Europeana Learning Scenario

Title Take Aim At Change

Author(s) Emine ERTAS

Abstract The aim of this learning scenario is to raise awareness about . In recent years, many countries have been facing with natural disasters and suffering from the effects of extreme weather conditions, such as the fires in Australia and the United States.In this learning scenario, students will try to figure out the causes and effects of climate change.First, they will learn the difference between the phrases“weather” and “climate”.After they will get informed about the seven continents of our planet,different in these continents and different results of climate change in each continent.Finally, they will try to come to a solution on what should be done and how to prevent climate change.

Keywords Climate,weather,climate change

Table of summary Table of summary

Subject English,Science, Environmental studies,Geography,Art,Music,ICT

Topic The continents on the planet,their significant features,the difference between climate and weather, types of climate, climate change, how to raise awareness about climate change, how to take aim at climate change

Age of 12-13 students Preparation 45 min (1 lesson) time Teaching Five 45-minute lessons time Online Videos: teaching material


Table of summary countries-black-and-white-13.jpg? (map of continents)

Students’ products: presentation photocards (students’ performance) Offline Crayons, art papers, scissors, ruler, marker, whiteboard, cardboards, glue, pictures, teaching stickers material Europeana resources ?q=climate+change#dcId=1575212820207&p=1 used

Licenses Attribution CC BY.This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Integration into the curriculum Science: In the curriculum of the 8th grade,the 1st unit is Seasons and Climate. This includes Climate Change,Energy Conversion,Environment Sciencestopics.On the other hand, Climate and Climate change topics are also included in the 6thunitof 5th,in the 4th unit of 6th and in the 4th unit of 7thgrades.

English: Watching videos in English,singing the song“Take aim at climate change”,preparing onlineposters

Art: Painting printable word map with crayons

Technology: Creating QR codes,preparing online posters

Music: Performing “Take aim at climate change” song.

Aim of the lesson - Students will learn the difference between weatherand climate - 5th grade students will learn the continents on our planet and kinds of climate - Have an increased understanding of what climate change is and how it is affecting them and the environment - Recognize how people around the world are affected by climate change in different ways and that the poorest people are affected the worst


- Bringing solutions from narrow to wide: from school to our country and to our planet

Outcome of the lesson By the end of the lesson students will:

- take positive action, demonstrating a desire to change their behavior and reduce their - create online posters to raise awareness against climate change - write letters to school council and head teachers to start raising awareness on climate change in schools - prepare works of art - perform a song in English

Trends Project-based Learning, collaborative learning, learning by doing

21st century skills Critical thinking - students will have to come up with effective solutions to the problems that may arise throughout the project and analyse situations critically

Collaboration– students will be working in groups of 6

Communication - both oral and written communication will be used in the project to present the findings and also to interact with peers

Media and technology literacy - several ICT tools and QR codes will be used in the project and the students will have to learn how to handle them correctly

Productivity - students need to have ready several products the by the project’s end

Activities Name of Procedure Time activity

What’s the Students will watch a video on from NASA Channel showing the 30 min difference difference between climate and weather in a short animation movie: between climate and After the video,students will take a quiz in their native language to see weather? the exact difference.

What’s In recent years, many countries have been facing natural disasters and 45 min. Climate suffering from the effects of extreme weather conditions.Students will Change? watch the video of BuzullarınÖlümü ‘Death of ’on YouTube in the NASA Channel in their national language:

The teacher draws a mind-map on the board asking these questions to help students combine with Climate Change.


Name of Procedure Time activity

• What is it? • Where is it happening? • What is causing it? • Can we prevent it? • What can we do to change?

Students will come up answers to these questions in 5 groups (6 students).They will try to find out about Climate Change.

What are the The teacher will hand out printable word map to the groups of students 2 x 45 reasons and that came together in the 1st activity: min. results of climate white/world-map-countries-black-and-white-13.jpg? change? Students should paint and write the names ofthe continents and oceans in the map. Each group will talk about the climate of one continent and alsosignificanteffects of climate change that the continentis suffering now.

In the following part of the lesson, students will use Europeana resources. The teacher will open the Europeana platform and give clues on how to use and reach the different collections by making search on Europeana. Students will search for climate change on visuals in Europeana. They will share their findings about the changes in the Earth’s climate that have been happening for billions of years.They will also convert the linksfrom Europeana to QR codes.After getting the QR codes, they will print them and hang on the bulletin board about Environment at school, so the other students and parents in the school will get chance to meet Europeana resources as well.

