Ithaca Classified Business Directory 1937

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Ithaca Classified Business Directory 1937 1937-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-1937 415 RESULTS and you can WANT AD count on RESULTS COUNT ITHACA JOURNAL DIAL 2321 -,." The Classified Busineu headings in the City Directory will tell you. The City Directory is the most complete local BUYERS' GUIDE available to residetlts of any city. CoallUlt the City Dlrector7 It? ".A.MANNING CO., Publishers MANNING'S Ithaca Classified Business Directory 1937 ·Indicates heading given by special arrangement with the publisher. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS AGENCIES Hall Harold, 717 N Aurora STUDENT AGENCIES (INC), 409 College Maxfield Terrell B, Savings Bank Bldg (219) av, see back cover *ACETYLENE WELDING *AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS (BRANDS) CARL'S GARAGE, 201 E Tompkins, see INTERNATIONAL-HARVESTER (McCor­ back cover mick-Deering), Lang's Garage 117-129 E LANG'S GARAGE, 117-129 E Green see Green, see top lines & p 47 top lines and p 47 ' REYNOLDS & DRAKE, 216 S Cayuga, see front cover AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY LANG'S GARAGE, 117-129 E Green, see top ADDING MACHINE MFRS lines & p 47 Allen-Wales Adding Machine Corp, 616 S Mazourek Bros, 107 E Green Aurora *AIR CONDITIONING *ADMINISTRATORS FAILING-HULL PLUMBING CO, 724 Cliff, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ITHACA, 110 see p 74 n Tioga, see front cover & p 3 HIGGINS FRANK H, 311 E State, see p 74 TOMPKINS COUNTY TRUST CO, 110 N HOLLAND FURNACE CO, 209 King, see Tioga, see p 78 top edge HUGHES & MORUSTY, 132 W State, see ADVERTISING AGENCIES alpha dir Agricultural ,Advertising and Research Ser­ JAMIESON-McKINNEY CO, 115-121 S vice, 110 N Tioga Cayuga Howes Advertising, 209 EState NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS CORP, 123 S Cayuga, see p 11 *ADVERTISING SIGNS SHELTON CLAUDE A (low temperature), (See Sign Painters and Manufacturers) 814 N Aurora, see bottom edge ·AERIAL SURVEYS *AIR CONDITIONING (BRANDS) ROBINSON CECIL S, 121 E Seneca, (502) BRYANT, Frank H Higgins, 311 E State, see see p 73 p 74 416 1937-ITHAcA DIRECTORY-1937 DELCO, Frank H Higgins, 311 E State, see *ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS AND SOCIETIES p 74 (See also Miscellaneous Directory) SURFACE COMBINATION, New York BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF State Elec & Gas Corp, 123 S Cayuga, see ELKS, see p 68 p 11 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, see p 69 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FEL­ AIRPORTS LOWS, see p 71A Ithaca Flying Service, Taughannock blvd ITHACA COMMUNITY CHEST, 211 E Ithaca Municipal Airport, Taughannock blvd Seneca, see p 79 ITHACA MASONIC TEMPLE CORP, see ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BUREAUS p 71 ' Tompkins County Alcoholic Control Board, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, see p 70 202 EState (601) YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA­ TION, 202 E Buffalo, see p 65 *ALUMINUM WARE (BRANDS) DIXIE QUEEN, Rothschild Bros, 155-59 E ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS (COMMERCIAL) State and 100-126 S Tioga, see p 7 ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICAN WEAR EVER, Rothschild Bros, 155-59 E DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS, see p 104 State and 100-26 S Tioga, see p 7 ITHACA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 211 E Seneca, see p 6 *AMATEUR FINISHING Ithaca Enterprises Inc, 211 E