THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 May 14, 2008 • vol 23 no 35 Center on Halsted: A year of highs and lows

By Andrew Davis controversy throughout its first year, including WCT: How would you describe this past year Michelle charges that the organization lacks diversity and [for the Center]—mostly highs in a year of Seldom has a transition been greeted with as has turned a blind eye regarding issues affecting highs and lows? Obama at much fanfare (at least in the LGBT press) as minority youth. Windy City Times recently talked MV: It’s think it’s been mostly highs. Think- when the Center on Halsted opened its doors with the Center’s executive director, Modesto ing back, I’m so proud of the diversity of Luncheon page 6 last spring. Since then, the Center has done “Tico” Valle, as he explained the organization’s people who have come here and the growth of everything from host forums to house various triumphs and challenges. our programs, across the board. That involves organizations—while raising funds that seem Windy City Times: You’re coming upon one our seniors, youth and our computer technol- to dwarf what most groups procure. (April’s Hu- year as executive director… ogy center, which amazes me every single day. man First Gala, for example, raised $1.1 million.) Modesto “Tico” Valle: …And it’s passed by so However, the Center has also had to deal with fast. Turn to page 4 Go West Get a sizzling tan in ... Las Vegas? Yes, the Design desert oasis is offering a lot more these days than poker chips and buffets. See for a our special travel section—which includes Cure page 7 pieces on The Dunes Resort and Milwaukee PrideFest—starting on page 11.

Christy & Jennie, Part Two page 20

May 14, 2008 #944 page 11

movement for transgender rights. For Stryker, out new modes of existence that included liv- nightspots Out at CHM looks the term “transgender” doesn’t name a kind of ing outside their designated gender categories. n person but means “anything that breaks apart The 1850s also saw the advent of safer surgical at trans history and makes visible” the ways in which people de- techniques that allowed transgender people to Girls With Guns pick it up Boys will be girls at Armed and Fabulous: The COVERGURLS of ROTC at Hydrate. inSIDE page 31 No one knows freshness Behind the scenes at the By Yasmin Nair fine their roles in society, such as through their make desired physical changes to their bodies. like Dixie Longate! Miss Dunes pageant. page 18 page 24 take it home gender or sexual identity and kinship structures. Stryker asserted a connection between the Recent historical work reveals that Stonewall was Events like the Compton’s raid reveal the radical “macropolitical” issues of the organization of not a singular moment of queer insurgency and potential of queer politics in general. labor and urban politics and the “micropolitical” that the mid-to-late 1960s was an era of queer Stryker’s May 8 presentation at the Chicago ones of bodily manipulation now available. The radical political potential. According to Susan History was part of its Out at CHM se- confluence of these resulted in the concentra- Stryker, professor of women’s studies at Vancou- ries. She located the formation of transgender tion of trans communities in low-cost areas like ver’s Simon Fraser University, the 1966 police community within the urban industrial era of raid at San Francisco’s Compton’s Cafeteria, in the mid-19th century. People could now leave Turn to page 5 the Tenderloin district, helped launch a national the confines of small-town existence and carve

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MATTHEW IZZO Designer/boutique owner Matthew Izzo Boutiques May 14, 2008 3 Living with HIV index in Illinois?

News Confused about who will pay for your Gay Iranian interview 4 health care and medications? Tico Valle, the Center’s ED 4 HIV talk gets personal 5 Finding your way through Medicare, Medicaid and other health insurance Jane Addams and ‘Love’ 5 A trans history lesson 5 options can be overwhelming. Fortunately, the AIDS Legal Council of Chicago Schakowsky’s power lunch 6 can guide you. Call ALCC toll-free for free and immediate legal help with: Profile: Denys Lau 6 Local news 7 x Medicaid & Medicare x Health Benefits for Workers Design for a Cure 7 x Illinois Cares Rx with Disabilities x Chicago’s cross-dressing law 8 A contortionist (above) is among the x AIDS Drug Assistance Program Employer-provided insurance National roundup 8 featured acts in Cirque du Soleil’s x I-CHIP x And much, much more Quotelines 9 Zumanity, one of five shows the troupe Viewpoints: Monroe, Finnessy 10 has in Las Vegas. See our special travel section beginning on page 11. 1-866-506-3038 SUMMER TRAVEL Statewide toll-free number The Las Vegas Strip 12 Dunes Resort 13 Milwaukee PrideFest 14 Other travel ideas 14

ENTERTAINMENT 0DGHSRVVLEOHE\DJUDQWIURPWKH,OOLQRLV'HSDUWPHQWRI3XEOLF+HDOWK Stage Door Jonny 12 Dancin’ Feats; theater reviews 15 Knight at the Movies 17 Gay Idol; Dolly in concert 18 Pets 20 Books: In the Eye of the Storm 21 Read the touching story of Rachel Belcher, who’s running a race for her late mother OUTLINES 05_12_08_Windy_City:Layout 1 5/12/08 7:04 PM Page 1 and brother, on page 22. Real estate; classifieds 18-19 Calendar 21 Photo courtesy of Rachel Belcher Woman runs for family 22 OPENING This week’s online-only www. features include: NIGHT Windy —Media Watch —World roundup MAY City —Theater: She Calls Up TIEMPO LIBRE/LUNA NEGRA Media the Sun; Our Town —Starrlight: Debra LATIN DANCE NIGHT! 31 Group Messing at Rumba —Pop Making Sense .com —About Face Theatre Artistic Director Bonnie Metzgar (right)

Photo by Michael Ensminger



n FEATURED SPONSOR:RUTH PAGE FESTIVAL OF DANCE 4 May 14, 2008 can’t say they’re homosexual or gay. So the truth is we don’t know if they were gay or not. It’s not CENTER from cover black or white. We had a hard time with the international There’s a waiting list for it; we could use two journalists [and activists who insisted they were labs, and that’s exciting. We didn’t start off a gay]. The Western media sometimes doesn’t know membership program, but what we’re hearing what’s going on. In May 2007, 80 men were ar- from the youth is that they want a membership rested in Ishafan—and most media insisted they program for things like the computer lab, or were gay men. And we had a hard time, because if they came to cultural programs they would that gave the courts evidence about their sexu- get a discount for a poetry jam or art exhibit. ality. So the Western media helped the judge What we’re seeing is that people are coming prove their . The Western media back over and over for programming, so we’re Arsham Parsi. Center on Halsted Executive Director doesn’t know what’s going on. looking into a membership program. Modesto “Tico” Valle. wCT: What do you think about the threat of WCT: Now what would you say is the big- war on ? gest obstacle the Center has faced during tied in with race. There was a forum at the Arsham Parsi AP: I believe that war is not about democracy your time there? Center last August that involved youths and and gay Iran and human rights. If the United States attacks MV: I think it was going from a $2.5 million business leaders, and some issues were Iran, it won’t be about democracy. I’m anti-war. budget to a $4.7 million budget, finishing a definitely raised. Have you heard any feed- By yasmin nair WCT: We don’t hear much about lesbians in capital campaign and immediately educating back from the business leaders since that IRQO. our donors that we needed to double our pro- forum? Arsham Parsi is the head of the IRQO (Iranian AP: Lesbians, unfortunately, are more invisible gram budget. It wasn’t an obstacle; it was a MV: I can give you some feedback about Queer Organization), and was born in 1980. As than gays; they have more problems. They pre- matter of just getting the word and education what’s come out of that. We created a task he tells it, he grew up in Shiraz with no con- fer to hide their sexual orientation because, in out about what we’re doing now, because there force of individuals from the youth program, tact with other gay people until he found queer Iranian society, they have two negative points were a lot of people who gave a lot of money our staff and community-based organizations communities on the Internet. Parsi—who will against them: being women and being lesbian. to build the building, and they thought they like Night Ministry and Howard Brown. They be in Chicago May 17 for the International Day I know many feminist activists who are fighting were done. Now, we’re [telling] people, “No, make sure that we’re responding to the needs Against —spoke with Windy City for women’s rights, but who don’t accept lesbi- now the work is beginning.” So that was the of the young people in the community. Out of Times in a phone interview. ans. I know a couple of lesbians who are active initial movement to educate people, and we’ve that, we’ve been refining our youth program. Windy City Times: You’re here for the In- in the feminist movement; they decided to work done well. We’ve funded all the programs, and Now, we have expanded hours and we were ternational Day against Homophobia, which for the women’s movement first, and after that have expanded some, and we will end the year awarded a Regional Career Center grant; we’re began in 2005 and which was also connected the lesbian-rights movement. They’re not out well. doing a lot more career development. And the for a while to the hangings of two men, Ayaz because, as they told me, “Right now, our prior- WCT: You mentioned the operating budget. youth have been involved in that. and Mahmoud, in Iran that same year. I’m cu- ity is women’s rights, and when we have equal- How much of that comes from taxpayers? Now I think what you’re alluding to is the rious about your thoughts on that incident. ity, we can come out as lesbians.” We do have MV: Well, we have a $4.7 million budget. I business and how the youths congregate on Arsham Parsi: This case is very complicated. some lesbians working and blogging in Iran, and would say a $1.2 million comes from govern- Halsted Street—and I think that continues to As a human-rights organization, we have to be others outside of Iran who are active with our ment funds. It’s actually spread out 35-35- be a challenge for our community as a whole. responsible about our mission. We didn’t know organization. 35—government; corporate and foundation; There have been additional meetings; there those people and we don’t have access to their Arsham Parsi will be the featured speaker and individual donations. was a meeting with [aldermen] Tom Tunney case files through the Iranian Ministry of Jus- May 17. The event starts at 3 p.m. next to WCT: So something like the Human First and Helen Shiller recently to discuss how we tice. So how do we know under which circum- Women & Children First Bookstore, 5233 N. Gala… respond as a community. stances they were arrested by the government, Clark, followed by a march to Gerber/Hart Li- MV: Individual—and it raised $1.1 million. WCT: What’s the biggest misconception and what happened to them in prison? Maybe brary, 1127 W. Granville, where a reception We raised $100,000 in individual donations about the Center? they said they are gay. You know, we have no will be held. See that evening—people who just took out their MV: I’m still amazed when people say the idea. I know many guys in Iran who have same- Read for checkbooks and said, “We want to support your Center is a place for white people only. I say sex relationships but are not homosexual. You much more with Arsham Parsi. program.” to myself, “They obviously have not walked WCT: How would you assess your perfor- the halls and witnessed the programs.” I think mance thus far? there’s the perception that it’s on Halsted and MV: For me, it’s always a learning opportu- Waveland, and that it’s in Boystown. But [we] Reconstructing Your World... nity. I surround myself with a competent staff know that it’s at the intersection of diversity; who all bring something unique to the table it’s all people, rich and poor, Black and white; and who I can learn from. I never want to stop and men, women and transgenders. It’s the Galaxie learning. Home Remodeling Experts Since 1984 Center—and it’s beautiful. WCT: How closely do you work with your WCT: Is there anything you wanted to staff? add? MV: I have a senior team that I work with, MV: It’s an honor to be here to serve, and Your Broker Can’t Guarantee which is about four or five individuals, and I look forward to growing more on the job— they run the house. My door is always open and I look forward to the Center offering more if people have questions, but the senior team programs. It’s ironic that, in a year, we’ve runs the house. outgrown this space. We’ve run out of offices; Investments, But I Can! WCT: Has turnover been significant? we could double the space for our senior and MV: No. A couple have left. In development, youth programs. We can’t expand up, because people leave after two or three years because After there’s a height limitation, and we can’t go in that’s the culture, and it’s hard to get people in the other direction. Maybe we’ll do what L.A. the first place. But the program house has been does and have satellite facilities. solid, growing and stable. See WCT: I want to now talk about the whole read the entire interview at www. youth [issue], which has, for a while, been

