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

烟台海德龙游乐设备有限公司 Yantai Heitro Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:山东省烟台市芝罘区只楚南路4号 Add:No.4 Zhichu South Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shangdong, China. 电话Tel:0535-6511655 传真Fax:0535-6818697 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. heitro.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

烟台海德龙游乐设备有限公司位于中国海滨城市烟台,成立于2004年。公司顺应 以塑代木,以塑代钢的科技发展、绿色环保趋势,引进欧美先进技术和设备,率先 掌握国际领先的新型滚塑游艇技术,船体系一次成型。产品采用进口高韧性高强 度抗紫外线聚乙烯材料,轻便坚固,抗冲击,耐酸碱,无污染,可回收,使用寿 命20年以上,是新一代船艇的睿智选择! 公司拥有业内优秀的设计工程师,追踪并跟进国际先进技术,不断研发制造出拥 有自主知识产权的最新产品,获得多项国家专利。“HEITRO海德龙”品牌荣获 国家商标局注册商标。主要生产:全塑休闲艇、脚踏船、电动船、水上自行车、 钓鱼艇、皮划艇、充气艇、漂流艇、水上游乐系列等游乐设备。 公司以引领中国水上休闲、服务亲水爱水运动为宗旨,以创新、品质和环保为经 营理念,以生产高端游乐设备为目标,打造中国游乐设备行业的领航企业! 用世 界级的品质和服务,铸就“HEITRO海德龙”品牌! 因整船滚塑产品无论在性能方 面还是在维护方面都占有极大的优势,故大力推广这项产品技术并使其惠利于客 户,是我们企业的第一目标。 海德龙公司愿与您真诚合作,共同推动水上休闲娱 乐业的发展!

333 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

Yantai Heitro Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd located in the coastal city Yantai, China. Our company founded in 2004. We following the tendency of the technological development and environment protecting; we use plastic instead of wood and steel. Heitro imported advanced technology and equipment from America and Europe, take lead in grasping the international leading rotational molding technology, the hull shaped at one time. Heitro using imported high toughness, high strength and anti- uv polyethylene material, which is handiness, firm, resist impact, acid and alkali, environment friendly, recycle and the life time will be more than 20 years. It’s a good choice for the new generation boat.

Heitro owns excellent design engineers in amusement industry, we keep 公司介绍tracking and/Company following the Profile international: advanced technology to develop and create new products with proprietary intellectual property rights. Our products have won several national patents. Heitro has won the registered trademark from national trademark office. And our main products are PE leisure boat, pedal boat, battery-powered boat, water bike, fishing boat, kayak, inflatable boat, rafting boat, water amusement facilities and other amusement equipment.

334 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:衡阳市石鼓区演武路线47-1号 电话Tel:0734-8122053 传真Fax:0734-8122053 网址Web:www. http;//hyyjmx.1688.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

雁金模型是全国唯一获方向盘式遥控船、遥控车国家专利的生产厂家,国家专利 号ZL 2013 2 0293410.0



公司兼承坚持创新、合作共赢的经营理念,以过硬的产品质量、良好的企业信 益、快捷周到的售后服务受到业内的青睐。产品遍布全国每个省市。

335 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile


地址:via Monte Grappa 15/17,36077 Altavilla Vicentina (VI) Italy Add:via Monte Grappa 15/17,36077 Altavilla Vicentina (VI) Italy 电话Tel:0512-68786776 传真Fax:0512-68786996 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zamperla.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

赞培拉公司是安东尼奥-赞培拉在60年前建立的,目前由他的儿子阿尔贝托领 导。赞培拉公司扎根于传统与创新之间,沿着其走过的悠久历史轨迹继续前进。 赞培拉公司以为迪士尼、华纳兄弟娱乐公司、六旗游乐园、乐高积木乐园、中国 华侨城欢乐谷连锁主题园(深圳、北京、成都、上海、武汉等)及其它多家娱乐公 司提供最优质的设备而闻名。为了让世界上更多的人享受到游乐设备带来的乐 趣,赞培拉公司开始向更广阔的天地进军。先后开创了赞培拉美国公司,之后在 亚洲的韩国设立分公司,到目前为止,赞培拉公司在俄罗斯、巴西、菲律宾等国 家或地区成立代表处或销售公司。 赞培拉自始至终都将设备的安全放在首位,在惊险刺激的背后,公司从一而终地 严格遵守世界公认的德国 DIN标准。从材料的选择到最终产品,均被世界最著名的德国质量监控处严格检 验后发放质量合格安全证书。任何出厂的设备有会经过严格的检测。因此赞培拉 公司可以给客户永久值得信赖的承诺。

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Poised between tradition and innovation, Zamperla continues along the path already traced throughout its long history, founded by Antonio Zamperla 60 years ago and nowadays leaded by his son Alberto. Zamperla is famous with providing high quality rides to Disney, Warner Bros., Six Flags, Lego and China OCT Happy Valley Theme Park (Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan) among others. Zamperla is today a global presence in the entertainment business with sales and representative offices in USA (Zamperla, Inc.) Korea (Zamperla Korea), Russia and Brazil and a joint venture company established in the Philippines.

Zamperla rides are designed to meet the German DIN standards, whose 公司介绍application/ isCompany synonymous Profile with safety: and each ride is carefully checked by the company’s quality control department during production, assembly and on-site testing, before leaving for its final destination. Therefore, Zamperla can provide customers a permanent commitment trustworthy.

337 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

意万仕(中山)泳池设备有限公司 Emaux Swimming Pool Equipment Co. Ltd.

地址:广东省中山市南朗镇南朗工业区龙珠工业园如山路 Add:Long Zhu Industrial Park,Nan Lang Industrial Area Nan Lang Town, Zhong Shan City 电话Tel:0760-85527988 传真Fax:0760-85527188 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.emaux.com.hk

公司介绍/Company Profile:

意万仕,作为雅快集团下属企业,在泳池行业已有36年的经验,已发展成为与水 利科技相关的产品集成中心。这种转变作为意万仕远景的一部份,加大了水的利 用价值和应用范围。意万仕有四个专业的部份分管各重要产品,分别是:海洋馆 维生系统、水上乐园水处理、泳池、温泉及水景。拥有完善的技术队伍,精湛的 开发团队,完善的的售后服务。同时在澳大利亚、香港拥有我们的公司,通过过 硬的质量保证,完善的售后服务赢得了广大的市场。在中山九万平方米的生产基 地建设后,我们四个分管部门的发展又上了一个新的台阶,更有利于我们内部加 强创新产品研发,更好更齐全地满足日益多样化的客户需求,为您提供水处理相 关问题的解决方案。 我们一直坚持严格的产品质量控制体系,这是我们工作中的重心,也是我们成功 的基石。意万仕已经通过了一系列的国际认证:如ISO9001∶2008的工厂管理 认证、CE、UL、ETL、TUV-GS、C-TICK、SASO、SAA和CSA等产品认证。产 品包括:过滤沙缸、水泵、水下灯、泳池配件、水扶梯、消毒系统、热泵、清洁 用品、水疗设备。我们拥有专业的技术人才,严格控制产品质量,与客户紧密合 作,从而使我们的客户服务水平不断上升。我们的客户群体分布在世界各地,在 全球已拥有超过200多个分销商,意万仕的特色是积极主动的引领行业发展。 我们以人为本,用专业的生产技术创造出高质量产品,满足客户需求,并预测未 来需求。持续改进,引领行业发展而非跟随。我们严格控制质量,深入市场了 解,明确销售方向,立足中国,面向全球。赢得品牌的认可,成为水处理设备制 造的领导者。 电话:Tel:(0760) 2813 1228 电邮:Email:[email protected] 传真:Fax:(0760) 8552 9188 网址:www.emaux.com.hk

338 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

银科环企软件(苏州)有限公司 Galasys Global (Suzhou)CO.Ltd

地址:苏州工业园区唯正路唯亭科技创业大厦B604 电话Tel:0512-62742556 传真Fax:0512-62742551 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Galasystec.net.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

银科环企软件(苏州)有限公司于2005年在中国苏州工业园区成立,注册金额为 300万元美元。银科环企隶属于银河高科集团。集团专注于主题公园、水上乐园 旅游综合信息化管理服务,是亚洲及国内最大旅游综合信息化系统提供商。 银科环企经过多年的运营发展和规划建设,并在苏州、北京、广州、成都、济 南、武汉等多个分公司及办事处的大型软件企业。 银科环企采用智慧云旅游平台,利用云技术、物联网等新技术手段,通过局域 网、互联网和移动互联网,借助各种网络和计算机设备,包括:对外分销、营销 渠道、旅游服务、甚至经营者自身在内的各种资源进行智能化、信息化、统计 化,从而实现了解和管理消费者需求、优化旅游产品、提升品牌价值、提高顾客 满意度、降低旅游管理成本和加强企业市场风险防范能力的目的。

总部联系人 :陈 盼 13051275256 华北、西北联系人 :安东海 13466641446 东北联系人 :许继钊 13931663799 华北、华东联系人 :闫 贺 13911522737 西南联系人 :肖 川 13981788816 江浙、华南联系人 :李凌宇 18612827848 地址 :苏州工业园区唯正路8号唯亭科技创业大厦B座604室 电话 :0512-62742556 传真:0512-62742551 企业QQ: 2076972242 邮箱 :[email protected] 网站 :www.galasystec.net.cn

339 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

游乐界杂志 Asia Attractions Magazine

地址:广东省广州市车陂路318号202室 邮编:510000 电话Tel:020 29065017 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.asiaattractions.net

公司介绍/Company Profile:

《游乐界》(Asia Attractions)是以从事游乐行业相关的游乐游艺设备机械制 造、研发安装、主题项目主题策划设计、工程施工以及游乐游艺场所投资经营为 内容报道范畴,聚焦中国及亚洲游乐游艺产业生产、管理及经营的一本中文商务 杂志。 《游乐界》作为商务杂志,既注重实用性,又注重可读性,是一个跨越各地区游 乐游艺生产活动、交流的桥梁,以人为本,强调信息的娱乐性,及时介绍中国、 亚洲甚至全球游乐经济动态及游乐活动资讯,力争打造成‘中国第一游乐游艺传 媒平台’。 《游乐界》主要发行到中国及亚洲的5000多个相关产业的经营商、开发商、生产 商、代理商、服务商、咨询商及媒体,共计20多个国家。每年发行10期,其中, 12月和1月为合刊,2月和3月为合刊。每期以免费邮寄为主要方式发行到中国境 内客户,收取成本费邮寄给中国以外的各地区和国家的客户。此外, 《游乐界》杂 志还在主要的中国及部分国际展会上免费向与会嘉宾派发500-3000本。 游乐界杂志是由来自英国L & A公司出版。 L & A公司与中国游乐 游艺行业保持着很紧密的联系。我们的目标是协助及促进中国与 西 方 公 司 在 游 乐 游 艺 事 业 的 发 展 , 并 提 供 全 方 位 的 服 务 及 资 源 。 L & A是中国游协唯一指定的海外代理招商公司。 我们的服务项目包括展会,公共关系,传媒,广告,提升品牌,开拓国际市场, 联系行业内专家及业内交流。 如果你想对海外市场感兴趣,想了解跟多业内状况,请联系我们

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游艺风 AmuseWind

地址:广东省广州市番禺区市桥东环路168号202 Add:Room 202,2F,No.168,DongHuan Rd,Panyu,GuangZhou city,China 电话Tel:+86-20-22871703、04 传真Fax:+86-20-22871702 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.chinaamuse.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

《游艺风》杂志,是一本关注中国及海外电子游戏(艺)游乐设备产品经销、市场 开拓的专业杂志。发行对象将涵盖全中国各地区的游乐厅、制造商、经销买卖等 电子游艺业经营者。《游艺风》与日本、韩国、英国等地国际知名电子游艺媒体 杂志有着良好稳定的合作关系,通过深入密切的资讯交流,杂志积极参加全球游 艺展会,及时报道欧、美、日本等国外先进电子游艺游乐产业之新品经销和经营 状况等,能使中国电子游艺产业界广大业者在经营发展的道路上,获益良多。 《游艺风》杂志同时提供网站服务和手机资讯服务。精彩纷呈的网站包含新鲜业 界资讯、精品机台、电子杂志、会员服务等内容,可谓您挖掘潜在客户的最佳平 台。游艺风的手机资讯服务——掌中宝,利用手机软件方便快捷发送资讯的优 势,为您搭建买卖双方主动沟通的桥梁,实乃您抢占市场先机的得力法宝!详情 参阅(www.chinaamuse.com)。 《游艺风》杂志,凝聚中国电子游艺产业共识,是产业与政府之间传递信息的交 流平台,因此,也将是业者们未来掌握商机,盈利所不可或缺的重要工具。《游 艺风》杂志,将是海外游艺产业业者向中国游艺市场进军的最佳合作媒体,我们 将提供给您最权威、最及时的中国游艺市场新闻,让您更深入了解中国游艺产业 的发展状况,同时,您可以通过刊登软硬件产品设备广告,让您的产品为更多的 中国业者所了解,我们将为您企业的发展提供无限商机。

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ZIERER Karussel – und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH & Co., KG 奇乐游乐设备股份有限公司中国办事处

Add:Josef-Wallner-Str. 5, 54469 Deggendorf, Germany 中国办事处地址:上海市浦东张杨路188号汤臣中心C栋2003室 电话Tel:+49(0)991 9106 +86-21-58775363 传真Fax:+49(0)991 9106-84 +86-021-58779022 电邮Email:[email protected] [email protected] 网址Web:www.zierer.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Entertainment is our business and quality our strength. We at ZIERER see your satisfaction as our highest goal. For many years the name of ZIERER has been standing worldwide for high-quality manufacture, low maintenance requirements and excellent customer support. 娱乐至上,质量为本! 奇乐将您的满意视为我们最大的成就。 多年来,凭借高质量的制造水准,低成本的维护需求以及出色的客户服务,奇乐 的名字已享誉全球。 我们协同经验丰富的、高素质的和精心排练的项目团队为您提供卓越的客户服 务。 Coasters (Force Coaster, Elevated Seating Coaster, Vertical Drop Coasters, Tower Launch Coaster) Fun Rides (Family Free Fall Tower, Kontiki) Roundabouts (Jet Skis, Flying Fish) Wave Swinger Star Shape

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浙江巨马游艺机有限公司 Zhejiang Juma Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:浙江省诸暨市城西开发区展诚大道18号 Add:No.18 Zhancheng Road, West Development Zone, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province 电话Tel:0575-87741777 传真Fax:0575-87741888 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. chinajuma.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

浙江巨马游艺机有限公司坐落在江南美丽的西施故里诸暨市,距杭州市中心90公 里。是一家一生产大中型游乐设施为主,集园林规划、设计、施工为一体的省级 科技型企业。公司创建于1990年,固定资产5000万,占地70亩,是中国游乐设 施索道标准化委员会委员、游乐设施国家标准起草单位。

Zhejiang Juma Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is located in the beautiful hometown of Xishi,90Km from Hangzhou center. It is a production and recreation facilities, landscape planning, design and construction of new science and technology backbone enterprises of provincial level. Our company was founded in 1990, fixed assets of RMB 50 million, the company covers an area of 46685M2, It is a production and recreation facilities, landscape planning, design and construction of new science and technology backbone enterprises of provincial level. It is member of China's amusement facilities cableway standardization commission, China national standards drafting unit of amusement facilities .

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浙江美奇游乐设备有限公司 Mich Playground Co; LTD.

地址:浙江青田县温溪镇港头工业区 Add:GangTou Industrial Zone, WenXi QingTian ZheJiang 323903 电话Tel:0577-88959187 传真Fax:0577-88959185 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.playground.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

我公司集设计规划,生产销售,安装服务为一体,产品主要是大型商业儿童区系 列儿童游乐设施和组合式大型商业蹦床公园以及户外锻炼器材,组合滑梯等。

we are specialized in indoor playground & trampoline park design, development,production,sales and installations. the main products include children indoor & outdoor playground, commercial trampoline parks and fitness equipment etc.