Seneca TOMPKINS STUDIO THE, 138-40 EState, see p 105 ATHLETIC GOODS (WHOLESALE) SPORT SHOP THE, 209-211 E State, see ANTIQUES insert opp men's furnishings in alpha & Bernhard Eleanor D, 109 Parker top lines Blue Dolphin The, Forest Home dr, R D 2 Treman King Athlc:tic Goods, 101-107 E Colonial Antique Shop The, 308 Stewart av State Corner Cupboard The, The Byway, Forest Home, RD2 *ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Farmers Exchange, 509 W State (See Lawyers) Pierce Leslie R, 205 Farm ADAMS ARTHUR G, County Court House (304), see p 96 ARCHITECTS BAKER BERT T, Savings Bank Bldg (216), Baldridge J Lakin, 121 E Seneca (501) see p 96 Fleming Bryant (landscape), 118 Dryden rd BALDWIN HARRY C, 101 S Aurora -. GffiB ARTHUR N, 302 EState COBB, COBB & SIMPSON, Savings Bank Hewitt Chester H, 139 EState Bldg (203-211), 114 N Tioga, see p 96­ Hewitt & Metzger, 139 EState COBB HERBERT L, 114 N Tioga TALLMAN CARL C, Seneca Bldg (405), 121 COBB HOWARD, II-! N Tioga, (203-211)~ E Seneca, see p 74 ~- DICKER WILLIAM, 114 N Tioga Thorne Henry Calder, 139 EState LEE D BOARDMAN, First Nat Bank Bldg Wilgus John M, 202 E Court (506), phone 2602, see p 96 MINTZ LAWRENCE M, 202 State (603), ART GOODS AND BRIC-A-BRAC see p 97 (See also Gift Shops) NOBLE JOHN ARTHUR JR, Savings Bank BOOL HJ FURNITURE CO, 115 N Albany, Bldg (216), see p 96 see p 87 PEER SHERMAN, GL F Bldg Duncker Art Shop The, 205 N Aurora POWERS TRUMAN K, 202 EState (507), Little Shop Around The Corner, 118 N sec p 97 Aurora SIMPSON HAROLD E, Savings Bank Bldg Oriental Shop The, 316 EState (203) SOVOCOOL BENJAMIN F, Savings Bank ARTISTS Bldg (216-218), see p 96 ITHACA ENGRAVING CO, Seneca c Tioga, STAGG C TRACY, 220 N Tioga see back cover and top lines STAGG NORMAN G, 220 N Tioga McCormick Mary G, 408 W State STAGG, THALER & STAGG, 220 N Tioga, Rodgers Mary H, 112 Stewart av see p 97 Turner Louisa W Mrs, 210 N Geneva THALER LOUIS K, 220 N Tioga ARTISTS' SUPPLIES AUDITORIUMS BOOL HJ FURNITURE CO, 115 N Albany, Bank Auditorium, Ithaca Savings Bank Bldg see p 87 AUTHORS Turner Frank H, 210 N Geneva *ASBESTOS SIDEWALL (BRANDS) CAREY, Potter & Allen, 505 Third, see p 72 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, DEALERS, GARAGES AND REPAIRING ASPHALT MANUFACTURERS AUTO BODY RADIATOR WORKS, rear City Asphalt Plant The, First n end 217 S Cayuga, see p 52 1937--ITHACA ])IRECTORy--1937 417 BESEMER "SPEED", 417 E State, see p 54 REYNOLDS & DRAKE, 216-220 S Cayuga, CARL'S GARAGE, 201-203 E Tompkins, see see front cover back cover SENECA ST GARAGE, 309 E Seneca, see CARPENTER & POPE, 109 Titus av p 43 Cayuga COlOnial Auto Laundry, 219 S Cay­ Service Garage, 622 W State uga SERVICENTER INC, 309 E Seneca and 202 CAYUGA ESSO SERVICE, 217-219 S Cay­ S Cayuga, see p 42 and 43 uga, see p 52 Shephard's Automotive Service, 325 EState Central Parking Area, rear 132 S Aurora, Smith Henry N, Spencer rd, RD5 and rear 121 S Tioga SOYRING ANDY, 108 E Clinton, see back Circle Supply Corp, 111 S Cayuga cover COLLEGE TOWN GARAGE, 129 Dryden Space Bros (painting), 616 W Buffalo rd, see p 50 Spencer John F, 215 Auburn COLLEGE TOWN SERVICE STATION, 129 STATE ST GARAGE (INC), sales 213 S Dryden rd, see top lines Cayuga, service 110 S Corn, see alpha dir Correct Oil Service of Ithaca (Inc), 402 S STEVENS ARTHUR E, 22372 S Cayuga, see Cayuga p 50 Cramer's Auto Parts Co, 627 W State Swartout Walter T, 527 W State DAVIS ARTHUR W GARAGE, 208-21 S TABER & SINSABAUGH, 206 S Cayuga, Cayuga, see top lines see p 50 DEAN OF ITHACA, 401 E State, see center Taggan's Auto Repairing, 425 N Aurora lines TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 529 W Sen­ Dewey's Garage, 602 W Seneca eca, see p 44 DRYDEN ROAD SERVICE STATION, 208 Tnman, King & Co, 101-107 EState Dryden rd, see top lines TYDOL SERVICE STATION, 800 W State, Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corp, 320 EState see p 52 DUNTON & EDDY, 436 W State, see p 48 United Service Garage, 107 E Clinton EMPIRE JUNK CO, 316 Auburn, see p 84 WHIPPLE'S SERVICE STATION, 202-204 Endler's Garage, 1007 N Cayuga E Falls, see p 44 and 45 Fing~r Lakes Garage, used car deot, 110 W Wright Chauncey R, 520 Titus av Green Wyckoff Auto Service, 107 E Clinton FOREST CITY PLUMBING CO, 332 E State, see p 75 *AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES Francis Harry, 222 W Lincoln BUICK, JG Pritchard & Son, 227 S Cayuga, GOODRICH SILVERTOWN STORES, 114 see p 49 N Cayuga, see p 108 CADILLAC, Lang's Garage, 117-129 E GRAY & EMERICK GARAGE, 415 W Sen­ Green, see top lines and p 47 eca, see p 53 CHEVROLET, Erie J Miller & Co, 402-406 HC T MOTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, 201­ E State, see p 46 207 S Cayuga, see top line~ and p 53 CHRYSLER, Reynolds & Drake, 216-220 S Hartman's Repair Shop, 405 Hancock Cayuga, see front cover HEAD DF SERVICE STATIONS, 107 N DeSOTO, Lang's Garage, 117-129 E Green, Albany, see top lines see top lines and p 47 HUDSON SERVICE GARAGE, 201-207 DODGE BROS, WT Pritchard, '304-308 S S Cayuga Cayuga, see center lines Hurst ET Filling Station, 301 S Cayuga GRAHAM, Odell Motor Co Inc, 114 S Fulton, Ithaca Gear & Auto Parts Co Inc, 111 E see p 50 Green HUDSON, HCT Motor & Equipment Co, ITHACA JUNK CO, 402 Third, see front 201-07 S Cayuga, see top lines and p 53 cover HUPMOBILE, Odell Motor Co, 114 S LaBar Herman, 306 E Marshall Fulton, see p 50 LANG'S GARAGE, 117-129 E Green, see LAFAYETTE, Nash Sales & Service, 208 S top lines and p 47 Cayuga, see p 54 LOHR & KRAMER, 105 W Green, see p 51 LaSALLE, Lang's Garage, 117-129 E Green, Lyme William D, 112 E Green see top lines and p 47 MARION BROS, 225 S Cayuga, see p 51 NASH, Nash Sales & Service, 208 S Cayuga, MILLER ERIE J & CO, 402-406 E State, see see p 54 p 46 PACKARD, Servicenter Inc, 202 S Cayuga, NASH SALES & SERVICE, 208 S Cayuga, see p 42 and 43 see p 54 PLYMOUTH, Lang's Garage, 117-129 E New Linden Garage The, 227-231 Linden av Green, see top lines and p 47 Norris W Glenn (refinishing), 202 E Falls PLYMOUTH, Reynolds & Drake, 216-220 ODELL MOTOR CO, 114 S Fulton, see p 50 S Cayuga, see front cover PETE'S GLASS & TOP SHOP, 123 E Green, see p 87 PLYMOUTH, William T Pritchard, 304-8 S Phipps Dean Auto Stores, 201 EState Cayuga, see center lines PRITCHARD J G & SON, 227 S Cayuga, PONTIAC, JG Pritchard & Son, 227 S see p 49 Cayuga, see p 49 PRITCHARD WILLIAM T, 304-306 S Cay­ STUDEBAKER, State St Garage Inc, 213 uga, see center lines S Cayuga, see alpha dir 418 1937-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-1937 TERRAPLANE, HCT Motor & Equipment WILLARD, Taber & Sinsabaugh, 206 S Co, 207 S Cayuga, see top lines and p 53 Cayuga, see p 50 *AUTOMOBILE AXLE AND WHEEL ALIGNING *AUTOMOBILE BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING BESEMER "SPEED", 417 E State, see p 54 AUTO BODY & RADIATOR WORKS, 224 LANG'S GARAGE, 117-129 E Green, see top S Cayuga, see p 52 lines and p 47 BESEMER "SPEED," 417 E State, see p 54 REYNOLDS & DRAKE, 216-220 S Cayuga, GRAY & EMERICK GARAGE, 415 W see front cover Seneca, see p 53 SERVICENTER INC, 309 E Seneca, see p REYNOLDS & DRAKE, 216 S Cayuga, see 42 and 43 front cover STEVENS ARTHUR E, 223Y.
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