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Ironically for Lev, that same woman is mission to the community.” There is a 500-word limit. Submissions must now coping with chronic infections as a lesbian For Beth Kelly, professor of Women’s Studies be sent in 12-point font, double-spaced and at- whose access to support systems is severely re- at DePaul, Addams’ life spoke to the fact that tached as a Word document or within the body stricted. “the meaning of love for women is something of the e-mail, or else they will not be read. Participants commented on the grieving pro- we have to expand.” Echoing Burton, she said, There is a $25 payment for fiction and $10 cess for survivors of the epidemic since it be- “We need models that affirm what we’re doing payment for poetry. came clear that many have not reconciled to the in all aspects.” Kelly saw the need to recognize massive loss of friends and community and of Addams as a lesbian, given that the Nobel Prize Queer Prom what McVicker called a “profound traumatization winner was one of the most significant Chica- Simone Koehlinger and Chris Brown at the of the community.” goans of her day. According to Kelly, the more approaches Center’s HIV talk. Photo by Yasmin Nair In response to a question about the economic people know of lesbians like Addams, “the less Get out your suits and dresses, because Queer and racialised aspects of AIDS today, there was we’ll be the targets,” and “the less [we’ll experi- Prom 2008 is May 23. acknowledgement that the face of AIDS has ence] internalized homophobia.” The dance for LGBTQ youth and friends will Center’s HIV changed. One audience member commented on Bill Greaves, the mayor’s liaison to the com- take place at the National Museum of Mexican the importance of remembering these early his- munity, spoke about inducting Jane Addams Art, 1952 W. 19th, at 6:30 p.m. The event is tories of AIDS, and the need for “a more con- into the Hall of Fame. He read a statement from co-sponsored by Radio Arte, the National Mu- talk gets scious attempt to connect people historically— John D’Emilio, professor of history at University seum of Mexican Art, CALOR, Steamworks, the otherwise this [the AIDS epidemic] will always of Illinois at Chicago, who supported the move. Association of Latino Men for Action, the Young personal come as a surprise.” According to D’Emilio, to not do so because the Women’s Empowerment, Amigas Latinas, Latinos by Yasmin Nair category of “lesbian” was not used by Addams Progresando, Project Vida and Lambda Legal. was to “penalize individuals of a pre-gay era” There is a $10 suggested donation for youth, The Center on Halsted’s Sexual Orientation and Jane Addams and “repeats the cruel logic of blaming them for and a $25 suggested donation for adults, but no Gender Institute (SOGI) convened a roundtable living then rather than living now.” one will be turned away due to lack of funds. discussion on HIV/AIDS and the LGBTQ commu- center of Call or e-mail Tania Unzueta (homofrecuen- nity May 11. Discussants included people from discussion Illinois Meth Project [email protected], 312-455-9455 ext. 203) for the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) more information or to volunteer. and healthcare professionals. By Yasmin Nair names new ED Braden Berkey, director of SOGI, asked people Steve Mange, senior policy advisor for Attor- to reflect upon when AIDS entered their lives. Was Jane Addams a lesbian? Does that matter? ney General Lisa Madigan, is the new executive Speakers’ responses reflected their life experi- And should Adams be posthumously inducted director of the Illinois Meth Project. ences as well as generational and gender dif- into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame? The Illinois Meth Project is a large-scale crys- HISTORY from cover ferences. Christopher Brown of the CDPH has Such questions were engaged by panelists at tal meth prevention program. The program’s the Tenderloin district. Transgender people been part of the epidemic from the beginning; a May 7 Center on Halsted forum, “Love on Hal- campaign is currently focused on the Spring- were subject to housing and employment he lost a number of friends and contracted the sted Street.” The panel’s keynote speaker was field-Decatur-Champaign area, but its goal is to discrimination, she said, and the Tenderloin disease early on. Douglas Kimmel recalled liv- Louise W. Knight, author of the Jane Addams bi- expand to other areas of the state. was the only place where they could live and ing in Maine and trying to build awareness that ography, Citizen: Jane Addams and the Struggle In an e-mail sent to many members of the work, usually as sex workers who were con- the disease was not restricted to large cities like for Democracy. community, Mange wrote, “In the months and tinually harassed and exploited by corrupt New York. It’s widely known that Addams had close and years to come, I look forward to working with police. Jason McVicker spoke about feeling a simi- long-standing friendships with Ellen Starr, who you toward our common goals of eradicating the The immediate effect of the Compton raid lar sense of frustration in New Orleans because co-founded Hull House with her, and Mary Rozet meth problem in Illinois, putting an end to the was a riot by trans prostitutes against the AIDS funding initially focused on large urban ar- Smith. According to Knight, “whether Jane cruel and senseless suffering meth has inflicted police, but it also marked a period of radi- eas; this “delayed a lot of critical education” in Addams ever had sexual contact is not known,” on so many lives, and building strong, healthy, cal queer politics, according to Stryker. San smaller areas. Armand Cerbone remembered the because her private letters were burned at her thriving communities across the state.” Francisco saw the formation of the Lavender importance of early AIDS activism and its resis- request. According to Knight, “we’re convinced See for more in- Panthers and Vanguard, groups that patrolled tance to the mainstream community’s attempt that nothing is more transcendent than sex.” formation. the Tenderloin to defend against anti-queer to shut down gay sexual expression as a sup- But, for Knight, Addams’ feelings for women fall violence; protested consumerist culture; and posed corrective: “Needing to protect our right within a late-19th-century discourse that con- WCT seeks resisted the displacement of the urban poor. to be sexual was critical.” nected love and friendship to political action. Vanguard’s slogan was “You’ve heard about For Simone Koehlinger, AIDS was not her gen- Given that the women were Addams’ intellectual submissions Black Power. You’ve heard about White Power. eration’s issue; she was still in high school at companions as well, “the point is what they as- for literary Get Ready for Street Power,” and it was part the time. However, she grew up with her gay pired to ... place the mind above the senses.” of “the first successful multi-racial, queer- father and his partner, and was acutely aware of John Burton, professor of American Studies at supplement straight alliance for social justice.” Such co- the growing stigma around the disease—all of DePaul, addressed what he called the difficul- Windy City Times is now accepting submis- alition politics eventually dissipated, accord- which had effects on her own coming to terms ties of finding queer role models in the past. For sions for the fifth annual GLBTQ Pride Literary ing to Stryker. For her, “remembering” such with her lesbian identity. Burton, “Jane Adam’s story provides lessons in Supplement, edited by Kathie Bergquist and moments enables us to “carry our radical vi- Arlene Lev addressed the differences in lesbi- what makes powerful and strong relationships,” Owen Keehnen. sion of a democratic future forward.” ans’ relationships to the epidemic. She spoke of because her life rested on “ideals based on in- This year’s theme is “Outburst.” 6 May 14, 2008 PROFILE Denys T. Lau Denys Lau. By Lola Lai Jong Photo cour- Born in Hong Kong and the youngest of four tesy of Lau children, Denys T. Lau, Ph.D., was 9 years old in 1982 when he came to the United States with his mother and sister. His father had emigrated five years earlier with one of his brothers and oldest sister. “It was kind of a shock, so I never related to my brother ... [nor] had a close rela- tionship with my dad,” he said. His earliest recollection of feeling attracted to Then, that may be a problem.’ I said something men was when he was 7, and then had a “real like, ‘Why would that be a problem? I don’t un- crush around 5th grade. I remember friends derstand.’ She said, ‘They’ll think you’d be gay.’ I coming over. We were in the backyard, having said, ‘I actually don’t think it’s bad.’ It was kind fun with the hose. ... [Then] we had to change. of my way of broaching the idea. She said, ‘Yeah, ... I remember the cutest guy going to my room, that’s really bad.’ I said, ‘I’m sorry to tell you. I and changing next to me. It wasn’t sexual, but I am gay.’ We actually talked through it. She dealt was like, ‘Hmm, what’s going on?’” with it in her own way. [and] did accept it. I Lau attended Brooklyn Tech High School, which told my dad, [who] got emotional [and] cried. “was a big deal because I kind of went against ... He came to accept it more recently. I gave my parents,” he said. “I was really defiant, but him a 15-minute soliloquy, saying, ‘It’s not your within certain parameters. ... I think we all need fault. It’s not a phase. It’s not going to change. to question authority, but be smart about it. I’m still the same person you knew before,’ all Smart is also subjective but [we should] think that. ... It made the adjustment for him and my about the consequences and not be defiant for mom much easier. They didn’t go through the the sake of being defiant.” guilt—‘what did I do wrong?’ ... I was thinking, Talking about his first boyfriend, Lau said that ‘If I can’t be strong, they can’t be strong.’” the relationship “happened freshman year in Working in the investigative tract at North- high school—I kissed him. ... It was very diffi- western University, Lau is currently an assistant cult for him because he grew up in a very Catho- professor and section director of health services lic [Filipino] family.” Lau’s family is much more and policy research at Northwestern Univer- open-minded and “didn’t have a very strong, re- sity. “Most of the research I’m doing is on older Power surge ligious craziness that prevents them from really adults,” he said. “I just got a five-year grant U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., held her 7th Annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch May seeing things. Yes, they are Chinese, but at least from [the National Institute on Aging] ... look- 9 at McCormick Place, 2301 S. Lake Shore. Among the many distinguished speakers were you can reason with them, where if they were ing at how to make sure that medications are U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and potential First Lady Michelle Obama. The featured guest was for- religious, they would say, ‘because God ..or the managed properly for hospice patients. mer United States CIA Operations OfficerV alerie Plame Wilson, who also promoted her book, Bible said so.’ “Recently, I joined the Chicago Task Force Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House. Images (clockwise from upper Lau came out under the guidance of white les- on LGBT and Aging Health. The co-chair asked left): Obama; Durbin; Schakowsky; Roger Simon, Ald. Sandi Jackson and Mike Bauer (from bians—his biology and English teachers. They me to write a paper for LGAIN: The Lesbian and left); and Linda Bubon and Plame Wilson (from left). Photos by Kat Fitzgerald; see www. “nurtured us and made me see how it was to Gay Aging Issues Network. The article focuses and for more actually be in a couple. I learned all about the on concerns of the API/LGBT senior population. U.S. modern LGBT movement [in New York] from At first that sounded really, really easy; I was the white perspective.” going to do a literature review. [However,] it “I never thought being gay was a problem. turned out not to be the case. I couldn’t find It just never clicked, like why does it bother anything written on it. There were API groups, someone? It’s almost like saying, ‘Being Asian is but the intersections of all three—API, LGBT bad.’ I’m gay. They think it’s bad. They must be and seniors—don’t exist. I realized I needed to wrong.” do footwork for this. Coming out to his siblings one by one through- Read Denys T. Lau’s article, “LGBT Asian and out college, Lau then came out to his mom near Pacific Islander Elders Face Distinct Issues in graduation during a conversation about his fu- Midlife, Old Age” at ture. “I think she opened the door [when] she lgain/enews/07fall/cultural_competence. said, ‘If you become an MD doctor and deal with cfm. HIV/AIDS, that’s fine, because no one could read much more about Denys Lau at www. question that. If you’re not going to be a doctor and try to cure them, people are going to talk. May 14, 2008 7 explore bi women’s health, as well as their expe- UIC re-launches riences with discrimination and stigma. LGBT center Women who self-identify as bisexual, speak At its second annual Lavender Graduation and English, and are at least 25 years old are needed Rainbow Banquet May 2, the University of Il- for the study. The study includes a brief survey, linois at Chicago (UIC) re-launched its LGBTQA and some participants will be randomly selected office as the UIC Gender and Sexuality Center. for an interview. Participants will be compen- Dedicated to teaching, researching, serving, sated with a $10 gift card. and caring for LGBTQA communities, the Gender Call 312-201-1851 or e-mail Biwomenstudy@ and Sexuality Center provides information and educational resources to combat prejudice, mis- understanding, and misinformation about issues Grant to increase related to gender identity and sexual orienta- tion. South Side GSAs The Crossroads Fund Youth Fund for Social The name was chosen from a list of over 50 Change gave Youth Pride Center (YPC) a grant suggestions and after an academic year of dis- to create 10 much-needed gay-straight alliances cussions. (GSAs) at South Side public schools. YPC currently works with LGBT youth that rep- ‘For the Bible’ resent roughly 22 South Side schools, but there subject at fundraiser is a lack of GSAs in that area. Irving Park United Methodist Church and Rec- Over 3,000 schools across the U.S. have GSAs onciling Ministries Network will hold a fundrais- registered with the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educa- ing event called Testimonies of Hope in support tion Network (GLSEN). of LGBT people. YPC serves area youth ages 13-21, and mem- The May 17 event will feature keynote speaker bership is open to all youth. Mary Lou Wallner, who appeared in the award- Using the grant, YPC will help train youth winning documentary For the Bible Tells Me So. from 10 different schools with the skills needed Wallner lost her Christian lesbian daughter to to create and maintain a GSA. When ready, the suicide in 1997. GSAs will be moved from YPC to each school The event will take place at 3801 N. Keeler Ave. with the help of school officials. Each GSA will A silent auction stars at 5:30 p.m., followed by be supported by YPC for one year. a 6:30 p.m. dinner and panel discussion. Tickets are $25 in advance, $15 for students and $30 at MNM announces the door. RSVP by May 12 at 773-283-6262. See new group for men Men Nurturing Men announced that it will of- By design fer an eight-week peer-led support group for The AIDS Foundation of Chicago’s Junior Board held its signature event, “Make a Statement: Researcher seeks men. Design for the Cure,” Thurs., May 8, at Le Passage, 937 N. Rush. The mission of this event was bisexual women The group is open to gay, bi, straight and curi- to raise HIV/AIDS awareness among those 21-35. Steven Rosengard (of Project Runway fame) A local reseracher is seeking participants for a ous men ages 21 and over. It will offer men a hosted the fashion show and cocktail event, which featured a silent auction, live entertain- study about bisexual women’s health. safe space to meet and share their stories. ment and a raffle. To kick off National HIV/AIDS Testing Month in June, models will wear Dr. Wendy Bostwick, the director of community Contact [email protected] for more infor- T-shirts with such statements as “Safe Sex Is the New Black.” Photos by Kat Fitzgerald; see engagement at the Adler School of Professional mation. and for more Psychology, is conducting the study in order to 8 May 14, 2008 not disclose further details. The McGreeveys being a part of because of protests from conser- school for the shooting, saying they weren’t ag- NATIONAL still need to discuss settlements on alimony and vatives. Robinson told Matt Lauer, “I am simply gressive enough in handling issues between the child support, as well as Dina Matos McGreevey’s not going to pub my life in jeopardy without two students. claim of marriage fraud. The couple broke up in putting into place the protections for my be- John Waters, the mastermind behind Hair- ROUNDUP 2004 when the former governor came out of the loved partner and my children and my grandchil- spray and Pink Flamingos, is working on a new BY AMY WOOTEN closet after having an affair with a man. dren that are offered to me in a civil union.” Christmas-themed film. According to Holly- Gay Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson told the The arraignment of the 14-year-old charged, the flick is titled “Fruitcake,” Michigan’s high court ruled 5-2 that the Today Show that even though he’ll most likely with murdering his openly gay classmate, and will feature Johnny Knoxville (“Jackass”) partners of gay and lesbian state workers receive death threats, he will continue his plans Lawrence King, was postponed. King was shot and Parker Posey. The plot supposedly centers can’t get health benefitsbecause of the state’s to death at school by his classmate in Febru- around a boy named Fruitcake, who runs away 2004 ban against same-sex marriage. Michigan’s to enter into a civil union with his partner of ary. The District Attorney’s office has charged from home and meets another runaway, a girl Supreme Court affirmed a 2007 appeals court 20 years, Mark Andrew. Robinson is the first the teen with a hate crime, and want to try him raised by two gay men who is trying to locate ruling that local governments and state univer- openly gay Episcopal bishop, and his 2003 elec- as an adult. The California judge postponed the her birth mother. sities in Michigan can’t offer health insurance to tion caused much controversy. Robinson plans arraignment until June because Brandon McIn- same-sex partners of employees. to enter into a civil union with his partner read the latest world news online at www. erney’s lawyer requested more time to prepare Malcolm Boyd, the first openly gayE piscopal on the eve of the Church’s large ecclesiasti- , which he is already banned from his case. The lawyer has said that he blames the priest, will be honored by the Lambda Liter- cal conference ary Foundation for his ground-breaking work as an author and gay activist. Boyd has authored nel. Sailors from the Great Lakes Naval Train- 29 books, including the newly released “Samuel Cross-Dressing ing Station flooded the city on weekend leave. Joseph for President: Media, Politics, Religion, Companion ordinances prohibited women from Race,” and his best-seller, “Are You Running Law Struck serving drinks in bars or tending bar (unless with Me, Jesus?” Boyd, 85, continues to serve as Down in 1973 they were owners) and prohibited unescorted a priest. He came out 35 years before the elec- women in such establishments, effectively turning the jam-packed bars all-male. tion of the openly gay bishop Gene Robinson. As part of the ongoing Chicago Gay History Proj- The Lambda Literary Foundation will award him Appearing before Judge Jack Sperling (a for- ect, Windy City Times will present a series on mer City Council member) in North Boys Court, the Pioneer Award on May 29 in Los Angeles. Chicago gay history events and people over the While the North Carolina primaries might have the defendants—Melinda, Mona, Tanya and coming months. This essay focuses on the city’s Tammie, as they preferred to be called—wore While it was fine for lawyers who were part turned out well for presidential hopeful Barack cross-dressing ordinance. blouses and miniskirts, lipstick, rouge and of the Chicago Bar Association to dress in Obama, openly gay U.S. Senate candidate Jim wigs, and they carried purses. Hanover said the drag for their annual follies show (like Neal did not fare well. Neal, who ran for the by Marie J. Kuda unisex fashions and hairstyles of the time made these men in 1952), those same lawyers Democratic nomination, was defeated by Kay it difficult to tell the difference between men and future judges may have ruled against Hagan. Hagan, who will go on to oppose incum- On Sept. 21, 1973, three Chicago daily newspa- and women. Hanover followed her law partner gays, lesbians and transgender people for bent Republican Elizabeth Dole, won with 60 pers had the following headlines: Pearl M. Hart’s advice and argued the case on doing the same in that era. Photo courtesy percent of the vote in the May 6 primary. Al- —“Transvestite law held illegal; 4 juveniles purely constitutional grounds; since not all of the Chicago History Museum. though Hagan has stayed quiet on LGBT issues, freed”—Chicago Sun-Times transvestites are gay, homosexuality was not to ley and nine co-signers had introduced what Neal was not supported by the Human Rights —“Cross-sex Dress Ban Overruled”—Chicago be an issue. has become popularly known as the “gay rights Campaign or the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. Tribune Hanover’s defense resulted in Sperling’s deci- bill.” At public hearings on the proposed bill LGBT leaders across the U.S. have criticized the —“City ordinance KOd: Judge upsets ban on sion that the ordinance violated the constitu- held by the City Council’s Judiciary Committee organizations for not giving an openly gay can- transvestism”—Chicago Daily News tions of Illinois and the United States by not on Oct. 10, Hanover was one of 24 who testi- didate more visibility by giving him support. Attorney Renee Hanover took the case of affording transvestites equal protection under fied on discrimination against gays. She used Virginia voters made state history when four juvenile transvestites who were arrested the law. He cited federal court opinions in cas- the case of the four to call for repeal of the they elected the first openly gay Black man Aug. 21, 1973, on charges of cross-dressing es that held government dress codes unconsti- cross-dressing ordinance, arguing that since to public office May 6. Lawrence Webb was and underage drinking. The young men, aged tutional, stating that people’s right to present Judge Sperling’s decision was not binding on elected to the Falls Church city council. Webb 17 to 20, said they had entered a tavern at themselves as they chose was guaranteed by other criminal court judges, repeal was neces- is assistant dean of admissions at the University 2200 W. 21st Pl. to buy cigarettes; one used the the 14th Amendment. sary to eliminate further arrests. of Mary Washington. “I hope my election opens women’s bathroom. An altercation with patrons Sun-Times reporter Larry Weintraub ended his In a Nov. 2 article in Chicago’s Reader news- the doors for others to get involved in public ensued, the four were beaten up, but police coverage of the case: “Ms. Hanover was clad in paper, Nancy Banks reported that Hanover’s service,” Webb told the Washington Blade. “It from the 10th District arrested the youths. They a blouse and a knit, striped slack suit. Moo- testimony had noted further consequences to doesn’t matter if you’re gay or black or both. were charged with violating Section 192–8 of radian [the city prosecutor] was attired in a the arrest of the four: “[T]he day before the What matters is your dedication to building a the Chicago Municipal Code, which prohibited striped sports jacket and slacks. The judge wore court hearing, the home of defendant Mona someone from appearing in a public place in a floor-length black robe.” better community and your willingness to work Garcia was burned. The day after court, Tanya clothing of the opposite sex “with the intent to Because the case was decided by a trial-court hard at it.” Williams, who appeared on television, was fired conceal his or her sex.” judge rather than an appellate court, it had Former Gov. James McGreevey and his es- from her job, and the following day Melinda The ordinance had originally been enacted by little or no weight as precedent in any other tranged wife have been spending time behind Balderas was evicted from her apartment.” the City Council long prior to 1943, but in that court. In any event, the police could use anti- close courtroom doors lately for their divorce —With research contributions by year it was amended so as to add the “conceal” gay discretionary enforcement of other laws if trial. According to the New York Times, the two William B. Kelley language. One can only speculate that at the they chose. have so far reached a deal on the custody of their height of the war years the ordinance was seen Earlier, in July 1973, Alderman Clifford P. Kel- 6-year-old daughter. One lawyer told the Times in some way as a protection for military person- Copyright 2008 Marie J. Kuda that the agreement was “amicable,” but would