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浙江中南卡通城投资管理有限公司 Zhejiang Zhongnan Animation City Investment Management Co. , Ltd.

地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区滨康路245号 Add:No.245,Binkang Road,Binjiang District,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 电话Tel:+86(571) 89892489/89892500 传真Fax:+86(571)87859396/89892501 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. znanimation.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

始创于1984年的浙江中南建设集团,是一家集工程建设、文化创意、商贸服务、 高新技术和房地产业等于一体的多元化现代企业集团,连续多年荣获全国民企 500强和中国建筑装饰100强企业。2003年,浙江中南集团积极优化产业结构, 转型升级、以老养新,投身新兴文化产业,成立了中南卡通。目前,浙江中南卡 通股份有限公司是国家重点动漫企业、国家重点高新技术企业、国家文化出口重 点企业和全国十大最具影响力国家文化产业示范基地,综合实力和核心竞争力稳 居全国前列。 依托中南集团的雄厚实力和中南卡通的行业龙头优势,“中南卡通城”应势而 生。中南卡通城以动漫原创为载体,针对不同年龄的受众,以先进的教育理念, 围绕“成长”概念,分龄、分品牌的创设乐比悠悠Playtime梦想乐园、天眼儿童 职业体验馆、魔幻仙踪高科技体验馆、天眼飞行体验馆等主题体验区域,并持续 更新品牌项目,打造连锁经营的“快乐创意成长中心”—— 一个“原创作品+动 漫品牌+特色服务”的虚拟现实融合的体验型消费场所,是商业地产“2.0时代” 的全新模式,也是国产动漫产业发展的新跨越!

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Zhejiang Zhongnan Construction Group Co., Ltd., established in 1984, is a diversified modern enterprise group specialized in housing construction, curtain wall decoration, municipal gardens, steel engineering, commercial trade services, real estate and cartoon movie. It’s one of the national top 500 private enterprises, top 100 building decoration enterprises. In 2003, the Group invested in the culture creation industry and established Zhongnan Animation Company(Zoland Animation), engaging in the building of related product chain, such as production of original animation, the publish of TV and film programs, AV book marketing, derivative product development and theme park. Zoland Animation is currently the only one national key animation enterprise; Zoland Animation has been developed into one of the largest comprehensive 公司介绍original animation/Company companies Profile in China.: Taking the advantage of Zhongnan's abundant strength, Zoland City come into existence as required by the situation. Zoland City,focusing on "happy, creative and growth", is a brand new culture brand in Zoland Animation's continuous extending animation industry chain, which is based on the core of animation creative& brand. According to different ages of children and their family, different levels of brands, Zoland City creates various themed experience zones, such as Rubi Yoyo Playtime, Magic Eye Children Occupation Practical Theater, Magic Wonderland High-tech Practical Theater, Magic Eye Soaring Attraction, etc, and continuously update the brands in them. We aim at creating not only a chain-operated center of "happy, creative and growth" but also a culture consumption place of “original products, animation brand and special experience” with the technology of virtual and reality integration. It will also be a new-generation cultural complex serving people's daily life.

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地址:河南省郑州市建设西路西元国际广场东塔B座616 电话Tel:0371-68908282 网址Web:www. zzdfyl.com www.adlyl.com www.xcadl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:


安德利游乐设备有限公司成立于1994年 (原东方游乐设备厂),经过二十余年 的发展目前拥有郑州、项城两个生产基地。项城生产基地位置于河南省项城市产 业集聚园区纬二路占地20000余平方米,于2009年建成投产使用。郑州生产基地 位于河南省郑州市建设西路。 公司是集产品研发、制造、销售为一体的现代化企业,拥有雄厚的技术力量,先 进的CAD、Rhino辅助设计系统,引进大型自动化裁剪下料设备,专业化的加工 中心和检测设施,完善的售后服务体系。公司主要生产大型充气乐园设备、水上 充气乐园设备、儿童淘气堡、儿童碰碰船、儿童钢架小蹦极、旋转木马、轨道火 车等游乐设备。公司崇尚以人为本,文化兴业,关注顾客需求,重视客户服务, 注重品牌提升和维护能力。公司以ISO9001:2000作为产品质量保证体系,产品 通过质量监督局检测鉴定。为保证客户利益,公司一贯执行不在其他任何地方设 销售公司和办事处。公司坚信:以我们雄厚的人力资本和不断创新的意识,定能 为维护儿童的身心健康创造一个舒适的欢乐环境,为经营者创造更多的财富。

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郑州德润游乐机械有限公司 Zhengzhou Derun Rides Co.,Ltd

地址:郑州市上街区工业路东段130号 Add:No. 130, Industrial Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, China 电话Tel:0086-13523528526 传真Fax:0086-371-68935558 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. derunyoule.cm /www.derunrides.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

郑州德润游乐机械有限公司始建于1989年,坐落在河南省郑州市上街区工业路东 段130号,是中国游艺游乐设施行业起步较早的企业。我公司集研发、生产销售 为一体的工贸企业。主要产品有旋转木马,自控飞机、轨道火车、碰碰车、淘气 堡等大中型游乐设备。 Zhengzhou Derun Rides Co. ,Ltd was established in 1989, located in No. 130 Gongye Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. We are one earlier founded manufacture of the Chinese entertainment industry enterprises, which dedicates to research, product development and sale. Our main products are carousel, self-control plane, track trains, bumper cars, naughty castle and other medium-sized rides. 公司于2011年在郑州市上街区新材料产业园区,购地20余亩,建筑面积15000 平方米,绿化面积2000平方米。现有职工120余人,设有技术部、销售部、生 产部、质检部、后勤部等7个部门。目前我公司产品已经销往美国、俄罗斯、英 国、土耳其、阿尔及利亚、突尼斯等21个国家和地区。 In 2011, our company relocated at New Material Industrial Park with

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15,000 square meters building area, 2000 square meters green area, has more than 120 staff working in technical department, sales department, production department, QC, logistics department,etc. Our products have been exported to United States, Russia, Britain, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia and other 21 countries. 德润游乐机械是中国游艺机协会的理事单位,世界游艺机协会的会员单位,同时 还是地区性游艺机协会会长单位。在生产制造的过程中我公司严格按照GB8408- 2008相关安全规范的规定及不同产品的技术国标条件进行生产。目前我们的多项 产品已经通过欧盟CE认证,并积极获取中国国家特种设备制造许可证。 Derun Rides is the governing unit of Chinese Amusement Association, member unit of World Amusement Association, and also standing member of Regional Amusement Association. Our company strictly complies 公司介绍with GB8408-2008/Company national Profile safety: standard requirements and technical conditions for the production during manufacturing process. Now most products have passed European CE certification, and also actively trying to acquire Chinese National Special Equipment Manufacturing License. 德润游乐机械始终遵循“以德立业,以信润志”的企业宗旨,秉持“拼搏、创 新、执着”的企业精神,凭借卓越的产品质量、雄厚的技术实力、细致高效的服 务、诚实守信的商业信誉,博得了广大客户及众多合作伙伴的信赖与支持。 Derun Rides always insists our corporation purpose "to thrive with virtue, to nourish with faith", upholding corporation spirit "hard-working, innovation and dedication". In the effects of all Derun People, Derun Rides win numerous customers and partners trust and support because of superior product quality, strong technical strength, meticulous and efficient service, honest and trustworthy reputation.

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郑州航天游乐设备制造有限公司 Zhengzhou Hangtian Amusement Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

地址:河南省郑州市上街区工业路西段 Add:West Gongye Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 电话Tel:400-101-5156 0371-85701366 传真Fax:0371-85701188 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.hangtianyoule.com www.hangtianyoule.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

郑州航天游乐设备制造有限公司是集研发、制造、经营于一体的专业游乐设备制 造厂家,现位于上街区工业路,南邻陇海铁路,北靠连霍高速,交通便利,地理 位置优越。公司信奉“聘用一流人才,服务一流客户,成就一流企业”的宗旨, 拥有一大批杰出的游乐设备生产制造及商贸人才。公司通过了ISO9001:2008国 际质量管理体系认证,获得了“自营进出口证书”,“欧盟CE认证”,国家质量 监督检验检疫总局颁发的大型游乐设施“B级行政许可受理决定书”。是“中国 游艺机游乐园协会”常务理事单位,“河南省优秀科技型企业”,河南省机械制 造行业“知名品牌”,“河南省3.15质量.诚信双保障联盟单位”,“河南省安全 生产示范单位”,“郑州市中原质量诚信协会”会员单位,上街区新经济组织、 新社会组织先进集体,上街区中小企业园样板企业。 郑州航天游乐设备制造有限公司坚持“以市场为向导,以创新为动力,以质量为 生命,以服务为支撑,以诚信为资本,与市场接轨,与国际接轨”的经营方针, 严格按照现代企业管理制度的要求,不断深化改革,转换经营机制。主要生产各 种室内外中小型游乐设备,承接并拓展室内外主题公园(游乐场)的规划设计、 工程施工和经营管理及游乐项目的投资经营。产品不但销往全国各地,同时远销 到俄罗斯、法国、利比亚、黎巴嫩等多个国家和地区。

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Zhengzhou Hangtian Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. is a professional amusement rides manufacturer, it is a integrated enterprise which includes the reseach and development, production and trading. it locats at Gongye Road, Shangjie area, Zhengzhou city, the south is Longhai Railway, north is Lianhuo Highway, with convenient transportation, favorable geographical position. The company believes in "hiring best staff, supply first-class service, build prominent enterprise", with many outstanding amusement equipment manufacturing and trading staff. The company passed the ISO9001: 2008 international quality management system certification, get the "import-export certificate", "EU CE certification", the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued a large recreational facility "Class B accepted the administrative licensing decision." "China Association of Amusement Parks' executive director units," outstanding scientific and technological enterprises in 公司介绍/Company Profile: Henan Province, "Henan machinery manufacturing industry," famous brand "," Henan 3.15 Quality Integrity Alliance double protection unit "," Safety Production in Henan Province demonstration unit "," quality and integrity of Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Association, "member units, the block new economic organizations, new social organizations art collective, park on the street SME business model. Zhengzhou Hangtian Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. insist in the pperating principles "Market-oriented, take innovation as the power, take quality as life, take service as support, take good faith as capital, connect with the market, connect with the World", in accordance with the requirements of modern enterprise management system, continue to deepen reform, change their operational mechanism strictly. we mainly produce small & medium amusement rides for indoor and outdoor, undertake and expand indoor and outdoor theme park (playground) planning and design, construction and management of investment management and recreation projects. our amusement rides are widely sell all over the country, also exported to Russia, France, Libya, Lebanon etc.

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郑州全美游乐设备有限公司 ZZQMYLSBYXGS

地址:河南省郑州市上街区新310国道与金华路交叉口 Add:the cross of new 310 state road & Jinhua road ,Shangjie distric ,Zhenghzou city, Henan ,China. 电话Tel:0371-68134456 传真Fax:0371-68122131 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zzqmyl.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

郑州全美游乐设备有限公司是中国游艺机游乐园协会成员,国内中型游乐设备最 具创意生产厂家之一,中国游艺机游乐园游乐设施制造专业委员会成员。从事游 乐设备的研究开发设计,生产,经营为一体生产厂家,卓越的品质完善的服务赢 得国内客户的以来和好评。“全美”品牌不仅在业内国内市场享有较高的声誉及 品牌效应,也随着历年来公司不断的发展,产品也畅销国外,伊拉克,塔吉克, 印度,伊朗等国家,在国际市场形成一定的品牌和知名度。 公司位于中原腹地郑州工业园区,现代化的办公条件,花园般的厂区建设具有国 际竞争力的制造基地。 本公司的主要产品:转马系列,轨道系列,自控飞机系列,淘气城堡系列,儿童 游乐设备,新型游乐设备,大型游乐设备,中型游乐设备,公园游乐设备,游乐 场设备,游乐设施等几十个系列百余种产品。全美游乐足迹踏遍了全国的山山水 水,大江南北,全美给您带来了丰收和富裕。

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Zhengzhou Perfect Amusement Equipment Co,.Ltd.is a manufacturing group of amusement equipment and machinery. A member of China Amusement Equipment and Park Association. With the excellent processing equipment, advanced production technology, perfect measuring and inspection machines, strict scientific management system, our national and international qualification system successfully passed . On pursuing the principle of hiring class-one employees, servicing class- one customers, being class-one company, now we own a large number of outstanding equipment manufacturing and trade talents. We mainly produce large and medium amusement equipment and have the abilities to carry on the manufacturing and installation of theme park, 公司介绍amusement/Company playground, Profile supermarket: indoor and outdoor recreation equipment. For our mutual beautiful future, we warmly welcome your coming and purchasing at any time.

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郑州市黑狮子游乐机械有限公司 Zhengzhou City Blacklion Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd 地址:河南省郑州市上街区工业路234号 Add:No.234 Gongye Road Shangjie District Zhengzhou City Henan Province 电话Tel:0371-68927714 传真Fax:0371-68920642 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. heishizi.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 郑州市黑狮子游乐机械有限公司成立于1990年,注册资金300万元,总占地面积22 亩,1993年加入中国游艺机乐园协会,2002年就已获得河南省对外贸易经济合作厅 颁发的"自营进出口证书",2003年获得"全国工业产品生产许可证".并获得"中华人 民共和国质量检验检疫总局"颁发的:"特种设备制造许可证""特种设备安装改造维 修许可证"."特种设备安装资质证",到目前为止在河南省内还是唯一的拥有以上三 项资质证书的企业,2008年获得郑州市人民政府颁发的"郑州市专利示范企业",已 申报国家专利证书68项,而且我公司已投入专利申请研发费用80万元以上,完美开 发出"魔幻登月飞车","豪华立交式激光列车",光是转马上配备的木马就有22项专 利,是中原地区历史最久,专利最多的游乐设备研发型公司.并拥有"磁粉探伤机,射线 探伤机,硬度计,红外线测速仪,红外线温度计等全套检验设备. "黑狮子"的游乐设施足迹踏遍了祖国的山山水水,从内蒙古草原到东海之滨,从青藏 高原到东南沿海.进入二十一世纪,我公司产品已远销至美国,英国,俄罗斯,新加坡,马 来西亚,韩国等十多个国家.公司经营理念:客户是我们的财富,客户的需求是我们的 动力. Zhengzhou City Blacklion Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd established in 1990,our factory BlackLion is a leading manufacturer that is concerned with the design,development,and production of amusement equipments,including Carousel,,Slides,Ferris wheel,Pirate Ship,and so on.

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郑州市经开区红升游乐设备厂 Zhengzhou Hong Sheng amusement equipment factory

地址:郑州市经济技术开发区 Add:Zhengzhou Jingkai area 电话Tel:13592662585 传真Fax:0371-66800830 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.10001.tv

公司介绍/Company Profile: 郑州市经开区红升游乐设备厂在10年致力于摇摆机系列儿童玩具的生产销售,我 们有先进的生产技术及超前的销售营销理念。一切以客户的利益为宗旨,意在制 造最好的价格最低的儿童游乐设备。欢迎全国各地的朋友来电垂询!共商、共谋 发展!经过几年的发展,已成为一个集生产,销售,研发于一体的专业玩具厂家,产品 涉及儿童摇摆机|投币摇摆机|玩具摇摆机|投币摇摆车|儿童投币摇摆车|玩具摇摇车 |儿童投币摇摇车升降飞机、三人转马,充气玩具等六大系列,几十个品种,产品销往 全国各地 .Zhengzhou Jingkai area Hong Sheng amusement equipment factory in 10 years devoted to swing machine series of children’s toy production and sales, we have advanced production technology and advanced marketing idea. All of the benefits to customers for the purpose, to create the lowest price best children’s amusement equipment. Welcome friends from all over the country to contact us! To discuss and seek common development! After several years of development, has become a set of production, sales, research and development in one of the professional toy manufacturers, products related to children’s swing machine | coin swing machine | toy swing machine | coin swing car | children coin swing car | toy rocking car for children | coin shake car lift aircraft, three horse, inflatable toys such as the six major series, dozens of varieties, the products are sold throughout the country.