The teacher will share a website including data and infographics on climate change facts: • Climate risks • Historical carbon emission rates • The shrinkage of the ice • The rise in temperature anomalies • Climate change facts and how they relate to food • Fast growing African cities face worse climate risks • Global temperature change between 1850 and 2017 • Warming stripes visualize rising temperatures • CO2 emission by nations • Climate change facts • Carbon-dioxide emission • Climate change today infographic


Name of Procedure Time activity

• Map of global warming

Students’ The teacher will display an award-winning short film about climate 45 min. opinions and change: solutions Teacher will ask questions from students to find out solutions against about climate Climate Change,such as: change • What would you like to do to change the situation? • How can you prevent it, starting from our school and yourhome? Action time The teacher divides students into six groups and asks them: 45 min. - Write a letter or report on the issue, (e.g.: the school council or responsible head teacher) - Create online photo cards, presentations. They will show the effects of extreme weather conditions causing climate change, the and the temperature change of Earth over time - Convert links from Europeana to hang on bulletin boards about the environment - Create a school board to raise awareness - Make banners and demonstrate them at school against climate change to raise awareness - Perform the song, which the teacher displays on smart board with lyrics about climate change

Links: - palooza/whatyoucando/taacc/ - climate-change.html - change (presentation) - (photocards) - (students’ singing song performance)

QR codes’ links: - effects-of-climate-change-solastalgia/ - s-how-climate-change-is-viewed-around-the-world - billion-says-us-government-report/ - climate-change-europe


Assessment Students will be given a quiz including topics such as: weather and climate. This can be done at the end of the lesson (see Annex)

******************************* AFTER IMPLEMENTATION ********************************

Student feedback Students gave feedback to each other during the lesson by discussing their thoughts.They showed each other their works.They liked working in cooperation and they were very interested in facts displayed by documentaries and animations. At the end of the lesson, they became more conscious about climate change.

Teacher’s remarks I implemented this learning scenario with my optional lesson classes. In our country, additional to main English and other lessons, we have 2 hours optional lessons such as English, Arts,ICT, etc.As for being deputy principal,I teach optional English.So I run projects such as Europeana,Erasmus+,eTwinning inthese lessons. I implemented this lesson with my 7th grade students. I have been running Europeana- related lessons with them since last year and they really enjoy developing projects together.Students should learn more about environmental studies with their Science teachers.They cannot make connections with cause and effects activities lack of information. Their knowledge about countries and continents was surprisingly low so I needed to revise the names of continents in English as well.This learning scenario can be implemented on primaryschool level but also can be implemented in secondary school with activities in advanced levels.

About the Europeana DSI-4 project Europeana is Europe’s digital platform for cultural heritage, providing free online access to over 53 million digitised items drawn from Europe’s museums, archives, libraries and galleries. The Europeana DSI-4 project continues the work of the previous three Europeana Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs). It is the fourth iteration with a proven record of accomplishment in creating access, interoperability, visibility and use of European cultural heritage in the five target markets outlined: European Citizens, Education, Research, Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage Institutions.

European Schoolnet (EUN) is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, EUN aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. European Schoolnet’s task in the Europeana DSI-4 project is to continue and expand the Europeana Education Community.


Annex Climate change in QR Codes

Photocards created by students


School board: Climate Change

Making the banners, posters


Learning process at class



Students’ letter to school council and head teachers about taking precautions against climate change


1:Scientists are worried about the climate changing because: a) The Earth’s climate always stays the same b) The climate is changing very quickly c) Humans have no control over climate change d) Don’t know

2: True or False: Scientists believe that as the climate changes, the weather all over the world will become harder to predict and more violent.

a) True b) False c) Don’t know

3: What traps the sun’s warmth around our earth making it a comfortable place to live? a) Atmosphere b) Blankets c)Windows d) Clouds

4: Tick which of the following activities put greenhouse gases into the air:

a) Burning coal to make electricity b) Travelling in aeroplanes c) Putting rubbish in landfill d) All of the above e) None of the above

5: True or False: Everyone in the world is affected the same amount by climate change. a) True b)False c) Don’t know

6: Your carbon footprint is:

a) The amount of you make by using energy b) The amount of electricity you use divided by your shoe size c) Don’t know

7: Which country has the largest carbon footprint?

a) UK b) Bangladesh c) Turkey d) USA


8: How can you help to slow climate change?

a) Save electricity b) Plant trees c) Recycle d) All of the above

9: How much has the earth’s temperature increased by in the last 100 years?

a) 0.5oC b)5oC c) 50Oc

10: The main source of electricity in the UK is from:

a) Wind b) Fossil fuels c)Sun d)Don’t know

11: What is ?

a) Cheap energy b) Energy that doesn’t run out c) Energy from coal d)Don’t know

12: We can use the sun’s light to:

a) Cook food b)Chop down trees c) Make electricity d)Don’t know

13: At home, when you have finished watching TV you should:

a) Leave it on b) Turn it off using the remote control c) Turn it off using the on-off button on the TV or at the socket

14: When travelling a short distance, it is best to: a) Go by car b) Go by bus d)Walk

15: List 3 ways of saving energy:

a) ______b) ______c) ______