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Chip Jones 2-375x4-5 Ad.indd 1 3/27/2008 1:19:55 PM May 14, 2008 9 Legal Notice QUOTELINES BY REX WOCKNER If You Are A Consumer Q Who Purchased Norvir, “Over the past 10 years more than but again, people just got really mad about it. 10,000 personnel have been discharged as You know—get a sense of humor.” — Comic/ a result of (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell), including singer/actress Lea DeLaria to the Kansas gay A Class Action Lawsuit May Affect Your Rights. 800 with skills deemed ‘mission critical,’ such magazine Liberty Press, April issue. as pilots, combat engineers, and linguists. These are the very job A lawsuit about whether Abbott • The Norvir was intended for functions for which the Laboratories (“Abbott”) unlawfully consumption by yourself or your family; military has experienced raised the price of Norvir has been and personnel shortfalls. Gen- certified as a class action. The lawsuit • You paid all or part of the cost of eral John M. Shalikashvili, I wasn’t a hippie the chairman of the Joint is called In re Abbott Laboratories Norvir between December 3, 2003 and Chiefs of Staff in 1993 or stoner, so I Norvir Antitrust Litigation, Docket No. the present. when the ‘don’t ask, don’t ended up being 04-CV-1511-CW. It is pending in the The Court has also certified a Third- tell’ policy was enacted, no the weirdo. U.S. District Court for the Northern Party Payor Class which includes longer supports the policy —Singer Madonna, District of California. If you’re entities such as insurance companies and because he now believes reflecting on high school that allowing gay men and included in the lawsuit, you must employee benefit funds. women to serve openly decide by June 30, 2008 whether to in the military would no stay in the Class and be bound by the Who Represents Me? longer create intolerable result of the lawsuit, or whether to ask The Court has asked Labaton tension among personnel and undermine cohe- “I’m not sure I can sing ‘Holiday’ or to be excluded from the Class and leave Sucharow LLP and Berman DeValerio sion. A recent Zogby poll supports this view. ‘Like a Virgin’ ever again. I just can’t— It found that three-quarters of Afghanistan unless somebody paid me like $30 million or open the possibility of suing Abbott Pease Tabacco Burt & Pucillo to and Iraq veterans were comfortable interact- something. [If] some Russian guy wants me separately. This notice summarizes your represent you as “Class Counsel.” You ing with gay people.” — Lawrence J. Korb, to come and sing ‘Holiday’ at his wedding that rights and options before the upcoming don’t have to pay Class Counsel, or assistant secretary of defense under President he’s gonna have to a 17-year-old—you know trial. More information is in a detailed anyone else, to participate. Reagan, testifying before the House Committee it.” — Madonna in an appearance on New York notice available at the Web site below. You may hire your own lawyer to City’s WHTZ radio, March 27. on Armed Services, April 16. appear in Court for you at your own “Under an Obama administration, “I didn’t fit into the popular group What is the Case About? expense. the United States will lead by setting a [in high school]. I wasn’t a hippie or a The lawsuit claims that Abbott strong example, which includes making clear stoner, so I ended up being the weirdo. I was unlawfully raised the wholesale price of What Are My Legal Rights? that asylum for persecuted people is a bedrock interested in classical ballet and music, and Norvir by 400% in an attempt to restrict • If you wish to remain a mem- principle of American and international law. the kids were quite mean if you were differ- competition in the market for protease ber of the Class, you do not have to Moreover, Obama will exert diplomatic pressure ent. I was one of those people that people and employ other foreign policy tools to en- were mean to. When that happened, instead inhibitors. The lawsuit asks the Court do anything. You will be bound by courage other nations to address human rights of being a doormat, I decided to emphasize to award money damages and injunctive all the Court’s decisions in the case abuses and atrocities committed against LGBT my differences. I didn’t shave my legs. I had relief. Abbott claims that the current and cannot sue Abbott for any of the men and women.” — Statement from Barack hair growing under my arms. I refused to wear price of Norvir is appropriate given its claims in this lawsuit in the future. Obama’s campaign, April 21. makeup, or fit the ideal of what a convention- valuable use as a booster. Abbott also If the case later settles, you will be ally pretty girl would look like. So of course I denies that the price increase had any able to make a claim for a share of “Dean noted that he personally sup- was tortured even more, and that further vali- ports same-sex marriage, a position dated my superiority, and helped me to sur- negative impact on competition. the settlement funds. If money or brought about by ‘getting to know gay people’ vive.” — Madonna to Vanity Fair, April issue. The Court has not decided whether the benefits are obtained, it will be pub- during and after his 2004 presidential cam- Class or Abbott is right. No money is licized. You may also check paign.” — From a March 28 Washington Blade “I used to think that you could blog available now. The lawyers for the to de- story summarizing Democratic National Com- and you could sort of say anything and no- Class will have to prove their claims at termine whether a settlement has mittee Chairman Howard Dean’s deposition in a body would know, but really everybody knows.” wrongful-termination lawsuit brought by former — Friend-of-gays comedian Margaret Cho to the a trial set to begin on August 18, 2008. been reached. Or, if you wish to be DNC gay-outreach director Donald Hitchcock. Portland, Ore., gay newspaper Just Out, April notified directly of any settlement, 4. What is Norvir? you may contact the Norvir Litiga- “I’ve never been one of the gay dar- Norvir is the brand name for ritonavir, tion Administrator at the address or lings; I’ve always been one of the pariahs. —Assistance: Bill Kelley a drug manufactured by Abbott to treat phone number below. Myself, Sandra Bernhard and Scott Thomp- son from Kids in the Hall, we’re all very good HIV patients. It is a protease inhibitor, • If you do not wish to be a friends and we all consider ourselves to be gay which is used to treat or prevent member of the Class, you must send pariahs. One year, in a pride parade, we put infection by viruses. a letter requesting to be excluded. ourselves in a cage and put a sign on it say- Your letter must be postmarked on or ing ‘gay pariahs.’ We thought it was hilarious, Am I Included in the Class Action? before June 30, 2008. If you exclude You are a member of the Consumer yourself, you may be able to sue Class if you: Abbott on your own. However, if a • Purchased or paid for Norvir for settlement is reached in the class use as a booster to other protease action, you will not be able to make a inhibitors; claim for money.

For a Detailed Notice or More Information Call toll-free: 1-877-625-9425 (Se Habla Español) or Visit:

Or Write: Norvir Litigation Administrator, c/o Complete Claim Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 24784, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 10 May 14, 2008

VOL. 23, No. 35, May 14, 2008 The combined forces of Windy City Times, VIEWPOINT founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, ous relationship with the institution of marriage dom to marry. I am proud that Richard’s and founded May 1987. beginning with slavery so too have have many my name are on a court case that can help re- PUBLISHER & Executive EDITOR REV. other Americans. inforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, Tracy Baim We were told here that if the state of Massa- and the family that so many people, black or IRENE chusetts legalized such an ungodly act as same- white, young or old, gay or straight, seek in life. Assistant Publisher Terri Klinsky sex marriage not only would it bring out the I support the freedom to marry for all. That’s MANAGING Editor Andrew Davis Business manager Cynthia Holmes MONROE death the institution of marriage but it would what Loving, and loving, are all about.” Director of New Media Jean Albright also bring about the demise of civilization. In quelling the tension between Black civil- ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson Many also said the righteous hand of God right activists of the 1960 who stated that mar- account managerS: Amy Matheny, Suzanne would be in that defining moment to stop same- riage equality for LGBTQ Americans is not a civil Kraus, Kirk Williamson, Terry Wiegel, Kat Fitzger- Our mother of the ald, Diane Mareci, Georg Coleman sex marriage with ugly protests, with town right, one of the organizations that spearheaded Promotions director Kathleen Ulm marriage equality clerks engaging in civil disobedience by refusing the Loving case, the NAACP Legal Defense & Edu- OFFICE Robb Olson to issue licenses, and with just those last min- cational Fund, Inc., marked the 40th anniversary NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING Editor Kirk Williamson movement dies ute unavoidable and inexplicable legal snafus. of Loving by stating the following: “It is undeni- SENIOR NEWS REPORTER Amy Wooten National Sales Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 But none of that happened. able that the experience of African Americans When the nation celebrated Mother’s Day, I hope TheatER Editor Jonathan Abarbanel And get this: The sky didn’t fall either! differs in many important ways from that of gay Cinema WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and The ugly rhetoric against same-sex marriage men and lesbians; among other things, the leg- BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair queer Americans did not forget our mother of is all too familiar to this country’s legal battle acy of slavery and segregation is profound. But SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, David Byrne, Cathy Seabaugh, Tony Peregrin the marriage equality movement, who died last against miscegenation. differences in historical experiences should not week: Mildred Jeter Loving. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS But the campaign for same-sex marriage will preclude the application of constitutional provi- Mary Shen Barnidge, Jim Edminster, Steve Warren, There is no greater challenge before us than succeed for us because the campaign to strike sions to gay men and lesbians who are denied Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Tim Nasson, Scott the issue of marriage equality. In the U.S. Su- down anti- miscegenation laws did for Mildred the fight to marry the person of their choice.” Morgan, Catey Sullivan, Eric Eatherly, J. S. Hall Columnists/Writers: Yvonne Zipter, Susie Day, preme Court decision that struck down this Loving. And in April 2006, NAACP LDF filed a friend-of- country’s anti-miscegenation laws as unconsti- Jorjet Harper, Lee Lynch, Steve Starr, Joe Rice, On June 12, 2007, Freedom to Marry joined the-court brief in the case brought by New York Dan Woog, Marie-Jo Proulx, Lisa Keen, Chris Crain, tutional, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote for the with several of the nation’s leading civil rights same-sex couples challenging their exclusion Charlsie Dewey, Michael Knipp, Karen Dixon, Tully court stating the following: “Marriage is one of organizations to hold a press conference at the from marriage. Satre, Mark Corece PHOTOGRAPHERS Kat Fitzgerald, Mel Ferrand, the ‘basic civil rights of man,’ fundamental to National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to com- A resolution authored by Congresswoman our very existence and survival. … Under our Steve Becker, Chuck Kramer memorate the 40th anniversary of the Loving v. Tammy Baldwin passed the House of Represen- ARTISTS/CARTOONISTS Alison Bechdel, Mikeoart Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, Virginia decision that affirmed the freedom to tatives on June 11, 2007 by unanimous consent CIRCULATION a person of another race resides with the indi- marry as a “basic civil right” of every American. commemorating the 40th anniversary of Loving Circulation director Jean Albright vidual and cannot be infringed by the state.” Lending her support to the commemoration, v. Virginia decision that ended the ban on inter- Distribution: Ashina, Allan, Crystal, Ed, Jack, John, Maria and Sue While none of our presidential hopefuls in their Mrs. Mildred Loving wrote, “When my late hus- racial marriage in the United States and recog- campaign promises to Americans will heed the band, Richard, and I got married in Washington, nizing that marriage is one of the “basic civil June 1967 ruling for us, they should, at least, D.C., in 1958, it wasn’t to make a political state- rights of man” at the heart of the Fourteenth learn from the history lesson of Mildred Loving’s ment or start a fight. We were in love, and we Amendment protections. tenacity that brought about a decision in her wanted to be married. Not a day goes by that For us LGBTQ Americans who would have favor, that soon too will the courts rule in ours. I don’t think of Richard and our love, and how thought that the audacious actions of a demure “I think marrying who you want is a right no much it meant to me to have that freedom to African-American young woman from Caroline man should have anything to do with. It’s a marry the person precious to me, even if others County, Va., is the reason our paths crossed. God-given right,” Loving stated on ABC News 41 thought he was the “wrong kind of person” for But the teachings of Mildred Loving we must years ago. me to marry. I believe all Americans, no matter not forget! But that God-given right has been violated their race, no matter their sex, no matter their Let us hold in memory the “Loving spirit” of Copyright 2008 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media throughout American History. And while we sexual orientation, should have that same free- Mildred. Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. know African Americans have always had a tenu- Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned GUEST VIEWPOINT for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own male/female. Certainly, real life is grayer. stop putting God in a box, and stop with all the and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City So Thomas Beatie, born with female reproduc- holier-than-thou condemnation and judgment. Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of tive parts but now self-identifying as male, is I understand that Beatie’s visible presence will a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy PATRICK City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the going to give birth. So what? Why not applause likely have further consequences. What does sexual orientation of such person or organization. While FINNESSY rather than skepticism? Why question what he his story mean as he becomes a beacon of we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept really is as opposed to embrace who he is, the light on the trans community? Will he make it responsibility for advertising claims. love he has to offer, and the amazing role he’s easier or harder for other trans individuals as (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 about to play in his child’s life? he challenges notions of gender identity? Fur- e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Beatie, who was disappointingly turned ther, while I found him to be articulate—albeit, Sex distinct away from some transgender organizations for ironically rather non-gender blind in his articu- taking control of his life and sharing his per- lation of household domestic expectations (he’s radio: from gender sonal narrative rather than having it shared for the husband/she’s the wife)—others may find WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, him, is a trans individual. He transcends gender him threatening and the impetus for unneces- 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 USA As an instructor of gender and women’s stud- norms, gender boundaries and gender expecta- sary backlash. And while capitalism rules in this (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) ies, I often challenge my students about what in tions. A trans individual is one who comes to country (he’ll likely make a decent penny on his Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. life is or is not “gendered.” Can they, I ask, tell a sense of self-understanding that their physi- book), I’m tired of living in an America that is Nightspots Deadline every Wednesday. the difference between a biological male’s writ- ology and their psychology are not in com- acceptable for some but is hardly a country of Identity (BLACKlines and En La Vida): Now ing versus a biological female’s? Assuring me plete alignment. That person’s biological sex liberty and justice for all. Mostly, my concern online only that they can, I present to them three separate Deadline The 10th of month prior. is distinct from gender, which is a societal and goes to their newborn daughter because we’re in OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE pictures, and I ask them to write a short story cultural construction. Society dictates what is unknown territory in terms of health and effects about each picture. Then, I read them aloud, and masculine and what is feminine and what men with this complex development. students try to identify if it is a female author and what women are supposed to do. Thomas Yet, I also believe wholeheartedly that each or a male one. We then discuss the “results,” Beatie is now blurring those lines, which I find life is an experiment, and Thomas Beatie is cre- and the class sees that they were correct about exciting rather than fearful. What makes a man a ating a life. Whether he self-identifies as a man 50 percent of the time. Which is exactly about man and what makes a woman a woman is much (he does) or not, he gets to be who he claims right. more than genitalia, and yet, based on an ounce to be, not what society imposes upon him to I then ask students what else they think is of flesh—the presence of or the absence ofa be. And he gets to create life and raise a child gendered—objects, expectations, performances. penis—society determines a person’s societal, in a loving environment whereby that child People? social and legal status. I keep thinking that might learn a little bit more about self rather And so I had just completed this lesson last blurring gender lines would benefit all of us. than about society’s expectations of self based week, when a friend who knows I teach on sexu- And while many in society are calling out on that ounce of flesh. Sure, we currently live ality and gender topics asked me over dinner now about natural and unnatural, the majority in a gendered and bigoted world. And with the what I thought about the “pregnant man.” I was of these beliefs are also societal constructions. Cro-Magnon mentality I’ve heard recently, even a bit taken aback by her strong objections, as When new possibilities are introduced, there’s in evolving times, we’re likely going to stay this she claimed that he had made a decision. He always an initial “ick” factor involved, from ar- way for an unfortunate while. was either to be a man or to be a woman. But tificial insemination to in vitro fertilization to Patrick Finnessy is the director of the Office he couldn’t have it both ways. stem-cell research. But when someone’s hold- of the UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) I’m still not certain I understand why not. Why ing Baby Louise, her or his mind doesn’t go to Gender and Sexuality Center. be so headstrong and insist upon living in a the science but to the living spirit. We need to dichotomous world? Black/white, gay/straight, May 14, 2008 11 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

May 14, 2008 11


The ab-solutely hunky men of Thunder from Down Under await you in Vegas. See more in our special travel section, starting below. PROFILE DANCE BOOKS Running for Gipper. ‘Tongues’ untied. Robinson reviewed. Page 22. Page 15. Page 21.