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郑州市奇乐迪游乐设备有限公司 Zhengzhou Qiledi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:郑州市双湖开发区 Add:Zhengzhou Shuanghu Development District 电话Tel:0371-62497912 传真Fax:0371-62505655 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.qldyoule .com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 郑州市奇乐迪游乐设备有限公司是一家集生产、研发、销售为一体的高科技技术 企业公司总部位于郑州双湖开发区,占地面积50余亩,拥有员工100余人,其中 大专以上学历占比40%以上。公司成立十余年来,业务开展遍及全球20多个国家 和地区。 公司专业生产转马类、轨道类、旋转类游乐设备及其他小型类游乐设备,其中旋 转类游乐设备产品“魔幻城堡”(自控)以其新颖的设计、优良的性能荣获国内 机械游乐设备“最佳设计奖”,获得了国内外客户的一致好评。 公司拥有齐全的机械加工设备、具有完善的设备检测能力,从客户需求到产品设 计。从产品加工到售后服务等各个环节保障产品的质量。 公司本着“已质量求信誉、以信誉求发展”为宗旨,为国内外客户提供优质的产 品和服务,打造中国机械设备游乐行业领导品牌。

Zhengzhou Qiledi Amusment equipment co.ltd is one of the high tech technology enterprise with production, R&D and Sales. The company headquarter is located in zhengzhou Shuanghu Development distributor, coverring an area of 50 acres and with more than 100 employs, including

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college education accounting for more than 40%. The company was founder more than ten years, the selling rage is coverring all over the world more than 20 countries and regions. Our company is a professional manufacture engaging in producing of carousel ,track ,rotation and other small amusement equipment One of the rotation type amusement equipment product which named dream castle won the best designing of domestic mechanical amusement equipment, and won consistent high praise from the domestic and foreign customers Our company has a complete mechanical processing equipment, and has perfect equipment testing capability to ensure the quality of the products from customer requirements to product design, from product processing 公司介绍to after-sales/Company service and Profileso on. : We take “ living depends on quality and developing depends on credit” as our persistent tenet to build the leading brand in machinery amusement equipment industry in China.

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地址:郑州市中原区建设西路西岗工业园 Add:Xigang Industry, Jianshe Road , Zhongyuan District , Zhengzhou 电话Tel:0371-68978788 传真Fax:0371-68976788 电邮Email:[email protected]

公司介绍/Company Profile: 郑州市神童游乐设备有限公司是一家专业从事电玩游艺(戏)机、游乐设备及动 漫产品的研发、生产、销售于一体的现代化企业。公司长期从事新型儿童乐园设 备、游乐场设备的创新与研发,相继推出淘气堡儿童乐园、旋转机械类、彩票机 类、模拟机类、射击类、健身益智类、游戏摇摆机类、奇幻大冒险(神童科技 馆)等高科技游乐设备,都深受客户喜爱。公司主营产品有:儿童游乐设备, 儿童游艺机,投币游戏机,激光打气球,摇摆机,儿童淘气堡等。凭着热情优良 的服务和品质保证的理念,我厂的产品已远销至世界多个国家,更是遍布中国各 地。 公司崇尚自主研发、科技创新,推出的每个项目都受到各地投资者的青睐,尤其 是大型主题游乐公园“神童王国”和“神童乐园”,大品牌、高起点,理想的神 童模式和独特定位,全新的娱乐游戏体验,打造亲子同乐的欢乐世界。 我们一直本着“质量第一、客户至上”的原则,秉承“为客户创造价值”的服务 理念,急客户之所急,想客户之所想,努力体察客户的需求,提供整场规划设计 与设备生产供应,加上完善的售后服务,专注于提高游乐场的持续盈利能力! Zhengzhou Prodigy Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is a modern enterprise which specialize in R&D , manufacture and sales for various game machines. We are engaged in innovation and development for new products . Recent years naughty castle ,rotating machinery ,lottery machines ,simulator games have been put into market successfully With stable quality ,reasonable price , perfect after-sale service ,We have bring good profit to our customers and speak highly of by authorities.

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郑州市万乐游艺设备有限公司 Zhengzhou Wanle Amusement Equipment Co,.LTD

地址:河南省郑州市上街区锦江路31号院 Add:NO.31 Jinjiang Road Shangjie, Zhengzhou City,Henan China. 电话Tel:0371-64859189 传真Fax:0371-64859318 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.wanleyouyi.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

郑州市万乐游艺设备有限公司,创建于1996年, 国内中小型游乐设备最具创意 生产厂家之一,我省最早的游艺机生产企业之一。中国游戏机、游乐园协会常务 理事单位、中国游戏机、游乐园游乐设施制造专业委员会成员,以中小型游乐设 备为主导产品的专业设计制造企业。 郑州市万乐游艺设备有限公司地处中国大中原商业之都---郑州,公司非常重视技 术领先和产品创新,建有完善的设计开发体系、良好的科研试验条件和高效的开 发研究机制,共有专职设计开发人员10余人,员工60余名。公司在吸取国内外先 进行业技术和工艺的基础上,通过严格的市场考研,开发设计了多项新型游乐产 品。2011年中国国际游艺机博览会荣获年度最佳展示及最佳创意奖,近些年历届 游艺机博览会得到了行业同仁及中外客商赞誉和肯定,卓越的品质、完善的服务 赢得了国内外客户的信赖和好评。“万乐”品牌不仅在业界、国内市场享有较高 的声誉及品牌效应,也随着历年来公司不断参加迪拜、俄罗斯、新加坡、英国、 美国等国际游艺机展会,成功的与来自印度、迪拜、俄罗斯、智利、英国、菲律 宾等多个国家的经销商及个人多次签约,在国际市场形成一定的品牌认知度。 坚持不懈创“新优质产品、诚信守诺”为经营理念是万乐人的永继追求,坚持走

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品牌之路把欢乐带给千万家的梦想作为公司发展的源动力,并以向客户提供高品 质的产品和完善的服务为企业之使命。 万乐竭诚为中外客户提供服务,欢迎各界人士函电垂询,光临指导,洽谈业务

Zhengzhou Wanle Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd is located in the business center in central China -Zhengzhou city, the biggest amusement rides manufacturer who is specialized in researching and developing, designing, Producing and operating the amusement equipments in central China. Our company is established in 1955 and is the association of amusement equipments amusement park in China and also holds the position of council member in China. 公司介绍With the development/Company for Profile many :years, our company has owned numbers of technical workers, developed and designed many new amusement products, and also enjoyed good reputation in the domestic and foreign market. The products we make have formed unique industry chain. Our products are including the large amusement park, the theme park , the tourist resort, supermarket, public square and other amusement places. Our products are not only sold all over the Chinese market and also exported to Japan, Russia, Iraq, Sand Arabia,Yemen, Algeria, Sri Lanka, India, Romania, Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, the high quality products and attractive design have been welcomed by the customers in the home and abroad.

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郑州市卧龙游乐设备有限公司 Zhengzhou Wolong Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:郑州市双湖开发区(107国道龙湖镇段,祥安路与湖滨路交叉口) Add:Zhengzhou Shuanghu Development District 电话Tel:0371-62505933 传真Fax:0371-62505377 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zzwolong.com.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 郑州市卧龙游乐设备有限公司成立于1995年,注册资金2000万,占地面积100余 亩,员工800余人,其中专业技术人员百余人,是国内最大的集研发、生产、销 售、服务于一体的大型综合性企业。 卧龙游乐专业从事大型充气玩具类产品、水上运动休闲类产品、充气广告媒体类 产品的研发和生产,是主题乐园的综合性解决方案提供商。 卧龙游乐坚持技术持续创新,精工制造,得到了广大客户的支持,目前公司充气 类产品在国内市场占有率已达70%,并远销美、日、韩等30多个国家和地区。经 过近20年的发展和沉淀,卧龙游乐已成为同行业中的龙头企业。

Zhengzhou Wolong Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd was founded in 1995 with the registered capital RMB 20millon,covers an area of more than 66 thousand square meters and possesses more than 800 employees,among them more than 100 are professional and technical personnel. Zhengzhou Wolong is the largest comprehensive enterprise integrating R&D,production,sales and service together in China.Wolong Amusement is the professional manufacture engaging in the R&D and production

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of the large inflatable toys,water sports and leisure products,inflatable advertising media products and also is the provider of comprehensive theme park in China. Wolong Amusement pursues the continuous innovation and elaborate manufacturing which make us win the support of the majority of customers,the domestic market share of our inflatable products has reached 70%,besides,our product also exported to more than 30 countries and regions such as the United States,Japan and South Korea.After nearly 20-year development and accumulation Wolong has grown to the leading enterprise of the industry.

公司介绍/Company Profile:

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地址:香港九龍旺角旺角道2A號琪恆中心4樓1-3室 Add:UNIT1-3, 4/F, WIN CENTURY CENTRE, NO. 2A MONGKOK ROAD, MONGKOK, KLN, HK 电话Tel:+852 27120211 传真Fax:+852 27156128 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:http://www/taitin.com.hk

公司介绍/Company Profile:

太田娛樂有限公司成立於1990年,以香港為基地,多年來,致力為大中華地區提 供多元化的電子遊戲機娛樂服務。 成立初期,太田娛樂是一間小規模貿易商,經銷電子遊戲機配件、代用幣及按鈕 等,供應當時各大電子遊戲機製造商。這段期間裡,我們累積了豐富的行業經驗 令公司不斷茁壯成長;90年代初期,我們投身遊戲機中心行列,並成功製造及生 產整台電子遊戲機。太田娛樂旗下首間電子遊戲機中心,也在此時開設。其後, 我們更把業務推廣至日本進口的電子遊戲及電腦貿易等範疇。 經過十多年的耕耘,自1994開始,本公司獲得日本著名電子遊戲開發商Sega及 Bandai Namco委任為香港及大中華地區代理。而太田娛樂更是多間日本電子遊 戲廠商的戰略伙伴,如Capcom、Taito、SNK、Sammy、Banpresto、IGS、 Konami等,為客戶提供全方位服務。 踏入廿一世紀,太田娛樂已發展為全亞洲首屈一指的電子遊戲機產品供應商之 一,在香港的市場佔有率超過65%。本公司更打造了自己的電子遊戲機連鎖店品 牌─Smart Game,將電子遊戲機業務帶進新紀元。Smart Game的店面設計、 機種設備及管理系統等均經過悉心打造,為遊戲玩家獻上最完美的玩樂體驗。數

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年間,Smart Game已開設超過20間分店,業務遍佈全港,成為香港最具規模的 電子遊戲機連鎖店。太田娛樂與時並進,為方便顧客,經多年籌備,成功開發遊 戲儲值卡,令玩家只需攜帶此卡,便可隨意在任何一間的太田連鎖店增值,方便 易用;該等儲值卡更已經保安加密,顧客完全不用擔心失竊問題。 展望未來,我們將投放更多資源在中國市場,致力提升市場佔有率;並與世界各 地遊戲機生產商緊密合作。除了為各遊戲機中心提供更高營運收益的遊戲產品 外,我們更注重售後服務,設有龐大的支援團隊,所有零件及維修保養,均由資 歷豐富的客戶服務團隊負責。 我們就此承諾,太田娛樂將不斷提升服務質素,務求為每位遊戲玩家,提供更多 元化、更新穎、更高質素的遊戲產品,以回饋各界的支持。 只要閣下對我們不離不棄,繼續支持,我們會不負眾望,繼續努力,為大家做到 最好。 公司介绍/Company Profile:

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智立方数码科技(深圳)有限公司 M-Cube Digital Co.Ltd

地址:广东省深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路太平洋商贸大厦B615 Add:615/B,PacificBuilding,JiaBinRoad,Luohu,Shenzhen, Guangdong 电话Tel:0755-22195252 传真Fax:0755-22195352 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. .m3digit.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

智立方数码科技(深圳)有限公司自2004年在深圳注册成立公司,多年来专注于 互动多媒体的研究及应用,自主开拓高新技术,且拥有一批年轻、富创造力的研 发团队,不断开拓高新技术,致力将最新的人机互动科技商业化、普及化。 公司的互动系统(包括:大型互动展示系统、互动多媒体、地面互动投影、墙面 互动投影、iPlay爱玩乐园等),已经成功地应用在儿童乐园、主题公园、益智玩 具、商场、博物馆展览、演艺娱乐、康复治疗、移动应用、互动教育等众多广泛 领域。公司自主开发的iPlay(爱玩乐园)、Creative Kid (创意小子)、Moving Music (移动音乐) 等互动游戏产品,连续多次荣获香港信息及通信科技大奖之 “最佳数码娱乐大奖”等众多国内国际大奖! 我们将继续为社会贡献优秀的互动产品,为中国儿童产业贡献一份力,并致力于 发展成为国内互动新技术和应用的最具创新能力的领先企业!积极开拓国内游戏 市场、大型互动娱乐系统市场!创造更高的产值,让每个企业、家庭、不同年龄 和文化背景的用户都能体验到人机互动带来的无限乐趣。

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地址:广东省中山市港口镇群富工业区50号 Add:NO.50 ,Qunfu Industrial Zone ,Gangkou Town ,Zhongshan city ,China. 电话Tel:86-15014172911 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.revolvi.net

公司介绍/Company Profile: 公司简介 中港游乐设备有限公司位于中国游艺游戏产业基地-广东省中山市,我们是一间集 研发,生产制造,销售为一体的游乐设备公司,专业生产机械类产品及一些电子 类产品,包括儿童摇摆机,中小型机械类机台,碰碰车,还有部分彩票机,模拟 机等。 中港游乐设备有限公司拥有自己的研发设计团队,我们致力于研发有趣味,有吸 引力,互动性强,安全可靠的机台,并同时提供从单个产品外观设计到整个场地 布置或室外小型公园规划等专业化的建议和服务。希望我们的产品和创意能让孩 子及家人在玩乐时尽情享受无限快乐! About Us Revolvi Amusement Equipment Co., ltd. Located in Zhongshan city ,Guangdong Province ---which city is the base of Amusement Industry in China. Our company is the one , specialized in R&D , manufacture and marketing of Amusement products . Products included Kiddie Rides , Middle Park Rides, Bumper Car and some Redemption and Simulator . Revolvi Company owned a professional R&D and design team, We devoted ourself to creat interesting , attractive ,strong-interactive and safe products . Meanwhile our designer can offer the suggestion and service from single product appearance drawing to arcade designing or park planning . Believing our products and creation can let children and their family enjoy their happiness not only more .

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中山艾特游乐设备有限公司 ZhongShan Aita Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd.,

地址:广东省中山市东升镇东方花园西部G栋 Add:No.G west of East Gargen Dongsheng Town Zhongshan city Guangdong province 电话Tel:0760-88502439 传真Fax:0760-88502438 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.aitagame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山艾特游乐设备有限公司坐落于广东省中山市东升镇东方花园G栋,是集游乐 设备的开发、设计、生产、销售、及售后服务为一体的专业公司。公司具有齐全 的游乐加工设备、完善的设备检测能力及一致拥有十几年游乐设备开发经验得专 业团队等。 艾特人本着“踏实、诚信、创新、共赢”的公司理念,专业生产转马系列、飞机 系列、小火车系列、碰碰车系列、海盗船系列、陀螺系列等。 我们的产品外观新颖独特、色彩艳丽、美观大方、结构合理、质量过硬、价格实 惠,深受用户好评,尤其是得到了广大少年儿童和游客们的喜爱。 面对机遇和挑战,艾特人充满信心,竭诚欢迎各界有志之士洽谈合作,互利共 赢,共同发展,让全世界的儿童都有一个美好的童年。

Zhongshan Aita Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd. is located in Zhongshan city Guangdong province, is an professional company with collection of development&manufacture, sales and after-sales. Our company has a complete amusement processing equipment, perfect detection ability

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,the professional team has more than ten years amusement equipment development experience. Aitaers are in line with “the steadfast, integrity, innovation, win-win” corporate philosophy, Specializing in the production of carousel series,, aircraft series, small train series, bumper car series, pirate ship, gyroscope, etc., Our products are novel and unique. The appearance is gorgeous and elegant, they also have reasonable structure, excellent quality, affordable price, they are well received by users, especially the vast number of children and visitors. In facing of opportunities and challenges, Aitaers are full of confidence. We sincerely welcome people with lofty ideals from all walks of life to 公司介绍discuss cooperation,/Company mutual Profile benefit,: common development, we wish the children from all over the world have a happy childhood.