Photo courtesy of Rachel Belcher Photo by Eileen Ryan Photo by Tracy Baim

TRAVEL Las Vegas: A trip to the Strip By ANDREW DAVIS

Las Vegas is changing. Yes, the myriad casinos are still present— along with thousands of people who are will- ing to press their luck playing everything from baccarat to the slots. (As one of my co-workers There are many different attractions in Vegas, such as Cher’s show, the heavenly food at Sensi and Cirque du Soleil’s erotic show, Zumanity. pointed out, you really can’t tell day from night in the hotel casinos, as evidenced by the con- stant smell of cigarette smoke and the frat boys and an eye-popping cowboy finale. However, gay pampered; every MGM Mirage hotel on the Strip (New York strip steak and boat scallions) to des- drinking beer at eight in the morning.) boys should be aware that they will probably be has a spa that offers a relaxing and/or rejuvenat- sert (a treat that would make anyone fall in love However, this glitzy city is recognizing that a sitting with a couple hundred straight women, ing choice. Spa Bellagio offers treatments such with tapioca) led Windy City Times to give Sensi lot of people don’t have to go as far to play the so it won’t exactly be a night at The Eagle. (By as its signature stone facial, which incorporates two (lobster) claws up. Mandalay Bay’s Border slot machines as they used to (hello, Joliet!); the way, the troupe will also be at Chicago’s Cro- cleaning, exfoliation and serums that are said Grill, which overlooks the Lazy River just off so, in order to lure tourists, Vegas is offering bar, 1543 N. Kingsbury, on May 23.) MGM Grand to smooth the skin’s texture. Windy City Times Mandalay Beach, offers upscale Mexican food alternatives. A recent press junket sponsored features Crazy Horse Paris, which is taken di- went for New York-New York’s effective custom- such as plantain empanadas, Aztec avocado by MGM Mirage (the development company that rectly from the show in the City of Lights; all of ized escape massage, which uses elements of ceviche and gaucho steak. Speaking of steak, owns most of the hotels along the Vegas Strip, the stunning women in the international dance Swedish, deep-tissue and aromatherapy mas- Stripsteak, another Mandalay Bay eatery, is all including Treasure Island, New York-New York, troupe performed with the original Crazy Horse sage. Another alternative—for those who are about the meat, doling pork, beef and chicken Excalibur, Luxor, Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand and dance troupe. This show is for anyone who ap- truly adventurous—is The Dreaming Ritual at dishes in addition to seafood. Lastly, there’s Fu- The Mirage) provided a window into some of preciates the female form. There’s also burlesque MGM Grand’s Grand Spa. The two-hour experi- sia at Luxor, an Asian restaurant that sets itself these other options that are meant to tempt at in the form of Ivan Kane’s Forty Deuce at Man- ence is a tribal-inspired service that begins apart from others with such intriguing dishes least one of the five senses (sometimes simulta- dalay Bay; the show even features theme nights with a foot soak and ends with an Australian as the spiced Indonesian crab stack, and jumbo neously). such as Silicone Sundays. Even the famed Cirque aboriginal massage. People can also get facials, lump crab & lobster vake with potato fries. Are du Soleil has gotten in on the act with its stun- manicures/pedicures and even a birch detoxify- you hungry yet? Skin is in ning show, Zumanity, which is at the New York- ing wrap, depending on the hotel. In case Windy City Times couldn’t guess by New York hotel. Zumanity, an erotic show that You better Cirque the showgirls painted on the sides of taxicabs, incorporates burlesque and cabaret, even has a More than a meal Visitors to Vegas would be depriving them- Vegas and skin go together like a horse and car- significant same-sex scene that showcases two Vegas is also amping up its restaurants, re- selves if they did not attend at least one Cirque riage, to paraphrase the famous quote. (Between men wrestling—and then kissing. The show is placing those all-you-can-eat cheap buffets with du Soleil show. The good—or bad—thing is that the servers and even the tourists I saw, Windy now hosted by legendary drag queen Edie (played more upscale restaurant experiences—and expe- there are so many options. O, which is at the City Times almost subtitled this piece “Leave by Christopher Kenney), who has taken over the riences aren’t much more delicious than the one Bellagio, is an aquatic show that features an It to Cleavage.”) During the junket, journalists reins now that Joey Arias has departed. at The Bellagio’s Sensi, where diners can watch global cast of 81 artists, performing in, on and had their choice of various shows that served to the chef in the glass-encased kitchen prepare above a 1.5 million gallon pool of water. KÁ, entertain and titillate. Tourists can catch some Relax—just do it specialties involving Italian, Asian, American at the MGM Grand, combines acrobatics, martial of Australia’s natural formations with Thunder Fortunately, there are a lot of options for those and seafood cuisines. Everything from the ap- Turn to page 13 from Down Under, a male revue at Excalibur who are tired of running around and want to be petizers (crab and grilled prawns) to the entrees that features tanned Aussies with six-pack abs 12 May 14, 2008

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Crowned the largest LGBT resort in the Midwest, the Dunes offers a wide variety of accommodations - plus a main bar complex featuring the country’s top DJ’s, a cabaret with live entertainment, game room/bar, multi-level outdoor patio bar and outdoor pool and pool bar. The Dunes is a rare a special place where friends of all walks can fi nd themselves, lose themselves and most importantly be themselves. It doesn’t matter who you are, everybody’s welcome.

There is something special about Summer in Saugatuck, MI that makes it one of the most popular destinations for GLBT tourist, something diffi cult to defi ne but easy to recognize. Best of all, it’s everywhere you look. It’s in the diverse and plentiful shops, restaurants & accommodations. It’s in the arts and the people. It’s in the world-renowned beaches. It’s in the Dunes Resort. 14 May 14, 2008 totally different experience, and so is its Pride Parade, which is on Sun., June 8, 2 p.m. It lasts Other travel ideas about an hour, and has about 40 entries with —Gay-welcoming business and community high energy and fun. See www.prideparademke. organizations will host the 2nd Annual Gay org Days & Nights Las Vegas July 3-6. The pro- PrideFest is user-friendly. It takes place on motion launches on July 3 with activities and the fabulous Meier Festival Grounds (home to entertainment 24/7. Gay Days & Nights 2008 is Summerfest) right on the lakefront with several presented by Cirque du Soleil, Travelocity and stages for entertainment, a mixed marketplace host hotel Paris Las Vegas, and hosted by QVe- with LGBT-specific and general vendors for shop- gas Magazine. Events benefit the Gay & Lesbian ping, and those tram gondola rides. There are Center, Las Vegas Pride and the Liberace Foun- also lots of food choices that you would expect dation. See El San Juan Hotel & Casino. at a summertime fair ( legs, lemonade, —Blue Moon Hotel is off the Las Vegas fresh donuts, brats, etc). Attendance has been Strip, but features its own hook for the gay el, many visit Out & About’s Web site, www. growing steadily; it is now up to 27,000 for the Joan Jett at last year’s PrideFest. Photo by community: It’s a men’s-only resort. Blue Moon The company is gay/ whole weekend! Imagine: Wrigley Field holds Suzanne Kraus has 45 hotel rooms and suites as well as a 10- lesbian-owned, there’s a price-match guaran- twice that for one game. So PrideFest is defi- man jacuzzi grotto, a waterfall and a steam tee and there’s never a service fee. For more, nitely low-density. deck. See see the Web site, e-mail [email protected] or TRAVEL After a few hours or days at PrideFest, you —The HX Gay & Lesbian Travel Expo—a call 800-842-4753. may have a desire to be inside four walls (you one-night, after-work event that attracts 500- —Believe it or not, Ohio is becoming will know what I mean), to eat a real meal with PrideFest 1000 LGBT travelers and travel professionals— a popular destination for LGBT travelers. plates and silverware and/or have a real cocktail will take place locally Thurs., May 22, 4-8 p.m., Columbus’ Pride Holidays (www.columbuspride. in a glass. Milwaukee has dozens of gay- and virgins unite! at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted. For org) boasts more than 100,000 attendees lesbian-friendly bars to select from. Specifically, By Suzanne Kraus more info, see every June, while Positively Cleveland (www. for the lesbians (although men are welcome) —Puerto Rico’s El San Juan Hotel & Ca- there are Walker’s Pint and Mona’s (good food Are you a Milwaukee PrideFest Virgin? Yes, there sino has culminated its multi-million dollar do/) offers a travel guide specifically for there, too), and then La Cage for lots of dancing. is a first time for everything! Be brave! Be open! renovation with an adult poolside experience the LGBT community. In addition, Rainbow C’est LaVie, Switch, the Harbor Room, Fluid and Be strong! And, of course, expect the best. Prac- at the new Encanto Beach Club. According to Cincinnati ( lets at least a dozen more are out there for the men tically speaking, I hope this overview will en- a press release, “The Encanto Beach Club of- people know about the gay-related happenings (and women are welcome). A different mixed bar courage you to check it out for yourself. Is this fers guests a social atmosphere never before in that city. is the Art Bar in River West—ask for Kraus! Lots going to be the year? You are going to love it! seen in Puerto Rico with an open air lounge —”Camp” Camp is a real summer camp of art are all around this bilevel bar along with Milwaukee’s gay and lesbian community has of 24 canopied, double-sided daybeds along in Maine geared specifically for LGBT adults. great music. When the music is over and you been active and doing things for decades. They the shoreline; three private cabanas; 25 versa- There’s a wide variety of activities, such as want more than pizza, my favorite late-night have had a free-standing LGBT center for 10 tile, retro-circular lounging pods; hammocks; tennis, hiking, yoga and even a stained-glass kitchen is Elsa’s on the Park ( years. Cream City Foundation has been actively swings; a swim-up bar; and outside showers class—while mingling with folks from places If you do get up to Milwaukee PrideFest, you supporting Milwaukee and southeastern Wiscon- designed to cool off even the steamiest beach like Iowa, Georgia and British Columbia. The will be glowing and thinking about who you sin’s LGBT needs and organizations for over 25 bodies from head to toe.” Bottoms up! See camp is Aug. 24-31; see know that is still a PrideFest virgin on your way years. SAGE Milwaukee has been serving lesbian —Circuit boys, get ready to put those glow back home—and you will be making plans to and gay seniors for over 14 years. It’s a little —Calling all lesbians! Girlsplash 2008!— sticks and boas in your suitcases. Prism 2008 get them to Milwaukee PrideFest next year! And ironic that Chicago’s LGBT community is just billed as the first summer lesbian beach party is taking place June 26-29 in , , that’s why I wrote this article: to help the vir- achieving some of those goals. But let’s focus in U.S. history—will take place July 19-27 in . The party gets started with Madon- gins. Do you have more questions about attend- on Milwaukee’s PrideFest celebration, now cel- Provincetown, Mass. Events will include clam narama, with the main event being Babylon ing Milwaukee’s PrideFest? E-mail suzanne@ ebrating 21 years. bakes, yacht sails, whale watching and dune Pride on June 28, featuring guest DJs Tony Have fun! The only thing that Milwaukee’s PrideFest and tours. Visit Moran and Ana Paula. See www.prismtoronto. Read the entire article at www. Chicago’s Pride have in common is that they are —For info on all types of LGBT-related trav- com. both LGBT-focused! Milwaukee’s PrideFest is a May 14, 2008 15 THEATER REVIEW Enchanted April Playwright: adapted by Matthew Barber from the novel by Elizabeth von Arnim At: Circle Theatre, 7300 W. Madison, Forest Park Phone: 708-771-0700; $26 Runs through: June 8


How did Circle Theatre know, planning its 2007- 2008 season, that we’d have a winter like the one we just had or a spring (?) like this one, and The Joffrey Ballet in “Waterbaby Bagatelles.” Photo by Herbert Migdoll thus would be sooooo ready for a play celebrat- ing the idyllic pleasures of “wisteria and sun- shine” on the southern coast of Italy? Not that of 9/11, “Ache” responds to a world filled with our weather compares to the February in 1922 Enchanted April. Photo by Bob Knuth Dancin’ Feats fear and uncertainty. Now seven years removed England, rendered even darker by memories of By Eric Eatherly from that traumatic event, “Ache” still resonates the recent Great War, that spurs a plucky matron with current events. “It’s about fear—how fear to take action against the gloom. Nor can we es- convalescence for chilly Anglos in fiction. (In- Family. Memory. A lost sense of history. can blanket and cause panic, how it can disori- timate the level of daring and audacity reflected deed, female tourists today are often startled to These are just a few of the ideas that Jan Bar- ent and create apprehension,” Bartoszek said. in her impulsive decision to vacation in a rented discover that their guides have been instructed toszek is exploring in her newest dance creation, The work, also for five dancers, incorporates a castle on the continent. to flirt aggressively, even annoyingly, with for- “Earthly Tongues.” set of walls and ladders that the dancers use to Her three fellow pilgrims sharing in the holi- eign guests.) But while it’s tempting to dismiss Jan Bartoszek is the founder and artistic direc- ascend and descend through the vertical planes day expenses are a predictably assorted lot: The Matthew Barber’s adaptation of Elizabeth von tor of Hedwig Dances, which has been a vibrant of space. Though a meditation on fear and vi- expedition’s launching, alone, requires Lottie’s Arnim’s novel as generic romance-pure-and-sim- part of the Chicago modern dance community for olence, “Ache of the Arc” is not all doom and exuberance to overcome the misgivings of pious ple, its purity is nevertheless mitigated by its over 23 years. Known for her fluid, dream-like gloom. Its dark moments are astutely balanced Rose, the weltschmerz of socialite Caroline and complexity, with volumes of backstory revealed choreography, Bartoszek composes poetic works with moments of tenderness, compassion and the Victorian propriety of grumpy Mrs. Graves. in a single casual remark. with rich emotional subtexts and characters hope. Since the ladies are traveling alone, strangers Brain fatigue is kept at bay, however, by such whose humanity stands out amidst the abstract For Bartoszek, and no doubt for the viewers of assume that they are widows of soldiers killed frivolous spectacle as carefree damsels flitting landscape of the dances. For her latest creative her new works, the latest spring concert is all in battle. Both Lottie and Rose, however, have about in their nighties and a stuffy British gent endeavor, Bartoszek has delved into her own about both looking back and looking forward. husbands living—the former, a stuffy lawyer caught infra dig by a capricious bathtub. This is past and family background, probing her memory Hedwig Dances will perform Fri-Sun, May 16-18, obsessed with business, and the latter, a fun- in addition to Robert Knuth’s flower-festooned and researching her family’s Polish roots. “When at the Ruth Page Theatre, 1016 N. Dearborn. loving author of pop-fiction. Ah, but amid piazza, Suzanne Mann’s scrumptious gowns (in I began to talk with people about individual 773-871-0872; $15-$22. the heady atmosphere of the Mediterranean particular, the quasi-Leon Bakst negligées and family backgrounds,” Bartoszek explained. “I Also coming up: climate—enhanced by the ministrations of the fauvist-inspired shoes worn by the boho-chic realized how very little we know about our his- —The Joffrey Ballet presents “American Mod- castle’s charming young landlord and its earthy Lady Caroline), and other commensurably ca- tories. Especially here in America, there tends erns” May 14-25 at the Auditorium Theatre, 50 housekeeper—tensions, misunderstandings, and pable tech-effects, all crowded into a too-small to be a cut-off from wherever your family came E. Congress. The program includes Paul Taylor’s painful secrets are banished by spring’s resurrec- storefront space that can only reinforce support from before. But we still hold knowledge in our hip and elegant “Cloven Kingdom;” Mehmet tive enchantment. for Circle Theatre’s proposed new playhouse. bodies—parts of us are always rooted in a cer- Sander’s “Inner Space,” a funny and harrowing This is hardly surprising. Pastoral sojourns tain time and place. Sometimes all we can do work for three dancers in a Plexiglass Box; Lar in Latin countries have traditionally served as is imagine our ancestors.” Though information Lubovitch’s “…smile with my heart”; and The on some families may be frustratingly limited, Joffrey premiere of Twyla Tharp’s “Waterbaby simply contemplating familial history provides Bagatelles,” featuring dancing from the com- ample inspiration for a work that explores both pany’s men lit by ever-shifting arrangements of one’s past and one’s future. fluorescent bulbs. 312-902-1500; $25-$140. “Earthly Tongues” opens quietly, with dancers —The young aerial dance company Aloft, di- slowly entering the space with almost tai-chi- rected by Shayna Swanson, presents a new eve- like movement—slow, pensive, deliberate and ning-length show, The Dinner of Our Discontent, ever conscious of shifting weight. Eventually, May 16-25 at The Aloft Loft, 941 N. California. the five dancers that make up the piece all co- Inspired by Chinese acrobatics that use house- alesce on stage, shifting as a group like a flock hold items to create masterful artwork, Aloft of birds. They often link arms or hands, pull- tells the tale of a family reunion that veers from ing each other forward and holding each other heartbreaking to hilarious at the drop of a plate. back. 773-507-2604; $20. A signature of Bartoszek’s work is a strong use —Salt Creek Ballet (SCB) brings its acclaimed of partnering, and “Earthly Tongues” doesn’t staging of Alice in Wonderland to the McAninch disappoint. The dancers flow seamlessly into Arts Center of College DuPage, 425 Fawell, Glen and out of graceful lifts, displaying an enchant- Ellyn, May 17-18. This three-act ballet features ing mastery of strength, balance and control. imaginative choreography by SCB artistic direc- The second section picks up in rhythm and tor Sergey Kozadayev and Susan O’Connell. 630- colorfulness as the dancers engage in what ap- 942-4200; $18-$28. pears to be folk-inspired movement. “It’s like a —Celebrating National Tap Dance Day, the Chi- deconstructed folk dance,” Bartoszek said. “Like cago Human Rhythm Project presents “Windy a dance they’re trying to remember.” City Rhythms” May 22-24 at the Vittum Theatre, With rhythmic steps and percussive slaps and 1012 N. Noble. These tap-dance performances claps, the dance treads close to the humorous, will feature Guillem Alonso and his Spanish en- without becoming outright comedic. Instead, it semble Tap Olé, Lane Alexander’s group BAM! retains the awkward charm of a vaudeville act, and Jimmy Payne, Jr., among others. 773-281- minus the slap-stick, as the dancers try to catch 1825; $15-$25. the movement of a dance like the mind tries to —Elements Contemporary Ballet brings its catch a memory just beyond reach. classical virtuosity and contemporary style to To help her realize her vision for the latest cre- the Ruth Page Theatre for its 2008 Spring Con- ation, Bartoszek has enlisted an A-list artistic cert May 23-24. The evening will include work WINNER! BEST MUSICAL © team (besides the dancers). Tatjana Radisic cos- by Artistic Director Mike Gosney as well as sev- 2004 TONY AWARD © tumes the dancers in stoic white with dramatic eral favorites from the young company’s growing headpieces that partially veil the face, adding repertory. 312-337-6543; $15-$17.50. bits of color when the dance picks up in energy. —Rounding out the spring season will be OPENS NEXT WEEK! MAY 21–JUNE 7 Winston “Stone” Damon has created an original Same Planet Different World Dance Theatre’s score for the piece, Petra Bachmaier is the vid- “Vintage Modern,” June 5-8 at Link’s Hall, 3435 ( ) eographer who provides projections throughout N. Sheffield. This evening of evocative, humor- • 312 902-1400• the work and Margaret Nelson’s insightful light- ous and powerful modern dance will include the Tickets also available at all Broadway In Chicago Box Office and Ticketmaster outlets • Groups (20+): (312)977-1710 ing brings the stage to life. company premiere of Shirley Mordine’s Thin Ice, Sharing the program with “Earthly Tongues” is as well as choreography by Zachary Whittenburg, AVENUEQ.COM a revival of a Bartoszek piece called “Ache of the Colleen Halloran, Faye Driscoll and Ashleigh Arc.” Completed shortly after the terrorist attack Original Broadway Cast Recording Available on Masterworks Broadway. Leite. 773-281-0824; $12-$15. ‘AVENUE Q’ HAS NOT BEEN AUTHORIZED OR APPROVED IN ANY MANNER BY THE JIM HENSON COMPANY OR SESAME WORKSHOP, WHICH HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS CONTENT. 16 May 14, 2008 THEATER REVIEW What remains and receives the most attention is the play about family values, parental expec- Durango tations and the traditional immigrant drive to Playwright: Julia Cho succeed. It trumps everything, and ends with At: Silk Road Theatre Project, both sons recommitting themselves to living 77 W. Washington out lies, pursuing personal goals they detest but Phone: 866-811-4111; $28-$32 which honor their father’s expectations. Jimmy SPOTLIGHT Runs through: June 15 in particular slams the closet door he’s hardly Trumbo opened, a door he cannot possibly keep shut. BY JONATHAN ABARBANEL The implosion of the Lee family is postponed but not avoided, and the audience knows it. What Trumbo, now at Timeline Theatre, presents A middle-aged man loses his job after more than would the boys do if they knew the lie their fa- the life and letters of journalist, screenwriter 20 years. His oldest son is a slacker seemingly ther had been living for 25 years? Cho doesn’t and political prisoner Dalton Trumbo (1905- destined to fail; his younger son is driven to go there, opting instead for a socially regressive 1976). One of the “Hollywood Ten” cited for success that doesn’t fulfill him. The father’s denouement. contempt of Congress in 1947, Trumbo spent pursuit of the American Dream—especially for Such regressiveness is acceptable only because 10 months in prison and 10 years blacklist- his sons—remains unrealized. The parallels to the characters—even the taciturn and aloof but ed by Hollywood. In 1960 Trumbo received Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman are strik- explosive Boo-Seng—are truthfully written and screen credit for Exodus and was acknowl- ing, but Durango is set in 21st-century America, exceptionally well performed by Joseph Anthony edged for authoring Spartacus, breaking the where Korean immigrant Boo-Seng Lee is the fa- Foronda (Boo-Seng), Dawen Wang (Isaac) and blacklist. The Fixer, Papillon and Johnny Got ther of Isaac, 21, and Jimmy, 15. Erik Kaiko (Jimmy). Foronda in particular—using His Gun are other Trumbo works. Outstanding Almost elegantly simple in presentation—an subtext and precise physical work—moves be- Chicago actor Howard Witt portrays the po- automobile journey of intimate scenes, none yond Boo-Seng’s stereotyped imperfect English litically courageous writer in this two-char- involving more than three characters—Durango and emotional repression. Director Carlos Murillo acter biography developed by Trumbo’s son. is difficult to assess in part because it’s really delves deep and balances the play’s early humor Performed Sundays and Mondays only at 7 three plays: There’s a play about the newly- with respect for its dominant mournful tone. He p.m., Trumbo continues through June 2; 615 unemployed father, a play about traditional and designers Marianna Csaszar (scenic) and Re- W. Wellington; 773-281-8463; $15. Photo by Asian family values and, last but not least, a becca A. Barrett (lighting) have crafted a seem- Lara Goetsch play about the closeted sexual identities of both ingly primitive box set that’s full of theatrical the father and Jimmy, a high-school swimming surprises and painterly beauties. champ terrified of being “a faggot.” Will the unhappiness of the father be visited makes a good night out—a compelling night out stead?” come alongside dialogue utterly 21st- Any one of these plays would make a full eve- upon the sons? Durango answers in the affirma- nonetheless. century modernity) isn’t the core deal breaker ning. Author Julia Cho’s three-in-one combo al- tive. It doesn’t make a joyous night out, but it here. The real problem is that for its laborious, most inevitably means that not all three receive THEATER REVIEW two-hour duration, 10 Virgins doesn’t have a equal attention. The precipitating incident— ONLINE THIS single believable character engaging in a sin- Boo-Seng’s unemployment—never is addressed 10 Virgins gle believable act. Even as fantasy or fairy tale or resolved. His future as a father and man re- WEEK: Playwright: Laura Jacqmin creatures, the goings-on here are eye-rollingly mains a question mark at play’s end. Cho also —She Calls Up the Sun At: Chicago Dramatists, 1105 W. Chicago preposterous. The biggest eye roll arrives during sets up a major audience expectation that father Phone: 312-633-0630 a discussion of menstruation. Apparently, Sis- and son will come out to each other, but they —Our Town Runs through: June 1 ter Marchen notes, all 10 siblings are bleeding never do. at once. Enchanted faerieland or no, one can’t BY CATEY SULLIVAN get around the fact that the puppet sisters are supposed to be about five years old. Last we Imagine an ooky-spooky checked, menses is rare unto impossible for even CULTURE CLUB woodland wonderland the most precocious 5-year-old. whose inhabitants are de- But Virgins doesn’t linger long on the myster- fined by angsty-faced in- ies of prepubescent menstruation. Most of the terpretive dance that’s an piece deals with the dubiously erotic machi- unintentional parody of nations of Marchen, whose flaming libido and Speech & Debate interpretive dance. Tack on interpretively flinging limbs find respite in the arms of Jenny Greenteeth, a swamp witch who a narrative comprised of shopworn fairy tale clichés. favors Rastafarian dreadlocks and Jane-of-the- by Stephan Karam Factor in some would-be Jungle loincloths. At various junctures, Jenny directed by PJ Paparelli lesbian erotica that’s ac- claims to be the sisters’ mother, father, brother tually about as erotic as, and, really, we lost track of who all else amid oh, a menstruating five- all the stylized pseudo-symbolism, over-boiled year-old represented by a metaphors and continuity-killing blackouts. wooden puppet. And wel- Directed by Russ Tutterow, 10 Virgins is a bas- tion of affectation. Moreover, many a scene is come to the world of Laura Misfit teens, online secrets, and an Jacqmin’s 10 Virgins. little more than tangential filler. Take, for exam- abbreviated strip tease to George One wonders what ill- ple, the story-stoppers that arrive in the form of Michael’s Freedom. favored substance has infil- the quirky games the sisters play to avoid their April 24th – May 25th trated the Kool-Aid at Chi- chores. One involves the adventures of a frol- cago Dramatists, where the icking squirrel. One is a cross between charades box office 773.409.4125 season ‘til now has been and a Precious Moments comic strip. Both are defined by the dramatic so much dead space in what plot exists within riches of “A Steady Rain” Jacqmin’s artificially mannered flight of fancy. and the marvelously enter- taining “Cadillac.” With 10 Virgins, Jacqmin trots out just about every fairy tale trope you can think of—golden spindles, Written and Directed by Laura Eason red shoes, enchanted Adapted from the novel by Jules Verne keys, Gretel—they’re all April 16 -June 1, 2008 belabored with a mix of forced whimsy and plod- For Tickets Call ding earnestness. The title 312.337.0665 characters are 10 orphaned or visit sisters, five young women and five little girls, the lat- ter represented by wooden puppets. They speak to in a mix of faux Elizabethan *OUIF8BUFS5PXFS8BUFS8PSLTt.JDIJHBO"WFBU1FBSTPO quaintness and modern 10 Virgins. Photo by Johnny Knight vernacular. But the incon- For more shows and listings, check out sistent style (Lines such as “Your bodkin begs a See more theater on next page hard scrubbing” or “What were ye doing in sleeping’s May 14, 2008 17 acters in the film. Out