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中山华娱游乐 Zhongshan Fun-Game Amusement

地址:中山市港口镇横河寸三丫九171号 Add:Henghe Village,Gangkou Town,Zhongshan ,China 电话Tel: 0760-88409143-603 传真Fax: 0760-88409143-601 电邮Email: [email protected] 网址Web:www.zs-fungame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 中山市华娱游乐设备厂原系中山市港口镇清华五金机械厂,创建于2007年,是一 家集自主设计研发、生产加工、销售、经营为一体的游乐设备企业。 工厂2013年搬迁到港口镇横河村,现有2800平米的生产车间,产品以生产室内 外儿童游乐设备为主,已涵盖海盗船系列,轨道车系列,升降飞机系列,旋转木 马系列,摇摆机系列和儿童体验设备系列等70几个产品;工厂拥有一批精良的技 术和生产人才,制造的产品畅销国内外,产品质量得到了广大用户的一致好评。 本次展会,华娱游乐展出的是最新研发出来的“骑骑乐”欢乐木马火车,此产品 涵盖了旋转木马和火车的游乐元素,让游玩者在游玩过程中可同时体验到旋转木 马和火车的趣味性,其绚丽的外观也能吸住观众和买家的眼球,其独特的游乐方 式一定能让买家赚到盆满钵满! 现在的华娱正在努力完善自己的企业架构,规范自己的管理流程,随着企业的壮 大,我们将让更多更优质的产品走向世界...

Zhongshan Fun-Game Amusement Equipment Co.,ltd is located in Henghe Village,Gangkou Town,Zhongshan ,China with 2800 square meter producing agrea.We are the factory which is specialized in production and sales of amusement equipment for kiddie .And our company has many skillful technicians and staff. Our products are popular both at home and broad. The quality abtains high praise from our customers . We are holding our purpose as offering best quality and serves for customer.In the further development , we are looking forward to cooperate with you to bring fun to everyone

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中山乐斯高游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Lesgo Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:广东省中山市港口镇木河迳东路10号 Add:No. 10, Muhejing East Road, Gangkou Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China 电话Tel:0760-88315855 传真Fax:0760-88306492 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. lesgo168.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山乐斯高游乐设备有限公司成立于本世纪初,由一支具备游乐设备行业十几年 生产和管理经验的精英团队组成,专注于产品和服务品质。集游乐设备研发、制 造、销售于一体,并辅以游乐项目场地策划咨询。 我们的产品有:儿童电池车、 轨道小火车、追逐车、豪华转马、各类摇摆机、魔幻转盘、招财猫、小熊转转椅 等等,并不断推陈出新开发出更奇趣好玩的游乐设备。同时,产品销售覆盖全国 各地,且远销东南亚和中东。期待每位有志于游乐行业的您光临指导!来吧,朋友 们,让我们放飞每个人的梦想-Let's go! 乐斯高!

Zhongshan LESGO Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd was founded at the beginning of this century. It is composed of an excellent team who has more than 10 years production and management experience in the field. With the high quality products, competitive price and satisfied service. We are a manufacturer specialized in amusement equipment design, development, production & sale. Our main products include battery cars, rail trains, , Luxury carousels, kiddie rides, magic spray ball cars, fortune cats, bear revolving chairs, bumper car etc...Our designers and developers are constantly creating new, novel, funny and high-quality products all the time. Meanwhile,with principle of "quality first and customer satisfaction upmost", we sell products well in more than 20 provinces in China and many countries and regions overseas. Our clients are welcome to tell us your suggestions anytime. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us. And join us for the bright future. Let's fly our dreams here together!

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中山市爱乐游艺设备有限公司 Zhongshan Airo Amusement Equipment Co.,ltd

地址:中山市港口镇沙港中路46号 Add:NO.46,shagang Central Road,Gangkou Tow,Zhongshan City 电话Tel:0760-88837628 传真Fax:0760-88837018 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:http://www.zs-airo.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中文简介 爱乐游艺设备有限公司是一家专业从事亲子游乐产品生产、销售、连锁投资以及 管理、策划、培训的实业公司。把儿童室内游乐场和游乐玩具的水平升级到一个 新的档次, 是我们爱乐产业的目标。我们坚持从产品研发上挖掘市场,打造安全、优质的产 品,贴心的服务,致力于发展成为一流的专业化,规范化的儿童游乐制品经营有 限公司。

英文简介 Airo Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd., an industrial company, mainly produces and sells parent-child play products, as well as the related chain store investment, management, planning and training. The company is aimed to upgrade the levels of children's indoor playgrounds and toys. The company insists on mining markets by relying on product development, and creates safe and quality products. The company offers attentive service, and strives to become a first-class standardized operating company specializing in children's play products. 网址:http://www.zs-airo.com

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中山市保力游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Power Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:广东省中山市东凤镇永安路永安工业区J栋 Add:YongAn Industrial zone, Dongfeng town, Zhongshan city, Guangdong province, China 电话Tel:0760-22772192 传真Fax:0760-22772191 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zs-powergame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市保力游乐设备有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的游乐设备实业 公司; 拥有先进的生产设备、检验设备、工艺技术和人才;专注于机械类产品; 产品工艺精湛、外观新颖、表面光亮、质量优良。产品已有10大系列100多个品 种,包括碰碰车系列、转马系列、杠杆飞机系列、火车系列、海盗船系列、飞椅 系列、自控飞机系列、单支摇摆机系列、多支摇摆机系列等。产品已遍布全国各 地并远销多个国家及地区。“品质第一,优质服务,诚信立业”是我们的宗旨。

ZhongShan Power Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. is an integrated enterprise with collection of R&D, production and sales. With advanced production equipment, inspection equipment, technology and human resources, we focus on mechanical products and the products are with superb craft, new appearance, bright surface and good quality.Our company has 10 series and more than 100 kinds of products, those are bumper car series, carousel series, lever plan series, train series, pirate ship series, flying chair series, self-control plane series, single swing rides series, multi-swing rides series and so on. The products have spread all over the country and exported to many countries and regions.Our purpose is “Quality first, quality service, integrity foundation".

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中山市大展动漫科技有限公司 D&A Amusement Technologies Co., Ltd.

地址:广东省中山市港口镇沙港中路48号 Add:3rd Floor, No. 6, Muhejing 6th Street, Gangkou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, P.R. China 电话Tel: 0760-8840 0108 传真Fax:0760-8840 1169 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. dna-amusement.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

成立日期: 2011年11月 主 营 :专业、专注研发,生产中、小型儿童机械类游乐设备,摇摆机, 转马,升降飞机,火车,及电子类彩票机等; 擅长与国内外客户共同合作开发、研制OEM游乐产品,现已与 国外知名企业美国Sting公司,美国Family Fun公司,世嘉 公司等共同研制生产多款OEM机台。 协助国内外客户室内、室外游乐场整场规划、机台配置。 大展的团队 -- 快乐,善良,团结向上,勤劳实干! 大展的厂房环境 -- 规模不大,但整洁明亮,井然有序。 大展的产品 -- 品种尚且不多,但我们对每一件产品的细节更为专注,每一件产品 均是我们不断用心力求完美的精品!多款产品均已获CE认证。

大展产品的质量承诺 — 壹年保修,终身维护! 我们尊崇的商业、朋友信念 — 互相尊重、诚信、互助、共赢! 给我们一个机会,我们会全力以赴!时间来证明! 感激全体同事的通力合作!感激新、老客户的信任和支持!

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Since: Nov. 11th, 2012 Main Businesses: Professional, focus manufacturing of Kid’s Amusement Equipment, Including Kiddy Ride, Carousel, Helicopter, Train and Redemption Game. Skilled at cooperating with domestic and foreign customers to develop and produce OEM games. We’re now cooperating with Sting, Family Fun, Sega, and already developed and made various OEM products. Assist domestic and foreign customers to make Indoor FEC & Outdoor Park planning and machine allocation. D&A’s Team — Happy, Kindhearted, United, Hardworking! D&A Factory Environment — Not big, but Clean, Clear, Bright, In Ordering! D&A Product — Not too many, but we pay more attention to details, each product is competitive and quality product made with our ceaseless efforts! Various products already applied CE certificate!公司介绍 /Company Profile:

D&A product’s Commitment — One year warranty, lifelong maintenance! D&A Business and Friend Belief — Mutual Respect, Integrity, Mutual Assistance and Win-Win! Give us a chance, we will go all out to achieve it! Time will tell! Appreciate all colleagues good cooperation! Appreciate all new and old customers trust and strong support!

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中山市得森纸品有限公司 Zhongshan Desen Paper CO., Ltd

地址:广东省 中山市 港口镇 达美路三号四楼 Add:No.3 Damei Road, Gangkou Town, zhongshan city, Guangdong China 电话Tel:0760-88415308 传真Fax:0760-88415258 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.ticket888.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 中山市得森纸品有限公司是一家专门从事设计印刷游艺机彩票的企业。 企业拥有彩票设计专案人员,美国进口制版设备,拥有日本进口印刷机,以及国 内先进的后加工成套设备,形成了从接单到出产品一条龙的高效生产线。 近几年,公司响应“安全低碳,健康环保”的印刷业发展主题,积极采用再生环 保纸,采用国际公认的环保油墨,使我们的产品真正让客户以及广大消费者,特 别是儿童,用的安心,玩的健康。 我们的使命是,放眼世界,开拓未来,做健康环保,质优价廉的游艺机彩票,以 快速的反应和优质的服务满足广大客户! 持续发展,自主创新!企业将坚持平等互利,友好合作的原则,竭诚与国内外各 界朋友建立和发展贸易关系,进行更广泛的业务合作。 Zhongshan Desen Paper CO.,LTD , specializes in designing and printing redemption tickets with 10 years experience in China. Our company has a very strong technical team and is equipped with plate making equipment made in USA , printing machine made in Japan and some other processing machines , which leads to a most efficient production line. In recent years, our company responds to safe environmental health theme of the printing industry, actively using environmentally friendly recycled paper and internationally recognized environmental protection ink which makes all the clients especially children safe to use Our mission is to make the most cost-effective redemption tickets, and achieving long-term, steady cooperation with customers. We have committed ourselves to the principles of equality, mutual benefits and friendly cooperation. we are willing to establish friendly and extensive business relationships with customers at home and abroad.

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中山市港口镇天宇游艺设备厂 Zhongshan Game Paradise Amusement Equipment Factory 地址:中山市港口镇沙港西路87号3、4楼 Add:3-4F,No.87,Shagangxi rond,Gangkou town,Zhongshan,Guangdong 电话Tel:0760-89939289 传真Fax:0760-89939287 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zs-qlm.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市港口镇天宇游艺设备厂(原中山市西区千里马游艺设备厂)座落于“中国 游戏游艺产业基地”广东中山市港口镇,专业从事游戏游艺设备研发、生产、销 售、经营为一体的综合性厂家,主要产品有嘉年华彩票机系列、仿真模拟机系 列、室内外小型机械系列等游艺机设施,品种繁多,款式新颖,精品源源不断。 Zhongshan Gangkou Game Paradise Amusement Equipment Factory is located Gangkou town, Zhongshan city, Guangdong, China, the place of game amusement industry base in China. We are one comprehensive manufacturer specialized in game amusement equipment development, production, sales and operating. Our main products include redemption machine series, simulation machine series, small type amusement machine series for indoor and outdoor with various and attractive designs. 设备厂建立于2008年,凝聚了游艺行业内精英力量,锲而不舍,业精于勤,从研 发、生产、销售、售后服务、游乐场总体规划、主题乐园设计装饰、游乐场经营 管理培训等,以每个环节、每个细节都为您提供最优质、最专业的服务。优质的 产品赢得了国内外客户的信赖和支持。

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Our factory was established in 2008, gathering with the force of elites in the filed of amusement equipment industry. And with our perseverance and diligence. We are able to provide you with the high quality and most professional services from research and development, production, sales and after sales service, amusement park planning, theme parks designing as well as playgrounds management training in every link and detail. We have received great reputation from home and abroad “品质为本,财富为果,立足中国,迈向世界”是天宇团队的创业理念;“以人 为本,诚信服务”是天宇的经营宗旨;“累积点滴改进,迈向完美品质。”是天 宇的经营理念。天宇凭着敏锐的时代触觉,随时掌握行业国际动态,抓住行业的 潮流趋势,产品远销世界各地,力争产品与国际接轨、与世界同行,传承娱乐文 化,娱乐真谛,让同一片天空下的所有人都能分享娱乐,共享欢乐,共赢财富。 公司介绍“Quality is/ theCompany root; wealth Profile is the: fruit, based in China, heading for the world “is our business philosophy;” Accumulated bit by bit to improve towards perfect quality. We believe in human-based management and integrity. With acute insight to grasp the latest international information and trends of the industry development, our products have been well exported to all over the world. We try to improve the quality of our products to meet the international standards. Our aim is to spread the culture and essence of amusement, share the amusement and happiness with everyone and achieve the wealth of win-win. 您的快乐是我们最大的心愿,欢迎各界朋友携手共创欢快和谐新天地!

Your satisfaction is our biggest wish; everyone is welcomed to join us to create a new adventure.

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中山市光阳游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan GuangYang Amusement Equipment Co.Ltd 地址:广东省中山市石岐区海景工业区二号捷源大厦 Add:Jieyuan Building 2# Haijing Industrial Zone, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China. 电话Tel:0760-88706688 传真Fax:0760-86119688 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Gooyooo.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市光阳游乐设备有限公司是以专业从事嘉年华彩票机、动漫视频游艺机、儿 童类机械类游艺机的研发、制造、销售为一体化的综合型企业,是全国室内大型 游乐场设备主要提供商之一。多年与国内知名游乐场连锁机构强强联合打造出 “探险阳光乐园”品牌,是国内首推“健康、阳光、娱乐、益智”亲子乐家庭型 室内大型游乐场营销新概念的领跑者。 我司是电子科技大学中山学院、中山职业技术学院、中山火炬职业技术学院三家 校企合作基地,是国际游乐与景点协会(IAAPA)会员、中国游艺机游乐园协会 (CAAPA)理事、中山市游戏游艺协会(ZGAA)副会长单位。 我们秉持”科技、娱乐、生活”的企业人文精神,提供给全球娱乐消费者最高的 科技娱乐感受,以积极、严谨、专业、务实的面貌面向全球客户,我们的目标 是:在国际的舞台上海纳百川,让快乐万众瞩目!

Zhongshan GuangYang Amusement Equipment Co.Ltd specialized in researching,manufacturing and marketing redemption machines,video games and kiddle rides ,which is the major supplier of the indoor

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amusement equipment in domestic.In the same time,we run a great number of large amusement centers with our brand“Sunny Paradise”all over China,which is the first“heath,sunshine,entertainment”parent-child new concept amusement center chain organization. Zhongshan NongYang Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd , Zhongshan ChangYang Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd and many holding Amusement companies are our subsidiary companies .What’s more,we are not only the University-Enterprise cooperation base of Zhongshan University of Electronic Science and Technology,Zhongshan Polytechnic and Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic,but also the member of IAAPA,council of CAAPA and Vice-chairman Unit of ZGAA. We adhere to our enterprise sprit “technology,entertainment, 公司介绍Life”,offer /theCompany best technological Profile: feeling to the customers from all over the world,face to our customers with active, rigorous,and profession attitude.Our target is: Showing ourselves in the international market and sharing our happy in public.

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中山市广益机械制造有限公司 Zhongshan GuangYi Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

地址:广东省中山市港口镇沙港中路25号 电话Tel:0760 88431488/13652235761 传真Fax:0760 88431329 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zsgyyy.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市广益机械制造有限公司位于中国游艺游戏产品基地,交通便利的中山市港 口镇,占地面积10000多平方,是一家具有多年游艺机制造经验的企业。我公司 专业生产碰碰车,大中型豪华转马,小火车、托马斯中火车、自控蜜蜂飞机、太 空飞车、袋鼠跳、蜗牛特工队、海盗射水车、海上遨游、逍遥水母等产品;并承 接游乐设施安装、维修、改造等工程项目。本公司取得国家游乐设备制造许可证 和安装维修改造许可证。公司的生产设备齐全,技术力量充实,并且拥有多名从 事游乐设备生产十年以上的工程技术人员。我们致力于游乐事业不断创新和提 高,打造更多品质优良、结构新颖的游艺游乐产品。并为客户提供优质周到的 服 务。

联系方式: 地址:广东省中山市港口镇沙港中路25号 电话/传真:+86 0760 88431329 FEL/FAX: +86 0760 8843148

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中山市华鑫游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Huaxin Amusement Equipments Co.,Ltd

地址:中山市港口镇沙港西路福田二路7号 电话Tel:0760-88404848 传真Fax:0760-88708248 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: www.zsjpg.com www.zsjinye.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市华鑫游乐设备有限公司/中山市石歧区金苹果游乐设备销售部(青溪路172 号),厂部位于珠三角中山市港口镇沙港西路穗安工作区;拥用一批具有10多 年游艺机的开发设计和丰富生产经验的工程技术人员,是游艺机研发、生产、销 售融为一体的企业之一。经过多年的发展,生产销售各种摇摆机,荧屏机,电池 车,转马,旋转飞机,小火车,追逐车,碰碰车,反斗乐和配件等,以及游乐场 的策划;我们经过多年的实践经验积累,技术和管理更加成熟,我们遵循以诚为 本,客户至上的经营理念,以及精益求精,不断创新的战略方针,全力打造游乐 新产品,和国内外客户一起共创美好的明天!

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中山市华亿游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Hua Yi Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd

地址:中山市东区白沙湾齐东工业区D6 Add:No.6.D.Building East QiDong Industrial Zone Bai ShaWanindustrial park,Zhongshan Guangdong,p.R.china 电话Tel:0760-89872127 传真Fax:0760-89872127 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Zs-huay.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市华亿游乐设备有限公司是专业生产游乐设备产品的企业, 我们坐落在中国 游乐设备之都:广东省--中山市,十余年生产经验.我们拥用专业的设计团队与管理 队伍.本公司从场地设计到看样订货,从购买到安装,从游乐场管理到售后服务, 均有专业人员负责,公司现已成功地开发出系列新颖、造型美观的大、中、小型 游乐设备产品,适合于公园、广场、商场、市场、旅游景点、生态农庄及各类室 内外场地。主要产品有:12人,16人,18人,24人豪华转马、12人海盗船、豪 华小转马、小摆锤、小飞机、回转蜜罐、雪糕转马、海盗船飞机、恐龙飞机、星 球大战、蜜蜂城堡、摩天轮、碰碰车等产品。 超越自我,不断创新,诚信服务,持续改善是华亿公司的经营方针,以顾客的满 意度作为衡量一切工作的标准是华亿游乐设备公司的质量方针, 我们欢迎顾客来 我们公司指导工作,提升产品的质量水准,不断满足客户需求。

Zhongshan Huayi Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd is specialized in producing amusement equipment products business, We are located in China amusement equipment city: Guangdong - Zhongshan City , more

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than ten years of production experience , we own a professional design team and management team. to audit from purchase to installation, from the playground to the after-sales service management , from construction design to place order. the company has successfully developed a series of innovative, attractive appearance of large, medium and small Amusement equipment products, suitable for parks , plazas , shopping malls , markets, tourist attractions, ecological farms and all kinds of indoor and outdoor venues . The main products are : 12,16,18,24 Deluxe Carousel , Pirate Ship 12P , luxury small Carousel, Small Pendulum,,sea Drifting, small aircraft, rotary honeypot , ice cream Carousel , Corsair aircraft , aircraft dinosaurs , Star Wars , bees castle, ferris wheel , bumper cars and other products. Beyond 公司介绍the self , innovation/Company , integrity, Profile continuous: improvement .company ‘s business approach to customer satisfaction as a measure of the standard of work is company’s quality policy , we welcome customers to our company to guide our work to improve product quality standards , we continue to meet customer needs.

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中山市欢乐世博游艺设备有限公司 Zhong Shan Supergame Amusement Co.,LTD

地址:中山市港口镇群富工业区25号 Add:Add: NO 25 Qunfu Industrial zone,ZhongShan City, China. 电话Tel:0760-88798368 传真Fax:0760-88483915 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. china-supergame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

自2000年成立中山市世博游乐设备有限公司,我们专注生产中小型游乐设备,主 打产品有飞车,火车,小摇锤,杠杆飞机等。

Super game established in 2000 . We specialize in manufacturing rides. Our main product is mini car, train, mini pendulum, helicopter, etc.

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中山市佳鑫游乐设备有限公司 Dawon Leisure Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:广东省中山市阜沙镇埠港北路26号 Add:No. 26 Bugang North Road, Fusha District, Zhongshan, Guangdong 电话Tel:0760-89998085 传真Fax:0760-89998086 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. dawonleisure.com/index.php

公司介绍/Company Profile:

佳鑫游乐设备有限公司座落在广东省中山市,是一家专注于研发生产游乐设备的 工贸一体企业。公司前身拥有十多年的行业经验,在产品研究开发、生产加工、 宣传、销售和管理方面拥有专业的团队 目前,佳鑫游乐设备有限公司主要生产销售摇摆机、火车、转马、迪斯科、电池 车等游乐设备。产品热销到俄罗斯、韩国、美国、中东、东南亚、欧洲等地,被 广泛运用到游乐园、大型超市、公园、幼儿园及小学、旅游景点和其他商业场 所。 “高品质,优服务”一直是公司秉承的原则,而“围绕客户的需求持续创新”是 公司发展的灵魂。公司所有产品以先进技术、高级结构框架为保障,优秀团队为 依托,精益求精,努力实现每一个产品的高品质;同时努力实现为客户提供全方 位的优质服务,是我们不懈的追求。为使客户得到持续的体验,并得到最大价 值,公司将不断结合客户需求研发新品,为市场注入新鲜血液。另外,公司同时 支持OEM、ODM.

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Dawon Leisure Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd is located in Zhongshan City,Chinaamusement industry base. We are a collective company of design, manufacture, operation, sales and after-service in amusement industry. We are professional in manufacturing and exploring various amusement equipments, especially kiddy rides, such as wig-wag machine, carousel, track train etc. Besides, custom-made products are available. Our products have been exported toSouth Korea,Dubai,KingdomofSaudi ArabiaandSouth Africa, etc. Our idea is “Quality First, Service Best” and to set up a long-term and friendly relationship with customers. Besides excellent designers and skilled workers, we also possess a sound quality-control system. All these 公司介绍can guarantee/Company every product Profile meet: high quality standard. On the other hand, our company is committed to providing our customers with the best service, especially the after-service.

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中山市嘉技游乐设备厂 Zhongshan Jia Technology Amusement Equipment Factory 地址:广东省中山市港口镇下南村二榕树街175号 Add:Port town, zhongshan city, guangdong province 175 south village under two banyan tree street 电话Tel:0760-88419386 传真Fax:0760-88419386 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zsjiaji.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市嘉技游艺机设备厂是一家集游乐设备设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的专 业公司,拥有一支爱岗敬业、专业及不断创新,不断进步的技术队伍。坚持以 “质量第一,客户至上,服务一流”的经营理念。 我们公司生产大中小型游乐设备性能优越、安全可靠、外形美观、质优价廉。 产品已发展到100多种包括:各类摇摆机、碰碰车、旋转类(旋转木马、旋转蜜 蜂)、升降类(升降飞机、太空鹦鹉)轨道火车系列等各种奇趣好玩的游乐设 备。为客户营造欢乐的气氛,热烈欢迎各界人士前来选购与指导,我们为您送上 真诚服务。

Sanjiao town of zhongshan city jia skill amusement machine equipment factory is a collection of amusement equipment design, development, production, sales as one of professional company, has a wuxi, professional and innovative, progressive technical team. Adhere to the \”quality first, customer first, first-class service\” business philosophy. Our company production of big small and medium sized amusement equipment, superior performance, safe and reliable, good appearance, high quality and low price. Has grown to more than 100 kinds of products include: all kinds of swing machine, bumper cars, spin classes (merry-go- round, rotating bees), lift class (takeoff and landing aircraft, space parrots) rail train series such as all kinds of fabulous fun amusement equipment. For customers to create a happy atmosphere, warmly welcome people from all walks of life to choose and buy and guidance, we sent our sincere service for you.

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中山市金骏游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan golden dream amusement equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:中山市港口镇沙港西路39号 Add:No.39 Shagang West Road Gangkou Town Zhongshan City 电话Tel:0760-88481008 传真Fax:0760-88482268 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zsjinjun.com

公司介绍/Company Profile: 中山市金骏游乐设备有限公司简介 中山市金骏游乐设备有限公司坐落于中山市港口镇,是一家专注于现代游乐设备 开发与销售的专业公司。目前已经开发出旋转木马、自控飞机、咖啡杯、飞椅、 碰碰车、小火车等十多类主流游乐项目,产品畅销国内外,卓越的品质及完善的 售后服务使金骏赢得了国内外客户的信赖和一致好评。 “诚信、创新、优质”是金骏的经营理念,公司以诚信服务为先导,产品创新为 发展力,视产品质量为生命。金骏人都怀着金色的游乐梦,我们将锐意进取、勇 于开拓,并用实际行动为国内外客户提供外观风格独特、质量优良的产品和完善 的产品解决方案 欢迎国内外用户洽谈合作,一起携手共进,共创游乐事业美好明天! Introduction of Golden Dream Co.,Ltd Golden Dream Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd locates in Gangkou town of Zhongshan city. The company focus on the development and sales of modern amusement equipment. Golden Dream takes lead for his professional, who has developed over 10 models of mainstream recreation project, including carousel, rolling plane, coffee cup, fly chair, bumper car, and mini-train. Golden Dream win trust and reputation from domestic customers and overseas, for our stable quality and reasonable price, and which is the most important factor: good after-sales service. Our business philosophy is Integrity, Innovation & Quality-first. We have a colorful dream, we will achieve it by our aggressive actions to offer our customers unique-design, good-quality production and considerate service. Welcome to contact and look into us, we have confidence that we will create a bright future in amusement business together!

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中山市金马科技娱乐设备有限公司 GOLDEN HORSE TECHNOLOGY ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD. 地址:广东省中山市火炬开发区沿江东三路5号 Add:No.5,Yanjiang East 3rd Road,Torch Development Zone,Zhongshan,Guangdong,China 电话Tel:0760-28132788 传真Fax:0760-28132766 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.jinmabrand.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

金马游乐集团凭籍30多年游艺机游乐设施制造、安装经验和雄厚的设计开发能 力,已形成为客户提供游艺机和游乐设施设计制造安装、主题乐园环境艺术工程 规划设计和整体施工、游乐园经营管理一条龙全方位优质服务的能力。目前,是 中国规模最大、实力最强的游乐文化产业集团公司。

With over 30 years experience in designing, producing and installing high quality amusement equipments, Golden Horse Amusement Group provides one-stop service of amusement rides and entertainment facilities design, manufacture and installation, theme park environmental art project planning and overall construction, and amusement park management. Currently, Golden Horse Amusement Group is the largest group with greatest comprehensive strength in China’s entertainment cultural industry.

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中山市金信游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Golder Credit Amusement Equipment CO. Ltd 地址:广东省中山市港口镇兴港南路53号 Add:NO.53Xingang South Road,ZhongshanCity,Guangdong Province ,China 电话Tel:0760-88409176 传真Fax:0760-88836770 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.china-game.cn www.jx48.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市金信游乐设备有限公司,坐落在历史名城,现在拥有世界游乐设备生产基 地之称的广东省中山市,原名“中山市金信游艺机厂”。经过多年的经营,已从 最初的 产品单一,技术薄弱的小型工厂发展成为一家规模性的现代化企业,产品 分为15大类,100多个品种各类机械型游乐设备产品。 今天的金信游乐设备,以发展中国游乐设备,推广中国制造企业的责任感跟使命 感,致力于为全球客户提供安全,可靠地产品,以成为全球商家值得信赖的合作 伙伴。 2008年率先通过了欧盟CE认证;2009年公司取得了国家颁发的特种设备制造、 安装、维修许可证,2011年被国家经济决策中心评为“碰碰车生产十大名牌” 企业。2014年取得美国宾夕法尼亚州的认证。是国际游乐设备网“品牌推荐企 业”。“质量取胜,信誊立业”是公司多年的宗旨。金信牢固树立“用心做事, 真诚服务”企业营销理念,同客户一起成长。现已具备整场规划、整场制造安装 的综合技术能力。为游客制造欢乐的同时,也为商家带来滚滚财源。凝聚着诚信 与服务的金信产品现在已经远销欧洲、南美、非洲、东南亚及中东地区,在国内 市场也有很大份额,深受经营者认同喜爱. 中山市金信游乐设备公司,永远是游客的朋友、投资商的伙伴,热忱欢迎各位朋 友来公司参观指导!

Zhongshan Golder Credit Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd was founded in 1993, we are located in famous historical city named Zhongshan, which is also the world amusement equipment production base. After more than 20 years development, we now become a large-scale modern enterprice, we have 15 categories covering more than 100 amusement equipment

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products. Nowadays, we always stick to the responsiblity and mission of promotion chinese manufactur enterprice to develop chinese amusement equipments. We devoted ourseves to supplying safe and reliable equipments to customers all over the world, and become a global trustworthy partner . In 2011,we are awarded by the national economic decision-making center as top ten famous brand bumper car manufacturer. In 2012, we got the licence of production and installation for special equipment which is issued by AQSIQ , and we also got the certification issued by Pennsylvania in 2014 and CE certification in 2008. we are also the international amusement equipment network Brand recommendation. Our tenet is “winning by quality, building enterprise by integrity”.In the past 20 years, we always keep on the marketing concept of “ hardworking and provide the most sincere service”, we are glowing with customers day by day. And now, we already gain the comprehensive ability of whole plan desin , production and installation. In the meantime of bring happyness to touriests, also brings big revenue to businesses. Our Golder Credit Brand products, embodies integrity and sincere service, are now exported to 公司介绍European, south/Company America, Profile Africa, :seatheat Asia and Mid-east. We also have a big share in dometic market. Our products are widely acknowledged and loved by our partners. We, Zhongshan Golder Credit Amusement Equipment Co., ltd, are always the sinere friend for touriests, partner for investors. All friends are warmly welcomed to visit our company! 销售一部:移动电话:13823988463 QQ:994020840 E-mail:[email protected] 销售二部: 移动电话:13824747199 QQ:1192889076 E-mail:[email protected] 海外销售部(Oversea sales Department): Annie Liu Mobile:15377853616 FAX 0086-760 88836770/88409176 E-mail:[email protected] Skype: annyldm0406 QQ: 2631498289 Homepage: www.china-game.cn 销售工程师: QQ:2296711265 E-mail:[email protected] 地 址: 中山市港口工业区兴港南路53号 Add:No.53 Xinggang South Rd,Gangkou Town, Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province,China 电 话:0760-88836770 / 0760-88409176 传 真:0760-88836770