cruising one night, he intact. meets the much older Adrien (Michel Blanc), a The 56-minute result, shot in grainy color, doctor who falls head over heels for the young has the look of a graphic home movie and is KNIGHT hunk; however, Manu prefers a platonic friend- enthralling. We see men of all ages and sizes, ship. Adrien takes Manu for a weekend jaunt to a Black and white, surreptitiously having sex in AT country home owned by friends Sarah (Emmanu- and around the two stalls in the cramped men’s THE elle Béart) and her husband, Mehdi (Sami Boua- room, unaware that a cameraman is shooting jila). This bourgeois young couple is open about them through a two-way mirror. The culmination MOVIES affairs (Sarah insists, in fact, that it’s one of the of the fast cutting between trysts, along with strongholds of their relationship) but both are the details focused on by the camera operator, surprised when Mehdi, who works as a vice cop, becomes as interesting as the footage itself. finds himself drawn to Manu. Sarah, who wants Naturally, a lot of the faces are the same—men to move away from children’s literature, uses the returning repeatedly to get off. A Black teenager affair as the basis for her first adult novel and is seen in multiple encounters, as is an elderly narrates much of the film as it unfolds. white guy in a striped shirt and crew cut. (He’s As the affair increases in intensity, so does like the king cocksucker of the place.) Every Adrien’s jealousy, and he tells Manu, “You hold now and then a phone number is exchanged, all the cards. Everyone wants you.” But Adrien’s The Witnesses. but there’s no real intimacy and, certainly, no jealousy changes to concern when Manu learns kissing. Even the act of anal intercourse, which The Witnesses, that he’s contracted AIDS. From that point, the several of the men engage in furtively, doesn’t complex emotions of the key players swirling own, never fails to intrigue. seem intimate and is engaged in quickly with Tearoom about Manu will shift as they learn of his di- The Witnesses, which plays at the Music Box one eye toward the entrance. By Richard Knight, Jr. agnosis and as the virus, nearly unstoppable in Theatre, 3733 N. Southport, beginning Fri., May This fascinating artifact of gay culture is mes- those early years, invades their previously care- 16, will have its Chicago premiere Thurs., May merizing (the mind imagines all the different Openly gay French writer-director André Téchi- free lives. The device allows Téchiné’s characters 15, at the same location and serve as a ben- back stories for the different men), sexy (by way né, probably best known to LGBT film audiences to display an array of reactions—fear, regret efit for Vital Bridges, 6:30-9:30 p.m. The social of its illicit nature) and, lastly, heartbreaking. for 1994’s The Wild Reeds, returns with The Wit- and anger—to the news of Manu’s illness. Unlike hour/screening will be followed by a discussion Given the date of the footage and the reason for nesses, a beautifully nuanced character drama many of their American counterparts, Téchiné’s of the film with yours truly. A raffle and post- its existence, Jones doesn’t even need to point set in Paris at the outset of the AIDS epidemic. characters are decidedly unsentimental when party sponsored by Absolut follows will follow at out that it was used to put many of these men The comely Manu (Johan Libéreau) has just ar- faced with the sobering news. Halsted’s Bar and Grill, 3441 N. Halsted. Tickets in prison. rived in Paris in the summer of 1984 and moves Téchiné shoots his film in mustard yellow and for the movie premiere only are $25 or $40 for Tearoom plays as part of the White Light Cin- in with his sister, Julie (Julie Depardieu), an as- Mediterranean blue, reflecting the sunny seaside premiere and post-party, and can be purchased ema program, a new alternative film series, and piring opera singer, at a rundown hotel. The ho- getaway where the affair first begins, but the by calling Todd at 312-948-2786. See screens Sun., May 18, at The Nightingale, 1084 tel, actually nothing much more than a brothel, bright colors become emblems of anxiety and for more. N. Milwaukee, at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Mans- is run by an older man (Jacques Nolot, writer- indifference (especially when worn by ethereal field 1962, a nine-minute experimental short director-star of the terrific gay-themed Before I beauty Béart, who is swathed in bright yellow Queer outsider filmmaker William E. Jones will made from the original footage by Jones, will Forget) who plays chess with Manu on occasion. dresses throughout). Bouajila, meanwhile, wears be in town to preside over two screenings of also be shown. Limited copies of a companion Sandra (Constance Dollé), a lively prostitute in bright red shirts—a literal target for Manu’s af- his fascinating, disturbing and sexy Tearoom. book, Tearoom, will also be available for sale at Madonna drag, is another resident who hangs fections and lust. The film consists of an assemblage of surveil- the screenings. out with Manu at the new-wave club across from Although The Witnesses covers familiar terri- lance footage shot in July and August of 1962 Check out my archived reviews at www. the hotel. (There, she lip-syncs a lively version tory in focusing on a protagonist with AIDS, the by the Mansfield, Ohio, police department of a or www.knightatthemov- of “Marcia Baïla” by Les Rita Mitsouko.) complex reactions of the characters and unusual men’s room in the public square. Jones has done Readers can leave feedback at the But these are but brief distractions for Manu, turns in Téchiné’s densely layered script (co- minimal cutting to the footage: He has removed latter Web site, where there is also ordering who is more interested in cruising. Young but written with Laurent Guyot) provide a welcome an apparent obtrusive voice over and shifted information on my book of collected film re- hardly innocent, Manu is the quintessential boy addition to a legion of AIDS-related movies and the establishing shots from the end of the film views, Knight at the Movies 2004-2006. toy, an object of desire for the other male char- the French perspective, so different from our to the beginning—otherwise, it is pretty much THEATER REVIEW out the glaring war-time flaws of the two Bush CORRECTION administrations (even while she progressively The information that ran with the April 30 re- 9 Parts of Desire gets drunker and drunker). view of Lewis and Clark Reach the Euphrates was Playwright: Heather Raffo There’s a bombing survivor from the first Gulf incorrect. The playwright is Robert Schenkkan, At: Next Theatre at Museum 9 Parts of War who speaks of the ghastly American bomb- and it is at the Infamous Commonwealth The- of Contemporary Art, Desire. ing, plus a bright young girl whose education atre at the Old Speakeasy, 4139 N. Broadway. 220 E. Chicago and family life has been quashed due to both Tickets are $20 and the contact number is 312- Phone: 312-397-4010; $23-$38 the war and the Hussein regime’s intolerance for 458-9780. Windy City Times regrets the error. Through May 18 dissenting voices. Of course, it’s not all damning criticism. BY SCOTT C. MORGAN There’s a lot of comic relief from a jolly Bedouin woman with a complicated love life, while all The intensely personal is also intensely political the women find ironic humor in their stories. in Heather Raffo’s 9 Parts of Desire. In this one- And that even extends to what could be an au- woman show, Iraqi-American playwright and share from first-hand experience jabs with such tobiographical character of an American who ob- actress Raffo becomes a forceful messenger to shocking detail that you feel privy to informa- sessively watches 24-hour cable news channels Old Time confront with many aspects to the moral morass tion denied to you by the government and the for any sign of her relatives back in Iraq as the Ice Cream Social that is the Iraq War. media. And neither the brutal dictatorship of bombing begins. Drawn from Raffo’s interviews with nine Iraqi Saddam Hussein nor the liberating American If there’s one constant theme throughout the Spring Benefit Gala women, 9 Parts of Desire allows Raffo to embody forces come off well. interviews, it is the resiliency of these women The William Reid House these women in a tour de force performance. But Among the women, there’s an artist who to survive and make what they can of their un- 2013 S. Prairie Avenue it’s not just an opportunity for Raffo to show off thrived under the Hussein regime (but had to believably difficult emotional or physical situa- Chicago, IL her amazing acting abilities. make enormous compromises). Another is a pro- tions. What these very diverse Iraqi women have to war exile living in London who succinctly points One benefit of Next Theatre Company’s joint presentation with the Museum of Contemporary Art of 9 Parts of Desire is that it allows more CRITICS’ PICS people to see it in a larger space. Director Jo- As Told By the Vivian Girls, Dog & Pony at Theater on the Lake, through May 25. View- anna Settle and her designers showcase Raffo’s ers follow the action from room to room in this rare example of parade theater, inspired by amazing performance with Antje Ellermann’s recluse artist Henry Darger’s paintings and perverse Catholic fantasy of enslaved girls. JA set that suggests both destruction and renew- Saturday, May 24, 2008 Boneyard Prayer, Redmoon Theater, through May 25. A terrifying and beautiful depiction al, while the aural jolts of bombs are courtesy 3:00 - 6:00 pm of the supreme fallibility of human beings, this is a transcendent fable of love and loss that of sound designers Obadiah Eaves and Andre Suggested donation: $25 echoes towards infinity thanks to Charles Kim’s lilting, haunting original music. CS Pluess. A Passage to India, Vitalist Theatre & Premiere Theatre, at Theatre Building Chicago, What Raffo leaves you with is an overwhelm- Homemade Ice Cream through May 18. Martin Sherman’s adaptation grinds an axe, yet this vibrant panorama makes ing sense of despondency and helplessness to Toppings E.M. Forster’s East-meets-West tale a feast for the senses and the intellect. MSB the shattered lives left in the wake of living un- Homemade Baked Goods The Strangerer, Theater Oobleck at Chopin Theatre, through June 29. This timely satire of der a tyrant and a contentiously never-ending Live Music Beautiful Architecture Camus’ existentialist novel and the first 2004 Presidential debate between George W. Bush war. Walking back out onto Michigan Avenue is Raffle a humbling and angering experience when you and John Kerry smartly indicts everyone for America’s current failings. SCM Conversation —By Abarbanel, Barnidge, Morgan contemplate the women’s lives in 9 Parts of and Sullivan Desire compared to the seemingly blissful igno- for info email: [email protected] rance of shoppers all around. 773-381-6693 voicemail 18 May 14, 2008 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE house. 2.5 new garage, 1 vintage garage. Totally updat- Laundry in building. Close to “L,” lake and shopping. ed. 2 blocks from lake, 4 blocks from downtown. Many Credit check required. $585/mo. No sec. dep. Avail. BUY NOW — OUT OF TOWN uses, business zoning. Now used as B&B. $649,000 now/June. Credit check required. Please call 773- for sale by owner. Call toll free 1-877-249-0632. 392-4550 (6/04/08-4) NEW BUFFALO BLOWOUT SALE WALDEN WOODS!: Four (3/26/08-4) APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom apart- Moran slashes prices remaining cottages reduced to less than cost. Buy as ments in Oak Park & Forest Park. $610.00-$975.00. is and finish yourself or we will finish. Custom built, Include Heat/Cooking Gas. Forest Park with Parking. to make Roger’s Park charming, and private with upscale ammenities. 3 bed- HOUSE EVANSTON VINTAGE BUNGALOW SALE: Charming 1.5 Call Circle Property Management 708-725-3110 M-F rooms, 2 baths, all cedar with huge screened porches. story classic bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 2.5 baths. Beauti- 10AM-4PM [email protected]. (5/14/08-4) Reduced $55,000 to $345,000. Call Sue/Joe @GPS ful, friendly tree-lined block. 4 blocks from Metra and Realty 269-469-3700. (2/27/08-4) purple line. Fireplace. Updated kitchen. Enclosed porch. MILLER BEACH HOME: Two new homes minutes to Lake TWO BEDROOM Fenced landscaped yard. Qualified buyers don’t need ! Michigan in a quiet eclectic community. Homes sit on agent… for sale by owner. See full MLS listing www. over an acre of woods and sand dunes. Ample room To see, call 847-491- for an outdoor pool without compromising yard space. 3025 N Kenmore Ave. 1027. (5/28/08-4) “All New” Close to nature preserves, deer and wild turkey can be seen walking through the yards in the morning and eve- Designer Models ning. Homes are 2200 to 2300 sq ft. Open floor plans, CONDO $1,188,000 Open Sun 1 to 4 NILES: Renaissance complex well maint 2br unit - just cathedral foyer; hardwood, ceramic and carpeted floors. move in! In unit laundry, lrg balcony off lr/dr, heat- 3 Story Victorian Appliances included, two and half car garages Great op- ed underground parking, nice convenient location! + Separate 2 BR portunity for a vacation home or a permanent residence $220,000s Mid-American Realty (708)254-0551. Garden @ $246,000 or get friends or family together and buy 1242 West Albion (5/21/08-3) Apt Rental T he A lbion both for $470,000. Call Angel today 219-614-5012 or CONDO: ARLINGTON HEIGHTS: 1st floor 1 bedroom [email protected] (12/26/07-2) 2 BR/2BA from $199,900 condo to the “nines”. Maple cabinets, granite counters, Lrg. 4 bed 3.5 bth owner’s unit. Kit w/ ONE HOUR DRIVE FROM DOWNTOWN CHICAGO - hardwood floor with open floor plan.Contact Jan@RE/ granite, s/s/ app. 2 diswshs, 2 ovens, LaPORTE, IN: Great home on quiet lake in Laporte. This subzero ref. First flr. FR w/fireplace, french MAX SUBURBAN 847-385-3311 See pics at JanMc- house has been professionally painted through out, drs. to deck, fncd yrd & 2 car gar. Mst suite (5/14/08-2) with the kitchen having its own unique decorative look. w/cath ceil, loft, deck & luxurious bath. 3 BUILDER’S CLOSEOUT SALE!: Last unit left! Price has levels of gleaming hrdwd flrs. 2.5 blks to It includes one of a kind concrete counter top on cabi- been lowered to below market value for a quick sale. “L”. Rental has 2 bed, 1bth, sep. HVAC nets. There is even a custom-made faux-patina copper 1711 West Jarvis Huge, 1725 sq ft, 2 bed, 2 bath condo. Hardwood floors, and W/D, rents for $1,550/ mo. top on bar area. Hardwood floors on main level were granite, gas fireplace, 5 piece master bath with Jacuzzi 1, 2, & 3 BR from $ 162,900 ones pulled from a 100 year old building in Chicago. tub, large deck, and parking included! 3416 W. Frank- Dennis Eng New carpeting has also been installed during the last lin Blvd $255,500 Open House every Sat from 12pm- 773-562-2130 few months on second level. The great room includes 3pm or call 312-666-2323 www.mcvandevelopment. a wood-burning fireplace surrounded by built-in book com (6/04/08-4) cases. The master bedroom area has oversized cedar- Totally renovated Victorian lined closets with fantastic views of the lake. The mas- SOUTHPORT CORRIDOR: 2 flat, huge livingroom w/ fireplace, high ceiling, 6954 N. Greenview ter bath is Travertine marble with a large jetted tub and CO-OP 3500 N. LAKESHORE CO-OP: 2BR + den, 2BA. Great lake, dishwasher, w/d, original woodwork, deck, back yard, the main bath is custom ceramic tile. The exterior of the 1-2 BR, 1-2 BA from $145,400 park, city views. All the vintage charm, wbf, high ceil- eat-in kitchen, security system, smoke free building, pets home offers seclusion, custom made deck area and your ings, central ac, w/d, eat-in kitchen, new baths. Nearby OK. own fire pit to enjoy on fall nights. Some of the other Call Anne 312-804-0422, anncollinsdolenew@ garage parking paid by seller for 1 year. $499,000. (5/14/08-2) fine features of this home include hardwood French co- Parking Available ! lonial doors on the interior, second floor laundry area, Gloria Narrod, Baird & Warner RE 312-281-2330. (6/18/08-12) and slate foyer. $249,900. Tommy Sunn, Century 21 THREE + BEDROOM LAKE MICHIGAN BALCONY: Rogers Park on Pratt 4 1st Team, Inc. 219-575-0881 www.tommysunn21. bedroom 2 bath, hardwood floors, laundry, dog welcome, com (3/12/08) FOR RENT 312•787•2345 view lake from balcony. $1,800/mo. heat included. GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! LAKE GENEVA WIS- Avail. June 1st 773-744-7741 (5/14/08-1) CONSIN: Approximately 1 acre property. Vintage brick STUDIO 1332 W. HOOD AVE. - EDGEWATER STUDIOS: Beautiful Victorian. Approximately 2,700 Sq. ft with luxury guest studios, one w/ galley kitchen. All utilities included.