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地址:广东省中山市港口镇木河迳东路日先工业园 电话Tel:0760-88718845 传真Fax:0760-88718845 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Jy887.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介 中山市金益游乐设备有限公司是一家专业生产游艺机械产品,集科技研发、产品 设计、制造安装于一体的综合性企业。 公司拥有雄厚的资金实力、专业的管理人才、强大的技术力量,建立了一套完 善的质量和经营管理体系。公司产品丰富、种类繁多,目前有九大系列数百个 产品,分别有碰碰车系列、轨道火车系列、电池车系列、旋转(木马、升降、 对战)系列、自控升降系列、高空滑行系列、海盗船系列、摇摆机系列、动漫游 艺电子系列等产品。公司一向秉持“顾客至上”的宗旨,产品深受国内外顾客欢 迎,已遍布全国各地及东南亚多个国家和地区,并得到客户的一致好评。 公司在发展的过程中,不断与国内多个科研机构交流合作,设计生产,规模不断 扩大。已由初建时的五金加工厂转变为综合型的技术实体生产商。今天金益员工 奉行“进取 求实 严谨 团结”的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心、视质量为 生命、奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的产品、高质量的工程设计改造 及无微不至的售后服务。

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中山市金鹰游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Jinying Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd

地址:广东省中山市港口镇达美路7号 Add:#7 Damei Rd,Gangkou Town,Zhongshan City,Guangdong,China. 电话Tel:0760-88896974 传真Fax:0760-88896974 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.jy28.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

金鹰游艺是一家专业设计、生产和销售游乐设备的现代化企业。公司座落于中国 游乐设备生产基地——中山市港口镇。现有厂房面积10000余平方米,配备先 进的生产设备,拥有国家特种设备颁发的生产许可证。目前公司自行开发生产摇 摆类、电池车类、旋转类、轨道类、液压类、回旋类、往复类、跑车类、碰碰车 类、秋千类、电子类、模拟机、彩票机、游艺机等十一大类、上百个品种。凭借 雄厚的生产、研发能力,不断创新,给人们带来不同的快乐体验。 公司成立近二十年来,实行科学、规范管理,培养造就了一支技术精湛、富有创 业精神的强有力的团队。产品设计和开发标新立异,时刻以市场需求为导向,凭 借卓越的品质、精细的设计、贴心的服务,产品畅销全国各大中小城市,并出口 到亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲和中东等二十多个国家和地区。在国际交往中,公司 与多国商家进行友好合作,共同开发国际游乐事业。 面对市场的发展与竞争,金鹰始终坚持“质量是钢,诚信是金”的宗旨,以客人 满意为准则,从内部管理到生产工艺,从市场营销到客户服务力求精益求精。同 时,在经营战略上引入国际先进经营理念,发展网络营销,利用品牌价值推动业 务增长,获得市场份额,实现企业的持续发展。

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Golden Eagle Amusement is a modern collective company of design, manufacture, operation and sales in amusement industry. Our factory is located in Gangkou Town, Zhongshan city, the base of China amusement industry. We own a factory with 10000 square meter, equipped with modern equipments and tools. Now we hold the Manufacture License of Special Equipment of China government. We have designed and manufactured Rotating series, Swing series, Train series, Park series, Turntable series, Carousel series, Kiddy rides, Bumper car, Battery car etc total 11 kinds, more than 100 products. Rely on the strong ability of design and manufacture, with constant innovation, we are giving a different experience of fun to people around the world. Nearly 20 years from the company establishment, under the scientific 公司介绍and regulated/Company management, Profile we: have had a top team with advanced technology and innovative spirits. We design and develop new rides based on market oriented. We make best quality, perfect design and always provide the customer oriented service, which makes our products well sold throughout China and exported to other more than 20 countries around the world covering Asia, Europe, Africa, Mid-east, North and South America. In international exchanges, our company cooperated friendly with many countries, and developed the international amusement together with them. Facing to the crucial competition, Golden Eagle always stick to the principle of "Quality is steel, Honesty is Gold" and our goal is to make clients satisfied, both in products and service. As practice, from the interior management to the crafts, from the market to customer service, we make every item perfect. At the same time, we bring in the advanced international management concepts and develop internet marketing to expand our sales volume and enhance our Golden Eagle brand value which, as a result, will make the company become stronger and stronger.

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中山市骏业游乐配套设备有限公司 Zhongshan Junye Amusement Facility Supply co.,LTD

地址:广东省中山市小榄镇埒西一,二村工业区 Add:IndustrialPark,Village2,LiexiyiDistrict,XiaolanTown,Zhongshan,ci ty.Guangdong. Provice China. 电话Tel:0760-22283090/22555298 传真Fax:0760-22273455 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.zsjunye.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

Zhongshan Junye Amusement Facility Supply Co Ltd was found in 1989. We remain focus in the manufacturing of amusement lighting and spare parts for big and small rides machines. With the newly established export marketing, we are confident to improve our services and product quality. Continuous quality improvement and product development enable us to maintain our leadership in the industry. Our main market is China and Asian countries. Following the recent overseas exhibitions, we received more and more inquiry from Europe, Australia and American customers. Main product lines include: 1.Classic Cabochon and simplified Cabochon for major rides with control system to create customized animation. 2. DMX Cabochon Lighting System, a challenge to your design and creativity. 3. Spare parts & accessories - We are also a major supplier of lighting

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and fittings for small amusement machine manufacturers. Spare parts and accessories for machines. Full set computerized machinery and experienced staff is important to support our product development and to fabricate our own refined moulds. Product customization is welcome. Recently we acquired automated SMD and flow soldering system to speed up our transition to use of SMD LED. The use of SMD LED to replace Ø5mm LED and tungsten wire bulb and machine soldering is a very important step to further improve in quality and durability. Will be our pleasure to show to you our new products and control systems just about to launch!

公司介绍中山骏业游乐配套设备有限公司于1989年成立。我司保持专注于游乐照明产品配/Company Profile: 套和各种游乐设备配件。随着出口市场的发展,我们满怀信心地致力于提升产品 质量和服务水平, 达至国际水平。 不断的质量提高和产品开发使我们保持着业内领导者的地位。中国和亚洲其他国 家是我们的主要市场。 在最近的海外展会上, 我们获得了越来越多带来自欧洲 和美国客人的询盘。 主要产品包括: 1.传统的蘑菇灯和能编制动画的新型蘑菇灯 2.DMX 照明系统是你设计和创造力的挑战 3.我司是小游乐设备厂家在游乐灯饰和小配件方面的主要供应商。 产品的开发和独有的模具制造有赖于全套电脑化机械和经验丰富的员工队伍。 我 司可为客人提供新产品开发和特制服务。 最近引进的全自动贴片机和回流焊系统加快了使用DMX 的过渡速度。SMD LED 和自动化焊按的使用是进一步提高产品质量和耐用性的重要一步。 很荣幸为您提供我们的新产品和即将推出的全新控制系统。

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中山市康乐游艺机有限公司 ZSkangle kangle Amusement Machine Co,Ltd

地址:广东省中山市西区彩虹桥西侧名城大厦一楼 Add:1st Floor, Mingcheng Building, West of Caihong Bridge, Western Area Zhonshan City Guandgong Province 电话Tel:+8615913312777李经理 0760-88621899、88621833、 88621886 传真Fax:0760-88634402 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Kangleyouyi.com http:zskangle.1688.com 公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司:中山市康乐游艺机 地址:广东省中山市西区彩虹桥西侧名城大厦一楼 手机:15913312777李娟娟 电话:0760-88621833 88621899 88621886 传真:0760-88634402 网址:http://www.kangleyouyi.com http://zskangle.1688.com 邮箱:[email protected] [email protected] 中山康乐游艺机有限公司创建于1992年,是亚洲规模最前几名产品种类最多的 著名游乐设备专业制造公司。中山康乐游艺机有限公司具备国家B级游艺机制造 许可资质的企业之一,中山康乐游艺机座落于广东省中山市西区彩虹桥名城大厦 工业区内,占地面积15000平方,生产厂房10000平方米,国内员工超过200 余 人,并成立东区分公司,分公司内厂房面积8000平方米,我公司董事长梁祖荛 先生是广东省特种设备检测研究院行风监督员、全国索道与游乐设施标准化技术 委员会委员、中山市质量技术协会会员单位、中山市游戏游艺协会副会长等等荣 誉。 本公司现有大中型特种设备20余种,中小型产品50余种,强大的自主研发和制造 能力,我们公司坚信:良好的服务和优质的产品质量是我们的生存之本,自建厂 以来,公司以展讯猛,相继研发了松林老鼠、自控飞机、鲨鱼岛、海盗船、太空 漫步等产品,并且我公司松林老鼠、自控飞机两个产品占有市场高达80%,本公 司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客 户提供优质的服务,我们愿意以一流的管理、一流的产品、一流的质量、一流的 开拓与创新,与客户携手共进,共同发展、共创辉煌!

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英文: Company:zhongshang kangle Amusement Machine Co,Ltd ADD:1st Floor, Mingcheng Building, West of Caihong Bridge, Western Area Zhonshan City Guandgong Province

TEL:15913312777 juan juan LI TEL:0760-88621833 88621899 88621886 Fax:0760-88634402 Website:http://www.kangleyouyi.com http://zskangle.1688.com E-Mail:[email protected] [email protected] Zhongshan Kangle Amusement Machine was established in 1992, is one of the famous amusement machine manufacturers in Asia with most products categories; Brief company data: 1 Authorization & credentials: ---had been accredited with B level manufacturing authorization; ---Special Equipment manufacturing License of P.R.C. ---Member of CAAPA; ---“Excellent CAAPA Company” awarded by CAAPA; 公司介绍--- Excecutive/Company Director Profile Company: of the Zhong Shan amusement Amusement Park Association ---Member of National Technical Committee of standardization of ropeways and amusement equipment 2 Area 、Facilities and Manpower ---covering an area of workshop of more than 10,000 square meters; ---Total company occupation: 15,000 square meters; ---one Subsidiary company in east district of Zhongshan city with a workshop area of more than 80,000 square meters; ---More than 200 working staffs; ---over 20 Large or medium size special equipments; ---Strong R&D and manufacturing capability 3 Products Briefing: We have more than 50 categories of products for your selection including “pine forest mice”、“Astro” 、“Shark Island” 、“Pirate Ship” 、 “Space walking” etc., While the “pine forest mice” and “Astro” are taking up over 80% of domestic Chinese market share; Our company tenet is to offer the best quality products and excellent service beyond your expectation; In our mind, Customers concerns are always our priority issues, and we are willing to corporate with our partners with our first class products、 manufacturing management and sincere service attitude; Talk to us and find more, thank you!

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中山市乐邦游艺设备有限公司 Global Amusement Ride Manufacture Co.,Ltd

地址:广东省中山市港口镇兴港南路60号 Add:XingGangNanRoad,No.60,GangKouTown,ZhongshanCity,Guang Dong Provice,China. 电话Tel:0760-88781279 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Zs-globalride.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市邦游艺设备有限公司是一家集游艺机设计、生产、销售为一体的公司。本 公司拥有10多年的实践经验,先进的生产设备、工艺技术和多名高级工技术人 员,致力于生产出外形新颖、质量优良的游艺设备产品。 本公司生产严格按照国际标准,以其高质量,中价位及完善的售后服务赢得了广大 客户的喜爱,产品畅销全国二十多个省市,并出口到欧洲,美国,中东,东南亚等多个国 家,国外有多个机器销售代理和合作伙伴,出口量逐年增加. 欢乐游艺设备有限公司欢迎广大客户来图,来样,提供OEM和ODM等多种合作方 式,我们愿与您共同携手,互惠互利,共创辉煌! Zhongshan Global Amusement Ride Manufacture Co.,Ltd is a specialized manufacturer of amusement machines incorporating product design, manufacture and sale with 8 years of experience, advanced production equipment, fine workmanship, and numbers of technological engineers, ,enabling the yield of novelty, excellent quality amusement products. Our company strictly carry out production pursuant to international standard. Global Ride brand amusement machine have been approved by users for their excellent quliaty, appropriate pricing and optimal after service, and find good sale in more than 20 provinces in china, as well as in a great number of country in America, Europe, Middle East etc., with ever increasing export amount. Global Amusement Ride welcomes clients to place an order by reaching us drawings, samples, or in the manner of OEM. We sincerely desire to cooperate with you to make mutual benefit and development.

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中山市乐贝尔游艺设备有限公司 ZhongShan Leber Amusement Equipment Co.Ltd

地址:中山西区市隆平路广隆二街3号 Add:NO.3,Guang Long Second street,LongPing Road,Wset Strict,Zhong Shan City,GuangDong,China 电话Tel:0760-88551578 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zsleber.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市乐贝尔游艺设备有限公司成立于2012年,是一家集研发、设计、销售、直 营、加盟、生产淘气堡、亲子产品一体化的游乐设备公司,是中山市游戏、游艺 协会会员。公司拥有雄厚的生产实力及严格的质量把关、完善的售后服务管理系 统。销售网络遍布全国各个省市;产品远销韩国、俄罗斯、泰国、马来西亚、欧 美等国家和地区。公司率先设立客服中心,为客户提供方便、快捷、优质、高效 的售前和售后服务,公司的原则是:重质量、守信用、服务佳。 欢迎选用我公司产品,来样定制,要求设计,更欢迎您来厂指导工作。为使我们 的工作做的更好,请您提出最宝贵的意见,更新颖的创意,更奇特的构思,和更 高标准的要求。 客户的满意是我们的追求,客户的追求是我们的目标。价值创造欢乐、把欢乐带 给千家万户。

Leber amusement equipment co.,ltd built in 2012,which is profession in design,sale and production of children’s indoor playground. We focus on the good quality and best after-service. The goods are very popular at home and abroad,appreciate your interest on our products and your any suggestion is our honor.

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中山市乐奇金鹰游艺机制造有限公司 Zhongshan LUCK & JINYING amusement machine manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 地址:广东省中山市石岐区东明北民康路7号 Add:NO.7 Min kang Road, Dong Ming North,SHIQI DIST,ZHONGSHAN CITY GUANGDONG CHINA. 电话Tel:0760-88788656 传真Fax:0760-88716162 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.luck-game.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市乐奇金鹰游艺机制造有限公司(原中山市金鹰游艺厂)始建于1995 年;是国际游艺机游乐园协会(IAAPA)的会员单位,中国游艺机游乐园协会 (CAAPA)常务理事单位。 公司经过不断的努力和发展,目前已成为中国游乐产品制造业中别具特色的专业 生产基地之一。企业荣获国家颁发的大型游乐设施“特种设备制造许可证” , “特种设备安装许可证”及四十多项产品的专利、著作权。 “乐奇金鹰”拥有国际先进的生产设备和精湛的生产工艺,在雄厚的硬件基础 上,吸引时尚动感理念,充分运用现代科技,专注于室(内)外大、中、小型游 艺机和嘉年华等游乐产品为生产发展定位。企业在生产、管理方面,严格执行中 国游艺机和游乐设施“国家标准”并通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。 致力于世界先进的同行业靠拢,使产品实现品质的安全性和可靠性并逐步通过国 际质量认证的同时务求娱乐性和趣味性。 主要产品碰碰车系列(成人碰碰车、中型碰碰车和儿童碰碰车,电瓶碰碰车)、 豪华转马系列(单层转马和双层转马)、轨道火车系列、儿童摩天轮系列、中小 型海盗船系列、旋转飞椅系列,空中单车和小型漂流等机动游艺机系列、嘉年华 机系列、英语学习机系列等。

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Established in 1995, Zhongshan LUCK & JINYING amusement machine manufacturing Co.,Ltd. (formerly Zhongshan Jinying amusement machine factory), is the member of international association of amusement parks and attractions (IAAPA), and also the council member of the executive of China association of amusement parks and attractions (CAAPA). By continuous efforts and development, she has been one of the specialized production bases with her own characteristics in the amusement product industry in China. At present she has won the "special equipment production license" ,” special equipment installation license” for big amusement product issued by the state , more than 40 kinds of exterior patent and production patent. "LUCK & JINYING" has introduced the advanced production equipment 公司介绍and sophisticated/Company technology Profile: from abroad. On the basis of solid hardwares , dynamic ideas, and advanced technology, she has been committed to the development of indoor and outdoor amusement machines from small to medium and big size, and of carnival equipments. Regarding the production management, she has been accredited by ISO9001:2008 quality control system and also has strictly executed China's national standard of amusement machines and equipments. Committed to the world's advanced industry, make product quality safety and reliability, and gradually through the international quality certification, at the same time to entertaining and fun. Main products series : Bumper car series(adult bumper car, mid size bumper car, children bumper car , battery bumper car) , Carousel series(single deck and double deck carousel), Train Series, Children Ferris wheel, (Mid / Mini)Pirate ship, Mini flying swinger, Sky-bike, Mini river boat and other kinds of mechanical amusement machine、Redemption machine 、English LearingMachine ect.,

402 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile 参展商介绍 Exhibitors’ Profile

中山市连兴动漫科技有限公司 Zhongshan Lianxing Animation Technology Co.,Ltd.