An electric @mosphere

Dolly, gee... Country-singing legend and gay icon Dolly Parton entertained a few thousand people More brave souls stepped up to the mic as the Windy City Gay Idol series continued May 7 at @mosphere, 5355 N. Clark. (And, as an added May 8-9 at the Chicago Theatre, 175 N. State. treat for audience members, there were giveaways of Mariah Carey’s and Estelle’s latest CDs.) James and Judith were chosen to move on the May Not only did she croon many of her hits, but 31 semifinals at Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted. The next event is the wild-card round, to be held May 29 at Spin, 800 W. Belmont. Photos by Kirk she also engaged in some vivid banter with Williamson her audience. Photo by Vern Hester

Windy City Gay Idol is sponsored by Bud Light, American Airlines, Broadway In Chicago, Toronto Tourism, Creaoke and Windy City Media Group. May 14, 2008 19 Francis W. Parker School in Lincoln Park, 2233 N. Clark Street. Saturday, May 17, 9am-4pm and Sunday, May LIFE COACH 18, 10am-4pm. CASH ONLY. Clothes, toys, electronics, COURTNEY PARKS COACHING, MA, CPCC: Dedicated to sports equipment, furniture, art, accessories, house helping women create passion, success and balance CLASSIFIEDS wares. 773-797-5516. (5/14/08-2) in their career. As a Certified Life Coach (and a les- bian), she works with women to discover and DO what ART from CTA. Why not chart a new life course today? GETAWAYS they love while enjoying their life too! To schedule CALL FOR ARTISTS: Skokie Art Guild’s 47th Annual Art 773-528-1777 (5/21/08-4) HARBOR COUNTRY - MICH/IND: Designer’s unique cot- a complimentary consultation, call 847-217-2387. Fair. July 12-13, 2008. Fine Art. Held on the Village tage with large, open 2 story living space. 2 bdrs., 2 [email protected] www.courtneyparks. Green, Oakton St., Downtown Skokie, IL. Prizes and DECKS bths., can sleep six. Lg. screened porch, lovely garden com (6/25/08-13) Awards. For application/information contact skok- & terrace. All amenities. Beautiful beaches close. 80 [email protected] Tel. 847-677-8163 (5/28/08-4) mins. from the Loop and 80 mins. to Saugatuck. Sat/ MASSAGE THERAPY CALL TO LESBIAN ARTISTS: Lesbian Art Movement Show Sat rental at $1,200./wk. Pics avail. Must see. 773- POWER MASSAGE: Deep, strong, and rejuvenating & Video: art to the gallery by May 31. Liz Long Gallery 929-2295 (5/28/08-8) with lean muscular athlete. In calls and house calls [email protected] (5/21/08-4) NEW BUFFALO: Enjoy 2 or 3 bedroom cottages, 5 blocks with table. Late hours ok. Convenient location. Re- from the lake. Full kitchens, central air, decks; all linens located practice from NYC. Treat yourself. www. BODY WORK and dinnerware supplied. Check out www.envoytravel. Marc, 312-440-1972. BODYWORK: For a man by a man neck to toe. Relief of com/envoyresorts.htm, call Envoy Travel 312-787- (PP4/15/09PP) tension and stress. Clean suburban location, easy to get 2400 or 800-44-ENVOY. (S) YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF!: Experience the therapeu- to, immediate appointments, 7 days, 10am on. 630- tic benefits of deep tissue/wellness massage by a li- 235-4507 (5/21/08-4) HELP WANTED censed GBM professional. Relieve stress, feel better! EARN UP TO $5,000 A MONTH AT HOME: 18+ & 2 forms Non-sexual. South Shore Area. In, $65/hr. or $85/1.5 BUSINESS FOR SALE of ID. Computer, webcam & internet a must. http:// hrs.; out, add $20. 773-933-7219 or 773-576-4659. PIZZERIA RESTAURANT/ PUB: With live entertainment. click “Become a model.” support@ (PP2/19/09PP) Established since 1966 - a real $$$ maker. Even the (6/04/08-3) banker thinks it’s great. Berwyn/ Oak Park area. OFFICE HELP SKOKIE: National Company of wholesale/ PLUMBING Nick DiBrizzi, Business Broker, Coldwell Banker retail personalized party accessories needs a professional KGM PLUMBING, INC.: Licensed plumbing contractor Commercial. Call 888-317-7721 or nick.dibrizzi@ customer service representative Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM. offering full plumbing services including repair work, (7/02/08-8) Duties to include order data entry, Adobe Illustrator remodeling, new work, violations, and RPZ testing/cer- skills, filing, and office management, To see what we tification. Licensed-Bonded-Insured. 847-583-8988. CLEANING SERVICES do, visit and (7/02/08-12) CLEANING, MAID AND JANITOR SERVICE: Careful, Send resume and salary requirements to info@ caring, meticulous small business and small building (5/14/08-1) SPIRITUALITY janitorial cleaning service. Landlord/tenant cleaning, KOL HANESHAMAH, FOR PEOPLE OF ALL PERSUASIONS: post construction/rehab cleaning, before/after party INSURANCE We are a community (Edgewater / Andersonville) in for- cleaning and much, much more. We respectfully clean EXPERIENCED CHICAGO AGENT BEATS ONLINE EVERY- mation, looking for spiritually oriented Jewish people for AIDS and other ill patients, the severely depressed, TIME WITH ABSOLUTE LOWEST RATES: Only major seeking a conversation with God and man in a post the elderly, the physically/mentally challenged, divorce, companies + award winning service to GLBT community denominational setting. If you are interested in con- after the burglar trashed your home/office and the de- for 20+ years. Convenient communication: phone, fax, necting to your Jewish soul, journey with us. E-mail ceased. We’ll organize your chaos and then clean it! e-mail, podcast, + apply on-line or appointment. Call Rabbi Shael Siegel at: [email protected] Can we help you? Bonded. Chestnut Cleaning Service: Ron 800-400-7133. www.LowCostHighBenefitInsur- (6/04/08-4) 312-332-5575. (5/24/08-tk) FITNESS (P6/18/08-52) WINDOW TREATMENTS COUNSELING PERSONAL TRAINER: Rachel Lavin, M. A. Realize your INTERPRETER WONDERING WHAT to do with those windows?: SOLUTION FOCUSED COUNSELING: 2nd Story Counsel- goals through 12 week success programs. Lose weight, For your American Sign Language/English interpret- Call me! I take care of it all from design through instal- ing offers solution focused counseling for individuals get in shape and be the best you can be. CORRECTED ing needs: To consult with you or your company with lation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH RICE Inte- & couples in a warm and gentle atmosphere. Our thera- NUMBER: 773-251-7874 (PP1/08/09PP) your ADA needs. Diana Thorpe CI/CT/NIC Master, Na- riors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty in pists have strong experience with depression, anxiety, tionally Certified Interpreter, 773-401-1339, or e- window treatments for over 24 years. 773-273-2361. body image issues and relationship challenges. Lakev- GARAGE SALE mail [email protected] [P-TB] (12/31/08-sk) iew location with good street parking and steps away THE GREAT PARKER GARAGE SALE: Garage Sale at the 20 May 14, 2008 home. “I was scared I wasn’t going to get a flight ground running. She headed for the cab line, A tale of and that I’d miss the entire thing,” Rule said. actually she ran to the front of the cab line and “I was trying to keep my cool. I rushed in and frantically convinced the gentleman at the head packed everything. In about four minutes I was of the queue to share a cab downtown. No doubt two moms, back in the car. It was a nightmare. I couldn’t overwhelmed he readily agreed. Rule laughs to quite remember how to get to the airport, the recall the moment. “Once we were in that cab part two gas was on empty, the flight was in 10 minutes I told him the entire story, the three minute By Owen Keehnen and we were 40 minutes from the airport.” version of it. I think he was overwhelmed.” At The day Christy Webber’s water broke she was about 5 p.m., Rule finally arrived downtown at Last week, Windy City Times ran the first of a driving a truck. “I was riding around on mowers The Prentice Women’s Hospital of Northwestern two-part real-life story involving the journey to and loading them up onto trailers,” she said. “So University and sprinted to room 1282. “I ran in motherhood for lesbian couple Christy Webber and I said to my worker Josh, ‘I don’t think things the room all out of breath and Webber was lying Jennie Rule. This is the conclusion of that piece. are right, I’m leaking.’ He didn’t have a clue. He there watching TV. She looked over and said, Hey told me to go home so I went to CVS and picked babe, relax, nothing’s happened, calm down.” Jenny Lachica remembered that fateful week- up some Depends and a Chicago Tribune and Christy Webber and baby Oliver. Photo by Jen- The nurse on duty told Rule that Webber was end: “We had purchased a few unimportant then stopped at Starbucks. I thought uncontrol- nie Rule only allowed to have ice chips, but as soon as items, silly T-shirts that said things like My Par- lable urination and loss of bladder control was the nurse left the room Webber turned to Rule ents Are Out of Town and a funny-looking sock just the last stage of pregnancy. Then when I wanted to explain that I’m having a baby, but and said, “Okay, you need to go to the store. frog when we got this call from Webber. We were got home I ran into one of the neighbors. Pam that it isn’t coming out of me,” she said. “There I want M&Ms and potato chips.” Rule laughed, in a store at the time trying to choose a blanket asked how I was doing and I said I’m leaking, just is no easy way.” Through all this chaos, The “That is such a perfect example of things. It can for the baby’s trip home from the hospital. Rule I’m going to put these diapers on and Pam said, Goddess must have been smiling down upon her. be tough sometimes because I tend to follow was obviously rattled ... so we threw our items ‘Christy, your water broke. It’s time to go to the Rule sprinted to the gate and was hugely re- the rules, and Webber doesn’t. But in this case I on the counter. The cashier noticed how hurried hospital.’ So I took a shower, packed a bag, lieved to make the plane just in time. The flight was willing, so I went to Walgreens and got her and anxious we were and smiled politely, if not drove to the hospital, parked in the lot, walked back to Chicago was actually nice. It gave Rule some food.” confused, when we announced that Rule’s baby up to the desk and said, ‘Yeah, I think I’m hav- a minute to collect her thoughts and “sort of be Webber didn’t know quite what to make of was being born. Her eyes did a quick once over ing a baby.’ The nurse asked who brought me up in heaven and to pretend her [late] mom was labor: “I didn’t know what to expect. Everyone on Rule before thanking us for a large purchase there. I just shrugged, looked around, and said I there in the clouds.” It brought her a great deal tells these horror stories. Everyone says, ‘I was and squeaking Good Luck.” drove myself.” of comfort: “I talked a bit with her and I knew in labor for 24 hours, another one says I was Leaving the store, Jennie Rule told Lachica Back in Michigan, when Rule finally arrived at she would be proud of us and just thought, ‘Wow, in labor for 36 hours, another may say I was she would have to drive the car back to Chicago. the airport check-in desk she again had a hard look at this great thing that we’re doing!’” Turn to page 22 Rule then began a frantic search for a fast flight time explaining the urgency of the situation. “I When the plane landed Jennie Rule hit the

had been looking forward to it for months, so ana or Wisconsin on the days listed above, 5 my hair, my short dogs and I persevered. The percent of your total purchase (excluding tax) Bark in the Park is a 3.2-mile fundraising walk to will be donated to ARFhouse Chicago, a no-kill benefit The Anti-Cruelty Society (ACS). The ACS animal shelter. Just hand the signed slip to your has been around since 1899 and, according to cashier and help ARFhouse Chicago raise money WE its mission statement, the organization “exist[s] to help homeless pets! Download a form at www. to prevent cruelty to animals and to advance humane education.” —Sun., June 1, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: Red Door Just since 1999 the ACS has found loving per- Shelter’s 8th Annual Gimme Shelter! Walk for manent homes for more than 40,000 pets, and the Animals will take place at Indian Bound- has spayed or neutered more than 61,000 ani- ary Park, 2500 W. Lunt. There will be a brunch; mals. They also offer many services, including raffle; entertainment: tarot card readers, dog an adoption program, a low-cost spay/neuter tricks and treats; and animal communication for clinic, a rehabilitation and treatment center, a The Bark in the Park group. people and their pets. $15 in advance; $20 day low-income clinic, humane education/commu- of the walk. nity outreach, cruelty and abuse investigations —Fri., June 13, 6 p.m.: PAWS Chicago’s Viva and rescue, dog-training classes, a free behavior the doxies here?” and a few “Hey, look at all the Paws Vegas! Casino Night & Poker Tournament hotline and pet visitations. They are busy people wieners,” and, of course, the never-been-heard will take place at 1365 N. Dearborn. Features PETS and do great work. “Anyone got a bun?” include a four-hour Texas hold ‘em, high-rollers The Chicago Dachshund Lovers has adopted the If you missed the Bark, there are many more room, casino games, open bar and buffet dinner. ACS as one of our annual fund raising projects. fundraising walks and events you can participate two-legged guests only. by TERRI KLINSKY The group walks together as Team Hot Dogs: in to help the other great animal organizations Chicago Style. This year the wieners rocked the in town. They all do great work saving thousands Last Saturday (May 3) started out as a beautiful, park for the second year in a row as the winners of dogs, cats and even rabbits all year round. If sunny, spring day. Then I left the house. The of corporate-team challenge. That award goes you are considering a pet, please consider adop- dogs and I headed over to pick up our friend to the team that raises the most money, and tion from one of the many organizations that Kathy and head down to Montrose Beach for the our group outdid ourselves—raising a whopping work so hard for the welfare of the animals. Here 14th Annual Bark in the Park. Our wild spring $18,430!! I have never been prouder of our big- are some events coming up soon. weather took an ugly, windy turn that my hair hearted members and our short, long dogs. We is still complaining about. But it was the day of were quite the visual as well this year with 60 Upcoming events: the Bark in the Park, and our dachshund group humans and over 67 dachshunds (or honorary —Sun., May 18, 10 a.m.: Harmony dachshunds, as House is hosting the 26th Annual we are not elit- Walkathon for Cats and Kittens at ists) walking. All 3809 N. Kedzie. over the park we —May 19, 20 & 21: Take part in the heard whispers of Jewel Shop & Share. If you shop at “What’s with all any Jewel-Osco store in Illinois, Indi-

presents the 8th Annual 1,500 square feet of necessities, accessories Walk for the Animals and natural foods! Sunday, June 1, 2008 Chicago’s Indian Boundary Park Newest spa 2500 W. Lunt Ave. Chicago Pet Boutique clothes food 10a.m. - 12 noon toys Bre akfast served after 2.5K walk treats & more Enjoy wildlife habitat, mini-zoo, raffle, 1342 E. 55th St., Chicago dog pools, tarot & aura re aders, t-shirts, dog bandanas, magic show right off Lake Shore Dr. Register at 773-643-PETS (7387) 773.764.2242 All proceeds benefit the animals at Red Door’s no-kill, cageless shelter. May 14, 2008 21 WHAT TO DO? Sat., May 17

Wednesday, May 14 Saturday, May 17 Sunday, May 18 Tuesday, May 20 Columbia College Chicago 11th Annual Affinity CommunityS ervices Social Jus- Oak Park Area Lesbian and Gay Associ- Homolatte E. Patrick Johnson and Yolan- Fashion Columbia Show. 1 p.m. mati- tice Teach-In with Dr. Cathy Cohen and ation Book Club: A Thousand Splendid da Roth perform. 7:30 p.m., free, Big nee show, 7 p.m. evening show, 1000 Dr. Barbara Ransby. Open to the gen- Suns by Khaled Hosseini. 2-4 p.m., 947 Chicks/Tweet, 5124 N. Sheridan, www. S. Wabash, 312-344-6600 for tickets, eral public. 1-5 p.m., 5650 S. Wood- Garfield in Oak Park, lawn, Garden Level, register at www. SAGE Film Screening and Reception: or call 773-324-0377 Anyone and Everyone. 3 p.m., followed Alt Q The 8th Annual LGBT music festi- by reception, Center on Halsted, 3656 Wednesday, May 21 Thursday, May 15 val, Alt Q. Performers include Cris Wil- N. Halsted, RSVP not required, contact Bailiwick Repertory Theatre Billy Mas- About Face Theatre Wonka Ball 2008: liamson, Mekole Wells, and The Erin Serena Worthington at 773-472-6469 ters in Going Out on a Limb: Confes- Caught on Film! Gallery 1028, 1028 N. Waters Show. Old Town School of Folk or [email protected] sions of a Hollywood Insider. Limited Hooker St., 773-784-8565, www.about- Music, 4544 N. Lincoln, tickets at www. Urban Art Retreat Gardening for Gays, engagement through May 25. 8 p.m., or 773-728-6000, see 1-4 p.m., free, 1957 S. Spaulding, 1228 W. Belmont, www.billymasters. ARMED, I’M SURE Local comedian Jes- com Lincoln Restaurant [email protected], www. Members of ROTC Chicago will show their sica Halem performs stand-up. 9 p.m., Center on Halsted Film Screening: Gay Liberation Network International, www.sister- softer sides as they entertain at “Armed and 4008 N. Lincoln Ave., $10 general ad- Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) Transparent. 6-9 p.m., free, 3656 N. mission, event. Featured speaker: Arsham Parsi, West Suburban Gay Association Bike Halsted, RSVP required at creid@cen- Fabulous: The Covergurls of ROTC” at Hydrate, Pride Up North LGBT dining at Eng’s executive director of the Toronto-based Ride at Illinois/Michigan Canal. Noon, 3458 N. Halsted. Asian Cuisine. 6:30-8:30 p.m., 7300 N. Iranian Queer Organization. 3 p.m. more info at west_burbs_gay@yahoo. International Mr. Leather The 30th An- Western, [email protected] speak-out in plaza by Women & Chil- com, 630-512-0100, nual International Mr. Leather. Through Photo courtesy of Rhett Lindsay for more info dren First Bookstore, 5233 N. Clark St., White Light Cinema Screening of the May 26. Host hotel: Hyatt Regency Chi- Vital Bridges The premiere of “The Wit- followed by march through the com- documentary Tearoom. 6:30 and 9:30 cago, 151 E. Wacker, for nesses,” a movie about the experiences munity to Gerber Hart Library, 1127 W. p.m., The Nightingale, 1084 N. Mil- a complete list of events Wed.-Mon., May 21-26 of a young Parisian who is diagnosed Granville Ave., where a reception will waukee, admission $7-$10 on a sliding Lambda Legal Take the Power Sympo- with HIV early in the epidemic. 6:30 be held, [email protected] or scale, 773-381-3102, www.whitelight- sium. Professionals talk philanthropic p.m., Music Box Theater, followed by call Bob at 773-878-3697 strategies. Or May 22. 6-8 p.m., RSVP 10 p.m. party at Halsted’s, $25 for Great Chicago Places and Spaces Gay Women and Children First Bookstore to Willard Dumas at wdumas@lambda- movie, $40 for movie and after party, by Design tour of two forward-thinking J.A. Flynn: Gumboots, Lesson Plans or 312-663-4413 ext. 329 RSVP to 312-948-2785 buildings in Chicago’s LGBT communi- and Hot Rugby Nights: New Beginnings The Public Square at the Illinois Hu- Women and Children First Bookstore ty. And May 18. 12:30-3 p.m., advance in New Zealand. 4:30 p.m., 5233 N. man Council “The Fight for the Right: Anne Laughlin: Sometimes Quickly and registration required, www.greatchica- Clark St., www.womenandchildrenfirst. Women, Voting, and Elections in Amer- Kate Sweeney: The Trouble with Mur- for info com, 773-769-9299 ica,” a film screening of “One Woman, der. 7:30 p.m., 5233 N. Clark, www. Irving Park United Methodist Church WTTW11 Public screening of documen- One Vote” and discussion. 6-8:30 p.m.,, 773-769- Fundraising event featuring dinner, si- tary “Anyone and Everyone.” 3 p.m., Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, 800 9299 lent auction and keynote speaker Mary Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St. S. Halsted, free and open to public, Lou Wallner, featured in the documen- RSVP required to [email protected] or 312-422-5580 Friday, May 16 tary “For the Bible Tells Me So.” 6:30 Monday, May 19 Chix Mix Jackie Warner, star of BRAVO’s p.m. dinner, 7:30 p.m. program, $25 Women and Children First Bookstore Howard Brown A Taste for Every Palate, Marda Dunsky: Pens and Swords: How “Work Out,” appears live, Circuit Night- advance/$30 at door, 3801 N. Keeler a food and wine tasting extravaganza. club, 3641 N. Halsted St., chixmixpro- Ave., the American Mainstream Media Report 5:30-6:30 premier sponsor reception the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 7:30 A NEW LEASH ON LIFE ROTC Chicago Armed and Fabulous: The and award ceremony, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Smitty’s Tribute night in memory of Axel Covergurls of ROTC, a fundraising event. p.m., 5233 N. Clark St., www.wom- general program, $75 standard tickets, 773-769-9299 Bartolomei. 9 p.m.-2 a.m., 3330 N. Special appearance by Lauren Jacobs. in advance, $100 at door, $150 premier The 30th Annual International Mr. Leather Clark St. Open bar 8-10 p.m., performance at sponsor tickets, Museum of Contempo- will take place at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Women and Children First Bookstore 9 p.m., Hydrate, 3458 N. Halsted St., rary Art, 220 E. Chicago Ave., info at Thursday, May 22 151 E. Wacker. Voices folk music concert. 7:30 p.m., $20, tickets at 2008 HX Gay and Lesbian Travel Expo 5233 N. Clark St., www.womenandchil- Unitarian Universalist Community The best in LGBT travel and more. 4-8, 773-769-9299 Church Rainbow Cafe. 7 p.m., 70 Syca- p.m., Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Hal- Photo from 2007 exhibit by Andrew Davis more Dr. in Park Forest, www.uuccpf. sted St.,, org 1-800-Gay-Expo

BOOK REVIEW man Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians of color. I benefit every day from being white my hands. When I place the bread in his out- share this view of the office of bishop), Angli- in this culture. I don’t have to hate anyone, or stretched hands and said, “The Body of Christ, In the Eye cans must come to terms with the idea of the call anyone a hateful name, or do any harm to a the bread of heaven,” we both burst into tears. Holy Spirit leading the church in a new direction person of color to benefit from a racist society. In that moment I know that somehow, it was of the Storm: if they accept Robinson’s ordination. I just have to sit back and reap the rewards of a going to be all right.” The same priest went on Swept to the Center by God Robinson himself references the Biblical text system set up to benefit me. I can even be toler- to suggest that the “clergy and spouses” confer- Written by Gene Robinson in John in which Jesus promises his disciples ant, open-minded and multi-culturally sensitive. ence in the diocese be renamed the “clergy and $25; Seabury Books; 192 pages that the Father will lead them into all truth: “I But as long as I’m not working to dismantle the partners” conference. REVIEW BY WILLIAM BURKS still have many things to say to you, but you system, I am racist.” Robinson views ministry as requiring partic- cannot bear them now. When the Sprit of truth The same, of course, is true with heterosex- ular care for the marginalized and outcasts of Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal Bishop of New comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” Over ism. As heterosexism begins to erode in society, society. Every Christmas Eve since his consecra- Hampshire, spent part of a recent sabbatical time, the church has accepted this leading of the however, “things are never then same when the tion, he spends the evening and celebrates the writing a book timed for release shortly before spirit, Robinson argues, including the ordination oppressed claim—and receive—their voice. It’s Eucharist with the women of the New Hampshire the Anglican Church’s once-a-decade Lambeth of women to the historic episcopate and priest- no wonder the resistance is so fierce, given that State Prison for Women. His first visit came as a Conference and his own plans for a civil union hood a mere 30 years ago. In 2003, the Holy we’re changing a system that’s been in place al- result of a note after his election from an inmate with his partner this summer. Spirit, acting through the prayerful decision of most forever.” who wrote, “I am neither gay nor Christian, but Aptly titled, In the Eye of the Storm is a se- the people of the Diocese of New Hampshire and Robinson’s own Christian faith—perhaps here is something in your election that makes rene apologia for Robinson’s own deep faith, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, surprising to some—is quite mainstream and me believe that there is a community ‘out there’ formed from years of perfect Sunday-school at- led the church to fully accept its gay and lesbian orthodox, and he accepts the authority of the who might love me, despite what I’ve done.” tendance in his rural Kentucky birthplace and brothers and sisters as full equals in the church’s Bible while insisting that it must be understood He describes his experiences with the women deeply influenced by the faith of his parents and highest ministerial office. within its historical context. “They are faithful as humbling, “I feel so blessed when I am with the small Disciples of Christ church in which he A spiritual autobiography and apologia, it accounts of the indescribable,” he write of the them that I always feel they are the ones who grew up. The book is his answer—given without seeks to dispel the fear that Robison sees at the scriptures; “they are words used to recount that have ministered to me.” bitterness—to those in his own Anglican Com- root of the rejection by parts of his denomina- for which there are no words: the mystery of Bishop Gene Robinson’s work deserves to be- munion who view him as a pariah. The charity tion and the potential break-up of communion. God.” come a classic among books concerning homo- with which he writes contrasts with the state- In the book’s first chapter, “The Elephant in the Robinson’s own stories woven into his book sexuality and Christianity simply by reason of ments of his chief enemy, Nigerian Archbishop room: Homosexuality and the Church,” he re- are moving, mystery- and spirit-filled ones, such its being a first by the one openly-gay bishop. Peter Akinola, who is reported having stated he views the familiar ground of GLBT acceptance in as when he gives communion for the first time Reflecting as it does the centeredness, serenity only shook the hands of a homosexual once, and the church, arguing that now is the time for full to a fellow priest who had often voiced his long- and charm of a loving, compassionate man com- withdrew his hand in horror as the man began acceptance. standing disagreement with Robinson’s ministry mitted to justice for all God’s children only add introducing his “life partner” to the cleric. What holds many from fully accepting GLBT as a divorced and openly-gay man. to its significance. Resurrection happens every One must understand something of Anglican- folk is not homophobia, he believes, but “the sin “As I was saying the words of consecration, day when minds and hearts are open to seeing ism’s theology of the church to appreciate how of heterosexism” which is rooted in misogyny. it occurred to me that this wonderful, faithful things in a new way, Robinson believes, and his significant the very presence of a partnered, Comparing heterosexism to racism and sexism, priest would soon have to present himself to me book tells of how new life can come to individu- (i.e., presumably sexually-active) openly-gay he eloquently argues that “Racism isn’t just to received the Body of Christ, and I knew he als and churches open to receive it. bishop is to the church and beyond. Believing fear and loathing of non-white people; it’s the must be experiencing conflicting emotions be- that its bishops are in direct “apostolic succes- systemic network of laws, customs, and beliefs cause of that. But sure enough, there he was sion” to the first 12 disciples of Christ (only Ro- that perpetuate prejudicial treatment of people waiting his turn to receive communion from 22 May 14, 2008 derstandable. The days are long for Webber. She Clifford MOMS from page 20 stays all night with Oliver, giving him his 1:30 (Gipper) Running for a.m. and 5:30 a.m. feedings. Webber said that and Rachel in labor for 8 hours.’ It’s kind of a joke. If you those rules are starting to change, however: “In Belcher at have the epidural you don’t feel anything, so her family all that’s a crock of shit. You’re basically lying the last week, Jennie is starting to become the By Ross Forman his seventh important one. She’s the one that’s here during birthday around watching TV and waiting for the baby’s head to come down and situate itself so you can the day. She’s starting to take care of more of Rachel Belcher knows she’ll be teary-eyed party in start to push it out. Your uterus is contracting his needs with the bottle and changing him and when she crosses the starting and finish lines 1991. Photo and pushing and massaging the baby into place all.” Rule maintains that Oliver has it made with for The Banco Popular Chicago Half Marathon courtesy and getting it ready to come out. It’s wild. I “round-the-clock moms.” Sept. 14. of Rachel think because I had an epidural and couldn’t However, the law doesn’t recognize it that She’ll be thinking about her mom and broth- Belcher feel down there I had to have a C-section. You way. Given the circumstances of Oliver’s birth, er, both of whom died of AIDS. don’t have control of your muscles, so you can’t Webber and Rule have had to take legal steps to She just wants to run 13.1 miles for her mom, really push.” protect their being bound together by this child. Suzanne Carlson, who died in 1990; and for her itive or have AIDS, such as Rachel. We also Rule’s expectations of the birthing process There are several legal complexities in the wake younger brother, Clifford (known as Gipper), have participants who are HIV-positive or have were also different from the reality she was ex- of Oliver’s birth. Rule technically has no rights who died in 1991, two days after his seventh AIDS.” periencing: “The room was so low-key. It was like to the baby because she gave up her eggs. She birthday. “When I’m running now, when I’m training a hotel room. We were watching CNN and I was was a donor. On the other hand, it could be ar- “I’ve wanted to do this for a few years now, now, I’m just thinking about them,” Belcher just sitting there in pajamas holding her leg. It gued that Webber was merely a surrogate. If that but I never really had the courage to run that said of her mother and brother. “When I get wasn’t all sterile and bright lights and scrubs. It ruling stood, Rule could take the baby away. The many miles,” said Belcher, 27, a Chicago native tired, I just tell them that they better get me was very intimate with hardwood floors. Besides scenario is just one of many reasons there needs who graduated from Taft High School in 1998 through it because it’s going to be a tough ob- the two of us there was a nurse, a doctor and to be legal involvement. Without proper legal and attended Wright College. She now works as stacle for me. And I know for sure they will be a med student present. Christy pushed for two documents that clarify their relationship and an optician at Lakeview Eye Care. with me on race day because I’ve never done hours. To her, it was like a basketball game and co-parent status, there could be a full-fledged “I know that there were a lot of people out anything this challenging.” she didn’t want to give up. For her, giving up was custody battle for Oliver. As it stands, Webber’s there suffering from HIV and AIDS, and they In 1984, when her brother was born, he had going upstairs and having the C-section. Christy name is on Oliver’s birth certificate; Rule ad- don’t have the funds for the medication [need- an immunity problem and was having trouble kept saying, If I didn’t have that damn epidural mitted it was “kind of hurtful” that she wasn’t ed], so I wanted to do what I could to help holding food down. He had surgery and, dur- I could have had the baby an hour ago.” allowed to be included on the documents. Cur- them. Yeah, this [run] is very personal.” ing tests, it was determined that he was HIV- Webber clarified that “I wanted to push this rently, the two women are working with Nidhi Belcher is one of about 800 runners training positive. Her mom then was tested, and it was kid out and not have a C-section because I Desai, a leading lawyer in the rapidly expanding for four races supported by the NAMTP (the Na- determined that she had AIDS. didn’t want to be laid up from work.” In the field of adoption and reproductive technology tional AIDS Marathon Training Program). Last “[Gipper] was always smiling, always happy. end, though, they decided upon a caesarian. law, so that Rule can adopt the baby and Oliver year, NAMTP runners raised $1.1 million for the He always wanted to make sure that everyone Webber was wheeled upstairs and a stronger can, indeed, have two mommies. AIDS Foundation of Chicago. NAMTP organizers else was always taken care of. He never let epidural was administered. At this time, Jennie Though things in the Rule-Webber household hope to raise $1.5 million this season. anyone know the pain that he was feeling; he did put on scrubs and a mask, and things began can sometimes be chaotic, it is a house full of “When I was putting some information into always wanted to make sure that you were OK,” to live up to her sterile childbirth expectations: love. Even the women’s dogs, Mabel the chihua- our database, I noticed that [Belcher] had said Belcher, who is HIV-negative. “It was still so strange. There was a sheet up hua and Oscar the terrier, display an absolute changed some text on her [fundraising] Web “Talking with friends and family, they gave so neither of us could see what was going on. fascination with the infant. “It can be a little page. The part that really caught my eye was me the encouragement that I could do it. Yeah, After about 10 minutes they said I could look. crazy around here, but basically we’re learning about her mother and her brother, which was in I’m very nervous, but I know that I’m going to I stood up and saw them pull him out. When one day at a time,” Rule said. red ink,” said John Beach, a program represen- complete it.” he cried that first time Christy said, ‘What, did Part of the chaos can be attributed to home tative for NAMTP. “I was really touched when I To register for races, visit www.aidsmar- I just have a cat?’ We laughed. Then I put him itself. Webber and Rule are currently renting a heard her story. For more information on the next to her and we cried. Oliver Rule Webber, a place during a transition from their former resi- “We have participants who are touched per- NAMTP, call John Beach at 312-765-0210. healthy boy, came into the world at 11:30 a.m. dence to their new home. During her pregnancy, sonally by family or friends who are HIV-pos- on Sun., March 16, 2008. Though he was born a Webber bought a four-story Victorian building in month early, Oliver weighed a very respectable 7 Wicker Park. She took me on a tour through the lbs. and was 18 inches long. Rule and Webber’s gutted 5,500-square-foot mansion with stained dream, set in motion almost two years before, glass, high ceilings, enormous baths, winding had finally become a reality. stairs, numerous fireplaces, character to spare, Looking back on that time a few weeks ago baby rooms, and, of course, a yard in need of the two just shook their heads. “We were not landscaping. And that 5,500-square-foot figure ready for the baby at all,” Rule said. “He was doesn’t even include the three large decks or the a month early. We had nothing. We had a baby four-car garage! There is even a bank of solar kimono, but no crib. We had a Johnny Cash one- panels on the roof that attest to Webber’s com- sie, but no bottles. Neither of us had ever really mitment to the environment. When the renova- been around babies. ... I had to scramble to get tions are completed the new home is going to be everything ready at home for when Webber and nothing short of spectacular. It’s going to be a Oliver were released.” great house for a kid, or two. Webber made the best of the situation and set Currently one of Webber’s big concerns is post- up office at the hospital. She had her laptop partum depression, which supposedly kicks in at and the phone. She even would periodically get about six weeks. “So now I am worried about dressed and run to the Starbucks next to North- that,” Webber said. “The pregnancy took away western and have a quick smoke on the way. my menopause so I didn’t have the hot flashes The hospital stay was pretty nice, and Webber for a while. Now I’m scared I’ll be menopausal cried when it came time to leave. Webber admit- and have postpartum at the same time, so look ted that the thought of going home was tough: out.” “They were taking care of everything. It was safe However, there were no signs of depression there. I was so scared to bring him home.” when Webber began talking about the future Since they’ve been home from the hospital with Oliver. Her face lit up: “I wanted a boy. Webber has gone back to work but is trying her He can be a Cub Scout. He can do the Pinewood best to take it easy which is clearly not an easy Derby. I did it, but I couldn’t race my car be- thing for Webber to do, even if she’s still on cause I was a girl. I can’t wait until he can be in the mend from a caesarian. However, the biggest Little League because I couldn’t. ... Oliver can challenge has not been the physical restrictions, do all the things I couldn’t do because I was a but the separation from her newborn son. “I try girl.” not to look at his pictures on the wall because it When Webber realized the timing of this ar- upsets me and I want to get back home to him,” ticle/interview was to coincide with Mother’s she said. “He’s a new priority. Oliver is definitely Day she looked at Jenny and said, “Mother’s number one. It just shocks me how much I love Day? Rule, I figured you would do Mother’s Day. the little guy. I now understand that thing peo- I mean, I’m the babymama, I’m the one who had ple feel when their kids get sick, I get it. I’m in him. But I’m really the babydaddy. You’re more awe every single day. I felt that bond right away. the mother. I’ll do Father’s Day.” It’s hormonal, it’s chemical, it’s physical, it’s me, Sounds like a perfect solution to me. it’s us.” (I would like to acknowledge Patrick Letellier’s Webber felt her bond with Oliver has grown Advocate article ‘Lesbians Looking to Become even stronger with breastfeeding and also ad- Parents More Likely Now than Ever to Face Religious mitted that, “It’s so draining. I’ve even fallen Objections From Their Doctors’ (4/12/2005) as asleep doing it. Seriously, Jennie has come in an influence in this piece.) and both Oliver and me have fallen asleep in the read the entire account at www. middle of breast-feeding.” The exhaustion is un- May 14, 2008 23

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2008 Toronto Convention & Visitors Association

CLIENT: DOCKET NUMBER: AD NUMBER: FILE NAME: DESCRIPTION: Tourism Toronto 112-LTOCLGU8114 U8114A U8114A TT LGBT SAILOR LGBT Chicago Magazine Ads FILE STARTED: PUBLICATION(S): March 26, 2008 Chicago Windy City Times MECHANICAL SIZE: (File built at None% of production size) ART DIRECTOR: COPYWRITER: PHOTOGRAPHER: Bleed: 10.5 in x 13.75 in • Trim: 10.25 in x 13.5 in • Live: 9.75 in x 13 in Dave F Morgan K NA STUDIO ARTIST: PRINT PRODUCTION: SHIPPING DATE: TODAY’S DATE & REV#: COLOURS: Leo Burnett Kim C Brian A May 7, 2008 None 4C 175 Bloor Street E. North Tower, 12th Floor Toronto, ON M5W 3R9 (416) 925-5997