地址:广东省中山市港口镇华师路2号A座5楼 Add:Building A,5/F.,No.2 HuaShi Road,GangKou Town,ZhongShan City,GuangDong Province,China 电话Tel:0760-88889678 传真Fax:0760-88880840 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.lx-game.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市连兴动漫科技有限公司位于中国游乐设备生产基地——广东省中山市港口 镇。专业从事游乐设备研发;生产;销售;售后服务;游乐场规划一体。 创建以来,每个环节严格管理。凝聚行业精英力量,精诚团结,努力奋斗。每个 环节都能为您提供优质高效的服务。优质的产品赢得海内外客户的肯定。 “求实创新,锐意进取,立足中国,迈向全球”是连兴(乐翔)动漫科技的理 念。“以人为本,客户至上”连兴(乐翔)动漫科技的宗旨。“积点滴改进,迈 向完美品质”是连兴(乐翔)动漫科技的理念。抓住行业的潮流趋势,产品远销 全球。让你我携手共享快乐,共赢财富。

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中山市日东动漫科技有限公司 Nitto Fun Technology Co., Ltd.

地址:广东省中山市港口镇铺锦工业区(达美路3号侧)528447 Add:No.3 Damei Road, Pujin Ind. Area, Gangkou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, 528447 China 电话Tel:0760-8993 9899 传真Fax:0760-8993 9898 电邮Email:[email protected]; [email protected] 网址Web:www.nittofun.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

日东动漫科技有限公司成立以来,经过全体同仁的共同努力,迅速成长。是一家 集研发、生产、销售一体化的游艺游戏厂家。日东的产品定位在“亲子儿童游艺 机”,包括嘉年华彩票机、摇摆机、中小型机械设备。 本公司将矢志不渝地走“创新”道路,“质量第一、服务至上”是我们的宗旨, 我们将源源不断输出优秀原创产品。 我们相信科技带来欢乐、科技引领未来! Since establishment, through all our colleagues’concerted effort, Nitto Fun Technology Co., Ltd. has been growing rapidly. Nitto is an amusement manufactory that integrating R&D, production, and sales. Our major products included Carnival Redemption Machine, Kiddie Rides Machines, and Children Machinery. Strike to innovation road, “quality first, service first” is our business purpose. We would produce outstanding original design products continuously. We believe that technology brings joy, technology leads the future!

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中山市尚乐游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan Sun Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD

地址:中山市五桂山镇龙石村寿星塘102号 Add:#102,Shouxingtang,Longshicun,WuGuiShan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China. 电话Tel:0760-8886 9298 传真Fax:0760-8886 9297 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web: http://www.sun-amusement.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市尚乐游乐设备有限公司,位于中国游戏游艺产业基地——中山,是一家集 研发、生产、销售和售后为一体的游乐设备企业。 本公司专业生产移动式中小型游乐设备,如转杯,转马,飞椅,秋千,趣味转 盘,碰碰陈场地等产品;专业生产其他室内外儿童游乐设备,如转马,转杯,自 控产品,轨道火车,碰碰车,摇摆机等产品。本公司产品获国际CE认证。 我们的团队,有着专业10年以上游乐设备行业生产经验;我们秉承的宗旨 “客 户第一,服务至上”。我们提供的代工生产是从设计,生产到安装一条龙服务。

Zhongshan Sun Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD is located in Zhongshan city, the base of China amusement industry. We are the exclusive manufacturer for amusement rides on trailers in China. We produce , Whirl Wind, Funny Tubs, Carousels, Cups, Train and Playground for Bumper Cars and so on. We also produce amusement rides for indoor and outdoor, such as Carousels, Cups, Spinning Rides, Bumper Cars, Trains, Rotating Rides, Kiddy Rides and so on. We have got several certificates like CE. Our business strategy is mutual trust and definitely“Client first and utmost”. We have a highly skilled team with over 10 years of production experience. Our team is ready to help you set up your amusement park. We can provide OEM service and after sale service.

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中山市世汇游艺机有限公司 ZhongShan WorldWide Amusement Machine Co.,LTD

地址:广东省中山市港口镇兴港南路5号建达工业区7幢 Add:Block 7,A1,Jianda lndustrial Zone, 5 Xing Gang Nan Road, Gangkou Town, ZhongShan, China 电话Tel:0760-89922122 传真Fax:0760-89922116 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.wwa.hk

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市世汇游艺机有限公司位于中国游戏游艺产业基地——广东省中山市港口 镇,是一家以室(内)外机械类游艺机和嘉年华机等游乐设备为产业的专业生产 厂家。 公司拥有行业历年丰富实践经验的精英团队,以阳光游艺为宗旨,娱乐主流为导 向,扎实求新为目标发展企业。在制造中以“质量、求新”为首要,务求娱乐性 和趣味性相结合的同时融入人性化的设计,实现了别具特色。产品行销国内及海 外众多国家和地区,深受用户的认可、信赖和游客的欢迎。 公司根据市场发展的需求,设立了“主题乐园、游乐项目”的设计、规划与施工 的架构,配备优良的作业队伍,为客户倾力打造游乐园地的文化环境装饰艺术建 设进行配套服务。 世汇———以游艺营造欢乐!为世界欢乐无界聚汇而努力!

ZhongShan WorldWide Amusement Machine Co.,LTD is located in the Gangkou Town, ZhongShan City which is a base of China Amusement & Entertainment industry. We manufacture both indoor and outdoor

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mechanical rides and carnival games. Our company has experienced team and working in this industry over ten years. “Fun” is our purpose and providing “Entertainment” to our end-user. Quality and Innovation are our main missions in product development and manufacturing. Our aim is to combine Entertainment and Fun into a user-friendly design in order to achieve distinctive products. Both sales in domestic and overseas, we gain acceptance and trust by our customers. According to customers’ needs in different markets, we are also welcome OEM/ ODM projects such as theme park and product design, planning and construction with our excellent operating team in order to provide one-stop shop services to our customers.

公司介绍WorldWide/ AmusementCompany –Profile Create :Fun and Entertainment with a worldwide reputation for reliability!

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中山市世宇动漫科技有限公司 UNIS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.

地址:广东省中山市石岐区东明北路(民营科技园)民科东路85号 Add:No.85,Minke East Rd.,Civil Science & Technology Park, Dongming North Rd.,Shiqi,Zhongshan,Guangdong,China 电话Tel:0760-23886688 传真Fax:0760-23886689 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zs-shiyu.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市世宇动漫科技有限公司简介 中山市世宇动漫科技有限公司前身中山市世宇实业有限公司成立于1993年,一贯 以来秉承“用心创造欢乐,把欢乐带给千家万户”的企业使命,发展为我国游艺 娱乐行业中规模最大、实力最强,集科研、生产、销售、经营为一体的大型国际 化企业之一。公司已全面通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,是中国游戏软 件协会大型游戏机专业委员会主任单位, 先后被评为国家文化出口重点企业、中国 驰名商标、中国动漫游戏研发基地、广东省高新技术企业、广东省游戏游艺行业 重点企业、中山市重点发展内资企业100强、中山市上市后备企业、市级企业技 术中心。 世宇公司以“打造世界级品牌,缔造高科技百年企业”的企业愿景,大力推行“世 宇芯战略、国际化战略、跨平台战略”,坚持以市场为导向,走科技创新、自主 研发之路,以其创新性和高端性的产品研发、遍布全球的营销网络、优质的生产 管理体系以及杰出的游乐场经营管理模式而广为海内外客户所认可,公司还与世界 上最著名的游戏公司建立了长期稳固的技术研发和销售合作关系。时至今日,世 宇科技的产品已远销到全球100多个国家和地区,世宇品牌在国际上已经逐步树 立了一定的知名度。 公司还坚持“健康阳光、动感时尚”的经营理念,打造了旗下“世宇乐园”和 “爱乐时光”两大游乐场连锁经营品牌,全国连锁企业近50家。

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近年来,公司顺应移动互联网发展潮流,大力探索街机行业与互联网双向融合的 道路,大力开发跨平台的产品和服务平台,进一步增强企业的竞争力和应对市场 风险的能力。 展望未来,世宇科技将继续以“同心共赢”的广阔胸怀,与全国同行携手,为发 展我国民族动漫游戏产业作出更大的贡献。 Zhongshan UNIS Technology Co.,Ltd(hereafter referred to as UNIS), From 1993, based on the principle “Create Fun & Fun the World”, has developed to be one of the largest and most powerful cooperation in game entertainment industry in China. UNIS has completely passed ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Certification and is the Director unit of China e-Game Industry Association Game Software Branch. Our trademark is identified as Well Known Marks of China. UNIS is the only game entertainment cooperation with this laurel in China currently. UNIS has been a leading manufacturer of amusement machine, based in China,公司介绍 Having/Company been in the Profile amusement: business for over 19 years. UNIS has evolved into a more sophisticated organization where we continue to strengthen our operations in the four key areas : Manufacturing, R&D, Sales, and Operation. Amusement machines popularity is now expanding at a global level. Majority of UNIS products are developing with the consumers’ preference in mind, targeting various age groups from diverse backgrounds. UNIS now sells products to over 100 countries around the world. UNIS brand name has been gradually set up certain well- knownness in the world. R&D has been, and will remain one of our top priorities. We rely on our strength in R&D to continue to develop and innovate towards the future. We maximize our potential to deliver the best product mix that can cater to a truly global consumer need. We believe that through technology and innovative ideas, we can create products that will ultimately bring fun and joy to children and families worldwide. Along with the greater attention to product design and development, we will continue to grow our successful partner relationships with distributors, These relationships have played an important part in the success of our business, we will aim to build and maintain long-term working relationships with every partner and every customer.

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中山市童年游乐设备有限公司 Zhongshan childhood amusement equipment co.,LTD 地址: 广东省中山市港口镇沙港中路21号 Add:NO.21,ShaGangZhongRoad,GangKouTown,ZhongShan,GuangD ong,China 电话Tel:0760-88416438 传真Fax:0760-88223797 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zs-childhood.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市童年游乐设备有限公司成立于2014年(原红阳控股股东),公司位于游戏 游艺产业基地--中山市港口镇! 童年游乐是一家专业从事儿童游乐设备生产及经 营的企业,公司集设计.研发.生产.销售.服务于一体,凭借公司团队多年的行业经验 和独具的创新理念,源源不断的为儿童游乐事业增添新元素!丰富童年时光!让 童年更精彩! 公司以生产阳光健康.亲子互动.益智教育等类型的儿童游乐产品为主!产品远销国 内外各地,已经为千万儿童带来童年的欢乐! 我们一直本着“质量第一、客户至上”的原则,秉承“为客户创造价值”的服务 理念,急客户之所急,想客户之所想,努力体察客户的需求,提供整场规划设计 与设备生产供应,加上完善的售后服务,专注于提高游乐场的持续盈利能力! 我们的宗旨:“专注儿童游乐”!

Zhongshan childhood amusement equipment co., LTD. was founded in 2014 (formerly Hongyang controlling shareholders), the company is located in game recreational industry base - Port town, Zhongshan!

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Childhood amusement co., LTD is an enterprise that specialized engaged in children’s amusement equipment production and management and integrates Design, R&D, Production, Sales and Service. The company aim to continuously add new elements to the childhood entertainment equipment based on the company’s long years of industry experience and unique innovation. Enrich Children their Childhood and let it be much more wonderful! The enterprise concentrates on producing health and safe, parent-children interactional and educational products. The products are sold not only in the domestic market, but also to the foreign markets. And they have brought lots of fun to thousands of Children. We have been in line with the principle of “quality first, customer first”, 公司介绍adhering to/ theCompany service concept Profile of: “create value for customers” and deeply considering the feeling of customers to observe the needs of customers in order to provide a comprehensive overall planning and design and equipment supply chain, and perfect after-sales service to ensure the playground is sustainable profitable. Our aim is “concentrate on children’s amusement”.

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中山市喜乐达游乐设备有限公司 Zhong Shan Shi Xi Le Da You Le She Bei You Xian Gong Si Co.,LTD

地址:广东省中山市沙岗西路3号C5卡 Add:c5\3 Shagang Xilu Zhongshanshi Guangdongsheng,China 电话Tel:0760-88555648 传真Fax:0760-88660528 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. xiledagame.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

喜乐达游乐设备有限公司是一家从事游乐机生产及经营的贵公司。做坐在中国游 艺机基地中山港口, 成立于2014年。

公司最新设计的12座恐龙转杯,以伟大的母爱为主题,产品展示出一个恐龙妈妈 呵护6个刚刚从蛋壳里孵化出来的恐龙宝宝,任它们在自己的关爱下嬉戏玩耍, 产品参数:H3000mm, D4200mm,电压220v, 功率750w, 备注可加设主题围栏。

公司兼程“诚信是原则,员工是基石,创新发展,质量是生命,”的宗旨,始终 坚持“以质量求生存, 以服务求发展”的经营理念,并且我们相信,经过我们不断地努力和追求,一定 可以为客户以最低的投入获得最大的利益。

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中山市小榄洋跑塑料制品厂 ZHONGSHAN XIAOLAN OCEAN FINE ART PLASTIC FACTORY 地址:中山市小榄镇竹源第三物业区138-141号 Add:NO.138-141 Zhu Yuan 3rd property area XiaoLan ZhongShan City of GuangDong China 电话Tel:0760-22287623 传真Fax:0760-22262037 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zsxlhaiyang.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

公司简介 本公司是一家集研究、开发、制造各种游乐设备配件的专营公司。 本公司开发的产品有:方向盘、碰碰车配件,各类游艺机塑料配件。蘑菇灯、 LED灯、彩灯、各类灯饰,装饰灯适用范围广大,可用于摩天轮,旋转木马,游 乐场,室内外装饰等等。 欢迎来电来厂参观定做,你们的满意是我们一直的追求,我们会不断开创,永不 停步。

简介 We are a professional company which integarting in researching, developing and manufacturing various of amusement devices and accessaries. In order to purchase high quality of our products,we have learnand and absorbed high techniques from in and out abroad. With all efforts,we have produced all kinds of amusement devices and accessaries. Our main products are LED lights,mushroom lights,chrysanthemum- shape lights,other shape of decorating lights,the lights can be used widely,the available using places are ferris wheels,merry-go-round and other equipments in amusing parks.We also have the plastic accessaries just as steering wheels,guns,armor,bumper car tire. We are sincerely looking forward to cooperating with all friends.Welcome to visit our factory

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中山市星娱动漫设备科技有限公司 SUN GAME

地址:广东省中山市火炬开发濠头大道20号 电话Tel:0760-88380566 传真Fax:0760-88882857 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址:http://www.xin-game.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

中山市星娱动漫设备科技有限公司位于中国广东省中山市,以研发、生产、销 售、经营为一体的游乐设备制造企业。 公司以“打造行业品牌,缔造科技企业” 为远景,坚持把握市场脉搏,积极主动地走自主创新、自主研发之径,把创新理 念转化科技产品为动力。 为实现品牌化战略。多年来,公司积极与日本永旺、日本世嘉、韩国孚林、香港 快乐城、上海久娱、广州希力、广州华立、中山世宇、中山金龙……等国内外150 多家游艺游乐行业知名企业建立了战略合作的供应关系及游艺设备音效技术支持 单位。 公司自2005年成立以来,历经芯速科技、云捷电子到2012年的星娱动漫。得到 了广大客户多年来鼎力支持和对本公司的长期信任。同时,在国内外同仁的大力 支持下,公司产品线逐年丰富: 游艺设备:儿童打击乐《咪咪鼓》、儿童《趣味卡丁车》、儿童跳舞机《忐忑踩 田鼠》、《欢乐和谐号》、《梦幻动车》、《平安校车大鼻子》、《奇幻乐园之 警察车》、抛掷类《美人鱼魔幻圈》、《斗艳宝珠》等等 游艺功放:游艺设备音效处理系统在行业内已树立了一定的知名度。产品品种有 35款,囊括了各类游艺游乐设备的配制,相关配套的功放、卡巴箱、喇叭、振 动器均已附合日本、美国、欧州标准(PSE、UL、CE认证)及无铅(ROHS认 证)。产品已建立音效处理系统化、品牌化、科技化时代。 公司质量方针:以最严谨的品质控制和最高效的协调及最诚挚的服务精神满足客 户的需求。 展望愿景,公司以质量为基础,诚信经营;以客户为导向,做好服务。欢迎国内 外行业同仁鉴赏、光临指导!

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中山市艺新环境艺术工程有限公司 Zhongshan Yixin Environmental Art Engineering Co.,Ltd

地址:中山市石歧区翠沙路3号 电话Tel:0760-88615026 传真Fax:0760-88721568 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.yixinart88.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile:

艺新环境艺术工程有限公司是一家从事设计规划室内外主题游乐场、儿童主题乐 园、雕塑艺术、探险城、恐怖城、环境艺术设计的专业公司。公司成立于2000 年,经过多年发展艺新公司聚集了一批思想活跃,事业心强,经验丰富的业内精 英;形成了竞争、合作、开放的成熟团队。 艺新共设中山石歧公司、中山弘聚达玻璃钢加工厂两大运营机构,技术装备精 良,社会资源丰富。以诚信、负责、稳健的态度为经营宗旨。以严谨踏实的作 风,坚持创新,坚持高品位的设计理念,坚持为客户的投资高度负责的创作精 神。高品质地完成了大量室内外主题游乐场、儿童主题乐园等各类环境艺术工 程。如发改委直投陕西省临汾市滨河游乐园、异度空间鬼屋、榆树时代广场糖果 乐园、辽联集团爱宝贝、台州梦幻部落之水果乐园、长沙奥特莱斯、深圳欢乐岛 等等。公司业务遍及国内各省自治区,远到北欧,中东,日韩及东南亚等地区。 赢得广大一致好评,品牌价值与服务理念深入业界人心。 在我们设计的主题方案中以市场为导向,一直以来非常注重主题设计的互动性, 故事性和商业性。以休闲、娱乐、消费为核心紧抓消费者群体心理,将流行卡通 片元素及生活中万物融入主题设计方案中。目前公司与中山各大游艺机厂及园林 公司建合作关系,形成行业集群优势;以确保公司在设计、市场策划、工程制作 方面有一个雄厚的人才资源平台和关系网。“不求最好、只求更完善”是我们对 客户的承诺,我们将努力创造更多精彩的设计方案以回馈广大客户的信任和支 持。

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中山市赢丰游乐设备有限公司 ZHONGSHAN WINNER & HAPPY AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD 地址: 广东省中山市沙溪镇105国道中海翠林兰溪园C5/10号地铺 Add: RM 10, C5 DISTRICT, ZHONGHAI CUILIN LANXI GARDEN, SHAXI TOWN, ZHONGSHAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CHINA 528471 电话Tel:0760-87333020 传真Fax:0760-87333020 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. zswhcompany.com 公司介绍/Company Profile: 中山市赢丰游乐设备有限公司位于广东省中山市,集设计,生产,销售于一体。 公司最新设计的小象系列产品已获得外观专利权,并深受广大客户的欢迎。小象 系列产品包括升降小象,小火车,火星沙台,滑梯和可爱休闲小象板凳,糖果飞 椅, 钓鱼池等。 另外,我司还有碰碰车,电瓶车,爬山车,太空旋转车,转马,摊位游戏,火车 转椅,摩天轮,咖啡转杯,音乐转盘,自控飞机,海军舰队等各种各类好玩刺激 的游乐产品。 本公司以服务品质为宗旨,价格公道,产品质量保证,售后服务优 越等服务各大客商。我们致力于游乐事业,不断创新和提高,并为客户提供优质 周到的服务!

ZHONGSHAN WINNER & HAPPY AMUSEMENT EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD is located at Zhongshan City of China. We are a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production and sale. Our hot products of the elephant series has been registered appearance patent, which is welcomed by customers and acquires strong reputation all over the world . Elephant series include elephant electric train, flying chair, mars sand table, slide and chair,fishing pond. Besides, we also have bumper car, carousel, climb hill car, space revolving car, booth game, coffee cup, disco plate, sel-control plane, ferris wheel, naval fleet etc. all kinds of amusement products. To provide superior quality products, competitive price and satisfied service is our insistent pursuit. We hope to build a long lasting and mutually profitable relationship with every customer, and let our products give the happiness and health to all the children. Thank you!

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中卫世艺(北京)国际文化发展有限公司 Zhong Wei World Art(Beijing) International Cultural Development Co.Ltd. 地址:北京市朝阳区五里桥1街1号院1号楼102室 Add:102 Room,Building1,Yard1,Street1,Wuliqiao,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China. 电话Tel:010-59621333 传真Fax:010-59621505 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www. Zwwa.cn

公司介绍/Company Profile: 公司简介: 中卫世艺(北京)国际文化发展有限公司于2007年10月23日设立,注册资本 1600万元人民币。本公司被北京市规委、住建委批准为“建筑装饰装修工程设 计与施工二级资质”。现拥有66名素质高、技术硬的专业管理团队,始终致力于 “人才创新、管理创新、技术创新、产品创新”的研究探索与市场拓展,并在激 烈的市场竞争中取得了飞速发展,成为集文化投资、建筑设计、景区策划与景观 规划、雕塑创作、动漫游戏、室内精装设计与施工、文化地产业态规划、多媒体 多功能游乐、娱乐设计、主 题公园规划设计和装饰、制作、安装为一体的文化创 意产业综合经济实体。 Company Profile: Zhong Wei World Art (Beijing) International Cultural Development Co Ltd . founded on Oct.23rd,2007 has a registered capital of 16 million yuan and was running by a group of 66 high-quality professionals. We are always committed to the research and exploration of talents innovation, management innovation, product innovation, for which proceeds at breakneck pace. Our company has been approved for “Second Grade Design and Construction Qualification of Architectural Decoration Project”by Beijing Municipal Planning Commission. Now our company has become an integrative economic entity for incorporating cultural investment, construction design, landscape planning, resort scheme, sculpture creation, comic game, Interior design, real estate business planning, multifunction entertainment design, design fabrication and installation for theme park as a whole.

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珠海市美蓝游艇有限公司 ZhuhaimeilanboatsCo.,Ltd

地址:珠海市香洲区前山沥溪第二工业区 电话Tel:0756-8653386、8511385 传真Fax:0756-8653176 网址Web:www.meilanboats.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

珠海市美蓝游艇有限公司成立于1996年4月主要生产豪华游艇、游览观光船、游 乐船等船艇,是广东省游艇行业协会常务副会长、珠海市水运行业协会副会长、 中国游艺机游乐园协会会员、广东省复合材料学会会员单位并通过ISO9001质 量管理体系认证及环球优质供应商认证,获得了由中国船级社颁发的《船厂生产 技术条件认可证》、广东省海事局颁发《船厂技术条件备案证明书》及《船舶建 造诚信检验单位》等资质证书。已发展成为华南地区最主要的中小型游艇生产基 地。 美蓝公司拥有专业的船艇设计人员和熟练的生产技术骨干,可设计和建造30米内 各规格船艇80多个品种及与之相配套的组合式浮动码头。年生产和销售各类船艇 两千余艘,产品遍布全国20多个省区,并远销美国、日本、俄罗斯、中亚及非洲 国家和地区。 十九年来,美蓝公司一直以“质量第一、信誉至上”为宗旨,以新颖的款式、优 良的品质和周到的服务赢得了广大用户的一致好评。我们热忱欢迎海内外各界朋 友光临指导,携手并进,共创美好蓝图!

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株洲南车特种装备科技有限公司 Zhuzhou CSR Special Equipment Technology CO.,LTD

地址:湖南省株洲市石峰区田心 Add:Tianxin, Shifeng district, Zhuzhou city, Hunan province 电话Tel:0731-28463894 传真Fax:0731-28441192 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.csrtzkj.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

株洲南车特种装备科技有限公司(以下简称公司)系湖南省高新技术企业、南车 株洲电力机车有限公司控股子公司。公司成立于2011年,其前身经历了铁道部株 洲电力机车厂工模具分厂、株洲九方装备模具实业有限公司、株洲九方工模具有 限责任公司等。 公司拥有丰富的游乐装备研制经验和良好业绩,并致力于产业的升级与发展。早 在2000年公司就成功研制了第一台张家界单轨电动游览车,此后相继为深圳东部 华侨城、深圳欢乐谷、上海欢乐谷、北京欢乐谷、江苏无锡动物园、江苏常州嬉 戏谷、内蒙古呼伦贝尔大草原等旅游景区、主题公园研制出性能优良、特色各异 的游乐装备,产品覆盖国内各大城市与景区。

As a new and high technology enterprise in Hunan Province, Zhuzhou CSR Special Equipment Technology Co., Ltd (the “Company”) is a holding subsidiary of CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Corporation. Established in 2011, the Company is developed from Tool& Mould Branch Factory of Electric Locomotive Factory under the Ministry of Railway, Zhuzhou

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Gofront Equipment Tool & Mould Industry Co., Ltd and Zhuzhou Gofront Tool &Mould Co., Ltd. With our abundant experience and excellent performance in the research and manufacturing of amusement equipments, the company is dedicated to upgrade and development of the industry. The Company has successfully developed the first monorail sightseeing trolley for Zhanjiajie as early as the year of 2000. Since then, we have developed large amount of amusement equipments with excellent performance and unique features for many tourist spots and theme parks including Shenzhen East Overseas Chinese City, Shenzhen Happy Valley, Shanghai Happy Valley, Beijing Happy Valley, Wuxi Zoo, Changzhaou Playful Valley and Grassland of Hulunbeier. The products of the Company have been used in most of 公司介绍the big cities/Company and tourist Profilespots in: China.

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淄博华龙游乐设备有限公司 Zibo Hualong Amusement Equipment Company Ltd

地址:山东省淄博市高新区民祥路东首 电话Tel:0533-2168195 传真Fax:0533-2168195 网址Web:www.zbhualong.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

本公司是专业制造大型游乐设施和国内唯一制造蹦极类游乐设施及其配件的骨 干企业,是中国游艺机游乐园协会会员单位。公司成立于2002年3月,注册资金 360万元,现有员工80余人。公司以振兴和发展民族游乐事业为己任,尊崇安全 责任重于泰山的经营理念,关键部件公司从来不惜成本,采用国内外最高配置, 对内本着对游客高度负责的精神,对外视国家利益和声誉高于一切,决不粗制滥 造,坑骗消费者。 1998年研发的填补亚洲空白的“火箭式”蹦极,国内首台 “小飞侠”欧洲蹦 极,结束了蹦极游乐设备单纯依赖进口的历史。 2004年投放市场的换代型弹簧式火箭蹦极,以及近几年陆续隆重上市的星际巴 士、迷你飞椅、空中漫步、惊呼狂叫、飓风飞椅、大摆锤、高空飞翔等大型游乐 设施,已在三亚、大连、大同、太原、长沙、桂林、南京、成都、南昌、贵阳等 70余个大中城市闪亮登场,成为国内大型嘉年华活动或当地游乐场中一道靓丽的 风景,以高的性价比,显示出独特的竞争优势,给经营者带来了极好的回报,并 部分出口至俄罗斯、马来西亚、阿联酋、匈牙利、卡塔尔、朝鲜、香港等国家和 地区,深受外商信赖。 我公司是国内唯一取得蹦极类《制造许可证》和安装资质的企业,同时也是国内 少有的具备游乐设施A级制造资质和A级安装改造维修资质的制造商之一。 山东淄博华龙游乐设备有限公司,热忱恭候您实地考察、选购,竭诚与您共创美 好的未来!

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Our company, as an associate unit of China Game Machine Amusement Park Committee, is the only domestic factory to produce specialized entertainment establishment of BUNGY kind. Taking the responsibility of prospering and developing national entertainment cause and respecting the management concept of security and responsibility outweighing any other things, our company spares no cost in the production of key components. By adopting the highest configuration at home and abroad, and with the spirit of highly thinking about the tourists, we give the national interest and company’s reputation the tiptop priority and never manufacture in a rough way or trap customers. The “Rocket Model” BUNGY developed in 1998, which filled up the BUNGY development vacancy in Asia. And the “Xiao Feixia” European BUNGY, as the first one in domestic, which brings the history of being purely dependent on importing BUNGY equipment to an end. The new-type spring-model rocket BUNGY, being put into market in 2004, has brightly declared people’s view in Qingdao, Dalian, Changsha, 公司介绍Taiyuan, Kunming,/ Guilin, Nanjing: and so on, becoming a beautify scene in Jia NianhuaCompany activity or Profilelocal amusement parks, with excellent returns to its operators. Interstellar Autobus(single-arm fly carpet), Take-off and New-type Jumping- Storey machine, ceremoniously put into market in May, 2006, have displayed their specific competitive advantages in Qingdao International Beer City, Enchantment Chongqing Jia Nianhua activities and many other large or medium-sized cities and have brought large amount of financial resources to investors with a extremely high quality-prize ratio. Since their entering into the market, the products of our company have been marketed in more than 70 large or medium-sized cities at home and have partially been exported into Russia, Malaysia, UAE, Hungary, Qatar, Korea, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, winning great trust and confidence from foreign business men. Our company is the only enterprise in domestic to obtain the Manufacturing License and Installation Aptitude of BUNGY kind. At the same time, it is also one of the very few manufacturers with A-level Manufacturing Aptitude and A-level Installation, Reconstruction and Maintenance Aptitude. Hualong Amusement Equipment Company ltd. in Zibo, Shandong, warmly welcomes you for your on-spot investigation, choosing and buying, and is wholeheartedly with you of creating a nice future.

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自贡市恐龙景观艺术有限公司 Zigong City Dinosaur Landscape & Art Co.,Ltd

地址:四川省自贡市大安区新民镇董家5组 Add:No.5 Dongjia Xinmin Town, Daan District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province,China 电话Tel:020-39233472 传真Fax:020-39233497 电邮Email:[email protected] 网址Web:www.chinadinosaurs.com

公司介绍/Company Profile:

As an Alibaba 6th Year Gold Supplier, Zigong City Dinosaur Landscape & Art Co.,Ltd is one of the biggest factory of making animatronic dinosaurs, animals, fossil skeleton, simulation people and lanterns for 12 years. Our typical clients are museums, science centers, amusement parks, dino park, zoos, adventure golf and events planning companies.

We are IAAPA, CAAPA and EAS member with ISO 9001:2008 Standard certificate and CE certificate. So far, our company have joined IAAPA Orlando USA, Singapore, Hongkong, Beijing expo, EAS Euro expo and Dubai Deal expo. Many famous parks in the world have been retaining a long business relationship with us such as Dino world in USA, Dinopark in Czech Republic, Dinozatorland in Poland and Chimelong.

Since 2008, A series of shock dinosaur exhibition have been hold around the world, Including : UK Oxford Street “Largest Dino Exhibition” Spain Valencia Science & Technology Dinosaur exhibition The biggest Ice age Animal exhibit in Venezuela Taiwan “Dinosaur Dream Park” etc

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Even more, now we have built a more than 70 meters long Dinosaur for a park run by Ankara Government, Turkey. They are applying for Guinness Records.

Our company have built branch offices in Beijing and Guangzhou. In the future, we are going to open international office in Ukraine.

Our animatronics have been displayed all over the world with rich experience of installation in destination, design, shipment service and after-sale service. We provide high quality products, exceptionally reliable service, and technical support for you. Look forward to your visiting!

公司介绍/Company Profile: